The Signal November 2016

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November 2016

Volume 91

Issue 3

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Even though some students can’t vote:

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they should care Nyamuoch Pal Reporter On November 8, 2016, a new president will be elected to serve a minimum term of four years, however, high school students may not know much about the election and how it will affect at least four years of their lives. Four years from now high school students will most likely have a job, and, or will be in college, buying their first homes and beginning their journey under this election happening in 2016. Social studies teacher Michele Richardson quoted in ‘The Lance’ newspaper, “For most high school students, whoever we elected will be president when they graduate, so the policies they carry out are going to definitely impact their college,” she continued saying, “It’s going to impact if they choose to go into careers, what types of careers they have, so definitely as far as the economy the election is definitely going to affect high school students.”

Adriana Ibarra watching the debate as Cody Kinney plays on his phone. Photo by: Nyamuoch Pal.

Many high school students are too young to vote so they believe they shouldn’t care. Although they can’t vote, high school students should have a sense of knowing what it’s like to have a political ideology. Students should know what they believe in, they should also have a sense of what they want to happen in the country. Some teens believe that their thoughts and opinions are viewed as worthless and not important. In many cases that leads to multiple reasons why high school-

ers do not engage in politics or any of the things happening in today’s society. “I think people have that perception because everyone assumes kids don’t know anything because they don’t have as much life experience and they haven’t been through as many things and they don’t really know how the real world works,” said government teacher Ben Tworek. “Best way to change that is giving kids more voice, like lowering the voting age for instance, and give 16 year old kids a voice where it

did matter.” Hard part about having a politics class in high school is following up with curriculum and keeping the students attentions. Although, educating students about responsibility, civic duties and rights is a great way to teach students to become engaged adults. “Its starts with you guys,” said Tworek. “Kids have to care, kids have to find a reason to follow things, pay attention, but then I think it catches on it contagious.”

However, some teens may not be able to vote, staying engaged and following up with politics is very important. There are many way you can get involved in elections such as attending political rallies, write letters to candidates addressing issues you may be passionate about, also visiting polling station to see what voting may be like before you go out and vote some day.

Trump and Clinton differ on many views Tiana Larsen Reporter The differences between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump could not be more striking. Clinton has spent most of her career fighting to help protect and expand her access to reproductive health care. Meanwhile, Trump would ban access to safe legal abortion; cut insurance coverage to birth control and many more. When Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy, she stated, “Everyday Americans need a champion,” and told voters that she wanted to be that champion for them. Clinton had placed a high emphasis on college affordability, income quality, green energy and other major issues. Donald Trump claims to have big plans for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and thinks he would be more fit for the United States President but at the top of his agenda is immigration. Trump called to build a wall across the southern border. Clinton has pushed for comprehensive immigration with a pathway to citizenship and wants

Presidental canidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Photo by: thefederalist. com

to defend Obama’s 2012 and 2014 immigration actions. Clinton has slammed Trump’s plan to build a wall along the border and deport undocumented immigrants. Trump and Clinton both could not disagree more about health care reform. Trump repeals of Obamacare while Clinton is a health activist. Clinton’s tax proposals reflect a desire to even out the wealth gap, and plans for the higher paid to pay back a fair share in taxes. However, Trump wants to

simplify U.S tax code, including cutting down taxes. As the gun violence continues to cross the country, the 2016 general election has focused sharply on legal restrictions on the buying and selling of firearms. Trump promised he would keep the 2nd Amendment rights, instead Clinton had address that she would like to implement gun legislation. By the end of the year, students loan debt would jump to unprecedented levels. 43 mil-

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lion students in the U.S would owe close to 1.3 trillion dollars. Clinton has pushed the education policy as well as for higher education reform. “The public school system has been, I believe, second to the Constitution, the most important institution in making America the great country that we have been over the last 200 plus years,” Clinton stated in an interview with CBS news. Trump on the other hand, believes that children should go

to private schools rather than public arguing that they can create healthy competition in the education market. Clinton and Trump both have gone head to head against one another in many critical and heated arguments, which only gets more intense as the election nears. Stay tuned to find out who will take over office on November 8th.

Political News

Final debate of the 2016 Presidential election

Paginator Morgan Barth Adriana Ibarra Cami Wagaman Staff Abigail Edie Alexis Shepard Chancey Travis Courtney Jones Cody Kinney Dylan Harold Jordan McAlpine Madasyn Davis Shae Wilson Tiana Larsen

Trump and Hillary battle it out at the third and final debate of the election Photo provided by:

Hillary destroyed. He questioned how she could run for presidency although she has done a crime. He believes that is more of an important topic than someone who wants “fame.” Out of a moment of anger Trump clashes at Clinton about the money that she borrows from countries that treat people horribly, continuously saying that the Clintons Foundation has failed and is a disgrace. Hillary abruptly brought up the Trump Foundation where question rose about where his money goes because unfortunately he hasn’t released his tax returns. Half of undocumented immigrants pay their federal income taxes each year. According to Clinton, we have more immigrants paying federal income taxes than a US citizen billionaire. “He keeps talking about the undocumented immigrants.

Undocumented immigrants pay 12 billion of taxes every year,” said CEO and president of Voto Latino, Maria Teresa Kumar on NBC’s, Meet the Press. “They pay their taxes. They have skin in the game. He’s not contributing to a system that he says he is going to go in and fix.” Chris Wallace, the moderator, asked Trump if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election.” Blaming the media for dishonesty and corruption Trump believed Hillary shouldn’t of been able to run for president, Trump refused to commit a peaceful transition. “I will tell you at it at the time, replied Trump. “I’ll keep you in suspense.” Clinton stated that every time Trump doesn’t get his way he thinks everything is rigged against him. “This is how Donald thinks, and it’s funny, but it’s also really troubling.” She explained

Clinton makes appearance in Omaha Tiana Larsen Reporter Democrat Hillary Clinton made her way to Omaha North Magnet High School, on July 28th, to announce her kick off as a presidential nominee. Clinton had discussed her commitment on building up an economy that works for everyone, not just the ones higher ranked. Clinton made history as the first woman to become a presidential nominee of the U.S political party, by winning the votes against the others running in the Democratic Party. Clinton’s New York senator and secretary of state had claimed her party’s nominations over Bernie Sanders, who had asked his voters to nominate Clinton. Taken from KETV Newswatch 7, Mike Peterson from the Army National Guard stated, “When I think of leadership, I think of Hillary Clinton. She’s the best this country could ask for. We could do no better.” Clinton’s visit had kicked off her campaign by winning the electoral vote that could be critical this fall. Clinton said that she not only supports the Buffett Rule, but also might seek to impose an even higher tax rate on the rich.

Editor-in-Chief Morgan Barth Copy Editor Cami Wagaman Nyamuoch Pal

Nyamuoch Pal Reporter The third and final presidential debate was held on October 19, 2016 at the Thomas and Mack Center University of Nevada, Las Vegas where both presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump faced off. The discussion led to abortion, a topic that divides both candidates. Trump is prolife, he believes women who have abortions should be punished and Hillary is pro-choice she strongly believes in Roe v. Wade, although abortion is a bad thing women should have the choice to have an abortion only on certain regulations. Roe v. Wade a state law that banned abortions except to saves the mother’s life. The Roe v. Wade decision held that a woman and her doctor can choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without legal restrictions according to, women’s history expert, Jone Johnson. Until this day Roe v. Wade is a case that is still highly discussed. Clinton described how Trump attacked a woman reporter calling her disgusting. “Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger,” Trump retaliated saying “No one has more respect for women than I do,” Making the audience burst into laughter. Trump changed the topic and talks about all the emails that


Preseidental Canidate Hillary Clinton speaking at Omaha North Magnet High school. Photo by: Dave Kaup- Yahoo

Hillary also had another rally which was held on Monday August 8th in the state of Nebraska which was an event that had three main set goals: Winning the states split college vote, reaching next door into swing state of Iowa and using a well-known billionaire to question Donald Trump. In effort to take out Trump, Clinton had thrown Trump as a outsourcer who wants to “put America first” but who is truly making his products in other countries for a small business for America. Billionaire Warren Buffett, known as the “oracle of Omaha,” introduced Clinton at the event, focusing much of his speech, but also on questioning why Donald Trump has so far refused to release his tax returns. “How many of you would be afraid to have your tax return

made public? No, no, you’re only afraid if you have something to be afraid about,” Buffett said, noting that Trump has said he won’t release them because he is under audit. “He is not afraid because of the IRS, he is afraid because of you.” Buffett acknowledged a social standing on August 8th when he said he is going to launch a campaign to help people get to the polls. He state that he was renting a trolley on November 8 with the goal of making Nebraska’s second district the place with the “highest percentage of potential voters of any district in the county.” Clinton endorsed the idea, too, promising that if that happened she would come back as president and “Warren and I will dance in the streets of Omaha together.”

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how you are to accept the outcome of the election although you may not like it. As the debate went on viewers could see that Trump was losing his cool, criticising Clinton and constantly getting irritated with Wallace. Clinton argued that Trump was too close to Vladimir Putin, Russia’s President. When she questioned his unfitness to be president, Trump replied with, “No you are the one that’s unfit.” Clinton called Trump a puppet of Putins. Trump was furious and replied that Putin has no respect for neither Clinton or President Obama. Moving on to the finals segment of the debate which was about the national debt. The debt has been the highest since World War II, with both of the presidential nominees debt would rise. Story continued on SignalNews (case sensitive)

Adviser Rob Lindquist Phone: 712-328-6493 Facebook: CBJacketJournalism Twitter:@TJHSJournalism Web: Snapchat: tjhsjournalism The Signal is a school-sponsored publication of Thomas Jefferson High School 2501 W. Broadway Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501. The Signal’s office is located in room C128. The Signal is printed by OH-K FASTPRINT in Omaha, NE. The Signal is a schoolsponsored-publication and therefore recognizes its responsibility to stay within the boundaries that the school administrator sets. The Signal will therefore inform its readers using a high standard of morals and ethics. The Signal encourages readers to respond in the form of letters to the editor, which can be sent to room C128. The Signal’s editorial staff reserves the right to edit the letters for grammatical errors and to remove any profanity. The editors also reserve the right to exclude letters that are false in their statements or accusations. The Signal will not accept advertisements that promote activities illegal to minors. Advertising rates are available upon request.

NSPA Member Publication IHSPA Member Publication

Three Doors Down Recently, TJ held a door decorating contest about bullying. The first place winner, Mrs. Stegmans class is pictured below. The second and third door decoration winners were Mrs. Puteney, and Ms McClellan. The door decorating contest was initiated by the freshmen mentoring program, and the START classes who were involved were freshmen classes.

NEWS Tiana Larsen Reporter An event following Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday, is celebrated worldwide. This event kicks off end-of-year giving. #GivingTuesday falls on the tuesday after thanksgiving. Operation Christmas Child is being held here at Thomas Jefferson to help give back to those in need. By donating shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items or even school supplies you can help make a child’s Christmas. All the donations will be

START giving back going toward children in need. If you have any questions, email Josephine Starner at jstarner722@ Get involved with #GivingTuesday by attending the Micah house to support families and individuals who are experiencing homelessness. Other ways to get involved is by picking up trash around the community and going to nursing homes to volunteer. Other places to get involved with include Jennie Edmundson Memorial Hospital Foundation, it

promotes the health care needs of the residents in southwest Iowa. Habitat for Humanity encourages Young Leaders Conference as well as learning construction skills while building homes for women and children. Join your local community and be a part of the global celebration of new tradition of kindness. Use #GivingTuesday on social media post on November 29th 2016 showing off the generosity to the community.

Building issues at Kanesville cause move

The logo for #GivingTuesday Graphic by:

TJHS fundraises their way to new equipment

The old washington building becomes the new home for the Kanesville alternative school. Photo by: Adriana Ibarra.

Shae Wilson Reporter On October 10th, 2016, Kanesville Alternative Learning Center was relocated to the old Washington elementary school. All classes that were taught prior to the move will still be offered to students there. When the boiler in the building had reached a point where it was unable to pass inspection, the School Board decided that it was time to make a move. The boiler being absent meant

the building wasn’t getting any heat. The entire system that supported the central heat would have to be replaced, which could not currently be accomplished with school in progress “We are very excited about moving to this building,” said Mr. McLaughlin, the head principal of Kanesville. The switch to the Washington building is going to be a change for the students and teachers of Kanesville. The new location is in great condition and gives much more space in a nicer setting.

Now the students have full kitchen service and the ability to be served full lunches. They are moving towards having a closed campus lunch by the end of the year. The school board is still trying to determine whether the move is going to be permanent, or if eventually they will move back into the Tinley building. The building does require some major renovations, which would take quite a bit of time. As of now, it is still unsure what will happen to the old Kanesville building.

Improving education in middle schools Adriana Ibarra Reporter In CBCSD the school board, educators, and superintendent are always looking for a way to improve the learning of their students. Recently Kirn and Wilson Middle Schools were approved to be the first IB (International Baccalaureate) schools in southwest Iowa. Currently, Collage View and Carter Lake are IB schools. IB is a non-profit organization to help children from the ages of 3-12 to develop five important elements; knowledge, attitude,

Entrance of Wilson Woodrow Middle School. Photo by: Adriana Ibarra.

skills, action and concepts. IB does not change the curriculum, but it changes the way the students are taught. The key subject areas in an IB program are foreign languages, English, science, a focus on the arts and the curriculum of math.

The Iowa West Foundation is funding $1.4 million to launch the IB program, but the estimated cost to start the program is $1,404,600 million. CBCSD students could start seeing the IB program go into effect as early as 2017-18.

Acoustic Guitar DG-8S package from Fender. Photo by:

Alexis Shepard Reporter Thomas Jefferson’s band and orchestra held a raffle drawing on October 14th, to win a new Fender Premium Acoustic Guitar DG-8S Package. The package that was raffled off included a Fender SolidSpruce-Top Dreadnought with an electric tuner, acoustic strings, a string winder, a gig bag, and some extra materials such as straps and picks, all of which were Fender brand. A member of the community by the name of Vicki Nichols won the raffle. Cally Bitterlin, the band teacher at TJHS, explained that if anyone were to be interested in helping out with any fundraiser, Hailey ( or Hannah Butler (hbutler992@ would be the people

to contact, if not Bitterlin herself at “It means everything to us. It shows that there is community and school pride...” said Bitterlin. “It allows us to be at different events to compete as well as events to support our fellow Jackets.” The money from the raffle will be going towards uniforms, the upkeep of instruments, and it will also go towards possible class trips. Band and orchestra plan on hosting another fundraiser in November which is being called a “one hour fundraiser”. They plan on selling things like coupon books, NFL/NCAA gear, and accessories. If you are interested at all in helping out with Thomas Jefferson’s Band & Orchestra class, don’t hesitate to help out with the fundraisers that they are holding.

In November students and teachers will have multiple days off. Students will have the 18th off so the teachers can prepare for the new trimester. The faculty and student body will not have school the 23, the district will be closed for holidays the 24th and 25th.

Even more stories online! Visit: Page 3


Forget Thanksgiving, it’s all about Black Friday

An ad Target’s papers to inform shoppers Target is apart of Black Friday. Graphic by:

Courtney Jones Reporter November 24th is Thanksgiving day and at midnight shoppers hurry to stores to participate in the Black Friday sales November 25th. However, certain stores open earlier and times will be posted on their websites. When the month of November begins, people think about topics such as; what is going to be presented for thanksgiving dinner and especially what deals they can get while Black Friday shopping. Black Friday is an annual day

of sales in the United States and has been around for quite some time. People are thinking more about what they are going to buy and how much it will cost rather than their plans for Thanksgiving. While Black Friday shopping it’s a good idea to be careful; many incidents of fights and people being trampled are common during the craze of the holiday. “It’s chaotic, but you know the sales are worth it,” said Thomas Jefferson junior Alondra Ibarra. Ibarra explains that she doesn’t like how long it takes to go from one store to another, she would rather have everything

The wilting of

Courtney Jones Reporter Vine is a social media app made by Twitter that features many six second videos. Twitter produced vine in 2012 unfortunately it officially debuted in 2013. Although the app has had some great success in the past, after Instagram introduced it new video feature it almost killed Vine’s ratings. After Vine realized that they were losing great amounts of users they tried to expand the quality of the app with new and improved features, but nothing was bringing any viners back. This had been going on for quite some time which prompted their decision to shut down the company. Before the thought of the discontinuation most of the Vine stars had either deleted their accounts or had stopped posting altogether. Many of them such as Cameron Dallas had left vine for

their competitors such as Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Upon the announcement of Vine shutting down, the company has let go of more than 300 of their employers. They also made it clear to the users that they have some time to save all of their vines and other content they want to keep. Many big users of vine have pleaded for the company to continue the app as they will lose their jobs, but they decision to discontinue vine is final. “We think it’s important to still be able to watch all the incredible vines that have been made,” says the company. The company has decided that even though the app will be deleted they plan to keep the app’s website up for people to look back at old vines. Vine is an important aspect of Twitter’s company but unfortunately it is just not bringing in the business that is necessary to continue.

move faster. However, she believes that she gets so much more stuff when Black Friday shopping then what she would any other day. “I get awesome discounts on expensive items,” said Ibarra. “Whenever Thanksgiving comes, all I can think about is shopping later on that night.” Ibarra says that you get more for less when you go Black Friday shopping, and how easy it is to get Christmas presents. “I think if you are second guessing Black Friday shopping then you should stop,” said Ibarra. “You’re totally missing out if you don’t go.”

Get to know Officer Brandon Diederich Abigail Edie Reporter

Brandon Diederich, the new student resource officer (SRO) at Thomas Jefferson has taken the opportunity to enforce the law at TJ for the next five years. SRO officers mostly serve five years at a school and then they switch back to the streets and rotate with other officers. “It’s the first school that I’ve been to,” said Officer Diederich. “The duties are different because I am strictly responsible for the school and staff.” Officer Diederich is still pretty new so he is still learning the ways of being at a school. Diederich is still unsure how to approach problems within the school, only because he has never worked at one before TJ. “Overall I like it, some of it I’m still new too,” said Diederich. But Diedrich says that there really isn’t a problem he faces here, he says there are changes but no problems or issues. Diederich says that the biggest change is how he approaches different situations, and how he would say things differently then what he would say them on the

Brandon Diederich new SRO at Thomas Jefferson. By: Adriana Ibarra

streets. “The biggest change for me, is how I approach different situations and the manners of how you say certain things,” Officer Diederich said. When asked what the definition of a SRO was he said he believed “it was for the safety of the students and staff and to build relationships with students.” Although he is new, Diedrich is prepared to achieve the duties that TJ has in store for him. Remember to give him a warm welcome if you see him in the hallways.

Lorde set to release mystery album

Ella Marija O’Connor, aka Lorde, at an awards show. Photo provided by:

Alexis Shepard Reporter Ella Marija Lani YelichO’Connor, also known as Lorde, is an art pop singer and songwriter from New Zealand. She debuted in 2013, and is finally hinting at the release of her sophomore album. She’s made it clear on social media that she has been working on it for a while. Lorde, who is currently 19, started releasing music at 17, but she was discovered at the age of 12 by Universal Music Group. Lorde released two EPs, The Love Club and Tennis Court, as well as her first official album, Pure Heroine, all in 2013. Her most well known song is “Royals”, but she has a few other songs that are popular as well, such as “Team” and “Tennis Court”.

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Lorde also wrote a song called “Yellow Flicker Beat” for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt. 1. Lorde has been relatively vague about her upcoming album, but it has been said that she’s been working on the album since March of this year. She’s made a few cryptic Instagram posts but hasn’t really come out with any big hints or comments on the album. Although she hasn’t said much about the album itself, Lorde has talked about the music writing process on social media. Lorde tweeted that she went into the wilderness for three days and, “made some of the most exciting breakthroughs” for the album yet. One thing Lorde has revealed about the actual music is that

she’s taking some inspiration for it from Robyn, a Swedish electropop artist. Jack Antonoff, former member of band Fun., Steel Train, and current singer for indie pop act Bleachers is working with Lorde on her upcoming album. Antonoff has previously worked with artists such as Taylor Swift, Charli XCX, and Grimes. Fans of Lorde have said on social media that they would like to hear more collaborations and covers in her upcoming album. While Lorde has revealed that she doesn’t have a specific timeline, the album is coming soon. It’s sure to have experimental content and be moving, as Lorde has spent a long time trying new things and writing deep lyrics.


What’s to come in The Vampire Diaries

Book of the month; Hate List Tiana Larsen Reporter

Cami Wagaman Reporter

Since the premiere of the first episode in 2009, The Vampire Diaries has had a large group of fans and supporters following the show. For eight years this show has been making headlines, and soon it will come to an end. Nina Dobrev, who plays Elena Gilbert, left the show during season six, and it was rumored to have been because of the romantic past between Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder, which has caused some speculation with Somerhalder’s wife, Nikki Reed. Since Nina Dobrev has announced her return to the show, the cast seems to be split in two different sides. Paul Wesley, who plays Stefan Salvatore, stands behind the Dobrev and Somerhalder reunion, while Nikki Reed is pushing for Dobrev to be replaced by Twilight actress Kristen Stewart. Despite the rumors, Dobrev has said that the reason behind her absence in season seven was because her contract had reached the deadline, and she wanted to expand her horizons.

Damon and Strefan Salvatore leaving Mystic Falls. Photo by:

TVD season seven was recently added onto Netflix on October 8th, 2016. Season eight has been confirmed to premiere on October 21st, 2016. However, the CW has decided not to continue the series after the eighth season. In the trailer for season eight, it shows that Damon, played by Ian Somerhalder, is back to his old tricks, and the group of friends are facing a great danger. Damon can not be controlled by his friends, and is spiralling out of control without Elena around.

Many trailers for the new season have showed Damon and an old friend of his in danger, as they get lost. Trailers have also featured Elena in them, hinting at her return. The new season seems to hold many conflicts, and the end of what has been an eight year long rollercoaster for this group of supernatural friends. The fans have definitely waited this finale, as it is believed to hold the answers to the questions we have been asking.

Coloring contest

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It’s September and close to the end of Valerie Leftman’s senior year when her boyfriend Nick pulls a gun in the commons at school. Leaving six students and a teacher dead and many others wounded. Valerie was hit by a bullet in the leg while trying to stop Nick just before he ends his own life. Until that point, Valerie had no idea that the “hate list” that she and Nick created would be used to target victims in a vengeful shooting spree. For her, the list of tormentors was a way to ease the pain of being bullied and an outlet against the constant fighting between her parents. Although the police investigation reveals that Valerie had nothing to do with the actual shootings, many people in her community, including her parents, have a hard time believing that she is not at fault. With the help of a patient and insightful therapist, Valerie bravely returns to school after the summer to face the challenges before her. I have to say in this book there are some shocking moments, but I was kind of let down by how the book was written out. It

Jennifer Brown’s novel ‘Hate list.’ Photo by: Tiana Larsen

was one great read with all the different details, but I thought that this book was going to start off by telling readers about who Valerie and Nick were and end the book by what happen after the incidents. Valerie, the main character, is stronger than she knows-a beautifully drawn character who has suffered pain, guilt, and incredible stress as she heals from the shooting, the loss of a troubled boyfriend she deeply loved, and difficult family circumstances. This book was amazing. I would give it an overall of four buzzes out of five for its attempt at more of an after the event rather than telling the story leading up to it. Fellow bookworms, read at your own risk.


Bullock takes the role of baseball coach TJ beats AL after 12 years Jordan McAlpine Reporter Coming off a productive 2016 campaign that saw 17 wins, the Thomas Jefferson baseball program will look to take another step in 2017, but this season under new leadership. Recently, Thomas Jefferson Activities Director Jeremy Stukenholtz officially named Josh Bullock as head coach of the Jackets baseball program, a position Bullock is very excited for. “It means a lot to me,” said Bullock. “I am really excited to be apart of a sport that has a lot of history of success at TJ.” Earlier this fall head coach of the previous 3 seasons Keith Midkiff announced he would be stepping down from the head coaching position. During his time at the head of the program Midkiff ’s teams pieced together three productive seasons, capped off by a 17-20 record in 2016, a huge stride for TJ baseball. Now coming off successful seasons the past few years, Bullock hopes to continue the success as he steps in as the new head of the program. Bullock who has an extensive background in the sport of baseball is very excited for what the next few years of TJ Baseball, but along with coaching Bullock has put together a successful baseball career and so far has been very productive in the classroom, which some may not know about his time both on and off the field. Now in his 2nd year of teaching at TJ, Bullock has found himself a new home and so far has enjoyed his time here very much, “I have enjoyed it and getting to know the students has been a lot of fun,” said Bullock. “The community is all for TJ which is cool to see. A lot of people that are around here went to TJ and really want to see it improve.” Although it may be a short amount of time, Bullock has thoroughly enjoyed teaching here so far and hopes to continue to do so into the future, but when he was looking for a position he did not know much about the school, but after a visit to Thomas Jefferson he was very interested in the job, “when I first met some of the people around the building I quickly realized I wanted to work here.” Said Bullock. “When Thomas Jefferson called with a job opportunity I had applied for other schools but hadn’t heard back from them yet. TJ called first and I took the job very quickly. I didn’t have them

Varisty volleyball team gathering during a time out. Photo by: Yearbook Staff

Dylan Harold Reporter

Science teacher Josh Bullock. Photo by: Jordan McAlpine.

on my radar right out of college, but you could say I got really lucky.” Bullock who teaches many forms of science here at TJ enjoys helping others, but hasn’t always wanted to necessarily teach, but that changed in high school. “I always wanted to help people in some fashion, I had a teacher in high school, who was my science teacher. He told me I would make a good teacher and helped me through the whole process.” Now looking back on the decision Bullock feels he made the right choice and so far has enjoyed his time in the classroom. Bullock does enjoy helping and teaching students, but why science? “I always loved science and animals. I wanted to be a vet if I wasn’t a teacher. One of the best things about being a science teacher is I get to continuously learn about science subjects which I enjoy.” So far Bullock has enjoyed his time teaching here at TJ and looks forward to continuing to do so. Both the students and staff here have made the time very enjoyable, and as he describes it, TJ is “a fun environment to work in.” Most people here at TJ know Bullock as a teacher and see him in the classroom helping students with science, but what some may not know is the time Bullock spent on the mound pitching in college. The 6’4” 200 pound right hander spent 4 years pitching at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, mainly in a relief role, and put together a successful college pitching career over that

time, capped off by senior season where he led the team with 5 saves and appeared in 18 games. “Playing baseball at UNO was a great experience. Playing in Omaha was a blast. I got to meet a lot of my really close friends that way. I still talk to most of my teammates from school.” Over the 4 years playing at UNO Bullock said he had many memorable experiences and great moments, but his junior year was a season to remember for him. “My junior year in college we won our conference championship on a walk off home run on the last game of the season and we all mobbed the guy who hit it at home plate. It was probably one of the most fun moments of my athletic career,” said Bullock. On a personal level though the moment he is most proud of would have to be the Summit League titles, “Winning our conference championship my junior and senior year was my best accomplishment.” Now coaching here at TJ, Bullock has always had a passion and love for the game, which started at a young age. “I was about 4 years old when I started to play. My parents signed me up to play and I just fell in love with the sport.” Bullock who pitched in college picked up the position young in his baseball career and over time just stuck with it. “I started pitching when I was probably around 9. When I was younger I was pretty bad, but I just kept getting

Story continued on SignalNews

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and Mary Harrill led them to a victory. In the first set they started off down with a 25-16 loss but Thomas Jefferson Volleyball turned it around to win the next took to the road for their final two sets 25-15, and 25-14. AL game against Abraham Lincoln took the fourth set 25-15 but TJ on Wednesday, October 19th at quickly took the game from them 7pm. winning the final set of the night The Jackets finally prevailed 15-8 and taking home the win. against Abraham Lincoln after Aguillar had a grand total a 12- year losing streak to the of 25 digs, and 3 assists, while Lynx. They were turning up the heat against AL so they continue Fetters had 19 kills along with 7 digs of her own, Harrill had an their season and go to substate. There is no doubt that the seniors astounding 35 assists on the night and 10 digs to go with. Deziree Aguillar, Alexis Fetters, TAG Showcase is a website created by junior Dylan Harold which was made so that students at Thomas Jefferson could show off their special talents and skills to the rest of the school. Anyone can submit their talents by emailing Dylan at dharold816@cbcsd. org and sending him a video or picture of their talent. On the website there are topics including; art, photography, sports, entertainment, makeup/tutorials, etc. The videos and pictures have to be school appropriate as the website is for the school. There is talk about letting teachers send in submissions of their talents as well.

Football finishes strong Cody Kinney Reporter

As the 2016 high school football season came to an end, the Thomas Jefferson football team saw one of their best seasons since 2008. The Yellow Jackets were close to making it to the playoffs for the second time in the schools’ history finishing 2016 with a winning record of 5-4. The Yellow Jackets become relevant once again in the high school football scene with a dominating win over Lewis Central in the second to last game this season. The Yellow Jackets saw phenomenal numbers on the offensive side of the ball this year which helped the Jackets win the 4-A rushing title. The Jackets finished fourth in state for rushing yards with 3,165. The rushing attack was lead by Seniors Jake Axtell and Tyler Moore, along with Sophomore Cameron Baker. Baker, who had 12 touchdowns and led the team with 1255 rushing yards, Axtell,

TJ Sophomore Cameron Baker Photo by: Cami Wagaman

who led the team in touchdowns with 14 had 846 yards on the ground and Moore, who went into the endzone 8 times in 2016, put up 714 yards. Eager for more action, the Yellow Jackets will return multiple key pieces and look to carry the 2016 momentum into next season. Next year TJ will look to improve as a team with the main goal being to make it to the state playoffs.

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