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Vision Kenya




The power of anticipating that which or may come to be.

The act or power of sensing with the eye or sight.

A picture or idea that you have in your mind.

Remember a clear vision will help you pursue your dreams and

achieve goals.

You feel much more blessed when you set and achieve visions and

A vision that is clear will open your mind to the endless possibilities

of the future.

A clear vision will help you to overcome obstacles that may come your

way and help you to hold on when times are tough.

If you don’t have a vision you begin to lack drive and your life becomes

just an order of events.

When a leader has a vision he or she will have the ability to see today

as it is and calculate a future that grows and improves/changes lives.

A vision can be spread to others who are like minded with a proper


A vision is the glue that holds together individuals of a group with the

same goal.

In the corporate world, people promote the setting of goals.

They have their objectives which drives them toward achieving these

In the Christian cycle, things are different. Our Christian goals are

described as having a vision. In other words it is setting one’s mind

and heart on a desired future outcome.

The only and greatest vision that counts in a Christian life is to establish

the Kingdom of God in the hearts of all the people and His will to be

done. Matthew 6:10,Matthew 10:5-7, 2 Peter 3:9, Proverbs 29:18.

People use this verse to promote their goals setting, but that is not so,

it should be mainly to promote God given vision through revelation.

Without a revelation people perish. This means without the revelation

of God to the Old Testament prophets, people would have perished in

sins. Even today we need this revelation of which without people will

still perish. We all need Godly vision, insight and revelation, to help us carry out our assignment here as we await for His second coming. ✽

Pastor Fidelis Kutah


I would like to share my experience with

God that me, my wife and family had with the

Lord during the year of 2019.

2019 was a complicated year for me and

family. I was the only one working and

providing for my family, therefore my salary

wasn’t sufficient to cover all expenses at home.

In the beginning of every month me and my

wife had to sit down and see how we would

pay the bills, supermarket and needs. At most

of the time we cried because there were bills

that couldn’t be paid at the beginning and

others that were on the end of month. I receive

some benefits and they were used to buy food

for the family.

We went to the supermarket with a very small

amount and buy what was needed and that

needed to last until the end of the month.

Our rent was past due and the circumstances

were tightening more and more.

God during this time took us out of the church.

We were functional at church, involved into

lot’s of ministries, taking care of people and

was heavy for us, giving support to our leaders

and others concerns and we weren’t happy. We

didn’t take a time, we told that we wouldn’t

be a part of the church no more.

The Holy Spirit of God comforted me and

my wife, having special moments with God,

praying, being placed into the secret place

with the Lord, talking with him. My wife

that was not working had more time then

me, therefore I had very special time with the

Lord driving my car to work.

God is good at all time and I would like to

thank Dr. Nancy and Pastor Rodney Ballenger

Testimony Brazil

and his wife, that gave us support, praying with us and pushing us up and up. We talked and

they understood what we were going through and lined up with the Holy Spirit. I also thank

the Lord for some Pastor friends of mine, friends from church that contacted us and pushed

us up also.

The year of 2019 was passing, months and our situation was getting delicate. I felt like the

Hebrew people that went through the desert, no response from the Lord, not evening a voice,

only his silent and we continue praying for the Lord. There were sometimes that my wife would

say what we would be done with unpaid bills and I said many times that this is the problem

of the Lord and that he would provide us. Although I said that the Lord would provide, then

I cried in a corner with God. Sometimes I would get up at dawn and talk to God about our

situation and quite uncomfortable with everything we were going through.

During the time we were praying to God, my wife had never sent a curriculum to any company,

she would spend the day praying to the Lord, studying the Bible, listening to preaching, and

talking to God.

I remember that during the period of need came things that we needed, such as my son Pedro,

who had almost no clothes and was coming on cold days and he had old pants that were tight

in him. My son Pedro had his birthday in June and we could buy or do anything for him, not

even able to give him a gift. God was good to us and to him, because my wife is very creative

and made a decoration with remnants of paper and eva for his party. Our parents helped us a

lot, because one brought hot dogs, another soda and the gifts they gave him and I was looking

and at the same time I was happy, but inside I was sad, since I couldn’t give anything to my

son on his birthday.

I remember my brother asking what he could give to Peter as a birthday gift. I said he wanted

some toy tools, because he loves to play and fix things at home. God once again was wonderful

because he bought 3 tool kits for him and was very happy, started to thank my brother, then

playing and I was very happy for this moment and I remembered that in the word of God, Jesus

tells us that we need to be like children.

During the end month of June and beginning of July, my wife received a call to participate in

a selection process for a company without sending the resume. We saw that it was God there

providing this vacancy in her life. We prayed for the interview, for the vacancy, and she went,

but the answer was negative. The month of July was coming, and I was going on vacation,

but we could do nothing but stay at home, because we had to pay off some late bills and with

children at home and with nothing to offer is very complicated.

The closer the vacation was approaching, the tighter our situation became. My wife and I

decided to hand over the apartment we are living and going to live at my parents’ house or

my wife’s parents. My wife Roberta prayed and told the Lord that she would not accept this

situation. During this time my wife had received a call from a company calling her for an

Continued from page 7 Testimony

interview and again we saw God’s care about our life, since Roberta

did not send her resume. She went to the interview, but didn’t have

experience refer to the vacancy. She knew about the work to be done

but had never acted.

I point out of this time, circumstances going on, we prayed to the Lord,

we had faith in the Father in heaven and that He would take care

of everything for us. Exactly one week before my vacation, Monday

morning talking to Roberta, I said that I was going to call the owner

of the apartment and say we were leaving, because we could not afford

rent and expenses. I went to work and this day I arrived very early, so

I got the phone and went to call, but saw that it was 8 am, very early. I

looked at the clock again and it was 8:15 am, again, very early. About

8:30 am I went to call, but I was surprised by Roberta who called me

and I thought something happened at home. She calls me crying with

joy and thanking the Lord, because she had been chosen for the job

interviewed. An immense joy in our hearts, we thank God, for He did

not forsake us.

Roberta is working today, being a miracle of God n in her life and ours

as a family.

Today we are not in a big choke, but we can honor late bills, we are in

our house, with our children, we can shop at the market, buy some of

our needs and even have a leisure, something we did not have about 6

to 7 months behind. We can today by the honor and glory of the Lord

Jesus, go out for a leisure with our children, give, go out as a couple,

go to the movies, all because of God, who came with his favor over

our lives.

I share this testimony with much love and faith that the Lord God

is good at all times. Jesus in the word of God says that in the world

we will have afflictions, but have good cheer, because He has won

and we who are sons and daughters of God will overcome, but we

must keep our faith as Apostle Paul spoke and persevere in Christ.

I say to all that it wasn’t easy for me or my wife, but we went through

a desert with God and He did something we needed, worked in us,

molding us to Him and living what is written at Genesis 1: 26, the

breath of His Spirit is in us, and we are the image and likeness of

the Father in heaven. We had a moment that hurt too much, but the

Holy Spirit comforted us, loved us, hugged us, and we knew that

we were being cared for by Him all the time during our wilderness.

Jesus is everything in our lives. Without Jesus we are nothing.

My wife and I encourage those who are going through any hardships

of life, stay focused on Jesus Christ, persevere in Him, have faith, for

He is the truth, the way and the life.

Trust in Him and the promises written in the Bible, for God will

favor you at some point. We may think that everything is out of control, but He is in control of everything and our lives. ✽

Thiago and Roberta Pereira


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