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12 / June 15th 2022 / Aptos Times
Mount Madonna School’s 2022 Top Students M
ount Madonna School senior class is so touching, I think her announces Grace Timan as the teaching would inspire so many to love 2022 valedictorian and Ben English, just as we do. Pearson as salutatorian. “One aspect of MMS that I will Timan, who started attending take with me into the next stage of my MMS as a preschool student, and life is the importance of community,” Pearson in kindergarten, earned this added Timan. “Throughout my time distinction through hard at Mount Madonna the work and focused effort, most important thing edging out their peers in all aspects has been at a school known for community, it’s what strong academics, enviinspires me to work, to ronmental education, help others and to enjoy learning journeys, permy time.” forming arts and scholar Pearson will attend athletes. The 2022 high UC Santa Barbara and school graduation cermajor in math. emony will be in person “I chose UCSB at the school’s upper because the campus is campus, and attended by gorgeous and right on graduates, their families the beach, the academics and guests on Thursday, are very strong, and the Grace Timan June 16, at 10:30 a.m. volleyball culture there “I am very proud of Grace and Ben is very good as well,” he said. for their hard work over the last four “I think all of the faculty at MMS years,” said Mount Madonna Director are admirable, as everyone here is of Upper School Shannon Kelly. “They doing what they do because this school have taken challenging courses and helps to develop good people. Despite excelled in the classroom. They were the small numbers, there’s still an selected from a very strong academic amazing amount of work that goes cohort.” into keeping this school Timan will attend running, so everyone UCLA. that contributes to that is “UCLA has been my inspiring in my eyes. I’ve dream school for quite never been a particularly some time,” said Timan. outward person, but “I love the classic college MMS and the performing feeling of the campus, arts department really while also being located helped me with moments in one of the largest cities in which I have to talk to in the world. I will be a large group.” studying public affairs, The Class of 2022 and hope to go into includes eight more journalism or media of students. Here are their sorts.” college choices: Addison Ben Pearson Shannon Kelly and Catterall-Pendleton, Sara Sobkoviak at Mount Madonna CSU Channel Islands; Alyssa Manzur, School inspired her. UCLA; Benn Glorfield, Seattle Uni“They are both so smart and I really versity; Blythe Wilson, CSU San Luis respect them in regards to their passion Obispo; Jimmy Bregman, CSU Long for their careers, as well as their per- Beach; Kayla Goldstein, UC Santa sonal connection with their students,” Barbara; Liana Kitchel, UC San Diego; Timan said. “I turn to both of them and Summer Howley, American Unioften for personal and academic advice. versity. n Furthermore, the connection that Haley ••• Campbell has developed with the Photos Courtesy of Mt. Madonna School