House of three religions

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Tim Shapkin Prof. Johannes Kister SS 2015 Dessau International School of Architecture

“Originality consists in returning to the origin” Antonio Gaudi The whole period of postmodernism architects and artist are looking for substitution of the classical heritage but using modern architectural language. The need of it is long overdue. The search is still unsuccesful. Today the primary method to combine modern and classical is what we can call “architecture of reduction”. It seems very comfortable to simplify the form to avoid the conflict with any context. This is the most obvious way to deal with our cultural heritage. The problem is that the reduction approach doesn’t provide us with such a rich and magnificent level of architectural details as it was a couple of centuries ago. This project is manifesting the return of decoration patterns in up-to-date architecture. It’s not about historical reproduction but something very new, about rethought decoration. Modern software technologies allows us to replace the conventional design tools as well as the new fabrication technologies which are replacing expensive craftsmanship. The decoration issue is especially relevant for sacral spaces. These are the main arguments to use modern decoration in the house of religion: Modern sacral spaces are loosing it’s cultural authenticity. Modern architects step by step reduce and kill the individuality of traditions. The visitors don’t feel the difference between modern sacral and profane spaces. Architecture of ‘reduction’ doesn’t provide the similar level of detailisation and consequently attraction for sacral spaces. Modern religion houses are less attractive then old ones. There was a time when the cathedrals were built using only the latest artistical findings and engineering technologies. Actually almost the whole architectural history is the history of sacral spaces. The proposal of this project is to use the latest technologies to return the impression of the house of god.

Part 1. Site: Mansfeld, Germany

Average direction

mosque: Mecca direction

synagogue: Jerusalem direction

church: east direction

Part 2. Geometrical experiments and pattern formfinding for interiors

Preliminary studies. Nurbs-surfaces tesselation.

Preliminary studies. Nurbs-surfaces tesselation.

Preliminary studies. Mesh-surfaces tesselation.

Pattern for church. Inspiration

Pattern for church. Frieze pattern catalogue

Pattern for church. Frieze pattern catalogue

Pattern for church. Chapiter catalogue

Pattern for church. Chapiter catalogue

Pattern for mosque. Inspiration

Pattern for mosque. Mukarnas experiments

Pattern for synagogue. Pattern experiments

Part 3. Exterior

Part 4. Plans and sections

Ground level



Main Entrance


Basement level

Conference hall


Locker room M Infopoint

Cafeteria Locker room W



School School

Locker room W

Woman mosque

Locker room M

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