Business Non-Talk

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Business Acronyms Want to get your own back on those using TLA’s (three letter acronyms) in the workplace or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 letter acronyms. Use some of these in meetings, business conversations and general deviousness around the workplace and home. If you’ve got any LOLs, LMAOs, PMSLcentric friends who use acronyms constantly on text, Facebook, Twitter etc, then here’s some to make a point/get your revenge. This is only part 1 – A to C! Cheers AHOYA Asshole Of The Year Award. From the consumer electrical equipment repair industry, although widely applicable elsewhere. An amusing acronym which all decent folk can privately enjoy when faced with irrational, threatening, anti-social behaviour and those exhibiting it, be they ignorant customers, bullying bosses, or aggressive next-door-neighbours, etc. AKUTA A Kick Up The Arse/Ass. Motivational method of debatable value and limited use, rarely well timed or utilized. In any event AKUTA is generally more effective when self-administered. AMAT All Mouth And Trousers. Acronym version of an old English expression. ASTRO Always Stating The Really Obvious. ATNA All Talk No Action. AWTF Away With The Fairies. Medical/healthcare acronym from the ODSA stable. No longer politically correct in the clinical arena, this term is used on notes or charts to denote a patient who is in a confused or demented state. Doctors and nurses should use with extreme care, if at all, as it has become commonly known in recent years and relatives tend to get a little miffed. Having said which, the term is perfectly apt in the boardroom or shop floor if referring to senile old directors grimly hanging on to their old fashioned notions, as well as their dead men's shoes. 2BC/2 Too Bloody Clever by Half. Polite and reasonably safe alternative to the fruitier 2FC/2 version. A warning for self or others as to the risks of complacency, over-complication, arrogance, pride (coming before a fall), etc.

Let Us TEL You How A Report On How To Use Technology To Enhance Learning & Workplace Development


BDU Brain Dead User. Covert IT technical support staff acronym to describe a human failing instead of equipment or software fault. When you next hear reference to a BDU error, ask for an explanation... BIAT Boss Is A Twat. No nonsense here... one of the more direct modern workplace acronyms. BMW Bitch, Moan and Whine/Whinge. Behaviour that can be exhibited by a group when stressed, demotivated or unhappy with their situation. Also a common subject area in meetings where the purpose and facilitation perhaps requires a more a positive focus or perspective. If you are a manager or team leader and ever find yourself having to handle a BMW session, give the group encouragement, responsibility and suitable freedom to identify and pursue constructive response, change and improvement. Focus on positive response rather than blame. Here are a couple of helpful quotes in this connection: "You have a choice whether to be part of the steam roller or part of the road." and "If you're not part of the solution you must be part of the problem.." BOHICA Bend Over, Here It Comes Again. A fine motto for all who suffer under incompetent management. If you're a Theory-X manager, your staff will regularly use this in your honour. CHIP Come Home I'm Pregnant. Another acronym gem from the 2nd World War, and potentially applicable today for husbands on prolonged residential training courses, drilling rigs and overseas work assignments. CRAFT Can't Remember A Flipping Thing. Polite version. This acronym has various uses: for example Monday morning after Glastonbury or the Prague stag/hen weekend; those 'Senior' moments experienced by folk of advancing years. Or a tedious training course or meeting, or one of those awful 'pep up the workers' roadshow presentations by the new board of directors. CRAP Chronological Random Ascending Pile. A common paperwork filing system particularly preferred by people of an Intuitive-Creative personality. C**T Computer User Non-Technical. Outrageous of course. Apparently from the IT services community. Alternatively, Can't Understand New Technology, or Can't Utilise Normal Thinking.

Let Us TEL You How A Report On How To Use Technology To Enhance Learning & Workplace Development


CUOA Compulsive Use Of Acronyms. Not guilty....... There is the true story of the meeting that took place in a particular government office to discuss the effects of EMU. Some considerable time into the meeting it was discovered that half of the participants thought they were there to discuss the European Monetary Union, while the other half were thinking about Environmental Monitoring and Utilisation.

Let Us TEL You How A Report On How To Use Technology To Enhance Learning & Workplace Development


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