2014 Conference Guide Booklet

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LET’S BE USED BY GOD TO SAVE A NATION! It is with great anticipation that I invite you to the 2014 Truth For A New Generation apologetics conference. I believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the key to restoring America’s greatness - and not only that, Christianity is vital to the preservation of our Constitution and freedoms! At TNG2014, a great lineup of leaders is coming our way to bring some of the most inspiring and cutting content available anywhere this year. It is our fervent prayer that God will use our time together on September 5 and 6 to ignite a revival and save our nation! In 1933 G. K. Chesterton observed that while it is important to win the lost to Christianity, leaders must increasingly endeavor to “convert the Christians to Christianity.” Chesterton’s remark was a timeless reminder that the church must be ever dedicated in its duty to pass on biblical truth to upcoming generations. Because more belief systems than ever are competing for the attention of people, I believe that it is vital for churches to incorporate apologetics and worldview content into their ministries.

It is

imperative that young people be taught to defend their faith, and be equipped to defend the reality that from the beginning, God has been a part of America! Some today are saying that we should resign ourselves to the belief that Christianity and conservatism has- in terms of cultural impact- lost. Should we just accept post-modernism’s claim that there is not ultimate truth? Why not just embrace the atheism insisted upon by the evangelists for unbelief, such as Richard Dawkins, Bart Ehrmann, David Silverman, and others? Must we throw up our hands and helplessly lament that the America our founders built (and that we enjoyed) is forever gone? The answers are, “No, no, and NO!” There is hope for a better tomorrow! And that hope is in the reality of Jesus Christ and the Gospel message! This Christian worldview is truth for every generation - and we urge you to bring your family and friends to learn (as our 2014 theme says), that yes, life and liberty are given by God! For Christ’s Great Commission, for the souls of a lost world, for the America that our children and grandchildren will inherit…. we invite you to experience Truth For A New Generation 2014.

For God & Country -

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2014 Conference Schedule *schedule is tentative and subject to change: MAIN STAGE/Sanctuary, STAGE B/Stage in Hanger



Attendee Registration



Exhibit Hall Open



Apologetics Museum Open





Charles Billingsley & Band



Welcome from Don Wilton



MAIN SESSION 1: Eric Metaxas TBA



MAIN SESSION 2: Joni Earackson Tada Synced "Suffering and the Sanctity of Life"


MAIN SESSION 3: David Nasser


Closing Prayer


“My Testimony: Coming to America and finding Eternal Life & Liberty”




Exhibit Hall Open

7:30AM 7:50AM


Early Riser’s Devotional Second Day Welcome



Apologetics Museum Open Synced Synced

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2014 Conference Schedule *schedule is tentative and subject to change: room # with “M” in Main Building; room # with “H” in Student Hanger


MAIN SESSION 4: Mike Licona


David Gibbs III

"Gospel Differences, and the Doctrine of Biblical Inerrancy"

"Christian Legal Society"

ELECTIVE 1: Sean McDowell

John Stonestreet:

“Homosexuality: Clarity & Compassion”

"A Christian Response to Pain & Suffering"

Electives in Other Spaces: Room 132 M

Kathy McReynolds

“In the Name of Reproductive Freedom: A Case for Unlimited Prenatal Testing?” Room 311/313 H

Paul Jordan

"How to Remove a Worldview Foundation with a Squirtgun"

Room 210 H

Andy Lawrenson

"Building A Youth Ministry Team Recruiting & Retaining Adult Volunteers"

Room 165 M

Room 160 M

“Prayer, Care, & Share the Gospel in Your Community”

"10 Reasons to Dispute Climate Change Dogma"

Mark Slaughter

Choir Room

Samya Johnson

“Extreme Muslims: What Do We Have in Common With Them?"


Bill Foster


Mike Licona

"Paraphrasing In Ancient History: A Key to Understanding Why the Gospels Have Differences"

Room 315 H

Larry McDonald

of NGU "Prayer & Apologetics"

ELECTIVE 2: David Barton "American Exceptionalism"


Electives in Other Spaces: Room 311/313 H

Juan Valdez

"Genesis 1 & 2 In Light of Modern Science"


Sean McDowel & John Stonestreet "Same Sex Marriage"

Room 132 M

Glenn Pearson "The Problem of Faith Filters"

Room 160 M

Choir Room

"Israel - A Light Shining in the Middle East"

"10 Reasons That Refute Man-Made Climate Change"

Arline Samuels

Bill Dallas

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Room 210 H

Andy Lawrenson

"Building A Youth Ministry Team Recruiting & Retaining Adult Volunteers" Room 315 H

Ray Moore

"Setting the Children Free From K12 Public Schools: Lessons From William Wilberforce's Anti-Slavery Movement for Christians Today."

Room 240 M

Deborah Wuehler

“HOMESCHOOLING: Why the Teacher Should Be You"

Room 165 M

Glenn Pinckney

"Race, Believers, and America"

2014 Conference Schedule

11:00AM 11:45AM

MAIN SESSION 5: Josh McDowell “The Bible: Fact, Fiction, or Fallacy?” 12:50PM

VIP Lunch with Todd Starnes (ticket required)


Lunch Break sponsored by:


Charles Billingsley & Band



MAIN SESSION 6: Gary Habermas "The Resurrection, for Skeptics"



ELECTIVE 3: Tim Wildmon Synced "Why we don't need no more ignorant Christians!"

Electives in Other Spaces: Choir Room

Samya Johnson

"Do Muslims Worship the God of the Bible?"

Room 315 H

Larry McDonald

"Prayer & Apologetics"

Room 165 M

Juan Valdez "Five Reasons Why I Am Not An Atheist"

Room 240 M

Room 132 M

“An Indepth Critique of Darwin's Origin of the Species”

"Reframing the 'Faith vs. Science' Debate"

Bob Griffin

Room 210 H

Room 160 M

Room 311/313 H

"Building A Youth Ministry Team"

"Awaking The Sleeping Giant: The Power of Mobilized Christians"

"Liberty to Live Godly at Your Public School"

Andy Lawrenson


Bill Dallas

Forrest Turpin

Bill Foster

Room 310 H

Ramone Sanchez "Being An Effective Youth Ministry Volunteer"


Josh McDowell "Tolerating the Intolerable"

ELECTIVE 4: John Stonestreet & Colson Center Roundtable

"In His Image: the Gospel Response to the Cultural Assault on Human Dignity A National Briefing on Human Dignity sponsored by the Colson Center"

Q&A with Josh McDowell

Sean McDowell,

& Gary Habermas

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2014 Conference Schedule Electives in Other Spaces: Room 240 M

Bob Griffin

“Exposing the Implication of Darwinism” Room 311/313 H

Forrest Turpin "Minister to Your Public School, Through Prayer, Care, & Share"

Room 210 H

Ramone Sanchez "Being An Effective Youth Ministry Volunteer" Room 132 M

Kathy McReynolds

"In the Name of Reproductive Freedom: Case for Unlimited Prenatal Testing"

4:40PM 5:25PM

Room 315 H

Glenn Pearson

"The Bible is Full of Contradictions and Mistakes, Right?" Chapel

Deborah Wuehler “HOMESCHOOLING: Living out a Christian Worldview”

Room 310 H

Room 165 M

"How to Remove a Worldview Foundation with a Squirtgun"

"Race, Believers, and America"

Paul Jordan

Room 160 M

Arline Samuels

"Israel - A Light Shining in the Middle East"

Glenn Pinckney

Choir Room

Mark Slaughter

“Prayer, Care, & Share the Gospel in Your Community”

MAIN SESSION 7: Ben Carson Synced “One Nation: What we can to to save America's Future" 5:30PM

Closing Prayer


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to pick up a free DVD!

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Eric Metaxas

John Stonestreet


BreakPoint is On the Move Bring the Colson Center and BreakPoint with you wherever life takes you. Available on your Apple速 or Android mobile device.

T h E C O l S O N C E N T E R I S P R O u d T O P R E S E N T T h E N AT I O N A L B R I E f I N G O N H U M A N D I G N I T Y AT T R U T H f O R A N E w G E N E R AT I O N 2 01 4 . J O I N U S O N S A T U R D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 6 A T 3 : 0 0 P M

D I S C O V E R M O R E : W W W. B R E A K P O I N T. O R G

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For roughly a decade now, activist-level atheists (such as David Silverman, president of American Atheists) have organized rallies, purchased billboards, and hit the media circuit to try and get out their message that “One Nation Under God” motto doesn’t apply to all Americans. One of our first appearances together on FOX news, Silverman described the (apparent) lot of atheists in America as one of oppression, discrimination, and even persecution. On air, Silverman lamented that America’s ranks of evangelicals would “just as soon see all of the atheists die.” I disagreed strongly, for three reasons: First, because Christians follow the Bible, and the Bible teaches believers to love people, not to wish them dead. Secondly, no Christian would want an atheist to die in a state of unbelief; we know that such persons are spiritually unprepared to face God. But finally, I explained that in 20+ years on interaction with Christians from all denominations and ethnicities, I have never heard any pastor or leader speak with malice about atheists. Do we wish that atheists would come to faith in God? Of course. Do Christians wish that atheists stop their efforts to erase all references to God from American consciousness? Yep. Do evangelicals believe that secular activists are effectively undermining other’s rights of free speech and of religious expression (You know, the 94+ percentage of Americans who believe in God)? We do. Christians certainly oppose atheism, but none of the thousands of religious folk I have ever known expressed desire for hurt to come to any atheists. Thank God that atheists have never been martyred in this nation. But their activism against belief is serving to incrementally kill off the freedoms of others. Therein lies an irony: The Judeo-Christian worldview that birthed America provides a context for atheists to safely live in a state of unbelief. From the writings of our Founders, to the brilliant prose of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 Pulitzer-prize winning work Why We Can’t Wait- astute thinkers have recognized that God and Biblical morality have been part of America’s DNA of freedom. It works like this: The Judeo-Christian worldview acknowledges that God is the ground of moral reality. Biblical morality (including the precepts of the 10 Commandments) is objective (revealed by God, not arbitrarily “invented” by man). Because man is made in

the image of God, each person possess inherent worth, value, purpose, and dignity. Each person has God-given rights, and because of their divine origin, our Founders called them inalienable. Translation: Man can’t take them away (and shouldn’t try). Among these rights is the freedom of religious expression. But there is not inherent right to be shielded from encountering things with which you don’t agree. If an atheist doesn’t want to believe in God, fair enough- he doesn’t have to. But a David Silverman or a Michael Newdow should not attack and undermine the very milleau which gives them the freedom to safely live in their state of unbelief. When such activists use political and legal leverage to remove crosses that have been in veteran’s cemeteries for decades, to see all postings of the Mosaic Decalogue eliminated one by one, they are seriously undermining the context of freedom in which American’s trusted for 230+ years. Atheists, in a free America you must stomach this: We are a pluralistic culture in the sense that you may believe (or not believe) what you wish. But we are (or, at least were) a monolithic culture in the sense that your freedoms are guaranteed protection because they come from God. The agreed-upon presuppositions that made this the land of the free, included belief that:

God exists; People are made in His image; There are universally binding rights and wrongs, that man really does know about; When we honor fellow humans, we are honoring the One whose image they bear. Leaders past and present have re-affirmed these things: In 1781 Thomas Jefferson stated in his Notes on the State of Virginia (portions of which are engraved on the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C.): “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”

In 1775 Alexander Hamilton wrote: The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the Hand of the Divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.” In 1924, then President Calvin Coolidge (at the unveiling of a statue honoring Methodist leader Francis Asbury), said: “Our government rests upon religion. It is from that source that we derive our reverence for truth and justice, for equality and liberty, and for the rights of mankind Unless the people believe in these principles they cannot believe in our government.” President John F. Kennedy, in his 1961 Inaugural address, said: “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” But the telling of American history, according to atheists like Silverman, is that this nation has been a strictly secular, humanistic, i.e. godless endeavor. But who is right? The 21st century secularists, groping for relevance by seizing any and all media opportunities? Or men like Fisher Ames, writer of the First Amendment (who desired that the Bible be taught in public schools, because it was an effective vehicle for teaching morality to young people). Isn’t interesting that activist atheists seem to know more about the application of the First Amendment than the man who wrote the First Amendment? Atheists say that it is time for their voice to be heard. Fair enough, but just what might that message be? What meaning, purpose, or transcendent mandate do the atheists have to share which humans must hear in order to better the condition of mankind? Their current champion, Richard Dawkins himself, said that our godless universe is one of, “blind, pitiless indifference.”1 Why do atheists want a seat at the table of cultural leadership, when (in America, at least), the table’s guest of honor has been…God? Don’t care for God? Fine, no one is forcing the atheists to believe anything. But atheists, don’t erode the very culture that gives you the freedom to disbelieve.

by Alex McFarland NOTE: Richard Dawkins, River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life. (New York: Harper Collins), p. 113

Alex McFarland is an apologetics-evangelist who has spoken in all 50 states and internationally. He has authored 16 books on apologetics, culture, and the Christian worldview, and is founder of the Truth For A New Generation conferences.

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PROUD SPONSOR OF THE 2014 Truth for a New Generation Conference!

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Download a sample, check out our free apologetics Bible studies or sign up for our newsletter featuring free excerpts each week.

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With over 2400 hundred students and more than 300 faculty and staff, North Greenville University is dedicated to providing a quality education in a biblically sound, Christ centered environment. All of our faculty, staff, and administrators are evangelical born again believers in Jesus Christ and every degree program, from education to sports management, helps students prepare for life in this world and life everlasting. Every class and every degree program combines faith and learning to create an atmosphere where possessing the ability to defend the Christian faith becomes second nature.

Let me be one of the first to welcome you to the Truth for A New Generation Conference 2014! We believe God has assembled some of the best apologetics leaders in America for a dynamic weekend of praise, preaching, and fellowship centered on God’s Word and focused on changed lives! We hope you enjoy this weekend and we encourage you to drink deeply from the well of truth as you listen to and learn from God’s servants. North Greenville University is blessed to be able to link arms with Alex McFarland, the Director for the Apologetics and Christian Worldview Center at North Greenville, and First Baptist Spartanburg Church here in Spartanburg to bring you Truth for a New Generation. North Greenville University is a four-year, liberal arts school offffering approximately 34 undergraduate degree programs and four graduate programs through the Walter T. Brazier Graduate School.

The Craft/Hemphill Center for Evangelism, Missions, and Christian Worldview helps prepare our students to reach, teach, touch, and disciple every person possible until the coming again of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The World Mission Center sends students all over the world for short-term mission engagement in countries such as China, India, Greece, Brazil, Romania, Hungary, and many more. Out L.I.G.H.T. teams have shared the gospel on five continents and every year, our World Mission Week attracts close to a hundred missionaries to our campus to share their experiences with our students. The Apologetics and Christian Worldview Center, led by Alex McFarland, helps sponsor the Truth for a New Generation Conference in various locations across the Southeast and our campus wide Christian Worldview week brings some of the top apologetic leaders in the world to our campus in Tigerville, SC. Our Life Answers Apologetics Team provides scholarships for several students who immerse themselves in the Word of God and meet every week for special training in apologetics. They travel across the

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Southeast defending the faith in churches, schools, and other settings. Alex McFarland’s ministry of writing, speaking, preaching, and engaging atheists in lively, truth centered debates extends the reach of the Center for Apologetics and Christian Worldview into every state in the union and to many countries around the world. Truly, North Greenville University is a place where Christ makes the difference! He makes the difference in our classrooms, our athletic programs, our degree programs, and most importantly, in the lives of our students. We see every student God leads to North Greenville as a potential difference maker in the culture and a potential world changer for Christ. If you are looking for a truly Christ centered University built on the Word and of God and raising up a generation of well-equipped, fearless servants of God as well as doctors, nurses, broadcasters, educators, ministers, missionaries, and business leaders of tomorrow, North Greenville University is definitely the place for you. You can lean more about us by going to www.ngu.edu and clicking on our Admissions page. Be sure to check out our Encounter Days for a special on campus experience that will give you a full taste of Crusader life. Again, we hope you enjoy the conference. And we pray that God will speak to you through words and worship you experience this weekend. He must increase, I must decrease, Dr. Tony Beam Vice-President for Student Services and Christian Worldview NORTH GREENVILLE UNIVERSITY Where Christ Makes the Difference!

Dr. TONY BEAM Vice President for Student Services & Christian Worldview


NELAN HUGHES Asst. Director for CWC Conference Director for TNG

Dr. ALEX McFARLAND Director for Christian Worldview & Apologetics


JOE MACK Director of Public Policy

864-977-2008 nelan.hughes@ngu.edu

March 16, 17, 18

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Vice President for Student Services & Christian Worldview


Life Answers is an apologetics ministry of the Christian Worldview Center of North Greenville University. This is Life Answers’ 3rd year of ministry. The Life Answers Apologetics Ministry Team has been established to train students in the discipline of possessing and professing the truth of Christianity in a variety of worship and marketplace settings. Believers are called to “...Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. However, do this with gentleness and respect, keeping your conscience clear...” (1 Peter 3:15-16). The team strives to accomplish this purpose and glorify God in their ministry.


Director for Christian Worldview & Apologetics

If you are interested in applying to be a member of this ministry team at NGU or would like to book the team for an event or worship service, please stop by the NGU exhibit table or contact us on campus!

alex@alexmcfarland.com 864-977-2008

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North Greenville University

Distinguish Yourself

Strengthen Your Faith Make a Difference International and Local missions Opportunities more Than 30 Majors Undergraduate, Online, Masters and Doctoral programs 18 | www.TruthForANewGeneration.com

Where Christ Makes The Difference

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Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D., had a childhood dream of becoming a physician. Growing up in a single parent home with dire poverty, poor grades, a horrible temper, and low self-esteem appeared to preclude the realization of that dream until his mother, with only a third-grade education, challenged her sons to strive for excellence. Young Ben persevered and today is an emeritus professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and he has directed pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for over 39 years. In a decidedly eclectic career, Eric Metaxas has written for VeggieTales, Chuck Colson, and the New York Times, three things not ordinarily found in the same sentence. He is a best-selling author whose biographies, children’s books, and works of popular apologetics have been translated into 18 languages. The Hartford Courant has declared figuring him out “like trying to stick a pushpin in a cyclone.” He is the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Metaxas was born in New York City in 1963, on his father’s 36th birthday. He grew up in Danbury, Connecticut, attending the public schools there, and graduated from Yale University. A diving accident in 1967 left Joni Eareckson Tada, then 17, a quad­riplegic in a wheelchair, without the use of her hands. After two years of rehabilitation, she emerged with new skills and a fresh determination to help others in similar situations.

During her rehabilitation, Joni spent long months learning how to paint with a brush between her teeth. Her high-detail fine art paintings and prints are sought-after and collected.

She is now the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Joni and Friends International. Part speaker, author, visionary and ALL minister, David Nasser’s greatest passion is to connect people to the living God. As Founder of David Nasser Outreach (DNO), God has blessed David with the talent to reach the high tech, attention-lacking culture of Generation Next. He uses relevant methods to communicate the lifechanging messages of the gospel to more than 700,000 people annually. David and his family live in Alabama, the home of DNO. David Barton is the author of numerous best-selling books, with the subjects being drawn largely from his massive library of tens of thousands of original writings from the Founding Era, as well as the founder of WallBuilders. He also addresses well over 400 groups each year.His exhaustive research has rendered him an expert in historical and constitutional issues and he serves as a consultant to state and federal legislators, has participated in several cases at the Supreme Court, was involved in the development of the History/Social Studies standards for states such as Texas and California, and has helped produce history textbooks now used in schools across the nation.

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As a young man, Josh McDowell considered himself an agnostic. He truly believed that Christianity was worthless. However, when challenged to intellectually examine the claims of Christianity, Josh discovered compelling, overwhelming evidence for the reliability of the Christian faith. After trusting in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, Josh’s life changed dramatically as he experienced the power of God’s love. In 1961, Josh joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ International (now called Cru). Not long after, he started the Josh McDowell Ministry to reach young people worldwide with the truth and love of Jesus. In 1991, Josh founded Operation Carelift to meet the physical and spiritual needs he discovered in orphanages, hospitals, schools, and prisons in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Sean McDowell is a gifted communicator with a passion for reaching the younger generation with the Gospel message. He connects with youth in a tangible way through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence and logical support for viewing all areas of life through a Biblical worldview.He recently joined Biola University’s Master of Arts Program in Christian Apologetics as an assistant professor. Concurrently, he serves as Head of the Bible Department at Capistrano Valley Christian Schools where he teaches an honors Bible class. He is a Speaker, Writer, Professor, & Advocate for Apologetics. Toward the end of his graduate work in 1985, Mike Licona began to question the veracity of his faith and wondered if there was any evidence to support it. He decided not to go into Christian ministry at that time. Finding answers to his questions consumed him and he almost jettisoned his faith. He investigated the evidence for Christianity and a number of other major world religions. He also considered the arguments for atheism. His investigation solidified his belief that God exists and that he has actually revealed himself to mankind in Jesus Christ and that the Christian view provides the most plausible and unified theory of reality. He is the Founder/President of “Risen Jesus” and author & co-author of several books. Tim Wildmon is president of American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio (AFR). AFA is a pro-family advocacy organization with over two million online supporters and approximately 150,000 subscribers to its monthly flagship publication the AFA Journal. Tim is cohost of the national radio program Today’s Issues, a daily discussion offering a Christian response to issues of the day. Tim has authored two books of short-story humor and writes a bi-weekly column for the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal. He has written guest editorials for USA Today and columns for magazines such as Focus on the Family. Gary Habermas has dedicated his professional life to the examination of the relevant historical, philosophical, and theological issues surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus. His extensive list of publications and debates provides a thorough account of the current state of the issue. Christian believers as well as unbelievers may find within the contents of this site a strong argument for the philosophical possibility of miracles and the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, as well as the theological and practical implications of this event. He is the author or co-author of over 30 books, & has given over 1500 lectures in about 100 universities, seminaries, and colleges. Attorney David C. Gibbs, III is the President and General Counsel of the National Center for Life and Liberty, a ministry organization that defends life and liberty freedoms nationwide. Mr. Gibbs speaks regularly to audiences in churches and conferences while also litigating cases as a trial attorney. He hosts the weekly radio programs Law Talk Live, Law Talk 5, and Law Talk Weekend and has authored five books, including Fighting for Dear Life and Understanding the Constitution. Attorney Gibbs believes: “If it’s wrong, fight it. If it’s right, fight for it.” His life verse is Matthew 25:40, where Jesus said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

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For 24 years Mark Slaughter has served as an evangelistic communicator with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, speaking at conferences, churches, and college campuses. Through “Question Mark” interactive spiritual discussions and other outreach events, Mark proclaims God’s Kingdom to college students with clear, compassionate, and Biblical responses to the moral and societal questions and injustices facing them today. His passion is to see college students transformed to follow Jesus and impact their world. John Stonestreet is executive director of the Colson Center, as well as the co-host with Eric Metaxas

of BreakPoint, the Christian worldview radio program founded by Chuck Colson. John is a sought-

after speaker at conferences, colleges, and churches on the subjects of theology, apologetics, and faith and culture. He holds degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Bryan College and

is the coauthor of Making Sense of Your World. His latest book, coauthored with Sean McDowell, is Same Sex Marriage: A Thoughtful Approach to God’s Design for Marriage.

Deborah Wuehler is the Senior Editor for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, participating author in The Homeschool Minute, wife to Richard, and mom to eight children from kindergarteners to college seniors. She is a homeschool author and speaker and loves to declare what God has spoken in His Word. MORE INFO www.tosmagazine.com senioreditor@TheHomeschoolMagazine.com Dave Glander was formerly a devout Atheist prior to experiencing a radical encounter with Jesus Christ. He is the owner and curator for the Museum of Truth, which is an 1800 square foot traveling Biblical Museum. The museum’s combined exhibits contain over 300 ancient artifacts, 60 ancient Bible leaves, and a comprehensive collection of materials that chronicle the rise of the modern nation of Israel. Dave is also an expert on the Shroud of Turin and travels with one of only five life-sized Shroud of Turin displays in the world. Arlene Bridges-Samuels is Southeast Region Christian Outreach Director for AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC empowers pro-Israel activists in the Jewish, Christian, African American and Latino communities across the USA to become politically engaged in building relationships with members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship. Arlene speaks throughout the region, and nationally, on a wide range of issues regarding the US-Israel relationship including the Iranian nuclear threat, Israel: The Innovation Nation, advocacy with the US Congress, and Israel’s quest for peace. Active in the proIsrael movement for 20 years, Arlene joined AIPAC’s professional staff in 2007. Dr. Larry McDonald is Dean, Director of Doctor of Ministry Studies, and Professor of Christian Spirituality for North Greenville University’s Graduate School of Christian Ministry. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Reformed Theological Seminary. Larry formerly taught at Truett-McConnell College in Cleveland, GA and as Visiting Professor at the Uganda Baptist Seminary and the Tyndale Theological Seminary (Netherlands). In addition, he served as Senior Pastor for almost 20 years, most recently at the Olde Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. Larry authored The Merging of Theology and Spirituality and co-edited and contributed to A Passion for the Great Commission.

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Andy Lawrenson has been in youth ministry for over 20 years. The last 12 years he had been the youth pastor at Nags Head Church in Nags Head, North Carolina. Andy’s passion is to help students to discover how God has uniquely wired them to serve Christ and His Church. Andy serves along side of several great youth ministry volunteers investing into the lives of students. Andy has written articles for different youth ministry web sites and magazines and been the guest speaker at several summer camps. He also enjoys blogging his youth ministry adventure at www.theaddyouthpastor.com. Ramon Sanchez came to know Christ through the ministry of Nags Head Church as a young adult. Since that time Ramon has grown in his walk with the Lord and discovered his passion to reach students with the love of Christ. Ramon is the volunteer middle school minister at Nags Head Church, he loves speaking with students and investing in their lives. Ramon approaches his break out session from a volunteer’s perspective. Ramon and his wife, Rachel, have two small children and make their home on the Outer Banks of NC. Kathy McReynolds (Ph.D) works at Biola University where she is the Director of Academic Studies at The Christian Institute on Disability. Kathy graduated with a B.A. in Christian Education at Biola University in 1991, and then she went on to earn an M.A. in Systematic Theology at the Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. She then took five years off and wrote five books and had three children, and then went on to earn her Ph.D in Ethics at USC. She specialized in ethical issues in genetic enhancement research. She explored these issues in genetics through the lens of Aristotle’s and Bacon’s ethical theories. Her dissertation has a special focus on the implications of the Human Genome Project for human genetic enhancement. Bob Griffin was a content Christian until 1994. The death of his father caused him to become a seeker / skeptic and question his long held beliefs. The result of 20 years of seeking and researching and questioning is a much stronger faith and a desire to share this information with others. Bob speaks at seminaries and churches. He has taught middle school apologetics at his church, and has a monthly apologetic lesson for his Royal Ambassador chapter. He has appeared with Stu Epperson and Alex McFarland on “Truth Talk Live” and “Sound Rezn”. Bob graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill. He has been married to Karen for 25 years and has one son. Bill Foster believes that because biblical truth is interesting, it should be conveyed in an interesting way. Far from being a graphics guy with a casual interest in Christian apologetics, he is an experienced teacher, presenter, and student of Scripture who combines depth with accessibility. His presentations are visually driven and incorporate creative graphics and popculture references as access points for the theological and philosophical concepts he discusses. As the owner of a brand image and design firm, Bill understands how the popular culture perceives and is influenced by the ideas that shape our world. His goal is to counteract the often negative portrayal of Christianity with refreshing illustrations of truth and biblically-based arguments. Glenn Pearson was brought up in the Unitarian faith, which stresses the one-ness of humanity and rejects the notion of a single path to God. After coming into a relationship with Jesus Christ in college, he spent nine years on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ, and has had thousands of conversations with students and others about their world views. His academic orientation, his early life perspectives on faith issues, and his deeply rooted biblical understanding of the deity of Christ and the need to receive his forgiveness have given him a unique ability to relate to people all along the spectrum of faith or doubt.

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Paul Jordan is on faculty with Worldview Academy and a professor of Computer Science at Southern Wesleyan University. He serves as an elder at his church and has a passion for teaching the Word of God. He is the founder and a teacher of Community Bible Institute, where faculty train adults in hermeneutics, apologetics, Biblical studies, Christian theology, and worldview issues. Paul and his wife Vicki have two children and live near Clemson, SC. Juan Valdes has done graduate work at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and holds Master’s degrees from both Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Logos Graduate School. He is currently a few months away from completing a Doctorate Degree in Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary. Juan is a veteran teacher of apologetics, and has taught Theology, Bible, and Apologetics at the seminary level in both English and Spanish. He is an influential promoter of apologetics in the greater Miami area and speaks regularly across the country and internationally at Pastor’s Conferences, Youth Conferences, Apologetics Conferences, and local church events. Bill Dallas is CEO of United in Purpose, a 501 c 4 whose mission is to unite and equip conservative organizations to increase their reach, impact and influence through the latest technology, research and marketing strategies. Bill was the founder and CEO of Church Communication Network (CCN), a satellite and Internet communications company that served over 7,000 churches across North America for ten years. Bill’s gift for strategic visioning consistently takes initiatives to the next level and the levels beyond that. He is talented at developing solutions that are innovative, effective, and often unexpected. E. Ray Moore, Jr., has served for over thirty-five years in pastoral ministry as a campus pastor, a congregational minister, an Army Chaplain or Director of a Christian ministry. Additionally, he has served as a campaign consultant or staff for several major political campaigns, including former Vice-President Dan Quayle’s first Senate race in 1980, former Congressman Mark Siljander’s first Congressional race in 1981 and Pat Robertson’s Presidential Campaign in 1986 to 1988. Currently, Ray serves as President of Frontline Ministries, Inc., which focuses on prayer, revival and Christian education. He is the Director of the Exodus Mandate Project (see www.exodusmandate.org). He is author of Let My Children Go and co-authored with his wife, Gail, The Promise of Jonadab: Building a Christian Family Legacy in a Time of Cultural Decline. He is also the Executive Producer of the recently released film, IndoctriNation. Samya Johnson was born into a Christian family in Beirut, Lebanon. At the age of six, in Sunday school, she experienced the new birth that Jesus gives. Samya spent her school and college years during the civil war in Lebanon. God saved her from actual death three times. The story that God has woven in the fabric of Samya Johnson’s life is one of His glory shining through a broken believer who humbled herself before God to make His will her own. There are over 300,000 Muslims who immi- grate to America each year, and almost 1.7 billion Muslims worldwide. Today Samya is heavily involved in training and educating the western church about Islam and how to reach Muslims. Forrest L Turpen served from 1983 to 2003 as the Executive Director of Christian Educators Association International. Currently he is CEAI National Projects Director. He is a former public school educator having served seven years as a classroom teacher and thirteen years as a school principal and assistant superintendent. Turpen received his BS in Ed at Northern Illinois University in 1963. He completed an additional 40 hours at Utah State University and the University of Georgia. In 1969, he earned his MA from Stanford University. In March of 1982, Mr. Turpen entered the political arena, seeking the office of State Representative of the 74th District in Illinois. He was successful in the primary and lost to his opponent in the general election. He and his wife, Judy, are members of Eastside Christian Church in Anaheim, CA.

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Glenn Pinckney, Sr. is an Ordained Minister with a Doctorate in Theology from Rhema Bible College, Summerville, S.C. Having pastored for many years, his emphasis now is on expository teaching of the Word of God and developing systems that enable Believers to become closer to God spiritually and in more meaningful ways. Glenn is also the Founder and CEO of Christians Aligned for Actions and Principles, Inc. located in southwest Hickory, N.C. Christians Aligned for Actions and Principles, Inc. provides a huge assortment of books, DVDs, pamphlets, and articles for the community of SW Hickory regarding the Divinely inspired foundation of our great nation, America, and the significance of Christians of Color being engaged in protecting Biblical truths in their personal lives, their homes, their communities, and in America. When he was 22 years old, the day after his college graduation Charles Billingsley packed up his red two-door Ford Explorer, attached a little trailer behind it and headed to a church in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to perform his first professional concert. He has been the lead vocalist for NewSong, began his solo career, had 2 sons, and worked at Liberty University, Shadow Mountain Community Church and Turning Point Ministries in San Diego, CA. Now he has recovered from vocal cord surgery and is again working for Liberty University while continuing his solo career. Todd Starnes is the host of FOX News & Commentary — heard daily on hundreds of radio stations. Throughout his journalism career, Todd has covered a number of high profile stories — taking him from Wall Street to the White House. Todd is the author of two books: “Dispatches From Bitter America” (a collection of essays detailing how President Obama has declared war on the values that made this country great), and “They Popped My Hood and Found Gravy on the Dipstick” which was published in 2009 and became a best-seller. In his spare time, Todd is active in his church, plays golf, follows SEC football, and eats barbecue.

The 2014 TNG conference would not be possible without the involvement, investment, and prayers of many people. So we say thank you to our Partners & Sponsors!


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“Thank you for your stand in providing sound doctrine and teaching. It has blessed us tremendously.” Mark, NRB Network viewer The NRB Network broadcasts theologically-sound television shows that help viewers grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures. Programming spans a variety of genres including an unrivaled lineup of apologetics programs designed to equip Christians to share and defend their faith. Leading Christian apologists seen on the NRB Network include: Ravi Zacharias • John Lennox • William Lane Craig • Frank Turek • Alex McFarland • Hugh Ross • Ken Ham • Eric Metaxas • Michael L. Brown • Hank Hanegraaff • The Colson Center • Greg Koukl • Ray Comfort • R.C. Sproul • Larry Taunton • J. Warner Wallace • Josh McDowell • Stephen Meyer Watch Us: DIRECTV Ch. 378 | Select broadcast affiliates | ROKU players FREE mobile app for iPhone, iPad, Android phone & tablet, Kindle Fire & Windows Phone Online streaming at www.nrbnetwork.tv

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Exhibit Hall

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Christian Supply Company www.christiansupply.com Compassion www.compassion.com WORD www.word1063.com Impact 360 www.impact360institute.org Samaritan Ministries www.samaritanministries.org Frontline Ministries Inc./Exodus Mandate www.exodusmandate.org The Old Schoolhouse www.thehomeschoolmagazine.com Call of Love www.calloflove.org Reasons for Hope www.rforh.com Southern Evangelical Seminary www.ses.edu Christian Education Association Intl. www.ceai.org Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove www.thecove.org Water of Life www.givefreshwater.org Logos Bible Software www.logos.com B&H Publishing www.bhpublishinggroup.com North Greenville University www.ngu.edu Focus On The Family’s Truth Project www.thetruthproject.org Reasons to Believe www.reasons.org Crimson and White Ministries www.crimsonwhite.org Worldview Academy www.worldview.org Joni & Friends www.joniandfriends.org Southewestern Seminary www.swbts.edu Shepherds Hill Academy www.shepherdshillacademy.com Pocket Testament League www.ptl.org The Chuck Colson Center www.colsoncenter.org Canyon Ministries www.canyonministries.com Mission America Coalition/Love 2020 www.love2020.com Abeka Books www.abeka.com HIS Radio www.hisradio.com Southeastern Seminary www.sebts.edu Upstate Ministries to Men www.upstatem2m.org www.TruthForANewGeneration.com | 29

Who is God? Are there absolutes?

Why am I here? Does God care?

“Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?” SM

Is there something more?

Do I really matter?

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Do heaven and hell exist?

What is truth?

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Mpact Missions, Recreation Hangar Education (3 Levels) Snack / Game Room Preschool Children


Sanctuary Auditorium - Hangar Chapel Music Ministry Main Office (Upper) Dining Room (Lower) Adult Ed (Upper) Adult Ed (Lower)










5A 5B


6A 6B













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Restrooms Stairs Elevator Parking

1 2 3 4 5A 5B 6A 6B

First Baptist Church Spartanburg

p Entry



1 - Main Stage 2 - Stage B Please see inserts for more detailed maps


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