Date: May 16, 2024
Location: Derrell Hall Education Center, 2505 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 75418
Time: 6:00 PM
Bonham, TX: Buzzing with excitement, young bee enthusiasts are invited to immerse themselves in the captivating world of beekeeping at the Beekeeping Basics: Youth Project Meeting. Scheduled for May 16th at the Derrell Hall Education Center, this event promises an evening filled with education, networking, and delicious food.
Learn the Buzz: Delve into the intricacies of beekeeping as experts share insights on hive management and honey production. From novices to seasoned enthusiasts, there’s something for everyone eager to explore the fascinating realm of beekeeping.
Network with Fellow Beekeepers: Forge connections with like-minded individuals
who share your passion for bees. Whether you’re a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced beekeeper keen on expanding your network, this event offers the perfect platform to connect with others in the community.
Fun and Food: Relish a casual and enjoyable atmosphere complete with free pizza and refreshing drinks. Indulge your taste buds while soaking in the wealth of knowledge shared by seasoned beekeeping professionals.
Get Involved: Discover how you can kickstart your own beekeeping projects and contribute to environmental sustainability. Uncover the steps to embark on your beekeeping journey and make a positive impact on the ecosystem.
No Cost to Attend: This event is entirely free, welcoming all young bee enthusiasts to participate and learn. Whether you're a curious beginner or a
budding beekeeper, seize this opportunity to dive into the world of beekeeping.
Spread the Buzz: Like, share, and tag your friends who share your interest in beekeeping. Let’s rally together to ignite the passion for beekeeping among the youth and foster a community dedicated to environmental stewardship. For more information, contact Cody Maxwell at cody.maxwell@ag.tamu.edu or call 903583-7453 ext:2.
Mark your calendars and join us for an evening buzzing with excitement and enlightenment! See you there!
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Tuesday, May 7, 2024, Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham called to order at 9:00 a.m., the Regular Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. Quorum was established with all County Commissioners and County Judge present. The Invocation was led by Pastor Dana Coker of the 1st United Methodist Church of Bonham. Pledges were led by Major James Manis, Retired.
4. Introductions: Judge Cunningham welcomed Honey Grove Mayor Claude Caffee, Fannin County Chief Appraiser Tylene Gamble, Honey Grove’s Fire Department Chief Joey Rickman.
a record of significant events (such as those affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes. There are 132 Historical Markers in Fannin County according to the Texas Historical Commission (THC) website. Each week I will search the County and post a pic along with the Marker location and the Marker text. If you have a specific Marker you want to see in the Leader, email the pic to fcltimmeek@gmial.com “A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.”
Marker Text:
Located approximately two miles south of Red River, Mulberry was established in the early 1880s as a small farming community. One of the first settlers in Mulberry was Civil War CaptainThomas Lightfoot and his family from Alabama, who bought several thousand acres of land along Red River. In 1883, Thomas Lightfoot donated land to the Mulberry community to be used for a cemetery and a one-room school. Eventually, Mulberry school closed and half of its property was sold by D. B. Deupree in 1951 to the cemetery. Joe C. Denton paid for the land as a gift to the community.
The oldest part of the cemetery is located on the north end overlooking Mulberry bottom. The first recorded burial on the property was that of two-year-old Allis May, in 1876. Other early burials date as far back as 1881. In the northwest corner of the original burial ground is the Mexican section shaded with trees. The first Mexican family to come to Mulberry was Ferman and Rossaria Portillo and their three children in 1902. Over the years the community experienced multiple natural disasters which took several lives. Some of these events include: the 1905 flooding of Mulberry bottom, 1919 Mulberry cyclone and the 1959 tornado which destroyed many of the tombstones and cemetery fence.
5. Public Forum: Justice of the Peace for Precinct 1, Kenny Karl, noted he wasn’t against the use of the Windom Building for future housing of EMS services, but wanted to advise the court that the current condition of the building would require a prohibitive cost to bring it to a usable state for those services. He then commented on a service from Four Feathers that he had asked for in the past (the
ability to create card keys for access to the building) that he had not received and requested that any agreement with them have it specifically noted that such services would be provided. Bonham resident Rusty Deets would comment next on what he viewed as impractical plans to keep the costs of the Justice Center low by continuing to use two buildings (the South Annex) instead of selling them and putting the money from the sell to fund room in the Justice Center. Judge Cunningham was last to speak and noted when he ran for public office, he knew he would commit to honesty, transparency and open discussion of all issues. He also noted when he had become an attorney years ago, he had taken an oath to preserve the Constitution, the laws of the United States and the laws of the State of Texas. He then called Ms. Gamble to the podium to speak on item #11 about the new law she would be explaining to the court.
6. Approve payment of bills – County Auditor: Fannin County Auditor Alicia
Whipple noted the bills were in the amount of $336,012.10. Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve payment with Commissioner Self seconding the motion which passed.
7. Approve Minutes from 03/05/2024(R) and 03/12/2024(R) – County Clerk: After the court reviewed the minutes, Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.
8. Report of monies received by the Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 office for March 2024; $16,122.00 –County Judge (for JP 1): Information only
9. Report of monies received by the Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 office for March 2024; $7,092.90 –County Judge (for JP 3): Informational only DISCUSSION, CONSIDERATION AND ACTION ITEMS:
10. Approve Agreement between Fannin County and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department naming the Tax Assessor-Collector as Agent for boat registrations in Fannin County through August 31, 2025 – Tax AssessorCollector: Fannin County Tax Assessor-Collector Amber Sutherland spoke to note her office would take the training that would allow the additional handling of registration of boats for Fannin County residents only, at this time, with the approval and passing of the agreement noted in the agenda (with title transfers and other services being added at a later unspecified date). After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.
11. Discussion and possible action regarding Child Care Facility tax exemptions per Texas Tax Code §11.36 –Commissioner Precinct 2 for Fannin Central Appraisal District Chief Appraiser: Fannin County Central Appraisal District Chief Apprais-
er Tylene Gamble, spoke to explain a new law that allows a child care facility, where at least 20% of the children are enrolled with subsidized childcare services provided through a Texas Workforce Commission program, to possibly (other requirements are involved) qualify for tax exemption. After detailing the conditions of the law, she noted there was one facility to her knowledge that qualified for this provision and three others were currently working on being qualified. After some discussion, it was decided the court should pass on making any decisions on this for a week to better understand the law. Commissioner Self made the motion to pass on this for a week with Commissioner McQueen seconding the motion which passed.
12. Discussion and possible action regarding Windom Building; County Clerk files and future EMS site – Commissioner Precinct 2: Commissioner Self led a discussion along with Fannin County Clerk Tammy Biggar, regarding a plan to make repairs to this building for adequate storage of county clerk files and housing of EMS services. Described were issues that existed and the need to have mold damaged files repaired. Captain Joey Rickman Jr. of the Honey Grove Fire Department entered the discussion to inform the court of the willingness and ability of Honey Grove to accommodate the housing of EMS services in their facility. Honey Grove Mayor Claude Caffee was in court to add his support of the offer and noted he was very sure the Honey Grove City Council would also approve the proposal at their next meeting of May 14th. After more discussion of how much work would be needed to prepare the Honey Grove space for the housing of EMS equipment and personnel, a motion was made by Commissioner Self to pass on this till next week with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed.
There are several war veterans buried in the cemetery including the only known buried civil war veteran B. F. Mosley. All veterans are honored by the main gate entrance flag pole, which is set in a concrete stand embedded with the veterans of foreign wars emblem. A cross and monument stand on the midpoint between the original burial ground and the site of the old Mulberry school in memory of those lost and unmarked graves. More about this cemetery is at the Fannin County GenWeb site.
We have a runoff election for Fannin County Sheriff coming up the end of May. It is my hope that each and every eligible person who will be voting will take the time to research both candidates for this office. There are a few things I know about the coming election. I know this will be a tough election for the position of Sheriff. I know that I stand for the one candidate who is running for this office and in a moment, I will explain why I am voting this way. I know that I am going to tell you the truth for the candidate that I will be voting for.
I stand for Trenton Chief of Police, William Robertson. He has 34 years’ experience and plenty of knowledge in different areas that pertain to the position. I also suggest you talk to him; he would be glad to answer any questions you have and why he wants to take this responsibility.
He was the first on the scene of an accident a few years ago that affected our family. I am very thankful for his knowledge and skill that allowed him to take charge of the scene. It takes years of dedication and work to gain the necessary know-how involved in the various situations a Sheriff faces.
I know anyone would want that experience in any situation, whether it be a wreck, hostage situation, domestic violence, or whatever the case may be. He is concerned about the people who live here already, as well as those who are moving here to make Fannin County their home. He wants safety for us all, as well as everything else that concerns Fannin County as a whole.
As long as I have know Chief Robertson, I have never heard him talk about any one negatively, or his running mates in anyway. If you want to know something, please ask him. He will tell you upfront and be honest in his answers.
Trenton, Texas has loved him as our Chief of Police. Thirty-four years of service in the force has made him the best of the best. So, when you go to the polls to vote for Sheriff, please pray over it and vote for the best Sheriff for Fannin County. But please get to know your candidates. Political Ad Paid For By Brenda Schickedanz
13. Approve exempting vehicle maintenance and equipment repairs from the bidding process – Purchasing Agent: Fannin County Purchasing Agent Edwina Lane explained the issues involved with this action and how in her opinion a written court order signed and approved would be needed to exempt the repairs spoken of in the agenda from the bidding process. After much discussion, Judge Cunningham took a moment to create a legal document that would suffice. Commissioner Self made the motion to approve the signed order exempting vehicle maintenance and equipment repair from the bidding process with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed.
14. Approve Four Feathers Alarm Monitoring Agreement for services at the District Court, Sheriff’s Office
Continued from page 4
fice and JP 3 offices; $111.85 per month for one year – Purchasing Agent: Ms. Lane led a discussion on this agreement noting it did include the notation specifying the services Judge Karl requested are provided. Judge Cunningham commented on his belief that the agreement needed to be modified and would like Attorney Andy Garner to review it for needed amendments. Commissioner Self then made the motion to approve the agreement for services for the district court, sheriff’s office, and the JP 3’s office with Judge Cunningham’s amendments attached to the agreement. Commissioner Magness seconded the motion and the motion passed.
15. Take action on Appeal, Complaint and Public Information Request for Open Records by Steve and Zach Bergenholtz –County Judge: Judge Cunningham first explained Steve Bergenholtz would be speaking to the court via Zoom before answering the audio/visual call from him. At issue was an incomplete application that was rejected by the county’s environment development department. At the onset, Judge Cunningham advised Mr. Bergenholtz he would need to re-submit a completed application along with a $420 dollar check for his application to be accepted for processing. Mr. Bergenholtz disagreed with the assessment of the issue regarding his application, noting his submitted application had been denied. A discussion then ensued which included commentary on what was considered acceptable as a completed
These easy Stuffed Peppers are filled with a hearty mix of ground beef, rice, tomatoes, and seasonings, then finished with cheese and baked until tender.
8 bell peppers ( all colors)
2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 lb. lean ground beef
1 small sweet onion, diced salt and pepper, to taste
15 oz. can petite diced tomatoes, undrained
10 oz. can Rotel, undrained ( choose mild or hot)
1 c. chicken broth
3/4 c. uncooked long grain white rice
3 tsp. brown sugar
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. taco seasoning
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. black pepper
1 c. shredded Mexican blend cheese, divided Fresh chopped cilantro (or parsley), for serving Diced scallions, for serving
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Coat a square or round 3-quart baking dish with nonstick spray. Slice off the tops of the peppers. Remove the seeds and membranes; discard. Dice up the tops of the peppers; set aside. If necessary, slice a little bit off the bottom of each pepper to create a flattened base so they can sit upright without falling over (being careful not to slice into the pepper itself or the stuffing will leak out.) Transfer peppers to the prepared baking dish, making sure they're somewhat snug,
application, discussion of the contents of a letter received from Mr. Bergenholtz’s attorney and Mr. Bergenholtz’s extensive list of requested county records. During the lengthy dialogue between the Judge and Mr. Bergenholtz, Judge Cunningham noted Mr. Bergenholtz’s request for documents was “incredibly large” and would involve a huge amount of county employee time. Referring to transparency Judge Cunningham asked, “if you want all these documents and are willing to pay for us to do so, we will provide them for you, is that fair?” At the conclusion of the discussion a conciliatory tone was struck with Judge Cunningham noting the work of the court was to “apply the law equally across the board.” More detailed discussion
but not completely crowded. Season the insides with a dash of salt and pepper. In a large ovenproof saute pan ( with lid), warm olive oil over medium-high heat. Add in the beef, onion, and reserved diced up bell peppers. Cook, breaking up the bee with a wooden spoon, until browned and no pink remains, about 3-5 minutes. Drain off grease and season with salt and pepper, to taste. Stir in the diced tomatoes, Rotel, chicken broth, rice, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, taco seasoning, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil; stir once, then cover tightly. Reduced heat to medium-low and let cook for about 20 minutes undisturbed. Simultaneously, transfer baking dish with the peppers to the preheated oven and roast for 20 minutes. Uncover pan, stir 1/2 c. of the
would follow Fannin County Development Services Director, Di Hopkin’s assessment of the situation after which a motion was made by Commissioner Magness for the docu-
See Commissioners on page 6 Continued
cheese into the beef mixture until melted. Spoon mixture into the partially baked peppers and top with remaining 1/2 c. cheese. Place stuffed peppers back into the oven
for another 10 minutes until cheese has melted and peppers are tender. Sprinkle cilantro (or parsley) and scallions over the top and serve! ENJOY!!!!
Paris District Road Report for week of May 6, 2024 Paris -- Here’s a look at work planned in Fannin and Grayson Counties for the week starting April 22, 2024. These schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other unforeseen issues.
Fannin County: FM 274, from SH 78 to FM 1753. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway to an overall width of 26 feet. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone. During the project there will be road closures at the Cottonwood Creek bridge and the Sandy Creek bridge as the contractor replaces the existing bridge. Message boards will be placed in advance of the road closures to alert local traffic of the upcoming closure.
CR 4020 at Caney Creek. CR 4020 at Caney Creek is closed to through traffic to allow for replacement of the bridge. During the closure traffic is asked to use CR 4025 as a detour.
FM 68, from SH 78 to FM 271. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway to an overall width of 28 feet. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
SH 78, from US 82 to the Oklahoma State line. Watch for daytime shoulder closures and occasional lane closures as workers install sloped-end treatments on drainage structures and replace bridge rail and guardrail.
FM 100, from SH 56 to FM 2216. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone. FM 271, from SH 78 to FM 68. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
Recreational Road 3, from FM 273 to CR 2610. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform blade leveling on the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
SH 78, from SH 56 to SH 11. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform blade leveling on the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
Continued from page 5
for to be provided and that Mr. Bergenholtz to resubmit an application for services. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Self and the motion passed.
Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the Court or a Citizen.
17. Courthouse repairs and litigation – County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted a “202 hearing” would be held May 24th.
18. Justice Center – County Judge: Judge Cunningham commented on a request for “shrubbery” for the parking lot area from the City of Bonham. A comment was made by a resident of Tulip about keeping the cost of shrubbery low by using plants requiring minimal watering.
16. Subdivision Committee and Subdivision Policy – County Judge: Judge Cunningham thanked Ms. Hopkins for her fortitude.
19. County budget and revenue sources – County Judge: No significant updates.
20. Water issues affecting Fannin County – County Judge: Commissioner Kopf noted he would be attending various city council meetings in his efforts for the water board. Judge Cunningham invited Commissioner Kopf to the next Rotary Club meeting he would be attending for more water discussion.
21. Fannin County road issues – County Judge: No significant updates
22. Discussion regarding solar and wind farms – County Judge: County resident Chris Wilson spoke to inquire on any action from the court regarding the moratorium request made four weeks prior and to inform the court that the first landowner lawsuit hearing was set for June 6th by the DA. He also advised his group is continuing to pursue with federal agencies (EPA, FFA, etc) regarding the demolition of property values and other concerns in Fannin County by solar, wind farms, and BESS systems. Judge Cunningham noted due to other county issues being addressed, there was still an open question being worked on about the moratorium being possible.
26. Comments by County Commissioners and County Judge: Commissioner McQueen commented on being thankful for the recent good weather and thanked those who attended court. Commissioner Self thanked Ms.
Gamble and the Honey Grove Mayor and Fire Department for their attendance and input. Commissioner Magness voiced his appreciation for the dry weather that will enable road work to be done. Commissioner Kopf was also glad for good weather for road work and commented on a problem with a water line that broke last week. He reminded citizens about the difficulties posed by debris in ditches and noted that as growth continues, more work is needed on the roads before thanking everyone for their attendance and input. Judge Cunningham thanked everyone for their attendance before noting additional historical pictures of past judges were added to the display cases outside of the courtroom by Malinda Allison. He promised to not look so stern for picture’s sake, before wishing God’s blessing on everyone and for everyone to enjoy the dry weather. 27. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
The C.A.S.T. (“Catch A Special Thrill”) for Kids Foun-
Press Release - The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation will hold its third annual C.A.S.T. for Kids event At Lake Bonham event on Saturday, June 8, 2024. It’s a free boating and fishing event for children with special needs. The event is open to all children, ages 6-18+, regardless of their needs. Participants must preregister online at https://castforkids.org/event/lakebonham or by using this QR Code. Space is limited to the first 40 children who register.
dation enriches the lives of children with special needs, supports their families, and strengthens communities through the sport of fishing. We empower families and communities to celebrate children with special needs, making these children feel loved and valued so they can overcome limitations and be successful. Through a joyful day of fishing, kids, their families, and community volunteers come together for an explosion of fun and inspiration. The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation hosts annual fishing and boating events across America to provide children with special needs a quality outdoor recreational experience.
At each event, participants receive a free Zebco rod & reel, tackle box, event t-shirt, fishing cap, award plaque, and lunch for everyone, provided by Texas Farm Bureau. A morning of fishing will be followed by a picnic lunch for all and an awards ceremony for the kids. The Bonham Fire Department will have a truck to show and Lone Star Law star and Fannin County Game Warden, Randolph McGee will be on hand to honorarily deputize each child.
Volunteer boaters will be taking the kids boating and fishing from 8 am to 11:30 am. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian on the boat. If boat space allows, additional siblings and family members may be able to go boating as well. However, only participants and one parent or guardian are guaranteed to go boating at the event. We need volunteer boaters and corporate sponsors! Anyone who would be like to volunteer with their boat or sponsor this event should contact the Bonham event coordinator, Eric Rice at lakebonham@castforkids.org or (360) 241-1790. For registration questions, contact Steve Reding at lakebonhm@ castforkids.org or (972) 4670354.
note that we have a new gate at the entrance of the Lake Recreation Area. The gate OPENS at 5:00 am and CLOSES at 10:00 pm. Only guests staying on the grounds in a reserved campsite will have gate access to come and go between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am. A code is provided to guests with reservations at check-in. All others are considered to be trespassing during after hours and can be issued citations.
Guests must be 18 years of age to rent a campsite. Campsite Check In Time is 2pm. Campsite Check Out Time is 1pm. No parking in campsites unless you have reserved the campsite.
Visitors to Lake Bonham can enjoy camping, boating, fishing, swimming, picnicking and other activities around the lake. Dogs are permitted and must be on leash at all times. Dogs are not allowed in the public beach area unless they are certified service dogs. A boating permit is re-
quired for all watercraft on Lake Bonham. There are two public access areas with boat launch ramps and one public restroom area. All boats are required to have a current Lake Bonham permit. Permits can be purchased from the on-site lake manager and/or at the Kwik Chek Gas Station located at 971 FM 273 Bonham, TX 75418.
For more information and to make a Lake Bonham Campsite Reservation, please visit www.cityofbonham.org.
Monday, JUNE 3; Wednesday, JUNE 5 & Friday, JUNE 7
10:00 am-11:30 am Location: Derrell Hall Education Center (2505 N. Center Street Bonham, TX 75418).
Many people believe that memory loss and aging go hand-in-hand: as a person gets older his or her memory begins to fail. While some change may be expected as you age, that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it, in the absence of a brain disease, such as Alzheimer’s Disease – you can be proactive in using some strategies and lifestyle adaptations.
Fannin County AgriLife Extension will host MASTER OF MEMORY, a three-lesson series to help older adults understand how memory works, identify ways to improve memory, and pinpoint things in everyday life that may affect memory.
The programs will be held at the Derrell Hall Education Center (2505 N. Center Street in Bonham) on Monday, June 3, Wednesday, June 5, and Friday, June 7th from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Classes are free! Attend all three! Coffee and refreshments will be served!
If you or your loved one would like to participate, contact Bethany Arie, County Extension Agent for Family & Community Health at (903) 583-7453 or email Bethany.arie@ ag.tamu.edu by May 24 to reserve your spot in class!
HG’s Morris leads Fannin Co. at State T&F championships
By Rich HilliardAUSTIN -- Honey Grove
sophomore Ryelan Morris
took second in the 200-meter dash in 21.97 seconds and third in the 100m dash in 10.84 on May 3 during the Class 2A boys’ track and field championships at the Mike A. Myers Track & Soccer Stadium.
Both bettered Morris’ previous effort at State in 2023 in the 100m: fifth in 10.85.
Meanwhile, Dodd City’s boys’ 4X400m relay -- senior Ethan Barnard, senior Nate Van Huss, senior Jaden Mahar, junior Mathew Stephens -- garnered fourth in 3:29.55 on May 4 in the 1A boys’ race.
Dodd City’s Stephens also placed fifth on May 4 in the 1A boys’ 400m run in 50.66 seconds.
Sam Rayburn junior Clay Caldwell finished sixth on May 3 in the 2A boys’ long jump championship with a 20 feet, 11.25 inch effort.
Ector sophomore Lydia Essary placed ninth in the 1A girls’ 3200m run on May 4 in 13:32.34.
It equated the first advance to the State track and field championships for Stephens, Caldwell, Essary, Van Huss and Mahar and second for Barnard and Morris.
By Rich HilliardBONHAM -- Versatile describes Bonham’s Darian Yarborough.
“He has played almost all (baseball) positions,” said John Ramsey, Bonham’s former baseball manager (201623) and current boys’ athlet-
ics coordinator/head football coach.
“He can do all nine spots,” said Ramsey. “I got him to move to first base [when needed] and he did a good job.”
The chance to still play at first base as well as pitch factored in where the Bonham senior has decided to continue his ca-
reer in the sport. Yarborough signed on May 3 to play for Arkansas State University Mid-South (formerly MidSouth Community College) in West Memphis, in a signing ceremony held in the Leonard A. Gerner Gymnasium inside Bonham High School, with family, friends, coaches and others present.
“It’s really cool. It’s something I’ve never had the experience to do,” said Yarborough. “I’m ready to go compete at the next level.”
“Baseball is different than other sports,” said Ramsey. “Kids play football in high school and it’s the number of games you have during those seasons. In baseball, you do
high school and do a lot more -- it’s required to play at the next level.
“He’s put in the work on the weekends,” said Ramsey. “Starting at three to four years old, it’s almost seven days and 52 weeks.
“He’s done that to earn this. He and his family need to be praised.”
“Think about what it takes to be a pitcher. You have to go stand on a bump every time with the lights on you in a fight with nine batters,” said James Branam, Bonham principal and a former coach. “You have to want all the attention or understand the responsibility. He does [the latter].”
Yarborough’s signing occurred during the bi-district round as the Purple Warriors returned this spring to the baseball postseason for the first time since 2021 -- when
he earned District 11-3A’s freshman of the year award. Last season, Yarborough garnered an 11-3A first-team spot at first base. He will finish his Bonham baseball career in the Top 5 in numerous categories for his efforts at the plate, on the base paths and on the mound.
“I’ve known him since seventh grade at junior high when I coached him in basketball and the last two years when he has played baseball with my son (Cy Parker),” said firstyear Bonham baseball manager Seane Parker.
“I’ve watched him grow,” said Parker. “He has passion and baseball ability, but more so the passion to get the job done.
“He’s a guy I lean on and how he goes is how the team goes. I love him. I’m going to miss him.”
Natally Medina agrees on May 8 to continue her basketball career at Elmhurst University in Illinois, as dad Carlos and mom Erika Medina watch.
By Rich HilliardDODD CITY -- Natally Me-
HONEY GROVE -- How do you outdo competing -- as a freshman -- in the State track and field championships in an event -- and placing in the Top 6? Go again as a sophomore in two events -- the same and another -- and finish in the Top 3 -- in both.
“After I got out of the 400, I wanted to try the 200m,” said Honey Grove’s Ryelan Morris. “My time was good and I saw I could get better.”
dina believes having confidence is important for an athlete. She displays it when playing
Morris on May 3 finished as the runner-up in the 200-meter dash in 21.97 seconds and third in the 100m in 10.84 during the Class 2A State boys’ track and field championships at the Mike A. Myers Track & Soccer Stadium in Austin.
“It was really cool,” said Morris on May 7.
“I definitely had to work harder since I had to train for two events.
“I trained in the 250m,” he said, “and worked on block starts since it was for both events.”
And, he could have competed at State this month in a third event -- the 4X100m relay -- narrowly missing an additional advance via a third-place finish with his teammates at the Region II-2A Meet in Springtown -- where he won the 100m and 200m to advance.
basketball, whether driving to the basket or launching a 3-pointer.
It’s how the Dodd City senior entered Elmhurst University on a college visit, after initiating contact with the school.
“I walked into there with confidence,” said Medina.
“I took a tour and liked the comfort and vibe I found there,” she said. “The coaches were happy and wanted players with positive attitudes.”
Medina announced her decision to play as a shooting guard for the Western Chicago suberb school in Illinois on May 8, in a signing ceremony held in Dodd City’s Hornet Gymnasium, with family, classmates, teammates, coaches and school administrators present.
“We’re really excited for Natally to have this opportunity,” said Michael Huxen, Dodd City athletic director and junior/high school principal. “We are here to honor her on a special day for her.”
“Natally has been a dedicated player,” said third-year Dodd City head girls’ basket-
ball coach Landon Dyer. “She works a lot on basketball yearround and plays all summer.
“She has a dangerous 3-point shot,” said Dyer. “I think she can have an impact at the next level.”
Said Medina: “I’ll first have the mindset to improve and keep working during the offseason, don’t stop and put in as much time as I did for high school.”
Note: During high school, Medina, who also plays for Platinum Basketball, sandwiched second-team selections around an honorable mention in 23-1A during her three varsity seasons, as Dodd City extended its streaks in the girls’ sport: now 12-consecutive undefeated district titles, 10-straight Region III-1A Tournament trips and 14-consecutive postseason appearances. She capped her Lady Hornets career by helping Dodd City in February reach its first girls’ basketball regional final since 2021, before falling -- to eventual Class 1A State champion Newcastle.
That trio equate a fraction of the 22 Division-I schools interested in the services in a few years of the 2023 District 9-2A-I Most Valuable Player on 10-2 regional semifinalist Honey Grove’s first multiplevictory postseason football team since 1970 that included its first secondround win since 2012.
“Let’s be honest, if you take away his athleticism and put that aside ... he’s a great kid. That’s the
During the summer months, he plans to visit universities -- Texas, Oklahoma, Stanford -- which are already courting the quarterback for his additional football prowess.
first thing,” said Hudson Milford, Honey Grove’s assistant track coach, quarterbacks coach and a former Warriors’ signal calller himself.
“He’s fun to watch and coach. He’s the kind that makes you seem like a great coach,” said Milford. “He’s a great teammate. He can talk to anyone and fit with everybody.
“What he does in football and track will inspire others... He’s a once in a lifetime kid.”
Monday 5-13-24 - Beef Stroganoff, Green Peas, Tuscany Vegetable Blend, Wheat Bread, Fresh Fruit, 2% Milk
Tuesday 5-14-24 - Oven Fried Chicken, Whole Kernel Corn, Tangy Spinach, Texas Bread, Oatmeal Rasin Cookie, 2% Milk
Wednesday 5-15-24 - Meatloaf with Tomato Gravy, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, Dinner Roll, Chocolate Pudding, 2% Milk
Thursday 5-16-24 - BBQ Pork Rib Patty*, Macaroni & Cheese, Broccoli, Texas Bread, Fresh Fruit, 2% Milk
Friday 5-17-24 - Beef Taco, Lettuce & Tomato, Mexican Rice, Charro Beans, Flour Tortilla, Pineapple Cobbler, 2% Milk, Taco Sauce 210 E. 6th St., Bonham, TX • Phone 903-583-8573
We had a wonderful start to the weekend with the official member ribbon cutting and Grand Opening celebration for our newest Gold Chamber Partner, Asher Lane Bridal Shop! Congratulations on your beautiful new location, and we wish you all the success! Photo Randy Holland
No matter the weather, we’ll be standing by when the heavens open up.
“Impact Resistant Shingles?” on our website.
Ronnie L. Lester Broker - Associate Licensed in TX & OK Cell: 903-782-2524
2524 N. Center St. Bonham, TX 75418-2114
e-mail: ron_lester@realtyagent.com
Ector Carson Cemetery Annual Meeting will be Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 2:30 PM at The First Baptist Church in Ector. We will have a short program and singing. Please try and attend to Honor your loved ones and friends that are buried in the Cemetery. Donations can be mailed to Ector Carson Cemetery, c/o Nancy Bellows, P.O. Box 237 Ector, Texas 75439-0237.
other emergency communications net, or public service communications such as the Autumn In Bonham Bike Rally. Invites you to the regular meeting Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church. The club welcomes visitors who are not licensed, who are licensed, or just want to see if they want to be licensed. We enjoy sharing the hobby with people. For more information, follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/K5FRC or our website www.k5frc.org or email k5frc1@gmail.com
We are thrilled to announce that our growing family business has been recognized on a national level as the Classy Truck of the Month for May 2024! Featured in the prestigious publication, “Pumper Magazine”, our company has been highlighted for our exceptional service, innovation, and commitment to excellence in the industry. This esteemed recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, who strive every day to provide top-notch plumbing & septic system solutions to our
community. From our stateof-the-art equipment to our environmentally conscious practices, we take pride in delivering high-quality services that make a difference. Being selected as the Classy Truck of the Month is a significant achievement for us, as it showcases our company’s leadership and innovation in the on-site sewage facility sector. We are honored to be featured alongside other industry leaders and to share our success story with a national audience.
At our core, we are driven by
a passion for integrity, quality, innovation, and unmatched customer care. This recognition motivates us to continue raising the bar and setting new standards for excellence in our field. We are grateful for the support of our loyal customers and the dedication of our team members, whose hard work and commitment have made this achievement possible. As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to continuing to serve our community with the same dedication and
excellence that have earned us this prestigious recognition. Thank you to Pumper Magazine for highlighting our company as the Classy Truck of the Month and thank you to our customers for trusting us with their needs.
For more information about our award-winning services and how we can help you with your plumbing or septic system needs, visit our website: HTTPs://dustyunderwood.com or contact us today. Join us in celebrating this exciting achievement and let us continue to work together towards a cleaner, greener future for all. Vote DUPS for Classy Truck of the Year!
Vacuum hose, vacuum head, 18” brush, leaf net, pole, chlorine tab floater, 100sf cartridge filter, 1hp pump, a-frame ladder, test strips, Aquabug pool vacuum.
• High end soft sided pools made in Italy
• Sonic welded vinyl - which is much stronger than heat sealed vinyl liners
• The Rectangle frame has inter-connected frame and is 18 gauge with powder coated steel
• Pivots to allow for uneven surfaces (can only be 3” out of level)
• High quality PVC vinyl with UV inhibitors
○ Prevents sun scorching and drying out
○ Weather tolerant from hard freeze to scorching heat up to 150 degrees
○ Single sheet, not laminated layers like the soft sided pools
○ 30% stronger than other soft sided pools
• Kona pools can be set up on dirt, grass, and cement
• Liner warranty is 20 years
○ Extremely durable
○ Doesn’t come apart at seams
○ Grass can’t grow through liner
• Your Kona pool comes with the plumbing kit
• Built to last 20 years
○ First 5 years guaranteed (frame & liner covered 100%)
○ Year 6-10 50% off
○ Year 11-20 25% off
○ Kona pool warranties are handled through Kona pools not through
Texoma Country Pools and Spas
○ Salt does not void warranty
○ Other components are 1 year warranty this includes the filter and the pump.
William “Mike” Farris, the rock of our family passed away at Texoma Medical Center in Denison, TX on May 6, 2024 surrounded by his family. Arrangements are under the direction of Wise Funeral Home.
Mike was born on April 3, 1960 to William and Shirley Farris in Bonham, TX. He was a graduate of Sam Rayburn High School. Mike married the love of his life, Raye Ann Smith on November 10, 2007 in Ivanhoe, TX. Mike retired from Raytheon on October 31, 2018 and with retirement came more time to spend with his family. Mike adored his family and his favorite pastime was spent spoiling his grandchildren. He also enjoyed cooking and watching the Game Show Network. The dinner table will never be the same without our beloved dad and Papaw Mike.
He is preceded in death by his father, William Farris, grandparents, Woodrow and Ester Farris, James Womack, and Noreen Robertson.
Mike is survived by his loving wife, Raye Ann Farris, mom, Shirley Farris, sons, Michael McCommas and wife Melissa, Jeff Jones and wife Brittany, daughters, Megan Fillner and husband Josh, Erin Jones and husband Tyler, brothers, Ronald Farris and Pattie Sacco, Terry Farris and wife Karla, grandchildren, Emily Jones, Khylee Sisk, Dillan Jones, Shelby Jones, Kinsley McCommas, Makala Klockgether, Austin Klockgether, Sydney Fillner, Kaitlyn Fillner, Caden Jones, Jackson Jones, Jett Jones, Jade Jones, Millee Jones, Wylee Jones, nephew, Dylan Farris, along with many friends.
Family night was held Thursday, May 9, 2024 at Wise Valley Chapel from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
Funeral services were held in the same location the following day, May 10, 2024 at 1:00pm. Burial followed at Lamasco Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ronald Farris, Terry Farris, David Farris, Matt Graham, Josh Fillner, Michael McCommas, Jeff Jones, Tyler Jones, Honorary was Austin Klockgether and Caden Jones.
We will forever miss our Mike - a man made of velvet and steel.
Bonham- Brenda Lee Holman was born September 13, 1962, to Benny Joe and Claire Jane (Ballard) Gehardt, in Tulia, TX. Mrs. Holman passed away May 2, 2024 at her home in Honey Grove, TX.
The family held a visitation for Mrs. Holman, Monday, May 6, 2024, 5:00pm to 7:00pm, at Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home Chapel in Bonham, TX.
Brenda was a homemaker for most of her life, but throughout the years she owned her own cleaning business and had also worked for Walmart and a screenprint shop. She enjoyed volunteering at numerous places and helping wherever she could, especially Relay for life.
Mrs. Holman is survived by her husband David Holman, sons, Jason Stanley and Michael Holman, daughter, Mandi Hunter, numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and sister Wanda Cecil.
Brenda is preceded in death by her parents Benny and Claire Gehardt and her sister Christy Gray. To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit www.coopersorrells.com
Bonham- Nathan Newton Stiles, Jr (Red), age 93, was born on June 10, 1930, in Springfield, New Jersey, to Mildred and Nathan Newton Stiles, Sr. Mr. Stiles passed away May 6, 2024 at Clyde Cosper in Bonham, TX from natural causes.
Red entered the United States Navy in 1948.
He was honorably discharged in 1951 after four years of dedicated service. Soon after leaving the Navy, he decided to become a truck driver and continued to do so his entire working life.
Red lived a full life.
Mr. Stiles is survived by his son, Jeff Stiles and wife Linda, granddaughter Jess, and daughtersin-law, Marilyn Stiles, and Karon Stiles.
Red is preceded in death by his parents Nathan and Mildred Stiles, son Jimmy Stiles, son Michael Stiles, and brother Ronnie Stiles.
To convey condolences or to sign an online registry please visit www.coopersorrells.com.
Bonham- Barbara Jean Harris Stites, 83, of Greenville, passed away on May 7, 2024 in Plano Texas.
Funeral services will be 10:00 A.M., Saturday, May 18, 2024, at Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Brent Grissom officiating. A graveside service will follow, at Arledge Ridge Cemetery in Bonham, Texas. Visitation will be 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., Friday, May 17, 2024, at the funeral home.
Mrs. Stites was born January 13, 1941, in Bennington, Oklahoma to Richard P Harris and Cleo Wilma Morgan.
She married Jimmy Stites on April 21, 1959, in Modesto, California. She retired after 18 years from Knox Fuel in Royse city and was a member of First Assembly of God.
She is survived by her son, Allen Stites, daughters; Larna McDowell, Tamra Miller, and husband Kevin, grandchildren; Tristan Glen and wife Lauren, Brad Coker, James Coker and wife Laura, Victoria Allison and husband Brandon, and Christopher Frazier, along with numerous great-grandchildren, adopted children, and grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Jimmy Stites, her son Travis Stites, her parents, and granddaughter Mandy Nicole McDowell.
Pallbearers will be Tristan Glen, Brad Coker, and James Coker.
To convey condolences or to sign an online registry please visit www.coopersorrells.com.
We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, But all we have are memories, And your picture in a frame.
Eldon Wayne Castle lovingly known as “Pop” passed away on May 3, 2024 surrounded by his family, while admitted to Carrus Health in Sherman, TX. Arrangements are under the direction of Wise Funeral Home.
Eldon was born on January 21, 1945 to Willie and Ruth Castle. He was a Dodd City High School graduate and attended Grayson County College. Eldon was employed by numerous commercial sewing companies and later retired from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Pop enjoyed sitting outside and watching his livestock, Sunday lunch at Mamaw and Papaw’s, and all the family gatherings. Pop was a friend to all that knew him and will forever be remembered for his kindness and devotion to family. Eldon is preceded in death by his parents Willie “Bill” and Ruth “Ruthie” Castle, siblings, William “Bill” Castle, Bobby Castle, Robert Castle, and Linda Coston
He leaves behind his loving wife, Rita Castle of the home, sons, Stephen Castle, Jason Castle, Nickolas Castle, daughter, Michelle Cross, many grandchildren, great- grandchildren , nephews, nieces, and extended family and friends.
Visitation was held Tuesday May 7, 2024 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at the funeral home. A graveside service was held the following day at Willow Wild Cemetery at 11:00am with Bro. Josh Holly officiating.
Sheryl Lynn Beezley, fondly known as “Sis” to many, passed away peacefully on May 5, 2024, at her home in Bonham, TX, with her husband by her side after bravely battling thyroid cancer. She was 61 years old.
Born on June 1, 1962, in Enterprise, Alabama, she is the daughter of Russ and Jackie Lambert of Trenton, Tx, Martin and Barbara Keane of Trenton, New Jersey, and Harry and Nena Wiese. Despite living in various states and cities, she always considered Trenton, TX her true home. Sheryl’s zest for life was evident in her love for camping and exploring the great outdoors with her family. Her heartwarming personality, sassiness, and compassion radiated joy, and she cherished every moment spent with her family and friends. Her greatest joy was found in the company of her only granddaughter, Beckett.
She is survived by her devoted husband of 25 years, John Darrell Beezley, her daughters Courtney Dimit (Brad) and Kelcey Haden (Cassi), and her granddaughter Beckett Dimit. Sheryl is also survived by her brothers Gary Wiese (Judy), Rusty Lambert (Carolyn), sister Cathy Cullison (Mike), and her biological siblings Marty, Kim, Danny, and Michael Keane, along with several nieces, nephews, and extended family members.
Sheryl was preceded in death by her parents.
While we mourn the loss of Sheryl, we celebrate the beautiful life she lived and the love she shared with all who knew her. Her memory will continue to live on in the hearts of those she touched, and her spirit will forever be remembered for its warmth and brightness.
Visitation was held at Wise Funeral Home in Bonham, TX Wednesday May 8, 2024 from 6pm8pm. A memorial service to honor and remember Sheryl’s life was held the following day on May 9, 2024 at 1pm (Wise Funeral Home). In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association (thyca.org).
to others with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ Owned by the Greene Family
When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. 7:00pm
Where: 1190 Hwy 56 W. Bonham.
Pastor: Steven Luton, 903-583-4346
Gathering Time Ranch wants to invite everyone to join us for our 2024 events. The Ranch is located at 487 CR 2105 Ivanhoe, TX. 75447. Call 903-227-7969 for more information!
• May 17-19 Revival • Oct. 5th Annual Gathering
@ The Ranch with Paul Daley with Wild Horse Ministries • Dec. 6th Spanish Christmas Drive Through • Dec. 13th Christmas Drive Through
It’s been about three months since the last round table meeting. The last round table meeting topic was, the inerrancy of scripture. We had about forty people, and the round table members were very knowledgeable and prepared. It was an enjoyable meeting to say the least.
The next round table meeting will be on the book of John. This roundtable meeting will be the 1st of 3 roundtable meetings on the book of John.
We had a lot of great suggestions on how to make the roundtable even better. Please keep the suggestions coming. Format will be the same, with the exception that Q&A will be extended. Seating will modified to make the visual experience the best it can be.
We need more roundtable participants, so if you have any possible presenters, don’t hesitate to contact me. Mark your calendar, tell your friends and neighbors, Thursday May 23 at the Multi-Purpose Complex, 7:00. Remember the first of a 3 part presentation on the Gospel of John. Joe Moore Jpmoorejpm@gmail.com 903 815 8136
Church of Christ God has provided a common Savior for all. Jesus said that “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). God loves ALL the souls of man. Luke penned the words, “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36). This common Savior is Jesus, the Christ. Jesus’ sacrifice was for the sins of the world. The Hebrew writer wrote that “now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself” (Hebrews
9:26). Paul reminds us that we are to “walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor” (Eph 5:2). This sacrifice was to death. Again, in Hebrews, we learn that “we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man” (Hebrews 2:9). This common Savior is now in heaven. Of Jesus, it is said that “this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God” (Hebrews 10:12).
The Gospel is taught, and men and women are baptized
Hello everyone!
The Bible tells us in Isaiah 41:10, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
This promise from God is a great promise to cling to whenever we are facing uncertain circumstances. His purpose for these words is to silence the fears, and encourage the faith, of His people when they are facing difficulties. We can always depend on Him for guidance, comfort, and encouragement in whatever we face in our lives. If we put our faith and trust in Him, He will see us through. The promise in this verse is the promise that I held onto when I was hospitalized earlier this year. He saw me through during that experience, and I thank Him for it every day.
In my research, I have found many great hymns of
by the common Savior’s authority. The Lord said to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:1920).
There is “ONE Lord” and common Savior (Ephesians 4:5). Peter spoke of “Jesus Christ” (Acts 4:12) when he said that “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). If we will be saved, it will be by the common Savior, Jesus Christ.
encouragement that I have never heard before, or heard of. One of these hymns was written by Georg Neumark in 1641, and translated by Catherine Winkworth in 1855.
“If you but trust in God to guide you and place your confidence in Him, you’ll find Him always there beside you to give you hope and strength within; for those who trust God’s changeless love build on the rock that will not move.
Sing, pray, and keep His ways unswerving, offer your service faithfully, and trust His word; though undeserving, you’ll find His promise true to be. God never will forsake in need the soul that trusts in Him indeed.”
If you’re in search of a good church home, we invite you to come visit and be a part of our worship at Central
Thursday Evenings 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Free Meal Included
Is Celebrate Recovery For Me?
Celebrate Recovery offers a person the opportunity to participate in a group where love and hope combine with God’s purpose to mend our lives. Ask yourself:
• Are there things in my life that I do to hurt others?
• Is there something I wish I could live without?
• Is there something in my life that has gotten out of control?
• Do I have a habit or hang-up from which I need to be freed? 6/2/20
Located at Calvary Baptist Church • 913 S. 5th St. Bonham, TX cbcbonham.org/celebraterecovery Email: info@cbcbonham.org
Leonard First Assembly of God, 108 Pecan Leonard, Texas 469-450-9777
Services at 10:45 • Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays 6:45 Young Adults
3375 S outh h wy 121 - B onham 903-583-1671 ● P
Honey Grove Cowboy Church 3050 Hwy 100 North Honey Grove, TX
Bro. Josh Stevenson
Requires Balance family career time GOD without balance, TRUE happiness is fleeting include and make time for GOD
A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. Proverbs 11:1
Begin to BALANCE your life this Sunday
Allen’s Point Baptist Church 310 CR 2775 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903378-7038
Bailey Bible Baptist Church 205 Leslie Bailey, Texas 75413
Bethlehem Baptist Church “The House of Bread” 1415 Franklin Avenue, Bonham, TX 7541 Office: 903-583-8061
Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church Hwy 121 & Edhube Road 903-583-1671
Boyd Baptist Church 3707 St. Hwy. 78 N Bonham, Texas Phone (903) 583-7288
Calvary Baptist Church 913 S. 5th St Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3910
Central Baptist Church (Fundmental, Independent) 709 Union Ave. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 505-4124
Ivanhoe Baptist Church 4063 NO.FM 273 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 (903)583-2359
Lamasco Baptist Church 346 CR 2615 Telephone, Texas 75488
Corinth Baptist Church 277 CR 1150 N. of Bonham on Highway 78 903 583 2750
Cross Point Baptist Church 22025 S. Hwy. 78 Leonard 214-551-4707
Dial Baptist Church 16816 FM 1550 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-378-7070
Duplex Baptist Church 313 CR 2102 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-664-3175
Ector Baptist Church P.O. Box 248 Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2175
Edhube Baptist Church 595 FM 2815 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-2840
Elwood Baptist Intersection of CR 2125 and CR 2544 near Ivanhoe, Texas
Faith Independent Baptist Church 12676 W Hwy 82 Savoy, Tx 75479 903-965-5517
First Baptist Church of Bailey PO Box 221 Bailey, Texas 75413 (903) 583-4793
First Baptist Church of Bonham 710 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-0732
First Baptist Church of Dodd City PO Box 47 Dodd City, Texas 75438-0047 (903)583-4465
First Baptist Church of Honey Grove PO Box 124 Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903)378-2768
First Baptist Church of Ladonia 301 East Main Ladonia, Texas 75449-100 (903)367-7038
First Baptist Church of Leonard 100 East Thomas St. [PO Box 1146] Leonard, TX 75452 (903) 587-2250
First Baptist Church of Pecan Gap PO Box 100 Pecan Gap, Texas 75469 (903)359-6683
First Baptist Church of Randolph PO Box 14 Randolph, Texas 75475 (903)583-6900
First Baptist Church of Savoy .O. Box 177 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4160
First Baptist Church of Trenton PO Box 157 Trenton, Texas 75490 (903)989-2319
First Fannin Baptist Hispanic Church Rt. 4 Box 10 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-5727
Gober Baptist Church P.O. Box 82 Wolfe City, Texas 75496 (903) 583-2378
Grace Reformed Baptist Church 2800 10th St Honey Grove TX gracerbcbonham.com
Joyful Light Baptist Church 4695 FM 2645 Savoy, TX 75418 903-436-5440
Little Bethel Baptist Church PO Box 63 Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7708
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Rt 1 Box 101B, PO Box 73, Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7009
New Zion Baptist Church 627 County Road 1265 Bonham, TX 75418 903-961-2027
Pilgram Rest Baptist Church 703 Agusta St. Trenton, Texas
Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 1409 W. Market St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (615) 448-8802
Ravenna Baptist Church 100 Elm Street Ravenna, Texas 75476
Rising Son Cowboy Church 1526 CR 2010 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-640-3377
Sandy Baptist Church Ravenna, Texas 75476 (903) 583-9546
Seventh & Main Baptist Church 617 N. Main Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-8679
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 601 S. 4th St. Bonham, TX 469-207-1141
Telephone Baptist Church located on FM 273 in Telephone Office phone: 903-664-2377
Primera Iglesia Baustia Hispana 1134 FM 273 Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-5727
Trinity Baptist Church 219 W. Denison Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3388
Valley Creek Baptist Church 3615 FM 896, Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-2386
Westside Baptist Church 912 W. Commerce St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 903-249-2987
Windom Baptist Church 203 1st Street Windom, TX 75492 (903) 623-2215
Wild Horse Creek Cowboy Church 2992 CR 2285 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-486-1630
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church corner of 10th & Maple Bonham, TX office 903-583-7734
Church of Christ Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 587-2229
West Shady Grove Baptist Church 13665 East Line Road Trenton, TX Honey Grove Church Of Christ - 403 W. Main St. Honey Grove, 903-227-2606
Ector Church of Christ Hwy 56 & Cedar St. Ector, Texas 903-961-3155
Ivanhoe Church of Christ P.O. Box 322290 CR 2040 Ivanhoe, TX 75447
hunting/fishing sports social life sleep TV work Looks like you have it! include and make time for GOD this Sunday To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1
Katy Blvd Church of Christ 411 Katy Blvd Bonham, TX 75418 706-294-5996
Midway Church of Christ Hwy 56 W Bonham 903 583 3989
Northside Church of Christ 2020 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903)583-3484
Savoy Church of Christ P.O. Box 212 Savoy, (903) 965-7344
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Bonham 1540 S Hwy 78 (972) 880-1412
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 623 Star Street (W 7th & Star Street) 682-201-8795
St. James Lutheran Church 14394 E FM 1396 Windom Tx 75492 Phone: 903-583-5155
Christian Chapel CME 1005 West Market St. Honey Grove, Tx 75446 903-378-3518
Ector United Methodist Church 401 Church St. Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 217-7665
First United Methodist Church of Leonard 206 N. Main / PO Box 218 Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-3463
First United Methodist Church of Trenton 211 North Second Street @ Hunt Trenton, TX 75490 903-989-2378
First United Methodist Church of Bonham 801 Star Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3314
Mulberry United Methodist Church, 5638 FM 274, Ravenna, TX 75476, phone 1-888-311-8508
McKenzie United Methodist Church 701 N. 7th Street Honey Grove, TX 75446 (903) 203-4455
Windom United Methodist Church 207 Second Street PO Box 936 Windom, TX 75492 940-390-0146
Pleasant Grove CME Church box 34 Ladonia TX 75449 Hwy 64 903-367-7870
Virginia Point United Methodist Church 1386 CR 1200 Savoy, TX
Are You A Christian?
(903) 227-8527
Do you serve God?
Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
County First Presbyterian Church of Bonham 818 N. Main St. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2014 Main Street Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 188 or 504 E. Main St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903)
Trenton Church of Christ 101 W. Saunders St. Trenton, TX 75490 903-989-2446
Pentecostal Non-Denominational
Don't Like Religion?
Ephesians 4:18 - Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the of God through ignorance that them, because of blindness of their
Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Bonham Living Word Church of God- 699 E Hwy 82 Bonham,TX 75418 Phone: (903) 583-5655
Lannius Church of God 2803 Hwy 897
Dodd City, TX 75438 903-623-3007
The Church is a hospital for sinners. include and make time for GOD this Sunday
I would rather my life as if is a God and find out there than live as if isn't and to die find out that is. include and time for GOD this Sunday
TPWD News, BONHAM — When Bois d’Arc Lake in Fannin County officially opened for use in April, Texas got its first major reservoir in more than 30 years. But early results indicate anglers may have a budding new fishing haven as well, thanks to a partnership formed between Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD).
“TPWD is incredibly grateful and appreciative of the collaborative partnership formed with NTMWD to develop Bois d’Arc Lake into a world-class fishery for Texas anglers and our visitors,” said Tim Birdsong, Director of TPWD’s Inland Fisheries Division. “NTMWD proactively engaged TPWD fisheries biologists, wildlife biologists, and game wardens in 2016 to identify shared goals and strategies for timber management, fish habitat development, fish stockings, boating access, watershed conservation, mitigation of streams and wetlands, enforcement of fishing and hunting laws, and capacity for emergency response. Outcomes achieved over the past eight years are simply remarkable.”
TPWD began stocking sunfish and minnows in 2018, during the lake’s construction. The fish were placed in four large ponds preserved by NTMWD within the footprint of that lake.
Advanced size ShareLunker bass fingerlings arrived in the ponds in 2019, and when the lake began to hold water in 2021, stocking commenced in the main body of the reservoir, along with bluegill and channel catfish.
“So far, 373,859 pure Florida Largemouth Bass have been stocked that are direct descendants of a 13-pound or larger bass,” said Dan Bennett, Inland Fisheries Division Denison District Supervisor. “We are excited to see what sort of trophy bass can be produced from the combined productivity of a new lake and a new bass population originating from so many fish genetically selected for growth. We have already seen submissions of bass over eight pounds to the Toyota ShareLunker app. A scale sample taken from one 9.05-pound bass should confirm if it originated from one of the original ShareLunker stockings by TPWD.”
TPWD also created gravel spawning beds and installed commercial fishing habitat and PVC cubes around the
lake. TPWD is in the process of raising a few hundred button bush and bald cypress trees to plant around the shoreline this summer. These trees will provide additional littoral habitat for the fish.
NTMWD consolidated cleared trees to build over 40 large brush piles in the main lake which are designed to furnish substantial fish habitat for many years.
Anglers can target all of the installed habitat structures when casting a line in Bois d’Arc Lake by using TPWD’s fish habitat structure interactive map, which marks the locations.
Standing timber and aquatic vegetation, including American Pondweed and Coontail colonies that spread from ponds flooded by the lake, provide natural cover and habitat for fish.
“NTMWD did a good job compromising between providing substantial open water areas for pleasure boaters, yet still leaving about a third or more of the lake in standing timber with large boat lanes,” added Bennett. “That is going to provide excellent fish habitat for a long time.”
NTMWD developed three public access areas on the lake that feature boat launch ramps, day-use picnic areas and restrooms. For more information on the public access areas and Bois d ’Arc Lake, visit the official lake website.
Bois d ’Arc Lake is currently managed with a 16-inch maximum length limit for largemouth bass. It gives the largest bass in the new lake a greater chance to reach trophy size during the first years the lake is open to fishing. All other species are managed with statewide regulations.
Anglers wishing to donate a bass over 13 lbs. to TPWD’s ShareLunker program are able to temporarily retain the bass in a livewell between Jan. 1 and March 31. Anglers who catch bass over eight pounds are encouraged to enter their catch to the ShareLunker app and submit a scale sample to TPWD for genetic testing.
TPWD sustains quality fishing opportunities for 3.1 million freshwater anglers on Texas’ 1,100 public lakes and 191,228 miles of streams, creeks and rivers. In 2022, anglers spent an estimated $11.1 billion on food, lodging, transportation and equipment while fishing Texas freshwater and coastal waters, and fishing supported an estimated 51,380 jobs in the state.
Licensed Commercial Journeymen Electricians Willing to travel. Covering Oklahoma and Texas. Great Pay and Benefits. Call 580-271-7025 email resumes to: office@ southcocommercial.com
HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/ Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information Call: 903-583-4018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N. Hwy 78 in Ravenna
THE CITY OF BONHAM STREET DEPARTMENT is accepting applications for the position of Equipment Operator I. Requirements: Experience in heavy equipment operation, street repair and construction; perform heavy manual labor, able to lift 50 lbs unassisted and work in all types of weather conditions. Must have valid Texas driver’s license and ability to obtain a CDL. $15.00 per hour, health insurance, retirement, vacation, sick leave and uniforms. Preemployment physical and drug test required. Application and full job description is available at Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut, Bonham, TX 75418 or online at www.cityofbonham. org. Resumes submitted without an application will not be accepted. Position open until filled. The City of Bonham is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to brett@bfgammon.com or call 903-583-3597
CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver. Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources.
McKenzie United Methodist Church, 701 7th Street. 1st and 3rd Thursday each month. 5pm - 7pm. 4th Tuesday: Produce 1pm - 4pm
Contacts: Star Breece - 281-832-8116 Soleil - 903-505-0250
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that Fannin County will accept RFP’s for Janitorial Services.
Specifications may be obtained from:
Edwina Lane
Fannin County Purchasing 101 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Suite 313 Bonham, TX 75418 elane@fanninco.net
RFP’s must be filed in the County Purchasing Agent Office before 3 p.m., June 5, 2024, or said RFP’s will not be considered. RFP’s shall be opened on June 5, 2024 at 3:15 p.m. in the Fannin County Purchasing Agent’s Office, 101 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Suite 313, Bonham, TX 75418.
Fannin County Commissioners Court reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.
Estate Sale: May 14-20 at 4776 FM 815, Leonard, TX - 13 ft. Extension Ladder, Women’s Clothes Sizes 14XL, Walker $30, Bedroom Set $60, Radio $5, Plus lots more. Sue at 972-412-5930
GARAGE SALE: FridaySunday -- May 17-19 12pm-8pm -- 1345 Maple St. Honey Grove. Clothes, furniture, electronics, work out equipment, books, magazines, Christmas decor, picture frames, misc. home improvement, coolers, home decor and free stuff.
HELP WANTED Need Part Time
Mechanic’s Helper, Part Time Carpenter’s Helper. Call 903-814-8620
••Remington 30.06
Bolt Action Simmons
3.5X10X50 Model 700
••Smith & Wesson Model
1000 20 gauge Auto. Vent
Rib Barrell Modified
••Ruger SS 22 Auto. Mark II Target Pistol w/holster & bag
••Savage 300 Lever Action w/Tasco 3X12X40 scope
••AVM Brescia Italy 12 gauge Over & Under Vent
Rib Model 2111
••Reminjgton 22 Bolt
Action Model 34
••Snake Charmer 410
••Remington 22 Auto
Model 597 Synthetic Stock w/clip
••Remington Wingmaster 12 gauge Model 870 Pump
Vent Rib Barrel Full Choke
••Core 15 Scout AR15
223-556 w/Nikon PR-321
3X9X40 Scope w/30 Round
Clips Call: 903-486-7978
Financially stable 73 year old, healthy gentleman looking for a straight white or hispanic mature female companion to share my time with. (occasional smoker is okay) Call 903-990-0731.
Puzzle Sponsored By:
Welding jobs, metal jobs, carports, pipe fences, pipe braces, concrete laminate floors, sidewalks. Free estimates. Call: 469-6181886 or 903-486-4687
APP HOUSE LEVELING & FOUNDATION REPAIR Pier and Beam/ Slab Foundation/ Small & Large Remodels. 903-227-2860.
•Painting •Sheetrock Repair & Texture •Remodeling •Plumbing •Electrical •Mowing •Tree & Trim work •Flower beds. Call 903-304-9009.
FREE SCRAP METAL PICK UP & HAUL OFF Appliances, Copper, Aluminum, etc. We buy junk cars, farm equipment. No title, okay. Also, 5th Wheel & Gooseneck camper hauling. 903-744-4943
Continued on Pg. 20
Continued from Pg. 19
Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence painting, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mowing, gutters and drainage, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903-227-5898.
Large Acreage Mowing with Tractor, Landscaping, Fences, Firewood, Stump Grinding, and Concrete. Insured, Call for free estimate. 903227-6940, 903-227-8369, or 903-486-2868.
Hauling, Storm Damage, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experience. Call 903-5837888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.”
PROFESSIONAL PAINT & DRYWALL REPAIRS: Cracks, holes, patches, water damage, sheetrock repair, ceilings, walls, matched texturing. Interior/ Exterior Painting. 45+ years experience. Call Johnny @ 903-209-6958
Commercial & Residential Call William 903-718-1720.
1 Acre Creek Lots Coming Soon. Call: 469-585-9167
LOCAL REALTOR for all your real estate needs. Sell/buy homes, land, lake. Call Hillary Leutwyler at Rogers Healy 214-683-7408
122 Porter Cir. Savoy, TX Affordable 2/1, Manuf. Like New. $119,900 214-478-8980 Kalena Cook, Ebby
Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners Court of Fannin County, Texas will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, starting at 8:40am in the Fannin County Court House, 101 E Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX. The Commissioners Court will consider:
a. Zoning text amendment: Addition of LC, Lake Commercial to the zoning districts in the regulations.
b. Change of Zoning: From A&R to RE for 2 Residential lots PID# 82622. 1125 CR 2670, Telephone TX.
c. Change of Zoning: From RE to LC PID# 131451. FM 897, Dodd City, TX.
d. Special Exception: To reduce Road frontage on cul-de- sac and curved roads, For PID#’s 110544 & 126177. 3000 CR 2900, Dodd City, TX.
All interested citizens of the County are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. Please check Fannin County’s website under Upcoming Meetings (www.co.fannin.tx.us) up to 72 Hours prior for more details. For additional info & official protest forms, contact Development Services at 903-449-4220. Any protests must be received by Development Services before 2:00pm on Monday June 3, 2024. Responses received after that time shall not be counted in the record response. The protest shall state the reason for the protest, list the address of the property or contain a legal description of the property on behalf of which the protest is made, and must be signed by the owner of the property.
Zoning Regulations & info are on the development Services web site www.co.fannin.tx.us/page/ fannin.developmentservices
Zoning map can be found on Fannin CAD interactive map www.fannincad.org/interactive-map/
Notice is hereby given that the original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Ira Wayne Andrews, Deceased, were issued on May 7, 2024, in Cause No. PR-2024-13316, pending in the County Court at Law of Fannin County, Texas, to: David Andrews.
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.
c/o: Law Office of Michael S. Evans
308 North Center Street Bonham, Texas 75418
DATED May 7, 2024.
/S/ Michael S. Evans
Michael S. Evans
Attorney for David Andrews State Bar No.: 24057841
308 North Center Street Bonham, Texas 75418
Telephone: (903) 640-4300
Facsimile: (903) 640-4344
Email: fannin.lawyer@gmail.com
Competitive sealed proposals for the Bonham ISD - MS Additions & Renovations – REBID for 22-A Plumbing are being accepted by Bonham Independent School District. Proposers may obtain an electronic copy of contract documents by contacting the Construction Manager, Gallagher Construction Services, 3501 Token Drive, Suite 100, Richardson, Texas 75082, 972-633-0564, bids@gallaghertx. com, and at the website gallaghertx.com. An electronic copy of the contract documents will also be furnished to area plan rooms.
Electronically submitted proposals shall be submitted to bids@bonhamisd.org, and received before 2:00 PM, local time, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Thereafter, at 2:00 PM, all sealed electronic proposals will be opened and tabulated by the Construction Manager. Any electronic submissions received after the closing time of 2:00 PM will not be accepted. All proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. A complete proposal tabulation will be made available on the Construction Manager’s website as soon as practical after opening of electronic proposals. After proposals are opened and tabulated, post proposal conferences will be conducted as necessary, and recommendations presented to the Owner for consideration of awarding contracts.
If for some reason a proposal cannot be submitted electronically, hard copies shall be sent/delivered directly to Bonham ISD Administration Building, 1005 Chestnut St, Bonham, TX 75418 and received, not postmarked, on or before 2:00 PM, local time, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Any HARD COPY proposals received after the closing time of 2:00 PM will be returned unopened.
BillBuysHouses.com Buying homes As Is Since ‘91. Also buys lots, land & Manuf. Homes 214.478.8979
PINE RUN APARTMENTS Now taking applications for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Please call 903-378-7146.
New Apartments- Single story, brick, appliances including microwave & dishwasher. All electric.
1 bedroom $800/mo. 2 bedroom $950/mo. - - -
2 Bedroom, Totally updated, C/A. All Electric $1,000/mo. - - - - -
3 bedroom, brick, updated, C/A, Large metal shop. $1,600/mo. Call: 903-227-0920
FRIENDLY BUYER OF ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS No TitleNo Problem Call Tony @ 903-449-9028
FREE KITTENS: 2 Male, 1 Female. 2 Mos. Old. Litter Box Trained. Cute, Healthy & Playful. Need A Forever Home. 903-583-5265 PETS
Rural mail carriers on motocycles in Bonham about 1914. Ernest Marston, Jim Bob Taylor, Marvin Cullom, Sam Smith, Sam Cotton, Joe Sparger. Photo is on South Center Street. Circus posters. Coca-Cola sign. The Museum does not hold this photo. Are you in
Fannin CAD has a wonderful interactive Map on their web site; https://www.fannincad.org/ Use the “Map Contents Box” to show overlays of: FEMA flood zones. Bois d’Arc Lake. Bois d’Arc lake 5,000ft Buffer & the Zoning Parcels for Bois d’Arc Lake. If you have any questions please call us, we are here to help. Development Services Di Hopkins 903-449-4220
(Culverts, Lake Zoning, Subdivisions & Rental Communities)
“A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.” Robert Heinlein, American author
Photos courtesy of the Fannin County Historical Museum three blocks south of the Courthouse Square in Bonham, One Main Street Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8042 Visit Facebook: “Fannin County Historical Group”
Notice is hereby given that the Bois d’Arc Lake Zoning Commission of Fannin County, Texas will hold a public hearing on Thursday, June 6, 2024, starting at 8:15am in the Fannin County Court House, 101 E Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX. The Lake Zoning Commission will consider:
a. Zoning text amendment: Addition of LC, Lake Commercial to the zoning districts in the regulations.
b. Change of Zoning: From A&R to RE for 2 Residential lots PID# 82622. 1125 CR 2670, Telephone TX.
c. Change of Zoning: From RE to LC PID# 131451. FM 897, Dodd City, TX.
d. Special Exception: To reduce Road frontage on cul-de- sac and curved roads, For PID#’s 110544 & 126177. 3000 CR 2900, Dodd City, TX.
All interested citizens of the County are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. Please check Fannin County’s website under Upcoming Meetings (www.co.fannin.tx.us) up to 72 Hours prior for more details. For additional info & official protest forms, contact Development Services at 903-449-4220. Any protests must be received by Development Services before 2:00pm on Monday June 3, 2024. Responses received after that time shall not be counted in the record response. The protest shall state the reason for the protest, list the address of the property or contain a legal description of the property on behalf of which the protest is made, and must be signed by the owner of the property.
Zoning Regulations & info are on the development Services web site www.co.fannin.tx.us/page/ fannin.developmentservices
Zoning map can be found on Fannin CAD interactive map www.fannincad.org/interactive-map/
IN THE STATE OF TEXAS TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED: IN THE RULE 202 PETITION, CV-24-46646 IN 336th DISTRICT COURT, FANNIN COUNTY, TEXAS. A Hearing is set for May 24, 2024 at 1:30PM in this Honorable Court. All persons interested in this case are cited to appear before this Honorable Court by filing a written answer or appearance to the Petition. To ensure its consideration, you or your attorney must file any objection, intervention, or response in writing with the District Clerk of Fannin County, Texas on or before the above-noted date and time.