New Employee Handbook

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WelcometoTISB!Asanewemployee,youarejoiningtheteamthathasmadeTISBnotonlyone ofthetopschoolsinIndiabutindeedaroundtheworld.TISBisasought-afterboardingandday schoolwhichisvibrantandambitiousandstrivesforhighstandardsandachievements

Iwishyoueverysuccessinyournewrole,andIhopethatwithsupportfromyourcolleaguesyou quickly feel at home and your experience will be challenging and fulfilling both personally and professionally.PleaserememberthatatTISBeveryroleandeveryindividualisimportant;anditis our expectation that you will quickly connect with our core values and build positive working relationships

This handbook should not be considered as an employment contract or an agreement of employment but should be viewed as a source of useful and important information to ensure your re-location planning, arrival at TISB and settling in goes as smoothly as possible. We have attemptedtobeasdetailedaspossiblewithoutoverburdeningyouandifthereareanychanges, we will update you immediately Good luck and if you have any queries, please contact HR at






Bindu Hari
Ms Josheta Hari
Mr Hari Krishnan CEO


The International School Bangalore is located on a 140-acre campus in Dommasandra, Sarjapur of Bangalore, in Southern India. TISB was founded in 2000 by the school’s Chairman, Dr K P Gopalkrishna, an eminent leader in education, and is one of India’s most reputable, independent, selective, international boarding and day schools. Dr Gopalkrishna is also the Chairman and Founder of The National Public Schools (NPS) which have become a model that many schools seek to replicate under his advice Throughout its history TISB has delivered consistently high academic standards and strives to combine traditional values with a modern, global approach to life and learning


TISB believes in respect towards students, staff and the school, and fostering relationships based on fun and friendship



TISB prides itself on student equality and fairness regardless of age, background or ability Diversity is accepted and valued so no one feels excluded or less important


TISB’s community spirit and friendly atmosphere allow individual personalities to develop, and our student-led events and activities foster a supportive, nurturing and caring community

We feel proud to be part of our school community with a desire to excel and to do the best we can with integrity and honesty Honesty

TISB is a globally minded, international, co-educational, boarding and day school situated in 140 acres of stunning grounds in the Whitefield area of Bangalore, India. Students study the Cambridge PY Curriculum, English National Curriculum for English and Maths and a bespoke concept-based curriculum for other subjects, Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and English is the language of instruction throughout the school. Working at TISB will provide you with a rewarding opportunity to impact the developing lives of students from a range of diverse backgrounds.


Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore, and still known by many as Bangalore) is a unique and rapidly growing cosmopolitan city. English, Hindi, T amil, Telegu and Urdu and the local language of Kannada are the main languages spoken in Bangalore; with the majority of people having at least some understanding of English


A number of staff opt to live on-campus and contribute extensively to the boarding community. More specific information regarding on-campus living can be found in the


We endeavour continually to improve the educational provision we deliver through:


With passionate teaching, our students will gain exceptional academic skills, be aspirational thinkers and have a thirst for lifelong learning. They will develop a depth of knowledge and an independence of mind and spirit to allow them to become the best version of themselves.


Our students will have the opportunity to take risks and learn that failure is part of success, giving them the strength, resilience and confidence to achieve. Opportunities to explore and persevere with passions and interests outside the classroom will broaden horizons and develop character and curiosity.


Our students are instilled with a sense of humility and integrity They are compassionate, open-minded, respectful people who act to make a positive impact on the lives of others and the wider world.


Our students combine tradition, morality and ethical values with forward thinking and a modern global outlook They are reflective, creative and analytical, and consider their own learning and experiences while showing others empathy, compassion and respect.


Our students will have the opportunity to fulfil their dreams by attending the world’s best universities and colleges TISB will equip them with the tools, attributes and skills to be healthy, happy and successful global citizens who will create their own destiny.




At TISB we aim to give our Staff, Students & Parents a modern IT Infrastructure that aid in their work, academics and access to information. The infrastructure includes a mix of several Servers, over 200 Wireless access points across the campus, Smart Interactive Panels in the classrooms, Projectors and Computer labs.

On joining, all staff are provided with an Internet/Wi-Fi connection and an official email ID and password to access Microsoft 365 suite of apps, including Outlook (for email), OneDrive (for storage) and Teams (for online meetings and classes).


Please use your official TISB credentials to login to portal office com or office com to access your Microsoft Office 365 account Our network manager has set up your current password; this password must be changed when you meet with him during the new staff induction programme. If you have issues logging in, please do not get worried; we will assist you with any IT-related queries when you are here. Once you have successfully logged in, you can use this ID to correspond with your Line Manager


1) Open Outlook in edge/chrome > Settings > View all Outlook Settings > Compose and Reply > 2) Edit the signature template to reflect your name & designation

The signature should look like this:


You can log on to TISB website: www tisb org and access the Staff Portal Please ensure that you visit the Staff Portal regularly – it is a store house of information

Login details are below:


Password: B@ng@l0r3


Staff storing any work data should remember to back it up regularly to the school-provided cloud storage (OneDrive) and should refrain from storing information on local machines or on memory sticks.

Each staff member is allocated 1TB of cloud storage space on OneDrive, and an additional 4TB is given automatically once all is filled up


Download OneDrive app on your laptop or phone

Sign in with your TISB Microsoft 365 account and follow the on-screen prompts to link


Any confidential / important documents such as question papers should be password-protected before uploading to OneDrive.

Check recipients before sharing any file or folder

When sharing files/folders using OneDrive, it is recommended to set link expiry or block download to avoid any security issues. This will help automatically revoke access during accidental shares.


Microsoft Teams is our online collaboration platform for meetings and online classes. More details will be shared during the induction programme or when needed.

Staff must install Microsoft Teams on their personal laptops/phone to join any meetings and should ensure to keep their cameras ON during any meetings/classes They should also keep the Teams application up to date from time to time.


TISB Working Calendar & iSAMS calendar holds information about all school events and staff must refer to these calendars from time-to-time to know the events taking place in the school

To add, this calendar to your Outlook, Open Outlook > Calendar > Add Calendar > Add from directory > Choose your account from drop-down > then type > and then Click “Add”

Should you require any event to be included to the working calendar, please get in touch with your HOD/Grade Coordinator who will then get in touch with the Deputy Principal to update


iSAMS, our school information management system requires 2FA to be configured on staff phones to login.


1) Download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app from Play Store or AppStore

2) On a computer, login to iSAMS using the username and password provided and a QR code will be displayed on the screen

3) Now open the Authenticator app on your phone and click add > other > “allow access to camera when prompted” > and point the phone camera at the "QR Code" displayed on the computer screen

4) Now enter the code displayed on your phone into the computer screen (below the QR code) to login to iSAMS.

“Staff are required to read and respond to the ICT Policy document available on the Staff Portal” All IT support queries are to be sent only.









You can find the Term Dates for the current & the next academic year in our website Please note that the dates are subject to changes often, so it is always important to refer to the website to be get the upto-date information

Link to Term Dates


Staff concerns should initially be raised through your Line Managers who should report them to HR or to the Principal.



Buses arrive at school from 7:00am onwards 1

Secondary school students go straight to school for registration; KG students go straight to their classrooms; Grades 1 to 5 students assemble on the field adjacent to the car park and are escorted into the school by their teachers. 2

All staff must register by 7:20 am using their staff ID card as lessons begin at 7:30 am. 3.

There are nine lessons in the day, with a 20-minute morning break and a staggered lunch break 4

School finishes at 2:30 pm and the extra-curricular activities programme (2:50 pm to 4:05 pm) begins once the term is underway


TISB staff are role models for students and our appearance and demeanour give first, important impressions of the school to parents and the general public Staff are expected to dress accordingly and maintain high standards of appearance at work and when on school business; the dress code is therefore formal and conservative. Refer Staff Code of Conduct available in the staff portal.

Guidelines for all staff members:

• Hair should be well groomed

• Hair colour should be of natural tones (brown or black) Extreme hair colour such as green, purple, pink, blue, etc Are strictly prohibited

• TISB has an extended campus such as large number of steps, therefore, it is important that staff wear footwear that allows easy movement and is safe. High heels are not recommended and care should be taken when wearing open shoes

• Denim, corduroy, stonewashed trousers, collarless/collared T-shirts are not permitted

• Tattoos/skin decorations should be as far as possible concealed

• Provocative or revealing clothes are not permitted e.g vest tops

• Logos or wording on clothing should not be offensive

Male staff

Trousers, shirt, tie, socks, and shoes should be worn Hair should be trimmed at the nape and above the collar Long sideburns and unkempt facial hair are not permitted, beards should be kept short and trimmed or men should appear clean-shaven Trousers/pants should be fitted Except when required for religious/cultural purposes the wearing of earrings is discouraged.

Female staff

The recommendation is to wear the sari/salwar kameez or smart western clothing Skirts and dress length should not exceed more than 2" above the knee When worn earrings should be discreet

If the dress code is not followed,

· An informal alert will be sent from Senior Leadership Team

· Continuous disregard of the dress code may lead to formal written warning


All TISB employees are paid on the 5th of each month into a Standard Chartered salary bank account. The benefits an Indian TISB staff receive are contribution towards employee’s provident fund and contribution towards gratuity Staff children receive education scholarships only on school fees Housing is provided free to staff living on campus Consumables are charged for staff living on campus accommodation


This policy applies to all staff of The International School Bangalore (TISB) TISB seeks to embrace the use of ICT to enhance teaching, learning and administration within the school. IT Support Team could be reached at

All organisations (including schools) where computers are in use are advised to have a code of practice such as this It is necessary to outline the principles underpinning appropriate computer use, make expectations clear and ensure users are fully aware of the consequences of not following the code of practice and indulging in computer misuse. All TISB staff must sign a copy of this policy. (The policy is available on the staff portal/page no. 8 of this document).


On joining TISB for any position in Teaching, Boarding or Administration, you will be on probation for 1 year from the date of joining. The probation period may be extended at the management's discretion based on your performance during the probation period. On successful completion of the probation period, you are likely to be confirmed as a permanent staff member. Increments are dependent upon performance and appraisal and are only made in September of each academic year

Appraisal process – Teaching Staff

Announced and unannounced class observations are completed by the respective HOD. A Probationary target is followed throughout the year managed by HOD and Deputy Principal PY and Senior School

Before completion of 1 year of probation the Deputy Principal PY shares the compiled details with HR which is sent to Principal for final recommendation HOD and Deputy Principals of PY and Senior school conduct appraisal meetings for Staff Members

Appraisal process – Non-Teaching Staff

The Principal conducts appraisal meetings for Senior Leadership Team Admin staff appraisal are conducted by the Line Manager, Principal decides the final recommendation Boarding staff probation appraisal meetings are conducted by Deputy Principal Pastoral and Head of Boarding and shares the compiled details with HR which is sent to Principal for final recommendation.

Probation Process - Teaching Staff (PY and Senior)

HR will meet with new staff after 1 month for an informal conversation

The first appraisal will be in the month of November after completion of 3 months

An announced lesson observation and reflection followed by a feedback meeting with the Staff/HOD

The HOD shares the Lesson Observation and Reflection and Probationary Monitoring Form with SDPA/Overseeing DP and HR

The second appraisal will be in the month of March after completion of 6 months

An unannounced lesson observation and reflection followed by feedback meeting with the Staff/HOD and the overseeing Deputy Principal

The HOD shares the Lesson Observation and Reflection and Probationary Monitoring Form with SDPA/Overseeing DP and HR

The final appraisal will be in the month of May before end of May

A target completion meeting with the Staff and the HOD

The HOD shares the FINAL Probationary Monitoring Form with SDPA/Overseeing DP and HR after completion of the form including Staff comments.

HR shares the FINAL Probationary Monitoring Form with the Principal for review and approval

Probation process – Non-Teaching Staff (Boarding)

HR will meet with new staff after 1 month for an informal conversation

The first appraisal will be in the month of November after completion of 3 months

A feedback meeting with the Staff/HOB and DPP

The HOB shares the Probationary Monitoring Form with DPP and HR

The second appraisal will be in the month of March after completion of 6 months

A feedback meeting with the Staff/HOB and DPP

The HOB shares the Probationary Monitoring Form with DPP and HR

The final appraisal will be in the month of May before end of May

A target if any completion meeting with the Staff/HOB and DPP

The HOB shares the Probationary Monitoring Form with DPP and HR

HR shares the FINAL Probationary Monitoring Form with the Principal for review and approval

Probation process - Non-teaching Staff (Admin)

HR will meet with new staff after 1 month for an informal conversation

The first appraisal will be in the month of November after completion of 3 months A feedback meeting with Staff and Principal Principal shares the Probationary Monitoring Form with HR

The second appraisal will be in the month of March after completion of 6 months A feedback meeting with Staff and Principal. Principal shares the Probationary Monitoring Form with HR

The final appraisal will be in the month of May before end of May

A target if any completion meeting with Staff and Principal Principal shares the Probationary Monitoring Form with HR

Principal will review and approve the Final Probationary Monitoring Form


Parents are our customers, and they deserve the best customer service. Often a kind word can quickly diffuse a difficult situation Word of mouth is our biggest asset but can also be our biggest concern

It is important to remember that whenever you communicate with parents it should be with the utmost politeness and professionalism.

When writing to parent s your communication should always star t with Dear Mr/Ms xxx or Good morning/afternoon if you are unsure of their salutation

When communicating with parents or students, use Email Wizard in iSAMS, and remember to use the template options to personalise the email.

When sending a Form to parents or students, please hide the link behind text rather than send the long form URL Watch this video for instructions on how to put a link behind words.


Friday newsletters are sent every week to parents, staff & high school students These newsletters are one of TISB's best communication tool If there is any information that your department needs to send out, you are requested to share it with Principal and cc Mr Santanu or Mr Naveen


Please use this template for all official TISB presentations: Master Copy This is a view only copy hence template should be downloaded and edited


TISB staff is not allowed to post pictures of students in their personal accounts. The only exception is if you are using a professional account in twitter. The staff has to tag @TISBangalore in all posts regarding school. While we do not expect you to blur any faces - make sure that the names of the students or any sensitive material is not shared on the account TISB staff cannot "friend/follow" students until the students have graduated

TISB LinkedIn is one of our great recruitment tools. When updating your current employer, make sure to select the correct TISB account as there are few faux accounts. Follow the Linkedin page to stay connected to TISB professional network

For queries regarding TISB branding & communications, please contact Ms. Shobhita (


Be sure to follow our social media channels.

SmugMug is the official TISB Gallery You can login using the credentials below SmugMug login:

Password: trojans2024

Please note that the whole TISB Community (Parents, Teachers & Students) can upload their photos to SmugMug when an event upload link is shared We are building a TISB archive and want photos from all perspectives We are continuously monitoring & reviewing the upload galleries

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