11 minute read
Christmas Then — and Christmas Now, By Willa Reed
FEATURED COLUMNIST Christmas Then — and Christmas Now
By Willa Reed
Christmas is a feeling.
Every December, Scotts Valley bands together to watch our town’s Christmas tree being lit, we drive down Mount Hermon Road with lights all around us as a cool, crisp winter chill fills the air. Whether we are together in celebration or apart, residents collectively feel the pure and simple joy of giving and togetherness that defines the holiday season.
As a Scotts Valley native and current UCLA student, I can say that life in Los Angeles is very different from that of Scotts Valley in many ways.
When I came home from college for the first time this November, the first thing I noticed when I stepped out of the car was the sharp winter smell around me. I saw leaves of vivid oranges and reds dotted along the sidewalk, people walking their dogs in knit caps and sweaters. In contrast, Los Angeles sidewalks are lined with palm trees. The days are unimaginably hot (and of course the sunsets are unimaginably beautiful). Los Angeles is by all means a city of a yearlong summer season. (For crying out loud, I see students in shorts and swimsuit tops with surfboards catching the bus down to Santa Monica in the middle of winter!)
Yet all month long, Los Angeles felt festive and joyful. In 80-degree weather, I wore my Christmas socks and little reindeer earrings. I listened to Elvis’s White Christmas as I walked to class and put up tinsel and a tiny tree in my dorm room. I felt the magical unity of Christmas joy between my dorm friends and me — because Christmas is not just a season, it’s a feeling.
When I flew home for my school’s winter break this year, I wore my most festive sweater and listened to holiday music in the shower. Bundled up in our warm coats, we walked around Skypark with hot chocolate in our hands, admiring the red and green lights that illuminate our neighborhood, greeting neighbors and joking about how spoiled we are that 60 degrees seems “freezing.”
To make the season even sweeter, my dad and I volunteered at a food bank where we distributed holiday meals to the unhoused population of San Jose.
This feeling of unity and togetherness felt completely foreign to the 2020 Christmas season; finally once again, we were able to band together once more where people were together, eating and laughing. You could see smiles and feel the warm love of collective gratitude and giving. The indescribable magical feeling of holiday joy filled me to the brim.
In the chaotic whirlwind of 2020, Christmas was the only time that Covid felt normal and happy. That year, we didn’t walk around and see holiday lights like we always do. We didn’t attend Christmas parties or make cookies with my Grandma like we always do. But then and even now, Christmas was pure happiness whether people are together or apart. It felt magical, no matter where our loved ones were or what we were doing.
We’ve all had vastly different Christmases year to year.
I’ve had Christmases in vastly different regions, celebrations that took place even while the world felt like it was being swallowed alive by a pandemic.
“Christmas Then & Now” page 22

December is filled with festivals and celebrations, days dedicated to this and that, from cupcakes to poinsettias, French toast to candles, volunteering to mourning to neutrality. In between are festivals of light, festivals dedicated to saints and to the holy ones who guide and guard our lives.
Then there are the new and full moons, planetary transits, a retrograde (Venus) and a solstice. Below are calendar guides, social and spiritual for December. It’s fun to follow along. Notice how all the festivals overlap. It’s a busy time!
Each Sunday night in December we light a new Advent candle. Advent (Latin “adventus” meaning “something’s coming”). Each night ‘til Christmas we light candles illuminating the dark half of the year.
Saturday, December 4 — new moon festival solar eclipse (12.22 degrees Sagittarius). Something essential falls away, it’s work complete. Hanukkah, Hebrew eight-day festival of Lights ends December 6 - feast of St. Nicholas, the original
Santa Claus. The next day, December 7 is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
Monday, December 13 — Saint Lucy Day. Lucy walks through town with candles on her head heralding the dawn.
Wednesday, December 15 — Human Rights and cupcake day. Both are essential.
Saturday, December 18 — the Long Cold Winter’s Before Yule full moon Sagittarius solar festival, 27 degrees - the smallest (14% smaller) full moon of the year and remains above the horizon for everyone to see for the longest time!
Sunday, December 19 — Venus retrogrades until the end of January. During
Venus retrograde all values and resources shift.
Tuesday, December 21 — Winter Solstice. The Sun enters Capricorn, resting for three days at the Tropic of Capricorn.
Christmas Eve and the Festival of Seven Fishes are Friday, December 24. Saturn squares Uranus (in the heavens, so the unexpected could occur. Christmas is Saturday, with Venus retrograde joining Pluto, it may be a very intense and transformative Christmas. Plan on it.
December 28 is Pledge of Allegiance Day and Call a Friend day.
And as always, the last day of December is New Year’s Eve.
The new year of 2022 begins with a practical Capricorn new moon as Venus retrograde re-enters Aquarius! Our values and resources will definitely be changing in the new year to meet the new Aquarian era as it continues to surprise us.
December’s Calendar of Events: https://www.calendarr.com/ united-states/calendar-december-2021/
Catholic Feast days & liturgy for December: https://www.vercalendario. info/en/event/catholic-liturgy-month-december-2021.html
Gradually certain spiritual components and aspiration will enter your consciousness. They will work into and align with your goals, many of which are appearing now in large numbers. It’s good to give thanks for your great mind and for the transformative affect you have on those you meet in the world. Be aware that you are always a force that influences others. You must link that force with love. And gratitude.
Your abilities are in the spotlight for everyone realizes without you the work needed for the new era would not materialize. There’s praise for your ongoing accomplishments, praise for the connections you make and for the important people and events you cultivate. In return be sure to provide even greater praise for everyone around you. This brings forth trust, gratitude, pleasure, care and a love not often experienced. Soon you will tend to even greater tasks.
There may be new friends’ groups, acquaintances, contacts and colleagues and each one becomes a learning and lesson. Some Sag’s are seeking teachers and teachings that will bring harmony and balance into their lives. Some Sags are becoming teachers, professors. All Sags are in a state of seeking a new state of equilibrium. This is because new goals are being formed. They’re not visible yet. But in time they will appear. In all the silence of Sagittarius, speak words of gratitude.
It is important to conserve your strength, rest whenever possible, and economize all actions each day. This is vital for the well-being of all that you are to bring forth for the greater good. It’s also useful to consider what assets you have, especially what is hidden away and/ or in storage, in boxes, room drawers, safes, or simply lying about on tabletops. These resources await your gratitude and attention. They need a new home. Careful with impatience.

You begin to sense a certain level of dignity, selfconfidence and self-assurance in relation with others. It’s as if the sun has begun to shine on all your interactions. You begin to cooperate more and hide less, allow changes of environment to expand your interests, and realize that even enemies and those you don’t resonate with have a certain purpose in your life. Tend to commitments, consider suggestions and learn how to be a better friend.
Daily routines begin to take precedence in terms of diet and health, scheduling tasks and chores, and utilizing your energy more effectively. You’re grateful for this awareness. It allows you to nourish yourself while also ordering and organizing the environment. Perhaps your garden called you to attention and the miracle of what each plant presents has shifted your emphasis to the devas. Cultivating your garden you fall in love again.
Tend to family, parents and elders and the principle of caring will be returned to you a hundred-fold. Perhaps you feel unrecognized or unseen during these times. However, this will not last. You will emerge out from under any shadows into the light of day where three lights meet. There will be new projects to focus on. Now the groundwork is being prepared. Like seeds underground sprouting new shoots, your life settles into a new security.
A new self-reliance appears and a new practicality. You reserve your energy for important matters; tend to money with confidence, firmness and decisiveness. Do not overlook your health, become overworked or let your physical body become cold. Tend to yourself and all parts of your life very carefully. Later you will plan holiday parties, inviting people to your home. I see flowers, holiday wreaths and colorful lights everywhere in your home. You are at your best during these festival days.”
Whatever you ask for seems to come your way. You simply need to state your needs and whatever it is races towards you. Be careful therefore what you seek and ask for. It’s prudent to supervise your money and all life matters carefully. With the first be sure to share generously, giving to those in need. With the second use speech to always radiate goodwill into the world. Both take discipline, which you possess more than most. Something secret or spiritual hovers around you.
Assessing what you have and being always and ever thankful creates an expansion of inner happiness and joy. Then life is almost overabundant. This cultivation of abundance prepares you for the transformations that has been and continues for all Capricorns. Seeing and experiencing life as abundant aids others. You become their mentor in understanding life (filled with both happiness and suffering). You know both.
For two-and-a half-years or more you will attempt to read more, study, learn and expand your mind. This brings new prospects, new goals and new people to your life. You recently find yourself making compromises. Although it’s unusual, you feel secure enough in your willingness to help others. Aquarius is about serving humanity and you are learning this. Everyone becomes your friend. The world itself is your companion.
Concerned with the future and experiencing constant change you focus intently on work in order to feel useful, responsible and to create order and consistency in your life. However the changes continue, the future is distant, things dissolve away and health becomes something to tend to. Maintain physical warmth (don’t get cold), create a daily exercise schedule, walk in the sun’s light each day, and maintain a direct and constant contact with Divinity.

Photo Credit: Jondi Gumz Kmart is fenced off for construction inside to create a Target store, to open in 2022. No date yet, Target says.
“Timm” from page 16
Safety is a top priority in Scotts Valley, and the City is proud that after many setbacks in 2020, our Police Department is approaching full staffing. We have been fortunate to add a school resource officer back at the high school, funded by Proposition 56 Youth Tobacco Prevention grant.
Improvements we can all look forward to are upgrades to the Skypark playground, funded by a Proposition 68 grant. We anticipate receiving federal funding on our application, supported by Congresswoman Eshoo, to replace the City’s childcare facility at Vine Hill Elementary.
The City also finalized the Active Transportation Plan, making us eligible for funding for safer cycling and pedestrian routes.
Construction Underway
One project everyone is excited about is construction underway to transform the old Kmart into a modern Target store. The shopping center owner has permits in process to do a major beautification to the entire center.
Next door, in the new Hangar building, my kids and I are grateful for the Penny Ice Creamery opening and are excited to see Faultline Brewery and Home (by Zinnia’s) near completion.
Library renovations from the countywide Measure S are underway. In addition to safety improvement, both the interior and exterior of the Scotts Valley Library are receiving major upgrades.
The theater guild is coming close to completing their dream of opening the community theater. They are looking for additional donations to make the dream a reality. (Visit svctheaterguild.org to donate).
As we close out 2021, remember to share your gratitude with others around town. We have all been through challenging times but can see great hope in the future. Share that feeling with others with a smile, wave or a thank you. That builds that close community bond that is so much a part of the Scotts Valley we all love. n •••
Derek Timm is mayor of Scotts Valley.