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Grateful, By Derek Timm, Mayor, Scotts Valley

By Derek Timm, Mayor, Scotts Valley
It’s hard not to love Thanksgiving, not just for the turkey and pie (of which I admit to taking one too many servings), but for the moment it gives us with family and friends to reflect on why we are grateful.
Personally, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve my community over the past year as mayor, it has truly been one of the great honors of my life. Looking back, despite its many challenges, there is so much our community can take pride in, and so many great opportunities ahead.
I am especially grateful for our local businesses, which have worked together along with our City and the Chamber of Commerce to overcome countless obstacles. It is hard enough to be a small business owner in a normal world but add the myriad of hurdles businesses have had to navigate over the last 20 months, and it is overwhelming.
The local economic recovery committee we set up along with the Chamber after the pandemic began has helped businesses get the information they need and access to available funding programs to help them survive.
$250,000 for Scotts Valley Businesses
The City has just been awarded $250,000 in grant funding for our local businesses. On Dec.7 at 6 p.m., the City along with the Chamber and the Small Business Development Center will host a virtual Town Hall for local business owners to explain how they can apply for their share (www.ScottsValley.org for info).
The City’s goal is to help businesses retain employees and provide funds to those businesses that need it most to stay open.
Shop & Dine Local
Agreat way we can all show our gratitude to our businesses this holiday season by shopping local. You may have noticed Shop Local and Dine Local signs popping up around town — a reminder of how important it is to support our businesses this holiday season.
The Holiday Passport event will get you off to a great start.
Holiday Passport Event
Bring out the whole family as the Chamber hosts the Holiday Passport event Dec. 11 from noon to 5 p.m. It’s fun and interactive — pick up your free passport at participating local retailers, then collect stamps and prizes as you travel to local businesses. There will be a “Selfie Passport Photo Opportunity” at each stop with fun and festive photo prop sticks. Those who post their selfies on Instagram or Facebook with #holidaypassport will receive an extra chance at winning the Grand Prize basket. For more information, visit: scottsvalleychamber.com
Holiday Tree Lighting Festival
Not to be missed is the Scotts Valley Holiday Tree Lighting Festival hosted by the Exchange Club on Saturday, Dec. 4 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Scotts Valley Community Center. Fun for all, with a special appearance by Mr. & Mrs. Claus plus: Photo opportuThe City has just nities, hot cider, hot chocolate, cookies, been awarded music, entertainment, $250,000 in grant and food trucks. Valley Churches funding for our United will be there local businesses. to help you give back — bring canned food and unwrapped toys to benefit local families in need.
New City Manager
My gratitude extends to the community for supporting our City through such challenging times. As many are aware, our City has been in search of a new city manager, and we are pleased to announce Mali LaGoe will begin her tenure as our City Manager in January. She comes to us with extensive experience, having led Nevada County as the assistant county executive officer. She will step in to lead us forward with so many projects underway, and new projects on the horizon.
City Improvements
Our City government also has a long list of items for which we are thankful. Not only has our City made dramatic progress on economic recovery, but it has been pushing forward so many longneeded projects over the past 18 months. We made strides towards achieving sustainable wastewater operations to meet safety and environmental standards and reliable recycle water operations. We partnered with the Boys and Girls to provide safe after-school care. We completed the Skypark field restoration, needed after the weight of fire vehicles severely impacted the fields, and we are finalizing the assessment of best practices and sustainable strategies to restore city recreation services.