12-19-23 Leader E-Edition

Page 1

December 19, 2023

Serving all of Fannin County For 51 Years Locally owned & operated

● Classifieds page A20, A21 ● Recipe page 5 ● Legals and Emp pages A20, A21 ● Sports page A 7 224 N. Main St., Bonham, TX 75418 fcleditor2020@gmail.com www.fannincountyleader.us Ph: 903-583-3280 • Fax 903-583-3945

The Paper Of Record for Fannin County Texas

Circulation 15,000+ - Bailey, Bonham, Dodd City, Ector, Gober, Honey Grove, Ivanhoe, Ladonia, Leonard, Randolph, Ravenna, Savoy, Telephone, Trenton & Windom

Is Your Heating - A/C System Needing to be Serviced or Replaced?

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Holiday Paint Along at Creative Art Center

Press Release - Join us December 21st at the Creative Arts Center for a festive and fun-filled holiday step-by-step paint party led by the talented

artist, Chris Cravens from 1-3pm. Whether you're an experienced painter or just looking to unleash your creativity, this event is perfect for everyone. Put on


your Santa hat, if you have one, and let's celebrate the season in style. Don't miss out on this opportunity to create beautiful art and make lasting memories.

$35/members & $55/nonmembers. Supplies are included. We can't wait to see you there!

Over 300 New Items! See our Christmas Contest Details on Page 2.

Everything up to

30% OFF!

Monday - Friday and every Saturday in December: 9:00 - 5:30

OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE: 9:00 - 3:00! 204 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. • Bonham, Texas 75418


Section A Page 2 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Host An Exchange Student

We’re in search of host parents for teens from Europe, South America, Africa and Asia who hope to come to the U.S.A. and attend your local high school for the upcoming school year or semester. For information go to: https://sharenortheasttexas.com/


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Reliance Fasteners 11/22/22


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Christmas ENTER

“Seek & Find” TO WIN Christmas Groceries with a Ham and the Fixings!

• Find this Candy Cane on 3 ads in this week’s Two Fannin County Leader Winners • E-mail fclclassifieds@gmail.com (include your phone number) or Call us (903)583-3280 •Contest dates, Dec 12th through Dec. 21st @ Noon •Drawing Thursday, Dec. 21st. •Enter only once per edition. •Winnings to be picked up at The Fannin County Leader. 224 N. Main St. Bonham


Section A Page 3 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Imagine being able to hear the holidays the way you remember. The laughter. The carols. The conversations. Imagine being able to hear well effortlessly. Not turning up the sound on your favorite holiday movie. Not straining to hear the sermon at church. Not pretending you hear your granddaughter when she has something important to tell you. (Everything she says is important!) This holiday, give yourself – or someone you love – the gift of a hearing assessment (it’s free at HearCare!). It’s a gift of hope – you’ll know your situation and learn about your options. You’ll understand the difference advanced technology can make. And then decide what’s best for you so you can live your life the way you want to. Hearing what you want to. Call Kenneth and Jill at 903-868-2650. They’re the best elves you’ll ever meet with offices to serve you in Sherman and Gainesville!

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SW28557-Hearcare, Inc. & Associates, TX - 2023 December Fannin County Leader.indd 1

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Section A Page 4 •December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Merry Christmas CALL: 903-784-2963

Dear Santa, I know you’re not real, but will you take ALL the bad and corrupt books OUT of the Fannin County libraries? Oh, and all of the Fannin County leaders to make the Right Decisions before GOD, The Creator of the World. John 3:16 - For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Isaiah 9:6 - "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Sincerely, Faith

Dear Santa, If your'e real, you'll get me and Sam all the coffee we want, plus, bonus "coffee gear." Parker a strap-on baby carrier, to carry Orrin, her baby brother. Kamdyn, a horse. Preferably, a brown one. Oh Yeah! Jude. A dictionary, so he can learn the meaning o "compliment" for "Hot Seat." Thank You Sincerely, Grace Pear Santa Hou arn you? For Christmas I would like deky I would also like hars and buckbed. Merry Christmas Your frieid Ella Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. For Christam I would like a barbie dream house. I Would lik Phone. I would like LOL Doll. Ill would Like IPad I would like LOL House I would like doll Your frieny Nevaeh

Holy TriniTy Episcopal cHurcH Please join us for the Christmas Eve – morning celebration of our Lord and Savior! Fr. Tyler Been will be celebrating with us at 10:30 a.m. The Rt. Rev. George Sumner will preside at the New Year’s Eve morning service on December 31, 2023. Starting the New Year on January 7, 2024 our service times will change to 11:30 a.m. with the commencement of our new priest, Fr. Lorenzo Galuszka. Good things are happening. Please come join us! 623 Star Street, Bonham, Texas 75418 Tammy Biggar, Bishop’s Warden 903-819-9848

Santa Letters Dear Santa, My name is Zayde. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me. 1. A Xbox, 2. Bowser, 3. Puppy. I’ll set out cookies. From Zayde



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12/21/21 12/19/23

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Section A Page 5 • December 19, 2023 • 903-

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Project Box

Paris District Road Report for week of Dec. 11, 2023 Paris -- Here’s a look at work planned in the district for the week starting Dec. 11, 2023. These schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other unforeseen issues. Motorists are advised to remain alert and pay special attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems. Fannin County: The annual crack seal contract to place sealant in the pavement cracks on roadways in Fannin County has begun. The following roadways will receive a crack seal: FM 64 from SH 34 to the Delta County line; FM 151 from US 69 to the Grayson County line; FM 981 from US 69 to the Collin County line; SH 50 from Church Street to the Hunt County line; FM 904 from FM 64 to FM 1550; FM 274 from FM 898 to FM 1753; FM 1629 from SH 121 to SH 78; FM 87 from SH 56 to US 82; FM 273 from FM 1396 to FM 2029; FM 1753 from SH 78 to the Grayson County line. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone. SH 78, from US 82 to the Oklahoma State line. Watch for daytime shoulder closures and occasional lane closures as workers install sloped-end treatments on drainage structures and replace bridge rail and guardrail. FM 100, from SH 56 to FM 2216. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone. FM 271, from SH 78 to FM 68. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone. CR 3210 at Bullard Creek. CR 3210 at Bullard Creek is closed to through traffic to allow for replacement of the bridge. During the closure, traffic is asked to use CR 3200 as a detour. SH 34, from FM 64 to FM 1550. Watch for traffic shifts and traffic-signal-controlled lane closures as workers build the bridge approaches for the new SH 34 roadway at the future Lake Ralph Hall. FM 1550, from SH 34 to CR 3544. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work on building the connection of the realigned FM 1550 to the existing roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone. FM 2554, from FM 273 to CR 2125. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform edge repairs on the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone. FM 2029, from FM 1396 to FM 273. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform edge repairs on the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.

Attention, Fannin County Voters: Press Release - This invitation has been sent out to the Republican candidates for Sheriff, District Judge and County Commissioner, Precinct 1: "We, the Concerned Christian Citizens of Fannin County, would like to extend an invitation to you to participate in an Open Forum for Candidates and Voters, to be held in January at the

Bonham Armory. Until we hear back from you, we are holding the facility for these possible dates: January 6th, 8th, or 13th. Please reply with your preferred dates, ranked 1, 2, & 3 (#1 works best for you, #2 is next, #3 is least). If any of these 3 dates will NOT be possible for you to participate, please let us know. This is an opportunity for each of you to share with the

voters why you are the best candidate for the position, followed by an opportunity for a brief q & a with the voters. We will be advertising this event and opening it to the public at no charge. We appreciate your expeditious reply." Since we have only a few (if any) opportunities to hear from and interact with our local candidates in an open fo-

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rum, while all together at the same place and time, we are making an effort to provide such a platform. Bringing candidates and voters together like this helps to ensure a well informed public, a winwin for both candidates and their voters! We wish we could cover all the local races, but this is at least a start.

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This next recipe comes from another one of our daughters childhood friends, Caitlin Butler Boothe. She served this at their get together and Tessie said it was delicious!

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REALTY Chris Johnson, Broker Dale Horton Jeri Lea Johnson DeAnn Jones Amy Patrick Jered Hudson

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CRISPY BAKED BOURSIN with SPICY HONEY 5.2 oz Boursin one pack, I used garlic and herb flavor 2 tbsp. flour 1 beaten egg 1 c. panko bread crumbs salt and pepper For serving: ½ c. honey chili flakes toasted bread Preheat oven to 400°. Place flour, beaten egg and seasoned panko breadcrumbs into three separate bowls. Coat the Boursin first in the flour, making sure the cheese is completely coated. Dust off the excess then dip in the egg, once again ensuring it's well coated and finally coat in the panko. Place the breaded cheese in a parchment-lined baking dish. Place in a hot oven and allow to bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown and crisp. While the Boursin bakes, mix the honey with the chili flakes. Thinly slice the bread and place on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and bake until crisp and golden on both sides. Once the cheese has baked, remove from the oven. Place on a serving platter or board alongside the chili honey and toasts. Serve immediately. This does sound good! I can't wait to make it over the holidays! ENJOY!!!! Please send me your favorite or unique recipes to Fannin County Leader at 224 N. Main St. Bonham, TX 75418 or email me: fclweesie@gmail. com

Section A Page 6 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280




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 Thank You to our Sports Page Sponsors  Section A Page 7 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280




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eight Fannin County high

The second-team selections were Trenton's Micah Wommack and David De La Cueva. Honorable mentions included: Trenton's Clay Anderson, Trenton's Stone Anderson, Bonham's Matthew Backus and Honey Grove's Gerald Deon Morris II.

Trenton football quintet leads school senior players on the local all-state academic octet Texas High School Coaches By Rich Hilliard Five Trenton recipients topped

Association Football Academic All-State teams for 2023. Trenton's David Parsons and Honey Grove's Lucas Morrison made the first team.

Successful Swansong Season: Bonhi boys' 11/7/23 hoops start may mean 3A playoffs return before 4A revert

Bonham's Braeden Stewart gets away a pass around a Duncanville Village Tech defender to teammate Heath Brown (21) on Dec. 8.

Bonham's Heath Brown (21) looks to drive past a Duncanville Village Tech defender on Dec. 8.

Bonham's Russell Welch (14) controls the ball on Dec. 8 Story and photos Bonham's Jagger Lindsey against Duncanville Village Tech. Bonham's Brynlee Owens by Rich Hilliard (15) stays focused on his shot Welch ripped a buzzer-beating (10) shoots a jumper on Dec. on Dec. 8 despite a Duncan- three-pointer he launched be8 over a Duncanville Village Bonham began its current stint yond half court to end the third ville Village Tech defender. Tech defender. in Class 3A with an area-round quarter during the win. advance in boys' basketball in Bonham's final district campaign in 3A 2019 -- the preceding bi-district for boys' basketball won't begin until Jan. School on Dec. 2. win that year equating its first postseason The Warriors (13-4) then reached the victory in the boys' sport in school history. 2 at Pottsboro. But the Warriors' start thus far this championship game of their co-hosted New University Interscholastic League classification maximums and minimums season under new head coach Rodney Highway 82 Shootout on Dec. 9. released on Dec. 8 assured the Warriors Ross suggests a postseason advance to that the current basketball campaign will end their 3A stay may be coming. be their last in 3A before a return to 4A for Bonham won the For Love of the Game Tournament at S&S Consolidated High the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 seasons.

Bonham's DJ Stewart (5) controls the ball on Dec. 8. Photo by Rich Hilliard

DC, Trenton, Bonhi, Leonard triad TGCA academic all-state spikers

By Rich Hilliard

Dodd City, Trenton, Bonham and Leonard each had three seniors earn academic all-state status from the Texas Girls Coaches Association for 2023. Dodd City's Hannah Burney, Addyson Chaney and Kadyn McCarley made the 1A team. In 2A, Trenton's Kaylen Atchley, Jolee McMahon and Gracie Williams garnered selections. Bonham's Kate Bounds, Kaitlyn Capehart and Kylee Trompler joined Leonard's Brooke Day, Sadie Denison and Sydnee Richardson as recipients in 3A.

Bonham returning to 4A in fall; Leonard staying in 3A by two

By Rich Hilliard

Bonham will again be a Class 4A school for athletics, starting in the 2024 fall semester, while Leonard will barely remain in 3A. The University Interscholastic League on Dec. 8 released the maximums and minimums for the 20242025 and 2025-2026 school years to compete in its six classifications and the football divisions within 5A-1A. Having submitted a 560 enrollment on Oct. 27 for Snapshot Day, Bonham placed inside the new UIL parameters for 4A overall (545-1,314) and 4A DivisionII football (545-956). Bonham last completed in 4A during the 2017-18 school

year. With a 255 enrollment, Leonard stayed by two in 3A which will include schools with 254-544 enrollments and 254-368 for 3A Division II football. Leonard will be the smallest 3A Division II school in Texas. Meanwhile, all other Fannin County public schools will also remain in its classifications and football divisions where relevant.

Class 2A (105-253) and 2A Division-I football (181.5253): Honey Grove (221), Trenton (203) and Sam Rayburn (143). Class 1A (104.9 and below), 1A Division-I football (61.5104.9), Division-II football (61.4 and below): Dodd City 94, Ector 73, Savoy 73, Fannindel 36. New districts for UIL schools will be released on Feb. 1 for football, volleyball and basketball.

Sports Sponsor

FANNIN BANK Go to www.fanninbank.com for more information

Bonham (903) 583-5522 Fax (903) 583-2436 P.O. Box 160 230 E. 3rd


Honey Grove (903) 378-2200 Fax (903) 378-2436 P.O. Box 9 901 E. Main

New Bonham head boys' basketball coach Rodney Ross watches the Warriors from the sideline on Dec. 8.

Fannindel's Cuba 2X selected for 9-1A-II football first team By Rich Hilliard Senior Ke'monte Cuba earned a firstteam selection on each side of the ball to lead Fannindel in the All-District 9-1A-II football awards for 2023. Cuba garnered top-team spots at running back and linebacker, after the Falcons (5-4, 1-2) tied for the district's runner-up postseason berth with Trinidad and Apple Springs, but lacked the necessary tiebreaker to advance. Other first-team recipients included senior Ashton Smith at spread center and sophomore Kalob Runnels at cornerback. Second-team selections were senior Edger Lopez, utility back/cornerback; sophomore Gavin Watson, kicker/defensive lineman; sophomore Josh Tinnell, special teams; senior Lucas Moreland, tight end; Runnels, wide receiver; and Smith, nose guard. Fannindel's Ke'monte Cuba (4) carries the football on Sept. 7 during a nondistrict home football game against Denton Calvary Academy at Bishop Field. Photo by Rich Hilliard


Section A Page 8 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Texas Best Handyman & Remodel, LLC

Shane Owen 903-227-6967

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WWII Management History Roundtable Program JE Legacy Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By:

Cross Tax & Bookkeeping

8/23/22469-796-5081 By World War II Roundtable, Audie Murphy Chapter

John Pearce has converted in retirement to a writer and presenter. This presentation will open up interest in the men from the area and their turmoil for the four to five years they served. The diary may be purchased online, in bookstores, or through the publisher, State House Press, a part of the Texas A&M Press distribution system. Pearce will have books available to sign after his program. Pearce will view the war’s actions from the perspective of the common soldier on the ground. Almost all north Texans had relatives or knew men in the 36th Division, which saw more action than nearly any other Mediterranean area group. His father, Frank Web-

ster Pearce, was a part of the

worst assignments of the war. 12/5/23 As a member of the 111th in memory of Jimmie Evans Engineer Combat Battalion,

Income Tax Service

Kim Cross formerly Norwood Bookkeeping 2501 North Center St. Office: 903.583.3903 Bonham, TX 75418 Fax: 903.583.5142 crosstaxandbookkeeping@gmail.com Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By:



Facebook: Glaser-Family-Charitable-Foundation

John A. Pearce, author of A Private in the Texas Army, will present the third quarterly program at the meeting of the recently formed North Texas World War II History Roundtable, Audie Murphy Chapter. Pearce, a Sulphur Springs native, will discuss his father’s diary, which covers military action by north Texans from Africa to the invasion of France and Germany. The presentation will be January 25, 2024 at 7 p.m., in the Greenville Audie Murphy/American Cotton Museum. The public is invited. A former football player, high school and college coach,

HOURS: Tuesday 9 AM - 7 PM Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM


he helped clear mines, build roads, and restore bridges. Most of the time he was under fire, but he notes other detailed activities carried out by the soldiers. Many diaries can be bland and with little local flare, but soldier Pearce brings the days to life for readers. His son adds to the stories with summaries and some maps. The first program last summer was given by Dr. Tom Hutton on Adolph Hitler’s maladies and how they affected decisions. The second was by Dr. Stephen R. Taaffe view of Army Chief of Staff George Marshall’s array of generals in his command.

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STEPHENS 10/3/23 SAND & GRAVEL Solution Crossword

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55. Mock 56. Vaccine developer 1. Droops 60. Atmosphere 5. Subatomic particle surrounding a person or 10. Not in danger place 14. Nursemaid 61. Marten with a short tail 15. Black band worn in 63. Chinese temple mourning 64. Invests in little 16. Long song in opera enterprises 17. Edible seed of a 65. Popular cut of meat Philippine tree 18. Chicago political family 66. Charity 19. Pursues pleasure from 67. Iron-containing compound one place to another 68. River in Northern 20. Appetizer Europe 22. Hill (Celtic) 69. One point east of 23. Simple shoe 24. Songs to one you love southeast 27. Secret activities CLUES DOWN 30. Upset 1. Exhausts 31. Popular hot drink 2. Genus of fish related to 32. Body art (slang) gars 35. Fired 3. Impudent behavior 37. Blood relation 4. Adherents to Islam 38. Identical 5. They come after A 39. Porticos 6. Spoke 40. Partner to cheese 7. Room to receive guests 41. Type of sword 8. About opera 42. Enough (archaic) 43. Surface layer of ground 9. End-blown flute 10. Heroic tales 44. Cotton fabric woven 11. Member of a Semitic like satin people 45. Choose for a post 12. Dog’s name 46. Father 13. Opposite of west 47. Tell on 21. Political divisions in 48. Indian title of respect ancient Greece 49. Fonts 23. Ocean 52. Fencing sword

25. Cool! 26. Young woman about to enter society 27. One from central Caucasus 28. Indian city 29. A way to serve ice cream 32. Emaciation 33. Escort aircraft carrier 34. Italian city 36. Mythical settler of Kansas 37. Unhappy 38. High schoolers’ test 40. Measured in pace 41. Satisfies 43. Gullible person 44. Enclosed space 46. Substance used to color something 47. Shirt type 49. Discover by investigation 50. __-Castell, makers of pens 51. Semitic Sun god 52. Grads wear one 53. French river 54. Part of a cap 57. Digestive fluid 58. Metrical foot 59. Body part 61. Very fast airplane 62. Supplement with difficulty





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Section A Page 9 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


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Actions Dale McQueen Speak 12-19-23 Louder Than Words

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Commissioner Precinct One Political Ad paid for by Dale McQueen Deana Staton-Treasurer

9/12/23 These signs displayed where work is in progress or finished.. Road Work updates for Week ending 12/08/2023 As commissioner, I plan to let you know every week what we accomplished the week before in regards to our slogan "On the Road to Recovery". As citizens, you expect us to be out working daily in the precinct and bringing our county roads back up to at least a minimum standard. For the week ending December 8, 2023 the team was able to grade the following county roads: 1245, 1250, 1405, 1410, 1440, 1444, 1445, 1504, 1520, 1544, 1545, 4015, 4010, 4015, 4020, 4026, 4030, 4100, and 4130. Brush cutting was done on CR 1545 (just a trim to remove the cane and worst offenders), 1145, and 1146. Pot holes on CR 1200 and 1265 were worked on. Our focus for the next few weeks will change to removing some of the larger downed trees and brush on many of the county roads, replacing some cross culverts, and finish mowing the right of ways before winter really arrives. We did not get here in a day, week, or even year and it will take a dedicated team of employee's like we have currently time to correct the issues. Dale McQueen, Fannin County Commissioner Precinct One 903-965-7030

NOTE: All Commissioners are encouraged to submit updates from their Precinct. Publication is free as a service to County residents and their Commissioner.

11/14/23 Political Ad paid for by Dale McQueen Deana Staton-Treasurer


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Section A Page 11 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

How are you. How is your raindeers. I hope you are doing good this year. I would like a dirt bike and a forwheeler and a jet scey. And a blanket and new pelow. A toy that looks like you. A iphone 13 or 14. Ok Im not trying to be mean. And airpods. 1,800 Dollars too with that. And some cogh medesen. How is mrs clouse. From, Sydney

How are you? My name is Eli. Santa I would like for Christmas is a vitrul reality gift card. Takis deer hunting clothes. Hoverboard. New TV. eggnog. Baseball bag. Realaxing headphones. Minecraft game card for Nintendo. Apple watch. Whats your favorite thing to do? Also whats your favorite food? Your friend Eli

How are you your looking nice this Christmas this year. I would like these things for Christmas. 1 a I pod. 2 some airpods. 3 a squish mellow. 4 a shliche truck and trailer. 5 a Melissa and Doug Dentist set. 6 a meisa and dougSlice and stack set. 7 ballat shoes and dress. 8 new lamb blankets that acchelly fit. 9 some hoodis. 10 a gem neckless. 11 a apple pen. 12 a mini horse jump that I can jump. 13 a real spider monkey. 14 a bigger horse. 15 a bridle

and saddle. 16 a halter and lead rope. 17 heeles. Love Josey May I have a backet bungar for Christmas. Love Charlotte I am setting out my moms cookies they are Famous at my house at least. I always tell my brothers about how you have a … big white beard, a red jaket and suit and red Santa hat. About the presents. May I have ∙iphone 13 ∙Art box including Pens,

Markers, Penciels and Paper ∙ear muffs ∙tiny couch ∙apple watch and lastly a color for my cats by the way How is Mrs. Clause? Love Taylor

Dear Santa, My name is Tobias. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me. 1. A toy, 2. A cat, 3. A dog. I’ll set out cookies. From Tobias

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By Rose Schwartz

amount needing to be paid was 5/26/20 $184,753.74 with payroll being Tuesday, December 12, 2023, $292,246.52. A motion was Fannin County Judge Newt made by Commissioner Kopf Cunningham called to order at to pay the bills with Commis9:00 a.m., the Regular Meeting sioner Magness seconding the of the Fannin County Com- motion which passed. missioners Court. He noted 7. Report of monies colQuorum was established with lected by the County Clerk’s all County Commissioners and office for November 2023; himself present. Pastor Mike Land Records, $33,328.00 Allred of the Boyd Baptist and all Courts combined Church in Bonham led the In- $15,627.90 – County Clerk: vocation. Pledges were led by Informational only. Marine Veteran Chris Wilson. 8. Report of monies colThere were no Introductions. lected by the District Clerk’s 5. Public Forum: Judge office for November 2023; Cunningham noted that the $17,351.41 – County Judge Sam Rayburn Middle School (for District Clerk): InformaChoir would be performing tional only. Christmas Carols at 1:00 p.m. 9. Report of monies collecttoday in the Courtroom. He ed by the Justice of the Peace also noted the Director of Precinct 3 office for NovemMaintenance, Ruben Moreno ber 2023; $3,450.00 – County and Citizen volunteer Robert Judge (for JP3): Informational Fleckenstein tested the fire only. pumps earlier in the day and DISCUSSION, advised the fire room is finCONSIDERATION ished which will allow the AND ACTION ITEMS: Courthouse to come off fire 10. Approve going out for watch. bid for a used Chevy SilROUTINE ITEMS: verado truck for Precinct 3 6. Approve payment of bills – Purchasing Agent: Fannin – County Auditor: Assistant County Purchasing Agent Edto the Fannin County Audi- wina Lane explained she had tor, Sherry Zindar, noted the looked at Buy Board for this

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but was not satisfied with that search and decided it would be best to go out for bids on a 2020 model or newer. Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed. 11. Approval of Engagement Letter of Rutledge Crain and Company as outside auditors for FY 2022/2023 and authorize County Judge to sign on behalf of Fannin County – County Auditor: Sherry Zindar explained how this regards the yearly audit that first needs to be authorized by the County Judge. After a discussion about the level of satisfaction with their service, a motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner Self seconding the motion which passed. 12. Re-approval of Modification of Intergovernmental Agreement by the United States Marshals Service with Fannin County, Modification No. 7, to increase the per diem rate from $94.97 to $97.93 (decrease of $.49 per hour from 1st Modification #7 on 10/10/2023) and the hourly guard and transportation rate from $26.55 to $26.73 (decrease of $.20 per hour from 1st Modification #7) to reflect Department of Labor Wage Determination Number 2015-5273 (Rev 24); effective 09/15/2023 – County Judge for County Auditor: Judge Cunningham explained how this was an amendment from the original modification that would actually save the county money. After Ms. Zindar confirmed Judge Cunningham’s assessment, a motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner Self seconding the motion which passed. 13. Approve renewal of Software as a Service Use and Hosting Agreement from Document Logistix to provide sharing system for the District Attorney and Law Enforcement Offices – District Attorney: Ms. Lane explained how this agreement was currently in play but that the contract had not actually been signed last year. A discussion then ensued about a discrepancy between the cost that the county was told it would be paying after the initial payment and what the county is actually paying. Discussed were the services being provided and if the cost for those services may be higher than it ought to be. A citizen of Honey Grove spoke to note his years of experience in negotiating deals in this area of technology and offered his help in obtaining a better deal for the county. After more discussion a motion to table this to allow time to research the matter was made by Commissioner Self with Commissioner McQueen seconding the motion which passed. 14. Approval of Interlocal Agreement between Fannin County and the City of Bonham related to development and implementation of regulations in Extraterritorial Jurisdictions (ETJ) – County Judge: This item was passed on.

15. Approval of Interlocal Agreement between Fannin County and the City of Leonard related to development and Implementation of regulations in Extraterritorial Jurisdictions (ETJ) – County Judge: This item was passed on. 16. Approval of adoption of Trails of Trenton subdivision roads located on Highway 151 in Trenton that were previously accepted by the County on 10-18-2022 – Commissioner Precinct 2: Commissioner Self explained why he was asking for the county to accept these roads. A detailed discussion began about the number of homes existing in the development and whether those homes were housing tax paying residents. Attorney Paul Ivy spoke to advise the court about a visit to the development that revealed to him that only 5 houses have been built that are currently for sale as well as there being one partially built home and one model home. He opined that, “if the county doesn’t have the money, the personnel, the supplies and the equipment to maintain the roads the county currently has, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to agree to add on roads to be maintained by the county”. He then went on to advise against accepting the roads. An indepth discussion ensued which included Judge Cunningham agreeing with Mr. Ivy’s assessment and Fannin County citizen Mike Netjek speaking to ask the court to vote no on this issue. A motion was then made by Commissioner Self for the county to approve the adoption of the subdivision roads. His motion failed for lack of a second. After more discussion Judge Cunningham asked for a motion to pass on this item. Commissioner Magness then made the motion to pass on this with Commissioner McQueen seconding the motion which passed with Commissioner Self voting nay. DISCUSSION ONLY ITEMS: 17. Discuss rules and regulations for roads inside of Recreational Vehicles Parks – Commissioner Precinct 3: Judge Cunningham first noted how rules and regulations had recently been voted on regarding this matter, before Fannin County Network Administrator Dustin Morrow notified the court that a resident from Honey Grove had called in with six different questions. He began the list of questions which would include queries regarding the clearance requirements for the roads with suggestions of changes to apply to small RV parks, road construction and the type of rock required on roads, and entrance/exit requirements.

Continued See Commissioners on page A 13

Section B Page 1 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Letters to Santa..... “I want a hover board!” Piper

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Mickey House, mark“I want a new ers, a baby doll, and a baby doll that toy box. Thank you!! comes with a Love, pacifier and a Jaxtyn bottle! I want a new stroller for Dear Santa, I would like a doll that my baby doll!” I can wash and feed, Emorie a unicorn (but not a “I want a big real life one), a big “I want a toy dog, a trampoline! I also want a Rapunzel doll, and racecar, and a little toy little mario toy!” pretend cooking food pets that has a dog in Susie and dishes. Thank it and I build a house you! Have a good year! for them, and I want a “I want a pool and bub- Love, skateboard and a pet blegum and a toy uni- Indica unicorn!” corn which has blue in Jayde it, and it changes col- Dear Santa, ors in hot water! And Please bring me a special “I want a dirtbike, leg- I want a present and a red dart gun. I would gos, squishy toy and a Ryan egg toy! That’s all also like a pet bunny, puppy and an IPhone!” and I want to say thank a little bitty Christmas Karson you God and thank you tree, and a soft Sam Santa for my gifts. You Rayburn blanket. Hope “I want a barbie dream- are so nice! I love you, you are doing good! house and a cellphone Santa! I will write notes Love, and a pet unicorn!” to you every day and I Cooper Madisyn will pray to you every day, God!” Dear Santa, “Can I please have a Maggie Will you please bring baby who I can rock, me a bunny I can dress and it has a pacifier and “I want a Dolly Parton up and brush, a toy stuff! Like all the things doll, and I want one of house, a tiny bed for babies need to take care those stands where I can my bunny with it’s own of them. And can Santa do my makeup at!” little bath? I also would Claus get me some new Hattie like a pillow and blanket goggles for underwater for me and my bunny. swimming?” “I want toys! Spiderman Thank you Santa!! Cheyenne toys! Three Spiderman Love, Grace toys!” Westin

Merry Christmas

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Section B Page 2 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Letters to Santa..... Dear Santa Claus, I love you and the reindeers too. I bet Mrs. Claus and the elves are working hard. I hope you deliver all the kids a lot of presents. Can you bring me a school set for my American Life dolls and whatever the elves made me please? Dear Santa, I want a four wheeler, Love, make-up, science ex- Brooklyn periment stuff, my own toy elf, and a mail bag. Dear Santa, Thank you for the stuff! I hope you can bring me a bike, toy trucks, and a Love, puppy for Christmas. I Millie have tried to be a good boy this year, you can Dear Santa, Please bring me a Spider ask mom and dad! But I Man camera and tricer- guess you saw me. atops gun. Thank you!! Love, Antonio Love, Hayden Dear Santa, Will you please bring me Dear Santa, May I please have a big a singing unicorn and a stuffed dragon, legos, little statue of a deer for and wooden blocks? I my room? I like deer so much. I love you and I’m love you and Thanks! going to leave you some Love, cookies that I decorated Jace and milk. Love, Dear Santa, I will leave cookies and Dakota milk for you and some reindeer food too. Would Dear Santa, you please leave me I want a hippopotamus for some presents? What- Christmas, even if it’s real, ever you want to bring but I think mom hopes it’s would be great! I have a toy. I sing that song been a good girl this all the time. I would also year. Tell the elves hi for like all the powers in the me. I love you world so I could read my Santa. brother’s Love, mind! Emery Love, Cambrie Dear Santa, Would you please bring me a goldfish, a baby doll, clothes for the baby doll, and all different things for the baby? Thank you so much Santa!! Love, Haven

Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus, I want a Monkey Finger and a toy puppy that has a doghouse and a bone. Then I want a Gabby Dollhouse with a cruise ship and a mermaid house too. That is all.. hang on.. a Ferbie too please! I love you Mrs. Claus and Santa and I will leave hot chocolate and cookies for you both and carrots for the reindeers! Love, Blakely Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me a toy bear that I can sleep with, a unicorn to color her hair, a dog to sleep with, and a baby doll. I love you and hope you have a good year! Love, Izabella

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Isaiah 9:6

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Section B Page 3 • December19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

We Wish You A


Wishing you the Joy of Family, the Happiness of Friends, and the Wonder of the Holiday Season.

from all of us at 1302 TX-121 Bonham, TX 75418

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Letters to Santa.....




I want a biiggggg monster truck that is red. I like Paw Patrol so anything that has that. My little brother has been a little good and he like Buzz and Woody and thats all he loves. McCoy

Peace on Earth Thanks To All Our Customers And Wishes For A Blessed New Year

I want a rainbow Santa. I want you to bring me Barbies. Bring something for my Mom, my Dad, and my baby. Yuilana


I want Bluey Christmas and Bluey stickers. Rudy

Dear Santa, I would like a new plushy, pencils, kid markers that wash off so mom doesn’t get mad, a kid computer for me and Maggie to watch on, 2 iphones (one for me and one for Maggie), new soap for mom, and a Barbie dream house with lots of clothes for them. Thank you Santa and I love yo u! Love, Marley Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I hope you don’t get sick. I want to get a four wheeler, some new camouflage, maybe some hunting stuff, like a new gun. I would love a lot of toys too please. Probably my sister needs some toys too. She wants a lot! I love you so much Santa. Love, Kolt

& Son Floor Covering

I want a little side x side and belt that is gray. I want a chainsaw, probably a fake one and that its. Bring some stuff for I want a truck and a my daddy I love him and star wars figurine and a Meme. - Brantley toy dinosaur. I like you I want paint and toys to Santa- James play with- Maxwell I want marbles and a ramp for marbles. I want Dear Santa, cowgirl stuff with a new My name is Pablolove. belt. New shoes, I dont I am 6 years old. This care what kind. Our Elf year I have been Nice/ is out, her name Adlee. Naughty. For ChristEmma really likes roll- mas, Can you please get erskates, I want to sur- me Pokemncards, newprise her with those. - cartoonar, new beast Lab. Harper I wish you a Merry Christmas, I love you. I want a cat for christmas, but I can’t have a real cat because my Papa is allergic to them. I would also like a stuffed rainbow and some barbies. - Micah

Dear Santa, My name is Michael. I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice/ Naughty. For Christmas, Can you please get me toy Power Ranger, drone, Nintendo.

I want a Hot Wheels I ask that you bring me that go around and a present. I would like it some cars for that. I to be a rainbow one with want dinosaurs. Merrry a rainbow toy inside, like Christmas Santa. a rainbow barbie. I need Luke a present for my mom, Dear Santa Claus, I wish I had a big, real dad, sister and brother train with real passen- too. I have alot of anigers on it for Christmas mals. I’d love a rainbow and you know what else? backpack. - Rose A zipline, a marble tunnel, and a big basketball I want you to bring me hoop. I wish I could visit a toy horse with a toy the North Pole and see barn and I want a Nerf gun. You need to know you and the reindeer. that my brother Carson Love, is only good some days Henry but I have been good so you can bring me presents. - Ryleigh

404 North Center EAST Side of the Square Bonham, TX 75418 • 903-583-3510





Section B Page 4 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Letters to Santa..... Dear Santa, My name is Jol. I am 5 years old. For Christmas, Can you please get me cartoon car, gel window clings. Dear Santa, My name is John. I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. For Christmas, Can you please get me Mrem Jam, a trol, remote control drone.

Dear Santa, My name is Judo. I am 6years old. This year I have been Nice/Naughty. For Christmas, Can you please get me nintendo switch with Zelda, bow and arrow. Dear Santa, My name is Crew. I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice/ Naughty. For Christ-

Merry Christmas

Dear Santa, My name is Brax. I am 6 years old. This year I have been Nice/Naughty. For Christmas, Can mas, Can you please get you please get me Ps5, me creeper hat, drone, nintendo switc Ze, legos. Rc car, Minecraft legos. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, My name is Willa. I am My name is Grayson. 6 years old. This year I am 5 years old. This I have been Nice. For year I have been Nice/ Christmas, Can you Naughty. For Christ- please get me new dress, mas, Can you please new beast lab, drone. get me Nintendo switch, Ps5, toy santa claws.

Merry Christmas!

& Happy New Year City of Windom 406 Main St. Windom, TX 75492

Bonham Floral & Green House 903-583-3624 501 N. Main - Bonham, TX 75418


P12/19/23 EACE GOODWILL on to EARTH ALL Thank you for letting us serve and be a vital part of this great community. We send love and give thanks for Jesus who gave his life so that we may live. In Christ, The Greenes Wise Funeral Home 219 W. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, Tx 903-583-2161

Scarborough Home-Built 1897 happy holidays to you and yours

Ron and Jennifer Greene

Section B Page 5 • December19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

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May the love of Christ fill your life with countless blessings.

Merry Christmas!

pink dress, ps5, dollLetters to Santa.....12/19/23 house. Dear Santa, My name is Solomon I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice/ Naughty. For Christmas, Can you please get me new beast lab, ps5, power ranger. Dear Santa, My name is Maelyn. I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. For Christmas, Can you please get me brand new toy, pink dress, toy rudolph. Dear Santa, My name is April. I am 6 years old. This year I have been Nice/Naughty. For Christmas, Can Dear Santa, you please get me doll My name is Fernondo. Dear Santa, I am 6 years old. This My name is Zoe. I am 6 house, pink dress, ps5, sparklery, dress. year I have been Nice. years old. This year I For Christmas, Can you have been Nice. For please get me Pokemon Christmas, Can you Dear Santa, please get me zuma toy, My name is Everleigh. cards, drone, Ps5. nintendo switch with I am 5 years old. This zelda,, toy rudolph. year I have been Nice/ Naughty. For Christmas, Can you please get me

Dear Santa, My name is Leojehb. I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice/ Naughty. For Christmas, Can you please get me Pokemon cards, Ninteendo, Ps5. Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope I love the prezents you get me. Did you like the white milk and the cookeis I left you? I would like a Christmas set up with Barbie and Ken, and littel Ken, and Chelsey, Knectik sand ice cream set up with suprices in it, and an American girl doll Christmas set. XOXO, Addie W.

Merry Christmas (903) 587-3363 LEONARDPHARMACY.COM

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope your elfs have a good Crismas. I like you Santa. Pleas give me a robot dog. Love, Parker F.



Section B Page 6 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Letters to Santa..... Dear Santa, I want a big pencel, some quarters, and a stuffed animals. Have a Mary Chrismis, Santa. XOXO. Love, Carson F.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I’ve ben very good this year. I want so much toys for Christmas. But my techer sed that she was going to have 4 or 5 things so maby I should do that to. Ok I want an xbox, 5,ooo,ooo vbucks, and new swich controlers. Love, Malea F.

Dear Santa, How are you? Did you like the cookies and milk last year? For Christmas I would like a baseball rug for my room and a survival kit. Sincerely, Clay B.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope you enjoyed the cookies and milk I left you last Chrismas. I tried to stay up until midnight. I want a horse, a saddle pad, a Dear Santa, How are you doing? saddle, and a halter. Last yer I loved my Adios, presens. I don’t want a Macy N. lot for Cresmes. I just want a few things. It is sqweshmelos and mini brands. XOXO, Roxi W.

Fannin County Teachers Federal Credit Union 621 N. Center St. • Bonham, TX 75418 Phone (903) 583-4326


Dear Santa, How are you and your elves doing? I hope you enjoy the cookies and milk. Can I please have two cat squishmelows, pink roses, and a squishmelow blanket? Love, Kinsley M. Dear Santa, How are you doing? Your a good guy. I love you. Your my best frined. Did you know that? I want a new fish, new watch, and new lamp for my room. Also I want a new bed for my new room. XOXO, McKinlee B. Dear Santa, How are you doing? Forgive my sister for acsudindle tuching the elf last Chrismas. You are the nicest persin in the world. I want a mikrscope, a pet closhl squid, and a nerf gun that looks like this … (drawing of a nerf gun). Love, Reed A.

Section B Page 7 • December19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Letters to Santa..... Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been wating for u. I would like a new pocket knife, a survival kit, a 22 rifl, a hover board, and a set of fake swords. See u latr, Rilen R.

Dear Santa, I want some presents from you. My sister wants an ipad, but I already have one. I’m growing a pumpkin. You need to come to my house and see my Christmas tree. I only have one dog, but I want another dog. I want Stitch. My elf is in the sky with you. I want a lot of candy. Love, Axton

I love you! Elizabeth Dear Santa, I want a unicorn and a gumball machine. I want a new teddy bear, because I lost mine. I want roses in my garden. I want a real chalk rainbow and a rainbow ball. I want a rainbow star. Can I get a lot of stuff? I love you, Santa! Whitlee

Dear Santa, I want a mermaid Barbie. I have a little Barbie, but not a big one. Ernie wants a drum for Christmas. I also want another Barbie that comes with a backpack and lots of things. I wish I had a real dog! I Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll and would name him Skippy. a Barbie doll house. Love, I want a new baby and Amy some coloring books. I want a microphone to sing This Land Is Your Land to you! How do you make your reindeer fly? Dear Santa, I want my own TV. I want my own magnets and legos. I want my own gift card to Wal-Mart. I love you! Colton

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I love the elf you sent us! I loved the pajamas your elf sent us. Sow tell our elf thanks. Ow and I have three things I wunt for Cresmes this youtube. I wunt candy, a camra, fire.com merch from Preston, and a ring. Love, Gabby W.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope you enjoyed the chocolate cookies and milk from last Christmas. I made the chocolate cookies by myself. It was kind of hard. I was at home and my mom was at work. What I want for Christmas is a Furby, a huver bard, tree hous, and a four wheeler. Love, Adlee B.


Dear Santa, My name is Brynlee, and I am 5 years old. I have tried to be a good girl this year. I would like to a hair salon for my dolls and 3 books for Christmas. I would like to have a Fairy book, a dinosaur book and a princess book. I will leave carrots for the reindeer and cookies for you to share with Mrs Clause. Love, Brynlee

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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MERRY CHRISTMAS from everyone at the Utter Family Dealerships

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Section B Page 8 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Letters to Santa..... Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll. I want a new Barbie dreamhouse, because my last one is broken. I want a real hair cutting set. I really want one of those things like a ballerina that spins in the air. That is all I can think of! I like your elf! Love, Graycie Dear Santa, I want a monster truck and transformer. I want some new shoes. Love, Andrew

Dear Santa, I want Spinosaurus and Dilophosaurus. I want T-rex also. I want a dinosaur truck. Tell your reindeer and elves

Dear Santa, I told my mom I want a unicorn for Christmas good-bye for me. I’m right now. I want a Bargoing to go to my mom’s bie doll and a baby doll. house and wait for you. How are your reindeer I want slime and green doing? How are your other deer doing? scissors. Love, Love, Trae Avery Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Happy Christmas!!! Thank you for sending I want a pet lizard. I me the elf! I want pres- want a lizard park. I ents! I like drones, and want a lizard toy. I want I want legos! I also want food and water for my some magnets. And, I pet lizard. I want a want a computer. I want mountain a sign that says Santa. for my lizard to climb. I also want a shirt that Love, has Santa on it. I want a Tylen PS 5 and a joker mask. Love, Townes

We We Wish Christmas WishYou Youaa Merry Merry Christmas

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WishYou Youaa Merry Merry Christmas We We Wish Christmas WISHING YOU THE BEST MOMENTS …ANDAAHAPPY HAPPY NEW …AND NEWYEAR! YEAR! OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Thanks and best wishes to you at the holidays.

Thanks and best wishes to you at the holidays.

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Section B Page 9 • December19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Letters to Santa..... Love, Russell Dear Santa, I want a lot of Barbie dolls! I want a lot of presents! I want Peppa Pig toys and Paw Patrol toys. I want a pug and a mouse toy. I love Paw Patrol toys and movies! That is all I want! I love you, Gracelynn Dear Santa, You are the best Santa Claus in the world! Santa and my mom and dad give me a present. My Christmas tree is already up. I want a boy Barbie and kinetic sand. I want you to give my mom and dad a present they love. My mom and dad have to love Santa and me and the Santa hat I have on the top of the Christmas tree. I want a Santa toy snow globe. Love, Harper Dear Santa, I want a dinosaur Santa. I want a Mickey Mouse, because that is my favorite show. Lets see… I want a joker house. I want a Santa Claus Raphael. I like all that stuff! I want a new shirt.

Barbie house. I will make you cookies Santa. Love, Paisley

Dear Santa, I would like a microphone and a phone. I would also like a stuffie egg. I love your presents! Love, Kristina

Dear Santa, I would like a makeup set, a nail and toenail set, and earbuds. Thank you for bringing us presents. Love, Remington

Dear Santa, I would like new fishing tackle, and a new fishing rod. Santa, do you like fishing? Love, Beau

Dear Santa, I would like a german shepherd dog that knows some tricks. I would also like a blue Elf on the Shelf. Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Pierce

Dear Santa, I would like a microphone, a makeup set, and an Apple Watch. Tell Rudolph to shine his shiny nose through my window. Love, Amiaya

Dear Santa, I would like a doll set, and a Barbie set. Merry Dear Santa, Christmas! I would like a microLove, Aria phone, and a makeup set. I really hope ChristDear Santa, mas is coming soon. I would like a makeup Love, Chloe set, some earbuds, and a

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Section B Page 10 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Letters to Santa.....


The Greatest Gift of All

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7


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Dear Santa, I would like a DeWalt drill, and a PS5. I hope you bring me presents. Love, Emmett

12/19/17 May God bless you through out the Christmas season and the New Year!

Whitlock’s Pawn & Jewelry

509 N. Main Street • Bonham, TX • 903-583-8114 12/19/17

Dear Santa, I would like an Xbox, a swingset, and a green and white bike. I hope you have a merry Christmas. Love, Bryce

Dear Santa, I would like makeup, and an iPad. I wish you a merry Christmas! Love, Sarah Dear Santa, I would like a Hello Kitty kitchen, and dress-up clothes to be a chef. I love you. Love, Diana

Merry Christmas pos. I wound a bot. I Santa. hope you have a miry Love, Ivan Christrmis! Luv, Caiden Dear Santa, I would like a Dear Santa, rainbow ro- How are you this year? bot dog, and a Are you doing well or plushie that looks not? But I wanted to no like you. if your elf’s are workMerry Christmas ing good? I would like Santa! to hage a legoed Titanic Love, Avery and a mine craft lego set. Also an aqurem set. Dear Santa, Love, Knox I would like a Gabby’s doll Dear Santa, house, and the How is your wife and are Gabby toys. I hope you your elf’s? And are your are staying warm in the elf’s working hard? And winter, and I like you I have been a good girl and Mrs. Clause. this year. I would like Love, Cara roblocks. And I would like a Nintendo Swich. Dear Santa, And I would like a funy I would like a red Power elf because everyone has Ranger toy, and a Spi- a elf. derman Web shooter toy. Love, Arya Tell Rudolph I love him! Love, Connor Dear Santa, How are you doing? May Dear Santa, I have some Vmax PokeI would like a red snow- mon cards and Nintendo board, and a TV. I love swich.Love, Asher you and Rudolph! Love, Connor Dear Santa, How are you doing and Dear Santa, how are Mrs. Class doI would like a Halo flood ing? I have bin good. gate and Lego Cars. I I would like a Xbox. would also like a pizza I would also like a big party with you Santa. hug. You might want to bring Love, Keegan a warm jacket! Love, Liam

Dear Santa, I would like a headset Dear Santa, to play gorilla tag and a Are your elves working remote control airplane. hard? I wand 3 fishin


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From Everyone at Paul Hodge Construction! 12/22/20

Section B Page 11 • December19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Letters to Santa.....

& Happy New Year from

Dear Santa, Hi, Santa. I have been a good girl this year. I would like a Pasca Pens and Nintendo Switch. And I want new pejs and a elf. Love, Alice

want a magic mixse for this year. Love your frend, Alina

Dear Santa, My name is Liam and I am 6 years old and I go to School at SR and it has been extreemlie fun. Dear Santa, How have you and Mrs. I am a good girl. I will Claus doing this year. I leave sumthing for want a pair of nikes you. I would like baby Love your friend, pjamas. I would like a Liam posca pen, Love, Hayden Dear Santa Claus, My name is Rohyn and Dear Santa, I am 6 years old I go How is Ethan doing? I to school at SR and it would like a phon and has been so much fun! a phon case ples. I How are you and Mrs. would osoe like a Nin- Claus. I want a new pet tendo switch ples. And cat. the last thing is to spin I your friend, time with my family. Rohyn Love, Gracelynn Dear Santa Claus, Dear Santa, My name is Kylan and Hello. I’m good. I would I am 6 years old. This like Lego’s, PS5, con- year I want a ulcer watroler, Nintendo switch ter go pro with a scary and pejs. mask. Love, Landon Kylan

LEONARD ISD 12/21/21

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

- Kyle and Katrina Shaw and Sendyl, Sydney, Courtney and Kayleigh

Dear Santa, How is my elf doing this year? I would like a mily Life Doll. I would like a knedik sand box. I would like a hachlaml pixy dust. Love,

Dear Santa, My name is Mychael I am 6 years old. What I want for Christmas toy for my dog Lillie. And trest and a bed and everybody to be happy. Have I been good this Dear Santa, year? I have bin a good girl Love your friend, this year. How is Mrs. Mychael Clos doing? I would like sum fiuis. I would Dear Santa, like a gel nel polish kit. My name is Stephania I would like a Nintendo and I am 7 years old. switch. Mary Crismees to sata Love, Evelyn claus and I want a LOL and a me maww and I Dear Santa, more doing I wnat a How are you doing? tows for my family. Your very kind. I wish Love crismees, I was like you, Santa. I Stephania would like a lot of barbies, even Christmas Dear Santa, ones. My Dalton 6 years old. Life is good. I’m going I want everything in the to leave a treat for your world and a boogar too. raindeer. Have a blest 2000 dollars and a faday. Same for your elfs mous rich butler. and raindeer. Love, Love, Charlotte Dalton Dear Santa, Dear Santa, My name is Weston. My My name is Alecia and sister wants a barbie I’m 7 years old. I go to doll and I want a speer SR and it been so much and a good arrowhead. fun! How are you doing Weston and Mrs. Claus at the North pole. I want for Dear Santa, Chimas is a for adley My name is Alina. I am and michic mixy and a 7 years old. How are book for Chrimas thank the elds going and how you. are you been? Iv been Love your friend, good. For Christmas I Alecia want a magic box. And I

“For unto us a Child is Born.” - Isaiah 9:6

Section B Page 12 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Letters to Santa.....

Hope your Christmas is simply perfect. Thanks for being perfectly wonderful customers and friends.

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Dear Santa, My name is Ashlynn I am 6 years old. Ivr been good this year. I hope Dear miis claus, you have do good My name is Bella. I am Christmas have the elfs 6 years old. This year I been working hard? This want a bunny stuffed an- year for Cristmas I want imal alive and I hope my me rob and I hope my family is always happy. family is always happy Love, and evryone is happy. Bella Love, Ashlynn To Santa Claus, My name is Averlee and Dear Santa, I am 7 years old. I go to I have been really good SR. How are the reindeer this year. For Christmas doing and is your would like a pet deer favorite cooke? How maye Ithas I would like a presents can you fit in x-bozboys. and another deer. the stocking a for able Merry Christmas. mach new bed sheets. Your friend, Love, Logan Averlee Dear Santa, Dear Santa Claus, been really good this Dear Santa your eld are Iyear. Christmas I welking so had. I go to would For like a ipad and I the North Pole to gev also want a Barbie and a presents for you. I go kitten. I Love you Santa! to your home varb- Merry Christmas Santa. lat. Where do you fo to Your frend school at? Go to school Alicia with me Santa Claus. I bring presents do you. I Dear Santa, help you with stockings. How are you? For I give a hug for you Christmas I would like Santa. I love you Santa Legos, Sonic, and x-box. Claus. Eli Love your frend, Braxton Dear Santa Claus, My name is KAYLYnn and I am 6 yeare old I go to sr sh fun. Me do a phoun a new lark it a book ball night light uincorn hend. Love your frink, KAYLYnn


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Section B Page 13 • December19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Letters to Santa..... Dear Santa, I have been really good this Year. For Christmas I would like PuPPy toy and candycane and Kitchen set and LOLs and Barbie,, dream hous and Phone Pet Kitten. Merry Christmas, Santa. Love Santa, Tanzlee

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good this year for Christmas I would like a z box I would also like sonic Toys and I-pad and a phone and pjs and a cross bow. Your friend, Colt

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you. For I have been good This Christmas I would Like year. For Christmsa is a iPhone and Lol Doll I would like nija kids and Dorling Book. Tai ball. I would also Like Santa Love you merry ps5 and robot. Christmas. Love Santa. Your friend Denr Santa, Dear Santa, your friend, Gwen I have been really good How are you? I have this year. Christmas been really good this Greyston for Christmas I like a year. For Christmas godzzland a pet and a I would like I-pad I Ipad and a hot wheel would also like Lol Doll set and a elf Merry and Babby day. The Christmas Santa! best Santa are the Love, best Santa eothfr John Love, Rachel Dear Santa I have been really good Dear Santa, this year. For Christ- I have been really mas I would like LOL good this year. I Doll Kitchen Set and want For Christmas Barry & Kim Williams and Family Wish You a toy PuPPy. I would like a Ps5 I Best Santa would like I phone MERRY CHRISTMAS & Kynleigh 15 and a X-Box and a Nintendo A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dear Santa, Swich. I love you I have been really good Santa. this year for Christmas your friend I would Like a Kit- Carson COUNTY TRASH SERVICE ten and Barbie puppy Nintendo and is LOL 903-583-3610 Doll. Santa I love you. Your friend, Olivia


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Happy Holidays From Grayson College

May your holiday season be filled with happiness and the New Year bring you and your loved ones much joy, good health and peace!


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Section B Page 14 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Letters to Santa.....

A story of love and payments. Grab a cup of cocoa and some popcorn for Legend Bank’s Christmas Classic.

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Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would love to have a skateboard, roller skates and a rainbow lamp. I think you are the best, Santa. Love, Hailey

Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would love to have a tablet and a snowboard and a smartwatch. I think you are the best, Santa. Love, Owen

Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would love to have an Ipad, phone and a computer. Please tell Rudolf hello. Love, Chloe Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would love to have a Ipad something Stitch and Legos and a puppy. I think you are the best, Santa. Love, Emmalynn

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Downtown Bank 2228 N. Center Street | Bonham | 903-583-2163

Convenience Center 2232 N. Center Street | Bonham | 903-583-2163 Wireless carrier charges may apply. Member FDIC

Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would love to have a hatchet and a tent and I would love a PS5. Please tell Rudolf hello. Love, Emmitt

At the close of another year, we gratefully pause to wish you a warm and happy holiday season. Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes 2022 North Center, Bonham 903-583-5555 803 East Main, Honey Grove 903-378-2291 www.coopersorrells.com

Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would love to have a dirt bike and a football and ice skates. Please tell Rudolf hello. Love, Clint Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would love to have a PS4, Xbox and a Nintento Switch. I think you are the best, Santa. Love, Rhett Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would love to have a dirt bike, a puppy and a smart watch. Please tell Rudolf hello. Love, Carson Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would love to have an Xbox and a Ipad and a phone. I think you are the best Santa. Love, Rex

Section B Page 15 • December19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Letters to Santa..... Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I want a 4 wheeler and a PS5. Love, Elijah Dear Santa, My name is Cor. I love you very much, Santa. I know that you like milk and cookies. I am glad that you are healthy and strong. Please bring me a Godzilla and a kitchen toy. Love, Cor

Dear Santa, I have really been good this year. I would love to have a dirt bike, laptop and roller skates. Please tell Rudolf hello. Love, Colden

Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I want a PS4. Love, Ivan

Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. Dear Santa, I have really been good I want a PS5 and a dirt this year. I would love bike. to have an Ipad and a Love, snowglobe and a Apple Noah watch. Please tell Rudolf Dear Santa, hello. I have been a very good Love, boy. Cathryn. I want a hot wheel truck and a PS5. Dear Santa, I have really been good Love, this year. I would really Sean love to have an Ipad, rainbow Barbie shoed Dear Santa, and a PS5. I think you I have been a very good girl. are the best Santa. I want Bakugans. Love, Love, Ryleigh Elizabeth Dear Santa, I have been really good Dear Santa, this year. I would love to I have been a very good have an Ipad, a doll and girl. a teddy bear. Tell Rud- I want a new mermaid loph and Mrs. Clause toy and A baby doll. hello. I will leave you a Love, Sophia snack. Love, Dear Santa, Jessa I have been a very good boy. Dear Santa, I have been a very good I want Bakugans and a 4 Wheeler, boy. I want a PS4 for Christ- Love, Kayden mas, Love, Dear Santa, Josiah I have been a very good girl. Dear Santa, I have been a very good I want a doll and Barbie clothes. girl. I want a Barbie dream Love, Jillana house and a Barbie miDear Santa, crowave. I have been a very good Love, boy. Skilynn I want a big Donatello from TMNT and Action Dear Santa, I have been a very good figures to go with it. Love, boy. I want a turtle and RC Tucker car. Dear Santa, Love, I have been a very good Phoenix girl. I want Barbie clothes Dear Santa, I have been a very good and Mini Brands. Love, girl. Ayleigha I want a Barbie doll. Love, Olivia

Dear Santa, My name is Rayden. I love Christmas. I have been nice to my friends. Please me bring me a Spiderman toy and a skateboard. Love, Rayden Dear Santa, My name is Parker. I have been a good girl. I have been kind to my brother. Please bring me an Elf on the Shelf toy, a slide for the elf, and a swimming pool for him. I love you. Love, Parker

Merry Christmas

Dear Santa, My name is Sarai. I have been a good girl. I play well with my friends at school. Please bring me a weenie dog and a bike. My brother also wants a real weenie dog. We want a boy and girl one. I love you. Love, Sarai Dear Santa, My name is Bella. I would like a Barbie doll for Christmas. I also want a weenie dog for Christmas with a leash. Can I also have a jewelry box? Love, Bella



Section B Page 16 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280


Merry Christmas

Bobby W Eaton

2110B N. Center Bonham, TX 75418-2628 Bus 903-583-9131 bob.eaton.b4uc@statefarm.com


The greatest compliment you can give is a referral.

Letters to Santa.....12/19/23

Dear Santa, My name is Diego. Please bring me a dragon toy, bike, a remote dinosaur, and a Dear Santa, kite. My name is Jayla. I have been a good girl. Please Love, bring me a real weenie Diego dog, a bracelet maker, Dear Santa, and a toy reindeer. My name is Jaxon. I want Love, a real boy weenie dog, a Jayla big remote control big truck, a big truck without Dear Santa, My name is Paisley. I wish a remote, a Minion gun, for a big letter puzzle like and a big haul truck with the one at school, a bike, a container. I love Mrs. and some Legos. I love Claus. Love, you. Jaxon Love, Paisley

Dear Santa, My name is Carter. I want a Nintendo Switch, a Buzz Light Year figure, a Woody toy figure, a Jessie toy figure, a Rex Toy Story toy figure, the blue Sonic Hedgehog, a number chart, a Spiderman, a robot dog, some paper, and Branch from the Troll movie. Love, Carter

Dear Santa, My name is Krislynn. Please bring me an Ariel mermaid remote control car, a Barbie doll house that is real big, a barn full of horses, some coloring books, some foam letter puzzles that we have Dear Santa, at school, some slime, My name is Clara. I am and some play dough. I thankful that you give us love you, Santa! Merry presents. I am thankful Christmas! for you and Jesus. I love Love, you and Jesus. Please Krislynn bring me a cry baby, a Dear Santa, My name is Jensen. How are you doing? Please bring me a real cat so my mom and dad are so surprised! I would also like a remote control chicken, a fake foam banana, a fake phone, and a remote control Sponge Bob. Love, Jensen

Warmest Wishes for a Wonderful Holiday Season!

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s a m t s i r h C Merry

Dear Santa, My name is Julian. How are you doing? Please bring me a Hot Wheels set and a work truck. Love, Julian Dear Santa, My name is Noel. How are you doing? I have been good. Please bring me a Barbie House, a Barbie, and a real puppy. I love you! Love, Noel

Merry Christmas 12/19/17

from BEDCO! Be safe.

may you be gifted with countless blessings

Christmas Barbie doll, a Barbie dream boat, and a Barbie camper. Love, Clara

Section A Page 13 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Letters to Santa.....

polines and nothing else please. Love, Carson

and I hope you bring me presents and a real elf that could stay with me! That is all I want for Christmas. Love, Blakely

Dear Santa, I love you and you are the best! Please bring me a web shooter thing, a cross bow that shoots sticky balls, (I really want that one) and a thing that shoots and sticks to the wall. The elves will know what I mean. I don’t care if you want to test the toys out at my house to make sure they work! I love you one hundred thousand! Colden

Dear Santa, If I was at your house I would help Mrs. Clause bake cookies and we could eat them and drink milk together. I love you

Commissioners Continued from page A12 Judge Cunningham responded to the caller’s question by noting that specific questions like the ones he posed would best be handled by contacting Fannin County’s Development Service Director Di Hopkins. He then went on to explain how the court looked at regulations that are already in place in other counties and how the ability for the county to regulate RV parks comes from many different statutes dealing with things like emergency management. He then explained in detail why, though he is not a fan of regulations, in some instances they are needed “to mitigate things that can go wrong” and ruin the quality of life in Fannin County. He gave an example of junkyards being needed; however, the county could probably get by with two instead of twenty and concluded by noting that discussion and suggestions are always welcomed though suggestions may not be able to be implemented. OPEN DISCUSSION ITEMS: Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the Court or a Citizen. 18. Subdivision Committee and Subdivision Policy – County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted that the policies agreed upon are subject to change as needed. 19. Courthouse repairs County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted that a substantial amount of work has been completed and reiterated how the fire pump is operational

Santa, Can you jump and do a handstand? I can, and I hope you bring me a jump rope and two trampolines, so I don’t have to share with my brother! I also would like an ABC Cookie game and a Whack-a-Letter game. I will leave cookand the fire watch can be discontinued as well as touching on work that will be done after the Christmas holidays. Ms. Lane added that blinds will be going up at the end of the week. 20. Justice Center - County Judge: Judge Cunningham commented on paperwork that is ready to be signed that work may begin at the Justice Center site. In response to a question asked if there was any action taken on a recent suggestion to obtain clarity on whether recyclable materials funds were figured into the cost for demolition services, Judge Cunningham answered he would look into the matter and will report back his findings. 21. County budget and revenue sources – County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted conversations being held with the hotel tax people and how revenue from this source should be coming into the county around the first of next year. He also noted how the county is working with the City of Bonham regarding the multipurpose center and how there will be an agreement coming soon detailing the specifics on the matter before touching on the possibility of the county putting property up for sale that has significantly raised in value. 22. Water issues affecting Fannin County – County Judge: No significant updates. 23. Fannin County road issues - County Judge: No significant updates. EXECUTIVE SESSION(S) IF NEEDED: 24. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, Commissioners

ies and milk for you. Tell Mrs. Clause hi for me. Love, Ryleigh Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like new headphones, a Barbi Dreamhouse, and a trampoline please. Love, Alecia Dear Santa, I would like one hover board and two skateboards with just one picture on the back. Then I want 4 tramCourt reserves the right to meet in Executive Session to consult with their attorney – County Judge: A motion was made, seconded and passed to enter Executive Session at 10:42 a.m. After some time passed, a motion was made, seconded and passed to reenter Regular Session at 11:53 a.m. 25. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074, Commissioners Court reserves the right to meet in Executive Session to discuss personnel issues – County Judge: See item 24. 26. Consider and take action regarding matters discussed in Executive Session(s) - County Judge: Judge Cunningham stated one item discussed was the salary of Attorney Andy Garner. He noted how he had started as an intern, passed the bar and is now an Attorney for the District Attorney’s Office and how the amount budgeted in Mr. Glaser’s department for that position is $75,000 a year. Commissioner McQueen then made the motion to adjust Andy Garner’s pay to $75,000 per year beginning January 1, 2024, with the funds coming out of the DA’s existing budget. Commissioner Magness seconded the motion. Judge Cunningham clarified this action would not add cost to the county as it was budgeted for in the DA’s department and noted Attorney Garner has contributed greatly to the county. The vote was then taken, and the motion passed unanimously. COMMENTS AND ADJOURN: 27. Comments by County Commissioners and County Judge: Commissioner Mc-

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Queen reminded everyone about the 1:00 performance by the Sam Rayburn Middle School Choir and encouraged everyone to attend. He then wished everyone a good Christmas. Commissioner Self thanked everyone for their attendance and wished everyone a good week. Commissioner Magness commented on the good discussion had today and wished everyone a good week. Commissioner Kopf stated he appreciated all the comments as the public is invited to get involved as the court is here to serve the public. He then wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Judge Cunningham thanked the Commissioners for their involvement and noted how their deliberations and discussions of issues is to find possible solutions for the county and noted how the public is part of that. He thanked everyone, wished all a good week and God’s blessings before noting he would save his Christmas wishes for next week when God willing the court would be back. 28. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 11:59 a.m.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! From: James and Francis Perry

7th & Main Church Christmas Eve Candlelight Service And Lord’s Supper Sunday December 24 10:30am 617 N Main St. Bonham,TX 903-583-8679 www.7thandmain.com

Section A Page 14 •December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Bonham City Council – Employee of the Quarter, Bonham’s Time Capsule Event & A New Executive Director for BEDCO By Rose Schwartz Monday, December 11, 2023, Director of Community Development Mark Kinnaird led all present in an Invocation before Mayor H.L. Compton thanked everyone for their attendance and called the Regular Meeting of the Bonham City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. Quorum was established with all City Council Members present (except for Councilman Timothy LaVergne II who was running a few minutes late.) 1. Consider and take action to approve minutes of the November 13th regular

meeting: After reviewing the minutes, Councilman John Burnett made the motion to approve with Councilman Ernie Quintana seconding the motion which passed. 2. Consider and take action to accept financial report for month ending November 30, 2023: Director of Administrative Services Sarah Osburn first noted that November’s sales tax had come up and exceeded the tax revenue received from November of last year before asking if there were any questions regarding the report given to the council (there were none.) A motion was made by

Councilman Wayne Moore to accept the report with Councilman Michael Evans seconding the motion which passed. 3. Citizens Opportunity to Speak: [The City Council invites persons with comments or observations to briefly address the Council for the limited purpose of determining whether the matter should be referred to staff for study and response and/or be placed on a future meeting agenda. State law prohibits the City Council from considering deliberations on any item not listed on the posted City Council Agenda.]: The first to speak was a resident

of Boyd Loop who proceeded to offer his thanks to the Council, the City Staff, the Animal Shelter folks, the city’s Police and Fire Rescue members for all they do for the citizenry. Next to speak was a resident of Graham St who is a member of Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church. He offered his thanks to the city for the police escort given Sunday, December 10th for the “Virgin of Guadalupe Parade” that is held annually in Bonham. He also commended the city and their Superintendent of Streets Joe Howdeshell for the assistance given with the Church’s parking lot project. A



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resident of CR 1451 would speak next and note that though he is not a resident of Bonham, he and his wife spend a lot of time and money in the city. He noted he was an 85-year-old veteran and called the city’s attendance to the scarcity of handicapped park- Sarah Osburn presented Employee of ing spots at the Roy the Quarter to the Assistant Director of Tourism Jennifer Self. Floyd Community Photo by Rose Schwartz Center (there are only 3.) He also council and their families. Last noted entrance into the buildto speak was Bonham’s Touring was not handicap friendly ism and Visitor Center’s Adand asked the Council to conministrative Assistant Jennifer sider remedying the situation Self, who spoke to inform the with handrails and more handipublic of the last of the 175th capped parking spots before anniversary events which will wishing Merry Christmas to the be a time capsule burial on February 2, 2024. She noted more information on the event can be found on the front page of the December 12th issue of the Fannin County Leader newspaper including a scannable QR Code for an electronic submission form for those with submission ideas of pertinent Bonham history items to be viewed 25 years from now on February 2, 2048 (Bonham’s Bicentennial) when the time capsule is scheduled to be retrieved. She concluded by noting that submission ideas will be accepted up to December 29, 2023. 4. Presentation of plaque to Employee of the Quarter: Sarah Osburn, filling in for Bonham’s Human Resource Director Brad Nichols; presented the award for Bonham’s Employee of the Quarter to the Assistant Director of Tourism Jennifer Self. Referring to Ms. Self as “Mrs. Clause,” she went on to note that Jennifer had been employed with the city since April of 2022 and described the many attributes that led to her being chosen as employee of the fourth quarter (helpful, reliable, informed, friendly, hospitable, creative and passionate about Bonham). 5. Update and announcement by Bonham Economic Development Corporation President Alan McDonald: President of BEDCO, Alan McDonald first noted the recent retirement of the former Executive Director of BEDCO, Gayle Cooper before explaining how the search for her replacement resulted in the decision to hire Joey Grisham as the new Executive Director during a BEDCO Special Meeting that was held prior to the City Council Meeting. Mr. McDonald then went on to list Mr. Grisham’s qualifications, which included educational achievements from the University of Mississippi, the University of Memphis and the University of Southern Mississippi. Mr. McDonald then listed Mr. Grisham’s work history which includes his most recent four years as Director of Economic Development in Anna; Assistant Director of Economic Development for the City of Rowlett; the Director of Business Recruitment for the Greater Irving/Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce and others. He noted the effective date of his placement as Executive Director will be January 10, 2024. 6. Consider and take action on a Special Use Permit / Zone Change located at 720 W 8th ST (PID 94095) from Single Family Residential to Duplex: Mark Kinnaird explained how this zoning change request came before the Planning/Zoning Commission at their last meeting and passed for approval with a vote of 6 to 1. After his explanation, a motion to approve was made by John Burnett, seconded by Wayne Moore and passed unanimously. 7. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 5:43 p.m. with Mayor Compton wishing a Merry Christmas to all.

Merry Christmas From The Fannin County Leader


Section A Page 15 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

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Section A Page 16 •December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Jessica Arnold Announces Candidacy for Fannin County District Attorney

My name is Jessica Arnold and I am pleased to announce my intent to run for Fannin County Criminal District Attorney in the March 5th Republican Primary. For more than two years, I have worked at the Fannin County DA’s Office as an Assistant District Attorney, advocating for victims and seeking justice. When current Criminal District Attorney, Richard Glaser, decided not to seek re-election after serving this community for 20 years, I knew it was my opportunity to influence positive change while keeping our community safe for all citizens. As Criminal District Attorney, I plan to create a network of resources that will assist law enforcement agencies in their investigations and encourage collaboration among the law enforcement and prosecution community. This includes researching opportunities for grant-funding for training and personnel that is currently underutilized. I will work on efficiently prosecuting cases so both victims and defendants can get a quicker resolution of cases. This will also decrease the amount of time

defendants will spend incarcerated pending resolution of their case, thereby decreasing the burden on the taxpayers to house inmates. My passion of advocating for victims of child abuse will continue to be a priority. Each victim and their family should feel supported throughout the process. I vow to improve communication with these families so they stay informed on the case as it progresses through the criminal justice system. Before assuming the responsibilities of an Assistant District Attorney in Fannin County, my husband Christian and I took a leap of faith and moved our family from the big city of Fort Worth to Fannin County. For many years, we spent weekends and holidays here with family and grew to know many fine people here that shared our values. We decided we wanted our children to grow up with the values of living in the country: faith, family, and hard work. Since then, we have established roots as a family and can’t imagine raising our children elsewhere. With a new 336th District Judge, Sheriff, and Crimi-

nal District Attorney, the criminal justice system will undergo a large change in 2024. I am excited for the opportunity to be a part of that change and promise to stay true to the Fannin County beliefs that make this county a great place to live. I am asking for your support and your vote to become your next Criminal District Attorney. Pol. adv. paid for by Jessica Arnold for Criminal District Attorney Campain, Treasurer Ana Weaver

We want to shout out a huge thank you to the Bois d' Arc Festival for raising funds for Fannin County Family Crisis Center. Thank you to Jake Shockley-State Farm and Bonham Chrysler for the work put into sponsoring this event, and to all other sponsors and volunteers! Pictured L-R are Andrea Lappin (Jake Shockley- State Farm & Bois d' Arc Festival), FCFCC director Ann Gonzales, and FCFCC advocate Tere Curtis.

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Section A Page 17 • December 19, 2023 • 903CALVARY UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. 7:00pm Where: 1190 Hwy 56 W. Bonham. Pastor: Steven Luton, 903-583-4346

Sunday Services at 10:45 • Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays 6:45 Young Adults Bible Study Wednesdays @ 6:30

3375 S o u t h h w y 121 - B o n h a m 903-583-1671 ● P a S t o r K e v i n L a n e

you would like to join others in regular prayer for Fannin Prayer for IfCounty, you are Welcome: 2 Tues., 3 Tues., 4 Tues., 5 Tues. @ Noon. Bonham Historic Depot, 1 N. Center Street, Bonham. Fannin County For more info: Text Sharon Terry, 903-227-3834. 12-18-18 nd




The Humility of Jesus

By Mike Dickison Minister for the Ivanhoe Church of Christ

The identity of Jesus is clearly seen by the quote of the unclean spirit in the synagogue, “Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God” (Mark 1:24). Peter speaks of Jesus in quoting David, “Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption” (Acts 2:27; Psalm 16:6-10). In Peter’s prayer to the Father, he states, “For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pi-

late, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together” (Acts 4:27). With His identity firmly secured, Jesus shows His humility. The scriptures speak of Jesus, “For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens” (Heb 7:26). “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man” (Hebrews 2:9). Paul reminds us, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made

himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:5-8). Because of this we can be “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). Let us remember that “God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:17).

“The Reason For the Season” This is a very dangerous thing to do. We must always remember that the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is the most important reason, above all others, that we celebrate this time of year. I know that I have used this reference before, but I feel led to use it again. In 1959, Audrey Mieir wrote this classic hymn that comes from this passage of scripture. “His name is Wonderful, His name is Wonderful, His name is Wonderful, Jesus my Lord. He is the mighty King, Master of everything:

His name is Wonderful, Jesus my Lord. He’s the great Shepherd, The Rock of all Ages: Almighty God is He. Bow down before Him, Love and adore Him, His name is Wonderful, Jesus my Lord.” If you’re in search of a good church home, we invite you to come visit and be a part of our worship at Central Baptist Church. Visitors are our honored guests, and we hope to see you this coming Sunday! Bro. Josh Stevenson

What The Bible Says About: Angels

When you study Bible Doctrines or “Systematic Theology” in school, one of the subcategories is Angelology. That word comes from two Greek words meaning the doctrine of angels. The word “angel(s)” appear 285 times in the King James version (108 times in the Old Testament and 177 times in the New Testament)

They Minister to God: Psalms 148:1-2 Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts! They Minister to Man as Messengers: Luke 1:13 But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. They Minister to Man as Guardians: Daniel 6:22 My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm.

Hebrews 13:2 - Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

scended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it.

At the Temptation of Christ: Matthew 4:11 Then the devil left him, and behold, angels came and were ministering to him.

Matthew 18:10 - Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.

At the Resurrection of Christ: Matthew 28:2 And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord de-

Psalms 91:11 - For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes 903-583-5555 903-378-2291 Bonham

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Fannin County



First Christian Church of Bonham Ivanhoe Baptist Church 4063 NO.FM 273 701 N Main Street Bonham, TX 75418 903.583.2227 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 (903)583-2359


Allen’s Point Baptist Church 310 CR 2775 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903378-7038

Joyful Light Baptist Church 4695 FM 2645 First Congregational Church-corner of Savoy, TX 75418 903-436-5440 Hwy 121 and W 13th St. PO Box 386 Bonham, TX 75418 903-449-4914 Bailey Bible Baptist Church Lamasco Baptist Church 346 CR 2615 205 Leslie Bailey, Texas 75413 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-664-2454 Episcopal Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 623 Star Bethlehem Baptist Church “The House Landmark Missionary Baptist Church Street (W 7th & Star Street) of Bread” 1415 Franklin Avenue, 1409 W. Market St. Honey Grove, Texas 903-583-7112 Bonham, TX 7541 Office: 903-583-8061 75446 (615) 448-8802 Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church Hwy 121 & Edhube Road Phone 903-583-1671

Little Bethel Baptist Church PO Box 63 Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7708

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Bonham 1540 S Hwy 78 (972) 880-1412


Boyd Baptist Church 3707 St. Hwy. 78 N Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Rt 1 Box Bonham, Texas Phone (903) 583-7288 101B, PO Box 73, Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7009 Calvary Baptist Church 913 S. 5th St Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3910 New Zion Baptist Church 627 County Road

St. James Lutheran Church 14394 E FM 1396 Windom Tx 75492 Phone: 903-583-5155

Central Baptist Church (Fundmental, Independent) 709 Union Ave. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 505-4124

Christian Chapel CME 1005 West Market St. Honey Grove, Tx 75446 903-378-3518

Corinth Baptist Church 277 CR 1150 North of Bonham on Highway 78 903 583 2750 Dial Baptist Church 16816 FM 1550 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-378-7070

Sunday Morning Re-take

Hello everyone! The Bible tells us in Isaiah 9:6, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” This is the true reason that we celebrate Christmas. Oftentimes we get so caught up in the worldly aspects and the commercialism of the Christmas season that we forget this. God gave us the greatest gift that we could ever receive, and we sometimes take it for granted.

Assembly of God

First Assembly of God, Bonham 1650 N. Center Bonham, TX 75418 (903) 583-5883

Duplex Baptist Church 313 CR 2102 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-664-3175 Ector Baptist Church P.O. Box 248 Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2175 Edhube Baptist Church 595 FM 2815 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-2840

1265 Bonham, TX 75418 903-961-2027

Pilgram Rest Baptist Church 703 Agusta St. Trenton, Texas


Ravenna Baptist Church 100 Elm Street Ector United Methodist Church Ravenna, Texas 75476 401 Church St. Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 217-7665 Rising Son Cowboy Church 1526 CR 2010 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-640-3377 First United Methodist Church of Leonard 206 N. Main / PO Box 218 Leonard, Sandy Baptist Church Ravenna, Texas TX 75452 903-587-3463 75476 (903) 583-9546 First United Methodist Church of TrenSeventh & Main Baptist Church 617 ton 211 North Second Street @ Hunt N. Main Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) Trenton, TX 75490 903-989-2378 583-8679 First United Methodist Church of BonSovereign Grace Baptist Church 601 S. ham 801 Star Bonham, Texas 75418 4th St. Bonham, TX 469-207-1141 (903) 583-3314

Elwood Baptist Intersection of CR 2125 Telephone Baptist Church located on FM 273 Grove Hill Methodist Church and CR 2544 near Ivanhoe, Texas in Telephone Office phone: 903-664-2377 5501 FM 1553 Leonard, TX 75452 Faith Independent Baptist Church 12676 W Hwy 82 Savoy, Tx 75479 903-965-5517

Primera Iglesia Baustia Hispana 1134 FM Marvin United Methodist Church 273 Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-5727 Office Phone 903-364-2411 FM 898 E Whitewright, Texas Trinity Baptist Church 219 W. Denison First Baptist Church of Bailey Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3388 Mulberry United Methodist Church, PO Box 221 Bailey, Texas 75413 5638 FM 274, Ravenna, TX 75476, (903)583-4793 Valley Creek Baptist Church 3615 FM phone 1-888-311-8508 896, Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-2386 First Baptist Church of Bonham 710 McKenzie United Methodist Church N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) Westside Baptist Church 912 W. Commerce 701 N. 7th Street Honey Grove, TX 583-8519 St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 903-249-2987 75446 (903) 203-4455 West Shady Grove Baptist Church First Baptist Church of Dodd City PO Windom United Methodist Church 13665 East Line Road Trenton, TX Box 47 Dodd City, Texas 75438-0047 207 Second Street PO Box 936 (903)583-4465 Windom Baptist Church 203 1st Street Windom, TX 75492 940-390-0146 Windom, TX 75492 (903) 623-2215 First Baptist Church of Honey Grove Pleasant Grove CME Church box 34 PO Box 124 Honey Grove, Texas 75446 Wild Horse Creek Cowboy Church 2992 CR Ladonia TX 75449 Hwy 64 903-367-7870 (903)378-2768 2285 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-486-1630 Virginia Point United Methodist Church Catholic First Baptist Church of Ladonia 301 1386 CR 1200 Savoy, TX East Main Ladonia, Texas 75449-100 St. Elizabeth Catholic Church corner of 10th Nazarene & Maple Bonham, TX office 903-583-7734 (903)367-7038 Bonham Community Church 347 FM Church of Christ 273 Bonham, TX 228-563-0423 First Baptist Church of Leonard 100 Church of Christ Leonard, Texas 75452 Non-Denominational East Thomas St. [PO Box 1146] (903) 587-2229 Leonard, TX 75452 (903) 587-2250 Golden Gospel Church 4435 County Ector Church of Christ Hwy 56 & Cedar Road 2610 in Bonham, Texas First Baptist Church of Pecan Gap St. Ector, Texas 903-961-3155 (903) 227-8527 PO Box 100 Pecan Gap, Texas 75469 Honey Grove Church Of Christ - 403 W. (903)359-6683 Greater Joy Fellowship Hwy. 121 & W Main St. Honey Grove, 903-227-2606 13th, Bonham, TX (meeting in First Con. Ivanhoe Church of Christ P.O. Box 322First Baptist Church of Randolph Methodist Church Bldg. Sun. 5 PM) 290 CR 2040 Ivanhoe, TX 75447 PO Box 14 Randolph, Texas 75475 (903)583-6900 The Way Christian Fellowship. 308 E Katy Blvd Church of Christ 411 Katy Fowler St, Savoy Tx 75479 Blvd Bonham, TX 75418 706-294-5996 First Baptist Church of Savoy .O. Box 177 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) Pentecostal Midway Church of Christ Hwy 56 W 965-4160 Bonham 903 583 3989 First Baptist Church of Trenton PO Box 157 Trenton, Texas 75490 (903)989-2319

Northside Church of Christ 2020 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903)583-3484 Oak Ridge Church of Christ 10368 E FM 1550 Ladonia, Texas 75449 903 583 0849

First Fannin Baptist Hispanic Church Rt. 4 Box 10 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-5727 Savoy Church of Christ P.O. Box 212 Savoy, (903) 965-7344 Gober Baptist Church P.O. Box 82 Wolfe City, Texas 75496 (903) 583-2378 Trenton Church of Christ 101 W. Saunders St. Trenton, TX 75490 Grace Reformed Baptist Church 903-989-2446 2800 10th St Honey Grove TX gracerbcbonham.com Gathering Tine Cabin Ministry 487 CR 2105 Ivanhoe, TX 903-449-0180

Church of God

Bonham Living Word Church of God- 699 E Hwy 82 Bonham,TX 75418 Phone: (903) 583-5655

Honey Grove Cowboy Church Lannius Church of God 2803 Hwy 897 3050 Hwy 100 North Honey Grove, TX Dodd City, TX 75438 903-623-3007

SR Church P.C.G. 1850 S HWY 121 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 640-3025


First Presbyterian Church of Bonham 818 N. Main St. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2014 Main Street Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 188 or 504 E. Main St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 249-1325

United Pentecostal

Calvary United Pentecostal Church 1190 Hwy 56 W Bonham Texas 903-583-4346 United Pentecostal Church P.O. Box 216 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4627 Peace Tabernacle UPC 16020 CR 635 Trenton, Texas (972) 752-4054

We at The Leader feel this faith page is a ministry, that we proudly donate to Fannin County. It is very important to present our Saviour, Jesus Christ to the world, specifically our County. Individuals or churches that feel ledContinued to sponsor this church directory or this page please contact Tim Meek @ 903-583-3280 or my call cell @ See Commissioners PUZZLE ON PAGE 8 on page 19 903-227-5702. Thank you...

Section A Page 18 • December 19, 2023 • 903-


EMPLOYMENT CHURCH MUSICIAN NEEDED: The St. Emmanuel Church of God in Christ, Denison, Texas, a small Pentecostal church with a big heart, is seeking an organist to play during Sunday worship services, and to accompany the choir. Applicants should be experienced in playing at church services and playing by memory. Must be available on Sundays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Salary up to $400 per week, with other expenses negotiable. For more information, or to apply, call 903/819-6354. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for the FOLLOWING POSITIONS HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information Call: 903-583-4018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N. Hwy 78 in Ravenna. CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist POSITION OPENINGS B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to brett@bfgammon.com or call 903-583-3597 NOW HIRING! CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver. Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources. “CONSULTANTS” NEEDED Work From Home in Real Estate. Returning calls and emails. No selling, commission income. $8,500 + a Month (pthl.), No Experience, Company Will Train Start immediately. Call Judy (903)505-4699

FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Oak Firewood at Lake Bonham $200 (Split & Ricked) • Some Hickory & Pecan Price negotiable • Delivery Available extra charge • Also Light Tree Trimming Available • Trash Pickup Call Michael 903-227-2196


FOR SALE FOR SALE: Twin Bed. $50, Antique Buffet $75 Call Sue: 903-201-4443 FOR SALE: New Saddle - Never Used - Blue with matching bridle, reins, blanket & martingale. Denison $350 Call 214-901-3850

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Ranch helper 2 or 3 days per week. Mucking 4 stalls and refreshing water. Takes 1.5 hours each day. Pays $50 each day. Bonham Area. Call: 909-332-0331 HELP WANTED Need Part Time Mechanic Helper. Call 903-814-8620

HOUSEKEEPING THE CLEANING LADY Let me clean so you won’t have to. Very reasonable rates, great references! Years of experience. HAVE BROOM WILL TRAVEL! Call Mairi 903-815-1877.

LOST & FOUND LOST: Ladies’ Wedding Ring Reward Call Sandra 903-664-3022



FARM and LAWN MAINTENANCE Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence painting, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mowing, gutters and drainage, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903-227-5898.

PINE RUN APARTMENTS Now taking applications for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Please call 903-378-7146.

STAPP TREE TRIMMING and REMOVAL Hauling, Storm Damage, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experience. Call 903-5837888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.” MUNOZ LAWN CARE & TREE TRIMMING All kinds of fences built and repaired too. For estimate call: 903-267-2503

FOR RENT Small 2 BR House, Ector, TX. References required. No Pets. Call 903-4492240 or 903-227-0653, for appointment. (Request Rental Application)

WANT TO BUY FRIENDLY BUYER OF ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS No Title No Problem Call Tony @ 903-449-9028

Community Food Pantry in Honey Grove McKenzie United Methodist Church, 701 7th Street. 1st and 3rd Thursday each month. 5pm - 7pm. 4th Tuesday: Produce 1pm - 4pm Contacts: Star Breece - 281-832-8116 Soleil - 903-505-0250 God Bless You!

If you’re pregnant, we want to help. 903-640-8230 Fannin Pregnancy Care Center 1500 N. Center Bonham, Texas

Fannin County Community Ministries Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 8:00am - 11:45am 1022 FM 273 BONHAM TX 75418 903-583-3663

Leonard Holiday Tournament Girls Brackett 2023

Boys Bracket on page A 22

TREES and MÁS Large Acreage Mowing with Tractor, Landscaping, Fences, Firewood, Stump Grinding, and Concrete. Insured, Call for free estimate. 903227-6940, 903-227-8369, or 903-486-2868. APP HOUSE LEVELING & FOUNDATION REPAIR Pier and Beam/ Slab Foundation/ Small & Large Remodels. 903-227-2860.

PUBLIC NOTICE A PAW UP Helping Animals In Need Thrift Store 101 West Hayes, Savoy Open Friday thru Sunday 10am-5pm. FREE CLOTHES & HOUSEWARES: Clothes ClosetValley Creek Baptist Church, 3615 FM 896, Leonard. Wednesdays 8-10am.

PETS 3 FREE KITTENS to a good home. Solid white with blue eyes. 1 month old. 903-486-4844


BUDGET STUMP REMOVAL Commercial & Residential Call William 903-820-1036. A&A HANDYMAN SERVICE Any repairs, demolition or remodeling, lawn care, tree service, cleaning out houses, trailer homes, sheds, or barns. Call 469-422-7990. POST OAK OFF-ROAD REPAIR Automotive, ATV, UTV, & Motorcycles. Engine Rebuilding. All Repairs, and Custom Projects Welcome. 20 Years Experience. CL Adams 903-449-0952

SEEKING INFORMATION Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Toni Denise Peel Baragona, last known to be in Fannin County in 1995. Please contact Andrea Baragona at 985-272-3620.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: House to be moved. 972-679-9035 FOR RENT Cabover camper RV, 18ft by 8ft. A/C, kitchen, bathroom with shower, ideal for a single person. NO PETS. $480.00 per month, $200.00 deposit. Includes water and electric. Propane extra. Sherman. Contact 903-209-6710 FOR RENT 3 bedroom. good galley kitchen, central air, large bedrooms. $1,400 3 bedroom, separate dining room, large fenced yard, central air. $1,200 3 bedroom, updated, 2 car garage, central air. $1,200 Call: 903-227-0920 BillBuysHouses.com Buying homes As Is Since ‘91. Also buys lots, land & Manuf. Homes 214.478.8979

WISE FUNERAL HOME FOR SALE Seasoned Firewood. $75 for pick-up load. Call Osbone: 214-491-9448

HANDYMAN / LAWN CARE •Painting •Sheetrock Repair & Texture •Remodeling •Plumbing •Electrical •Mowing •Tree & Trim work •Flower beds. Call 903-304-9009.

Large RV with Slides FOR RENT Includes all utilities except propane, in Savoy, TX. Ideal for single person. $880 monthly, $200 deposit required. No pets. Call 903-718-2064.

Service to others with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ Owned by the Greene Family

Section A Page 19 • Decewmber 19, 2023 903-

Town West Coin Laundry 1204 Silo Road Bonham, TX 75418 903.640.4864 office 972.742.9704 cell

State Inspections •A/C Repair •Flats Fixed •Tires

1312 E. Main St. Honey Grove, TX




02-07-17to check out our gift

guest can have up to 5 gifts wrapped, and while you're here, don't forget

shop for unique and artistic presents to complete your holiday shopping. Spread the joy of giving this season by supporting local artists and finding the perfect treasures for your loved ones at the Creative Art Center.

RES Clears the Way for Lake Ralph Hall

Press Release - Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC’s (RES's) local North Texas team is finishing the clearing and grubbing of around 700 acres in the footprint of future Lake Ralph Hall. RES’s team started full-time clearing in January 2023 and will finish early next year. In addition to removing fencing, trees and grass from the reservoir footprint, they are gathering and saving wood for around 210 fish habitat structures that Texas Parks and Wildlife will form and place to improve lake fishing.

While RES itself isn’t based out of North Texas, the company has developed a strong team of locally hired workers and relies on local partners to help serve the northern Texas and Oklahoma areas. The six workers clearing at Lake Ralph Hall were originally hired to help with mitigation for Bois d’Arc Lake. Upper Trinity’s project has given them an opportunity to continue working in their own communities. Many of the team members live within 30 miles of the future lake, with several in Bonham and one in

neighboring Bug Tussle, TX. “We wanted to keep them busy near home if possible. These are full-time RES employees and have been with RES for four years since we started working in the area,” explained RES Project Manager Daniel Kampfer. “Working on Lake Ralph Hall allows them to stay near home for another year—able to be with their families at the end of every day. It worked out perfectly.” In addition to hiring locally, RES has been intentional to

Sponsored by

Pampered Paws Dog Hotel 903-486-8079



A Safe Christmas for Fluffy By Gregg Flowers To ensure a safe holiday for your dog, make sure all Christmas stuff is out of his reach, because even a fairly mature dog who rarely gets into things he shouldn't, may be enticed by unfamiliar Christmas items. - Macadamia nuts are toxic for Fluffy, and so are grapes and raisins. This means mincemeat is pie out, since mincemeat contains raisins. Most people nowadays know chocolate is very hazardous for dogs, and onions, present in many components of Christmas dinner, can be poisonous too. Moderate amounts of Christmas fare are usually just fine, but turkey and chicken bones will likely cause problems for our pets as they can become lodged in their throat or penetrate their intestines. Additionally, large amounts of any oily foods can cause pancreatitis. - Keep an eye on your Christmas toddies, as alcohol poisoning is a legitimate risk too. Mistletoe, holly, lilies and Christmas roses, are toxic to your dog, and most of us have heard Poinsettias are poisonous to dogs and cats, but the truth is they're only ‘mildly’ toxic. Your live Christmas tree on the other hand, presents a number of unique pet hazards. The water will contain preservatives, pesticides, fertilizers, flame retardants, and preservatives, all designed to keep your tree fresh, but they're hazardous for Fluffy. Additionally, Christmas tree water will have harmful bacteria in it. To ward off an accident here, besides

keeping an eye on your dog, just put a skirt around the tree at the bottom. - Christmas tree needles are bad news because they're not digestible and can be mildly toxic. Worst of all, they can obstruct or puncture your dog's gastrointestinal tract. - Fir tree oils and ar-

tificial snow can irritate her mouth and stomach, this in turn can cause vomiting and excessive drooling. - Tinsel is especially hazardous to your dog. If she swallows some tinsel, there's a good chance you'll soon be paying the emergency room vet to have it surgically



partner locally as well. “We use local vendors to help us with fuel and tools,” Kampfer shared. “We get our fuel from McCraw Oil & Propane based in Bonham. The Honey Grove Co-op supplies us miscellaneous tools and various things you might need for an excavator.” Kampfer’s team looks forward to seeing Lake Ralph Hall finished and is grateful for their ongoing local partnerships. “It’s been a great opportunity to work on both lakes that are new here to North Texas.” removed from her intestines. And if you don't notice her lethargy from ingesting tinsel, it could kill her. Signs your dog has been poisoned more than likely, will develop over a few days, and can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, weakness and lack of appetite. - The ASPCA poison hotline is 888-426-4435. - Stash this number, but do everything you can not to need it.

Worry Ends When Faith Begins




kindly ask for donations to support our thriving arts community. Each


Christmas Gift Wrapping at Creative Art Center

Press Release Come and visit the Creative Art Center this Christmas season! On December 19, 20 & 21 from 2-4pm we are offering a special gift wrapping service, where you can get your presents beautifully wrapped by our talented artists. In exchange, we





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9/26/23 Wanda’s Place ••• Quality Clothing for Less •••

Super Season Sale going on! Hours: Mon - Sat • 9am - 4pm 52 years and still going! 501 S. Center, Bonham 903-583-5673

Fannin County12/12/23 History: The Road Down Memory Lane “A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.” Robert Heinlein, American author

Pampered Paws Dog Hotel • Boarding • Grooming • Training




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SINCE Downtown Sherman SINCE 1921 1921




Photos courtesy of the Fannin County Historical Museum three blocks south of the Courthouse Square in Bonham, One Main Street Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8042 Visit Facebook: “Fannin County Historical Group”

Section A Page 20 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO TIME TO...


Get Your boat READY NOW For Winter!

Evinrude • Yamaha Mercruiser • Mercury • Johnson


Fishin’ 10/5/21

Report TAKE IN!G H S I F D I A K or Hunting

The largest bass ever caught in Texas was caught on January 2nd, 1992 on Lake Fork with a live minnow. The bass weighed 18.18 pounds and measured 25.50 inches The angler, Barry St. Clair, said the depth was approximately 42 feet when the bass took the minnow. He used a fishing line with 14 pound test. Send YOUR FISHING OR HUNTING Pictures To Fcltimmeek@Gmail.com, Or Text To 903-227-5702, For Free Publication On The Outdoor Page.


Hope Concrete delivering material onsite at Lake Ralph Hall

Press Release - A lot of material goes into building a lake—especially concrete. Just ask Tim Foley, General Superintendent of Hope


FARMING YOUNG TRACTOR WORKS Specializing in complete pasture care under 50 acres. Services include: pasture mowing, spraying, pasture renovation, discing, planting winter rye, seeding pastures, repair hog damage. Also do dirt work: driveways, building sites, grading for drainage. Experienced fast professional service! Call 903-271-7394. FERTILIZED SQ. BALES OF HAY FOR SALE: Fertilized haygrazer. Good clean hay. $10.00 per bale, 5 bale minimum. Call: 903-227-2920 FOR SALE Massey Ferguson 231 tractor, diesel. Low hours, w/ 5 ft mower. $6,500.00. Call: 903-814-8620

Concrete, a local contractor based out of Commerce and Bonham, TX. His team has delivered more than 1500 loads of concrete to date, and will deliver around 7501000 more for various project components from building new roads to the dam and pump station. Hope Concrete has served north central Texas for just over 75 years and is a family business started by Foley’s grandfather. “We supply all the material to Archer Western and Gran-

ite to build all the structures for the reservoir,” Foley explained. “Both of those companies have been customers of ours for 25+ years.” His team of around 30 local workers drives ready-mix trucks 12-15 miles to the lake site and provides onsite quality control and assistance as Archer Western and the lake’s other contractors pour the concrete for various parts of the project. Daily loads vary from five to 50 or more, depending on project requirements. Local

Coston & Son Ready Mix in Paris, TX works with Hope Concrete for extra back-up on especially large pours. “They have been super helpful because some of the placements have required so much concrete at once,” Foley shared. Hope Concrete is glad to work on a project with partners they value and “because it’s in our part of the world,” Foley said. “We’ll all use that lake sometime because we all live around it.”

Worth a thousand words: An Operation Game Thief call came into Houston Communications at 2:00 a.m. about shots being fired in Liberty County. A game warden went to investigate the call. The game warden slow-rolled down a dirt road near the area where the shots were reported, and saw two people entering a house. She pulled into the drive and saw a 10-point buck on the ground. Upon being questioned, one of the subjects stated that he had shot the deer at 5:30 that evening and that it had run away and he

had been looking for it ever since. He said he found the deer a little while ago, and it was still alive and he shot it again. The game warden took the subject with her to follow the tire tracks from the riding lawnmower that was used to move the deer to where the deer was killed. While looking at the spot where the deer was killed, the game warden saw a game camera on the tree and took the memory chip out of it. She noticed a light pole above the corn feeder with a drop light at the top. She and the subject then followed the extension cord from the light, across the yard to where it went into

a bedroom window. The warden put the subject’s camera chip into her camera and looked at the photos. One showed the deer standing there eating; in the next it was on the ground, and in the next the subject was standing over the deer with a gun. Each picture had the date and time stamped on it. Charges pending. No, you can’t buy (or sell) it: A Garland law enforcement clerk received a call from someone inquiring about the legality of selling deer meat. The caller forwarded the clerk an Internet posting by a man attempting to sell a deer he had at a processor in Garland. The clerk quickly forwarded the e-mail to the district supervisor, who contacted a Dallas County game warden to investigate. The game warden arrived at the processor before the exchange took place and parked in the back of the building. The game warden then identified and filed on the seller for illegal sale of whitetailed deer meat. He then had the seller wait inside until the buyers arrived and observed the purchase of the meat. The game warden then filed on the buyer for illegal purchase of whitetailed deer meat. The deer meat was seized. Text messages lead to cases: While inspecting a deer camp on the Louisiana state line, Marion County game wardens checked a Louisiana resident who had been filed on the previous year. After a short interview, the hunter was found to have another Texas resident license even though he was still a Louisiana resident and had already killed one doe and taken it back to Louisiana for processing. The wardens also found fresh deer meat in a cooler they questioned the hunter about. A second hunter was still in the field, so the wardens asked if he could be contacted by cell phone. The first hunter gave one of the game wardens his cell phone to call the second hunter. The game warden noticed there were several new text messages from the second hunter. The warden texted back and forth with the hunter in the field, with the hunter inadvertently admitting to several offenses including taking the untagged deer found in the cooler. The second hunter arrived in camp and was recognized by the other game warden as a prior offender. He had a correct out-of-state license, but the two missing deer tags were found in the hunter’s wallet unused. A total of six deer had been illegally killed with two transported across state lines resulting in 20 cases being filed on three hunters. One hunter was arrested and transported to Marion County Jail.

Game warden Field Notes


Week of December 13, 2023


Texas Lake Levels +/as of 12/14/23 12/14/23



MOBILE # 903-814-8400 1-800-211-7808 www.rexbridges.com PO BOX 1148 POTTSBORO 75076 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE

Wednesday Morning Fishing. Thanks To Kathy And Augie For Fishing Out Of The Lighthouse Marina. Wow!! You Go Girl!! Be Safe And God Bless.



le m e

ock C ivest12/12/23 L om n’s


300 lbs and under: 300-400 lbs: 400-500 lbs: 500-600 lbs: 600-700 lbs: 700-800 lbs: 800 and up:

2.00 - 3.45 1.95 - 3.45 1.90 - 3.10 1.80 - 2.85 1.50 - 2.50 1.40 - 2.20 1.00 - 2.05

300 lbs and under:

2.00 - 3.25 1.80 - 3.00 1.75 - 2.85 1.70 - 2.55 1.40 - 2.25 1.30 - 2.00 1.00 - 1.80


SALE EVERY SATURDAY 300-400 lbs: 400-500 lbs: 500-600 lbs: @11 A.M. 600-700 lbs:

Visit us on Facebook

Arlington -0.95 Benbrook -6.17 Bonham -1.49 Bois d’Arc Lake -7.62 Bridgeport -15.29 Cedar Creek -1.68 Eagle Mountain -6.99 Fork -2.31 Granbury -0.93 Grapevine -1.57 Joe Pool -0.13 Lavon -3.35 Lewisville -2.79 Pat Mayse -1.92 Possum Kingdom -2.62 Ray Hubbard -1.94 Ray Roberts -1.80 Tawakoni -0.69 Texoma -2.65 Toledo Bend -4.39 Travis -49.99 Twin Buttes -31.88 Weatherford -7.43 Whitney -1.40 Worth -2.90

12/9/23 Head Count:1208 Sellers:169 Cows:284 Bulls:23 Calves:874 Goats:27

n ssio mi

Cooper EXCELLENT. Water lightly stained; 60 degrees: 1.00 feet below pool. Blue Catfish continue to be good with cut shad and chicken gizzards. Fork GOOD. Water Stained; 57-60 degrees; 2.28 feet below pool. The bass bite has slowed after the cold fronts, but chatterbaits are still working in 3-5 feet of water. Carolina rigs are good in 5-7 feet with Baby ring fry’s. Red squarebill crankbaits are starting to pick up as well as suspending jerk baits in 4-8 feet. Smaller bass are in the shallow brush late in the day, try streamers in 18 inches of water. Crappie are moving out to the open water in 30 plus feet of water biting small jig patterns. Lavon GOOD. Water lightly stained; 62 degrees; 3.36 feet below pool. Some bass are suspended at the dam in 15-20 feet of water. Catching the occasional fish on a squarebill crankbait on boat ramps. Jigs and creature baits, working well on concrete and rock in deeper locations. Deepwater rock piles, brush piles and ledges using jerkbaits, swimbaits, Carolina rigs and Alabama rigs. White bass are slow and scattered. Look for fish on the deepwater humps or 25-30 feet on main lake points. Ray Roberts GOOD. Water normal stain; 55 degrees; 1.82 feet below pool. The consistent weather has made for a steady pattern. The bite is best when there is a little chop on the water from a light breeze. Sand bass are good with many limits caught off the bottom in 40 feet of water with slabs with a hair jig as trailer. Blue catfish are mixed in. Catfish are good in 40 feet of water with cut chicken, cut shad and even on the slabs when targeting sandies. Bass are fair with shallow water crankbaits near rocks, or a dropshot on deeper points. Crappie are slow with a few keepers in 30-40 feet of water on the deepest parts of the brush piles with minnows. Tawakoni GOOD. Water lightly stained; 59 degrees; 0.66 feet below pool. Lake Tawakoni continues to fish good and is settling into a winter pattern. The striper and white bass fishing has been good. Large schools of threadfin shad are moving out into Open water and the white bass and some hybrid striper have followed them. Targeting these open water fish can be difficult. When you find large schools you can catch them on slabs suspended in 22 feet of water. The trophy blue catfish bite has turned on. We are seeing fish up to 50 pounds landed on fresh cut gizzard shad in 20 feet. Texoma GOOD. Water normal stained; 65 degrees; 2.57 feet below pool. Striped bass fishing is great using live shad, flukes and swimbaits on the ends of the lake near the rivers watching for gulls working active fish in the channels 30-50 feet of water. Catfish are good drifting cut shad in 35-45 feet of water on flats off the river channels. Bigger fish showing up shallower as well on flats in 15-20 feet of water west of the islands. Crappie are slow on jigs using electronics to locate active fish in 8-12 feet of water with a slow presentation. Largemouth and smallmouth are fair using live shad off the banks in 8-15 feet of water on the main lake points and mouths of the coves. Report by Jacob Orr, Lake Texoma Guaranteed Guide Service. Fishing patterns are holding steady, and days with cloud cover are best. Lots of seagulls pointing the way to fish first thing in the morning and later in the afternoon. Striped bass are good fishing midlake schools with slabs, swimbaits and live bait. Deadsticking and Alabama rigs will be the tactics when it becomes colder.

710 Clarksvile • Paris, TX

700-800 lbs: 800 and up:


1354 Clement Road • Paris, TX Cows: Bulls: STOCKERS 903-784-2238 • 903-784-7800 Stocker: Pairs: Fax 903-785-6933 Mobile 903-782-6330 OTHERS Baby Calves: Steers: Charles Mallicote - 903-785-7191 Holstein Holstein Heifers: Goats & Sheep:

45 - 98 80 - 113 400 - 1750 550 - 2000 150 - 550 500 - 675 40 - 220

Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By:

Section A Page 21 • December 19, 2023 • 903-

Wanted Mom’s Million Dollar To support Volunteers WWW.GFCF.ORG activities at the City of Bonham Senior Citizens Center. Facebook: Glaser-Family-Charitable-Foundation Become a member of the Friends of Bonham Senior Citizens CenChristmas Fudge ter and use your talents to support programs at the Senior Center. the case, what follows is Mom’s recipe. I invite you to make tubs and tubs of this delectable fudge to enjoy with your EMPLOYMENT NOTICE family as you celebrate Christmas this year. County Clerk’s Office Division

For information text Rich at 214-738-9975. Submitted by Rich Summers, President Friends of the Bonham Senior Citizens Center 214-738-9975 Fax: 903-449-4404 rlsummers@reagan.com Meetings 3rd Saturday, 6 pm at the Center.


County Clerk’s Office-Elections Division

INGREDIENTS: JOB TITLE: Election Administration Assistant - Trainee 4 ½ cups sugar JOB TITLE: Deputy County Clerk 24 oz. semi-sweet SUPERVISOR: County Clerk chocolate chips (two 12 SUPERVISOR: County Clerk SALARY: $18.17 per hour Grade 6 oz. bags) 16 oz. small marshmalPAY: $13.65 Per Hour, Grade II lows HOURS: 5pmcook. / 5:30am-10pm or later on My mom 8am was a–great ½ lb. butter Election Days andthe extended early voting, Growing up during Great hours HOURS: 8am – 5pm (longer hours during elections); 2 cupsduring walnuts Depression and from 1 hour 1st Saturday in learning May required; for lunch dependent compensation time permitted for over time worked, 1 (you can use other nuts – her mother, myelection. Gramma some like pecans – but I think upon the current hour for lunch Nano, Mom honed her skills walnuts are best for fudge) in theREQUIREMENTS: kitchen feeding her JOB Election experience required. 2 teaspoons vanilla JOB REQUIREMENTS: Must have a minimum of a family for years. of Give oz. (1 can) evaporated Must have many a minimum a High 13 School diploma; be able High School diploma; be able to type 45 wpm, computer her an onion and a few basic milk to type 45 wpm, computer proficiency, detail oriented, proficiency, detail oriented, excellent customer service ingredients and you could eat Be sure totransportation use evaporated excellent service have own skills; have own transportation and current Texas driver’s well. Shecustomer was known for herskills; milk, benot sweetened conand current Texas driver’s license; able to lift 45 lbs, license; be able to lift 45lbs, climb stairs, handle pressure banana pudding, a staple at densed milk. climb stairs, handle pressure interruptions, possess and interruptions, possess a strong work ethic and be every 4-H potluck when I was and Note: when buying evapoaa kid. strong ethic Era andto-be of good moral character, of good moral character, pass a criminal background Herwork Depression rated milk today, you will pass a criminal background and be bondable as check and be bondable; must be able to exercise tact mato soup was also a favorite check typically find only 12 oz. well as the non-partisan; able toMom’s exercise tact and and hit spot on coldmust rainybe cans. and courtesy in frequent contact with various county recipe calls for days. Mom’s turkeycontact dinners witha 13 courtesy in frequent various county and state personnel, public officials and the general public; must oz. can. 13 oz. cans were at Thanksgiving leg-and common personnel, public were officials the general be able to work in a stressful environment, be available yearspublic; ago, butmust many endary. tasted environment, be able toI have work never in a stressful extended hours; confidentiality is required; perform food products be haveavailable now been 25. Cool! 55. Mock ACROSS cornbread hours; dressingconfidentiality that couldCLUES extended is required. Adherence to downsized. You can choose duties in a non-partisan manner. 26. Young woman about to 56. Vaccine developer 1. Droops compare to Mom’s. Not only add an extra of conthe law is to be strictly followedto(resources areounce available) enter society 60. Atmosphere 5. Subatomic particle would she stuff the bird, usuthis case or use and observance of changes to densed the lawmilk are in required. DUTIES: Including to: central 27.limited One from surrounding a person or but not Not one in danger ally the biggest one she could10. only 12 oz. can. I prefer • filing of Voter Registration Records Caucasus place Nursemaid find at our local Safeway, but14. to add extra ounce in an efDUTIES: but not limited to: the • use of the State TEAM Voter 28. Indianofcity 61. Marten with a short tail Secretary 15. fort Black band worn in she wouldIncluding make additional to stay true to the original •assist programing ballots Registration System 29. A way to serve ice 63. Chinese temple pans of dressing, so we hadmourning recipe. Voter Records and managing ballots by mail 64. Invests in• assist little issuance cream song in opera plenty•filing to goofwith ourRegistration turkey16. Long •use after of the Secretary of State Voter enterprises • assist with maintenance 32. Emaciation & use of electronic 17. Edible seed TEAM of a sandwiches the holiday. DIRECTIONS: 33. Escort aircraft carrier 65. Popular cut of meat Registration System voting equipment tree But nothing compared to herPhilippine First step, mix chocolate 34. Italian city 66. Charity • delivery of electronic 18. chips, Chicagomarshmallows, political familyand amazing Christmas fudge.by Imail •managing ballots voting equipment (mileage 36. Mythical settler of 67. Iron-containing Pursues from am convinced that Mom made19. butter •assist with maintenance & useinofapleasure electronic voting reimbursed) big bowl and have Kansas compound the best tasting fudge everoneready. place You to another equipment • support duties on election nights; occasional can warm or melt 37. Unhappy 68. River in Saturdays Northern consumed planet Earth. 20. butter Appetizer •workon all elections including 1 Saturday May addseparatelyinbefore 38. High schoolers’ test She called old-fashioned Hill •travel itthroughout the 22. state toso(Celtic) attend training ing all is easier to blend. Europe • assist in recruiting, training and supervision of 40. Measured in pace 69. One point east of fudge.•maintain Rumor had it Mom’sof 23.election Simple shoe Next, mix sugar and keep evapoinventory equipment, poll workers 41. Satisfies southeast family had somehow acquired24. rated Songs to one you love milk in a large pan or statistics • travel throughout state person to attend training if 43.the Gullible the well-known See’s Candy27. pot Secret activities and bring to a rolling boil. •other duties as needed needed 44. Enclosed space Company fudge recipe. 30. Boil Upset CLUES DOWN for exactly 9 ½ minutesneeded Substance used to color See’s candy is famous. The31. STIR Popular hot drink 1. Exhausts • other duties as 46. CONSTANTLY. BENEFITS: and Dental something See’s family Health candy shops be-32. Insurance Body art (slang) 2. Genus of fish related to Pour boiling mixture over inRetirement Dental Insurance Retirement Shirt type gan popping up all over Cali-35. gredients Fired in bowl and stir until gars BENEFITS: Health and 47. Vacation and Holiday pay Vacation and Holiday pay 49. Discover by fornia beginning in the 1920s37. fully Blood relation 3. Impudent behavior melted. and they do make great fudge.38. Identical investigation 4. Adherents to Islam Finally, add walnuts and You can still with buy Resumes it today.39.may 50. __-Castell, Applications be turned in to the Applications with Resumes must be makers turned of in to the Porticos 5. They come after A vanilla. Mix well. Pour into They now have Clerk’s stores nationpens 800 E. 2nd Street, Bonham Fannin County Office, E. 2nd Street, 40.800 Partner to cheese 6. Spoke Fannin County Clerk’s Office, buttered pans and Bonham cool. Afwide, &and you can also buy41. ter 51. Semitic Sun god Type of sword 7. Room to & receive guests (Wire Plastics Building) (Wire Plastics Building) cooling on the counter their fudge online. 52. Grads wear one 42. or Enough (archaic) 8. About opera stove top, cover pans and The See’s fudge connection 53. French 43. Surface layer of ground 9. End-blown flute fridge so fudge is nice Application, Resume, typing testplace and in criminal background Application, Resume, typing test andriver criminal background may berequired true, but I suspect that44. and 54. Part of a cap Cotton woven 10. Heroic tales firm.fabric Then eat all you check check required Mom’s recipe is a slightlylikewant! 57. Digestive fluid satin 11. Member of a Semitic modified version of Mamie45. Choose 58. Metrical foot for a post people Merry Christmas! CLOSING Open until filled CLOSING DATE: Open until filled Eisenhour’sDATE: Million Dollar 59. Body part 46. Father 12. Dog’s name © 2023 Jody Dyer Fudge recipe that circulated47. Tell on 61. Very fast airplane 13. Opposite of west through the culinary world in48. Indian title of respect 62. Supplement with 21. Political divisions in the 1950s. For those of you49. Fonts difficulty ancient Greece who are asking who Mamie52. Fencing sword 23. Ocean Eisenhour was – she was the wife of our 34th President, Dwight D. Eisenhour, in office from 1953-1961. He was also a five-star general and the former Supreme Commander of all Allied Forces in Europe during WWII. Ike was a great president, and I’m sure he thoroughly enjoyed his wife’s delicious fudge. Some quick research re- 12/19/23 vealed that the only difference between Mamie Eisenhour’s fudge recipe and my mom’s was the added vanilla in Mom’s version. Whatever

12/19/23 PUZZLE ON PAGE A8

Crossword Solution


EMPLOYMENT NOTICE County Clerk’s Office Division JOB TITLE: Election Administration Assistant - Trainee SUPERVISOR: County Clerk SALARY: $18.17 per hour Grade 6 HOURS: 8am – 5pm / 5:30am-10pm or later on Election Days and extended hours during early voting, 1st Saturday in May required; 1 hour for lunch dependent upon the current election. JOB REQUIREMENTS: Election experience required. Must have a minimum of a High School diploma; be able to type 45 wpm, computer proficiency, detail oriented, excellent customer service skills; have own transportation and current Texas driver’s license; be able to lift 45 lbs, climb stairs, handle pressure and interruptions, possess a strong work ethic and be of good moral character, pass a criminal background check and be bondable as well as non-partisan; must be able to exercise tact and courtesy in frequent contact with various county and state personnel, public officials and the general public; must be able to work in a stressful environment, be available extended hours; confidentiality is required. Adherence to the law is to be strictly followed (resources are available) and observance of changes to the law are required.




PAY: $

HOUR compe hour fo

JOB R High S profici skills; license and in of goo check and c person be abl extend duties


DUTIES: Including but not limited to: •assist programing ballots •filing of Voter Registration Records •use of the Secretary of State TEAM Voter Registration System •managing ballots by mail •assist with maintenance & use of electronic voting equipment •work all elections including 1 Saturday in May •travel throughout the state to attend training •maintain inventory of election equipment, keep statistics •other duties as needed BENEFITS: Health and Dental Insurance Retirement Vacation and Holiday pay

BENE Vacati

Applications with Resumes may be turned in to the Fannin County Clerk’s Office, 800 E. 2nd Street, Bonham (Wire & Plastics Building)

Applic Fannin (Wire

Application, Resume, typing test and criminal background check required

Applic check

CLOSING DATE: Open until filled


Section A Page 22 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO

Calvary Baptist Church Manna House

e Notic

914 S. 5th St. Bonham Closed on Tuesday December 26. Open back on Tuesday, January 2nd.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sam Rayburn ISD is soliciting bids for the installation of an HVAC system in the elementary gymnasium. The project consist of designing, building, and installation of a system that cools 8,000 square foot area. Interested parties are encouraged to visit the site between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Schools at the Sam Rayburn ISD Administrative Offices, located at 9363 E. FM 273, Ivanhoe, Texas 75447, until 2pm on 05 January 2024.


Girls Bracket on page A 18

Art Sketching Class at Creative Art Center Press Release - Think you can't draw?! Join artist Wayne Smith as he leads drawing students through a 4-week


series perfect for beginners! Classes are Saturday mornings at 10:30am beginning on January 6, 2024 and running through January 27th. Both members of the Creative Arts Center and the general public are encouraged to sign up. Cost is $50 for members of the

Creative Arts Center or $75 for non-members, all supplies are included. Memberships begin at just $65/year, and scholarships are available for those in need. Please contact the Creative Arts Center at BonArtCenter@gmail.com or call 903-640-2196 for more details, to make a reservation, or for information to apply for a scholarship.

PUBLIC NOTICE OF BID Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the Fannin County Commissioners Court will accept sealed bids for the following: 1) Used Chevy Silverado Truck (2020 or Newer) Specifications may be obtained from: Edwina Lane Fannin County Purchasing 101 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Suite 313 Bonham, TX 75418 elane@fanninco.net Sealed bids must be filed in the County Purchasing Agent Office before 3 p.m., January 3, 2024, or said bids will not be considered. Bids shall be opened on January 3, 2024 at 3:15 p.m. in the Fannin County Purchasing Agent’s Office, 101 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Suite 313, Bonham, TX 75418. Fannin County Commissioners Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids.


Section A Page 23 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

Jimmy Page Inc. Dozer & Excavation Services NEW UNITS NOW AVAILABLE 1582 Rec Rd 3, Bonham, TX


BOAT & RV & SELF STORAGE www.lakecountrystoragetx.com

Galyon Travel 8/1/23 Plan your world travel or (903) 583-0010

weekend get-away here! Leave the details to us.

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Meade-Norman & Bayless Insurance Agency www.bayless-hall.com 110 W. 5th St. P.O. Box 519 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone 903-583-2231 Fax 903-583-9497

12/21/21 American Heritage Girls 10/3/23 Christmas Caroling at Seven Oaks Nursing Home

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1 Bedroom 1 Bath & 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths Available Assisted Living Rooms Available For more information and/or to schedule a tour please contact Shayla Hoelscher at (903)640-1200 or (903)348-0415

Over 15,000 copies of The Fannin County Leader are distributed by mail to residents in Fannin County each week for 51 years. Readers will find classified ads, display ads, legal notices and editorial content, all of which are important to the daily lives of local citizens. Our website, www.fannincountyleader. info, is updated daily with information important to our community. Visit our Facebook @ www.facebook. com/The-Fannin-CountyLeader for even more community activities and news. Advertising rates may be obtained from an Account Representative or any other employee. Editorial may be submitted for publication, but will be included at Editor and Publisher’s discretion. Editorial exceeding 300 words will result in delayed publication and may require payment. Any and all content, whether paid or un-paid, will be subject to Publisher approval. Letters to the Editor are encouraged, however, they cannot exceed 300 words and must be signed by the writer. Letters to the Editor that exceed the word count may be published if the submitter is willing to pay for the extra space required to publish the letter in its entirety. Free publication of Letters to the Editor is limited to one every 60 days. Letters from the same contributor within the 60 day period will be published at standard advertising rate. Political Letters to the Editor must be paid for in advance and signed by the writer. Locally owned and operated by: Connie Estes, Sharon Haynes, Weesie Holland and Tim Meek since April 2020.

"What a special afternoon and evening as American Heritage Girls prepared Christmas cards with Gospel tracts to give to their elderly neighbors! We headed over to Seven Oaks Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center, where we exchanged lots of warm smiles during this special time of singing together. The true meaning of Christmas was captured in Luke 2:8-14 & Isaiah 9:6, which two girls from the troop recited by memory. An invitation was shared to all in attendance that night to receive the Lord Jesus Christ, the Reason for the Season!


Section A Page 24 • December 19, 2023 • 903-583-3280

FUTUREofFANNIN.com Political Ad Paid for by Mitchell Smith, Larry Horn - Treasurer

Sam Rayburn ISD Choir brings Christmas Program to Courthouse


Bonham Best Storage Photos By Lisa Loiselle



2624 N. Center St. (In between Fat Chance Gym & Krazy Lots) Call about our discounted rates! December 12, 2023. Karen Ward, Director

10/31/23 SAVE A



City of Bonham Animal Shelter • We are a rural, municipal animal shelter servicing the Bonham, Texas and Fannin County area · Adoption Service • 500 Industrial St, Bonham, TX, United States, Texas (903) 640-8245 bonhamanimalshelter500@gmail.com bonhamanimalshelter.petfinder.com

These fur babies sponsored by: The Leader’s goal is to run this PSA weekly. We welcome additional sponsors to assist in finding permanent homes for these fur babies. Businesses or Individuals interested in sponsoring this Public Service Announcement please call 903-583-3280 and ask for TIm Meek. This PSA will be posted on our Facebook each Monday and on our weekly E-Edition.

Now Hiring:


Dental Assistant & Front Desk Help needed. Martha Duke


For Availability Call (903) 640-8245

BAV-Braveheart Animal Volunteers

Adoption fees waived for veterans for several dogs from Braveheart with approved application. Send email to bavbraveheart@yahoo.com or text 903.436.795 Rhett

1400 N Center St. Suite 100 Bonham, Texas 903-304-5808 www.horatiodental.com greatsmile@horatiodental.com


Lase & Taser As of press time these fur babies were available for adoption. Please call for Availability! And hurry!!

- Walk-ins Welcome - Family (Adult & Children) Dentistry - Extraction including Wisdom teeth removal - Implants - Crowns & Bridges - Root Canals including Molar Root Canal - Dentures including immediate dentures, implant support dentures, flexible denture, etc. - Teeth Whitening - Nitrous Oxide sedation, etc. - All Dental Emergency Services

OFFICE HOURS: 10:00am - 6:00pm (M-F), 9:00am - 2:00pm (Alternate Saturdays)

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