The Fannin County
eader The Paper Of Record for Fannin County Texas
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May 14, 2019 Serving all of Fannin County For 46 Years Locally owned & operated Follow The Leader
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Classifieds are on pages: 18, 19, 21
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The Courthouse is Ready to Clean Rock and Roll
that airborne concentra- the protective suits and tions of lead do not reach respirators will no longer 30 micrograms per cubic be required and work will By Sandy Hood begin their work on the providing mockups to de- product effectiveness. exterior cleaning. You termine the appropriate The existing paint lay- meter of air outside of continue with the basic This is what you have will see men in white and gentlest way to clean ers underneath the mas- the lead controlled area. PPE. Steps to cleaning the been waiting for, evidence Tyvek suits and respirator the limestone. They will tic are known to contain Air quality will be tested 4/30/19 that work is happening masks working around perform a small test area lead. This is why the crew right away to ensure the outside: • Brush surface to reon the courthouse. The the outside of the court- for each type of substrate will be wearing the Tyvek safety of all. Once air all loose coating Qualitymove • Made in the USA! week of May 13th, Fron- house. What are they do- and paint coating prior to and respirators. The area sample return in under • Apply product to limetier Waterproofing will ing? They will begin by full application to ensure will be protected to ensure the 30 microgram count, stone surface • Allow to sit for 24/48 hours • Rinse and neutralize surface Turner Construction Company is the Construction Management Agent for the Fannin County Courthouse Restoration Project. They will be moving into an office across from the courthouse on the south side for the remaining duration of this project. Even though it looked like work was not being accomplished recently, work was being done: • April 1st - Texas Historic Commission gave input on value engineering ideas and alternates that Architexas incorporated into drawings and specification. • April 16th – FronCarol Ann Miller, Administrative Assistant; Kenneth Sheppard, Jr., LFDHI; Jill Sheppard, BS Audiology, LFDHI; tier Waterproofing was Cassidae King, Doctor of Audiology; Deborah Boring, Practice Administrator selected to perform the exterior cleaning of the courthouse. • April 22nd – DrawIn addition to a thorough exam, the professionals at HearCare provide you with a ings and Specifications received from Architexas comprehensive analysis of options/features/prices tailored to fit your needs. • April 23rd – Turner Const. held a Community Personalized service offers a full range of options, a generous number of follow-up visits and the Outreach Event to solicit opportunity to change styles/models within a specified period. interest by local suppliers, vendors and prime At HearCare, our highest priority is ensuring that you receive a hearing aid that matches your contractors for Phase II. This was also to educate needs, fits correctly and works well in your environment. Best Audiologist/ the marketplace about the project and opportuHearing Aid Center nity. Several contractors attended this event. • May 9th – Pre-Con2-week Free In-Home Trial. Some restrictions apply. struction meeting was conducted with Frontier Waterproofing, Fannin County, Environmental Consultants, Texas Historical Commission, Architect and Turner Construction in the morning. http://www.crabtreeamishfurniture.com
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Continued See Courthouse on page 2
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Contact 903-583-3280 to Sponsor a Student/ Purchase an Ad. 5/8/2019 10:56:49 AM