Kingdom Messengers Philippines
THE KINGDOM OF BLESSING During this time of battles, fights, arguments and unrest, we see
in the Bible that there is light, hope and people who are called and are of the realm of light and peace. In Matthew 5:1-12, Jesus mentioned to his disciples those who are blessed, this is known as the Lord’s Sermon at the Mount. I believe in times of chaos, war and disorder, His words are still relevant, which is, there are blessings and blessed people. The beatitudes begin with the word “blessed,” which refers to divine favor, supreme blessedness and ecstatic joy that will be bestowed on anyone who possesses a particular character attribute in accordance with the Heavenly Kingdom’s beatitude. This is equivalent to Christ’s other definition, “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad…” which is based on the same ideas as Luke 6:23, “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy!” The condition of real and lasting happiness is a wonderful privilege of becoming a citizen of the Kingdom. He teaches us that everyone who possesses these divine inner attributes is happy, blessed, prosperous, fortunate and to be envied. This is a declaration of assurance and anticipation for our rewards in the future. The beatitude is the behavior and values of the King of Glory to be emulated by the King’s children; it is rich with meaning and inspiration, and it is well worth learning to ensure that we have been enculturated in God’s divine nature. Let us look at one of the verses in the chapter mentioned earlier that we must know as sons of God in this season. In Matthew 5:9 it says, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” The children of darkness always propagate anti-peace attitudes and exhibit negative, critical, judgmental attitudes toward others, which breeds anger and mistrust, leading to resentment, hostility and violence. The children of light, on the other hand, play the part of a dependable peacekeeper who encourages harmony and persuades others to adopt this peaceful environment free of mental agitation an chaos. Peace is a primary goal for the Kingdom because it is so precious to the King’s heart. He wants us to be content, satisfied, and fulfilled. Peacemakers and maintainers aided in the relief of hostility during war, as well as the bringing together of communities, and peace is the overall environment of God’s reign in all of creation. Indeed, “if you are a peace lover and maintainer, you preserve a positive, respectful environment at all times.” We become vessels of His peace in every city by demonstrating a confident, anxiety-free life and we completely reflect the Father’s Spirit. Peacemakers exhibit Kingdom culture as they collaborate with God to transform troubles and upset lives. God’s people must dedicate and spend effort to create a peaceful environment as a result of the good news that God’s Kingdom has brought to them. As Prince of Peace and author of real tranquility that protects our hearts and minds, the Lord Jesus breaks down walls of strife and hostility, leading the world in a bloodless revolution. As it is written that the peacemakers will be called
Sons of God. Discovering our lost identity in the Garden of Eden is the highest status anyone might ever think or imagine to attain: heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus, able to walk in the authority of the first Adam, who subdued, managed, and controlled the world once more. This sacred honor and calling outweighs all the world can offer, 1 John 3:1-2; Rev. 21:5-7. Do not be discouraged because of persecution when you are walking in the Word as a Child of God. Remember, you are blessed when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you, Matt. 5:12. Do not faint not and do not weary for you are of the Almighty! ✽
Christian Umlas Cavite Phlippines