December 8, 2020
The Paper Of Record for Fannin County Texas
Classifieds are on pages: 17 and 21
Serving all of Fannin County For 47 Years Locally owned & operated
224 N. Main St., Bonham, TX 75418
Circulation 15,611 - Bailey, Bonham, Dodd City, Ector,
Gober, Honey Grove, Ivanhoe, Ladonia, Leonard, Randolph, Ravenna, Savoy, Telephone, Trenton & Windom
Ph: 903-583-3280 • Fax 903-583-3945
Bring Us Your
Mention our ad to receive a 10% discount on a Precision Tune-Up! 120 W. Sam Rayburn Dr. • BONHAM • 903-583-2101 200 W. Collin St. • LEONARD • 903-587-3314
Let’s take the first step together working on your financial challenge. Whether that’s making a budget, building savings, or growing your business – just ask. We’re here to help you make it happen.
Serving North Texas Area Since 1981 MEMBER FDIC.
903-821-7663 Tommy Stapleton, Owner
Utility Connection Certificates, Boundaries, Planning, Development discussed during Bois D’Arc Lake Zoning Commission Meeting By Rose Schwartz Lake Zoning Commission, rum was established as07/02/19 four during Public Forum. How- him that a better time for County Judge Randy Moore presided over the regular meeting of the Bois D’Arc
Wednesday, December 2, 2020. The meeting was called to order by Judge Moore at 8:30 a.m. A quo-
members were present with one of the members present by phone. Dale Smith from Paris, Tx asked to speak
ever, after Mr. Smith spoke for a short while regarding his development interests, Judge Moore advised
him to speak on his questions would be later in the meeting when item 5 on the agenda would be addressed.
The Gift of Hearing Well.
3.Approve Meeting Minutes from 10/01/2020 Regular Meeting: Motion was made, seconded and passed to approve Minutes from 10/01/2020. 4. Discussion / Q & A with Director of Development Services: Before calling the Director of Development Services Di Hopkins to the podium, Judge Moore wanted to take a moment to welcome new member Matt Titsworth who took Bob McGraw’s place on the Commission. After welcoming Mr. Titsworth, Di brought concerns about a possible need for clarification regarding what time during the building process on Bois D’Arc Lake lots, a Utility Connection Certificate should be given to a landowner. Continued
See Bois D’Arc on page 7
See our Shop Local Section on pages 10 and 11
• • • •
What if you had a hearing aid that didn’t sound like a hearing aid? Advanced technology has changed the game! Smaller design; discreet & convenient Pure, natural sounds with new PureSound® technology Bluetooth connectivity for control, personalization & streaming Reconnect & Hear at the speed of life!
Note: your end-of-year insurance benefits may be about to expire.
“When you can’t hear, you end up having to interpret what everybody is saying, and it’s easy to get it wrong. You miss so much.” - Kelly Baker, Sherman, TX
2-Week Free In-Home Trial $500 Off
a set of premium digital hearing instruments. Some restrictions apply. Expires January 15, 2021
Call 903-868-2650 for your hearing assessment today. It’s worth your time. It’s about your life. Are in-the-ear hearing aids right for you? • Virtually invisible • Comfortable fit • Easy battery access • Impressive technology Left to right: Whitney Fox, Administrative Assistant, Kenneth M. Sheppard Jr., LFDHI, Jill A. Sheppard, B.S. SLP/Audiology, LFDHI, Cassidae King, Au.D., Doctor of Audiology, Deborah Boring, Practice Administrator
Best Audiologist/ Hearing Aid Center
Please send us your Santa Letters!
You may bring them to us at 224 N. Main St., Bonham, TX 75418, mail, or email them to:
Fannin County COVID-19 updates-Page 2
1800 N. Travis St., Suite D • Sherman, TX 75092 • 903.868.2650 800 E. California, Suite 4 • Gainesville, TX 76240 • 903.868.2650
For Contest Details
2020-11 HearCare Inc TX Holiday ad Fannin COunty front page 8_5x11.indd 1
“Seek & Find” See Page 3
11/3/2020 10:01:29 AM
THANK YOU Essential Healthcare Workers!
Page 2 • December 8, 2020
Caldwell Construction
vid a D
Metal Buildings •Farm/Ranch Fencing this generous gesture. We Thank You! would like to encourage
Press Release - Joe Frizell and Wolfe Laughing representing the American Legion Post # 283 has generously donated a large bag full of stuffed animal toys to Bonham Police Department. When an officer is
WEEKLY UPDATE For Fannin County as of Press Time 12-4-20 Positive Fatalities Recoveries Active
1072 40 1016 42
Source: Texas Health and Human Services https://txdshs.maps. ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83
dispatched to a call involving young children, these stuffed animal toys (individually sealed for sanitation) will be available in each patrol unit to offer to the kids for comfort. Our department appreciates
EMPLOYMENT Automotive Detailer
everyone to continue to support our local community and as always, Bonham Police Department appreciates all the support we receive from our upstanding citizens of Bonham. Please be safe and have a wonderful holiday!
Blackland Star Motors is looking for an automobile detailer. Experience preferred but will train the right person. Must be punctual and have good character. Must be a hard worker. This is a full time long term position-Saturday’s a must. Call us at 903-5831800 or feel free to message us on Facebook.
903.217.4412 Email:
The family of James Olen Henry would like to thank everyone who showed their love for James and our family during our time of sickness and sorrow. Irene Henry, Sherry, Kathye, Jami & Cliff.
Blackland Star Motors 903-583-1800
Interest For 12 Months
Now Open Parts & Service
“Replacement Window Experts”
(903)361-4020 BudgetWindows.US
Fannin County is now offering a 4-H program designed specifically for homeschoolers. This is an exciting addition to our community. Bonham Homeschool 4-H will hold a meeting on the 2nd Monday of each month at 1 pm. Located at Central Baptist Church 709 Union St, Bonham, Texas. For more information or questions, please go to the Bonham Homeschool 4H page and send a message we will be happy to respond to you.
9/1/20 2120 SH 121 North, Bonham TX FALL HOURS
Monday - Saturday: 8a-6p • Sunday: 12p-5p
“The Ultimate Protectant”
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WHY CLEAN YOUR CAR? Your automobile is an investment. To protect your investment, regularly removing harmful elements is essential. Over time, the sun, heat, cold and ice can dull your car’s luster. By removing these you will prolong the appearance and maintain that “just bought” look that first attracted you. Ultimate Washes are a great way to protect your investment. See the manager for details.
Always Free Self-Serve Vacuum Available
Triple Foam / Total Shine Foam Bath / Tire Shine / Spot Free Rinse / Super Dry
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Always Free Self-Serve Vacuum Available Monthly Packages have “automatic monthly renewal” - will recharge your credit card on the same or about the same day each month
Now Accepting Applications! We are proud to be a part of this growing community and are grateful for the warm welcome we have received!
Page 3 • December 8, 2020
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall All You Have To Do Is Call. At Weichert, REALTORS
We do it all!
Christmas Day Dinner
December 25th
Starting at 11 am Family Life Center, 200 West 8th Street Bonham, Texas
Please reserve online at Or call Linda Brinlee at 903-227-2732 This Free event is open to all. Meals will be take-out only this year. Other delivery sites will be Honey Grove, Leonard, and Trenton. Sponsored by 4-H Clubs of Fannin County, local churches, and local businesses for 22 Years!
Lifetime Warranty
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New Unit Installation Financing Available! 0 Interest & NO Down Payment
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100% Finance WAC Problems with Heating and AC? Angel AC has a solution for you
“Seek & Find”
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• Find this tree in color on 3 ads in this week’s Fannin County Leader. • E-mail (include your phone number) or Call us (903)583-3280. •Contest dates, Dec 1st through Dec. 18th. •Drawing each Thursday. •Enter only once per edition. •Winnings to be picked up at The Fannin County Leader.
Equipment with Life Time Warranty! Two Stage Heating Two Stage Cooling Call us for a free estimate. Save on your bills!
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The Fannin County Leader
• Bushings • Springs • Hubs
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12643 TX 121 TRENTON, TX • 903-989-5000
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Page 4 • December 8, 2020
Sunday Services at 10:45 • Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays 6:45 Pre-teen & Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 6:30 Young Adults Bible Study Thursdays 6:30
3375 S o u t h h w y 121 - B o n h a m 903-583-1671 ● P a S t o r K e v i n L a n e Hebrews 10:25 (KJV) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye Fannin County see the day approaching. Due To The Covid-19 Virus, Services May Or May NOT Be Available At This Time. Please Call The Church You Are Interested In And Inquire If They Have An On-Line Video Available Of Sunday Services. Pray For An End To This Virus And A Return To Worshiping God Together As A Church.
Assembly of God
First Assembly of God, Bonham 1650 N. Center Bonham, TX 75418 (903) 583-5883
Allen’s Point Baptist Church 310 CR 2775 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903378-7038 Bailey Bible Baptist Church 205 Leslie Bailey, Texas 75413
Church of God
Gathering Tine Cabin Ministry 487 CR 2105 Ivanhoe, TX Bro. Abe Ogea Pastor 903-449-0180
Lannius Church of God 2803 Hwy 897 Dodd City, TX 75438 903-623-3007
Grace Reformed Baptist Church 2800 N. 10th St Honey Grove TX 903-364-4254
First Christian Church of Bonham 701 N Main Street Bonham, TX 75418 903.583.2227
Ivanhoe Baptist Church 4063 NO.FM 273 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 (903)5832359
Bethlehem Baptist Church “The House Honey Grove Cowboy Church of Bread” 1415 Franklin Avenue, 3050 Hwy 100 North Honey Grove, TX Bonham, TX 7541 Office: 903-583-8061 Lamasco Baptist Church 346 CR 2615 Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church Telephone, Texas 75488 903-664-2454 Hwy 121 & Edhube Road Phone 903-583-1671 Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 1409 W. Market St. Honey Grove, Texas Boyd Baptist Church 3707 St. Hwy. 78 N 75446 (903) 378-7835 Bonham, Texas Phone (903) 583-7288 Little Bethel Baptist Church Calvary Baptist Church 913 S. 5th St PO Box 63 Ladonia, Texas 75449 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3910 Phone (903)367-7708 Central Baptist Church (Fundmental, Independent) 709 Union Ave. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 505-4124
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Rt 1 Box 101B, PO Box 73, Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7009
Corinth Baptist Church 277 CR 1150 North of Bonham on Highway 78 903 583 2750
New Zion Baptist Church 627 County Road 1265 Bonham, TX 75418 903-961-2027
Dial Baptist Church 16816 FM 1550 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-378-7070
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 623 Star Street (W 7th & Star Street) 903-583-7112
Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Bonham Ward 1540 S Hwy 78 (903) 583-4949
St. James Lutheran Church 14394 E FM 1396 Windom Tx 75492 Phone:903-378-7116
Congregational Methodist Church corner of Hwy 121 and W 13th St. PO Box 386 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-7380 Christian Chapel CME 1005 West Market St. Honey Grove, Tx 75446 903-378-3518 Ector United Methodist Church 401 Church St. Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2015
Ravenna Baptist Church 100 Elm Street Ravenna, Texas 75476 First United Methodist Church of Leonard 206 N. Main / PO Box 218 Leonard, Duplex Baptist Church 313 CR 2102 Rising Son Cowboy Church TX 75452 903-587-3463 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-664-3175 1526 CR 2010 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-640-3377 First United Methodist Church of TrenEctor Baptist Church P.O. Box 248 ton 211 North Second Street @ Hunt Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2175 Sandy Baptist Church Ravenna, Texas Trenton, TX 75490 903-989-2378 75476 (903) 583-9546 Edhube Baptist Church 595 FM 2815 First United Methodist Church of BonBonham, TX 75418 903-583-2840 Seventh & Main Baptist Church 617 ham 801 Star Bonham, Texas 75418 N. Main Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) (903) 583-3314 Elwood Baptist Intersection of CR 2125 583-8679 and CR 2544 near Ivanhoe, Texas Grove Hill Methodist Church Telephone Baptist Church located on 5501 FM 1553 Leonard, TX 75452 Faith Independent Baptist Church FM 273 in Telephone Office phone: 12676 W Hwy 82 Savoy, Tx 75479 903-664-2377 Marvin United Methodist Church 903-965-5517 Office Phone 903-364-2411 FM 898 E Primera Iglesia Baustia Hispana 1134 FM Whitewright, Texas Fannin Bible Baptist Church (Fundmental, 273 Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-5727 Independent) 903/583-3581 Mulberry United Methodist Church, Trinity Baptist Church 219 W. Denison 5638 FM 274, Ravenna, TX 75476, First Baptist Church of Bailey Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3388 phone 1-888-311-8508 PO Box 221 Bailey, Texas 75413 (903)583-4793 Valley Creek Baptist Church 3615 FM McKenzie United Methodist Church 896, Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-2386 in Honey Grove 700 N. 6th St. Honey First Baptist Church of Bonham 710 Grove, Texas 75446 903-378-2315 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) Westside Baptist Church 1500 West 583-8519 Main Honey Grove, Texas 75446 903- Telephone United Methodist Church, 378-3468 360 CR 2145, Telephone, Texas First Baptist Church of Dodd City PO Box 47 Dodd City, Texas 75438-0047 Windom Baptist Church PO Box 1026 Windom United Methodist Church (903)583-4465 Windom, TX 75492 (903) 623-2215 207 Second Street PO Box 936 Windom, TX 75492 940-390-0146 First Baptist Church of Honey Grove Wild Horse Creek Cowboy Church 2x4 Class DispPleasant Grove CME Church box 34 PO Box 124 Honey Grove, Texas 75446 2992 CR 2285 Telephone, Texas 75488 (903)378-2768 903-486-1630 Ladonia TX 75449 Hwy 64 903-367-7870
$56 To Run Dec. 3 Catholic Nazarene
First Baptist Church of Ladonia 301 East Main Ladonia, Texas 75449-100 (903)367-7038
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church corner of 10th & Maple Bonham, TX office 903-583-7734
First Baptist Church of Leonard 100 East Thomas St. [PO Box 1146] Leonard, TX 75452 (903) 587-2250
Church of Christ Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 587-2229
Church of Christ
First Baptist Church of Pecan Gap PO Box 100 Pecan Gap, Texas 75469 (903)359-6683 First Baptist Church of Randolph PO Box 14 Randolph, Texas 75475 (903)583-6900 First Baptist Church of Savoy .O. Box 177 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4160 First Baptist Church of Trenton PO Box 157 Trenton, Texas 75490 (903)989-2319
Ector Church of Christ Hwy 56 & Cedar St. Ector, Texas 903.965.4398 Katy Blvd Church of Christ 411 Katy Blvd Bonham, TX 75418 706-294-5996 Midway Church of Christ Hwy 56 W Bonham 903 583 3989
Golden Gospel Church 4435 County Road 2610 in Bonham, Texas (903) 227-8527
Church of God
First Presbyterian Church of Bonham 818 N. Main St. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2014 First Presbyterian Church of Leonard 112 W. Thomas St. Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 989-2771
Calvary United Pentecostal Church 1190 Hwy 56 W Bonham Texas 903-583-4346 United Pentecostal Church P.O. Box 216 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4627 Peace Tabernacle UPC 16020 CR 635 Trenton, Texas (972) 752-4054
Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124
Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 Wednesday @ 7:00
A Place To Call Home
Our “Letter to the Editor” section is composed of letters submitted to The Fannin County Leader by our readers. The views expressed in these letters are not necessarily the views of The Fannin County Leader. Political letters must be paid for, in advance. To submit a letter, please e-mail fcleditor2020@ It is our goal to be fair and neutral relating to political issues. We welcome Letters to the Editor on topics that would be of concern and interest to the community. The decision to publish is left to the Editor and Management.
Letter to the Editor Sir, the Bonham Wal-Mart store manager is indeed doing everything he can about customers wearing masks in the store. The employee posted at the entrance is tallying the number of customers in the store at any given time, in order to not overcrowd. Wal-Mart will graciously supply a mask to anyone who asks. Other than that, what do you expect? Should the manager call the police if someone doesn’t have on a mask? How ridiculous! It’s a real shame that you’re dealing with leukemia, & of course you’ll do all you can to lessen the chance of contracting Covid. I would do the same! However, that means controlling your own behavior, not trying to limit other people. We can only be responsible
for ourselves. You can use curbside pickup at many stores, & shop online for non-perishables. You can ask friends or family to shop in the store for you. If you continue to be angry at other people for not doing what you want them to do, all you’ll accomplish is making yourself miserable. So, wear a mask to protect yourself! If masks work, then you’ll be fine. Terri Holder
Report Suspected Child Abuse 1-800-252-5400 You can make a difference!
Christmas Tack & Saddle Auction Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. at the Hagansport Community Center
10 miles north of Mount Vernon at intersection of Hwy. 37 & FM 71. Next to Sulphur River Saddlery. Watch for signs.
END OF YEAR REDUCTION SALE SULPHUR RIVER SADDLERY! Inventory includes the following: Halters, Leads, Headstalls, Reins, Breast Collars, Girths, Bits, Curbs, Saddle Pads, Winter Blankets, Stirrups, Buckets, Scoops, Lots of Amish-Made Strap Goods, Cowhides, Western Decor, Western Metal Yard Art.
Taking some consignments on used Tack, Saddles & Trailers! These items will be sold 1st! Auctioning a lot of Used Saddles & Tack. Always Several NEW Saddles of ALL types! Also selling bulk for Retail Stores! GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS! DON’T MISS THIS SALE! Over 30 New and Used Saddles
Now Open
Please view our Sunday Morning services @ cbcfannin on Facebook or CBC Bonham-Youtube
Letter to the Editor
I am surprised and puzzled by Chamber of Commerce Manager Dale McQueen’s statement to the County Commissioners (as reported in your Dec. 1 issue) that “...bringing in large industries could have a negative impact on the companies already here.” Wow, I thought one of the Chamber’s jobs was to encourage new businesses and industries to come to Bonham. Some of us know that in the 1960s, Campbell’s Soup wanted to build its new, multi-million dollar manufacturing plant here in Bonham. But the city’s leaders at that time were fearful that a new industry like that would raise the cost of wages for other businesses and industries in town, and siphon off their employees. So, Campbell’s Soup was not welcome here, and they chose to build their new plant in Paris, instead of Bonham, giving Paris tremendous new tax revenue and hundreds of new jobs. Thirty years ago, I met the retired C.E.O. of Campbell’s Soup who was living in the same Florida retirement home as my aunt, and he verified that story, saying he was the one who built the plant in Paris because “Bonham didn’t want us.” With attitudes like our Chamber of Commerce has, history is likely to repeat itself. However, with the coming of hundreds of new jobs with the prison facilities in Bonham in the 1990s, we proved that Bonham can handle it, and it gave the whole city an economic boost. If a large industry comes to Bonham, people from many miles around will flock to our city for the jobs and they will spend money here. As the old saying goes, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” Pete Phillips
Northside Church of Christ 2020 N. Center Main Street Presbyterian Church Bonham, Texas 75418 (903)583-3484 P.O. Box 188 or 504 E. Main St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 739-2567 Savoy Church of Christ P.O. Box 212 Savoy, (903) 965-7344 United Pentecostal
Bonham Living Word Church of God First Fannin Baptist Hispanic Church Rt. 699 E Hwy82 Bonham,TX 75418 4 Box 10 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) Phone: (903) 583-5655 583-5727 First Pentecostal Church of God Gober Baptist Church P.O. Box 82 1850 S HWY 121 Bonham, Texas 75418 Wolfe City, Texas 75496 (903) 583-2378 (903) 583-7878
Bonham Community Church 347 FM 273 Bonham, TX 228-563-0423
Letters to the Editor
Grooming Every Wednesday & Saturday! Grooming Every Tuesday!
Fannin County Quilt Barn Trails
New Clients Welcome! Play Yards!
Bailey Inglish Trail West Davy Crockett Trail East
Boarding-Indoor/Outdoor Kennels
We now have pet supplies including Eukanuba dog food!
Now taking reservations for Thanksgiving & Christmas! for Christmas!
Boarding Available Anytime Call or Email Now! Becky (903) 227-9061
9 miles East of Bonham on Hwy 82 10963 E. Hwy 82, Windom, TX 75492 Email:
Contact Patti Wolf for information: 903-583-6040
THANK YOU Essential Healthcare Workers!
Page 5 • December 8, 2020
GARAGE DOOR SERVICE CO. Residential/Commercial Chainlink - Iron - Wood - Vinyl Gates - Operators
903-893-3657 Cell: 580-920-5184
Commercial & Residential Sales & Service On All -Doors, Springs & Openers
Kirk’s Collision
Call Barry Williams
Heaven’s Plan for Earth’s Need
By Bro. Bill Beasley
Genesis 3:15, Acts 4:12, Rev. 13:8 As we approach another Christmas season,
let us recognize the truth that there are many stories set in place to help us understand more fully the gift of Jesus, the moment the Word became flesh. My article this week suggests that God’s plan to meet the spiritual need of a then to be fallen world resulted around the council tables of heaven. The Christ story had its beginning before the world
was created. A story of an imagined conversation between the Father and the Son goes something like this. Creation was being contemplated. The Fall would ensue and the Son said, “Go ahead Father, create the world. When they disobey I will go to Earth and die for their sins.” The Bible teaches us that the death of Jesus
Liz Maxson gave us the easiest fudge recipe I’ve ever seen. This may be my new fudge recipe!
until chips are completely melted and chocolate is smooth. Stir in vanilla extract. Add pecans if desired. Pour fudge into prepared pan. Let fudge cool completely before cutting into one inch squares. You can place in the refrigerator for 1 hour to speed up the process.
3 MINUTE and ¾ INGREDIENTS FUDGE 1 can sweetened condensed
by Tommie Sue Turner milk
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Pecan pieces (optional)
It wouldn’t be Christmas without a fudge recipe, and
fe Requires Balance
Butter a square pan and line with parchment paper for easy removal of set fudge. Set aside. Liz says she does not butter the pan. She just uses the parchment paper. In a microwave safe 2 quart bowl, heat chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk on high for 1 minute. Remove from microwave. Let set for 1 minute, then stir to combine. If needed, heat an additional 30 seconds. Stir
Where Is My Time?
family careerNo job too hunting/fishing BIG or small! timeRobert & Laura Stephens sports Mobile: 75413 903-227-0513 GODP.O. Box 146 • Bailey, TX social life sleep IF THE TV BOOT FITS, work
without balance,
piness is fleeting
ude and make me for GOD
Looks like IT! you REPAIR Don’t Toss Away A 2/5/13 have Perfectly Good it! Pair Of
Boots or Shoes Simply To every there Because Theything Are Showing is a season, and a A Little Wear and Tear. time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1
A false balance is bomination to the LORD: but a just ight is his delight. Proverbs 11:1
• Full or Half Sole • Ladies High Heels or Flats include make • Refinishing • Bootand Repair
WISE RISK102 SHOE STORE & REPAIR this Sunday at S. Crockett • Sherman, TX
gin to BALANCE ur life this Sunday at 11:00
time for GOD
Are2/5/19 You A Christian? Do you serve God? Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
The Church is a hospital for sinners. include and make time for GOD this Sunday at 11:00
Central 11:00 HOME FUNERAL
SINCE 1921
AM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home
Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124 Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 :
West Side of Square Downtown Sherman SINCE
BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home
Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124 Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 email:
All Insurance Claims Welcome
From my LiFe to yours: 5/2/17
Specializing in Windshields
BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home
Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124 Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 email:
2620 N. Center 106 • Bonham, TX 75418
was an accomplished fact in the heart of God even before the foundation of the world. (Rev. 13:8) In John 14, Jesus has been born, has come to the point of facing death for our sins and speaks to His followers these words “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but by me!” Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men,
whereby we can be saved.” CALVARY UNITED 4/21/15 PENTECOSTAL Christmas is meant to be the most blessed CHURCH time of the year. In our When: Sun. 10:30am. letting it be the busiest Wed. 7:00pm time of the year let us Where: 1190 Hwy 56 W. not miss the Gift and the Bonham. Giver. Pastor: Steven Luton, Is Christ in your heart, 903-583-4346 in your church, in your home? This Christmas the Savior has come to Earth. He is with us! Rejoice in Him gladly!!!!! The greatest gift Over 15,000 copies of wasn’t wrapped in shiny12-18-18 The Fannin County Leader silver paper but in swadare distributed by mail and carrier to every home in dling clothes. Fannin County each Tuesday. Readers will find classified ads, display ads, legal Store in an airtight container. . . notices and editorial content, Fudge does not need to be all of which are important kept refrigerated. to the daily lives of local citizens. Our website, www. Please send me your favorite, is or unique recipes to 300 E. updated daily with information Russell Ave., Bonham, TX important to our community. 75418, or take them by the Visit our Facebook @ www. Police Captain Instructor Leader’s office at 224 N. 45-TXCHL Main St. in Bonham. County-Leader for even more community activities and news. FREE Pregnancy Test 11/7/17 HOURS: Advertising rates may be obtained from an Account Tuesday 9 AM - 7 PM FREE Sonogram Representative or any other Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM employee. Editorial may be Parenting Classes submitted for publication, Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM Prenatal Classes but will be included at Editor and Publisher’s discretion. Fannin Pregnancy Editorial exceeding 300 words will result in delayed Care Center publication and may require payment. Any and all content, 903-640-8230 whether paid or un-paid, will be subject to Publisher approval. Letters to the Editor are encouraged, $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ however, they cannot exceed $ $ 250 words and must be 9/24/19 signed by the writer. Letters $ $ to the Editor that exceed the $ $ word count may be published if the submitter is willing to pay $ $ for the extra space required $ $ to publish the letter in its GUARANTEED $ $ entirety. Free publication of HIGHEST Letters to the Editor is limited PRICES FOR $ $ YOUR GOLD!! to one every 60 days. Letters $ $ from the same contributor within the 60 day period will $ DVD’s Buy One Get One FREE $ be published at standard Proud to Serve4:18 the Bonham Area for Over 26 Years $ $ Ephesians advertising rate. Having $ “If We- Don’t HavetheIt Or Can’t Get It, You Don’t Need It” $ 224 N Main. St. understanding Bonham, TX 75418 N. Main Street • Bonham, TX $ $ 509 darkened, being Ph: 903-583-3280 $ $ alienated from the life Fax: 903-583-3945 $ $ $of$God $ through $$$$ the$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ignorance that is in them, because of the AFFORDABLE blindness of their heart:
www TexasCHL com
Concealed Handgun License
Whitlock’s Pawn & Jewelry Where We Actually DO Loan More!!! ly Don't Like d n e i Fr ! & Religion? t s Fa Loans
Traditional Services and Merchandise Alternative Celebrations of Life I would rather live Direct Gravesides
my life as if there
Cremation Services MONUMENTS FREE Planning Guide
Easy Plans if you are new to our area or have plans from is Transfer a God of andYour diePre-Paid to another homeisn't, and would like to use our services. find funeral out there
than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is. include and make time for GOD this Sunday at 21911:00 W. Sam Rayburn Dr., Bonham, Texas 75418
Wise Funeral Home Chapel and Cremation Services
(903) 583-2161 •
Est. 1908 Tour our historic home built in 1897 BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home The Murden Family and our experienced caring staff Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124 serving your family and your traditions BAPTIST CHURCH
Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 remembered email: “Be
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Page 6 • December 8, 2020• 903-583-3280 •
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would best answer any further questions he may hav e. 6. Set next BDA LZC Regular Meeting date: Judge Moore set the next date for the Bois D’Arc Lake Zoning Commission meeting on Jan 7, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. 7. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Continued from page 1
After much discussion it was decided that Di should meet with Code Enforcement Officer Mark Posey and Attorney Newt Cunningham to determine whether additional verbiage should be added to the Lake Zoning Regulation Book to clear up this matter or if simply consulting with Fannin County Electric Cooperative to withhold permanent electric service to properties in the Bois D’Arc Lake area until they are presented with a Utility Connection Certificate from the office of Development Services, is needed. It was agreed that the solution should be determined by the next meeting of the Zoning Commission. Where boundary lines begin, where RV Parks are permissible at the lake and whether planning and zoning regulations are available for people interested in properties at Lake Ralph Hall were also touched on by Di. Judge Moore advised, to the best of his knowledge, that zoning regulations are currently being looked at for Lake Ralph Hall but suggested she attend the next Upper Trinity Meeting to find out more about that process. Also visited was the 100 ft road frontage regulation for single family lots and whether less than 100 ft frontage would be permissible. After discussion it was decided the regulation of 100 ft should be adhered to unless a request for a variance is presented to the commission and ultimately approved by the County Commissioners Court. 5. Discussion, consideration and action regarding changes and/or modifications requested by landowners: Judge Randy Moore called Dale Smith back to the podium to present his questions. Mr. Smith had questions regarding his interest in purchasing a current RV Park with 22 sites and possibly expanding the number of spaces there and/or purchasing another site for the purpose of a RV Park and if the site he’s interested in, is permissible for RV Park use. Discussion ensued and instructions on what he needs to do to go through the process to obtain his desired results were advised to him as well as which pages in the Lake Zoning Regulation Book
Bill McCain
903-583-7364 Cell: 903-227-1124
2630 N. Center Street • Bonham, TX 75418
Tri County Glass Inc. LEE HAMBY, Owner Bus. 903-583-8351 Fax 903-583-3096
114 E. 16th Bonham, Texas 75418
First United Bank named 8/10/10 as Newsweek’s “America’s Best Bank” in the State of Oklahoma
If you’re pregnant, we want to help. 5/26/20 903-640-8230 Fannin Pregnancy Care Center 1500 N. Center DURANT, Bonham, Texas
Bonham Police Department Logs 11/25/20– 12/1/20
Report: November 25, 100 BL W Thomas L Hayes Blvd., Arresting Officer – Ptl. Tim Herman. A 32-year-old male was arrested for Assault (FV). Report: November 25, 600 BL Sid St., Reporting Officer – Ptl. Zachary Williamson. A call for service was received in reference to Theft of Property. Report: November 25, 2000 BL SH 121 N., Arresting Officer – Ptl. Giancarlo Pucinni. A 27-year-old female was arrested for Theft (SL). Report: November 26, 800 BL e. 2nd St., Arresting Officer – Sgt. Billy Kennedy. A 25-year-old female was arrested for Disorderly Conduct – Fighting, and a 33-year-old female was arrested for Disorderly Conduct – Fighting, and a 31-year-old male was arrested for Assault (FV) and Other Agency Warrant. Report: November 27, 200 BL Graham Ave., Arresting Officer – Kolbee Perdue. A 29-year-old male was arrested for DWI w/ Open Container. Report: November 27, 500 BL Lipscomb Ave., Arresting Officer – Ptl. Tim Herman. A 31-year-old male was arrested for False Report. Report: November 28, US 82 W., Reporting Officer – Ptl. Zachary Williamson. A call for service was received in reference to Evading Arrest Detention W/ Vehicle. Report: November 28, 1000 BL Evans St., Reporting Officer – Ptl. Trevor Franz. A call for service was received in reference to Dog Bite. Report: November 28, 1700 BL SH 121 N., Arresting Officer – Ptl. Tim Herman. A 36-year-old male was arrested for Other Agency Warrant. Report: November 29, 800 BL E. Sam Rayburn Dr., Reporting Officer – Ptl. Trevor Franz. A call for service was received in reference to Burg of Building. Report: November 29, 1600 BL N. Center St.,
Window Replacement • Contract Glazing • Custom Mirror Work Patio Doors • Screens • Tub Enclosures • Shower Doors Insurance Claims Adjusted
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Page 7 • December 8, 2020
Arresting Officer – Ptl. Zachary Williamson. A 35-year-old male was arrested for Traffic – No DL, Traffic – Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility and Other Agency Warrants. Report: November 30, 880 BL S. 3rd St., Arresting Officer – Ptl. Giancarlo Puccini. A 22-year-old male was arrested for Other Agency Warrant. Report: December 1, 700 BL W. Sam Rayburn Dr., Arresting Officer – Cpl. Kolton Phillips. A 52-yearold male was arrested for Parole Violation Warrant. Report: December 1, US 82 E., Arresting Officer – Ptl. Kolbee Perdue. A 40-yearold female was arrested for Possession on CS.
OK – Newsweek recently partnered with LendingTree to unveil the first-ever Best Bank rankings for financial institutions that best serve their customers’ needs in today’s challenging times. First United Bank was named as Newsweek’s “America’s Best Bank” for the Small Bank category in the state of Oklahoma. First United was among 2,500 FDIC-insured institutions who were considered. Each financial institution was evaluated on the savings and checking accounts they offer based on 55 separate factors. These factors helped to determine a best-in-class option in 19 categories—including the best big and small bank in every state. First United takes pride in their company’s values of faith, family, integrity, high
performance teams, lifelong learning, relationships and communities and doing what is right for their employees, customers, and the communities. By providing a great customer experience through relationships and the latest technology, First United is transforming how people interact with their finances. “I am incredibly proud of our high performing employees. I truly believe it is their commitment to living our values and their desire to inspire and empower others to Spend Life Wisely that makes our organization so outstanding,” said Greg Massey, CEO. First United’s purpose is to “inspire and empower others to spend
Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes
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life wisely” through a holistic approach to life that encompasses Faith, Financial Well-Being, Health and Wellness, and Personal Growth. Learn more at spendlifewisely. com. About First United Bank: Established in 1900, First United has more than 85 bank, mortgage and insurance locations throughout Oklahoma and Texas. It is one of the largest, well-capitalized banking organizations in the Southwest with assets of more than $10 billion, and it is among the largest privately held community banking organizations in the United States. First United provides a full range of financial services including banking, mortgage, insurance, and investment products and services, and is dedicated to inspiring and empowering others to Spend Life Wisely®. Learn more at
411 N. Main Street Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8538
Est. 1974
Featured Property 9061 FM 1396 Telephone -
23.46 acres with Lake Bois D Arc shoreline. 800 sf 1/1 living quarters and 1,200 sf workshop, RV barn, animal barn, she shed and recreational vehicle storage. Gorgeous Black Jack Oak trees on property, pond. Life is GOOD... at Lake Bois D Arc....................$1,250,000
4175 B FM 1550 Windom 1 bed/ 1 bath 576 sf on half an acre. .............................................$64,000 315 CR 43340 Paris 3 bedroom / 2.5 bath on 2.3 acres 434 PR 288 Honey Grove nice home..........................$290,000 5 bedroom/ 2.5 bath 3,417 sf on 7.01 acres. Gorgeous property, it won’t 403 Wall Street Windom – last long.............................$440,000. 3 bed / 2.5 bath, 1,950 sf, storage buildings............................$135,000. 439 CR 2515 Bonham – 3 bed/ 2.1 bath 1,800 sf manufactured home on 1.01 acres............$205,000 1201 N 12th St Honey Grove 3 bed / 2 bath 1,608 sf on .3 647 CR 26700 Petty – ON acres.....................$150,000. 3 bed / 2 bath OPTIhome on 1 TIVEmobile C A acre................................$65,000. 502 South 3rd St Windom 4 bedroom / 2 bath 2,400 2095 S FM 2077 Dodd City - 42 +/acres/ Beautiful hilltop view, pond SF charming Victorian on and beautiful buildingGsite. Property DIN .615 cres with lots of original also comes PENwith mobile home. features.............................$199,000 This won’t last long........$367,500.
Dale Horton, Agent 903-640-3468 DeAnn Jones, Agent 903-227-7826
1102 E Main St Honey Grove 8,950 sf metal building on .8 acres. Many possibilities for use of property. BIG PRICE REDUCTION............$200,000 32x48 1,550 ± Restaurant Structureto be relocated. Exposed beams, rustic details, commercial kitchen. Call for information and pricing! FM 824 Dial Community .56 acres known as former Presbyterian Church........$14,000. 604 State Hwy 50 Ladonia – Ladonia Self Storage 22 units and 5 small rent houses. Great Investment Potential….....$225,000.
Acreage / Lots 1007 Legend Ave, Bonham – Legacy Ridge lot 20............$28,000. TBD CR 2870 Honey Grove C-T TRA ONand 7+/- acres with trees a pond on RC E D N U hill............................$112,000 rolling
Loyd Johnson Broker
TBD CR 2850 Honey Grove TRAC–T ONon......$52,500. 5 acres build DERto C UNready SW 19th & E Washington, Paris 11.1 acres excellent site for new subdivision or multi-family units ..........................................$199,800. TBD CR 4845, Celeste – 24.5 acres. Building site with large pond, completely fenced................$208,000. FM 38 N Honey Grove – 30 acres with native grassland and pastureland.......................$300,000. FM 38 N Honey Grove – 22 acres native grassland and pastureland with large pond ..........................................$600,000. TBD FM 1743 Windom 50 acres with great building site. .. ..........................................$675,000
Farms / Ranches Hwy 56 & CR 3212, Windom – 330 acres. BROKER OWNED PROPERTY....................$1,303,500.
Chris Johnson, Agent 903-815-1661 Amy Patrick, Agent 903-227-0168
Page 8 • December 8, 2020 • 903-583-3280
Stephen Castle, Broker Associate 1 (253) 365-7868
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encouraged everyone County Commissioners Discussed Covid-19 Policies and to be safe. Judge Moore 6/11/19noted that the monthly in10/29/19 & Protocols/Courthouse Update/HSAC Grant Monies mate count is down to 113 By Rose Schwartz
1/3/17 hicles pose a safety issue for
County Judge Randy Moore called to order at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, the regular meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. Quorum was established. David Woodson introduced Pastor Kevin Towery from Allens Point Baptist Church to give the invocation. Major James Manis led the pledges. Judge Moore recognized and welcomed back Carolyn Rodgers who was in attendance after a year’s absence due to injuries. 5. Public Forum: Molly Hayes, a resident from the Tulip Community, spoke to the Court regarding a grievance she has involving what she believes to be a health and safety issue coming from the truck traffic on her county road. Due to the high speed of some of the drivers for the United Sand & Gravel Company that is operating a business down the road from her, she believes their commercial ve-
the citizens in the area and are causing constant clouds of unhealthy dust. She would like for the County to place a secured Stop sign where CR 2037 & 2038 intersect and a Speed Limit sign placed on the road to prevent what might be a fatality occurring in the future and to possibly alleviate the unhealthy clouds of dust their high speed driving causes. She also requested law enforcement patrol to monitor the situation. An online statement from John Finn was also read to the court. Mr. Finn wanted to express to the court, his belief that Covid-19 is merely a cold virus and is concerned that a possible shutdown of businesses is unconstitutional and would negatively affect the community. 6. Discussion, consideration and action regarding the Fannin County Declaration of Disaster Proclamation for Covid-19: Judge
Moore reiterated the importance of taking Covid-19 seriously (emphasizing the need to wear masks when needed) and reminded everyone that this was not just his opinion, but is the opinion of many health and government officials. He reminded all, that it is Governor Abbott’s Order Proclamation that once there is an excess of 15% hospitalization for seven days, the 50% capacity order automatically happens. A motion was made to extend the Proclamation for another week, motion was seconded and passed. 7. Discussion, consideration and action regarding the Covid-19 Response and Continuity of Operations Plan for Fannin County: Tax Assessor/Collector Gail Young spoke on their being a need to explain better the protocol involved when family members of employees test positive for Covid-19 and for there to be a better understanding of what wages the affected
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employees can expect when an absence is taken due to Covid-19. After discussion, it was decided to look at the language in the plan involving those aspects and add clarification where needed. A motion to continue the plan as written, (with the understanding clarification will be added) was made, seconded and passed. 8. Discussion and update regarding Courthouse Restoration: Judge Moore read the update provided to him which included; Exterior: replacing and repairing stones at entries where it says 1888, repair stone around windows on the south side, completed backfill at mechanical yard ready to start concrete pads. Interior: repair of mortar junctions of interior stone, plumbing rough-in on second and third levels, duct work is rough-in on the first level, electrical rough-in on the first and second level, millwork blocking on the first level. 9. Discussion, consideration and action to approve a one-time severance of 2 acres from an 8.565 acre tract on State Hwy 78 in Leonard: Di Hopkins reported that everything was in order for the approval of this severance. Commissioner Self made the motion to approve and Commissioner Magness seconded. Motion was passed. 10. Discussion, consideration and action to approve the Final Plat for the Orduna Addition on County Roads 4620 and 4615 in Trenton; 24 lots on 33.09 acres: Di reported that everything looked good for this to be approved as all requirements had been met. Commissioner Self made the motion to approve and Commissioner Lackey seconded the motion. Motion passed. 11. Discussion, consideration and action to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Fannin County and Texoma Council of Governments for the utilization of the Office of the Governor’s Statewide Emergency Radio Infrastructure grant: Judge Moore said this grant comes from the Homeland Security Advisory Committee which he had met with about two or three weeks ago. He gave credit to Stephanie Davidson with TPOC, Emergency Management Coordinator Troy Hudson and Emer-
gency Management Coordinator from Bonham, Chris Hughes. The grant will be in the amount of two hundred forty four thousand dollars for Fannin County and a separate two hundred forty four thousand dollars for the City of Bonham. 12. Discussion and presentation with Air Evac Lifeteam to inform the citizens of Fannin County of the services and membership offered: Commissioner Self explained that due to Covid-19, this item would need to be passed on and rescheduled at another date. 13. Discussion, consideration and action to cancel Commissioners Court for December 29, 2020: County Judge Moore explained that due to Lisa taking off 3 days and it being a light week, he believed canceling the meeting would be a good idea. Commissioner Lackey wanted to clarify that just the Commissioners Court Meeting would be canceled but the County employees would still be at work for any citizens who might think the county offices would be closed. Motion to cancel the Regular Meeting of the Commissioners Court on December 29, 2020 was made, seconded and passed. 14. Discussion, consideration and action regarding personnel or supplies for Covid-19 from the CARES Act Grant or other funding: County Purchasing Agent Michelle Case gave an update of PPE equipment available for the various county departments including masks, disposable coveralls, hand sanitizer. She will be purchasing gloves. No action needed. 15. Discussion, consideration and action to approve payment of bills: Motion was made, seconded and passed to pay the bills. 16. Comments by County Commissioners and County Judge: Commissioner Self stated there were three more days remaining for the hospitalization rate to possibly decrease and avoid the 50% rule for businesses and spoke of how on this date in the year 1955, Rosa Parks’ actions started a bus boycott that lasted a full year and was a catalyst for the civil rights movement. And he just wanted it said that good things can come of bad times. Commissioner Magness thanked everyone for coming. Commissioner Lackey echoed that thanks
per day and wanted to thank everyone involved in keeping those numbers down and spoke of the free Covid-19 testing available at the Multi-Purpose Complex from 9 to 5 all week. He also expressed his hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving as he had and touched on how many have family members coming down with the Covid-19 virus including himself as now his dad has Covid-19 pneumonia and is not doing well. He related how it is difficult to deal with. 17. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Phone Number (844) 603-6048
Fannin County Commissioners Contact Information Precinct 1 Commissioner Gary Whitlock Pct. Barn Location: 8865 Highway 56 W (2 miles east of Savoy) Savoy, Texas 75479 Phone: 903-965-7030 Precinct 2 Commissioner A.J. Self Pct. Barn Location: 500 N. Highway 69 Leonard, Texas 75452 Phone: 903-587-3455 Email Address: Precinct 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness Pct. Barn Location: 18101 East FM 1396 (Just off new Hwy 82) Honey Grove, Texas 75446 Phone: 903-378-2941 Email Address: Precinct 4 Commissioner Dean Lackey Pct. Barn Location: 1369 East Highway 56 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone: 903-583-2039 Email Address:
Page 9 • December 8, 2020
License to Carry / pistol 101 Group or private classes Weekdays or Weekends ltc- $60 savoy area Female instructor specializing in
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Tel / 903-246-1565
Bonham, TX
Christmas Drive for the Bonham2-19-19 Watch for Public Library 6/30/20 Children’s Center Press Release - Decem- at the library. We have Traffic Signal Work Press Release - The rive by Dec 11, or earlier ber at the Bonham Pub- Launchpad Tablets and annual Christmas drive if possible. This will al- lic Library. The Winter Vox Books. The Launchat the Fannin County low time for gifts to be Reading Program started pad Tablets are preloaded in Fannin, Lamar Children’s Center is up sorted and delivered in on December 1st and will tablets that teach kids to and running. Like most time for the holidays. end on February 1st. The read. They are a 5-level Counties everything else this year, Checks should be made Winter Reading Program guided reading system File Name: MasConRoofing091918 2x2 Date Created: 09/19/18 Date Modified: September 24, 2018 3:51 PM
Family Violence Affects the Children PLEASE...if you need help dealing with personal problems or you need help coping with your children, seek help!
“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” - Jane Dee Hull Children depend on the adults around them for protection, guidance and a feeling of belonging. Children flourish in a positive environment!! Call for help. There is never any shame in saving a young life from pain and despair.
Fannin County Family Crisis Center 903-583-7694
24 Hour Hotline 903-583-7000
is for ages 2-12. To participate, register at the library, pick up a punch card, and read books or have books read to you. Ten punches and when you are done. If you bring in a completed punch card, you will receive a winter goodie bag, and, your name goes into the grand prize drawings. You could win a Kindle Fire Tablet, books, and other cool prizes. All you need to do is READ or come to one of the programs described below. If you participate in the Winter Reading Program you can also pick up a “Disguise a Gingerbread Man” family project. Your task is to choose a storybook character then create a disguise for the gingerbread man based on that character. Come by and pick up the template and turn in a completed project by December 14th. We will be displaying the disguised gingerbread men in the foyer of the library. This will also count as a punch on your punch card. -On December 14th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm we will be having a Winter Wonderland outside the library. Santa Claus will be here to take pictures with, and we will be having an Elf twisting balloons for you. There will be Hot Chocolate and Cookies while supplies last. There will also be snow and lots of photo opportunities for your kids. If you come to the Winter Wonderland, it also counts as a punch on your punch card. We will also be giving out candy canes. -On December 18th at 6:00 pm, we will be having a Drive-In Movie. We will be showing the movie, “Elf”. Just park in the east parking lot and turn your radios to that station on the screen. -Join us Dec. 9th and 16th at 10:00 am for our Curbside Storytime. We will have Christmas take and make it craft and coloring pages kits for you to pick up while supplies last every week. Come check out some of the new things we have
that helps kids learn to read with apps, storybooks, and videos. Vox Books are books that talk. They are read-along books that improve reading comprehension. Starting in the new year we will have a Kiosk where you can check out books, pay fines, and print. Plus, we will have two credit card terminals all thanks to the CARES grant we received. Many of you have already used our new picnic table in front of the library while you use our Curbside WiFi. Thanks for all your support. Come by the Library and look at our outdoor lights and our inside decorations. Happy Holidays to everyone!
Homeschool Co-op
Legacy Christian Academy Homeschool Co-op is off to a great start. These teenagers are learning about hot topics such as Constitution and Civics, Public Speaking, and Chemistry. While the younger children are creating a Lap-book on ‘A Roadtrip thru the United States of America.’ We are excited about this new Coop and looking forward to this school year. If you would like information on the Co-op, please call or text Tonni Jackson at 318584-1518 and please ‘Like’ our facebook page.
PARIS – Texas Department of Transportation officials today announced that work to install traffic signal improvements at three locations in Fannin and Lamar Counties is set to begin Dec. 14. North Texas Traffic Systems Construction was granted 85 working days, weather permitting, to complete this project valued at more than $883,000. The contractor anticipates placing barricades the week of Dec. 7 and beginning work on Dec. 14, officials said. The target completion date for this work is Spring 2021. Much of this work will occur off the pavement, but there will be times when temporary lane closures will be necessary, officials said. The work will occur at these locations: Fannin County, State Highway
out to FCCC and indicate they are for Christmas. Donations can also be made by credit or debit card on the center’s website. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. For more information, call 903-583-4339 or visit www.fanninccc. org. Wish Lists For Christmas gifts for kids · Toys for children under 3 · Gift cards and other gifts for teenagers · Craft kits, markers, coloring books, etc. · Board games, Legos and books · Footballs, basketballs, soccer balls · Perfume, cologne, bath sets & make-up sets · Purses, wallets, makeup bags · Gift cards for clothing and discount stores · New coats and hoodies for children ages 0-17 · New shoes for ages 2-17
78 from .1 mile north of US 82 to .1 mile south of SH 56; and State Highway 121 from .1 mile west of West Russel Street to .1 mile east of SH 56. Work will first commence in Lamar County on BU 82H from .1 mile west of FM 79 to .1 mile east of 33rd Street Southeast, and then move to Fannin County. Motorists who travel regularly in these areas should remain alert and pay special attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems For more information, contact Tim.McAlavy@ or (903) 7379213.
the effort will look a little different due to the pandemic. One thing that has not changed is the need for donations from the local community. Last year, the Children’s Center gave presents of clothing, coats, shoes, toys and other gifts to 291 children and youth who were being served by the Children’s Center’s two primary programs: CASA and the Children’s Advocacy Center. Organizers expect to serve a similar number of children this year. Some of the children helped by this project are living in foster homes, away from family and friends. Other children have gone to live with grandparents or other relatives as a result of abuse or neglect. Many of these families struggle financially when one or more children suddenly come to live with them. In other families, the discovery of sexual abuse in the home has meant the loss of family income when the offender leaves. Donations of cash, toys, new coats, new hoodies, shoes and other items are now being accepted. Teddy bear trees, which contain wishes or needs are up at Blessings & Butterflies, CapTex Bank (Bonham & Trenton), Fannin Federal Credit Union, First United Bank (Bonham & Leonard), Fix and Feed, Legend Bank, Rebel Roots Boutique, Red River Gypsies, Stay Grounded Coffee Company, Tax-Assessor Collector’s Office (Tag Office), WalMart and Warrior Tire. For donors who are short on time, the center also accepts cash donations which will be used to purchase gifts for the children. Donations can be brought or mailed to the center at 112 West Fifth Street, Bonham, Texas 75418. The center is open 8 am to 5 pm, Monday – Friday, with extended hours until 6 pm on Dec 7-10. Organizers ask that the donations ar-
2 Yard Dumpster $70.00 4 Yard Dumpster $105.00 Regular Service $23.00 / Month
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EETO 6/9/20 LAND CO.
Rec Rd. 3 Large 3.43 acre lot. Mature trees, restricted, quiet neighborhood less than 1 mile from Lake Bonham boat dock and recreation area........$69,500
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Page 10 • December 8, 2020 • 903-583-3280 •
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Page 11 • December 8, 2020
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Page 12 • December 8, 2020• 903-583-3280 •
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Hello Care Partners,
The Holiday season is quickly approaching and with everything we do to prepare to share these special moments with Family and Friends, it can be very time consuming. In addition, staying safe from the current Covid-19 pandemic, adds even more difficulty to our limited time. At Transcend Hospice of TexOma we understand how important Family is and how making the best of each moment is crucial. It is never easy to discuss and begin Hospice services during these times of celebration.
Thank you for giving me a home of my own... but please, don’t face my door to the North. That wind can be bitter cold!! BRAVEHEART BAV ANIMAL VOLUNTEERS Please Help Us Help Needy Pets. Donate to PayPal: Donations can also be paid directly on our account at Gray’s Veterinary, 14618 TX-121, Trenton, TX 75490 or mail to Braveheart, P.O. Box 26, Ravenna, TX 75476. 903-436-7954
Our approach is simple. We look at each person needing our services as Family and will provide the care they need just as we would for one of our own. This allows the Family members of a hospice patient to not only be a part of their loved one’s care but gives them extra time, knowing the patient is receiving exceptional care and allows them the time to prepare and share in the holiday celebrations. If you know of someone who has a debilitating illness that is treated by the most medications possible, give us a call. We would be honored to provide the professional care they deserve. Please contact us at anytime for information or a consultation on hospice criteria and benefits. Billy G. Teague, LVN Community Liaison Transcend Hospice of TexOma Office: 903-505-5680 Fax: 903-505-5681 Cell: 903-818-7396 Email:
C. Denise Sanderson ,LBSW- IPR- MSW, AOM Administrator Transcend Hospice of TexOma Office: 903-505-5680 Fax: 903-505-5681 Cell: 903-647-0832 Email:
Page 13 • December 8, 2020
PHILADELPHIA-THE BELEAGUERED CHURCH JESUS TO THE CHURCH IN PHILADELPHIA - Revelation 3:7-13. And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this: I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you. Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. What does it mean to be beleaguered? It is a word we do not hear often, but it describes this church in Philadelphia, and often describes life circumstances. Beleaguered means to be surrounded, encircled about and under attack, having one’s back to the wall. They were in a hard spot, but Jesus showed up to let them know they were not alone. Unlike the church in Sardis for whom Jesus had only warning, for the Church in Philadelphia, He had only encouragement. Just as Jesus left heaven to walk this earth and to give His Life for us, He showed up again to give special encouragement to this group of believers. In America’s modern church denominations, we do not often recognize that our roots in Jesus Christ are 100% Jewish. Jesus is Jewish, every Christian Church was originally established by Jews, and our scriptures – from Genesis through Revelation are written by Jews. JESUS’ letter to Philadelphia was not a call to anti-Semitism, far from it! He said those who are tormenting them only called themselves Jews, but they were not. Jesus established His true Jewishness When He said, “I HAVE THE KEYS OF DAVID.” He referred to Isaiah, the OldTestament Prophet who testified that the original promise to Jewish King David in 2 Samuel 7:12-13, that it was from his line that would come the Messiah (The Christ, meaning the Anointed One of God). Here, Jesus is the promised “HE” that is speaking to this beaten down remnant of believers. Jesus told HIS Church in Philadelphia that He was the fulfillment of Isaiah 22:22: “The Key of the House of David, I will lay on HIS shoulder, so HE shall open and shut, and the door that HE opens, no one can shut.” These early believers knew exactly who was speaking with them and what He was saying. Yet, these true believers in Jesus Christ found themselves on the outside of society, out of their comfort-zone, and in danger of losing their lives. They worshipped and identified with the synagogues in their community which not only gave them a sense of community but also protection from the Roman Government. The Jews were exempt from the idolatrous worship of the Roman Emperor. Jewish leaders had struck a deal with the Roman Government. They were exempted from the worship of Caesar, so when asked by a Roman Soldier to say, “Caesar is Lord,” the members of the Jewish Synagogues could not be tortured and killed by Rome for refusing to recognize the self-imposed divinity of Caesar. In those days, when one was expelled from the Synagogue, they were not only cut off from their friends and family, but they were also in grave danger. When they came to the door of the Synagogue seeking entrance to worship services, the doorkeeper would either lock the door in the face of those deemed unworthy of entrance, or the peep hole on the already locked door would be slammed shut. They were not only shut out of their place of worship, they also lost protection from the cruelty of the Roman government. The Church of Philadelphia had been locked out. They were holding fast to their Savior, yet they were suffering for their stand. Jesus told them that HE was coming back and to “HOLD ON”. Do not let anyone take your reward from you. He did not promise them immediate relief, He assured them that their stand for HIM would be worth it. They would bear HIS NAME, THE NAME of HIS GOD, AND WOULD SHARE HIS HOME WITH HIM FOR ETERNITY. What does this message from our Lord mean for believers today? The same as it did then! His letters to these seven ancient churches surpass all time and space. They are letters written to all believers who “have ears to hear what the Spirit of God says to the churches (His body of believers.) We are living those times now when we must take a stand, regardless of the consequences. Even in this country, we are being told that our belief in Jesus Christ as the ONLY WAY TO GOD is exclusionary and deemed by many to be “hate speech.” Many are losing their positions of influence and even their livelihood for taking a stand for Jesus. Recently, one young man in Washington lost his earthly life for displaying the name of Jesus on his hat. Jesus is standing at the door, so we know that the intensity of trouble over HIS NAME will grow. Lord, help us to fulfill the mandate that you left with us, to tell every living creature that YOU ARE LORD, and YOU ARE LOVE. Give us courage, resolve, and discernment to carry out and complete the job you left with us. You have given us an open door to ETERNITY and to the ETERNAL GOD. You have given us YOUR NAME, help us to honor Your Name as a bride honors the name of her beloved husband. We give up our earthly life for Yours and the honor of bearing YOUR NAME! Signed: Teri Sheddy
Page 14 • December 8, 2020 • 903-583-3280 •
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Page 15 • December 8, 2020
Honey Grove’s Blessing Box
Lanny Burnett, an elder at Main Street Presbyterian Church in Honey Grove, is pictured beside the Blessing Box that he and Carl Peel helped mount on the outside of the church building. Press Release - Main Street Presbyterian Church of Honey Grove has completed the mounting of a Blessing Box, similar to the one at First Presbyterian Church in Bonham. Need food for your family? The Blessing Box has you covered. The idea is simple. People donate nonperishable, essential items and place them inside the box so folks without such necessities can take what they need. Main Street members say it’s important because too often many people have to go to bed hungry in Honey Grove and the surrounding area. It’s called a Blessing Box because those who leave items are blessed enough to be able to do so, and those who are in need are blessed that the items are there for them. It’s a miniature pantry, and David Williams of Heritage Construction Company built and donated the Blessing Box to Main Street Presbyterian Church, while Custom Glass & Mirror of Bonham custom made
and donated tempered glass doors for the box. Carl Peel and Lanny Burnett, both Session members at Main Street, mounted the sign and box on the outside of the church building. Facing east, the box is located at 404 East Main Street in Honey Grove and is visible from Main Street. The public is invited and encouraged to help restock
the box with non-perishable food and personal items. “Things we take for granted having every day on a regular basis are items people in the community might not have,” Pastor Cindy Baker Burnett said. “Those are the things that would benefit a homeless or less-fortunate person.” If community people would like to donate money toward supplying the Blessing Box, rather than bringing food, checks can be mailed to Main Street Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 188, Honey Grove, TX 75446. Please designate it for the Blessing Box. It turns out that a Blessing Box is like a little free library, but for food and toiletries. These are the items most commonly donated and used to stock the Blessing Box: FOOD ITEMS: peanut butter, tuna, canned spaghetti, ravioli, hearty soups, fruits, canned broth, cornbread mix, canned vegetables, etc. NON-FOOD ITEMS: socks, mittens, hand warmers, toilet paper, bottled water, toiletries (hand soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc.), baby wipes
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Page 16 • December 8, 2020 • 903-583-3280 •
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TPWD Wildlife Biologists Confirm Rare 10/29/19 Mountain Lion Sighting Near Rowlett
AUSTIN — Despite the rarity of mountain lion sightings near urban areas, a recent mountain lion sighting on private property in Rowlett has been verified by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) biologists. Biologists suspect that this mountain lion is most likely a transient juvenile male that is just passing through the area as it searches for a home range. Biologists say that another sighting of this mountain lion is highly unlikely as these animals are naturally secretive and elusive, have extremely large home ranges and travel many miles during a week. This mountain lion will likely move on and never be seen again. While mountain lion’s food sources do include deer, biologists note that there is not a large deer population in the area where this lion was spotted. However, feral hogs do occupy the area and are also a food source for mountain
lions. In response to a reported mountain lion, the first thing wildlife biologists or game wardens do is interview the person that reported the sighting and gather further information. Depending on the nature of the report, biologists or wardens may go to the site, look for evidence such as tracks, scat or other signs to try and confirm the sighting. The person who reported the sighting can then discuss any concerns they may have with wildlife experts who can then provide guidance on how to co-exist with mountain lions, how to protect pets or livestock and what to do if confronted. Mountain lions are a component of the natural landscape in many parts of Texas and unless they are in what biologists would consider a “notolerance zone” such as near a school, or if the lion has exhibited threatening behavior, then no action is taken. TPWD does not remove mountain lions or
other native wildlife species from a property simply because people do not want the animal there. Seeing a mountain lion in the wild is an extremely uncommon occurrence as mountain lions are crepuscular and primarily hunt at night. A mountain lion attack on people or pets is highly unlikely, however, TPWD biologists suggest that residents keep their pets indoors at night, don’t leave out pet food and secure their trash. If a person encounters or sees a mountain lion, it’s important that they do not run away from the animal but instead throw rocks and make loud noises in an effort to appear big and intimidating to the lion. The public is encouraged to report any suspected mountain lion activity to Texas Game Wardens or a biologist in their area. More information about mountain lions can be found on the TPWD website.
Phoning for Backup Game wardens set up a whitetail buck decoy in Trinity County after receiving reports of road hunting activity in the area. After about an hour, a truck stopped in the road and quickly backed up. Wardens watched the operator hide the vehicle and make a phone call. A few minutes later a second vehicle approached from the opposite direction. The second driver exited the truck with a rifle and loaded it. The hunter fired two shots at the decoy before he was stopped by game wardens. Multiple cases for hunting white-tailed deer from a public roadway were filed. Wardens collected one shell casing for evidence and were unable to find the second casing. K9 game warden Blitz was brought in and found the second casing within minutes.
The Rest of the Story Late night on Dec. 5 an Uvalde County game warden received a call about possible shots being fired from the public road. The warden responded to the area and observed a vehicle stopped on the road with one subject standing in the road. The warden activated her red and blue lights and made contact with the vehicle. There were two male subjects in the truck and a freshly shot buck in the back. After a brief discussion, one of the subjects admitted to shooting the buck from the highway after he supposedly hit the buck with his truck. He also admitted to shooting a porcupine from the road. With assistance from another warden, they were able to find the porcupine but couldn’t find any evidence that the
buck was hit by the truck. The shooter was arrested for hunting deer from the public road. The next morning, one of the wardens was traveling the same road and saw a dead buck in the trees next to a wheat field approximately a half mile from where the porcupine was shot. He called the other warden and they determined that the buck was shot with buckshot. The two subjects from the night before had a shotgun in the truck. The wardens made contact with the second subject and he admitted to shooting the buck three times with buckshot. Cases pending.
Game Warden Field Notes
Poaching in Progress A Brazos County game warden responded to a poaching in progress call. A Brazos County sheriff’s deputy detained the individuals trying to leave the property. Upon arrival, the warden questioned each of the suspects concerning their activity on the property. The two suspects found on the property admitted to hog hunting and not knowing whose property they were on. It was also revealed there was a third suspect involved who was hiding on the property. GPS trackers were discovered upon investigation, providing the exact route they travelled to hunt the hog and track their dogs. A hog carcass was located on the property. The landowners were contacted, and cases for hunting without landowner consent are pending.
Texas Lake Levels +/as of 12/4/20 Arlington -4.49 Benbrook -3.70 Bonham -0.80 Bridgeport -3.70 Cedar Creek -0.90 Eagle Mountain -1.90 Fork -2.29 Granbury -0.53 Grapevine -0.48 Joe Pool -1.58 Lavon -2.03 Lewisville -0.80 Palestine -0.23 Pat Mayse 0.11 Possum Kingdom -1.49 Ray Hubbard -1.82 Ray Roberts -0.94 Richland Chambers -1.47 Tawakoni -1.62 Texoma -1.27 Whitney -2.68 Worth -1.81
KID A E K Fishin’TA ING Report FISH G! TIN N U H or Austin Holland, hunting with his Father, Bobby Holland bagged this nice buck. They were hunting Keechi Creek WMA in Leon County, Texas after winning a TPWD contest. Send YOUR FISHING pictures to fcltimmeek@gmail. com, attention Tim or text to 903-227-5702, for FREE publication on the Outdoor Page.
Week of December 2, 2020 (TPWD)
Cedar Creek GOOD. Water slightly stained; 58 degrees; 0.88 low. Largemouth bass are good working spinners, football jigs, medium crankbaits, and jerk baits on creeks, rocky coves, boat docks, and retainer walls. Hybrids and sand bass are fair off main lake points and humps with slabs, swimbaits, and jigging spoons. Crappie are good with jigs and minnows in brush piles, boat docks, and bridges in 15-28’. Catfish are good in 6-18’ with cut bait and live bait. Cooper Good. Water slightly stained; 59 degrees; 4.35 low. Largemouth bass are fair on finesse worms, shad like crankbaits, and skirted jigs. The white bass and hybrids are good in 20-35’ with live bait and slabs and over humps, ridges, and near main lake drop-offs. Crappie are fair with minnows on brush piles. Catfish are good on cut bait and in punch bait 8-25’. Fork FAIR. Water lightly stained; 60 degrees; 2.32 low. Largemouth bass are fair on skirted jigs, spoons, crankbaits, and spinners near creeks with timber, roadbeds, brushy points, and rocky shorelines. White and yellow bass are fair in deeper water with swimbaits, slabs, and jigging spoons. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs in 14-25’ in brush piles and standing timber near creek ledges or drop-offs. Catfish are good on punch bait and cut bait in 8-24’. Grapevine GOOD. Water lightly stained; 59 degrees; 0.49 low. Largemouth bass are fair on buzz baits, wacky worms, and chatter baits near brush piles, points, and rocky shorelines. White bass are good in 20-35’ with slabs and swimbaits near main lake humps, flats, and drop-offs. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in marinas and near submerged structure. Catfish are fair on punch bait and cut bait. Lavon GOOD. Water lightly stained; 59 degrees; 2.02 low. Crappie are good on minnows or jigs fishing 10-24’ over brush piles and around bridge columns. White bass are good in the 20-30’ bouncing slabs and heavy spoons. Look
for birds diving over feeding schools of white bass. Black bass are fair on square billed crankbaits, jerk baits, and jigs in 8-24’. Catfish are good on punch bait and cut bait in 1425’. Ray Roberts FAIR; Water lightly stained; 58 degrees; 0.91 low. Largemouth bass are slow on skirted jigs, bronzecolored jerk baits, and bladed spinners in 3-15’ near points, timber, rip rac, and creeks. White bass are fair in 15-35’ on slabs near main lake points, flats, and drop-offs. Crappie are fair on minnows and small jigs in brush piles between 1828’. Catfish are good on punch bait and cut bait. Tawakoni EXCELLENT. Water lightly stained; 60 degrees; 1.62 low. Catfish are excellent on live bait and cut bait. Largemouth bass are good on soft plastics, crankbaits, senkos, football jigs, and swimbaits. White bass and hybrid stripers are good on live bait and slabs with some fish schooling on the surface. Use sonar to locate fish in deeper water near ridges, flats, and humps in the main lake. Crappie are good on minnows
and jigs around brush piles, docks, and bridge pilings. Texoma GOOD. Water lightly stained; 59 degrees; 1.32 low. Striped bass and white bass are good on live shad. Diving birds are marking feeding schools feeding on the surface throughout the lake. Largemouth bass are good fishing soft plastics, crankbaits, bladed spinners, and jerk baits in 2-12’. Crappie are fair on minnows near boathouses, timber, creek ledges, and brush piles in 15-25’. Catfish are good on cut bait and live bait. Toledo Bend GOOD. Mostly clear; 65-67 degrees; 3.96’ low. Black bass remain good with two distinct fishing conditions. Success happens deep in the afternoon between 25-50 feet of depth, mainly on spoons. Shallow normally before noon is a much quicker bite with Carolina and Texas rigs with some topwaters. White bass are fair and starting to surface feed while not suspended over deep brush. Crappie are excellent, staying mid-depth mainly on minnows and occasionally jigs. Bream are good with small jigs and crickets. Channel and blue catfish are fair on stinkbait.
MOBILE # 903-814-8400 1-800-211-7808 PO BOX 1148 POTTSBORO 75076 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE
Thursday Morning Fishing. ( Day 2 ) Thanks To Eddie ,Ed And Mike For Fishing And Staying At The Lighthouse Marina. Great Job Guys! Until Next Time Be Safe And God Bless. Wow!!!
Page 17 • December 8, 2020
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Western parts of Texas remained dry this week, while half an inch or more of rain fell across the rest of the region. Two inches or more fell across parts of southern Texas to Mississippi. Abnormal dryness to exceptional drought contracted in southern Texas, abnormal dryness shrank in Louisiana and Mississippi, and moderate drought was reduced in Arkansas. But moderate to extreme drought expanded in other parts of Texas which were drier than normal for the week, and exceptional drought grew in west Texas. Abnormal dryness and moderate drought expanded in northern Mississippi and western Tennessee where this week’s rainfall was below normal. According to USDA reports, topsoil moisture was short or very short across 61% of Texas, 43% of Oklahoma, and 20% of Mississippi; 34% of the winter wheat was in poor to very poor condition across Texas.
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50’ x 100’ x 16’ Equipment/Haybarn/Arena Roof Only, Turnkey, 20” x 5’ Piers w/Concrete, 16” I-Beam Trusses, 8” C-Purlin, 26GA. 25 YR Galvalume • $24,900
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FOR SALE: 2014 Polaris RZR 1000, 8 inch lift, 37 inch tires. 903-227-3975 FERTILIZED BERMUDA HAY 555 CR 4680, Trenton. $6.00 a bale. Text or call: 469-422-2348. SQUARE BALES OF HAY FOR SALE: Fertilized haygrazer. Good clean hay. $7.00 per bale. 903-2272920 NP FARMS Hay Baling Services Net wrap or twine. Hay for sale year round. Nathan Prater, call or text 903449-2904. Trenton, Tx and surrounding areas. Thank You For Your Business! Like our page on Facebook @ NPFarms4 HAY FOR SALE: Clean Bermuda, net wrapped round bales. $40-$50. Square bales. $5.00. 903664-4518 YOUNG TRACTOR WORKS Specializing in complete pasture care under 50 acres. Services include: pasture mowing, spraying, pasture renovation, discing, planting winter rye, seeding pastures, repair hog damage. Also do dirt work: driveways, building sites, grading for drainage. Experienced fast professional service! Call 903-271-7394. FARM EQUIPMENT BUYING ag and industrial tractors & equipment running or dead. 903-814-8620
LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: 4 year old registered Angus bull, proven. 903-506-3577 Black Angus Replacement Heifers FOR SALE Ages 12-16 months, from Registered Bulls. $800.00 each.- Marty 972-523-0695 FOR SALE: 4 low birthweight black Angus bulls, date of birth, Jan. 2020. Also 2 black bulls, date of birth 2019. Call or text 903249-1752
CEDAR LOGS WANTED Delivered to 6211 FM 100, Honey Grove. Will pay the equivalent of $130.00/ton on a 20% moisture basis. Call for more information: 903-227-3282 or 903-4233140. I BUY JUNK CARS Call or text David Lee at 903-436-2067 or 903-9650210. Please leave a message.
Page 18 • December 8, 2020 • 903-583-3280 •
OBITUARIES We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, But all we have are memories, And your picture in a frame.
Long-time Bonham resident Don L. Phillips passed away on Wednesday, November 24, 2020 at Baylor Hospital, Dallas. He was 73. Don was born to Gilbert Mayes Phillips and Mayrene Eubanks Phillips October 20, 1947 at Kermit, Texas. The family lived in Kermit, Texas until the end of Don’s sixth-grade year, when Gilbert and Mayrene decided to return home to Fannin County. Throughout junior high and high school, Don played sports and participated in many school clubs and organizations. Don and his friends, Mackie Morris and Mike Adams, formed a band where Don played the Bass guitar but was never allowed to sing. During the summers Don worked as a lifeguard at Bonham State Park and also worked for his father at the Phillips Construction Co. During the fall and winter when Don wasn’t taking care of the family’s cattle, Don loved to ride horses and hunt with his friends Brooks Griffin, Joe Todd and Jerry Harris. After high school Don attended East Texas State university, where he answered the call from Uncle Sam and served his country in the Navy. Don was a corpsman in Vietnam. When Don returned from the Vietnam War, he enrolled at Grayson County College and also worked as the school’s athletic trainer. It was there, at Grayson County College, where Don met Danna Elaine Oelker, the love of his life. Don and Danna were married on Aug 7, 1971 and the couple moved to Bonham in 1972. Don worked with his father at the Phillips Construction Co. and they also opened a sawmill, Hardwood Specialties Co, just north of Bonham. Don always played a very active role in his community; he was a communicant of St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church, where he served on the parish council. Don served as a Cubmaster of Pack 54 and Scoutmaster of Troop 52, Bonham, Texas. Don was a member of several local charitable organizations such as the Lions Club, the Fannin County Grand Jury, the Bonham Chamber of Commerce, and the Bonham Golf Club, where he served on the board of directors. Don volunteered as the athletic trainer for the Purple Warrior Football team for many seasons and he was a true Bonham Purple Warrior at heart. Don left the business community to pursue his real love, nursing. Don received his RN degree from Grayson County College in 1986. He worked in emergency rooms of several area hospitals such as Wilson-Jones, the old TMC and Baylor. Don also served as house supervisor at North Texas Medical located in McKinney. Don’s health care career developed further when the State of Texas hired him to conduct quality surveys of home health agencies. In 1999 Don was offered to take on the role of Director of Home Healthcare at Delmar Gardens, which was the largest privately-owned home healthcare company located at St. Louis, Missouri. Pursuing his new career, Don and Danna relocated to O’Fallon, Missouri in 2000. It was in the Show Me state where Don and Danna enjoyed 17 wonderful years full of new adventures. Don retired from Delmar Gardens in 2012. When Danna retired in 2017, they returned to Texas with their son and his family. Don loved to cook for family and friends, especially on the grill and you’d better watch yourself and stay out of his way. Don loved golf and he was an avid golfer for many years. Don visited and played in numerous country clubs and often took golf-trips with his wife and friends. The Golf Channel was a constant background noise in his house, unless it was football season. His other favorite activities were reading and current events, which often elicited heart-felt comments. Don was right at home on the porch of his newly built home, surrounded by his family and friends enjoying the sunset. He adored his grandchildren and loved to spend time with them often playing games on many a sleepover and his grandchildren loved these special occasions with their Gramp and Grandma. Don L. Phillips, Sr. is survived by his wife, Danna of 49 years; their two sons Don L. Phillips, Jr of Calera, Oklahoma and Charles (Chuck) Phillips of Bells, Texas; his daughter-in-law, Timea (Timi) Phillips and three grandchildren: Lane Phillips of Lake Charles, Louisiana; Mayes Phillips and Mia Phillips both of Bells, Texas. Funeral Services with military honors for Don were held at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at Wise Funeral Home Chapel. Burial followed at Rose Hill Cemetery in Bells, Texas. The family kindly asks donations to be made to your local veteran’s organizations in honor of Don. Online guest register at
DONNA CHRISTINE MATETZSCHK Age 86 of Bonham Texas, formerly of Arlington and Colleyville Texas. Passed away Wednesday November 25, 2020 in the early morning hours, at Seven Oaks Nursing and Rehab Bonham, Texas Born November 2, 1934 in Bartlett Texas 1954 Graduate of Arlington High School Arlington, Texas, after also attending Poly High School in Fort Worth Texas. July 1955 started working for Goodwill Industries Fort Worth Texas. Retired after 40 years in July 1994 after working several years in Logistics as well as the Jewelry Department. Donna received many awards for worker of the year many times throughout her career at Goodwill Industries and received both local as well as State recognitions for her work and achievements in her job. She loved her job and always kept a smile during her employment. Donna was a member of the Northside Church of Christ Bonham Texas. Donna loved working puzzles and writing letters to a few lifelong pen pals, she loved to babysit nieces and nephews and played cards with her Mother and the nieces and nephews. She loved board games and TV and yard work. Preceded in death by her mother Tressie, Father William (Bill). and younger brother William K. (Bill). Survived by sisters Carolyn Curtis of Ivanhoe Texas and Doris Head of Tyler Texas as well as several extended family members nieces and nephews. Funeral Arrangements were held at Laurel Land Funeral Home / Cemetery 7100 Crowley Road Fort Worth, Texas 76134. Graveside Services were at 12:30pm Wednesday December 2, 2020. Memorials to: Dystonia Research Foundation https:// in her name.
Bonham- Graveside services for Velma Faye Towery, age 101, of Bonham, TX were held at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, December 12/8/201, 2020 at Willow Wild Cemetery in Bonham, TX. Bro. Kevin Towery officiated. Mrs. Towery passed away on Saturday, November 28, 2020 at her home at the Woodmoore Assisted Living Facility. Velma Faye Fennel Towery was born on March 19, 1919 in Bonham, TX to William (Bill) Fennel and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Darwin Fennel. She attended school in Savoy, TX. She married James Franklin Towery on May 11, 1940 in Bonham, TX. They had one son, James Michael (Mike) Towery on April 29, 1945. She was a housewife, devoted mother, and grandmother. Velma loved the outdoors and living on Lake Bonham most of her adult life. She was highly competitive, especially when it came to playing dominos and bingo. She enjoyed being surrounded by family and friends. She is survived by her grandson, Kevin Towery and wife Sharon, granddaughter Kelly Babers and husband Dell, daughterin-law Carolyn Towery. Greatgrandchildren, Monty Babers, Tyler Babers, Avery Towery, Allie Towery, Wade Towery and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents Bill and Lizzie Fennel, son Mike Towery, and siblings, Oscar Fennel, Maggie Kerr, Lillie Mae Thornton, Willie Ruth Lair. To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit
Susannah Bradley, Katrinah Gustine, Chris Smith and wife Rachel, Emily Smith, Ethan Smith, Todd Smith, and Annelyse Smith; great grandchildren, Michael Gustine, Dustin and Dennis Gustine, Jaxon Smith, Olivia Bradley, Emma Bradley, and Hadlee Gamble; sister-in-law, Sue Gustine of Lancaster, OH the wife of Ron’s late brother, Harry; brothers, David Gustine and wife Carolyn of Houston, TX and Rev. Paul Gustine and wife Marilyn of Berwick, PA. He is preceded in death by his parents, and brother, Harry Gustine ll. Memorials can be made to Joni and Friends www. 12/8/20 To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit www.
BonhamA graveside Celebration of life for Mr. Everette Layton Brown, age 93, of Dodd City, TX was held at 2:00 pm on Saturday, December 5, 2020 at Oakwood Cemetery in Honey Grove. TX. Renee Hoke, associate pastor of United Christian Church, Ft. Worth, Texas officiated. Mr. Brown passed away on Friday, November 27, 2020 at the Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Community Living Center in Bonham, TX where he resided. Everette Layton Brown was born on August 3, 1927 in Dodd City, TX to David Lee and Mary E. (Jones) Brown. He served 2 consecutive terms honorable in the United States Army Air Corps during World War II: October 17, 1945 to May 19, 1946 and again from May 20, 1946 to November 27, 1946. He married Elizabeth Ann (Burnsed) Brown in Honey Grove, Texas on August 9, 1947. She preceded him in death on December 13, 2015. After their first child, the family moved to Garland, Texas. Our parents started dating at 17 and 15 years old. They were married at 17 and 20 years old. Their love story lasted over 68 years through life trials but mostly many, many blessed and happy years. Our Dad supported his family for over 60 years as a car salesman. He loved that business and could remember every vehicle the family ever owned and many more. He was on his own at 14 years old and survived through hard work, perseverance, and determination as so many of the Greatest Generation did. His family was his world and he adored our Mom. Our peace in his passing is the knowledge they are together again in the Lord’s kingdom. He is survived by daughters Sharon Turner (Dave), Shirley Craft (Kennard Hill) and son Richard L. Brown (Michelle), three grandchildren, Shannon Nalley (Brent), Darin Turner, and Kenna Greenough, great grandchildren Walker Nalley and Layton Nalley, in addition to several nieces and nephews. In addition to his wife of 68 years, he is also preceded in death by his parents, three sisters and one-half brother. The family will be forever grateful to the staff at the VA living center in Bonham, Texas for their care, love, dignity and respect given to him every day he lived there. Memorials can be made in his name to your favorite charity, or to any organization that supports our veterans. To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit
Bonham- A celebration of life for Mr. Ronald Lee Gustine, age 84, of Randolph, TX was held at 1:00 pm on Friday, December 4, 2020, and visitation was held prior to the service starting at 12:00 pm at the First Baptist Church in Randolph. Brother David Brackett officiated. A private inurnment will be held at a later date. Ron joined our Heavenly Father and entered his eternal home on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at his home surrounded by his loving family. Ronald Gustine was born on September 29, 1936 in Alton, IL to Harry W. and Leora (Bauer) Gustine. He married Janice Marie (Gosch) Gustine on August 20, 1960 in Bunker Hill, IL. Ron was a devoted Christian and a pastor for over 50 years. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother, and friend. Pastor Ron’s life has been characterized by his selfless giving for the Lord Jesus Christ. He was Pastor of the First Regular Baptist Church in Grant Park, IL for 50 years with many opportunities of ministry-related service. He is now enjoying the rewards of that ministry, but above all the fellowship with his Savior, Jesus Christ, whom he loved. He is greatly missed by his family and friends. Ronald is survived by his wife of 60 years, Janice Gustine of Randolph, TX; son, Gary Gustine and wife Nancy of Bonham, TX; daughter, Sherri Gustine of McKinney, TX; daughter, Christina Smith and husband Nathan of Hopedale, IL; daughter, Laura Smith of Atlanta, GA; grandchildren, Hannah Avila, Rebekah Gustine, Samuel Gustine, Sarah Gustine,
Thomas Neal “T.J.” Jarrell, age 69, of Lannius, Texas passed away on Monday, December 1, 2020. T.J. was born on May 15, 1951 in Bonham, TX to Juanita Butler Jarrell and Thomas Ray Jarrell. T.J. was a rare combination of someone who had a love of life, and a firm understanding of what was important - the simplicity of living a life with those you love. T.J. took extreme pride in his three grandsons, Alex Lewis, Austin Aldridge and Aaron Aldridge. He gave them the nickname, “Triple A”. T.J. is survived by his wife of 43 years, Cindy Jarrell and his two daughters, Jennifer Lewis, Katie Aldridge and husband John. T.J. was the beloved grandfather of Alex Lewis, Austin, and Aaron Aldridge. T.J. is also survived by one sister, Sharron Jones, and husband Glenn. T.J. will be fondly remembered by his nieces, nephews, cousins, extended family, and many good friends. T.J. was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas and Juanita Jarrell. A graveside service with military honors was held at Willow Wild Cemetery on Saturday, December 5, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Pallbearers: John Aldridge, Kenneth Jones, James Lemmond, Alex Lewis, Hunter Templeton, and Ron Templeton. Honorary Pallbearers: Aaron Aldridge, Austin Aldridge, Jimmy Kirkpatrick, Paul Kirkpatrick, and the Romeo (Real Old Men Eating Out) Coffee Club. T.J. took pride in his military service. He served in the United States Army for 28 years before retiring. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you make a donation in memory of E6 Staff Sergeant, Thomas “T.J.” Jarrell to the Gary Sinise Foundation (garysinisefoundation. org) or to The Warriors Keep ( Poppa The Man • The Myth • The Legend To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit www.
Page 19 • December 8, 2020
Honey Grove- Donald “Don” Wayne Roberson, age 65, was born on June 16, 1955 in Dallas, TX to James Firney and Virginia Dare (Swadley) Roberson. He passed away on Sunday, November 29, 2020 at his home in Honey Grove, Texas. Cremation arrangements are entrusted to Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home Honey Grove, TX. Don had a passionate interest in cat rescue and was skilled in stone masonry and design. Don was very intelligent and was well read in many subjects. He was one of the founders of several internet forums being developed for people throughout the US, and beyond, that focused on those who suffered from extreme cluster migraine headaches, which Don had battled for several decades. As a wonderful member of our family, Don relished in the various achievements made by his siblings, nieces, and nephews, and he celebrated those achievements as if they were his own. He loved his many friends throughout the Honey Grove community, and spoke of those unselfish friends often, and always told us how great he was treated by all. Anyone that knew him knows that Don was a charitable, caring, loving and unselfish (and sometimes stubborn) man, and he will be greatly missed. Don is survived by his brother Bobby J Roberson, his sisters Sandra (Sandy) Diane Shirley, and Patricia Susanne (Sue) Hill. He is now up with his mother, his father, cousins, and his animals where he deserves to be; and he is forever warm, without pain, without need for money and without the lack of love. He ain’t heavy, he’s our brother…. rest in peace Don. n lieu of flowers to honor Donald’s love of cats please make donations to your local animal shelter. To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit
Bonham- Funeral services for Gail Annette Pender, age 56, of Ivanhoe, TX were held at 2:00 pm on Sunday, December 6, 2020 at Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home Chapel Bonham, TX. Bro. Gene Owen officiated. Interment followed
at Mulberry Cemetery. Gail passed away on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at her home surrounded by her loving family. Gail Annette (Thompson) Pender was born on December 31, 1963 in Bonham, TX to Jackie Lee and Judy (Lasater) Thompson. She married Charles Marshall Pender on August 1, 1980 in Bonham, TX. Gail was a childcare provider at the Kids Klub Daycare and had also worked for Itzy Bitzy Preschool. Gail was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. She will be dearly missed. Gail loved horses. She enjoyed horseback riding and riding 4 wheelers with her granddaughter, daddy, nieces, and nephews. Gail loved being at home and spending time with her family and is of the Baptist faith. Gail is survived by her husband, Charles Marshall Pender of Ivanhoe; daughter, Amy PenderBeaulieu and husband James of Bonham; granddaughter, Skye Pender; parents, Jackie and Judy Thompson of Ivanhoe; sister, Melinda Parker and husband Steve of Ivanhoe; sister, Vivian Massey and husband David of Ivanhoe, sister, June Thompson of Ivanhoe; 3 nieces and 3 nephews; along with numerous friends. To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit www.
Graveside Services for Berna Rose Day, age 84, of Bonham, Texas were held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, November 28, 2020 at Willow Wild Cemetery under the direction of Wise Funeral Home. Pastor Kevin Lane officiated. Berna passed away Wednesday night, November 25, 2020 surrounded by family at her residence in Bonham, Texas. Berna was born on September 17, 1936 in Jot-Em-Down, Texas, the daughter of Berna Middlebrooks and Rosia Bell Alice Jane Pickard Middlebrooks. She married Delbert Lee Day on October 31, 1953 in Commerce, Texas. They were married 55 years before his passing on January 5, 2008. Berna attended Bois d’ Arc Cowboy Church in Bonham, Texas. She often enjoyed playing cards, and dominoes, especially 42. Berna had a giving spirit and was always ready to lend a helping hand. She was a kind and gentle person who loved spending time with family and friends. Berna’s children and grandchildren were the pride and joy of her life. She will be greatly missed. Berna is preceded in death by her parents and husband. Berna leaves behind to cherish her memories sons, Ronnie Lee Day and wife Denise of Diana, Texas and Dale Day and wife Rhonda of Bonham, Texas; daughter, Dana Nichols
and husband Kirk of Decatur, Texas; brother, Larry Michael Middlebrooks and wife Linda of Greenville, Texas; sister, Shirley Anne Carol and husband Tommy of Bossier City, Louisiana; grandchildren, Dustin Dee Day, Holley Michelle Day and fiancé Joe Juarez, Brant Adam Day and wife Cheyenne, Clint Day and partner Laura Philips, Matthew Nichols and wife Julena, Andrew Nichols, and Sarah Nichols; step-grandchildren, Allison Davidson and husband Caleb, Alyssa Threadgill, Casey Fienen and wife Jess, and John Borgeson; great grandchildren, Azlyn Hornsby, Hudson Hornsby, Dalton Day, Ashlyn Day, Wren Day, and Luke Nichols; stepgreat grandchildren, Layla Parks, Emma Davison, Chloe Davison, Gray Davison, Skyler Fienen, Carson Fienen, and Avery Fienen; extended family and a host of friends. Honorary Pallbearers were Berna’s grandsons and her brother, Larry Middlebrooks. Online guest register at www.
Memorial Services for Robert Louis Carrel, age 87, of Bonham, Texas were held at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, December 6, 2020 at Bonham’s First United Methodist Church. Officiating was Pastor Dana Coker. Service is under the direction of Wise Funeral Home. A Texan by transplant, he was born February 8, 1933 in Fort Wayne, IN to Ruth Otelia Meyer Carrel and Charles William Carrel. He celebrated 51 years of marriage to Kay Carrel in September 2020. Education was at Purdue University and the University of Illinois, graduating with a PhD in electrical engineering. He came to Texas to work at Collins Radio Company in 1961. He and 3 engineering friends started their own company, Electrospace Systems, Inc., in Richardson, Texas in 1970. Chrysler Corporation bought ESI in 1987 and Bob retired in 1990 to a ranch in Bonham, Texas. He was an active member of Bonham’s First United Methodist Church and on the Board of the Creative Arts Center. He was also an active member of the Bonham Rotary Club for many years. He served many years on the Board of the Dallas Opera. He was also a member of the Creede Community Church in Creede, CO. A 2019 trip to Switzerland with three daughters, Cynthia Rae Henry (husband, Doug) of Wylie, Texas, Karli Ann Carlile of Stephenville, Texas, and Catherine Ruth Carrel of Austin, Texas was very special to him. He has 2 brothers, Richard Carrel (wife, Charlene) of Three Rivers, MI and Donald Carrel (wife, Gloria of Fort Wayne, IN and a sister, Sharon Gilmour (husband, George) of Bokeelia, Florida. Grandchildren are Megan Watson, Shay Douglas, Daniel Lang, Mookie Carlile, Donovan Henry, Stetson Carlile and James Henry. He has nieces and nephews and great grandchildren. Life was
enriched with many, many friends. He will be missed . . . . The family requests that in lieu of flowers, you make a donation to the Creative Arts Center or your favorite charity. Online guest register at www.
grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. Pallbearers were Bob Brownfield, Dusty Brownfield, Vaden Brownfield, Wayne Brownfield, Hunter Herriage, Brandon Quate, Bobby Monk, and Rodney Daniels. Honorary Pallbearers were Peyton Brownfield, Tyler Brownfield, Cade Brownfield Wells, and Captain Charles Williams Jr. Online guest register at www.
Funeral Services for T. J. Brownfield, age 92, of Ector, Texas qwere held on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. at Wise Funeral Home Chapel. Pastor Morris Cook officiated. Burial followed at Carson Cemetery in Ector, Texas. T. J. passed away Friday night, November 27, 2020 at the Woodlands Place in Denison, Texas. T. J. was born on August 19, 1928 in Waldron, Arkansas, the son of Herbert Lee Brownfield and Delly Jane Fruen Brownfield. He married Doris Lee Barron on November 19, 1947 in Littlefield, Texas. They were married for 72 years prior to her passing on January 17, 2020. T. J. was a longtime member of New Zion Baptist Church before he began attending Ector Baptist Church. He served as a deacon at both churches. T. J. worked for the Texas Department of Transportation for 33 years. He retired at age 57, hoping he would enjoy a long retirement. His wish came true, he was retired longer than he had worked. He and Doris were always traveling. They wore out an RV or two traveling all over. They would often park the RV close to family and visit or offer to help with anything they needed. T. J. liked playing dominos. He was always handing out nicknames to family and friends. Anyone who knew T. J. would know about his cards. He proudly was an Ambassador for Christ. T. J.’s main goal in life was to witness for Christ and make sure you knew about Christ. He would pass out his cards, with scripture on them, to anyone he met. T. J. loved the Lord and is now enjoying his rewards in Heaven. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. T. J. was preceded in death by his parents, beloved wife, son, Robert Lee Brownfield, brother, J. T. Brownfield, sisters, May Belvin, Margie Morse, and Ruthie Neal; and grandson, Garrett Rogers. Left to cherish his memories are sons, Bobby Brownfield and wife Sara of Ector, Texas, Dennis Brownfield and wife Cathy of Telephone, Texas, and James Mark Brownfield and wife Denise of Denison, Texas; daughters, Sandra Kay Williams and husband Charles Sr. of Whitewright, Texas and Mary Rogers and husband Kyle of Sherman, Texas; grandchildren, Tammy Daniels and husband Rodney, Wayne Brownfield and wife Sharri, Dusty Brownfield, Cathy D. Brownfield, Billie Monk and husband Bobby, Tyler Brownfield, Bob Brownfield and wife Deedee, Captain Charles Williams Jr. and wife Sandy, Mattie Quate and husband Brandon, Ashlee Morrissey and husband Chris, and Aimee Herriage and husband Hunter; 26 great grandchildren, with the 27th on the way; 5 great great
Graveside services for Kenneth Wayne Neal, 80, of Bonham, were held at 11:00 AM Saturday, Nov. 28, 2020 at Arledge Ridge Cemetery under the direction of Wise Funeral Home. Rev. Ed Neal officiated. Kenneth passed away Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 at Seven Oaks Nursing & Rehab. Kenneth was born January 12, 1940 in Wolfe City, Texas, the son of Harley Arnold Neal and Julia Maye Bagby Neal. He was a graduate of Bailey High School and worked as a welder for many years. Kenneth married Wanda Ruth Carr on Sept. 5, 1958 and she preceded him in death Aug. 12, 2015. He enjoyed horseback riding and driving his tractor. He was a member of Congregational Methodist Church. Kenneth was preceded in death by his parents, a sister, Brenda Underwood, and a daughter, Darla Porter (Aug 2020). Left to cherish his memories are his son, David Neal and wife, Rosemary of Bonham, TX; grandchildren, Ryan Thornton, Biff Thornton (Julie), Heather
Lawson (Justin), David Cabrera, Krystal and Timothy Leathers, and Dr. Daniel Cabrera (Taryn), great grandchildren, Connor Franklin, Baylee Thornton, Garrett Thornton, Hayden Thornton, Breck Thornton, Coyt Gray Lawson, Kohen Lawson, Coleson Lawson, Julian Cabrera, Antonio Cabrera, Emma Cabrera, Ian Leathers and Maddox Leathers, and extended family and friends. Online guest register www. wisefuneralhome
The Fannin County Community Ministries Seeking Volunteers
Fannin County Community Ministries needs your help!! Please Go to our website www. and click on the DONATE button to send us a donation and if possible, please make this a monthly donation! 18% of the people in our county are hungry – 28% are children, can you help? For $1 we can feed three meals! Check us out on Facebook at Fannin County Food Pantry Or mail a check to PO Box 69 Bonham, TX 75418
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS BONHAM INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT’S STATE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY RATING Bonham Independent School District will hold a public meeting at 6:00 p.m., December 14, 2020, at the Bonham ISD Administration Building located at 1005 Chestnut, St. Bonham, TX 75418. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Bonham Independent School District’s rating on the state’s financial accountability system.
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine 12/8/2 and Beer Retailer’s Off-Premise Permit by My Heaven Inc (dba) Moon Mart, to be located at 1636 FM 100, Honey Grove, Fannin County, TX 75446. Officer(s) of the said entity: Aamir W. Chaudhary – President; Aalya N. Chaudhary – Secretary.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 12/1/20 TO DISCUSS DODD CITY ISD’S State Financial Accountability Rating Dodd City will hold a public meeting at 7:00pm, December 10, 2020 in the administration building 602 North Main Street Dodd City, Texas. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Dodd City ISD’s rating on the state’s financial accountability system.
Page 20 • December 8, 2020 • 903-583-3280 •
BGC Extends Daily Discount for Senior Citizens and Critical Emergency Service Providers to Jan. 5
TYLER, Texas, Dec. 3, 2020 – To celebrate the season of giving, Brookshire Grocery Co. (BGC) is extending its discount programs through Jan. 5, 2021 for senior citizens and critical and emergency service providers in all
four of its banners – Brookshire’s, Super 1 Foods, Spring Market and FRESH by Brookshire’s. Senior Citizen Discount BGC is extending the five percent (5%) daily discount for senior citi-
zens which started on March 18. The discount is available upon request to customers age 60 or older with valid ID. BGC is also still strongly encouraging that the first two hours of operations be reserved as a dedicated time for se-
nior citizens and critical and emergency service providers. The company is asking for the community’s help in honoring this practice allowing any senior customers to move to the front of the check-out line throughout the day.
Critical and Emergency Service Providers Discount The company is also offering a five percent (5%) daily discount on store brand products for critical and emergency service providers through Jan. 5, 2021. This discount is available for all emergency first responders (EMS, fire department and law enforcement officers), hospital personnel, and active-duty military (including National Guard and Military Reserve). To receive the discount at checkout, critical and emergency service providers must present active first responder, hospital or military identification or name badge. The store brand discount applies to Brookshire’s, Super 1 Foods
and Spring Market branded products, along with Goldenbrook, Pure Harmony, Top Care, Simply Done, Paws, Tippy Toes, Full Circle, CharKing, Wide Awake Coffee Co., Over the Top, That’s Smart and Culinary Tours. Some exclusions apply and may not be combined with other discount offers. Based in Tyler, Texas, BGC is a regional family-owned grocery business that employs more than 15,000 individuals throughout Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas. The company operates more than 180 stores under the Brookshire’s, Super 1 Foods, FRESH by Brookshire’s and Spring Market banners, along with three distribution centers and corporate offices.
Footsteps & Fingerprints Development Center is now hiring a cook. Must be at least 18, have a high school diploma, and a clean background check. Apply in person.
NOTICE12/1/20 OF PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS BONHAM ISD’S I.W. EVANS INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL TARGETED IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Bonham Independent School District will hold a public hearing during the Board of Trustees meeting at 6:00pm on December 14, 2020. The purpose of this public hearing is to discuss and solicit input on the development of the I.W. Evans Intermediate School Targeted Improvement Plan. Note: Advertisements will be placed on the district and campus website, and the district and campus social media pages from November 30, 2020 through December 11, 2020.
The City of Bonham will hold a public hearing at 5:15 PM on December 14, 2020, at City Hall, 514 Chestnut Street, Bonham, TX 75418, regarding the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG) grant. Social distancing and masks are required if attending in person. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss the citizen participation plan, the development of local housing and community development needs, the amount of TxCDBG funding available, all eligible TxCDBG activities, and the use of past TxCDBG funds. The City encourages citizens to participate in the development of this TxCDBG application and to make their views known at this public hearing. Citizens unable to attend this meeting may submit their views and proposals to the City Manager. Persons with disabilities that wish to attend this meeting should contact the City Hall to arrange for assistance. Individuals who require auxiliary aids or services for this meeting should contact the City Manager at 903-583-7555 at least two days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
La ciudad de Bonham llevará a cabo una audiencia pública a las 5:15 PM el 14 de diciembre de 2020, en City Hall, 514 Chestnut Street, Bonham, TX 75418 respecto a la presentación de una solicitud para la Subvención en Bloque del Desarrollo de Comunidades (CDBG) del Departamento de Agricultura de Texas. Se requiere distanciamiento social y usar mascarilla si asiste en persona. El propósito de esta reunión es permitirle a los ciudadanos la oportunidad de discutir el plan de participación ciudadana, el desarrollo de las necesidades locales de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario, la cantidad de financiamiento de TxCDBG disponible, todas las actividades elegibles de TxCDBG, y el uso de fondos anteriores de TxCDBG. La ciudad anima a que los ciudadanos participen en el desarrollo de esta solicitud de TxCDBG y que den a conocer sus puntos de vista en esta audiencia pública. Los ciudadanos que no puedan asistir a esta reunión pueden enviar sus opiniones y propuestas al Administrador de la Ciudad. Las personas con discapacidades que deseen asistir a esta reunión deben comunicarse con el Ayuntamiento para coordinar la asistencia. Las personas que requieran ayudas o servicios auxiliares para esta reunión deben comunicarse con el Administrador de la Ciudad al 903-583-7555 al menos dos días antes de la reunión para que se puedan hacer los arreglos necesarios.
Your Classifieds will be published in 15,452 papers. Great return for $ 5 or $7. Call 903-583-3280 12/8/20
Page 21 • December 8, 2020
AUTOMOBILES 2008 GMC SIERRA 1500 4 door, 167,000 miles, very clean. Everything works. $12,000. Call: 903-2275898 FOR SALE: 2009 Ford Focus. 220 Chestnut St. Bonham. 903-583-3000. FOR SALE: 2005 Chevy Impala. 220 Chestnut St. Bonham. 903-583-3000. FOR SALE: 1999 Ford F250. 220 Chestnut St. Bonham. 903-583-3000.
EMPLOYMENT THE CITY OF BONHAM Public Works Department Is accepting applications for 2 positions of Street Dept Equipment Operator I. Requirements: Experience in heavy equipment operation, street repair and construction; perform heavy manual labor and work in all types of weather conditions. $11.41 per hour, health insurance, retirement, vacation, sick leave and uniforms. Applications are available Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm at Bonham City Hall, 301 E. 5th St., Bonham TX 75418 or by calling 903-583-7555. Positions open until filled. The City of Bonham is an Equal Opportunity Employer. NEED experienced track hoe operator and part time experienced welder. Call: 903-821-0604 or 903-8148620 RANCH HAND WORKER / HELPER Hourly pay based on experience. Part time up to 40 hours, job duties include but not limited to stall cleaning, fence building, brush clearing, working with animals. References checked. Call: 903-7181505 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/ Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information call 903-583-4018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N Hwy 78 in Ravenna.
TNT CAFE: Need a full time dishwasher & a part time dishwasher. 805 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham. Apply in person.
GARAGE SALE Lots of great stuff. Must come by to see. 1148 CR 2515, Bonham. 2 weekends. Fri. Sat. Sun. December 11 - 13 and 18 - 20.
CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist POSITION OPENINGS B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to 903-583-3597 Need carpenter helper. Full or Part-Time in cool shop. Call: 903-814-8620 or 903-821-0604. CARE GIVERS NEEDED! Experience required. If you are eager and ready to work in a rewarding field helping to care for the elderly; pass a background check; pass a drug screening; and able to work on a four day, 24 hour live-in rotation, then we may have the career move for you! Earn $2,280 per month, work 4 days and then be back home for 4 days. Call Seven Sisters for an appointment. 903965-2195
PUBLIC NOTICE I, A. Rodriguez, hereby apologize to the Bonham ISD and the citizens of Bonham for unlawful conduct.
FREE! FREE: Wooden pallets as long as they last. Walker & Son, 404 N. Center St. Pallets are behind the building. 903-583-3510
FOR SALE: Side by side refrigerator. $100.00. Call or text: 903-744-2539. Leave message if no answer and we will get back to you. CHRISTMAS SALE E.L. Finney’s General Store has moved to : 519 N. Main @ 6th St., Bonham. 903-227-7968. We are having a Storewide sale beginning Monday, Dec. 7 to Thursday, December 31. Great unique Christmas gifts! Come see us! We will be closed Dec. 24 and 25. OLD FASHIONED TAMALES AND PIES IN TRENTON Is now taking orders for the Christmas! Beef tamales are $12 per dozen. Banana bread loafs. Apple, Buttermilk, Cherry, Chocolate, Coconut Cream, Key Lime, Lemon Meringue, Pecan, Pineapple, Pumpkin and Sweet Potato pies are all $15 each. Don’t see your favorite pie on the list? Just ask and we are happy to make it for you! Normal business hours are Tuesday - Saturday 10am-6pm. Christmas Eve, December 24, 10am-4pm. CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY. We are located 1.5 miles north of Trenton, right off of 121 North. 351 County Road 4540, Trenton TX 75490 (903) 989-2405 HOME MADE PIES Honey Grove, TX Bettie 208-640-3153. Call to give an order. Give me time & date. Peanut Brittle & Fudge also.
GARAGE SALES GRANNY’S PLACE & GRANNY’S CHRISTMAS STORE Resale shop. 10 South Plaza in Ladonia, TX. WedSat, 10am-5pm. See us on Facebook. Call 903-3677095.
FOR SALE: Light fixture. $5.00 Call: 903-583-0376 A PAW UP Helping Animals In Need Thrift Store 101 West Hayes, Savoy Open Friday thru Sunday 10am-5pm
CAUSE NO. PR-2020-12869 § § § § §
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Changing your 2021 plans for payroll and bookkeeping? 20 years experience in accounting services. Veteran with inactive security clearance. Located in central Fannin County, and occasional office visits within a 100 mile radius are feasible. Send us your terms. Mike at flesher2008@ EBS LANDSCAPE, LAWN MAINTENANCE Pot hole repairs. Landscape lights. Welding projects large and small. “Service with a smile since 1996” Psalm 119 Eric Bell: 903-436-2296 PROFESSIONAL PAINT & DRYWALL REPAIRS: Cracks, holes, patches, water damage, sheetrock repair, ceilings, walls, matched texturing. Interior/ Exterior Painting. 40+ years experience. CALL JOHNNY @ 903-209-6958 ART LESSONS Valley Creek Studio Drawing and painting for adults and youth. Homeschoolers welcome! Custom artwork. Katherine Kluger 903-227-8143 MUNOZ LAWN CARE & TREE TRIMMING All kinds of fences built and repaired too. For estimate call: 903-267-2503 RENT A STORAGE UNIT IN BONHAM Several large units available starting at $64.95! Units sizes up to 10’x22’. Gated parking spaces start at $39.95. Located at 400 Katy Blvd. Move yourself in online 24/7 at For more information call Randy at (903)292-0657. ROBERT’S HEATING and AIR Licensed and insured. Free estimates. 24 hour service. We accept all major credit cards. Financing Available. Robert Fuller, owner and operator. License# TACLB27431E Call 903-6470816. NEED COMPUTER HELP? Computer and software assistance now available in Bonham and surrounding areas. Call Chuck Knight at 903-583-0992.
CLASSIFIEDS TEXAS BEST HANDYMAN & REMODEL: Over 20 years experience. No job to small. Free estimates. Call Eric Baldwin 469400-4086. Serving Grayson and Fannin Counties. GONZALES WELDING 903-456-8018 FARM and LAWN MAINTENANCE Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence painting, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mowing, gutters and drainage, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903-227-5898 or 903-583-1259. HOME REPAIRS & REMODELING Kitchens, baths, additions, cabinets, carpentry, decks, porch covers, fencing and siding. Drywall repairs and painting. Call Billy at 903413-4338. LIBERTY MOVING Local and long distance moves. Residential and office. Insured and bonded. Located in Leonard, TX. Call 940-391-9298 or 940390-9978. STAPP TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL Hauling, Storm Damage, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experience. Call 903-5837888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.”
REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR RENT Very nice 4 bedroom home for rent in Bonham. House has 2 baths, large living area, huge deck in back, large fenced backyard. All appliances included, CH/A. No pets. Available after December 15th. $1,250 a month $1,250 deposit. 903-227-0065 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, 1 bath duplex with garage in Bonham. $775 rent. Call: 903-640-4500 520 S. Center Bonham, TX 75418 2 offices, bathroom & storage area, Plenty of parking space. $750 per month (utilities not included) Call or text 903-583-0108
CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS SUITES FOR LEASE 903-640-0000. OFFICE OR RETAIL SPACE FOR RENT: Available at North Center Business Complex, 2501 N Center St, Bonham. Call 903-583-9527 220 E. 1st St Bonham, TX 75418 6500 SF Total. 3500 SF Warehouse w/concrete floors & loading dock. 3000 SF Office w/approx 8 offices, large meeting room space, 2 restrooms, kitchen area, HVAC, recently remodeled. $2,500 per month (utilities not included) Call or text 903-583-0108 HOUSE FOR RENT IN BAILEY Completely remodeled 3 bedroom, 1 bath, huge kitchen, lots of storage and closet space, all appliances included. CH/A. No pets. Available December 1st. $1,100 a month. $1,100 a month. 903-227-0065 HOME FOR SALE Beautiful brick home in Bonham. Completely remodeled. everything is new! The home is 3 bedrooms, master has walk-in closet and beautiful spa style bath with stunning walk-in tile and glass shower, double custom vanity with granite countertops. Hall bath is located between 2 bedrooms and is completely custom with beautiful tile, custom double vanity with double sinks granite countertops. Completely open concept the moment you walk in! High vaulted ceiling in family room, ship lap wall, and open to custom kitchen. Beautiful customized cabinets to the ceiling, stunning tile backsplash, granite countertops with farmhouse sink, huge island with granite countertop with seating on 2 sides and accented with pendant lights. Eat in kitchen is complete with area for table and views of backyard. Fenced backyard, very nice covered back patio great for entertaining. House has a circle drive and Gorgeous drive up appeal. All new windows, new CH/A, everything is new. A must see for sure. Located in sought after neighborhood in Bonham! Only $199,900. Call for appointments. 903-227-0065.
NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY The Board of Trustees of the Bonham Independent School District (“BISD”) hereby serves notice that BISD will accept sealed bids for the following real property:
The surface only of sixty (60) acres, more or less, described as all of Tract One shown on the recorded plat of Big Timber Creek Properties Addition to the City of Bonham, Texas, filed in Cabinet B, Slide 72, Plat Records of Fannin County, Texas.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Linda Lea Hopper, Deceased were issued on November 24, 2020, in Cause No. PR-2020-12869, pending in the County Court of Fannin County, Texas, to Randy Joe Hopper, Independent Executor.
Interested parties may contact Angel Titsworth or Jim Simpson, Weichert, Realtors – Solid Ground 903-227-1933 or 903-640-3014, to receive the Bid Package, which provides information concerning inspections, disclosures, and other important information.
The address of the Independent Executor is: c/o Craig W. Watson 805 N. Travis Street, Suite 400 Sherman, Texas 75090 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED this 3rd day of December, 2020. CRAIG W. WATSON, Attorney for the Ind. Executor 805 N. Travis Street, Suite 400 Sherman, Texas 75090 TEL: (903) 813-8500
The Property will be conveyed subject to the exceptions and reservations contained in the Bid Package, including the reservation and exception that this is a conveyance of the surface only. BISD reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in bids received. Bids received after the deadline, faxed bids, and electronic bids will not be considered. Sealed bids will be received until: Friday, January 8, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Address:
Bonham Independent School District Attn: Alicia Coonrod 1005 Chestnut Street Bonham, Texas 75418
Page 22 • December 8, 2020 • 903-583-3280 •
The Fannin County Leader is a FREE publication, to all residents in Fannin County, thanks to our Advertisers. Without you, the advertiser, The Leader would not be able to deliver to every home in Fannin County every week for FREE. Each week we want to recognize our advertisers and say “thank you” for making the Leader possible.
This week we want to recognize JACK BERNI SEAMLESS RAIN GUTTERS
Clayton Manufacturing located at 333 Austin Dr. in Bonham Texas is hiring! We are looking for talented and dedicated team members to join our Team! We currently have added 20 new positions to our growing team that we are looking to fill immediately. Position openings in the following areas: Production: Drywall, Plumbing, Trim, Shingles and Siding installation Warehouse Material Handling – *must have prior forklift experience *Prior Construction/Manufacturing experience a plus in all positions Pay & Benefits Weekly pay starts at $640 with perfect attendance Bonus $80/week Schedule: Monday through Friday 7 am to 330 pm *with occasional overtime *Full Benefit Package Requirements: Stable work history 3 years or greater Valid Picture ID and Social Security Card If you are interested in joining our team in one of the positions listed, please fill out the application and submit your resume at the following online location:
Jack Berni has been a weekly advertiser in the Leader for well over 20 years!
THANK YOU! Jack Berni
Seamless Rain Gutters
22 Colors Quality Since 1980 Premium (903) 583-8796 Vinyl Siding See Page 6 for Jack Berni’s Display ad
and TEXAS BEST PROPANE is here for you and your family
Page 23 • December 8, 2020
Missing Making March: Lady Hornets look to return to State after truncated 2019-20 hoops season
Dodd City’s Kylee Graves (23) gathers in a pass in the paint as teammate Rion Baccus (11) watches. Dodd City’s Journie Hilliard (21) in the paint stays focused on the basket.
Photos by Rich Hilliard Dodd City’s Ali Preas (15) focuses on her shot in the paint.
and District 23-1A girls basketball b e g i n s within it -- an undefeated Head coach Alex Stephenson speaks to Dodd City’s Lady Hornets during a s t a r t timeout last month. suggests another A loss in the Region IIIBy Rich Hilliard l o n g 1A semifinals to Lipan postseason run may DODD CITY -- March -- one of three defeats via await the Lady Hornets of this year included eventual state finalists -- a regional tournament something unusual locally teams and only five overall participant last year for the -- other than COVID-19, last year -- prematurely sixth-consecutive season which has, since then, ended their season -- and in their 10th-straight affected everything in the negated a fourth-straight postseason after an eighthtrip to San Antonio. United States. consecutive undefeated Following the deepest district title. More accurately, the transitional month -- when postseason run in volleyball Though unable to play in winter sports give way to in decades -- the first tournaments this season spring activities -- lacked regional final appearance -- where they previously something: Dodd City’s since 2001 -- many of the welcomley faced Lady Hornets playing in same Dodd City athletes renowned competition and the Class 1A UIL State girls have quickly transitioned. larger schools -- due to As December arrives -- COVID-19 considerations, basketball tournament.
Leonard hoops’ Fox passes 1,000 points scored mark
Dodd City’s Rion Baccus (11) gets off a jumper despite the surrounding coverage.
Dodd City ended November having already avenged one of those 2019-20 losses during the 31-5 overall season. Four Lady Hornets posted double-figure scoring -sophomore Rion Baccus (15), senior Journie Hilliard (14), junior Kylee Graves (11) and senior Dani Baccus (10) -- as 1A fourth-ranked Dodd City won at 4A fifth-ranked -- and perennial statetournament-team and champion -- Argyle, 5146, on Nov. 24. The balanced scoring followed three games where three of the aforementioned took turns reaching or surpassing 20 points to lead Dodd City to wins -- and each alone
outscored the opponent. Dani Baccus scored 20 points in a season-opening win on Nov. 14 at 3A Prairiland, 56-19; Hilliard had 21 on Nov. 17 at then 11th-ranked 3A Bells in a 57-18 victory and Rion Baccus posted 24 during a 59-22 home win against CHESS (Christian Home Educators of Sulphur Springs) on Nov. 23. Each Baccus and Hilliard garnered spots the 201920 season on the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches All-Region III1A girls team and joined Graves on the Texas Girls Coaches Association allstate squad for 1A. Dani Baccus also earned a spot
Sports Sponsored By:
FANNIN BANK Go to for more information
Bonham (903) 583-5522 Fax (903) 583-2436 P.O. Box 160 230 E. 3rd
Honey Grove (903) 378-2200 Fax (903) 378-2436 P.O. Box 9 901 E. Main
on the TGCA all-star red team -- for a 2020 game later canceled last summer due to COVID-19 concerns about large indoor gatherings -- and joined Hilliard in making the TABC 1A all-state team. Following scheduled home games against 4A Krum and 3A Leonard to start December, the Lady Hornets will begin 23-1A play on Dec. 8 at Fruitvale. Note: The now-thirdranked 1A Lady Hornets (5-0) extended their winning into this month with a 42-27 victory on Dec. 1 against 4A No. 23 Krum.
DC, Ector teams join Lady Rebs, 3A Tigers as playoffs berths favs By Rich Hilliard
By Rich Hilliard
Leonard senior Raven Fox surpassed 1,000 points scored in her high school basketball career on Nov. 24. Fox, a Class 3A Texas Girls Coaches Association all-state selection last season, helped the Lady Tigers reach their ninthconsecutive postseason in February. Fox also earned first-team notoriety in District 10-3A from which Leonard advanced to the playoffs last season as the third-place qualifier following a playin after finishing in a three-way tie at 6-6. Now in 11-3A, Leonard will play host on Dec. 11 Leonard’s Raven Fox tries to drive past to Howe to start Bonham’s Journi Shellman during District 10-3A girls basketball on Dec. 17, 2019. district action. Photo by Rich Hilliard
Dodd City’s Dani Baccus (10) brings the basketball up court.
Dodd City’s and Ector’s girls and boys teams joined Sam Rayburn’s girls and Leonard’s boys as picks by the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches to earn district postseason berths during the 202021 season. TABC favored the Lady Hornets, a 2020 regional semifinalist, to extend their district championship streak to nine -- the previous eight have come via undefeated runs -- via the 23-1A Ector’s Kyrin Beach (0) tries to keep the ball from Dodd City’s Landon Allen (10) last February during District 23-1A boys basketball. Photo by Rich Hilliard
title, with the Lady Eagles, a 2020 area finalist, as the runner-up. Meanwhile, the Hornets, a 2020 area finalist, likewise gained favor for a second district championship in the last three years in 23-1A, with the Eagles, a 2020 regional quarterfinalist, as the third-place qualifier. TABC picked Sam Rayburn’s Lady Rebels and Leonard’s Tigers, each a bi-district finalist in 2020, to finish third, respectively, in 14-2A girls and 11-3A boys basketball.
Page 24 • December 8, 2020 • 903-583-3280 •
Getting Ahead Fannin County Honors 2020 Graduates
Judge Blake presents Bethany Mead with her personalized pen.
Laura Messer, 2019 graduate of Getting Ahead Fannin County, offered words of encouragement to the 2020 graduates.
Smiling Graduates! Bethany Mead, Marlyn LaVergne, Sonya Elmore. (not pictured Miriam Granger, Guy Ransom, Catricia March)
Rolanda Macharia, guest speaker, shared her story of breaking the cycle of generational poverty. Graduate Marlyn LaVergne
Press Release - On November 22, at the Bonham Community Church, six individuals were honored with a graduation ceremony for completing a 16-week class where they: • learned to build relationships that can help them succeed • recognized that money is not the only resource that keeps people stuck in poverty • made practical plans to help them move forward • gained an understanding of hidden rules that various socio-economic groups use
• mastered new skills that Graduate Sonya Elmore will enable them to make gram is for people who real changes in their lives are living in poverty or unThe 2020 Getting Ahead stable situations. It’s about graduates began their jourbuilding economic stability ney in February with Patty for themselves and a better Kreider facilitating their future for their communistudy “Getting Ahead in a ties. The idea of “getting Just Getting’ By World”, ahead” means action and assisted by Getting Ahead movement – getting ahead sponsor District Attorney of where they are now, toRichard Glaser. After comward a future that they repleting four classes, the ally want. COVID-19 pandemic led Rolanda Macharia was the to a temporary suspension guest speaker for the graduof classes. The group was ation ceremony. Macharia able to reconvene in late shared her inspiring story August to finish the remainof breaking the cycle of ing twelve sessions. generational poverty in The Getting Ahead pro-
Graduate Bethany Mead
March, and Guy Ransom.
Getting Ahead Sponsor Richard Glaser welcomed our guests and expressed his admiration for the graduates and the work they have done during their sixteen week course.
her own life. She told the graduates “I can teach you a skill, but I can’t give you a will” citing the need for motivation and persistence to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. Motivation and persistence is just one of the eleven resources that the class participants, known as investigators, explore during the Getting Ahead program. Laura Messer, 2019 Getting Ahead graduate, offered words of encouragement and support to the 2020 graduating class. Patty Kreider awarded each investigator a certificate and a yellow rose. Judge Laurie Blake presented each graduate with an engraved, handmade bois d’arc pen in recognition of their achievements. Graduate Sonya Elmore shared several positive
Patty Kreider, Getting Ahead facilitator, congratulated the Getting Ahead Fannin graduates, presenting each County is currently acceptwith a certificate and a yel- ing applications for their low rose. spring session, scheduled
changes she has achieved during her participation in Getting Ahead. Elmore said “Thank you so much for creating this new fire under my feet and putting this new hope in my heart. I know without a doubt that I can and I will ‘get ahead’.” Graduate Bethany Mead stated “The Getting Ahead program has benefited my family in more ways than one. But the biggest life change that this program has given me is courage…I will forever be grateful for the program and know with the resources, we will continue to prosper and grow!” “The Getting Ahead program presents life as a reality. It’s not only about how you got where you are in life currently. It’s about the future HOPE to build the life you desire for personal success.” said Graduate Marlyn LaVergne. Other graduates were Miriam Granger, Catricia
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to begin in February 2021. Applications and more information are available at the following locations: • Fannin County District Attorney’s Office, 800 E. 2nd St., Bonham • First United Methodist Church, 801 Star, Bonham • Fannin County Children’s Center, 112 West Fifth Street, Bonham • Fannin County Family Crisis Center, 118 E. Sam Rayburn, Bonham • Texoma Housing Partners, 810 W. 16th St., Bonham Learn more at https://www. facebookcom/GettingAheadFanninCo.