NAME STUDENTS AND TEACHER SWITCH ROLES! ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE To promote learner’s autonomy SUBJECT/FIEL Any subject D OF STUDY Any level AGE GROUP OR LEVEL Different options: PROCEDURE 1. Students are asked to design an exercise after finishing each unit of the
textbook/subject topic . The exercises are exchanged in class and answered by a different classmates. Having answered them, we have a short reflection on how well they were able to do the exercise, which are their strong points, and what needs to be further studied or worked on. The exercises are really a means for students to monitor their progress. Students are asked to prepare individually or in pairs a 5-minute long oral presentation (5 PowerPoint slides max with a maximum number of words) on a number of subject topics related to the course curriculum with a worksheet for their classmates to fill in. Class mates should vote the most interesting presentation. Students are asked to look for and download a video report from the Internet related to the subject we are working on. They are expected to prepare a comprehension exercise for their classmates and to provide a glossary of the most difficult words. Clear instructions of the length, topics, and type of exercise should be provided by the teacher. They will be posted on Moodle.
To promote learner’s autonomy
To teach students to self-correct effectively – thus saving the teacher’s time and promoting student autonomy
To encourage the students to use the corrections as a tool for learning. This means helping them to “notice” what the errors are, to self-correct where possible, and to increase their understanding of areas that previously confused them SUBJECT/FIEL Languages D OF STUDY Adults, From elementary learners onwards AGE GROUP OR LEVEL PROCEDURE Follow the following steps :
1. Proof-reading: the students can, and should be encouraged to use the computer spelling and grammar check. Suggest that they don't have this set to make automatic changes - which they may not even notice - but run the program when they finish so that they also see the explanations 2. Guided self correction: ask students to send to you their work via E-mail. Correct it by highlighting the errors and adding a code to indicate the type of mistake – for example Sp = spelling mistake; G = grammar mistake; VF = wrong verb form; Pu = punctuation; Pa = paragraphing; ^ = word missing; WW = wrong word. The students’ first task is to look at the highlighted expressions and the code, and to try to self-correct. Also add comments on how to improve their writing: add connectors, adverbs, make clearer paragraphs, use richer vocabulary, etc. 3. Comparison with first version: They send the teacher a new version correcting mistakes and improving first draft. 4. Portfolio: Students are encouraged to keep a file with their writings so that they can check their progression. SPAIN
NAME RECORDING yourself ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE Learn to see your own mistakes, reflect on them SUBJECT/FIE Language or any LD OF STUDY AGE GROUP OR LEVEL PROCEDURE SS record themselves, write the script, look for mistakes, evaluate their own performance. - You need to record lots of lessons because at the begin they say that they are filmed and are not natural. After differents lessons you can see more natural situation. - Teacher has to watch all videos before and chose more significant situation. - Carefull! The best way is to find for every students 1 positive things and 1 negative things. Find a funny way to show it. - Alternative don't show but only talk about the situation with an anonimous REFERENCE ITALY Learning Styles: good for verbal students.
NAME JUNIOR TEACHER ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE Learn how to teach another person, reflect on a specific subject or point. SUBJECT/FIEL any D OF STUDY AGE GROUP OR LEVEL PROCEDURE
In groups SS look for and prepare material for their classmates, e.g. video, vocabulary, presentation, test… (content: consolidation of what’s being taught)
PRODUCT: banks of materials created by SS available to all SS (web page, moodle)
Very important: mixed classes (same level or different levels), SS show and share the material they created with new students from other classes. PORTUGAL This activity is very useful in order to devellop the team work and the autonomy and self-esteem of the pupils. The pre-work must be done before the presentation with the help of the teacher. (Portugal)
NAME WORKING ON AUTONOMY ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE Ss’ autonomy and self-evaluation SUBJECT/FIEL Any D OF STUDY Beginning of the course AGE GROUP OR LEVEL PROCEDURE TASK: Students’ autonomy means being given a choice. The teacher makes a list of the course objectives. Students order them according to their priorities. Students diagnose their objectives, needs, aims... How they are going to learn (personal plan).
Course objectives My priorities (order them)
What I am going to do? (personal plan)
Better, each students have to write own personal planner, writing: MISSION (Your goal for the end of the course) Month's goals (Check every month your target) Single step (What you have to do every day)
PRODUCT: Self-evaluation of the progress made throughout the course (in the portfolio) ITALY
de Girona
NAME LISTENING AND READING PRACTICE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE To promote learner’s autonomy and meaningful learning SUBJECT/FIEL Any subject D OF STUDY Upper level AGE GROUP OR LEVEL PROCEDURE Different options: 1. SS listen to or watch a news bulletin and then they read about the same story in a newspaper or on the internet. Thus learners can sometimes get a better idea of whether they understood accurately. Students have a talk and comment upon what they have read. Then they have to write the article themselves and attach it to their own portfolio. SS are also asked to comment on which way was easier to understand: by listening to or by reading the news.
2. There are different web sites,where the news are in different languages, for example the BBC web site has news in 32 languages. This allows most learners to find and read a story in their own language and then read the English version, or to read the English version and then check their understanding by reading it in their own language.
When SS read the news first in their own language, they may translate it into English and only then check the BBC version in English and correct mistakes. Peter Watkins, "Learning to Teach English" ROMANIA 3/5 I like the activity but I had to didn't ask them to write the article themselves. Comparing both the listenings and the texts was interesting as reading was easier for them and they could understand the whole story much better
Prepare your own lesson!
To promote learners' autonomy
Any AGE GROUP OR LEVEL PROCEDURE The teacher divides the class into groups of three and asks them to decide to work upon a text they really like in the target language (e.g. a song, a story, a joke, an article e.t.c.). The students bring the text they have chosen to class the next day, explain it to their classmates and prepare an activity based on this text for their classmates to do (e.g. True/False, Gap Filling, the copletion of a grid, Multiple Choice Questions e.t.c.) REFERENCE
3/5 I did number 2 with a listening and they mostly prepared a True/False activity and found it very difficult to create.
NAME USING MULTIMEDIA! ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE To promote learner’s autonomy SUBJECT/FIELD Any subject OF STUDY Upper levels AGE GROUP OR LEVEL TASK: Students have a chance to teach their friends for a short time. (15 minutes each) They PROCEDURE
are free to choose the material they are going to teach with. ( Short films, short stories, internet, pictures, songs etc.) And at the end of the lesson They prepare a small quiz for their friends on the topic they have taught.
Turkey 3/5 Two children made a power point presentation on the use of alcohol by teenagers and the rest of the class discussed the presentation afterwards. The COMMENTS presentation was good but then the class management was a problem. Another team AND RATINGS wanted to present their own project but they didn't have the time. The teacher must intervene all the time if we want many students to participate.(from the Greek team)