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Editors Letter
Belinda Hargreaves Contents Editor life@timesandecho.co.uk
Erin Tuckwell &Tracey Refern Design & Production Jane Walters Advertising Manager Tel: 07817 128582 jane@timesandecho.co.uk Tom Brian General Manager Tel: 07855 242693 tom@timesandecho.co.uk
Times, Echo & Life Publications 18 Tape Street, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 1BD Tel: 01538 752214 www.timesechoandlife.co.uk life@timesandecho.co.uk
editors letter Merry Christmas and aHappy New Year!
Its Christmas wellitwillbe very soon! Heres hopingwewill be able to enjoy the festivities as we wish to, andnot have another lockdown due to the pandemic,likelast year.
Welcome to the latest edition of the Stone &Eccleshall LifeMagazine which is, once again,packed with features about life in our lovely area.
We havenews of Rotarian Sylvia who will be dressing as an Elffor the entire month of December all in aid of charity; andafeature all about new chefs being at atop tourist spot.
We also have features about a youth group celebrating amilestone birthday; news of abusiness sharing its expertise in being eco-friendly; and reports from some of the Womens Institutes in the area;along with around-up of collaborative efforts to help keepacommunity looking tip top.
And we have the latestnews from the ever so exciting project of the Crown WharfTheatre.
So grab abrew, sit comfortably and Ihopeyou enjoyreading our latest magazine.
And finally, Ihope you all have a very merryChristmasand a prosperous NewYear!Cover photo courtesyof NoelBennett
noelbennettphoto graphy.co.uk, 01785 813888