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Community Calendar • Arts & Entertainment – Pages 20
Thursdays SCOTTS VALLEY FOOD PANTRY 5:30 p.m., 5271 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley St. Philip the Apostle Episcopal Church hosts Pip’s Pantry Food Bank with Second Harvest Food Bank. Fresh produce and pantry staples are available.
Third Thursday Each Month PET LOSS AND GRIEF SUPPORT VIA ZOOM 6 to 7:30 p.m., virtual meeting BirchBark Foundation’s Pet Loss and Grief Support Zoom group offers a free support group, moderated by a licensed grief counseling therapist, on the third Thursday of each month. Register at https://www.birchbarkfoundation.org/griefsupport or call 831-471-7255.
First Sunday Every Month WESTSIDE MARKETPLACE 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., Old Wrigley Building Parking Lot, 2801 Mission Street, Santa Cruz 95060 Come by on Sunday and shop at over 40 unique & wonderful artists, makers & vintage sellers — there’s something for everyone at the Westside Marketplace!
Yummy food from Pana, Taquizas Gabriel, Mattia Pizza & Aunt LaLi’s.
KPIG’s DJ Michael Gaither & His New Best Friends are performing live from 1-4!
Rain dates are scheduled for the following Sundays.
The Market is free to attend and is 100% local!
All local and state health guidelines will be followed. Please wear your mask, maintain social distance while you shop and stay home if you don’t feel well. Hand sanitizing stations will be available. For more information, go to the event page: https://www. facebook.com/events/170470481551895; Food Trucks A Go Go: https://www.foodtrucksagogo.com/; or SCM Makers Market https://scmmakersmarket.com/ for a list of all of the vendors.
Friday December 3 Saturday December 4
NO ROOM AT THE INN 6-8 p.m. Fri / 10 a.m.-Noon Sat, St. Philip the Apostle Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts Valley Dr St. Philip the Apostle Episcopal Church in Scotts Valley will once again open its doors for the annual No Room at the Inn.
Displays of nativity sets from around the world will be available for in-person viewing. Your voluntary donation will help raise funds for those for whom there is no room. Funds raised will benefit Faith Community Shelter, Wings Homeless Advocacy and Al Otro Lado.
There will be an Angel Tree showing how your donation can make a difference in the lives of those with no room.
New this year: Boxed “NativiTea Treats” two dozen fresh baked goods for pre-order for $25 by Dec. 2 on the St. Philip website. For information, see https://www.stphilip-sv.net/nrati2021
Thursday December 16 thru Sunday December 26
Noon-6 p.m., Museum of Art & History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz Visit the whimsical world of Toy Trains, hosted by the Museum of Art & History for the 16th year.
Members of the Golden State Toy Train Operators will be on hand Thursdays thru Sundays to share their amazing collection of toy trains. The exhibit will close early at 3 p.m. on Dec. 24, and will be closed Christmas Day.
Masks are required when viewing the train display. There is no charge to view the exhibit. https://www.santacruzmah.org
Saturday December 4
CHILDREN’S CRAFT & FOOD FAIR 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Santa Cruz Boys & Girls Club, 543 Center St. The Santa Cruz Boys & Girls Club of Santa Cruz County will host the Annual Children’s Craft & Food Fair at the downtown clubhouse.
There will be arts & crafts, baked goods, jewelry, plants, ornaments and clothing at affordable prices. Local performers will provide live music. Admission for shoppers is free.
HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING FESTIVAL 5:30-7:30 p.m., Scotts Valley Community Center, 360 Kings Village Road Exchange Club of Scotts Valley, with support from local sponsors, will present the Scotts Valley Holiday Tree Lighting Festival at the Scotts Valley Community Center.
Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus will be on hand for photo opportunities. There will be hot cider, hot chocolate, coffee, music, entertainment, and food trucks. Attendees are asked to bring canned food and unwrapped toys for Valley Churches United to help local families in need.
MINDFULNESS FOR CAREGIVERS 10-11:30 a.m., Online Webinar The Alzheimer’s Association presents “Healthy Holidays: Mindfulness Practices for Caregivers.”
The Holidays can be a time of increased stress for caregivers. Discover how compassion, gratitude, and resilience can resource your inner tool chest of wellbeing.
Participants will learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and learn useful ways to incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging. Register at: tinyurl.com/Holidays120421 or call 800.272.3900
Saturday December 4 Sunday December 5
ART IN THE CELLARS 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Bargetto Winery, 3535 N. Main St., Soquel Bargetto Winery will host their annual “Art in the Cellars” Holiday Festival. Wine tasting with purchase of $15 glass; food available for purchase.
Visit https://bargetto.com/pec-events/annual-art-inthe-cellars-holiday-festival/ for more information. Admission is free; dress warmly.
HOLIDAY COOKIE WALK Noon-4 p.m., Capitola Village Take a walk around historic Capitola Village and fill your box with delicious holiday cookies from participating stores.
Tickets are $20 per person at https://www. eventbrite.com/e/capitola-village-cookie-walktickets-214366284327.
Proceeds benefit Salvation Army’s Angel Tree. Boxes for the cookies will be provided. Bring your registration to Capitola Candy Café at 205 Capitola Ave. WINTER PRODUCE COOKING DEMO 4-5 p.m., Zoom Class Chef Brandon Miller will conduct the final Zoom cooking demonstration of 2021 for Everyone’s Harvest Certified Farmers’ Markets 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 7, on side dishes for the holidays featuring winter produce such as squash, Brussels sprouts and root vegetables.
Join Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8714789736 5?pwd=QUFIdU1oalc2TnViKzdhRVdVZjNWUT09
Meeting ID: 871 4789 7365 • Passcode: 264018 One tap mobile: +16699006833,,87147897365#,,,,*264018# US
Thursday December 9 Thursday December 16
PUBLIC LIBRARY TECH TALKS 11 a.m.-Noon, Online Meetings Learn more about using your phone or tablet at the Santa Cruz Public Libraries Tech Talks via Zoom. Classes are free and run from 11 a.m. to noon. Registration is required.
Thursday, Dec. 9 Apple Online backups. Register at: https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/8530623.
Thursday, Dec.16 How to organize your emails and your email account using the Apple Mail app; how to filter and group incoming emails, and reduce spam using newly released privacy options. Register at https:// santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/8530847.
Or call 831-427-7713 for help with registration. If you are new to using Zoom, see the Zoom tutorial at santacruzpl.org/digitallearning.
Friday December 10 Saturday December 11
WATSONVILLE COMMUNITY BAND CONCERTS 7 p.m., Mello Center (Friday), 250 E. Beach St., Watsonville / Peace United Church (Saturday), 900 High St., Santa Cruz The Watsonville Community Band, founded in 1947, will stage its 74th annual Winter Concert Series, free to the public.
There will be two performances, Friday at the Mello Center in Watsonville, and Saturday at Peace United Church in Santa Cruz. Also performing: The Watsonville Youth Band.
Sunday December 12
GREY BEARS DRIVE-THROUGH HOLIDAY MEAL 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 2710 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz Grey Bears is doing their drive-though holiday meals again this year.
Dec. 12 pickups were recently added. Check for availability.
A vegetarian option is available. To sign up, go to https://greybears.org/dinner-2021/
Thursday December 16
BREAKFAST WITH REP. PANETTA 7:30-9 a.m., Best Western Seacliff Inn, 7500 Old Dominion Ct, Aptos Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley) will speak at a breakfast presented by the Aptos Chamber of Commerce at the Seacliff Inn. Price is $25 for members and $30 for non-members. Register at 831-688-1467. n
“Edward Jones” from page 19
Alan Gale was born on an Air Force base in Chandler, Arizona. He lived all over the U.S. and Asia in the 1970s, settling down in Felton around 1975.
For his undergrad degree he majored in political science and minored in constitutional law. He also has a master’s degree in business administration. He’s been investing since the 1990s, and three years ago became a financial advisor.
Alan decided to leave a 22-year career at a Fortune 500 company in Silicon Valley to focus on helping people and moved to Edward Jones.
He plays guitar and sings in a rock band. He spent 20 years racing dirt bikes, cars, and bicycles, and once stood on the footsteps of Mt. Everest. “All of that pales in comparison to being married to my wife and best friend for 24 years and experiencing being a father to our two boys (19 and 22 now),” he says.
Contact: Alan Gale, 5619 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 100, Scotts Valley, CA 95066.
Email: alan.gale@edwardjones.com or call 831-438-0719. n •••