Kingdom Messengers USA
Priest and King: Qualifications and Rights (Excerpt from The Blood of a King by Pepe Ramnath)
Everything was functioning perfectly until Adam fell and our blood became infected. Sealed doors were immediately opened causing major physical, emotional and spiritual malfunction. The reason for this malfunction resulted on a violation of the creator’s principles that was placed all life in the blood. The most comfortable and perfect place in storing life was in the blood. Life seems to beautifully snuggle itself perfectly inside of the blood that fills the human body.
The symbiotic relationship between blood, life and the body remind me of the triunity of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Life is very comfortable in blood and it is evenly distributed throughout the flesh through each cell. Leviticus 17:11 (NKJV) 11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’ The Hebrew word for flesh in Leviticus 17:11 is ‘ בשרbasar’, which means, the tissues or a collection of cells. These cells make up the entire body, the living creature. Blood is fundamental to the function of every cell and every component in our bodies. Cells need food to survive, grow, repair themselves and to fulfill their specific functions and to reproduce itself. Cellular food is found and transported in the blood to provide energy for all the needs of the cells. Humans are multicellular organisms, having separate specialized organs with specific functions, transport and communication skills between these structures, all which are very important and essential.
Blood is the most accurate historian of the past and a prophet of the future. Do the cells of our body tell the blood how it should work? Absolutely not! The blood provides leadership for trillions of cells. The cells and the blood work together to provide the best and optimum conditions for the functioning. It is in all the tissues and organs of the whole body, including the blood cells that the body fully functions. Blood provides this coordinated environment by regulating acidity/alkalinity (pH), providing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide and other waste products out of the body. It carries the essential vitamins and minerals that is much needed in the body. Very important, blood has to be in the right places at the right time and at the right temperature and pressure to keep us alive. It carries regulatory messages between organs by blood ‘messengers’ called hormones. The entire system is well organized within very specific limits because if it strays outside of these parameters through injuries, diseases, toxins, and more. It can rapidly reduce its functionality. God has carefully crafted this liquid, in such a way, that it can hold life and distribute it carefully and record its journey in the process.
God has carefully crafted this liquid, in such a way, that it can hold life and distribute it carefully and record its journey in the process. The blood also has an incredible ability to store the entire history of the human race within its structural composition. This history includes iniquity, our forefather’s genetic material or simply generational line curses. The history blood stores can also hold
us hostage if we do not close the doors protecting us from repetition. It is the most accurate historian and prophet of the future. Blood has a natural ability to stop internal and external bleeding, fight microbes, and heal injuries. There are many other functions of the blood we are not even aware of yet. Jesus’ blood came to restore and reinforce the original power and purpose that was generally found in all human blood. It is this liquid solution that life is circulated throughout our bodies. The restoration of human blood came through the blood of Jesus.
God used a physical solution, Blood, to fix problems that resulted in not following instructions. Because of man’s vulnerability God gave a set of instructions and responsibilities to a group of people he called priests. The priests were to place seven drops of blood on the mercy seat of a box called the Ark of the Covenant to stop death and the destruction of humanity. Leviticus 16:14 (ESV) “And he shall take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger on the front of the mercy seat on the east side, and in front of the mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.” Ever since that time, blood had to be applied seven times through ceremonial laws until Jesus would show up and shed His blood in seven areas of his body. Jesus’ Blood would close those same seven doors that was closed with the ceremonial sprinkling, Continues on page 8