TT 182

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Must reads:

King’s Inspiration: The Smile of God


Pg 8

Entrepreneur: Thinking about your business through Jesus’ eyes

Pg 10-11

My Health: Does a patient have to know their new terminal diagnosis?

Pg 12

TIMES TODAY TT 182 | February 6th | 2023
CONTENTS My Pulpit Message notes | God’s Enduring Grace| 3-5 My Devotional: The Scriptures | 7 King’s Inspiration: The Smile of God | 8 Wambui’s reflections: The Art of War and the Element of Surprise | 9 My Entrepreneur: Thinking about your business through Jesus’ eyes | 10 My Health: Does a patient have to know their new terminal diagnosis? | 11-12 My Kitchen: Chicken stroganoff |13 My Sports: Tottenham 1-0 Man City: Harry Kane breaks Jimmy Greaves’ record as Spurs defeat champions |14

My Pulpit Message Notes



Hosea is a contemporary of the prophet Amos and he is writing during the reign of Jeroboam II king of Israel, Hosea 1:1 “ Te word of the Lord that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and during the reign of Jeroboam son of Jehoash king of Israel:”

He is specifcally prophesying and speaking to the Northern Kingdom that came to be known as Israel, or Ephraim, because Ephraim had risen to become a more prominent tribe.

- During the reign of Jeroboam II and the period of Hosea’s prophesy Israel was enjoying economic prosperity and for a time they experienced a false sense of security and calmness. It is in this period that they plunged deeper into idolatry and forsook Yahweh the God who had delivered them from Egypt and they went afer other gods of the surrounding nations.

- So Hosea writes to warn them of the impending judgement that was occasioned by their apostasy and syncretism i.e mixing of the worship of Yahweh and other gods. But even as he warns them of God’s judgement, Hosea still shows them God’s grace and love that still jealously pursues them.

God’s Enduring Grace Hosea 1,2,3

- Pastor Chuck Swindol of the Insight for Living Ministries has preached a message from the book of Hosea that he has titled; A Scandal in the Personage. Te late Dr. E. K Bailey, a notable African American preacher, preached a sermon from this book titled; Te Preacher and the Hoochie. And many others have preached from this book and these kind of titles are not rare to come across. Others are; the prophet and the prostitute, are some of the titles that speak about the book of Hosea.

- Tese sentiments must have been shared by those who lived in the times of Hosea. As they walk and are having these conversations, this topic would come up. “ Te prophet Hosea did what?” “ Te prophet married a what?”

- God had asked the prophet to do a most difcult thing, impossible even, to marry a prostitute. Tis is what the Bible tells us in Hosea 1:2-3 “When the Lord frst spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea, “Go, take to yourself a wife of whoredom and have children of whoredom, for the land commits great whoredom by forsaking the Lord.” 3 So he went and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.” (ESV)

God was speaking to Hosea, uses one word that is translated in the ESV as whoredom that the NIV translates into three diferent phrases. “Go take yourself a wife of whoredom/prostitute and have children of whoredom/prostitution for the land commits whoredom/prostitution by forsaking the LORD.

- Imagine being called to the prophetic ofce and nowadays there are many that are coming up and assigning themselves titles as prophets and apostles etc and then your frst assignment as a prophet, because the Bible says, “When the Lord frst spoke through Hosea…,”. And your frst assignment as a prophet is to take a wife of whoredom. To take a prostitute as a wife.

Not only that, but also to have children with her, some of whom, there is good evidence to suggest that the children were not even Hosea’s. Tat’s why the

Bible says, and have children of whoredom/prostitution. Scholars have argued that this could either mean the children themselves got involved in prostitution, but I incline more with the suggestion that the children perhaps were born out of wedlock, that Gomer, Hosea’s wife went out of her marriage, she had children that were not Hosea’s. Tis was the fate of Hosea and he must allover sudden become the talk of town, because the absurdity of what he had done had confounded many. Te insanity of it all confusing even more, for how could a prophet associate himself with a prostitute? How could a holy man enjoin himself with such a harlot, a man of worth stooping too low to marry what many would have considered a worthless woman?

- And as they shook their heads in wonder, God had gotten their attention. For in this unimaginable situation was a picture of their own relationship with Yahweh.

- Hosea’s marriage to Gomer was symbolic of God’s marriage to His people Israel. Hosea represented God and Gomer represented the people of Israel. In other words, a holy God who had no business with associating Himself with that which is unholy had made a covenant with an unholy and ungrateful people.

- In Hosea, the Israelites ought to have seen God, and in Gomer, they ought to have seen themselves. If I was Hosea, as they probably jeered at me and whispered behind my back I would have turned to them and told them, ‘Aha, who has the last laugh?’ You laugh at me because I married a prostitute and yet you are the prostitutes.’

- In Hosea, you and I ought to see God and in Gomer we ought to see ourselves. We are Gomer. I am Gomer.

- Brothers and sisters, one would assume that a woman, of Gomer’s status would be forever grateful for the gesture of love and acceptance extended to her by her husband Hosea. Because no one else would have cast a second glance at her and considered her to be a wife, yet this man comes and reaches out to her and reaches out to her and marries her. One would expect that Gomer would live a life of faithfulness and loyalty and would forever be grateful to her husband that wanted her when no one else would have wanted her. It seemed the only sensible thing, but no, Hosea’s love for Gomer would go unreciprocated. In fact Hosea would sufer a great betrayal.

February 6th | 2023
My Pulpit Message Notes are transcribed from the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road on Sunday 5th February, 2023. Preacher - Pastor Elijah Mokaya, Youth Pastor NBC. Scripture: Hosea 1,2,3 . Topic: Enduring Grace

My Pulpit Message Notes

The Great Betrayal

Hosea would sufer a great betrayal in that the one he married would go back to the embrace of other men. She would give that which was meant only for her husband to other men and as the Proverbs says, her springs were scattered abroad, her streams of water in the streets, Proverbs 5:16.

- Some of us know what it is like to have love that is not reciprocated, unrequited love. To love someone who betrays your love. Some of us are still in pain over love that were betrayed. Tis was Hosea, but even more this was God. And Hosea was lef a rejected and dejected lover. His love for Gomer was completely unappreciated, unreciprocated, betrayed. And God wanted the children of Israel to see how they had lef Him as a rejected and dejected Lover. His love for them had gone unappreciated, unreciprocated and betrayed. - God wants us to see how many times we like Gomer have lef Him a rejected Lover. Tat many times His love for us goes unappreciated, unreciprocated, betrayed. And as a result, God decided to pass judgment on Israel. So the children that Hosea and Gomer would have would bear names that would speak of the judgment that God would infict upon the Israel.

Jezreel, the frst born would speak of God’s punishment against the violence that Jehu committed at Jezreel. And because Jeroboam II was in the house of Jehu, God pronounced judgement against that house to bring an end to that particular house.

Te second born Lo-Ruhammah, which means, no mercy, God says, I will no longer have mercy on you. Lo-Ammi meaning, you are no longer my people and God for a moment said, I will disown you as my people, I will no longer call you my people. You have forsaken me.

- Hosea 1:10, starts with a phrase that is so important for us. It says “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or numbered. And in the place where it was said to them, “You are not my people,” it shall be said to them, “Children of the living God.”

- God is still a God of covenant even when He is issuing and decreeing judgement against the people of Israel. Tat the same God that had made a promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, about their seed and the fact that indeed their ofspring shall the like the sand of the sea, this same God despite the fact that the Israelites had rejected Him, a dejected Lover, betrayed love even as He issued judgement, this same God still remembers His covenant.

Tis is the amazing thing about our God. But also one would wonder what is it that the Israelites had done that God considers and compares it to adultery / prostitution? What is the heinous sin that they had done that God uses His choice servant, a prophet to be a symbol of the relationship between Himself and the Israelites? He chooses to take woman of the street to represent the very people that He loves.

- You see, the Israelites had forsaken the living God, their covenant God and had gone ahead to worship foreign gods. Tey participated in despicable practices that the pagan nations around them. Even worse, they gave credit to other gods for what God had blessed them with. Tey also used what God had blessed them with to please and to serve other gods.

Hosea 2:5 “For their mother has played the whore;she who conceived them has acted shamefully. For she said, ‘I will go afer my lovers, who give me my bread and my water my wool and my fax, my oil and my drink.’

- Forsaking the God that had given them everything, forsaking the God that had taken them out of the land of slavery brought them to the land that fows with milk and honey. Forsaking that God that had blessed them with everything and pursuing other gods and saying, “I will go afer my lovers that give me all these things.” Tey gave credit to other gods for what God and blessed them with.

Hosea 2:8 “And she did not know that it was I who gave her the grain, the wine, and the oil, and who lavished on her silver and gold, which they used for Baal.”

- God’s blessings, God’s good gifs had been turned to please and serve other gods. Tis is what God compares to prostitution. Tis is a heinous sin. For the Almighty God to reach to us and shower us with His love, to lavish His love upon us, to give us good gifs yet to turn away from Him and to consider other gods and idols and say, these are the ones that have done this for me.

- Isn’t that so ofen the nature of the Israelites? Remember them in the

wilderness when Moses delayed up in the mountain, didn’t they tell Aaron to make them a calf and as they worshipped it, didn’t they say, “these are your gods o Israel, who took you out of Egypt.”

- Yet, before we are too quick to judge the Israelites let us remember this Scripture is for us today. For how many times do we credit other, people, things for that which God has blessed us with? How many times do we take that which God has given us and lavished upon us and used it to please other gods. So just as Gomer went seeking afer other lovers, the Israelites went seeking afer other gods. And we also forsake our God and go seeking afer other gods.

gods that we worship today

1.African Traditional Religion. In the recent past there is a surge of many of us going back to the religion of our ancestors. We are going back and seeking that which our ancestors worshipped. It is no longer enough for us to worship the God that has been revealed in the Scriptures. We are saying perhaps our ancestors knew something that we don’t and so are going back. Some of us because of the power of association we are doing things that we ought not to and are getting ourselves into religious practices we ought not to in order to associate, in order to be called this and that. Brothers and sisters, beware because that was the fate of the Israelites.

- 1 Peter 1:18 “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”

- Peter says you were redeemed from a certain life, an empty way of life that was handed over to you by your ancestors. Brothers and sisters it cost the blood of Jesus Christ to redeem you from practices and religious rites that were meant to destroy you. How dare you go back there? How dare you mix the worship of the living holy God with the worship of the god of our ancestors? How dare we cheat against God that way? How dare we engage in that level of whoredom / prostitution because it is the same? Tere are some who gave gone back and we see nothing wrong with that. Tere are some of us because of the power of association have compromised our own walk with God and God is saying look at Gomer, that is you. And He is calling you back to the purity of our worship, you cannot worship God and worship the god of our ancestors. Tere is only one God and He has been revealed in the Scriptures. Only Jesus grants us access to this God. Come away from the gods that you are worshipping. We need to come back to our Lover.

2. Witchcraft. Tere are moments in the life when we feel that God is not moving the way we desire for Him to move. When prayers don’t seem to work and normal Christian habits seem futile. And in those moments we are tempted to seek for “higher powers”. And some of us have gone and sort afer witchcraf. Perhaps you have not gone to the traditional witches as we know them, but have gone to the prayer us, famaously ‘waombi, wombaji, waombezi. Perhaps in your house you have evidence of that. You have some holy water that you were given by a certain ‘man of God’. You have some paraphernalia that you were told, this has the anointing of God, some anointing oil that you were given because you visited a prayer us, a muombezi, a muombolezi, etc.

- Some of us in our own bodies we have lucky charms, or protective charms. And God is calling us today, and saying you have become a Gomer. You have lef Me, who is your Lover, who protects you and have associated my protection with other gods. You have lef Me who provides for you and have associated my provision with other gods. You have lef Me, who is your healer and associated my healing with other gods and God is saying, come out of witchcraf, come back home, come back to you Lover. Whether the witchcraf looks dark, or is embedded on what seems to be Christian, it is all witchcraf and you need to come back to your Lover, to your God.

February 6th | 2023

My Pulpit Message Notes

3.New Age Religion. Many have been led astray by this, especially the younger generation. We believe in the law of attraction. We ask the universe for things. ‘Universe, do your thing.’ Rather than pray to God, we manifest things. You probably have crystal balls and other New Age stuf in your house. You practice things that are outside of Scripture and because people on social media say that manifesting works, you have gone ahead and rather than pray you manifest. We have become like the Israelites and are now attributing God’s blessings to the universe. We are worshipping other gods whether we know it or not.

4. Wealth. Wealth has become a god for many of us. Brothers and sisters there is a reason why Jesus said that it is very difcult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. And by Kenyan standards do not think that I am talking about other rich people, I am talking about you and I. By Kenyan standards you are rich. Do you have a toilet inside your house? You are rich because a majority of Kenyans do not have that privilege. Can you aford an Uber? You are rich. Wealth if we are not careful can become a terrible god and Jesus warns us so that you may be careful. It is difcult, impossible even or the rich to enter into the kingdom of heaven. It takes God’s special grace and power because God is a God of impossibilities. Tat is why despite our wealth, we are still able to enter the kingdom of God. But we must beware because you cannot serve God and mammon.

- How many times are we unable to serve God, or do simple Christian duties because we are chasing afer wealth? How many times are you unable to attend HGF because you are too busy working, searching afer wealth. Some of us are unable to come to church physically, it is not a health condition, but it is a convenience of being at home so that you may continue searching afer wealth.

- Wealth has become a dangerous god. So we don’t have time for God, or the things of God because we are chasing afer wealth. We need to be careful because the drif happens slowly.

- Our hearts don’t grow cold in one day. It takes the occasional neglect of your quiet time. It takes a day, or two that go without you praying. Before you know it, you add to the statistics of the many that say we used to serve with this brother, we used to be with this sister, but today they no longer associated themselves with God. Let not wealth become your god.

- How willingly are you able to part with your wealthy for the sake of the glory of God? Does your wealth give you more meaning and signifcance than God does? Do you consider those that are lesser than you socio-economically to be lesser individuals? How do you treat your watchman, house-help? Because they have less money than you are they less human beings or has wealth become your god, speaking and telling you all manner of things?

- Te LORD desires to win us back to His love. He warns us as He warns the Israelites and He woes us until our relationship with Him is restored.

- What pains God the most in not just that He is neglected, dejected and rejected Lover, but also the fact that in pursuing other gods, we are exposing ourselves to great harm and danger. Because you see the gods that the Israelites worshipped were harsh gods. Baal for example, that they went afer and neglected YAHWEH, do you remember the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel, when they sought afer Baal, they cut themselves in an attempt to appeal to their god so that they attract his attention. Tese gods were harsh. Te gods we are going afer are harsh gods. Money is harsh god, the gods of witchcraf are harsh gods, New Age religion is a harsh god, traditional african religion is a harsh god, only YAHWEH is a good God. And God who is a good Lover is not just jealous because you have neglected Him, He is also jealous because you are harming yourself.

- What we don’t realise about idols is that they are not empty things. “Universe do your thing is not just an empty fancy thing that came recently”, African Traditional Religion, what’s the big deal about facing this huge tree, or a particular mountain? Be very ware.

- Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 10:19-20 “19 Do I mean then that food sacrifced to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No, but the sacrifces of pagans are ofered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons.”

- Behind an idol, Paul argues, there is a demon and the reason why those things seem to work is because there are demonic forces working behind to fool and allure you from God. You are in dangerous territory. And it breaks God’s heart to see you go in that direction. It breaks God’s heart to see the Israelites go afer

other gods that will leave them, high and dry, destroyed. So He woes us.

- I wonder how many of us have sufered because we opened a door that devil took advantage of? How many of us are being oppressed and possessed by demons today? How many of us have a cloud of darkness over us because we neglected the worship of the living God and went afer other gods?

- Brothers and sisters come back. Trow away that holy water, the crystal balls, all the paraphernalia, the protective charm and come back to the living God. Your Lover cares too much for you to see you hurt yourself. And so this God will punish you to bring you to your senses. He will expose you to restore you.

- Hosea 2:6-7 “ Terefore I will hedge up her way with thorns, and I will build a wall against her, so that she cannot fnd her paths. 7 She shall pursue her lovers but not overtake them, and she shall seek them but shall not fnd them. Ten she shall say, ‘I will go and return to my frst husband, for it was better for me then than now.’

- God sometimes will punish us and expose us so that we may return to Him. And I pray if perhaps right now if you are going through something, or God has exposed your sin, it is an act of His mercy because He wants you to come back to Him.

The Great Betrothal

- God’s grace perseveres and persists in pursuing us. Tere are two musicians that have written a song, Matt Papa and Matt Boswell have written a song that has these lines, “Our sins, they are many, but His mercy is more.” Tat although God’s judgement is upon all sin and wickedness, yet mercy triumph over judgement. James 2:13.

- Te book of Hosea shines a ray of hope for you and I that many times forsake our God in pursuit of other lovers. Tat despite the fact that Gomer lef her rightful husband and sought the embrace of other men, God still commanded Hosea to go and love her as a picture of what He does for us. Hosea 3:1 God spoke to Hosea to go again and marry a woman that has gone afer other men.

- And this is the beauty of God’s enduring grace, that it woes us, it allures us, it tenderly reaches to us even as Hosea 2:14 puts it. “ Terefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.”

- And yet God will not rest until He has won your heart back. He desires that your relationship with Him becomes like that of a lover with His beloved and not necessarily a question of duty. He desires that you will lovingly obey and follow Him and not necessarily do that dutifully and begrudgingly.

- Yet this is the best news yet, that the wife who forsook her husband, the one who defled herself with other men will be betrothed by her husband.

- Hosea 2:19-20 “19 And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. 20 I will betroth you to me in faithfulness. And you shall know the Lord.”

- Tree times the LORD says, “I will betroth you” speaking of the totality of this betrothal, the greatness of this betrothal, that though she had defled herself, the Bible says, she will be betrothed / married as though she were a virgin.

- Tis is the good news, that despite your mess, and how you have corrupted yourself, despite how much you have tainted yourself with sin, God is able through Jesus Christ to cause you to be just as though you never sinned.

- God is the one that the Bible tells us loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing of water through the Word and to present her to Himself as a radiant church without stain, or wrinkle, or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

- You who has gone astray and defled yourself with other gods, God will make you blameless. You will be without stain, you will be faultless.

- Just as Hosea paid a price to have his wife back, so Jesus paid a price to have you and I with Him forever. God demonstrates His own love towards us in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. You have been bought with a price so honour God in your body.

February 6th | 2023

My Life

How to get saved and spend eternity with God

His Love

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3:16 (NASB)

My response

that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

Romans 10:9-10 (NASB)

My prayer

Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your love for me. Tank You that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. Please forgive me for all the sins I have committed against You. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died on the cross and You raised Him from the dead on the third day. Please write my name in the Lamb’s book of life. Help me to live a life that is holy and pleasing unto You. In Jesus’ Name I pray and believe. Amen

February 6th | 2023

The Scriptures

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” — 2 Timothy 3:16

Paul’s words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3 ofer us a guide to fnding the fulfllment of wisdom. Paul is charging Timothy to remain faithful in times when deception is rampant. Te lies of that evil snake are still causing chaos.

He tells Timothy to trust in the Holy Scriptures because they gave Timothy wisdom. How? Tey gave Timothy the discernment to understand that he was enslaved and in need of rescue. Tey taught him how the entire Bible was pointing to the One who would rescue him. Tey showed him that it is only by trusting in and surrendering to this Rescuer, Jesus our King, that he is set free.

Te Bible guides us on how to live under Jesus’ renewing reign by teaching us how to commit to the well-being of another, how to fnd joy in all circumstances, how Jesus restores our brokenness, the strength of waiting, how to be kind to one another, teaching us good from bad, how to trust even in times of sufering, how the greatest witness to Jesus can come from our gentleness, and how to fght against the lies of the snake with the truth.

Tis type of wisdom isn’t gained by one reading. It is obtained by those who meditate day and night (Psalm 1), engaging with the life-giving breath of God

on every page (2 Timothy 3:16), bearing the fruit of our trust and surrendering to Jesus in time. — Tyler Keele, Tennessee Smokies chaplain
February 6th | 2023
By Sports Spectrum My Devotional

King’s Inspiration


When was the last time someone did you wrong? Did you hold onto the hurt, become vindictive and try to pay them back? When someone betrays your trust, when they leave you out. One big test we have to pass is to forgive people as Jesus has forgiven us and as much as possible to be a “peacemaker” rather than be vengeful (Matthew 5:9).

Tat means to be good to those who have not been good to us. Jesus says, “Love your enemies, do good to them... Ten your reward will be great” (Luke 6:35). Tat is the test. God is seeing if you are ready to be promoted. Tat is when God can trust you to handle favour, infuence. One likely peacemaker in the Scripture was the man Esau.

His brother, Jacob, frst tricked him out of his birthright (Genesis 25) and later deceived their father into giving Jacob the double blessing that belonged to him, the frst son (Genesis 27). Both were tremendous losses for Esau. When he found out, he was so angry that Jacob had to run for his life.

For years these brothers lived estranged from each other. Afer many years and difculties of his own, Jacob fnally acknowledged that he had done wrong, wanted to reconcile with Esau and decided to return to his home. Jacob sent

messengers to Esau with gifs, telling Esau he wanted to see him.

Esau sent word back that he was coming to meet Jacob with four hundred men. Jacob’s only thought was that Esau was fnally about to get his revenge and kill him. When Esau saw Jacob, he ran to him and hugged him, weeping and welcoming Jacob and his family back. Jacob was so moved by Esau’s forgiveness that he said, “When I saw your face, it was the face of God smiling on me!” (Genesis 33:10).

When you are good to people who don’t deserve it, you are a peacemaker, you are being the smile of God. You are passing the test, showing God that He can trust you. Life is not about getting revenge and hurting people who hurt you. Maybe God has you reading this so that you can be good to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

It is easy to pay someone back, ignore them, make them sufer. Tat is not being a peacemaker. Why don’t you be the smile of God and show them kindness they don not deserve? Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. When you are the smile of God, He will make sure people will smile back on you.
| image courtesy: the noontimes
February 6th | 2023


Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist, yet whoever is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

_Mathew 11:11-15

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. Whoever has ears, let him hear.

God has called each one of us to either business, ministry, industries, leadership etc...that we ofen feel disqualifed But what God is saying is that it is time to study not to speak, so as to know the diference then only will you never worry because you studied before you stood up!

We need to know that when God is about to take us to another level, it is a prompt that calls us to learn about where God is taking us.

Maybe you are wondering....Why can’t I speak the way I used? or create the way I used to? or move situations the way I used?

But God is saying to you NOW is the time you are supposed to be learning about where I AM taking you. And therefore you cannot move and function the way you used to instead it is time to adapt and establish your AQ - Adaptability.

God is asking you - what is your AQ in friendships meaning how have you been relating? What is your AQ in business? -With all the challenges what has been our ability to adapt to the times. No matter what your product is have you been able to adapt to the times and seasons in which your consumers can still get your product.

Adaptability is key. It is everything! We need to have high adaptability quotient so as to deal with unexpected changes.

AQ - in short is the ability to adjust course / products / services/ strategy in response to unanticipated changes in the market, home, church, nation.

When we are able to master this then we will be able to shif and move with the fow.


We need to be alert on war strategy that God let’s us in to. In the Art of War, our adaptability is very important. How we adapt to the surprises that come in our lives is very important.

But the Art of War when you are going to engage in a battle that will yield victory, what is most important is that you just don’t adapt to the surprises but you recognize you are the surprise!!!

Military Quote

In confict direct confrontation will lead to engagement and surprise will lead to victory! Tose who are skilled in producing surprises will win.

- You need God to help you strategies on how to produce surprises for victory.

- You need to recognize that your life is supposed to take life in itself by surprise.

- When we talk about being the element of Surprise it is not you just being able to adapt to the surprises of life *BUT* it is about you turning the tables and surprising the surprises of life!

Surprising Statistics

Surprising what everyone thought you would be or everyone thought you would turn out to be but because you recognized you are the surprise the generational curse in your family ran into a surprise when it ran into you!

Adaptability is great, but when you start turning the tables and realize that you can adapt to life or you can force life to adapt to your normal life......that is when we say the tables begin to turn and you become a strategy in God’s arsenal.

God did not send you here on earth so that you can have a good time or have stability, never have to fght, never have to worry etc NO. God sent you down here on earth because you are a strategy He intended or Intends to use!

February 6th | 2023


Thinking about your business through Jesus’ eyes

What does it mean to be a Christ-following entrepreneur, investor, or “steward” in business?

It’s so easy to settle for an ethic of “don’t do bad things” and some token expression of generosity. Does the laissez-faire behavioral ethics of “do no harm” constitute a fair test? Is “tipping Jesus” with a percentage of economic proceeds good enough? We can dangerously accept an ends-justify-the-means mindset, where as long as I “don’t do bad things” and “give some of the gains,” somehow those together will baptize the messy means of “how.”

Te biblical narrative makes it clear that the “how” matters. Uzziah was killed for an irreverent act (2 Sam 6:7). Peter is chastised by Jesus for amputating Malchus’ ear (John 18:10). King Ahaziah is critiqued for being implicit in the ongoing idolatry and injustice during his reign (1 Kings 1).

Perhaps an exercise in the form of a fabled case study where you enter the story might help.

An unplanned owner site visit

Imagine arriving at work tomorrow, parking your car in the usual place, and walking toward the entrance. Everything seems normal. As you near the door, you notice a fgure waiting just outside. As you approach, you sense a warm and open demeanor and reception. Tis person is obviously a friend.

You walk a few more steps, and you recognize Him. It’s Jesus!

He says, “I’d like you to show me around and explain the business to me. Tis is as much mine as any church is, so I’m curious to see what you’re doing with the business I entrusted to you to manage for Me.” In your mind’s eye, imagine yourself saying, “Well, fne, Lord, let’s go in.”


Imagine taking Jesus through the reception area and into the main ofce then into your personal ofce, through the work areas, and around the entire physical location—of course, the showroom. Imagine Him keenly observing how you and your team interact as you take the tour.

Tink about explaining how and why everything is laid out. Mentally introduce Him to each person, while explaining their function(s) and a little about them.

Sit down with Him in your ofce or conference room, and describe how each piece of the business functions—from the diferent ways of contacting custom-

ers, to the production and delivery of the product or service, to billing clients, and collecting payment. Jesus seems keenly interested in the business model, asking about the supply chain, vendors, procurement process—even pricing and marketing paradigms!

Tell Him how people are hired, trained, evaluated, encouraged, equipped, challenged, compensated, promoted, and disciplined. Explain how you handle customer, supplier and employee complaints and suggestions.

Take Him through fnance and accounting, showing Him how you pay bills and handle taxes. Discuss how you use or distribute profts and who benefts from them. Show Him the company’s debt, and explain how and why the leveraging works.

As you engage in each of these areas, imagine saying to Jesus, “Lord, this is how we try to show Your principles in this function or action . . . Tis is how we think You would do this . . . Lord, we do this so we won’t bring ofense to Your name . . . Jesus, we don’t do this the world’s way because of what You said in Your Word.”

Does this process excite and encourage you? Or does it cause you to break out in a cold sweat? Is there a process, business practice, or person that you’d want to avoid in this tour?

God’s plan for our businesses

In reality, this describes a typical CEO visit to a branch or subsidiary operation with an inspection tour guided by the local management team. During any such tour, we would demonstrate and discuss the major priorities, emphases, and progress against strategic plans.

Te visiting owner or fund manager verifes that the venture consistently and successfully applies the basic plans for business development and growth. Results, in both nearterm performance and overall business approach, are acutely evaluated for alignment, commitment to company goals and principles, and evidence of capable processes. Te visiting owner wants to be sure the subsidiary is diligently following the corporate strategy and driving toward desired results.

In our ventures and investments, God conducts this review continuously. God does have a plan for our lives, and it includes every aspect: home, work, community, social, recreation, and any other area you might identify. You could say there is a performance review for stewards, but it’s an open-Book test!

Further, His plan always desires the same end. He wants us to consistently refect His values—demonstrating the rule and reign of Jesus Christ in this world, making the glory of God manifest. February

Every Good Gift Sells

Thinking about your business through Jesus’ eyes ....contd

While the environments or playing felds may change, His eternal purpose never chang- es. He wants us to manifest the gospel of Jesus Christ.His ultimate purpose—to bring forward the Kingdom—drives everything He does and allows. Nothing in God’s world just happens.

In our businesses and investments, as in every other area of our lives, we can either recognize this reality or miss it completely. Te choice is ours.

If we see our businesses and portfolios primarily as tools to produce money for our- selves, we’ll primarily concern ourselves with how well they generate cash. We’ll focus our attention, develop strategy, deploy people and assets, make decisions, and drive actions primarily toward that end.

On the other hand, if we see our business and investments as a part of God’s eternal plan, we believe they are entrusted to us and designed to ft into the intricate and beautiful future He is bringing into existence. Our business ventures strategically contribute to demonstrating the Kingdom of God on earth.In this case, our decisions and eval- uations refect diferent values, and we attempt to structure what we do to produce a godlier set of results.

A biblical worldview fuels redemptive capitalism

Our Father’s agenda is to demonstrate and advance His Kingdom—complete with its economic, public health, foreign relations, and infrastructure policies. Whether fnancially fueling or vocationally investing in a venture, a series of progressive biblical worl- dview prompts can spark a renaissance in our thinking about redemptive capitalism.

If the Jesus audit of your business or your portfolio had you wincing about departments, processes, holdings, and interests, here’s how you can study for the test in advance.

Consider this progressive series of “audit” questions applied against a balanced score- card rubric as means to evaluate our functional worldview in enterprise stewardship. Wickedness

Where is there wickedness, evil, corruption, or overt practices opposed to the Gospel in this area of the business, this company, this sector, or this industry?

Tere’s no “pass” if corrupt business practices are institutionalized or an industry norm. Tere are “high places” in every era, culture, and industry. Te Bible mandates God’s people stand for justice and calls us to tear evil practices down—or certainly not per- petuate them. God cares how money is made and how the process afects people more than the money generated!

Examples: A consumer product company uses sexualized ads or marketing campaigns championing ideals harmful to human fourishing. A product company is known to draw upon abusive labor suppliers in foreign markets. A fnancial institution profts from excessive debt programs for vulnerable consumers creating economic oppression. A web hosting company supports pornographic and adult entertainment clients for high margins and enables social evils. A large company uses its clout to promote pol- icies and practices contrary to God’s standards for human fourishing. A construction company pays bribes to gain government contracts.


How are goodness, virtue, restoration, and human fourishing being advanced?

Does this dimension of the business, particular ticker symbol, or fund represent oppor- tunities to champion wholeness, decency, human dignity, and integrity?

Examples:A manufacturer commits to fair wages and sourcing materials from virtuous supply-chain partners. An insurance brokerage champions transparency of fees, fore- goes kickbacks, and innovates sustainable cost models for the industry. A mortgage lender commits to due diligence in underwriting, fnancial literacy, and home owner- ship for vulnerable populations.


Is this area marked by excellence?

If Paul exhorts us to do “all things to the glory of God” and “as unto Christ,” surely that means a correct understanding of grace raises the bar of our desire for excellence. Tere is no excuse for mediocrity. Is there inferior, substandard mediocrity in the business? Or does the business exhibit exemplary quality?

Examples:A consumer product company uses exceptional warranty and quality stan- dards on products. A technology company deliberately restrains growth forecasts to ensure employee well-being, quality control, and the ability to deliver on future com- mitments. Customer loyalty/satisfaction (e.g., Net Promoter Score or NPS), employee

engagement, and other market indicators of quality for internal and external experienc- es are industry-leading.

Biblical principles

Does the business embody biblical principles? Do the “not-of-this-world” attributes of a Kingdom operating system ring true?

Tere is what is legal, what is conventional, and even what is best practice. But then there is “what would Jesus do”—a literal razor. Tis includes things like championing reconciliation to avoid destructive litigation (1 Corinthians 6: 1-11) or uncommonly caring for the immigrant, orphan, and vulnerable. Is this a “decent” venture or a King- dom-class operation?

Examples: A construction company refuses to participate in predatory employment of vulnerable labor populations, insisting on fair wages and seeking to be a champion of justice. Employees are incentivized and rewarded for performance with high-integrity compensation systems. Mediation, biblically based reconciliation protocols, and pur- suit of restorative resolution over destructive litigation remedies are institutionalized.


Are opportunities seized to leverage infuence and resources to minister to people in the name and agenda of Jesus?

When we operate in a Business-as-a-Ministry mindset, we share the Good News of Jesus and express the love of Christ to those in need.

Examples: A company like COKE provides chaplaincy across 115 locations for employ- ees, poverty simulators, and empathy programs to promote compassion for single par- ents and economically vulnerable team members. A fnancial services frm is known for genuine generosity towards human fourishing causes in their community and world. Intentional markers of loving people and communicating the truth of the Gospel in Jesus’ name are evident.

Use this chart to do a Biblical ownership audit for your business.For each area of the business, rate its alignment with biblical values on a 1-3 scale.

1 = not at all aligned with biblical values

2 = somewhat aligned with biblical values

3 = completely aligned with biblical values.

Will every business, department, mutual fund, ticker symbol, or investment score per- fectly through such an exercise? No! But facts are our friends and self-refection will lead to growth.

Te Baldrige Award initiative spurred industrial innovation and management quality for the US marketplace in the late 20th Century.

Perhaps simulations of this kind can help the Christian entrepreneur, executive, inves- tor, or fund manager not just avoid doing bad stuf but also embrace redemptive capi- talism with a Gospel-motivated zeal!

So what?

Tis model can become a lens through which to evaluate whether every aspect of your company demonstrates Jesus as the true Owner. We truly have been given the opportu- nity to either shine or betray our true purpose.

What if Jesus was waiting for you at the company entrance tomorrow for His tour?

If Jesus asks to review your portfolio of investments not just for ROI and IRR but also for Kingdom ROI (kROI) and Kingdom Rates of Return (KRR) as part of the steward- ship calculus, are you ready?

Do you have thoughtful answers to His questions concerning His primary interests? Do you have a plan centered on His values and purposes to guide you as you evaluate and develop each part of the business?

God has entrusted us with incredible platforms of leadership and capital. What op- portunities will you seize? What do you need to prayerfully change to refect the true Owner of your assets?

Maybe you, like Joshua (Joshua 24:15), will be able to state before culturally compro- mising peers, “You can blindly do what everyone else does for near-term pleasure, but as for me and my [investments…assets…capital…and stewardship], I will honor the Living God!”

February 6th | 2023 Entrepreneur Every Good Gift Sells

My Health


Te case of Dorothy (not her real name) recently perplexed her attending medical team. She is an amiable, mother-like fgure whom the staf have known for a number of years and has been a patient at the hospital.

She is a well-dressed, powerful woman who is a pillar of the community. She serves and leads in a host of organisations, supports and counsels her church community, and is a committed advocate for progress of all people. She is what we could call a stalwart – someone who is so concerned, so committed, and so able that seemingly nothing can stand in the way of the causes she champions.

She was progressing well – until a new diagnosis. Tis was terminal. Her daughter, serving as next of kin, is adamant. You cannot tell her of this diagnosis – it will crush her. She will go into depression. She could even sufer a spiritual crisis! What to do? Here is an ethical dilemma.

Te patient is of sound mind, articulate, and independent. She has the right to autonomy to make her own decisions, but she has to know the situation, to consider it, and determine how she wants to respond – that is if she knows. What if she does not know, what if she is not informed? Will she continue with the fullness of life with the vigour and passion she has for the many causes she supports? Will she be so adversely afected so as to not just destroy her own quality of life but also of the many others who rely on her, refer to her, and seek her counsel?

Afer much deliberation with the family, they consented to disclose the diagnosis to their kin.

However, care had to be taken – to manage the conversation in such a manner that considers the patient’s reaction to such devastating news. A structured conversation, following a set protocol with determined pathways,

options, and choices was laid out prior to the meeting with the patient and family. Tis ensured that due consideration was given to the ethics and rights of the patient – which is an institutional obligation of the hospital, her family’s concern for her care and continued well-being that is not just corporeal, and available options to progress from the diagnosis to quality care with the probable timeline of the support required.

Tis is our culture, our context is that the family structures and those who we regularly interact with including our community care for and about us; we are not just individuals who are only concerned with ourselves; and we belong to the community that supports us and as such are engaged in decision making for our healthcare.

It was outlined to the patient that the recent biopsy results revealed that her earlier condition had severely deteriorated. Te new diagnosis – unfortunately – was terminal and no further treatment was possible. On hearing this news, despite being coherent and of good-cheer previously, the patient’s demeanour changed drastically and the profound disillusionment she felt was palpable to all in the room.

Te ethical dilemmas faced in this case relate to the patient’s autonomy with full disclosure of information to enable her to make her decisions and the challenges such information presents to the patient to be able to make such decisions. Such dilemmas will remain with us and more will appear. It is through sharing and documenting the cases, learning from our experiences, and creating structures in our care facilities that we can serve our patients with the quality and dignity they deserve whilst being respectful of our context and the needs of the many others with whom our lives are intertwined.

February 6th | 2023
Dr Anil Khamis and Dr. Reuben Mogoi, Chair and Members of Aga Khan | image courtesy: the celiac MD University Hospital Ethics Committee respectively.

My Kitchen Chicken stroganoff


2 tbsp olive oil

4 skinless chicken breasts, cut into chunks

2 onions, fnely chopped

4 garlic cloves, crushed

1 tbsp sweet paprika

400ml chicken stock

4 tsp Dijon mustard

2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

200g soured cream or crème fraiche

a large handful of parsley, chopped rice mash or pasta, to serve



Heat half the oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken pieces over a medium high heat, stirring frequently. until golden brown. Season and transfer to a plate.


Heat the remaining oil and lower the heat to medium. Fry the onion for 6-8 mins until sofened but not golden, then stir in the garlic and paprika. Fry for a minute until fragrant, then pour in the stock, and add the Dijon and Worcestershire sauce. Tip in the seared chicken with any resting juices, and simmer for 5-6 mins until reduced slightly and the chicken is cooked through.


Over a low heat, stir in the soured cream until just combined to create a creamy sauce, and it’s just started to simmer. Scatter over the parsley and serve with rice, mash or pasta, if you like.

February 6th | 2023

My Sports

Tottenham 1-0 Man City: Harry Kane breaks Jimmy Greaves’ record as Spurs defeat champions

Kane punished Rodri’s error in possession on the edge of his own box by scoring his 267th goal in Spurs colours (15) as City failed to take advantage of league leaders Arsenal’s defeat at Everton on Saturday.

Spurs held on despite Cristian Romero’s late red card (87) for a second bookable ofence to ensure City have now lost all fve of their games at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and remain fve points behind the Gunners in their race for a third successive title.

Spurs, meanwhile, move to within a point of the top four having played a game more than their rivals afer recording three consecutive wins for just the second time this season with one of their best performances of the campaign.

Man City dominated possession in the early stages but looked vulnerable to the counter-attack. Te early blow, though, came afer Rodri gave up possession on the edge of his own box, allowing Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg to set up Kane to become Spurs’ all-time leading scorer.

Kane received the ball at an angle and slotted home frst-time with a low fnish, which was his frst touch of the game with his feet afer 15 minutes. It was a landmark goal for the 29-year-old as he became Spurs’ record scorer on 267 and the quickest player to 200 Premier League goals.

Spurs were roared on by the home crowd afer going ahead and continued to cause City problems with Kane coming close to doubling their lead at a setpiece. City, though had a chance to level in the dying moments of the frst-half as Riyad Mahrez rattled the bar with a strike from inside the box.

Man City failed to fnd their groove in the second half and Kevin De Bruyne came on as the game became stretched. It was Spurs, though, that posed more

of a threat with City’s forward line looking disjointed for most of the game and Erling Haaland unable to get into the match.

Kane twice came close to scoring in quick succession afer the hour, missing a low cross from Ivan Perisic at the back post and being denied by a big Ederson save. Jack Grealish pushing City forward, but they couldn’t create a clear-cut chance, coming closest with a long-range strike from Julian Alvarez.

Romero’s sending of with three minutes to go gave the visitors some encouragement but they were shut out by an impressive Tottenham backline, who barely put a foot wrong all afernoon.

It was an emotional scene at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium as Kane was serenaded by the Spurs faithful before addressing the crowd as the club’s record goalscorer for the frst time.

He picked the perfect time to break Jimmy Greaves’ record. Tis was a huge game against the Premier League champions at a time when the club needed a lif

Spurs were without head coach Antonio Conte but Kane led by example on the pitch and gave everyone else the platform from which to perform.

Emerson Royale and Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg were among the Spurs foot soldiers that were inspired by their captain as they outfought City and took yet another three points against Pep Guardiola’s side in north London.

The Times Today is a publication of Elizabeth Omondi Consultancy. P.O. Box 833-00100 GPO Nairobi. Tel: 0722 927792.
Harry Kane broke Jimmy Greaves’ record to become Tottenham’s all-time leading scorer as they inficted a blow to Manchester City’s title-defence with a 1-0 win in a frantic encounter.
So ofen derided for failing to perform for the full 90 minutes, Spurs were the better side from the frst to the fnal whistle and always looked more threatening. Tey stood up in Conte’s absence, when it really counted. February 6th | 2023

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