2 minute read
Womens Institutes
Stone WI
Being the first Wednesday of the month our WI meeting was held, as usual, in Christ Church annex at 2pm.
Atable with items of pottery for acompetitiongavea table of interest &aclue to the subject of our speaker, Mr George Holden whowas aWedgwood designer and also tutors/gave tuition for throwing.
Not being raised in the Potteries, Ididntknowa great deal aboutaworld known to a lot of folk in the area. Most people knew or have arelative who knew about pottery, designs, bottle ovens and sheer hard work that is/was needed for an industry to thrive.
Mr Holden took us on atrip of his memory lane from school onwards and how he was influencedbyframed watercolours in railway carriages whenhetravelled in from Preston to Lancaster to complete aNational Diploma in Design.
He needed to know every stage involved from clay to pot production, incorporating all necessary to make fine bone China for hotels, restaurants, even airlines where weight & shape had to be considered. He took ideas for shapes and patterns from wood graining, driftwood &items found on the seashore and the sea itself. The shapes and designs from Mother Nature provided him with awealth of inspirations.
He also brought along some guitars which he had designed &decorated. They were not for playing, but displayed his artistic talent to show 'dancing trees and the banks of the Seine.
He brought several albums and other pots with him for us to see.Hehas araretalent from geometric shapes to designsin nature. Apparently some edging designs maybetaken from aphotograph to produce a sketch and thentransferred onto drawing papertoalter the size, depending on what and where it was required.
It was athoroughly interesting afternoon where I, for one, learnt quite alot about an industry which helped shape our area and put us on the map, globally.
Our next meeting in December has aChristmas theme and will involve abit of a
Aston-by-Stone WI
party. Were always happy to have refreshments. Ideas are as yet evolving so its abit of a mystery afternoon.
Weve had several visitors now who have decided to join us and we offer awarm welcome to them. Fancy joining us? Just come along with some food, but because of Covid we have beenasked not to bring home made items but prepacked fancies and savouries. I'm sure well have some fun & enjoy ourselves.
Lastly, Imnot sure when you will be able to read this, but I, and all our members, wish you avery Merry and Covidfree Christmas and New Year. Report by Pam Farnsworth
Coming homeatlast to the villagehall waswonderful, aftersomany monthsofmissed meetings, Zoom and open-air gatherings.
New regulations were observed:wiping handles andsurfaces,wearing masks andtakingsquirtsofthe ubiquitous anti-bac gel.
Triumphs from the CountyShow were recorded and shown: firstprize and coveted threegoldstars for the Co-operative Food basket by Anita Murphy, Joan Jones and Jennie Brockington, with further prizes in jammaking and photography.>>