异境樂團Spectro7|流光傳奇 Stream Legend

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傳 統 與 現 代 的 兼 融 並 蓄 下,這 片土 地 有 著

特別感 謝台灣 鼓 王黃 瑞豐老 師 如水一 般 流

作專 輯《流 光傳奇》,從 這片寬闊的音樂土

的 傳承 精 神,讓 异 境 樂 團 在 這 股 源 源 不 絕

多元 且 精 彩 的 音 樂 元 素,异 境 樂 團 首 張 創

壤為出發,揉和傳統與世界的聲響,並試圖 打破 對 既 定 音 樂 的 想 像,期 待 創 作 一 道 足 以成為傳奇的流光。


量身打造,並集結成這張風格多元的專輯。 取材包括南北管、客家、原住民等不同音樂

元 素,也 融 合了印度、非 洲、拉丁等 不同文 化的音樂養分。《流光傳奇》同時也是每一 位 團 員 生 命 歷 程 的 刻 畫,每 一首作 品 的 錄

製,不僅留下當下最 好的自己,同時也 挑 戰

許 多 的 未 知。如 何 和 夥 伴 在 不 同 器 樂、風 格、想法 的 激 盪中,爆 發出更多的 創意,凝

聚 成 獨 一 無 二 的 音 樂 作 品,是 异 境 樂 團 一 路走來不斷努力的方向。

動 的 鼓 聲 跨 刀 支 持,為 專 輯 注 入 生 生不息 的能量中,站穩腳步、邁步向前。

Inspired by Taiwan’s fertile musical landscape, Spectro 7 boldly interweaves tradition and innovation on their debut album, Stream Legend. By drawing on both classic and modern elements, Spectro 7 has created an unprecedented fusion of sounds from the traditional world, reimagined through a contemporary lens. Stream Legend challenges the listener to put aside any preconceptions or stereotypes and discover a new musical space. During the creation of this album, each member of Spectro 7 tailored their individual parts according to their personal musica l exper ience and education. The album features a large range of musical st yles such as Nanguan music, Beiguan music, Hakka folk songs, and Taiwanese indigenous music, as well as components from Indian music, A fr ican music, and Latin music. As a result, Stream Legend presents a collective portrait of our members’life stories with each track revealing p er s on a l sn ap shot s of moment s when they challenged themselves to dive into unknown terr itor ies. Through constant explorations of different instruments and

musical styles, ideas clashed and sparkled before event ua l ly sol id i f y ing into t h is unique musical presentation. It has always been Spectro 7’s goal to create a singular music of their own. Special thanks go to Mr. Rich Huang( 黃 瑞 豐)for his amazing drumming that infused infinite energy into this album. Spectro 7 hopes to pass on the precious gift of cultural heritage as they continue on their musical adventures.


擁 有傳 統 戲 曲背 景 的 藝 術 總 監 吳 政 君,不

軸,融 入流行、爵士、拉丁、印度、世界音樂

更 是 流行 音 樂 當 紅 的 打 擊 樂 手,合 作 藝人


等 多元 曲 風,以 真 切 動人 且 具 有 共 感 力 的

原 創 樂 曲,不 僅 活 化 富 有 濃 厚人 文色 彩 的 古調旋律,重新吟誦出在地音樂獨特之美,

更呈現出在地與世界、傳統及現代的對話。 除 原 創 音 樂 之 外,异 境 在表 演 美 學上亦 獨

樹 一 格。團 員 的 舞 台服 裝 由 知 名 設 計 師 周 裕 穎融 入書 法 大師董陽 孜 跨刀創作的 書 法

元素所設計,搭配細緻的燈光光影效果,呈 現 完 整 精 巧 的 演 出設 計 美 學。演 奏 作 品 中 更有 邀 請 觀 眾 一 同 吟 唱 的 參 與 式 編 排,在

跨界 的 創 新之中融 合感性 的 旋 律使 觀 眾產 生 共 鳴,並 能 感 受 到 音 樂 人 對 土地 的 熱 愛 而動容。

僅 是 國 內 最 炙 手可熱 的 世界音 樂 演 奏 家, 除了張 惠妹、戴佩 妮之外,亦是生祥樂隊團 員。以深厚的國樂造詣及演奏經驗,結合各

個團員獨特的編曲風格及跨界音樂的融合, 期 許 消 除 傳 統 音 樂 與 觀 眾 的 隔 閡,跳 脫 框

架 並 賦 予 原 創 新 意,希 望它 與 不 同 類 型 的 音 樂 風 格 對 話 碰 撞 後,能 激 發 聽 眾 產 生更 多的想像及延伸的可能性。

Sp ec t ro 7 t a kes lo c a l fol k songs, Ha k k a songs, Nanguan and Beiguan music, Peking Opera and Taiwanese indigenous music as our a xis, fusing with diverse music styles such as popular music, jazz, Latin music, Indian music and other world music in order to create our music that moves people with genuine emotions. By reactivating the ancient melodies in our culture and demonstrating the unique beauty of local music, Spectro 7 establishes a dialogue between the local and the international, between tradition and modernity. In addition to its original music pieces, Spectro 7 is also outstanding on its aesthetics of performing. Inspired by the works of calligraphy master Tong, Yang-Tze, ( 董 陽 孜 ) Spectro 7’s costumes are made by renowned designer Chou, Yu Ying and presented on st age w it h sophist icated light ing, which perfectly displays our delicate philosophy of design. During the performance, participative sections are organized, inviting our audience to sing together with the music. With the trans-disciplinary innovation and moved by the sensitivities displayed in the melody, the audience will be able to resonate with

our musicians’love and passion towards our land. With his background in traditional Chinese opera, our Artistic Director Wu, Chang Chun (Alex Wu) is not only most popular musician of world music in the nation, but also a famous percussionist in popular music. He is in collaboration with A-Mei, Penny Tai, and is a member of ShengXiang Band. Based on Wu’s attainment in Chinese traditional music and his numerous stage experience, combining with the unique composing style of each member of Spectro 7, we expect to eliminate the barrier bet ween traditional music and the public, breaking the existing frame and bringing a new life to the ancient. The collision between different music styles will certainly provoke imagination of the audience and lead to extensive possibilities in the future.

1. Intro 01'28" 作曲、編曲/吳政君

composed & ar ranged by A lex Wu

ISRC: TWBS32006092

水中擊樂、人聲-吳政君、林亮宇、周意紋、張幼欣、陳崇青、楊易修、葉俊麟 擊掌-吳政君、葉俊麟、張幼欣 非洲鈴 鐺、秘魯驢下顎-吳政君 Water Percussion, Vocals - Alex Wu, Sayun Chang, Chung-Ching Chen, I-Wen Chou, Liang-Yu Lin, Sherwin Yang, Jiro Yeh Clap - Alex Wu, Jiro Yeh, Sayun Chang Atoke Bell, Quijada - Alex Wu

鍋 子與 鑼 在 水 面 上 敲 擊,模 仿 傳 統 戲 曲 中

的鑼鼓 點「倉浪、浪、浪、浪 ...」,用以形容

船 在 水 中 搖 擺 的 聲 響,呼 應 接 續 的〈 撐 船 歌〉。此曲以沈 浸 式的錄 音方式,結合中非

少數民族的水中擊樂儀式 Liquindi,作為

此 張 專 輯 祈福 的 紀 錄,也代 表异 境 樂 團 的 傳承、探險、創新與豐收。

Pa n s a nd gongs a re s t r uck a bove water, imitating Luogu from Chinese Opera. The tapping sounds evokes a boat floating upon water, leading into the following piece, “Barcarolle of Hakka”. Inspired by Liquindi , a ritual in water from Central African natives, this Intro ser ves as Spectro 7’s prayer for future well-being. It is recorded with 360 Reality Audio technique and symbolizes our legacy, exploration, innovation, and harvest.

2. 撐船歌




Barcarolle of Hakka

ISRC: TWBS32006093

Ha k ka Tradit iona l

ar ranged by Yu-Qian La i & Spectro 7

人聲-吳政君、林亮宇、周意紋、張幼欣、陳崇青、楊易修、葉俊麟 康加鼓、秘魯驢下顎、打擊、南管響盞-吳政君 電吉他、南管叫鑼-楊易修|電貝斯、四塊-葉俊麟 柳琴、中阮-陳崇青|爵士鼓、雙鐘-張幼欣 合成器-林亮宇|鋼琴-周意紋 Vocals - Alex Wu, Sayun Chang, Chung-Ching Chen, I-Wen Chou, Liang-Yu Lin, Sherwin Yang, Jiro Yeh

Congas, Quijada, Percussion, Nanguan Percussion - Alex Wu | Electric Guitar, Nanguan Percussion - Sherwin Yang Bass, Nanguan Percussion - Jiro Yeh | Liuqin, Zhongruan - Chung-Ching Chen | Drums, Nanguan Percussion - Sayun Chang Synthesizer - Liang-Yu Lin | Piano - I-Wen Chou

改 編自客家「三 腳 採 茶 戲 」的 撐 船 歌,又稱

〈桃 花 過 渡 〉,亦 是 知 名 的〈車 鼓 調 〉。在

這 首作 品 中,以 西 方 古典 樂 船 歌 的 律 動 為 發 想,結 合 68 拍 的 拉丁節奏,大 夥在 撐 船 歌的樂聲中,輕快且熱情的渡船出發!

Adapted from Tao-Hua-Kuo-Tu (“Ferry Point of Peach Blossom”) an example of HakkaSab-Chiao-Tsai-Cha Opera, this piece merges a 6/8 Afro Cuban groove with a barcarolle, a type of traditional Venetian boating song. Accompanied by a bright melody, we embark and sail out joyfully.

3. 留傘酒歌

留傘調 05'48"


Withholding the Umbrella (Drinking Song)

ISRC: TWBS32006094 Tradit iona l

composed by I-Wen Chou; ar ranged by I-Wen Chou & Spectro 7

金杯鼓、木箱鼓、埃及鈴鼓、墩杯鼓-張幼欣 爵士鼓、非洲陶鼓、南印度手鼓-吳政君 鋼琴、人聲-周意紋 合成器-林亮宇 電吉他-楊易修 電貝斯-葉俊麟 中阮-陳崇青 Djembe, Cajon, Riq, Doumbek - Sayun Chang Drums, Udu, Kanjira - Alex Wu Piano, Vocals - I-Wen Chou Synthesizer - Liang-Yu Lin Electric Guitar - Sherwin Yang Bass - Jiro Yeh Zhongruan - Chung-Ching Chen

取 材自民間小戲中的歌 謠,是 歌仔戲〈 益 春留傘〉的主要曲調,也是 傳統唸歌常用

的旋律,亦被編寫成經典的〈農村酒歌〉, 可說是台灣早期音樂的共同記憶。在此旋

律中,融 入不同的當代音 樂風 格,為原 本 詼諧的旋律增添更多色彩。

“Wit h hold i ng t he Um brel la” is a wel lk now n piece from Ta iwanese Opera, and its melody was often reused in Taiwanese

fol k songs. Most not a bly, it wa s adapted into “Village Drinking Song”, an enduring tune that calls to mind the memory of early Taiwanese music. By adding a contemporary touch to it, we have brought new life to this popular, comical piece.

4. 弄樂



作曲/吳政君,編曲/吳政君、异境樂團 Play Music

ISRC: TWBS32006095

Tradit iona l

composed by A lex Wu; ar ranged by A lex Wu & Spectro 7 人聲-周意紋、張幼欣、陳崇青 爵士鼓、二胡、板胡-吳政君 打擊、南印度手鼓-張幼欣 電貝斯、大提琴-葉俊麟 合成器-林亮宇 電吉他-楊易修 鋼琴-周意紋 三弦-陳崇青

Vocals - Sayun Chang, Chung-Ching Chen, I-Wen Chou Drums, Erhu, Banhu - Alex Wu Percussion, Kanjira - Sayun Chang Bass, Cello - Jiro Yeh Synthesizer - Liang-Yu Lin Electric Guitar - Sherwin Yang Piano - I-Wen Chou Sanxian - Chung-Ching Chen

取材自傳統北管弦 譜〈春串〉。將工尺譜的 唸 唱「上、尺、工、凡、六、五、乙」搭 配 jazz funk 的節奏,讓北管的記譜法自然呈現在

樂 聲 中,重 新 喚 起 對 傳 統 音 樂 的 認 識 與 記 憶。

Originated from Beiguan music “Chun-Chuan” (“Connecting to the Spring”), this innovative piece embeds traditional Gongche notation “Shang, Che, Gong, Fan, Liu, Wu, Yi ” into jazz funk. Traditional Beiguan notation method blends naturally with the melody, awakening our nostalgia for traditional Taiwanese music.

5. 問卜(引)


作曲/葉俊麟,編曲/葉俊麟、吳政君、張幼欣 Before Pleasantr y

ISRC: TWBS32006096

composed by Jiro Yeh ar ranged by Jiro Yeh, A lex Wu & Say un Chang 打擊-吳政君、張幼欣、葉俊麟 Repique - Alex Wu Chico - Sayun Chang Piano(Percussion)- Jiro Yeh

6. 問卜

客家曲調 03'47"

作曲/葉俊麟,編曲/葉俊麟、异境樂團 Pleasantr y

Ha k ka Tradit iona l

composed by Jiro Yeh; ar ranged by Jiro Yeh & Spectro 7

ISRC: TWBS32006097

康加鼓、打擊-吳政君 | 電貝斯、打擊-葉俊麟 爵士鼓、打擊-張幼欣 | 合成器-林亮宇 柳琴-陳崇青 | 鋼琴-周意紋

Congas, Percussion - Alex Wu|Bass, Percussion - Jiro Yeh Drums, Percussion - Sayun Chang| Synthesizer - Liang-Yu Lin Liuqin - Chung-Ching Chen|Piano - I-Wen Chou

客家 小 調〈 問卜〉,講 述一 位 男子 調 戲 女子 的故事。這 種日常生活的詼諧與逗趣,讓人 聯 想 到 拉丁 文化 中 的 外放 與 不 做 作。樂 曲 中 使 用了 Candombe 與 Salsa 的 兩 種 節 奏,讓原本傳統的曲調,有了一番新滋味。

The Hakka folk song, “Pleasantry”, tells a story of a man trying to flirt with a woman. The universa l, stra ight for ward humor of daily life in this piece is transported to the enthusiastic, extrover t character of Latin American culture. Candombe and Salsa are used to create a new ambiance for this traditional melody.

7. 望返


作曲、作詞/楊易修,編曲/楊易修、异境樂團 Awaited Homecoming

ISRC: TWBS32006098

composed & ly r ics by Sher w in Yang; ar ranged by Sher w in Yang & Spectro 7

人聲、拍-周意紋 南管琵琶-楊易修 南管洞簫-葉俊麟 南管三絃-陳崇青 南管二絃-吳政君 鋼琴-林亮宇 打擊-張幼欣

Vocals, Pai - I-Wen Chou Nanguan Pipa - Sherwin Yang Nanguan Xiao - Jiro Yeh Nanguan Sanxian - Chung-Ching Chen Nanguan Erxian - Alex Wu Piano - Liang-Yu Lin Percussion - Sayun Chang

南 管上 四 管 樂 器 ——琵 琶、洞 簫、三 絃、二

絃、拍 —— 完 整 呈 現,以 此 傳 統 形 制 為 根 基,往上建構鋼琴與世界打擊樂,將東方強 調的齊奏於 頻譜上擴張,並沿用著名之「拖 腔」技巧加上流行演唱的口吻,重新詮釋南 管的可能。

We have expanded the traditional Nanguan ensemble, which feat ures t he pipa, xiao, sanxian, and erxian , by adding piano and world percussion. Combining the renowned tuo-qiang (prolonging the tone) technique and popular music singing skills, we have created a brand-new interpretation of Nanguan music.

歌 詞



塵世中 琳瑯的流光 跟隨了才是迷航 人去功名亡


天地間 歸根的方向 深耕在記憶中央

今仔日返來故鄉的時 毋知在叨位

我的心中彼當時 甘願離開的原因

既然已經過了這多年 不願擱提起

我會記得彼當時 你少年時的笑面

In the late years of life, dreams seem to prolong in the night True sincerity is scarce, on a building of such height In this floating world, lights sparkle and flow It will be an empty roam, if I blindly follow

When physical existence gone, accomplishments brought down Sceneries still remain, while souvenirs fade

Between the sky and the earth, I search my way back It lies right amidst my memories

Now it is the time to return home But I seem to lost my direction Deep inside my heart

I hardly recall the reason for which I left Since it was in the remote past It is now painful to evoke

What I remember always

Is your young smiling face


8. 五行族



ISRC: TWBS32006099

Race of Five Elements

composed by Liang-Yu Lin; ar ranged by Liang-Yu Lin & Spectro 7 爵士鼓、埃及鈴鼓、海浪鼓-張幼欣 | 康加鼓、打擊-吳政君 電鋼琴-周意紋 | 電吉他-楊易修 | 電貝斯-葉俊麟 柳琴-陳崇青 | 鋼琴-林亮宇

Drums, Riq, Ocean Drum - Sayun Chang| Congas, Percussion - Alex Wu Electric Piano - I-Wen Chou|Electric Guitar - Sherwin Yang Bass - Jiro Yeh|Liuqin - Chung-Ching Chen|Piano - Liang-Yu Lin

源於陰陽五行的概念:金、木、水、火、土於世界觀中,此首為五行族開章。五元素所代表每 一族類的個性和風 格,並用五種 狀 態相映不同的音調。曲初藉各種 大自然的聲響導入 五行

音樂世界,依 序由樂 器 聲 響展 現 五元 素的特 質。在 樂曲到最高潮 之 處,依 稀 聽見民謠〈 茉 莉花〉的身影將五行串聯,打開五行世界的初章。

This is the first piece in the series of the “Race of Five Elements”. According to the concept of the five elements, the world can be classified into five elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. These five elements represent the characteristics of five different categories, which in turn are interpreted by five different musical tones. At the beginning of the song, sounds from nature lead the way into the world of five elements, followed by instruments that demonstrate five elements’qualities. The five elements are finally connected during the climax of the folk song, “Mo Li Hua” (“Jasmine Flower”), opening up the first chapter to the world of five elements.

9. 季風舞雩



Monsoon Dance

composed & ar ranged by Chung-Ching Chen 中阮、三弦、柳琴-陳崇青

Zhongruan, Sanxian, Liuqin - Chung-Ching Chen

ISRC: TWBS32006100

季風 亞洲因氣候形成貿易與文化交流 網絡,其中多樣且活力充沛的宗教信仰及生活方式,

更成為亞洲文化交融與多樣 性最為集中之地。舞雩則是中國古代祭天求雨的儀式,音樂隨 著歌舞,傳達 上古中國人與天地 溝通的一種特 殊 形式。此曲揉合東南亞音樂的音階模式、

中國音樂的 語 彙 以 及 拉丁音樂的節奏,透 過中阮、三弦 和柳琴輪 流循環演奏交替呈現,試 圖在當代的彈撥音樂中尋找新的思維與可能性。

Monsoon Asia is a network of trade and cultural exchange enabled by the famous seasonal wind. The monsoon has made this area the most culturally and religiously diverse region in Asia. The concept of Monsoon Dance is coming from Wuyu. Wuyu is a traditional Chinese rainmaking ritual comprised of musical performance and dance. It is a special form of communication established between the ancient Chinese people and nature. The song, “Monsoon Dance”, integrates Southeast Asian musical tunings with Chinese musical phrases and Latin rhythmic patterns. Performed by zhongruan, sanxian and liuqin in alternation, this piece seeks new possibilities for contemporary plucked string instruments.

10. 雨中草寮

太魯閣傳統民謠 05'40"

作曲/張幼欣,作詞/太魯閣傳統民謠、張幼欣,編曲/張幼欣、异境樂團 Shelter in the Rain

Tr uku Tradit iona l

ISRC: TWBS32006101

composed by Say un Chang; Ly r ics by Tr uku Tradit iona l & Say un Chang ar ranged by Say un Chang & Spectro 7 電吉他、木吉他-楊易修 人聲、鐵琴-張幼欣 柳琴、中阮-陳崇青 合成器-林亮宇 電貝斯-葉俊麟 鋼琴-周意紋 打擊-吳政君

Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar - Sherwin Yang Vocals, Vibraphone - Sayun Chang Liuqin, Zhongruan - Chung-Ching Chen Synthesizer - Liang-Yu Lin Bass - Jiro Yeh Piano - I-Wen Chou Percussion - Alex Wu

靈感取自太魯閣族〈草寮歌〉,幻想自己在下雨的山林間,尋見族人用姑婆芋和山蘇所搭建 的草寮,雖 然可能是曾祭祀 祖 靈之處而有所疑 慮,但 還是在 窸窣水 滴聲中踏入它的遮蔽, 進而展開自己與 祖 先 們的 對 話;藉由歌 聲 和舞 蹈相會,一同浸 淫在大自然的 洗 禮。此曲運 用印度節奏的音樂語法與泛泰雅的唱歌方式,勾勒一種尋覓的迫切與思念的熱情。

Inspired by “Shelter Song” from one of Taiwanese indigenous Tribes—Truku—this piece depicts the composer’s imaginary encounter with her own ancestral spirits. In the mountains under the rain, a hut built with taro leaves and fern leaves comes into sight. Even though the hut might have been a sacred place for worship, she uses it to take shelter from the rain, and in doing so, triggers a dialogue with her ancestors. Through singing and dancing together, they become immersed in nature. This piece utilizes Indian rhythmic language and pan-Atayal singing style and seeks to capture feelings of desperate searching and passionate longing.

LYRICS Tawin tawin

Ta di gi na dum… biyi brayaw biyi sruhing

Ya aji mru hug snyusan sbiyaw cicis cicis cicis cicis

sawun mu bi tsasaw ha supu ta mqaras supu ta muyas supu ta mjiras supu ta mgrig

kana ita win tawin tawin tawin tawin tawin…

bohx ! wis ! ah ! wis ! biyi brayaw biyi sruhing wis ! ah !

Ya aji mru hug snyusan sbiyaw wis ! ah !

cicis cicis cicis cicis …

sawun mu bi tsasaw ha kana kikuyuh kana dsnaw

kana drudan kana lqlaqi

supu mqaras supu muyas

supu tndahug Utux da baraw supu mqaras supu muyas

supu tndahug Utux da baraw supu mqaras supu muyas

supu tndahug

dai taruku dai taruku dai taruku wa bohx !

歌 詞

Tawin tawin ① 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… ②


我要去那邊避雨休息 所有的女人

該不會觸犯祖靈的禁忌吧? cicis cicis cicis cicis 我要去那邊避雨休息















tawin tawin tawin… bohx ! wis ! ah ! wis ! ④ 姑婆芋和山蘇搭蓋的草寮



看哪 ! 我們是太魯閣的子民 ! bohx ! ⑥

wis ! ah ! ⑤

該不會觸犯祖靈的禁忌吧? wis ! ah !

cicis cicis cicis cicis …


①:親切的稱呼 ②:南印度節拍唸法 ③:雨滴聲 ④⑤⑥:歡呼聲

11. 瑤池千秋



Feast Upon the Bir th of Xiwangmu

composed by Sher w in Yang; ar ranged by Sher w in Yang & Spectro 7 ISRC: TWBS32006102

爵士鼓、康加鼓、打擊-吳政君|電吉他、北管打擊-楊易修 三弦、琵琶-陳崇青|合成器-林亮宇|電貝斯-葉俊麟 鋼琴-周意紋|打擊-張幼欣|北管打擊-陳又華 北管嗩吶-吳千卉、黃博裕、陳又華、劉育秀| 管子-黃博裕

Drums、Congas、Percussion - Alex Wu Electric Guitar, Beiguan Percussion - Sherwin Yang Sanxian, Pipa - Chung-Ching Chen Synthesizer - Liang-Yu Lin Bass - Jiro Yeh|Piano - I-Wen Chou Percussion - Sayun Chang Beiguan Percussion - Yu-Hua Chen Beiguan Suona - Chien-Hui Wu, Po-Yu Huang, Yu-Hua Chen, Yu-Hsiu Liu Guan - Po-Yu Huang


與 現代 樂 器謹 慎搭 配,象徵 女性 角色的 響 盞 貫 穿全曲,改 編三不 和、慢戰 等 鼓介,尾 段 則 以哭相思、跌馬介為骨幹,速度增快、情緒高亢。歡愉中,眾仙翩翩起舞、飲至大醉。

This piece originates from Beiguan music, featuring “Ban-xian ” (“Playing the role of God”) and “Eight Drunken Immortals”. Xiwangmu , the Queen Mother of the West, celebrates her birthday in the grand celestial hall. The Eight Immortals attend the celebration and are invited to join the feast. Xiang-Zhan (Chinese small gong), the instrument representing the female character, can be heard throughout the whole song. Intense Beiguan melodies, patterns are brought into play, matched with contemporary instruments. The rhythm becomes faster towards the end, depicting how the Immortals dance and get drunk at the end of the feast.

12. Outro 02'25" 作曲、編曲/黃瑞豐、吳政君、林亮宇

composed & ar ranged by Rich Huang, A lex Wu & Liang-Yu Lin

ISRC: TWBS32006103

爵士鼓-黃瑞豐 口簧琴-吳政君 鋼琴、電鋼琴、合成器-林亮宇 Drums - Rich Huang Jew's Harp - Alex Wu Piano, Electric Piano, Synthesizer - Liang-Yu Lin

台灣 鼓 王 黃 瑞 豐老 師,他 的 鼓 聲 像 水一 般,流動在台灣的音樂史上。逆向思考的

作 曲 順 序,就像 是 老 師口傳 心 授 於 晚 輩 的 傳 承 精 神。沒 有 結 尾 的 樂 曲,意 指 無 止盡的傳承,川流不息!

This piece features the “King of Drums,” Mr. Rich Huang ( 黃 瑞 豐 ). His wonderful drum beats proceed like flowing streams, circulating t hrough t he histor y of Taiwanese music. His exceptional “inverse c omp o s i n g” me t ho d s y m b ol i z e s t he transmission of musical knowledge. The open ending of the song is a living demonstration of endless creation and long-lasting cultural heritage.

團員 Musicians 藝術總監、打擊、二胡:吳政君 柳琴、中阮、三弦:陳崇青 爵士鼓、打擊:張幼欣 電吉他:楊易修 電貝斯:葉俊麟

合成器:林亮宇 鋼琴:周意紋

Art Director, Percussion, Erhu: Alex Wu

Liuqin, Zhongruan, Sanxian: Chung-Ching Chen Drums, Percussion: Sayun Chang Electric Guitar: Sherwin Yang Bass: Jiro Yeh

Synthesizer: Liang-Yu Lin Piano: I-Wen Chou

製作發行:异境樂團 製作人:吳政君 錄音、混音:王永鈞 錄音、混音錄音室:強力錄音室 母帶後期製作工程師:Dave McNa ir 母帶後期製作錄音室:Dave McNa ir Master ing

Produced & Published by Spectro 7 Producer: Alex Wu Recording & Mixing Engineer: Yung-Chun 'Chiefy' Wang Recording & Mixing Studio: Mega Force Studio Mastering Engineer: Dave McNair Mastering Studio: Dave McNair Mastering

企劃:鍾錦培 文案:周意紋 英文翻譯:李佳、Jennifer Chu 裝幀設計:粘力元 書法:郭秉逸 攝影:陳德政、林政億

Marketing: Thomas Chung Copywriter: I-Wen Chou English Translation: Chia Lee, Jennifer Chu Layout Design: Tino Nien Calligrapher: Bin Kuo Photographer: Momo Chen, Terry Lin

發行日期:2020 年 6 月 30 日 發行公司:山下民謠有限公司 Ⓟ & Ⓒ 2020 异境樂團

Date of Released: 30th Jun. 2020 Distributor: Foothills Folk LLC Ⓟ & Ⓒ 2020 Spectro 7

官方臉書粉絲專頁 Official FB Fanpage:https://www.facebook.com/Spectro7/ All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting prohibited.


Special Thanks

董陽孜老師、洪子龍、陳德政、陳至勇、郭秉逸、黃浩倫、吳千卉、陳又華、 劉育秀、黃博裕、曾仁義、呂頌恩、達達音響、Jennifer Chu

Prof. Yang-Tze Tong, Tzu-Long Hong, Momo Chen, Zhi-Yong Chen, Bin Kuo, Hao-Lun Huang, Chien-Hui Wu, Yu-Hua Chen,

Yu Hsiu Liu, Po-Yu Huang, Jen-Yi Tseng, Song-En Lu, DaDa Audio, Jennifer Chu

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