2 minute read
Production of records before the police or an Excise Officer
from bo misc rules
received instead, or received in a damaged condition or without noting its weight or with a different weight recorded than the ascertained weight ;
(b) a registered article of the letter or parcel mail or a registered bundle entered in a registered or parcel list or b.o. slip not received or an article bearing a different No. received instead or received in excess of those entered in the list;
(c) the total number of unregistered parcels entered in a b.o. slip not received or an unregistered parcel or parcels received in excess of the total number entered in a b.o. slip;
(d) a remittance or cash advised, but not received or an amount received short or in excess of the sum advised;
(e) non-receipt of a branch office slip in the branch office bag received from its account office.
(2) In the case of branch offices situated at telegraph stations, the occurrence, should, if the branch postmaster knows English, be reported by telegram to the despatching office or Record office of the despatching section or office concerned. A copy of the telegram should be sent by post to the Superintendent.
(3) All complaints from the public received by the branch postmaster must be acknowledged by him and submitted to the officer to whom he is directly subordinate, with any remarks that may be considered necessary.
Note 1. – In cases in which complaints on postal, telegraph and telephone matters are posted in closed covers they must be fully prepaid. When such a complaint does not bear postage stamps in full prepayment of postage, it should be treated as “Unpaid” or “insufficiently paid”, as the case may be, and forwarded to the account office for disposal. But if a bona fide complaint against the Postal Service (except complaints relating to value-payable articles) addressed to any officer of the Department and without stamps in payment of postage is presented in writing at a post office or telegraph office, open or in an open cover, irrespective of whether the complaint relates to the same office or any other office in the same Circle or not, it will be accepted and forwarded to the account office for disposal. No communication which is not a bona fide complaint, will be exempted from payment of postage.
Note 2. – In cases when the non-receipt of an article of document has been reported by telegraph, its subsequent receipt or discovery should also be communicated to the officers concerned by telegraph, as soon as it is received or traced.
(4) On receipt of information of a highway robbery of mails, the branch postmaster should communicate it at once, by telegraph if available, to the local police, the sub-divisional inspector and the Divisional Superintendent.