A Miracle on the Road
ave you ever really needed help 109 that day in Redding. We did not know and it seemed like no one cared? anyone in this town. We held hands and prayed for help, Well, we just had that experience asking that we could be guided to people and it ended up in a beautiful miracle. Barry and I had just finished a river trip who could help us, even though it was a on the Trinity River in Northern California. Saturday. Barry got on his cell phone and began It was extremely hot as we were beginning our way back home after a very tiring day calling the few garages Google said were putting all of the rafting equipment into open. One man said he could help and our truck and camper. It was 6:30 p.m. would call us right back, but never did and I was sleeping next to Barry as he was and when we tried him again, he did not answer. Another man slowly making his seemed helpful until way up a very steep I mentioned that our incline. truck was a diesel. He All of a sudden told us he gets severe there was an headaches even being explosion!!! The entire near a diesel engine. radiator burst apart and our windshield was covered in boiling Some of the people were rude. No one was radiator fluid. This was not the typical kind or caring for the three hours we tried overheating some vehicles have with steam to reach someone to help as we hit one coming from their hood. This was a com- brick wall after another. The rest would not plete explosion. We were stopped dead on be open until Monday. Meanwhile, in our camper, the heat the shoulder of a very busy highway. We called AAA right away and, for was rising and Barry and I and our two the first time that I ever remember, they golden retrievers were suffering with the were not helpful. They connected us to sweat pouring down as the temperature hit a number where we were put on hold 100, promising to go even hotter. We kept for over an hour and, when the person praying after each call that we made, but we finally came on, he informed us that they were beginning to lose heart that we would were closed. The nearest city, Redding, be helped. Visions of enduring extreme heat was over an hour away, and we finally in this parking lot for two more days were paid to have our truck towed there. On not pleasant. Plus, hotels might not be very the way, sitting in the truck with the welcoming to our two big dogs. Then Barry looked at his phone and young driver who grew up a few miles from our home, we ended up counseling a new garage appeared with the Google him through a difficult situation with his message, “Now open.” He called immediately. A friendly woman answered new relationship. We had never been to Redding other the phone. I saw Barry smile and relax. than to drive through. It is a small city This woman really knew what she was talking about. She known for excessive got all our info, heat, and even on a The entire radiator burst and searched for a late Friday evening apart and our windshield was radiator. There was it was almost 100 covered in boiling radiator only one available in degrees outside. It the whole area that seemed many of the fluid. This was not the typical would fit our truck. shops were closed overheating some vehicles She ordered it and for the weekend but have with steam coming from told us to get a tow the tow truck driver their hood. right over to them. knew of a place that This was a complete explosion. So we had was open Saturday another tow with the so he left us there. It was now late at night and we got a bit of same young man who said things were sleep in our camper even though it was 95 much better with his girlfriend after he followed our advice. Thus continued the degrees. In the morning, we discovered a miracle. The mechanic came right out to handmade sign on the door of the shop greet us in the tow truck and welcomed that announced they were no longer open us to his shop. The radiator was being on Saturdays. We were stuck in a very hot delivered to his shop as we pulled in to his parking lot watching the temperatures parking lot. This mechanic was very quiet, rise by the minute. It was supposed to be and had a peacefulness that we could feel.
By Joyce and Barry Vissell
The woman, his wife, invited us into their waiting room, which contained all kinds of interesting things and a whole corner with children’s toys. She invited the dogs in and right away gave them a big bowl of cold water. We were the only ones there and, even though it was a garage with all of the garage equipment all around, it had a very peaceful feeling, like coming into a loving home. The mechanic and his grown son worked on our truck for over four hours, a few times having to drive to stores to get other parts. Barry and I waited in this peaceful environment. I actually took a little nap in the waiting room as it was so peaceful, something I would never be able to do in a typical mechanic’s waiting room. Eventually, Barry struck up a conversation with the father as he worked on the truck. And slowly this sweet peaceful man opened up to Barry about some of his mystical experiences with Divine Mother. He showed both of us the tattoos on his hands with the words, “Love, Acceptance, Honesty, Trust, Integrity.” He told us that he wanted to see these words as he worked on the cars. He added that he, his wife, and son try to help people in more ways than just fixing their cars and trucks. They want to help people by showing them love and caring. As they expertly fixed our truck,
their love and caring were a soothing balm for us. Even the dogs were happy there. Four hours later, our truck was ready to go again, and we hugged this very blessed family and thanked them over and over again. We had needed help and for three very frustrating hours were trying to find the help that we needed. All the while, there was a perfect plan for us already mapped out. Our Divine Source did not just want us to have any kind of help, but guided us to the very best. And this family at Sequoia Auto Repair in Redding were truly like angels to us. Our prayers were answered beyond what we could have imagined. If only we could always have the faith that our call for help will be answered, perhaps not in the timing that we want, but in the best possible way. n ••• Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors in Aptos. Authors of nine books, they are passionate about conscious relationship and personal-spiritual growth. Call 831-684-2130 for information on counseling sessions by phone, online, or in person, their books, recordings or their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web site at SharedHeart.org to listen to their new audio album of sacred songs and chants, available for download, or listen on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG ml4FDMDyI&feature=youtu.be
www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / August 15th 2021 / 27