TAEKWON-DO GENERATION Nº 08 English - March 2019

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index ITF President's Message by Grand Master Pablo Trajtenberg, Page 4-5

General Choi and I GM Armando Grispino Page 6-10

7thITF World Cup

sydney by Mr Trevor McIntyre Page 12 -19

Trondheim Taekwon-Do Club Norway, by Master Per Andresen Page 24-25 Yodogawa Taekwon-Do Club Japan, byโ ฏChieko Nishimura Page 26-30 Indian Taekwon-Do Association, by Mr Rakesh Verma Page 32-35

Solidarity Taekwon-Do Patricia Garelik Page 20-23

A Taekwon-Do for Equality, even if we are different, by Sabum Leo Oros Duek Page 36-39 The Hip Joint, by Sabum Anne-Marie Kinsella Page 40-43



The Story of

Chon-Ji Page 44-45

Page 46-49 10 years of ITF development in Africa, by Grand Master Paul Weiler Page 50-53 Umpires Ms Joleen Masters Page 54-55 Dr Jeff Brider Page 56-57 Bolivian ITF Taekwon-Do Federation Page 58-60 the presence of ITF Taekwon-Do in Greece, By GM Panagiotas Gialamas Page 70-73 ITF World Championships in Ireland, A look back by Norbert Erseki Page 74-79 Preview of ITF World Championships 2019, Inzell, Germany Page 81-83

Interview with Ariella Figueroa Page 64-65

Interview with Mark Trotter Page 66-67

Interview with Lylian Doulay Page 68-69

Editorial Director

International Taekwon-Do Federation


Communications & Development Committee Stephen Ryan Paco Ferrando

Collaborators: Norbert Érseki


Estefanía Carreres



Dear ITF Taekwon-Do Community, This must probably be my last message as ITF President,

Since the beginning of my r

which fills me with satisfaction for everything we have

focused on forming qualifi

done, aware that ITF has evolved to reach one of the highest

out with professionalism

standards as an international martial sports Organization.

and brilliantly instruct prac

order to fulfill their passion I consider that if we have been able to achieve all this

livelihood. Grand Masters an

together it has been thanks to the great team that we made

strove to open that door whi

up with the Board members, with the whole of the working committees that ITF comprises– and which have carried

Lastly, but certainly not le

out an excellent and first rate job- and was also the result

gratitude to my family, m

of a brilliant advisors team, who have always stood by me

accompanied me through

and helped me to choose the proper course.

supporting me at all times.

In the words of our founder, General Choi Hong Hi, when he

And many thanks to all of y

defined patterns, during these 9 years at the Presidency,

who are not only the honora

I have traversed but a single second in eternity, knowing

present and a promising fu

that Taekwon-Do will last in oncoming years, during which it shall face new challenges and adapt to future times. General Choi´s legacy, together with that of his successor, GM Trân Triêu Quân, who also left a trace at ITF´s Presidency, was since the beginning an inspiration for our leadership, for our way of anticipating the future has been the application of Taekwon-Do ITF as a social instrument. Today, more than ever, I hold this belief for all those programs we have created which are a response to those social needs and to the realities of the present world: Kids program, Harmony program, Do program and many other programs that I am certain will carry on – as well as a Solidarity Taekwon-do with the features of ITF Taekwon-Do, within reach of all those people who might need it.

Grand Master Pablo Trajten ITF President


role as Senior Vice President, we

fied instructors who would carry and capacity such programs

ctitioners on Taekwon-Do ITF, in

n and also turn it into a worthy

nd Masters from all over the world

ich must still be opened further.

east, I wish to express special

my wife and sons, who have

hout this amazing adventure,


you, to my Masters and Disciples,

able past but also this successful

uture for our marvelous Art.


GM Trajtenberg






GM Armando Grispino The history of Gen. Choi Hong Hi in Argentina dates back to his arrival in 1974, when I was a first Degree student of Master Han Chang Kim. The first impression I got when I saw him, was to observe such a small man, but with so much wisdom in his words and so much power in his movements, as if he were a whip.



Over the years, the time came when Taekwon-Do was

Choi stopped the championship and held a judges and

divided. That happened in Argentina in 1979, when we were

referees meeting to see the reason for such a stop in the

graduated as the first fourth Degrees in all of Central and

central area. That was when he shifted the position of a

South America. From that moment, I began to know Gen.

Korean Master, who was the head of the organization of the

Choi in depth, during all his visits to Argentina. We made

event, and appointed GM Wim Bos as the new manager of

an exhibition in the Chaco World Championship Argentina

the World Championship: from that moment on Taekwon-

1981 with GM Trân Triêu Quân, delighting the sight of

Do changed as a sport. Then there came Malaysia 94

General Choi.

and Poland 95, that was my last World Championship as a referee, something I still miss. After that, in the years

In 1988 I started my career as an International referee

98/99, in a meeting at the Austrian Headquarters, Gen.

in Hungary 88, then there came Montreal 90 and Korea

Choi appointed me as the manager of the committee of

92, where I was elected as the best referee of the World

judges and referees for the 1999 world championship in

Championship. At that moment, the General offered me to

Argentina with GM Leong, that's when I started teaching

be in charge of Italy, because with my nationality (Italian)

the first courses for judges and referees in Argentina,

and my graduation of 6th Degree it would be good for that

adding the didactic part that had not been applied in those

country, but destiny wanted me to stay in Argentina. Then

seminars until that moment. At that stage we also began

it came Russia 93, that was the World Championship that

to interpret General Choi, who wanted to add the martial

changed the history of Taekwon-Do in the organizational

part to the competition so that it would not be lost: there, at

and arbitration part for next World Championships to

that time, two decades ago, the idea of incorporating pre-

come. I remember having stopped a fight in the central ring

arranged sparring in the World Championships was born,

for half an hour, because they wanted to change a result

where the applications of the fundamental movements of

and I did not allow it as a central referee. Then General

the patterns could be truly demonstrated, in this way the



applications of the different attacks and defenses would be shown. That was the most appreciated thing for General Choi: he did not want to miss the martial part, which is the essence of the Taekwon-Do he taught us and the fundamental pillar of our Martial Art. We also talked about the political part of Taekwon-Do, he always said that, when he wouldn’t be there, he wanted humility and wisdom in decisions to remain in politics, and that we put aside our own ego, thinking about the generations to come. There is a paragraph, leaving religion aside, that Pope Francisco said: I have never seen a moving truck behind a funeral procession!! This is the example we would have to leave for the Future of Taekwon-Do, leaving aside our personal ambitions and thinking more about the ones that will come. Let’s return to the Martial Art and the legacy that he has taught us, let’s teach our disciples the philosophy of Taekwon-Do, the mystical thing that this Martial Art has, since it is the only one that was perfected through time, knowing more the anatomy of the human body, adapting the natural movements to Taekwon-Do and devising more aptitude, always preserving the precepts that General Choi taught us, the first Western GMs.








Argentina, November 2009, of the hand of the ITF President, GM Trân Triêu Quân, I received the graduation of GM. That was the last graduation that he would give to a IX Degree, later in January he tragically passed away. Among the anecdotes of the General, I can list that very few GMs had the opportunity to be next to the General in an examining table for Masters, and also when, in different IICs, I was staying in the same floor that the General was and, at six o'clock, I began to feel his fists hitting the wall: it was the sign that the General had got up!! The thing that struck me most about the General, and there are very few people who will remember this, was in his speech in the first World Championship in North Korea in 1992, when he apologized to the people of North Korea, where he was born, for having killed his Korean compatriots in the Korean War. It was a very emotional moment to see such a small man, but with his humility and his impeccable wisdom, asking for forgiveness. Needless to say, he was like a father to me, for his words of support, gratitude, sincerity towards the people of all countries in the world, and whenever I have the opportunity to speak with my students, I say a paragraph of the Bible which I compare with General Choi, the example of the mustard seed: being the smallest seed that exists in the world, it is transformed into one of the most lush trees that exist, where many bird nests can be sheltered. Gen. Choi did the same... He was the first in the world to sow the mustard seed, and all of us, Taekwon-Do practitioners, are his birds that nest in his tree, a tree that we have printed on our back in the Dobok. That tree should be the tree of unity, respect and humility to our elders. I'm still training at my almost 65 years, giving the example with simplicity that Gen. Choi Hong Hi left to me.






ITF World Cup



What an event! the largest itf event outside of europe


Competitors ITF Taekwon-do Australia supported by the National Association board set their sights on hosting the 7th ITF Taekwon-do World Cup outside of Europe in Sydney in 2018. This massive task was not going to be an easy road, but with the help from the ITF community in our region and the 35 other countries saw massive support and reaching over one thousand competitors. WELL DONE ITF!!

Grand Master Michael Daher President ITF Taekwon-do Australia



































9 102


ITF Taekwon-Do Australia opening ceremony presented











Cultural Dance Performances












A welcome to our country was performed





by an Aboriginal gentleman who is from the




area which the ceremony was performed.

to nation and carry a variety of meanings

It is also a sign of respect for Elders past

depending on the area - respecting the natural

and present. It means being welcomed in a

environment and respecting birds and animals

friendly manner to an area of land – it can

as well. There are ceremonial performances

also mean laying down arms and meeting in

which are the core of cultural life. Certain

friendship - it is most often performed by a

ceremonies contain all aspects of cultural

respected Elder of that community.

life such as song, dance, and they will often

ITF Taekwon-Do Australia president, Grand

paint their bodies as a mark of respect for the

Master Michael Daher newly promoted to

sacredness of the ceremony performed.

9th degree, has a passion for ITF Taekwon-

A sacred smoking ceremony has many


cultural from

dance nation

purposes but often it is used as a welcome


6 14









Do in the Oceania region. GM Daher

to a particular area and / or it may cleanse

The following act showcased the talents

an area or person and shows a sign of

continued ITF in Australia even after his

of an Australian singer, performing the

respect for people past and present and

Master moved away. This showed his loyalty


also the passing over of elders – to rest

to ITF Taekwon-Do. It was his lifelong dream

Australian favourites.

to bring this event to Australia.

trees are the three sources - smoke for

An Australian stock whipcracker entertained

the smoking ceremony depending on the

Grand Master Daher brought the ITF

the opening ceromony with a spectacular

purpose of the ceremony.

community to Australia for one of the Best

performance of this lost art.

ITF World Cups the World has ever seen.





the spirit. The leaves, bark and fungi from



With strong results from Chris Sarkis gold in male special techniquies

Live streaming Four days of compitition was live streaming on all rings, bringing the community together on the floor as well as a great coverage with good quality streaming was a priority for the organising committee. Livestream was available through both Facebook and the official website from Tues 9am through to Sat 9PM

We provided approximately 255Hrs of Live stream content across the four days, with roughly 320,000 people viewing almost 21,000 hours of content. They are very impressive numbers, with certain countries (such as Argentina) showing very strong interest. By way of stability - we estimate not more than 1-2hrs of Live stream content across the seven courts was affected at any one time by issues with broadcasting. (Ranging from reception to hardware interference by patrons) Whilst we would love a clean sheet – the delivery uptime of 99.5% across the four days was an excellent result.


Competition Large teams from the Oceania & Asian region were a contributing factor to the success of this event with New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia & Australia combined to stand at the top of the world at this fantastic event.

Six out of the top ten best clubs that showed a strong result were from our Oceania region. 1. UZBEKISTAN



























































The organising committee presented a world class event for all to enjoy, with the help of many

New Zealand finishing best country with 62 Gold 53 Silver 67 Bronze

outstanding people in our region. Special thanks to the organising committee:

Australia in second with 27 gold 22 Silver 40 bronze

• Grand Master Michael Bou Daher, 9th Degree - Aus

• Mr John Abdallah, 4th Degree – Aus

• Master Paul McPhail, 8th Degree - NZ

• Mrs Meline Khadi, 1st Degree – Aus

• Mr Paul Harper, 6th Degree -Aus

• Mr Steve Sarkis hounorary, 1st Degree - Aus

Argentina a close third 26 Gold 29 Silver 39 Bronze.

• Mr Trevor McIntyre, 5th Degree - Aus

Japan making the top 10 countries finishing 7th with 3 Gold 6 Silver 10 Bronze Malaysia just missing the Top 10 finishing 11th with 2 Gold 3 Silver 6 Bronze

And a proud moment for Grand Master Daher his daughter Melanie Khadi winning gold in female sparring

Caitlin Jones winning female hyper weight sparring

Junior Boys team sparring Gold against Uzbekistan






Solidarity Taekwon-Do Patricia Garelik

What is Taekwon-Do Solidario? Taekwon-Do





organization, which I started in 2015 after my retirement as a competitor at the Jesolo World





this organization we teach Taekwon-Do to more than 200 low-income kids in 10 places of practice in Argentina, we have many instructors who work for free and thousands of people who are helping this noble cause to grow more every day.

Physical Education Teacher 40 years of age and 32 years practicing Taekwon-Do

Which are the objectives of Taekwon-Do Solidario?

for now only in Argentina, but we hope

Taekwon-Do Solidario aims to accomplish

wherever it is needed in the world...

that kids with low-incomes, who cannot afford a fee in a club or a gym, have access to the practice for free, and that they also have access to the education provided by the

Graduation V Degree

martial arts, so they can attend the classes

5 times World Champion

to black belt and all the following degrees, to

being able to change the belt, being promoted have the chance to go to tournaments and

7 times Pan American Champion

and why not? – to be World Champions

Outstanding Personality of the "Hall of Fame" of the ITF


Creator of the “Taekwon-Do Solidario” Program

or twice a week in Children's Canteens for

Or also become instructors if that vocation

How and where does it function? Classes are taught by ITF instructors, once children in needs, Homes for children with family problems, NGOs and Foundations;

that this wonderful idea can be expanded

Why does Taekwon-Do function with children in disadvantaged neighborhoods? Taekwon-Do is a very educational activity, which provides contention through rules that must be respected, discipline, values. There are many instructors who through practice could teach these values of our Art, the Principles of Taekwon-Do and thus make them aware of where they are, to know how to say NO and to avoid falling into bad habits, giving them security and confidence to study and work in whatever they want. And of course, guide them to be good persons, even if the context is unfavorable.


That gave me hope to get involved and as the Pan-American Taekwon-Do Championship 2016 was just coming to Buenos Aires and that was a great opportunity to ask for help from the community, so I made a Facebook group

How did the idea of creating Taekwon-Do Solidario arise?

They really moved me, and I thought "how

called "Taekwon-Do Solidario�, it had a

nice it would be to do something to improve

massive impact, people reacted very well

Once a Taekwon-Do instructor named

the practice conditions, get them Doboks,

and thanks to this initiative 120 used

Carlos MarĂ­n asked me if I could go to

and make them take an exam, go to a

Doboks were donated and the company

meet some children who were practicing

tournament". I thought maybe those little

Gran Marc showed solidarity by donating

in a poor neighborhood of Buenos Aires, he

things gave them hope to dream of being

around 90 new Doboks!

wanted to perform an exhibition and I told

better in what they undertake, with which

him that there was no problem, when I went

they can fulfill their dream...

there I found a group of more than 40 high-

So we took them to those kids, and we had extra Doboks! Then I looked for other

energy kids who practiced without Dobok

I went back and called my Master Edgardo

Children's Canteens where Taekwon-Do

(Taekwon-Do suit), in a very precarious floor

Villanueva and I told him, I needed him to

was taught free and that's how one of

that injured the feet and in a Club that did

support me because those kids were going

them took us to another and today we are

not have glass in the windows ... it was

to take an exam one day and they did not

collaborating with 10 Children's Canteens

Saturday and they had been all the week

have any money, so he said: "if you supervise

where their instructors, the true heroes of

waiting for that class.

them, and this is real, count on me".

the project, work ad honorem.



How are these children? What needs do you see on a day-to-day basis?

them and follow their example.

Almost all come from very large

Fe where the instructor Alem

and humble families (there is a lady

Piguín teaches told him that

in one of the canteens that has

when he grows up he wants to be

21 children!), many many needs,

a Taekwon-Do instructor!

starting with a bad nutrition, lack

One of the boys in the Mocoví community (Aboriginal) in Santa

Taekwon-Do and now they have

Do you think that Taekwon-Do can be a tool to prevent these kids from falling into drugs or delinquency?

become involved to the point of

Totally, in Taekwon-Do besides

going a few times a week to cook,

the activity of throwing fists

they also take food or clothes.

and kicks, values are taught,

of clothing, but perhaps the most painful is the lack of affection and containment. That is why most of our instructors started teaching

emphasizing a philosophy of There is even a Sabunim named

being a good person, to help the

Rafael Garcia, who goes out to

others, the elderly, and serving

collect firewood before going

the community.

to teach and takes it to them so they can cook because iin that

This is doing in each class by

Children's Canteen they don’t


have natural gas and cooking


with wood is the only way the

examples of daily life, so that

children can have a meal.

they can learn them and put into







practice every day...

Are the Taekwon-Do instructors accepted by the children, when they start teaching in a place with realities so different from their own? In general, it takes a while but in a few months the children love the instructors and make deep bonds with them. They listen to

For example: "Courtesy": If they are in the bus sitting and an old man goes up, what should they do? - give him the seat!


How can we help? * Join the Facebook group of Taekwon-do Solidario, there we publish the campaigns of what is needed in each place. * Donate: martial arts clothing, boxing gloves, sneakers, practice equipment, rubber floor, and boxing bags. * Donate food for the Children's Canteens. * Joining the teaching, those who are instructors and want to participate and volunteer. * Inviting the kids for free to a tournament, seminar or event. * Coming to visit us and sharing a class with us, the kids love to receive visits!

Thank you so much and Taekwon!!!




Taekwon-Do Club Norway

Master Per Andresen established Trondheim

The ages of our members are 64% less than 12

Taekwon-Do Taekwon-Do Club in 1989.

years, 16% between 12 – 19 years, 4% between

Photo from the entrance

19 – 25 years and 16% is 26 years+. The club is organised as a non-profit organisation and it is owned by its members.

The club has – beside the main location – eight

The club has a democratically elected Board

branches in different areas of Trondheim.

of Directors (as all ITF clubs in Norway), which is a governmental requirement to be

The population of Trondheim is 180.000.

recognized by the National Sport Federation. The club has at the moment 1651 members (31% is female and 69% is male).

The staff at the NTN head office

GM Bos cutting the ribbon at the official opening


From the main trading hall which is about 450 square meter. The hall can be divided in two halls if needed. This is from the official opening with GM Bos.

Trondheim Taekwon-Do club has had different locations for many years, which have been rented, but the main goal has always been to build our own building. In 2013 we came in contact with two other sports (Tennis and Table tennis) and together we started a political process with local

Social room

Government and started to work on a project to build a building for these 3 sports. Years of hard work and planning made us able to sign a contract with an Entrepreneur to build the new centre in July 2016. We started to build the centre in February 2017 and we had our first training in the new centre in the beginning of March 2018. The building is divided in 3 sections where each sport owns their own section. The total size of the building is 5600 square meters with a total cost of about 8 million Euros. Trondheim Taekwon-Do Club’s part is 1800 square meters and had a total cost of 3.6 million Euros. Thanks to lot of financial help our local Government and other national funds we were able to finance our new centre. The new building is a part of a large

National training seminar

sport area where 16 sports are represented and it is placed very central in Trondheim. The main person behind this project is the Chairman of the Club, Mr. Thomas Kulvik. The Centre has 5 training halls (total training area is about 1000 square meters), a large social room with a reception, changing rooms, depot room for equipment, instructor office, kitchen, meeting room, and also the head office of the National Taekwon-Do Norway.

A special training hall for the instructors and club competitiors



Yodogawa Taekwon-Do Club Japan

Japan is a country with many local martial arts and “Do”s. Due to this, Taekwon-Do does not have the same recognition that it may have in other countries, and faces much competition when it comes to attracting students or gaining support from public organizations. All instructors have full time jobs outside of Taekwon-Do, and work hard to balance their passion with long hours of over-time and the limited amount of vacation days that work-centric Japan allows. However, this Korean

Location of Dojang: Conveniently located not far from the center of Osaka Prefecture. It is one of the 7 dojangs in the Kansai Region, and one of the few Japanese Taekwon-Do schools that owns its facility. School Name: Yodogawa Taekwon-Do Club. Owner and head instructor of the school is Mr. Yousuke Kitauchi (3rd Degree). Association and/or Federation to which it belongs: The Kansai Region Branch of ITFJapan, headed by Regional Director, Sabum Kensuke Sasaki (4th Degree).

martial art has been steadily growing as a tightly knit body, in the city of Osaka. The Kansai Region Branch (“Kansai”) has the smallest Taekwon-Do population, of all the regional branches in Japan. There are 7 schools, 7 black belts, and approximately 100 students practicing under its jurisdiction. I belong to the Yodogawa Taekwon-Do Club (“Yodogawa”), the largest school in Kansai, with approximately 50 students. Having a permanent location makes it easier for the school to attract students, and offers the convenience of having a facility that is designed to practice Taekwon-Do. The school runs its classes with 2 regular instructors, Mr. Kitauchi and myself. A number of student assistants and visiting instructors also support classes, therefore enabling multiple eyes to look out for the safety and needs of the students. As an instructor, I focus more on training the juniors. There are more students to take care of, and I find joy in passing on my experience to competition-oriented students. Doing so also helps me maintain a balance between contributing to the dojang, and securing training time as an active competitor.


Taekwon-Do being a Korean martial art that is practiced around the world, has helped broaden the horizons for students. Korean terminology is used for basic commands during class, and students are expected to use the Korean language to count and refer to techniques used in Taekwon-Do. We make it a point to inform the students when I participate in international competitions or training opportunities, and take some time to introduce the countries that I visit, and share the experiences I have. We have also had the privilege of having Yodogawa offers 2 regular classes, per week. Classes are divided

international visitors come to train at our school. Due to this, some

into a junior/cadet class and adult class, and conducted on

students have become interested in Korean culture, and competing

Wednesdays and Saturdays. An additional “upper-grade” junior

in international competition. Some have also shown interest in

class for green belts and above, is regularly conducted on Saturdays

learning English so that they can interact with international visitors

so complex techniques and upper-grade specific patterns can

and learn from great athletes that they may meet.

be practiced there, and basics can be given more focus in the “beginner” class. The upper-grades also attend the beginner class, so the lower-grades can watch and learn from them. The upper-grades are expected not only to show technique, but also be role models with the appropriate discipline and respectable behavior of a martial artist. Values such as courtesy and per-severance, as spelled out in the tenets, is an “unofficial” but important testing criteria that we look into when a student tests for a higher grade. Respect is not only shown to each other, but also to their training environment. Like at all Japanese public schools, students are expected to clean the dojang and training equipment after practices. The students are taught to think and self-reflect when training, so that they have a better understanding, and later share their knowledge to more junior members. Students are encouraged to voice their opinions, which can be challenging to those who are used to a typical Japanese schooling system where following orders is emphasized much more than speaking up. A martial art should not be just about learning, but also passing on the art along with the wisdom that one acquires during their journey. We want our juniors to be able to do that as well.

The Instructors of Yodogawa Taekwon-Do Club. Mr. Yousuke Kitauchi (right) and Chieko Nishimura (left)



Mr. Kitauchi and I often talk about what we want our younger students to learn at our school, and we agree that we want them to gain something that will help them even outside the scope of Taekwon-Do. While we aim to fulfill the expectations one may have towards a martial art, we also feel that there is a lot that the students can gain from an environment that has people of all ages, differences, and cultures come together to pursue a common passion. In addition to regular training, various instructors hold extra training sessions or conduct seminars, on days that the Yodogawa facility does not have classes. Regional Director, Sabum Sasaki, hosts

belt competitors and eager students that

instructors. Sessions to study tournament



understand that the knowledge and proper

rules and regulations have been held to keep

tournaments. It is a good opportunity for

execution of the basics makes a difference

up with international trends, local umpire

competitors from around the region to come

in their overall performance. We spend time

courses have been held to drive consistency

together to train and learn from each other.

breaking down techniques, and revisiting

in decisions. Material such as videos of grade

Students can get extra sparring practice with

components like sine wave, stances, trajectory

test requirements have been created so that

competitors of the same category, which is

and the usage of the technique. Since large

both instructors and students can refer to

usually difficult for students in Kansai, due to

amounts of time cannot be spent going over

them during preparation.

the small size of the schools. The sessions are

each detail during regular classes, I started

usually very intense, but gives the students the

these sessions as a refresher course, and

More casual get-togethers are held as well.

extra practice and confidence needed for their

an opportunity to get a fuller understanding.

It is customary in Japan to come together in

battles. Other instructors tend to hold more

I have seen that the students have become

mid-summer and the end of the year, to sum up

specialized sessions based on their expertise.

more confident when assisting others in

the year/semester over food and and drinks.

classes, and I have come to rely on some of

Yodogawa hosts such events at its facility,

them to help me prepare for competition.

and invites their visitors to show appreciation





I offer one-on-one sessions for patterns, and hold “basics classes” that focus on the

towards their support. Yodogawa also likes

very basics of fundamental movements and

In addition to extra training opportunities, the

to take in initiatives from other schools,

techniques. Most of the attendees are higher

region hosts study sessions for the black belt

like the “New Years Jirugi.” In karate, it is customary to do a 1000 punches as a means to train one’s body and soul; A school in Gifu prefecture has adapted the concept and does the same number of consecutive punches as the calendar year (i.e. 2019 punches for the year 2019), to vow perseverance in the coming year. Yodogawa has borrowed this idea, and takes an hour out of the first class of the year, to do this as a group.


Yodogawa as a part of Kansai It can be said that Kansai trains their

Sabum Sasaki says that it is important to

the dojang, while the “official” tests would

students as a “team”. Since most schools

“strike while the iron is hot.” We feel that

be more objective with some allowance

and their instructors can only offer 1 or

the “Challenge Cup” and the system of

to age and special needs. Instructors

2 classes per week, eager students are

providing instant feedback right after any

from the student’s school would receive

encouraged to visit other schools. The

issues had been identified, has helped

feedback on the examinee along with the

student’s teacher contacts the head

raise the level of competitors, umpires,

test results, so it is also an opportunity

instructor of the accepting dojang to

and the overall competition in the region.

for instructors to understand the details

pay their respects to the school that

around how the requirements are scored,

will be taking care of their student, and

Grade testing is also an important event

as well. Here again, an inter-club training

informs them of the recent progress of

at Kansai. Tests are conducted 3 times

session is held after the test is over, and

their student, when they do so. Most of

a year, and students at Kansai have to

the instructors help the examinees go over

the time, the instructor of the accepting

pass both the “pre-test” with their regular

areas that they could have done better in.

dojang would already know them, since

instructor, and an “official test” with the

It is also a good opportunity for students to

there are many opportunities for the

Regional Director in order to be promoted.

learn and get perspective from instructors

schools in Kansai to come together.

The “pre-test” is more likely to be more sub-

other than their regular teacher.

jective and may incorporate the values of Kansai and ITF Japan offers various Taekwon-Do related events during the year. At least 2 regional tournaments are hosted by each of the regions, and they serve as the regional qualifiers to select competitors for the “All Japan Junior and Senior Championships”. The All Japan Championships is the most prestigious




names the Japanese Champion. It also serves as part of the selection process for the National Team that will represent the country at the World Championships. There is also an open “All Japan Color Belt Championships” for color belts only, with approximately 300 competitors taking part from all of Japan, every year. Kansai





tournaments called the “Challenge Cup” in addition to the regionals. Competitors are given more bouts than they would usually get at a tournament, since the “pool system” is used per category. Many novice competitors attend to get used to the rules and procedures of a Taekwon-Do match, and others, to acquire additional competition experience. Feed-back is given after each category, and the same is done to the Umpires. There is also a training session after the tournament, where the competitors can train based on their performance that day.



Kansai’s Growth Kansai has been showing steady growth in both numbers and

He would help me prepare for international competition in accord

overall level, in the past few years. The seniors have been careful

with what the knowledge and training methods, and we would

to maintain a balance between being accommodating and being

also discuss how we would incorporate this to our classes. I feel

realistic, when supporting the motivations of the students.

that the training I received has evolved into much more than a

Since all of the members have a demanding job to balance with

few days of my personal learning through these discussions, and

Taekwon-Do, Kansai only implements initiatives and ideas that

the generous guidance I received has contributed to the rise in

are sustainable under those circumstances. However, the seniors

level at our school and region.

also make themselves available to listen, and existing events are constantly being modified to flexibly accommodate the needs

There is a healthy rivalry between the regions in Japan, and

of the students. Also, more things are becoming possible in the

Kansai has been showing an increasingly strong presence

area since the number of black belts and willing members has

in competition. Yodogawa and its students have been doing

also been increasing, and many express a desire to give back to

especially well in patterns, and most of the competitors find their

the seniors and the organization that have supported them.

way to the podium for their pattern categories. There are both Junior and Senior National Champions for female patterns in the

The help that it has been getting from the outside has also

dojang, that have been defending the title for the past few years.

been instrumental, especially at Yodogawa. Since I was the only

My bronze medal for 1st degree patterns at the 2017 World

international competitor in the region, my teachers encouraged

Championships was one of the biggest achievements for both

me to learn from instructors that have the international

Yodogawa and the region, and gave the instructors confidence

experience I needed. I travelled outside the region to train with

and credibility towards their teaching methods. C

the national coaches in Tokyo and Gifu prefectures, and also travelled over-seas to learn from various international coaches

We are also both happy and proud that our achievements have

and competitors. When I return, Mr. Kitauchi and I would usually

been rewarded with public recognition. Yodogawa’s students

spend long hours comparing my notes with the Taekwon-Do

were invited to receive recognition towards their outstanding

encyclopedia or past world championship footage, so that we

achievements in 2017, by the Mayor of West-Yodogawa

can have a fuller and mutual understanding of what I had learned.

ward, which is where the school is located. I was invited by the Mayor of Ikeda City, my hometown, to receive acknowledgement towards my World Championships medal, along with other past achievements. It was the first time the city had awarded a medal of recognition and offered monetary support towards the endeavors of a Taekwon-Do competitor. There is a respect for personal goals and an allowance for circumstances, in both Yodogawa and Kansai. Nobody is pressured to do anything, but is given full support when they take the steps towards their aspirations. The students see how much the seniors are doing for them, thus creating a beautiful cycle of good will that is generating a strong bond and spirit of cooperation within the organization. Right now, the level of the region and school is rising, to accommodate the increase in number of high achievers, and the beginnings of a larger organization is being created. I am grateful towards the Kansai Region and the Yodogawa Taekwon-Do Club for supporting me in a truly fulfilling Taekwon-Do journey, and I am sure many others at the dojang feel the same way.

Written by Chieko Nishimura (2nd Degree) Yodogawa Taekwon-Do Club Instructor ITF-Japan









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Indian Taekwon-Do Association

As far as I know, in 1969 Mr. Mohandas from Malaysia had come to Chennai for studies. He brought ITF Taekwon-do to India with himself.

ºFrom 1984 to 1987 I had practised WTF

India. After hearing to that I had a ray of hope

techniques though in 1988 I Joined ITF India

and decided to apply for affiliation right after I


(All India Taekwon-Do Association).

had returned to India.

The next year, in 1989 I became president of

The next year, in 2004, I sent the application to

the Punjab State Association and had got 1st

ITF for the affiliation, so ITF had sent President

degree promoted by GM Leong Wai Meng.

GM Trân Triêu Quân and his daughter Joliette



learnt One

Taekwon-do among






Kothandaraman, who - with his dedication and hard work - brought ITF to the stage in India. In 1983 GM Leong Wai Meng (member of the ITF Promotion Committe) visited Chennai and conducted a training camp, and also promoted Mr. Kothandaraman to 2nd degree, who was the first 2nd degree by that time in India.

Trân, (by that time 4th degree) to India. I I was participating in all ITF tournaments until

organised a seminar in the City Bathinda in

2002, and after my retirement from competitions

Punjab State with their leadership.

and has promoted Taekwon-do in all events. In December 2004 ITF accepted our application In 1995 General Choi Hong Hi had come to India,

and we were given the rank of National

that’s when I got the great opportunity to learn

Association. Special thanks to Master Ferrando

from him (it was my first IIC). In 2000 May, I had

– he played an important role in getting India

who became the first president of the federation.

passed 4th Degree exam. When General Choi in

affiliation with ITF.

December 20-21, in 1986 the 1st National

the opportunity again to learn from him.

The same year All India Taekwon-Do Association was formed by the General Secretary Mr. C. Augstin

tournament was held in Chennai (Madras)

the same year visited Kathmandu (Nepal), I had In the same year, 2004 the Indian ITF Taekwondo Federation organised the first National

where 6 states of India had participated.

In 2003, I stepped down from my position of

Championship in Jammu City (Jammu and

vice-president of ITF India Association and was

Kashmir) in the month of December. Until 2018, in

December 28-29, in 1987 the 2nd National

separated for some personal reasons.

the similar way we have organised 15 nationals.

State) where 10 states of India had joined.

In the same year Oct. 2003, I got an opportunity

Our next event is 3rd Asia Tournament, which is

of flying to Benidorm (Spain), that’s because I

taking place in the Month of May - June 2019,


had got an invite from Master Juan Ferrando,

where I would like to express my sincerest

so I travelled with some of my students and

gratitude to Grand Master Wim Bos.

tournament was held in Kakinada (Andhra Pradesh






tournament was held in Bangalore (Karnataka), where now 12 states of India had participants of the competition. By 1989, for the 4th National tournament (Talkatora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi) we had

participated in III International Tournament in Costa Blanca, where I have had good memories

Nowadays 12 State Association is working under

as our team placed in the 3rd place.

our national federation. In each state, District and state tournaments will be organised frequently and

In the hotel in which we had stayed was where

we are again expanding very quickly.

grown to 19 participating states.

I met the Master Ferrando and GM Wim Bos for the first time. There I had learned that after

See you at the 3rd Asia Open Taekwon-Do

In 1981 my (late) father wanted me to learn

our Founder’s death ITF was divided into two.

Championship, 30-31 May – 1st June 2019 at Delhi!

karate so he admitted me in the class of V.K. Datta, a 3rd degree karate teacher who had learnt martial arts in Japan.

There Master Ferrando gave me an advice to apply for Affiliation for our ITF once I reach


International Events 2000 Participated in "1st Asia tkd championship" dated 21st Oct 2000 to 22nd Oct, 2000 at Tokyo (Japan). BELT PROMOTIONS IN TAEKWON-DO FROM INTERNATIONAL TAEKWON-DO FEDERATION (ITF): 1. 1989: Qualified as 1st Dan Black Belt from ITF dated 31st Aug, 1989, at New Delhi. 2. 1992: Qualified as 2nd Dan Black Belt ITF, Dated: 21st Aug, 1992, at Nagpur (Maharashtra). 3. 1993: Completed the "64 International Taekwon-Do Instructor Training Course" Offered by Father of Taekwon-do Gen. Choi Hong Hi on 20th Dec. 1993, at Talkatora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi. 4. 1996: Qualified as 3rd Dan Black Belt ITF, Dated: 11th March 1996. 5. 2000: Qualified as 4th Dan Black Belt ITF, Dated: 6th Oct 2000. 6. 2000: Qualified as International Taekwon-Do Instructor Course on 25th Nov. 2000 Offered by Father of Taekwon-do Gen. Choi Hong Hi at Kathmandu (Nepal).



3RD SOUTH ASIAN OPEN From 30 May to 1 June the 3rd Open South Asian Taekwon-do ITF Championship will be held. Asia as the cradle of Martial Arts is now again in focus for ITF. The competition will be hosted in New Delhi, India. The event will start with an open seminar on 30 May, and then the competition starts on 31 May, Friday with individual events, and the last day would be 1st June, Saturday with the Team Competition. The event will take place in Talkatora Indoor Stadium, one of the best sports facilities in Delhi, built with environment-friendly materials and techniques.



A Taekwon-Do for everyone equally, even if we are different General Choi Hong Hi said clearly that "Taekwon-Do is for everyone." We could add that his work, the Martial Art of his creation does not repair differences of any kind between people. We are all equal before Taekwon-Do. However, it is necessary to emphasize that as human beings we all present different characteristics. Each one of us has particularities that make us unique and

Accept what's different

unrepeatable. Even the twins are not the same.

Since I arrived in Israel, 16 years ago, I had the opportunity to work with students of different characteristics, skills

We can affirm that it is possible to teach Taekwon-Do

and also, with different motivations, such as those

to everyone alike, no matter how we are, we have the

who wanted to compete above all things or those who

characteristics we have, but this does not imply that we

approached Dojang only through the pleasure to train

can expect the same results from everyone, or at the

and have a good time.

same times. However, I recently felt that my work was important There is a Taekwon-Do for everyone equally, but we

and that through it I could offer and leave more than

are all different. This implies, then, looking for different

hand and foot techniques, when I started teaching for

ways and alternatives so that no one is left without

students with different or "unconventional" abilities, as


they are called at present.

Pedagogy, didactics, love and passion would be the

Generalized Developmental Disorders (PDD) include

synthesis of this teaching idea that I pursue as a

a group of disorders that affect the growth of

Taekwon-Do instructor.

children during the first years of life and it is a set of


disorders characterized by delays in different areas of

difficult to distinguish between one alteration and

development, such as communication skills and social

another, which is why the new Diagnostic Manual of

interaction which affects, in turn, the activities, interests

Mental Disorders (DSM-5) now refers to all under the

and finally affects the behavior of children.

name of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

To this must be added that although these disorders

The unfortunate thing is that people who suffer from

begin in childhood, their alterations tend to be

some of these pathologies, in addition to others with

maintained until adulthood.

Down syndrome or diagnosed with Hypo or Hyper Activity (ADD), with blindness or some degree of

Among these disorders, the best known is the Autistic

cerebral palsy, are usually excluded from the practice of

Syndrome (Autism of Kanner), although I can also

any physical activity.

mention the Rett Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder,





Development Disorder Not Specified.

Nevertheless, some of the people affected, either by themselves or through their relatives, companions or caregivers, take courage and approach our Dojang, at

All these alterations of development share causes,

which point we, as TKD Instructors, can collaborate in the

signs and manifestations. In fact, in many cases it is

development and the social integration of these students.



A better quality of life through Adapted Taekwon-Do

of Duschenne Muscular Dystrophy, may not be able to enjoy a better technique, but will be favored in balance, in

Taekwon-Do, as I understand it and in an integral sense that

delaying the loss of muscle tone, in a better way. Elongation

contemplates the physical, emotional, moral and mental

that alleviates their tensions, in the reinforcement of their

aspect of people, is an excellent means to collaborate with

self-esteem and in the feeling that they are valued.

the therapeutic treatments of support and early stimulation of people with disabilities.

In addition, the teaching and learning of Taekwon-Do to people with disabilities not only favors the student, but

Of course, for that, not only is it important but also a proper

also transforms the Instructors into an important part of

training, study, being informed and, above all, to overcome

this chain made up of the family, educators and health

any type of prejudice and acceptance of what is different.

professionals. will result in a significant improvement in the quality of life of those.

A person with a disability, whatever their age, can benefit from aspects that a conventional person would take as

Union makes strength

something natural, for example: a more physical training,

Personally, I have in Israel, the possibility of being part

the technical improvement is almost indefectible. However,

of a change from Taekwon-Do and from my profession

a person with a severe physical disability such as the case

of Psychologist and Sports Psychologist, and that


I would also mention Bo Sabum Silvia de Moraes in SĂŁo

Written by

Paulo-Brazil, who works with children with dystrophy and

Sabum Leonardo Oros Duek VI dan Psychologist Sports Psychologist

Down syndrome and Bo Sabum Analia Suarez in San Jose-Uruguay who works with the association of Down Syndrome. And the Bsn Analia Suarez in San Jose-Uruguay that works with the association of Down Syndrome.

Adapt to provide equal opportunities As I said above, although Taekwon-Do as Martial Art is unique and is for everyone equally, the way of thinking, preparing and offering it to a class of people with disabilities, is something that gives me the opportunity to move forward, but I believe that sharing and learning from other experiences around the world, it opens up a range of opportunities to learn more and to allow us to accept and accept differences. Thus, little by little we began to meet colleagues from different parts of the World who, through their work with dobok, contribute daily to improving the quality of life of students with certain disabilities. For example, I would like to mention the work of Therapeutic Accompanist Boo Sabum Anabel Vicario, who from a small town in Patagonia called Caleta Olivia, in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, teaches professionally, lovingly and silently people with blindness, ASD, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, comorbidity, among other pathologies.

whatever it is, does not allow rigidity and must be carefully studied. For this reason, years of research, study and experiences based on the trial and error methodology have allowed me to develop a vast theoretical material that, enriched with that of the other instructors with the same concern, I intend to offer as a tool soon of consultation, guidance and support. For me, the point of our student's oath where we commit to build a better and more peaceful world is not just a prayer, it is also my life. The good news is that I'm not alone when it comes to thinking that Taekwon-Do is for everyone. Taekwon!



Written by Anne-Marie Kinsella MISCP BSc (Hons) Human Physiology, BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy

VI degree ITA Instructor

The Hip joint. The hip joint is one of the joints that is used extensively in TaeKwon-Do both in kicking and stances as well as stretching. Grand Master Vanberghen wrote his thesis which included fellow TaeKwonDo practitioners and other martial artists experiences with regard to their hip injuries. Previous to this I had thought it was a topic I was interested in writing about. After reading GM Vanberghen’s thesis I thought it would be of benefit for people to learn more about the workings of the hip including the bony structures, passive stabilisers (ligaments) and active stabilisers (muscles). Once I started writing it became evident to me that this would be best done over three articles covering each area. For the first of the three articles we will look at the structure of the bones of the hip. From this I hope that you will see how peoples bone structures vary which results in each of us having unique range of motion abilities.

What is the hip? The hip joint is a ball and socket joint. It is one of the largest joints in the body, with weight bearing stresses during walking that can be up to 5 times a person’s body weight.

Where is it? It is compromised of the head of the femur (thigh bone) and the pelvis (ileum, ischium and pubis). The socket consists of the bones in the pelvis making up the acetabulum and the ball is the head of the femur. Large ligaments, tendons and muscles around the hip joint hold the bones in place and keep it from dislocating. It has a high level of stability as well as mobility.

The stability and strength of the hip depends on several things: # Depth of the acetabulum and labrum # Length and angle of the neck of femur # Ligaments–strength and tension of same # Muscles – strength of same #Atmospheric pressure

Fig.1 Anterior view of the pelvis. This image is a faithful reproduction of a lithograph plate from Gray's Anatomy, from the 20th U.S. edition of Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, originally published in 1918 and therefore lapsed into the public domain.


Acetabulum and labrum

If there is significant deviation in the angle

The labrum attaches to the acetabulum and

outside the optimum range the lever arms

helps deepen the socket and distributing

used to produce movement by the abductor

forces around the joint. It helps hold the head

muscles will either be too short or too long.

of the femur in position. If tears occur they most likely occur at the junction of the labrum

Femoral angle of torsion.

and the articular cartilage. The acetabular

The femoral angle of torsion can be seen

labrum helps with joint stability deepening

by looking at the relationship between the

the joint by 21% and increasing the surface

axis of the femoral head and neck and

area by 28%. This allows for a wider area

the femoral condyles. 12 to 15 degrees is

of force distribution. It resists lateral and

normal range, see fig. 7 and 8. An increase in

vertical movements within the acetabulum. It

this angle is termed anteversion, a decrease

offers shock absorbency and helps distribute

is termed retroversion.

compressive loads to the articular surfaces more uniformly which reduces peak cartilage

The joint glides

stresses during weight bearing.

TIn the hip joint the concave acetabulum articulates with the convex femoral head. The femoral head will move within the acetabulum in a direction opposite to motion of the distal end of the femur (the end near the knee), following the convex concave rule. Examples of the way the femoral head moves within the acetabulum in some of the movements in TaeKwon-Do include: · Front leg swing (hip flexion) – femoral head glides posterior and inferior(back and down).

Fig.2 Lateral view of the pelvis and acetabulum. This image is a faithful reproduction of a lithograph plate from Gray's Anatomy, from the 20th U.S. edition of Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, originally published in 1918 and therefore lapsed into the public domain.

Normal ranges of motion within the hip joint are approximately: · Flexion 125 degrees · Extension 10 degrees · Abduction 45 degrees · External rotation 45 degrees · Internal rotation 45 degrees This means the total rotation is approx. 90 degrees. Some people can have more internal than external rotation but still have the full range of rotation at the hip e.g. 60 degrees internal rotation, 30 degrees external rotation. Getting the pivoting foot into the correct position for some of the kicks in TaeKwon-Do e.g., side piercing kick, turning kick etc, utilising only external rotation of the hip is impossible for people lacking some of their external rotation. They can only get their foot in the position by compensating in some way, while at the same time forcing their femoral head into the wall of the acetabulum. This will become more obvious when looking at the picture that will follow. The images show the normal variation in human bones. None

· Back leg in front splits, instep flat on the

of them are pathological. They graphically

floor (hip extension) – femoral head moves

display why no two people will do TaeKwon-

anterior and superior (forward and up).

Do the exact same way. Peoples’ ranges

· Side leg swing (abduction) – femoral head moves inferior and medial (down and in). · Pivot standing leg kicking (external rotation)

Length and angle of the neck of femur.

· Internal rotation – posterior (backwards).

– femoral head glides anterior (forward).

of motion will be different as their bones are different. It is interesting to note the variations in positions and sizes of the acetabulum and femoral neck and consider how this can affect peoples’ TKD abilities.

The head of the femur is attached to the femoral shaft by the femoral neck. This can vary in length depending on body size. The neck shaft angle is usually 125+/- 5 degrees. This angle is obtained by finding the angle that occurs at the intersection of a line drawn down the long shaft of the femur and a line drawn through the neck of the femur, see Fig 6 and 9. Coxa valga is diagnosed if this value exceeds 130 degrees and coxa vara if it is below 120 degrees. The angle is important because the femoral shaft is laterally displaced from the pelvis which allows for freedom of joint motion.

Fig.3 Hip sockets on right hand specimen are not visible from this front view because they are oriented out to the sides rather than forward. You can see the concave acetabulum on the left pelvis



Fig.4 Hip sockets pointing in different directions. Therefore range of motion in different directions will be different.

Fig.5 Left hip socket of two pelvii. Socket in left specimen pointed forward and down. Socket on right specimen pointed sideways and nearly horizontal.

Fig.6 Six left femurs. Oriented upside down in this image to make it easier to show torsion in the next two images.

Fig.8 Two extremes of femoral rotation. Looking down on the neck/head of two left femur. Feet parallel requires completely different femoral rotations.

Fig.7 Looking down on the neck/head of six left femurs. The degree of torsion (twist) increases left to right.

Fig.10 Two left femurs in front view. Femur on left has a neck that is twice as long.

Fig.9 Two Left Femurs. The inclination of the neck is 40 degrees different. The ability to abduct (lift the leg to the side) would be 40 degrees different.


A quote form Grand Master Frank Vanberghen’s thesis says “Fast but not hard kicks are important, the right angle, feeling comfortable in every movement



and stance is the message I want to give through this work”. Looking at the

Forward Head

variations of some of the structures of the hip it is evident that getting the right angle and feeling comfortable within that movement is important if we are to protect this joint in our training. I know for me I have to slightly externally rotate my feet in my sitting stance to get into a position that feels strong and comfortable. The more forward my feet the more I feel I am working against my body, in particular my pelvis and hips. My foot position in a squat has to be in

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

a similar position to be able to execute it correctly. Are people also unwittingly promoting anterior impingement of their acetabulum and femoral head by having their pelvis in anterior tilt (see fig. 14) when in their stances, in particular sitting and L stance. Anterior tilt promotes downward rotation of the pelvis resulting in downward rotation of the acetabulum forcing the femoral head into the acetabulum. This would be exaggerated even more if the person had a femoral head like the one in the right side of fig 11 and an acetabulum like that of the left side of figs 7 and 8. Correcting postures and realising where your bony limitations are (and not forcing yourself to their limitations) should assist in reducing your risk of developing hip complications due to bony injuries.

References Gray, Henry. Anatomy - The Human Body. 1918. Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia and New York.

Maitland’s Peripheral Manipulation. Churchill/Livingstone

Grilley, Paul. Bone pictures. Paulgrilley.com (consent obtained to use photos)


Hip Anatomy, Function and Common Problems. HealthPages.org

Vanberghen Grand Master. Hip Thesis

Hip Joint Osteo/Arthrokinematics, www.quizlet.com




Chon-Ji "Chon-Ji literally means "the Heaven the Earth". It is, in the orient interpreted as the creation of the world or the beginning of human history, therefore it is the initial pattern played by the beginner. This pattern consists of two similar parts: one to represent Heaven and the other Earth." Sometimes students think that the first part of the

Also the cross in the diagram represents the four

pattern represents Earth and second Heaven, but it is

elements (Heaven-Earth-Water-Fire).

the opposite. The first part has the forearm low block pointing down from Heaven to humanity, representing

The 19 movements may represent the total grades in

Heaven. The second part is from the Earth pointing

Taekwon-Do; 10 gups, 9 degrees. Although we know

up, to represent Earth.

this pattern was created before General Choi had finalised the gup grades (and for that matter all 24

Legend says that the sacred lake Chon-ji (Heavenly

patterns), perhaps his idea from the beginning was to

lake, because water was so calm and transparent

have 24 patterns, 10 gup and 9 dan levels - a total of 19

that you can see how Heaven reflects in the water),

ranks. When he published his book in 1973 it was the

is where Dan-Gun was born. It is also near Baedku

first time he included all 24 patterns and all 19 ranks.

mountain, called the roof of Korea.

Anyway, we keep this unofficial information.

The diagram also has two parts, Heaven and Earth,

As this pattern represents the creation of the world

which also represents the Korean Flag. The upper

it is also the beginning for each student, for the long

part of the flag is red, or Heaven, and the bottom is

journey in his or her Taekwon-Do life.

blue, or Earth (Yin and Yang, in Korea Um and Yan).





Written by Adrian Byrne VI Dan Organising Team

1st ITF Coaches Conference 2019 On behalf of the organising committee I’m really excited to speak about the 1st ITF International Coaches’ Conference, will take place in the University of Limerick Ireland from June 28th to 30th 2019. This event promises to be the start of something entirely new to ITF and, we hope, a very positive addition to the calendar for our international community. I’ve been asked to take a little time to introduce the Conference for the benefit of the ITF membership and so, here I have a few words to explain where the idea came from, what the aspirations of the organisers are and what you might expect if you come to visit us in Ireland next June.

The Beginning The origin of the idea is in the first

Since 1999 I have travelled to 14 IIC’s, 2 ITF

International Instructor Course I ever

Conventions, 6 World Championships, 10

attended in 1999 which was under the

European Championships, 4 World Cups,

leadership of General Choi and then

4 European Cups and more international

Master Choi Jung Hwa held in Trinity

tournaments and seminars than I can

College Dublin. Although the experience

count. I have learned something that



has improved my coaching every time I

(meeting the General, discovering we’d

travelled, whether from the course leaders

learned sine wave wrong, getting blisters

or event itself or from my colleagues

inside my blisters, sleeping on my

around the world, those wonderful and

cousins floor because I couldn’t afford

inventive coaches of the ITF community.

a hotel) when I took the bus home I

Still, for me the improvements in my

reflected on the fact that I hadn’t learned

coaching happened as a happy by product

what I actually attended the course

of the experiences rather than by design.

to learn. I was a very new instructor,

That frustrated me. At this point, maybe

teaching in my own right for less than

it’s important to understand a little of who

one year at that time and I’d really hoped

I am and why that would be the case. I’m

to learn how to be a better instructor. Of

a Sport and Exercise Scientist by training

course, by improving my understanding

and I work for Sport Ireland as a coach

of pattern and fundamental movement

education consultant for 14 sports. It’s

I was better able to demonstrate and

my job to work with sports organisations

explain Taekwon-Do to my students

to develop education and training for their

but that isn’t what I’d wanted to learn.

coaches to allow them to ensure their

I had hoped to share in the wealth of

players and athletes have access to the

experience in that room and find golden

best trained and equipped leadership they

nuggets of wisdom that I could take and

can provide. I’ve represented Irish sport at

apply in my club for the benefit of my

the European Union level and have worked

students. General Choi was on a mission

on European projects in the development

to standardise and improve the quality

of sport education. I don’t like leaving

of Taekwon-Do across the world and

things to chance. Through all of the ITF

doing an amazing job. He didn’t design

events I’ve attended I realised that there

the International Instructor Course to

are many more kindred spirits in ITF and

help me to be a more effective coach.

I’m very fortunate to have had wonderful

Although the course format has changed

discussions with Grand Master Wim Bos,

significantly under the leadership of our

Master Mark Hutton, Master Jerzy Jedut,

Technical Committee, the focus of the

Master Paul McPhail, Mr Andrew Niven

International Instructor Course is on the

and so very many more on what they felt

development of the technical knowledge

helped them to develop as coaches and

and performance of the participants,

instructors. I’ve also been very lucky to

specifically within the ITF syllabus and

have as a friend Mr Stephen Ryan, who I’ve


trained with, studied with, worked with and






competed against since we were children. I don’t have an idea that doesn’t get bounced off Stephen on it’s way to completion, and I have even less ideas that see completion without his input and collaboration. When I suggested we needed something in ITF that was less a technical course and more of a coming together of coaches to share experiences and knowledge like other sports might do at a conference or scientists would at a symposium, Stephen was immediately on board.

Our Offering International

this information age, evolution in our art and

International Coaches Conference in 2014

Coaches Conference is “Advances and

sport, change and growth in our; processes,

and hoped to gain the backing of the ITF

Innovation in ITF Coaching” while we used

rules, technique, tactics. This is in essence

to launch in 2015, however at the time the

the tagline “Learn, Discuss, Share, Enjoy”.

very much internal to ITF and so we are

International Coaches Course had just been

Both of these choices are very deliberate

bringing together a very strong team of

launched and it was clearly not a good time

in their selection. First, we wanted to look

ITF Coaches and officials to lead sessions

to create confusion in the community with

at the overlap between knowledge and

that will be both practical in nature and

two offerings with such similar names and

practice that is strictly ITF Taekwon-Do and

enlightening. We hope to challenge our

entirely separate goals. We decided to wait

techniques, understanding and practice

ITF experts to solve questions or problems

until the timing was better before preparing

that is widely used at the cutting edge of

using their style, way of thinking and

a proposal for the ITF community that we

sports performance. ‘Advances’ is meant

coaching practices for the benefit of the

were confident would be a success. In the

in terms of growth in our knowledge during

coaches present.












interim, we decided to host the 2017 ITF World Championships. Having worked very closely and productively with GM Bos during the preparation for this event we discussed the project and came to an agreement on how to shape the event and presented our proposal for the approval of the ITF Board of Directors. We are delighted to be able to say that the Board saw the potential in the project and have trusted us with launching this new concept for ITF.

‘Innovation’ in this case, refers to taking advances from the worlds of sport science, technology, high performance professional sports, psychology (whether research or practice) and using it to find solutions for ITF Taekwon-Do that are original, effective and deliver positive change. To meet this need, we will invite a suite of experts from the support network of high performance sport in Ireland and challenge them to present


their ideas and practices in a way that is

critiques, challenges and innovates. Finally,

relevant to our coaches. You can expect to

we wouldn’t be happy to have you visit us

hear from coaches of olympians, an expert

in Ireland if you didn’t enjoy your time here.

dietician, a performance psychologist and

We encourage you to listen, engage, learn

experts in coach education and inclusion

and apply but also to chat, eat, laugh and

of people with disabilities throughout the

sing and make your stay here memorable


for years to come.

To bring this theme (or the dual theme

If the idea behind this event appeals to

we’ve presented) to life, we have to meet

you, you can get all the details on the ITF

that original need, that itch that needed

Website under the events section. We’d

scratching. That is why we chose the

be delighted for you to join our friends

tagline ‘Learn, Discuss, Share, Enjoy’. The

from Australia, Austria, Finland, Jamaica,

conference and the experts we recruit to

Scotland, Uruguay and Ireland who’ve

deliver the content are only the first step,

already secured their places. As a final

the providers of Learning. From there we

message from me though I’d like to tell

hope the magic happens. It will be the

you about the venue and the setup of the

discussions that begin in lecture halls,

course. We will host you on the University

areas for cooking, watching television

sports halls, cafe’s, restaurants and yes…

of Limerick campus in the West of Ireland.

and talking late into the night! We’ve also

even bars, and that last for weeks and

This is a stunning, green campus spanning

arranged a BBQ for the Saturday night with

months after the conference has finished,

the river Shannon with attractive walks, tree

live music and drinks.

that bring about the CHANGE we’d like to

lined avenues, modern sculptures and some

see. The sharing of knowledge, experience,

of the best sporting facilities in Ireland. We

I can promise you that this will be an

stories and anecdotes amongst a group of

have secured accommodation on campus

experience to be remembered for years

people who have more in common in their

in the well appointed Cappavilla Village

to come and I say that in full confidence

love of ITF Taekwon-Do and coaching than

apartments. Each of these apartments

knowing that our greatest strength is the

differences amongst them will allow us to

offers visitors their own double room with

wonderful community of ITF coaches who

create a community of coaches across

en suite bathroom, study desk and high

will be coming together to Learn, Discuss,

the world that shares openly, discusses,

speed internet access. There are common

Share and Enjoy next June.



10 years of ITF development in

Africa Upon request for membership of EITA = Ethiopian International

Taekwon-Do Association it was the idea of our late President Grand Master Tran Trân Triêu Quân to send an instructor to Africa to develop our ITF on that Continent. I have put myself forward at the Board Meeting in Quebec 2007 (as there was no other candidate) and was appointed by the ITF Board of Directors to start with that project. At the beginning I had no idea to start this work and I had not much knowledge about the Continent of Africa, the mentality of the people or the difficulties that would await me. I only wanted to go there to teach. Therefore the 1st seminar in Ethiopia was very important for me too and should show me the path I wanted to follow in the future to develop TKD. And I have received many ideas and challenges, e.g.:

(2008 - 2018)

# The standard of living, comparable to Europe, is very low # Financial situation of most of the people # Different mentality # The conditions are very bad in many cases (e.g. restrooms, water, training facilities, electricity) # Traffic and transportation


I realized very quickly the special challenges and thought

In the following years I conducted seminars every year and until

to myself to help not only with technical or administrative

this year EITA was the only Federation in Africa with National

instructions but also to start a donation campaign for

Association status in our ITF (now also Tanzania and Uganda).

Ethiopia (later for other countries too). As a member of ITF

Because of the good work of EITA Board of Directors, it is

Deutschland, I started in Germany, asking for used doboks,

recognized by the government and has more than 25.000 in it’s

used safety equipment and other training material. The


reaction of the German TKD members, including the Board of Directors, was overwhelming. Within a short period of time, I received nearly 150 doboks, brand new and used doboks, which I could carry to Ethiopia and later to other countries. The German TKD Federation donated also some money and this was the start signal also for other European countries to do the same. The money was paid to a special bank account of the ITF from where I could buy material for the countries, e.g. mats, safety equipment, plastic boards for breaking competition or competition fee of poor countries at ITF World Champs.

Seminars and Tournaments ETHIOPIA EITA = Ethiopian International Taekwon-Do Association was a former member of ITF under the leadership of Ung Chang and applied for a seminar in 2007. I conducted the first seminar in June 2008 with the attendance of 160 red and black belts. The technical level was not that high, but the enthusiasm was enormous and the attendees trained diligently. The highest degrees were 4th dan and Mr. Wogayehu Behailu (President) and Getachew Shiferaw (Vice-President) are still the leading persons. Mr. Behailu is now a 6th degree together with Bert van Pittius South Africa), he is the highest degree on the African Continent.

More than 500 participants

The following list is showing the development and success in Ethiopia since 2008: 2008 · 1st technical seminar in June with 160 participants · Until the end of 2018: 15 technical seminars more 2009 · GM Marano and GM Bos conducted the 1st IIC in ITF history on the African Continent in July with more than 200 participants. (Further IICs in 2012, 2015, 2018) 2011 · 1st African Cup (= two days tournament) with more than 400 competitors (further African Cups in 2012, 2014 und 2016) 2013 · After a long preparation process Ethiopia participated for the 1st time in history at a World Championship (Spain), together with Kenya and Mozambique.

2014 · The Chairman of the Children Development Committee (GM Nardizzi) conducted the 1st ITF Kid's Course on the African Continent in Addis Ababa and in 2015 Sabum Fabian Izquierdo 2015 · 1st Continental Meeting with Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Madagascar, South Africa, Uganda. · The Africa Development Team = ADT has been established with the following members: Master Santaniello (Italy), Master McNairn (Scotland), Master Enander (Sweden), Sabum Morris (France) and Chairman GM Weiler (Germany). In 2018 Master McKenzie completed the team. To establish a team was necessary because of 13 member countries and the increasing requirements. Every team member shall take care about 2 or 3 member countries and shall visit each country twice a year. To make sure that all team members teach the same standard it shall meet once a year and we met already last year and this year. Another meeting is scheduled in March 2019. ▶



Africa Member Countries since 2018 2016 · Africa Taekwon-Do Federation = ATF was successfully established in Addis Ababa on 5th August at the 2nd Continental Meeting with the following (9) founding members: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The following Board Members were elected: President W. Behailu (Ethiopia), SG B. Van Pittius (South Africa), Vice-President R. Ojiambo (Uganda), Treasurer T. Rakotoarisoa (Madagascar) and member B. Ohmar (Djibouti).

2008 Ethiopia

2009 Kenya

2011 South Africa

2013 Mozambique

2013 Uganda

Ethiopia over the last ten years was the first member in our ITF and a starting point for almost all activities on the African Continent.

2013 Morocco

2018 · Umpire Committe Chairman Master Katz and Committee member Master Wallace conducted the 1st International Umpire Course in Africa with 90 participants. · After 10 years of hard work the dream of a Continental Championship became true and the 1st Continental Championships in Africa has been held with 9 participating countries (Djibouti, Gambia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda / plus Zanzibar). · At the 3rd Continental Meeting Mr. Tamrat Feyessa (Ethiopia) has been elected as new President of the ATF because the former President is out of the country for more than one and a half year. Also the SG has been elected and Mr. G. Shiferaw (Ethiopia) replaced Mr. Van Pittius.

National Associations

· Sabum Niklas Enander (since November 2018 Master Enander) went to Uganda for the first time in 2012 and prepared everything (seminars, meetings, tournaments etc. pending all his free time to develop our ITF) over there. Uganda is now the second biggest member country in our ITF in Africa! · Master Ferrando started TKD ITF in Morocco

2014 Zimbabwe

2015 Djibouti

2015 Madagascar

2016 Tanzania

2016 Zanzibar

2017 Algeria

2017 Gambia

2018 Burundi

2018 Senegal

Three countries achieved NA status in the ITF so far:

Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania Although the number of members is steadily growing on the African Continent and Ethiopia is already very big in membership there is still a lot of work to be done. The new countries need technical, administrative and organizational advice and help constantly. Also, the gradings should be guaranteed at least every 6 months. Well, the development team is working hard for this.


Other donations for Africa

In the incredible short period of 4 months


with this money I could reach the goal to get

Mr. Peter Kruckenhauser supported always

an artificial leg for Kemal Kasim.

„our TKD family“ donated 9.716,73 € and

the idea to help and support Africa. He gave 50% on new material (e.g. mats and safety

He was living 4 weeks in my house in

equipment for Ethiopia), he sponsored

order to have a short trip to the orthopedic

doboks for the participating competitors

technician because we had 2 to 3 dates a

from the African countries and also safety

week to meet with him. Mr. Danish did a

equipment for Mozambique.

super, super job and Kemal was able to leave Cologne (Germany) with an artificial leg.

FUJI MAE From this company I received nearly 200 doboks (80% instructor doboks) and some safety equipment which I brought to Kenya and Zimbabwe. MIGHTYFIST Jason Morris helped with his ideas and donations for my donation campaign for Kemal Kasim, especially at the IIC’s in Vienna and Italy 2014 and also the European Cup in Budapest. He sold books from the

My special thanks for this result goes to: AETF Board of Directors, Master Per Andresen,




Jonathan Morris, Mr. and Mrs Wagner for all the bracelets I was able to sell at the ITF events in Europe, ITF Belgium, ITF Germany and everybody who supported this campaign.

TC, bracelets and sponsored doboks. MASTER FERRANDO Mst. Ferrando donated nearly 30 Gup doboks for Africa from his shop

Acknowledgment! I want to express my sincere thanks to the ITF and the Board of Directors, giving me the chance to work on the African Continent and to spread the art of our founder General Choi Hong Hi. It is both

Special donation and help for Kemal Kasim

an honour and a big challenge to work there. It is not always a pleasure but the biggest „payment“ is the gratefulness and the happiness of the participants. Of course,

In Addis Ababa I recognized a young disabled athlete who has lost his right leg as a 6-year-old boy. Although he had this big disadvantage, he practiced TKD and his performance, comparable to other Taekwon-Doin, was really good. His name is

the success is another motivation to continue and I pray to god that he might give me some other years to continue my work. I also want to thank Master Andresen and






Kemal Kasim.

financial support. The same refers to ITF

As a physical education teacher, it was

Master Wagner and his wife. I could solve

clear to me that his left side of the body would also be damaged if he would not get help. After I had learned his desire for an artificial leg after the last seminar in Addis Ababa 2014, I was very much motivated to help him. Back in Germany and having two preliminary calculations I started with the campaign „Donation for Kemal Kasim“ and traveled through Germany and Europe to participate at ITF events.

Deutschland and its members, especially many financial problems with this donated money. Great motivation was the involvement of the TC, especially GM Marano and GM Ung, GM Bos, GM Nardizzi and Masters Cecconato, Caiazzo, Mc Phail, Santaniello, Katz, Vones, McNairn, Enander, Wallace, and McKenzie came to Ethiopia during the years to conduct seminars.

With respect to all who supported the work in Africa! Written by Grand Master Paul Weiler ITF Senior Vice-President




Club: Mandevill


Joleen Masters

Name: Joleen Masters Nationality: Jamaica le Taekwon-Do Centre Degree: 6th Dan

When and how did you start TKD? I started Taekwon-Do on the 2nd November 1987.

What is the hardest part being an umpire?

Martial arts always facinated me and one day while

The harddest part of being an umpire is getting up

speaking to me high school classmate the subject

at 0600hrs to get ready for work.

came up and he asked if I were really serious about wanting to do martial arts and I told him yes strongly.

What is the best part?

That same afternoon after school he took me and

The best part of being an umpire is meeting

introduced me to Harrison Chin Hing and the rest as

new people, fellow umpires, competitors and

they say is history....

coaches, travelling to the various countries and experiencing their culture.

Did you compete at international tournaments?” Yes, I competed internationally.

What is it you are most proud of as an umpire?

The events that come readily to mind are:

As an umpire, I am proud of the fact that the ITF has vastly developed over the years and this is

• Florida State Championships 1993

evident in the levels of competitions that are

• World Championships 1999, Argentina

displayed at the various world events.

• General Choi Cup 2000, Connecticut • World Championships 2001, Italy

Also, when my country’s athlete win a medal,

• Panamerican Games 2002, Canada

even though I cannot celebrate with them at the

• World Championships 2003, Poland


• World Championships 2005, Germany • World Championships 2007, Canada

When did you start umpiring, why? I started umpiring in 2011 at the World Champonship in New Zealand. I choose to move to umpiring because maintaining weight and all the other sacrifices that went along with being a competitor was just too much for me to handle on a constant basis and being a competitor was no longer a thrill.


Jeff Brider


When did you start TKD?

Although the experience of umpiring in local and national

I am, relatively speaking, a late starter to Taekwon-

competitions was very useful I have found that umpiring

Do. I played cricket until I was in my early 50s in the

in Europe and elsewhere has been invaluable. My first

local cricket leagues. I was fortunate that this allowed

international tournament was at the Holland Cup in

me to play against professional and semi-professional

Pijnacker the Netherlands. This annual tournament

cricketers. I had also done Tai-Chi (original Yang style),

arranged by Mr Tim Kool and Dr Rory de Vries introduced

run marathons and played other sports, but cricket was

me to competitions which were organised closely in line

my first love.

with ITF International competitions. I have returned to this competition every year since and will do so for

My introduction to TKD started when my daughter, Izzy,

as long as I can. This experience led me to attend the

went to a TKD taster session at her primary school and

Masters’ series in the Netherlands, the Battle (arranged

a year later, when I was 53, I decided to give it a try. I

by Master James Tjin a Ton) and the Open Dutch

had thought that I would help my daughter in her TKD

(arranged by Master Willy van der Mortel). In addition,

career, but she left me behind years ago. I have to admit

I have umpired at the Italian Open (arranged by GM Bos

that when I started I never thought that I would still be

and Master Saccomanno).

training 14 years later. I firmly believe that you are never too old to start and, whilst progress might not be the

Since my international umpiring at the European

same as when you are younger, I can see that I have

Championships in Sweden in 2013 it has been an honour

gained much from TKD training. Some aspects are more

and privilege to serve as an umpire at the European

challenging than others, but some of this could be the

Championships between 2013- 2018, at the ITF World

result of many years of playing cricket!

Cup in Budapest in 2016, the World Championships in Dublin in 2017 and the World Cup in Sydney in 2018.

When did you start umpiring and why?

I have also umpired at the European Cups in Lublin in

I started my international level umpiring at the ITF

2017 and in Sibiu in Romania in 2018. I have applied to

European Championships which were held in Skovde,

serve as an umpire at the World Championships and am

Sweden in 2013. I hadn’t given much thought to

hoping that I might be selected to serve in this major

umpiring at this level as I thought that I didn’t have


sufficient experience but following my attendance at the Holland Cup competition as an umpire Master Lear asked me if I would agree to submit an application to umpire at the AETF European Championships. I agreed and really enjoyed it. I realised that I had much to learn but that it was a wonderful way to give something back to TKD. I still remember that I was a Jury Member and found it to be an amazing experience. I appreciated all the feedback that I was given and have been lucky to umpire in every ITF European Championships since that time.

Jeff Brider, British, ETA London IV degree I started training with Mrs Tracey Croke and Helen Cleary and Mr James Miley in Manchester and have recently moved to ETA to train with Master Tom Denis.


What is the hardest part of being an umpire? The hardest part of being an umpire is keeping up-to-date with all the rules, technical aspects and training so that I can perform to the best of my ability and ensure that the competitors are not disadvantaged by any lack of knowledge on my part. When I reflect on this issue, I realise that it isn’t really a hard part but an essential part when taking on the role of an umpire. As an umpire you are in a privileged position and you have the best seat in the house, if you are not competing or coaching.

What is the best part? The best part of being an umpire is that you are given an amazing opportunity to see and judge some amazing performances by international competitors. Umpiring has allowed me to form friendships with fellow umpires, coaches and competitors from all over the world. The umpires are a fantastic professional team. The experience on hand is second to none. As well as the competition side of umpiring I have made friendships which I believe will last for many years to come. This is more than a by-product of umpiring or any TKD activity it is, to me, a critical aspect of this great martial art that we all practice. Umpiring has also allowed me to see the hard work and extensive knowledge of the ITF Umpire and Tournament Committees and the equivalent AETF Committees and the constant work that they do to improve each competition for competitors, coaches, spectators and umpires.

What is it you are most proud of as an umpire? I am most proud of being given the opportunity to judge competitors in patterns and sparring. I recognise that I am still a beginner (notwithstanding my age) compared with many others but I hope that I will get further opportunities to be a Referee and I hope to have an opportunity to Centre Referee, building on the experience that I was given at the AETF European Cup in Sibiu this year.



Bolivian ITF

Taekwon-Do Federat Roberto Kavlin is the organization that brings together all the schools, clubs and centers that encourage the practice of the original Taekwon-Do in Bolivia. Following a period of stagnation due to a poor administration in the past, Bolivia needed a new direction with the objective of leveling the technical aspect and thus developing the discipline, that is why in 2014 the first idea of the Bolivian ITF Taekwon-Do Federation 'Roberto Kavlin' was founded. 4 instructors (Eng. Varinia Sandi Torrez (President), Mr. Rolando Narvรกez Garnica (1st Vice President), Arch. Dennis Castellรณn Martinez (2nd Vice President) and Mr. Martin Villegas Bustillos (Minutes Secretary)), trained in the discipline, with a different vision and with the enthusiasm to allow Taekwon-Do to develop in the best way in Bolivia, decided to take the direction and the course of ITF Taekwon-Do in Bolivia.


tion The name ‘Roberto Kavlin’ was adopted as a tribute to the precursor of Gen. Choi Hong Hi’s visit to Bolivia in 1972, during the government of the then President of the Republic, General Hugo Banzer Suarez, together with Master Kim Bok Man, representative of the Embassy of Korea and Gen. Choi Hong Hi’s envoy for the dissemination of our art in Bolivia.

Our Bolivian organization had a lot of support since its origin

the development and growth of our organization. They are people who

by the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), to which we are

helped us in the consolidation and progress of our organization in

proud to belong. This support was from personalities that positively

the Bolivian Territory.

influenced the process of our growth as an organization, and we want to name them with great pride: GM Pablo Trajtenberg (ITF President)

Initially the Organization had 2 main schools (Taekwon-Do School

for his constant collaboration, GM Héctor Marano (Chairman of the ITF

Baek-Ho Bolivia and Villa Victoria School), later we grew with

Technical Committee), who visited us in 2014, GM Javier Dacak (ITF Vice

the following schools: Red Lions, Yong Juk, Bolivian Academy of

President), who visited us several times between 2015 and 2017, guiding

Taekwon-Do and Dragon Kwan School (located in the North of

us unconditionally in both technical and administrative aspects; as well

the Country in the Department of Pando), with their respective

as Master Juan Ferrando (ITF Secretary General), who followed closely

members: instructors, practitioners and parents.



This growth helped a lot to strengthen our organization

From the beginning of our Organization, work and perseverance is reflected

and the respective head instructors, who are currently

in the participation of its members in both national and international

working very hard to keep on growing:

events, as well as the constant training of instructors at all levels to

Instructora Varinia Sandi V Degree President Instructor Marcelo Chávez IV Degree ABT Instructor Instructora Dennis Castellón IV Dan Baek-Ho Instructor Instructor Raúl Yapuchura IV Dan Dragón Kwan Cobija - Pando Instructor Instructora Boosabum Pamela Navarro III Dan ABT Instructor Instructor Boosabum Martin Villegas III Dan Yong Juk Instructor

provide a quality education to its members. Year 2014 · Participation in Chile-Santiago IIC · Participation in Pan-American Championship Asunción- Paraguay

Year 2015

Year 2017 · Participation in South American Championship Lima Peru · Participation in World Championships Irlanda-Dublin Year 2018

· Participation in World Championships · Participation Pan-American Jesolo Italy Championship Santos - Brasil Participation in Posadas - Argentina · Participation in South American QIUC Championship Foz de Iguazú Brasil · Participation in Buenos Aires Argentina CONVENTION Year 2016 · Participation in Lima - Perú IIC · Participation in Pan-American Championship Buenos Aires Argentina · Participation in Resistencia Chaco Argentina QIUC It should be noted that in the year 2017, during the ITF Congress in the city of Dublin - Ireland, our Organization was considered within the member countries that participate with their vote. A fact that is very important for us, since it shows that the work and management that we have been doing is bearing fruit, achieving little by little that Bolivian Taekwon-Do has the place it deserves.

The Mission: To spread Taekwon-Do as a discipline and philosophy of life, promote healthy competition, regulate technique and train instructors in the Bolivian territory. Currently, the organization is working with a teaching methodology in which it has managed to include and apply all the Programs that our ITF provides us, such as the Taekwon-Do KIDS Program, which serves as a support to initiate the practice of students at an early age. It has allowed us to spread the benefits of Taekwon-Do as a link and interaction with the family, teaching values and skills that will make these children become good people. Likewise, the Harmony Program, applied to people of adult age, who enjoy the practice of Taekwon-Do as a way of life and a source of good health. We are committed to maintaining the legacy of Gen. Choi Hong Hi, and developing ITF Taekwon-Do in both the technical and philosophical aspects.








Date of birth: January 27, 1990 Nationality: American

Figueroa competitor forever

I’m Ariella Figueroa, 4th Dan. I have been in ITF Taekwon-Do for nineteen years. I am a part of Team Just for Kicks under Master Cody Springsguth. I have then won the World Championship’s in 2017 in Dublin, in arguably one of the hardest divisions.

When did you start taekwon-do? I started in September, 1999.

Why did you start taekwon-do? I wanted to be the pink Power Ranger. But more seriously, I had just moved to a new city and I wanted to make friends. I had always been a tough and wild kid, so Taekwon-Do seemed to be a natural fit for my pent up energy. Little did I know it would become a way of life.

First memorable competition? My first memorable competition was my first competition. I was a 10-year-old green stripe (7th gup). I won first place in patterns and sparring. My first ever trophies. They’re still at my parent’s house.

Your greatest competition?




Winning my first ever World Championship’s in 2017 in Dublin, in arguably one of the hardest divisions,






competition. I started preparing for Ireland in 2014, but I think the more appropriate term is “obsessing”.


What are the international titles you had won?

What is your favorite drill/ excercise?

I have different international titles

I love pad and mitt drills related to

from smaller organizations in power

sparring. It gives me the opportunity

breaking, but when I watched the


live stream of the 2012 World Cup in

coordination, distance management,

Brighton, I knew I needed to join the


best ITF with the best competitors

training and timing development. Mitt

in the World. The fact that my dream

drills improve both my offensive and

came true is humbling and powerful. I

defensive strategies, power and speed,

actually have trouble finding the words

angles and feet work and practice

to describe it (which those who know

moving with a live opponent under

me will find shocking).

controlled conditions.

What are your future plans on competitions?

Do you have any profession/job apart from TKD?

My next biggest competition is, of

I teach TaeKwon-Do for a living and

course, the 2019 World Championships


in Germany. I love to compete and

opportunities coming my way and to

perform patterns, but the energy in the

the West Coast of the USA in 2019.

improve giving


technique, realistic







air of thousands of other TaeKwon-Do honestly half the reason I keep traveling

What is your favourite thing to do outside TKD?

the world. I also plan on competing at

When I’m not training or traveling

the 2019 Holland Cup later this year.

to train, I enjoy spending time with

practitioners all doing what we love is

my family and two English Bulldogs,

Do you have any special trainings you do addition to regular TKD trainings?

Bowser and Spanky. I love hiking and

I love to find fun ways to train. I

competitive pool player and I have

hate running on a treadmill or other

a table in my back yard that I use to

monotonous regimens. I implement

decompress from trainings.

drills from other disciplines that can activate both the anaerobic and aerobic systems simultaneously within our bodies using exercise techniques from American football, basketball, obstacle courses, and high intensity interval trainings.

rock climbing and getting to the beach whenever I can. I used to be a pretty



Date of birth 18/08/1984

Nationality New Zealander


competitor forever

trotter When did you start taekwon-do? 1990 August for my birthday

Why did you choose Taekwon-do? That’s a hard one, I was so young and I just always loved martial arts, always watching movies and cartoons with fighting and so on so I asked my parents who didn’t want to take me at the time but after me nagging and nagging let me give it a go and I have never looked back

First memorable competition? Was in 1992 I went to the Auckland regionals and won the silver medal in sparring, I remember as a kid looking at that medal it was the coolest thing I ever had . I still have that medal today with my other worlds medals.

Your greatest achievement in a competition? This also is a hard one to answer as for me there are a few I guess the first world title I won in 2002 Puerto Rico for patterns as a Jnr will always be special to me as it was the first . Then there are others I guess that really stand out for me 2011 World Champs New Zealand making the final of -54kg sparring was a bitter sweet one amazing as I was in the final and my parents where there to watch me but losing it was a little hard but that was the last time my parents got to see me compete international level . 2012 World Cup Brighton I won double gold, patterns 4th degree and traditional sparring so for me it’s hard to top winning double gold.


2017 world Champs Ireland

such areas as car driving, fire work, high falls, wire work,

This was again a very very special moment for me winning

fight work, weapons training, gun training, water, are just a

the men’s 4th - 6th degree patterns as well as my 5th

few. So this keeps me very very busy and always having to

traditional sparring world title with two different partners

train for the next job or the next skill . The latest film I have

so I guess for me that was also a very cool moment .

done was called Guns Akimbo and I was the assistant fight choreographer and stunt double to Daniel Radcliffe. It is a

Becoming the first ever World Champion for New Zealand

job that takes me all over the world and meeting some of the

in 2002

most creative and imaginative people .

Becoming and still being the youngest 1st degree ever for

What is your favourite thing to do outside TKD?

Oceania at age 9

That would have to be my family, my amazing partner and

What are the international titles you had won?

our little girl who just turned 2 . Always fun traveling the world together and sharing TKD as this is how we meet and now


she is also representing New Zealand in the upcoming world

9x World Champion 2002,2007x2. 2011x2., 2013,

champs in Germany after great success in the World Cup

2015, 2017x2

last year in Sydney winning the silver medal in 3rd degree

4x World Cup Champion

patterns, so I guess outside of TKD we love to travel and

2008, 2012x2, 2014

explore but it always has a little TKD involved

8x Oceania Champion 95,96,97,02,04,06,08,10 Grand Champion 2002 Pan American Champion 2016 Asia Grand Champion 2010

What are your future plans on competitions? That’s a surprise I can’t let that one out just yet I am enjoying being a coach for the next generation and having great success with this, in the World Cup 2018 Sydney having 5 out of the 8 18-35 Black belt patterns divisions with my students in the finals . Also my students making sparring finals as well so we are in a good place at this time but Germany will be the true test with 11 of my members making up the 40 or so New Zealand contingent.

What is your favorite drill/excercise? Yes I guess I do but it’s hard to pick just one . I think I have always enjoyed sparring drills as well as patterns drills . For sparring anything with a back kick in it I love . For patterns always leg control is my favorite part to train as It is such a hard thing to master .

Do you have any profession/job apart from TKD? Yes I do, I work in tv or film as a fight choreographer /stunt man. I have done this since I left school 16 years ago . I love this job and it is always so much fun having worked on films such as Hobbit, King Kong, Narnia, Mortal Engines, Pete’s Dragon,Avitar, Meg, Couching tiger hidden Dragon, Power Rangers, 30 Days of Night just to name a few . This work is so relatable to TKD as it requires timing, precision, accuracy, coordination, imagination. This is the other training I do outside of TKD . I train in

competitor forever



Date of birth


22 June 1976




Lylian is married, and now has a child. He spent 20 years in the French Navy: 14 years of it was spent on submarines and 6 in Paris. He is now retired and a full time Taekwon-do instructor (as well as he is the President of the French TKD Federation) Lylian holds two CQP Professional Qualification Certificates from AGEE and JSJO Recreation and Sports Facilitators (Gymnastics Maintenance and Expression / Sports Games Opposition Games) and Fitness Coach (Strength & Sports Conditioning Specialist) and currently learning sports dietetics and physical training for combat sports.


When did you start taekwon-do? I have started Taekwon-do in September 1993.

Why did you start taekwon-do? I liked the martial art movies in general, and there was TKD school at my school’s sport hall, so it was obvious to take my first martial classes there. Since then I am still practicing Taekwon-do.

First memorable competition? It is a very difficult question to answer. I cannot look back and highlight even one competition, I take them all seriously and they are all very hard for me.

Your greatest achievement in a competition? It is still ahead of me.

What are the international titles you had won? Vice world Champion in 2017 and 3rd place in 2015 3 X World Cup Gold in a row 4 X European Champion in a row 4 x European Cup Gold in a row

What are your future plans on competitions? I am going for gold in the World Championships 2019 in Germany!

Do you have any special training apart from your regular TKD classes you do? Yes of course, I do have a lot of additional excercises done, mostly concentrating on strength and conditioning, flexibility, but also spend time with recovery too.

What is your favorite drill/excercise? I have no favorite. I like any drill/exercice equally, because I simply like to train and keep myself in shape.

what is your favorite thing to do outside TKD? I love to play with my daughter and spend time with her.



Written by GM Pan Gialamas

The Presence of Taekwon-D in Greece The first presence of Taekwon-Do in Greece was made in 1968, according to newspaper’s reports in Greece. These newspaper scraps are found in the book of the founder of Taekwon-do General Choi Hong Hi, pages 10, 68 and 69 editions 1972. The first Sport demonstration was broadcasted live in Greek television and took place at the military base of the special forces of the Greek Army. The newspapers of that era wrote the following:


e Do

(Bibliography, General Choi Hong Hi, book)



“Reports of the newspapers” “... It was also officially introduced in Hellas …” "TAEKWON-DO": THE HARDEST SPORT OF THE WORLD. FIRST DEMOSTRATION IN HELLAS ON THE 13th OF OCTOBER IN THE AUDITORIUM of O.P.A.P. One of TAEKWON-dO's presentations took place in Hellas, was also attended by the presence of the Hellenic Army with the founder of General Choi Hong Hi ... » "... an impressive demonstration of TaekwonDo's art was made in the Skaramanga School of the Underwater Demolition Special Forces (O.Y.K.) ......... The demonstration was attended by the Commander of the OYK (Special Forces) Captain K. Koumantakos, Commander of Training Undertaker Mr. D. Kanellopoulos, other Military Officers and Special Forces Soldiers of the OYK who have been trained in this Martial Art for three months. Today at 7:50 pm a demonstration will take place at the television station of the Armed Forces ... »


In 1980, Taekwon-do is included as Sport under the Hellenic Athletics Federation (ΣΕΓΑΣ), with several consultations as both WTF and

He himself, held many Technical Seminars

ITF Sport. The tournaments began for the

in Athens and Thessaloniki, gathering all the

ITF in 1984 in Greece. WTF's inclusion in the

members of I.T.F. and laid the foundations for

International Olympic Committee (IOC) as it

the beginning of national technical seminars

was revealed, would not be very good at the

in Hellas. The photographic material that

Greek state for ITF Nevertheless, with political

I sent to you, prove that General Choi

pressure, the Hellenic Clubs of I.T.F. began to

conducted more than ten (10) seminars in

have a very lively presence in sporting events.

Greece, in Athens and Thessaloniki.

The first championships began in 1984, they constituted the essential principle for the

He also visited many Ancient Monuments,

future of the I.T.F. in our country.

like: • tomb of Vergina of King Philippos, father of

The pressures on the part of the WTF

until 1996. It was an important factor for

never ceased until the establishment of an

Alexander the Great,

recognition of the ITF Taekwon-Do from

independent I.T.F. Federation, recognized by

• the monument of Leonidas King of Sparta in

the Hellenic Sport Ministry, by publishing

the Hellenic Sport Ministry, despite the sharp

Ancient Sparta,

topics of Taekwon-Do’s art, presentations

reactions and the opposition of the Sports Law

• Antiquities in the area of Athens,

by General Choi Hong Hi, medical issues,

to the establishment of a different federation

• Ancient Olympia and the headquarters of

news from the ITF’s Clubs and their sport

with the same name (TAEKWON-DO).

the Olympic Academy.

activity and caustic comments for the WTF members because of their empathy against

The strenuous reactions and contrasts on

As it is well Known, G. Choi's travels have

ITF. Some sheets of the newspaper "Voice of

the part of the Hellenic state and the WTF

always been accompanied and as you will

Taekwon-Do" were also published in English

itself led us in 1988 to the publication of a

see from the photographic material he

with an interview by G. Choi. The articles of

paper (newspaper) for Taekwon- Do, I.T.F.

was always very pleased to capture and

the newspaper were published under my

called «Voice of Taekwon-Do», based in Veria

”immortalize” all these moments. One of

supervision and responsibility and many

City and on my own initiative. The newspaper

these moments was when he met Korean

I.T.F. Instructors from Greece had the

"Voice of Taekwon-Do" was published

athletes at the Archaeological Museum

opportunity to express their views on

of Olympia. His was very interested in the

TaeKwon-Do technical issues and also

details of the Olympic flame (Olympic Torch)

topics of political situation prevailing at

and the tremendous importance he gave to

that time in Hellas, and of course all this

this “application” ...

reference was very important and played a decisive role in the differentiation of I.T.F.

As a conclusion Hellas, always, had and

by the WTF.

has a lively and dynamic presence in Taekwon-Do, world-wide. Certainly, Greece

As documentation, I enclose the front pages

has gone through difficult situations in the

of some sheets of the newspaper.

past, and in the last few years the situation

The presence of General Choi Hong Hi in

can characterized as “unique”. One is for

Hellas for many years has increased the

sure, by progressing steadily the future

popularity of I.T.F. and gave another push and

seems to be in favor of Hellenic Clubs and

motivation to Hellenic Sport Clubs.

Hellenic Athletes.






Every two years the very best competitors from around the World gather to compete for the honour of being the ITF World Champion. In 2017 Dublin, Ireland and the Irish Taekwon-Do Association played host to the premier event on the ITF calendar. The competition took place on the week of 9-15th October at an exclusive venue: Citywest International Conference and Events Centre. Unlike other sports halls this event centre had a very unique look and feel, competitors felt more welcome, more at like home. Another great feature of the place was that it was co-joined by the Citywest Hotel capable of accommodating most of the competitors – making socialization with your teammates, catching up with your friends from all around the world so much easier. The few minutes walking distance even allowed many of the competitors able to walk back to the room to rest before their big appearance on the mats. The infrastructure of the event was superb, free wifi access for everyone at the venue, always up to date information about the upcoming events. Professional live streaming allowed families and friends watch their loved ones perform at the pinnacle of their year. The opening ceremony was a spectacular event, with a mix of Irish dancers, music, a high energy Haka and professional light and sound making mean it will live in our memories for a long time. Even though the location was in the outskirts of Dublin, teams got their chance to catch a bus and take a look around and see what Ireland has to offer – great culture, cosy places to eat something phenomenal and get warm in the cold days of October. After the competition an ex-hurricane Ophelia made going home from the event memorable for many of the teams – apart from some delays luckily no injuries were reported, and everyone got safely home.






49 1.051 98 2.105 countries



official participants in total

63,63,115 2

gold,silver and bronze medals over million views on the livestream



https://www.itf2019wc.com/ en/home




World Championship Inzell - Germany 2019 Every two years, best of the World’s selected athletes compete with each other at the World Championships. 14 years after the XIV. World Senior Championships in Dortmund this year they meet again in Germany. Our Federation expects more than 70 participating countries with more than 1000 competitors!. The World Championships in 2019 will take place on 2428th April in Inzell. Inzell is a popular holiday destination in the Bavarian Alps, well known for it’s winter sports. The town is at the heart of the region’s attractive sights and the embodiment of an active, exciting stay for any aficionado of sports and nature. For decades, Inzell has been the meeting point for international speed skating and ice speedway athletes, being located between Munich and Salzburg not far from Lake Chiem. Our competition will have an exclusive venue: the World famous Max Aicher Arena. The sports hall is the best known speed skating arena. The venue was originally built as an outdoor speed skating ice rink, but with the advance of indoor arenas, a roof was built over the place. It was built in a record time of 1 ½ year of planning and executing. The state-of-the-art place won several architectural awards. Not just popular amongst winter sports, but also other indoor sporting events and concerts are hosted in the unique building.

The participants will be accommodated close to the arena, in hotels, apartments and guest houses, so they can enjoy the typical atmosphere of the Bavarian culture. Inzell welcomes you to the heart of Bavarian Alps! More details at www.itf2019wc.com Who will be the next World Champion?

ps 9





5.-11. OCTOBER 2020 World Cup is about winning. It’s about meeting fellow competitors from around the world. And it’s about getting to know different places on Earth. Are you ready to explore something new? Koper (Slovenia) has never hosted ITF World Cup before. Therefore this is the first time for some of you to have a chance to compete in environment of such a beautiful diversity. So get ready to be enchanted. Be prepared for unforgettable. Expect an event that you will remember for good. WELCOME TO KOPER!

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