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Vaccine, Vets Village, Tiny Homes & Big Basin Water, By Bruce
FEATURED COLUMNIST Vaccine, Vets Village, Tiny Homes & Big Basin Water
By Bruce McPherson, Supervisor, Fifth District
Because this past year has been a very busy one for District 5, it is not at all surprising that we will end 2021 with a great deal of activity. Let’s start with the County’s ongoing response to COVID-19, which continues to be a challenge more than 20 months since our first local case.
In partnership with the Rotary Club of San Lorenzo Valley, the County’s Public Health Department will offer another series of vaccine clinics to encourage North County residents to get immunized. The clinics will be from 3-7 p.m. every Wednesday starting Dec. 1 at Felton Community Hall, 6191 Highway 9, next to the Felton Fire Department.
First, second and booster doses of all vaccine types will be available for eligible ages on a walk-in basis, but they can also be scheduled at www.myturn.ca.gov
Taking the vaccine is critical to reducing the spread of COVID-19, which has seen an uptick in infections again recently. Effective Nov. 21, by order of the public health officer, wearing face coverings indoors is once again required.
Let’s talk next about housing. There are two great developments on the horizon.
First, I’m very excited about Veterans Village, a project that will transform Jaye’s Timberlane Resort in Ben Lomond into permanent supportive housing for veterans who have experienced homelessness.
In partnership with Santa Cruz Community Foundation and Santa Cruz
County Bank, the Santa Cruz County Veterans Memorial Building nonprofit organization has purchased the resort, which sits on nearly six acres along Highway 9, to house veterans and their families in subsidized rental units with case management and other services. The nonprofit is planning community events in the first couple weeks of December to provide more information and field any questions. Keep an eye on my Facebook page for an announcement about the dates, times and locations of those meetings.
Secondly, my office is pleased to be working with District 1 Supervisor Manu Koenig on the development of a tiny homes ordinance for the County. Tiny homes are an exciting option to add affordable housing stock to the community, both as accessory dwelling units and primary dwellings.
On Dec. 7, from 6-7:30 p.m., the Planning Department will host a meeting regarding tiny homes with a special focus on rural concerns, including CZU Fire recovery issues and septic systems. You can find the link to the virtual meeting at https://tinyurl. com/2zh38h6r or join by phone at 916-3189542 using Phone Conference ID: 358 258 277#.
The next evening, from 5:30-7 p.m. Dec. 8, my office will host a virtual town hall featuring a presentation about the renovations to Boulder Creek Library, among other news. This is an opportunity to learn more about what’s been happening in District 5 and get a preview of what we will be working on in 2022, which promises to be another busy year as we continue fire recovery and infrastructure improvements. You can join the meeting at https://zoom.us/j/94022223447 or call 669-900-9129 using Meeting ID: 940 2222 3447.
Lastly, there are three resiliency issues my office has been working on.
First, I wrote a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom asking for his intervention regarding an estimated $4.4 million in road damage caused in the CZU Fire burn scar by the state’s post-fire debris removal contractor. So far, California’s Office of Emergency Services has not agreed to provide funding to make the repairs that are in addition to damage done to private roads, which in Last Chance alone, equals an estimated $2.7 million. Neither the County nor our citizens should be burdened with these expenses, and we cannot allow these roads to remain in this condition, which is unsafe and will continue to hinder our fire rebuilding efforts.
Secondly, I want to commend San Lorenzo Valley Water District’s Board of Directors and General Manager Rick Rogers for their efforts to help Big Basin Water customers in Boulder Creek by conducting emergency repairs and exploring taking over operations while considering annexation. I fully support the concept of bringing Big Basin customers over to the San Lorenzo Valley Water District, which provides excellent service, and have pledged my office’s time to find funding and facilitate a smooth transition.
Thirdly, I also want to commend representatives of SLVWD, Scotts Valley Water District, the County and private well owners who make up the Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency Board of Directors for voting unanimously to approve the agency’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan. The vote on Nov.17 was the culmination of several years of collaborative work to identify the challenges and approaches to reaching long-term health for the groundwater basin. The plan will now be sent to the state for approval. n •••
I wish you all the best for the holiday season and, as always, invite you to contact my office at Fifth.District@santacruzcounty.us or 831-454-2200.

“Christmas Then & Now” from page 17
They’ve taught me that, while a fancy tree lighting, chilly weather and Starbucks holiday drinks add to feel the simple joys of Christmas, they are simply wonderful additions to a holiday whose meaning and significance depend not on physical settings but on the people who celebrate it. These things are lovely comforts that enhance our magical holiday cheer in little ways.
But Christmas isn’t an item or a place. Christmas is the feeling of love that’s kept alive by the collective warmth of giving and appreciation that we share. It holds a special role in our lives, whether it be in the crisp chill of fall or the sunny beaches of an endless summer; whether masked or unmasked.
Christmas is a time for us to come together and bond over the simple joys in life, no matter who we are, where we are, or what we do, to value the bonds we share with family and friends.
Life is simple if we let it be. Christmas is the magical spirit reminding us of that. n
Willa Reed, a 2021 graduate of Scotts Valley High School, is a freshman at UCLA.

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It’s-a Mario!
Meet Mario, our very sweet Pet of the Week!
Mario is 12 years young and was surrendered to the Shelter back in August when his owner became ill and could no longer care for him. Life at the Shelter has been a tough adjustment for Mario and he cannot wait to find his new home. Mario has made plenty of friends with staff and volunteers and he enjoys head bumps, cheek rubs, and he can be a cuddly lap cat. Mario is a big boy weighing in just over 16 lbs. but that doesn’t seem to slow him down!
Mario is looking for a family that will be patient with him as he can be a little shy during transitions but once he warms up to you, you will be charmed by his purr and snuggles. Come meet Mario today at the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter!
For more information on adoptions and resources please visit www.scanimalshelter.org. n
Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter’s full-service, open-admission shelter:
Santa Cruz Location (Public Entrance): 1001 Rodriguez St., Santa Cruz, 95062
Hours: Daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Watsonville Location: CURRENTLY CLOSED 580 Airport Blvd, Watsonville, CA 95076
SCCAS Main line: 831-454-7200. Animal Control: 831-454-7227. After-Hours Emergency: 831-471-1182 • After Hours: jillian.ganley@santacruzcounty.us

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