3 minute read

All’s Fare


Try our latest fl avours of the month and experience a range of new products with a real taste difference. new products with a real taste difference.


Ensuring youngsters eat snacks which taste good but are low in sugar can be diffi cult, however, Healtheries offers parents a helping hand with its range of snacking products. Newly added is the latest Potato Stix fl avour – Salt & Vinegar, crunchy potato snacks, baked, not fried, and containing 50% less fat than regular potato chips. Each serving also contains less than 1g of sugar and is free from artifi cial colours and preservatives. Potato Stix are perfect for school lunch boxes and afternoon snacks on the run. Salt & Vinegar joins the Potato Stix family of existing fl avours – Chicken, Roast Potato, Sour Cream & Chives and Cheese. Healtheries Potato Stix (8 x 20g serve multipacks RRP $4.49) in supermarkets nationwide.


Jumping in with both feet, the team at Whittaker’s is all in on a new addition to its range, which packs quite a crunch. Featuring aerated addition to its range, which packs quite a crunch. Featuring aerated honeycomb pieces encased in milk chocolate, Whittaker’s Hokey Pokey Crunch is a permanent addition, available (in 250g block, 50g slab and mini slab multipacks) from supermarkets nationwide.


Winter calls for comfort food of the best kind and it’s hard to go past the latest from Wattie’s Plant Proteinz – two latest from Wattie’s Plant Proteinz – two vegetarian-friendly soup fl avours – Smoky vegetarian-friendly soup fl avours – Smoky Spanish Style Tomato Soup with Lentils and Sri Spanish Style Tomato Soup with Lentils and Sri Lankan Style Curried Veg Soup with Coconut Lankan Style Curried Veg Soup with Coconut cream (both 330g RRP $.4.50). Plant Proteinz cream (both 330g RRP $.4.50). Plant Proteinz aims to introduce more plant protein into aims to introduce more plant protein into diets without compromising taste or convenience. Available in select Countdown, Pak n Save and New World stores.


Cutting through the chills of winter, the latest additions to the Bell Tea Herbal Infusions range are already perking up cups across the country. Including Citrus & Elderfl ower, Pure Peppermint, Hibiscus & Blueberry, Rooibos Chai, Camomile & Passionfruit and Ginger, Lemongrass & Lemon, this delightful half-dozen (RRP $3.49 per pack) is sure to see many call: ‘time for tea!’


A new range of fl avour-packed Killer Beans looks likely to bury boring meals forever. Launched by likely to bury boring meals forever. Launched by

F.Whitlock & Sons the new range offers a taste F.Whitlock & Sons the new range offers a taste adventure. Just amp up the microwave, slap a adventure. Just amp up the microwave, slap a saucepan on a hob or crank up the oven – these saucepan on a hob or crank up the oven – these high protein, 99% fat-free Killer Beans include: high protein, 99% fat-free Killer Beans include:

Fuego, bathed in a punchy tomato sauce fi red with Fuego, bathed in a punchy tomato sauce fi red with a dose of chilli; Smoky Campfi re, a posse of plump a dose of chilli; Smoky Campfi re, a posse of plump beans in a smoky BBQ sauce, and Killer Beans beans in a smoky BBQ sauce, and Killer Beans

Fred’s Ballistic Tomato and Basil, a medley of mouthFred’s Ballistic Tomato and Basil, a medley of mouthwatering beans in a rich tomato sauce with a hint of watering beans in a rich tomato sauce with a hint of garlic and basil. Now in supermarkets (420g RRP $3.00). garlic and basil. Now in supermarkets (420g RRP $3.00).

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