2-21-23 Leader E-Edition

Page 1

Mulligan’s Revenge. Attendees are encour-

aged to dress in “cocktail” attire in the elegant setting presented by the Banquet Committee.

The highlight of the evening will be the presentation of

awards to businesses & citizens that showed outstanding leadership, growth and service to the community in 2022. Nominations for the seven prestigious awards are submitted by members of the Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce, with the top three in each category being recognized for their contributions to Bonham and Fannin County.

Tickets for the evening may be purchased online at https://www.eventbrite. com/e/525033498327, at the Chamber office, and at the door. This year sponsored tables are $400, which seat 8 guests, and individual tickets are $50/person. Each ticket holder 21 years and older will receive 2 drink tickets that may be redeemed for wine from Neighbors Place Winery or beer.

If you, as a member of the Chamber, would like to submit nominations, you may submit your nominations on line at https://form.jotform. com/230464472508153. Or you may contact the Chamber office at info@bonhamchamber.com. If you would like to become a member, please contact Sam or Tami at the Chamber office for more information on membership levels and benefits.

(The Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce is a 501 c6 organization.)

903-821-7663 Tommy Stapleton, Owner Serving North Texas Area Since 1981 www.toproof.net BONDED/FULLYINSURED INSURANCECLAIMSSPECIALIST February 21, 2023 Circulation 15,500+ - Bailey, Bonham, Dodd City, Ector, Gober, Honey Grove, Ivanhoe, Ladonia, Leonard, Randolph, Ravenna, Savoy, Telephone, Trenton & Windom 224 N. Main St., Bonham, TX 75418 fcleditor2020@gmail.com www.fannincountyleader.us Ph: 903-583-3280 • Fax 903-583-3945 The Paper Of Record for Fannin County Texas Serving all of Fannin County For 50 Years Locally owned & operated • Classifieds page 19, 21 • Legals and Emp pages 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 • Obituaries page 20 • Sports page 7 Spend just a minute Wisely. Bonham • 120 W. Sam Rayburn Dr. • Bonham • (903) 583-2101 Leonard • 200 W. Collin St. • Leonard • (903) 587-3314 Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. NMLS# 400025. © 2021 First United Bank. All rights reser ved. Check out our Pages 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Farm & Ranch Section 2/21/23 WE INSTALL & SERVICE GENERAC GENERATORS • FANNIN COUNTY’S ONLY AUTHORIZED GENERAC SALES & SERVICE DEALER Mention our ad to receive a 10% discount on a Precision Tune-Up! Expires: 3/7/23 KEEP WARM THIS WINTER! 903-583-4018 Shop Fox Clearance! 20% off Regular Price! 13-13-13 Fertilizer, 50-lbs. Sale Dates: Feb 20 through Feb 25 OPEN: Mon. - Sat. 7 AM - 6 PM Bonham Building Supply 2430 N Center • Bonham, Texas • 903-583-1874 SALE $3069 683964 WD40 EZ Reach, 14.4-oz. SALE $999 REG. $1349 108199 Green T Fence Post, 6-ft. SALE $849 REG. $999 843060 Snap On T-Post Insulator SALE $1199 REG. $1399 G681034 Suede Mesh Glove, Med SALE $950 REG. $1099 103526 Seed Potatoes NOWCARRYING: Premium Fuel Pellets, 40-lbs. SALE $999 650236 Onion Bunches 50% OFF AllHorseTack Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Banquet March 11, 2023 Press Release - Save the date for the Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet, to be held on March 11, 2023 at the Roy Floyd Community Center! The theme for this year’s banquet is “Honoring Our Past, Present & Future” as we continue to celebrate the 175th Birthday of Bonham. From 6pm to 8pm, guests will enjoy delicious selections from Gayle’s as they are serenaded by the jazz quartet,
Page 2 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 5/31/22 Reliance Fasteners OF DENISON LP 115 E. GANDY ST. DENISON, TX 75021 OFFICE: 903-465-0145 FAX: 903-465-0642 JEFF FRANCIS Cell 903-814-3127 jfrancis5419@hotmail.com PAT MILLER Cell 580-920-5575 pmmiller69@aol.com 8/9/22 HGP Fencing / Welding Chain link, wood, pipe and barbed wire. Specializing in automatic gates John Davidson III 903.821.2265 Cole Davidson 903.815.0738 davidsoncole566@gmail.com BINDERY Tx. as covering info@nationwidebinding.com BIBLE and BOOK REPAIR at the BINDERY STOP by For A Free Quote! All work completed @ 1003 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 903-583-3255 Email: info@nationwidebinding.com WE REBIND BIBLES AND OTHER BOOKS! B 5/3/22 Come visit us at either of our locations for amazing daily deals! 2903 B Lee St Greenville, TX 75401 2626 N Center St Bonham, TX 75418 Mention this Ad from The Leader to get a discount off your purchase *excludes fill-a-bag, Saturdays and Sundays* Liquidation merchandise from Amazon, Wish, Target & other multi department stores. Mon - Sat: 10am - 7pm • Sun: 12pm - 6pm (903) 494 - 5097 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO 12/13/22 Damon Wilder Owner/Master Electrician TECL #36038 / ME #531118 Residential/Commercial wildwestelectricllc@gmail.com 903-227-9608 HELP WANTED Fairlie Metal House The GOLD Standard in Metal Manufacturing Metal Building Components • Roofing • Siding • Accessories 903-413-8938 4218 E State Hwy 11 Commerce, TX 75428 fairliemetalhouse.com • marcus@fairliemetalhouse.com Now Open Parts & Service 2/21/23 All Makes and Models Quality Service 903 - 505 - 8352 1348 FM 1552 Leonard, TX 903 - 441 - 3288 Open Mon - Fri: 8 - 4 ||| Sat: 8 - 12 Under New Management The Garage on 1552 Clean up and fix up days are now here for your mower! 20% OFF now until the end of April! COME SEE US! Hurry while it lasts!
Page 3 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 Re-Elect JOHN BURNETT BONHAM CITY COUNCIL WARD 1 Call me for more goals and accomplishments: 903-227-4477 Promises Made Political ad paid for by John Burnett Campaign, Kay Burnett Treasurer Promises Kept (1) I promised to lower the TAX RATE We lowered the TAX RATE from .655 to .56759. That’s 13.345% Lower! (2) I promised to improve our streets We repaired: E. Russell, Arbor Bend, North Village Dr., South Village Dr., and Nancy Lea with more to be repaired! I Appreciate Your Vote! Pampered Paws Dog Hotel • Boarding • Grooming • Training 903-486-8079 pamperedpawsdoghotel.com Let us love them while you are away! 2245 US HWY 82, Dodd City Speedy Locksmith (903) 868 - 2068 ● Commercial ● Residential ● Auto ● Keys Made By Code ● Car Computer Chip Keys ● Safes Opened & Installed ● Burglar Bars Installed ● Police-Approved Deadbolts TX Lic #B12951 OK Lic #1142 Licensed & Insured Reasonable Rates! 11/22/22 11/29/22 5886 North Hwy 78 Bonham, TX 75418 • (903) 449 - 4228 Office • www.doublejequipmentrepair.com • NowOfferingEquipmentRental: SkidSteers,Dozers,Excavators,Attachments,etc. • Seewebsiteforpricing 4/27/21 Galyon TravelPlan your world travel or weekend get-away here! Leave the details to us. VacationJurnis.com All Inclusive Resort Packages All Major Cruise Lines • Group Rates (903) 583-0010 Personal Service Paula Galyon Bonham, TX 75418 www.GalyonInsurance.com 1-877-583-0010 Office (903) 583-0010 pgalyon0121@yahoo.com Galyon Insurance Health & Life - Medicare and RX Plans And All Other Personal Insurance Plans • Notary Public We Offer Free Quotes with Over 100 Companies to Save You Money! 469-226-3265 903-505-0725 9/14/21 WE CAN GET ANY MATERIAL YOU NEED SO GIVE US A CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Family Owned & Operated - God Bless Hauling: Rock Dirt Sand Asphalt Crushed Granite Excavation Work: Driveways Ponds House Pads Leveling Land Road Base 12/21/21 Meade-Norman & Bayless Insurance Agency www.bayless-hall.com 110 W. 5th St. P.O. Box 519 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone 903-583-2231 Fax 903-583-9497 Ronnie L. Lester Broker - Associate Licensed in TX & OK Cell: 903-782-2524 BONHAM LAND & RANCHES, LLC 2524 N. Center St. Bonham, TX 75418-2114 e-mail: ron_lester@realtyagent.com Poor Dad’s BBQ Catering & By The Pound 903-227-2386 23 Years Experience 1/10/23 spec Poor Dad’s BBQ Catering & By The Pound 903-227-2386 23 Years Experience When you wake up at 6 in the morning, you close your eyes for 5 minutes and it’s already 6:45. When you’re at work and it’s 2:30, you close your eyes for 5 minutes and it’s 2:31.

Texas Best Handyman & Remodel, LLC

Free Estimates - Over 20 Years’ Experience No Job Too Small!


The Steger Opera House


Angus Beef Farm Raised - Grain Finished Straight from the farm to your freezer!

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Website: weeksfamilybeef.com

Eric Baldwin, Owner 469.400.4086 Serving North Texas INSURED, BONDED www.texasbesthandyman.com 10/4/22

[The 3nd in a series of articles for the 175th Anniversary of Bonham]

The Steger Opera House was one of the venues of entertain-

ment and culture in Bonham from 1890 to 1920. It was located on west side of North Center and 6th Street. A Texas Historical Marker is at its former location. Although the few old photos we have of its exterior are not impressive, the interior must have been so. The interior is

described in The Era is Gone, but Memories Linger On as follows:

There were serious dramas staged, such as Hamlet, Macbeth and Richard III.

There were many comedies and musicals.

There were also addresses by well-known personalities, such as William Jennings Bryan and Cole Younger in 1909.

“The Opera House was a lovely place to go. There were elevated seats arranged in a half circle and two box seats at the ends of the stage, on the north and south. The stage faced west. There were rows of seats in the center, and the orchestra pit was in front of the stage. The box seats had beautiful red drapes. . . There was a large balcony upstairs called the ‘buzzards roost.’”

Ed Steger and his brother

Virge brought road shows to the Opera House. The first play to be presented was A School for Scandal.

Stage settings came on the train and were transported from Depot. This amazing photo from the Bonham News shows the stage and the scenery for a performance in 1906.

In the 1920 the Steger’s sold the building and it was turned into a movie theatre, as the tastes in entertainment changed.

And thus the venue which was the Broadway of New York, the vaudeville of Chicago and the entertainment center of the citizens of Bonham was no more.

The Fannin County Museum of History has many beautiful items from the socially elite women of Bonham, including these opera glasses.

Page 4 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO
REALTY 903-815-1661 903-640-3468 903-449-0624 903-227-7826 903-227-0168 903-517-9303 .COM
Chris Johnson, Broker Dale Horton Jeri Lea Johnson DeAnn Jones Amy Patrick JoKyle Varner
6/15/21 LANDSCAPE SERVICES Bonham, TX Residential & Commercial References Upon Request • Custom Flagstone Patios, Sidewalks, • Specialize in Flower Bed Cleaning • Pressure Washing • Retaining Walls • Tree Service and Removal • Fence Clearing • New Sod Installation • Firepits 903-421-1750 Free Estimates For The Best In Designing and Cleaning Flower Beds Call 12/14/21 • Weekly Pick-Up • Dependable Service • Serving All Of Fannin County • Locally Owned - Barry & Kim Williams Office • 903-583-3610 countytrashservicetx.com 2 Yard Dumpster $70.00 4 Yard Dumpster $105.00 Regular Service $26.00 / Month with 1 cart provided COUNTYTRASH SERVICE IF THE BOOT FITS, REPAIR IT! Don’t Toss Away A Perfectly Good Pair Of Boots or Shoes Simply Because They Are Showing A Little Wear and Tear. • Full or Half Sole • Ladies High Heels or Flats • Refinishing • Boot Repair RISK SHOE STORE & REPAIR SINCE 1921 102 S. Crockett • Sherman, TX West Side of Square Downtown Sherman 903-892-2238 SINCE 1921 www.riskshoestore.com 3/19/13 6/9/20 WISE FUNERAL HOME AFFORDABLE Traditional Services and Merchandise Alternative Celebrations of Life Direct Gravesides Cremation Services MONUMENTS FREE Planning Guide Easy Transfer of Your Pre-Paid Plans if you are new to our area or have plans from another funeral home and would like to use our services. Wise Funeral Home ChapelandCremationServices 219 W. Sam Rayburn Dr., Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2161 • www.wisefuneralhome.com Est. 1908 Tour our historic home built in 1897 The Murden Family and our experienced caring staff serving your family and your traditions “Be remembered and honored the way YOU want to be!” $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Whitlock’s Pawn & JewelryWhereWeActuallyDOLoanMore!!! GUARANTEED HIGHEST PRICES FOR YOUR GOLD!! Proud to Serve the Bonham Area for Over 26 Years “If We Don’t Have It Or Can’t Get It, You Don’t Need It” 509 N. Main Street • Bonham, TX 903-583-8114 Fast&Friendly Loans! DVD’s Buy One Get One FREE 5/17/16 HEFFLEY'S HEARTH & HOME Sales • Service Installation Wood Pellets Chimney Caps 150 C.R. 179 Whitesboro, TX 76273 903-564-7444 Wood • Gas • Pellet Stoves • Fireplace Inserts 2/4/20 Under New Ownership A generation which ignores history has no past — and no future.
Photo of Steger Opera House as it was nearing demolition. OF COURSE I TALK TO MYSELF, sometimes I need expert advice.


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Decks, Fences & Pergolas, Vinyl & Wood Siding, Flooring, Home Repair & Remodeling, Painting, Doors Installed, Powerwashing, etc.

Corey Johnson - Owner


Free Estimates


Bonham, TX

Recipe Sponsored by:


This recipe comes from Joanna Gaines. And believe me, homeade makes a huge difference with this cake!


9 x 13 pan

Butter for pan or spray

3 c. all purpose flour

1 Tbsp. baking powder

1 tsp. kosher salt

Don’t talk about it, just be about it.

Texas Beta Psi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Recruitment Grant

The Scholarship Committee of the Beta Psi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma is now accepting applications for the organization’s annual Recruitment Grant. The scholarship will be awarded to a woman who declares her major as education and is enrolled as a junior or beyond in college. An applicant must be a graduate of a Fannin County high school or be a Fannin County resident. The applicant must submit a letter and a transcript. The letter must include a thorough overview of her background, current educational status and plan for the future. The deadline for applications will be March 15 and should be mailed to Linda Brewer at 292 CR 2610, Bonham, TX 75418.



No Job Too BIGor small!

Robert & JR Stephens Bailey, TX 75413 Mobile: 903-227-0513 or 903-227-7918


Residential/Commercial Chainlink - Iron - Wood - Vinyl Gates - Operators 12/22/20



Cell: 580-920-5184


1204 Silo Road

Bonham, TX 75418

Hours 7am - 10pm

6 large eggs, at room temperature

2 c. sugar

3 tsp. pure vanilla extract

1 c. milk at room temperature

2 c. heavy cream

1 12 oz. can evaporated milk

1 tsp. ground cinnamon, plus more for sprinkling

1 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk whipped cream fresh sliced strawberries for serving.

In a medium bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside. In a stand mixer, beat the eggs and sugar on medium-high speed until light and fluffy and the color is lightened, 6 to 7 minutes. Slowly add 2 tsp. of the vanilla and mix until combined. With the mixer on low speed, add half of the flour mixture, then the milk, finishing with the remaining

flour mixture, mixing well after each addition. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake until a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean, 23- 28 minutes on 350 degrees. Let cake cool completely, approximately 1 hour. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, whisk together the cream, evaporated milk, and cinnamon. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat and simmer for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally, until completely combined and smooth. Set aside for 5 to 8 minutes to let the flavors meld. Whisk the sweetened condensed milk and the remaining 1 tsp. vanilla into the cream mixture. Using a fork, poke several holes in the top of the cooled cake. Pour the cream mixture over the cake. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight. After chilling, spread your whipped cream over cake. Sprinkle cinnamon over the top. Serve with sliced strawberries. Store covered in refrigerator for up to 3 days. I hope you will give this one a try.


Please send me your favorite or unique recipes to Fannin County Leader at 224 N. Main St. Bonham, TX 75418 or email me: fclweesie@gmail.com

Crossword Puzzle Sponsored


Page 5 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280
Town West Coin Laundry
DONNA WEST Owner townwestlaundry@gmail.com
972.742.9704 cell 2/21/23
903.640.4864 office
River in Tuscany
A way to represent 8. Rocker’s guitar 12. Civil Rights group 14. Brew 15. Scratch 16. W. Asian country 18. The Eye Network 19. Clarified butter 20. Part of the Cascade Range 21. Downwind 22. A way to steer 23. Loop 26. Not ingested 30. Swampy coniferous forest 31. Musician 32. Signing 33. Containing iron 34. Part of a theorem or proof
Veterans battleground (slang)
Of enormous proportions
Italian city
1. Cuckoos
2. Skin issue
3. City in central Japan
4. Sorrels
5. Twinned diamond
6. Canadian province
7. Monetary units
8. Head honcho
Part of
47. Balm 49. Undergarments 50. Male parent 51. Ropes 56. Ear part
Investment vehicle
Dictator 59. Cain and __
A type of code
Border river along India and Nepal WWW.GFCF.ORG
9. Goddess of wisdom 10.
a play 11. Get rid of 13. Applicant 17.
many 46.
By: 24. Explosive 25. “The Say Hey Kid” 26. Ultrahigh frequency 27. No (Scottish) 28. Make a mistake 29. Credit card term 35. Keyboard key 36. Woman (French) 37. In the middle of 38. Score perfectly 40. Coat a metal with an oxide coat
Deadly disease
A place to dock a boat (abbr.) 43. Belch 44. Member of U.S. Navy 45. “In __”: separate from others 47. Examine extensively 48. Adjust 49. Tattle 52. Actor Pitt 53. Gulls 54. Within 55. Exceptionally talented performer JE Legacy in memory ANSWERS ON PAGE 23 2/21/23 SUDOKU ANSWERS ON PAGE 23 Boyer’s Jewelry Monday-Friday 9-5:30 204 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. • Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-1878 WE BUY GOLD! Boyer’s Jewelry Monday-Friday 9-5:30 204 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. • Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-1878 WE BUY GOLD! We Do Catering! Dine In • Order To Go • To Go Buffet • Party Tray 705 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. • Bonham, Tx • 903-583-2146 Lucky Dragon Chinese Buffet (delivery available in Bonham) ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET!!  Lunch Special Only $749!  Lunch Buffet 11 am- 3 pm $8 99!  Dinner Buffet 3:30 pm-9:00 pm $9 99  Children are $4 99


BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home

Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124

By Inspiration Of God

The Bible is either the Word of God or it isn’t. The apostle Paul wrote that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The Bible is profitable for all it’s uses and is profitable for humanity.

The phrase “by inspiration of God” simply means, ‘God breathed’.

Peter explains “by inspiration” by saying that “no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:20-

Prayer for Fannin County

21). No person that penned the scriptures did so, on their own accord. It was not the will of men. The message of the Bible is not the message of great men, not brilliant men, nor philosophical men, but the message is of God, the creator and sustainer of the universe.

Paul records that “the gospel of Christ” “is the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16). It either is or it isn’t. John stated that, “many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name” (John 20:30-31). We are told that “men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:21). We see this message from Luke, as he

Fannin County

sighted the words of Peter, “this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus” (Acts 1:16). Peter references Psalm 41:9 from the pen of David, the author is God. The apostles were told to “take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost” (Mark 13:11). The apostles spoke, but the message was from God. The message of God is “not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth” (1 Corinthians 2:13).

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16). Let us receive it for what it is.

If you would like to join others in regular prayer for Fannin County, you are Welcome: 2nd Tues., 3rd Tues., 4th Tues., 5th Tues. @ Noon. Bonham Historic Depot, 1 N. Center Street, Bonham. For more info: Text Sharon Terry, 903-227-3834.

Sunday Morning Re-take “Under Control”

Hello everyone!

What a wonderful service we had in God’s house Sunday morning!

As I’ve said before, one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible to go to whenever I need encouragement, or to encourage others, is John 16:33. Here, Jesus is giving His farewell discourse to His disciples before His crucifixion. In this verse He tells us, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” It’s no secret that we all face hardships in our lives. We must always remember to keep our focus on Him during these times, because whether we know it or not, He’s got it under control. If we seek Him, He will give us the encouragement we need to face any situation we go through.

Once again, I feel led to go in a slightly different direction this week. I had originally planned to use another song for this, but as I was planning what to say, the Lord laid this song on my heart. This song was recorded by Gold City in the late 1980s. There is a great lesson to be learned in this song.

“The Bible speaks of famines and trials; in the last days, how they’ll sweep through our land. But we have His assurance that through all these trials, we’ll be led by His mighty hand. Manna from God will come

down from above, to restore and to nourish our souls. So through all of your trials, and all of your fears, remember God has it under control.”

“Under control, under control, Don’t be afraid, though the billows may roll.

God’s almighty hand is still in command. So rejoice in your soul, for it’s under control.”

If you are in search of a good church home, we invite you to come visit and worship with us here at Central Baptist Church.

Visitors are our honored guests, and we hope to see you this coming Sunday! Bro. Josh Stevenson

When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. 7:00pm

Where: 1190 Hwy 56 W. Bonham.

Pastor: Steven Luton, 903-583-4346

Church Directory Sponsored By:

Sunday Services at 10:45 • Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays 6:45

Young Adults Bible Study Wednesdays @ 6:30

3375 S outh h wy 121 - B onham 903-583-1671 ● P a S tor K evin L ane

Hebrews 10:25 (KJV) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.


Assembly of God

First Assembly of God, Bonham 1650 N. Center Bonham, TX 75418 (903) 583-5883

Allen’s Point Baptist Church 310 CR 2775 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903378-7038

Bailey Bible Baptist Church 205 Leslie Bailey, Texas 75413

Bethlehem Baptist Church “The House of Bread” 1415 Franklin Avenue, Bonham, TX 7541 Office: 903-583-8061

Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church Hwy 121 & Edhube Road Phone 903-583-1671

Boyd Baptist Church 3707 St. Hwy. 78 N Bonham, Texas Phone (903) 583-7288

Calvary Baptist Church 913 S. 5th St Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3910

Central Baptist Church (Fundmental, Independent) 709 Union Ave. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 505-4124

Corinth Baptist Church 277 CR 1150 North of Bonham on Highway 78 903

Dial Baptist Church 16816 FM 1550 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-378-7070

Duplex Baptist Church 313 CR 2102 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-664-3175

Ector Baptist Church P.O. Box 248 Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2175

Edhube Baptist Church 595 FM 2815 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-2840

Elwood Baptist Intersection of CR 2125 and CR 2544 near Ivanhoe, Texas

Faith Independent Baptist Church 12676 W Hwy 82 Savoy, Tx 75479 903-965-5517

First Baptist Church of Bailey PO Box 221 Bailey, Texas 75413 (903)583-4793

First Baptist Church of Bonham 710 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-8519

First Baptist Church of Dodd City PO Box 47 Dodd City, Texas 75438-0047 (903)583-4465

First Baptist Church of Honey Grove PO Box 124 Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903)378-2768

First Baptist Church of Ladonia 301 East Main Ladonia, Texas 75449-100 (903)367-7038

First Baptist Church of Leonard 100 East Thomas St. [PO Box 1146] Leonard, TX 75452 (903) 587-2250

First Baptist Church of Pecan Gap PO Box 100 Pecan Gap, Texas 75469 (903)359-6683

First Baptist Church of Randolph PO Box 14 Randolph, Texas 75475 (903)583-6900

First Baptist Church of Savoy .O. Box 177 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4160

First Baptist Church of Trenton PO Box 157 Trenton, Texas 75490 (903)989-2319

First Fannin Baptist Hispanic Church Rt. 4 Box 10 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-5727

Gober Baptist Church P.O. Box 82 Wolfe City, Texas 75496 (903) 583-2378

Grace Reformed Baptist Church 2800 10th St Honey Grove TX gracerbcbonham.com

Honey Grove Cowboy Church 3050 Hwy 100 North Honey Grove, TX

Ivanhoe Baptist Church 4063 NO.FM 273

Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 (903)583-2359

Joyful Light Baptist Church 4695 FM 2645 Savoy, TX 75418 903-436-5440

Lamasco Baptist Church 346 CR 2615 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-664-2454

Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 1409 W. Market St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 378-7835

Little Bethel Baptist Church PO Box 63 Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7708

Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Rt 1 Box 101B, PO Box 73, Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7009

New Zion Baptist Church 627 County Road 1265 Bonham, TX 75418 903-961-2027

Pilgram Rest Baptist Church 703 Agusta St. Trenton, Texas

Ravenna Baptist Church 100 Elm Street Ravenna, Texas 75476

Rising Son Cowboy Church 1526 CR 2010 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-640-3377

Sandy Baptist Church Ravenna, Texas 75476 (903) 583-9546

Seventh & Main Baptist Church 617 N. Main Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-8679

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 601 S. 4th St. Bonham, TX 469-207-1141

Telephone Baptist Church located on FM 273 in Telephone Office phone: 903-664-2377

Primera Iglesia Baustia Hispana 1134 FM 273 Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-5727

Trinity Baptist Church 219 W. Denison Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3388

Valley Creek Baptist Church 3615 FM 896, Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-2386

Westside Baptist Church 912 W. Commerce St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 903-249-2987

West Shady Grove Baptist Church 13665 East Line Road Trenton, TX

Windom Baptist Church 203 1st Street Windom, TX 75492 (903) 623-2215

Wild Horse Creek Cowboy Church 2992 CR 2285 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-486-1630

First Christian Church of Bonham 701 N Main Street Bonham, TX 75418 903.583.2227


Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 623 Star

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Bonham 1540 S Hwy 78

St. James Lutheran Church 14394 E FM 1396 Windom Tx 75492 Phone:


First Congregational Methodist Church corner of Hwy 121 and W 13th St. PO Box 386 Bonham, TX 75418 903-449-4914

Christian Chapel CME 1005 West Market St. Honey Grove, Tx 75446

Ector United Methodist Church 401 Church St. Ector, Texas 75439 (214) 728-3549

First United Methodist Church of Leonard 206 N. Main / PO Box 218 Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-3463

First United Methodist Church of Trenton 211 North Second Street @ Hunt Trenton, TX 75490 903-989-2378

First United Methodist Church of Bonham 801 Star Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3314

Grove Hill Methodist Church 5501 FM 1553 Leonard, TX 75452

Marvin United Methodist Church Office Phone 903-364-2411 FM 898 E Whitewright, Texas

Mulberry United Methodist Church, 5638 FM 274, Ravenna, TX 75476, phone 1-888-311-8508

McKenzie United Methodist Church 701 N. 7th Street Honey Grove, TX 75446 (903) 203-4455

Windom United Methodist Church 207 Second Street PO Box 936 Windom, TX 75492 940-390-0146

Pleasant Grove CME Church box 34 Ladonia TX 75449 Hwy 64 903-367-7870


Bonham Community Church 347 FM 273 Bonham, TX 228-563-0423

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church corner of 10th & Maple Bonham, TX office 903-583-7734

Church of Christ

Church of Christ Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 587-2229

Ector Church of Christ Hwy 56 & Cedar St. Ector, Texas 903.965.4398

Honey Grove Church Of Christ - 403 W. Main St. Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-227-2606

Ivanhoe Church of Christ P.O. Box 322290 CR 2040 Ivanhoe, TX 75447

Katy Blvd Church of Christ 411 Katy Blvd Bonham, TX 75418 706-294-5996

Midway Church of Christ Hwy 56 W Bonham 903 583 3989

Northside Church of Christ 2020 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903)583-3484

Savoy Church of Christ P.O. Box 212 Savoy, (903) 965-7344

Catholic Church of God

Bonham Living Word Church of God- 699 E Hwy82 Bonham,TX 75418 Phone: (903) 583-5655

Lannius Church of God 2803 Hwy 897 Dodd City, TX 75438 903-623-3007

Non-Denominational Golden Gospel Church 4435 County Road 2610 in Bonham, Texas (903) 227-8527

Greater Joy Fellowship Hwy. 121 & W 13th, Bonham, TX (meeting in First Con. Methodist Church Bldg. Sun. 5 PM)


SR Church P.C.G. 1850 S HWY 121 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 640-3025


First Presbyterian Church of Bonham 818 N. Main St. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2014

First Presbyterian Church of Leonard 112 W. Thomas St. Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 989-2771

Main Street Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 188 or 504 E. Main St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 249-1325

United Pentecostal

Calvary United Pentecostal Church 1190 Hwy 56 W Bonham Texas 903-583-4346

United Pentecostal Church P.O. Box 216 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4627

Peace Tabernacle UPC 16020 CR 635 Trenton, Texas (972) 752-4054

Page 6 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO
12-18-18 Family Owned By Gerald and Judy Howard 903-583-5555 Bonham Full Service Funeral Home Cremations • Traditional Services Pre-arranged Funerals csfuneral@cableone.net Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes
Honey Grove
Gathering Tine Cabin Ministry 487 CR 2105 Ivanhoe, TX Bro. Abe Ogea Pastor 903-449-0180
Sunday School 10:00 Worship
11:00 email: lthjjjackson@gmail.com
Central 7/3/18


Ex-Bonhi s’ball standout Person pitches college’s first no-hitter

Cameron Person made an impact during her four years on the Bonham High School softball team.

The 2022 graduate has now already also etched her name into the history of her college team.

Person pitched National Park College (Ark.) softball’s first no hitter on Feb. 12.

She faced only 17 batters in five innings during the Nighthawks’ 11-0 run-rule win to improve her record in the circle to 3-1, striking out four and walking one.

Person garnered the pitcher of the year award in 2022 in Ðìstrict 11-3A, as Bonham contended for a 13th-straight postseason trip, but missed it due to a tiebreaker.

She earned first-team alldistrict notoriety as a freshman in 10-3A in 2019 and second-team status in 113A in 2021 -- her sophomore year truncated, just after district play had begun that March, due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19.

DC’s Scarbrough nets 600th basketball win


The milestone victory came during the Hornets’ 63-20 win at Ector during District 23-1A boys’ basketball.

Dodd City will advance this month for the secondstraight year to the postseason as the 23-1A champion.

Last season, Scarbrough, in his first season leading the Hornets, coached Dodd City to a 30-8 record, first district title since 2019 -- and first regional final appearance since 2012.

Resembling Recent Rayburn Rebels: Outright district title first step in matching, bettering 2018 regional quarterfinalist team

Story and photos

IVANHOE -- Sam Rayburn in 2018 produced its best boys’ basketball season in more than a decade.

Those Rebels -- for the first time since 2007 -- reached the regional quarterfinals and claimed with a 9-1 record a share of a district title, finishing with a 26-7 overall record. It took defending Class 2A champion Muenster -- en route to being a State semifinalist that season -- to stop Sam Rayburn.

A lot to the contrary has transpired since then -- consecutive winless district campaigns, two district wins in 2021 and four district victories in 2022.

“It’s been tough, but we have stuck through it,” said senior Riker Stewart, whose Rebels this month will return to the playoffs, after winning District 14-2A outright with a 12-2 record and finishing the regular season at 25-6 overall.

“We have this year won our most games since them,” said Stewart. “It’s nice to come and win district.

“I hope to go farther.”

“We have been in a dry spell,” agreed sophomore Case Nichols.

“Coach (Duncan) Hudson has built up the program.

“I hope we continue this run for a long time.”

Making yearly deep runs in the postseason equates one of the expectations of Hudson, who was hired last March by Sam Rayburn

“It’s been good,” said Hudson. “The kids have bought in.

“I came in with high expectations,” he said. “They have trusted and listened to me and been coachable. I couldn’t be more proud.

“Me coming in with high expectations has benefited and helped them in a lot of ways.”

Besides being a perennial postseason power, Hudson also wanted to change opponents’ perception of the Rebels.

“We want to be the hunted,” said Hudson, “and not the


He continues to do that with a squad which differs from the 2018 team in one specific area: age.

Unlike that senior-laden squad -- whose three-deep run equated the culmination and conclusion of three-consecutive postseason trips -- the current Rebels roster includes only two twelfth graders -Drew Dickey and Stewart.

The remaining six varsity roster spots are evenly split between juniors and sophomores.

“We stay as one in games and practices and pick each other up,” said Clay Caldwell, a 6-5 sophomore. “We stay connected.

“It’s more than just a team,” said Caldwell. “It’s a family.” Comparisons between the 2018 squad, which advanced as the No. 1 district seed after winning a coin flip, and the current Sam Rayburn boys’ basketball team have begun -- even in a family, between brothers.

“All the time,” said Stewart, whose older brother Dax was a senior standout on the 2018 team.

“I tell him we have put together a team that’s way better,” said the younger sibling.

It took eventual champion Graford to stop the Hornets’ historic 2022 run, 30-27, in the Region III1A final.

HG, Fannindel playoffs-bound

Honey Grove and Fannindel have qualified again for the boys’ basketball postseason.

The Warriors advanced as the third-place team from District 14-2A -- their third-straight trip to the playoffs. They made a bi-district advance last year and area-round trip in 2021. The Falcons again advanced via 23-1A’s fourth and final playoffs berth. It equates Fannindel’s second-straight postseason, after a bi-district finalist effort last season. Postseason play begins with bi-district games Feb. 20-21.

“We have a good coach,” he said.

“I hope if this works out that we play Muenster in the third round.”

Page 7 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280
Then Bonham senior Cameron Person pitches on March 25, 2022, during District 11-3A softball at Bonham. Photo by Rich Hilliard Dodd City head boys’ basketball coach Mike Scarbrough garnered his 600th career win on Feb. Dodd City’s Mike Scarbrough Photo by Rich Hilliard Sam Rayburn head boys’ coach Duncan Hudson sketches out a strategy for the Rebels on Jan. 13 during District 14-2A boys’ basketball. Those players pictured include (L to R): Clay Caldwell, Riker Stewart, Cade Nichols (21), Drew Dickey, Gavin Caylor (14), Drew Baker, Trevin Wilson and Case Nichols. Sam Rayburn’s Riker Stewart (10) gets airborne while playing defense against Honey Grove’s Lucas Morrison (12) on Jan. 13 during District 14-2A boys’ basketball at Honey Grove.
Page 8 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO 10/22/13 PERDUE’S FOUNDATION REPAIR Specializing in Pier & Beam And Slab Foundations Free Estimates Life Time Warranty Available BBB Member Email: perduesfoundation@yahoo.com Bonham (903) 583-1271 Sherman (903) 893-7113 1-800-942-7113 JOHN’S SEPTIC SERVICE BIG Locally Owned & Operated•24 Hour Emergency Service 903-505-9670 Aerobic Maintenance Contracts • Septic System Installations • Porta Potty Rentals • Septic Tank Cleaning & Repair Tim Welch 903-249-6774 Jeremiah Welch 903-249-5750 903-583-3986 903-640-3986 110 W. 1st Street, Bonham, TX 75418 Pat’s PUMP SERVICE •Septic System Cleaning •Installation •Repair •Inspections •Aerobic Maintenance & Training •Storm Shelters •Porta-Potty Rentals Jack Berni Seamless Rain Gutters 22 Colors Quality Since 1980 Premium Vinyl Siding 8/10/10 (903) 583-8796 jackberni.com Clement & Sons Topsoil • Fill Sand • All Kinds of Rock We will build your roads, driveways, homesites and business sites. Dozer • Loaders • Excavators • Dump Trucks Mitchell 903-227-1236 Shane 903-271-0514 903-583-2390 PAUL HODGE CONSTRUCTION CO. Renovations • Remodels • Custom Homes Siding • Additions • Replacement Windows 903-640-1941 Cell: 903-640-6069 hodge.construction@verizon.net www.paulhodgeconstruction.com 12-11-18 Custom Glass & Mirror 215 North Main Bonham,Texas 75418 903-583-7577 • Window Replacements • Frameless Shower Doors •Storefront Doors/Windows Commercial & Residential 1/21/14 L & L A/C-ELECTRICAL Commercial and Residential (903) 583-2369 TECL25417 TACLB27508E OWNERS: Thomas Lackey / Derek Wilson 5/21/19 SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION J&R CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, LLC COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-FARM/RANCH ROBERT J. GONZALEZ OWNER (214)-385-5099 robert@jrconcretellc.com WWW.1JRCC.COM  1/12/21 TECL 18003 TACLB024648C Office (903) 583-4018 Sales • Repairs • Installation Services Commercial • Residential 1580 FM 273 • 888-991-6771 10/12/21 Full Service Plumbing and Septic License #M-39736 • #OS0028077 G D C • Pond Clean Outs • Fence Rows • Demolition and Haul Off • Clearing of Brush and Trees • Soil Erosion Damage Repair • Building and Renovation of Roads • Building and Maintenance of Ponds GILDERSLEEVE DOZER CONTRACTING (903) 587-9015 Ron Gildersleeve, Owner/Operator Leonard, Texas Ranch Beautification is our Specialty 5/19/15 Doctor Thomas E. Hunt (903) 583-1814 (903) 227-0525 715 S.E. Hwy 11 Wolfe City, TX 75496 Free Estimates Quality Guaranteed Over 25 yrs. Experience TheRoof GARAGE DOOR SERVICE CO. Commercial & Residential Sales & Service On All -Doors, Springs & Openers Call Barry Williams 903-623-0025  Window Replacement • Contract Glazing • Custom Mirror Work Patio Doors • Screens • Tub Enclosures • Shower Doors Insurance Claims Adjusted MOST DOMESTIC & FOREIGN AUTO GLASS WINDSHIELD REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Tri County Glass Inc. LEE HAMBY, Owner Bus. 903-583-8351 Fax 903-583-3096 114 E. 16th Bonham, Texas 75418 8/10/10 A PERFECT ROOFING/REMODELING 32 YEARS EXPERIENCE COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES • NO JOB TO BIG OR SMALL OWNER DANIEL TAYLOR CELL 903-422-0561 SENIOR CITIZENS’ DISCOUNT MAKING YOU HAPPY IS MY JOB aperfectroofing@gmail.com 408 W. SAM RAYBURN ECTOR, TX 75439 www.aperfectroofingremodel.com www.majestic-theatres.com 231 TX-121 South • Bonham, TX NOW OPEN EVERYDAY 903-583-2222 For Movie Times 1/17/23 Majestic Cinemas Majestic 6 Theatre Bonham 1/31/23 Paris Lumber & Building Center 3555 N.E. Loop 286 • Paris, Texas (903) 785-0771 (800) 334-5716 Service Selection Satisfaction CELEBRATING 56 Years 1967-2023 2/21/23 HITACHI 100 EXCAVATOR WITH THUMB ANDERSON DOZER SERVICE WAYMON ANDERSON, OWNER & OPERATOR BONHAM, TX 75418 • MOBILE: 903-990-6688 For All Your Dirt Work Needs Fence Rows, New Ponds & Clean-Out, Site Preparation, Clearing, Demolition! CAT D6 H Call Us for All Your Printing Needs! Randy Atchley randy@personalizedprinting.com 1300 Bonham Street • Commerce, TX 75428 (903) 886-7173 • Fax (903) 886-7400 • Cell (903) 453-5817

All About Dogs


Sponsored by Training!

Fluffy’s Not Trying Out a New Dance Move

When dogs scoot on their rear end, 99 percent of the time it means they have a problem with their anal glands, aka “anal sacs”. Anal glands are essentially two

Creative Arts Center Calls for Volunteers!

Press Release - The Creative Arts Center has some MAJOR events planned for the coming months, and we need your help now more than ever!!! We are going to begin hosting monthly Volunteer Meetings, the first of which will be held on Wednesday March 1st at 6:00pm at 200 W. 5th St. Bonham, TX. We hope you can join us and bring a friend along to get them involved! Email questions to BonArtCenter@gmail. com or call 903-640-2196

The Fannin County Leader deadline is Thursday at Noon!

small sacs located just inside your dog’s rectum, one on either side of his anus, at about the 8:00 and 4:00 positions.

They collect oily secretions from sebaceous glands inside the sacs, and range from about the size of a pea to that of a small grape, depending on the size of the dog. The fluid inside the anal sacs is oily and (as you might imag-

ine), foul smelling. They’re not a “necessary” part of the modern dog’s anatomy, but serve as some sort of scent glands, comparable to that of a skunk. The itching and scooting syndrome can occur in all sizes of dog, but is more common with the little guys, and is the classic symptom of anal gland inflammation, impaction or infection. In some rare cases, scooting can be caused by parasites or a tumor, but usually Fluffy’s trying to solve a problem with one or both of her anal glands.

The fluid inside the anal sac is routinely released during defecation, but that doesn’t always happen as it should.

The most common cause

for this is diet, but it can be caused by anatomic reasons or trauma to the area too. In any event, if your dog has this problem, the anal glands may have to be manually “expressed’ by a human. I won’t go into the method to accomplish this, but suffice it to say, the information is out there. As a general rule however, Fluffy’s anal glands won’t require a manual manipulation and ‘extraction’ unless there’s a problem, and often, anal gland issues are just a periodic random syndrome that will simply subside on it’s own. - Next time, more on prevention and remediation of this fairly common malady.

January News from Oakwood

This is a reminder to everyone that the month of March is one of our cleanup months at the cemetery. All faded flowers, Christmas flowers, and broken objects will be removed. If you would like to keep any Christmas flowers you have placed there, please, pick them up before March. There are thirty

acres to maintain at Oakwood, and even though much of the work is done by volunteers, it is still very expensive to keep our cemetery mowed and beautiful throughout the year. Please consider making an annual donation along with your volunteer efforts.

Memorials for January: Josh Odom and Sonny Stanley.

Page 9 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 WINTER CHECK-UP $4995 Top Off Antifreeze up to 1 Gallon Check System For Leaks, Check Belts & Hoses Exp. 3/4/23 2/21/23 2018 Dodge Journey SE 2018 Chevy Impala LT 2017 Nissan Sentra S 2017 Ford Escape Titanium 2016 Dodge Journey SXT 2016 Ford Escape SE 2015 Ram 1500 ST 2015 Nissan Sentra S 2015 Ford Fusion Titanium 2015 Ford Focus 2015 Ford Fiesta 2015 Chevy Equinox LT 2015 Chevy Cruze 2014 Ram 1500 SLT 2014 Nissan Sentra 2014 Ford F150 2014 Ford Explorer Limited 2014 Chevy Equinox LT 2014 Chevy Malibu LTZ 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan 2014 Ram 1500 SLT 2014 Chrysler Town & Country 2014 Hyundai Accent 2013 Chevy Equinox 2013 Ford Escape 2013 Chevy Suburban LT 1500 2013 Chrysler 200 Touring 2013 Nissan Sentra 2013 Ram 1500 ST 2012 Jeep Liberty Sport 2012 Dodge Journey SE 2012 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 2012 Ford F150 SUPERCAB 4x4 2012 GMC Acadia SLT 2012 Lincoln Navigator L 2012 Chrysler 200 2012 Ford Focus SEL 2012 Nissan Altima 2.5 2012 Chevy Malibu 3LT 2012 Chevy Traverse LS 2011 Ford Edge 2011 Ford Taurus : CASH 2011 Ford Expedition 2011 Dodge Nitro Heat 2011 Chevy Impala LT 2011 Chevy Malibu 1LT 2011 Chevy Cruze LTZ 2011 Chevy Traverse LT 2011 Chevy Suburban 2010 Chevy Malibu 2010 Chevy Equinox 2010 Ford Fusion SEL 2010 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 2010 Chevy 3500 LT 2010 Mitsubishi Galant 2010 Nissan Murano 2009 Ford F150 2009 Chevy Aveo 2009 Nissan Versa 2009 Jeep Patriot 2009 Dodge Avenger 2008 Mercury Mountaineer 2008 Chevy Suburban LS 2008 Ford F150 2008 Ford F-250 SD 2008 Lincoln MKX 2008 Hyundai Santa Fe 2008 Volvo S60 2.5T 2008 Jeep Patriot Limited 2007 Honda Pilot EXL 2007 Ford Explorer XLT 2006 Ford F250 2006 Honda Accord 2006 Volvo S60 2005 Mazda 6 2005 Kia Sedona 2005 Chevy Suburban 2005 Ford Expedition 2005 Nissan Altima 2004 Ford F350 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 2004 Nissan Maxima SL 2000 Ford Windstar: CASH 1990 Cadillac Allante:CASH 1964 Ford Thunderbird:CASH 1958 Chevy Viking:CASH 9/11/18 Phone: 903-378-7300 Toll Free: 866-979-7211 www.countrysideIns.com As an Independent agency, we represent multiple companies. Because of that, we can make sure that you, our client, get the best deal! Call or visit us on the web today for a free quote! • New • Rental Property • 10 years or older • In a flood zone • On farms w/livestock • With additions • In town • Replacement value We insure mobile homes that are: WeInsureMobileHomes! Some insurance companies are “running for the hills” and canceling mobile home policies because the home is “too old” or “out in the country.” Not us! If you have a mobile home, we want your business today! BenTegala,MD Board Certified Internal Medicine Primary Care Physician 21 Years Experience Services Provided Primary Care, Diabetes, Arthritis, Heart Problems, Stress Test, Blood Pressure, Asthma, Emphysema/COPD, Allergies, Joint Injections, Cholesterol, Thyroid Problems, Mole & Skin Lesion Removals
Mon-Thurs 9am - 4:30pm Closed 12-1pm for lunch Fri 9am-12pm located at 1211 East Sixth Street Suite 100 Bonham, TX Phone: 903-640-4700 Fax: 903-640-1975 Accepting New Patients with Medicare, United Health Care, Wellmed and most insurances 6/21/22
Pampered Paws Dog Hotel 10/4/22 pamperedpawsdoghotel.com

Dodd City, Texas: 150 Years 1873 – 2023

Founders of Dodd City, Texas Edmund Hall Dodd 1814 KY – 1902 TX

Elizabeth Garrett Dodd 1815 KY - 1900 TX who became citizens of the Republic of Texas

After receiving their land grant in Dec. 1839, they built the town of Licke, Texas located one mile east of Dodd City.

From the early 1840s (1843 Edmund received a letter from KY of his father’s death) to Nov 1873 both the US & Confederate post offices were located inside the Dodd’s home shown above that started out as a log cabin and served as the center of the area. In Nov. 1842, their daughter was the first known burial in what is now known as the Dodd City Cemetery.

In 1850 & 1860 US Census list: Farmers, Blacksmiths, Stonemasons, Grocers, Cooks, Carpenters, Ministers, School Teachers, Lawyers, Physicans & a Sheriff in Licke area. In 1860 the population was around 550. In Feb. 13, 1858 Fannin County Commissoners voted to “Arm Up.” On Feb. 1, 1861 Texas was the 7th state to secede from the United State of America. Many of the citizens of Licke were involved in the Civil War.

After the war, the US Postal Sevice re-established the Licke Post Office and appointed William Van Noy as Postmaster on July 1, 1870. He served until the mail was discontinued on Oct. 23, 1873 and mail was deliveried by TEXAS & PACIFIC RAILROAD to the DODDS depot in the NEW TOWN OF DODD CITY, TEXAS.

1873 Plat of DODD CITY

Fannin County Records: Vol. V pages 544-545

Edmund & Elizabeth Dodd started in the 1850s purchasing land that would become the town named for them. They provided the land for the orginial plat on Sept. 8, 1873 and named it DODD CITY in the deed. They gave all public streets, alleys, etc. to the City. The Dodds retained the 27 even blocks & Texas & Pacific Railway Company received 26 odd blocks with the terms - a DEPOT will be built within 3 months… the rest is history!


By Millard D. Brent is great!

Available at Fannin County Historial Museum

More info online: fannincountymuseum.org & txfannin.org



SEPT. 8, 1873 - SEPT. 8, 2023

Dear Customers, Let us begin by saying that we at Underwood Plumbing are deeply grateful for the opportunity to have spent the last 48 years serving our community’s plumbing and septic needs. We have enjoyed our business relationships and appreciate the trust that you have put in our company.

Underwood Plumbing was established March 10, 1975 and after 48 years of serving Fannin County, Greg and Cindi Underwood have officially retired and our son, Lee and Julie Underwood will be taking over. With our retirement, Lee and Julie will be making changes within the company and apologizes for any inconvenience it may cause. As of March 10th, we will begin to transition from Underwood Plumbing to Underwood Utilities and will no longer be offering residential plumbing and septic services as we are shifting our focus to the utility side of our company.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. Again, we greatly appreciate each and everyone of you.

Page 10 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO
2/21/23 REALTY Jeri Lea Johnson 903-449-0624 411 N Main St Bonham, Texas 75418 jeri@fanninland.com PLEASE COME AND JOIN US! IT’S AN Open House! 420 CR 1451 Bonham, TX 75418 REFRESHMENTS SERVED Please Bring A Friend! $399,000 3BR • 2BA, Living Area, Dining Room, Hardwood Floors, Fenced Back Yard Saturday February 25 11am - 1pm
Major Edmund Hall Dodd (Picture courtesy of Jayne Maye)

Bonham City Council – Bonham Lake Lots/ Election Info/Zoom Discussion

Monday February 13, 2023,

Pastor Mark Posey of the First Congregational Methodist Church of Bonham, led an Invocation before Mayor H L Compton called to order at 5:30 p.m., the Regular Meeting of the Bonham City Council. Quorum was established with all Councilmen present.

1. Consider and take action to approve minutes of the January 9th regular meeting: A motion was made by Councilman Kevin Hayes to approve with Councilman Wayne Moore seconding the motion which passed.

2. Consider and take action to accept financial report for month ending January 30, 2023: Bonham’s Finance Supervisor Michelle Burnett highlighted tax revenue continuing to exceed the budget and a healthy general fund. She also reported the Fiscal 2021 Audit Report was completed and noted the hiring of an outside consulting firm to identify and correct software issues stemming from the implementation of STW software. Kevin Hayes then motioned to accept the report with Councilman Michael Evans seconding the motion which passed.

3. Citizens Opportunity to Speak: [The City Council invites persons with comments or observations to briefly address the Council for the limited purpose of determining whether the matter should be referred to staff for study and response and/or be placed on a future meeting agenda. State law prohibits the City Council from considering deliberations on any item not listed on the posted City Council Agenda.]:

The first speaker, a citizen of Blueridge who teaches in Bonham, spoke to address the Zoom issue listed on item #11 and was thanked for her concerns but informed by Mayor Compton that the opportunity to speak was allotted to Bonham residents. A resident of Boyd Loop in Bonham then spoke to give kudos to the

city’s animal control workers for their good work. The third to speak was a resident of Leonard who is a business owner in Bonham and spoke to support implementing Zoom. She too was thanked for her comments but was reminded the time was intended for citizens of Bonham. The fourth speaker, a resident of Bonham, spoke to add her views of negative stands being made during the public input portion of the meeting. The 5th and last speaker was asked to be removed from the meeting by Mayor Compton after she questioned the need to provide her address and noted she felt she was being targeted.

4. Consider and take action to accept the audit and financial statements as prepared by McClanahan & Holmes, LLP for fiscal year period ending September 30, 2021:

CPA April J. Hatfield of McClanahan and Holmes, LLP

Certified Public Accountants referred the council to the report given them and proceeded to explain its contents. Afterwards a motion was made by Councilman Wayne Moore to accept the audit and financial statement. The motion was seconded by Kevin Hayes and passed unanimously.

5. Consider and take action on a contract for the conveyance of Simpson Park to Bonham Independent School District with the requirement that it be maintained as a public park and subject to a reversionary interest:

Bonham’s City Manager Sean Pate read a summary statement prepared for this item that explained how this action would ensure better maintenance for the park in the future and how the park will still remain a public park with the school having a vested interest during school time. He concluded by noting his belief that this is a good deal. After his summary and a brief discussion, a motion was made by Michael Evans to approve the contract with Kevin Hayes seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

6. Consider and take ac-

tion regarding updates to future City of Bonham lake lot Lease Agreement: Mr. Pate explained how these revisions were made several years back that were not brought into effect when they were originally adopted. He noted with the new sub-division recently developed at the lake, this would be the opportune time to implement these revisions. City Attorney Christina Tillett, when asked to explain how this would affect current lake leases, noted that the original leases would continue on through its assignment and that changes to those leases would have to be done through the assignment document, she continued that this is actually in effect for any new lots that are unimproved and being leased out. After questioned on survey issues on existing lots she noted that this wouldn’t affect the existing leases if there were discrepancies on the survey lines. A motion was made by Kevin Hayes to approve the updates with Councilman Tim LaVergne II seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

7. Consider and take action to approve an order calling for a general election to be held on May 6, 2023 to elect Council members from Ward Nos 1 and 5: City Secretary Heather Stockton spoke to note that the filing period on this was January 18th through February 17th and the election would be held at City Hall. She further noted early voting would be April 24th through May 2nd from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended hours being April 27th and May 2nd. A motion was then made by Michael Evans to approve the order with Wayne Moore seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

8. Consider and take action on the following items related to the May 6, 2023 City of Bonham General Election:

a) Appoint the City Secretary as the Early Voting Clerk.

b) Designate two days for extended hour early voting from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

c) Designate the Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St, as the polling place for both early voting and Election Day voting: A motion was made by Wayne Moore to approve the above action with Tim LaVergne II seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

9. Hold public hearing and consider and take action on an ordinance changing the traffic flow on South 2nd St from one-way traffic to twoway traffic: Mayor Compton called the hearing into order at 5:59 p.m. Bonham Police Chief Mike Bankston first noted how this traffic issue was brought to the city’s attention by Councilman LaVergne in 2012 and described how conditions have changed since that time alleviating the prior traffic issue.

He also noted that there have been citizen input requesting the traffic be returned to a two-way flow before giving his recommendation for the traffic to go back to two-way.

After a comment was made supporting the chief’s assessment, Mayor Compton ended the hearing at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Pate then read the ordinance to change the traffic flow. A motion was made by Councilman LaVergne II to approve the ordinance with Councilman John Burnett seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

10. Receive 2022 Racial Profiling Report from the Bonham Police Department as required by Article 2.131 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. No action necessary. Police Chief Mike Bankston explained the legal necessity of the report that is submitted to the Legislature, the Attorney General’s Office

and to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and noted his job was to present this also to local governance though no action was necessary.

11. Zoom Updates: Ms. Stockton gave a report of what would be needed to implement zoom for the meetings and what costs would be involved. Noting those costs were not figured into this year’s budget, she recommended it be looked at during the next budget session. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the need, practicality and challenges of implementing zoom that included whether the city has access to a cable channel. No action was taken and at the conclusion of the discussion, Mayor Compton stated those with questions should contact the city office.

12. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 6:12 p.m.

Page 11 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 COSY ACRES RV PARK & STORAGE 542 CR 4026 SAVOY, TX. 75479 469-525-5877 * 5 x 10 Storage * 10 x 10 Storage $30 00 / mo $40 00 / mo ALL BILLS PAID WITH WIFI & ON-SITE LAUNDRY Monthly..................$450 00 Weekly..................$125 00 2ndMonth HalfPrice! 10/9/12 OFFICE LIZ CAGLE Office Manager CLAY SANDERS Customer Service DRIVERS BOBBY GERDES IRA HENDERSON MIKE PIERCE HWY 82 EAST P.O. BOX 1597 SHERMAN, TX 75091 OFFICE (903) 892-8933 TX WATS (800) 848-0251 Mgr. B.B. REEDY, JR. 9/24/19 -- Hours changed for 02/22/22 edition Fannin Pregnancy Care Center 903-640-8230 www.fanninpregnancy.org HOURS: Tuesday 9 AM - 5 PM Thursday 9 AM - 5 PM Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM FREE Pregnancy Test FREE Sonogram Parenting Classes Prenatal Classes
Walk-ins Welcome M-F 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat. Appointments Only
521 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, Texas 75418 (across from Pizza Hut) 903-583-5600

Local Student Captures Win at Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo

FORT WORTH, TEXAS, February 2, 2023 – Abby Duplechan, a FFA member from Ladonia captured Reserve Grand Champion Heifer and Champion Junior Heifer with JSUL Who’s Limits 1190J ET in the Other Recorded Junior Heifer Show at the 2023 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo on January 23. The 2023 Show is hosting junior exhibitors from across Texas competing for awards and more than $37,110 in Junior Heifer Show premiums.

With 4-H and FFA members from 239 of Texas’ 254 counties competing in livestock shows, judging contests and other competitions, the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo takes pride in providing learning opportunities in agriculture and livestock production. Their experiences not only enlighten them on the importance of stewardship and helping feed the world, they also help provide the means to attend college and enter exciting career paths.

“Generations of families have competed in the Fort Worth Stock Show and it remains a cherished rite of passage for many who plan to make agriculture a career or who want to be a part of a school’s team program,” said Stock Show President and General Manager Bradford S. Barnes. “Even after decades of being involved in this show, I remain in awe of these young people and am more convinced than ever that the agricultural lifestyle is truly the lifeblood of this great nation.”

Page 12 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 Friday, February 24, 2023 Auction Location: 18873 US Hwy. 82, Sherman, Texas 75092 FARM & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AUCTION TRACTORS www.catchingbros.com Start Time 10:00 Auctioneer’s Note: Due to many factors our February auction will be an online only timed event. Bidding will open on the morning of Wednesday the 22nd and begin closing on Friday the 24th at 10:00 am. All items (except buildings and tank) will be located on the Catching Bros. lot in Sherman and pre-bid inspections are encouraged. Please familiarize yourself with the terms when you register online. All items will be listed in the order they will begin closing on Friday and may be viewed on the “BID ONLINE” tab of our webpage www.catchingbros.com. We look forward to your participation and welcome any questions you may have prior to the closing date. Terms and Conditions: All items will be sold AS-IS without any warranties. All purchases will be settled for in US funds by cash, cashier’s check, wire transfer, credit card or check with bank letter of guarantee. NO DRAFTS will be accepted. ALL SALES ARE FINAL! Registration will be available through Proxibid at the “BID ONLINE” tab on www.catchingbros.com. There will be a 3.5% buyer premium on all purchases. Financing is available, pre-approval is required. Please contact our office with any questions. ONLINE ONLY AUCTION! Registration will be through the bid online tab at www.catchingbros.com. SEE OTHER SIDE FOR TRAILERS, VEHICLES & BUILDINGS 903-868-3132 - Office 903-868-3192 - Fax 18873 US Hwy 82, Sherman, TX 75092 903-815-9947 - Clint Catching - TAL #10281 903-821-3762 - Chad Catching 903-821-0939 - Tom Catching Scan the code to register and bid! CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT John Deere 6140R 2015 MFWD Tractor with John Deere H360 SL Loader, Cab/Air, Deluxe Cab, Power Mirrors, Electronic Joystick, Single Point Connector, 3rd Function, 20 Speed PowerQuad, Bucket, Buddy Seat, 4-SCV, 3,832 Hours, All New Rubber John Deere 6130D MFWD Tractor with Loader, Cab/Air, 9/9 Power Reverser, 1,577 Hours John Deere 4755 1989 2wd Powershift with Cab/Air, Front Weights, Duals, Clean Tractor, Approx. 6,000 Hours John Deere 4066M MFWD Tractor with ROPS, Canopy, John Deere D170 Loader, Hydrostat, 470 Hours John Deere 5200 1992 2wd Diesel Tractor with 9/3 Trans, ROPS, Canopy, Shows 1,353 Hours, CLUTCH IS STUCK John Deere 4020 1967 2wd Open Station Wide Front Diesel, Syncro, Runs, Drives, Clean Original Tractor John Deere 4010 2wd Diesel with John Deere 46A Loader John Deere 750 MFWD Tractor with OROPS, Turf Tires, NOT RUNNING AS-IS New Holland C245 2020 Track Loader, Cab/Air, High Flow, Pilot Controls, Bucket, LIKE NEW, ONLY 129 Hours ASV RT75HD 2020 Track Loader, Cab/Air, High Flow, Hydraulic Quick Attach on Bucket, Electric Winch, Back Up Camera, 1,482 Hours Deere 324G Skid Steer Loader with OROPS, 500 Hours Kubota U35 Rubber Tracked Mini-Ex with Floating Angle Blade, CLEAN, 359 Hours Deere 35G Hydraulic Mini Excavator with OROPS, Hydraulic Thumb, Angle Blade, 2,517 Hours, Has New Sprockets Vermeer RT650 Ride on Trencher with Backhoe Attachment, Backfill Blade, 5" Dirt Chain, Shoe, Nice Local Machine, with Records 832 Hours Komatsu WA-320-1 1990 Articulated Rubber Tire Loader, OROPS Landoll 9630-20 Field Cultivator with Harrows, 20', Very Little Use, NICE! John Deere 637 13' 7" Tandem Disk with Rockflex Gangs, NICE IH 11 Shank Chisel Plow John Deere 1010 20' 3 Point Field Cultivator Duetz Allis 385 6 Row Pull Type Planter with Row Markers Truax Flex II 812 Pull Type 8' No Till Drill with 3 Seed Boxes New Holland Powerstar T4.75 MFWD Tractor with Cab/Air, Loader, Joystick, 12/12 Power Shuttle, 2-SCV, 1,143 Hours New Holland Workmaster 75 MFWD Tractor with Cab/Air, Loader, Joystick, 12/12 Power Shuttle Transmission, 2-SCV, 303 Hours New Holland Workmaster 60 MFWD Tractor with OROPS, Loader, Joystick, 8/8 Syncronized Shuttle, 1-SCV, 782 Hours New Holland Workmaster 45 MFWD Tractor with ROPS, Canopy, 8/8 Transmission, Loader, 1-SCV, 465 Hours New Holland Workmaster 33 2016 MFWD Tractor with OROPS, Loader, Hydrostat, 755 Hours Massey Ferguson 4708 2020 MFWD Tractor with Cab/Air, Massey FL3615 Loader, Instructional Seat, 12/12 Power Shuttle Transmission, 3-SCV, ONLY 227 Hours Massey Ferguson 4609 MFWD Tractor with Cab/Air/Radio, Massey Ferguson DL260MSL Loader, 12/12 Power Shuttle, 2-SCV, 1,841 Hours, CLEAN TRACTOR Massey Ferguson 240 1987 2wd Diesel Tractor with ROPS Massey Ferguson 240 2wd Diesel Tractor BURNED Mahindra 6030 MFWD Tractor with OROPS, 8/8 Transmsission, 783 Hours on Tach Kubota M8560 MFWD Tractor with Cab/Air, Kubota LA1353 Loader, Joystick 8/8 Hydraulic Shuttle, 3-SCV, 2,877 Hours Kubota M5700 MFWD Tractor with Cab/Air, 8/8 Hydraulic Shuttle, Kubota LA1002 Loader, 2-SCV, 1,155 Hours Kubota L5030 MFWD Tractor with Kubota Loader, Joystick, 3 Aux. Hyd. Case 621B Articulated Rubber Tire Loader, OROPS John Deere 310D 1995 2wd ROPS with Canopy, Tractor Loader Backhoe, 5,012 Hours Brillion SL208 8' Pull Type Seeder with Hydraulic Lift Bowie 2 Row Bermuda Sprigger Jamesway 12" Sprigg Digger, PTO driven Vermeer 504R Signature Round Baler with Twine and Wrap, CLEAN, 4,900 Rolls New Holland RollBelt 460 2015 4x6 Round Baler, Silage Special, Wrap, Big Tires, 540 PTO, Monitor, 7,500 Rolls Massey Ferguson 1756 2009 5x6 Round Baler with Wrap, 540 PTO, Monitor In Shop Massey Ferguson 1745 2006 4x5 Round Baler with Switch, 540 RPM John Deere 466 1999 4x6 Round Baler Twine Tie Only New Holland HT154 12 Wheel Hi-Capacity Rake with 2 Center Kickers Kuhn GF5001THA 4 Basket Pull Type Hay Tedder Mahindra ML266 Front End Loader with Frames John Deere 520 Front End Loader with 3 Cylinder Mounts, Hoodguard Ford 7210 Front End Loader with Valve/ Bucket/Frames John Deere 1508 15' Batwing Rotary Cutter Woods 3180 15' Batwing Rotary Cutter Rhino TW 84 7' Rotary Cutter with Dual Tailwheels Kubota L4400 2wd Tractor with ROPS, Canopy, 8/4 Transmission, 3 Point PTO, 1-SCV with Hydraulic Center Link 285 Hours on Tach Kubota L4060 MFWD Tractor with Cab/Air, Kubota LA805 Loader, Hydrostat, ONLY 446 Hours Kubota L175 2wd Diesel Tractor with NO ROPS, Runs at Idle will Not Throttle Up, Buy As-Is Ford 445 2wd Loader Landscaper, with Shuttle, 7' Box Scraper Case IH 5130 1990 2wd Tractor with Cab/Air, Westendorf Loader, Joystick, Powershift Transmission, Shuttle, 6,243 Hours Titan FMJ3T Fork Mounted Adjustable Boom Blue Diamond 84" Heavy Duty Brush Grapple, Skid Steer Mount Virnig V60 Hydraulic Rotary Brush Cutter, Skid Steer Mount Skid Steer Attachments UNUSED Grapple Buckets, Tree and Post Pullers, Quick Attach Plates, Pallet Fork Extensions Sidewinder 7' Rotary Cutter Kubota GM48 48" Finish Mower John Deere MX6 6' Rotary Cutter County Line 6 6' Rotary Cutter, Missing Front 1/2 of Driveline Bush Hog Squealer 48" Rotary Cutter Big Bee SLL96 8' 3 point Rotary Cutter, LIKE NEW Continental Belton Sprayer 1000 Gallon Pull Type Sprayer with 35' Boom, Foam Marker Yanmar YRM60 60" Grooming Mower Vassar PHD Post Hole digger with 9" Auger Kubota 48 48" Rear Angle Blade King Kutter 6' Rear Angle Blade John Deere iMatch Quick Hitch John Deere Cat II Quick Hitch County Line 60 5' Box Scraper with Rippers Cammond BB72R 6' Box Scraper with Rippers Agco 100 Lb. Suitcase Weights MISC. ITEMS Ercolina Tubing Bender, with 1", 1.25", 1.5" and 1.75" Dies Midsaw Upright Band Saw 30' Pipe Rack Creep Feeding Pen 16' Cattle Guard Plastic Chemical Totes--CLEAN LAWN & RECREATIONAL EQUIP. Kubota RTV500 Gasoline Side x Side with Bed, 4x4, EFI, 1,364 Hours John Deere TX 4x2 Gasoline Gator John Deere 855D 4x4 Diesel Gator John Deere 855D 4x4 Diesel Gator Hustler 930545 Commercial Zero Turn with 60" Deck, 31 hp Kawasaki Land Pride ZSR Zerp Turn Lawn Tractor with 60" Deck, 24 hp Kawasaki, 522 Hours Ferris IS1500Z Zero Turn Lawn Mower with 48" Mulching Deck, Front Suspension, 18.5 hp Kawasaki Engine, 241 Hours Cub Cadet Z-Force Zero Turn with 54" Deck Cub Cadet 50" Zero Turn Mower Ex Mark Commercial Zero Turn Mower John Deere Z335 Zero Turn Mower (2) John Deere Z920M Zero Turn Mowers (2) John Deere Z930M Zero Turn Mowers John Deere 997 Zero Turn Mower John Deere 925A Zero Turn Mower John Deere Z535R Zero Turn Mower John Deere Z830A Zero Turn Mower John Deere LX288 Riding Lawn Tractor John Deere D170 Riding Lawn Tractor John Deere X320 Riding Lawn Tractor John Deere X300 Riding Lawn Tractor Craftsman YT3000 Riding Lawn Tractor with bagger MAIL PAID LAWN Friday, Auctioneer’s will open will be are encouraged. the order catchingbros.com. the closing Terms bank letter be a 3.5% Friday, February 24, 2023 903-868-3132 - Office 903-868-3192 - Fax 18873 US Hwy 82, Sherman, TX 75092 FARM & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AUCTION 903-815-9947 - Clint Catching - TAL #10281 903-821-3762 - Chad Catching 903-821-0939 Tom Catching Start Time 10:00 SEE OTHER SIDE FOR TRACTORS, CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT ONLINE ONLY AUCTION! Registration will be through the bid online tab at www.catchingbros.com. Auction Location: 18873 US Hwy. 82, Sherman, Texas 75092 TRAILERS & VEHICLES Scan the code to register and bid! BUILDINGS TO BE TAKEN DOWN & MOVED W-W 20x6 2007 20x6 Stock Trailer with Tarp, Cut Gate, Single Rear Gate with Slider, LIKE NEW Fair West 32'x6'7" Stock Trailer with Tarp, Rectangle Tube Sides, Full Escape Door, 3 Cut Gates, Single Rear Gate with Slider Shopbuilt 16' Gooseneck Hitch Flatbed Trailer Shopbuilt 5x12 Bumper Pull Stock Trailer with White Oak Sides and Floor Better Built 25 Ton Pintle Hitch Trailer, with Dovetail and Fold Over Ramps, Tandem Dual Axles--NO TITLE Stigers TS252 2001 Pintle Hitch 25' 18,000 Lb. Trailer Timpte 1974 Model Hopper Bottom with Tarp Utility 16 76"x16' Tandem Axle Utility Trailer--NO TITLE Dodge 2500 2006 Sprinter Van with Mercedes Diesel Engine, Runs and Drives Ford Escape 2011 4 Door Limited, 104,000 Miles, Runs and Drives Volkswagon Jetta 2015 4 Door Sedan, SE TSI, 129,000 Miles, Runs and Drives These buildings are located at the corner of 82 and I-35 in Gainesville, Texas. We are selling them to be taken down and moved by the buyer at the buyer’s expense and risk. You will be buying steel frames and sheets from the ground up. The tank and storage skid are also to be moved, all within 60 days of auction. Asbestos study is complete and buildings are ready to be taken down. Can be previewed anytime. Call for more details! 12,500 Gallon Diesel Tank with Pump, on Skid TO BE MOVED 42x10 Portable Storage with (3) Rooms, Shelving and Electricity ON SKID, Ready to Move (3) 18x72 Carports - 18x72x12 Carports built as one unit, Galvanized Frame, 1/2 Sides, TO BE MOVED 30x150 Metal Building, Post and Truss Construction, Single Slope with a 30x50 built off of one side, includes overhead doors, walk doors -- TO BE MOVED 36x75x9 Carport Type Building with 12x24 Interior Room, Tubing and Post Construction, all sheets and doors included, TO BE MOVED 10/19/21 Carports - Barns - Garages - Shops - RV Covers texwincarports.com Brenda Brand 2323 N. Center Bonham, TX 75418 903-640-0207 brenda.brand@winslowsinc.com 800-636-4700
 FARM & RANCH Section 
Photo Correction Abby Duplechan Courtesy photo

2023 Farm and Ranch Roundup

Feb. 23, 2023

6:00-8:00 pm

Fannin Multi-Purpose Complex

700 FM 87 Bonham, TX

The 2023 Fannin County Farm and Ranch roundup will take place on Thursday, February 23, 2023, at the Fannin MultiPurpose Complex, 700 FM 87, Bonham, TX 75418 from 6:00 pm8:00 pm. Hosted by Fannin County-Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, the Farm and Ranch Roundup is an agribusiness vendor showcase that is fun for the whole family! This event is free to attend and features some amazing food and fellowship! The Farm and Ranch Roundup has become one of the most anticipated agricultural social events in the North Texas area. This year, we have lending services, equipment dealers, feed stores, insurance agencies, ranches, locally grown products, real estate agencies, TSCRA, Texas Beef Council, chemical reps and dealers, vehicle dealerships, and don’t forget about the door prizes! Also, this year, we are fortunate to have Molly McAdams, Texas Beef Council Executive Vice President as our Keynote Speaker. Don’t miss out on this year’s event! Make plans to attend the 2023 Farm and Ranch Roundup! For questions about the event, contact Cody Maxwell at cody.maxwell@ag.tamu.edu or call 903-583-7453.

Page 13 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 2/21/23 Come see us at the Farm & Ranch ROUND UP! to visit about any of your feed, farm, beef & bull needs! Banking Beyond Expectations Welcome to the Farm and Ranch Roundup! 100 N Highway 69, Leonard, TX 75452 2109 N. Center, Bonham TX 75418 903-587-3383 2/21/23 109 Hamilton St. Trenton 75490 1218 Sam Rayburn Hwy, Melissa 75454
 FARM & RANCH Section 
Page 14 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 Our tractor lineup, rated #1 for durability and owner experience in the U.S., * gets the job done right. Call today to schedule a demo of one of our versatile compact and sub-compact tractors. •Kubota diesel engines •Performance-matched attachments •Designed for comfort and ease-of-use Together we do more. Texoma Utility Equipment 3527 N. Washington Ave. Durant, OK 74701 580-924-9124 www.texomautility.com *Award based on 2021 Progressive Farmer Reader Insights Tractor Study. ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2023. This material is for descriptive purposes only. Kubota disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, or any liability from the use of this material. For complete warranty, safety, incentive offer and product information, consult your local dealer or go to KubotaUSA.com. KubotaUSA.com Contact Cody Cox For A Free Quote 903-450-6749 View completed projects at www.libertyfarmironworks.com METAL BUILDINGS $34,500 50x100x15 Pole Barn No walls, includes materials and labor 26 GA Galv RPanel 2/21/23 www.fannincu.com FARM AND RANCH ROUNDUP! HAVE A GREAT TIME AT THE 2/21/23 Enjoy the 2023 Fannin County Farm and Ranch Roundup!  FARM & RANCH Section 
Page 15 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 215 HIGHWAY 75 NORTH, DENISON, TX 75020 903-465-5671 • 1-800-951-5671 www.blakeutterford.com Enjoy the 2023 FARM & RANCH ROUNDUP! 2/21/23 18’ x 83” C Hauler, Steel Floor 2-3500 Axle 1 Brake Spare Tire Bracket LED Lights 4 Flush mount D-rings 2 Dove tail 5’ ramps out the back 16” centers on cross members $4650 + TAX “I can beat any price within 50 miles, parts & service. We do custom builds.” TRAILERS MFG MC 903-623-4189 LEVEL LOOP CARPET (Example) 12’x12’ Room = $111.84+TAX PLUSH CARPET (Example) 12’x12’ Bedroom = $127.84+TAX CERAMIC TILE (Example) 12’x12’ Kitchen = $142.56+TAX WE HAVE IT ALL! BRING YOUR TRUCK & TRAILER! PRICES ARE CASH & CARRY LARGEST FLOORINGINVENTORY! In NE Texas & SE Oklahoma THOUSANDS OF FEET OF VINYL PLANK, TILE & CARPET! 2115 N.E. LOOP 286 • PARIS, TX • 903-785-8317 File Name: CarpetWorld022118 4x5-25.indd Date Created: 01/19/15 Date Modi ed: February 19, 2018 1:33 PM 55 Years of Service! 10/2/18 FOR THE BEST DEALS STOP BY TODAY! OPEN M-F 8AM - 5PM 1/28/20 99¢sq. ft. $799sq. yd. sq. yd. 2/1/22 $899 Ray House 903-436-0555 agent.rayhouse@yahoo.com Tammy House 214-803-4054 tammyhouse26@yahoo.com 903-640-2436 fax 903-583-3254 Call Today for Your Free Quote Did you just say ..... FRIDAY?  FARM & RANCH Section 

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

February 21st

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church • Corner of 7th & Star - Bonham, TX 5:30pm – 7:00pm


Enter for a chance to win a freezer filled with:

100 lbs. Ground Beef 10 lbs. Ribs 10 Cube Steaks

Enter at the Farm & Ranch Roundup on Feb 23, 2023

$10 Entry Fee - Winner will be drawn on Feb 25.

Locally Owned Dry Aged Beef Hormone Free USDA Inspected Call 903.664.2204 to place an order from 9:00-5:00

After Hours 903.640.3833 or order online @ htt://keetonbeef.com

Deliveries to Bonham on Fridays afer 4:00 pm. Gift Cards available!


Great location - 51.066 Acres - situated on Rec Road 3 just a few miles north of Bonham and very close to the Lake Bonham recreation area and boat ramps.

Property has two ponds and a 50’x20’x20’ hay barn, a 48’x32’x8’ barn, a 80’x20’x8’-10 tall sloped barn, a shipping container 8’x20’x8’ for storage, a corral that’s 64’x30’, a holding pen and chute that’s 30’x20’ and a second holding pen that’s 16’x20’.

Property is fenced for cattle. An electrical transmission line transverses the property but does not preclude opportunities for a quiet, secluded homesite.

Page 16 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280
Keeton Beef for all your beef needs. All cuts of beef sold from bones to filets. Give us a call or order online.
LAND FOR SALE REALTY Jeri Lea Johnson 903-449-0624 411 N Main St Bonham, Texas
2/21/23 at Aldridge ALL HOME We Do Windows. We Measure. We Install. Our New Address: 1908 Texoma Pkwy, Sherman, TX 75090 903 893 8632 Come see us at our new location where we have more to offer our customers!  FARM & RANCH Section 

Local Student Captures Win At Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo

deo takes pride in providing learning opportunities in agriculture and livestock production. Their experiences not only enlighten them on the importance of stewardship and helping feed the world, they also help provide the means to attend college and enter exciting career paths.

“Generations of families have competed in the Fort Worth Stock Show and it remains a cherished rite of passage for many who plan to make agriculture a career or who want to be a part of a school’s team program,” said Stock Show President and General Manager Bradford S. Barnes. “Even after decades of being involved in this show, I remain in awe of these young people and am more convinced than ever that the agricultural lifestyle is truly the lifeblood of this great nation.”

Ribbon Cutting for Mercantile West

405 N. Main St. Bonham

An Artisan Vendor Boutique, offering antiques, restored items, and unique finds.

Be sure to go by and meet the owners and vendors of this great place to shop.

They are open Monday through Saturday, 10am-5pm.




to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Shrove Tuesday

time period in England when the faithful were encouraged to use up foods that were restricted during lent such as fish, fats, meats, milk and eggs; otherwise known as Fat Tuesday.

Always end your day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church invites you to join us for Shrove Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall.

Shrove Tuesday is celebrated before Ash Wednesday and dates back from the medieval

Lent begins on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 and a service will be held at 5:30pm with Fr. Tyler Been. Episcopalians will focus on drawing closer to God with an emphasis on prayer and simplicity. We are located at 7th and Star Streets in Bonham, Texas.

All are welcome!

Free Prevention Class

Press Release - The Fannin County Children’s Center is offering free training for adults to learn how to recognize and respond child abuse. The class is designed for parents, teachers, other school personnel, day care workers, coaches, Sunday School teachers and other professionals and volunteers who work with children.

“Recognizing & Reporting” is a 1.5 hour class that utilizes video, class discussion and case studies. Learning objectives include: the realities of child abuse, detailing who becomes victims, who the likely perpetrators are and the prevalence of abuse in all communities, the legal definitions, signs and symptoms of child abuse, how to communicate with a child who makes a disclosure of abuse, how to make a report and how to overcome one’s

fear’s and barriers around reporting. This class will be offered on Monday, March 6, 2023 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at the Children’s Center at 112 West Fifth Street in Bonham.

All participants who successfully complete the class will receive a certificate. There is no charge for the classes, thanks to generous support from local donors. Seating is limited and advanced registration is required. Registration is available online at www. FanninCCC.org.

The Fannin County Children’s Center is a private, nonprofit organization. Its mission is promoting safety and improving the lives of abused and neglected children. Programs include CASA, Children’s Advocacy Center and child abuse prevention efforts.

Page 17 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 2/14/23  Service Repair  Parts  Sales (New&Used)  NRVTA Certified Tech! NOW OFFERING MOBILE SERVICE REPAIR!! (903) 200 - 8452 17754 US-82, Honey Grove, TX www.rvwholesalers.com (430) 234 - 3200 dpinkston@rvwholesalers.com Katie Burnett Courtesy Photo
FORT WORTH, TEXAS, February 2, 2023 – Katie Burnett, a FFA member from Ladonia captured Reserve Calf Champion Heifer with AT Miss Brylee 998/2 in the Brahman Junior Heifer Show at the 2023 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo. The 2023 Show hosted junior exhibitors from across
for awards and more than $37,110
Heifer Show premiums. With 4-H and FFA members
livestock shows, judging contests and other competitions, the Fort Worth Stock Show & Ro-
Texas competing
in Junior
from 239 of Texas’ 254
 FARM & RANCH Section 

Fannin County Commissioners Court – Reports and Agreements

Tuesday, February 14, 2023, Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham called to order at 9:00 a.m., a Regular Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. He noted Quorum established with all County Commissioners present. Invocation was led by Pastor Jason Points of the First Baptist Church of Trenton. Pledges were led by Major James Manis, retired. There were no Introductions and no speakers for Public Forum.

6. Discussion and presentation from Purple Wave Auctioneers regarding sale of assets in Fannin County –County Judge for Beth Moreland of Purple Wave: Beth Moreland of Purple Wave Auctioneers spoke to list her company’s qualifications, policies and procedures and highlighted the policy of not charging government agencies for listing assets but rather charging 10% to the buyer. At the conclusion of the presentation, she presented each member of the court with a brochure on her company.

7. Discussion, consideration and action to approve minutes from 10/04/2022 (R), 10/11/2022 (S), 10/18/2022 (S)(R), 10/25/2022 (S)(R),

11/01/2022 (R), 11/08/2022 (S), 01/03/2023 (R), 01/09/2023 (S), 01/10/2023 (S), 01/24/2023 (R) and 02/03/2023 (S) – County Judge for County Clerk: A motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve the minutes with Commissioner Self seconding the motion that was passed unanimously.

8. Discussion, consideration and action to approve Treasurer’s Financial Report for January 2023 – County Judge for County Treasurer: Fannin County Treasurer David Woodson gave a report of receipts for January being $7,852,066.67 with $5,936,539.05 of that coming from current property taxes. Local sales tax for January was $157,362.29. Commissioner Lane made the motion to approve the report with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

9. Discussion, consideration and action to approve Treasurer’s Investment Report for January 2023 – County Judge for County Treasurer: Mr. Woodson noted interest rates were up with $22,091.22 being received on the TexPool accounts balance of $6,724,395.72. On the 2022 Bond, (Justice Cen-

ter funds) interest received was $18,838.20 on a balance $11,100,095.65. The Operating Business Money funds brought $39.57 interest on a balance of $128,996.86.

Commissioner Lane made the motion to approve with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

10. Discussion, consideration and action to approve Resolution accepting grant funding from the Office of the Governor for the Structured Family Therapy Program operated by the Juvenile Probation for Fiscal Year 2024 – County Judge for Juvenile Probation Director: Juvenile Probation Director Brandon Caffee summarized the mental health grant that has been received since 2013 and benefits the needs of youths and their families in Fannin County. After his summation, Judge Cunningham read the Resolution and a motion was made by Commissioner Lane to approve with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

11. Discussion with Gayle Cooper, Director Bonham Economic Development Corporation (BEDCO), regarding City of Bonham Tax

Abatement Agreement with Tongrun International, LLC – County Judge: Executive Director of Bedco, Gayle Cooper spoke to request the county’s participation in a 50% tax abatement with Tongrun International, LLC over the next seven years. Highlighted were the attributes of the company that is the largest manufacturer in the community and employs approximately 120 people. After a brief discussion Judge Cunningham thanked Ms. Cooper noting the agreement would be looked at and placed on a future agenda for the courts action.

12. Discussion, consideration and action to approve a variance for an aerobic septic permit on less than one acre; 0.825 acres on FM 151 in Whitewright, Property ID# 71181, Precinct – County Judge for Environmental Development Director: After Environmental Development Director Diane Wilson explained the need for and give her recommendation to approve the variance, a motion was made by Commissioner Self to approve with Commissioner Lane seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

13. Report of monies received by the Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 office for January 2023; $10,581.00 – County Judge (for JP1): After reading the report, Judge Cunningham confirmed with Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple the amount in the report was correct and noted no action needed.

14. Report of monies received by the Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 office for January 2023; $5,080.00 –County Judge (for JP3): See item #13.

15. Discussion, consider-

ation and action to purchase a sign for the Windom Building indicating the address and offices of Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 and Constable, Precinct 3; $1,256.00 to come from Contingency – County Judge for Purchasing Agent: After Fannin County Purchasing Agent Shonda Magness explained why she recommends this purchase, a discussion ensued before Commissioner Kopf made the motion to approve with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

16. Discussion regarding the purchase of a 2023 John Deere 410P Tractor on BuyBoard under the RDO Equipment Contract; to be paid out of ARPA funds –Commissioner Precinct 3 for Purchasing Agent: A discussion was had on this purchase for transparency purposes with Ms. Magness noting because this was a BuyBoard purchase, the county did not have to go out for bids on this.

17. Discussion, consideration and action to approve a one-time severance of 2.667 acres from a 5.257-acre tract on South Shore Drive in Bonham; Property ID# 73400 – Commissioner Precinct 2: After Commissioner Self noted all requirements were met on this for its approval, a motion was made by Commissioner Self to approve the severance with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

18. Discussion, consideration and action to approve the IC Creek Manufactured Home Rental Community – Commissioner Precinct 2: Commissioner Self explained the need for this and presented a map to the court for visual purposes. After his summary

a discussion ensued before Commissioner Self made the motion to approve the Community noting Property ID# 82187 with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

19. Discussion, consideration and action to cancel Commissioners Court meetings every other week beginning with March 14, 2023, to line up with the newly approved biweekly meetings schedule – Commissioner Precinct 2: In an attempt to reduce confusion, Commissioner Self noted court would be held on March 7th, March 21st, April 4th, April 18th, May 2nd, 16th and 30th and so on. Commissioner Self then made the motion to approve the cancellation of meetings every other week beginning with March 14th. Commissioner Magness seconded the motion and after a question from a citizen was answered, the vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.

20. Discussion, consideration and action to move forward with the TxDOT Bridge Replacement Program for Sloans Creek, Timber Creek, Loring Creek Tributary, Dry Fork and E. Shawnee Creek bridges in fiscal year 2027 – County Judge: Judge Cunningham read an e-mail received from TxDOT on this and asked for comments from the Commissioners. Commissioner Magness stated this program has been in place for as long as he has worked for Fannin County and noted it has been very beneficial to Fannin County.

See Commissioners on page 20


The CITY OF LEONARD will receive bids for a sewer line replacement project until 2:00 PM on March 9, 2023 at City of Leonard City Hall. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 PM on March 9, 2023 at City of Leonard City Hall 111 W. Collin St. Leonard, TX 75452

Bids are invited for several items and quantities of work as follows:

• Replace approximately two thousand linear feet (2,000 l.f.) of twelve-inch (12 in.) sewer line, manholes, one hundred linear feet (100 l.f.) of sixteen-inch (16 in.) steel encasement including boring, driveway repairs, and all associated appurtenances. Bid/Contract documents including bid proposal forma, plan sheets, and specification for the Project may be viewed and downloaded free of charge with the option to purchase hard copies at www.civcastusa.com. Bid/Contract Documents, including Drawing and Technical specifications are on file at 260 E Davis Street, Suite 100 McKinney, TX 75069 and 111 W. Collin St. Leonard, TX 75452. Please submit questions for this project at least 7 business days prior to bid opening through www.civcastusa.com in the Q&A portal or to David Perkins, P.E. at david.perkins @ kimley-horn.com. All addenda issued for this project will only be posted on www.civcastusa.com

A bid bond in the amount of 5 percent of the bid issued by an acceptable surety shall be submitted with each bid. A certified check or bank draft payable to the CITY OF LEONARD or negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (as par value) may be submitted in lieu of the Bid Bond.

The project to be constructed will be financed with assistance from the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and is subject to all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the federally determined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Related Acts) wage rate, as issued by the Department of Labor and contained in the contract documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the successful Bidder must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. Adherence to the grant recipient’s Section 3 Policy is required for all contracts and subcontracts.

The CITY OF LEONARD reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding.

Bids may be held by the CITY OF LEONARD for a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidder’s qualifications prior to the contract award.

All contractors/subcontractors that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project.

CITY OF LEONARD Michael Pye, Mayor February 2023

Page 18 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO



Julia Rebecca “Becky”

Stevens , age 75, of Bonham, Texas passed away Saturday, February 4, 2023 peacefully surrounded by her family at her home.

Julia Rebecca “Becky” Stevens was born August 21, 1947, the daughter of Billy W. Clayton and Virginia Ray Collins. Becky married the love of her life, Richard Stevens on June 18, 1965, in Bonham, Texas. They enjoyed going on many scenic vacations out west. New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah being her favorites. In her spare time she enjoyed crocheting hats for chemo patients, and going to casinos. Becky especially loved her family and her dog Abby. She was a member of the Edhube Baptist Church. Becky is preceded in death by her parents, and brother Roger Clayton.

Becky is survived by her beloved husband of 57 years, Richard Stevens, sons; Jason Stevens and wife Sara of Collinsville, Texas and Chris Stevens of Little Elm, Texas, sisters; Suzanne Davis and husband Gaylon of Elwood, Texas, and Tereasa Rhodes of Sherman, Texas, grandchildren; Collin Stevens, Kendall Stevens, Nathan Stevens, Brittany Hudson, and one great grandchild, Elena Stevens.


A private graveside service for Barbara Jo Hughes, 81, of Dodd City, was held at Willow Wild Cemetery, Bonham, Texas under the direction of Wise Funeral Home. Her grandson, Chris Hughes, honored his “Memaw” as he officiated her service. Barbara passed away at her home on Tuesday, February 14, 2023.

Barbara was born August 11, 1941 in Bonham, Texas, the daughter of James Madison “Jim” Owen and Ethel Butler Owen. She was a graduate of Ector High School. Barbara married the love of her life, George Hughes, in 1958. She was an EKG and Respiratory Tech at Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center in Bonham for many years. She was a homemaker and loved spending time with her family.

Being “Memaw” to her grandchildren and great grandchildren was very special to her. Barbara was a Baptist by faith.

Barbara was preceded in death by her parents.

Barbara leaves to cherish her memories, her husband of 64 years, George Hughes of Dodd City, Texas, three sons, Gary Hughes and wife, Rhonda, Greg Hughes and wife, Kathy and Steven Hughes and wife, Delicia, all of Bonham, Texas, 10 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren and one on the way, extended family and friends. Barbara’s sons and grandsons served as pallbearers.


Teddy Brown Pyles, 78, of Valdosta, GA was born the youngest of seven children on December 21, 1944, in Bonham, TX to Jessie Lee and Prudie Fae (Brown) Pyles. He died peacefully on February 13, 2023, in St. Petersburg, FL.

After graduating from Bonham High School in 1964, Teddy served in the United States Army from 1966 to 1970. After his service, he briefly attended East Texas State University, where he met the woman who would become his wife, Deborah Elaine Powell Pyles. Together, they had nine children and spent the first twenty years of their marriage engaged in missionary work. They eventually settled in Valdosta, where they established a family landscaping business. Teddy is preceded in death by his wife, Deborah, his parents, his brother Odell Pyles, and four of his beloved sisters, Beth Clark Harp, Sybil Chesser Irwin, Jessie Fay Young, and Ruby Neal.

He is survived by his children Jesse Pyles, Lydia Edwards, Joseph Pyles, Tessa Pyles, Judith Pyles, Rhapsody Drehs, Micah Pyles, Chrissy Pyles, and Audrey Lindberg, fifteen grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and by his sister Jeanie Latimer.

A private memorial service will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to The Turner Center for the Arts, an organization in Valdosta, GA that deeply strengthens the community with beauty and acceptance. Teddy found joy in their work.

Bonham ISD Names

Coach Kevin Trompler Girls Athletic Director

February 17, 2023

Press Release - At their special meeting held on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, the Bonham ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve Coach Kevin Trompler as the District’s Girls Athletic Director. District leaders are excited about decision and look forward to seeing the girls athletic programs prosper under his leadership.

Coach Trompler graduated from Bonham High School in 1989 and earned a Bachelor of

Arts degree in Kinesiology from East Texas State University. He has served Bonham ISD for 27 of his 28 years in education. Coach


Janis Renea Watkins 70, of Hail TX, passed away on February 8, 2023, surrounded by her family and friends.

Janis was born on January 21, 1953, to John and Helen Stockton in Dallas TX. She attended Mesquite High School and was an employee of Texas Instruments in Richardson TX for many years. In 1988 she left the big city and moved to the community of Hail TX and became a farm girl.

Janis is proceeded in death by her mother and father, brother Donald Stockton and son Jeff Watkins. Janis is survived by her husband of 52 years, Jimmy Watkins of Hail TX, sons John Watkins (Amanda) of Graceville FL, Jason Watkins (Brandi) of Hail TX, and daughter Lynn Godbey (Steve) of Bonham TX. Grandsons Travis Godbey of Bonham, Joshua Watkins and Dylan Watkins of Columbia Maryland, Ryan McInnis of Seattle WA, Eric McInnis of Denison TX, and sister Vicki Watkins of Oklahoma City OK, nephew Michael Watkins of Ector TX, and niece Misty Smith of Oklahoma City OK.

Janis loved people. She and Jimmy loved to have company come and sit around a fire and just visit. Old friends and new ones were always welcome.

The Family would like to thank Shirley Smith and Christie Gebhardt for their care and devotion to Janis during her hospital stays and her care at home. They were such a blessing.

Janis wished to be cremated and her ashes placed by her brother’s. She did not want a sad funeral. Her last wishes were for all her family and friends to come together and have a party in her memory at the barn. A memorial in her honor will be held at later date.


Fred Mickus passed away on February 12, 2023, at the age of 90 at his home in Trenton, Texas. He was born on March 4, 1932, in Waukegan, Illinois to parents Joseph Mickus and Anna (Sever) Mickus. He grew up in Waukegan and served in the United States Air Force from December 1951 until December 1955.

Trompler has taught at 3 of our campuses and has coached 7 sports; track, cross country, football, volleyball, baseball, softball, and powerlifting. He is currently the Head Track Coach for boys and girls, and the Head Cross Country Coach for boys and girls. In addition to 11 years of head coaching experience, Coach Trompler served as the Jr. High Athletic Coordinator for 6 years. Coaching runs in his family. Two of his

brothers are veterans in the business and his son is currently on the BHS coaching staff. “It has been an honor to serve the community and school district in which I grew up. To share this journey with my family has truly been a blessing. I am excited for the opportunity to lead the Bonham Lady Warrior athletic program. #PurplePride” – Trompler


Joy Sondra Nelson, age 89, of Las Cruces, NM, passed away peacefully at North Star Ranch Rehab and Health Care Center in Bonham, TX on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. Joy was born on December 21, 1933, in Colton, CA to G.B. Summers & Margaret Davidson Summers. She was a High School graduate and attended college. She was married to Leslie Marion “Tim” Nelson, Jr., a flight engineer for Pan American Airways. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends.

Joy was a retired Colonel and Wing Commander of New York State Civil Air Patrol, a strategic partner of the United States Air Force. She was the recipient of several leadership awards including the Distinguished Service Medal by the Civil Air Patrol. She was also a member of the National Association for Female Executives.

She was a remarkable woman much beloved by so many who were blessed to be a part of her life. She was also a generous and loving mother and sister with a great sense of humor. She had several hobbies: she loved to cook delicious meals for her family and friends and loved to travel – an avid RVer easily making friends wherever she traveled. Joy loved cats (an ailurophile).

Left to cherish her memory is her son; Michael Nelson of Las Cruces, NM and her brother; Richard Lee Summers of Bonham, TX, other extended family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; G.B. & Margaret Davidson Summers, her husband; Leslie Marion “Tim” Neilson Jr. and her oldest son; Leslie Marion “Skip” Nelson IlI. The family will have a private service.


Continued from page 18

Commissioner Lane shared similar thoughts and a motion was made to move forward with the program by Commissioner Magness, seconded by Commissioner Lane and passed unanimously.

ture when the need arises. He noted this would be addressed more fully in future agendas.

24. Discussion regarding Fannin County road issues – County Judge: Judge Cunningham stated ideas are being looked at to focus on planning and expounded on welcoming suggestions from the citizenry in order to do more with less.

Fred married Bobbie Jean Jasper of Italy, Texas on February 19, 1955, in Lovington, New Mexico. They were married 67 years. They welcomed their daughter, Janet, on July 18, 1959. They lived in Waukegan and then later moved to Garland, Texas in 1962. He spent most of his working life in building, home remodeling, and painting. After retirement, he moved to Trenton, Texas in 1994. His main interests were carpentry, woodworking, gardening, and taking care of the Family Farmette.

21. Discussion, consideration and action to approve payment of bills – County Judge for County Auditor: Judge Cunningham invited any with concerns about which bills are paid by the county, to view that information on the county’s website. The motion was passed to approve payment of bills.


He was a true and loyal friend, a devoted husband and father, and will be missed by all who knew him.

He is survived by his wife Bobbie Jean Mickus of Trenton, Texas and daughter, Janet Mickus of Trenton, Texas, nieces and nephews, Linda, Judy, Sharon, Mary Ann, Brenda, Debra, Laurel, Carla, Wayland and Robert; brother-in-law, Norman Williams; sister-in-law, Merle Wagnon; and brother-in-law, Wayne Jasper.

Fred is preceded in death by his parents, Joseph and Anna Mickus, his siblings, Tony, Joey, Victor, Tillie, Paul, Eddie and Angie.

A visitation was held at 1:00pm on Friday, February 17, 2023 at Turrentine Jackson Morrow Funeral Home in Leonard, Texas. The Funeral Service was the same day at 2:00pm in the Funeral Home Chapel burial followed the service at Leonard Cemetery.

22. Discussion regarding landfills in Fannin County – County Judge: Judge Cunningham clarified that he is not soliciting landfills but that his efforts are to prevent landfills from being placed in an area that is not desirable to the citizenry. He noted he is searching for an ordinance to protect the county from undesirable actions occurring in the future as companies are known to look for counties without such ordinances.

23. Discussion regarding water issues affecting Fannin County – County Judge: Judge Cunningham touched on conversations with partners in North TX who have indicated their willingness to sell water to Fannin County in the fu-

25. Comments by County Commissioners and County Judge: Commissioner Lane thanked all for attending, encouraged notifications of downed trees and stated Lake Fannin’s volunteer workday will be the 25th from 9:00 a.m. to noon before wishing all a good Valentine’s Day and week. Commissioner Self commented on the road issues, wished all a good day and reminded all there would be no court next week. Commissioner Magness agreed with the need for ordinances (junkyards & landfills), expounded on the transparency of county dealings and wished all a Good Valentine’s Day and week.

Commissioner Kopf thanked all for coming and the opportunity to serve the county before commenting on current issues.

Judge Cunningham commented on his preparedness for Valentine’s Day, thanked all for their attendance and commissioners for their service before wishing God’s Blessings on everyone.

26. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned 10:23 a.m.

Page 20 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO

Fishin’ Report TAKE A KID FISHING or Hunting!

O.H. Ivie Claims Another Massive Legacy Lunker

ATHENS – O.H. Ivie’s unprecedented run continued Monday when the lake produced its eighth Legacy Class fish of the 2023 Toyota ShareLunker collection season. Jason Conn of Anna landed 17.03-pound ShareLunker 642, the eighthheaviest largemouth bass ever caught in Texas, and the sixthheaviest ShareLunker donated to the program.

“An incredible catch by Conn led to a truly historic day for bass fishing in Texas,” said Natalie Goldstrohm, Toyota ShareLunker program coordinator. “Bass this large are especially rare and this fish is one of the biggest bass ever caught in Texas. We are thankful to Conn for sharing his catch with the program and for the chance to spawn this exceptional bass with a male ShareLunker descendent, so her offspring have the best genetic potential to grow into Lunker bass.”

Jason Conn Fishing just caught a top 50 largemouth bass from O.H. Ivie! ShareLunker 642 weighed in at 17.03 pounds and is one of the largest Lunkers to hit the scales in Texas history!! His Legacy Class Lunker is the 8th heaviest Texas largemouth bass of all time. Amazing! Congratulations Jason and thank you for your contribution! (TPWD) Send YOUR FISHING OR HUNTING pictures to fcltimmeek@gmail.com, attention Tim or text to 903-227-5702, for FREE publication on the Outdoor Page.

Week of February 15, 2023

Cooper FAIR. Water lightly stained; 51 degrees. Few reports and anglers on the water. Fishing slow and fish are scattered.

Fork FAIR. Water Stained; 56-59 degrees; 2.51 feet below pool. The lake level has risen about 3 feet and has the bass scattered shallow and deep. Points on the main lake and secondary points are best with Carolina rigs and small baits like baby brush hogs or four inch Yum Dingers. June bug is the best color, or red shad. Best depth is 12-15 feet. What few bass are shallow are in 3-5 feet on windy banks slowly working chatterbaits and spinnerbaits in bright colors are best.

Lavon GOOD. Water lightly stained; 55 degrees; 0.68 feet below pool. With the gates open at the dam, the blue catfish bite at the feeder creeks should be on fire at the mouths and sometimes up the creeks. Catfish are also in deep water 20-30 feet, and starting to see more schools of catfish at 15-20 feet on flats and slopes midday. Cut gizzard shad on Santee rigs will land a bite. White bass are about to start the annual spawn. This is a bank anglers dream when you find them. Look in the creeks at the north end of the lake. Bank fishing is the way to approach them while in the creeks using ultra light gear, four pound mono and small jigs. On the main lake slabs in white and chartreuse one ounce will put a few on the boat. Look for them near the dam and around main lake points 15-25 feet. Crappie are in deep water brush in 20-30 feet of water, or roaming in the deep water Tawakoni GOOD. Water lightly stained; 52 degrees; 1.29 feet above pool. Lake Tawakoni continues to rise and we are seeing lots of water going over the spillway. Hybrid stripers and white bass are slower right now. We are seeing some fish shallow on wind blown points and even some being caught below the spillway. Swimbaits and roadrunners are working best. Trophy catfish are fair right now. Lots of fresh water and the fish seem to be concentrated near the inlets of the fresh water coming into the lake. Gizzard Shad is working best right now. Eater sized catfish are still slow, but should pick up as the weather warms up. Crappie have been slow since the sudden rise in water. Largemouth bite is also slow.

Texoma GOOD. Water stained; 65 degrees; 1.04 feet below pool. Striped bass are good in 4-60 feet of water deadsticking flukes, or fishing with Alabama rigs on windy days. The more cloud coverage the better the bite. Report by John Blasingame, Adventure Texoma Outdoors. Striped bass are great on flukes drifting the river channels using 5 inch split tail flukes on a two ounce jig head to get the bait down. Very light bite, so set the hook on any bump you get. The afternoon and evening bite has been the best with the cold temperatures. Crappie are slow on jigs fishing brush piles in 20 feet of water. Using electronics to target active fish, but catching a lot short of the minimum length to keep. Catfish are fair on cut shad drifting flats in 15-20 feet of water or anchored up deep around bait balls in 60-80 feet of water for smaller fish. Report by Jacob Orr Lake Texoma Guaranteed Guide Service.

said Conn. “She comes out of the water with the Alabama Rig hanging out of her mouth and she digs back down. I’m screaming for them to grab the net and once we got her in the net, I’m freaking out, hugging one of the clients while the other is hanging over the boat with the fish in the net. I finally got it together and we went over to pick her up. It was the biggest bass I’ve ever seen or caught.”

Conn then made his way to Elm Creek to officially weigh the fish and donate it to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) staff for the ShareLunker program.

Conn became the 10th angler to submit a fish this season and for the second year in a row, O.H. Ivie has delivered a fish over 17 pounds. Brodey Davis of Tuttle, Oklahoma, boated 17.06-pound ShareLunker 620 on Feb. 24 last year. Anglers are still chasing the Texas state record of 18.18 pounds, held by Barry St. Clair of Klondike with ShareLunker 105 from Lake Fork on Jan. 24, 1992. Conn was guiding a trip and instructing a client at the front of the boat when he spotted a big fish. That particular fish didn’t take the bait, but as they were drifting backwards in the boat, Conn saw his would-be ShareLunker under the trolling motor. He walked back to get into position and placed the bait.

“The bait went right over her head and she just smoked it,”

“This is an unbelievable feeling,” said Conn. “I’ve been bass fishing my entire life and I know this fish I caught is the result of the ShareLunker program. Watching what has been going on over the last couple of years with the program has been incredible. I know they are going to take good care of the fish. Hopefully she produces a lot of offspring that we can put all over the state.”



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Page 21 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 254.482.0935 • Pasture Mowing 5/24/22 Revised nathanprater@npfarmsliquidfeed.com Nathan Prater (903)449-2904 Nolin Prater (469)595-4420 Texas Lake Levels +/as of 2/17/23 Arlington 0.45 Benbrook-1.50 Bonham 0.16 Bridgeport-8.97 Eagle Mountain -3.51 Fork-2.27 Granbury-1.73 Grapevine1.58 Joe Pool 2.16 Lavon 0.65 Lewisville-0.01 Pat Mayse3.27 Possum Kingdom -6.92 Ray Hubbard-0.05 Ray Roberts-0.66 Tawakoni1.17 Texoma -0.87 Weatherford -7.60 710 Clarksvile • Paris, TX 903-783-0059 Get Your boat READY NOW for Spring & Summer Fun! Evinrude • Yamaha Mercruiser • Mercury • Johnson ALMOST TIME TO... 2/21/23 Cattlemen’sLivestockCommission SALE EVERY SATURDAY @11 A.M. Visit us on Facebook 1354 Clement Road • Paris, TX 903-784-2238 • 903-784-7800 Fax 903-785-6933 Mobile 903-782-6330 Charles Mallicote - 903-785-7191 STEERS 300 lbs and under: 1.00 - 2.75 300-400 lbs: 1.00 - 2.70 400-500 lbs: 1.00 - 2.55 500-600 lbs: 1.00 - 2.40 600-700 lbs: 1.00 - 2.00 700-800 lbs: 1.00 - 1.80 800 and up: 1.00 - 1.62.50 HEIFERS 300 lbs and under: 1.00 - 2.45 300-400 lbs: 1.00 - 2.40 400-500 lbs: 1.00 - 2.35 500-600 lbs: 1.00 - 2.20 600-700 lbs: 1.00 - 1.90 700-800 lbs: 1.00 - 1.60 800 and up: 1.00 - 1.55 SLAUGHTER Cows: 35 - 96 Bulls: 82 - 110 STOCKERS Stocker: 400 - 1400 Pairs: 450 - 1700 OTHERS Baby Calves: 150 - 350 Holstein Steers: 60 - 80 Holstein Heifers: 200 - 800 Goats & Sheep: 75 - 210 Sale Date: 2/11/23 Head: 737 Cows: 260 Bulls: 28 Calves: 444 Goats: 5
2/21/23 • 6 HOUR TRIPS • COMPANY TRIPS AVAILABLE • PRIVATE CHARTERS • BAIT & TACKLE FURNISHED • FISH CLEANED & BAGGED REX BRIDGES FISHING & HUNTING MOBILE # 903-814-8400 1-800-211-7808 www.rexbridges.com PO BOX 1148 POTTSBORO 75076 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONAL GUIDE SERVICE *STRIPER FISHING* Saturday Morning Fishing. Whaaaaaaaat ?? Wow!! Thanks Guys For Fishing With Us Out Of The Lighthouse Marina. Be Safe And God Bless.



National Forests and Grasslands in Texas Caddo - Lyndon B. Johnson National Grasslands

Notice is hereby given that the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service is considering an exchange of land with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD), under the authority of the General Exchange Act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 485, 486); the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of October 21, 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1716, 1717); and the Federal Land Exchange Facilitation Act of August 20, 1988 (102 Stat. 1086; 43 U.S.C. 1716). The Forest Service is interested in acquiring the non-Federal parcels and the exchange proposal is currently being analyzed to determine whether or not the land exchange is in the public interest.

All tracts involved in this exchange are located in Fannin County, Texas within the proclaimed boundary of the Caddo National Grassland. All of the following Federal and non-Federal tracts are located within an area bounded to the north by the North Sulphur River Channel, to the east by Farm-to-Market Road 2990, to the south by TX State Hwy. 34, and to the west by Farm-to-Market Road 68, except for Federal tracts C-154 and C-155. Tracts C-154 and C-155 are located on the southside of TX State Hwy. 34, east of the junction with Farm-to-Market Road 68.

The lands under the jurisdiction of the USDA Forest Service that are being considered for exchange are described as: A 99.026-acre tract out of the W. Chadwell Survey - Abstract 217 [Forest Service (FS) Tract C-6]; a 24.473-acre tract out of the K. Harwick Survey - Abstract 495 and W. Hutchins - Abstract 487 [FS Tract C-18]; a 40.19-acre tract out of the J. Nail Survey - Abstract 842 [FS Tract C-20]; a 33.25-acre tract out of the J. Nail Survey - Abstract 842 [FS Tract C-20a]; a 15.14-acre tract out of the J. Nail Survey - Abstract 842 [FS Tract C-20b]; a 23.025-acre tract out of the K. Harwick Survey - Abstract 495 and W. Hutchins - Abstract 487 [FS Tract C-26]; a 127.613-acre tract out of the K. Harwick Survey - Abstract 495 [FS Tract C-29]; a 62.453-acre tract out of the K. Harwick Survey - Abstract 495 [FS Tract C-30]; a 109.351-acre tract out of the J. Nail Survey - Abstract 842 [FS Tract C-31]; a 12.043-acre tract out of the J. Nail Survey - Abstract 842 [FS Tract C-35]; a 50.011-acre tract out of the J. Nail Survey - Abstract 842 [FS Tract C-38]; a 107.368-acre tract out of the J. Nail Survey - Abstract 842 [FS Tract C-41]; a 194.713-acre tract out of the D. Davis Survey - Abstract 269 and W. Perrin Survey - Abstract 873 [FS Tract C-53]; a 35.178-acre tract out of the W. Perrin Survey - Abstract 873 [FS Tract C-60]; a 13.385-acre tract out of the W. Perrin Survey - Abstract 873, partitioned out of 67.304 ac Tract C-59 [FS Tract C-61]; a 28.261-acre tract out of the J. Hart Survey - Abstract 492, T. Toby Survey - Abstract 1133, partitioned out of 75.68 acre Tract C-82 [FS Tract C-83]; a 9.892-acre tract out of the JB Goodman Survey - Abstract 408 [FS Tract C-154]; a 9.877-acre tract out of the JB Goodman Survey - Abstract 408 [FS Tract C-155]. Together with a right-of-way for a motorized trail, 20-foot in width, across Federal Tract C-82. Containing 995.366 acres, more or less.

The non-Federal lands that are being considered for exchange are described as: A 368.421-acre tract out of the James D. Goodman Survey - Abstract No. 407, Thomas Ware Survey - Abstract No. 1197, Alsey Fuller Survey - Abstract No. 395, Martha Moody Survey - Abstract No. 699, and James M. Sharp Survey

- Abstract No. 1028 [FS Tract C-25]; a 15.657-acre tract out of the Alsey Fuller Survey - Abstract No. 395 [FS Tract C-25a]; a 5.750-acre tract out of the of the Charles Logan Survey - Abstract No. 643 and Martha Moody SurveyAbstract No. 699 [FS Tract C-25b]; a 14.419-acre tract out of the of the Charles Logan Survey - Abstract No. 643 [FS Tract C-25c]; a 191.326-acre tract out of the of the Martha Moody Survey - Abstract No. 699 [FS Tract C-25d]; 29.280-acre tract out of the of the Martha Moody Survey - Abstract No. 699 [FS Tract C-25e]; a 28.872-acre tract out of the Thomas Toby Survey - Abstract No. 1133 [FS Tract C-25f]; a 30.527-acre tract out of the Thomas Toby Survey

- Abstract No. 1133 and Martha Moody Survey - Abstract No. 699 [FS Tract C-25g]; a 58.798-acre tract out of the Thomas Toby Survey - Abstract No. 1133 and Martha Moody Survey - Abstract No. 699 [FS Tract C-25h]; a 59.217acre tract out of the William Perrin Survey - Abstract No. 873, the William Lewis Survey - Abstract Number 649, and the Jason Wilson Survey - Abstract 1159 [FS Tract C-25i]; a 11.230-acre tract out of the Josiah Hart Survey - Abstract No. 492 and William Perrin Survey - Abstract No. 873 [FS Tract C-25j]; a 48.201-acre tract out of the William Lewis Survey - Abstract No. 649 [FS Tract C-25k]; a 26.137-acre tract out of the William Lewis Survey -- Abstract No. 649 [FS Tract C-25l]; a 44.919-acre tract out of the of the Robert Fleming Survey - Abstract No. 377 [FS Tract C-25m]; a 47.808-acre tract out of the of the Robert Fleming Survey - Abstract No. 377 [FS Tract C-25n]; a 15.691-acre tract out of the of the Robert Fleming Survey - Abstract No. 377 [FS Tract C-25o].

Containing 996.253 acres, more or less.

Any or all of the above-described lands may be exchanged. If the values are unequal, either party may equalize the values by making a cash payment, not to exceed 25 percent of the value of the lands transferred out of Federal ownership. The non-Federal lands proposed for acquisition by the Forest Service may include wetlands and floodplains along the creek segments. The Federal lands proposed for conveyance by the Forest Service may include wetlands and floodplains along the creek segments.

In addition, the exchange is expected to meet Forest-wide standards and guidelines, and the Management Area direction as described in the Land and Resource Management Plan. However, there may be a need for project-specific Forest Plan Amendment in regard to standards for Forest Plan Management Area (MA) 8d – Natural Heritage Areas. The conveyance of Federal Tract C-61, 13.4 acres, is within MA 8d and would not meet Forest Plan standard MA-8d-52 which states “Retain all lands as public lands”. The 2012 Planning Rule (36 CFR 219) requires notice of which substantive requirements of sections 219.8 through 219.11 are likely to be related to the amendment. Suspension of Forest Plan standard MA8d-52, through an amendment, is likely related to the consideration of § CFR 219.9(a)(2) Diversity of plant and animal communities.

The scoping comment period for this project is being combined with the 45-day notification and comment period requirement for proposed land exchanges. The public is invited to submit any comments or concerns about the exchange proposal, including advising the Forest Service of any liens, encumbrances, or other claims relating to the lands being considered for exchange, as well as any comments on the proposed project-specific Forest Plan Amendment.

Comments received, including names and addresses of those who commented, will be considered part of the public record for this proposed action and will be available for public inspection. Comments submitted anonymously will be accepted and considered; however, anonymous comments will not provide the agency with the ability to provide the respondent with subsequent environmental documents.

This project is expected to be documented in an environmental assessment and decision notice; and will be subject to objection (see 36 CFR 220.7).

Comments must be submitted in writing to the District Ranger, Caddo-LBJ National Grasslands, 1400 US Highway 81/287, Decatur, TX 76234, within 45 days after the initial date of publication of this notice. Comments may also be submitted electronically via the online comment form at: https://cara.fs2c.usda.gov/Public//CommentInput?Project=63528

Please state “Caddo Land Exchange” in the subject line when providing electronic responses, or on the envelope when replying by mail.

For maps and more information on the proposed exchange, visit the project-specific link at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/ project/?project=63528

If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Bataineh, Lands, Minerals, Special Uses Program Manager, National Forests & Grassland in Texas, at amanda.bataineh@usda.gov or by phone at 936-639-8580.

Dates of Publication: February 21, February 28, March 7, and March 14, 2023.

Creative Arts Center Continues

Planning for Bonham Heritage Day Festival

Press Release - The next Committee Planning meeting for the Bonham Heritage Day Festival will take place on Saturday February 25th, 2023 at 10:30am at the Creative Arts Center at 200 W. 5th St. Bonham, TX. If you would like to be involved, please RSVP to 903-640-2196 or email BonArtCenter@gmail.com by Thursday February 23rd. Applications for Vendors and Musicians are currently being accepted; email for information.

Bonham Animal Shelter

Chili Cook-Off

Fundraiser & Silent Auction

March 4, 2023 • 4pm - 6pm

Chili - $10 • Hot Dogs - $5 • Entry Fee: $25

Roy Floyd Community Center

1100 W. 5th St., Bonham

Contact: 903-640-8245

Presented by the volunteer program: BASV Bonham Animal Shelter Volunteers

Protect Your Child from Internet Crime------ And Your Pocket Book

We live in a mobile, technology rich world where you can literally buy or do anything from a phone, tablet or any other device that can connect to the Internet--and so can your kids. This is both a good thing as well as a bad thing! From an adult standpoint, it makes life easier; however it is also that much easier to overspend with a credit card and spending online may open you up for identity theft.

Now let’s talk about the kids. There are kids out there as young as five (5) years old with cell phones and most are smart enough to use yours if you do not have a block on it. The range of problems with kids run from a child talking to a pedophile and giving out personal information to happily shopping on line, especially on EBay, or connecting with someone that wants to know when mommy and daddy go to work so they can burglarize the house, or in a worst case scenario, kidnap a child that has been left at

home alone. Yes, it does happen. We have to teach them early about scams and things that are too good to be true. We have to install software that will keep them off of inappropriate websites, such as in pornography. We have a responsibility to know what our kids are doing on line and with whom. Sexting is extremely popular with pre-teens and teens; this is where nude or seminude pictures and are sent to a “friend”; unfortunately, it often happens that those pictures go viral. Embarrassed kid, embarrassed family. We have to know what is on our kid’s phones, laptops or any other device.

Electronic devices are great for kids and can be very educational; however, they can also be very damaging and can get them into trouble. DO NOT LET YOUR CHILD BE A VICTIM OF INTERNET CRIME!

This Crime Prevention Tip brought to you by Constable Kevin Mayberry and Deputy Constable John E. Hunt, PCT 3 Crime Prevention

Fannin County Amateur Radio Club Class Announcement

The Fannin County Amateur Radio Club will be starting a new class to help you study to pass your amateur radio Technician License exam. This class is offered at no cost, and we will be utilizing Zoom to host our class sessions virtually. What this means is that you can join us from the comfort of your own home.

Our new class will be offered twice a week, starting on Monday, February 20th. Classes will meet from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Mondays and Thursdays each week through the end of March.

As a bonus, the club is authorized to administer testing for all amateur license classes, as we have a number of certified Volunteer Examiners available, and we can schedule a testing session whenever you feel ready. Each class is designed to help you focus on specific topics or lessons, designed to help even the most inexperienced person

be better prepared. Additionally, at the end of each class, you have the opportunity to take a practice exam, which uses the same questions and answer pool that the actual license tests utilized, giving you more exposure on what questions might be asked, and their answers.

We also understand that you might not be able to attend every class session, so we are prepared to help you address any missed classes and information.

We do need you to sign up, if you are interested in pursuing an amateur radio license. Please send us a message Fannin County Amateur Radio Club Facebook page or to Secretary Sarah Richardson at sarah.sue.richardson@gmail. com (with Technician class in the subject line) with your name, email address, and the best phone number to reach you at. We will be sending out the class information, including the Zoom meeting invitations, to all who register.

Page 22 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO

FEBRUARY 2023 Newsletter


Starving neglected horses. We see the online pictures of horses at the sale and want to give them a better life. If you are able to responsibly rescue and rehabilitate a sale or kill pen horse, precautions must be taken to protect your other horses at home from getting sick. Most

of the strangles cases seen by Dr. Hayes are sale and kill pen horses. ALL new horses should be isolated for 4 weeks for observation. If the rescue horse has or develops a snotty nose and fever, there is a good chance that it has strangles. Now you have just brought it home. Strangles is a highly contagious upper respiratory disease caused by a Strep infection of the nose, pharynx, guttural pouches and

throat lymph nodes. The Strep equi bacteria is inhaled in the nose or drank from the contaminated water trough. It then enters the lymph nodes of the pharynx and under the jaw by the throat. These lymph nodes enlarge sometimes impinging on the trachea causing difficulty in breathing (hence the name Strangles). The lymph nodes fill with pus and then rupture releasing the strep filled pus out the nose or jaw and into the water trough where it can live for 30 days. The Strep equi bacteria is also in the guttural pouches, sinuses, and throat where it can be shed nasally by the horse for 30

days with no signs of external abscesses.

Strangles Signs

1. Fever of 102 or more. Fever is the first sign 3-4 days after exposure and can last 7-28 days until the abscesses rupture.

2. Snotty nose.

3. Enlarged or ruptured pus draining abscesses under the jaw, above the eye, or in the throatlatch. The abscesses can also occur inside the top of the hind leg or internally (so called Bastard Strangles).

4. Extended head position and difficulty breathing.

5. Severity of the disease varies with age and immunity from


previous infection or vaccination and with the strain of the Strep equi bacteria.


Diagnosis is made from clinical signs of fever, enlarged or ruptured jaw lymph nodes. Pus coming from the lymph node can be cultured to confirm strep equi. When the horse has a fever of 102+, nasal swabs of the snotty nose can be sent off for a PCR test to check for Strep equi, Flu or Rhino EHV1. A nasal wash of the throat or guttural pouch can confirm the horse has cleared or still shedding the Strep equi. This is the best way to check for those asymptomatic carriers.

Treatment 1. Give Banamine or Bute for the fever.

2. Dr Hayes will lance the strangles abscesses under the jaw and have you flush them with mild iodine twice a day.

3. Penicillin is only given if the horse cannot breathe or has purpura severe swelling of the legs. Otherwise, it prolongs the abscess rupture and the disease.

4. Four weeks after the horse has healed from the ruptured lymph nodes and snotty nose, a guttural pouch wash sample is collected and sent off for testing. The guttural pouch can be flushed and treated at this time, especially if there is pus coming out of it as seen on the endoscope exam. If the test is positive, we treat the guttural pouches, then test & treat again in 4 weeks until we get a negative test.


APPLICATION. City of Savoy, P.O. Box 176, Savoy, Texas 75479, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to renew Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0014273001 (EPA I.D. No. TX0023299) to authorize the discharge of treated wastewater at a volume not to exceed a daily average flow of 150,000 gallons p er day. The domestic wastewater treatment facility is located at 601 North Cedar Street, Savoy, in Fannin County, Texas 75479. The discharge route is from the plant site to an unnamed tributary; thence to Valley Lake; thence Brushy Creek; thence to Red River Below Lake Texoma. TCEQ received this application on January 19, 2023. The permit application will be available for viewing and copying at Savoy City Hall, 405 East Hayes Street, Savoy, Texas prior to the date it is published in the newspaper. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. https://gisweb.tceq.texas.gov/LocationMapper/?marker=-96.368055,33.605833&level=18

ADDITIONAL NOTICE. TCEQ’s Executive Director has determined the application is administratively complete and will conduct a technical review of the application. After technical review of the application is complete, the Executive Director may prepare a draft permit and will issue a preliminary decision on the application. Notice of the Application and Preliminary Decision will be published and mailed to those who are on the county-wide mailing list and to those who are on the mailing list for this application. That notice will contain the deadline for submitting public comments.

PUBLIC COMMENT / PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting on this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comments or to ask questions about the application. TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the Executive Director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing.

OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. After the deadline for submitting public comments, the Executive Director will consider all timely comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. Unless t he application is directly referred for a contested case hearing, the response to comments, and the Executive Director’s decision on the application, will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments and to those persons who are on the mailing list for this application. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision and for requesting a contested case hearing. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court.

TO REQUEST A CONTESTED CASE HEARING, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN YOUR REQUEST: your name, address, phone number; applicant’s name and proposed permit number; the location and distance of your property/activities relative to the proposed facility; a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the facility in a way not common to the general public; a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during the comment period and, the statement “[I/we] request a contested case hearing.” If the request for contested case hearing is filed on behalf of a group or association, the request must designate the group’s representative for receiving future correspondence; identify by name and physical address an individual member of the group who would be adversely affected by the proposed facility or activity; provide the information discussed above regarding the affected member’s location and distance from the facility or activity; explain how and why the member would be affected; and explain how the interests the group seeks to protect are relevant to the group’s purpose.

Following the close of all applicable comment and request periods, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.

The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the subject of a hearing will be limited to disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material water quality concerns submitted during the comment period. TCEQ may act on an application to renew a permit for discharge of wastewater without providing an opportunity for a contested case hearing if certain criteria are met.

MAILING LIST. If you submit public comments, a request for a contested case hearing or a reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision, you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In addition, you may request to be placed on: (1) the permanent mailing list for a specific applicant name and permit number; and/ or (2) the mailing list for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent and/or the county mailing list, clearly specify which list(s) and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.

INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. For details about the status of the application, visit the Commissioners’ Integrated Database at www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cid. Search the database using the permit number for this application, which is provided at the top of this notice.

AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at https://www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address, and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, Toll Free, at 1-800-687-4040 or visit their website at www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/pep Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.

Further information may also be obtained from City of Savoy at the address stated above or by calling Mrs. Missy Rickman at 903-9657709.

Issuance Date: February 13, 2023

Prevention 1. Isolation of any new horse or mini especially from a sale or rescue for 4 weeks. Also isolate mares and babies that have returned home from the breeding farm.

2. Nasal wash PCR or do two blood test titers to check for asymptomatic carrier state of a new or isolated horse.

3. Vaccination with two intranasal or intramuscular vaccines six and three weeks before departure to the breeding farm or trainer (Do not vaccinate during an outbreak)

Strangles Outbreak Management

1 Do not move any horses. Quarantine all horses in their pastures and barns. (The only way that you are allowed to move a horse is to move the sick one to an isolation stall or barn if you have one)

2 Obtain history of any new horse brought in last 2 months to determine source of the infection.

3 Keep all horses in the location (pasture or barn) where the outbreak began. This is the RED zone. These horses have been exposed and will get sick with Strangles and 1 of them is your shedder the source of the outbreak.

4 Identify the horses that have had nose to nose contact, share a common fence or water trough with the sick horses. This is your YELLOW zone These horses have be exposed and can get sick.

5 Identify the horses with no contact, no common fence line or barn. This is the GREEN zone.

6 Feed, hay and water the green zone first Don’t go back there after you went to yellow or red.

7 Take temperature of yellow zone horses am and pm to find the new sick ones. Feed the yellow zone. Empty the water trough daily, scrub with dilute bleach and then fill.

8 Take temperatures of the RED zone horses to identify the sick ones. Give the horses with fever Banamine or Bute. Feed the red zone. Empty and bleach the water trough daily. Spray Lysol on your shoes and go change your clothes and jackets.

9 Repeat the green to yellow to red zone temperature, feeding and water change in the evening.

10 PCR test the RED and Yellow horses 4 weeks after the last horse has healed from the ruptured strangles abscesses to identify the carriers. Treat the carriers and test again in 4 weeks.

Continued page 25

See Hayes Equine

Page 24 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO

Continued from 24

Hayes Equine

Last year Hayes Equine did a study with Merck vaccine company where we nasal swab tested 10 horses that had a snotty nose and 102+ fever. One third of the horses tested positive for strangles with no enlarged lymph nodes. Two of the horses were rescues. One horse got it from new miniature horses that were brought in with a snotty nose and cough, and later a lymph node abscess rupture. This year Dr Hayes’ horse at the trainer got strangles. A new weanling with a snotty nose arrived from the Kentucky sale and was put next to her horse. Because those two horses were in a separate barn with runs, quarantined, fed last with disinfection, and clothes changing no other horses got it. Lesson learned: ALWAYS


There is another Strep bacteria that can cause one enlarged lymph node called Strep Zoo. It is not very common. There is not any fever with it. Sometimes it follows a snotty nose, cough, or mild upper respiratory infection. The horse with one large jaw lymph node shows no sign of sickness, eats, rides etc. It settles into the one lymph node below the jaw and causes a large lymph node for a month rarely rupturing. When it gets ripe then I lance it.

Another cause of enlarged lymph nodes under the jaw is when the horse has a virus. The lymph nodes become a little enlarged. The difference is that the lymph nodes are soft and not painful.

Strangles lymph nodes are always hard and painful.

Castration Signs: Feb. 18th thru Feb.24th

“My treasures do not clink together or glitter; They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night.”

Happenings Community

Non-Profit Meetings & Events

BEDCO Meeting - 3rd Monday each month

5:30pm • Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St.

City of Bonham City Council Meeting

2nd Monday each month

5:30pm • Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St.

Commissioners Court Meeting

Fannin County Courthouse, 2nd Floor

Tuesday morning, February 28th @ 9am

Bois ‘d Arc Lake Board Meeting

1st Thursday of the month.

8am @ Fannin County Courthouse, 2nd Floor

Public Notice - City of Ladonia

Notice of Public hearing regarding the abandonment of N. Stevens Street

The City Council of Ladonia will conduct public hearings at 7:00pm on 2/27/23 and again on 3/6/23 to consider abandonment of the roadway known as N Stevens Street. The area under consideration is the road bed known as N Stevens at the West entry to the Cemetery and extending North and North East as follows : Starting at Point 1 at the SE corner of Property ID 99883; thence North to the NE corner of 99883; thence NE as marked on Exhibit A across 89735 to the N property line of 89735; thence North along the West boundary of 76223, to a curve that heads E for a stopping point at Point 2.



The Planning and Zoning Commission for The City of Honey Grove.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in Lyday Hall of Hall Voyer Library, 500 N. 6th Street, the Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing and consider the following:

(A). Consider and act on a Zone Change from Commercial to Residential, located at 200 S. 6th Street, Honey Grove, Texas, containing .751 Acres. The request is made by Todd Morrison, developer and Kevin Mayberry, land owner.

Immediately following this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, Honey Grove City Council will meet TUESDAY, March 14, 2023 in Lyday Hall of Hall Voyer Library, 500 N. 6th Street, to consider this request and the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Interested parties are encouraged to attend. If you have questions concerning this matter, please contact the City Secretary, Sally Wright at 903-378-3033.

Sally Wright City Secretary Honey Grove, Texas

This facility is wheel chair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Persons with disabilities planning to attend this meeting and need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 378-3033 before 1:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting so that the appropriate arrangements can be made.



Fannin County will be conducting an on-line auction for the sale of surplus items consisting of:

1975 Hyster Lowboy Trailer

1995 CPS Belly Dump Trailer

2002 West Tex Belly Dump Trailer

1994 Gradall G3WD

1999 John Deere 310E Backhoe

Log Splitter

Air Compressor (bolts in truck bed)

3 - Tool Boxes

2 - Lights

3 - Water Transfer Pumps

Cub Cadet Zero Turn Lawnmower

Air Compressor

4 - 18.00 - 25 Tires

Pull-behind Roller

8 yard Dump Truck

2 - 4BTU Cummins Motors


Dodge Tugger

15’ Dragon Service shredder

2001 Belly Dump Trailer

Various Old Bucket Attachments (5)

6 tires (4 newer, 2 old - used on motor grader)

Wood Stove

2001 Dodge pickup


Cat 446B Backhoe

Brush Chipper w/spare tire

110 gal diesel tank

Shop Air Compressor

2 - Weed Eaters

1 - 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet

Pressure Washer

2 - Semi Hitches

Brush Hog

1 Ton Dump Truck


1992 Volvo GMC Tractor

Motorized Roller GSA

2016 John Deere 5065E Utility Tractor (like new)

The auction will start ending at 11:00 AM CST on March 14, 2023. The inspection dates and times to physically view and inspect items will be listed on the auction website or call 903-572-4975 for more information. View and bid on items at www.AuctioneerExpress.com , Dale McGonagill – TX13801

Report Suspected Child Abuse


You can make a difference!

Manna House

Food Pantry

When: Tuesday • 1pm - 5pm.

Where: 914 S. 5th St. Bonham (across from Calvary Baptist Church.) For more information: 903-583-3910

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available.

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Take action for yourself and be there for others.

Notice of Public Hearing before the Commissioners Court

Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners Court of Fannin County, Texas will hold a public hearing starting at 8:50am, Tuesday, March 7, 2023. This will be held at the Fannin County Courthouse, 101 E. Sam Rayburn Drive, Bonham, TX. All interested citizens of the County are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. Please check Fannin County’s website under Upcoming Meetings (www.co.fannin.tx.us) up to 72 hours before the meeting for more details.

The Commissioners Court will consider a change of zoning for portions of Property ID#s 126987, 79950, and 79951. Approximately 29.67 acres on the south side of Bois d’Arc Lake (on the east and west sides of FM 1396) - Requested zoning change: From A&R, Agriculture and Ranching district to PD, Planned Development District.

For additional information & official protest forms contact Development Services 903449-4220 or email at development@fanninco.net. Zoning Regulations and information can be found on the Development Services website http://www.co.fannin.tx.us/page/ fannin.developmentservices. Zoning map can be found on the Fannin CAD interactive map https://www.fannincad.org/interactive-map/

Page 25 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 2/14/23
Page 26 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 WINTER’S ON ITS WAY! We Install Turn Key Kohler & Generac Whole Home Backup Generators Looking for Native American Indians, Alaskan Natives, or Native Hawaiians needing assistance finding employment or vocational training. Must be a member of a U.S. Federally recognized tribe with a supporting document from a U.S. Federally recognized Tribe’s Tribal Rolls and Records office & reside within our designated service area in TX. Call: 1-877-717-6101 or apply online: at www.acwia.org Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Section 166, 20 CFR 684.300(a) (1) An Indian, as determined by a policy of the INA program grantee; or (2) An Alaska Native; or (3) A Native Hawaiian. 8/29/17 DALE R. ROSE Car Wreck? Fall? Injured? INJURY LAWYER New Bonham Office: 211 N. Main St. Suite 201 Bonham, TX 75418 Allen Office: 80 E. McDermott Dr. Allen, TX 75002 w www roseknowslaw com dale@roseknowslaw com 972-634-ROSE (7673) 2/21/23 Don’t expect that the other driver’s insurance company is going to take care of you because they won’t unless you know how to get what you deserve. Call Attorney Dale R. Rose as soon as you can and let him fight with the insurance companies for you! He knows how to get you the best results for your injuries! Let him put his 26 years of experience to work for you. Free Consultation – No Upfront Costs! DALE R. ROSE Car Wreck? Fall? Injured? INJURY LAWYER New Bonham Office: 211 N. Main St. Suite 201 Bonham, TX 75418 Allen Office: 80 E. McDermott Dr. Allen, TX 75002 www roseknowslaw com dale@roseknowslaw com 972-634-ROSE (7673) Don’t expect that the other driver’s insurance company is going to take care of you because they won’t unless you know how to get what you deserve. Call Attorney Dale R. Rose as soon as you can and let him fight with the insurance companies for you! He knows how to get you the best results for your injuries! Let him put his 26 years of experience to work for you. Free Consultation – No Upfront Costs! 2 /21/22 Are YOU Tired Of Big Government? RECLAIM SELF-GOVERNANCE Texas HD62 COS Meeting Monday, February 27, 2023 ♦ 6:30 PM Lake Bonham VFW Post 4852 ♦ 1610 Mitchell Dr., Bonham, TX Meeting Topic: Gearing Up For 88; training on online tools for the selfgoverning citizen for the upcoming 88th Legislative Session. Political ad paid for by Brenda Jeter Laura offers balloon decor, flower and candy arrangements, table and chair rental and much more. Laura Ventura 903-486-1395 Check her out on Facebook! Photo by Randy Holland Ribbon Cutting for Balloons & More Free Dementia Education Seminar Hope for Tomorrow Saturday March 4, 2023 8:30am - 3:00pm Reserve your spot today! Bethlehem Baptist Church 1415 Franklin Ave., Bonham Email: info@bethlehemofbonham. net Call Kathy Shockley 214-540-2434 Breakfast & Lunch Provided Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~ Mark Twain Call or Text 911 for Emergency Help Cooke, Fannin & Grayson Counties
Page 27 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280 3-26-19 JOSE VAZQUEZ Lawn Maintenance, Landscaping, Tree Trimming, Brush Clearing, Fencing, Pipe Fence, Gutters/Drainage, House Painting, Power Washing, Firewood and more! Ph: 903-227-5898 farmandlawn78@gmail.com 8403 N. State Hwy 78 Ravenna, TX 75476 Ph: 903-583-1259 www.guardiangaragedoor.com GUARDIAN GARAGE DOORS Repair • Service • Installation VETERAN OWNED & OPERATED 903.274.2414 9/28/21 Nash Enterprises Joel Nash / Owner New Construction and Remodeling joelnash677@yahoo.com (903)456-3783 PO Box 103 Dodd City, TX 75438 8/3/21 We Do New Construction Residential Plumbing Plumbing Tek M-40891 Kitchen/Lab Faucets, Shower Trims Toilet Change Outs, Tubs, Water Heaters, Tankless Installs, Plumbing Repairs FREE ESTIMATES! 1613 N. Center St. • 903-583-9196 6/15/21 Oil Change • State Inspection • Tire Repair FREE ICE CREAM PARKER CONSTRUCTION Remodeling & Fencing Your Satisfaction Is Our Future Kitchen Remodeling • Bath Remodeling Siding • Windows • Add-Ons • House Leveling Also offering Lawn Care Services Owner: Bill Parker 903-227-9528 4-12-22 1/26/21 Services LLC Property Improvements Johnny Horton • 940-704-7760 LOCALLY VETERAN OWNED U.S. AIR FORCE 21 YEARS Skid Steer Operations Demolition & Site Clean-Up Dumpster Services Auger & Trencher Work Tractor Mowing (Large & Small Acreage) Payment Plan Options J C 5/31/22 Millers Garage 903-486-6223 All makes and models Gas and diesel Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm 405 Katy Blvd Bonham Texas 75418 Call for appointment Mobile HoMe ServiceS DeckS Skirting FloorS batHS Painting leveling rooFS QualiFieD FHa concrete runner • • • • • • • • 903-640-6999 • texaS one call DoeS it all! electric & Water lineS 407 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX 75418 903-449-4341 bonhamcustommemorials@gmail.com netxmonuments.com Like Us On Facebook 9/20/22 Residential Commercial Scott Dobbels New Construction / Emergency Repairs Or Anything In Between! License# M-39756 Phone# 903-486-6977 Danny Davidson 903-227-1625 HANDYMAN Anything on your Honey-Do List your Honey won’t do? Call ME!! Bathrooms Flooring Trim Work Remodel Much More... 9/6/22 Justin Miller Office: 903-583-7867 10/4/22 BILL GEORGE CUSTOM METAL BUILDINGS We build: Shops, Barns, Custom Metal Buildings, Pole/Hay Barns, Barndo’s, Metal Houses, Fences, Entry-ways all types of custom metal work. Call us for a free estimate today! Bill George 903-583-0298 9035831137 11/22/22 We love our Veterans and Seniors. Ask about our discount! 40 Years Experience Master Plumber, LLC David Phemister M37363 VETERANS PLUMBING 1/3/23 JOHN KINMAN FENCES 47 Years Still Practicing John Kinman Ph.D. Post Hole Digger 903-965-4251 51 Years Still Practicing CHAIN LINK • WOOD • WROUGHT IRON • PIPE • VINYL • REPAIRS John Kinman Fences  (903) 583 - 0418 • 1521 N Hwy 121 Bonham, TX • Authorized Repair Facility 1/24/23 We Service All Equipment! 2/7/23 CA$H FOR JUNK MOWERSTILLERSGO-KARTS CARSCAMPERSCHAINSAWS BICYCLESGOLF CARTS MINI BIKESETC.FREE HAUL-OFF 903-624-3488 


Fannin County History The Road Down Memory Lane

“A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.” Robert Heinlein, American author

Photos courtesy of the Fannin County Historical Museum three blocks south of the Courthouse Square in Bonham, One Main Street Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8042 Visit Facebook: “Fannin County Historical Group”

American Theatre Movie House, North Main Street Bonham

The American Theater was opened on October 8, 1921. It was remodeled in 1938, again on June 27, 1948, and finally in December 1954. It was demolished in the early-2000’s after the building collapsed and fell into the street.

Sales Professional Seth Woodworth is always willing to stay late to help his fellow associates with vehicle deliveries. He has an exceptional product knowledge and makes sure the customers are well informed when they leave.


903-304-5808 www.horatiodental.com greatsmile@horatiodental.com

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- Root Canals including Molar Root Canal

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- All Dental Emergency Services

1400 N Center St. Suite 100 Bonham, Texas OFFICE HOURS: 10:00am - 6:00pm (M-F), 9:00am - 2:00pm (Alternate Saturdays)

Page 28 • February 21, 2023 • 903-583-3280

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