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You Are Known Hong Kong

To the Youth! Have you ever thought that someday somehow you will become famous? There are people that are known in the history like Thomas Edison who made the light bulb, like Alexander Graham Bell who make the telephone, like Bill Gates who make the computer, like Mark Zuccherburg who make the facebook, like Jack Ma who make Ecommerce Alibaba and many other known people. These men and women are not different from us. Studies showed that the mind of a new born is like a clean and empty space and that whatever is instilled into a young’s mind will lead into how they will act and behave. We are blessed that we have these great people who are examples for us to learn how they became who they were and are. It showed that they use their cognitive way of thinking, sitting down, relaxing, fell asleep and when they wake up the next day they start working to get the things in order and started focusing to do the things they have formulated inside their minds. They didn’t intend to become famous. I remember in of Bible a verse that I read in the book of Ecclesiastes 9 : 15 “Now there was found in it a poor man, and he by wisdom delivered the city, yet no man remembered that same poor man”. This poor man doesn’t care to be known and all he knows is to serve and share his ability to help other people. He didn’t care about his name to be recognized. The important thing for him is to serve and to save the city. There are many people that are contributing their gifts, talents and abilities but they are not known because they are not after fame and what they were aiming for is to serve, share, and to give their help in their community.


I grew up in a family of eight children and my parents couldn’t sustain our needs and my parents took me to one family to another to provide for my needs and schooling. At that time, I didn’t know what to do, I was confused of what was happening and what I knew was just o obey my parents. In my teenage years, I was very shy and cannot express myself to others. I knew then that in my heart I wanted some day somehow to encourage people according to the things I have been experienced. Having no parents who can direct your path or show you the way to the right path was very hard and brought much confusion in my life. What I’ve heard from others was to just to finish high school education, work and then get married. But in my heart, I wanted to do something and could not pinpoint what it is. So I began a journey of learning on

my own by reading books, going to the library to find ideas about the things that I wanted to do. That is what led me to my faith in God which was the starting point of my journey of learning more and more. One of the Philippine National hero defended the country named Dr. Jose Rizal once said that “The Youth are the Hope of our nation” this word leave a mark in my mind, but how can a person like me become a hope of the nation. Theres a passage in the Bible that empowers me in 1Corinthians 2: 9 NIV “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him.” Now this will set your mind to create the atmosphere of learning. The power of learning needs action that requires training yourself to believe and to become. I would like to ask you, “What is that one thing that you believe, one thing that is held in your mind and one thing that you care the most in your heart? I want to give you some words that will help you position yourself to change your world.


1. Determination is the quality of being determine or firmness of purpose. You are going to have a very strong determination to fulfill your dream, desire and drive.

2. Dedication is the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. When you dedicate yourself to these tasks you will be well on your way to achieving it.

3. Discipline is the practice of training people to obey rules, a branch of knowledge. The world goes to the discipline! Discipline in your daily routine is important and it will set the track to your success.

4. Attitude is a settled way of thinking or feeling about something. Above and beyond this first three steps are the need to have powerful positive attitude.

This will set your mind to create the atmosphere for becoming. Yes, dreams and actions are powerful tools in combination of work while training yourself to believe and to become as God wants you to be. This process may be hard just like the story of Job with his trials and as Jesus going to the cross. There are some things that you need to sacrifice. Harriet Tubman said, “Every great dreams begins with a dreamer, always remember you have within you the strength and the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” You need to focus on motivating yourself. No one else can make you to do the work even if others push you to do so. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9 : 10 NLT Whatever you do, do well, when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom.

My burden is to encourage and bring hope to the young people in my area that go astray, doing drugs and in other forms of addiction like alcohol, getting married and having children prematurely. One of my nephews got killed by a car accident because of alcohol and increased burden in my heart to I help those who are in same situation. I felt like I couldn’t do anything about it and didn’t know how and when to start doing something. My problem was procrastination and I felt uncomfortable for myself until I came to the point of serving little by little and started to have peace. I learned to start with what I know, what I have and where I am. Doing little things and one step at a time can take you further than just thinking of doing it. I put action to the things I can do.

To help and give even a little thing, as long as you believe in yourself and doing what you desire to do will make a difference. You don’t need a big name to be known and don’t need a signature to do the things that you need to do to help other people but with a heart of serving others will lead you to a fulfilled and purposeful life. Read Jeremiah 1:5 which tells you that He knew you before you were born. You are unique and just as creative as these famous people like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Mark Zuckerberg and you too can use those creative approaches. You are known because the One Who was sitting up in the heaven is watching you and he had known you since the foundation of the world, he has known you before the world began. YOU ARE FAMOUS TO HIM! ✽

Pia Manzano

Hong Kong

Youth Coaches Club

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