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Stafford Flower Club
<< Results from Augusts Treasure Hunt, organised by Judith Webb and Joan Jones, were announced, and we were entertained with some of the funniest answers. Three winners each scored 14 out of the 22 points.
The evenings main event was atalk by Susan Whitehouse, assisted by Clare Marsden, entitled Fleece to yarn.
Treating afleece direct from the animals back turned outtobea complex business. Sue demonstratedcarding, and spoke of the methods and materials used to produceunique yarn. Ademonstration of spinning was fascinating. After all, we were all spinsters at one time.
Tea and cake followed, in timehonoured W.I. fashion, with araffle and a hilarious competition to draw asheep.
We meet at 7.30pm at Aston-by-Stone Village Hall, and all are welcome. Contact us at www.astonbystonewi.btc k.co.uk, or at contactastonbystonewi@ virginmedia.com, or ring 01785 615662. We look forward to seeing you. Report by Kate Wain
Our Christmas Flower Arranging Demonstration was presented by Sionedd Hugheswho demonstrated A Touch of Sparkle.
This was an entertaining afternoon with our Welsh friend who demonstrated her skills of floral art and gave us hints and ideas of adding sparkle to Christmas.
The flower arrangements were raffled along withother prizes during the afternoon. Our Christmas Quiz wasonsale and members had agoatGuessing the Weight of the Cake.
We also held the popular InItto Win It draw with the winner announced along with the raffle. With the other fundraisers, there was ajewellery stall with all sorts of beadwork for sale. Our Christmas flower arranging items were also available to purchase.
The FlowerClubmeet at Rising Brook Methodist Church. All are welcome.
Stafford Flower Clubdont have ameeting in December but we would like to wish all ourmembers and friends whosupport us avery Merry Christmas and aFloral New Year. We will be back in the New Year on Wednesday, January 25 for our normal afternoon meeting.
For more information contact: stafford.flower.club@outlook.com or call Mrs MKeast on 07708 025255.