TLC Squared - 2011 Update

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Contents 2

TLC² - Tender Loving Care?


TLC² - Our Tactical Learning Consultants


We Can Do LOADS (Lots Of Alternative Development Solutions) For You!


Give Your Learning A BOOST!


Want A New Accperience? Creating Memorable Learning That’s FUN!


Dazed & Confused?!? Technology ENHANCED Learning


Learning Design Doctors

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Would You Like Some ICE? Interactive Classroom Experiences – Our Training Courses Communication Workshops/Courses


Personal Development Workshops/Courses


Leadership Workshops/Courses


HR Management & Performance Management Workshops/Courses


Class(v)rooms – The Virtual Classroom


The Virtual Classroom - Features & Benefits


Social Learning – Create An Environment To Learn 24/7/365


Learning To Make You SMILE (Social Media Integrated Learning Environments) – The Death Of LMS


It’s A Pracademic!


Clients We’ve Worked With In The Past


Contact Us


What People Have Said About Me…Gee Shucks!


TLC² - Tender Loving Care? No, it’s not the traditional TLC – tender loving care. Our TLC² is one of the UK’s newest learning solutions consultancies dealing with technology enhanced blended learning as well as experiential instructor-led face-to-face tactical, transformational learning. Working in partnership with other leading edge consultancies, TLC² has high aspirations to provide 21st century learning solutions that engage the learner ‘end-to-end’ and is applied back in the workplace by 100% of the learner’s they touch. We are also focused on aligning our tactics with you, your team or your organisation’s strategic plans. This is achieved using the most client-ready and appropriate measurement and evaluation to provide real return on investment for the organisation that they work in. We move beyond the traditional Kirkpatrick model to provide evaluation against truly measureable organisational data. We love making our learning and development solutions transformational and learntertaining…it is our way of saying twenty-first century (with an edge) or even total learning. You can even pick the one that you want! We strongly believe that technology is there to enhance the overall learning experience, not replace it totally. It’s a combination of both that makes a learning solution robust and last the ‘test of time’. We do this through our passion for memorable learning solutions in Leadership, Personal Development and Communication. These encapsulate more than they ‘say on the tin’ and we can provide bespoke learning strategies that are best fit for the clients we work with, combining classroom solutions (which we still love to bits), and if you want using learning technologies. We’re technology ‘agnostic’ too. We’ll use what you already have in your organisation to leverage the technology that you’ve invested in. We’ve also got some innovative approaches later in this document suggesting best practice and modern, affordable technology solutions in the current global economy. So, that’s 2T’s, 2L’s and 2Cs = TLC². Twice the learning and twice the experience. We’re researchers, ground-breakers and creative innovators. That’s The Learntertainment Company – Tactical

Learning Consultants. You will receive 21st century, fresh, modern learning transfer methodologies out there in the modern business world – and we believe that all training and learning should be as fun as possible. We are proudly based in Scotland; and we have an Academy of people worldwide available at our fingertips from project managers, relationship managers to world-class learning solution providers. We have a great team behind us spread across the UK and overseas from LA to Adelaide – we’re flexible, global and we’ll also provide a best-fit consultant for your management development and staff development programmes and training needs.


TLC² - Our Tactical Learning Consultants Steven Braid – Top Learntertainer Consultant (TLC) Steven has a proven background of delivering leading-edge learning design, delivery and consultancy with some of the world’s leading brands. Steven provides experiential and memorable blended learning solutions for participants at various layers, stages in their career and backgrounds with a high level of customer satisfaction throughout the training cycle. He is well-known for excellent relationship building, his sense of humour, his storytelling when training and his ability to listen and challenge the learners. This is done all in the essence of FUN when learning. As the owner of TLC², his organisation tirelessly works on innovative blended learning programmes and is a key contributor on social media sites with a network of over 1,000 L&D professionals. Steven has had a number of diverse Learning & Development and Human Resources roles, working and leading teams as a Senior Consultant, Project Manager and Training Manager as a permanent employee and Consultant for over 15 years. His vision continues to be providing memorable and fun learning events, with a lasting impact – one that enables the participant to feel engaged to complete their personal application plans identified on the course. He is a firm believer that accelerated and experiential learning makes it brain-friendly and suitable for all learning and thinking style. He delivers training packed with stories, fun and a strong transfer and feeling of passion in his subject area. Steven has a number of professional qualifications: MBTI Practitioner, Thomas International (DISC), Leadership Practices Inventory, Belbin, Firo-B, Certified NLP Practitioner, ILM Level 5 Practitioner and the Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI). Psychometrics central! He is also a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute Of Personnel & Development. So, enough about him, here’s what we can do!

Alison Stewart – Tactical Learning Champion (TLC) Finally, Steven is more than ably assisted by his Tactical Learning Champion, Alison Stewart. Alison’s background is in marketing, administration and as an Executive Assistant. Alison provides the ‘backbone’ to the organisation, with strategic decision-making, marketing, finance and general day-to-day operations.


We Can Do LOADS For You! Lots Of Alternative Development Solutions Do You Like Pick ‘N’ Mix? We aim to provide you with a ‘pick n mix’ from our personal development, communications and management learning programmes so that it meets the learning needs of the organisations and the individual participants attending. So often, learning programmes have defined outcomes and set programmes for the facilitator to deliver. We aim to change that; if you want a slice of one programme, and another slice from another and so on, we’ll give you what you want with our consultation and advice. No pre-determined learning objectives or outcomes, unless you really want them; that is no problem – we design what you need when you need it. Forget those large training brochures with empty promises that don’t do what they say on the tin – we’ll create the tin; you tell us what you want in it! We have the following learning subject areas in line with our company brand that are all available on different rungs of the individual learner’s career ladder:

Communications Personal Development Leadership Human Resources Customer Services & Sales The learning levels are Taking The First Step (Beginner), Moving Up The Ladder (Intermediate) and Reaching The Top (Advanced). For a flavour of some of our offerings, read our list of courses later in this brochure and download the full course descriptions from our website ( This is not an exhaustive list…we can do anything on any topic you want. We have the internal expertise to deliver way beyond what’s on this web and brochure tin. Depending on our Collaborative Training Needs Analysis (CTNA) and the technology/learning methodology that you select, there is something in there for everyone that can be dovetailed and weaved into a modern learning solution with genuine impact.

And now for the bottom line… If you already have a traditional and safe pool of external training providers and you like what you hear and want a strong incentive, then here’s our price promise/guarantee: We’ll take 20% off what you normally get charged for a day’s training or training design from you current suppliers.


Give Your Learning A BOOST! BOOST is the title we give to our 90-minutes to half-day duration learning solutions: in essence a small sharp, boost of learning. Like all good learning solutions and programmes, this is naturally an acronym, standing for:


In a short duration we can focus and challenge the learner to participate and engage in an activity-driven, action-packed short BOOST of learning.


We will leave the learner with what they want out of their personal learning outcomes for the event, while still covering all the course objectives.


The event will provide an overview that can be enhanced with a longer programme if necessary. But there’s more than enough to get a good grasp on the subject covered.


We will create a safe, sharing and supportive environment for the learners and help them create realistic actions plan from their identified actions and a commitment to implement them.


Our team of Learntertainers will challenge the participant’s opinions and beliefs and give you the latest in information and research on the subject covered.

This is what a BOOST learning solution will provide for you and your participants. All of our BOOST learning solutions can be tailored to your needs and be as short or as long as you need them to be…from 60 minutes to half a day. They can be drawn from our ‘generic’ offerings and give you that rush of learning transfer you need to instil in your workplace.

Want A New Accperience? Creating Memorable Learning That’s FUN! Accelerated Learning In Our Classrooms (Even Virtually) More has been discovered about how the human brain works in the last 25 years than in all history to date. The Accelerated Learning Method is based on that research. We each have a preferred learning style — a way of learning that suits us best. If you know and use the techniques that match your preferred way of learning, you learn more naturally. Because it is more natural for you, it becomes easier. And because it is easier, it is quicker. Hence the name – Accelerated Learning. By also incorporating well-researched memory techniques, Accelerated Learning makes learning an enjoyable, successful and satisfying experience. This focuses on using all the six senses that people have and integrating games, exercises, activities involving our Heads, Hearts and Hands to ensure that learning is embedded as successfully as possible. You learn by seeing, hearing and doing. And all our programmes are not talk ‘n’ chalk. We don’t lecture; we use your whole brain and engage and involve you in our learning programmes.

Experiential Learning And if that wasn’t enough, we also integrate experiential learning. Experiential Learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience. Aristotle once said, "For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them."

For the adult learner especially, experience becomes a "living textbook" to which they can refer. Experiential learning requires qualities such as self-initiative and self-evaluation. For experiential learning to be truly effective, it should employ the whole learning wheel, from goal setting, to experimenting and observing, to reviewing, and finally action planning. This complete process allows one to learn new skills, new attitudes or even entirely new ways of thinking. We use all of this ‘in the mix’ in our learning experiences…we need you to want it and we will provide it. We live and breathe by your experiences, using your whole brain and engaging you throughout.



Dazed & Confused?!? Technology ENHANCED Learning What we’d like to start off saying is avoid I.T. at your peril – Learning & Development’s future depends on I.T. For example, ‘social learning’ – every1 is doing I.T. – y aren’t u? First of all – the typos in the title are deliberate. Did it annoy you? Well – it annoys me, but I’ve begun to accept that “text-speak” is both commonplace, well over a decade old and actually quicker to type. However, it isn’t always easy to interpret. The United Kingdom Learning & Development industry is steadily falling way behind its US counterparts. Why? Because using social media in learning has become “second nature” and therefore let us TELl you why! Technology Enabled Learning sounds like someone in Information Technology come up with the phrase. It suggests that technology and learning are independent and that you need to “lean” towards one than the other. In other words, technology that replaced the traditional ways of learning in a classroom face-to-face environment. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) suggests something quite the contrary. This is interdependence of both technology and learning to join “hand-in-hand” and finally create the true ethos of a fully blended learning solution. Technology will never have the ability to replace traditional workplace learning environments, but they SHOULD be used to “bolt-on” to the before, during and after “experience” that a learner experiences from going through a blended learning programme. E-learning will take the credit of being the “first” technology to confess to creating a fully blended learning experience. Yes, that’s right: but you don’t want to believe that other technologies in the new era of Web-based solutions are not to be exploited, especially as so many are ‘cloud-based’ i.e. available online (anywhere/anytime). Social media is here to stay. We can work with your Learning & Development/Training & Development departments to let you know how to ENHANCE the world of social, informal, continuous learning. Can you REALLY ignore technology these days, despite your personal beliefs and often prejudices about technology?

Learning Design Doctors A well designed learning/training solution is robust and can last the test of time. But where can you find this type of resource internally within your organisation? We’ve got just the medicine! Ever been to a learning event and wondered “where on earth did they dig that material/those slides up from?!? The Ark? It’s un-formatted, unappealing to the eye, and death by the proverbial PowerPoint. Buried in the archives of lots of training departments across the globe there is some good stuff; training and development materials that with some care and attention can be: Brought back to life Refreshed Updated Transformed and made more interactive Brought into the 21st century Integrated with technology enhanced learning. Or it may be that you need a resource and/or expertise to help you to develop new materials for existing programmes or to write new content/ programmes from scratch to be en vogue with today’s thinking towards effective learning. We, the Learning Design Doctors can help you to engage your learners more effectively by “springcleaning” and bringing life back into your Learning and Development department’s intellectual property. As Learning Design Doctors, we can work in a number of ways with you by: Providing consultancy support to your learning and development team Working alongside your trainers to design new/ redesign existing materials Training your trainers in effective accelerated learning design and technology enhanced learning techniques Reduce your content into memorable 90 minute sessions that are memorable, ‘punchy’ and interactive – BOOSTing Your Learning Being commissioned to write your new materials as and when the need arises. Designing blended learning interventions and programmes that can be easily evaluated in the operational environment Accrediting your learning design and the associated participants for Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) awards, certificates and diplomas Creating design standards for your L&D/training department and designers. 8

We, the Learning Design Doctors can advise, consult, programme manage your L&D design capability, produce design standards, incorporate experiential, accelerated learning and brainfriendly content and style for programme delivery. Everyone knows that learning should be fun for it to be effective…and, it will be if their experiences are delivered using audience and not content driven materials. Times are increasingly difficult and maybe your Learning and Development function has been/has to be restructured, downsized, “right- sized”, streamlined or a million and one other words that actually mean having to get more with/for less. So… what’s in it for you and your business? You can have the expertise and resource you need because we provide affordable short to medium term consultancy support. It’s there only when you need it. We can offer more… creating internal buy in, commitment and engagement to the learning fun and interactive delivery of the learning tactics and realistic evaluation of the learning – we think BEYOND Kirkpatrick technology that you really need to support the learning (and we’re technology-agnostic; we’ll maximise the use of what you already have coaching to extend the shelf life and value of the learning to protect your return on investment any other associated activities in the learning and evaluation cycle.

So… let us:

Deliver Our Creative Transformational Original Real Support

We’ll give you what you need, when you want it! We have so much IP, that it would be crazy not to share it! We’ll welcome you to our world of experiential learning. We’ll make all types of learning memorable and FUN! We don’t do vanilla – we do tutti-frutti (with sprinkles)! We don’t do death by methodology, we keep it real(istic)! We’ll be there for you; every step of the (learning) way!

We can give you the prescription and make it better for you and your learners!! Welcome to our Hospital Of Learning Fun (The HOLF) – oh, and by the way, you can hassle our HOLF!

Would You Like Some ICE? Interactive Classroom Experiences – Our Training Courses On our website and within our full brochure, we provide a detailed course description of each of our programme. For a quick ‘hit’ – please see our training course titles in the core subject areas that TLC² cover. The full brochure outlines What’s In It For Me, Business Benefits and it helps the learner on their Career Gateway. Course duration is depending on your needs too as all courses can be ‘lightly-tailored’ and made bespoke. The following Workshops fall under the sub-heading of communication workshops. Communication is a diverse subject that encompasses many subject areas, but is perhaps the most fundamental but important aspects of workplace relationships, especially when communication breaks down. As aforementioned, the following Workshops are available at three different Learner levels and are not an exhaustive list of titles we can produce in this subject area:

Communication Workshops & Courses Effective Problem Solving & Decision Making Digging Out The Real Problem & Implementing Workable Decisions Powerful Presentation Skills Delivered With Authority & Confidence CONfident Presentations Packed With A Punch Advanced Facilitation Skills Thinking On Your Feet & Having Eyes In The Back Of Your Head Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication Skills Engage The Chaotic World Of Communication With The Curiosity Of A Child Organising Your Workload & Time Save Yourself 6 Minutes An Hour Through Effective Time Management Effectively Handling Difficult People & Situations Don’t Avoid It, Deal With It - There’s More Than One Way To Handle Conflict Managing And Influencing Up Making Your Boss Stand Up & Really Listen Running Effective Meetings & Meeting Management Meetings That Stand Out From The Rest: Eliminating No Shows And Go-Slows


Personal Development Workshops Personal development workshops are closely aligned with our communication workshops, but the focus is more on how do I develop myself to be, for example, a better communicator, by enhancing my skills in a particular area that is on my Personal Development Plan. There’s everything in here from increasing your confidence, improving your networking skills and generally becoming better by implementing the skills, knowledge and behaviours you need to apply back in the workplace. The following titles form only part of our portfolio of Workshops in this area, and are available at the three learner levels that weave across our directory of courses: Developing Your Assertiveness & Self-Confidence Gaining The Insurance & Assurance Of Implementing Self-Confidence & Assertive Techniques Enhancing Your Personal Impact & Relationships With Others Gaining Credibility & Visibility With Others In All Situations Creativity & Innovation Thinking Techniques Wherever You Lay Your Creative ‘Hats’, That’s Your Home Engaging Emotional Intelligence Being One-Step Ahead By Controlling Your Emotions & Maximising Your Self-Motivation Career & Development Planning What REALLY Is My Career Destiny & What Development Options Do I Have To Get There? Negotiation Skills For Positive Outcomes I’m OK, You’re OK – Everyone’s A Winner Influencing Skills For Success Getting What You Want & Need By Leveraging Your Power Levers Effectively Professional Networking Skills Making Positive Connections & Get Yourself Seen


Leadership Workshops Our leadership Workshops are tailored for the 21st century leader. Whether you coin the term management or leadership and/or have the belief that they are separate entities or interdependent, our Workshops explore a whole range of skill development programmes that are both in line with our Learner levels and our Pick ‘n’ Mix philosophy. We’ll give you a little bit of this, and a little bit of that from the following list of Workshop titles: Leadership Development Programmes Levels 1-3 (New, Intermediate, Advanced) Effective Delegation Skills Giving Engaging Responsibilities To All The Team Giving & Receiving Constructive Feedback I’ll Tell What You Need To Know; In A Way That Will Make You Grow High-Impact Coaching Skills For Managers & Leaders I’m Not Telling; I’m Asking - UCANDOIT Mentoring Skills For Managers & Leaders Becoming A Fountain Of Knowledge For Others Building, Developing & Maintaining Teams There’s ME in Team – There’s No U But I Need All Of You Managing Remote & Virtual Teams Just Because You’re Not There; Doesn’t Mean I Don’t Care Managing Matrix Teams I’m Not Your Boss, But I Do Lead You Conflict Management Techniques It Takes Two For A Row To Brew Managing People You Used To Work Alongside I Was Their Mate; Now I’m Their Boss Motivational Leadership What Gets You Out Of The Bed In The Morning To Lead Effectively? Effective Change Management Why We Need To Change – Creating Change Agents & Cultural Architects


HR Management & Performance Management Workshops The Human Resource Management and Performance Management/Development Workshops are for both HR and L&D professionals and line managers, as we realise that in the 21st century, a lot of responsibility for the following Workshop titles have been devolved to the line manager and are now their responsibility. So, there’s something in here for everyone. Managing & Developing Talent Developing Performance & Nurturing Potential Conducting Valued 1:1s Agreeing SMARTER Objectives Conducting Effective Performance Reviews Preparing For Redundancy CV Writing & Construction Skills Interviewing Skills For Interviewers & Interviewees Identifying & Analysing Training Needs Training Design For New & Experienced Trainers Training Delivery For New & Experienced Trainers Evaluating & Measuring Training Success High-Impact Training For High-Impact Learning Transfer The 21st Century Training Administrator

…and many more – including customer services and sales programmes. See our full brochure!


Class(v)rooms Enjoy Our Interactive Virtual Classrooms Off-The-Shelf Virtual Classrooms We are one of the only organisations to offer public, ‘off the shelf’ virtual classrooms. The following courses are available and the content duration is indicated next to the course title: Problem Solving & Decision Making Internal Consulting Skills Leading Virtual Teams GROWing Your Coaching Skills Constructive Feedback Handling Difficult Situations Management Essentials Leadership Essentials Train The Trainer

2 x 1.5 hour modules 2 x 1.5 hour modules 3 x 1.5 hour modules 2 x 1.5 hour modules 2 x 1.5 hour modules 2 x 1.5 hour modules 4 x 1.5 hour modules 4 x 1.5 hour modules 4 x 1.5 hour modules

These courses are NOT webinars. They contain interactive content, in line with the principles of experiential and accelerated learning. There’s no ‘data dump’ or lectures involved. Our virtual classrooms are facilitated session that involves the learner and gives them a deeper level of understanding of the best practise within the subject areas. We are also technology-agnostic, so we can maximise the potential of whatever live meeting software that you use already.

First Things First – What’s In A VILT (Virtual Instructor Led Training)? Our virtual classrooms and virtual reconnect sessions always contain the following: Pre-work – combination of reading and questionnaires. E-workbooks – interactive guides used during the virtual classroom. Bridge assignments and workplace challenges between modules. Post-work- implementation checklists and commitment action plans. Virtual reconnect sessions – evaluating progress in the future.

The ‘core’ benefits are: Less time out of the workplace. No travel costs. Lower fees. Attend any class in the world.


The Virtual Classroom What’s In It For You? Benefits Of Virtual Classrooms Low cost of education - similar high quality course experience but with no travel required, no hotels to be booked and thus significantly lower costs. Flexibility - Learners can take the course from their office, home or on the road. The only thing required is an internet connection and an optional webcam. Examinations and testing understanding can be taken online – no need to go off-site or visit an examination centre, everything can be managed from your office. Certainty courses will take place – learners are not dependent on courses being cancelled all the time by providers due to low enrolment as courses can be booked and delivered quickly. Effectiveness – a similar high quality delivery as experienced in a face-to-face classroom setting.

Features Of Virtual Classrooms A full range of technical and soft-skills courses are available for Virtual Classroom delivery. Sessions are delivered by instructors who received specific training on being a virtual classroom facilitator. Learners receive physical reference materials as well as a Workbook. Courses are delivered using innovative Virtual Classroom delivery tools that allow for virtual break out rooms, includes video conferencing, chatting with peers, raising hands, polls, forums and voice interaction. Interact with and learn from peers during Virtual Classroom sessions; learners can participate from all over the country or even from different continents. If you like the idea of affordable, memorable and fun learning, done virtually with no travel costs. Then, please get in touch with us – we’ll be more than happy to help. There’s lots of free webinars, there are no really good public schedule virtual classrooms that interact and involve the learner as much as we do. THE LEARNTERTAINMENT COMPANY TACTICAL LEARNING CONSULTANTS

Social Learning Create an environment to learn 24/7/365 Speak to American L&D Professionals and the term “social learning” will be commonplace. And it should be in the UK too. The phrase ‘social learning’ is often interpreted as ‘learning with social media’. This unfortunately implies that social learning is the only of learning from and with your peers. Almost everyone alive has learned socially. L&D people should not need convincing of the benefits of social learning because we are the first to complain if anyone suggests that a ‘social’ classroom experience is converted to a very non-social self-study e-learning session. Social media really do make a difference. They amplify the opportunities for social learning to an extraordinary degree, extending way beyond those you can connect with face-to-face and empowers all of us to be both teachers and learners. Little by little, the astonishing take-up of social media tools in all parts of the word and in practically all sectors of society is not only changing how we behave, it’s changing what we are. L&D will have a difficult time and job to introduce social media tools into workplace learning; we are fighting not only the prejudices of senior managers but also our own. E-learning was a technology ‘game-changer’ for L&D (and in most cases resisted fervently), so is social media (and it is definitely here to stay and used by so many people socially already. But whatever the hurdles and obstacles, social media tools will become omnipresent because our use outside the workplace is now so pervasive that it will be unimaginable that we should not try to realise the same benefits at work. All we need is for the key decision-makers in organisations to become avid social media users themselves – and that is only a question of when and not if – and the doors will fly open. When that happens L&D will have increased opportunities not only to extend the use of social media to create fully blended learning solutions, but to help in architecting the platforms and environments to do so. Even if they don’t, it will happen anyway. So, either L&D ‘push this higher up the strategic communication and HR agenda, or the business will drive through the change and start to question the innovation and ‘technology-averse’ nature of L&D in the UK at present. Everyone talks about technology in learning, but so many people cannot utter the word, “technology”, without feeling a strong degree of apprehension and resentment. The most common thing that I constantly hear is “it will never take the place of the classroom”. Well, there will be no L&D, especially in soft skills, if you do not open the doors to technology change NOW – and not just speak about it with your values and beliefs getting in the way for yet another 12 months. After all, social media is not something you talk or read about, it is something you DO! And we can help you do it – all it takes is a SMILE.


Learning To Make You SMILE – The Death Of LMS Social Media Integrated Learning Environments This year, we launched our Social Media Integrated Learning Environments, which makes it easy for people to access a wide range of development opportunities including download MP3’s and elearning, in addition to taking part in real-time messaging, discussion forums and blogs. In essence, a ‘one-stop shop’ and shared workspace for your people to have a 24/7/365 informal learning environment. This is a social learning environment, not an LMS (Learning Management System).

How does our SMILE differ from a learning management system (LMS)? Most traditional LMS provide the functionality to upload course content, deliver it to learners and track and monitor usage. They generally have very little, if any social functionality, and where it is present, it only supports social learning within a formal, course context. Our SMILE, on the other hand is a place where individuals and groups of individuals can come together and co-create content, share knowledge and experiences, and learn from one another to improve their personal and professional productivity; and is also a place that can be used both to extend formal content-based e-learning to provide social interaction with the learners and tutors, as well as to underpin informal learning and working in the organisation. In other words a SLE doesn’t manage, control and track users but rather provides an open environment for them to work and learn collaboratively. And it doesn’t use people’s personal social media details (Facebook, Linkedin etc.) – it uses a purpose built learning platform for interaction.

Isn’t Your Smile Just A Social Network? Our SMILE is much more than just a social network since it provides a wide range of social functionality, which can be used whenever required. But more than this it supports the integration of the tools such that they are easily available to users. This might be via a personal dashboard or through an integrated suite of tools within a platform. We can show you how to create a SMILE and build an effective social learning environment. We can advise on three different ways to build your SMILE using best-of-breed, free, public social media tools. 90% of learning is done socially and informally – time for L&D to get a SMILE and embrace this concept further.


It’s A Pracademic! We’ve got a great team of Pracademics that can work with you. What’s a pracademic? Well, quite simply – we’re practitioners that have a number of academic and professional qualifications. What this means is that we can draw upon both our commercial experience alongside what we know academically is best practise. From methodologies, learning theories, strategic thinking and leading-edge thinking to challenging new ways to learn, we can provide a practical solution that’s well grounded. We don’t rely on management or adult learning theories that have been around for 50+ years, all our learning solutions have something old (well, we have to admit that some theories have stood the test of time well), something new (we are constantly adding learning resources and theories from online and academic sources), something borrowed (not pinched you understand, but adapted and revised existing thinking on a particular learning topic) and something blue (erm, struggling with this one - blue in the context of a tenuous blooming link to finish this analogy). Our pracademics have almost every psychometric qualification known to mankind – and we’ve even got our own personality tests, 360º feedback tool and lots more. And we can explain them both logically, rationally and not via swallowing an academic text-book. So, we can offer you some strategic advice and give you consultancy advice on your training department or L&D strategy or even help you create one. We create performance management systems that are based on modern succession planning and talent management, design interview protocols for new learning programmes with key stakeholders, Tour Guides and alignment with communication plans and your Internal Communications department. We proud ourselves on not telling, but guiding you on what you think you want, what you really need and how you are going to get there – on a shoestring as well. We can facilitate strategy meetings and any incongruent communication internally to your team or to your business stakeholders. We make sure that you can show the value-add an impact that a training or L&D team should have. It’s ‘not just training’, but an investment on people development and convincing influencing strategies and tactics for dealing with any ‘training cynics’.


Clients We’ve Worked With In The Past Just look at our breadth of working in different market sectors Aerospace & Defense Clients include Rolls-Royce PLC, BAE Systems, Airbus, London City Airport Business & Financial Services Clients include Royal Bank Of Scotland Group, Barclay’s Wealth, AVIVA, AXA Insurance Group, National Australia Group & JP Morgan Chemical, Materials & Food Clients include ADM Aggregates, Nestle, Unilever & Eden Springs Electronics & Security Clients include Reliance Security Services, Fujitsu-Siemens & Nokia Siemens Network (NSN) Healthcare Clients include AstraZeneca, Avon Cosmetics & NHS Information & Communication Technology Clients include Microsoft, Cisco & Google Energy & Power Supply Clients include BP, Shell, Schlumberger & Total Public Sector Clients include The Forestry Commission, Scottish Government, City Of Edinburgh Council, National Health Service & Scottish Qualifications Authority Retail Clients include JP Sainsbury’s & Tesco Fashion Clients include Harvey Nichols & House Of Fraser Media & Entertainment Clients include Channel 4, BBC & MTV


Contact Us




07540 419018 or 07895 676309

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linkedin Steven Braid


What People Have Said About Me…Gee Shucks! The following testimonials have come from clients and colleagues – there are over 30 recommendations on Steven Braid and his work on his linkedin profile. “Steven is one of the most creative training people I know, and has an incredible ability to take some of the driest subject material and turn it into an engaging, inspiring and meaningful training intervention that genuinely makes a difference. Equally important, he's great fun to work with, and isn't afraid to go against the flow in order to make it work. If you're looking for corporate training in the traditional vein...Steven is absolutely NOT your man. If you're looking for innovation and something that's challenging, different, but that really to him.”

“Steven first impressed me when he programme managed a global leadership development project while I was Head of Learning at Rolls-Royce. He was fast, effective, outstandingly insightful and always anticipated the needs of his customer. At TLC Squared, Steven combines his expert knowledge of corporate learning with his passion for creative, accelerated learning and the application of new technologies. If you want learning to improve performance using today's technology, Steven has the track record to show he knows how to do it.”

“Having worked together and co-trained with Steven back in his Hemsley Fraser days, I already knew the Platinum standards he works to. As such, when I needed a creative and professional course designed recently, the choice of supplier was a very easy one. Steven yet again surpassed expectations going much further than the original brief and offering such creative and innovative perspectives which is what I especially value in his work. Will definitely work with TLC squared again in the future!”

“Steven has a great deal of experience within learning and development and is able to apply this knowledge, professionalism and consultative skills to developing best practice and effective people development programmes. Having worked with him on a large-scale, high-profile management development programme, I found him to be very supportive and knowledgeable, taking the time to understand the needs of our business and managers, He was able to combine excellent facilitation skills with extensive knowledge to deliver an innovative and comprehensive development event for our line managers.”

“I had the honour of working with Steven on learning solutions projects at Hemsley Fraser Group. Steven leverages a unique combination of can-do, innovation, hard work, and tenacity. While working with Steven on a ground-breaking offering for a global client, Steven time and again demonstrated these traits, advancing our portfolio with this client. Steven also brings a professional and fun collegial work style, which aside from the excellent results, makes it pleasurable to collaborate with him.”

“I worked with Steven on a number of large scale complex leadership development interventions whilst at Hemsley Fraser. His passion for learning, creative approach and detail focus were legendary within the organisation and with his clients. He demonstrated particular imagination and vision in the use of learning technologies, and was an active promoter of a true blended approach. Steven can be relied on to deliver high quality work with his own unique flair.”

“Steven is a creative and highly enthusiastic course designer and facilitator. His passion for helping others learn is highly evident. Steven tackles his work in a very professional and diligent manner - leading delegates at courses he runs to become highly engaged in a fun environment. His courses are designed to cover many aspect and delivery styles”.

“Steven is one of those rare talents that has the ability to understand a complex situation and learning need and design a very creative yet practical learning experience that is hard wired to business results. Steven is highly client focused and on every occasion goes the extra mile to add value. Working with Steven is both fun, enlightening and a pleasure.”




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