Year in Review
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 — 1B
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Human remains identified after 2 decades
■■ Newnan-Coweta Humane Society works to find homes for 30 animals rescued from a puppy mill on New Year’s Eve. ■■ Charter Foundation gives a second grant – of $11,294 – to the Newnan Community Theatre Company for its play based on the 1948 John Wallace murder trial. ■■ Plans for a Blueprint for Successful Communities study in Moreland are announced by the Georgia Conservancy. ■■ “The Fat Boy Chronicles,” filmed locally, is released on DVD.
■■ David Brown, chairman of Coweta County Development Authority, states in a meeting that greater community support should go to the planned West Georgia Technical College campus. ■■ The local Salvation Army Service Center announces red kettle collections in December A view of I-85 looking south from the Highway 154 overpass totaled $52,736. at northbound traffic. In January 2012 U.S. Department of ■■ A routine traffic stop Transportation gives approval to a new interchange between on Interstate 85 leads to the Bullsboro Drive and Highway 154. confiscation of 65 pounds of marijuana. ■■ Cynthia Jenkins is re■■ Human remains found on been missing since 1991. elected mayor pro-tem by her ■■ Coweta County employWelcome-to-Arnco Road in ees see increase in health plan colleagues on Newnan City April are identified as Ann Council. copays and deductibles. Margaret Berry’s. Berry had
See Jan, page 2B
■■ Montana Bush is named Special Olympics of Georgia Female Athlete of the Year. ■■ Alexander Sean Gerbert is returned to Coweta County from Illinois to face child molestation charges. ■■ Several Tuskegee Airmen are guests of honor at a Black History Month program at Northgate High School. ■■ Coweta Board of Commissioners approves a bid of $11,400 to clean up property on Ishman Ballard Road. ■■ Senoia City Council approves a 20-year recreation master plan. ■■ Michael John Putney, 32, escapes without life-threatening
injuries when struck by a train in Moreland. ■■ Men and boys wear female footwear for the Walk A Mile in Her Shoes event in downtown Newnan to raise funds for Community Welcome House. ■■ Carol Moore, former director of the Georgia Mountain Center, is hired as director of the Newnan Centre, a city-owned conference center under construction. ■■ Cast and crew of “The Walking Dead” resumed filming locally. ■■ Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association holds its eighth annual show and sale at the Coweta County Fairgrounds. ■■ A grant from Safe Routes
to School is announced to pave walkways for children attending Newnan Crossing Elementary School. ■■ Shannon Alicia Schmeider, a former Coweta County teacher assistant, is sentenced to 40 years – 20 to serve – for charges stemming from a relationship with a 14-year-old boy. ■■ Bob Coggin, who worked his way to a top echelon with Delta Airlines, is named to the Travel Hall of Fame. ■■ Donations – including funds from Coweta-Fayette EMC Operation Round-Up program
See Feb, page 2B
An outpouring of community grief follows news in February 2012 that Capt. Nicholas Shade Whitlock had been killed in the African nation of Djibouti.
Freight train ablaze as it rolls into Newnan
■■ A memorial service is held at Hurlburt Field, Florida, in honor of Newnan’s Capt. Nicholas Whitlock, who was killed while flying a combat mission in the Middle East for the U.S. Air Force. ■■ Newnan’s AfricanAmerican Museum and Research Center remains closed as officials investigate alleged financial irregularities and leadership questions. ■■ Senoia elected officials begin discussing changes to the city’s form of government to switch to give the city manager more authority. ■■ Three men are arrested in major cocaine bust, another is
Coaters is fined by the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration after 20 violations were noted. ■■ Shenandoah Georgia Youth Science and Technology Center unveils its new mobile planetarium at the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. ■■ Eight Coweta County schools are honored by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement for high student achievement during the 2012011 school term. ■■ The U.S. Department
Filming resumes locally for ‘Walking Dead’
■■ Coweta Circuit Superior Court Judge Allen B. Keeble announces he will take senior status at the end of 2012. ■■ Ryan Edwards, 34, is arrested following the death of his child. ■■ Unseasonably warm weather leads to jonquils and daffodils blooming early. ■■ Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority votes to refinance bonds issued in 2007 in order to save on interest. ■■ Oldcastle Building adds 33,600 square feet with plans to expand its workforce as well. ■■ An undercover sting leads to the arrest of four on drug charges in Senoia.
■■ Members of Girl Scout Troop 22 collect 135 coats for Operation Overcoat. ■■ Sanford Cousin is grand marshal for the 25th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade. ■■ For the second year, Georgia Trend magazine names State Rep. Lynn Smith, R-Newnan, as one of the 100 Most Influential Georgians. ■■ “Joyful Noise,” filmed partly in Newnan, opens in theaters nationwide. ■■ Food Lion announces plans to close its two stores in Coweta County. ■■ NuTech Powder
charged with burglarizing a church. ■■ A colon cancer awareness event is held at Ashley Park in Newnan. ■■ A Blueprints for Successful Communities meeting is held in Moreland. ■■ Newnan volunteers take part in the Great American Cleanup. ■■ Cowetans vote to extend the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) for five years. ■■ Sharpsburg and Haralson approve Sunday sales of package beer, wine. ■■ A freight train is noticed on fire as it pulls into
A freight train is noticed on fire as it pulls into Newnan in March 2012. The blaze is extinguished by Newnan Fire Department with no major damage. This view is from the Salbide Avenue bridge looking north.
Newnan. The blaze is extinguished by Newnan Fire Department with no major damage.
■■ Coweta’s STAR students are announced. ■■ Financial transaction card “skimmers” are discovered at
Newnan area gas pumps. ■■ The Moreland Town Council investigates restoration of the historic Moreland hosiery mill. ■■ A bomb squad detonates two “suspicious” canisters at a car wash on Highway 34 East. No persons or property are damaged and the canisters turn out to actually be paintball equipment. ■■ The newly-created Coweta County CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) program opens office, requests volunteers. ■■ Grantville City Council approves a non-binding ethics code.
■■ The Coweta County Board of Education agrees that recess is good for youngsters. ■■ An auto repossession gone awry leads to a shooting incident. ■■ Skeletal remains found months earlier are identified as those of Emmitt Luther White. ■■ A trio is arrested for selling methamphetamine at a local motel. ■■ A 19-year-old missing for two weeks contacts parents. ■■ Coweta County Fire Department receives a new
See march, page 2B
From top to bottom, left to right: A JROTC honor guard welcomes members of the famed Tuskegee Airmen to Northgate High School in early February. Fiberglass horse statues painted in designs by local artists pop up across Newnan in early April 2012 as the Newnan-Coweta Historical Society’s “Horsey Affair” opens. TV personality Jeff Foxworthy makes a surprise appearance to present a Richard Brooks Visionary Award of Achievement to his friend David Boyd at the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts in June 2012. On stage are, from left, Foxworthy, Mike Steed and Boyd. Robert and Retta Stokely speak to supporters in August. Robert Stokely is elected to replace Billy Horne in the General Assembly. Three East Coweta students are arrested for November vandalism at Drake Stadium, where a $20,000 Newnan Cougar mascot statue is removed from base and rolled down a hill. Viewing the replaced statue are NHS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Stave Allen, Walter Drake, whose father Homer Drake donated the statue, and NHS Principal Doug Moore. Serving as grand marshal in the Light Up Senoia Christmas parade is AMC TV show “The Walking Dead” actor Scott Wilson, riding with his wife, Heavenly.
2B — The Newnan Times-Herald — Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Year in Review
Winston Dowdell is greeted by Coweta School Superintendent Steve Barker and former principals of Winston Dowdell Academy at ceremonies dedicating a portrait of Dowdell. From left are Barker, Dr. Peggy Guebert, Dowdell and Dr. Sylvia Hooker.
Year in Review 2012: February
A bomb squad detonates two “suspicious” canisters at a car wash on Highway 34 East in March 2012. No persons or property are damaged and the canisters turn out to actually be paintball equipment.
Year in Review 2012: March
Continued from page 1B
Continued from page 1B – help provide a new roof for Cambridge House, a local day facility for people with Alzheimer’s and other illnesses. ■■ A portrait of longtime Coweta educator Winston Dowdell is placed on the walls of Winston Dowdell Academy, which is named for him. ■■ Dr. Laurie Barron, principal of Smokey Road Middle School, is named Middle School Principal of the Year by the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals. ■■ Coweta Board of Commissioners holds hearings on grants to improve sewer systems in Arnco, Sargent and East Newnan. ■■ Senoia City Council holds a retreat at the Dillard House in north Georgia. ■■ An outpouring of community grief follows news that Capt. Nicholas Shade Whitlock had been killed in the African nation of Djibouti. ■■ Seven people are arrested following a drug raid at 25 Dewey St. ■■ The annual community Ash Wednesday service is held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. ■■ The Angelyn Jenkins Cure Colon Cancer Fund is established by Jenkins’ parents, Curtis and Annie Pearl Jenkins, and her sister, Cynthia Jenkins. ■■ Coweta County Hospital Authority gives $1.456 million for the Sam Brown Medical Building, the home of Coweta Samaritan Clinic at former
hazardous materials truck. ■■ Consultant says Grantville Hall should stay in downtown Grantville. ■■ Senoia’s sidewalk “Walk of Fame” celebrates film, TV productions filmed in city. ■■ State Representative Billy Horne announces he will not seek re-election to his District 71 post. ■■ The City of Newnan investigates “advance funding” for a new public safety complex.
■■ Sterile grass carp fish are installed in the county’s B.T. Brown reservoir. ■■ Newnan City Council considers installing a roundabout near the underconstruction Newnan Centre, the conference Horne facility being build adjacent to the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts on Lower Fayetteville Road.
Kathryn Gaddy, office manager for the HELP Spay/ Neuter Clinic holds Mr. Fuzzy, a poodle rescued from a puppy mill in January.
Year in Review 2012: January
Continued from page 1B
of Transportation gives approval to a new interchange on Interstate 85 between Bullsboro Drive and Highway 154. James Gay and his wife, Katie, ■■ Johnny Williams of greet well-wishers at a recepTuscaloosa, Ala., is named tion marking his retirement as the new city manager in Newnan’s associate magistrate Grantville. judge in late February 2012. ■■ Tom Dombrowski is elected to fill the open vice health department on Jackson chairman’s seat on the Coweta Street. Public Library System board. ■■ James L. Gay resigns as ■■ Ramon Torre Royal, 33, Newnan’s associate magistrate is arrested after allegedly judge, citing health reasons. attacking a woman and threat■■ It is learned Coweta stuening her with a machete. dents will be among those ■■ Two West Africans are benefiting from a $50,000 arrested for ID forgery. grant from AT&T to help with ■■ Weapons and ammunition costs of General Equivalency are seized in raid of a home Diploma tests in Georgia. on Westgate Circle. ■■ Ku Klux Klan fliers are ■■ One Roof Ecumenical distributed in at least three Alliance Outreach holds its Newnan neighborhoods. annual meeting at St. Paul’s ■■ Joshua Keller, a former Episcopal Church – outlining Newnan Police officer, is senthe ministry’s work during tenced to 10 years – two to the 2011. serve – after his manslaughter ■■ Senoia expands its city conviction in the 2011 death of cemetery – adding 1,020 lots. his girlfriend. ■■ Billie Izard, director of ■■ Grantville honors several the Georgia Certified Literate of its police officers for outCommunity Program, meets standing service. with board members for ■■ Several local officials speak Certified Literate Is Coweta’s in favor of the pending Special Key at Central Educational Purpose Local Option Sales Center. Tax vote. ■■ Although it did not touch ■■ The African-American down, a tornado causes damAlliance Museum off Farmer Street in Newnan closes A memorial service is held at Hurlburt Field, Florida, in honor of age along Gordon Road and briefly following a dispute over Newnan’s Capt. Nicholas Whitlock, who was killed while flying a Martin Mill Road. ■■ Dr. Joey Smith of the combat mission in the Middle East for the U.S. Air Force. records.
Grand marshal Sanford Cousin waves to bystanders in the Januar y MLK Jr. parade in downtown Newnan.
University of West Georgia tells members of Newnan Rotary Club that Coweta County has fared better during the economic downturn that many of its neighbors. ■■ Plans for Ansley Park Health and Rehabilitation, a new rehab center, are announced. ■■ Coweta Public Library System and volunteer from AARP announce plans to provide free assistance with income tax returns. ■■ The 10th annual Run for Angels Road Race and Chicken-Q are held in downtown Newnan. Event raises funds for Angel’s House, a local children’s shelter. ■■ Dedication of the New Leaf Community Garden is held at the garden on Salbide Avenue.
HWY 85 AUTO Spring 2013 Baseball and TRUCK PARTS & Girls Softball Newnan Youth Athletic Association – NYAA The NYAA (formerly Pony League) has been in existence in Coweta County since 1964 and for the past 49 years has been the little league of Newnan, Georgia. We’re excited about the 2013 season and hope to see you and your children at the ball field!
Spring 2013 Baseball & Girls Softball Newnan Youth Athletic Association - NYAA PROOF OF RESIDENCE
The NYAA (formerly Pony League) has been in existence in Coweta A valid driver’s license with picture showing current address – or utility bill, property County since 1964 and for the past 49 years has been the little tax statement, voter registration, etc. showing you are a Coweta County resident. league of Newnan Georgia. We’re excited about the 2013 season
PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED and hope to see you and your children at the ball field! Original birth certificate or certified copy of birth certificate is required to prove age of PROOF OF RESIDENCE – A valid driver’s license with picture each player. showing current address -- or utility bill, property tax statement, voter registration, etc. showing you are a Coweta County resident.
Register In-Person or Online at PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED – Original birth certificate or certified copy of birth certificate is required to prove age of each player. LOCATION TIME
January 5
Ballpark Rec Bldg and Dick’s Sporting Goods
10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Date January 19 January 5th th January January1222th January 19 January2226nd January January 26th January2727th January th January January2929
NYAA Registration Location Ballpark Rec Bldg and Dick’s Sporting Goods Ballpark Rec Bldg and Dick’s Sporting Goods Ballpark RecDick’s Bldg and Dick’sGoods Sporting Goods Sporting Ballpark Rec Bldg and Dick’s Sporting Goods Ballpark Recreation Building Dick’s Sporting Goods Ballpark Recreation Bldg Dick’sSporting SportingGoods Goods Dick’s Dick’s Dick’sSporting SportingGoods Goods
Time 10:00 AM-2:00 PM 10:00 am till 2:00 pm 10:00 amPM-8:00 till 2:00 pm 4:00 PM 10:00 am till 2:00 pm 10:00 PM 4:00 pm AM-2:00 till 8:00 pm 10:00 am till 2:00 pm 1:00 PM 1:00 pmPM-5:00 till 5:00 pm 4:00 pmPM-8:00 till 8:00 pm 4:00 PM
Register In-Person or Online at Saturday January 12 Ballpark Rec Bldg and Dick’s Sporting Goods 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Day Saturday Saturday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Sunday Sunday Tuesday Tuesday
Online Registration is Open Today – Click on Parents Login for:
Online Registeration is Open Today — Click on Parents Login for:
NYAA has expanded to include a Girls Softball League in addition to regular Baseball NYAA expanded to include Girls Softball in addition to regular Baseball (boys and girls). (boys andhas girls). If you’ve playeda in any NYAALeague season then your account is already setup at the If you’ve played in any NYAA season then your account is already setup at the NYAA website. Just login and NYAA website. Just login and register and choose GIRLS softball or BASEBALL (boys andregister girls). and choose GIRLS softball or BASEBALL (boys and girls). If you forgot your login, just click on the “FORGOT LOGIN” If you forgot your login, just click on the “FORGOT LOGIN” link and your user name and link and yourpassword user name will and password will be sent via email. All Credit/Debit cards accepted online. be sent instantly viainstantly email. All Credit/Debit cards accepted online. Ages 4 and Under
$80.00 T-Ball**
6U and 8U
Baseball or Softball**
10U and 12U
Baseball or Softball**
14U Select
Baseball or Softball**
**Includesall allCoweta CowetaCounty Countyfees fees and andNYAA NYAA League League fees, league issued uniform and league insurance. **Includes Registration is held at Temple Avenue Complex in the Recreation building between Field #1 and Tennis Courts or at Dick’s Sporting Goods in Ashley Park.
Registration is held at Temple Avenue Complex in the Recreation building between Field #1 and Tennis Courts or at Dick’s Sporting Goods in Ashley Park.
Softball & Baseball Coaches Needed – Team Sponsors Wanted Softball & Baseball Coaches Needed – Team Sponsors Wanted Details on Website @ Details on Website @
2947 Highway 85 • Senoia, GA 30276 770-599-3566 • Fax 770-599-3689
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 3B
Year in Review
Times-Herald website shows top 20 stories viewed Newnan Times-Herald’s website coordinator Joey Howard shares the top 20 stories viewed by readers during 2012 on 1. Heritage School student found 19,247 Page Views July 12 … A Heritage School student, missing since Wednesday night, was found around noon today miles from where his abandoned truck was discovered. Grayson Barret Parker was located at a residence on Bethlehem Church Road in Moreland. He was last seen about 10:30 p.m. Wednesday leaving Frazier’s convenience store on U.S. 29 North. 2. Newnan pilot killed: USAF Capt. Nick Whitlock one of four crash victims 17,509 Page Views Feb. 21 … Nick Whitlock, who grew up in Newnan and excelled on the playing field and in the classroom at Newnan High School, died Saturday while serving in the U.S. Air Force in Africa. Nicholas Shade Whitlock,
29, was the son of Jimmy and Clare Whitlock of Newnan. He and his wife, Ashley Oddi Whitlock, lived in Destin, Fla. 3. Ku Klux Klan distributes flyers in Newnan 15,564 Page Views Feb. 28 … Members of a Ku Klux Klan organization distributed flyers in several parts of Newnan on Sunday, asking residents to call if they have problems in their neighborhoods. Residents in neighborhoods around College Street, Waverly Circle and Riva Ridge all reported finding the flyers on their driveways Sunday morning. 4. ‘Walking Dead’ filming in Senoia regularly in month of May 12,627 Page Views April 4 … Zombies are coming back to Coweta County in May, but if you stay in Senoia, you’ll be safe. At least that’s the plot of the next season of “The Walking Dead,” which will be filming in Senoia on a regular basis this year. 5. Newnan pharmacy raided
by federal agents 8,798 Page Views April 16 … Federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents raided the Hospital Discount Pharmacy in downtown Newnan on Friday. Three other pharmacies, but not in Coweta County, also were raided, authorities said. Major Jimmy Yarbrough with the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office said a “seizure was made” at the Newnan pharmacy, but referred other questions to the DEA. 6. City’s Second Homicide of Year; Newnan man killed at Tavern 8,399 Page Views April 3 … A Newnan man was killed and another man arrested for murder after a weekend shooting at a Newnan area bar. James Christopher Johnson III, 25, of Powell Place in Newnan, died from a single gunshot wound to the chest, according to Newnan Police Chief Buster Meadows. Johnson was pronounced dead at Piedmont Newnan Hospital late Saturday
night. Adam Lee Edmondson, 26, of 227 Oak Street in Hogansville, is in the Coweta County Jail on a single charge of murder. 7. Food Lion closing its two Newnan supermarkets 8,191 Page Views Jan. 13 … Belgian supermarket group Delhaize, which owns the Food Lion grocery store chain, announced Thursday it is closing 113 U.S. stores, including the two in Coweta County. The Coweta County stores — located at 487 Jackson St., Newnan, and 2005 Hwy. 16 in western Coweta — are expected to close within 30 days. 8. Community shocked at loss: Flags to fly at half-staff for funeral 8,780 Page Views Feb. 22 … Flags will fly at half-staff in Georgia on the day of the funeral for Nicholas Schade Whitlock, who grew up in Newnan and died Saturday in Africa. The bodies of Whitlock and three other men who perished in an airplane accident in the East African nation of Djibouti arrived at Dover Air
Force Base in Delaware early Tuesday. Whitlock’s parents, Jimmy and Clare Whitlock of Newnan, were in Dover along with the airman’s wife, Ashley, and her parents. 9. Two arrested following BB&T bank robbery attempt 7,650 Page Views Sept. 17 … Two suspects were arrested during an early Monday morning bank robbery attempt in downtown Newnan that involved Newnan Police officers firing two shots at one suspect. No one was injured in the incident, which occurred after 8 a.m. at the BB&T bank branch office on Jefferson Street. The branch is located across the street from the Newnan Police Department and Wadsworth Auditorium. 10. Gasoline prices skyrocket; refineries spared by storm 7,638 Page Views Aug. 30 … As Hurricane Isaac made its way toward the Gulf Coast — and its oil and gas infrastructure — gasoline prices skyrocketed, particularly in the South. But so far it seems the oil
refineries and production areas are going to avoid any significant damage. 11. Pharmacist, assistant charged after raids for illegal drug sales ... 7,635 views. 12. Ex-teacher assistant to serve 20 years for child molestation ... 7,075. 13. 11-month-old girl tests positive for meth, cocaine ... 7,052. 14. One brother dies in second fatal Thanksgiving weekend accident ... 6,787. 15. Sharpsburg woman dies Tuesday in Minix Road accident ... 6,778. 16. Three injured when tree falls on ‘Walking Dead’ set ... 6,709. 17. Authorities: Missing man, 19, could be in danger ... 6,659. 18. Honoring Aimee Copeland: Turnout steady at blood drive ... 6,500. 19. Manhunt: Authorities think they know ID of burglary suspects ... 6,368. 20. Credit card skimmers discovered inside local gasoline pump ... 6,001.
‘Horsey Affair’ exhibit opens downtown
■■ Redistricting gives Coweta County representation from four Georgia House of Representatives districts. ■■ The Salvation Army seeks local volunteers. ■■ The Master Gardener Extension Volunteers group announces its spring plant sale at the Coweta County Fairgrounds. ■■ Adam Lee Edomndson is accused of murder in a fatal shooting at the Corner Tavern on Newnan Crossing Bypass. ■■ Newnan selects “The Magic of Cities” as the theme for a week-long celebration. ■■ Ground is tilled for Moreland’s U-Pick-It garden. ■■ Hit AMC TV show “The Walking Dead” announces it will resume Senoia filming in May. ■■ Coweta County Recreation Department’s Andrew Bailey Park gets extensive upgrades. ■■ Moreland sets a July vote on four-year terms of office. ■■ An East Broad Street sub-
In April 2012 Newnan terminates the contract with the builder of the Newnan Centre meeting facility on Lower Fayetteville Road. Completion is delayed and eventually Headley Construction of Newnan is named to finish the project, now looking to a spring 2013 opening.
station upgrade provides more power for Newnan Utilities customers. ■■ West Georgia Technical College seeks to partner with other institutes of higher learning. ■■ Trucker is caught hauling marijuana on Interstate 85. ■■ The city of Newnan’s “Newnan Centre” conference facility construction and opening are delayed due to financial problems of the
contractor. ■■ A national championship orienteering event is held at the Chattahoochee Bend State Park, which opened in July 2011 in western Coweta County. ■■ Newnan seeks bids for its trash collection service. ■■ The Newnan TimesHerald cuts publication from seven to five days per week. ■■ An increase in school lunch prices is discussed by
Coweta County officials. ■■ Moreland dissolves the Lewis Grizzard Memorial Trust and votes to house the collection of memorabilia of the late author and newspaper columnist in the Moreland Mill. ■■ Coweta County’s Emergency Management director speaks to local city officials about warning sirens. ■■ Newnan terminates the contract with the builder of the Newnan Centre meeting facility on Lower Fayetteville Road. ■■ Grantvillle discusses demolition of two houses owned by Mayor Jim Sells. ■■ Sewer service is announced for the State Hwy. 16 area near the new Piedmont Newnan Hospital. ■■ Fiberglass horse statues painted in designs by local artists pop up across Newnan as the Newnan-Coweta Historical Society’s “Horsey Affair” opens. The statues created as a fundraiser for an
interactive children’s museum draw the attention of admirers of all ages throughout the summer and fall. ■■ Ellis Cadenhead retires as director of the Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority. ■■ A long-time Senoia trailer park on Highway 16 is demolished. ■■ The Coweta Extension Service Master Gardeners offer 6,000 plants for sale. ■■ The annual “Mantracker” training coordinated by the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office draws a crowd of law enforcement officials to the county. ■■ Federal agents raid a Newnan drug store. ■■ Newnan famous son Stephen Pless is inducted posthumously into the Georgia Aviation Hall of Fame. ■■ Two new principals are named at Coweta schools. ■■ The University of West Georgia proposes plans to use
the former Newnan Hospital on Jackson Street as its Coweta satellite campus. ■■ It’s another packed house for the annual Wadsworth & Friends concert hosted by Newnan famous son, world-known pianist Charles Wadsworth. ■■ A national racial reconciliation conference is held in Newnan. ■■ Former Coweta School System superintendent Robert E. Lee dies at age 85. ■■ Piedmont Newnan Hospital receives $2 million gift. ■■ Tracie Gossett is named Coweta Teacher of the Year. ■■ Mary Ray School renovations receive two awards from the Georgia Trust. The former school is now used as a community facility. ■■ Judge William F. Lee announces his retirement from the Coweta Superior Court bench.
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4B — The Newnan Times-Herald — Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Year in Review
New Piedmont Newnan Hospital opens
■■ The Coweta County School System budget takes a $6 million hit. ■■ Filming for AMC TV series “The Walking Dead” begins in Senoia where a special set has been constructed. ■■ A Sharpsburg sixth-grader wins the “If I Were Mayor” contest. ■■ Officials announce a reorganized Powers Festival will return for the 42nd year. Umbrella civic group Coweta Festivals Inc. turns over management to Powers Pavilion group, which plans other events throughout year. ■■ Terry Daviston, owner of McKoon Funeral Home, is named vice-chair of Coweta County Development Authority. ■■ Coweta County is redesignated as part of the “non-attainment” zone for air pollution. ■■ Piedmont Newnan
Piedmont Newnan Hospital opens its newly constructed hospital on Poplar Road and welcomes its first patients in early May 2012 — relocating from the old hospital building on Hospital Road.
Hospital opens its newly constructed hospital on Poplar Road next to I-85, and welcomes its first patients. ■■ A new medical office building begins construction across from Piedmont Newnan Hospital site. ■■ Little Giant grocery chain
fills the vacant spaces of two closed Food Lion stores, one on Jackson Street in Newnan and one on Highway 16 West in Sargent. ■■ Coweta County School System officials approve a small increase in class sizes. ■■ Evan Horton is named new
principal at East Coweta High School. ■■ Medal of Honor recipient Gary Wetzel speaks to Newnan High School students. ■■ The first baby is delivered at the new Piedmont Newnan Hospital location on Poplar Road. ■■ A new middle school is proposed for Corinth Road on property near the Blalock Lakes development. ■■ County recognizes a Netherlands resident who adopted the World War II grave of a fallen Coweta soldier in Netherlands. ■■ Lifetime network TV show “Drop Dead Diva” films scenes in downtown Newnan. ■■ Coweta County Board of Education votes to replace a member who resigned. ■■ Coweta Samaritan Clinic holds an open house at its facility in the old county health department on Jackson Street.
Front office volunteers Ingrid Richardson and Mary Gutierrez schedule a patient appointment at Samaritan Clinic on Jackson Street.
■■ The Coweta Board of Commissioners cuts business impact fees by half. ■■ A store clerk shot during a robbery recovers from wounds. ■■ The annual Coweta Cattlemen’s Association Rodeo
is held at the Coweta County Fairgrounds. ■■ More than 1,500 Coweta high school seniors receive diplomas at graduation ceremonies across the county. ■■ Plans move forward for a new Newnan city public safety complex, with the location not determined. ■■ Officials announce Memorial Day ceremonies in Newnan to honor fallen service members. ■■ A hospital nurse is charged with stealing morphine. ■■ The new Senoia branch of the Coweta County Library System opens to rave reviews. ■■ Superior Court Judge Dennis Blackmon is nominated for an opening on the state Supreme Court. ■■ Newnan enforces a swimming ban in city fountains.
David Boyd receives the Brooks Award
■■ A successful blood drive is held by friends for University of West Georgia Aimee Copeland, the victim of flesh-eating bacteria after a fall into a creek near Carrollton. ■■ Gideons petition Piedmont Newnan Hospital to allow placement of Bibles in hospital rooms. ■■ Site work is completed for the new Madras fire station. ■■ World War II veteran Gene Cook of Newnan returns to Normandy 68 years after his jump on D-Day. ■■ A second Southern Living “Idea House” opens in Senoia. ■■ Headley Construction of Newnan is chosen to complete work on the Newnan Centre meeting facility being constructed by the city of Newnan adjacent to the Coweta School System’s Centre for Performing and Visual Arts on Lower Fayetteville Road.
■■ Former Grantville mill building faces demolition; site could become city park. ■■ Coweta County Board of Commissioners delays taking action on regulating grass, weed height. ■■ Citizens ask for traffic lights at two intersections. ■■ New industries bring 35 jobs to Coweta. ■■ Cowetans’ credit cards are used illegally. ■■ Newnan-Coweta Chamber of Commerce board remains neutral on a pending Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax — TSPLOST regional vote. ■■ A man’s leg is severed in motorcycle accident on I-85. ■■ Andrew Young to speak at annual Atkinson-Arnall tribute fundraiser for Coweta Democratic Party. The annual dinner event remembers Newnan’s two governors, William Yates Atkinson and
Ellis Arnall. ■■ The victim count tops 100 in an ID theft scam. ■■ A Newnan man is injured in a shooting incident. ■■ The Grantville City Council moves closer to demolishing rental homes owned by Mayor Jim Sells. ■■ Coweta Board of Education approves a $168.5 million budget. ■■ Leak-detection crews test, install water meters. ■■ Mother and son are arrested in a drug bust. ■■ Chattahoochee Bend State Park in western Coweta is recognized for conservation efforts. ■■ Juneteenth event is planned at Newnan’s Willie Lynch Park. ■■ Federal officials issue a $5,000 reward for a gun/knife store break-in. ■■ Main Street Newnan’s “Summer Wined Up” event is a big success.
morgue facilities, which existed at the old hospital on Hospital Road. ■■ Fifteen-year-olds are arrested for church vandalism. ■■ Herman Cain headlines a Republican event at the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. ■■ Richard Brooks Visionary Awards of Distinction are presented to William Banks, A second Southern Living “Idea House” opens in Senoia in June Kathy Bizarth and David 2012, a cottage on tour through December with part of proceeds Boyd. TV personality Jeff going to Zac Brown’s Camp Southern Ground project. Foxworthy makes a surprise appearance to present award erans are named grand mar■■ Coweta County schools to his friend Boyd at the will implement common core shals for Newnan’s Fourth of Centre for Performing and July parade. standards. Visual Arts. ■■ Coweta student CRCT test ■■ Couple get probation for ■■ The historic Moreland scores show improvement. Mill building is named part church theft. ■■ Coweta Board of of Georgia Textile Heritage ■■ Crews are busy on gradCommissioners votes to build ing and site prep work for a Trail. a morgue at the 911 complex ■■ Former U2 pilot Francis new automobile dealership Gary Powers is honored post- off Highway 34 East near on Hwy. 34 East at Hollz the Whitlock soccer fields. humously. Was married to Parkway. Plans are submitted The new Piedmont Newnan Newnan woman. for initial development of the Hospital did not include adjacent business park. ■■ Four World War II vet-
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 5B
Year in Review July
Missing Heritage student found safe
■■ Grantville Mayor Jim Sells receives a deadline from city officials to either demolish or make repairs to a rental home he owns in the town. ■■ Cowetans celebrate the Fourth of July with patriotic parades, the decades-old Moreland barbecue, and the Newnan Rotary Clubsponsored fireworks show at Newnan High’s Drake Stadium. ■■ One of Newnan’s oldest residents, Clara Coleman Bates, passes away July 4 at the age of 105. ■■ Newnan’s Veterans Administration Clinic honors World War II veterans with a special reception. ■■ Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern Regional Medical Center welcomes its first group of “stakeholders” - or employees - to their jobs at the new hospital off Newnan Crossing Bypass in Newnan. ■■ The city of Grantville begins to consider bids for installation of a splash park in the community. ■■ The Newnan City Council approves a more than $500,000 contract for improvements to the Roscoe Road/Jackson Street/ Sprayberry Road intersection. ■■ A missing Heritage School student is found safe after wandering miles from where his abandoned car was found. ■■ Coweta County Board of Education’s policy committee recommends keeping the current, unstructured break time or recess policy in place. ■■ Paving begins on the Hal Jones Road/U.S. Highway 29 intersection project in mid-July. ■■ Early voting begins in Coweta County for the July 31 primary, and election officials report light turnout. ■■ Coweta County joins a class action lawsuit over hotel and motel taxes paid by online travel sites. ■■ Fans of the AMC television show “The Walking Dead” flock to Senoia to
Cancer Treatment Centers of America opens its first southeastern facility in Newnan off Newnan Crossing Bypass in August 2012.
Finley Todhunter and her little friend Kylie Hicks show their patriotic colors at the Newnan Fourth of July Parade.
watch summertime filming there. Scenes are also filmed at Caldwell Tanks complex off East Broad in downtown Newnan. ■■ The Coweta County Sheriff’s Office investigates fires in two vehicles that cause damage to a home as a possible arson, later arresting Thomas Amey of Newnan. ■■ Former Senoia City Administrator Murray McAfee dies July 15 of cancer, believed to be caused by his exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. ■■ Michael Fouts is promoted to assistant administrator for Coweta County. ■■ Foreclosures for July, numbering 224, are the highest of the year thus far. ■■ The motion for a splash park dies before the Grantville City Council despite a groundswell of support from local residents. ■■ A Palmetto mother, grandmother and her boyfriend face arrest charges after a 13-month-old boy ingests crack cocaine. ■■ Cargill donates $35,000 to Piedmont Newnan Hospital to provide breast screenings to women in need. ■■ Work begins on a new parking lot in downtown Newnan adjacent to the
Cancer hospital opens new facility
■■ TSPLOST vote fails in Three Rivers and Atlanta Regional Commission regional votes. ■■ Emory Palmer edges Kevin McMurray in bid for Coweta Circuit Superior Court judgeship. ■■ Robert Stokely is elected to replace Billy Horne in the General Assembly. But at year’s end, Stokely would step away before taking the post, when named a Coweta Magistrate Court judge. A new utility pole goes in at ■■ Lynn Westmoreland, Roscoe Road and Jackson R-Ga. Third District, wins Street, where improvements reelection to Congress. are being made to realign the ■■ Motorcyclist killed in intersection for Roscoe and Corinth Road wreck. Sparyberry roads to meet. ■■ Cowetan Don Harvel becomes a media star in Japan historic train depot on East Broad Street and will provide for role in investigation of military aircraft crashes. about 70 additional spaces of ■■ Barbara Osborne-Harris free parking. resigns as director of Coweta ■■ Cowetan Marla Lawson County Public Library is honored for her work as a System. forensic artist by the Georgia ■■ More than 22,000 pupils Association of Chiefs of attend first day of school in Police. Coweta. ■■ Friends of former East ■■ Sunday sales of packCoweta High School student age beer and wine in Coweta Kyle Cole begin a campaign to County take effect. raise money for a double lung ■■ Filming continues on transplant needed by Cole due AMC TV’s “The Walking to cystic fibrosis. Dead” in Coweta.
Emory Palmer, waving here on Hwy. 154 south of Hwy. 34 in August, edges Kevin McMurray in bid for a Coweta Circuit Superior Court judgeship.
■■ Mark Whitlock is named to Coweta County Hospital Authority. ■■ Cancer Treatment Centers of America opens its first southeastern facility in Newnan off Newnan Crossing Bypass. ■■ Bank of Coweta announces its Court Square branch to close.
■■ Grantville Police chief is fired. ■■ Smokey Road Middle School Principal Laurie Barron is named national middle level principal of the year. ■■ Larry Robertson is appointed to fill a vacancy on the Coweta Board of Education. ■■ New Leaf Community Gardens begins leasing plots on Salbide Avenue. ■■ Two Coweta convenience stores are busted for video game gambling. ■■ William F. Hamrick is appointed to replace retiring Coweta Superior Court Judge William F. Lee Jr. ■■ Bank of Coweta announces a merger with Bank of North Georgia. ■■ Organizers says Coweta Commission on Veterans Affairs Muster 2012 to recognize post-Vietnam era veterans. ■■ Coweta jail officer is arrested for smuggling tobacco to inmates. ■■ A Moreland man is arrested for growing marijuana in barns.
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6B — The Newnan Times-Herald — Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Year in Review Sept
Gunman found innocent in Tavern shooting
■■ Large crowds attend the annual Powers Festival, returning under a new management agreement between Coweta Festivals Inc. and Powers Pavilion promoters. ■■ Fire damages offices off Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard. ■■ A horse eventing competition draws big crowds to Chattahoochee Hills in South Fulton. ■■ A sewer line to the planned Corinth Road school is estimated at more than $1 million. ■■ Coweta Samaritan Clinic receives a $20,000 grant from Coweta-Fayette EMC. ■■ Investigators call the Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard office fire “suspicious.”
■■ Newnan says bypass widening project delays are unacceptable, demands faster pace from State Department of Transportation. ■■ A former Burwell teacher is indicted, charged with sexual assault on a Northgate High School student. ■■ Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority and City of Griffin alter a water purchase agreement. ■■ A boater is rescued from B.T. Brown Reservoir. ■■ CLICK — Certified A man is rescued in September after falling from his boat at B.T. Literate is Coweta’s Key — Brown Reservoir. receives grant funds that will help create adult basic educa■■ A Coweta mother of three ■■ Goodwill announces it tion classes for reading, writwins a $250,000 lottery prize. will fill the long-vacant Save ing and math skills. ■■ Coweta County updates Rite building at Thomas ■■ Three suspects are arrestthe scheduling system for Crossroads with a store and ed in a fake ID, credit scheme. ■■ Coweta County approves dial-a-ride buses. employment center.
$50,000 for the under-construction Coweta Campus of West Georgia Technical College. ■■ A convenience store clerk is busted for gambling. ■■ Centenarians are named grand marshals for Grantville Crossties Day festival parade. ■■ Jury finds Adam Edmondson not guilty in Corner Tavern fatal shooting. ■■ Officials hope Budd Newnan Centre will open in April. ■■ Warren Budd is recognized by Chattahoochee Riverkeeper.
■■ Suspects are arrested after an attempted robbery of the BB&T bank branch office on Jefferson Street across from Newnan Police Department and Wadsworth Auditorium. ■■ Newnan-Coweta Historical Society names director as opening of McRitchie-Hollis Museum nears. ■■ Sunday alcohol sales begin in Grantville. ■■ Moreland OKs renovation work at the historic hosier mill. ■■ Coweta SAT scores are 24 points above state average. ■■ A Coweta teacher is fired for posting student pictures on Internet.
Day-care operator sentenced to life in prison
■■ Longtime Newnan industry William L. Bonnell Co. acquires midwestern aluminum extrusion firm AACOA Inc. ■■ Third suspect, Lennard Walcott Simmons, arrested for robbing BB&T bank on Jefferson Street. ■■ Coweta County Sheriff’s Office loses search dog Remko due to bone cancer. ■■ Coweta residents Terry Luttrell, 46, Old Carrollton Rd. and Mary James, 40, Shaw Road, Sharpsburg, among six arrested by Douglas County authorities for stealing two tons of AT&T copper wire. ■■ Ex-Grantville clerk Angela Glass, 40, arrested for stealing $20,000 from city. ■■ Becky Whitman is honored by Coweta County Commissioners for helping man who fell out of boat at B.T. Brown Reservoir. ■■ The Heritage School raises $3.8 million in capital campaign. Project includes renovations to two lower school buildings, a sixclassroom addition to ArnallMann Upper School building,
parking lot and The Heritage Center, a competition-sized, multi-purpose arena seating 850-900. ■■ Coweta School System bus drivers upset over lack of pay raises, demand answers. ■■ Coweta school enrollment climbing while neighboring counties seeing decline. System has 22,715 students. ■■ Long-vacant, 62-acre Adesa Atlanta auto auction property on Raymond Hill Road near I-85 bought by Euro Auctions USA. ■■ Unlicensed day-care operator Sol Jason Moon sentenced in Coweta County Superior Court to life in prison. Found guilty of eight felony counts, including child molestation, aggravated child molestation, aggravated sexual battery and sexual exploitation of children. ■■ Newnan pharmacist and assistant arrested for illegal prescription drug sales and filling out hundreds of fake prescriptions. Arrested are Amy Hendrick Matistic, 43, who owned Summit Healthplex Pharmacy and recently opened Plaza
Pharmacy and Sweet 100 Cafe in Piedmont Medical Plaza off Poplar Road, and assistant, Katie Lynn Brown, 26. ■■ Joe H. Harless, nationally known expert on learning and achievement who helped start Central Educational Center, dies at age 71. ■■ Program “Letters Home” at Centre for Performing and Visual Arts launches 2012 Muster III of Coweta Commission on Veterans Affairs honoring post-Vietnam War veterans. ■■ Coweta County Administrator Theron Gay and Commissioner Tim Lassetter go before Grantville City Council hoping to obtain promised funding for Grantville library branch construction. ■■ Memorial is held for late civic worker and retired Lutheran Bishop Gerald Troutman. ■■ Fred Barrison Jr., 27, critical but stable after being shot in abdomen in west Newnan. Was also shot in June altercation on Landers Street. ■■ October foreclosure-related advertisements total 165.
■■ Second annual “Outdoors at the Bend” event held at Chattahoochee Bend State Park. ■■ Busload of “Occupy” activists come to federal court proceedings in Newnan, seeking to stop a Fayette woman’s eviction. Bankruptcy judge rules foreclosure against former Atlanta Police officer Jacqueline Barber done legally, and lifts temporary stay of eviction. ■■ O. P. Evans Middle School student sees Coweta County Prison inmate expose himself on school grounds. ■■ Only a few barrels block lanes on almost complete widening of Newnan bypass/ Farmer Industrial Boulevard. ■■ Season three of AMC TV’s hit show “The Walking Dead” premieres. Much of filming for zombie drama done in Senoia and around Coweta. ■■ Mid-October marks one-year anniversary of death of Coweta teen Blake Chappell. His body was found in October 2011 in a creek in SummerGrove neighborhood. ■■ Early voting begins
for November presidential election. ■■ Almost $40,000 in highgrade marijuana and $20,000 netted in Newnan Boone Drive raid. Arrested are Christopher Michael Smith, 22, and Brittney-Lee Michelle Orourke, 19. ■■ Two women are arrested for prostitution at a Bullsboro Drive motel; an 18-year-old son faces pimping charge. ■■ Airport renamed “Newnan-Coweta County Airport, Whitlock Field” in honor of late Newnan native Capt. Nicholas Whitlock, Air Force pilot who died in February in a crash in Djibouti, Africa. ■■ Coweta Deputy Jason Ross and Corp. Phillip Burkett are honored by Coweta Commissioners for lifesaving actions. ■■ Coweta Board of Education delays building proposed Corinth Road Middle School; will wait for economic upswing. ■■ Coweta woman Diane Dougherty ordained Catholic priest - Vatican does not recognize.
■■ Buildings take shape at new 38-acre Coweta campus of West Georgia Technical College on Turkey Creek Road, headed for Sept. 20, 2013, opening. ■■ Newnan City Council approves three-district map in redistricting. ■■ A $1.2 million renovation of old Palmetto train depot, with banquet hall and museum, is celebrated. ■■ Newnan City Council leading project to make old Newnan Hospital on Jackson Street the University of West Georgia satellite campus. Board of Regents expected to Johnson vote in January. ■■ Former Coweta Commissioner Leroy Johnson donates to county a rare book, 1886 Manual for Road Commissioners. Book to be displayed at 1904-era Coweta County Courthouse.
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 7B
Year in Review Nov
Groundbreaking for Brown’s Mill park held
■■ Resurfacing completed on Newnan Crossing Bypass from Bullsboro Drive to Lower Fayetteville. ■■ Coweta Board of Health to vote on tattoo, piercing regulations. ■■ $250,000 upgrade at Coweta Animal Shelter completed. ■■ One of Coweta’s Greatest Generation, World War II veteran Art Carlson, turns 100. ■■ President Barack Obama is re-elected, and state says yes to charter school amendment. Incumbent Coweta Commissioner Al Smith wins re-election, as does State Rep. Carl Von Epps. ■■ Groundbreaking launches phase one development of Brown’s Mill Battlefield park. ■■ Former teacher Dorothy Elizabeth Dixon sentenced to probation in case involving Northgate student. ■■ Mel Hayden honored as Coweta’s Veteran of the Year. ■■ Kane Dawson resigns as president and CEO of
Cancer Treatment Centers of America’s recently-opened Southeastern Regional facility. ■■ Newnan High grad Dr. Daniel W. Stowell, director and editor of the Papers of Abraham Lincoln, speaks in Newnan. ■■ Coweta’s Deputy Jason Ross honored by Gov. Nathan Deal with the Governor’s Public Safety Award for heroism for Sept. 10, 2011, actions pulling a woman from a burning vehicle on Lower Fayetteville Road. ■■ November foreclosure numbers — 140 legal ads — lowest since September 2011. ■■ Three East Coweta students arrested for vandalism at Newnan High’s Drake Stadium. ■■ Citizenship ceremonies honor 49 new Americans at Newnan’s Lewis R. Morgan Federal Building. ■■ “Full Cry” events in Moreland honor 10th anniversary of opening fox hunt at Hal Barry’s Bear Creek Farm.
■■ TV documentary airs recounting Cowetan Robert Stokely’s journey last year to Iraq where his son, Sgt. Mike Stokely, died seven years earlier. ■■ About $25,000 is raised in “Hunter 87 Bluegrass Bash” for Whitlock Foundation in memory of Capt. Nick Whitlock. ■■ Robert Beasley found guilty in Coweta Superior Court of trafficking cocaine. ■■ The Barnhill family of Sharpsburg competes on TV show “Family Feud.” ■■ Newnan’s Samaritan Clinic celebrates one-year anniversary. ■■ Lee Middle School Principal Dr. Bob Heaberlin receives the national 2012 Distinguished Educator Award from Association for Middle Level Education. ■■ After study, Newnan officials consider returning twohour parking limits to area around Court Square. ■■ Coweta deputy suspended
after deploying taser in Nov. 9 streaker incident at high school football game. ■■ Construction of Newnan Centre conference facility on Lower Fayetteville Road set for mid-April 2013 opening. ■■ Country singer Doug Stone, who grew up in Newnan, performs at Celebration of Life fundraiser for 3-year-old cancer victim’s family. ■■ Plant Yates in west Coweta one of seven Georgia power plants on “Ripe for Retirement” list released by Union of Concerned Scientists and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. ■■ Fugitive wanted in several jurisdictions for car theft and fleeing officers, Tony Perry, 36, is captured in standoff in Clayton County. ■■ Coweta Commissioners tentatively settle on contribution of $534,000 toward plan for downtown Newnan UWG campus at old Newnan Hospital site.
■■ James P. Watson named as new headmaster of The Heritage School. ■■ Santa makes his annual stop on Newnan’s Court Square. ■■ Nally Honda expected to be one of two new auto dealerships. Construction continues for new Don Jackson ChryslerDodge-Ram-Jeep-Fiat dealership on Hwy. 34 East at Hollz Parkway and a former dealership on Hwy. 34 beside the county’s soccer fields remains vacant. ■■ Third generation Coweta family lawyer John Herbert “Herb” Cranford Jr. takes oath. ■■ Coweta ambulance workers relate experiences helping after Hurricane Sandy. ■■ Woman’s decomposing body found at East Newnan community home. ■■ Newnan Junior Service League’s annual Coweta CanA-Thon concludes. ■■ Grantville bans skateboarders from sidewalks. ■■ As officials investigate
husband’s death, wife charged with growing marijuana. ■■ Newnan and Senoia gear up for holiday parades; Southern Living Idea House in Senoia decked out for Christmas. ■■ Thieves take copper cabling from lights at I-85, exit 56. ■■ Speed limit lowered on section of Highway 16 at western Senoia city limits. ■■ Family and friends raising money for double-lung transplant for East Coweta High grad Kyle Cole, who suffers from cystic fibrosis. ■■ Cowetans join excitement before Georgia-Alabama football matchup for Southeastern Conference Championship at Georgia Dome. Game fuels family football “feuds,” including the “house divided” Tim Higgins family. ■■ Legendary University of Georgia Coach Vince Dooley greets fans and signs books and prints at Ken’s Bargain Outlet in downtown Newnan.
Grantville and county at odds over funding
■■ Edie Atkinson Kearley presents vintage pictures, newspaper articles and other memorabilia to the Senoia Area Historical Society. ■■ The Coweta County Emergency Response Team holds a mock disaster for training purposes. ■■ Plans are announced for a Marriott Hotel to open next year at Ashley Park. ■■ Senoia City Council announces water and sewer rates will rise in 2013. ■■ “Walking Dead” actor Scott Wilson serves as grand marshal for the Christmas parade at Light Up Senoia festivities. ■■ Timothy Cox is named the new fire marshal for the city of Newnan. ■■ Joseph Wyant is named as the first full-time Coweta County Juvenile Court judge – following the retirement of Judge Joseph MacNabb.
■■ Grantville officials and the county are at odds regarding funds the county said the town owed for the library branch and other projects. ■■ Newnan native Adam Wright and co-writer Jay Knowles are nominated for a Grammy for “So You Don’t Have to Love Me Anymore,” which was recorded by Wright’s uncle, country music star Alan Jackson. ■■ Collections for the Newnan Junior Service League’s 29th annual Coweta Can-A-Thon top 273,000. ■■ A reward of $5,000 is offered for the arrest of four masked burglars who took money from Frazier’s One Stop. ■■ Board of Education approves calendars for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school terms. ■■ Parents of students in the Coweta schools have to prove
The Coweta County Emergency Response Team holds a mock disaster in December for training purposes, with local youngsters posing in makeup as disaster victims.
residency by Dec. 20. ■■ Coweta resident Jimmy Lassetter, severely burned in a propane gas explosion, dies – following an outpouring of community support. ■■ Moreland Town Council votes to ban serving alcohol at the Moreland Mill, which the town rents for events. ■■ Robert Stokely is named a
Keep Newnan Beautiful wants to say
k n a h T u o Y and recognize all of their devoted volunteers and sponsors in 2012. Your efforts continue to make a positive difference in our community.
Coweta Magistrate Court judge, leaving the Georgia House of Representatives seat to which he had been elected vacant. The election to fill the seat is set for Feb. 5. ■■ The U.S. Air Force Reserve Band plays to a full house at the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. ■■ Newnan Fire Department
presents Lifesaver Awards to several firefighters. ■■ Rodolfo Chacon Reyes, 33, is charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of his girlfriend, whose badly decomposed body was found in November. ■■ Wreaths are placed at Veterans Memorial Plaza as part of the Wreaths Across America program. ■■ The Coweta School System and several community organizations join forces to present a Parent Cafe – to teach young parents to discipline with love – at Perpetual Community Resource Center. ■■ A flu-like illness leads to higher-than-usual absenteeism in Coweta schools. ■■ Coweta School System reviews security measures and Sasser Grove Baptist Church near Senoia holds a candle-lighting ceremony following the shooting death of
Atkinson Elementary’s Green Team David Albright & Associates Anna Serrate Agape Christian Center Ministries, Inc. Al-Karim Temple No. 242 Prince Hall Shriners The Boston Family Katie and Keith Brady Jason and Mattie Brady The Beasley Family Boys & Girls Club I Can, Torch and Keystone Clubs Tom Barron Glenn Bexley Matthew Bailey Beverly, Betty, Rebecca, Kenneth, Ray & Linda BB&T Bob and Joan Crawford Coweta County Cobras Youth Football and Cheer Team Colin Central Baptist Church Cub Scout Pack 47 Central Baptist Church Central Educational Center Coca-Cola Charter Bank R DuBose Jewelers Ray DuBose Estes Landscaping Georgia Forestry Commission Golden “K” Kiwanis Club Greenville-LaGrange Neighborhood Association Norma Haynes Kim Higgins David Huggins Service Connected Veteran Iglesia De Dios Puerta Al Cielo Josey, Young & Brady Realtors Just2inches Lawn Care, Inc.
20 students and six faculty in Newtown, Conn. ■■ Santa Claus makes several appearances – including one where he passed out $50 bills to customers at In and Out Coin Laundry on Bullsboro Drive. ■■ Eddie Ball, 67, who started the Coweta County 911 call center, dies. ■■ Justin Corley, 32, of Newnan is indicted on federal charges of distributing child pornography. ■■ Coweta resident Hal Barry speaks at a Georgia Senate Study Committee on Horse Racing hearing in Atlanta. ■■ For the second year, the Coweta Forestry Commission office is named Unit of the Year for the northern half of the state. ■■ Newnan-Coweta Humane Society starts a food pantry for pets.
The Knights of Columbus Council 6622 Knights Templar Masons Jessie 22 Chapter LifeClass Heatherwood Baptist Church Lowe’s Tom Lukens Newnan-Coweta Historical Society Newnan Lodge #299, PHA Newnan-Coweta Lions Club Newnan High School Newnan Utilities Wendi Oldham The Olmstead Community Association OmegaPhi Fraternity, Inc. TLL Chapter Pamela Prange Prudential Georgia Realty Please Recycle It Connie Posey Paul and Mayra Richardson The Ray Family The Rutledge Center Royal Arch Masons Shem 61 Fire & Ice Scotty, Whitney, and Harper Pete and Gina Snider Spring of Life Lodge #604 Torey Simmons Michael Strickland Synergy Fitness Wyvonia Solomon & Betty Barber Leah Sumner Dave Smith United Bank of Griffin Welden Financial Services Westlake Design Studio The Tom Want Family Carol & Charles Wilson
For information on how to get involved, please contact Carol Duffey at 770-253-8283 or email
8B — The Newnan Times-Herald — Wednesday, January 2, 2013
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