October 5, 2021
The Paper Of Record for Fannin County Texas
Classifieds are on pages: 18, 20, 21
Serving all of Fannin County For 47 Years Locally owned & operated
224 N. Main St., Bonham, TX 75418 fcleditor2020@gmail.com
Circulation 15,000+ - Bailey, Bonham, Dodd City, Ector,
Gober, Honey Grove, Ivanhoe, Ladonia, Leonard, Randolph, Ravenna, Savoy, Telephone, Trenton & Windom
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Mention our ad to receive a 10% discount on your FALL TUNE-UP! Expires: 10/22/21
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Great Days of Service Registration Open
Press Release - Registration is open for Bonham’s 11th annual Great Days of Service. On Oct 16, volunteers will checkin at the First Baptist Church’s fellowship hall starting at 8:00
am and be treated to a pancake breakfast by the First United Methodist Church. By 9:00 am volunteers will be sent out to begin work on several different service projects.
Volunteers are encouraged to sign up soon at www.gdsbonham.org. Some projects have limits to the numbers of volunteers. Children and youth under age 18 are welcome to
volunteer, as long as they have
a responsible adult that will 07/02/19 stay with them.
Service projects still in need of volunteers include: • Community Clean-up –
volunteers will pick up trash, pull weeds, put out mulch, weed-eat, rake leaves, pick up branches and clean up at downtown Bonham and 3 local cemeteries: Gates-Hill, Bailey Inglish and Willow Wild. Volunteers are encouraged to bring work gloves, trash bags,
Bonham Building Supply 2430 N Center • Bonham, Texas • 903-583-1874
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other clean up tools. • Food Drive – volunteers will sort, move and re-stock the shelves of local organizations who give food to hungry people. • Fannin County Children’s Center – volunteers are needed to do yard work (trim bushes, weedeating, etc) and deep cleaning inside the center. Volunteers are encouraged to bring work gloves and tools if they can. • Fannin Pregnancy Center – outdoor projects for this local nonprofit that serves women who are pregnant to include tree trimming, mowing, edging, etc. Please bring work gloves, tree trimmers, chain saws, mowers, weedeaters, rakes, etc. if you can. • Parks Clean-up – pick up trash and clean up at the city parks, including Powder Creek Playground, Catron and Simpson Parks. Volunteers will spend time at all three parks. Please bring work gloves, trash bags, etc. if you can. • Recycling Project - Fannin County Literacy Council provides free literacy classes and GED prep classes for adults. In order to raise funds to support these classes, they will once again be hosting the Recycling Project. Everyone is encouraged to clean out their homes of unwanted items and bring them to the Fannin County Precinct 4 Barn at 1369 E. Sam Rayburn Drive, Bonham on Saturday, October 16 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. A few more volunteers are needed to help unload cars and trucks bringing items for recycling. For a complete list of items that will be accepted, go to www.gds-bonham.org. Register Now - Those interested in volunteering for any of the service projects should register at www.gdsbonham. org. This will allow the leaders to plan accordingly and especially how much food is needed for the pancake breakfast. Some projects have limits on the number of volunteers who can sign up. Late and on-site registrations will still be accepted, but there will be less choices in what service projects to work on. Sign up at www.gdsbonham.org.
Job Hunting?
Sale Dates: October 3 through October 9 OPEN: Mon. - Sat. 7 AM - 6 PM
See Section A, Page 21
Section A Page 2 • October 5, 2021
Caldwell Construction
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Metal Buildings •Farm/Ranch Fencing
Oil Change • State Inspection • Tire Repair
FREE ICE CREAM 1613 N. Center St. • 903-583-9196
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Justice Is Served for Kids 6/15/21 9/14/21
Press Release - Justice Is Served will be a hybrid fundraising event this year with both in-person and online elements to it. The event will benefit the Fannin County Children’s Center and provide
critical support services to children, youth and families recovering from abuse and neglect. First United Bank is the presenting Diamond Sponsor of the event. “It’s our pleasure
to sponsor Fannin County Children’s Center’s Justice is Served,” said Alan McDonald with First United. “The volunteers, staff, and Board that serve children in need are unsung heroes. The Children’s Center’s mission aligns with First United Bank’s values of faith and family, as well as seeking to elevate the lives of others. In this case, there are many Fannin County children that can’t protect themselves or care for themselves and so need the center’s services to help them find a loving, safe and healthy place to live at a
903.217.4412 Email: C3L@att.net
New In-Ground Pool Installations! 903-821-7412 or 903-456-3783 nepools@outlook.com difficult time in their lives.” The in-person event will be a Masquerade Ball at the MultiPurpose Complex in Bonham on Saturday, Nov. 13, starting at 6 pm. Tickets and tables are on sale now at the Children’s Center and on their website. Ticket prices include dinner, drinks, desserts and an evening of fun. Fannin County Game Warden Randolph McGee will be the auctioneer for the Live Auction. Bidding in the live auction will be in-person only. Dinner will be served up buffet style by local judges, police chiefs, sheriff, DA and others in the justice system. Guests are encouraged to dress up and wear masquerade masks. The Baked Goods Auction and Silent Auction will be online and anyone with access to the internet can participate without purchasing a ticket. The Baked Goods Auction will be on Wednesday, Nov. 10. Bidding will open at 7:00 am and end at 5:15 pm. Winners can pick up their items at the Children’s Center the same day until 7 pm or on Thursday or Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Bidding for the Silent Auction will start online at 7 pm on Wednesday, Nov. 10 and end at 9 pm on Saturday, Nov. 13. The online bidding software has many features similar to eBay. Bidders can
place a single bid and get text and email alerts when they are outbid. An auto-bid feature allows bidders to place their initial bid and maximum bid and let the software take care of bidding for them. The silent auction items will be on display at the in-person event on Saturday night. Winners who are present can take their items homes that Saturday evening. Winners who do not attend the inperson event can pick up their items at the Children’s Center on Sunday between 2-4 pm or during normal business hours Monday – Friday 8 am to 5 pm. There will also be options to mail most items to the winners too. Auction items will include many homemade baked goods, jewelry, home furnishings, hand crafted items, gift cards and gift baskets. Rick Bankston donated a beautiful hand carved eagle made of oak. Organizers are still seeking auction items to be donated. Proceeds from the event will provide services to children and youth including counseling, advocacy, forensic interviews and more. There is still time to become a sponsor of the event. Sponsorship and other event information is available at www.fanninccc. org or by calling Andrea or Sandy at (903) 583-4339.
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Section A Page 3 • October 5, 2021
Meade-Norman & Bayless
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Bois d’Arc 11/12/19Lake: Lake Level The Square 6/22/21Halloween On9/28/21 Bonham Rising to 523 Feet
Overview of the Dam, Intake Structure and Spillway
BIBLES REBOUD AT the BINDERY WOULD YOU like to have your BIBLE rebound?
WE CAN DO THAT FOR YOU in Bonham, Tx. @ 1003 N. Center Street Press Release Completion of the weir and spillway marks the end of major construction for Bois d’Arc Lake’s dam and reservoir. The embankment and pump station are also in their
Bring your books to the Bindery for evaluation as to what needs to be done and type of covering for the books. final stretch—crews crews will allow the
areWEpouring REBIND the last soil lake water level to rise cement BIBLES to ANDseal the dam in elevation higher than (903) 583-3255 and finishing OTHER BOOKSelectrical and the current elevation of communication wiring in Cell: 509.(903)-583-0151 The reservoir then AT the Email: to fill up in the BINDERY! pump station. will continue info@nationwidebinding.com As these areas wrap up phases to its final elevation in September and October, of 534 feet.
Saturday, October 30, 2021 Press Release - Merchants, organizations and businesses set-up tables around the courthouse square and B pass out candy for the kids. We encourage kids under 13 to attend the
4:00pm - 6:00pm
event with their parents. Everyone is welcome and costumes are encouraged. If you are a business or organization in the Bonham area and would like to set-up a
BIBLE and BOOK REPAIR at the BINDERY All work completed @ 1003 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 903-583-3255 Email: info@nationwidebinding.com
STOP by For A Free Quote!
BIBLE and BOOK REPAIR at the BINDERY All work completed @ 1003 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 903-583-3255 Email: info@nationwidebinding.com
table, please contact the Bonham Chamber of Commerce at 903-583-4811 or info@ bonhamchamber.com to arrange a space.
WEEKLY UPDATE For Fannin County as of Press Time
Positive 3,113 Probable 1,526 Fatalities 133 Recoveries 4,530 Active 69 Source: Texas Health and Human Services https://txdshs.maps. arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/idex.html#/ ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83
Section A Page 4 • October 5, 2021
Specializing in Windshields All Insurance Claims Welcome 24Hrs Provider
Bill McCain
903-583-7364 Cell: 903-227-1124
2630 N. Center Street • Bonham, TX 75418 Our “Letter to the Editor” section is composed of letters submitted to The Fannin County Leader by our readers. The views expressed in these letters are not necessarily the views of The Fannin County Leader. Political letters must be paid for, in 5/26/20 advance. To submit a letter, please e-mail fcleditor2020@gmail. com. It is our goal to be fair and neutral relating to political issues. We welcome Letters to the Editor on topics that would be of concern and interest to the community. The decision to publish is left to the Editor and Management.
Letter to the Editor The Fannin County Commissioners have completely lost my respect with their latest action to ban vaccine mandates. So, the County Commissioners think they know more about public health and vaccines and medical science than those who have devoted their lives to studying
these things. Wonderful. Tell me, Commissioners, how do you propose to alleviate the overcrowded emergency rooms and intensive care hospital beds in this state? Are you going to ration health care? Tell me, how do you propose to protect young school children who are too young for the vaccine?
Only 12 shopping days ‘til Christmas at
Call Us for All Your Printing Needs!
Randy Atchley randy@personalizedprinting.com 1300 Bonham Street • Commerce, TX 75428 (903) 886-7173 • Fax (903) 886-7400 • Cell (903) 453-5817
When one of them dies from the Covid from an unvaccinated person, may we send their parents to your doorstep? Tell me, how do you propose to alleviate the understaffed and overworked nurses in the hospitals whose workloads have doubled now that the Delta variety of Covid is afflicting thousands of unvaccinated Texans? Tell me, how do you propose to slow down or stop this epidemic which has killed more than 650,000 Americans without requiring vaccines? It is primarily the unvaccinated people who are filling the hospital ICUs and funeral morgues right now. Apparently, you want more of that.
It’s sad when the Governor and the County Commissioners think personal freedom is more important than public health or the good of the state or the good of the country and its citizens. We all have to comply with laws we aren’t fond of. That’s why you cannot drive a car until you have a license. That’s why we have stop signs and traffic lights and smallpox vaccines and voter registration laws and highway speed limits. Sure, we would all like to get to our destination quicker with a 90 m.p.h. speed limit, but in the interest of public health and safety the Highway Department has speed limit laws and we are expected to abide by them. It’s a pity that you and the Governor aren’t smart enough to see that vaccines are the only way this epidemic is going to be wiped out—just like smallpox was wiped out 60-70 years ago. Until enough people get vaccinated, this Covid epidemic is going to continue to drag our economy and our health care system down to the breaking point. Peter H. Phillips Leonard, TX
BONHAM TRADE DAYS October 7 - 10 Managed by Kiwanis Club
Gospel Music 10/5/21
WHEN: Sat. October 9th • 6:30-8:30 PM (Jamming before 6:30) WHERE: City of Bonham Senior Citizens Center, 210 E. 6th St. FREE Admission – Door prizes include $25 cash – Refreshments available. Congregational and Open Mic Singing – bring your accompaniment. CD player and electric piano available. Donations support Bonham Senior Citizens Center and Meals on Wheels. Sponsored by Friends of the Bonham Senior Citizens Center. Apply for Membership – Support the Bonham Senior Center. For information call or text: 214-738-9975.
The Friends of the Bonham SNAP Center is currently involved in an effort to raise funds. An 8½” x 11” journal will be printed to inform the general public in Fannin County of the programs and services that are available at The Bonham Senior Center. YOU MAY RECEIVE A TELEPHONE CALL SEEKING YOUR SUPPORT IN THIS COMMUNITY EFFORT. ANY AND ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.
Thank you for your consideration.
P.O. BOX 701 • BONHAM, TEXAS 75418
People always say the past is in the past but I beg to differ. The past is who we are, it prepares us for the future, it makes us- strong...unknown 9-21-21 10-19-21
Fannin County History The Road Down Memory Lane Photos courtesy of the Fannin County Historical Museum Three blocks south of the Courthouse Square in Bonham One Main Street Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8042 Visit Facebook: “Fannin county historical group”
The Natatorium was located in Simpson Park on the corner of 13th and Center Street Bonham, Texas ca.1930
Section A Page 5 • October 5, 2021
JOHNSON LAWN CARE Residential/Commercial Chainlink - Iron - Wood - Vinyl Gates - Operators
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Lawn Mowing, Tree Trimming & Removal, Flowerbeds, Gutter Screens & Cleaning, Rock & Topsoil, Etc..
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By Bro. Bill Beasley
Exodus 20:1-17 Oftentimes, I refer to the work of writers of the past who have touched my life and ministry to an unusual degree. In most cases, what they had to say then is out of print now. My personal library is sprinkled with many volumes that are priceless both because they can no longer be purchased at a bookstore and they contain a message our people desperately need to hear. Such is a little book entitled “Jesus Only” written by Dr. Vance Havner. As I read some of it recently, the thought for this week “Missing Notes in Today’s Culture” was born. This week’s article may not include deep theological tones but it is designed to
Fairview Cemetery Annual Meeting Fannin Life County,Requires Texas Balance Fairview Cemetery Annual Meeting is set
for 10:00 a.m. Saturday, October 16, 2021 at the Fairview Cemetery located on FM 2645
STEPHENS family SAND & GRAVEL career
GOD No job too BIG or small! without balance,
Robert & Laura Stephens Mobile: TRUE P.O. Box 146 • Bailey, happiness TX 75413 is fleeting 903-227-0513
include and make IF THE time for FITS, GOD BOOT
The demands for Godly reverence is the recognition of His Holiness, His Ownership, His Oneness, His Sovereignty, His Purity, the work of His Hands, His Pride (the Church), His Provisions. We are not to live profanely. We are to hallow His name. We are not to ignore Him. We are to lift Him up in Godly praise.
PLEASE REMEMBER! Fannin County Community Ministries needs your help!! We need your help to feed the hungry people of Fannin County. 18% of the people in our county are hungry – 28% are children, can you help? FacebookFannin County Food Pantry or mail to: or mail to: PO Box 69 Bonham, TX 75418. THANK YOU!
Where Is My Time?
hunting/fishing sports social life sleep TV work
Looks like you have it!
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1
• Full orBegin HalftoSole BALANCE your life this • Ladies High Heels orSunday Flats at 11:00 • Refinishing • Boot Repair
include and make time for GOD this Sunday at 11:00
abomination to the LORD: but a just weightThey is hisAre delight. Because Showing A Little Wear and Proverbs 11:1Tear.
WISE RISK SHOE CSTORE entral& REPAIR Central FUNERAL HOME 102 S. Crockett • Sherman, TX BAPTIST CHURCH West BONHAM, Side of Square TEXAS A Place To Call Home SINCE Downtown Sherman SINCE Lee Jackson, Pastor 1921
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Worship Service 11:00 email: lthjjjackson@gmail.com
By practicing His rules for living in our daily walk we encourage a wayward world to seek Him. We make it a better place to live. Legalistic Remorse says, “I broke God’s rules.” While real repentance says, “I broke God’s Heart.” – Tim Keller
903-640-0000 www.TexasCHL.com
CALVARY UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. 7:00pm Where: 1190 Hwy 56 W. Bonham. Pastor: Steven Luton, 903-583-4346
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Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes 903-583-5555
Over 15,000 copies of County Leader are distributed by mail and carrier to every home in Fannin County each Tuesday. Full Service Funeral Home Readers will find classified ads, display ads, legal Cremations • Traditional Services notices and editorial content, all of which are important Pre-arranged Funerals to the daily lives of local citizens. Our website, www. fannincountyleader.info, is Family Owned By updated daily with information Gerald and Judy Howard important to our community. Visit our Facebook @ www. csfuneral@cableone.net facebook.com/The-FanninCounty-Leader for even more community activities and news. Advertising rates may be HOURS: FREE Pregnancy Test obtained from an Account Tuesday 9 AM - 7 PM FREE Sonogram Representative or any other employee. Editorial may be Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM Parenting Classes submitted for publication, but will be included at Editor Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM Prenatal Classes and Publisher’s discretion. Editorial exceeding 300 Fannin Pregnancy words will result in delayed publication and may require Care Center payment. Any and all content, whether paid or un-paid, 903-640-8230 will be subject to Publisher www.fanninpregnancy.org approval. Letters to the Editor are encouraged, however, they cannot exceed $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ 250 words and must be signed by the writer. Letters $ $ to the Editor that exceed the 9/24/19 $ $ word count may be published if the submitter is willing to pay $ $ for the extra space required $ $ to publish the letter in its entirety. Free publication of $ $ Letters to the Editor is limited GUARANTEED $ $ to one every 60 days. Letters HIGHEST from the same contributor PRICES FOR $ $ YOUR GOLD!!Ephesians 4:18 within the 60 day period will $ - Having$the be published at standard advertising rate. Political Buy One Get One FREE $ $ DVD’s understanding Proverbs 27:17 - Iron Letters to the Editor must darkened,$being be paid for in advance and Proud to Serve the Bonham $ sharpeneth iron; so aArea for Over 26 Years alienated from the life signed by the writer. $ “If We man sharpeneth theGet It, You Don’t Need It” $ Don’t Have It Or Can’t of God through the 224 N Main. St. of his • Bonham, TX $ N. Main Street $ 509countenance ignorance that is in Bonham, TX 75418 friend. $ of the Ph: 903-583-3280 $ them, because $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $blindness $ heart: $ $ $ of $ their Fax: 903-583-3945
Honey Grove
12-18-18 The Fannin
Are You A Don't Like Whitlock’s Pawn & Jewelry Christian? Religion? Where We Actually DO Loan More!!! dly n e i r F ! s ast &you FDo Loan serve God?
REPAIR A false balanceIT! is
Don’t Toss Away A 2/5/13 Perfectly Good Pair Of Boots or Shoes Simply
Bonham, TX
Missing Notes in Today’s Culture touch our personal lives at two points: personal respect and Godly reverence. As I look at present day culture it reflects a need for the revival of both. When I read of God’s giving of the Ten Commandments, I see in them His concern for both human respect and Godly reverence. Two Books, Exodus and Deuteronomy give us this recording of God’s “Rules for Living.” It may seem surprising to find that several of the Commandments address our need for respect to be practiced in relationship to other people. We are to honor our parents. Murder is forbidden. Stealing is wrong to our fellow man. We are to be honest in our dealings with others. Bearing false witness (Lying) is a lack of respect. Violating sexual purity is an absence of respect. Let us remember that mankind is made in God’s image. So in reality, when we violate the rules of respecting others we are being irreverent to God as well. Life seems to have been cheapened in today’s world.
Decks, Fences & Pergolas, Vinyl & Wood Siding, Flooring, Home Repair & Remodeling, Painting, Doors Installed, Powerwashing, etc.
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From my LiFe to yours: 12/22/20
BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home
Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124 Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 email: lthjjjackson@gmail.com
Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and AFFORDABLE come short of the of God; Traditionalglory Services and Merchandise Alternative Celebrations of Life Direct Gravesides
I would rather live myCremation life as ifServices there 5/17/16 is aMONUMENTS God and die to findFREE out Planning there isn't, Guide The Church is a than live as if there hospitalof for Easy Transfer Yoursinners. Pre-Paid Plans if you new to to our isn'tareand die area to or have plans from anotherinclude funeral home and would like to use our services. find out that there and make is. include and make time for GOD this time for GOD Sunday at 11:00 this Sunday at 11:00
Wise Funeral Home Chapel and Cremation Services
219 W. Sam Rayburn Dr., Bonham, Texas 75418 BAPTIST CHURCH (903) • www.wisefuneralhome.com BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call 583-2161 Home BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home BAPTIST CHURCH
Lee Jackson, Pastor Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124 Est. 1908 Cell: 903.505.4124 Sunday School 10:00 Sunday School 10:00 Tour our historic home built in 1897 Worship Service 11:00 Service 11:00 The Murden Family and email: ourWorship experienced caring staff email: lthjjjackson@gmail.com lthjjjackson@gmail.com
serving your family and your traditions
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Section A Page 6 • October 5, 2021 • 903-583-3280 • www.fannincountyleader.us
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Boxes available at The Fannin County Leader!
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ALL Proceeds go to the Fannin County Children’s Center
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Secdtion A Page 7 • October 5, 2021
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Tri County Glass Inc. LEE HAMBY, Owner Bus. 903-583-8351 Fax 903-583-3096
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Veterans Corner: VA Presumptive Illness Changes 2/4/20
For those Veterans who may not be aware, the Department of Veteran Affairs has added three presumptive illnesses associated with exposure to the chemical herbicide known as Agent Orange. With the passing of William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law No: 116-283 (01/01/2021), the illnesses of Bladder Cancer, Hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism have been
added to the VA’s overall list of Agent Orange presumptive illnesses. Additionally, the Department of Veteran Affairs has begun processing disability claims for chronic Asthma, chronic Rhinitis and chronic Sinusitis on a presumptive basis due to presumed particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia beginning August 2nd, 1990 to present, or Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Syria or Djibouti
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For The Best In Designing and Cleaning Flower Beds Call
beginning September 19th, 2001 to present, as long as these conditions manifested within 10 years of a qualifying period of military service. I strongly encourage Veterans to contact their County Veteran Services Officer if they believe that they meet the aforementioned criteria. The Fannin County Veteran Services Officer is currently located in the Bonham VA. Please call or email
for information and for an appointment. Call (903) 583-2111 x 36390, email vso@fanninco.net, or visit the Fannin County Veteran Services webpage at http:// www.co.fannin.tx.us/page/ fannin.County.VSO. Thank you to our Fannin County Veterans for their service and sacrifice. Paul Chandler Fannin County Services
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5/19/15 ng Cooki ie! Wees with
This week’s recipe comes from one of our employees here at The Leader, Sherry Johnson. Oh boy do these sound good! Thank you Sherry!!
Banana Bread Brownies
Fannin County Commissioners Contact Information
DUSTY REICHERT 903-449-0993
Precinct 1 Commissioner Edwina Lane Pct. Barn Location: 8865 Highway 56 W (2 miles east of Savoy) Savoy, Texas 75479 Phone: 903-965-7030 Email Address: elane@fanninco.net Precinct 2 Commissioner A.J. Self Pct. Barn Location: 500 N. Highway 69 Leonard, Texas 75452 Phone: 903-587-3455 Email Address: aself@fanninco.net
Precinct 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness Pct. Barn Location: 18101 East FM 1396 (Just off Hwy 82) Honey Grove, Texas 75446 Phone: 903-378-2941 Email Address: precinct3@fanninco.net Precinct 4 Commissioner Dean Lackey Pct. Barn Location: 1369 East Highway 56 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone: 903-583-2039 Email Address: dlackey@fanninco.net
• Tree Service and Removal • Fence Clearing • New Sod Installation • Firepits
Ingredients: 2 eggs 1 c. sour cream ½ c butter, softened 1-½ c. sugar 1-¾ (3 or 4) ripe bananas, mashed 2 tsp. vanilla extract 2 c. all purpose flour 1 tsp. baking soda ¾ tsp. salt ½ c. chopped walnuts (optional) Brown Butter Frosting: ½ c. butter 4 c. powdered sugar 1-½ tsp. vanilla extract 3 tbsp. milk . Directions: 1. Heat oven to 375F. Grease and flour 15 x 10-inch jelly
roll pan. For the bars, in a large bowl, beat together sugar, sour cream, butter, and eggs until creamy. Blend in bananas and vanilla extract. Add flour, baking soda, salt, and blend for 1 minute. Stir in walnuts. . 2. Spread batter evenly into pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. . 3. Meanwhile, for frosting, heat butter in a large saucepan over medium heat until boiling. Let the butter turn a delicate brown and remove from heat immediately. . 4. Add powdered sugar, vanilla extract and milk. Whisk together until smooth (it should be thicker than a glaze but thinner than frosting). Using a spatula, spread the brown butter frosting over the warm bars (the frosting will be easier to spread while the bars are still warm). Please send me your favorite or unique recipes to Fannin County Leader at 224 N. Main St. Bonham, TX 75418 or email me: fclsales@verizon.net
Section A Page 8 • October 5, 2021 • 903-583-3280
You wanna know who I’m in love with? Read the first word again.
April Gibbs announcing candidacy for Fannin County District Clerk
My family and I are proud to announce that I, April Gibbs, will be running as a Republican for Fannin County District Clerk. I have worked for Fannin County over 12 years, currently working as a Deputy District Clerk under Nancy Young. Nancy Young is serving as my Campaign Treasurer and supports me all the way. My husband, Mark Gibbs, has deep roots right here in Fannin County. We together with our two children intend to keep those roots seeded. I care deeply for the citizens of Fannin County and pledge to use my strength and experience to work for you and the bright future that Fannin County holds.
Agency Offers Mental Health First Aid Training
Local Area is Part of a National Initiative to Increase Mental Health Literacy Press Release - In response to our nation’s mental health crisis, Texoma Community Center will bring two Mental Health First Aid Trainings to Fannin County on October 28, 2021, and November 11, 2021. The October session will feature the adolescent curriculum, and the November session will offer the adult curriculum. This groundbreaking skills-based course gives people the tools to identify, understand and respond to someone who might be struggling with a mental health or substance use challenge — and connect them with appropriate support and resources when necessary. One in five Americans has a mental illness, and the pandemic has dramatically increased depression and anxiety, but many are reluctant to seek help or don’t know where to turn for care. Unlike physical conditions,
symptoms of mental health and substance use problems can be difficult to detect. Friends and family members may find it hard to know when and how to step in. As a result, those in need of mental health services often do not receive care until it is too late. Just as CPR helps even those without clinical training assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid prepares participants to interact with a person experiencing a mental health crisis. Mental Health First Aiders learn a 5-step Action Plan that guides them through the process of reaching out and offering appropriate support. “Never has it been more important for our communities to talk about mental health and substance use,” says Chuck Ingoglia, president and CEO of the National Council for Mental
Wellbeing, which helped bring Mental Health First Aid to the U.S. in 2008. “This program is breaking down barriers and stigma so that together we can learn how to better support one another. Without mental health, there is no health.” In just 12 years, Mental Health First Aid has become a full-blown movement in the United States — more than 2.5 million people are certified Mental Health First Aiders, and that number is growing every day. For more information or to participate in a Mental Health First Aid Training contact Amy Dobbs at adobbs@texomacc.org. The National Council for Mental Wellbeing was instrumental in bringing Mental Health First Aid to the United States. To learn more about Mental Health First Aid USA, visit MHFA. org.
Section A Page 9 • October 5, 2021
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Tuesday, September 28, 2021, County Judge Randy Moore called to order at 9:00 a.m., a Regular Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. A quorum was established as all Commissioners and County Judge were present. The invocation was led by Judge Darrell Hall. Pledges were led by
County Judge Randy Moore. 4. Introductions: There were no introductions 5. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding Courthouse Restoration: Judge Moore read the update for the courthouse as follows: EXTERIOR – Cast stone balconies completed on West and East side; Stone veneers for building base being installed on the South; Stone
S A H R T S ER Y T 10/9/12
Put experience to work for you!
pastures, barns, sheds,
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patching waiting for delayed shipment of patch material; Install windows at Courtroom and installing brick mold on the exterior. INTERIOR – Finish plaster complete in the courtroom; Starting finish plaster in the stairwell; Finishing drywall ceilings in the courtroom and 2nd level; Tape and bed ceilings on 3rd level and courtroom ceilings; Finishing electrical ceiling rough-in on 1st level; Power being run to Cupola clocks and lighting; HVAC equipment started and tested; Chilled water system starting to clean and treat water.
6. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve Interlocal Agreement between Fannin County and Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) regarding the access and use of the DPS automated Fail to Appear System and have County Judge sign on behalf of the County: Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Kenneth Karl, explained the contract the county will be entering into with the Tx DPS is to motivate people to pay their unpaid traffic tickets. Continued See Commissioners on page 10
We put waterlines where you need them:
Commissioners Court – Unpaid Ticket 9/28/21System/ 2/16/21 Curbside Voting Machines/Blessing Shared
HWY 82 EAST P.O. BOX 1597 SHERMAN, TX 75091
Water Lines Installed
Monday 10-4-21 - Salmon Croquette, Buttered Corn, Diced
Beets, Hushpuppies, Rocky Road Pudding Tuesday 10-5-21 - Chicken and Dumplings, Peas & Carrots, Cauliflower, Fresh Fruit Wednesday 10-6-21 - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Cornbread, Peach Cobbler Thursday 10-7-21 - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Broccoli, Hominy, Garlic Breadstick, Oatmeal Cookie Friday 10-8-21 - Chicken Tenders with Cream Gravy, Carrots, Green Beans, Wheat Roll, Fresh Fruit
2 Yard Dumpster $70.00 4 Yard Dumpster $105.00 Regular Service $26.00 / Month with 1 cart provided
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Section A Page 10 • October 5, 2021 • 903-583-3280 • www.fannincountyleader.us
Commissioners Continued from page 9
Under this system, those who have been issued citations that have not been resolved (paid) and have “failed to appear” to a summons regarding those citations, will be entered into a databank that is linked with the driver license system that will not allow them to renew their license until the unpaid tickets are taken care of. In addition, there will be a $10.00 fee attached to each unpaid citation that will not be waived. Taking part in this system will be of no cost to the county and the county will receive $4.00 of the $10.00 fees with $6.00 going to Tx DPS. JP
Karl stated that in the past six years, there have been approximately $136,000 of unpaid citations in his precinct. After some discussion, the motion was made by Commissioner Lane and seconded by Commissioner Magness to approve the agreement. Motion passed. 7. Discussion regarding EMS monthly report for August 2021: Bonham Fire Chief Scott Ridley reported 410 EMS responses for August, though not all of those resulted in a transport. He said motor vehicle accidents are up and hopes those go down soon. Commissioner Magness asked if a collection problem existed for his department. Chief Ridley stated due to various reasons,
they typically collect 80% of billing. 8. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve Resolution authorizing the County Grant Program, the Year 2022, for Tri-County Senior Nutrition Project and have County Judge sign on behalf of the County: Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple said this is something that occurs every year. Judge Moore stated there would be $2,178.00 to be used for this program between 10/1/2021 and 9/30/2022. Commissioner Lackey made the motion to approve with Commissioner Self seconding and motion passing. 9. Discussion, consideration, and action to add
Blackland Star Motors
77" x 10' Backgate Red or Black $
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Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church 3375 S HWY 121 Bonham, TX 75418 CARNIVAL FOOD PETTING ZOO FACE PAINTING
Free Admission & Everyone is Welcome! Bring the Whole Family!
title of Floodplain Manager to Troy Hudson, EMC, beginning October 1, 2021: Judge Moore spoke on this explaining in response to a citizen’s question, that this added responsibility was basically to look at the property and determine if that property is located in a floodplain and oversee the county’s floodplain policy. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness, seconded by Commissioner Lane, and passed. 10. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve minutes from 09/07/2021 (S) and )9/09/2021 (S): Motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve minutes. 11. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the purchase of 26 Hart Intercivic-Verity 2.5 “Duo-Go” portable voting systems from the CARES Act Funds to assist with curbside voting: Fannin County Clerk Tammy Biggar explained why these are necessary. She provided information to the court on the machines and said the cost would be $40,050. In response to the question of how many each voting location would have, she responded there will be two machines for each voting site except for a few very small sites which will have one machine shared between the two parties. Commissioner Magness made the motion, with Commissioner Lane seconding the motion to approve and the motion passed. 12. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding the distribution of Un-
claimed Property Capital Credits received in the amount of $122,009.21: Director of the Creative Arts Center, Jennifer Wilson, thanked the court for consideration of their facility to benefit from these funds. She gave reasons why the Center is deserving of that consideration and how free programs at the center benefit children, teens, senior citizens, and animals. Next to speak was Fannin County Children’s Center Director Sandy Barber who said there were twelve children on a waiting list for counseling who are victims of child sexual abuse. She stated how $50,000.00 could cover the salary of a mental health professional that could address that waiting list. Judge Moore explained that because the US Forest Service told him there could be no agreement for the county to have years to make payments on the money needed to get Fannin Lake back into county ownership, Fannin Lake would be excluded from being one of the recipients of this money. He then stated three added benches for the Courthouse would cost $7,509.23. With that in mind, he said after taking that amount from the $122,009.21, he felt the remainder of the money could be divided between the Children’s Center, the Libraries, Child Welfare, Bonham Chamber of Commerce, and the Creative Arts Center. After some discussion, it was decided the entity of Bonham Chamber of Commerce would be changed to Cham-
bers of Commerce in Honey Grove, Ladonia, Leonard, Trenton, and Bonham. In response to questions from citizens why other organizations were not included, he explained they did not fit the criteria to be a recipient. The first amount noted to be given to the five entities was $19,083.33 but the Leader was informed the correct amount would be $22,899.99 given to each entity with the Libraries of Bonham, Honey Grove, and Leonard splitting the $22,899.99 and the Chambers of Commerces of Honey Grove, Ladonia, Leonard, Trenton and Bonham doing the same. A motion was made by Commissioner Self to approve option one and seconded by Commissioner Magness to approve this distribution with it being noted that this donation would be in lieu of the amount that was budgeted to give the Children’s Center and Child Welfare in next year’s budget. Motion passed. 13. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the purchase of desk and chair for the office of Environmental Development Director; not to exceed $650.00: Fannin County Purchasing Agent Michelle Case explained why this was needed and the motion was made by Commissioner Magness, seconded by Commissioner Lane to purchase with the funds to come out of contingency and motion passed. Continued
See Commissioners on page 11
Boxes available at The Fannin County Leader!
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Medium grade boxes, used only once
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Section A Page 11 • October 5, 2021
Todd Russell
Fruit Trees•Flowering Shrubs Pansies•Dianthus•Snapdragons Flowering Kale & Cabbage•Swiss Chard
Daniel’s Nursery
1460 FM 273, Bonham (Lake Bonham RD) • 903-227-3487 • 903-486-1356
2021: Michelle Case stated the ninety days would afford the time needed to obtain bids for a new contract. A motion was made by Commissioner Lane, seconded by Commissioner Magness, and passed. 15. Discussion, consideration, and action to hire The Roof Doctor to replace
Continued from page 10
14. Discussion, consideration, and action to extend the County’s Depository Account contract with Legend Bank for an additional ninety days; September 28, 2021, thru December 27,
TECL #36038 / ME #531118 Damon Wilder Owner/Master Electrician Residential/Commercial
the roof at the South Annex for his quoted price of $17,040.00; to come from FKY 2022 Contingency for R&M purposes: Michelle explained how this bid was the lowest of three bids and Commissioner Lane made the motion to approve with Commissioner Magness seconding motion and motion
passed. 16. Discussion, consideration, and action to extend current belly dump trailer leases for Precincts 2 and 3 for 6 months at $500.00 per month starting October 1, 2021: Michelle Case explained how this extension is done periodically and Commissioner Self made the motion with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion and motion passed. 17. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the Resolution relating to application for the 2022 Fannin County Indigent Defense Formula Grant Program and authorize County Judge to sign Resolution on behalf of Fannin County: Alicia Whipple explained this is a yearly resolution that will allow the county to apply for grants to offset some of the indigent costs to the county. After Judge Moore read the resolution, the motion was made by Commissioner Magness, seconded by Commissioner Self and the motion passed. 18. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve a budget amendment to increase Road & Bridge #3 budget: add $4,000.00 to revenue Reimbursement of Materials 230-370-1450 and $4,000.00 to R&B Materials Culverts 230-623-3420: Commissioner Magness explained why this was necessary and a motion was made by Commissioner Magness, seconded by Commissioner Lane and passed. 19. Discussion, consideration, and action to move $848.95 from 100-3701310 (Insurance Loss Payments) to 100-560-4540 (R&M Auto, Sheriff) for damage on the unit due to hailstorm: Alicia Whipple explained this was the last check from the insurance company for hail damage repair. Commissioner Self made the motion to move the money, with Commissioner Lane seconding the motion and the motion passed. 20. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding issuing a burn ban for Fannin County: Fannin County Emergency Management Coordinator Troy Hudson spoke on why a burn ban is very much needed. He stated there have been quite a few fires in the past two weeks. Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve issuing a burn ban for Fannin County with Commis-
wildwestelectricllc@gmail.com sioner Lackey seconding and the motion passed. Judge Moore reminded citizens that this means there are to be no more fires in the county till the ban is lifted. 21. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve payment of bills: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve payment of bills. 22. Public Forum: The first to speak was a citizen of Bonham who is a den leader for Cub Scout Pack 54, who spoke to inform the public of a sign-up/recruitment event occurring Tuesday, October 5th at 7:00 p.m. at the IW Evans cafeteria. Girls and boys in kindergarten through the 5th grade will be eligible to sign up. Cub Scout weekly den meetings are held on Monday nights at 6:00 p.m. at the 1st Presbyterian Church in Bonham with monthly Pack meetings as well. He said more information can be found on their Facebook page “Pack 54 Bonham, Tx.” The next to speak was a citizen of Ravenna who spoke to expound on the toxic characteristics of the Covid Vaccines and promote the journalistic reports covering the topic on ProjectVeritas.com. After quoting Isaiah 5:13 he urged those aware of the toxicity of the vaccines, the high number of vaccinated who are becoming infected with Covid, and how Japan is now recommending their doctors to use ivermectin in treating patients with Covid, to tell others. The next speaker, also from Ravenna, gave numbers from the CDC VAERS (vaccine adverse events reporting system,) stating that it is believed these numbers only represent 1% of the actual numbers. Those numbers as of September 17th being: 726,963 reports of adverse events; 15,386 deaths; 82,000 urgent care visits, over 2,000 miscarriages; over 7,000 heart attacks; 6,800 myocarditis reports, and over 40,000 people permanently disabled. She urged people to become informed before deciding to receive a Covid vaccine. 23. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding the Fannin County Declaration of Disaster Proclamation for Covid-19: Before giving the stats of Covid, Judge Moore explained that this would be the last Proclamation for Covid-19 as it would just continue until
rescinded. That said he stated that there are currently 4,526 total cases of Covid; with active cases dropping from 80 last week to 67 this week; 4,419 recovered; 132 fatalities which increased from last week’s 128; 6 of the 67 active cases are in the prison; and the hospitalization rate has come down from 20.26% to 17.85%. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness to accept the Disaster Proclamation, seconded by Commissioner Self and a motion passed. 24. Comments by County Commissioners and County Judge: Commissioner Lane thanked everyone for coming, recognized former Commissioner Whitlock’s attendance, commented on possible rain but urged everyone to notify their neighbors of the burn ban that is in effect, and wished all a good week. Commissioner Self agreed with Commissioner Lane’s comments, noting it was also good to see the Sheriff in attendance and wished all a good week. Commissioner Magness echoed the previous sentiments and said this and next week there will be a lot of road work going on and asked for people to be considerate of the workers and exert caution on the road. Commissioner Lackey said after a trip to Colorado last week, it was good to be home, thanked everyone for coming and echoed Commissioner Magness’s comments on the road work, and asked everyone to be safe. (Writer’s note: Commissioner Lackey stated after the meeting that he did get to sign the Resolution letter from the previous meeting, standing with the Governor against a vaccine mandate, before the letter was sent to the Governor) Judge Moore said he was pleased to be able to get funding to the various resources in the county and appreciated the Commissioners input on that, commented on how he is giving thought to the Battery Storage thing and whether or not it would be good or bad for the county. He concluded with how good it was to see everyone at the meeting and all the good communication taking place. 25. Adjourn: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn at 10:27 a.m.
Section A Page 12 •October 5, 2021 • 903-583-3280 • www.fannincountyleader.us The Fannin County Leader is a FREE publication, to all residents in Fannin County, thanks to our Advertisers. Without you, the advertiser, The Leader would not be able to deliver to every home in Fannin County every week for FREE. Each week we want to recognize our advertisers and say “thank you” for making the Leader possible.
This week we want to recognize
Fruit Trees•Flowering Shrubs for 8 Years! Advertiser in the Leader Pansies•Dianthus•Snapdragons THANK YOU ! Flowering Kale & Cabbage•Swiss Chard
Daniel’s Nursery
1460 FM 273, Bonham (Lake Bonham RD) • 903-227-3487 • 903-486-1356
See page 11 for Daniel’s Nursery Display Ad
$500 PER TEAM TOP HAnD (4 Man Team) EVEnTS:
2 0 2 1
check in time starts at 6:30 P.M.
WILD COW MILKInG CHUCKWAGON WILL BE OPEN DOCTORInG Kids Mutton Busting Hamburgers, Hot Dogs & TRAILER LOADInG Ages 6 & Under Homemade Peach Cobbler SORTInG Books Open: 7:00pm NO ENTRY F WILD BROnC RIDInG
EE CASH AWARD LIMITED TO 10 TEAMS, NO MAN ON TWO TEAMS Books open Monday Oct. 11th, Close Friday Oct. 15th Call between 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. daily: Bryant 903-413-6856
CASH ONLY, NO CHECKS, SS# Needed Before Payout Stock Producer: BIG L CATTLE COMPANY
Fannin County Fair
Wee Miss Contestants
Callie Self
Aubree Griffin
Nora Pike
Maci Sells
Charlotte Latimer
October 5, 2021• Section B, Page 1
Emma Griffin
Haven Maidens
“Thank you to all our customers and community!”
Section B, Page 2 • October 5, 2021
Specializing in Windshields
Come Out And Enjoy The Fair!
Kirk’s Collision All Insurance Claims Welcome
Honey Grove Bonham (903) 378-2200 (903) 583-5522 MEMBER Fax (903) 378-2436 Fax (903) 583-2436 FDIC P.O. Box 9 P.O. Box 160 www.fanninbank.com 901 E. Main 230 E. 3rd
903-640-0000 702 N. Main, Bonham, TX
2620 N. Center 106 • Bonham, TX 75418
Fannin 10/5/21 County Fair
Come Out And Enjoy The Fair!
Wee Miss Contestants
Braelynn Hall
Ellie Kate Richardson
Caisley Pittman
FANNIN CA$H ADVANCE 2501 N. Center Bonham, TX 75418 903-640-8078
We offer financial solutions with local decision making that help meet your financial challenges. We take great pride in being a community bank by supporting our communities and giving back to those that have given us so much. If this sounds like your kind of bank – we’d love to meet you! Emery Ashmore
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Equal Housing Lender. NMLS# 400025.
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October 5, 2021• Section B, Page 3
Come see our booth at the fair! We are giving away 2 baskets!
Enjoy The Fair!
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Enjoy The Fair!
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Cell: 903-647-0832 Office: 903-505-5680
Wee 10/5/21 Miss Contestants 10/5/21
1899 Recreation Rd. #3 Bonham, Texas 75418 License # 0S0006068 We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Fannin County Fair Haven Czajkowski
Kalani Kampfer
Barry & Kim Williams 10/5/21
Ella Burkard
Abigail Schulze
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Azlyn Esquivel
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© Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2021. 20% Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 84 months on purchases of new Kubota BV and DMC series equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Example: 84 monthly payments of $11.90 per $1,000 financed. $2,500 Loyalty discount on each new BV and DMC series model purchased is available to retail customers who have purchased a Kubota Tractor, Mower, Construction Equipment, RTV, Hay Tool or Vicon Hay Tool serialized based unit from 2011 or newer. Loyalty discount excludes National Accounts and cannot be combined with Competitive or High Profile discounts. Offer expires 7/31/21. Terms subject to change. This material is for descriptive purposes only. Kubota disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, or any liability from the use of this material. For complete warranty, disclaimer, safety, incentive offer and product information, consult your Dealer or KubotaUSA.com. 1KBB03398_HAY_BALER_F1_7-1_0623.indd
Section B, Page 4 • October 5, 2021
Fannin County Fair
Little Miss Contestants
Ava Gibbs
Charlotte Morrison
Brooklyn Hubbard
Ella McClung
Y TRASH SERVICE COUNT Office: 903-583-3610
Jessie Shepard
Kali Marsh
Barry & Kim Williams
Windom Feed Sack 10.5.21
us Famoeafood &S Fish uffet B ng ooki C e Hom uffet B
Casual Dining And Buffet
Come see us before you go to the Fair! HOME COOKING BUFFET
• 10 minutes from Bonham • Food ready when you get here!
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October 5, 2021• Section B, Page 5
Bonham Cleaner
“Taking Care of the Way People Hear”
Thank You For Your Business! FRESHER • CLEANER • LONGER
1901 St. Hwy 121 Bonham 903.640.5090
Fannin County Fair
903-583-7900 1717 N. Center Street, Bonham, TX 75418 www.careyhearingcenters.com
Little Miss Contestants10/5/21
Lynleigh Schuster Kinsley McCommas
Peyton Person
Laney Burkard
Palmer Turner
Justin Miller Cell: 903-804-8505 Office: 903-583-7867
Section B, Page 6 • October 5, 2021
Blake Utter Ford
215 Hwy 75 N Denison, Texas 75020 www. blakeutterford.com
Bob Utter Ford Lincoln Kia
2525 Texoma Parkway Sherman Texas 75092 www.bobutterford.com
October 5, 2021• Section B, Page 7
Congrats, Fair Participants!
Galyon Insurance & Travel
Welcome to the Fair!
1580 FM 273 • 903.449.1677 License #M-39736 • #OS0028077
Fannin County Fair
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We now have small and large equipment rentals!
Little Miss Contestants 10/5/21
Sarah Richardson
Phoebe McClung
Ruby Calaway
Skyla Norris
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*Toy Haulers* *Travel Trailers* *New and Used Sales* Find us on Facebook
Mobile Repair Service Parts
903-200-8452 903-200-8426
Section B, Page 8 • October 5, 2021
Lucky Dragon Chinese Buffet (delivery available in Bonham)
ALL YOUR SAND & GRAVEL NEEDS! Have a Great Time at the
Fannin County Fair! Robert & Laura Stephens Bailey, TX 75413 Mobile: 903-227-0513 or 903-227-7918
Lunch Special Only - $699 Lunch Buffet 11am- 3pm - $799 Dinner Buffet 3:30pm-9:00pm - $899 Children are - $429
We Do Catering! Dine In • Order To Go • To Go Buffet • Party Tray
705 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. • Bonham, Tx • 903-583-2146
800 East 2nd Street Bonham, TX 75418
Fannin 10/5/21
County Fair
Enjoy the Fair Phone: 903.449.4622 Fax: 903.449.4623
Princess Contestants
McClanahan and Holmes, LLP
Charlotte Reed
Brylee Swadley
Emory Bates
Steve Mohundro, CPA, Teffany Kavanaugh, CPA, April Hatfield, CPA 1400 W. Russell, Bonham (903) 583-5574
Anna Schulze
10/5/21 Bank with the
HomeTeam Locally Owned & Trusted Since 1890 Personalized, Local Home Loans Commercial and Small Business Loans One of the Largest Cattle Lenders in North Texas Downtown Bank
502 N. Center Street | Bonham | 903-583-2163
Convenience Center
2232 N. Center Street | Bonham | 903-583-2163
www.legend.bank Equal Housing Lender All loans subject to credit approval. Member FDIC
Aydrie Gibbs
Pailyn Payne
Fannin County Fair Schedule Wednesday - October 6th
8am Market Broiler Show followed by Breeding Poultry Show 8:30am Market Fryer Show followed by Breeding Rabbits 10am Let’s Get Cooking Contest, Expo Building Noon Breeding Lamb Show followed by Market Lamb Show & Sale Order 1pm Dairy Goat Show followed by Breeding, Market & Sale Order 4 - 9pm Vendor Booths Open 6pm- 10pm Carnival Rides Open, Arm Bands on Sale
Thursday - October 7th 8am Breeding Swine Show followed by Market Swine Show & Sale Order 10am - 12pm Petting Zoo Open, East Side of Expo Building 11am Agriculture Mechanics Show Noon Floral Show 4 - 9pm Vendor Booths Open 5pm Fair Parade, Bonham Square 5 - 9pm Petting Zoo Open, East Side of Expo Building Mechanical Bull Rides, East Side of Expo Building 6 - 10pm Carnival Rides Open, Arm Bands on Sale 6:30pm Little Miss Pageant, Inside Stage
Friday - October 8th 8am Dairy Cattle Show 8:30am Market Steer Show and Sale Order 8:30am “Thumper” The Punkin Cannon Test Session 10am Replacement Heifer Show Firing of “Thumper” Punkin Cannon 10am - 12pm Petting Zoo Open, East Side of Expo Building 4 - 9pm Vendor Booths Open 5pm Firing of “Thumper” Punkin Cannon 5 - 9pm Petting Zoo Opens, East Side of Expo Building Mechanical Bull Rides, East Side of Expo Building 6 - 10pm Carnival Rides Open, Arm Bands on Sale 6:30pm Pedal Tractor Pull Wee Miss & Princess Pageant, Inside Stage 7pm Lone Star Garden Tractor Pull 7pm Pedal Tractor Pull Registration Open, Ages 4-12 can sign up! West Side of Expo Center 7pm Concert: Bois D’Arc Red Band, Outside Stage Firing “Thumper” Punkin Cannon 9pm
Concert: Bailey Rae, Outside Stage
See F C Fair on page 10
October 5, 2021• Section B, Page 9
Have Fun At The Fannin County Fair! DOBBELS PLUMBING
Enjoy the Fair!
•FREE Home Delivery •Easy Prescription Transfers •Fast Friendly Service •Wide Range Of Gift Items •CUSTOM COMPOUNDING Now Available
License # M-39756 Phone # 903-486-6977
Fannin 10/5/21 County Fair
Norwood Bookkeeping
Full Service Pharmacy 2108 N. Center St. Bonham, TX 75418 (903) 583.8017 (903) 583.4232 Fax
2501 North Center Bonham, TX 75418
Income Tax Service
Office 903.583.3903 Fax 903.583.5142
With over 45 years of experience we are here to serve you with all of your income tax and bookkeeping needs.
Princess Contestants
Meleah Crossland
Kinslee Lambright
Kodi Dorau
Rani Flanery
Lillian Liebel
Good luck to all participants at the fair!
Brinlee Smith
Shumardii’S Bonham’S Family reStaurant
Fannin County’s Banking Beyond Expectations Bonham Leonard
Melissa Trenton
Premier Quality Family
Steak House 226 S. Hwy 121 • Bonham, TX 903-640-0900 Open Every Day: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Section B, Page 10 • October 5, 2021
Fannin County Fair
Duchess Contestants
Addisyn Reiter
Ally Harris
Ashlynn Cook
Fannin County Fair Schedule
Continued from page 8
Welcome to the
Fannin County Fair! Bobby W Eaton Agent
2110 N Center Bonham, TX 75418-2628 Bus 903-583-9131 bob.eaton.b4uc@statefarm.com
The greatest compliment you can give is a referral.
Saturday - October 9th
8am PeeWee Rodeo 9am TJRA Youth Rodeo Registered Heifer Show 10am - 4pm Antique Car show, West Side of Expo Building 10 - 9pm Petting Zoo Open, East Side of Expo Building Mechanical Bull Rides, East Side of Expo Building 10am - 10pm Vendor Booths Open 10:30 Antique Tractor Pulls 11am Firing of “Thumper” Punkin Cannon 12 - 3:30pm Shawnda Rains Entertainment Group & Kathleen’s Dance Studio, Inside Stage Noon Lone Star Garden Tractor Pull TBA Duchess Pageant, Inside Stage 1 - 5pm Carnival Open, Arm Bands on Sale 2pm Firing of “Thumper” Punkin Cannon 4pm Replacement Heifer Sale 5pm Buyers Meal 5:30pm
Firing of “Thumper” Punkin Cannon
Proudly10/5/21 Sponsored By:
Kammie Shelton
903-583-3937 coletitle@coletitle.org 10-05-21 Paislee Wallace
Owned By Those We Serve Members Owned Since 1937
Proud Sponsor of the Fannin County Fair Pageant Contestants 1530 Silo Road • P.O. Box 250 Bonham, Texas Ph: 903-583-2117 • Fax: 903-583-7384 Toll Free: 1-800-695-9020
October 5, 2021• Section B, Page 11
Queen Contestants Our Texas 6 - Pack Makes A Great Gift!
Fannin County Fair
Ashley Vasquez
Available at our location and can be shipped anywhere in the continental United States.
Hell On The Red, Inc.
13716 E. FM 273 • Telephone, TX
903-664-2573 Call for pricing, hours, and any other information.
FREE 9 Month Lay-A-Way 12 Months No Interest Financing With Credit Approval!
Thank you for your business!
Cesli Crum
Mercedez Oliver
Fannin County Fair Schedule
Continued from page 10
6pm Premium Sale & Shop Division Sale & Best of Canned/Baked Goods Sale Pedal Tractor Pull Registration Open, Age 4-12 can sign up!, West Side of Expo Center 6:30pm Pedal Tractor Pull 6 - 10pm Carnival Open, Tickets on Sale 6:30pm Queen Pageant, Inside Stage 7pm Team Roping Firing of “Thumper” Punkin Cannon
1608 N. Center St. Bonham, TX 75418
Good10/5/21 Luck To All Fannin County Fair Participants!
Serving the real estate needs of FANNIN COUNTY
Sunday - October 10th Lily Goodwin
9am TJRA Youth Rodeo
Section B, Page 12 • October 5, 2021
Queen Contestants Fannin County Fair
Lexington Williams
Have A Great Time
At The Fair! Come visit us at our Bonham location at the corner of N. Pecan Street & HWY 82 E
10/5/21 Kenli Hardy
Packing Supplies-Self Inking Stamps Copies-Business Cards-Faxing Freight Service-Circle E Candles 215 East Third Bonham, Texas 75418 (Behind the Post Office)
T. & Diane Moore Tel: 903-583-1989 Fax: 903-640-2865
LOS AMIGOS 10/1/19
Haley Boggess
Mexican Restaurant
505 North Main • Bonham, Tx
Mon. - Wed. 11 am - 9 pm Thurs. - Sat. 11 am - 9:30 pm • Closed Sunday
Triniti Zachary
Section A Page 13 • October 5, 2021
Bois d’Arc Lake: Through the Dam and Downstream Lake Weir and Bridge
Press Release - Photo by NTMWD Bois d’Arc Lake’s newly completed labyrinth weir is a zigzag
structure that allows overflow from the reservoir at the dam site to continue into
Willow Branch Creek. When the lake is full, water will flow downstream through the creek at the same rate it did before the reservoir was built. The finished weir and spillway are designed to release water up to the 100year flood. The reservoir also has an emergency spillway in case more capacity is needed. During dry conditions, the raw water pump station is equipped to draw and release water into the spillway to support downstream sections of Willow Branch Creek. Crews are constructing a 100-foot-long-by-9-foot-wide bridge over the weir to give staff access to the dam for maintenance. The bridge’s beams have been placed, and the deck panels, concrete pours and guard rails will be finished over the next month.
Now Open Parts & Service
Fannin County Mobile Food Pantry
Looking for Native American Indians, Alaskan Natives, or Native Hawaiians needing assistance finding employment or vocational training. Must be a member of a U.S. Federally recognized tribe with a supporting document from a U.S. Federally recognized Tribe’s Tribal Rolls and Records office & reside within our designated service area in TX.
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West side of City Hall Drive thru-we will load your car!
Section A Page 14 • October 5, 2021 • 903-583-3280 • www.fannincountyleader.us
Rock Dirks
214-790-5850 Oct 30: Rocktober Costume Party Concert for a Cause
3301 FM 3218 #421 Commerce, TX 75428
All Ages! Live Music, Costume Contest, Raffles, and More celebrate the season as 9/7/21 you enjoy a one-of-a-
BONHAM, Texas— On Saturday, October 30 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.,
kind Rocktober Costume
Party Concert at Powder Creek Pavillion (520 S. Center Street, Bonham, TX 75418) to benefit a special charity cause. Enjoy three dynamic performances on one stage in the heart of Bonham plus a costume contest, raffles, a memorabilia auction, and more. Enjoy performances from hometown favorite 78 LIVE, Pro 38 special tribute 38 Special Delivery, and TexasModern DAY Cowboys, a Tribute to TESLA and multi-year winners of the best hard rock/blues tribute in the Texas. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Tickets are $10 general admission ($15 at the door day-of), or $75 to $100 for a VIP table. Children under 13 are free. Register online: https://www. outhousetickets.com/ Event/17997-Costume_ Party_Concert/ Costume contest is open to adults 18 and older (contest is familyfriendly). Make a $5 cash donation to enter. First place wins $100, second place wins $50, and third place wins $25. Raffle is $5 per ticket or 5 tickets for $20—must be present to win. All proceeds from Rocktober will benefit
Walker & Son Flooring Over 50 years of floorcovering in Fannin County
Gloria Walker Owner 903-583-3510 404 N Center St. Bonham, Tx 75418 walker.son@gmail.com
a critical cause: Help Hope Live, a national medical fundraising charity, in honor of local kidney transplant recipient James Michael McLester. By supporting the nonprofit Help Hope Live, the event will help to defray some of James’s critical posttransplant medical costs. Can’t attend? You can make a donation in honor of James McLester online at any time at: https://helphopelive. org/campaign/4543/. McLester is grateful to his life-saving living kidney donor and proud to “raise awareness through education and my autobiography to impart hope, especially in these challenging times, to all kidney
patients like me and anyone in need of an organ transplant.” Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all funds raised will offset medical expenses via Help Hope Live’s SouthCentral Transplant Fund. Help Hope Live verifies all campaigns and medical costs. Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $141 million to pay patient expenses.
Moses Snow (Images of the King Champion) Comes to Bonham
Press Release - Since the last time Moses Snow came to Bonham. He won the “Images of the King” contest in Memphis Tennessee. That’s right we have the 2021 champion returning to Bonham. The Spirit of Elvis show is coming Sat. Oct. 9th at 8pm with Moses Snow & George Dickerson. Moses Snow has the talent and Rock & Roll flare along with moves, facial expressions, and eye contact that is very reminiscent of the once young Elvis Presley. Moses’ performances will take you back to Memphis, Tennessee in the 50s when Elvis’ raw talent hit the radio, getting kids into Rock & Roll. His tribute to the King has taken
Farm & Ranch Consignment Auction Accepting Consignments Now!
Saturday, October 23rd @ 0930 AM 1659 W Hwy 56 Bonham, Tx 75418 Auctioneer Note: Onsite & Online Auction @ www.equipmentfacts.com Cash Or Check Only - Bring trailers to load out. TRACTORS - COTTON EQUIPMENT - CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - TILLAGE - HAY EQUIPMENTFERTILIING EQUIPMENT - CATTLE EQUIPMENT - VEHICLES- TRAILERS - AND MUCH MORE
UPCOMING AUCTIONS: Check our website for upcoming auctions.
JIMMY PAGE 903-815-2705 OR TODD WASHINGTON 806-269-7800 www.northtexasauction.com LIC # 17054
him all over the United States and Internationally, from Canada to Germany and more! You will be blown away at his live performances from the voice to the moves, to the overall experience with his phenomenal tribute to Elvis Aaron Presley! George Dickerson singing a little bit of country and rock and roll!! Is a talented singer that done allot of touring with Ronnie McDowell. Gates open 1 hour prior to the published show start time. All tickets are general admission $15 at the gate and online. Local tickets can be purchased at the Creative Arts Center here in Bonham.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag ”I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Online Tickets: http://www.outhousetickets. c o m / Ve n u e / P o w d e r _ Creek_Pavilion Venue: Powder Creek Pavilion (903)227-1911 520 S. Center St. Bonham, TX 75418 3 blocks S. of the square on Hwy 78.
Fannin County Commissioners Contact Information
Precinct 1 Commissioner Edwina Lane Pct. Barn Location: 8865 Highway 56 W (2 miles east of Savoy) Savoy, Texas 75479 Phone: 903-965-7030 Email Address: elane@fanninco.net Precinct 2 Commissioner A.J. Self Pct. Barn Location: 500 N. Highway 69 Leonard, Texas 75452 Phone: 903-587-3455 Email Address: aself@fanninco.net
Precinct 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness Pct. Barn Location: 18101 East FM 1396 (Just off Hwy 82) Honey Grove, Texas 75446 Phone: 903-378-2941 Email Address: precinct3@fanninco.net Precinct 4 Commissioner Dean Lackey Pct. Barn Location: 1369 East Highway 56 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone: 903-583-2039 Email Address: dlackey@fanninco.net
Section A Page 15 • October 5, 2021
Fishin’ Report
Biologists Remind Landowners and Hunters to Be Mindful of CWD Ahead of Deer Season
Oct. 1, 2021 Media Contact: TPWD News, Business Hours, 512-389-8030 AUSTIN – With the opening of deer season on the horizon, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) biologists are asking that hunters and landowners throughout the state be mindful of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) as new cases of the disease have been discovered in individual locations within multiple counties throughout Texas. The new positive cases were found in a free-ranging mule deer in Lubbock County, as well as within seven captive deer breeding facilities in Hunt, Uvalde, Matagorda, Mason, and Duval counties. TPWD is concerned that CWD could have been introduced into free-ranging deer herds on properties that received deer from these deer breeding facilities where CWD positive animals were discovered. More than 1,700 deer were released to high fence pastures in 119 properties scattered across the
state. These maps depict counties that contain properties where those deer were released and the number of potentially CWD exposed deer that were released by county. The level of suspected risk for these properties that received released deer exposed to CWD is of significant concern to TPWD. The movement of live deer is readily accepted as the greatest risk of spreading CWD across the state. Eradication of CWD is very difficult if not impossible when established in free-ranging deer populations and in the environment. TPWD and the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) have been working diligently to conduct epidemiological investigations and establish testing plans for those release sites in hopes of preventing CWD from becoming established in the freeranging deer populations. These recent discoveries of new cases bring the total number of CWD positive deer to 261 in 14 counties. To date,
168 of those positives are associated with captive breeding facilities, 25 from release sites associated with those positive captive breeding facilities, and 68 in free-ranging deer populations. Fifty-seven of the freerange positives are in the Trans Pecos and Texas panhandle, with the remaining 11 in Medina and Val Verde counties. CWD surveillance of hunter-harvested deer, road-kills, and sick deer is critical for early detection and containment of the disease. Landowners and hunters play a critical role in managing CWD and are encouraged to report any tagged deer, or deer that appear to be sick or behaving strangely, to a TPWD biologist. Anyone hunting deer this season is encouraged to voluntarily provide samples for testing by taking deer to the nearest check station or by contacting a biologist in their area. Learn more about CWD on the TPWD web site or the TAHC web site.
the party boat was denied access to the marina. However, the marina was kind enough to provide a legal captain and lease the party another vessel to finish their celebration. Deep in the Weeds Jackson County Game Wardens were patrolling the coastal area of Jackson County for fisheries enforcement. They observed two individuals sitting in a truck at a local boat ramp of Carancahua Bay. There were kayaks in the bed of the truck and fish in a trash bag. The individual on the driver’s side appeared nervous
during conversation. One of the wardens asked the subject numerous times if there was anything illegal in the vehicle. The male subject changed the topic each time. Eventually, he stated that there was a little bit of weed in the vehicle. After conducting a search of the vehicle numerous drugs were discovered and seized including: 17 grams of methamphetamine, a THC vape pen, and thirty pills of hydrocodone and amphetamine. The male subject was arrested on four narcotics charges and a parole warrant.
Game Warden Field Notes
Trial by Fire A Polk County Game Warden responded to a boat fire on Lake Livingston. Upon arriving, the warden observed five individuals swimming in the water near a boat engulfed in flames. A young boy swimming from the flames stated he was tired and could not swim well. The warden removed his gun belt, swam toward the boy, and pulled him to safety. He noticed another individual struggling to swim and assisted him safely back to shore. The boat fire was extinguished by Onalaska Volunteer Fire Department. All occupants of the vessel were safe and uninjured. X Marks the Spot Bell County Game Wardens were contacted by a local landowner’s agent who was on the property hunting hogs when he came across a male individual digging for arrowheads without the landowner’s permission. Wardens arrived on the scene and discovered an eight-foot hole the suspect had dug and several artifacts. The wardens arrested the digger. The suspect had a lengthy criminal history and had recently been released from the penitentiary. He was charged with antiquities code violations, criminal trespass, and criminal mischief. Cases are pending. Party Foul A Travis County Game Warden issued multiple citations to an individual operating an illegal party boat. In an attempt to skirt party boat regulations and avoid trespassing charges, the captain of the vessel coached the attendees of a bachelorette party to announce themselves to the marina as “friends”. Consequentially,
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Thursday Morning Fishing. Thanks Guy’s For Fishing With Us Out Of The Lighthouse Marina. Be Safe And God Bless. • 6 HOUR TRIPS • COMPANY TRIPS AVAILABLE • PRIVATE CHARTERS • BAIT & TACKLE FURNISHED • FISH CLEANED & BAGGED
or Hunting!
Austin Holland, age 10, showing off his first pair of Canadian Geese that he harvested on Oct. 25th. Send YOUR FISHING OR HUNTING pictures to fcleader@verizon. net, attention Tim or text to 903-227-5702, for FREE publication on the Outdoor Page.
Week of September 29, 2021 Cooper GOOD. Water lightly stained; 76 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on deep diving crankbaits, black or red plastic worms, chatter baits, and football jigs. The white bass and hybrids are good over humps and flats using silver or white slabs and chartreuse swimbaits. Crappie are fair with minnows working brush piles and timber in 16-25 feet of water. Catfish are good on punch bait and chicken liver. Fork GOOD. Water lightly stained; 80 degrees; 1.82 feet low. Largemouth bass are good. Try topwaters at first light on main lake points and secondary points 1-3 feet deep using a KVD Sexy Dawg and Yellow Magics. Later, try shaky heads worms with Yum dingers 4-inches or Lake Fork Tackle, Baby Ring Fry, in 5-8 feet of water. Early morning bite in water depths 2-5 feet mid cove to the backs of coves using ZMan chatterbaits. The midmorning bite is in 10-15 feet of water, and the bream beds using Carolina or Texas rigs, 10-inch worms in blue or green flake. Transitioning midday to shad colored deep diving Xcite XB-5 crankbait 3-5 feet. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs near brush piles, bridge pillars, and timber. Catfish are good using dough bait in 25-35 feet of water. Grapevine FAIR. Water lightly stained; 83 degrees; 0.64 feet low. Largemouth bass are fair on spinners, shaky heads, Texas-rigged plastic worms, swimbaits, and diving crankbaits near brush piles, points, and docks. White bass are good near main lake channels, flats, and points using slabs, swimbaits, and jigging spoons. Crappie are fair on minnows in marinas and brush piles. Catfish are fair on chicken liver, live bait, and earthworms. Lavon GOOD. Water lightly stained; 78 degrees; 3.15 feet low. Bluegill sunfish are absolutely on fire. White bass are slow with small pockets here and there of approximately 30 to 75 fish per school. Try casting 1-ounce slabs in white. Crappie are good at trolling in water depths of 14-feet. Submerged timber is holding the larger fish. Black bass
are great using Tattle Tale worms, creature baits, and 3 foot and 12-foot divers. The lake is down, leaving many of the structures high and dry, so they are starting to pull back into deeper water around the structures, making them easier to target. Do not be late to the lake because in the morning, on rock and concrete, you will find topwater action until around 8:30 a.m. There are a few fish in the back of coves and some pockets along the banks. The bass are using the cover to ambush shad in the morning. Ray Roberts FAIR; Water lightly stained; 76 degrees; 0.48 feet low. White bass fishing is good on the early morning topwater bite, then transitioning to deeper water later in the day with slabs and jigging spoons on points, humps, and ridges. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits, spinners, and jigs near timber, rip rac, and drop-offs. Crappie are fair on minnows around timber, bridge columns, and in brush piles. Catfish are good on chicken liver and cut bait. Texoma GOOD. Water lightly stained; 76 degrees; 2.17 feet low. Striped bass are good on live bait along the river channel with some topwater action at sunrise. White bass are good on silver slabs and white swimbaits. Largemouth bass are good fishing flukes, shaky head jigs, crankbaits, and Texas-rigged plastic worms. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs near boathouses, timber near a channel, and brush piles. Catfish are good on earthworms, chicken liver, and live bait. Toledo Bend FAIR. 71 degrees; 4.12 feet low. The tree leaves are falling, and the bass are still in the Fall transition following shad to the back of the creek on Toledo Bend Lake. The water level is holding at 167.8 feet with no generators running and no rainfall this week. The water is clear in the main lake and feeder creeks. Water temperature in mid-lake is running 71-degrees and further back up in the creeks 66-degrees.
Noticing more and more balls of shad on the surface in the morning and evenings making the migration to the creeks. Our best bite for bass has been early and late on a Topwater Fly popper (Coola Popper in Fire Tiger color) and a Stealth Goober Fly (black with a chartreuse belly) for the fly casters in the backcountry. Some spotted bass have been caught on the surface off of points on Tiny Torpedo’s (clear color) and a Zara Spook Puppy (clear with a Whitetail). The bluegill has moved off of their beds with the cooling water temperatures. Start searching in a little deeper water (5-8 feet) using a Beetle Spin and/ or live worms. The Crappie bite is still in deep water (17 – 24 feet) using small minnows and jigs. The Catfish bite has been slow. Watch your moon phase chart or app for your best bite and times for this week. Good luck and tight lines! Safety Reminder: Everyone needs to wear their life jackets (PFDs) while in or around the lake. Renew your licenses and pick up the new 2021-2022 Texas Parks & Wildlife (handbook) Outdoor Annual. It’s now 114 pages. New laws and regulations.
Texas Lake Levels +/as of 10/1/21
Arlington -4.87 Benbrook -5.98 Bonham -2.08 Bridgeport -0.95 Cedar Creek -0.93 Eagle Mountain -1.18 Fork -1.89 Granbury -0.59 Grapevine -0.73 Joe Pool -0.35 Lavon -3.32 Lewisville -0.89 Pat Mayse -1.36 Possum Kingdom -1.41 Ray Roberts -0.45 Tawakoni -1.01 Texoma -2.11 Weatherford -1.71 Whitney -1.80 Worth -1.20
Section A Page 16 • October 5, 2021
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Section A Page 17 • October 5, 2021
In loving memory of Dorothy Jo McCarley, Born: June 17 1930. United with Jesus: August 15, 2021. We will celebrate her life on October 9, 2021 at the First Baptist Church of Savoy at 2:00pm. Dorothy married Herman Ray McCarley on August 23, 1946, in Bonham, TX. He preceded her in death on May 22, 2012. She was a line supervisor at Bonham Manufacturing and worked at Texas Instruments (MEMC) in Sherman for 20 years before retiring. Dorothy enjoyed puzzles, loved gardening, and canning
Bonham-Bessie Lou (Frazier) Jones, age 95, of Bonham, TX was born on April 23, 1926 in Dunlap, TN to Willie Issac and Mary Franklin Frazier. Mrs. Jones passed away on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at Seven Oaks Nursing Center in Bonham, TX. Bessie married Leslie Caldwell Jones, Sr. on January 18, 1946 in Bonham, TX. He preceded her in death on September 20, 2010. She was a seamstress at Bonham Manufacturing. In her free times she enjoyed reading and doing puzzles. Bessie was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend. She will be greatly missed. Bessie is survived by son-Leslie Jones and wife Alice, son-Ricky Jones and wife Jane; DaughterRegina Bruce and husband Steve; grandchildren-Andrew Jones, Allen Jones and wife Kaitlin, Abigail Jones, and Allison Weaver and husband John, James Nickels
fresh vegetables. She also loved family events, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve gatherings at her home. Dorothy was a long-time member of First Baptist Church in Savoy. Dorothy is survived by her son, James Herman McCarley of Orangeville, TX and daughter, Frances Easley and husband Greg of Sherman, TX, sister, Marie Curry of Sulpher Springs, TX and daughter-in-law, Connie McCarley of Dodd City, TX; grandchildren, Sherri Jordan, James H. McCarley, Michael Easley, Ben McCarley, Larry Easley, Ann McCarley, Angela Springer, Christie Easley, and Jesse McCarley; 20 great grandchildren, and 7 great great grandchildren. In addition to her husband, she is preceded in death by her parents, Charlie Willingham and Bonnie Willingham; son, Charles William McCarley; daughterin-law, Phyllis June McCarley; brother, James Ray Willingham; sister, Virginia Banke; sister, Elizabeth Clark; baby sister, Martha Ann Willingham; and nephew, Johnny Ray Willingham.
and wife Emma, Angela Bruce, LeaAnn Vanderlei and husband Jason; great grandchildrenLyndsey Holmes, Brittany Harden, Braxton and Preslee Jones, Aidan and Hailiey Peña, Jones Weaver, Mac Weaver, and Margot Weaver, Miles Jones, Haylee McCord and husband Ben, Hannah Holcemback, Tina, Sarah, and Danielle Vanderlei; great great grandchildren-Zehpyr Johnson, Juluis McCord, and Eugene Huey; sisters-in-law- Bitsy Vleck and Inell Donohoe, along with numerous nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by parents, Issac and Mary Frazier, 4 brothers and their spouses, and 3 sisters and their spouses: granddaughter Kelly Jones, inlaws, Alfred and Cordie Jones and 5 sisters-in-law and their spouses. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 pm, Thursday, October 7, 2021 at Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home Chapel Bonham, TX. Bro. Morris Robbins will officiate. Interment will follow at Arledge Ridge Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers will be grandsons, Andrew Jones, Allen Jones, James Nickels and nephews, Ronnie Burnett, Cary Carlisle, and Arthur Dean Chaney. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home Bonham, TX from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit www.coopersorrells.com.
Public Meeting Savoy ISD will hold a public meeting at 7:00 P.M. on October 18 in the elementary cafeteria located at 302 West Hayes, Savoy TX. The purpose of the meeting is to seek input from the public concerning the Superintendent search. The entire community of Savoy is invited.
Paul Cardwell, Jr. was born April 26, 1933, and died at his home in Bonham on March 31, 2020, after a short illness diagnosed as cancer. His wife, Gladys was with him as well as the hospice nurses. He chose to donate his body for medical education and research through the Willed Body Program at UT Southeastern Medical Center in Dallas. The cremated remains have been returned to the family and placed in an urn and now will be buried at Fairview Cemetery in Denison, Texas in a plot next to his mother and dad. There will be a graveside service and burial on Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021, at 1:00 P.M. at Fairview Cemetery, 1501 HWY 91 North, Denison, Texas. Anyone is welcome to come. Because of not being able to have services in the church, his memorial service was postponed until July 10, 2021. It was held at Casa Emanuel United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, where he and Gladys had attended regularly on Sundays until six weeks before his death. Paul was the son of the Rev. Paul O. Cardwell and Grace Cardwell. He grew up in Dallas, graduated from Sunset High School, Southern Methodist University, and continued at the graduate level at Perkins School of Theology. After SMU he was an educational director in Methodist churches for several years, the recreation director for the City of Mesquite, museum model builder in Dallas and Vancouver, B. C., Canada. In 1977 he and his family moved to Bonham and he owned and operated Cardwell’s books & Hobbies on the Northside of the Square downtown Bonham until the mid-1990s. He was the author of America’s Camping Book in the 1960s and the revised edition later. He designed role-playing board games, wrote articles and book reviews that were published. Music was an important part of his life. He played trombone since junior high school and was in the band in high school and at SMU. He played guitar, recorder, and fife back in the 1950s and 1960s. He continued playing the trombone every Sunday at Casa Emanu-El United Methodist Church in Dallas. He played every summer in the Paris (TX) County Community Band and the Bonham Community Band for many years. He enjoyed playing with the groups. Paul Caldwell, Jr., was predeceased by his parents, his sister and brother-in-law, Jean Clifford and Martin L. Clifford, as well as all of his aunts, uncles, and close cousins. He is survived by his wife, Gladys Cardwell, who still resides at the hone in Bonham. They were married 62 ½ years when he passed away. He is also survived by his son, Paul Cardwell III, his daughter, Diana Gantt, son-in-law, Jerry Gantt, grandchildren, John Paul Harrison, Michael Harrison, David Gantt, Darrell Gantt, Eric and Amanda Gantt, his nephew Marty Clifford, his nieces, Debra Schrunk and Nancy Thompson, and their families.
Cremation arrangements for Judy Ann Fangio, age 86, of Bonham, Texas are under the direction of Wise Funeral Home. A private family inurnment will be held at a later date at Willow Wild Cemetery in Bonham, Texas. Judy passed away Tuesday morning, September 28, 2021, at Texoma Medical Center in Bonham, Texas. Judy was born May 10, 1935, the daughter of Troy Melson and Ethel McClure Melson. She married William Newton Fangio in Arlington, Texas in 1954. They were married 67 years prior to her passing. Judy was a member of the Church of Christ. She enjoyed quilting and had often entered quilting shows. Judy is preceded in death by her parents, and brother, Orville Cary Melson. She is survived by her husband, William Fangio of Bonham, Texas; son, Mark Fangio and wife Lorie of McKinney, Texas; daughters, Jeanna Adamo and husband Mark of Bonham, Texas and Ann Fangio of Bonham, Texas; brother, Mike Melson and wife Jean of Hot Springs, Arkansas; sister, Lavella Medford of Boise, Idaho; 5 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, extended family, and a host of friends. Online guest register at www. wisefuneralhome.com
Bonham- Memorial services Helen Nutt age 84 of Bonham were held at 10:00 AM Tuesday September 28, 2021 at CooperSorrells Funeral Home Chapel in Bonham. Mrs. Nutt passed away Thursday September 23, 2021 at her residence in Bonham. Helen Louise (Bishop) Nutt was born October 8, 1936 in Yarnaby, OK the daughter of Henry James Bishop and Dixie Ella (Branhan) Bishop. She was a Nurse’s Aide and had worked at local nursing facilities. Mrs. Nutt will be rembered as a loving mother, grandmother, and sister. She is survived by her son; Robert Lee Nutt of Bonham, daughter; Ella Thomas of Oregon, grandchildren; David Nutt, Evie Nutt & girlfriend Laura Wilson, Paul Edward Thomas III, Tangella Thompson, Audra Rock, and 7 great grandchildren, and 1 gr.gr. grandchild, also surviving are brothers Delbert Bishop and wife Glenda of Lindale, TX., Lee Skinner and wife Kay of Bonham, sister, Sue Selanke. She is preceded in death by her parents, stepmother Mary Jo Bishop, and brother Kenneth Charles Bishop. In luie of flowers please consider a donation to: American Cancer Society at https://donate3.cancer.org American Heart Association at https://www.heart.org
Paul A. Lambert, 76, of Honey Grove, Texas, passed away Saturday, September 25, 2021, at Legend Healthcare and Rehabilitation in Paris. Paul was born June 4, 1945, in Acushnet, Massachusetts, to Gereld and Irene (Arseault) Lambert. Paul joined the Navy after attending college. Paul married Joi Green on May 31, 2008. He worked as a professional chef for many years. Paul is survived by his wife Joi of the home, son, Mark Plumb and wife Ann of Plano, TX, daughter Annette Brandt and husband Bob of Buchanan, VA, daughter Karen Siler, and husband Tom of Geneva, IL, daughter Angela Lambert of Fall River, MA, and daughter Noelle Lambert of FL., as well as, a sister Sue Crowl, and two brothers, Rene Lambert and Jerard Lambert. Paul is also survived by eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held on Friday, October 1, 2021, at 1:00 P.M. at the Scott Mansion, 425 S Church Street, Paris, Texas. Internment was held in Evergreen Cemetery, Paris, Tx. Services were provided by Roden-Pryor Funeral Directors, 1929 Bonham Street, Paris, Texas.
Bonham- Graveside services for Mr. Ken “Bill” Hipp age 85 of Bonham were held at 12:00 PM Wednesday September 29, 2021 at the Brown Cemetery near Bonham. Bro. Ronnie Ball officiated. Bill passed away Friday September 24, 2021 at his residence. Ken “Bill” Maynard Hipp was born in Fannin County on June 19, 1936 the son of Arnaud Rains Hipp and Mannie Virginia (Johnson) Hipp. Bill married Beulah (Dizmond) Hipp on June 25, 1968 and together they enjoyed 50 years of marriage before Mrs. Hipp’s passing on October 30, 2018. He had proudly served in the US Army receiving his honorable discharge in 1962, and had worked as a forklift operator for Johnson & Johnson retiring after 29 years of employment. Bill loved the outdoors, whether he was fishing, hunting, camping, or working on projects around the home, and he especially enjoyed western movies and eating milky way candy bars. Bill was a devoted family man and loved being surrounded by those he loved, he would spend his weekends tending a campfire and helping cook a meal for him and his family to enjoy. Bill is survived by his daughters; Debora Roberts and husband Steve of Paris, Karen Smith of Denison, son; Robert Lee Hipp of Bonham, grandchildren; Michael Roberts, David Roberts and wife Rebecca, Jason Roberts, Emily Moritz and husband Robert, Hilary Smith and husband Artie, great grandchildren; Abigail Roberts, Kyiah Roberts, Jacob Roberts, Izaiah Ricks, and Jaethan Clark, and sister in law Lee Dizmond. Bill was preceded in death by his parents, Arnaud and Virginia Hipp, wife Beulah, and son in law William Tommy Smith.
Peggy Stanley of Honey Grove passed away surrounded by her family on Tuesday September 22, 2021 in her home. Funeral services were held Monday September 27, 2021 at the Honey Grove church of Christ at 10:00 a.m. with Pastor Cody Maxwell and Pastor Nolan Butler officiating. Interment followed at Oakwood cemetery. Peggy was born November 27, 1941 in Honey Grove, TX. To Thomas and Ruby (Bales) Wilson. She was a house wife and was also worked for the Honey Grove School District for 35 years. Peggy married her true love Sonny Stanley on May 22, 1959 in Paris TX, in there 62 years of marriage they raised two beautiful daughters as well as their wonderful grandchildren. Left to carry on Peggy’s memories are her beloved husband Sonny Stanley of Honey Grove, her daughters Lisa Noble and husband Dennis of Honey Grove TX, as well as Laura Killough and husband Robert of Honey Grove TX, as well as her grandchildren Benjamin Bethel, Bryce Bartlett and wife Shawnee, Brooke Ross and husband Eric, Blake Killough, Baran Killough, along with great grandchildren Zoey Bartlett, Kaydence Ross, Josie Ross and Khloe Ross. Also her sisters Shirley Hewitt, Carol Gaither and brother McDonald Wilson Peggy is rejoicing in heaven with her parents Thomas and Ruby Wilson, Brother Jeffery Brooks Wilson and Sister Iris Dean Carter. Serving as Pallbearers were Benjamin Bethel, Bryce Bartlett, Eric Ross, Blake Killough, Baran Killough, and Robert Killough. To convey online condolences please visit our website at www. coppersorrells.com
Section A Page 18 •October 5, 2021 • 903-583-3280 • www.fannincountyleader.us
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Fall turkey season prospects look good in Texas
By Jennifer Whitlock: Field Editor Texas Agriculture Daily The fall turkey hunting season in Texas should be a good one, according to Jason Hardin, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department (TPWD) Wild Turkey Program leader. “If you had birds last year in the areas that you’re hunting, you’ll have them again this year,” Hardin said in an interview with the Texas Farm Bu-
10/5/21 • Pasture Mowing
Sale Date: 9/25/21
ton, Terrell, Uvalde and Val Verde. “Pay attention to your Outdoor Annual, go look up your county and figure out what day your season opens,” he said. “Moving forward, we hope it will be a lot less confusing on those regulations. If you’re south of Highway 90, your season will open the Saturday closest to March 18. If you’re north of Highway 90, your season will open the Saturday closest to April 1.” Another change introduced by TPWD are mandatory turkey harvest reporting regulations for Bastrop, Caldwell, Colorado, Fayette, Jackson, Lavaca, Lee, Matagorda, Milam and Wharton counties. Those counties also have a one-gobbler annual bag limit. Turkeys harvested in those areas must be reported online or through the My Texas Hunt Harvest app within 24 hours. “It’s just tracking the population. We have our small-medium harvest survey that works really well for most of our four-bird bag limit counties in the heart of the Rio Grande [turkey] country. But those 10 counties are on the eastern edge of the Rio Grande range, and we just don’t get enough harvest to track that population,” Hardin said. “So, to get a better idea of what’s going on in that area population-wise and harvest-wise, we’ve implemented mandatory harvest reporting.” Panola County will no longer have a spring turkey season. Hardin cited low hunting participation and a smaller turkey population as factors in discontinuing turkey hunting there. In addition to a Texas hunting license, an upland game bird endorsement is required to hunt turkeys.
FOR SALE!! Free range chicken eggs $3.00 per dozen. Fertilized whiting true blue eggs 6$ per dozen. Contact RMR ranch 903-436-2002. Local pick up Savoy, TX. ROUND BALES Quality Bermuda Hay. Outside Hay $40-$60. Barn Hay $60-$80. Call 903-6644518. FOR SALE Fertilized Bermuda Hay 2nd cutting $7/bale. Also have 60 bales of goat hay $3/bale. 555 CR 4680, Trenton. 469-422-2348. FERTILIZED SQ. BALES OF HAY FOR SALE: Fertilized haygrazer. Good clean hay. $7.00 per bale, 10 bale minimum. CALL 903-227-2920 NP FARMS ENTERPRISE LLC Looking to Hire hourly employees. Pay will depend on experience. Call Nathan Prater 903-449-2904. YOUNG TRACTOR WORKS Specializing in complete pasture care under 50 acres. Services include: pasture mowing, spraying, pasture renovation, discing, planting winter rye, seeding pastures, repair hog damage. Also do dirt work: driveways, building sites, grading for drainage. Experienced fast professional service! Call 903-271-7394.
STEERS 300 lbs and under......................1.00 - 2.00 300-400 lbs...................................90 - 1.95 400-500 lbs...................................75 - 1.85 500-600 lbs...................................60 - 1.65 HEIFERS 300 lbs and under......................1.00 - 1.90 300-400 lbs...................................80 - 1.85 400-500 lbs...................................70 - 1.80 500-600 lbs..............................50 - 1.52.50 SLAUGHTER Cows................................................20 - 70 Bulls.................................................60 - 98 STOCKERS Stocker.......................................300 - 1200 Pairs...........................................650 - 1550 OTHERS Baby Calves................................100 - 310 Holstein Steers................................40 - 60 Holstein Heifers...........................300 - 900 Goats.........................42 hd.........60 - 1100
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LIVESTOCK CATTLE FOR SALE Replacement Black Angus heifers $1250. each. Black Angus 2 year old bull $1500. Tom Bankston 903-6403536; Justin Bankston 903-227-1892.
AUCTIONS The following vehicles will be sold at public auction on October 12th, 2021 at 9:00 AM, at Pro Auto, 103 N Main St, Bonham, TX 75418. 2003 FORD SUV 2007 TOYT 2D 2003 CHEV LL 2012 GMC PK 1998 CHEV PK 2008 CHEV LL 2007 CHEV CP The following vehicles will be sold at public auction on October 12th, 2021 at 9:30 AM, at Bill’s Auto Body & Towing Service, 2630 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 75418. 1998 FORD PK 2008 CHEV PK 2012 FORD 4D
E.L. FINNEY GENERAL STORE Now located at 405 N. Main in Bonham. We will be open for business soon in our new location, and we hope to see you there. We will be having lots of grand re-opening sales. Contact 903-227-7968 for more info. FREE CLOTHES & HOUSEWARES: Clothes Closet VALLEY CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH, 3615 FM 896, LEONARD. Wednesdays, 8-10am. A PAW UP Helping Animals In Need Thrift Store 101 West Hayes, Savoy Open Friday thru Sunday 10am-5pm.
Head: 1602
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reau Radio Network. “We’ve had a pretty decent hatch the last few years, so across most of the state, you should have similar opportunities to what you’ve had in the past.” Freezing weather in January and February may have presented a temporary setback as turkeys headed into nesting season. But plenty of rainfall and a mild summer followed, so populations should have recovered nicely from any losses that occurred in the winter. With archery season set to begin Oct. 2 and the general fall season opening on Nov. 6, Hardin said it is important to check which counties have an open season. Many counties west of and along the I-25 corridor do have a four-bird annual bag limit, and any birds hunted in the fall count toward that aggregate. In East Texas, there is a 10-county region with a threeweek spring-only season from April 22 to May 14. New this year are some changes to TPWD’s north and south turkey hunting zones. “We did change our northsouth zone. Moving forward, the boundary is consistently along Highway 90 from San Antonio westward for both seasons,” Hardin said. “It used to transition and go further north. So, you might be in the north zone in the spring and south zone in the fall, and it was creating some confusion.” TPWD reorganized the fall south zone to include Goliad, Gonzales and Wilson counties. Hardin noted in the spring, 22 counties that were in the south zone will now be in the north zone: Bandera, Bexar, Blanco, Brewster, Comal, Crockett, Edwards, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Hays, Jeff Davis, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney, Medina, Pecos, Real, Sut-
COTURNIX QUAIL and EGGS FOR SALE. Eggs $3.00 per dozen. Straight run hatched quail $1.50 each up to a week old. Contact RMR ranch at 903-436-2002. Local pickup Savoy, TX.
WANT TO BUY I BUY arrowheads, pottery, beads, etc. Call or text pics to 214-538-6041.
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Section A Page 19 • October 5, 2021
and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Fannin County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date, in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have on September 28, 2021, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in November, 2021, the same being the 2nd day of said month, at the Front Steps of Bonham City Hall, between the hours of 10 o’clock a.m. and 4 o’clock p.m. on said day, beginning at 10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same lying and being situated in the County of Fannin and the State of Texas, to-wit: Sale #
Cause # Judgment Date
Acct # Order Issue Date
Style of Case
Legal Description
Adjudged Value
TX-20-4684 08/18/21
77819 SEPTEMBER 28, 2021
Tract 1 3.20 acres, more or less, situated in the James A. Jeffries Survey, Abstract 571, Fannin County, Texas, described in deed dated February, 27, 2013, from Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Eugene H. Johnson, in Volume 1661, Page 200, Official Records of Fannin County, Texas (#77819)
TX-20-4684 08/18/21
Tract 2 All that certain tract of land situated in the J. A. Jeffries Survey, Abstract 571, Fannin County, Texas, described as 0.1859 acre, more or less, in deed dated January 29, 2014, from Robert H. Milford, et ux to Leigh Dixon, in Volume 1842, Page 188, Official Records of Fannin County, Texas (#77845)
TX-20-4684 08/18/21
TX-20-4684 08/18/21
Tract 5 1.7 acres, more or less, out of the James A. Jeffries Survey, Abstract Number 571, City of Honey Grove, Volume 1661, Page 200, Deed Records of Fannin County, Texas (#77821)
TX-20-4684 08/18/21
Tract 6 75.00 feet by 202.00 feet, containing 0.3478 acre, more or less, situated in the J. A. Jeffries Survey, Abstract 571, Fannin County, Texas, described as Tract 1 in deed dated June 15, 1990, from Allen H. Newhouse, et al to Robert H. Milford, et ux, in Volume 743, Page 7, Official Public Records of Fannin County, Texas (#77859)
Tract 4 All that certain tract of land situated in the J. A. Jeffries Survey, Abstract 571, Fannin County, Texas, described as 80.00 feet by 202.00 feet, containing 0.3709 acre, more or less, in deed dated December 21, 1978, from Terry Paul Cunningham, et ux to Robert H. Milford, et ux, in Volume 584, Page 884, Official Public Records of Fannin County, Texas; SAVE & EXCEPT however, that certain 0.093 acre tract described in Volume 1394, Page 281, Official Records of Fannin County, Texas, leaving herein a residue 0.2779 acre, more or less (#77783)
(any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Fannin County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs. A RECENT RESOLUTION APPROVED BY THE FANNIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT REQUIRES BIDDERS TO OBTAIN, PRIOR TO THE SALE, A STATEMENT FROM THE FANNIN CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT CERTIFYING THAT THE PERSON/ FIRM/COMPANY PURCHASING PROPERTY AT A TAX SALE OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES FOR ANY PROPERTY EITHER CURRENTLY OR PREVIOUSLY OWNED TO ANY TAXING ENTITY WITHIN THE COUNTY. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BID ON OR RECEIVE A TAX SALE DEED TO ANY PROPERTY WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE/STATEMENT. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE/STATEMENT, PLEASE CONTACT THE COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT AT THE FANNIN CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT LOCATED AT 831 W. STATE HWY 56, BONHAM, TX (903) 583-8701. PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS SHOULD ALLOW UP TO TWO WEEKS TO PROCESS THE REQUEST. YOU MUST HAVE THIS CERTIFICATE/STATEMENT IN HAND BEFORE THE SALE BEGINS. Dated at Bonham, Texas, September 28, 2021
Sheriff Mark Johnson Fannin County, Texas By
Notes: The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However, the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT. For more information, contact your attorney or LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at (903) 597-2897 10/5/21
Section A Page 20 • October 5, 2021 • 903-583-3280 • www.fannincountyleader.us
FOR SALE FOR SALE Buffet $75 excellent shape, Coffee table w/ round glass, $30 (brown cross legs), towing hitch for car- $30, large round table w/ leaf, no chairs, $75. New large Cuckoo Clock $30. New love seat, wheat color $75. Mens winter coats, Men’s western suits excellent condition $35. Mens Black Vests $15, Western Boots (Basket) size 10, and Belts (nice) all sizes. Call 903664-3521 if no answer, leave message, will call you back. Or see at 2808 E. FM 1396, Ivanhoe. FOR SALE
$10.00 903-583-0376
For Sale Schwinn Electric Mountain Bike. 6 months old, 36V battery asking $750.00. 940-634-1669, 1405 Cedar, Bonham.
GARAGE SALE!!! October 8th & 9th. Lots of misc. At blinking light on HWY 78 & 273. Take 273 to REC RD 3. Go to CR 2610. Turn left- Sale is 1st house on left.
GARAGE SALES MOVING SALE 300 Fannin Ave, Bonham, 8am- 5pm, Friday Oct. 8th and Saturday Oct. 9th. Couch, Entertainment Center, Dinning Table, and lots more. HUGE YARD SALE 807 N. MAIN, ECTOR OCT. 8th, 9th,10th. 8AM-? Vinyl record albums, Rock & Country; DVD’s, tons of custom and sterling silver jewelry, XX Chaps, Lg. T-shirts, solar chandelier, fishing stuff, Christmas items, board games, fiddle, and hunter shadow box. Indian purse, mantle clock, decor, Halloween items, wood dining table & chairs, inversion table (only used once). Metal signs, sports stuff, and more. Christmas shop here; Our junk can be your treasure. If rainy, will delay or reschedule.
BID NOTICE CITY HALL CLEANING SERVICES The City of Honey Grove, Texas is soliciting proposals for cleaning City Hall. Required documentation will be provided to the interested parties without charge. Contact City Secretary Sally Wright by phone at 903-378-3033 to request the required information package or you can visit www. cityofhoneygrove.org under the CURRENT NEWS tab for the scope of work. Proposals must be received on or before 4:00 p.m. on Friday October 15, 2021. The mailing address to submit the proposals is: City of Honey Grove, “City Hall Cleaning Bid”, 633 N. 6th Street, Honey Grove, Texas 75446. All hand delivered bids must be sealed with “City Hall Cleaning Bid” indicated on the envelope. The governing body will open and consider the bids at the regular meeting of the Honey Grove City Council, held at Lyday Hall on Monday October 18, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. The City of Honey Grove reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. The City of Honey Grove is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
BIG SALE OCTOBER 7th, 8th, 9th 8am- 5p. 1511 FRANKLIN between Russell & W.10th. Household items, curtains, sheet sets, comforters, food processor, Christmas decor, super nice ladies 3pc. suits name brand Jrs., ladies, men’s, kids clothes & shoes, all sizes. Lots of misc. STORAGE SALE Ector, TX. HWY 56 across from convenient store. Sat. October 9th, 7am-? Sterling silver jewelry, Harley Davidson Barbie & Ken, 2 parts guitars, Ibanez & Epiphone, toys, western decor, purses, and women’s cowboy & fringed boots, size 9 & 10. Home gym, western Santa’s, German made pellet gun , 22 caliber. games, women’s jeans and belts, various sizes, and much more. If rainy, will delay or reschedule. GARAGE SALE 1204 E. 9th St., October 8th & 9th, Thurs. & Friday, 8am- 5pm. GRANNY’S PLACE & GRANNY’S CHRISTMAS STORE Resale shop. 10 S. Plaza in Ladonia, TX. Wed-Sat, 10am-5pm. See us on Facebook. Call 903-367-7095.
HOUSEKEEPING THE CLEANING LADY Let me clean so you won’t have to. Very reasonable rates, great references! Years of experience. HAVE BROOM WILL TRAVEL! Call Mairi 903-815-1877.
LOST & FOUND LOST & FOUND Ring found in South Bonham area. Stop by or call the Fannin County Leader to identify, MondayFriday 8am-5pm. 903-5833280.
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENT A STORAGE UNIT IN BONHAM Several large units are available starting at $69.95 with electricity. Unit sizes up to 10’x22’. Gated parking spaces start at $39.95. Located at 400 Katy Blvd. Contactless rental online 24/7 at www. brightstartstorage.com For more information call Randy at (903) 292-0657. A & A HANDYMAN SERVICE We do any repairs, demolition or remodeling, lawn care, tree service, cleaning out houses, trailer homes, sheds, or barns. If you have a job idea, let us know. We will see if we can do it. No Job too Big or too Small!!! Call 469-422-7990. EBS YARD WORK • Zero Turn Mowing • Tree Cleanup • Small Skid Steer Work • Haul Away Trash Serving Professionally for 25 Years Psalms 119 903-436-2296 LIBERTY MOVING Local and long distance moves. Residential and office. Insured and bonded. Located in Leonard, TX. Call 940-391-9298 or 940-390-9978. ROBERT’S HEATING and AIR Licensed and insured. Free estimates. 24 hour service. We accept all major credit cards. Financing Available. Robert Fuller, owner and operator. License# TACLB27431E Call 903-647-0816.
TEXAS BEST HANDYMAN & REMODEL: Over 20 years experience. No job too small. Free estimates. Call Eric Baldwin 469400-4086. Serving Grayson and Fannin Counties.
ART LESSONS Valley Creek Studio Drawing andpainting for adults and youth. Homeschoolers welcome! Custom artwork. Katherine Kluger 903-227-8143
NEED COMPUTER HELP? Computer and software assistance now available in Bonham and surrounding areas. Call Chuck Knight at 903-583-0992.
AFFORDABLE STUMP GRINDING Front yard or backyard. 903-624-6006
FARM and LAWN MAINTENANCE Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence painting, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mowing, gutters and drainage, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903-227-5898 or 903-583-1259. PROFESSIONAL PAINT & DRYWALL REPAIRS: Cracks, holes, patches, water damage, sheetrock repair, ceilings, walls, matched texturing. Interior/ Exterior Painting. 40+ years experience. Call Johnny @ 903-209-6958 HOME REPAIRS & REMODELING Kitchens, baths, additions, cabinets, carpentry, decks, porch covers, fencing and siding. Drywall repairs and painting. Call Billy at 903-413-4338. Free GED Classes for Fannin County adults. Call 903-583-1264, extension 1. MUNOZ LAWN CARE & TREE TRIMMING All kinds of fences built and repaired too. For estimate call: 903-267-2503 STAPP TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL Hauling, Storm Damage, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experience. Call 903-5837888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.”
REAL ESTATE 520 S. Center Bonham, TX 75418 2 offices, bathroom & storage area, Plenty of parking space. $750 per month (utilities not included) Call or text 903-583-0108. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 225 to 300 sq. feet or build to suit. 2501 N Center ST. Bonham. 903-583-9527. 220 E. 1st St Bonham, TX 75418 6500 SF Total. 3500 SF Warehouse w/concrete floors & loading dock. 3000 SF Office w/approx 8 offices, large meeting room space, 2 restrooms, kitchen area, HVAC, recently remodeled. $2,500 per month (utilities not included). Call or text 903-583-0108.
AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE: 2005 BMW SUV, Light Blue. 220 Chestnut St. Bonham. 903-5833000. FOR SALE: 2011 Chevy Impala, Black. 220 Chestnut St. Bonham. 903-5833000. FOR SALE: 2000 Ford F-250, Black. 220 Chestnut St. Bonham. 903-583-3000.
I buy Junk Cars and Tractors. 903-436-2067. David Lee
I named my dog “5 Miles,” so I can tell people I walk 5 miles every day.
PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS United Communication and VoIP Phone System Proposals for the Bonham Independent School District, hereinafter called the Owner, will be received at Bonham ISD, Administration Center, 1005 Chestnut Street, Bonham, Texas 75418 no later than 3:00 PM, Friday, October 22, 2021. Mailed proposals must be sent to Bonham ISD, Administration Center, Attn: Mike Barkley, 1005 Chestnut Street, Bonham, Texas 75418. All mailed proposals must be received, not postmarked, at or before 3:00 PM, Friday, October 22, 2021. All other proposals shall be delivered directly to Bonham ISD, Administration Center, 1005 Chestnut Street, Bonham, Texas 75418 and received before 3:00 PM, Friday, October 22, 2021. Any proposals received after the closing time of 3:00 PM will be returned unopened. Vendors are encouraged to put forth their best efforts on the proposals submitted. The request for proposal documents may be obtained from Bonham Independent School District, 1005 Chestnut Street, Bonham, Texas 75418, 903-583-5526. Upon notification of potential selections for award, the person or entity submitting the proposal must give notice to the District if the owner or operator of the business entity has been convicted of a felony (this requirement does not apply to a publicly held corporation). All offerors will be required to comply with provisions of TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates, applicable city ordinances, and equal employment practices. Evidence of worker’s compensation insurance coverage for the person’s or entity’s employees providing services on the project will be required for the duration of the work.
Section A Page 21 • October 5, 2021
We’ll Help You Target the Best Local Opportunities!
EMPLOYMENT CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist POSITION OPENINGS B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to brett@bfgammon.com. 903-583-3597
CLASSIFIEDS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information call 903583-4018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N Hwy 78 in Ravenna. NP FARMS ENTERPRISE LLC Looking to Hire hourly employees. Pay will depend on experience. Call Nathan Prater (903) 449-2904.
HELP WANTED Now hiring construction workers and laborers. Must have transportation to and from the job. 40 hour work weeks. Pay based on experience. Carpentry skills a plus. Call 903-640-1941. If no answer call cell, 903-640-6069.
CERTIFIED MEDICAL ASSISTANT Family Care Clinic, 2105 N Center St, Bonham TX. Full time or part time positions available. Please send resume with education, certifications, experience and work references by email to famcare05@ verizon.net. Wage based on qualifications. We do not provide health insurance benefits to employees.
NOW HIRING! CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver. Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources.
The Fannin County Leader Newspaper Is looking for a motivated person who is interested in working as a Sales Representative. We require a strong work ethic, dependability, and the ability to work well with people. Must have reliable transportation and a current drivers license. Must pass a drug test and background check. We will train. Serious inquiries only. 224 N. Main, Bonham.
First UMC Bonham, is seeking a part-time Director of Music. The position is approximately 10 hours a week. For a complete job description send your resume to pastordanacoker@gmail. com.
KENNEL WORKER NEEDED Full time7/27/21 position. Must be able to live on premises. Furnished house, new appliances, utilities furnished, landline telephone, satellite TV, and salary. Job duties include feeding dogs, cleaning pens twice daily, moving dogs and general upkeep of the kennels. NO PETS. For further information and interview appointment please call 903-664-3453 or 903486-7172
RED RIVER HEALTH CARE Is hiring home care providers for Bonham, Leonard, Savoy, Sherman, Denison, Ivanhoe, Bailey and Telephone. Must be 18 years of age with no criminal history, and have own transportation with car insurance. No certification required. Call 1-800-289-6555
We are currently looking for smiling faces who have a passion for working with children. Full-time and part-time positions available. Must be 18 or older and have a high school diploma. Apply in person.
EMPLOYMENT NOTICE 10/5/21 Fannin County is currently seeking applicants for the following part time position:
JOB TITLE: Facilities Coordinator HOURLY RATE: Up to $20.00 per hour commensurate with experience-up to 25 hours per week. OTHER BENEFITS: Vacation, Sick Leave, Retirement and Paid Holidays. (pro-rated for part-time) VALUES: Professionalism, Integrity, Courtesy, and Community. REQUIREMENTS: Ability to perform minor maintenance, make emergency repairs to plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems. Will perform a variety of tasks including painting, hanging light fixtures, replacing fixtures, etc. Minimum 6 months general maintenance experience in a mechanical field not limited to building maintenance or one year of formal work-related training. Must have ability to climb ladders and lift weights in excess of 50 lbs. Must have a valid Texas Driver’s License and liability insurance on vehicle. Will be reimbursed for mileage. All applicants are subject to a criminal background check. • For a complete list of duties and/or requirements, please contact the County Auditor’s office at 903-5837451. APPLICATIONS: May be picked up and dropped off at the Fannin County Auditor’s Office Monday – Friday 8AM – 5PM. They may also be downloaded from our website at: http://www.co.fannin.tx.us/.
NOW HIRING: NOW HIRING: • RN / LVN Charge Nurse, Nights - $5000 sign on bonus
• CNA, Nights
- $2000 sign on bonus
• Medication Aide - $1500 sign on bonus
• Housekeeping - $1500 sign on bonus
• Dietary Aide / Cook - $1500 sign on bonus
• Activity Assistant • CNA Classes Apply Online at HMRVeteranservices.com
Clyde W. Cosper TSVH 1300 Seven Oaks Rd Bonham, TX 75418 EOE
3/29/16 • Unit Manager, LVN • Social Worker - $2000 sign on bonus
Apply Online at HMRVeteranservices.com
Clyde W. Cosper TSVH 1300 Seven Oaks Rd Bonham, TX 75418 EOE
Section A Page 22 • October 5, 2021 • 903-583-3280 • www.fannincountyleader.us
Resilient Roofing
BILL GEORGE CUSTOM 6/16/20 METAL BUILDINGS We build: Shops, Barns, Custom Metal Buildings, Pole/Hay Barns, Barndo’s, Metal Houses, Fences, Entry-ways all types of custom metal work. Call us for a free estimate today!
Bill George 903-583-0298 Shane Samples 903-441-3291
2620 N. Center STE 100 Bonham, TX 75418 TONY WHIPPLE CHASE SANFORD (903) 227-7565 (903) 227-7565
Plumbing Discounts For Seniors & Vets! PARKER CONSTRUCTION
Remodeling Fencing No Job&Too Small And No Job Too BIG
Your Satisfaction Is Our Future
903 - 583 - 1137 Kitchen Remodeling • Bath Remodeling
214 - 766 - 8282 Siding • Windows • Add-Ons • House Leveling
10% Off Privacy or40Chain Years Link Fencing David Phemister Experience Owner: Bill Parker 903-227-9528
Resilient Roofing
1/15/19Discounts Plumbing For Seniors & Vets!
Flooring 2863 CR 4145 2620 N. Center STE 100 Bonham, Trim WorkTX 75418 Bonham, TX 75418 CHASE SANFORD Remodel 903-227-1625TONY WHIPPLE (903) 227-7565 227-7565 903-583-1137 • 214-766-8282 Much(903) More... David Phemister
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Wright Radiator 9/28/21 Agricultural
Construction / Equip All Types Repair - Cleaning - Recore Sales - Service
6/15/21 Residential
JC Services LLC 10/1/19
8403 N. State Hwy 78 Ravenna, TX 75476
Latin Star Service Cleaning Free Estimate
Storm Shelters Lawn irrigation
Nash Enterprises 1/5/21
Like Us On Facebook
Post Hole Digger
Repair • Service • Installation
Ph: 903-583-1259 Ph: 903-227-5898 farmandlawn78@gmail.com
John Kinman Ph.D.
Lawn Maintenance, Landscaping, Tree Trimming, Brush Clearing, Fencing, Pipe Fence, Gutters/Drainage, House Painting, Power Washing, Firewood and more!
407 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX 75418 903-449-4341
903-965-4251 47 Years Still Practicing
Plumbing Tek M-40891
all Your reModeling needS! Underground Electric & Water
49 Years Still Practicing JOHN KINMAN FENCES
Bathrooms Danny Davidson 5/7/19 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESTORATION
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Houses • Apartments • Offices New Construction
Call 903.227.3791
Property Improvements Johnny Horton • 940-704-7760
Skid Steer Operations Demolition & Site Clean-Up Dumpster Services Auger & Trencher Work Tractor Mowing (Large & Small Acreage)
Payment Plan Options
1/26/21 Majestic Cinemas
Majestic 6 Theatre Bonham 231 TX-121 South • Bonham, TX Friday, Saturday & Sunday 903-583-2222 For Movie Times
Septic Installations & Designs 11/17/20 Residential • Commercial • RV Sites
Ed Holt • 903-249-2455
Competitive Rates Call Now!
Section A Page 23 • October 5, 2021
SPORTS SPORTS Right On Line, Right On Time: Trenton on three-game winning streak as district football competition arrives
Junior Rodriguez prepares to throw a pass during Trenton’s football practice on Sept. 28. Photo by Rich Hilliard
Micah Wommack takes a snap during Trenton’s football practice on Sept. 28. Photo by Rich Hilliard By Rich Hilliard TRENTON -- Wyatt Stogsdill gave three reasons why he resumed playing football this season for Trenton. “I came back because of (head) coach (Josh) Shipman, it’s my senior year and I knew we were going to have a good team,” said Stogsdill. The senior, who plays wide receiver and cornerback, has, with his last reason for returning, proven prescient. After opening the 2021
season with a 38-14 loss to Detroit on Aug. 27 -and despite a two-week layoff due to their ensuing game’s cancellation due to COVID-19 -- the Tigers haven’t lost again. Trenton (3-1) began preparations on Sept. 28 for its District 5-2A-I opener on Oct. 8 at Tioga -- on a threegame winning streak: 4720 over Chico on Sept. 10, 28-20 at Dallas Gateway on Sept. 17 and 42-0 against Cumby on Sept. 24. “I’m amazed how much better we have gotten from
the start of the season to now,” said Shipman, who is in his third season at the helm. “It’s all due to our coaches and kids,” he said. “Our offensive line has been so much better than we thought it would be.” Three seniors -- on the offensive line and at tight end -- were not on the team last year. “I just missed playing for this team, this school ... and with these boys,” said tight end Zackary Holley, who last year focused instead on
playing basketball. Senior Alex Pacheco, a 140-pound quick guard who is making the move this season to varsity, gave several reasons for the group’s success: “We’ve worked hard, followed rules, believed and been dedicated.” “We had to get mentally focused; that had been the big thing,” said senior strong tackle Garrett Stratton. “We’ve become mentally strong.” The guys up front block for a sophomore-heavy group
Head football coach Josh Shipman gives instructions during Trenton’s football practice on Sept. 28. Photo by Rich Hilliard of skills players. Jayden Candela leads Trenton rushers with more than 500 yards, Colton Gray has accumulated 400 and Micah Wommack has stepped into the role of starting quarterback. “It’s been pressure, but I’ve learned how to settle in and play,” said Wommack, who previously had seen time at running back and wide receiver and been the backup quarterback last season. “My teammates have made it easier for me,” he said.
With the threeconsecutive wins, the mix of underclassmen and upperclassmen have given the Tigers reason for confidence as they vie, starting in October, for a third-straight postseason in November.
Sports Sponsored By:
FANNIN BANK Go to www.fanninbank.com for more information
Bonham (903) 583-5522 Fax (903) 583-2436 P.O. Box 160 230 E. 3rd
Honey Grove (903) 378-2200 Fax (903) 378-2436 P.O. Box 9 901 E. Main
by 2021 Fannin County Football Standings Compiled Rich Hilliard Class 1A (II)
Head Coach: Wayne Ware
(1st season) August
27 at Fruitvale 8 - Fannindel 39
September 4 Campbell 32 - Fannindel 39 10 at Leverett’s Chapel - Fannindel (canceled: lack of officials) 17 Abilene Christian 35 - Fannindel 31** 24 Savoy 0 - Fannindel 62 October 2 Mesquite Founders - Fannindel 9 at Greenville Christian - Fannindel 15 open date 22 at Forestburg - Fannindel* 29 at Gold-Burg - Fannindel* November 5 Trinidad - Fannindel* *District 10-1A-II **Strawn
Sponsored by Fannindel I.S.D. Faculty, Staff & School Board Proud to Support Our Students!
Go Falcons!!
Class 1A (I) SAVOY CARDINALS Head Coach: Clay Wilson
(10th season) August
Head Coach: Glen Schuelke
(4th season) August
26 Grayson Christian 52 - Savoy 0 28 at Tenaha 35 - HG 0 (final at half) September
September 2 Plano CHANT 52 - Savoy 6 9 Saint Jo JV 25 - Savoy 33 17 at Wichita Christian - Savoy (canceled: COVID-19) 24 at Fannindel 62 - Savoy 0 October 1 Greenville Christian - Savoy 7 Fruitvale - Savoy* 15 at Union Hill - Savoy* 21 Leverett’s Chapel - Savoy* 29 District Bye November 5 at Campbell - Savoy* *District 10-1A-I
3 Whitewright 7 - HG 20 10 at Paris Chisum 55 - HG 15 17 at Callisburg 36 - HG 7 24 open date
1 at Como-Pickton - HG* 8 Wolfe City - HG* 15 at Celeste - HG* 22 Cooper - HG* 29 at Alba-Golden - HG* November 5 Rivercrest - HG* *District 6-2A-I
Class 2A (I) TRENTON TIGERS Head Coach: Josh Shipman (3rd season)
27 Detroit 38 - Trenton 14
Class 3A (II)
Head Coach: Shane Fletcher
(17th season) August
27 at Wolfe City 7 - Leonard 43
September 3 at Maud - Trenton (canceled: COVID-19) 10 Chico 20 - Trenton 47 17 at Gateway 20 - Trenton 28 24 Cumby 0 - Trenton 42 October 1 open date 8 at Tioga - Trenton* 15 Tom Bean - Trenton* 22 at Alvord - Trenton* 29 at Collinsville - Trenton* November 5 Lindsay - Trenton*
September 3 Commerce 6 - Leonard 43 10 at Bonham 43 - Leonard 62 17 Detroit - Leonard (canceled: opponent illnesses) 24 Bells 37 - Leonard 29* October 1 District Bye 8 at Gunter - Leonard* 15 Blue Ridge - Leonard* 22 at Lone Oak - Leonard* 29 S&S - Leonard* November 5 at Whitewright - Leonard*
*District 5-2A-I
*District 8-3A-II
Head Coach: Kyle Dezern
(2nd season) August
27 Scurry-Rosser 42 - Bonham 47**
3 at Van Alstyne 48 - Bonham 7 10 Leonard 62 - Bonham 43 17 open date 24 at Commerce 53 - Bonham 76*
1 Mineola - Bonham* 8 at Winnsboro - Bonham* 15 at Mt. Vernon - Bonham* 22 Pottsboro - Bonham* 29 at Howe - Bonham*
5 Rains - Bonham*
*District 5-3A-I **at Texas A&M-Commerce
Sponsored by
SAVOY I.S.D. We proudly support our Cardinals!
District phone: 903-965-5262
Sponsored by
Honey Grove ISD
Proudly Supports Our Warriors! Go Team!
Sponsored by
Locations: • Leonard • Trenton GO ! M • Melissa TEA • Bonham https://captex.bank/
Sponsored by
Locations: GO • Leonard • Trenton TEAM • Melissa ! • Bonham https://captex.bank/ www.fnbtrenton.bank
Sponsored by
2232 N. Center St. & 502 N. Center St. Bonham 903-583-2163 www.legend.bank Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC
Section A Page 24 • October 5, 2021 • 903-583-3280 • www.fannincountyleader.us
It’s Finally Fall
Hayes Equine Veterinary Services
1400 N Center St. Suite 100 Bonham, Texas 903-304-5808 www.horatiodental.com greatsmile@horatiodental.com - Walk-ins Welcome - Family (Adult & Children) Dentistry - Extraction including Wisdom teeth removal - Implants - Crowns & Bridges - Root Canals including Molar Root Canal - Dentures including immediate dentures, implant support dentures, flexible denture, etc. - Teeth Whitening - Nitrous Oxide sedation, etc. - All Dental Emergency Services
OFFICE HOURS: 10:00am - 6:00pm (M-F), 9:00am - 2:00pm (Alternate Saturdays)
It is time to do fall fecals or deworming. 2021 babies need to be vaccinated and dewormed. Strategic Worming schedule/fecal Oct 15 The horse has another molt of larvae to adults now (it has been 6 months since the spring molt and green grass grazing where parasite larvae on the grass are eaten). If the horse is more than 3 years old, we do a fecal exam to see if they have adult worms shedding eggs and then worm accordingly. Most horses develop immunity to worms so they don’t have many. The horses with less immunity will have worms and are shedding eggs on the pasture. In a herd of 10 horses, 8 will have few worms and 2 will be shedders. By doing fecals, we identify the shedders and worm them more frequently (3-4 times a year). Young horses do not have good parasite immunity and should be wormed 3-4 times a year. Low shedders need to be wormed 1-2 times a year (April 15 and fecal Oct 15). Gone are the days of worming every 2 months which created resistance to wormers. We worm at strategic times now. Worms do not reproduce (shed eggs) in the extreme hot of Texas summer and the cold of winter. We used to worm in January for the bots (1 month after the first freeze that killed the bot fly adults). The other worms are dormant in January so we worm for bots with the spring worming April 15. We worm babies and yearlings every 2 months in spring and fall.
Worm babies with Panacur or safeguard now • Worm yearlings and shedders with Strongid (pyrantel) now. • Fecals • Fecal samples can be collected and brought in fresh or refrigerated for up to 2 weeks. We do an egg count which correlates with the number of adult worms present passing eggs. If there is a high egg count, we deworm. If there is a low egg or negative egg count, we do not. If we are checking to see of your horses have resistance to the deworming products, we do a fecal now and then another fecal; 4 months after Quest, 3 months after Ivermectin, 2 months after Strongid (pyrantel). Ivermectin and Covid Do not use horse ivermectin wormer for prevention or treatment of Covid. The horse wormer is double strength which overdose can cause liver problems. There are human ivermectin tablets that are prescribed by some doctors. Ivermectin is a drug used for years in humans against parasites. It is used for the river blindness caused by parasites in the eyes in Africa. It is used for swine viral diseases. The Ivermectin stops the virus from entering the cell nucleus and multiplying. It is given the first day of illness. Bots Tis the season for bot flies. They have emerged. If you see a bee like insect flying around your horse’s legs or belly, it is a bot fly trying to deposit those
small yellow eggs on your horse’s legs. Fly spray sprayed directly on the bot fly will repel it and works fair for keeping the bot flies repelled from your horse. Or you can kill it with your hand. The life cycle of the bot fly starts with the eggs laid on the horse’s legs. The horse then scratches that area with his mouth and picks up some of the eggs and swallows them. The eggs molt to larvae the attach to the stomach wall. Those larvae are passed out in the manure to hatch and become a bot fly. Treatment is with those wormers that will kill the bot fly in the stomach such as Ivermectin or Quest used in the spring. Or a part dose (250lb dose) in January, 1 month after the 1st freeze which kills the adult bot fly. Remove bot eggs from the legs with a lava stone or bot knife weekly to prevent infestation. Colt Vaccination & Worming Babies get a Core vaccine (East/West Encephalitis, West Nile, Tetanus, Rabies) now along with a Panacur wormer or Safe Gard 1 month later (November) follow up with a 7 way (East/ West encephalitis, West Nile, Flu, Rhino) or EWT West Nile and worm again with Panacur. 1 month later booster with a Rhino/Flu vaccine in December. Next spring, we use ivermectin wormer October 11-16 the signs are right to CASTRATE. The cooler weather is here so Dr Hayes is now scheduling castrations.
The Flower Pot 9/21/21
103 N. Dillard, Randolph (Behind the Post Office)
Follow us on Facebook: The Flower Pot for new arrivals and specials.
Lg selection of shrubs and trees (if we don't have Tues: 9-6 • Wed: 1-6 • Thurs-Fri: 9-6 • Sat: 9-2 what you need we will do Sun-Mon: Closed our best to get it for you)}
Mums in several sizes and many colors are here
We now carry a big selection of pots. Fall bedding plants are here.