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Business Funding
BUSINESS FUNDING Funding boost for rural businesses
Ruralenterprises across Stafford Borough, including in Stoneand Eccleshall, have the opportunity forasharein morethan half amillion pounds to help them grow.
Aspokesman for Stafford Borough Council said: Manufacturing, construction, and logistics arejustsomeofthe sectors in the many borough villages, and other rural areas, which could be entitled to one-offgrants of up to £10,000. Applications for ashare of thepot of more than £500,000has nowopened. Itisthe latest phaseinan initiative launched by StaffordBoroughCouncil aimedathelping specific sectors to thrive. The money canbeused for arangeof assistance suchasspecialist marketingorlegaladvice, website design or newIT equipment. SinceMarch 2020 the borough council has distributedmorethan£47 million to businesses who havestruggled due to restrictions introduced to combat thespreadofCovid19.
Themoney will be given on afirst come first served basis and hasbeen introduced to supportrural growthfollowing the challenges of the pandemic. Applicantswillhaveto meet certain criteria includinganannual turnover of less than£50 million;75 per centofsales incomeis fromotherbusinesses; and that they canshow evidence of areduction in turnover due to Covid-19. A team of council advisorswill be on hand to help applicants as partofthe process andany applicant will have to demonstrate their growthplans. The closingdate for applications is February14, 2022.
For further information go onlineto www.staffordbc.gov.uk/busi ness-recovery-grants.