4 minute read
Women Empowering
Continued from page 15 What vision for the Church of the Messiah?
The Transforming Power of God’s Word
of power, so that it results in passivity on the one side and control on
the other. Passivity then justifies lamentation, criticism and self-pity;
control justifies manipulation. It’s a perverted spiral, which however
keeps such self-styled Christians busy; and often Christian parents
delegate their authority over their children to churches instead of
taking such responsibility and teach them home.
The members of Yeshua’s Church gather to praise and worship their
Father in heaven. All Church members are equipped and trained to
be responsible, authentic and autonomous; to be sensitive to the Holy
Spirit in them; to expand the kingdom of God making disciples of
Yeshua by immersing them in the Name, teaching them to conform
their lives to all the instructions that the Messiah gave, preaching the
good news of the kingdom to everybody; and as they go, they cast out
demons, heal the sick, encourage, exhort and comfort people.
The true Church is made of holy and faithful royal priests, who love
one another as Yeshua loved each one of them. They are not rebellious.
They trust, confide and commit their lives to God. They forgive, are
humble and meek and live for him and not for themselves. They do
not gather to solve their problems, but to meet God, in whose presence
all problems may be solved..
Also, the Church of the Messiah functions as a recovery centre, like the
inn of Lk10, 25-37, where people can be brought to recover from their
wounds; or like the house in Lk. 15, 11-32 where the Father can put
on them the robe of righteousness, the family seal as a ring on their
finger and sandals on their feet to be set apart from the world and
comfortable in zealously going to preach the Gospel.
In conclusion, Church life must result in righteousness, responsible
authority, holiness, mercy, faithfulness, zeal for the spreading of the
message of the Kingdom and for giving powerful testimony of the
resurrection of Yeshua.
These things, possibly among others, mark the real vision of Yeshua for
his Church. If we don’t see them in our lives, ministry and community,
we should reset it all and ask God for a new beginning. Blessed be his
Name, for his mercy endures for ever! ✽
Maurizio Tiezzi Italy
I have often wondered why we as God’s people do not have
confidence in the Word of God. We see men and women of God rely
on others clever opinions or clichés and preach it like it is the Word of
God. No longer do we search the scriptures or give importance to what
it says. God honors those who love and respect His Word. The Word of
God is the most valuable possession you could ever own, it is priceless.
Psalms 33:4 says “For the Word of God is right; and all His works
are done in truth. The Thessalonians received the Word of God as not
coming from men but from the very mouth of God. The Bible teaches
us to study to show that you are approved, a workman who need not
be ashamed; because you have become mature through the word. You
know how to divide it correctly, so you delight in it because you know
what it says. The scriptures holds the way to eternal life, the Word of
God holds the precious keys to salvation and how to be reconciled to
God. The Word of God can never fail, it always hits the mark every
time. So, my Word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to
me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for
which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
What Is The Bible?
It contains the mind of God, the state of man, the doom of sinners, and
the happiness of believers. The Word of God is the travelers map, the
pilgrims staff, the pilots compass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christians
character. There is power in the word of God. Amplified Bible states:
“For the Word of God speaks, it is alive and full of power, making it
active, operative, energizing, and effective; it is sharper than any two
edge sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul)
and the (immortal) spirit, and of joints and marrow of the deepest part
of our nature, exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very
thoughts and purposes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
The Word of God transforms us from sinners to saints. When someone
becomes a saint, he becomes a brand-new person inside. He is not the
same anymore. A new life has begun! All of that happens because of
the Word of God. The Word of God is the dynamite, the power that
explodes in a life, and that life is forever changed.
Let us pursue, ponder, and pray over the scriptures. This takes time,
thought, toil, and tenacity. We need to pray-Father help us hear, heed, hold, honor, and herald the Word of God! ✽
Mary Brown-Meadows