Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 1B
2013 Review OUR YEAR IN
breaking news throughout the day |
Coweta County courts get new judges • Judges take new positions in Coweta County courts: Emory Palmer and Bill Hamrick take Superior Court positions, Robert Stokely takes a position with the Magistrate Court, and Joseph Wyant takes a position with the Juvenile Court. • Zion Hill Baptist Reverend W.J. Johnson dies at age 71. Ja'Taurean Payton, born at 2:31 a.m. Jan. 1, is Coweta County's first baby of 2013. • Qualifying period begins for Georgia House District 71 election, which became vacant after the withdrawal of newly-elected State Representative Robert Stokely. • Victor Allen Moorer dies after his vehicle drives off roadway, overturns and strikes a tree. All eight other family members in the vehicle are injured, and two children airlifted to Egleston. • Abby Bacho, a 9-year-old wreck victim, passes away, and her heart, kidneys, liver and corneas are donated to others needing organs. Her father, Stephen Bacho, remains in an induced coma. • Newnan City Council approves a 2 percent cost-of-living salary increase for city employees. • Five Republicans seek District 71 seat — Richard Weisser, Michael Farbo Jr., Thomas G. Crymes, Darryl Marmon and David J. Stover. • Democrat Cynthia Conradt Bennett is sixth and final qualifier for District 71 seat. • Un iversit y System B oa rd of Regents agrees to buy old Newnan Hospital on Jackson Street for new satellite University of West Georgia campus.
University System Board of Regents in January agrees to buy the old Newnan Hospital on Jackson Street for new satellite University of West Georgia campus.
Organized by Chapter 483, Order of the Eastern Star, the 26th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. parade marches through downtown Newnan.
• Due to the American Taxpayer Relief Act being passed by Congress, the Internal Revenue Service will not begin processing tax returns until Jan. 30. • Study shows ha lf of Coweta County 2012 high school graduates took at least one course at the Central Educational Center while in high school. • Chapter 483, Order of the Eastern Star, hosts the 2013 Martin Luther King Jr. parade through downtown Newnan. • Piedmont Newnan Hospital institutes new policies that may charge patients $150 if they visit the Emergency Room wit hout emergency symptoms. • Fire damages two homes — one heavily damaged on U.S. Highway
29 Jan. 14, and one severely damaged by heat and smoke on Gordon Street Jan.15. There were no injuries. • Jay Boren is named chief executive officer of the Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority. • Jimmy Bass is named executive director of the Coweta County Public Library System. • Atlanta Braves pitcher Tim Hudson speaks at East Coweta High School on the dangers of texting and driving. • Forty-seven Coweta County high school sophomores and juniors honored as nominees in 2013 Georgia Governor's Honors Program. • Lisa Hedenstrom, RN, Senoia resident and Piedmont Healthcare's senior vice president, is appointed to Georgia Nursing Board. • Rain causes delays on construction
of the Newnan Centre scheduled to open in April. • Georgia House District 71 candidates express views in a public forum on Jan. 17. • Northgate High School senior Timberli Williams presents Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech during the televised service at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. • The Supreme Court of Georgia reinstates the murder conviction of Michelle Hall, who was tried in Coweta County, upholding Hall's sentence of life in prison. • New na n Cit y Counci l una nimously approves contracts to turn the old Newnan Hospital on Jackson Street into a satellite campus of the University of West Georgia. • A 16-year-old East Coweta High School student is arrested for selling marijuana brownies at school. • Two male juveniles, ages 15 and 16, are charged with breaking into about 50 vehicles in north Coweta County looking for money.
• Cutbacks at Plant Yates on the Chatta hoochee R iver may negatively impact Coweta County schools' budget. • Newnan Police off icers begin manhunt for two suspects who fled officers, wrecked and abandoned their vehicle. Marijuana was discovered near the wrecked car and about 10 cell phones were found inside. • It is reported at a Newnan Kiwanis Club meeting that Coweta County is in good shape with population growth and tax collections increasing, but with the county's revenue and budget declining. • The Coweta County Board of Education considers adding classroom space to East Coweta High School, reinstating prison crews for grounds maintenance and increasing police at elementary schools. • Twenty Coweta Charter Academy students attend the Georgia School Choice Celebration and Rally in Atlanta.
Senoia gets double exposure in Georgia travel guide • Dean Jackson becomes 2013 chairman of Newnan-Coweta Chamber of Commerce. • Senoia is featured on two separate cover choices of the 2013 Georgia Travel Guide, showing AMC’s “The Walking Dead” and country music star Zac Brown. • Newnan home on Carriage Light Way is destroyed in fire. • Rhythm-and-blues singer Monica Denise Arnold Brown speaks at Smokey Road Middle School for Black History Month. • Coweta residents participate in 5K and 10K Run for Angels benefitting Angel's House Children's Shelter. • Candidates David Stover and Thomas Crymes scheduled to participate in runoff on March 5 for Georgia House District 71 seat. • Yaslyn Pratt is killed when her mobile home catches fire on Caldwell Drive in Palmetto. • David Bennett is arrested for severely beating a woman with a baseball bat. Surgery was performed on the victim's arms and face. • Bette Jo Hickman, local art educa-
tor, civil worker and Global Achievers director, is selected at the 2013 Coweta County Citizen of the Year. • Mattie Carmichael Hill of Senoia turns 103 years old, making her one of Coweta County's oldest residents. • Newnan City and Cultural Arts Commission seeks public comments on how the Municipal Building on Jefferson Street should be used after construction of new Public Safety Complex. • Bonnell Aluminum plant plans for $17 million expansion to start up in early 2014. • Newnan City Council votes to remove eight trees from the immediate Courthouse Square. • The 2012 Southern Living Idea House charity presents a check of $37,056 to the groundbreaking of Zac Brown's Camp Southern Ground. • Peter Mallory, former owner of TV 33 LaGrange, is sentenced to 1,000 years in prison for 64 counts of child pornography. • Coweta County Board of Education approves demolition and rebuilding of Evans Middle School to begin in
May 2014. • Coweta County crews demolish vacant Georgia State Patrol Building on Hospital Road. • Fou r pe ople , i nclud i n g t wo inmates, are charged for attempting to smuggle matches and tobacco into the Coweta County jail. • Some 206 exhibitors bring more than 2,500 birds to the 2013 Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association poultry show at the Coweta County fairgrounds. • Claude Hunter of Moreland pleads guilty to growing 95 marijuana plants in his barn and is sentenced to two years in prison. • Two homes are destroyed in separate fires, one south of Moreland on Highway 27 Alternate, and the other on Vaughn Road Northeast of Thomas Crossroads. • An 81-year-old woman is rescued without injuries after her vehicle flips upside down. • Senoia Enterprises receives the Economic Development Award at the 2013 South Metro Development Outlook awards banquet.
Bette Hickman is honored as 2013 Coweta Count y Citizen of the Year.
• Republicans Tom Crymes and David Stover participate in forum discussing their ideas for the runoff election of Georgia House District 71. • Coweta man is charged with aggravated assault after shooting at a group of men doing donuts in his yard in a pickup truck, hitting one in the hand. • Nicole Hernane, victim of a brutal beating alleged to be at the hands of her boyfriend David Bennett, speaks out about her situation and domestic
violence. • Grantville pays Coweta County $66,773.92 to settle dispute over south Coweta library branch. • Off-duty Coweta County f irefighter Frank Jones rescues an unconscious woman from a house fire on Georgia Highway 54. • Downtown Newnan merchants file an appeal with city council to save eight oak trees on the Courthouse Square.
2B — The Newnan Times-Herald | Wednesday, January 1, 2014
‘The Walking Dead’ films across Coweta, Newnan, Senoia, Grantville • Deborah Pate, the woman resc ued f rom her bu r n i ng home by county f iref ighter Frank Jones, passes away from brain damage due to smoke inhalation. • David Bennett, the man accused of brutally beating Nicole Hernane with a baseball bat, does not seek bond in a preliminary hearing. • Crews unearth 50-year-old abandoned gas storage tanks while working on Sprayberry Road, Jackson Street/Roscoe Road intersection improvements, delaying the project. • Garbage pick-up routes in Newnan have some changes, a n d Wa s t e M a n a g e m e n t becomes in charge for collecting household garbage. • David Stover wins Georgia House District 71 seat in runoff election against Thomas Crymes. • Newnan-Coweta Historical Society stages Civil War reenactment of the 1864 Battle of Brown's Mill. • Episode of AMC’s "The Walking Dead" films in downtown Grantville. • Coweta County and Grantv i l le come to ter m s over library construction debts — Grantville will pay the county $66,773 from Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax funds and the library agreement with
Season 3, episode 12 of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” filmed in downtown Grantville in March.
Students participating in Newnan First Baptist Church’s Disciple
Now build a 4-foot section of wall framed by their team. Around 150 youth and adults built walls in an Ashley Park parking lot in March for CrossRoads Mission’s “Help Build Hope” program.
the Coweta County Library Board will be terminated. • New na n T heatre Company accepts a script about the famous John Wallace murder trial from Newnan writer Jeff Bishop. • East Coweta High School student Saey un Lee is recognized as the 2013 Coweta County STAR student. • Two brot her s , Ron n ie Clay, 57, and Grant Clay, 63, are caught red-handed stealing copper wire from a Georgia Power utility box in Senoia. • New leadership is elected to the Coweta County Republican Party, and Brant Frost V is
elected chairman. • Four teenage suspects are sought for carjacking a woman's vehicle at gunpoint off I-85 at Sharpsburg-McCollum Road. • Coweta County law enforcement raids two illegal gambling establishments and confiscates 15 gambling machines and more than $35,000 in cash. • Sandra Deal, Gov. Nathan Deal's wife, speaks at Ruth Hill Elementary School on the importance of reading. • Representatives from the Coweta Water and Sewerage Authority meet with Griffin Public Works director to build a relationship.
• Two of four carjacking suspects are taken into custody and transported to the Coweta County jail. • Some 32 volunteers help build new trails and equestrian areas at the Chattahoochee Bend State Park during the annual Georgia State Parks Equestrian Workday. • T h re e more juven i le s arrested after carjacking a vehicle and starting a high-speed police chase in Fayette County. • Newnan High School Principal Doug Moore is named Coweta County School System director of Operations and School Safety, and Northgate Principal Therese Reddekopp is named director of Instructional Services. • A round 1 50 adults a nd youth members of First Baptist Church build residency framing walls in the Ashley Park parking lot for CrossRoads Mission's "Help Build Hope" program.
• More than 100 trees and power lines are downed after a major thunderstorm rips through the Coweta area. • Cowet a Cou nt y B oa rd of Commissioners approves f u nd i n g for ex t ra Cowet a County Sheriff's Office School Resource Officers in elementary schools. • Local men, including many Newnan officials, dress in drag for a mock beauty pageant at Wadsworth Auditorium and raise more than $30,000 for the Southeastern Assistance in Healthcare program at Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern Regional Medical Center. • Coweta County Sheriff's Office Deputy Jason Ross is honored with Senate Resolution 426 at the Georgia State Capitol for rescuing a woman from her burning car in 2011. • Senoia sells its water tower on Baggerly Way to development group Historical Develop-
ment Ventures LLC. The company has built various buildings in town that do double duty as movie backdrops. • Scot t's Book store , a Newnan institution of 36 years, is set to close its doors by the end of March when owner Earlene Scotts retires. • Grantville City Council approves splash park in city. • Coweta Cou nt y E MS receives a new a mbula nce featuring a smoother ride for patients. • Coweta County Sheriff Mike Yeager is honored with the 2013 Golden Eagle Award by the Coweta District Boy Scouts of America. • Fa rewell Cha rles Wadsworth and Friends concert in Newnan on April 20 is sold out. Newnan’s famous son ends his touring career. • City of Newnan rewards anonymous tipster with $5,000 after giving information leading to the arrest of an arsonist.
Coweta mother, four children ages 5, 3, 2 and 1 die in a tragic home fire • Milo Rachel, 63, is charged with murder for fatally stabbing Charles Skeen. • Desmond Jamar Geter, 21, passes away after a car accident on Fischer Road. • East Coweta High School junior Yehong Zhu scores a perfect 2400 score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test. • Barbra Streisand announces plans to make a f ilm about the romance between Erskine Caldwell and Margaret BourkeWhite. Caldwell’s birthplace is a museum in Moreland. • Tonya Whitlock is named new vice president of student affairs for West Georgia Technical College. • Coweta 911 operators are able to help a local woman assist her stranded daughter in Cancun. • Downtown Newnan featured in the "Heart and Soul" tour hosted by the Georgia Cities Foundation. • For mer Ne w n a n H i g h School baseball player Luke Large portrays a first baseman in "42," a feature film about Jackie Robinson. • Newnan boxer James Lavin wins Ringside Masters Championships in Lenexa, Kansas. • Fund is set up for assault victim Nicole Hernane, whose hospita l bi l ls were nea rly $500,000. • Principals named at five Coweta schools — Bill Harrison at Northgate High, Chase Puckett at Newnan High, Dr. Cindy Bennett at Lee Middle, Andy Clark at White Oak Elementary, and Julie Durrance at Arbor Springs Elementary. • Accountants with the Georgia Department of Audits find the Coweta County School System's finances "clean." • Coweta County jail detention officer Sandy Langford is arrested for distributing child pornography over the Internet. • Around 600 law enforcement personnel expected to attend Mantracker, an annual training event organized by the Coweta County Sheriff's Office. • Wyndi Wilkes, an A labama resident, is charged with 48 counts of identity fraud for stealing mail from Coweta County residents. • Michael Fouts named new Coweta County Administrator. • D on a ld M at t he w Colbert, 26, is the second Coweta County resident arrested for distributing child pornography. • Mattie Carmichael Hill, 103, one of Coweta County's oldest residents, passes away. • T he Pope fa m i ly from
A memorial is set up on the lawn of the Newnan home where a mother and four young children died in an April fire.
Beth Voltz, center front, visits the Coweta 911 Center in April 2013 to thank the entire shift that helped her and her daughter on March 26. Her daughter was stranded in Cancun, Mexico. From left are, front, Chris Decker, Voltz, Holly Vance; back, Felicia Bridgette, Chana Harris, Shelly Tenney, Angel LaBeau, Amanda Payne, Supervisor Kayla Markward and Emir Flores.
Wadsworth hugs fellow Newnan native Cour tenay Budd at his finale per formance in the “ Wa d s w o r t h a n d F r i e n d s ” c h a m b e r m u s i c s e r i e s i n A p r i l .
Newnan appears on TV game show "Family Feud." • More tha n 360 pa rticipants run and walk for RACE for the Orphans at the County Fairgrounds. • Pat and Gene Craven of Newnan are nominated cochairs for the 2013 Relay for Life of Coweta County. • Dr. Lyn Schenbeck, a music instructor at Central Educational Center, is named Coweta County School System's 2013 Teacher of the Year. • W h it lo c k Field at t he Newnan-Coweta County Airport is dedicated to fa llen man Nicholas Whitlock, who lost his life in Africa. • Smokey Road Middle School Principal Laurie Barron is recognized as National Middle School Principal of the Year by President Barrack Obama. • Western Elementary School student Joselyn Coleman earns the Norah McGraw Outstanding Special Olympian Award. • Charles Wadsworth gives his final performance at his na mesa ke New na n auditorium in the “Wadsworth and Friends” chamber music series. • John A. Winters is named The Newnan Times-Herald's
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general manager. • Alec Ogletree, alumnus of Newnan High School and University of Georgia linebacker, is selected by the St. Louis Rams in NFL draft. • Harry Robertson, 80, passes away from injuries he sustained in a car accident on Highway 154. • Alonna McCrary, 28, and her four children — ages 5, 3, 2 and 1 — lose their lives in a tragic home fire on Midland Park Lane on Newnan’s west side.
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 3B
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4B — The Newnan Times-Herald | Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Groundbreaking held for Grantville splash park • Approximately $ 45,000 is discovered stolen from 95 Coweta County bank accounts. • Tornado damages property in Moreland. • Ground is broken for a Grantville community splash park. • Coweta County Administrator Theron Gay earns the 2013 Jerry R. Griffin Excellence in Public Service Award. • Heavy rains flood the Chattahoochee River and raise bacteria levels. • Missing Newnan woman Irene Hemmings is found in Heard County two days after she was reported missing. • Coweta County schools outperform the state in the first College and Career Ready Performance Index report. • Welcome House director Linda Kirkpatrick resigns due to poor relationship with charity's board.
• Coweta County investigators identify suspect who, in 139 different cases, stole $150,000 from Bank of North Georgia accounts by "skimming" credit cards. • Sheila Williams Strong, 47, is killed in a car accident on Highway 27 Alternate. Two others are injured. • Emily Russell is named Mother of the Year at the 19th annual Neweta Club Mother's Day Luncheon at the Coweta County Fairgrounds. • Dr. Laurie Barron, principal at Smokey Road Middle School, accepts job as superintendent of the Evergreen School District in Montana. • The Northgate Lady Vikings soccer team beats McIntosh to reach the state AAAAA finals for the first time. • Students participate in the annual Special Needs Game Day at Coweta’s Hunter Com-
Future splash park patrons get busy with small red shovels.
From left are Carson Coker, Lucas Birchfield and James Thompson.
plex recreation center. • Four Madras Middle School students are charged for possession of narcotics after one brings a bottle of Xanax pills to school to sell. • Ma ndy Jo Brook s , a Coweta resident, competes in the annual Coweta Cattlemen's Rodeo at Coweta County Fairgrounds. • Newnan-Coweta Historical Society’s McRitchie-Hollis Museum opens on Jackson Street. • Un ited States vetera ns speak to Newnan High School students at the Student-Vet Connect program. • Heritage School junior and
football player Tyler Henson, 17, is killed in a single-vehicle accident. • Northgate Lady Vikings beat Whitewater to become Region 4-AAAAA state soccer champs. • Progressive Heating and Air is named Coweta County's Small Business of the Year. • Dr. Aaron Corley is named principal of Ruth Hill Elementary, and Jose Casablanca is named principal of Smokey Road Middle. • T h ree escape f i re t hat destroys their three-story home and four vehicles on Elders Mill Estates Drive. • Six adults are charged for
The Northgate Lady Vikings soccer team in May beats McIntosh to reach the state AAAAA finals for the first time.
the possession of drugs and firearms during a drug raid at their residence on Hardaway Street — seven children under the age of 10 were in the residence. • Newnan public safety and publ ic work s depa r t ments upgrade to a new enhanced digital radio system. • 480 students graduate from Newnan High School, 581 graduate from East Coweta High School, and 420 graduate from Northgate High School. • Peter Ludlow is named associate provost to head West Georgia Technical College's Coweta campus.
• Missing Coweta woman Phylis Morris, 79, is found safe two days after being reported missing. • A 2-year-old boy is airlifted to an Atlanta hospital and suffers from minor injuries after falling from a second-story window. • Five Cowetans graduate from the fifth Coweta County Adult Drug Court program. • CEC video broadcast students Amber Rogers and Leah Galliot earn the 201 3 High School Student Production Award by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Southeast.
Newnan Centre city meeting facility officially opens in June • Undead Barbies designed by special effects members for "The Walking Dead" donated to roadside Barbie Beach display. • Jacorie Montrez Hinton, 23, is arrested by deputies for allegedly kidnapping pregnant exgirlfriend and assaulting her boyfriend. • Coweta Fire Department's ISO rating improves, lowering property insurance ratings for many Cowetans. • Tom Little retires as chief of public buildings department. • Da l l a s E dwa rd Sm it h , 39, charged with aggravated assault and criminal attempt to commit rape.
• The Coweta County Board of Commissioners approves policy to allow inmate labor at schools when classes are not in session. • Coweta t ra n spor tat ion pla n ners propose a roundabout plan for intersection in Newnan. • Conner Kendrick, Northgate High School and Auburn University alumnus, is selected by the New York Yankees. • M a r io Mc C r a r y, K e n t rel l A r nold a nd Q u i nton Arnold kick off new non-profit organization. • Coweta Sheriff 's Off ice arrests two men with $150,000
A crowd gathers in June for the grand opening of the Newnan East Goodwill store and career center in the former Save Rite store at Thomas Crossroads.
of cocaine and $112,000 cash in their possession during a traffic stop on I-85. • Evans Middle School chorus teacher Johnny Holloway is nominated as quarterfinalist for the Grammy’s national Music Educator Award. • Three men arrested by the Coweta Crime Suppression
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Unit for trafficking heroin. • Fi r st a n nu a l Wel l ne ss and Resource Fair held at the Ne w n a n Veter a n s A f fa i r s Clinic. • Hundreds crowd to the S enoi a S o c i a l b enef it t i n g Zac Brown's Camp Southern Ground. • The Newnan Centre city
Buffet refreshments are served during the public grand opening of the Newnan Centre city meeting facility on Lower Fayetteville Road in June.
meeting facility opens adjacent to Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. • Newnan East Goodwill store opens in old Save Rite location. • Cowet a re sident Todd Cochran becomes a motorcycle racing professional. • Dale Sizemore, Earlene
Scott and John N. White each receive Richard Brooks Visionary Award of Distinction for contributions to arts in Coweta. • Coweta County Special Olympics is named the Outstanding Local Special Olympics Program for 2013 by the Special Olympics of Georgia.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 5B
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6B — The Newnan Times-Herald | Wednesday, January 1, 2014
78-year-old Alexander missing four days, found alive • Motorcyclist James Scott Freeman of Grantville dies in wreck with Wanda Henry Woods, driving SUV near Palmetto. • Unidentified man discovered dead on railroad tracks in Senoia. • Four World War II veterans are inducted as members of the Buffalo Soldiers from Terry Allen Jr. American Veterans Post 910 — Richard Alexander, James Ferrell, Joe “Buster” Lowe and Henry Wilkerson. • Outgoing Coweta County Administrator Theron Gay is honored with a reception at the Coweta County Fairgrounds. • Bridging the Gap and Meals on Wheels form partnership. • Home at 40 Carriage Gate Drive is gutted by attic fire. • Newnan City Council considers revision to city’s alcohol ordinance to allow craft beer to be sold in growlers. • Anthropology student Kelly Blevins shares memories from studying in Egypt. • Coweta County, railroad officials back and forth over future of bridge in Arnco. • Three youths arrested for throwing homemade bombs in Newnan. • Haralson celebrates Fourth; Drake Stadium fireworks rescheduled for a Saturday show after July 4 rainout. • Molestation case of Matthew James Barrian Perry involves alleged abuse by relative. Perry sentenced to 60 years in prison. • Programs held in Newnan remembering “Murder in Coweta County” production airing on CBS 31 years previous. • Brian Jamal Garland caught at Sam’s Club on Fischer Road, charged with spending $100,000 with stolen credit cards. • Accused child molester Alexander Sean Gerbert faces 11 felony counts, found guilty on six. • Individual school results from state show Coweta elementary and middle school
Searchers regroup 30 feet from where they found 78-year-old
Eleanor Alexander alive after being missing four days in July. K-9 handler Tracy Sargent stands in the center with her search and rescue dog, Cinco de Mayo.
Smoke hangs in the air following a cannon blast during the Brown’s Mill Battlefield Park dedication July 27 south of Newnan.
Camille Wilbanks, left, and Katie McConnell use computers at the WGTC Coweta Campus Library to research class offerings.
students improve scores on Criterion Reference Competency Test, CRCT, for 2013. • Downtown Newnan unveils cigarette litter prevention program. • Bank robbery suspect escapes scene on Hwy 34 East at Shenandoah Industrial Park. Jonathan Alexander Felix-Soto soon captured. • Garage fire spreads, destroys Bruce Jackson Road home. • Tag office printer problems leave some decals without tag numbers, have Coweta drivers fuming. • Boys and Girls Club youngsters have shopping spree at new Academy Sports store in Newnan Pavilion. • Newnan writer Keith Dunnavant debuts “Three Days at Foster,” a documentary on shattered athletic color barriers at the University of Alabama in the 1960s. • Announcement made of land deal brokered by Batson-Cook Realty LLC that closed June 26. Could give Cancer Treatment Centers of America’s Southeastern Regional Medical Center additional 74 acres in Newnan.
• Newnan Council to vote on plan to add city council member. • Delegation of Russian bankers learns from Coweta visit. • Shoal Creek bridge project on Lower Fayetteville Road nears completion. • Coweta Charter Academy’s new building to bring more students to Senoia school. • Ray Moore, former Atlanta newsman involved in development of Shenandoah in 1970s, dies at age 90. • October groundbreakings planned for Newnan public safety complex, UWG Newnan campus projects. • Fire destroys 108 Fuller Court home in Grantville. • Coweta Sheriff’s Office welcomes two new “officers,” search dogs Ruger, a 3-yearold Dutch shepherd to be handled by DFC Troy Foles, and Justice, a 10-month-old yellow Lab to be handled by Sgt. Mark Storey. • Brown’s Mill Battlefield Park opening on July 27 marks 13 years of effort to develop public site. • Newnan’s Centre Masterworks Youth Chorale is invited to perform in Ayr, Scotland. • Community Welcome House women’s shelter welcomes new faces — House Manager Candy Shoemaker, Program Director Karen Kurtz and Case Manager Tamara Holmes. • Eleanor Alexander, 78-year-old missing for four days, found alive about half a mile from her home after massive search effort. • Three-year-old child found at bottom of a swimming pool in SummerGrove neighborhood is revived by Newnan Fire Department personnel. • West Georgia Technical College Coweta Campus off icially opens, prepares for classes to start on Aug. 12.
Project Lifesaver offers locator devices for Alzheimer’s patients • Recent search and rescue of 78-year-old Eleanor Alexander brings reminder of Coweta County’s Project Lifesaver locator program. • Moonshine distillery found during Alexander search. • Piedmont Newnan Hospital President and CEO Michael Bass to retire Aug. 31. • Longtime educator Bev-
erly Yeager reflects on years in Coweta County School System after retirement. • As Jessica Newsome battles cancer, The Grove, Newnan First United Methodist Church rallies around her. • Coweta high schools start year with new principals, Bill Harrison at Northgate High and Chase Puckett at Newnan
High. • Starship ruled to have violated obscenity ordinance. • Lifetime cable network show “Drop Dead Diva” films at Coweta County Courthouse. • E n rol l ment 22 ,4 0 0 for Coweta County School System’s 2013-14 school year. • Senoia mayor post and two council seats up for election.
• CSX train collides with semi-truck in Coweta; family of five survives crash without injuries. • Man who died on train tracks in Senoia identified as Malcolm Edward Parks III. • Ma r y R ay School i n Raymond listed on
AUGUST, page 7B
Woodridge Productions was in downtown Newnan in August to film the season finale of Lifetime’s critically acclaimed series “Drop Dead Diva.” Filming took place in the historic courtroom.
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 7B
Mary Ray School in Raymond
is named to the National Register of Historic Places. From left are, front, Allen Robertson, Thomas Lee; middle, Carl Smith; back, Ned Chambliss, Paula Stanford, Emily McKeown and Carlton Floyd.
Grantville Police Chief Doug Jordan, right, meets with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, left, in Arpaio’s office in Arizona.
A $6 million noisewall project is set to begin in Coweta. There will be four concrete, noise-deflecting walls in north Coweta,
AUGUST Continued from page 6B
National registrar of Historic Places. • Driver Cordarriel Donta Ma lone, 25, faces multiple charges after hitting a woman, stealing car and causing traffic accidents in Coweta, authorities report. • Lightning sets home ablaze on Belmont Park Lane during storm. • Two Alvarado family children injured in Grantville crash Aug. 3. • An attempt to fire Grantville Police Chief Doug Jordan fails during Grantville City Council meeting. • Tensions f la re at town hall meeting held at Coweta Courthouse by U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland. • Team of Ga. foresters helps fight western wildfires, including area resident Chris Babb. • P romotions, new positions part of changes at Coweta County Sheriff’s Office following retirement of Lt. Col. Bob Yeager on July 26. • The Newnan Times-Herald’s annual football special section is published. Theme is “It’s All About Team.” • Funding remains issue for use of Howard Warner School building on Savannah Street. • Workers on scaffold on Turkey Creek Road fall three stories. • U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland attends a house blessing
Grantville chief meets Arizona sheriff, begins controversy Lisle Bowers named grand marshal of Turin’s annual tractor parade for 2013.
for new Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity homeowner on Domineck Street. • The late Danny “Boomer” Bishop is remembered with sign naming path to Drake Stadium “Boomer Lane.” • New UWG President Dr. Kyle Marrero and alumni welcome freshmen at Centre event. •Volunteers help clean Chattahoochee River. • Piedmont Newnan Hospital becomes LEED-certified, an honor garnered by just two other hospitals in Georgia. • Reunion connects family from Coweta, Japan and Brazil. • Motorcyclist dies in Temple Avenue wreck. • Palmetto girl faces surgery after being hit with baseball. • Powers Festival rolls out for its 43rd year Labor Day weekend. • Six arrested for selling drugs to high school students. • “Three Days at Foster” documentary directed by Newnan’s Keith Dunnavant is screened at Wadsworth Auditorium.
• ATM theft suspect arrested after victim’s husband tackles suspect, holding him until authorities arrive. • Wedgewood, Hearthstone neighbors concerned about well water quality. • Federal budget cuts known as “sequestration” hit local Head Start program, causing the closing of one of three Head Start centers in Coweta. • Family Dollar store on Temple Avenue is robbed. • Georgia’s State Democratic Com m ittee elects Du Bose Porter of Dublin as its new chairman. • Grantville Police Chief Doug Jordan aims to start drug interdiction unit. Meets with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona during an August vacation trip. • September 2013 foreclosures for Coweta down 43 percent from same month in 2012. • Suspect Victor Da mon Smothers overturns car and f lees license check; faces numerous charges. • Coweta Superior Court Judge Emory Palmer selected to fill in on Ga. Supreme Court case. • Health care group eyes former Piedmont Newnan Hospital campus on Hospital Road for psychiatric care facility. • A 1.7-mile “greenway trail”
proposed in Coweta near B.T. Brown Reservoir, to be built with federal funds. • Fatal shooting at Newnan gun range reportedly self-inflicted. • Georgia-based architecture firm Historical Concepts, involved in Senoia Southern Living Idea House project, wins 2013 “best makeover” award for home in Florida. • Grantville police chief suspended without pay; Councilmen at odds with police chief’s drug initiative. • Newnan Court Square service marks 12th anniversary of 9/11 attacks. • City holds groundbreaking for new UWG Newnan campus at former Newnan Hospital site. • East Coweta High School student Madeline McTier succumbs to brain cancer, remembered as “an amazing spirit.” • Coweta jail f ight sends inmate to ICU. • Noisewalls project on I-85 in north Coweta set to begin in December. • Ret i red Cowet a postman and businessman Herb Bridges, known for his extensive collection of “Gone With the Wind” memorabilia, talks about his service as a young man during the Korean War. • Local nonprof its break
Participants gather in September at the West Georgia Technical College ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new campus off Turkey Creek Road south of Newnan.
w i t h Un i t e d Wa y, w o r king on new fundraising focus through Coweta Community Foundation. • City uses drone to take pictures of downtown Newnan. • Coweta County Fair opens for 10 -day r u n , hosted by Newnan Kiwanis Club. • 13 Stories/Horror Hill aims to open in Playtex building for Halloween, but efforts fall short as Halloween weekend nears and plans delayed. • Drug dealer shot in head; v ic t i m repor ted i n st able condition. • Scenes for Hallmark’s Civil Rights movie “The Watsons Go to Birmingham” are filmed at Sprayberry’s restaurant. • Trial set in murder, concealed body case of Rodolfo Chacon Reyes.
Savannah Court of Newnan Extends to You Wishes of a Happy New Year !
• TomorrowWorld concert comes to Chatt-Hills area of South Fulton. • West Georgia Technical College celebrates new Coweta Campus with grand opening. • Heard teen killed, Coweta teen critical after Smokey Road crash. • Grantville Council restores Police Chief Doug Jordan’s pay, revokes suspension. • Miracle for Madeline event brings community together for fundraiser remembering the late East Coweta teen, Madeline McTier. • Herb Bridges, “GWTW” expert, dies at age 83 in late September. • Newnan High’s homecoming parade held on theme “No Place Like Home … Oz.”
. . . and a Personal Invitation to Join Us for our Events in January 2014.
January 2014 Events Jan. 8
Tribute To Elvis
2:00 p.m. Presented by: Brian McKenzie A Tribute to Elvis performed by one of Newnan’s favorite artists, Brian McKenzie, Savannah Court’s Maintenance & Safety Coordinator, is well known and followed in the local area. Brian will entertain us with an array of Elvis songs.
Jan. 15 Alzheimer’s Support Group 2:00 p.m. Hosted by: Ellie Farrington Are you overwhelmed caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s? Do you wish there was someone available to help you understand this awful disease and offer advice on how to handle difficult days? Come, learn and share!
Jan. 16 Health Fair “Celebrating Wellness Month” Celebrating January as National Wellness Month, Savannah Court of Newnan will host a Mini-Health Fair. We will have different vendors from Hospice, Home Health, Medical Equipment Co.’s and Pharmacies join us to offer free Blood Pressure Screenings, Weight Checks, Medication Cautions, and Equipment Use and Needs. Everyone is Invited! Refreshment will be served.
During this holiday season and every day of the year, we wish you all the best.
Jan. 29 Birthday Bash for January Birthdays 2:00 p.m. All inquiries will be invited to join us in their favorite Western attire as we celebrate our January Birthdays.
Services Offered. . .
Three meals daily plus snacks Housekeeping services Laundry services 24-hour access to trained friendly staff Assistance with medications and personalized resident service plans • Fun and meaningful activities • Specialized Services for those with Alzheimer’s disease or related memory impairment • • • • •
Call t for oday informmore ation.
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8B — The Newnan Times-Herald | Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Groundbreaking held for new Newnan safety complex • Senoia’s “Cruisin’ to the Oldies” event enjoys record-breaking year with 292 cars. • Coweta bus driver Timothy Allen Byrd, 32, charged with sexual assault, videotaped kissing 17-year-old student. • Newnan resident, former firefighter Justin D. Corley, 31, is sentenced to five years in federal prison for receiving child pornography. • Caldwell Tanks ramping down Newnan operations, water tower removed. • Navigator stationed at Coweta office of University of Ga. Extension Service to assist sign-up for insurance under federal Affordable Care Act. • Crowd packs Newnan Carnegie Library for C.S. Lewis lecture by Collin Duriez. • L en n a rd Wa lcot t Si m mon s , accused of plotting armed robbery of the BB&T in September 2012, sentenced to life in prison without parole. • Man injured in drive-by shooting while playing basketball with a group next to church on West Washington Street. • Coweta Economic Prosperity
Council supports behavioral health facility proposed for former Piedmont Newnan campus. • 2013 Muster by Commission on Veterans Affairs focuses on Korea honors “war that shouldn’t be forgotten.” • Newnan Council temporarily suspends J Paul’s liquor license; restaurant surrenders license weeks later. • Groundbreaking held for Newnan public safety complex on Jefferson Street. • Two men a nd a wom a n a re charged with child molestation and human trafficking after an incident at Home Lodge on Hwy 29. • AMC TV show “The Walking Dead” returns for a new season. • Newnan- Coweta Chamber of Commerce’s annual networking event, Big Expo, returns. • Palmetto Sunday alcohol sales back on ballot as early voting begins. • Grantville Council steps in to cover meals for seniors in face of federal government shutdown; Coweta agrees to fund transportation, meals at Tommy Thompson Senior Center. • “The Walking Dead” asks to film
Newnan Police Chief Buster Meadows shows officers how the new city public safety complex will be laid out and where
Crews working for Caldwell Tanks take apart the water tower their new offices are going to be placed, at a groundbreaking in
on the company’s property at 57 East Broad St.
in Grantville City Cemetery. • Suspected tuberculosis investigated at Smokey Road Middle School. TB case confirmed in October. • Grenzebach celebrates 25th anniversary of plant in Coweta. • Simulation offers taste of low income life, what it’s like to be poor. • Brick project announced to spruce up Grantville’s downtown. • Coweta-Fayette Rota r y Club announces plans for human trafficking symposium in February. • Michael Noles, 27, of Franklin, dies from injuries sustained in a traffic accident on Highway 34 West near the Coweta-Heard county line. • October VW car show fundraiser is held by Bugs4Christ at Smokey Road Middle for the Alvarado fam-
October 2013 at the Jefferson Street site.
ily after August accident in Grantville injured three of their children and a cousin. • AMC’s “The Walking Dead” films scenes near former warehouses and railroad tracks on Newnan’s First Avenue. • Newnan City Council candidates Scott Cosby and Dustin Koritko share views in forum. • Dallas Edward Smith found guilty of four charges in assault, cruelty case. • East Coweta High Homecoming parade, pep rally held in Senoia. • It is announced that Col. Joe M. Jackson, a Newnan native who received the Medal of Honor for service in Vietnam, will be honored at the University of Georgia Homecoming game Nov. 9.
Coweta veterans among military Hall of Fame inductees • Centre for Performing and Visual Arts acquires rare art piece from French artist Francoise Gilot. • Water damage from leaking roof shuts down Newnan Dept. of Driver Services. • Portions of “Hunger Games 3” to be filmed in Newnan. Set is constructed downtown at Caldwell Tanks. • Former Newna n Police officer Zachery Anderson sentenced to eight years probation after pleading guilty to burglary. • Dusti n Korit ko w i ns Newnan City Council post. Longtime Senoia Councilman Larr y Owens wins Senoia mayor post. David Riley and Leona rd Gomez elected to Grantville City Council. • National Guard team trains
for response in the event of a terrorist attack, using vacant PAPP Clinic in Newnan. • Arnall Middle School honors veterans, including Edward Frank, who fought in World War II and the Korean War. • East Coweta High takes 2013 football honors against Newnan High 24-7 in annual cross-county rivalry. • Synovus Bank seeks new bid s on Fi s c her C ro s si n g property. • Longtime Coweta Commissioner Leroy Johnson of Turin dies at age 97. • Newnan native and Medal of Honor recipient Col. Joe Jackson attends Coweta Veterans Day program. • Hank Berkowitz, a tireless volunteer worker, is Coweta’s Veteran of the Year for 2013.
• Wyndi Wilkes sentenced to prison for 30 years after pleading guilty to multiple counts of identity fraud. • Local Christian artist John Waller films music video for new song, “Orphan,” at Truett Cathy’s Rock Ranch. • Retired Newnan dentist Hugh Maddux is sentenced on federal drug distribution charges. • Horse statue at Coweta Organization for Riding, Rehabilitation and Learning in Roscoe is dedicated to memory of slain program rider Denice Roberts. • WGTC President Dr. Skip Sullivan will leave his post to become president of Alfred State College in New York. • Dawn Cook, a vice president at WGTC, is released from jail
in Carroll County on $10,000 bond after being arrested for theft. • P rote ster s st a ge r a l ly opposing “navigator” in Coweta placed by UGA Extension Service to assist those applying for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. • Ne w n a n Yout h C ou ncil works to clean downtown alleys. • Three Coweta heroes from the Vietnam war, Col. Joe M. Jackson, the late Johnny Calhoun, and the late Stephen Pless, are among first inductees to Ga. Military Veterans Hall of Fame. • Cowetans awake to Thanksgiving eve with dusting of snow. • Hobby Lobby in dispute over health care law before U.S. Supreme Court.
• Newnan famous son Alan Jackson performs at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Recently returned from touring in Australia after his latest release, “The Bluegrass Album.” • Coweta is fastest-growing county in west Georgia region, it is noted at 2013 Economic Forecast Breakfast at UWG. • Live Oak Music Fest at Powers Pavilion in West Coweta honors the late Capt. Nicholas Whitlock, and raises funds for namesake foundation. • Steve Swansbrough family mounts its “Swansbrough Manor” annual Halloween display in Barrington Farms neighborhood off Andrew Bailey Road in East Coweta. • Coweta County i nsta lls new weather warning sirens.
Local veteran G.D. Hendrix, right, chats with Col. Joe M. Jackson, Newnan native and Medal of Honor recipient, prior to the November 2013 Veterans Day program in Newnan.
Behavioral hospital challenged • Judge W. Homer Dra ke Jr. named lifetime member of Mercer University Board of Trustees. • Newnan may soon have t h ree new rou ndabouts i n a dd it ion to t h o s e i n c it y subdivisions. • A nnual Coweta Ca n-AThon by Junior Service League holds 30th annual food drive. • Coweta Commission honors efforts of Chapter 483 in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with celebration and parade. • New n a n n at ive , m ajor league baseball pitcher Will Smith headed to the National League after being traded by Kansas City to Milwaukee. • Certif icate of Need for Newnan Behavioral Hospital planned for former Piedmont facilities challenged by Tanner Health System. • Charles Stone of Newnan and longtime friend Mary Ann Jenkins (from their GBI days) share story of her donating the kidney that has given him a new lease on life. • A sewer line that will serve areas of East Coweta High and Poplar Road Elementary schools nears completion. • Immediate action needed to increase staffing at Coweta Department of Family and Children Services, according to audit report findings. • Moonshine suspect William Reeves Chatham caught and arrested six months after liquor still discovered during search for missing elderly woman. • Coweta Transit System honored by the Ga. Transit Association as the winner of the GTA Performance Award for improvement of its dial-a-ride system. • Coweta County rezoning information is easier to access with addition of QR codes to its rezoning signs — allowing easy access with a smart phone. • Newna n High students learn about military history first-hand through the annual Vet-Connect program, bringing area veterans to share stories of their time in service. • Pet adoptions are offered half-price at the Coweta Ani-
COWETA MEDICAL CENTER WEIGHT LOSS CENTER Tom Corker, founder of the Coweta Can-A-Thon, and Lee Daniel were
at the 30th annual Can-A-Thon collection Dec. 3, 2013, as was Penny Williams, a Junior Leaguer who was at the first Can-A-Thon.
mal Shelter through Dec. 23. • Wreaths Across America ceremony honors memory of fallen soldiers. • Larry Owens takes oath as Senoia’s new mayor. Outgoing Mayor Robert Belisle is honored. • Coweta County Board of Commissioners votes to end impact fees for developers. • Portion of Fischer Road is dedicated in honor of fallen soldier Spc. Adrian Mills. • T he property at 1 25 LaGrange St. is headed to foreclosure, Newnan City Attorney Brad Sears tells Newnan City Council. The roof of the home, the former residence of the late longtime Newnan educator Sally Bowen, is split at the ridgeline. The property is facing condemnation through the city’s unsafe homes ordinance. • East Coweta High School head coach Clint Wade stepping down after 22 seasons. • Georgia job creation hits record high for 2013, including boost from 600-job expansion at Mando automotive industry plant in neighboring Meriwether County. • Longtime Grantville educator Thomas Abner Glanton dies in Newnan at 102. He was a World War II veteran and served as school principal in Grantville for many years. Glanton Elementary School was named in his honor.
Physician Supervised
F. D. Bass, M. D., F.A.C.S. 32 Jackson Street • Newnan, Georgia 30263
(770) 251-5597
There’s growing scientific literature documenting the relationships between health and nutrition, exercise, mental attitude, relaxation, and other lifestyle habits. Kansas Cit y Royals relief pitcher Will Smith heads to the Na t i o n a l L e a g u e a f te r b e in g traded by the Royals to Milwaukee.
For a lifestyle that involves these relationships, call and enroll in a program under the supervision of a physician that will enable you to reach and maintain your ideal body weight, exercise your cardiovascular system and help prevent such diseases as diabetes, heart attack, strokes, hypertension, and cancer. Coweta Medical Center offers a quality weightreduction program that is supervised by F. Donald Bass, M.D.
Robert Belisle attends his f inal ci t y council me et ing in December, at which he receives a standing ovation for his service to the city.
For more detailed information or an appointment, please call Coweta Medical Center at (770) 251-5597.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 9B
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10B — The Newnan Times-Herald | Wednesday, January 1, 2014