EWG’s 2022
Shopper’s Guide to to Shopper’s Guide Pesticides in Produce Shopper’sin Guide to Pesticides Produce EWG’s 2022
What to Plant This Season – Dirty Dozen & Clean 15
If you’re planning a garden, the question is always: What to grow this season? Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit activist organization founded in 1992, is here to help. EWG researches CUT ALONG LINE supplies, cookware and food storage containers – and toxins in thousands of products – cleaning produces guides so consumers can shop safely.
Pesticides in Produce
EWG also produces an annual Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, also known as the Dirty Dozen TM and the Clean 15 TM. The Clean 15 are non-organic fruits and vegetables with the least amount of pesticide residues. The Dirty Dozen are non-organic fruits and vegetables with the highest residue of pesticides. The data CUT ALONG LINE come from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So if you CUT ALONG LINE want to keep pesticides off your plate, buy organic or grow your own.
Instructions: 1. Cut along outside line. 2. Fold along middle line.
Instructions: 1. Cut along outside line. 2. Fold middle line.visit ewg.org/foodnews Foralong more information Copyright © Environmental Working Group, www.ewg.org. Reproduced with permission.
For more information visit ewg.org/foodnews Copyright © Environmental Working Group, www.ewg.org. Reproduced with permission. 34 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022