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World of Wedgwood
WORLD OF WEDGWOOD Michelin Chef comes back home
World of Wedgwood warmly welcomes celebrity chefNiall Keating to anew modern dining conceptopening at their Barlaston site in Staffordshire, this Winter.
Ed and Craig of The Great British Experience Company (the minds behind The GreatBritish Drive In, Londons BestExperience The Murder Express &Alberts Cafe) have invited Staffordshire born Chef, NiallKeating, to oversee Lunar; anew, elegant dining experience in the heart of Staffordshire. Niallisone of thesmall handful of chefs in the UK to currently hold two Michelin stars, giving him areputation as one of the leading chefs in the country today, many recognizing him as BBCs Great British Menu Champion of 2020.
The opening of Lunar is just one of many exciting developments at thehistoric Wedgwood estate. Lunar will take over the formerdininghall; the once laid-back canteen-style setting will be no more as it is transformed into the sophisticated Lunar. From upcycling furniture to working with sustainable suppliers, Lunar has apassion for sustainability and encourages strong environmental and ethical standards throughout the restaurant. There will be aprominent focus on local produceand nurturing local talent, making it aspace that Staffordshire is proud of.
Jemma Harrison, thenewlyappointed Head of World of Wedgwood,said: We are delighted to welcomeLunar to Barlaston. The restaurant space has been developed withincrediblecreativity and enormous respectfor theheritage of the beautiful estate and the Wedgwood brand. The combined passion and experience of Niall, Ed and Craig bring something unique and very very special to Staffordshire; its been arealprivilege to be involved in this projectand Im so excited to see theconcept come to life at World of Wedgwood.
Diners will be servedtheir food exclusively on Wedgwood fine bone china, from the brand's most loved tablewarepatterns, including the striking Arris and vibrant Wonderlust collections. Josiahs DNA will be tremendously apparent throughout the dining experience, from the interior colour scheme that has been carefully chosen, influenced by Josiah Wedgwoods experimentations with colour through oxidation, down to the industrial aesthetic as anod to Wedgwoods place in pioneering the industrial revolution. The name Lunar was inspired by thelegendary Lunar Society, asupper club formed during the Midlands enlightenment, of which Josiah Wedgwood was afoundingmember.
The Wedgwood estate is becoming quite the hub for exciting times ahead, as alongsideLunar theywelcometheir new garden Landpod,inwhich guests can enjoy takeaway afternoon tea in aquirky, woodlandstyle outdoor seating alternative.In2014, London's Victoria and Albert Museum, otherwise knownasthe V&A, announced their partnership with World of Wedgwood, acquiring the Wedgwood collection, whichremains on the World of Wedgwood premisesinBarlaston within theformer Wedgwood Museum,now known as the V&A Wedgwood Collection.
Co-director, Craig Wilkinson, said:We are delighted, inspired, enthused andextremely proud to be working with Wedgwood.The history of Wedgwood is something everyone locally should be aware of and as the home of curious, creative, imaginative peoplewefeel perfectly at home and well placedtomake Lunar aworld class destination.
The synergy, valuesand ambitions we all have could not be more aligned and were looking forward to making Lunar adestination that we canall enjoy and be proud of for many years to come.
World of Wedgwood
Welcome to aworld of luxuryshopping, colourful dining,unique events, hands-on learning experiences, picturesque woodland and the V&A Wedgwood Collection.
NYE Afternoon Teawith BottomlessProsecco at WorldofWedgwood
Celebrate NewYearsEve early doors with familyand friends this year by joiningus hereinour iconic Wedgwood TeaRoom, tuckedawayinthe picturesque village of Barlaston, Staffordshire.Relax in our elegant space as we serveanexceptional, festiveafternoon teafor all,consisting of delightful and delicious sandwiches, freshly bakedsconesand fancies, unlimited prosecco and lot's of tea!After all, atea partywithout Wedgwood is hardly aparty,solet us entertain!

Head to www.worldofwedgwood.com or call 01782282986
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