5-21-24 Leader E-Edition

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May 21, 2024 Circulation 15,000+ - Bailey, Bonham, Dodd City, Ector, Gober, Honey Grove, Ivanhoe, Ladonia, Leonard, Randolph, Ravenna, Savoy, Telephone, Trenton & Windom 224 N. Main St., Bonham, TX 75418 fcleditor2020@gmail.com www.fannincountyleader.us Ph: 903-583-3280 • Fax 903-583-3945 ● Classifieds page 18, 20 ● Recipe page 5 ● Legals and Emp pages 19, 20 ● Faith page 17 ● Sports page 21 ● Obituaries page 19 The Paper Of Record for Fannin County Texas The Leader’s Website & E-Edition Access William C. Robertson Political Ad Paid for by William Robertson Campaign - Jesse Nichols, Treasurer VOTE FOR FOR FANNIN COUNTY SHERIFF - MAY 28TH 903-583-4018 Mention our ad to receive a 10% discount on your precision TUNE-UP! Expires 6/7/24 WE INSTALL & SERVICE GENERAC GENERATORS AUTHORIZED GENERAC SALES & SERVICE DEALER ASK US ABOUT OUR GENERATOR SPECIALS! 5/21/24 have maps available guiding shoppers to the special sales sites throughout their communities. Some towns will have yard sales set up at a central location or spread throughout the town. Still others will showcase their downtown merchants or their flea markets/trade days/ farmers markets. Maps will be available at the Bonham Visitors Center, so be sure to stop by and grab one! This event is fun for the whole family! You'll discover everything from heritage homes to historic downtowns, from art to antiques, from cattle trails to cultural facilities. Make plans to travel through the Red River Valley region of Texas for the US HWY 82/287 Yard Sale. Are you interested in participating in this exciting event? Here's how you can get involved: have a yard/garage sale at home, create a nonprofit organization/fundraiser opportunity, or have your business do a sidewalk sale! You'll get free advertising and your address will be listed on the map for no cost. But hurry- you must sign up with the Bonham Visitors Center by noon on 5/29/24 to be included on the Bonham Map. Don't hesitate to contact the Bonham Visitors Center at 327 N. Main St. Bonham Texas 75418 | 903-583-9830 | info@visitbonham.com for more information and to get registered. Like it, share it, and invite your friends- let's make this event a huge success! 2024 GRADUATION EDITION Sale Dates: May 20 through May 25 OPEN: Mon. - Sat. 7 AM - 6 PM Bonham Building Supply 2430 N Center • Bonham, Texas • 903-583-1874 STARTING AT $1299 Flower Hanging Baskets SALE $8999 REG. $10300 Polyethelyne Wheelbarrow, 6-cu.ft. 556746 CONGRATS GRADS! Class of 2024 CLEARANCE ON SHOP FOX 20% OFF! WESTOCKCULVERTS 18” x 20’ • 18” x 30’ 24” x 20’ • 24” x 30’ All-Purpose Topsoil, 40-lbs. SALE $379 262069 GT Garden Soil, 1-cu.ft. 145443 SALE $599 REG. $649 SALE $799 REG. $1149 FS Solar Crackleball Light 233043 SALE $299 REG. $349 Solar Stake Light, Black Plastic 113911 Whirlpool Microwave, 1.7-cu.ft. WMH31017HB REG. $31900 SALE $24900 AQC0902LW Amana Chest Freezer, 9-cu.ft. REG. $74900 SALE $68900 REG. $89900 SALE $78999 247256 Traeger Pro Pellet Grill, Bronze


Over 15,000 copies of The Fannin County Leader are distributed by mail to residents in Fannin County each week for 51 years. Readers will find classified ads, display ads, legal notices and editorial content, all of which are important to the daily lives of local citizens. Our website, www. fannincountyleader.info, is updated daily with information important to our community. Visit our Facebook @ www. facebook.com/The-FanninCounty-Leader for even more community activities and news.

Advertising rates may be obtained from an Account Representative or any other employee. Editorial may be submitted for publication, but will be included at Editor and Publisher’s discretion. Editorial exceeding 300 words will result in delayed publication and may require payment. Any and all content, whether paid or un-paid, will be subject to Publisher approval. Letters to the Editor are encouraged, however, they cannot exceed 300 words and must be signed by the writer. Letters to the Editor that exceed the word count may be published if the submitter is willing to pay for the extra space required to publish the letter in its entirety. Free publication of Letters to the Editor is limited to one every 60 days. Letters from the same contributor within the 60 day period will be published at standard advertising rate. Political Letters to the Editor must be paid for in advance and signed by the writer.

Locally owned and operated by: Connie Estes, Sharon Haynes, Weesie Holland and Tim Meek since April 2020.

Section A Page 2 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO
LITTLE CHIEF PEST CONTROL Complete Pest Control Phone: 903-893-7602 Mobile: 903-718-0509 Termite Treatment Termite Inspection Charlie N. Bell, Jr. P.O. Box 2849 Sherman, TX email:littlechiefpc@yahoo.com Andersonuctioneers Don P. Anderson – 903-815-9755 – TX#17145 Bidding Starts: May 26th @ 6:00 pm TIMED ONLINE AUC TION Anderson Auctioneers Facility 4044 US Hwy 82 East Bells, TX 75414 This is an online auction only with bidding through Proxibid We are taking quality equipment, trucks, tractors and trailers. Please call Don P. Anderson at 903-815-9755 if you have equipment to consign. For pictures & list go to Andersonauctioneers.net (Upcoming Auctions) or AuctionZip #32178 To bid, you must be registered through Proxibid Bidding Ends: June 2nd @ 6:00 pm Items located at Anderson Auctioneers Facility. No consignments taken after May 22nd 5/14/23 All Makes and Models Quality Service 1348 FM 1552 Leonard, TX Open Mon - Fri: 8 - 4 ||| Sat: 9 - 12 The Garage on 1552 469 - 500 - 1038 Call For An Appointment 12/26/23 - Walk-ins Welcome - Family (Adult & Children) Dentistry - Extraction including Wisdom teeth removal - Implants - Crowns & Bridges
Root Canals including Molar Root Canal
Dentures including immediate dentures, implant support dentures, flexible denture, etc.
Teeth Whitening
Nitrous Oxide sedation, etc.
All Dental Emergency Services 1400 N Center St. Suite 100 Bonham, Texas OFFICE HOURS: 9:00am - 6:00pm (M-F), 9:00am - 2:00pm (Alternate Saturdays) 903-304-5808 www.horatiodental.com greatsmile@horatiodental.com Bonham Best Storage (903)304-9995 bonhambeststorage.com 2624 N. Center St. (In between Fat Chance Gym & Krazy Lots) Call about our discounted rates! 3/19/24 • Used Cars • Cash Cars • We Finance • Consignments 903-486-6261 201 N Center, Bonham TX Let’s get more local birthdays listed! Send them to: fcltimmeek@gmail.com For printing in The Leader. MAY BIRTHDAYS Case Dederick, May 22 Syler Woodard May 24 Brody Cudd, May 26 Debra Granstaff May 29 4/27/21 Galyon TravelPlan your world travel or weekend get-away here! Leave the details to us. VacationJurnis.com All Inclusive Resort Packages All Major Cruise Lines • Group Rates (903) 583-0010 Personal Service Paula Galyon Bonham, TX 75418 www.GalyonInsurance.com 1-877-583-0010 Office (903) 583-0010 pgalyon0121@yahoo.com Galyon Insurance Health & Life - Medicare and RX Plans And All Other Personal Insurance Plans • Notary Public We Offer Free Quotes with Over 100 Companies to Save You Money!
Section A Page 3 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 - Vote for the candidate with the most current and relevant training, certifications and experience - Vote to preserve Fannin County values for future generations - Vote for integrity, honesty and accountable leadership - Vote to protect family values and defend our children Early Voting: May 20-24 • Election Day: May 28 Make the right choice for Fannin County, vote Cody Shook for Sheriff! 5/21/24 Roy V. Floyd (Armory) Civic Center - 1100 W 5th, Bonham, TX Precinct 1 & 18 1st Baptist Church - 207 S. Ashford, Savoy, TX Precinct 2 Ladonia City Hall - 100 Main Street, 100 Center Plaza, Ladonia, TX Precinct 3 First Presbyterian Church - 821 N. Center, Bonham, TX Precinct 4 Dodd City City Hall - 304 S. Caney, Dodd City, TX Precinct 6 & 16 Ravenna City Hall - 103 N. Main Street, Ravenna, TX Precinct 5 & 9 1st Baptist Church of Trenton - 230 2nd St., Trenton, TX Precinct 10 & 17 1st Baptist Church - 100 E. Thomas St., Leonard, TX Precinct 7, 11 & 13 Telephone Baptist Church - 14731 FM 273, Telephone, TX Precinct 12 Ector United Methodist Church - 401 Church St. Ector, TX Precinct 15 Lyday Hall Civic (Learning) Center - 540 6th St., Honey Grove, TX Precinct 19 EARLY VOTING: MAY 20TH - MAY 24TH, 7:00am TO 7:00pm On Election Day, Voters must vote in the precinct where registered to vote. Pol. Ad paid for by the Fannin County Republican Party. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE RUN - OFF ELECTION MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT BY VOTING NOW!! ELECTION DAY: MAY 28TH, 7:00am TO 7:00pm Roy V. Floyd (Armory) Civic Center - 1100 W 5th, Bonham, TX All Precincts OFFICES ON BALLOT: • COUNTY SHERIFF • PRECINCT 3 COMMISSIONER • STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION

Fannin County Commissioners Court – A Gavel & A Standing Ovation

Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham, called to order at 9:03 a.m., the Regular Meeting of the Fannin County Commis-

sioners Court. Quorum was established with County Judge and all County Commissioners present except for Commissioner Self who was attending a leadership conference. The Invocation was led by Pastor


noun :

a record of significant events (such as those affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes.

There are 132 Historical Markers in Fannin County according to the Texas Historical Commission (THC) website. Each week I will search the County and post a pic along with the Marker location and the Marker text. If you have a specific Marker you want to see in the Leader, email the pic to fcltimmeek@gmial.com

“A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.”

Bank of Windom

Location: From the intersection of Texas Hwy 56 and FM-1743, proceed south on FM-1743 across the railroad tracks bearing left/east on Main Street about .2 miles to the marker on the left/north.

Marker Text: Recognizing a need for banking services, a group of local businessmen opened the private Bank of Windom in 1900. Originally, the bank operated out of F. C. Council’s store but relocated to a new brick structure on the corner of Main and 2nd streets in 1902. Although the name of the organization of the bank changed over time, the building continued to house the only bank in Windom. In 1964, it changed its name to Fannin National Bank and in 1976 moved to a modern facility. By providing sources of capital of construction and agricultural projects, businesses, and homes, the Bank of Windom has contributed to the Community’s growth and prosperity for generations.

Tony White of the Bonham Community Church in Bonham. Pledges were led by Major James Manis, Retired.

4. Introductions: Judge Cunningham welcomed Republican Candidate for Commissioner Precinct 3, Kurt Fogelberg II to court as well as Republican Candidate Elect for Commissioner Precinct 1, Troy Waggoner and Republican District Director/Fannin County Chair Melanie Grammar.

5. Public Forum: Fannin

County Clerk Tammy Biggar, first thanked the Court for their support before announcing that after much prayer and thought she was rendering a two-week resignation to accept a position with the Secretary of State Elections Division. She noted she would work through the Fannin County run-off election of May 28th with May 29th being her last day. She added, the Republican and Democrat parties would have until August 26th to select a candidate for County Clerk on the Novem-

ber 5th ballot and the Commissioners Court would be tasked with appointing a replacement for her position to carry through to the November 5th election as “the people will choose their next county clerk.” At the conclusion of her statement, Ms. Biggar received a rousing standing ovation. Fannin County Chair Melanie Grammar gave a statement detailing the duties of the County Clerk’s position and voiced her praise for Ms. Biggar’s diligent, highly ethical and oft times sacrificial attention to those duties. Assistant to Fannin County’s IT Director, Jacob VanSickle noted that Fannin County Democrat Chair Bill Roberts called to voice his appreciation for Ms. Biggar’s service to Fannin County noting “her dedication to free and fair elections…for citizens of all political tracks.”


6. Approve payment of bills – County Auditor: Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple stated bills were $625,423.36 and payroll was $384,969.78. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.

7. Approve minutes from 05/07/2024 (R) – County Clerk: A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Magness, seconded by Commissioner McQueen and passed.

8. Approve Auditor

monthly reports for April 2024 – County Auditor: Ms. Whipple noted the YTD revenue for General Fund was $13,286,649.14 with the expenses being $8,667,657.54. A motion was made by Commissioner Kopf to approve with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed.

9. Report of monies received by the County Clerk’s office for April 2024; Courts, $18,518.00 and Land Records, $37,770.00 – County Clerk: Informational only.

10. Report of monies received by the District Clerk’s office for April 2024; $22,180.04 – County Judge (for District Clerk): Informational only.


11. Observance of Order signed by 336th Judicial District Judge Laurine Blake to set the salary of the County Auditor to $106,585.55 beginning October 1, 2024 –District Clerk: Chief Deputy for the District Court, Jennifer Ballard, read the Order for the court’s observance.

12. Observance of Order signed by 336th Judicial District Judge Laurine Blake to set the salary of the County Auditor’s Assistants to $68,684.41, $61,312.58, $49,612.50, $47,250.00 and $46,250.00 beginning October 1, 2024 - District Clerk: See item 11.

13. Observance of Order signed by 336th Judicial District Judge Laurine Blake to set the base salary of the Official Court Reporter to $112,825.21 as of October 1st, 2024 - District Clerk: After Ms. Ballard read this Order, Judge Cunningham noted that under law, the District Judge sets the salaries for the positions noted in the 3 Orders. DISCUSSION, CONSIDERATION AND ACTION ITEMS: 14. Approve Resolution accepting historic Gavel used by Judge Choice Moore; made from a log used to build the first Courthouse of Fannin County and donated by Stanley Thomas and Kathi Bowden, niece and nephew of Judge Choice Moore – County Judge: Stanley Thomas shared personal family history regarding his Uncle Choice Moore and the historic gavel that had come into his possession as a favorite nephew, before presenting the relic to the court. Fannin County Historian Malinda Allison was on hand for the event to add her comments and to advise she had written an article relaying the rich history of the gavel for NT e-News and The Fannin County Leader. Judge Cunningham read a Resolution of acceptance of the gift and noted the gavel will be showcased in the display cases located in the hallway of the Fannin County courtroom. Commissioner Magness made a motion to approve the Resolution which was seconded by Commissioner McQueen and passed. See Commissioners on Section

Corey Johnson - Owner 903-227-3132 Free Estimates 8/22/23 Bonham, TX Fences, Decks & Pergolas, Wood & Vinyl Siding, Flooring, Home Repair & Remodeling, Painting, Staining, Powerwashing, etc. Lawn Mowing, Tree Trimming & Removal, Gutter Screens & Cleaning, Rock & Topsoil, etc. Section A Page 4 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583mycarpetcleanerinc@gmail.com Shane Owen 903-227-6967 •Tile & Grout Cleaning •Upholstery Cleaning •Flood Service My Carpet Cleaner Quality Service And Fair Pricing 25 Years Experience Will work for good hay! IF THE BOOT FITS, REPAIR IT! Don’t Toss Away A Perfectly Good Pair Of Boots or Shoes Simply Because They Are Showing A Little Wear and Tear. • Full or Half Sole • Ladies High Heels or Flats • Refinishing • Boot Repair RISK SHOE STORE & REPAIR SINCE 1921 102 S. Crockett • Sherman, TX West Side of Square Downtown Sherman 903-892-2238 SINCE 1921 www.riskshoestore.com
6 Continued
A, page

Music in the Garden at the Creative Arts Center

Press Release - Music in the Garden is making a comeback on Thursday, May 30 at the Creative Arts Center. Buzz Andrew and Brad Silwood will be teaming up for this kickoff show. Garden gates will open at 6:30 pm and the show will start at 7:00 pm. Guests are welcome to bring their own beverages. Light refreshments will be available and donations encouraged to cover those costs. No admission charge. While some tables and chairs will be available, guests are also encouraged to bring lawn chairs and/or blankets.

The Creative Arts Center is a cultural arts center and nonprofit organization. The center operates an art gallery and gift shop and offers art classes and parties for all ages.

Upcoming classes include art classes in watercolor and acrylic painting. Artist Chris Cravens will be leading a four part watercolor series on Thursday afternoons in June.

New artist member Janet Vines will be teaching a Paint the Masters class on Saturday, June 1 with the first class painting Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Other classes taught by Jessie

Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce 2024 Golf Tournament Postponed until June 7th

Press Release - The Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce has announced that their annual Golf Tournament has been postponed until June 7th. Due to the recent rains, the course at Legacy Ridge is too wet for play for the original date of May 24th.

The Chamber would like to thank Legacy Ridge County Club for allowing us to extend our rain date to June 7th.

If you have not signed up for a team or sponsorship, contact the Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce at 903-583-4811 or info@ bonhamchamber.com for team and sponsorship opportunity information. All proceeds from the tournament allow the Chamber to promote their membership within the community.

The Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c) (6) organization.

This Dill Pickle Dip is the absolute best cold dip where dill pickles are the star! Great appetizer for a graduation party.


8 oz. of cream cheese, softened to room temperature

1 dollop of sour cream

1 c. finely chopped dill pickles

¼ c. finely chopped sweet onion, or green onions

3 Tbsp. pickle juice

1 tsp. dried dill weed

½ tsp. kosher salt pinch black pepper try first before adding any salt chips for serving

Using a wooden spoon, press into the cream cheese and stir to loosen until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and thoroughly combine. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour before serving, then let sit out a bit to soften. Serve with chips, pretzels or veggies. Garnish with a few chopped pickles so everyone knows what that are getting.

Congratulations to all the seniors!

Bryant and Jaye Bella are also coming up soon. Class times, prices and other details can be found on the center’s website. All classes require advanced registration which can be completed online or in person at the center. New classes are being added each week.

The current exhibit in the gallery is the Feminine Energy and Artist Choice exhibit. These works of art will be up until the end of the month.

The next call for artwork is due June 6. The June theme is Vacation and Artist Choice. Artist members can display up to three pieces of art each month for the cost of their artists membership. Guest artists are invited to pay a $30 fee to display up to three pieces.

More details about exhibits

Manna House Food Pantry

and memberships are available on the center’s website and new members are welcome at any time.

More about the center’s events, classes and memberships can be found at www. CreativeArtsCenterBonham. org. The center is located at 200 W 5th in Bonham. Normal hours of operation are Tuesday – Friday from 10 am to 5 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to noon.

When: Tuesday • 1pm - 5pm. Where: 914 S. 5th St. Bonham (across from Calvary Baptist Church.) For more information: 903-583-3910

Recipe Sponsored by:

I hope you will give this one a try. ENJOY!!!!!

Please send me your favorite or unique recipes to Fannin County Leader at 224 N. Main St. Bonham, TX 75418 or email me: fclweesie@gmail.

Paris District Road Report for week of May 13, 2024 Paris -- Here’s a look at work planned in Fannin and Grayson Counties for the week starting April 22, 2024. These schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other unforeseen issues.

Fannin County: FM 274, from SH 78 to FM 1753. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway to an overall width of 26 feet. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone. During the project there will be road closures at the Cottonwood Creek bridge and the Sandy Creek bridge as the contractor replaces the existing bridge. Message boards will be placed in advance of the road closures to alert local traffic of the upcoming closure.

CR 4020 at Caney Creek. CR 4020 at Caney Creek is closed to through traffic to allow for replacement of the bridge. During the closure traffic is asked to use CR 4025 as a detour.

FM 68, from SH 78 to FM 271. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway to an overall width of 28 feet. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.

SH 78, from US 82 to the Oklahoma State line. Watch for daytime shoulder closures and occasional lane closures as workers install sloped-end treatments on drainage structures and replace bridge rail and guardrail.

FM 100, from SH 56 to FM 2216. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.

FM 271, from SH 78 to FM 68. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.

Recreational Road 3, from FM 273 to CR 2610. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform blade leveling on the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.

FM 151, at CR 4440. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform ditch cleanout operations. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.

Section A Page 5 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 5/2/23 Chris Johnson, Broker Dale Horton Jeri Lea Johnson DeAnn Jones Amy Patrick Jered Hudson REALTY 903-815-1661 903-640-3468 903-449-0624 903-227-7826 903-227-0168 903-227-3457 .COM $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Whitlock’s Pawn & JewelryWhereWeActuallyDOLoanMore!!! GUARANTEED HIGHEST PRICES FOR YOUR GOLD!! Proud to Serve the Bonham Area for Over 26 Years “If We Don’t Have It Or Can’t Get It, You Don’t Need It” 509 N. Main Street • Bonham, TX 903-583-8114 Fast&Friendly Loans! DVD’s Buy One Get One FREE 5/17/16 LANDSCAPE SERVICES Bonham, TX - Residential & Commercial References Upon Request • Custom Flagstone Patios, Sidewalks, • Specialize in Flower Bed Cleaning • Pressure Washing • Retaining Walls • Tree Service and Removal • Fence Clearing • New Sod Installation • Firepits 903-421-1750 Free Estimates For The Best In Designing and Cleaning Flower Beds Call Serving Fannin County for 16 years! Remember Sirelio makes things happen, he doesn’t let grass grow under his feet! Custom Gates & Operators Installation & Repair 25 Yrs. Exp. Greg 580-920-5184 STEPHENS SAND & GRAVEL ALL YOUR SAND & GRAVEL NEEDS! 9/20/22 No Job Too BIGor small! Robert & JR Stephens Bailey, TX 75413 Mobile: 903-227-0513 or 903-227-7918 Cross Tax & Bookkeeping 9/12/23 Income Tax Service 2501 North Center St. Bonham, TX 75418 Office: 903.583.3903 Fax: 903.583.5142 crosstaxandbookkeeping@gmail.com Kim Cross formerly Norwood Bookkeeping
TxDOT Project Box
with Weesie

15. Authorize County Auditor to move Forfeiture funds from account

in the amount of $8,000.00 to 560-560-5750 – Sheriff Johnson: Judge Cunningham noted that items 15 through 18 would be handled with one motion. Sheriff Mark Johnson explained these monies would be used to fund duties on the

newly opened Bois d’Arc Lake. After Judge Cunningham read the four agenda items, Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve the move with Commissioner McQueen seconding the motion which passed.

16. Authorize County Auditor to move Forfeiture funds from account 560-103-1560 in the amount of $5,000.00 to 560-560-5740 – Sheriff Johnson: See item 15.

17. Authorize County Auditor to move Forfeiture Funds from account 560-103-1560 in the amount of $10,000.00 to 560-560-5790 – Sheriff Johnson: See item 15.

18. Authorize County Auditor to move Forfeiture funds from account 560-103-1590 in the amount of $62,000.00 to 560-560-5750 – Sheriff Johnson: See item 15.

19. Approve hiring Edson Gonzales to repair all Courthouse jury chairs to prevent swiveling; $20.00 - $25.00 per chair – County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted this item

Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By:

Facebook: Glaser-Family-Charitable-Foundation

59. Popular donut shop item

60. You smear it on bagels 64. Don’t know when yet 65. Equal to 10 amperes 66. Synthetic acrylic fiber 67. One point south of due east

68. Of mixed ancestry

69. Home of the Pyramids

70. A way to change color

fluid accumulation in tissues 2. Untangle 3. One from the U.S. 4. Academic terms 5. San __ Obispo, in California 6. Not healthy 7. Self-assessment questionnaire (abbr.) 8. Arugula genus 9. VIII 10. Makes a monarch 11. Tormentor 12. Commercials 13. Sprinkle 19. Make a mistake 21. Freshwater fishes

was to be the subject of Executive Session

20. Approve hiring Edson Gonzales to repair the Courthouse basement flooring; leveling and sloping, $4,600.00 – County Judge: See item 19.

21. Approve H&G Systems, L.P. HVAC Preventative Maintenance Service Contract effective June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025; $6,429.72 – Purchasing Agent: Fannin County Purchasing Agent Edwina Lane confirmed that this was a contract that was previously amended by Judge Cunningham last year before noting the price was the same as it was last year. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner McQueen seconding the motion which passed.

22. Approve terminating contract for informational technology services between BBC Consulting and Fannin County on May 31, 2024 – Purchasing Agent Fannin: Ms. Lane explained that with the hiring of Jacob VanSickle, a monthly contract for these services was no longer needed. Fannin County’s IT Director Dustin Morrow confirmed that Mr. VanSickle has been doing a good job and any further assistance from the BBC would be handled on an as needed basis for future projects. After some discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner McQueen seconding the motion which passed.

23. Discussion, consideration and action to choose method of selecting the Salary Grievance Committee for fiscal year 2024/2025–County Judge: After Administrative Assistant Lisa Loiselle described the methods, a discussion ensued where it was decided to continue with the method used in previous years. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness to use 9 grand jury jurors from the pre-

vious year’s pool, with Commissioner McQueen seconding the motion. Names were randomly selected and given to the County Clerk to record after a vote was taken to approve the names selected.

24. Discussion, consideration and action to select the Salary Grievance Committee for fiscal year 2024/2025 – County Judge: After the names were read, a motion was made by Commissioner McQueen to accept the names with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed.

25. Discussion and possible action regarding purchasing a storage container for County Clerk from Contingency to store files and supplies – County Auditor: Fannin County Clerk Tammy Biggar led a discussion explaining the need for the container and the specificities involved (heat sensitive paper). Included was a comment from a Bonham resident regarding city regulations on containers. After more detailed discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Magness to obtain a storage container to store files/supplies with the addition of A/C, an alarm and storage shelves not to exceed $3,500. Commissioner McQueen seconded the motion which passed.

26. Approve Resolution authorizing Child Care Facility tax exemptions per Texas Tax Code §11.36 – County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted he was in favor of providing a 100% tax exemption for the quality childcare facilities meeting the qualifications specified. A discussion ensued led by Commissioner McQueen who noted if the county started out at a lower rate, the rate could be raised in the years ahead. He then made a motion to approve authorizing the resolution at a 50% tax exemption. After Judge Cunningham read the resolution, Commissioner Magness seconded the motion which passed.


24. Vermont town

25. Man-made device

26. Entrap 27. Places to store important things 31. Accumulate

32. Greek mythological nymph 34. Gregory __, American dancer

35. Denotes past 36. Becoming popular again

40. Indicates position 41. Came before 45. An extra seed-covering

47. Cheerful 48. Deli sandwich staple 52. Skateboarders love them 53. Mandela’s party

Sierra lake

Nickname for Elizabeth

Remove from record

Employee stock ownership plan 60. Former NFLer Newton 61. Relative biological effectiveness (abbr.)

62. Work unit 63. Town in Cambridgeshire

27. Approve placing additional ambulance at the Honey Grove Volunteer Fire Department location – Commissioner Precinct 2: Honey Grove Fire Captain Joey Rickman Jr. and Honey Grove Mayor Claude Caffee were on hand to confirm that Honey Grove was in agreement for this action. After some discussion it was noted minor remodeling work would be needed, and the matter would be going before Honey Grove’s Council, but HGVFD and the Mayor were in support of the action. Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve with Commissioner McQueen seconded the motion which passed.

28. Approve submitting request for 2024 Capital Credits to the Texas Comptroller – County Judge: Judge Cunningham explained that basically this action was needed for Fannin County to get money back from the State for various items. Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.

OPEN DISCUSSION ITEMS: Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the Court or a Citizen.

29. Subdivision Committee and Subdivision Policy –County Judge: No significant updates

30. Courthouse repairs and litigation – County Judge: Judge Cunningham commented on the upcoming 202 hearing that would be overseen by a visiting judge on May 24, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. at the District Court.

31. Justice Center – County Judge: Judge Cunningham commented on the civil aspects involved (meeting city codes) and noted visible work should be in process at the site in about four weeks.

32. County budget and revenue sources – County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted he and Ms. Whipple are currently in communication with the hot tax people.

33. Water issues affecting Fannin County – County Judge: Judge Cunningham commended Commissioner Kopf for his efforts with various water agencies in the county. Commissioner Kopf noted several meetings are pending.

34. Fannin County road issues – County Judge: Judge Cunningham commented on road issues brought about by recent rains and noted that just putting gravel on the roads isn’t a permanent solution.

35. Discussion regarding solar and wind farms – County Judge: Judge Cunningham reiterated his stance to not give tax abatements and noted that though he wasn’t opposed to green energy, he did not want Fannin County to become “the next ever ready battery for the metroplex.”


36. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, Commissioners Court reserves the right to meet in Executive Session to consult with their attorney – County Judge: Executive Session was entered at 10:36 a.m. After some time, Regular Session reconvened at 11:25 a.m.

37. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074, Commissioners Court reserves the right to meet in Executive Session to discuss personnel issues –County Judge: See item 36.

Section A Page 6 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583Family Owned By Gerald and Judy Howard 903-583-5555 Bonham Full Seervice Funeeral Home Cremations s Trraditiionaal S Seervices Pre-arranggeed Funnerals s bcsfuneral1@gmail.com Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes 903-378-2291 Honey Grove 9/26/23 • Weekly Pick-Up • Dependable Service • Serving All Of Fannin County • Locally Owned - Barry & Kim Williams Office • 903-583-3610 countytrashservicetx.com 2 Yard Dumpster $80.00/mo 4 Yard Dumpster $125.00/mo Regular Service $30.00 / Month with 1 cart provided
5/21/24 CLUES ACROSS 1. Geological time 4. Ooze 9. A set of eight 14. Obstruction 15. Swiss mathematician 16. Philosophy 17. The night before 18. A timid person 20. Unifies 22. Gangs 23. Alternative name 24. Acumen 28. Cathode-ray tube 29. Tantalum 30. Soluble ribonucleic acid 31. Humiliate 33. Earthy pigment 37. Air Force 38. Adult males 39. Stiff untanned leather 41. Before 42. Atomic #18 43. Beer mug 44. Nostrils 46. Type of chef 49. Midway between north and east 50. They __ 51. Splits 55. Walk in a timid manner 58. Preserved animal skin with hair CLUES DOWN 1. Excessive
Crossword Solution Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: JE Legacy Management 469-796-5081 in memory of Jimmie Evans ANSWERS ON PAGE A14 ANSWERS ON PAGE A14 5/21/24 Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: JE Legacy Management 469-796-5081 in memory of Jimmie Evans Continued from Section A, page 4 See Commissioners on Section A, page 7 Continued Commissioners

Mulberry Cemetery Association

Press Release May 2024 The Mulberry Cemetery Association will hold their annual Memorial Day and Homecoming service on Sunday, May 26, 2024. Lunch will be served at 12:00 Noon at the Cemetery Pavilion. Those attending are asked to bring their favorite dish or dishes, drinks are provided by the Association.


Continued from Section A, page 6

38. Consider and take action regarding matters discussed in Executive Session(s) - County Judge: Commissioner McQueen made the motion to hire Edson Gonzales as a seasonal worker to be under the direction of Facilities Management Coordinator Ruben Moreno. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Magness and the motion passed.


39. Comments by County Commissioners and County Judge: Commissioner McQueen thanked everyone for their attendance before commenting on the weather.

Commissioner Magness commented on work done on the ditches at the Justice Center. Commissioner Kopf noted that downed trees had been chopped up and his crew was working on getting them picked up. He then thanked everyone for their attendance.

Judge Cunningham commented on the overflowing lakes, the high humidity and the day’s pretty weather before wishing God’s blessings on Fannin County.

40. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 11:28 a.m.

The service is held each year to honor relatives and friends buried at the Cemetery. A business meeting will be conducted following lunch with President, Derrell Hall Presiding. Everyone is encouraged to come early and stay after the business meeting for visitation. Thru your donations we are

able to keep the Cemetery beautiful and in well kept Condition. We are very proud of our Mulberry Cemetery. If you are unable to attend the service or wish to make a donation to the Cemetery, please mail your donation to Mulberry Cemetery Association, PO Box 23, Ravenna, TX 75476.

Fannin County History: The Road Down Memory Lane

“A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.” Robert Heinlein, American author

Photos courtesy of the Fannin County Historical Museum three blocks south of the Courthouse Square in Bonham, One Main Street Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8042 Visit Facebook: “Fannin County Historical Group”

Ladonia Cheap Cash store. Said to be the first brick building in Ladonia.

Section A Page 7 • May 21, 2024 • 903-5833280 www.fanninpregnancy.org HOURS: Tuesday 9 AM - 7 PM Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM 903-640-8230 FREE Pregnancy Test • FREE Sonogram Parenting Classes • Prenatal Classes Walk-ins Welcome Tues.-Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat. Appointments Only 521 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, Texas 75418 (across from Pizza Hut) 903-583-5600 SHORT INCOME TAX SERVICE Lisa C. Short 903-784-3797 3206 Bonham Street, Paris, TX 75460 2018 Dodge Journey 2016 Ford Escape 2015 Ford Fusion TITANIUM 2015 Chevy Cruze LT 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee 2015 Nissan Pathfinder 2015 Ram 1500 ST 2014 Ford F-150 SuperCrew 2014 Chrysler Town & Country 2013 Ford Escape 2013 M. Benz C-Class 2013 Ram 1500 2012 Chevy Traverse 2011 Chevy Impala 2009 Ford F-150 King Ranch 4x4 1964 Ford Thunderbird OVER 90 VEHICLES IN INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM!!! FREE Brake Check Inspect Pads, Rotors, Calipers, ETC. SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE $6995 Up to 5 Quarts 0w20 or 5w20 oil (most vehicles) Exp. 5/31/24
Section A Page 8 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO 10/22/13 PERDUE’S FOUNDATION REPAIR Specializing in Pier & Beam And Slab Foundations Free Estimates Life Time Warranty Available BBB Member Email: perduesfoundation@yahoo.com Bonham (903) 583-1271 Sherman (903) 893-7113 1-800-942-7113 JOHN’S SEPTIC SERVICE BIG Locally Owned & Operated•24 Hour Emergency Service 903-505-9670 Aerobic Maintenance Contracts • Septic System Installations • Porta Potty Rentals • Septic Tank Cleaning & Repair Tim Welch 903-249-6774 Jeremiah Welch 903-249-5750 903-583-3986 903-640-3986 110 W. 1st Street, Bonham, TX 75418 Pat’s PUMP SERVICE •Septic System Cleaning •Installation •Repair •Inspections •Aerobic Maintenance & Training •Storm Shelters •Porta-Potty Rentals 5/29/18 Clement & Sons Topsoil • Fill Sand • All Kinds of Rock We will build your roads, driveways, homesites and business sites. Dozer • Loaders • Excavators • Dump Trucks Mitchell 903-227-1236 Shane 903-271-0514 903-583-2390 4/9/24 Paul Hodge CONSTRUCTION CO. Custom Homes • Remodels • Renovations Additions • Smart Siding 903-640-1941 Cell: 903-640-6069 hodge.construction@verizon.net Custom Glass & Mirror 215 North Main Bonham,Texas 75418 903-583-7577 • Window Replacements • Frameless Shower Doors •Storefront Doors/Windows Commercial & Residential 1/21/14 L & L A/C-ELECTRICAL Commercial and Residential (903) 583-2369 TECL25417 TACLB27508E OWNERS: Thomas Lackey / Derek Wilson SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION  1/12/21 TECL 18003 TACLB024648C Office (903) 583-4018 Sales • Repairs • Installation Services Commercial • Residential G D C • Pond Clean Outs • Fence Rows • Demolition and Haul Off • Clearing of Brush and Trees • Soil Erosion Damage Repair • Building and Renovation of Roads • Building and Maintenance of Ponds GILDERSLEEVE DOZER CONTRACTING (903) 587-9015 Ron Gildersleeve, Owner/Operator Leonard, Texas Ranch Beautification is our Specialty 1/4/22 5/19/15 Doctor Thomas E. Hunt (903) 583-1814 (903) 227-0525 715 S.E. Hwy 11 Wolfe City, TX 75496 Free Estimates Quality Guaranteed Over 25 yrs. Experience TheRoof GARAGE DOOR SERVICE CO. Commercial & Residential Sales & Service On All -Doors, Springs & Openers Call Barry Williams 903-623-0025  Window Replacement • Contract Glazing • Custom Mirror Work Patio Doors • Screens • Tub Enclosures • Shower Doors Insurance Claims Adjusted MOST DOMESTIC & FOREIGN AUTO GLASS WINDSHIELD REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Tri County Glass Inc. LEE HAMBY, Owner Bus. 903-583-8351 Fax 903-583-3096 114 E. 16th Bonham, Texas 75418 8/10/10 2/21/23 HITACHI 100 EXCAVATOR WITH THUMB ANDERSON DOZER SERVICE WAYMON ANDERSON, OWNER & OPERATOR BONHAM, TX 75418 • MOBILE: 903-990-6688 For All Your Dirt Work Needs Fence Rows, New Ponds & Clean-Out, Site Preparation, Clearing, Demolition! CAT D6 H 10/3/23 A PERFECT ROOFING/REMODELING 32 YEARS EXPERIENCE COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES • NO JOB TO BIG OR SMALL OWNER DANIEL TAYLOR CELL: 903-422-0561 • SENIOR CITIZENS’ DISCOUNT • MAKING YOU HAPPY IS MY JOB aperfectroofing@gmail.com 408 W. SAM RAYBURN ECTOR, TX 75439 www.aperfectroofingremodel.com 8/23/22 Texas Best Handyman & Remodel, LLC Free Estimates - Over 20 Years’ Experience No Job Too Small! TexasBestHandyman1@gmail.com Eric Baldwin, Owner 469.400.4086 Serving North Texas INSURED, BONDED www.texasbesthandyman.com 3/26/24 Mobile HoMe ServiceS • DeckS • Skirting • FloorS • batH • leveling • SiDing • concrete runnerS • unDergrounD Water & electric line laiD 903-640-6999 W il S on b rot H er S e S tabli SH e D in 1978 2 Year Warranty on all work Insured - 30 Years Experience Septic Systems & Tanks Available! BILL GEORGE CUSTOM METAL BUILDINGS We build: Shops, Barns, Custom Metal Buildings, Pole/Hay Barns, Barndo’s, Metal Houses, Fences, Entry-ways all types of custom metal work. Call us for a free estimate today! Bill George 903-583-0298 11/15/22 1/4/24 Reliance Fasteners OF DENISON LP 115 E. GANDY ST. DENISON, TX 75021 OFFICE: 903-465-0145 FAX: 903-465-0642 JEFF FRANCIS Cell 903-814-3127 jfrancis5419@hotmail.com PAT MILLER Cell 580-920-5575 pmmiller69@gmail.com

Letter to the Editor

Our “Letter to the Editor” section is composed of letters submitted to The Fannin County Leader by our readers. The views expressed in these letters are not necessarily the views of The Fannin County Leader. Political letters must be paid for, in advance. To submit a letter, please e-mail fcleditor2020@gmail.com. It is our goal to be fair and neutral relating to political issues. We welcome Letters to the Editor on topics that would be of concern and interest to the community. The decision to publish is left to the Editor and Management.

Fannin County Commissioner, Precinct 3 run-off vote is May 28th. If you voted for Chris Wilson in the primary, the only way your vote will count is if you vote for Chris in the run-off. If Chris' 600 voters do not vote because they think Chris is dropping out, the very core of our election system will be stained, as the candidate opposite of the one you voted for will win. Chris Wilson is on the Ballot and if you want your primary vote to count, you have to vote in the run-off. Then the Republican Party will have to decide what to do but at least it will allow your vote to count

Vote May 28th.

Paid for by Gary Tucker


Meals on Wheels, BONHAM, needs VOLUNTEERS to deliver meals to home bound seniors and adults with disabilities.

Just ONE HOUR of your time a week can make such a difference. Call 903-583-8573

210 E 6th St, Bonham Mon. - Fri. 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Summer Food Service Program

News Release - Honey

Grove ISD is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will be provided, at a first come, first serve basis, at the sites and times as follows.

Honey Grove Elementary Cafeteria

1202 N. 17th St. Honey Grove, TX 75446

We will provide a breakfast meal from 7:30-8:00 Lunch service will be from 11:00-12:00. Monday through Friday, May 24-June 28th. No service on Monday, May 27th.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (AD3027), found online at http:// www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the

information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866)632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 202509410 2) Fax: 202-690-7442; or 3) Email: program.intake@ usda.gov

4) This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Section A Page 9 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280
Section A Page 10 • May 21 2024 • 903-583-3280 12/21/21 Meade-Norman & Bayless Insurance Agency www.bayless-hall.com 110 W. 5th St. P.O. Box 519 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone 903-583-2231 Fax 903-583-9497 3/5/24 1582 Rec Rd 3, Bonham, TX 469-389-1330 MOVE IN SPECIAL - 3 mo. for $99 BOAT & RV & SELF STORAGE www.lakecountrystoragetx.com Contact Cody Cox For A Free Quote 903-450-6749 View completed projects at www.libertyfarmironworks.com METAL BUILDINGS 50x100x16 Pole Barn No walls, includes materials and labor. 26 GA Galv RPanel $35,000 $39, 500 Caldwell Construction Metal Buildings •Farm/Ranch Fencing Email: C3L@att.net 903.217.4412 C3 L David 1/16/24 Political Ad Paid for by William Robertson Campaign - Jesse Nichols, Treasurer The HOPE Program Recycle! The HOPE Program provides local GED classes at NO COST. FREE! How do we do it you ask? This is possible due to the donations and support from our community. Our Recycling Fundraiser is a Win Win for everyone. Benefiting the people of Fannin County. The HOPE Program Recycle Old computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, VCR's, DVD's, power tools, medical equipment, audio equipment, electronics, cameras, vacuums, small appliances, sporting goods. Items can be in any condition & do not have to working. Items may be donated any time of the year. Contact Corey Baker @ 903-583-7446

The family of Brenda Holman would like to thank all of the people that have reached out, came by, sent food or donated to the arrangements. Thank You all for your kind words and generosity.

The Holman Family

Mailbox Improvement Week Arrives in Time for Spring Cleaning

Sherman, TX – The U.S. Postal Service is asking all Dallas homeowners to inspect and repair their mailboxes during Mailbox Improvement Week, May 19–25.

Repairing suburban and rural mailboxes improves the appearance of our community and makes delivering and receiving mail safer for our carriers and customers.

The Postal Service makes this annual request because of the wear and tear that occurs to mailboxes every year.

Some of the typical activities homeowners may need to do include:

● Replacing loose hinges on a mailbox door.

● Repainting a mailbox that may have rusted or has started to peel.

● Remounting a loosened mailbox post.

● Replacing or adding house numbers.

If a homeowner plans to install a new mailbox or replace a worn one, he or she must use only Postal Service–approved traditional, contemporary or locking full/limited service mailboxes.

USPS customers must be careful when purchasing curbside mail receptacles because the use of unapproved boxes is prohibited.

Customers may use a custombuilt mailbox, but they must consult with their local post office to ensure it conforms to guidelines applying to flag, size, strength and quality of construction. For more information on the use of names or numbers on mailboxes, or answers to any other questions, contact your local post office.

The Postal Service generally receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products, and services to fund its operations.

Section A Page 11 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 peakroofingconstruction.com We build integrity into every roof. COME HAIL OR HIGH WATER, WE’LL BE HERE. Whether it’s buckets of rain, hail, or tree bending winds of biblical proportions.
storm season is definitely here and always full of surprises. That’s why Peak is ready to help, whether
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simple roof repair.
up. Call PEAK today for a FREE inspection! 972-731-7663 Check out our blog “Impact Resistant Shingles?” on our website.
or a
No matter the
we’ll be standing by when the heavens open
Section A Page 12 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 Spring iS HErE! We Install Turn Key Kohler & Generac Whole Home Backup Generators 903-583-0123 TEXASBESTPROPANE.COM
Section B Page 1 • May 21, 2024 Bonham Dodd City Fannindel Honey Grove Leonard Sam Rayburn Savoy Trenton A special Thank You to all who sponsored Graduation Dodd City Fannindel Honey Grove Leonard Sam Rayburn Savoy Ector Trenton A special Thank You to all who sponsored Graduation Bonham Dodd City Fannindel Honey Grove Leonard Sam Rayburn Savoy Ector Trenton A special Thank You to all who sponsored Graduation Bonham Dodd City Fannindel Honey Leonard Sam Rayburn Savoy Trenton A special Thank You to all who sponsored Graduation Fannindel Honey Grove Leonard Sam Rayburn Savoy Bonham Ector Bonham Fannindel Ector Trenton A special Thank You to all who Bonham Ector A Special Thank You to all who sponsored the Fannin County Graduates! Bonham Senior Class of 2024 215 HIGHWAY 75 NORTH, EXIT 69 in DENISON, TX 903-465-5671 1-800-951-5671 www.blakeutterford.com 2024 Congratulations Graduates! Congratulations to the 2024 Graduating Class!! 5/21/24 PAUL HODGE CONSTRUCTION CO. Renovations • Remodels • Custom Homes Siding Additions 903-640-1941 • Cell: 903-640-6069 hodge.construction@verizon.net • www.paulhodgeconstruction.com Your hard work and dedication have paid off!
Danni Durante Valedictorian
Graduation Ceremony Warrior Stadium May 24 at 7:30 pm
Felix Waller Salutatorian Reyleigh Shockley 3rd High

Bonham Senior Class of 2024

Bonham High School

2024 Senior Texas Scholars

Lorelei Roberts, Andrea Salinas, Reyleigh Shockley, Ethan Smithey, Kylee Trompler, Matthew Wade and Felix Waller

Section B Page 2 • May 21, 2024
Sponsored by Bonham Education Foundation, Inc. and Bonham Independent School District
The 2024 Bonham High School Texas Scholarship Graduates are (in alphabetical order): Matthew Backus, Katherine Bounds, Kendall Brownfield, Celsi Crum, Miranda Delgado, Abigail Dona, Dani Durante, Ryan Gandara, Katiana Hill,
Alan Aguilar Kimberly Aguilar Jessenia Alfaro Luis Alvarez Matthew Backus Kiera Behrens Kathryn Bounds
Christian Brock De'Marcus
The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452
Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341
Johnathan Brister
Brown Gavin
Brown James Brown Landon Brown

Bonham Senior Class

Section B Page 3 • May 21, 2024
of 2024 621 N. Center St. • Bonham, TX 75418 Phone (903) 583-4326 Congratulations to the C lass of 2024! Fannin County Teachers Federal Credit Union We salute your hard work and achievement. Congratulations on your graduation! Caps Off to You! We salute your hard work and achievement. Congratulations on your graduation! Caps Off to You! 2109 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8833 5/23/23 Kendall Brownfield Joaquim Bustamante Martin CabreraMarin Kaitlyn Capehart Michael Chadwick William Chastain Bryton Cole Gavin Collier Presley Collins Angelica Colmenero Cesli Crum Angel Cruz Troy Darby Angel Deese Miranda Delgado Abigail Dona Hunter Dudley Whitlock Pawn 903-583-8114 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418 RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 CONGRATULATIONS! MAIN STREET Title Congratulations to all our graduates! Matthew Backus 2024 Bonham High Graduate 5/21/24 903-449-4341 • 407 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX 75418 Congratulations!! Class of 2024

Take pride in how far you’ve come.

Have faith in how far you can go.

But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.

Section B Page 4 • May 21, 2024
Section B Page 5 • May 21, 2024 Bonham Senior Class of 2024 2228 N. Center St. | Bonham 2232 N. Center St. | Bonham 903-583-2163 www.legend.bank We’re proud supportto GRADUATES 2 24 Legend Bank is proud to support graduates in our community. We’ve awarded over $416,000 to seniors through our Legend Bank Scholarship Program since 2014. Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender 5/21/24 TACLA024648C TECL1800 OK37990 7258 HWY 78 North Ravenna, TX 903-583-4018 2024 Class of Congratulations! Ayden Trejo 5/21/24 5/21/24 Serving Northeast Texas since 1952 1400 W. Russell Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-5574 McClanahan and Holmes, LLP Certified Public Accountants B Best Wishes to the Class of 2024 mycarpetcleanerinc@gmail.com 5/21/24 Shane Owen 903-227-6967 •Tile & Grout Cleaning •Upholstery Cleaning •Flood Service My Carpet Cleaner Quality Service And Fair Pricing 25 Years Experience Will work for good hay! CLASS OF 2024 Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes 903-583-5555 • 903-378-2291 www.coopersorrells.com 5/23/17 Don Dunn Danni Durante Makenna Edwards Lily Englutt Angel Esquivel Grace Farrell Carson Fugett Kylee Furrh Ryan Gandara Jamie Garcia Lillian Godbey Joseph Gorden Logan Griffith Payton Hayes Jake Shockley State Farm 903-583-8111 Bob Eaton State Farm 903-583-9131 Bob Eaton State Farm 903-583-9131 Bob Eaton State Farm 903-583-9131 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418 RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com
Section B Page 6 • May 21, 2024 Bonham Senior Class of 2024 Congratulations Class of 2024 709 N. Center • Bonham 903-583-3937 • coletitle@coletitle.org 5/21/24 Cole Title Company 1530 Silo Road • P.O. Box 250 Bonham, Texas 903-583-2117 • Fax: 903-583-7384 • 800-695-9020 5/21/24 Congratulations, Graduates! Years of hard work have led you here today, and we’re honored to celebrate with all of you. We wish you the best as you take the next step. Thanks for making us proud! Class of 2024 Angel Titsworth, Broker Serving TX & OK 903-583-4900 • www.solidgroundrealtors.com Congratulations! WeareProudofYou! Pat’s PUMP SERVICE 110 W. 1st Street, Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3986 • 903-640-3986 5/21/24 Congrats & Hats Off to the Graduates! Here’shopingallof your hopesanddreamscometrue! Nahomy Hernadez Rodriguez Austyn Herrington Brianna Hill Kaitana Hill Pablo Ibarra Karissa Idell Sydney Johnson Jake Shockley State Farm 903-583-8111 Whitlock Pawn 903-583-8114 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418

Bonham Senior Class of 2024

Section B Page 7 • May 21, 2024 Hunter Jones Kenlee Karl
Carrie Kelton La Dainian Keys Matthew Kirby Sophia Klise Hunter LaBelle Layton Lee Madison Lehew Jagger Lindsey Ashlynn LongBrauer Bryan Longoria Ely Longoria Kayla Lopez Jonathan Luke Kadence Martin Olivianna Martin AngelaTrochezMartinez Justin McBride Jack McConnell Colt McDonald Kayla Mientek Damarrion Nobles Jesus Osoria Escalante Bryan Parra Saenz Melanie Perez Franklin Pless Jerwynne Price Katelin Pugh Daniella Quevedo Lily Ramsey Sahara Rector Starla Rector Lorelei Roberts Christina Rosalez Selena Rosalez Andrea Salinas Savanah Sanders Karista Shelton Bayle Shires Freedom RV LLC 903-200-8426 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418 RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280

Bonham Senior Class of 2024

Section B Page 8 • May 21, 2024 5/21/24 Congratulations SENIORS SENIORS CONGRATULATIONS ON A JOB WELL DONE!!! Limited time offer: FREE MEMBERSHIP for graduating seniors in Fannin County Membership includes: 1) FREE share (savings) account 2) FREE checking account 3) FREE debit card Fannin Federal Credit Union would like to extend this offer to all graduating seniors in Fannin County. FFCU awarded $12,800.00 in scholarships to 32 students last year. 903-583-8131 • www.fannincu.com HOOT-HOOT-HOORAY! Congratulations to all of this year’s wise and wonderful graduates. HOOT-HOOT-HOORAY! Congratulations to all of this year’s wise and wonderful graduates. AUTO - HOME- LIFE -HEALTH 419 N. Main • Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-0681 Email: john@farmnhome.com John C. Farris CIC, CLU Congrats, grads! 1211 E 6th St. Suite 300, Bonham, TX |903-583-6155 FROM PROVIDERS AND STAFF AT
Reyleigh Shockley Ashley Shrum Ethan Smithey
Karlem Solis Jacilynn Starnes Braeden Stewart Perla Tapia Brandon Tejeda Ayden Trejo Kylee Trompler Rylan Tally Jake Shockley State Farm 903-583-8111 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Kirk's Collision 903-640-0000 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Rick's Detail Shop 903-583-9768 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Custom Glass & Mirror 903-583-7577 Advantage Sales 903-583-0418 RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com

Bonham Senior Class of 2024

Section B Page 9 • May 21, 2024
Alexander Ulrick Zoey Ulrick Rickey Vaillette Coltten Van Hooser Jazmin VazquezBernal Matthew Wade Felix Waller
Westbrook Elizabeth White Davyn Whitman Cezanne Williams Dreygan Worley Darian Yarborough Leonardo Zapata 5/21/24 Congratulations Seniors! Wishing you all the best! Give Me A Call, I Can Handle It All, Guaranteed! 903-583-7888 Stapp Tree Trimming & removal We have small and large equipment rentals! 200 Winkler St. • Bonham • 903-486-6165 2026 N. Main • Paris • 903-401-5301 •Buffers •Jack Hammers •Post Hole Diggers •Air Compressors •Tile Saws •Hot Saws •Generators •Light Towers •Hammer Drills •Log Splitters •Texture Machine •Roto Rooters Congratulations Seniors! We are proud of you! 5/21/24 class of Congratulations! 2024 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com RV Wholesalers 903-200-8452 rvwholesalers.com The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Dobbel's Plumbing, LLC 903-486-6977 Bonham Custom Memorials 903-449-4341 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280 The Fannin County Leader 903-583-3280

Honey Grove Senior Class of 2024


Graduates, we wish you all the best at graduation and in all of your future endeavors. The road ahead may be filled with challenges, but it will also be filled with rewards. Take every step with a positive attitude, and stay committed to your hopes and dreams. Hard work will get you where you want to go every time. We know you’ll reach new heights of success in everything you do!

Section B Page 10 • May 21, 2024
Honey Grove ISD - 1206 N. 17th St., Honey Grove, TX 75446 - 903-378-2264 5/21/24
Graduation Ceremony Honey Grove High School Gym May 24th 7:00pm
Lucas Morrison Salutatorian Autumn Howell Valedictorian Back Row (6) L to R: Myles Neeley, Luis Mendez, Cort Garner, Edwin Lopez, Cristian Coronado, Logan Klockgether, Lucas Morrison, Kedran Leshaw Row L to R: Reece Slagle, Jose Juarez, Nate Warren, Ethan Craig, Kiliegh Bateman 4th Row L to R: Deon Morris, Cortney Cooper, Ashton Sandlin, Aidan Vega, Tyler Pierce, Manuel Diaz, Aubrey Wilson, Katie Vest, Ellie Hood 3rd Row L to R: Brooklyn King, Carsyn Lane, Analleli Yanez, Emma Black, Savannah Wilson, Mariyah Finney, Ruby Medrano 2nd Row L to R: Kailyn Freeman, Sara Ridley, Aubri Roberts, Megan Campbell, Cynthia Jaramillo, Yazmin Gamez, Ruth Salguero
Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes 903-583-5555 • 903-378-2291 www.coopersorrells.com 5/23/17 Corey Fagan Agency Manager Ted Varner Agent FANNIN COUNTY 1300 N. Hwy. 121 Bonham, TX 903.583.8535 Beth Tircuit Agent TEXANS SERVING TEXANS Kiliegh Bateman Reece Slagle 17754 E Hwy 82 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-200-8452 Honey Grove Seniors 5/21/24 Congratulations Seniors! Coming Soon! 410 N. Center, Bonham, TX
Front Row (1) L to R: Aizana Trejo, Marilynn Braley, Autumn Howell, Kynlie Kinard, Emilee Hensley, Summer Hensley, Kenlee Karl

Leonard Senior Class

Front Row: Kylah Caldwell, Sydnee Richardson, Jesse Gomez, Brielle Michaud, Tori Burt, Brooke Day, Sadie Denison, Monserrat Hernandez-Ramirez, Ashley Ramirez

Second Row: Lydiann Garcia, Kalissa Chambers, David Almendares, Natalie Sandate, Brisly Garcia, Olivia Wright, Cloe Wood, Honey Mendoza, Ezekiel Narron, Hannah Stevenson, Andrew Kramer

Third Row: Tarryn Davis, Jizeh Parga, Caleb Richardson, Keara Cavender, Randy Slaughter, Albert Vazquez, Oswaldo Vicencio, Lindsey Dodd, Jada Young, Makalee Sadler, Bailey Kuhn

4th Row: Trinity Stephens, Daniel Ochoa, Moises Vera, Olivia Pye, Evan Anderson, Makenzie Pemberton, Cayden Mudd, Emmanuel Martinez, Jett Chaney, Ruben Castillo-Zapata, Isabel Woodruff

5th Row: Crawford Beebe, Misael Gutierrez, Jordan Barlagne, Savannah Smith, Kaiden Henry, Jonathan Pena, Miguel Hernandez, Katelynn Aristondo, Xavier Zuniga, Derek Johnson, Brett Nix

6th Row: Russell Murphy, Callum Ramsay, Mason Underwood, Caden Damesworth, Gabe Crook, Jaxon LaCook, Jayden Henderson, J.J. McCutchen, Ethan Richardson

Not pictured: Philip Bovis, Carlie Vinsonhaler, Ben Woodruff

Section B Page 11 • May 21, 2024
2024 5/21/24 SENIORS! Congratulations 2024 CLASS OF from LEONARD ISD
Graduation Ceremony May 24th - Tiger Stadium 7:30 P.M. We salute your hard work and achievement. Congratulations on your graduation! Caps Off to You! We salute your hard work and achievement. Congratulations on your graduation! Caps Off to You! 2109 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8833 5/23/23 5/21/24 WAY TO GO CLASS OF 2024! 903-587-3363
Salutatorian Brielle Michaud Victoria Burt

Savoy Senior Class of 2024

You worked hard. You persevered. You graduated! Congratulations on this wonderful achievement. We hope your big day is special in every way, and we wish you happiness and success as you follow your dreams into the future.

Section B Page 12 • May 21, 2024
Valedictorian Tabitha Baecht Salutatorian Taelor Cornwell L-R (back row - standing): Zakary Helm, Dylan Frazier, Zach Clark, Carlos Amaya, Mason Staley, Levi Bradshaw, Vaden Wood, Caesar Rivera L-R (front row - sitting)
Graduation Ceremony High School Gym 1302 TX-121 Bonham, TX 75418 Congratulations Class of 2024! GARAGE DOOR SERVICE CO. 903.623.0025 Barry & Kim Williams CONGRATULATIONS to the 2024 Seniors of Fannin County! 5/21/24
Taelor Cornwell, Britton Rich, Sarah Gilliland, Maddie Clark, Alyson Bogard, Tabitha Baecht, Abigayle Murphy
Section B Page 13 • May 21, 2024 5/21/24 From SAM RAYBURN ISD Faculty & Staff 2024 903-227-6656 • Ravenna, TX • hunniroseranch22@yahoo.com Find us on Facebook! Perfectforanyevent! Congratulations Seniors! 5/21/24 CLASS OF 2024 5/21/24 Lakeside Fireworks N. on Hwy 273 - 4mi. from 78/273 Look for PYRO on Blue Stand on Left Comebyduringouropen Memorial Day season May22ndthruMay27th togetyourfreefireworkand celebrate your hard work! Scan the QR code to Follow us on social media for all contests and specials! Bridgette Capehart LakesideFireworkswantstosay CONGRATS TO ALL SENIORS! Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes 903-583-5555 • 903-378-2291 www.coopersorrells.com 5/23/17
Front Row: Avery Amlin, Aspen Williams, Ella Terry, Abbi Keeton, Makayla Idell, Maddie Johnson, Amarah Garcia, Kayla Wallace, Bridgette Capehart, Micah Kane Middle Row: Cayden Williams, Drew Baker, Tucker Gibbs, Gavin Graham, Colin Clark, Beau Bromley, Gus Barker, Gavin Caylor, Sam Troutz, Jaci Gammons, Aubree Jones, Caylie Underwood, Yaritza Martinez Back Row: Grant Graham, Austin Klockgether, Austin Lott, Trevin Wilson, Noah Hernandez, Skyler Fienen, Rylei Mantooth, Graci Hall Not Pictured: Ethan Hibdon Austin Lott Salutatorian
Bobby W Eaton • 903-583-9131 Congratulations! Jaci Gammons & Rylie Mantooth 5/21/24 Graduation Ceremony High School Gym May 24 - 7:00 pm
Makayla Idell Valedictorian

Ector Senior Class of 2024

Alyssa Grace Mackey is the Valedictorian of the Class of 2024. Alyssa is the daughter of Dave and Michelle Mackey of Ector. Alyssa will be attending Texas A&MCommerce in the fall of 2024. She will be pursuing her degree in Early Childhood Education. She plans to become a Kindergarten teacher.

Ethan Ryan Robinson is the Salutatorian of the Class of 2024. Ethan is the son of George and Megan Robinson of Bonham. Ethan will be attending Neumont College of Computer Science in Salt Lake City, Utah in the fall of 2024. He is pursuing his degree in Computer and Game Design. He plans to become a game designer.

Graduation Ceremony - Gym May 24th 7pm

Fannindel Senior Class of 2024

Section B Page 14 • May 21, 2024 Graduation Ceremony May 24th -7pm H.l. Milton Sports Complex
Left to right top: Edgar Lopez, Mlarrissa Cuba, Kai Fornof, Brianna Judkins Left to right bottom: Aston Smith, Ke’Monte Cuba, Lucas Mooreland,
hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.” 5/21/24 Fannindel I.S.D. 601 W Main St. Ladonia, TX 75449 (903) 367-7251
Not Pictured: Justin Hanning
Back row l to r: Alexis Holt, Ethan Robinson, Gauge Williams, Bradley Branch, Bree Kresley, and Devin Ramirez; Front row l to r: Holden Trainor, Hailey Trainor, Alyssa Mackey, Serenity Stevenson, Ryllie Collinsworth, Lain Hilliard, and Callista Chism. Not pictured is Isabella Deas.
5/21/24 Congratulations

Trenton Senior Class of 2024

Section B Page 15 • May 21, 2024
R5: Shane Moncier, Diego Rivera, Pablo Rivera, Fisher Murphy, Lukas Lowrance, Ayden Cooper, Juan Sanchez and Caleb Crittenden. R4: Braden Hall, Cesar Zarate, Jayden Candela, Clay Anderson, Victoria Parks, Kaylen Atchley, Lizzie Baggett and Zinneah Adams. R3: David Parsons, Chris McCorkle, Liam Kuykendall, Aidan Gilmer, Micah Wommack, Athziri Echeverria, Haley Boggess and Kadence Foote. R2: Kaitlyn Dodge, Jolee McMahon, Avery Allison, Tatom Robinson, Lucas Kirby, Colton Gray, Stone Anderson and Chloe Dockery. R1: Abby Casey, Ashley Vasquez, Abigail Stufflebeme, Kristinia Joy, Perla Galvan, Gracie Williams, Tristen Jones and Kimberly Arreaga.
Graduation Ceremony Trenton High School Gym May 24 - 6:00 pm Caleb Crittenden Salutatorian Brian Parsons Valedictorian ALL 2024 GRADS! Congratulations, TATOM ROBINSON Trenton Graduate ADDYSON CHANEY Dodd City Graduate Tommy Stapleton, Owner • BONDED/FULLY INSURED Serving North Texas Area Since 1981 5/21/24 INSURANCECLAIMSSPECIALIST 903-821-7663 G Galyon Insurance & Travel May God bless your new adventures ahead! - Paula and John 5/21/24 Paula Galyon Bonham, TX 75418 www.GalyonInsurance.com 1 - 877 - 583 - 0010 Office (903) 583 - 0010 pgalyon0121@yahoo.com CongratulationsTatomRobinson! Class of 2024 We salute your hard work and achievement. Congratulations on your graduation! Caps Off to You! We salute your hard work and achievement. Congratulations on your graduation! Caps Off to You! 2109 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8833 5/23/23
Not pictured: David De La Cueva, Dallas Fisk, Micheal Martralli, Orion Medley and Landon Yarbrough.
Section B Page 16 • May 21, 2024 Dodd City Senior Class of 2024 Bonham 1204 W. 10th St. Hours M-F 8-6 • Sat 8-1 903-583-0493 www.warriortire.net 5/21/24 Congratulations 2024 Graduates! 5/21/24 Office • 903-583-3610 • countytrash.com COUNTYTRASH SERVICE CONGRATULATIONS! DODD CITY SENIORS Congratulations! 709 N. Center, Bonham 903-583-3937 • coletitle@coletitle.org Cole Title Company KARA FREEMAN 5/21/24 3500 E Hwy 56, Dodd City, TX • www.freedomrvtexas.com Congratulations, DEVON GARESS! DODD CITY 2024 SENIOR John Gilbreath Salutatorian Addyson Chaney Valedictorian
Back: Ethan Barnard, Tyler Smithson, Hunter Haglund, Nate Van Huss, Garrett Morrison, Alex Trandafir, Alex Helms Middle Top: Hannah Burney, Jaden Mahar, Layton Vaught, John Gilbreath, Kadyn McCarley, Kara Freeman Middle Bottom: Hadley Ozment, Aidan Green, Emma Jenkins, Addyson Chaney, Michael Ortega-Torres
Graduation Ceremony High School Gym May 23 - 7pm L & L A/C-ELECTRICAL Commercial and Residential (903) 583-2369 TECL25417 TACLB27508E OWNERS: Thomas Lackey / Derek Wilson 5/21/24  SALES  SERVICE  INSTALLATION Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Homes 903-583-5555 • 903-378-2291 www.coopersorrells.com 5/23/17 We’re Doggone Proud of You, Graduates! Keep up the great work as you set your sights on the next goal, and remember to have a little fun along the way. Congratulations, and very best wishes to all of this year’s grads! 1234 Washington Street | Somersville Heights 000-000-0000 | www.namewebsite.com
Bottom: Kenze Cason, Zoie Hobbs, Natally Medina, Lexi Robertson, Nautica Morris

CLEBURNE, Texas - RayShawn Riley earned second team All-Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference recognition and Tino Ramirez, Trystan Mallory, Brant Stuber, and Brandon Hill were each recognized with honorable mention nods for their outstanding play during the 2024 campaign, the league office has announced. Riley, a freshman outfielder and first baseman from Wylie, earned his second team AllSCAC selection after wrapping up his first collegiate season with a batting average of .345, seven doubles, and 29 runs batted in to pace the 'Roos in all three categories. Riley added two home runs

and 20 runs scored while collecting 50 hits on the year. He also boasted a .371 on-base percentage and a slugging percentage of .434 for the season. Ramirez, a junior second baseman from Dallas, was named honorable mention AllConference in his debut season with the 'Roos, finishing second on the team with a .333 batting average and 47 base hits. He scored a team-best 22 runs and had six doubles, a triple, two home runs, and also led the 'Roos with nine stolen bases.

Mallory, a junior pitcher from Bonham, led the 'Roo pitching staff all season to earn his honorable mention recognition.

Veterans Transitional Housing

Mallory had a 3.73 earnedrun-average and a team-best 42 strikeouts during the 2024 season, while only allowing 14 walks in 50.2 innings pitched.

Mallory made 10 appearances this year, including nine starts, and won a pair of games with a 1.34 WHIP. This is the second straight season Mallory has earned All-SCAC honors.

Stuber, a junior pitcher from Bonham, finished the regular season tied for the SCAC lead with six saves on his way to earning honorable mention All-Conference status. Stuber made 17 appearances this year, boasting a 3.33 earned-runaverage. He had 25 strikeouts in 24.1 innings pitched with a 1.33 WHIP, while also picking up a victory.

Hill, a senior outfielder from Carrollton, was named honorable mention All-SCAC following a season in which he hit .274 in 31 appearances, collecting 26 hits including four doubles, two triples, and a team-high three home runs. He also had 16 runs batted in and scored 13 times, and his .453 slugging percentage led the 'Roos.

Trans Cable (TCI) Receives Certification to ISO9001:2015 and AS9100D

Performance Review Institute (PRI) Registrar recognizes Trans Cable International (TCI) for having met the stringent requirements of these international standards, their ongoing commitment to satisfying stakeholders, and their dedication to continual improvement of their management system.

Trans Cable International (TCI) announces that it has just achieved ISO9001:2015 and AS9100D certifications, reaffirming their commitment to delivering exceptional quality and reliability in wire and cable manufacturing in the low voltage, telecommunication, defense, aerospace, space, industrial and customer-technical cable industries.

“This milestone underscores our dedication to meeting and exceeding the highest industry standards, ensuring that our customers receive the utmost quality and satisfaction. These certifications serve as a testament to our continuous efforts to enhance our processes and systems, ultimately enabling us to better serve our valued customer. We are immensely proud of our team, of this achievement; and we remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence across all facets of our operations,” said Carlos Medina, COO - Trans Cable.

“Trans Cable has demonstrated its commitment to world class manufacturing and distribution of insulated, NonFerrous, Copper Wire, Cable Products for Space, Aerospace, Defense, Electrical and Commercial Industries by implementing and becoming certified to the AS9100D standard. They have joined an elite number of organizations worldwide who have achieved certification to this globally recognized Aerospace standard,” said Randy Daugharthy, Vice President – Registrar at the Performance Review Institute Registrar. “PRI Registrar is proud to partner with Trans Cable International (TCI) in this accomplishment and look forward to continued support of their objective of wire and cable manufacturing excellence.”


Trans Cable

Since 2013, TCI has been providing top quality, American-made wire and cable products to the nation. Our products are developed and manufactured in Bonham, Texas, undergoing a rigorous testing process by our experts to ensure they meet and exceed the highest industry standards. We operate within a 40,000+ sq. ft. facility that is continuously growing. More than 80 years of wire and cable experience and knowledge. For more information, visit transcableusa.com.

Section A Page 13 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280
Bonhi Exes Baseball Honorable Mentions
3019 FM
68 Leonard, TX 75452
Liaison 945.542.0302 www.soldiersvillage.org Tanner Conticelli ●● tanner@soldiersvillage.org

Crossword Solution

Section A Page 14 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 4/30/24 5886 North Hwy 78 Bonham, TX 75418 • (903) 449 - 4228 Office • www.doublejequipmentrepair.com •TruckandTrailerRepair •TractorandEquipmentRepairs •HydraulicHoses •HydraulicCylindersRebuilt 10% Veterans Discount! Apply at careers.claytonhomes.com Search for Bonham, Texas and Manufacturing Team Member Looking for long term career minded team members to join our Team in Bonham! Benefits Include... M-F 7 AM - 3:30 PM Schedule No Overtime • Weekly Bonus Training Available • Awesome Benefits Package $21+ Hourly Base Pay Requirements: Must pass a drug screen Valid Picture ID and Social Security Card After 90 Days - $25.66 Current Avg. Pay Wesley Oaks Memory Care ComingSoon! 1200 W Russell, Bonham,TX 75418 903-640-1200 or 903-348-0415 Ask for Shayla 8/15/23 FOSSIL RIDGE Roofing and Construction David Votaw 903.449.2065 fossilridgeroofing.com A Rated BBB - Licensed and bonded in Oklahoma and Texas • Composition Roofs • Metal Roofs • Remodeling / Construction • Gutters • Windows • Free Inspection • Claim Specialist 9/12/23 WEEKS FAMILY BEEF Straight from our farm to your table! weeksfamilybeef.com for pricing Andy Weeks • 903-583-0122 Great Bulk Deals! also Quarter, Half & Whole Beef CA$H FOR JUNK MOWERSTILLERSGO-KARTS CARSCAMPERSCHAINSAWS BICYCLESGOLF CARTS MINI BIKESETC.FREE HAUL-OFF 903-624-3488 5/21/21 5/21/24 CLUES ACROSS 1. Geological time 4. Ooze 9. A set of eight 14. Obstruction 15. Swiss mathematician 16. Philosophy 17. The night before 18. A timid person 20. Unifies 22. Gangs 23. Alternative name 24. Acumen 28. Cathode-ray tube 29. Tantalum 30. Soluble ribonucleic acid 31. Humiliate 33. Earthy pigment 37. Air Force 38. Adult males 39. Stiff untanned leather 41. Before 42. Atomic #18 43. Beer mug 44. Nostrils 46. Type of chef 49. Midway between north and east 50. They __ 51. Splits 55. Walk in a timid manner 58. Preserved animal skin with hair CLUES DOWN 1. Excessive fluid accumulation in tissues 2. Untangle 3. One from the U.S. 4. Academic terms 5. San __ Obispo, in California 6. Not healthy 7. Self-assessment questionnaire (abbr.) 8. Arugula genus 9. VIII 10. Makes a monarch 11. Tormentor 12. Commercials 13. Sprinkle 19. Make a mistake 21. Freshwater fishes 59. Popular donut shop item 60. You smear it on bagels 64. Don’t know when yet 65. Equal to 10 amperes 66. Synthetic acrylic fiber 67. One point south of due east 68. Of mixed ancestry 69. Home of the Pyramids 70. A way to change color WWW.GFCF.ORG Facebook: Glaser-Family-Charitable-Foundation Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: 24. Vermont town 25. Man-made device 26. Entrap 27. Places to store important things 31. Accumulate 32. Greek mythological nymph 34. Gregory __, American dancer 35. Denotes past 36. Becoming popular again 40. Indicates position 41. Came before 45. An extra seed-covering 47. Cheerful 48. Deli sandwich staple 52. Skateboarders love them 53. Mandela’s party 54. Sierra lake 56. Nickname for Elizabeth 57. Remove from record 59. Employee stock ownership plan 60. Former NFLer Newton 61. Relative biological effectiveness (abbr.) 62. Work unit 63. Town in Cambridgeshire
Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: JE Legacy Management 469-796-5081 in memory of Jimmie Evans
Section A Page 15 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 come join us come join us at VBS! at VBS! Allens Point Baptist Church June 9th - 13th June 9th - 13th 6:00pm - 8:30pm 6:00pm - 8:30pm 301 CR 2775, Honey Grove Runoff Early Voting: May 20th – May 24th Election Day: May 28th • Texas Right to Life PAC • Texas Values Action • True Texas Project • Home School Coalition • Texas Eagle Forum • Grassroots America – WTP Political Ad Paid for by Jamie Kohlmann for Texas Strongly endorsed by conservative TX leaders & organizations, including: The CONSERVATIVE Choice • US Senator Ted Cruz • TX LtGov Dan Patrick • TX AG Ken Paxton • TX Ag Commissioner Sid Miller • TX House Nom Shelley Luther • 36+ GOP Precinct Chairs Protect Kids from radicals Trust Parents to know what’s best Reclaim Education & High Standards All-N-1 Services Joe Garza (469) 223-3825 Custom Homes • Remodeling Fencing • Excavation Demolition • Renovations Construction • Electrical Maintenance & More! Commercial & Residential Insured - Licensed - Bonded T.E.C.L 33126 11/7/23 Angler Expo 2024 At Bonham State Park Saturday June 1st from 9 am – 2 pm Submitted by Linda Brinlee Be ready for a fun filled day for adults and children alike and discover the wonder and intrigue of all things aquatic. The Angler Expo is Saturday, June 1st , from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Earn your Beginner Angler Certification and First Fish Award. Whether you bring your own fishing equipment or borrow from the park, get ready for a great day of fishing. No fishing license is required. Also, free bait will be available. Other activities include: • Fish Identification and Anatomy Game • Invertebrate Touch Tank • Habitat and Critters –What’s in Our Lake?
Fisherman Knots – Is It a Knot or Not?
Rods, Reels and Tackle, OH MY!
Regulations, Ethics, and Safety
Casting Game – Put the Bait Where the Fish Are!
Art & Crafts Bring plenty of water, sunscreen, a hat, and be ready for a fun filled day! Entrance fee is $4.00 for visitors 13 years old and up. Children, 12 years old and younger, are free. Other June activities include ranger guided CCC Hike on June 8th, Night Creatures on June 14th, and Night Sky on June 28th. Summertime outdoor skills workshops include Dutch Oven 101 on June 15th, Geocaching with a Challenge on June 15th, and Anchored in Safety- How to be Safe In and Around Water on June 22nd. On Father’s Day, June 16th, the park will
Fossil Fun and then wrap up the month with Games and Craft Outpost on June 29th. Check out Bonham State Park on Facebook, or our webpage, for additional details and dates.

Bonham City Council – Oaths of Office & Lake Bonham Concerns

Monday, May 13, 2024, before calling to order the Regular Meeting of the Bonham City Council, Mayor H.L. Compton asked a group of citizens gathered to voice their concerns about the Lake Bonham acreage the city council voted to put on the market last month, to limit their commentators to one representative. He also stated that in the most recent election, there were only 233 citizens out of 4,599 registered voters, who exercised their right to vote. He asked people who do not vote to please not complain about the actions of elected officials on Facebook. An invocation was led by Pastor Mark Posey of the Congregational Church of Bonham. All members of

the City Council were present.

1. Consider and take action to canvass returns of May 4, 2024 election: After a brief review by City Secretary Heather Stockton, a motion was made by Councilman John Burnett to approve the returns which was seconded by Councilman Ernie Quintana and passed.

2. Oath of Office for Council Members Elect administered by Notary Public: City Secretary Heather Stockton administered the oaths of office to recently re-elected Mayor H.L. Compton, and elected to City Council seats, Allen Sanderson and Kevin Hayes.

3. Consider and take action to select Mayor Pro tem: A motion was made by Councilman Wayne Moore to nominate John Burnett as Mayor Pro tem. The motion

was seconded by Councilman Ernie Quintana and the motion passed.

4. Oath of Office for Mayor Pro tem administered by Notary Public: Ms. Stockton administered the oath of office to Mayor Pro tem John Burnett.

5. Consider and take action to approve minutes of the April 8th regular meeting: A motion was made by Ernie Quintana to approve with Wayne Moore seconding the motion which passed.

6. Consider and take action to accept financial report for month ending April 30, 2024: Director of Administrative Services Sarah Osburn noted that May’s sales tax was up over 15% and with the budget being based on a 5% increase, the YTD increase of 8% was good news. After a question

about a city investment, John Burnett made the motion to accept the report with Ernie Quintana seconding the motion which passed.

7. Citizens Opportunity to Speak: [The City Council invites persons with comments or observations to briefly address the Council for the limited purpose of determining whether the matter should be referred to staff for study and response and/or be placed on a future meeting agenda. Local practice limits comments to three (3) minutes or less. State law prohibits the City Council from considering deliberations on any item not listed on the posted City Council Agenda.]: Lake Bonham resident Penny Meyer, noted she was speaking for several in asking the council to take in consideration the beauty of the untouched wooded acreage that offers a tranquil escape for visitors to the lake as well as being a vital habitat for diverse wildlife species. She suggested the city consider the creation of recreational parks and trails and reconsider any development plans that do not enhance the preservation of the wooded area. BEDCO’s Executive Director Joey Grisham spoke next to advise the council that due diligence was being done on the city owned 76 lake acres. He noted there are floodplain challenges posed by the acreage, but that BEDCO is continuing with the process and would advise the council of any development groups who may wish to buy the property. Lake resident Christine Novak echoed previous concerns of wildlife existence in the non-developed acreage and disagreed with BEDCO’s position, noting concerns from

the citizenry regarding bald eagles currently residing in the wooded acreage. Commenting on the existence of photographic evidence of the eagles, she cited the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act as the Federal Laws that prohibit the disturbance of an eagle’s breeding, feeding or sheltering behavior. She touched on increased flood hazards by increased development and urged the council to reconsider listing the property; offer residents to be part of the city’s decision regarding the acreage in a future council meeting and have an environmental impact study be performed to assure any development entertained would not violate Federal Law.

Former Councilman and Bonham resident, Michael Evans spoke to caution the council to investigate claims (he had just been apprised of) that the 76.8 acres was to be in some sort of conservancy as well as looking into the Bald Eagle and flooding concerns. County resident Stacy Rauchwerger was the last to speak and agreed with the past speaker’s concerns while also sharing her observation that the location of the lake acreage would make any development cost prohibitive.

8. Consider and take action to award a bid for Dewatering Equipment Improvements (TDA VC21-0035 & HEI #158080): After comments from Tyler Creamer of Hayter Engineering about the grant received from the Texas Dept of Agriculture for wastewater treatment plant improvements and his company’s recommendation, a motion was made by John Burnett to award the bid to Underwood Inc.

with Councilman Kevin Hayes seconding the motion which passed.

9. Discussion and consideration on pending developments and amendments to various development ordinances, regulations and procedures within the City of Bonham Code of Ordinances: Bonham’s Director of Community Development Ross Altobelli led a detailed discussion of needed modernization of development regulations covering a broad range of issues to ensure development is done in a right way moving forward. He noted the amendments would be before the P&Z Commission in June and presented for Council’s approval in July. City Manager Sean Pate added commentary on the ongoing drainage challenges faced by the city after which Mr. Altobelli touched on steps being taken to alleviate many drainage issues.

10. Consider and take action on an appeal of the April 18, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission decisions to waive the sidewalk and curb/gutter construction requirements for two properties located at 309 W 2nd St and 402 W 2nd St: After some discussion, Mr. Altobelli advised that necessary paperwork had been completed to allow the process of waiving the curb/gutter requirements for the aforementioned addresses and that the P&Z Commission voted 5 to 1 to approve the waiver.


See City Council on Section A page 19

Section A Page 16 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 5/21/24 FANNIN BANK MEMBER FDIC www.fanninbank.com Honey Grove (903) 378-2200 Fax (903) 378-2436 P.O. Box 9 • 901 E. Main Bonham (903) 583-5522 Fax (903) 583-2436 P.O. Box 160 • 230 E. 3rd We are proud of you! 4/16/24 at Aldridge ALLHOME Window covering experts. We measure and install. 1908 Texoma Pkwy Sherman, TX 75090 903 893 8632


When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. 7:00pm

Where: 1190 Hwy 56 W. Bonham.

Pastor: Steven Luton, 903-583-4346


Gathering Time Ranch wants to invite everyone to join us for our 2024 events. The Ranch is located at 487 CR 2105 Ivanhoe, TX. 75447. Call 903-227-7969 for more information!

• Oct. 5th Annual Gathering

@ The Ranch with Paul Daley with Wild Horse Ministries • Dec. 6th Spanish Christmas Drive Through • Dec. 13th Christmas Drive

Fannin County Biblical Round Table

It’s been about three months since the last round table meeting. The last round table meeting topic was, the inerrancy of scripture. We had about forty people, and the round table members were very knowledgeable and prepared. It was an enjoyable meeting to say the least.

The next round table meeting will be on the book of John. This roundtable meeting will be the 1st of 3 roundtable meetings on the book of John.

We had a lot of great suggestions on how to make the roundtable even better. Please keep the suggestions coming. Format will be the same, with the exception that Q&A will be extended. Seating will modified to make the visual experience the best it can be.


Thankful for Gospel Preachers

Some do not think of Gospel Preachers as being masculine or manly. Often Gospel Preachers have been told to get a real job or a man’s job. Paul wrote that some thought that “his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible” (2 Corinthians 10:10). While these insults seem to be from ignorant people, consider the Gospel Preacher.

The Gospel Preacher is one that is willing to suffer for the gospel’s sake. Paul, a preacher of the gospel, wrote, “Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned” (2 Corinthians 11:2425). Paul understood that “bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come” (1 Timothy 4:8).

The Gospel Preacher is one that teaches the word of God. Timothy was instructed to “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (2 Timo-

thy 4:2). The Gospel Preacher must teach the truth when it is popular and when it is unpopular. Paul said, “For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake” (2 Corinthians 4:5). Consider the question that was posed to the churches in Galatia, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16).

The Gospel Preacher is one that challenges listeners to live the gospel. Paul informs us that “the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:14). Gospel Preachers are not to be hypocrites. Paul sets forth this principle, “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things” (Romans 2:1).

The Gospel Preacher is one that warns of danger and gives instructions for blessings. We receive the warning of Jesus “taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting

Sunday Morning Re-Wind

Hello everyone!

One of my favorite passages of scripture is John 15:12-13. Here, Jesus tells us, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Every year around Memorial Day, I can’t help but come back to this passage. This is the time of year when we remember those who put their lives on the line for the service and defense of our country. We owe them a debt of huge debt of gratitude. However, we cannot forget that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, gave His life for us, so that we can receive the gift of salvation, and eternal life through Him. As I’ve said before, why anyone would not want to receive the gift of salvation is beyond me. Jesus is a friend that is closer than a brother to us. Accepting the gift of salvation by asking Him to come into your heart and save you is the greatest decision you will ever make in your life. If you haven’t accepted Him as your Saviour, I pray that you will accept Him before it is eternally too late.

Leonard First Assembly of God, 108 Pecan Leonard, Texas 469-450-9777

Services at 10:45 • Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays 6:45 Young Adults

3375 S outh h wy 121 - B onham 903-583-1671

Honey Grove Cowboy Church 3050 Hwy 100 North Honey Grove, TX

destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power” (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9). Paul also gives the instructions to obey the gospel which is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Paul asked, “How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (Romans 6:2). After we believe the gospel, we are to repent, that is to change our minds about sin, die to sin. Then Paul asked Christians, “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?” (Romans 6:3). When we have changed our minds about sin, we must also put our trust in the word of God and His commandments. Then Paul reminds us that “we are buried with him (Christ) by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). We must be thankful for men who will suffer for the gospel’s sake, teach the gospel, live the gospel, warn of dangers in disobedience to the gospel, and give instructions for blessings in obeying the gospel.

“He Gave His Life For Us”

Life Requires Balance family career time GOD without balance, TRUE happiness is fleeting include and make time for GOD

I know that I have referenced this classic hymn before, but it fits so perfectly with this passage that I couldn’t help but use it again. This hymn was written by James Grindly Small in 1866.

“I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend!

He loved me ere I knew Him; He drew me with the cords of love, And thus He bound me to Him; And round my heart still closely twine Those ties which naught can sever, For I am His, and He is mine, Forever and forever. I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend! He bled, He died to save me; And not alone the gift of life, But His own self He gave me. Naught that I have mine own I call, I’ll hold it for the giver; My heart, my strength, my life, my all Are His, and His forever.”

A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. Proverbs 11:1

If you are in search of a good church home, we invite you to come visit and be a part of our worship at Central Baptist Church. Visitors are our honored guests, and we hope to see you this coming Sunday!

Begin to BALANCE your life this Sunday

Bro. Josh Stevenson

Where Is My Time? hunting/fishing sports social life sleep TV work Looks like you have it! include and make time for GOD this Sunday

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1

Allen’s Point Baptist Church 310 CR 2775 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903378-7038

Bailey Bible Baptist Church 205 Leslie Bailey, Texas 75413

Bethlehem Baptist Church “The House of Bread” 1415 Franklin Avenue, Bonham, TX 7541 Office: 903-583-8061

Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church Hwy 121 & Edhube Road 903-583-1671

Boyd Baptist Church 3707 St. Hwy. 78 N Bonham, Texas Phone (903) 583-7288

Calvary Baptist Church 913 S. 5th St Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3910

Central Baptist Church (Fundmental, Independent) 709 Union Ave. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 505-4124

Ivanhoe Baptist Church 4063 NO.FM 273 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 (903)583-2359

Lamasco Baptist Church 346 CR 2615 Telephone, Texas 75488

Corinth Baptist Church 277 CR 1150 N. of Bonham on Highway 78 903 583 2750

Cross Point Baptist Church 22025 S. Hwy. 78 Leonard 214-551-4707

Dial Baptist Church 16816 FM 1550 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-378-7070

Duplex Baptist Church 313 CR 2102 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-664-3175

Ector Baptist Church P.O. Box 248 Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2175

Edhube Baptist Church 595 FM 2815 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-2840

Elwood Baptist Intersection of CR 2125 and CR 2544 near Ivanhoe, Texas

Faith Independent Baptist Church 12676 W Hwy 82 Savoy, Tx 75479 903-965-5517

First Baptist Church of Bailey PO Box 221 Bailey, Texas 75413 (903) 583-4793

First Baptist Church of Bonham 710 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-0732

First Baptist Church of Dodd City PO Box 47 Dodd City, Texas 75438-0047 (903)583-4465

First Baptist Church of Honey Grove PO Box 124 Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903)378-2768

First Baptist Church of Ladonia 301 East Main Ladonia, Texas 75449-100 (903)367-7038

First Baptist Church of Leonard 100 East Thomas St. [PO Box 1146] Leonard, TX 75452 (903) 587-2250

First Baptist Church of Pecan Gap PO Box 100 Pecan Gap, Texas 75469 (903)359-6683

First Baptist Church of Randolph PO Box 14 Randolph, Texas 75475 (903)583-6900

Joyful Light Baptist Church 4695 FM 2645 Savoy, TX 75418 903-436-5440

Little Bethel Baptist Church PO Box 63 Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7708

Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Rt 1 Box 101B, PO Box 73, Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7009

New Zion Baptist Church 627 County Road 1265 Bonham, TX 75418 903-961-2027

Pilgram Rest Baptist Church 703 Agusta St. Trenton, Texas

First Baptist Church of Savoy .O. Box 177 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4160

First Baptist Church of Trenton PO Box 157 Trenton, Texas 75490 (903)989-2319

First Fannin Baptist Hispanic Church Rt. 4 Box 10 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-5727

Gober Baptist Church P.O. Box 82 Wolfe City, Texas 75496 (903) 583-2378

Grace Reformed Baptist Church 2800 10th St Honey Grove TX gracerbcbonham.com

Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 1409 W. Market St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (615) 448-8802

Ravenna Baptist Church 100 Elm Street Ravenna, Texas 75476

Rising Son Cowboy Church 1526 CR 2010 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-640-3377

Sandy Baptist Church Ravenna, Texas 75476 (903) 583-9546

Seventh & Main Baptist Church 617 N. Main Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-8679

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 601 S. 4th St. Bonham, TX 469-207-1141

Telephone Baptist Church located on FM 273 in Telephone Office phone: 903-664-2377

Primera Iglesia Baustia Hispana 1134 FM 273 Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-5727

Trinity Baptist Church 219 W. Denison Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3388

Valley Creek Baptist Church 3615 FM 896, Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-2386

Westside Baptist Church 912 W. Commerce St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 903-249-2987

Windom Baptist Church 203 1st Street Windom, TX 75492 (903) 623-2215

Wild Horse Creek Cowboy Church 2992 CR 2285 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-486-1630

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church corner of 10th & Maple Bonham, TX office 903-583-7734

Are You A Christian?

Church of Christ Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 587-2229

Ector Church of Christ Hwy 56 & Cedar St. Ector, Texas 903-961-3155

West Shady Grove Baptist Church 13665 East Line Road Trenton, TX Honey Grove Church Of Christ - 403 W. Main St. Honey Grove, 903-227-2606

Do you serve God?

Ivanhoe Church of Christ P.O. Box 322290 CR 2040 Ivanhoe, TX 75447

Katy Blvd Church of Christ 411 Katy Blvd Bonham, TX 75418 706-294-5996

Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Midway Church of Christ Hwy 56 W Bonham 903 583 3989

Northside Church of Christ 2020 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903)583-3484

Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Savoy Church of Christ P.O. Box 212 Savoy, (903) 965-7344

The Church is a hospital for sinners. include and make time for GOD this Sunday

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 623 Star Street (W 7th & Star Street) 682-201-8795

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Bonham 1540 S Hwy 78 (972) 880-1412

St. James Lutheran Church 14394 E FM 1396 Windom Tx 75492 Phone: 903-583-5155

Trenton Church of Christ 101 W. Saunders St. Trenton, TX 75490 903-989-2446

Bonham Living Word Church of God- 699 E Hwy 82 Bonham,TX 75418 Phone: (903) 583-5655

Lannius Church of God 2803 Hwy 897

Dodd City, TX 75438 903-623-3007

Main / PO Box 218 Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-3463

First United Methodist Church of Trenton 211 North Second Street @ Hunt Trenton, TX 75490 903-989-2378

First United Methodist Church of Bonham 801 Star Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3314


Mulberry United Methodist Church, 5638 FM 274, Ravenna, TX 75476, phone 1-888-311-8508

McKenzie United Methodist Church 701 N. 7th Street Honey Grove, TX 75446 (903) 203-4455

Windom United Methodist Church 207 Second Street PO Box 936 Windom, TX 75492 940-390-0146

Pleasant Grove CME Church box 34 Ladonia TX 75449 Hwy 64 903-367-7870

Virginia Point United Methodist Church 1386 CR 1200 Savoy, TX

Don't Like Religion?

Ephesians 4:18 - Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

Pentecostal Non-Denominational

County First Presbyterian Church of Bonham 818 N. Main St. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2014 Main Street Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 188 or 504 E. Main St. Honey Grove, Texas

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is. include and make time for GOD this Sunday

Road Rage




Romans 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Romans 12:18 recognizes that while we can’t control everything, we should try our best to seek peace. For instance, you can’t control someone else’s anger or vitriol, but you can control yourself. By controlling our words, our actions, and our conduct, we can encourage peace rather than discord. For example, as believers, we should purposely avoid provoking strife or fighting. Include and make time for GOD this Sunday

Baptist Methodist Baptist Church of Christ United Pentecostal Catholic Church of God Lutheran Presbyterian Assembly of God Episcopal The
Christ of Latter-day Saints
Church of Jesus
a S tor K evin
Calvary United Pentecostal Church
Bonham Texas
United Pentecostal Church
Box 216
Peace Tabernacle UPC 16020 CR 635 Trenton, Texas (972) 752-4054 Bonham Community Church 347 FM 273 Bonham, TX 228-563-0423 Gathering Tine Cabin Ministry 487 CR 2105 Ivanhoe, TX 903-449-0180
● P
Wednesdays @ 6:30 Fannin
75446 (903) 249-1325 Nazarene
1190 Hwy
Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4627
Christian Chapel CME 1005 West Market St. Honey Grove, Tx 75446 903-378-3518
Ector United Methodist Church 401 Church St. Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 217-7665 First United Methodist Church of Leonard 206 N.
Methodist Church
United Methodist Church
5501 FM 1553 Leonard, TX 75452 Marvin
Office Phone 903-364-2411 FM 898 E Whitewright, Texas
Golden Gospel Church 4435 County
Greater Joy Fellowship Hwy. 121 & W 13th, Bonham, TX (meeting in First Con. Methodist Church Bldg. Sun. 5 PM) The Way Christian Fellowship. 308 E Fowler St, Savoy Tx 75479
SR Church P.C.G. 1850 S HWY 121 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 640-3025 Christian First Christian Church of Bonham 701 N Main Street Bonham, TX 75418 903.583.2227 First Congregational Church-corner of Hwy 121 and W 13th St. PO Box 386 Bonham, TX 75418 903-449-4914 Congregational Oak Ridge Church of Christ 10368 E FM 1550 Ladonia, Texas 75449 903 583 0849 First Assembly of God, Bonham 1650 N. Center Bonham, TX 75418 (903) 583-5883 Prayer for Fannin County If you would like to join others in regular prayer for Fannin County, you are Welcome: 2nd Tues., 3rd Tues., 4th Tues., 5th Tues. @ Noon. Bonham Historic Depot, 1 N. Center Street, Bonham. For more info: Text Sharon Terry, 903-227-3834. Union Baptist Church 682 CR 1105 PO Box 118 Ravenna,TX 75476
Road 2610 in Bonham, Texas (903) 227-8527

Toyota ShareLunker Program Wraps

Up Another Outstanding Collection Season

Fishin’ Report TAKE A KID FISHING or


Aryane Daniels, 8 years old, cought this cat fish in papa’s pool after it almost drug her pole in. Nice catch Aryane! Wow! Send YOUR FISHING OR HUNTING pictures to fcltimmeek@gmail.com, or text to 903-227-5702, for FREE publication on the Outdoor Page.

Week of May 15, 2024

Cooper GOOD. Water stained; 68 degrees: 1.00 feet below pool. The lake is on the rise with water being released at the spillway. Anglers are reporting good catches of sand bass and catfish.

Fork GOOD. Water Stained; 70 degrees; 0.51 feet above pool. Bass fishing has improved this week. Topwaters are good early in the morning on grass lines. Flukes and Yum dingers good at the edge of the grass 2-4 feet of water. Midday points and drops are holding fish in 6-8 feet of water biting Carolina rigs and Texas rigs are good. Designated Hitters, rattlesnakes and beaver type baits are good on standing timber in 5-10 feet.

Lavon GOOD. Water lightly stained; 55 degrees; 5.50 feet above pool. White bass will be along the banks if the sad are spawning. Paddle tail swimbaits, and topwater lures are filling the box. If they are not up on the banks, check in 20-35 feet of water on structure, slopes, rock, piles, or humps. Use 1 ounce or 2 ounce slabs in white or chartreuse with a jig tied about 18 inches above it for a double. Crappie are slow. Live scopers rule the lake on the single roaming fish. Very few fish piled up in numbers on structures. Catfish are spawning on the rocks in 3-10 feet of water using sour maze, Ray Roberts GOOD. Water slightly stained; 70 degrees; 3.86 feet above pool. High water. White bass on the bank and flooded areas in the mornings. Shad are spawning pretty heavy. Look for the birds. Catfish are good in the creeks and near any current. Crappie is good 15-20 foot of water, brush piles. Minnows.

Tawakoni GREAT. Water lightly stained; 73 degrees; 1.34 feet above pool. Lake Tawakoni continues to fish good as we set up into a solid early summer pattern. The hybrid striper and white bass bite has been good. We are seeing transitioning fish currently. Very few fish we are cleaning have eggs and the post spawn pattern has been solid. The eating sized catfish bite for both blues and channels has been excellent. Both the shallow water blue catfish bite and channels prefer cut shad and punch bait in 1-3 feet or 12-25 feet. Crappie are good on minnows in 10-15 feet on brush piles and bridge columns. The largemouth bite is great in 1-5 feet of water. Plastics and shallow crankbaits are the key right now.

Texoma GOOD. Water normal stain; 67 degrees; 4.91 feet above pool. Striped bass fish are great using live shad on deep flats 50-60 feet of water and on humps along river ledges in 30-50 feet of water. Small schools of post spawn stripers with a lot of over 20 inch fish. Topwaters early along the rocks where shad are spawning as well. Bass fishing is good using live shad and top waters along the bluffs and dam wall in the clear water. Mudline is north and west of Washita Point with clear water on the southern end of the lake. Catfish are good on live shad and cut shad along the bluffs in 20-30 feet of water. Channel catfish are on the rocks in 5-10 feet of water, prepared baits and live shad are working. Crappie fishing is good on brush piles in 12-18 feet of water using jigs and live minnows catching them suspended around the structure and boat docks. Lake is flooded with floating debris so navigate with caution.

May 9, 2024 TPWD News, ATHENS – The 2024 Toyota ShareLunker program was full speed ahead and produced an exceptional collection season for the fourth consecutive year. Anglers contributed 19 Legacy Class ShareLunkers from seven different lakes throughout Texas. Three new waterbodies recorded their first Legacy Class fish, but O.H. Ivie in west Texas was at the head of the class again this season with 12 entries.

O.H. Ivie generated seven consecutive Legacy Lunkers to close out the 2024 collection season. It has produced an unprecedented number of ShareLunkers during the last four seasons, accounting for the final ShareLunker of the 2020 collection season and then exploding for 12 Legacy Class Lunkers in 2021, 2022 and 2024. It proceeded to shatter the single-season collection record for that waterbody, with 15 ShareLunkers in 2023. O.H. Ivie boasts 51 combined Lega-

cy Lunkers and multiple Legend Class entries over the past four collections seasons.

Key highlights from the 2024 Toyota ShareLunker collection season:

Seven reservoirs delivered Legacy Class Lunkers (Fort Phantom Hill, Inks Lake, J.B. Thomas, Naconiche, O.H. Ivie, Sam Rayburn, Toledo Bend)

Three new reservoirs with Legacy Class ShareLunkers (Fort Phantom Hill, Inks Lake, J.B. Thomas)

Three new waterbody records (J.B. Thomas, Inks Lake, Fort Phantom Hill) and one new junior waterbody record (J.B. Thomas)

Angler Kyle Hall’s ShareLunker 665 (15.82-pounds) made the Texas Top 50 as the 37th heaviest all-time Texas largemouth bass

Angler Kyle Hall recorded a Legacy Lunker in three consecutive seasons

Six out-of-state anglers etched their name into the program’s record book. The anglers hailed


from Kansas, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma and Washington.

Angler Larry R. Walker reeled in two Legacy Class Lunkers in 2024

TPWD biologists implemented a genetic analysis of this year’s Legacy Lunkers and made some incredible discoveries. For example, they determined ShareLunker 666, reeled in by Larry R. Walker from O.H. Ivie, was a recapture of ShareLunker 646 originally caught by Mechelda Criswell on Feb. 27, 2023.

A 13.20-pound fish from Lake Athens proved to be the offspring of ShareLunker 552 which was caught by Randall E. Claybourne on Jan. 12, 2014 at Lake Fork. This is the first time a Legacy Class descendant from this specific family tree was discovered in the ShareLunker program.

Of the 19 Legacy Class ShareLunkers, 13 of the fish

Texas Lake Levels +/as of 5/17/24

Arlington +0.29

Benbrook +4.05

Bonham +0.35

Bois d’Arc Lake +1.01

Bridgeport -12.20

Cedar Creek +0.01

Eagle Mountain-0.22


Joe Pool+5.05


Lake O’ the Pines+5.42


O.H. Ivie -29.88

Pat Mayse+2.17

Possum Kingdom -1.58

Ray Roberts+3.82

Sam Rayburn+3.45




Twin Buttes-33.59


Whitney +7.43


Wright Patman+7.70

had secondary relationships to either previous Legacy Class fish or other ShareLunkers that anglers submitted scale samples for genetic analyses. Tissue from a pair of full siblings from Oak Creek were submitted by Criswell through the ShareLunker app. One of these fish was caught in 2023 and the other in 2024. All of these findings highlight the valued partnership that the ShareLunker program facilitates with anglers throughout the world. Unfortunately, one of this year’s 19 Legacy Class fish, the 13.42-pound ShareLunker 662 from Inks Lake, perished due to extenuating circumstances. However, in the last five years, the program has achieved an excellent overall fish survival success rate of 94 percent. The last time a Legacy Lunker perished in TPWD care was more than three years ago, in 2021.

Section A Page 18 • May 21, 2024 • 903-58310/5/21
710 Clarksvile • Paris, TX 903-783-0059 Get Your boat READY NOW for Spring & Summer Fun! Evinrude • Yamaha Mercruiser • Mercury • Johnson TIME TO... 5/7/24 REX BRIDGES FISHING & HUNTING MOBILE # 903-814-8400 1-800-211-7808 www.rexbridges.com PO BOX 1148 POTTSBORO 75076 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONAL GUIDE SERVICE *STRIPER FISHING* Thanks To Wayne And Fawn For Fishing Out Of The Lighthouse Marina. Great Job Guys! Tuesday Morning Fishing. Be Safe And God Bless! • 6 HOUR TRIPS • COMPANY TRIPS AVAILABLE • PRIVATE CHARTERS • BAIT & TACKLE FURNISHED • FISH CLEANED & BAGGED FOR SALE ● Massey Ferguson 231 tractor, diesel. Low hours. $6,500.00. Call: 903-814-8620 YOUNG TRACTOR WORKS Specializing in complete pasture care under 50 acres. Services include: pasture mowing, spraying, pasture renovation, discing, planting winter rye, seeding pastures, repair hog damage. Also do dirt work: driveways, building sites, grading for drainage. Experienced fast professional service! Call: 903-271-7394. TIRES FOR SALE: 13.6X28 R1 Armstrong 40% - $125 13.6X28 R1 Firestone 40% - $125 14.00X24 TG Titan Motor Grader G-2 50% - $195 12.5/80-18 Otani Nebula 30% - $75 14.00X24 Aushine Tubeless G2 30% - $145 15.5X25 Alliance L2 Tubeless 30% - $145 2) 14.00X24 30%$145 ea. 385/65 R22.5 Truck Tire 50% - $95 12.5/80-18 Firestone 50%$100 2) 31X15-50-15NHS 30% -$50 ea. 6.00X16SL Goodyear 60% - $45 10.00X16 Firestone F2 3Rib 40% -$45 2)11.00L X 15SL Titan 4 Rib 50% - $75 ea. 3)14.9X24 Goodyear R1 30 -60% - $95 ea. 13.00X24 Camso Tubeless 50% -$115 14.00X24 Samson Road Grader G2 50% - $195 12.4X24 Titan R1 60% -$95 2) 7X16 Deestone G-1W 60% -$35 ea. 20.5X25R 20ply Tubeless Firestone E3/L3 40% -$240 CALL: 903-814-8620 FARMING LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: Registered Angus BullGentle, LBW, AI, 3 years old. $3,500 Please leave a message. 903-455-5789 5/21/24 Cattlemen’sLivestockCommission SALE EVERY SATURDAY @11 A.M. Visit us on Facebook 1354 Clement Road • Paris, TX 903-784-2238 • 903-784-7800 Fax 903-785-6933 Mobile 903-782-6330 Charles Mallicote - 903-785-7191 STEERS 300 lbs and under: 200 - 370 300-400 lbs: 200 - 360 400-500 lbs: 195 - 330 500-600 lbs: 180 - 315 600-700 lbs: 175 - 275 700-800 lbs: 125 - 245 800 and up: 100 - 235 HEIFERS 300 lbs and under: 200 - 350 300-400 lbs: 195 - 330 400-500 lbs: 190 - 310 500-600 lbs: 200 - 295 600-700 lbs: 155 - 250 700-800 lbs: 110 - 220 800 and up: 100 - 215 SLAUGHTER Cows: 75 - 148 Bulls: 115 - 160 STOCKERS Stocker: 900 - 2050 Pairs: 1100 - 2850 OTHERS Baby Calves: 300 - 600 Holstein Steers: 110 - 145 Holstein Heifers: 1125 - 1250 Goats & Sheep: 85 - 280 5/11/24 Head Count:728 Sellers:109 Cows:148 Bulls:14 Calves:484 Goats:82


Honey Grove- David Charles Wooten, 50, of Honey grove, TX, peacefully passed away on May 8, 2024, at Baylor Hospital in McKinney, TX., after a courageous 2-year battle with colon cancer. He was born on July 2, 1973, in Dallas, TX to Arthur and Bobbie Wooten.

Dave, known to many as a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and brother, leaves behind a legacy of love and cherished memories.

He was a proud graduate of Honey Grove High School class of ’91. He dedicated 25 years of his life working for Tag & Label in Wolfe City and another 2 years at Load Trail in the maintenance department.

Dave is survived by his wife Karen of the home, three sons; Dillon Baugh and wife Brooke of Royse City, TX, Dawson Wooten and wife Jessie of Honey Grove, TX, Drake Wooten and girlfriend Kinlee King of Bonham, TX, nephew, Josh Prater and wife Angelica of McIntyre, GA, his brother-in-law Aaron Wallace and wife Peggy of McIntyre, GA, niece Bobbie Wooten of Payne Springs, TX, and his seven beloved grandchildren Bennet, Brayson, Brody, Jeanetta, Dyson, Charleston, and Anastasia.

He is preceded in death by his parents, Jay and Bobbie Riley, and his brother Jim Wooten.

A Celebration of Life honoring David Wooten will be held at a later date to commemorate his remarkable journey and the impact he had on those around him. His memory will forever live on in the hearts of all who knew and loved him.

City Council

A motion was made by John Burnett to approve the waiver with Councilman Allen Sanderson seconding the motion. The motion passed with Wayne Moore abstaining from the vote and Councilman Timothy LaVergne voting nay.

11. Consider and take action to appoint or reappoint individuals to the Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals: After some discussion led by Sean Pate and Ross Altobelli, a motion was made by Wayne Moore and seconded by Ernie Quintana to re-appoint: Joe Dale & Jerry Hopson and appoint: John Burnett, Allen Sanderson and Edward Ray to the board. The motion passed.

12. Consider and take action to approve a budget amendment for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024: Director of Administrative Services, Sarah Osburn referred the council to documentation provided them, before explaining the amendment was for infrastructure on two different projects. A discussion ensued after which a motion was made by Wayne Moore to approve with Kevin Hayes seconding the motion which passed.

13. Consider and take action to approve a bank depository contract: Ms. Osburn explained this action was due to a 5-year requirement of a state code. She then noted after reviewing bids from 3

CodeRED Weather Warning is a unique service that automatically notifies citizens in the path of severe weather just moments after a warning has been issued by the National Weather Service. This limited CodeRED Weather Warning subscription is available to you at no direct cost. To receive these notifications go to: www.co.fannin.tx.us Look for CodeRED on the left side navigation.

banks, evaluation criteria was applied and staff’s recommendation was to make the move to First United Bank. A motion was made by John Burnett to approve with Allen Sanderson seconding the motion which passed.

14. Consider and take action to authorize staff to apply for a grant from the Texas General Land Office through the Resilient Communities Program: Ms. Osburn noted this grant requires no matching funds from the city and if approved, the $300,000 grant money can be utilized for a variety of projects. A motion was made by Councilman Timothy LaVergne II to approve with Kevin Hayes seconding the motion which passed.

15. Hold public hearing and consider and take action on an ordinance amending Ordinance 1429 providing for a fee schedule for solid waste collection services inside the city and at Lake Bonham:

Mayor Compton called a hearing to order at 6:15 p.m. after which Ms. Osburn noted that every year Sanitation Solutions review their cost of doing business and due to their 4% increase, there will be an increase of a dollar a month for residential trash service.

A discussion ensued which included a comment from Bonham resident Rusty Deets regarding the issue of garbage cans being left in the streets and comments from Mr. Pate about the sensibility of continuing with Sanitation Solutions. The hearing ended at 6:20 p.m. after which Mr. Pate read the ordinance before John Burnett made the motion to approve the ordinance with

Kevin Hayes seconding the motion which passed.

16. Consider and take action to approve an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Bonham and Fannin County regarding maintenance: Mr. Pate explained how this agreement allows the city to benefit from county equipment & assistance with road maintenance and noted the county had already approved the county’s agreement on 4/30/2024 and how this would be a tremendous help to the city. A motion to approve was made by Wayne Moore, seconded by Kevin Hayes and passed.

17. Update Council on committee meeting regarding narrow streets: Bonham Police Chief Andrew Hawkes gave a slide show presentation highlighting the city’s parking problems. He noted complaints to his department on parking issues, compelled his attention to the matter. After explaining there was no local ordinance against parking in the yard, he noted there is a state law that prohibits parking on sidewalks and enforcement ensued. After detailing the problems ER vehicles have in navigating streets where vehicles may legally park but cause problems for public safety by blocking ER vehicles motion, he noted the public would be better served by the city’s police working with vehicle owners to come up with solutions in place of enforcement when complaints are received by them.

18. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m.


The City of Bonham is seeking letters of interest for Airport Advisory Board Members. The following are individual requirements to be eligible to serve on a City of Bonham board or commission:

A). Ad-Valorem taxpaying residents, business owners, citizen of the USA, renters and/or lessees of property within the corporate city limits of Bonham and/ or

B.) Individuals possessing specific knowledge, skill sets or expertise that have demonstrated interest in the betterment of Bonham.

All persons interested in serving on a city appointed board must do so by submitting a letter stating the board of interest, your reason for applying, full name and address as well as your qualifications to zwhitlock@avservinc.com.

Letter of interest must be submitted by 5:00 pm on June 3, 2024


We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, But all we have are memories, And your picture in a frame.


Martha Lee Wiggins was born on June 25 , 1936 in Cove Creek, Watauga County, NC to Grady Clyde Edmisten and Mary Ethel Greer. She died May 9, 2024 in Plano, TX. Martha married Bill Bennett on June 4, 1955. She later married Jimmy Wiggins on January 25, 1979.

Martha is survived by sons Michael Bennett (Sarah) of Sherman, Mark Bennett of Bonham, step-sons, Jimmy Wiggins of Bonham, Rob Wiggins of McKinney (Paige), and Mike Wiggins (Andrea) of Sherman. She is also survived by nieces Cris Stephenson (Robert) of Florence, AL, and Tracy Welch (Don) of Muscle Shoals, AL, as well as numerous grandchildren and great- grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, sisters Barbara Anderson and Margaret Taylor, and husband Jimmy.

No Services are planned.


Norberto Ventura Alvarez passed away on May 7, 2024 in Louisiana. Arrangements are under the direction of Wise Funeral Home, Bonham, TX. Norberto loved spending time with his family and friends. He enjoyed watching movies and taking his beloved dogs, Luca, Bella, and Tyson to the dog park. He was born on March 8, 1979 in San Luis de la Paz, GTO MX to parents, Porfirio Ventura Garcia and Juanita Alvarez Perez. He will be deeply missed by all of those that knew and loved Norberto.

Norberto is survived by his only daughter, Monica Ventura.

The funeral service was held Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, Bonham, TX at 10:00am with burial following at Arledge Ridge Cemetery.


Honey Grove- Wilma Sibitha Rannals was born September 22, 1931, to William and Nola Roach, in Tigertown, TX. Mrs. Rannals passed away May 13, 2024, at her home in Honey Grove, TX.

Services for Wilma Rannals were held Thursday, May 16, 2024, beginning at 11:00am, at Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home Chapel in Honey Grove, TX. Visitation was held an hour prior to the service. Rev. Wade White and Dr. Mike Lawson presided. Interment followed at Tigertown Cemetery.

Wilma married the love of her life, Desmel “Big Boy” Rannals on April 7, 1951. The couple spent the last 73 years together making memories, watching their family grow and enjoying the company of one another. Wilma was an active member of her community and helped whenever she could and was a dedicated member of Maxey Baptist Church.

Mrs. Rannals is survived by her husband of the home, daughters, Shelley Adams and husband Curtis of Brookston, TX., Vickie Oliver and husband Ricky of Paris, TX, grandson, Clint Adams and wife Brittany of Honey Grove, TX, great-grandchildren, Cooper Adams, Canyon Adams, brother, Thomas Dewey Roach and wife Martha of Paris, TX.

She was preceded in death by her parents, William and Nola Roach along with two brothers, Buddy Roach, and Scott Roach.

To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit www.coopersorrells.com

to others with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ Owned by the Greene Family

Section A Page 19 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-
Continued from Section A page 16


CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist


B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to brett@bfgammon.com or call 903-583-3597


HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information Call: 903-583-4018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N. Hwy 78 in Ravenna

THE CITY OF BONHAM STREET DEPARTMENT is accepting applications for the position of Equipment Operator I. Requirements: Experience in heavy equipment operation, street repair and construction; perform heavy manual labor, able to lift 50 lbs unassisted and work in all types of weather conditions. Must have valid Texas driver’s license and ability to obtain a CDL. $15.00 per hour, health insurance, retirement, vacation, sick leave and uniforms. Preemployment physical and drug test required. Application and full job description is available at Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut, Bonham, TX 75418 or online at www.cityofbonham. org. Resumes submitted without an application will not be accepted. Position open until filled. The City of Bonham is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

LOCAL FOOD MANUFACTURING PLANT IN BONHAM is seeking energetic worker for long-term employment with prospect of advancement. If interested, Call 972-369-3336.


Licensed Commercial Journeymen Electricians Willing to travel. Covering Oklahoma and Texas. Great Pay and Benefits. Call 580-271-7025 email resumes to: office@ southcocommercial.com


CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver. Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources.


FOR SALE: •20’ Septic Line and stand. $50 •Divider for 1500 RAM Pickup bed. $75 Call: 903-506-3577


Competitive sealed proposals for the Bonham ISD - MS Additions & Renovations – REBID for 22-A Plumbing are being accepted by Bonham Independent School District. Proposers may obtain an electronic copy of contract documents by contacting the Construction Manager, Gallagher Construction Services, 3501 Token Drive, Suite 100, Richardson, Texas 75082, 972-633-0564, bids@gallaghertx. com, and at the website gallaghertx.com. An electronic copy of the contract documents will also be furnished to area plan rooms.


GARAGE SALE: May 2425 ( 8am-4pm ) Weather permitting. CR1500 off of 898. Follow signs. Glassware, kitchenware, home decor, dishes, knick knacks, beanie babies and more.


Computer Help: Need someone in Bonham with computer skills. Call 903-506-3577

HELP WANTED Need Part Time Mechanic’s Helper, Part Time Carpenter’s Helper. Call 903-814-8620

A PAW UP Helping Animals In Need Thrift Store

101 West Hayes, Savoy Open Friday thru Sunday 10am-5pm.

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. Anonymous The great pleasure

FREE CLOTHES & HOUSEWARES: Clothes ClosetValley Creek Baptist Church, 3615 FM 896, Leonard. Wednesdays 8-10am.



Financially stable 73 year old, healthy gentleman looking for a straight white or hispanic mature female companion to share my time with. (occasional smoker is okay) Call 903-990-0731.



Welding jobs, metal jobs, carports, pipe fences, pipe braces, concrete laminate floors, sidewalks. Free estimates. Call: 469-6181886 or 903-486-4687


Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence painting, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mowing, gutters and drainage, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903-227-5898. HANDYMAN / LAWN CARE •Painting •Sheetrock Repair & Texture •Remodeling •Plumbing

STUMP GRINDIN Commercial & Residential Call William 903-718-1720.


Hauling, Storm Damage, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experience. Call 903-5837888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.”


Electronically submitted proposals shall be submitted to bids@bonhamisd.org, and received before 2:00 PM, local time, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Thereafter, at 2:00 PM, all sealed electronic proposals will be opened and tabulated by the Construction Manager. Any electronic submissions received after the closing time of 2:00 PM will not be accepted. All proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. A complete proposal tabulation will be made available on the Construction Manager’s website as soon as practical after opening of electronic proposals. After proposals are opened and tabulated, post proposal conferences will be conducted as necessary, and recommendations presented to the Owner for consideration of awarding contracts.


We are currently looking for smiling faces who have a passion for working with children. Full-time and part-time positions available. Must be 18 or older and have a high school diploma. Apply in person.



JOB TITLE: Full time Roadhand OFFICE: Fannin County Pct. #3, Honey Grove, TX

SUPERVISOR: Fannin County Commissioner, Jerry Magness

SALARY: Range depending on experience

BENEFITS: Vacation, PTO, Holidays, Retirement, Medical Dental & Life Insurance

The CITY OF LEONARD will receive bids for a 0.2 MG Ground Storage Tank until 2:00 PM on June 6th, 2024 at City of Leonard City Hall. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 PM on June 6th , 2024 at City of Leonard City Hall; 111 W. Collin St. Leonard, TX 75452.

If for some reason a proposal cannot be submitted electronically, hard copies shall be sent/delivered directly to Bonham ISD Administration Building, 1005 Chestnut St, Bonham, TX 75418 and received, not postmarked, on or before 2:00 PM, local time, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Any HARD COPY proposals received after the closing time of 2:00 PM will be returned unopened. 5/14/24

Bids are invited for several items and quantities of work as follows:

• One 0.2 MG Ground storage tank and all associated appurtenances

Bid/Contract documents including bid proposal form, plan sheets, and specifications for the Project may be viewed and downloaded free of charge at www.civcastusa.com. Bid/ Contract Documents, including half-size Drawings and Technical specifications are on file at the Issuing Office at 200 N. Travis St., Suite 500, Sherman, TX 75090, and may be purchased on Monday through Thursday 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM and Friday 7:30 AM –11:30 AM. Please submit questions for this project at least 5 business days prior to bid opening through www.civcastusa.com in the Q&A portal or to David Perkins, P.E. at david. perkins@kimley-horn.com. All addenda issued for this project will only be posted on www. civcastusa.com.

A bid bond in the amount of 5 percent of the bid issued by an acceptable surety shall be submitted with each bid. A certified check or bank draft payable to the CITY OF LEONARD or negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (as par value) may be submitted in lieu of the Bid Bond.

The CITY OF LEONARD reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding.

Bids may be held by the CITY OF LEONARD for a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidder’s qualifications prior to the contract award.

For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.

CITY OF LEONARD Michael Pye, Mayor March 2024

CONTACT: Jerry Magness 18101 E FM 1396 Honey Grove, TX 75446 (903)378-2941

Applications are on our website at www.co.fannin.tx.us or may be picked up at the Fannin County Auditor’s Office 3rd floor of the Fannin County Courthouse, Bonham, TX.


Section A Page 20 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO
•Electrical •Mowing •Tree & Trim work •Flower beds.
PROFESSIONAL PAINT & DRYWALL REPAIRS: Cracks, holes, patches, water damage, sheetrock repair, ceilings, walls, matched texturing. Interior/ Exterior Painting. 45+ years experience. Call Johnny
es, Firewood, Stump Grinding, and Concrete. Insured, Call for free estimate. 903227-6940, 903-227-8369,
APP HOUSE LEVELING & FOUNDATION REPAIR Pier and Beam/ Slab Foundation/ Small & Large Remodels. 903-227-2860. REAL ESTATE LAND FOR SALE in TRENTON AREA 1 Acre Creek Lots Coming Soon. Call: 469-585-9167 LOCAL
Homes 214.478.8979 HOME FOR SALE 122 Porter Cir. Savoy, TX Affordable 2/1, Manuf. Like New. $119,900 214-478-8980 Kalena Cook, Ebby FOR RENT: New Apartments- Single story, brick, appliances including microwave & dishwasher. All electric. 1 bedroom $800/mo. 2 bedroom $950/mo. - - - - - - -Houses: 2 Bedroom, Totally updated, C/A. All Electric $1,000/mo. 3 bedroom, brick, updated, C/A, Large metal shop. $1,600/mo. Call: 903-227-0920 WANT TO BUY FRIENDLY BUYER OF ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS No Title - No Problem Call Tony @ 903-449-9028
Automotive, ATV, UTV, & Motorcycles. Engine Rebuilding. All Repairs, and Custom Projects Welcome. 20 Years Experience. CL Adams 903-449-0952
@ 903-209-6958
and MÁS
Acreage Mowing with Tractor, Landscaping, Fenc-
or 903-486-2868.
REALTOR for all your
estate needs. Sell/buy homes, land, lake. Call Hillary Leutwyler at Rogers Healy 214-683-7408 BillBuysHouses.com Buying homes As Is Since ‘91. Also buys lots, land & Manuf.
in life is doing what people say you cannot do. Walter Bagehot -
Growing up is amazing, until you get old! Anonymous -

Two Bonham superlative winners led Fannin County players receiving recognition in the All-District 11-3A soft-

ball awards for 2024.

Senior Reyleigh Shockley, a Paris Junior College signee, earned the Pitcher of the Year honor and freshman second baseman Jewyll Hemby shared Newcomer of the Year notoriety, after the fourthplace Lady Warriors (21-9-3, 7-5) made their second-straight postseason trip via a bidistrict advance.

Junior third baseman Alayna Laisy and freshman first baseman Katy Harrison garnered first-team selections for Bonham, which will return to Class 4A for the 2025-26 seasons after a six-campaign 3A stay.

Senior shortstop Kaitlyn Capehart and freshman right fielder Parker Patton of Bonham joined senior first baseman Olivia Pye and junior cen-

ter fielder Cambree Fromme of Leonard on the second team.

Leonard's Kenlee Cass and Madison Prather joined Bonham's Annalynn Stafford as honorable mentions.

Bonham's Kaitlyn Capehart, Cassie Godbey, Piper Stafford, Bethany Dougan, Reyleigh Shockley and Annabelle Green joined Leonard's Kenlee Cass, Bella Neaville, Madison Prather, Brooke Hancock, Lauren Pemberton, Kallei DeBord, Cambree Fromme, Taylor McClain, McKenzie Pemberton and Olivia Pye as academic all-district recipients.

Leonard, which split its district home-and-home with Howe, will continue to play the Lady Bulldogs, Bells, Blue Ridge, Gunter, Pottsboro and Bonham-replacement S&S Consolidated in the new 11-3A in 2025 and 2026.

State mixed doubles veterans Julia Bailey and Anthony Torres of Ector and three Dodd City players advanced via the Region III-1A Tournament to the Class 1A State tennis championships May 16-17 in San Antonio at the Blossom Tennis Center.

Bailey and Torres, both juniors, qualified for State for the secondstraight season, advancing again as the regional runner-up in mixed doubles.

Meanwhile, seniors Layton Vaught and Ethan Barnard qualified as the regional boys' doubles champion.

Sophomore Addison Weeks advanced as the regional runner-up in girls' singles.


Bonhi-ex Hemby SCAC s'ball HM

Former Bonham softball standout Chyrsi Hemby earned an AllSouthern Collegiate Athletic Conference honorable mention for her 2024 season efforts.

The junior second baseman, a 2021 Bonham graduate, hit 19 regular-season doubles and 20 overall -- the former total good for third amongst NCAA Division III softball players and latter an Austin College softball program record.

Hemby had a .378 batting average and 34 runs batted in -- both team-leading totals.

She posted a .440 overall and .410 during conference play on-base percentage to go with a slugging percentage of .631 overall and .547 in SCAC play. Hemby amassed 42 hits in 35 games, also including a triple and two home runs, to go with 30 runs scored, and nine stolen bases.


efforts helped Austin

DC teams, Rebels reach mid May still alive in '24 diamond playoffs

Class 1A Dodd City's diamond teams and 2A Sam Rayburn baseball reached mid May still playing in the 2024 playoffs.

The Lady Hornets played Jonesboro in the Region II-1A final, vying for Dodd City's sixth State softball tournament advance in the last seven complete seasons.

The Hornets assured a sixth-straight trip to the baseball regional finals, via a 6-3 win against Electra on May 15 in the Region II-1A semifinals at Sanger High School.

Sam Rayburn lost to Collinsville, 6-0, on May 16 at the Melissa Z-Plex in the Region II-2A baseball quarterfinals -- the Rebels’ first advance there since consecutive trips in 2017 and 2018.

Section A Page 21 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 Sports Sponsor Bonham (903) 583-5522 Fax (903) 583-2436 P.O. Box 160 230 E. 3rd Honey Grove (903) 378-2200 Fax (903) 378-2436 P.O. Box 9 901 E. Main
Go to www.fanninbank.com for more information MEMBER 3/28/23
SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS Thank You to our Sports Page Sponsors  Bonhi s'ball's Shockley top hurler, Hemby earns Co-NCOY in 11-3A
Bonham's Reyleigh Shockley. By Rich Hilliard Bonham's Jewyll Hemby. Photo by Rich Hilliard Bonham's Katy Harrison makes a catch at and Leonard's Olivia Pye (22) reaches first base on April 12 during District 11-3A softball at Bonham. Photo by Rich Hilliard Bonham's Kaitlyn Capehart. Photo by Rich Hilliard Bonham's Parker Patton. Photo by Rich Hilliard Leonard's Cambree Fromme. Photo by Rich Hilliard Bonham's Alayna Laisy. Photo by Rich Hilliard
reach its first Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference Softball Tournament since 2015 and the 'Roos have their most wins during a single season since also recording 18 in 2014.
Chyrsi Hemby Austin College courtesy photo
Bailey/Torres, DC trio qualify for State tennis tourney
Section A Page 22 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 Services LLC Property Improvements Johnny Horton • 940-704-7760 LOCALLY VETERAN OWNED U.S. AIR FORCE 21 YEARS Skid Steer Operations Demolition & Site Clean-Up Dumpster Services Auger & Trencher Work Tractor Mowing (Large & Small Acreage) Payment Plan Options J C Justin Miller Office: 903-583-7867 10/4/22  (903) 583 - 0418 • 1521 N Hwy 121 Bonham, TX • Authorized Repair Facility 1/24/23 We Service All Equipment!  www.ezflowgutters.net Owner/Installer 5”& 6” Seamless Gutters 9035831137 • 2147668282 11/7/23 Plumbing & Electrical Services •All Your Plumbing & Electrical Needs• Master Plumber, LLC David Phemister M37363 VETERANS PLUMBING Master Electrician Arthur Horn #24116 Jimmy Page Inc. Dozer & Excavation Services Road • Pools • Timber Clearing Rock Hauling & Dirt Hauling • Site Preparation Skidsteer Work & Forestry Mulching 10/3/23 Jimmy Page, Owner/Operator (903) 815 - 2705 JOHN KINMAN FENCES 47 Years Still Practicing John Kinman Ph.D. Post Hole Digger 903-965-4251 52 Years Still Practicing CHAIN LINK • WOOD • WROUGHT IRON • PIPE • VINYL • REPAIRS John Kinman Fences Rob Larriviere (214) 837 - 7692 landmarkfireandwater.com rob@landmarktexas.com WaterandFiremitigationexperts. www.guardiangaragedoor.com GUARDIAN GARAGE DOORS Repair • Service • Installation VETERAN OWNED & OPERATED 903.274.2414 469-226-3265 903-505-0725 7/18/23 WE CAN GET ANY MATERIAL YOU NEED SO GIVE US A CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Family Owned & Operated - God Bless Hauling: Rock • Dirt Sand • Asphalt Crushed Granite Excavation Work: Driveways Ponds House Pads Leveling Land Road Base Skidsteer Work We Do New Construction Residential Plumbing Plumbing Tek M-40891 Kitchen/Lab Faucets, Shower Trims, Toilet Change Outs, Tubs, Water Heaters, Tankless Installs, Plumbing Repairs FREE ESTIMATES! Remodeling & General Contractor LLC 469-256-1763 469-200-9890 Brick Block Stone 49 Yrs Experience 1/30/24 Wayne Smith 318-751-5301 Custom & Repair Historic Restoration FREE ESTIMATES! Nash Enterprises Joel Nash / Owner New Construction and Remodeling & Roll-Off Dumpsters joelnash677@yahoo.com (903)456-3783 PO Box 103 Dodd City, TX 75438 www.nashenterprises.org 3-26-19 JOSE VAZQUEZ Lawn Maintenance, Landscaping, Tree Trimming, Brush Clearing, Fencing, Pipe Fence, Gutters/Drainage, House Painting, Power Washing, Firewood and more! Ph: 903-227-5898 farmandlawn78@gmail.com 8403 N. State Hwy 78 Ravenna, TX 75476 Ph: 903-583-1259 407 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX 75418 903-449-4341 bonhamcustommemorials@gmail.com netxmonuments.com Like Us On Facebook 9/6/22 8/01/23 Residential Commercial Scott Dobbels New Construction / Emergency Repairs Or Anything In Between! License# M-39756 Phone# 903-486-6977 Speedy Locksmith (903) 868 - 2068 ● Commercial ● Residential ● Auto ● Keys Made By Code ● Car Computer Chip Keys ● Safes Opened & Installed ● Burglar Bars Installed ● Police-Approved Deadbolts TX Lic #B12951 OK Lic #1142 Licensed & Insured Reasonable Rates! 11/22/22

What’s Included:

Vacuum hose, vacuum head, 18” brush, leaf net, pole, chlorine tab floater, 100sf cartridge filter, 1hp pump, a-frame ladder, test strips, Aquabug pool vacuum.

• High end soft sided pools made in Italy

• Sonic welded vinyl - which is much stronger than heat sealed vinyl liners

• The Rectangle frame has inter-connected frame and is 18 gauge with powder

coated steel

• Pivots to allow for uneven surfaces (can only be 3” out of level)

• High quality PVC vinyl with UV inhibitors

○ Prevents sun scorching and drying out

○ Weather tolerant from hard freeze to scorching heat up to 150 degrees

○ Single sheet, not laminated layers like the soft sided pools

○ 30% stronger than other soft sided pools

• Kona pools can be set up on dirt, grass, and cement

• Liner warranty is 20 years

○ Extremely durable

○ Doesn’t come apart at seams

○ Grass can’t grow through liner

• Your Kona pool comes with the plumbing kit

• Built to last 20 years

○ First 5 years guaranteed (frame & liner covered 100%)

○ Year 6-10 50% off

○ Year 11-20 25% off

○ Kona pool warranties are handled through Kona pools not through

Texoma Country Pools and Spas

○ Salt does not void warranty

○ Other components are 1 year warranty this includes the filter and the pump.

Section A Page 23 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 3811 TEXOMA PKWY, SHERMAN, TX • 903-891-3483
What you need to know about Kona
Section A Page 24 • May 21, 2024 • 903-583-3280 E-EDITION ONLINE @ WWW.FANNINCOUNTYLEADER.INFO 45% SAVINGS Compared to Verizon Welcome and AT&T Starter plans. FREE 5G PHONES Get one of the latest 5G phones free when you add a line. With 24-monthly bill credits. For well-qualified customers, plus tax. SCAM SHIELD PREMIUM Plus, you can block scam calls and robocalls with premium features that help optimize your mobile life. Now included with your plan. ALL ON AMERICA’S LARGEST & FASTEST 5G NETWORK Limited-time offers; subject to change. During congestion, customers on this plan may notice speeds lower than other customers and further reduction if using >50GB/mo., due to data prioritization. Video typically streams in SD quality. Tethering at max 3G speeds. Unlimited on our US network; see details for roaming & international usage. Unlimited talk & text features for direct communications between 2 people; others may cost extra. Limited-time offers; subject to change. Credit approval and deposit may be required. Monthly Regulatory Programs (RPF) & Telco Recovery Fee (TRF) totaling $3.49 per voice line ($0.50 for RPF & $2.99 for TRF) applies; taxes/ fees approx. 10-33% of bill. Without AutoPay, $5 more/line/mo.; debit or bank account required. May not be reflected on 1st bill. 45% Plan Savings vs. AT&T and Verizon Welcome Plans: Plan benefits vary; competitor plans may include international data. AT&T and Verizon provide special rate plans in Florida only. Scam Shield: Capable device req’d. Turning on Scam Block might block calls you want; disable any time. Free Phone: Contact us before cancelling account to continue remaining bill credits, or credits stop & balance on required finance agreement is due (e.g., $299.99 – moto g stylus 5G 3rd Gen). Tax on pre-credit price due at sale. Limited-time offer; subject to change. Qualifying credit and service required. If you have cancelled lines in past 90 days, you may need to reactivate them first. $35 device connection charge due at sale. Up to $300 via bill credits; must be active and in good standing to receive credits; allow 2 bill cycles. Max 12 discounted devices/account. May not be combinable with some offers or discounts. Coverage not available in some areas. Fastest: Based on median, overall combined 5G speeds according to analysis by Ookla® of Speedtest Intelligence® data 5G download speeds for Q4 2023. Network Management: Service may be slowed, suspended, terminated, or restricted for misuse, abnormal use, interference with our network or ability to provide quality service to other users, or significant roaming. On-device usage is prioritized over tethering usage, which may result in higher speeds for data used on device. See T-Mobile.com/OpenInternet for details. See Terms and Conditions (including arbitration provision) at www.T-Mobile.com for additional information. T-Mobile, the T logo, Magenta and the magenta color are registered trademarks of Deutsche Telekom AG. © 2024 T-Mobile USA, Inc. T-Mobile.com/55 EXCLUSIVE PLAN FOR 55 & UP $30 2 UNLIMITED LINES FOR MO/LINE T:10.25" T:16"

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