4 minute read
To God Be All The Glory,
Greetings in the name of the Lord. My name is Michael De Villa from Lemery Batangas Philippines, son of Gaudencio De Villa and Gloria Vito. It is a privilege to share my testimony with all of you. I am currently in United Arab Emirates and serving the Lord as he has changed my life inside out. In 2006, I decided to go to Dubai as a tourist and eventually got a job in 2007. I have enjoyed my life in the first year, but because of some corporate policies that was unfair to me I became uncooperative and unsatisfactory employee. The job affected me in negative ways in which led me into drinking alcohol, taking long breaks and away from work. The worst of it is that I did not do my job properly and have not provided a good service as a worker to the company. Aside from all these things I ended up owing others money and used my credit cards. The company reduced my work hours and cut my salary which made it difficult to get by financially. The people I owed money from became angry at me as well as my family. I have disappointed my family and many of my friends and coworkers.
In Year 2013 of when it was time for my visa renewal, the company I was working for did not renew my visa because of my poor working behavior and ethics. The company withheld my passport and wanted to send me for deportation. That time I was hurting and didn’t know what to do but I believed that God was still watching me in spite of my own mistakes. When that happened, the first thing I did was to report my case at the Philippine Consulate General Dubai, because the passport is its government property. The Consulate gave me a letter to retrieve my passport but the company did not respond and instead they told me to go Central Jail Al Awir. I also went I to Dubai Court to report my case as well and the court gave me a letter to file a case against my company. same day that I report in Dubai court they give a court letter telling that i file a case versus the company. The letter granted me freedom from the company to not be able to go after me. I waited for the result of my case and it took awhile for the judgement to be released and one day I decided to see the prosecutor of the case to asking if I can do a part time job and was granted to do so which made me truly thank the Lord and be able
Testimony Uae
to find work. I worked as a comedian in comedy junction where I met my friend named Joshua and became really close and were happy together.
One day my cousin talked to me about God and asked me if I know that God loves me. I remember my cousin saying to me “Do you know that God is watching you?” I never answered my cousin properly and even took it lightly. My life was not right with God I relied on myself to be able to make things right.
Then one day I went to the hospital for a check up due to abnormal bleeding that I noticed from my body. The doctors said that I have a fistula and will cost 25,000.00 dirhams to have an operation to correct it. I was shocked and was very troubled because I didn’t have that kind of money and the company I worked for can only help me 15,000 dirhams. As I was in a train. I met a guy named Rolly who came to me and said” Jesus loves you” and after having a short conversation with him he asked for my phone number so that we could stay in touch. After a week he called me and invited me to attend the bible study that they are having. I decided to attend and in that meeting I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. My life has changed from that moment along with my friend Joshua . We are now both serving the Lord!
Right now, I am happy with my work and by the grace of God I’m also able to serve others with the ministry that hrist has assigned to me. I also finished my theology course and watches Dr. Nancy share about the gospel of he kingdom on FB live and Kingdom Talk. I received my life coach certification through I Know My Assignment this year and I can say I can do all this because of Jesus our Lord and Savior. I am planning to go back to the Philippines and be a fulltime servant of God for the furtherance of the gospel of the Kingdom of God to others and my family. I am thankful and rejoicing because my mother has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. All glory to Christ our King! ✽
Michael De Villa Lemery Batangas Philippines UAE