Aptos Times: June 15, 2022

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of Christ, presented by the Distinguished Artists Series. Tickets are $100 at: www.distinguishedartists.org.

VETERANS CHILI COOKOUT Noon-5 p.m., VFW Post 1716, 1960 Freedom Blvd., Freedom Vets4Veterans Santa Cruz is organizing the Second annual Chili Cookoff at VFW Post 1716. Admission is $10 with a ticket sold in advance and $12 at the door. See https://www.vets4vetssantacruz.org/ chili-cookoff for advanced tickets and more details.

Monday June 27

Saturday June 18

SANTA CRUZ JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION 2022 12-4 p.m., London Nelson Center, 301 Center St, Santa Cruz Juneteenth is a special day for anyone who believes in freedom and equality for all people. Come to the London Nelson Center in Santa Cruz for music, poetry, dance, delicious soul food, arts & crafts, basketball skills contest, and the annual sack race. This year’s theme is Liberation. Other events include: June 18: Juneteenth Hike and Meditation, 8 a.m., 1401 Coast Rd, Santa Cruz RECEPTION FOR ‘LOCAL VISIONS’ June 19: Black Surf Santa Cruz Liberation Paddle Out 2022, Cowell Beach Sunday June 26 TBA: Juneteenth Open Mic and Cabaret 2-4 p.m., Pajaro Valley Arts Gallery, 37 Sudden St., Watsonville Visit santacruzjuneteenth.com for full details Pajaro Valley Arts membership exhibit, “Local Visions,” is now showing from through July 31. ••• This exhibit will include a special tribute room honoring the memory of Diane Porter Cooley, an advocate On June 19th, 1865, Union soldiers led by Major for good land stewardship and a staunch supporter of the arts in Santa Cruz County. General Gordon Granger landed in Galveston, Texas The show includes the painting “Ranch Spring” by Soquel artist Michele Hausman, which was created with the news that the Civil War had ended and Blacks plein air at Diane’s Circle P Ranch. The ranch is protected by a perpetual conservation easement provided were now free. to the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County. 155 years later, we celebrate this remarkable event The gallery is open Wed. – Sun., 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at Juneteenth celebrations across the country. A longheld tradition among African Americans, Juneteenth celebrates culture and is a special day for anyone who in a vase or used as a fresh scent to any room, linen ensure that traffic is stopped to allow for a return to believes in freedom and equality for all people. closets, or drawers. the Host Hotel. The cost of the class is a $20 donation to the Senior Free admission. See www.santacruzwoodies.com for more Monday June 20 Center. All materials will be provided for up to 2 wands details. JUNETEENTH FEDERAL HOLIDAY per person. Advanced reservations help ensure the correct PLEASURE POINT STREET FAIR County offices & federal offices closed amount of supplies for all in the class. 11 a.m.–6 p.m., Portola Drive (between 41st and 38th RSVP by calling (831) 476-4711 or email MCSC4TREAAvenues) Friday June 24 SURER@GMAIL.COM. 8th Annual Pleasure Point Street Fair — to benefit CAPITOLA ART & WINE FESTIVAL KICKOFF PARTY the Live Oak Education Foundation — will be on 6-9 p.m., Bargetto Winery, 3535 N Main St, Soquel Saturday June 25 Portola Drive, with bike parking available. Admission Bargetto Winery’s creekside courtyard will host the is free. WOODIES ON THE WHARF Capitola Art & Wine Kickoff Party and Auction, a Eight local bands will perform a variety of styles 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. fundraiser in support of the 39th annual Capitola of music on two stages, including Americana, blues, 26th annual show on the Santa Cruz Wharf. Art & Wine Festival, which takes place the second rock, reggae and surf music. While the event officially starts at 10 a.m., woodies weekend in September. The kid’s zone will feature activities provided by start arriving on the Wharf as early as 6 a.m. to get Attendees can enjoy appetizers while sipping fine wines from Festival wineries. Bid on fabulous silent preferred parking spaces. As there is no pre-registration local organizations including crafts, face painting and henna. Watch talented and daring kids compete auction items featuring art pieces donated by Festival and this year, we expect more Woodies to attend we in the contest run by the Santa Cruz Boardroom. artists, and gift baskets from local businesses. encourage your early arrival. More than 100 vendors will sell arts, crafts, All attendees 21+ will receive the official 2022 One of the highlights of the day is the Woodie local services, food and beverages. Beer Garden: Capitola Art & Wine Festival glass for wine tasting. Parade off the Wharf which begins promptly at 3:30 Featuring Sierra Nevada beer, wine, mimosas and Tickets: $45 in advance; $55 at the door (if available). p.m. after the Awards Ceremony. A police escort will spirits. Food choices include street tacos from Pleasure Friday June 24 Point Business Association and Ate3One. Saturday June 25 Visit https://www.pleasurepointstreetfair.com/ for more LAVENDER WAND CLASS details. 10 a.m.-Noon, Mid-County Senior Center Gazebo, 829 Bay Ave., Capitola Sunday June 26 The Mid-County Senior Center Lavender Ladies will UKRAINIAN BENEFIT CONCERT host their annual Lavender Wand Class on Friday 4 p.m., Peace United Church of Christ, 900 High St., Santa & Saturday, June 24 & 25, from 10 a.m. to noon Cruz outside in the gazebo area of the beautiful gardens Local residents have the opportunity to hear at the center, 829 Bay Ave., Capitola behind Ukrainian pianist Stanislav Khristenko perform in a Woodworm. Learn this ancient technique. Wands are beautiful benefit concert for Ukraine at Peace United Church

HOW TO GROW & MAINTAIN CITRUS 5-6:30 p.m., Online Class Now is a great time to plant a citrus bush or tree! Citrus trees are versatile additions to any garden. They can be grown in a container or in the ground and a healthy citrus tree will provide years of abundant fruit. With so many citrus varieties available, choosing the right ones for our area can be overwhelming. Join UC Master Gardener and garden advisor from the Santa Cruz Garden Company, Loretta Heath, for a free online class to learn which varieties do best in the Monterey Bay area, how to choose a good plant and plant it properly. If you already have citrus in your garden, learn how to care for and fertilize your citrus, and protect it common pests. Donations are welcome. To learn more and to register, go to mbmg.ucanr.edu CANDIDATE INFO FORUM 6-7:30 p.m., Online Seminar If you are thinking of running for office, the Santa Cruz County Elections Department is hosting a virtual candidate night. The nomination period is July 18 to Aug. 12. For a link, see www.votescount.us

Thursday June 30 TECH TALKS AT THE SANTA CRUZ PUBLIC LIBRARIES 11 a.m.-Noon, Online Seminar Do you need Tech Help? Look no further than your local library. Santa Cruz Public Libraries is offering a free Tech Talk covering Travel and Map Apps for Apple. SCPL Tech Talks are held virtually on the Zoom platform. Registration is required through the library website at www.santacruzpl.org. Registrants will receive an email with the Zoom meeting link immediately upon registering for the event. Event URL: https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/9248786

Saturday July 30 TRUE LOVE CHRISTIAN MUSIC FESTIVAL 10 a.m–Sunset, Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Road True Love Christian Music Festival is coming to Aptos Village Park. An unprecedented gathering of Bay Area churches and Christian musicians and songwriters will join with area nonprofits to provide free music, services (and food) to show the love of Jesus by loving our neighbors. Shuttle buses provided by Monte Vista Christian School will run from Coastlands Church, Resurrection Church and Twin Lakes Church parking lots to Aptos Village Park throughout the event. What is true love? The mission of this festival is to engage with our local community and ask and answer this question. n

www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / June 15th 2022 / 29

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Articles inside

One-Time State Funding for Homelessness, By Zach Friend, Supervisor

pages 30-32

Community Calendar • Arts & Entertainment – Pages 28

page 29

Foliar Color Goes Beyond Green, By Tony Tomeo

pages 27-28

I Heart Davenport This Summer • Property Owners OK Assessment to Maintain $400 Million Levee Flood Project

page 20

‘Gone With the Winfield’ by Joyce Oroz of Aromas • Join the CHP: 1,000 Officer Jobs Available

page 16

Sgt. Gutzwiller Remembered at Willowbrook Park

page 23

Aunt Beth’s Artichoke Dip

pages 14-15

Stretch of Highway 101 Renamed for Trailblazing Astronaut Sally Ride • PVPSA Names Jasmine Najera Interim CEO • New PVUSD Administrators

page 22

Imperfect Instrument, Perfect Message, By Joyce and Barry Vissell

page 25

Thank you, Central Fire

page 26

Meet the Cast of Grease at Cabrillo Stage, By Mindy Pedlar

page 17

Measure D Defeated and More Election Results, By Jondi Gumz

page 6

County Grants: Winners & Losers, By Jondi Gumz

pages 8-9

Resource Conservation District Gets $390,000, By Angie Gruys

page 5

Little Leaguers Put Aptos on the Map, by John Hibble • Cabrillo Host Lions Award 13 Aptos High Scholarships

page 10

Educators in Aptos Win Innovator Awards

page 11

Mount Madonna School’s 2022 Top Students

page 12

Big Basin Future: Comments Due

page 13

Covid & Kids Under 5: What’s Next?, By Jondi Gumz

page 7
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