Remagine Childhood Process Book

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Process Book for Remagine Childhood

Design Brief of the


This campaign’s purpose is to make people aware of the

process of adoption and influence them to consider the possibility of adopting a child into their own family. The design aspect of this campaign is attempting to portray a clean, bright and happy mood. To achieve this, everything made for Remagine Childhood should have a clean look. Design for this campaign is mainly typography based, but photographs are welcome as well. Hand written font or font style is appropriate, if it is readable. If the font is not handwritten it needs to be a sans-serif font. Happy, bright photographs of children’s faces (of any age) are the only acceptable photographs. A majority of these photographs are for background usage. *Examples shown throughout this book. Tentative color scheme includes orange as the main color and maroon, pale blue, mustard yellow, and occationally black as


Design Solutions

The design solutions that will be used to promote this

campaign consist of a variety of methods: posters, website, ephemera items, promotional card, an informative mini zine, and a booth/display design. In everything that Remagine Childhood produces, the design strategy will be implemented to keep a cohesive branding line. The 3 posters are a culmination of several weeks of research and study on the aesthetics of the branding. The purpose of these posters is to catch the attention of viewers and make them ponder the merits of adoption, and eventually visit Remagine Childhood’s website. Five ephemera items will be designed and produced: button, pen, bumper sticker, bracelet, and a purse/bag. A promotional and interactive card will also be designed to send out to interested parties. The website will be fully functional and easily navigated. It is intended to inform the audience about all of the aspects of adoption, from the preparation stage through actually adopting a child. 5

In order to give information about this campaign in a print form, a mini zine will be provided. Included in this mini zine will be a summary of information about adopting and reasons why it is a wonderful decision. To prepare for if there is an opportunity for this campaign to be represented at any event a booth design will be implimented as well. In the spirit of family, a photobooth will be offered with one free photo print. Also a small table with the ephemera items will be there.

C: 17 M: 37 Y: 100 K: 1

C: 51 M: 16 Y: 11 K: 0

C: 0 M: 58 Y: 100 K: 0

C: 36 M: 96 Y: 50 K: 23 7





Promo card The promotional card for Remagine Childhood is actually a

puzzle. It will be packaged in a small box so that when it is opened, the person will have to put the puzzle together to figure out the message.


Website The website is where much of the information is located, and where any business will likely be conducted. Shown here is a preview - this is what the home screen looks like. To see the rest of the website please visit




Mini zine & Link This is the promotional booklet for the Remagine Childhood campaign. It will be sent to prospective donors and other interested parties. The link is below.


Event Display The display that will be used at any events will be a photobooth

and a table. The photobooth will offer one free session to everybody. This campaign hopes to ignight a passion for family in people and photographs represent happy memories of good times together. The table will have the ephemera items on it and other information necessary to the event. There will be at least one person, if not two, at the display at all times to interact with people and answer questions.


Geographic Scope of the Campaign

The geographic scope of the campaign is designed for any

part of the united states, but is not limited to it. The information presented is specific to USA statistics, so it may not be as relevent in other countries. This campaing is not only statistics though. It strives to pursuade the viewer to consider adoption and research it specifically for his or her family. Therefore, the main portion of this campaign is directed towards everybody.


Target Audience

The target audience for this campaign is married couples in

general. Specifically couples that are planning to have children and either cannot have their own children, or they want to open their home to a child that does not have the opportunity to be a part of their biological family but don’t know how to go about it. The promotional material is mainly attention grabbing in nature, but the website is where the main important information will be located.



Main research information for this campaign consists of statists of adoption and foster care in the united states. Other researach includes other adoption groups’ solutions for inspiration.

Several websites that have proven useful:

- (Home->Issues and resources->Foster Care) - - - -


Posters 1-8






Š 2013 Tiffany Johnson

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