903-821-7663 Tommy Stapleton, OwnerServing North Texas Area Since 1981 07/02/19 www.toproof.netBONDED/FULLYINSURED INSURANCECLAIMSSPECIALIST August 16, 2022 Circulation 15,000+ - Bailey, Bonham, Dodd City, Ector, Gober, Honey Grove, Ivanhoe, Ladonia, Leonard, Randolph, Ravenna, Savoy, Telephone, Trenton & Windom 224 N. Main St., Bonham, TX www.fannincountyleader.usfcleditor2020@gmail.com75418 Ph: 903-583-3280 • Fax 903-583-3945 The Paper Of Record for Fannin County Texas Serving all of Fannin County For 50 Years Locally owned & operatedClassifieds are on pages: 15, 20, 21, 22 Spend just a minute Wisely. Bonham • 120 W. Sam Rayburn Dr. • Bonham • (903) 583-2101 Leonard • 200 W. Collin St. • Leonard • (903) 587-3314 Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. NMLS# 400025. © 2021 First United Bank. All rights reser ved. All Shop Fox Machines up to 15% off Regular Price! Ammunitionstartingat Sale Dates: Aug 15 through Aug 20 OPEN: Mon. - Sat. 7 AM - 6 PM Bonham Building Supply 2430 N Center • Bonham, Texas • 903-583-1874 Tide HE Detergent,Laundry46-oz. 816092 Green 3800-sq.ft.ThumbSprinkler REG. $1249 SALE $999 227699REG. $2599 SALE $2199 Tactical Flashlight, 4000L 272238 REG. $1999 SALE $1749 Energizer Max AA & AAA Batteries, 16-pk. 137891 137896 Deer Corn 50 lb. Buck 50%,Ration50lb. $1129 $1799 $1299 A BOX REG. $4999 SALE $3999 143195 REG. $549 SALE $499 Downy April Fresh Softener, 34-oz. 903-587-2161 Servicing All of Fannin County Is Your Heating - A/C System Needing to be Serviced or Replaced? 4-27-21 100% Financing Available WAC Cast for Kids Foundation is holding a fishing event at Lake Bonham Press Release - The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation will hold a C.A.S.T. for Kids event At Lake Bonham on Saturday, October 15, 2022. This will be a free boating and fishing event for children with special needs. The event is open to all chil dren, ages 6-18, no matter their disability. Participants must preregister online at https://cast forkids/event/lakebonham and the space is limited to the first 40 children who register. The C.A.S.T. (“Catch A Spe cial Thrill”) for Kids Foundation enriches the lives of children with special needs, supports their families, and strengthens communities through the sport of fishing. We empower families and communi ties to childrencelebratewith special needs, making these children feel valued and loved so they can overcome limitations and be successful. Through a joyful day of fishing, kids, their families, and community vol inspifunsionexploforgethertocomeunteersanofandration.TheC.A.S.T.
for Kids Founda tion hosts annual fishing and boating events across America to provide children with special needs a quality outdoor recre ational experience. The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foun dation is in its 32nd year of cel ebrating children with special needs by providing free boat ing and fishing events for them to enjoy the outdoors. In 2022, the Foundation will hold over 80 events in 35 states. Texas conducts more than twice the events of any other state. You can view a complete National schedule at www.castforkids. org At each event, participants receive a free Zebco rod & reel, tackle box, event t-shirt, fishing cap, award plaque, and lunch for everyone, provided by Texas Farm Bureau. A morn ing of fishing will be followed by a picnic lunch for all and an awards ceremony for the kids. The Bonham Fire Department will have a truck to show and Lone Star Law star and Fannin County Game Warden, Ran dolph McGee will speak and will honorarily deputize each child.Volunteer boaters will be tak ing the kids boating and fishing. Each child must be accompa nied by a parent or legal guard ian on the boat. If boat space allows, additional siblings and family members may be able to go boating as well. However, only participants and one parent or guardian are guaranteed to go boating at the event. Anyone interested in sponsor ing this event should contact the Bonham event coordinator, Eric Rice at lakebonham@cast forkids.org or 360.241.1790. The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foun dation is recognized as a tax-ex empt public charity under Sec tion 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible to the extent al lowed by law.
Event Date: www.relayforlife.OpeningSeptemberSaturday,17th11am-10pm.Ceremony@1pmFanninCountyCourthouseorg/fannincotx

Page 2 • August 16, 2022 5/3/22 Come visit us at either of our locations for amazing daily deals! 2903 B Lee St Greenville, TX 75401 2626 N Center St Bonham, TX 75418 Mention this Ad from The Leader to get a discount off your purchase *excludes fill-a-bag, Saturdays and Sundays* Liquidation merchandise from Amazon, Wish, Target & other multi department stores. Mon - Sat: 10am - 7pm • Sun: 12pm - 6pm (903) 494 - 5097 903-505-0725469-226-3265 WE CAN GET ANY MATERIAL YOU NEED SO GIVE US A CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Family Owned & Operated - God Bless Hauling: CrushedAsphaltSandRockDirtGranite Excavation Work: LevelingHouseDrivewaysPondsPadsLandRoadBase 4/27/21 Galyon TravelPlan your world travel or weekend get-away here! Leave the details to us. VacationJurnis.com All Inclusive Resort Packages All Major Cruise Lines • Group Rates (903) 583-0010 Personal Service Paula Bonham,GalyonTX www.GalyonInsurance.com75418 1-877-583-0010 Office (903) pgalyon0121@yahoo.com583-0010 Galyon Insurance Health & Life - Medicare and RX Plans And All Other Personal Insurance Plans • Notary Public We Offer Free Quotes with Over 100 Companies to Save You Money! 5/31/22 RelianceOFFastenersDENISONLP 115 E. GANDY ST. DENISON, TX 75021 OFFICE: 903-465-0145 FAX: 903-465-0642 JEFF FRANCIS Cell jfrancis5419@hotmail.com903-814-3127 PAT MILLER Cell pmmiller69@aol.com580-920-5575 8/2/22 All Makes and Models Quality Service 1348 FM 1552 Leonard, TX 903 - 441 - 3288 ||| Under ManagementNew 1552 Small Engine Repair, Sales & Welding 08/06/19 *Top-Quality Bow Sales and Repairs *Amazing on*LifetimeAccessoriesArcheryWarrantyAllNewBows 903-737-8595 ● 54 CR 42320 Paris, TX 75462 Make every hunt the hunt of your lifetime! 8/9/22 HGP Fencing / Welding Chain link, wood, pipe and barbed wire. Specializing in automatic gates John Davidson III 903.821.2265 Cole Davidson davidsoncole566@gmail.com903.815.0738 BINDERY Tx. coveringas info@nationwidebinding.com BIBLE and BOOK REPAIR at the BINDERY STOP by For A Quote!Free All work completed @ 1003 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 903-583-3255 Email: info@nationwidebinding.comWEREBINDBIBLESANDOTHERBOOKS! B BIBLE and BOOK REPAIR at the BINDERY STOP by For A Free Quote! All work completed @ 1003 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 903-583-3255 Email: info@nationwidebinding.comWEREBINDBIBLESANDOTHERBOOKS! C Relay for Life • Saturday, September 17th at the Courthouse
The 1990 - 91 Honey Grove Lady Warriors were 33 - 0 before falling to perinnial powerhouse Abernathy 32 - 37 in the 1991Tex as State Championship. Led by Coach Jan Cummins the Lady Warriors averaged scoring 62.2 points per game while allowing only 33.3 due to their stifling 1-3-1 defense. Courtesy photo.
Press Release - The 1990-91 State Finalist Honey Grove Lady Warriors Basketball Team, David Lee Fairchild from Bonham, and Kelcie & Natalie Simmons from Leonard will be inducted into the Fannin County Sports Hall of Fame. The ceremony will be held at the Roy Floyd Civic Center on Saturday January 28.
1st row: Tamesha Finney, Gunellia Stevenson. 2nd row: Sarah Jackson, Monica Sadler, Misty Oliver, Allison Gasperson. 3rd row: Cynthia Word, Robin Newhouse, Resha Adams, Kris ta Cummins, Knel Fogelberg, Monica Foster, Fatesta Bateman, Kristie Tucker, Tori Stanford, Coach Jan Cummins.
Fannin County Sports Hall of Fame
Natalie & Kelcie Simmons were a dynamic duo in track & field from Leonard High School! Their accomplishments include a combined total of eight team relay championships, six individ ual event championships, along with several silver medals in in dividual events. Both girls went on to run for Duke University on scholarship where Kelcie was selected All-American in 2019 and All-Atlantic Coast Confer ence in 2020. Natalie was enjoy ing a very competitive college career herself but was forced to retire in 2020 due to an injury. Courtesy photo.
David Lee Fairchild graduat ed from Bonham High School in 1987 after a very successful career in baseball & football. He went on to Hill County Junior College on a baseball scholarship but after one year David transferred to Tarleton State University where he played football. Since gradu ating from college David has enjoyed a very successful career coaching high school baseball. Courtesy photo.
Lake Ralph Hall Construction Progresses Press Release - With just over a year of construction activity, significant work has been com pleted to make Lake Ralph Hall a reality. When finished, the earthen dam will be about 2 miles long and 90 feet high with a width of 1,000 feet (approximately 3 football fields) at its widest point. About 95% of the entire site has been cleared of brush and trees for the dam floor. Dirt is being placed and compacted for the embank ment on both the sides of the res ervoir. Excavation is underway for the future spillway. Over the next few years, crews will place about 5 million yards of dirt and 200,000 yards of concrete to fin ish the spillway. The State Highway 34 North Sulphur River bridge that will span the new lake is also ad vancing. The columns and caps have all been placed, and the contractor Flatiron Construction is installing the last of the 343 large, 125-foot-long beams this summer. Merrill Creek Bridge, a second bridge that will offer ac cess over a finger of the lake, is also underway with columns be ing placed and beam installation continuing in the coming months. For information on construc tion progress, watch the new est construction update video at watch?v=6TLNHL67lvY&t=1s.https://www.youtube.com/

Page 3 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 Lonnie Hughes FreeRavenna,12901HughesGravel.comHughesSandandGravel@gmail.comHughesAll903-818-9627OwneryourHaulingneedsSand&GravelFM274Texas75476Estimates **** COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT **** 12/21/21 Meade-Norman & Bayless Insurance FaxPhoneBonham,P.O.110www.bayless-hall.comAgencyW.5thSt.Box519Texas75418903-583-2231903-583-9497 5/24/22 100 John F Kennedy Dr. Bonham Tx 75418 Freshaestheticsbarbershop.com903-640-6190 Concrete Drives Drive-Up StorageSecureSurveillanceGatesElectronicAccessAccessCamerasDocument●●●●● 1401 Silo Rd, Bonham Climateunitsarenowavailable! (903) 486https://bonhamstorage.com/6162 Boxes & Moving Supplies 7/12/22 wildwestelectricllc@gmail.com 8/16/22 Damon Owner/MasterWilder Electrician TECL #36038 / ME Residential/Commercial#531118 903-227-9608 Online Farm Auction Partial List: Heavy Duty Trailer, T-posts, I beam, Cee Perlin, Old Wagon Wheel, Antique farm equipment, Bad Boy Zero turn Mower (needs work), 17 ft flat bed trailer, Kajun Fishing Boat, Massey Ferguson Trac tor, Kubota L4310 tractor with LA681 Front End Loader, Fence Panels, Gates, Small Livestock Pen, Hog Waterers, Bow Top Stock Trailer, Large lots of sockets, Wrenches, Kids VHS tapes, Work Bench, Vice, Hand Weights, shelving units, S10 Pickup, Wood Burning stoves, Welding Rods, 3Pt Auger, Brush Hug, 3 pt Scraper, Large Tarps, Ta ble Saw, Chicago Electric Wire Welder, Windows, Doors, Sheet Metal, Various sizes of Pipe, Lots of tools, & Much, Much More! Bonham, Texas Auction closes 08/18/22 @ 7:00 903.821.7904www.whitlockgirlsonlineauction.comPMOpenforbiddingnow!or903.267.4192www.facebook.com/whitlockgirlsonlineauction
Press Release - At 2:00 P.M., Sunday, September 11, 2022, the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolu tion will host a cer emony honoring Revolutionary War veteran James Carter by installing a me morial marker at his grave in Bonham, Texas.Theceremony, fea turing aandGuard,tionicanofSocietytheofpresentationcolorsbyTexasSonstheAmerRevoluColoraFifeDrum duo, (all dressed in Revolutionary War period uniforms), will be held in the Russell Family Cem etery 1801 Nancy Lea (Lee) Street, Bonham, Texas. Ray Hargis will present the biogra phy of this American Patriot. The public is invited to see this colorful and digni fied tribute to one of America’s first veter ans.The Sons of the American Revolu tion, Daughters of the American Revo lution and Children of the American Revolution are na tional patriotic, historical and edu cational societies whose members are direct descendants of the patriots who earned our indepen dence. For 4862.BarkertionsinformationadditionalordireccontactGaryat903-819-
American Revolution War Patriot James Carter to be remembered in Bonham Texas

5/17/22 Chris Johnson, Broker Dale Horton Jeri Lea Johnson DeAnn Jones Amy JoKylePatrickVarner REALTY 903-517-9303903-227-0168903-227-7826903-449-0624903-640-3468903-815-1661 .COM Page 4 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 Bonham Visitor Center Upcoming Events 903-583-9830 5/24/22 Diamond E & S Services Free Estimates • Land Clearing • Land Management • ROW Clearing • Shooting Lanes • Stump Grinding • Driveways Email: diamondesservices@gmail.com Family owned and operated Owner / Operator Zach 214-726-6244Elliott•Leveling/Grading Post Holes 100 W. Main Street, Wolfe City, TX 75496 903-496-9800 2p-8p Tue-Sat • Closed Sun-Mon 6/14/22 Non-Profit Meetings & Events BEDCo Meeting3rd Monday each month 5:30pm • Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St. City of Bonham City Council Meeting 2nd Monday each month 5:30pm • Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St. Commissioners Court Meeting Fannin TuesdayCourthouse,County2ndfloormorningsat9am. Bois ‘d Arc Lake Board Meeting 1st Thursday of the month. 8am at Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St. Community Happenings903-640-0000FORSUITESLEASEPleaseCall SHOP AND DINE IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BONHAM NORTH SIDE, E. FIFTH ST. Sponsored By: Breakfast Stop Tea on the Square /Cotton Mill PhotographyMoore Main Street TitleDollar General RiverRedGypsies Fannin County Retired Teachers and School Personnel (TRTA) meeting Tuesday , September 6, 2022 • • • 2:00 PM First Presbyterian Church, Bonham • • • Williams Education Building If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Take action for yourself and be there for others

Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: email:WorshipSunday903.505.4124School10:00Service11:00lthjjjackson@gmail.com
RomansHatefulnessRudenessRageDivision12:18recognizesthatwhilewecan’tcontroleverything,weshouldtryourbesttoseekpeace.Forinstance,youcan’tcontrolsomeoneelse’sangerorvitriol,butyoucancontrolyourself.Bycontrollingourwords,ouractions,andourconduct,wecanencouragepeaceratherthandiscord.Forexample,asbelievers,weshouldpurposelyavoidprovokingstrifeorfighting.IncludeandmaketimeforGODthisSundayat11:00. TX Memorium Original Publish Date: August 19, 2014 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 I never cease to be amazed at the riches of God’s Word. It always speaks to the point of my needs whatever they are. In a recent message our pastor, Brother Chase Hinson, challenged us to let the Bible be the one book of reference we use to set some guidelines for daily living. My thought for this week is this: it is our Book of Hope. Two passages of scrip ture from the Old Tes tament give us stories of hope experienced by two people who felt hopelessly abandoned – Hagar in the Book of Genesis and Job in the Book of Job. Hagar will be remem bered as the hand maid of Abraham and Sarah. God finds her in the des ert fleeing with nowhere to go. God comforts her and sends her back to the household of Abra ham. Furthermore He gives her expectant child the name of Ish mael which means “God hears”. Hagar responds in Genesis 16:13 and give us a most wonder ful statement “You are the God who sees me.” Job feels out of touch with God. He tries to make contact but to no avail. And then we hear Job say “He knows the way I take.” Is there not a message of hope here for us? “God knows the way I take.” – Job 23:3 “God sees” – Genesis 16:13“God hears” We are not forgotten. The Bible is not only our Book of help. It is also the Book of Hope. My encouragement this week is “Resolve to read and study the Bible prayerfully and practice its teachings personally. You will find it to be that God’s amazing word is capable at rolling the burdens away and re placing them with eter nalInblessings.thetime that you may feel forgotten read Job 23:3 and Genesis 16:13. You will be in touch with the God who both hears and sees.
903-583-3280 • Page 5 • August 16, 2022 CALVARYPENTECOSTALUNITEDCHURCH When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. Where:7:00pm1190 Hwy 56 W. Pastor:Bonham. Steven Luton, 903-583-4346 12-18-18 IF BOOTTHEFITS,REPAIRIT! Don’t Toss Away A Perfectly Good Pair Of Boots or Shoes Simply Because They Are Showing A Little Wear and Tear. • Full or Half Sole • Ladies High Heels or Flats • Refinishing • Boot Repair RISK SHOE STORE & REPAIR SINCE1921 102 S. Crockett • Sherman, TX West Side of Square Downtown Sherman 903-892-2238 SINCE1921 www.riskshoestore.com 3/19/13 SANDSTEPHENS&GRAVEL ALL YOUR SAND & GRAVEL NEEDS! No job too BIG or small! Robert & Laura Stephens P.O. Box 146 • Bailey, TX 75413 903-227-0513Mobile: 6/9/20 FUNERALWISEHOME TraditionalAFFORDABLEServicesand Merchandise Alternative Celebrations of Life Direct Gravesides Cremation FREEMONUMENTSServicesPlanningGuide Easy Transfer of Your Pre-Paid Plans if you are new to our area or have plans from another funeral home and would like to use our services. Wise Funeral Home ChapelandCremationServices 219 W. Sam Rayburn Dr., Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2161 • www.wisefuneralhome.com Est. 1908 Tour our historic home built in 1897 The Murden Family and our experienced caring staff serving your family and your traditions “Be remembered and honored the way YOU want to be!” $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Whitlock’s Pawn & JewelryWhereWeActuallyDOLoanMore!!! GUARANTEEDHIGHESTPRICESFORYOURGOLD!! Proud to Serve the Bonham Area for Over 26 Years “If We Don’t Have It Or Can’t Get It, You Don’t Need It” 509 N. Main Street • Bonham, TX 903-583-8114 Fast&FriendlyLoans! DVD’s Buy One Get One FREE 5/17/16 GREG 903-893-3657SELLSCell:580-920-5184ChainlinkResidential/Commercial-Iron-Wood- Vinyl Gates - Operators 12/22/20 gsells@acequalityfencing.com Family Owned By Gerald and Judy Howard 903-583-5555 Bonham Full Service Funeral Home Cremations • Traditional Services Pre-arranged Funerals Cooper-Sorrellscsfuneral@cableone.netFuneralHomes 903-378-2291 Honey Grove 1/6/15 From My Life to Yours: Over 15,000 copies of The Fannin County Leader are distributed by mail to residents in Fannin County each week. Readers will find classified ads, display ads, legal notices and editorial content, all of which are important to the daily lives of local citizens. Our andbutsubmittedemployee.RepresentativeobtainedactivitiesforThe-Fannin-County-Leader@community.informationinfo,www.fannincountyleader.website,isupdateddailywithimportanttoourVisitourFacebookwww.facebook.com/evenmorecommunityandnews.AdvertisingratesmaybefromanAccountoranyotherEditorialmaybeforpublication,willbeincludedatEditorPublisher’sdiscretion.
God’s Amazing Book Jerry Gay CPA Los Amigos Boyer’s
Restaurant Whitlocks Pawn
Romans 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: email:WorshipSunday903.505.4124School10:00Service11:00lthjjjackson@gmail.com Central BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home BAPTIST CHURCH By Bro. Bill Beasley C & CONSTRUCTIONKLAWNJOHNSONCARE Lawn Mowing, Tree Trimming & Removal, Build Flowerbeds, Gutter Screens & Cleaning, Rock & Topsoil, Etc.. tx7482@hotmail.com Corey Johnson Owner 903-227-3132 Free Estimates 5/3/22 Decks, Fences & Pergolas, Vinyl & Wood Siding, Flooring, Home Repair & Remodeling, Painting, Doors Installed, Powerwashing, etc. Bonham,
Are You DoChristian?AyouserveGod?TheChurchisahospitalforsinners.includeandmaketimeforGODthisSundayat11:00
Editorial exceeding 300 words will result in delayed publication and may require payment. Any and all content, whether paid or un-paid, will be subject to Publisher approval. Letters to the Editor are encouraged, however, they cannot exceed 250 words and must be signed by the writer Letters to the Editor that exceed the word count may be published if the submitter is willing to pay for the extra space required to publish the letter in its entirety. Free publication of Letters to the Editor is limited to one every 60 days. Letters from the same contributor within the 60 day period will be published at standard advertising rate. Political Letters to the Editor must be paid for in advance and signed by the writer.
Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Don'tReligion?Like I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is. include and make time for GOD this Sunday at 11:00 Ephesians 4:18 - Having blindnessalienateddarkened,understandingthebeingfromthelifeofGodthroughtheignorancethatisinthem,becauseoftheoftheirheart: Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: email:WorshipSunday903.505.4124School10:00Service11:00lthjjjackson@gmail.com
Hickory BBQ
Central BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home BAPTIST CHURCH Road

Page 6 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 PERDUE’S FOUNDATION REPAIR Specializing in Pier & Beam And Slab Foundations Free Estimates Life Time Warranty Available BBB Member Email: (903)Bonhamperduesfoundation@yahoo.com583-1271Sherman(903)893-71131-800-942-7113 A PERFECT ROOFING/REMODELING 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES • NO JOB TO BIG OR SMALL DANIELOWNER TAYLOR CELL SENIOR903-422-0561CITIZENS’ DISCOUNT MAKING YOU HAPPY IS MY JOB ECTOR,408aperfectroofing@gmail.comW.SAMRAYBURNTX75439 www.aperfectroofingremodel.com 5/16/17 JOHN’S SEPTIC SERVICEBIG Locally Owned & Operated•24 Hour Emergency Service 903-505-9670 Aerobic Maintenance Contracts • Septic System Installations • Porta Potty Rentals • Septic Tank Cleaning & Repair Tim Welch 903-249-6774 Jeremiah Welch 903-249-5750 903-583-3986 903-640-3986 110 W. 1st Street, Bonham, TX 75418 4-24-18 Pat’s PUMP SERVICE •Septic System Cleaning •Installation •Repair •Inspections •Aerobic Maintenance & Training •Storm Shelters •Porta-Potty Rentals Jack Berni Seamless Rain Gutters 22 Colors Quality Since 1980 VinylPremiumSiding 8/10/10 (903)jackberni.com583-8796 5/29/18 Clement & Sons Topsoil • Fill Sand • All Kinds of Rock We will build your roads, driveways, homesites and business sites. Dozer • Loaders • Excavators • Dump Trucks Mitchell 903-227-1236 Shane 903-271-0514 903-583-2390 PAULCONSTRUCTIONHODGECO. Renovations • Remodels • Custom Homes Siding • Additions • Replacement Windows Cell:903-640-1941903-640-6069 hodge.construction@verizon.net www.paulhodgeconstruction.com 12-11-18 Custom Glass & Mirror 215 North Bonham,TexasMain75418903-583-7577 • Window Replacements • Frameless Shower Doors •Storefront Doors/Windows Commercial & Residential 1/21/14 L & L A/C-ELECTRICAL Commercial and Residential (903) 583-2369 TACLB27508ETECL25417 OWNERS: Thomas Lackey / Derek Wilson SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION 9/23/14 J&R CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, (214)-385-5099OWNERROBERTCOMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-FARM/RANCHLLCJ.GONZALEZ robert@jrconcretellc.com WWW.1JRCC.COM 1/12/21 TECL 18003 TACLB024648C Office (903) 583-4018 Sales • Repairs • Installation Services Commercial • Residential 6/29/21 1580 FM 273 • 888-991-6771 Full Service Plumbing and Septic License #M-39736 • #OS0028077 G D C • Pond Clean Outs • Fence Rows • Demolition and Haul Off • Clearing of Brush and Trees • Soil Erosion Damage Repair • Building and Renovation of Roads • Building and Maintenance of Ponds DOZERGILDERSLEEVECONTRACTING (903) 587-9015 Ron Gildersleeve, Owner/Operator Leonard, Texas Ranch Beautification is our Specialty 1/4/22 5/19/15 DoctorThomas E. Hunt (903) 583-1814 (903) 227-0525 715 S.E. Hwy 11 Wolfe City, TX 75496 Free Estimates Quality Guaranteed Over 25 yrs. Experience TheRoof GARAGE DOOR SERVICE CO. Commercial & Residential Sales & Service On All -Doors, Springs & Openers Call Barry 903-623-0025Williams 9/13/16 Paris Lumber & Building Center 3555 N.E. Loop 286 • Paris, Texas (903) 785-0771 (800) 334-5716 SatisfactionSelectionService CELEBRATING 50 Years 1967-2017 Window Replacement • Contract Glazing • Custom Mirror Work Patio Doors • Screens • Tub Enclosures • Shower Doors Insurance Claims Adjusted MOST DOMESTIC & FOREIGN AUTO GLASS WINDSHIELD REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Tri County Glass Inc. LEE HAMBY, Owner Bus. 903-583-8351 Fax 903-583-3096 114 E. 16th Bonham, Texas 75418 8/10/10 www.majestic-theatres.com 231 TX-121 South • Bonham, TX Open Everyday, Only until Aug 7th Then Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday 903-583-2222 For Movie Times 7/19/22 Majestic Cinemas Majestic 6 Theatre Bonham

FanninCrisisFamilyCountyCenter 24903-583-7694HourHotline903-583-7000
903-583-3280 • Page 7 • August 16, 2022 6/15/21 LANDSCAPE SERVICES Bonham, TX Residential & Commercial References Upon Request • Custom Flagstone Patios, Sidewalks, • Specialize in Flower Bed Cleaning • Pressure Washing • Retaining Walls • Tree Service and Removal • Fence Clearing • New Sod Installation • Firepits 903-421-1750 Free Estimates For The Best In Designing and Cleaning Flower Beds Call HEFFLEY'S HEARTH & HOME Sales • ChimneyWoodInstallationServicePelletsCaps 150 C.R. Whitesboro,179 TX 76273903-564-7444 Wood • Gas • Pellet Stoves • Fireplace Inserts 2/4/20 Under New Ownership 9/24/19 -- Hours changed for 02/22/22 edition Fannin Pregnancy Care Center 903-640-8230 www.fanninpregnancy.org HOURS:Tuesday 9 AM - 5 PM Thursday 9 AM - 5 PM Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM FREE Pregnancy Test FREE PrenatalParentingSonogramClassesClasses Call Us for All Your Printing Needs! Randy Atchley randy@personalizedprinting.com 1300 Bonham Street • Commerce, TX 75428 (903) 886-7173 • Fax (903) 886-7400 • Cell (903) 453-5817 CLUES ACROSS 1. Influential Swedish, Belgian clan 6. Swiss river 9. Nocturnal S. American 13.rodentLike coagulated milk 14. Lima is its capital 15. Lying down 16. Jai __, sport 17. Egyptian statesman 18. Napoleon Dynamite’s healing48.46.45.the44.“mecca”ofAwaytodarkenMackerelsActorPittPlacestobuyseafoodTruefirsNeitherFencingswordItalianpastasIslandnationclosetoU.S.BegetsResemblesapouch__student,learns CLUES DOWN 1. Mark left behind 2. Cry weakly 3. Ancient region in modern 5.4.SyriaFarewellBluegrass state 6. Genus of mosquitoes 7. S. Israeli city 8. You can get stuck in one 9. One who mistrusts others 10.unjustifiablyFirstmonth of ancient Hebrew calendar 11. Tigers legend Fielder 12. Make more attractive 14. Horses 49. Sodium 51. Indicates position 52. The world has one 54. Partner to pains 56. Photographer 60. Chew the fat 61. Culture of the British Iron Age 62. Weaverbird 63. Advice or counsel 64. Asian nation 65. Brought on board 66. German river 67. Airborne (abbr.) 68. Leaf-footed bug genus WWW.GFCF.ORG Facebook: Glaser-Family-Charitable-Foundation Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: 17. Slight projection in 20.typefacesMale parent 21. Jack and Jill are two 23. After B 25. Licensed for Wall Street 26. Missile with about 600mile range 27. Goddesses 29. A day kids love 30. Oily secretion 32. One-tenth of a meter 34. A father’s male child 35. One point east of!ThecolorofangerTradeprofessionItcangetyouaroundMother-of-pearlHurtLegendarysluggerPoliovaccinedeveloperInclinefromverticalSeacreatureActressKateAffirmativevotesNothingPie___modeExpressessurprise Crossword Crossword JE Legacy in memory ANSWERS ON PAGE 20 CookingwithWeesie! 3/22/22 KEETON LAND CO. OFFICE SPACE and SECURE WAREHOUSE / SHOP SPACE FOR RENT 903-583-9527 • 225 TO 300 Sq. Ft. • Build to Suit • Secure Warehouse / Shop Space 3000 Sq. Ft. with ample parking 2501 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 75418 12/14/21 • Weekly Pick-Up • Dependable Service • Serving All Of Fannin County • Locally Owned - Barry & Kim Williams Office • countytrashservicetx.com903-583-3610 2 Yard Dumpster $70.00 4 Yard Dumpster $105.00 Regular Service $26.00 / Month with 1 cart provided COUNTYTRASH SERVICE withSHRIMPCREAMYPASTAMUSHROOMS 8 oz fettuccine pasta ½ c. cooked pasta water 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1 lb shrimp (10 big shrimp or 20 small shrimp without shells, deveined) 3 garlic cloves minced ¼ tsp. dried basil ¼ tsp. paprika ¼ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. red pepper flakes 1 tsp. vegetable base 8 oz mushrooms thinly sliced 1 c. half and half ½ c. Parmesan cheese shredded ½ c. Mozzarella cheese, shreddedCookpasta according to package instructions. Drain. Reserve some of the pasta water. Heat a large skillet un til hot, add 2 Tbsp. of olive oil and immediately add garlic and shrimp. Cook on one side for about 1 minute until pink, on medium-high heat. Flip the shrimp to the other side. Sprinkle the top of the cooked side of shrimp with dry basil, paprika, crushed red pepper flakes, and salt. Cook for an other 1-2 minutes, occasion ally stirring, until shrimp is pink on both sides. Remove the shrimp from the skil let. If shrimp is a little under cooked-it’s OK because you will continue cooking it in the sauce. To the same, now emp ty, skillet, add sliced mush rooms. Add more olive oil if necessary. Cook on mediumhigh heat for about 2 minutes, occasionally stirring, until mushrooms become soft and release juices. Sprinkle with a small amount of salt mid way through cooking. To the skillet with mushrooms, add cooked shrimp. Im mediately add 1 c. half and half. Bring to boil. Add half the cheese (½ c.). Bring to boil, and immediate ly reduce to medium-simmer. Cook, constantly stirring, un til the cheese melts. Gradual ly start adding the remaining cheese (½ c.), while stirring. Do not add all of the remain ing ½ c. of cheese at once. Add just enough for the sauce to get creamy without getting too thick. You might not use all of the remaining cheese. Remove from heat. Taste, and add more salt if needed. Add cooked and drained pasta from step 1 to the skillet with shrimp and mushrooms and cream sauce. Reheat on me dium heat. Stir well. If the cream sauce is too thick and you want it thinneradd some pasta water in small amounts to the cream sauce (while the sauce is simmering on low-medium heat) until you reach desired consisten cy. Season with more salt and add more crushed red pepper flakes and basil, if desired. I hope you will try this one! ENJOY!! Please send me your favor ite or unique recipes to Fan nin County Leader at 224 N. Main St. Bonham, TX 75418 or email me: fclweesie@ gmail.com
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going
The Common Church
By Mike Ivanhoe(MinisterDickisonoftheChurchof Christ) By inspiration, Paul wrote that “There is one body” (Ephesians 4:4). He had begun the epistle in chapter one by informing the reader that the church is the body of Christ. Paul told that God “hath put all things un der his(Christ’s) feet, and gave him(Christ) to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body” (Ephesians 1:2223).This church, this one body, was promised by Jesus. Christ said that “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). Je sus built the church, “he hath purchased with his own blood” (Acts 20:28). The one church belongs to Christ. It is His church.Thechurch is to follow, sub mit, obey Jesus. Paul likened Jesus and the church to a hus band and wife, “For the hus band is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body” (Ephesians 5:23). Christ is “the head of the body, the church: who is the begin ning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colos sians 1:18). Paul wrote, “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be per fectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10). “Then they that gladly re ceived his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls” (Acts 2:41) People were being baptized ‘into’ Christ. Paul reminded that Chris tians in Galatia “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27). When people obeyed the gospel, “the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47). He does the same thing today. There is one body, one church. It is the same church of the New Testament, the same church that you can be apart of today. Please contact the church of Christ in Ivanhoe, TX.

Grace Baptist Church 601 S. 4th St. Bonham, TX 469-207-1141
First Presbyterian Church of Bonham 818 N. Main St. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2014 First Presbyterian Church of Leonard 112 W. Thomas St. Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 989-2771 Main Street Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 188 or 504 E. Main St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 739-2567 Nazarene 5/24/22 Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124
FanninCrisisFamilyCountyCenter 24903-583-7694HourHotline903-583-7000
Westside Baptist Church 1500 West Main Honey Grove, Texas 75446 903-378-3468
Trinity Baptist Church 219 W. Denison Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3388 Valley Creek Baptist Church 3615 FM 896, Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-2386
Joyful Light Baptist Church 4695 FM 2645 Savoy, TX 75418 903-436-5440
Gathering Tine Cabin Ministry 487 CR 2105 Ivanhoe, TX Bro. Abe Ogea Pastor 903-449-0180
583-2378 Grace
Page 8
First United Methodist Church of Bon ham 801 Star Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3314
Bethlehem Baptist Church “The House of Bread” 1415 Franklin Avenue, Bonham, TX 7541 Office: 903-583-8061
Sandy Baptist Church Ravenna, Texas 75476 (903) 583-9546
Seventh & Main Baptist Church 617 N. Main Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) Sovereign583-8679
Ivanhoe Church of Christ P.O. Box 322290 CR 2040 Ivanhoe, TX 75447 Katy Blvd Church of Christ 411 Katy Blvd Bonham, TX 75418 706-294-5996 Midway Church of Christ Hwy 56 W Bonham 903 583 3989 Northside Church of Christ 2020 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903)583-3484 Savoy Church of Christ P.O. Box 212 Savoy, (903) 965-7344 St. Elizabeth Catholic Church corner of 10th & Maple Bonham, TX office 903-583-7734
First United Methodist Church of Tren ton 211 North Second Street @ Hunt Trenton, TX 75490 903-989-2378
New Zion Baptist Church 627 County Road 1265 Bonham, TX 75418 903-961-2027 Pilgram Rest Baptist Church 703 Agusta St. Trenton, Texas Ravenna Baptist Church 100 Elm Street Ravenna, Texas 75476 Rising Son Cowboy Church 1526 CR 2010 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-640-3377
A Place To Call Home
Bonham Living Word Church of God- 699 E Hwy82 Bonham,TX 75418 Phone: (903) 583-5655 Lannius Church of God 2803 Hwy 897 Dodd City, TX 75438 903-623-3007 Church of Christ Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 587-2229 Ector Church of Christ Hwy 56 & Cedar St. Ector, Texas 903.965.4398
Elwood Baptist Intersection of CR 2125 and CR 2544 near Ivanhoe, Texas Faith Independent Baptist Church 12676 W Hwy 82 Savoy, Tx 75479 of Bailey PO Box 221 Bailey, Texas 75413 of Bonham 710 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) First583-8519Baptist Church of Dodd City PO Box 47 Dodd City, Texas 75438-0047 Savoy Texas Church of Trenton Trenton, Church Rt. Texas Baptist Church P.O. Wolfe City, Texas (903) Reformed Baptist Church Honey Grove TX gracerbcbonham.com
Calvary United Pentecostal Church 1190 Hwy 56 W Bonham Texas 903-583-4346
.O. Box 177 Savoy,
First Congregational Methodist Church corner of Hwy 121 and W 13th St. PO Box 386 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-7380
Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 1409 W. Market St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 378-7835
Lamasco Baptist Church 346 CR 2615 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-664-2454
There will be a Bonhi Mini-Reunion sponored by the classes 5565 at Creative Arts Center on September 10, 2022 from 1:005:00pam. Donations will be accepted. The morning can be spent touring the new 1888 Courthouse, The Fannin County Museum of History or the Sam Rayburn House Museum.Toassist in planning, RSVP to your class representative for both the mini reunion and tours by August 15, 2022. For those graduates not from 55-65, RSVP Tom Thorton, 903486-5736.Forthose who need information about places to eat or specials around the square, you can contact the Visitors Center at 903-5839830.
Telephone Baptist Church located on FM 273 in Telephone Office phone: 903-664-2377
Primera Iglesia Baustia Hispana 1134 FM 273 Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-5727
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Bonham 1540 S Hwy 78 (903) 851-4954 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 623 Star Street (W 7th & Star Street) 903-583-7112
Grove Hill Methodist Church 5501 FM 1553 Leonard, TX 75452 Marvin United Methodist Church Office Phone 903-364-2411 FM 898 E Whitewright, Texas Mulberry United Methodist Church, 5638 FM 274, Ravenna, TX 75476, phone McKenzie1-888-311-8508UnitedMethodist Church 701 N. 7th Street Honey Grove, TX 75446 (903) 203-4455
Central Baptist Church (Fundmental, Independent) 709 Union Ave. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 505-4124 Corinth Baptist Church 277 CR 1150 North of Bonham on Highway 78 903 583 2750 Dial Baptist Church 16816 FM 1550 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-378-7070 Duplex Baptist Church 313 CR 2102 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-664-3175 Ector Baptist Church P.O. Box 248 Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2175 Edhube Baptist Church 595 FM 2815 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-2840
PO Box 157
75418 (903) 583-5727 Gober
Box 82
Little Bethel Baptist Church PO Box 63 Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7708 Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Rt 1 Box 101B, PO Box 73, Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7009
Pleasant Grove CME Church box 34 Ladonia TX 75449 Hwy 64 903-367-7870 St. James Lutheran Church 14394 E FM 1396 Windom Tx 75492 Phone:903-378-7116
Hebrews 10:25 (KJV) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Baptist MethodistChurchBaptistofChrist
Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church Hwy 121 & Edhube Road Phone 903-583-1671 Boyd Baptist Church 3707 St. Hwy. 78 N Bonham, Texas Phone (903) 583-7288 Calvary Baptist Church 913 S. 5th St Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3910
Christian Chapel CME 1005 West Market St. Honey Grove, Tx 75446 Ector903-378-3518UnitedMethodist Church 401 Church St. Ector, Texas 75439 (214) 728-3549
First United Methodist Church of Leon ard 206 N. Main / PO Box 218 Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-3463
The struggles we endure today will be the “Good ole Days” we laugh about tomorrow.
First(903)583-4465BaptistChurch of Honey Grove PO Box 124 Honey Grove, Texas 75446 First(903)378-2768BaptistChurch of Ladonia 301 East Main Ladonia, Texas 75449-100 First(903)367-7038BaptistChurch of Leonard 100 East Thomas St. [PO Box 1146] Leonard, TX 75452 (903) 587-2250 First Baptist Church of Pecan Gap PO Box 100 Pecan Gap, Texas 75469 First(903)359-6683BaptistChurch of Randolph PO Box 14 Randolph, Texas 75475 First(903)583-6900BaptistChurch of
Central BAPTIST CHURCH BONHAM, TEXAS Please view our Sunday Morning services @ cbcfannin on Facebook or CBC Bonham-Youtube cbcmissionsbonhamtx@gmail.com Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 Wednesday @ 7:00
Honey Grove Cowboy Church 3050 Hwy 100 North Honey Grove, TX Ivanhoe Baptist Church 4063 NO.FM 273 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 (903)583-2359
4 Box 10 Bonham,
First Assembly of God, Bonham 1650 N. Center Bonham, TX 75418 (903)
75479 (903) First965-4160Baptist
2800 10th St
Windom United Methodist Church 207 Second Street PO Box 936 Windom, TX 75492 940-390-0146
Texas 75490 First(903)989-2319FanninBaptist Hispanic
Windom Baptist Church PO Box 1026 Windom, TX 75492 (903) 623-2215 Wild Horse Creek Cowboy Church 2992 CR 2285 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-486-1630
United Pentecostal
Non-DenominationalPentecostal Golden Gospel Church 4435 County Road 2610 in Bonham, Texas (903) Greater227-8527JoyFellowship Hwy. 121 & W 13th, Bonham, TX (meeting in First Con. Methodist Church Bldg. Sun. 5 PM) West Shady Grove Baptist Church 13665 East Line Road Trenton, TX Honey Grove Church Of Christ - 403 W. Main St. Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-227-2606 SR Church P.C.G. 1850 S HWY 121 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 640-3025 Christian First Christian Church of Bonham 701 N Main Street Bonham, TX 75418 903.583.2227 8/16/22
United Pentecostal Church P.O. Box 216 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4627 Peace Tabernacle UPC 16020 CR 635 Trenton, Texas (972) 752-4054 Bonham Community Church 347 FM 273 Bonham, TX 228-563-0423
ChurchCatholicofGod PresbyterianLutheran Assembly of God Episcopal The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3375 S outh h wy 121 - B onham 903-583-1671 ● P a S tor K evin L ane Sunday Services at 10:45 • Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays 6:45 Young Adults Bible Study Wednesdays @ 6:30 Fannin County
Allen’s583-5883PointBaptist Church 310 CR 2775 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903Bailey378-7038Bible Baptist Church 205 Leslie Bailey, Texas 75413

10. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve Resolution adopting the Fannin County Multi-Juris dictional Hazard Mitigation Plan- County Judge: Stepha nie Davidson then spoke to ex plain the hazard mitigation plan that was due for its third update as they must be updated every 5 years. See Commissioners on page 17
9. Discussion, consideration and action to approve Memo randum of Understanding (MOU) with Texoma Council of Governments (TCOG) for Homeland Security Grant Division (HSGD) equipmentCounty Judge for Emergency Management Coordinator: Fannin County Emergency Management Coordinator Troy Hudson and TCOGs Emergency Planning Program Manager Stephanie Davidson, CFM, spoke to explain the MOU between Fannin County and TCOG that allows funds to be requested for equipment. Com missioner Lane made the mo tion to approve with Commis sioner Magness seconding the motion which passed.
3. Hear comments regard ing a change in zoning re quest; 5 acres on Property ID# 113835, on CR 2900 in Dodd City, from A&R, Agri culture and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single Family District – County Judge: Fannin County Devel opment Services Director Di Hopkins noted that letters of notification on this request was sent to neighboring landown ers, and she did receive one re sponse of agreement for this to be approved.
6. Presentation of the 2021 Distinguished Service Award to the Fannin County His torical Commission-County Judge: After commending the Fannin County Historical Com mission for all they do; Judge Moore read the inscription on the award and asked the rep resentatives of the Commis sion to come to the front of the courtroom to receive the award.
7. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve Treasurer’s Financial Re port for July 2022- County Judge for County Treasurer: Fannin County Treasurer Da vid Woodson reported that the total receipts for July was $11,737,832.21; of that amount, the 2022 Bond is sued for the Justice Center was $11,036,674.44 which leaves the net receipts for July at $701,157.77. At the conclusion of the report, Commissioner Lane made a motion to approve the report with Commissioner Self seconding the motion which passed.
5. Adjourn: A motion to ad journ at 8:47 a.m. was made by Commissioner Magness, sec onded by Commissioner Lack ey and passed. On the same day at 9:00 a.m., County Judge Randy Moore called to order the Regular Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. Judge Moore noted that Quorum was established with all County Commissioners and County Judge present. Fannin County Treasurer David Woodson then introduced the Youth Minister of Northside Church of Christ in Bonham, Jordan Willis, to lead the Invocation. Pledges were led by Major James Ma nis, Retired. 4. Introduction: There were no introductions. 5. Public Forum: The Presi dent of the Telephone Fire De partment, Bob Payne, spoke to voice his concern about the lack of communication between the management of NTMWD and the local fire departments re garding an allowed burn that was recently conducted at the lake (to which his fire depart ment was called out to) and his disapproval prescribed burns are even being allowed with so many counties being under a burn ban.
8. Discussion, consideration and action to approve Trea surer’s Investment Report for July 2022- County Judge for County Treasurer: Mr. Woodson noted that the inter est on the TexPool account was $8,257.57 on a balance of $6,479,852.40; the 2022 Bond (the money for the Justice Cen ter) drew an interest $1,044.65 on a balance of $11,036,719.90; the Operating Business Money Fund had an interest of $3.64 on a balance of $228,806.85. After he concluded his report, Commissioner Magness made a motion to approve with Com missioner Lackey seconding the motion which passed.
903-583-3280 • Page 9 • August 16, 2022 The Bonham VFW Post 4852 - 1610 Mitchell Drive, Bonham, TX Ph: 214-498-4158 Email: Events@fanninsfuture.com 8/16/22 5th Annual VFW Post 4852’s “Will It Float” Contest Saturday, Aug. 20 Check in @ 2 pm Launch time at 4pm •Cardboard & Duct Tape •Styrofoam • No commercial Hulls •Must be self propelled •Must be human powered FOOD-PRIZES-AUCTION Registration Fee $20.00 per Team Everyone Welcome! ANY THING THAT FLOATS CONTEST BLAIR’S AUTO REPAIR State Inspections Minor - Major Auto Repair 1312 E. Main St. Honey Grove, TX 903-378-2304 •A/C Repair •Flats Fixed •Tires Walk-ins Welcome M-F 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat. Appointments Only 521 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, Texas 75418 (across from Pizza Hut) 903-583-5600 Fannin County Commissioners Court –Fannin County Historical Commission Honored / An Architect Selected for the Justice Center By Rose Schwartz Tuesday August 9, 2022, Fan nin County Judge Randy Moore called to order at 8:40 a.m., a Special Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. Quorum was established as three County Commissioners and County Judge were pres ent. Commissioner Self was not present. 2. Hear comments regarding a change in zoning request; 2.4819 acres on Property ID# 78364 and 3.8860 acres on Property ID# 78366 in Tele phone, from RE, Rural Es tate Single-Family District to R&C, Retail and Commercial – County Judge: Judge Moore asked if anyone would care to speak on this item. Landowner Gary Tucker came forward to advise the court of his plans to build a high-end Boat & RV Storage Facility (an approxi mately $4 million dollar facil ity.) He noted the facility will have his name on it, that he will be the owner/operator and will be living close by.
4. Hear comments regarding a change in zoning request; 12.9 acres on Property ID# 78419 on CR 2610 in Bon ham, from A&R, Agriculture and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single Fam ily District-County Judge: Di Hopkins noted that there were no protests involving this re quest.

Page 10 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 1395 BONHAM,TX-121TX 75418 BONHAMAUTOSALVAGE@GMAIL.COM TEL. 903.715.8141 CELL. 903.830.1816903.830.6023Cash For Junk Cars 8/16/22 $ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ LEVELCARPETLOOP (Example) 12’x12’ Room = $111.84+TAX CARPETPLUSH (Example) 12’x12’ Bedroom = $127.84+TAX CERAMICTILE (Example) 12’x12’ Kitchen = $142.56+TAX WE HAVE IT ALL! BRING YOUR TRUCK & TRAILER! PRICES ARE CASH & CARRY LARGEST FLOORINGINVENTORY! In NE Texas & SE Oklahoma THOUSANDS OF FEET OF VINYL PLANK, TILE & CARPET! 2115 N.E. LOOP 286 • PARIS, TX • 903-785-8317 File Name: CarpetWorld022118 4x5-25.indd Date Created: 01/19/15 Date Modi ed: February 19, 2018 1:33 PM 55 Years Service!of 10/2/18 FOR THE BEST DEALS STOP BY TODAY! OPEN M-F 8AM - 5PM 1/28/20 99¢sq. ft. $799sq. yd. sq. yd. 2/1/22 $899 Kathy McQuay, Family Celebrates 84th Birthday Hawaii Luau Style
grass skirts, flower
L to R: Commissioner Edwina Lane, Commissioner AJ Self, Fannin County Judge Randy Moore, Tom Thorton, Commissioner Jerry Magness, Larry Standlee, Stacie Flood, Commissioner Dean Lackey, Barbara McCutcheon Photo by Rose Schwartz
Fannin County Historical Commission received the 2021 Distinguished Service Award.
Kathy (Kathleen) was born in Palacios, Texas (near Houston) to Ray and Clara Bagwell on July 30, 1938 and is the oldest of her siblings and resides in Honey Grove. Family and friends celebrated her 84th birthday in Hawaii Luau style at her daughter’s home; Debbie Plew, of Oklahoma, whose birthday is the same day as her mom’s birthday! Kabobs on the grill, leis, and sun. Happy Birthday Kathy and Debbie!

903-583-3280 • Page 11 • August 16, 2022 Dodd City’s Tori Dotson. See City Council on page 22 3-26-19 JOSE VAZQUEZ Lawn Maintenance, Landscaping, Tree Trimming, Brush Clearing, Fencing, Pipe Fence, Gutters/Drainage, House Painting, Power Washing, Firewood and more! Ph: farmandlawn78@gmail.com903-227-5898 8403 N. State Hwy 78 Ravenna, TX 75476 Ph: 903-583-1259 407 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX 903-449-434175418 bonhamcustommemorials@gmail.com Like Us On netxmonuments.comFacebook 4-16-19 www.guardiangaragedoor.com GARAGEGUARDIANDOORS Repair • Service • Installation VETERAN OWNED & 903.274.2414OPERATED 10/1/19 903-486-6977ResidentialCommercial www.ezflowgutters.netOwner/Installer 5/15/18 5”& 6” SeamlessGutters BILL GEORGE CUSTOM METAL BUILDINGS We build: Shops, Barns, Custom Metal Buildings, Pole/Hay Barns, Barndo’s, Metal Houses, Fences, Entry-ways all types of custom metal work. Call us for a free estimate today! Bill George 903-583-0298 Shane Samples 903-441-3291 5/7/19 9/28/21 Nash Enterprises Joel Nash / Owner New Construction and Remodeling (903)456-3783joelnash677@yahoo.com PO Box 103 Dodd City, TX 75438 1/4/22 JOHN KINMAN FENCES 47 Years Still Practicing John Kinman Ph.D. Post Hole Digger 903-965-4251 50 Years Still Practicing CHAIN LINK • WOOD • WROUGHT IRON • PIPE • VINYL • REPAIRS John Kinman Fences 8/3/21 We Do ConstructionNewResidentialPlumbing Plumbing Tek M-40891 Kitchen/Lab Faucets, Shower Trims Toilet Change Outs, Tubs, Water Heaters, Tankless Installs, Plumbing Repairs FREE ESTIMATES! 1613 N. Center St. • 903-583-9196 6/15/21 Oil Change • State Inspection • Tire Repair FREE ICE CREAM PARKER CONSTRUCTION Remodeling & Fencing Your Satisfaction Is Our Future Kitchen Remodeling • Bath Remodeling Siding • Windows • Add-Ons • House Leveling Also offering Lawn Care Services Owner: Bill Parker 903-227-9528 4-12-22 903-583-1137 • 214-766-8282 PhemisterDavidM37363 Plumbing Discounts For Seniors & Vets! 40 ExperienceYears CHASE SANFORD (903) 227-7565 TONY WHIPPLE (903) 227-7565 1403 N. Hwy 78 Bonham, TX 75418• RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESTORATION Resilient RoofingResilient Roofing RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESTORATIONRESIDENTIAL • • RESTORATION 1403 N. Hwy 78 Bonham, TX 75418 TONY WHIPPLE (903) 227-7565 CHASE SANFORD (903) 227-7565Resilient RoofingResilient Roofing • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESTORATION 1403 N. Hwy 78 Bonham, TX 75418 TONY WHIPPLE (903) 227-7565 CHASE SANFORD (903) 227-7565 1/26/21 Services LLC Property Improvements Johnny Horton • 940-704-7760 VETERANLOCALLYOWNED U.S. AIR FORCE 21 YEARS Skid Steer Operations Demolition & Site Clean-Up Dumpster Services Auger & Trencher Work Tractor Mowing (Large & Small Acreage) Payment Plan Options J C 6/14/22 Mobile HoMe ServiceS QarlPbFSDeckSkirtingloorSatHSaintingevelingooFSDDitionSualiFieD FHa concrete runner••••••••• 903-640-6999 • otexaSnecallDoeSitall! electric & Water lineS Speedy Locksmith (903) 868 - 2068 ● Commercial ● Residential ● Auto ● Keys Made By Code ● Car Computer Chip Keys ● Safes Opened & Installed ● Burglar Bars Installed ● Police-Approved Deadbolts TX Lic #B12951 OK Lic #1142Licensed & InsuredReasonable Rates! 5/10/22 5/31/22 Millers903-486-6223Garage All makes and models Gas and diesel Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm 405 Katy Blvd Bonham Texas 75418 Call for appointment SHOP AND DINE IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BONHAM MAIN STREET, WEST SIDE Sponsored By: Bamboo HouseE.L. Finneys Floyd Building Fannin Land Jeri Lea’s Travel Farm N HomePeelerHistoricBuilding Lifetime ChiropracticTaylor Building

3. Citizens Opportunity to Speak: [The City Council in vites persons with comments or observations to briefly ad dress the Council for the lim ited purpose of determining whether the matter should be referred to staff for study and response and/or be placed on a future meeting agenda. State law prohibits the City Council from considering deliberations on any item not listed on the posted City Council Agenda.]
4. Presentation of a Procla mation to the First Presby terian Church celebrating 150 years of ministry: Mayor Compton read the Proclamation noting that the first Sunday of service for the First Presbyte rian Church was in August of 1872 and how the church has faithfully served the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the residents of Bonham for 150 years as well as being a landmark for the city with its beautiful architecture. During the reading of the Proclama tion, he noted there will be a celebration of the historic Ses quicentennial event held at the Church August 21, 2022 and encouraged all citizens to at tend. A picture was then taken of members of the Church with Mayor Compton.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Section 166, 20 CFR 684.300(a) (1) An Indian, as determined by a policy of the INA program grantee; or (2) An Alaska Native; or (3) A Native Hawaiian. 8/29/17
By Rose Schwartz Monday, August 8, 2022, Reverend Delfin Condori of the Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church of Bonham, led an In vocation before Mayor H.L. Compton called to order, at 5:30 p.m., the Bonham City Council Meeting. All Council members, with the exception of Councilman Bill Chapman and Councilman Kevin Hayes, were present. 1. Consider and take action to approve minutes of the July 11th regular meeting and the July 25th special meeting: Councilman Timothy LaVergne II made a motion to approve the minutes with Councilman Wayne Moore seconding the motion which passed.
5/11/21 budgetwindowstexoma@gmail.comBudgetWindows.US
: The Director of the Open Arms Homeless Shelter Mark Sander son, spoke to give an update on shelter activities. After giving a brief history of the shelter, he stated there has been 159 people who have been served since its opening in 2020 and noted how it is a part-time short-term fa cility with the doors open from 6:00 p.m. overnight to 9:00 a.m. to encourage residents to seek employment or look for other resources. He described how a counselor assists those who are accepted (those willing to abide by the rules) to help get them to a place of self-sufficiency in 90 days. Located at 1205 Al bert Broadfoot Street in Bon ham, Mr. Sanderson described how it’s fitted to hold 8 men, 6 women and a small family; is funded by churches, corpora tions, individual citizens and businessmen; and is available for those willing to abide by its rules in Fannin County that are in need of its services. The goal of the center is to provide “a hand up, not a handout” with qualifications needing to be met to be accepted. Mr. Sanderson concluded by thanking all who have made this service to the homeless in Fannin County, possible.
Now Open Parts & Service
Page 12 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280
5. Presentation of a Procla mation to CareVide for Na tional Health Center week: Councilman Michael Evans read the Proclamation com mending the high quality, af fordable health care services; community health centers have provided for over fifty years to the nations’ underserved com munities. Noted in the Procla mation was how one in every 12 people in the United States, gets their healthcare in a com munity health center.
2. Consider and take action to accept financial report for month ending July 31, 2022: Bonham’s Director of Finance, Dave Struchtemeyer gave a re port highlighting the adopted 2022 Budget Amendment that increased the sales tax revenue by $200,000 and $150,000 for building inspection fees/per mits. As of July 31st, he noted sales tax revenue is tracking to meet the amended budget of $1.7 million and building per mit/inspection fees are tracking to exceed the amended budget of $300,000 by approximately 5%. Also noted was the im proved water/sewer revenue that is projected to meet within 2% the amended budget by 2022 fiscal year’s end. A mo tion was then made by Council man Wayne Moore to approve the report with Councilman John Burnett seconding the mo tion which passed.
Members of First Presbyterian Church, Bonham with Mayor H Compton. Photo by Rose Schwartz. Michael Evans presented the Proclamation of August 7 thru August 13, 2022 to be National Health Center week to a representative of CareV ide. Photo by Rose Schwartz. See City Council on page 13
Looking for Native American Indians, Alaskan Natives, or Native Hawaiians needing assistance finding employment or vocational Musttraining.be a member of a U.S. Federally recognized tribe with a supporting document from a U.S. Federally recognized Tribe’s Tribal Rolls and Records office & reside within our designated service area in TX. Call: 1-877-717-6101 or apply online: at www.acwia.org
Bonham City Council –Recognizing 150 years of Presbyterian Ministry

7. Consider and take ac tion to approve a Specific Use Permit/Zoning Change located on the Southeast cor ner of N Hwy 121 and Hwy 82 (ID# 119761 & 75051) from Agriculture to Planned Development: Bonhams Di rector of Community Devel opment Mark Kinnaird spoke to note how letters of notifica tion were sent out to property owners within 200 feet of this property and how there was no response from those let ters nor was there any to speak against or for it during the last Planning and Zoning meeting. With that said he stated the P&Z Commission unanimous ly approved the zoning change request. Wayne Moore made the motion to approve with Tim LaVergne II seconding the motion which passed. 8. Consider and take ac tion on a resolution adopting Jones Field Airport Rules and Regulations: Airport Manager Zach Whitlock spoke to ask the council to approve the adoption of the new version of Jones Field Airport Rules and Regulations. After stating how Tx DOT and the Federal Aviation Administration had modernized their published guidelines and how a special meeting with the Airport Advi sory Board was called for them to review the newly revised rules and regulations docu ment, Mr. Whitlock noted that the Advisory Board from page 12
Free Prevention Classes
City Council Press Release - The Fannin County Children’s Center has scheduled two free classes for this summer for adults to learn how to prevent, recog nize and respond child abuse. The classes are designed for parents, teachers, other school personnel, day care work ers, coaches, Sunday School teachers and other profession als and volunteers who work with“Stewardschildren.of Children” is a 2 hour class that utilities video, workbooks and class discussion to teach adults how to prevent, recognize and re spond child sexual abuse. The video includes personal sto ries from survivors of sexual abuse and education from pro fessionals in the child abuse field. This class will be of fered on Thursday, August 18, 2022 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the Children’s lence of abuse in all communi ties, the legal definitions, signs and symptoms of child abuse, how to communicate with a child who makes a disclosure of abuse, how to make a report and how to overcome one’s fear’s and barriers around re porting. This class will be of fered on Thursday, August 25, 2022 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at the Children’s Center. Both classes will be held at the Children’s Center at 112 West Fifth Street in Bonham. All participants who success fully complete the class will receive a certificate. There is no charge for the classes, thanks to generous support from local donors. Seating is limited and advanced registra tion is required. Registration is available online at www. FanninCCC.org.TheFanninCounty Chil dren’s Center is a private, nonprofit organization. Its mis sion is promoting safety and improving the lives of abused and neglected children. Pro grams include CASA, Chil dren’s Advocacy Center and child abuse prevention efforts.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 9:00Bonhamam–11:00 am Fannin County Multipurpose Complex 700 FM 87, Bonham, TX 75418 Drive thru-we will load your car! Take food to shut-ins, disadvantaged and disabled once weekly or more for Meals on Wheels. Volunteer: call 903583-8573 between 7 and 11 M-F - If a brother or sister is without … enough food for each day, and … you say to them, “Go in peace … and feed yourself,” but you do not give them the necessities for the body, what good does that do? (James 2:15-16)
Fannin County Mobile Food Pantry
Page 13 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280Relay for Life • Saturday, September 17th at the Courthouse 8/16/22 Are YOU Tired Of Big Government? RECLAIMSELF-GOVERNANCE Texas HD62 COS Meeting Monday, August 22, 2022 ♦ 6:30 PM Lake Bonham VFW Post 4852 ♦ 1610 Mitchell Dr., Bonham, TX Meeting Topic: Understand the Texas legislative process, how to interact with your legislators and the upcoming 88th Legislative Session. Political ad paid for by Brenda Jeter FOSSIL RIDGE Roofing and Construction 903.624.4900fossilridgeroofing.com A Rated BBB - Licensed and bonded in Oklahoma and Texas • Composition Roofs • Metal Roofs • Remodeling / Construction • Gutters • Windows • Free Inspection • Claim Specialist 8/16/22 Shawana O’Neal Cell: 903-819-5035 REALTORshawanaoneal.fathomrealty.comsoneal@fathomrealty.com Are you thinking about selling and want to know what your home is worth? I can help! All-N-1•All Renovations •Construction •Electrical •Remodeling •Maintenance......More...... Insured - Licensed - Bonded T.E.C.L. 33126 469-223-3825 Joe Garza Services We Build Metal Buildings! Driveway & Parking Lot Maintenance Commercial & Residential Asphalt•Concrete•Sealcoat•Crackseal We Sell Rock · Dirt · Sand Top Soil · Mulch 903-486-2888 We’re Open to the Public For All Your Construction Needs BenTegala,MD Board Certified Internal Medicine Primary Care Physician 21 Years Experience Services Provided Primary Care, Diabetes, Arthritis, Heart Problems, Stress Test, Blood Pressure, ThyroidEmphysema/COPD,Asthma,Allergies,JointInjections,Cholesterol,Problems,Mole&SkinLesionRemovals Hours: Mon-Thurs 9am - 4:30pm Closed 12-1pm for lunch Fri 9am-12pm located at 1211 East Sixth Street Suite 100 Bonham, TX Phone: 903-640-4700 Fax: 903-640-1975 Accepting New Patients with Medicare, United Health Care, Wellmed and most insurances 6/21/228/9/22 Start planning for 2023! Disney Cruise Line - Adventures by Disney Walt Disney World - Disneyland - Aulani, a Disney Resort Jeri Lea’s Travel 903-449-0624 After reading the Proclama tion of August 7 thru August 13, 2022 to be National Health Center week, Mr. Evans hand ed the document to a represen tative of CareVide. 6. Consider and take ac tion to appoint or re-appoint individuals to the following boards and commissions: a.) Bonham Economic De velopment Corporation: City Manager Sean Pate noted how the current terms of mem bers of the board, Allen Sand erson, Jack Lipscomb and City Councilman Wayne Moore will be expiring August 31, 2022. Noting an interest from Allen Sanderson to continue, an interest from Ernie Quin tana to be appointed and the interest to re-appoint Wayne Moore as a City Council rep resentative -on the board, Mr. Pate asked that the three men tioned be re-appointed/ap pointed to the board. Wayne Moore then made the motion to re-appoint Allen Sanderson, appoint Ernie Quintana and if no objection, appoint Wayne Moore. John Burnett seconded the motion that passed. b.) Planning and Zoning Commission: Mr. Pate noted the terms of Rusty Deets, Bry an Frazier and Ashlea Fraser, have expired, with all three expressing interest to continue serving on the commission and there being no other interested parties applying to serve. With that, Mr. Pate recommended to re-appoint the members. Mi chael Evans then made the mo tion to re-appoint Rusty Deets, Bryan Frazier and Ashlea Fra ser to the Commission with Wayne Moore seconding the motion which passed. Mayor Compton then expressed his appreciation for those who vol unteer to serve on the boards.

Creative Arts Center hosts special Amy Winehouse Celebration during September’s Open Mic Night & Potluck!
Page 14 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 8/2/22 903-200-8452 *RV Rentals* *Toy Haulers* *Mobile RV Repairs* *New and Used Sales* Find us on Facebook 17754 E US HIGHWAY 82 HONEY GROVE 75446 texomacare.com Providing personalized primary care for the entire family. Dr. Loftice grew up in Grayson County and now resides locally with his family. He earned his medical degree from the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine in Glendale, AZ and completed his residency in family medicine at Conroe Medical Education Foundation in Conroe, TX. David C. Loftice, DO BOARD-CERTIFIED FAMILY MEDICINE SPECIALIST Dr. Loftice is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the Texas Academy of Family Physicians. Let him help you protect the health of your family. Bonham,2201TexomaCare-BonhamHwy121TX75418 To schedule appointment,ancall 903.583.3111 For language assistance, disability accommodations and the non-discrimination notice, visit our website. 202476-3158 5/20 Telehealth Visits Also Available 8/16/22 WE DO WINDOWS. WE MEASURE. WE INSTALL. School Supplies for Kids Press ReleaseMore than 600 stu dents from all over Fannin County re ceived free school supplies on August 6 to start the new school year, thanks to a generous com munity. This year marked the 26th year that the Fan nin County Chil dren’s Center has provided school supplies to local children and youth. The exact number of students served on Saturday was 605. Organizers expect the final number to grow over the next few days as additional stu dents will be served with the re maining supplies. Misti Tackett and Emily Littleton from Hair Central in Leonard also provid ed free haircuts to 19 students too.“Once again, we are very grateful to our generous donors and hard-working volunteers and staff who make this happen every year,” said Sandy Barber, Executive Director of the Chil dren’s Center. “We also appreciate Misti and Emily for generously using their talents to give 19 children free haircuts on Saturday. We also are grateful to Red River Gypsies for loaning us their space, so that the haircuts could be indoors and in a setting suit able for haircuts,” said Barber. Numerous other organizations braved the heat and set up out side, in front of the center to of fer resources to the children and families getting supplies. One City Church gave away 500 breakfast burritos as well as lots of toiletries, baby wipes and di apers. Other vendors included Bailey Inglish Early Childhood Center, Balloons & More, Bonham Pub lic Library, Fannin County Sherriff Of fice, Meade-Norman Bayless Insurance, Superior HealthPlan, Texas A&M ArgiLife Extension Service, Texas Farm Bureau, Texas Star and Texas Health Steps (Maxi mus) and Workforce Solutions Texoma. The mission of the Children’s Center is promoting safety and improving the lives of abused and neglected children. In addi tion to the annual school sup ply drive, the center operates CASA, Children’s Advocacy Center and child abuse preven tion programs. The next CASA volunteer training class starts soon. The deadline to apply on line to become a CASA is Aug 22. For more information, call (903) 583-4339 or go to www. fanninccc.org.
Volunteers and staff of the Fannin County Children’s Center gave away free school supplies to 605 students on Saturday, August 6. Courtesy Photo.
ReleasePressOn 9SeptemberFridaythat6pm,theCreativeArtsCenterwillbehostingaspecial edition of our Open Mic Night & Potluck to celebrate the life of and pay tribute to the late musician, Amy Winehouse. Musicians will be performing tributes and covers of her music, and guests are welcome to participate with poetry, comedy, and other musical acts. In lieu of paying admission, guests are asked to bring a dish, side, or dessert to share and BYOB is permitted. Our Library will be filled with a special Amy Winehouse collection exhibit that includes beautiful works of art in a variety willcollectionitemsworld!allfrommediumsofartistsovertheAllinthebe for sale with all proceeds benefitting the Creative Arts Center.Formore information or if you wish to perform at our Open Mic Night, please call 903-640-2196 or BonArtCenter@gmail.comemail

New Digital License Option Available for Super Combo Users AUSTIN— Never worry about forgetting a paper Super Combo license at home again with the new digital tag op tion from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). Beginning with the 2022-23 li cense year, Texas residents can purchase a digital Super Com bo license (Items 111, 117 and 990) that will authorize digital tagging of harvested deer, tur key and oversized red drum. The digital license option is available through online pur chase only when licenses go on sale August 15. A digital license holder will not receive a printed license or tags but must keep their digi tal license available while in the field. The license can be viewed through the TPWD Outdoor Annual and My Texas Hunt Harvest (MTHH) mobile apps. “Texas Parks and Wildlife is excited to be offering a digi tal license and tag option for the first time for outdoorsmen and women this license year,” said Carter Smith, Executive Director of TPWD. “We are piloting this with the Super Combo license types which is one of our most popular li censes that we sell. Lifetime Combo license holders will also be able to use the digital tagging portion of this pilot as well. This has been a longtime coming, but we think this is a great first step to offering more options for our hunters and anglers in the field. We in tend to evaluate how well this works as we move forward and look forward to feedback from our customers who choose this option. Texans using this option will need to adhere to these re quirements for using the digi tal Super Combo tag: Digital tagging for harvest ed deer, turkey and oversized red drum must be completed through the MTHH mobile app. An updated version of the app that supports digital tag ging will be available August 15.Digital license holders are not exempt from the Federal Duck Stamp requirement. If you purchase a Federal Duck Stamp, it will be mailed to your address on file. The stamp must be signed on its face and is required to be on your per son while hunting waterfowl. Other license purchases made for this season (e.g., Annual Public Hunt, Federal Sandhill Crane Permit, Bo nus Red Drum Tag, etc.) will be provided in digital format only and will show up as separate items on your digital license.Number and type of tags is sued with digital licenses are limited by species. A full list can be found on the digital tag webpage on the TPWD web site. All county bag limits, special provisions and restric tions apply. Execution of a digital tag serves as comple tion of mandatory harvest re porting for deer and turkey in applicable counties. It is your responsibility to track tag usage. Use the Harvest History section in MTHH and ensure that your app is synced. Do not harvest an animal if you are not cer tain that you have a tag avail able to Moreuse.information about harvest reporting and required physical documentation for deer and turkey, as well as harvest reporting require ments for red drum, can be found on the digital tag web page at https://tpwd.texas. gov/digitaltags.
Page 15 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 10/5/21 254.482.0935 710 Clarksvile • Paris, TX 903-783-0059 Keep your boat running smooth for Summer! Evinrude • Yamaha Mercruiser • Mercury • Johnson TIMETO... • Pasture Mowing 5/24/22Revised nathanprater@npfarmsliquidfeed.com Nathan Prater (903)449-2904Nolin Prater (469)595-4420 6/21/22 • 6 HOUR TRIPS •AVAILABLECOMPANYTRIPS•PRIVATECHARTERS • BAIT & FURNISHEDTACKLE • FISH CLEANED & BAGGED REX FISHINGBRIDGES&HUNTING MOBILE # 903-814-8400 1-800-211-7808 www.rexbridges.com PO BOX 1148 POTTSBORO 75076 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONAL GUIDE SERVICE ON LAKE TEXOMA *STRIPER FISHING* Thursday LighthouseThanksFishing.MorningToKennyAndCodyForFishingWithUsOutOfTheMarina.FromLadonia,TX.GreatJobGuys! Fishin’Report TAKE A KID FISHING or Hunting! ShareLunker #3162 was caught on 08/03/2022 by Ron Knight of San Angelo, TX fishing on O. H. Ivie. The bass weighed 10.93 lbs. (TPWD) Send YOUR FISHING OR HUNTING pictures to fcleader@ verizon.net, attention Tim or text to 903-227-5702, for FREE publication on the Outdoor Page. Week of August 10, 2022 Texas Lake Levels +/as of 8/12/22 Arlington EagleBridgeport-6.43BonhamBenbrook-8.81-5.10-2.00Mountain -4.67 Fork PossumPatLewisville-2.67Lavon-3.98JoeGrapevine-1.27Granbury-2.43-7.33Pool-3.34Mayse-1.45Kingdom -4.96 Ray Hubbard-2.58 Ray ToledoTexoma-1.44Tawakoni-3.58Roberts-1.22Bend-4.13 AG & OUTDOORS LIVESTOCKFARMING 8/16/22 Cattlemen’sLivestockCommission SALE EVERY SATURDAY @11 A.M. Visit us on Facebook 1354 Clement Road • Paris, TX 903-784-2238 • 903-784-7800 Fax 903-785-6933 Mobile 903-782-6330 Charles Mallicote - 903-785-7191 300STEERSlbsand under: 1.30 - 2.30 300-400 lbs: 1.20 - 2.30 400-500 lbs: 1.10 - 2.10 500-600 lbs: .80 - 1.90 300HEIFERSlbsand under: 1.20 - 2.15 300-400 lbs: 1.10 - 2.00 400-500 lbs: .90 - 1.87.50 500-600 lbs: .75 - 1.65 Cows:SLAUGHTER .30 - .96 Bulls: . 80 - 1.20 Sale Date: 8/6/22 Head: 1968 STOCKERSStocker: 350 - 1200 Pairs: 450 - 1300 OTHERSBabyCalves: 75 - 350 Holstein Steers: 45 - 70 Holstein Heifers: 0 Goats & Sheep: 19 hd 40 - 320 CLASSIFIEDS YOUNGWORKSTRACTOR Specializing in complete pasture care under 50 acres. Services include: pasture mowing, spraying, pasture renovation, discing, planting winter rye, seed ing pastures, repair hog damage. Also do dirt work: driveways, building sites, grading for drainage. Ex perienced fast professional service! Call 903-271-7394. FOR SALE 2 Paint Stallions. A one year old and a five year old. Will take best offer. Call for moreBULLinformation:214-733-3939 for SALE Gentle 19 month old Hereford Bull. $1800. Call 903-821-8646. Cooper FAIR. Water lightly stained; 88 degrees. Catfish are good with juglines. White bass and hybrids are fair with large spoons. Crappie are slow on main lake brush piles and stand ing timber with jigs and minnows. Bass are fair along grass ledges and standing timber with crankbaits. Fork GOOD. Water Stained; 84-88 degrees; 7.31 feet low. Bass continue to be shallow early in the morning in 1-4 feet of water on windblown points biting topwaters, and shad pat terned square bill crankbaits. Mid morning the bite transi tions to big wood in 5-7 feet of water using shaky heads with Xcite slim X in June bug, red bug are best. Carolina rigs are good in 12-16 feet of water on ridges with 7-8 inch worms in watermelon candy and June bug. Report by Lake Fork fishing guide Marc Mitchell, Lake Fork Pro. The bass fishing is slow with most catches in 1-6 feet of water and in 18-25 feet of water on points using shaky heads. Sand bass are fair in 1416 feet of water. Crappie are good on brush piles and standing timber. Catfish are good on baited holes. Crappie continue to be stacked up in laydowns, brush piles and trees in 15-28 feet of water biting best on minnows. Lavon GOOD. Water lightly stained; 85 degrees; 3.84 feet low. Crappie are good in 5-10 feet of water until 8 A.M., tran sitioning to 9 -17 feet of water in timber and brush with min nows and jigs. White bass are good with a sporadic topwater bite throughout the day in the middle of the lake, and in 15-25 feet of water on main lake points and humps. White or char treuse slabs for deeper water and swimbaits in shallow water. A thermocline has settled in, so be on the lookout at about 7:30 A.M. in the middle of the lake just outside of the dam for topwater action. Black bass are fair on spooks along riprap at the first two hours of sunlight. Bluegills are great, holding to 10-20 feet of water on brush piles using earthworms, crickets or pieces of bacon as it will not fall off the hook as easily. Catfish are good on baited holes and windblown slopes and points in 10-20 feet of water. Big fish are biting best at night on cut shad in 10-20 feet of water on points and flats. Tawakoni GOOD. Water lightly stained; 90 degrees; 3.54 feet low. Overall fishing has slowed due to the low oxygen levels and warmer water. Despite this white bass and striped bass are really good in 9-15 feet of water. These fish are not sitting still, so trolling is putting more fish in the boat cur rently. Channel catfish bite is red hot and excellent. Catch ing limits easily by 10 A.M. using punch bait and dip bait fished over baited holes in 25-30 feet of water. Crappie bite is surprisingly good with minnows out fishing jigs. Changing locations frequently to get a nice box of fish. Largemouth bass bite is slow. Fish extremely shallow water early in the morning at daylight with topwater baits. Texoma EXCELLENT. Water stained; 88 degrees; 1.21 feet below. Striped bass are good on shallow flats early in the morning with topwaters. The fish move deeper biting on slabs as the sun rises. .

*** COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT ***Page 16 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS BUDGET AND PROPOSED TAX RATE 8/16/22 3/30/21 SHORT INCOME TAX SERVICE Lisa C. Short 903-784-3797 3206 Bonham Street, Paris, TX 75460 5/26/20 Specializing Windshieldsin 2630 N. Center Street • Bonham, TX 75418 All Insurance Claims Welcome Bill McCain 24Hrs Cell:903-583-7364903-227-1124 Provider FIRST STEPS 4 DEFENSE Group or private classes Weekdays or Weekends ltc- $60 savoy area Female instructor specializing in teaching women, older students and physically challenged students kimberly dillard 903.227.2386 License to Carry / pistol 101 6/30/20

13. Discussion, consider ation and action to hire Eikon Consulting Group for Archi tectural Services of the future Fannin County Justice Cen ter- County Judge: President of Eikon Consulting Group, Brad Isbell spoke to detail re visions made to the plans that was discussed during the work shop held the day before with the Commissioners Court. Af ter some discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve the hiring of Eikon Consulting Group for Architectural Services of the Justice Center. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lane and passed unanimously.
Total Sheriff and Jail Budgets 5,209,426 5,561,554 District Judge Juvenile Board Supplement 3,600 3,600 Total District Judge Budget 1,031,396 971,216
Page 17 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 8/16/22 As given to me by the Fannin County Commissioners Court, under the provisions of Texas Local Government Code § 152.013(b), notice is hereby given that the present and proposed annual base salaries, allowances, and expenses for Fannin County elected officials, to be effective October 1, 2022, are as follows: County Judge 69,194 72,653 State Salary Supplement 0 18,900 Juvenile Board Supplement 2,400 2,400 Travel Allowance 4,200 4,500 Total County Judge Budget 154,576 182,834 County Commissioners (4) 65,138 68,395 Cell Phone Allowance 0 0 Total County Commissioners and Commissioners Court Budgets 4,407,406 4,597,422 County Court at Law Judge 167,000 167,000 Juvenile Board Supplement 2,400 2,400 Total County Court at Law Budget 502,116 494,090 County Clerk 60,521 63,547 Total County Clerk & Elections Budget 446,854 665,741 District Clerk 60,521 63,547 Total District Clerk Budget 481,899 488,174 Justice of the Peace, Pct. 1 46,354 48,671 Cell Phone Allowance 0 0 Travel Allowance 2,400 3,000 Total Justice of the Peace, Pct.1 Budget 192,239 192,305 Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2 46,354 48,671 Cell Phone Allowance 0 0 Travel Allowance 2,400 3,000 Total Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2 Budget 148,441 148,920 Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 46,354 48,671 Cell Phone Allowance 0 0 Travel Allowance 2,400 3,000 Total Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 Budget 126,879 127,859 Criminal District Attorney County Salary 11,520 13,000 State Salary Supplement 0 0 Total Criminal District Attorney Budget 1,008,576 1,121,742 County Treasurer 60,521 63,547 Total County Treasurer Budget 90,807 90,985 Tax Assessor/Collector 60,521 63,547 Total Tax Assessor/Collector Budget 337,287 336,174 Constable, Pct. 1 34,684 36,419 Travel Allowance 2,400 2,400 Total Constable, Pct. 1 Budget 55,931 56,116 Constable, Pct. 2 17,118 17,974 Travel Allowance 0 0 Total Constable, Pct. 2 Budget 38,468 37,398 Constable, Pct. 3 15,275 30,600 Travel Allowance 2,400 0 Total Constable, Pct. 3 Budget 38,393 55,389 Sheriff 62,329 65,446
Alicia R. Whipple Fannin County Auditor
14. Discussion, consider ation and action to set a Pub lic Hearing to hear comments regarding the Proposed 2022 Tax Rate of 0.435213 per $100.00 of assessed value for Tuesday, September 6, 2022, at 8:45 a.m. and to vote to adopt the tax rate at the Reg ular Meeting of the Commis sioners Court on September 13, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. (last year’s tax rate was 0.5341)County Judge: Judge Moore clarified that this was just to set the hearing regarding the pro posed tax rate. Commissioner Lackey then made the motion to set the hearing on the tax rate for September 6, 2022 and to adopt the tax rate at the Regu lar Meeting of September 13, 2022. Commissioner Magness seconded the motion which passed.
17. Discussion, consider ation and action regarding a change in zoning request; 12.9 acres on Property ID# 78419 on CR 2610 in Bon ham, from A&R, Agriculture and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single Family District- County Judge for De velopment Services Director: Ms. Hopkins noted this was for the personal plans of the land owner and not to sub-divide. Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve with Commissioner Lane seconding the motion which passed.
Continued from page 9 Commissioners See Commissioners on page 24 Continued
Proposed FY 2023 Base Salary, Allowances, and Total Budget Present FY 2022 Base Salary, Allowances, and Total Budget She explained how it identi fies natural hazards and ways to reduce/eliminate hazards and how this plan is required to be FEMA approved before a county can apply for hazard mitigation system funds (she gave the example of how Sam Rayburn received a grant to build a tornado safe room for their school.) After handing out hard copies of the plan she noted the plan can be viewed on the TCOG website. After some discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner Lane seconding the motion which passed.
12. Discussion and report of monies collected by the Fannin County District Clerk’s office for July 2022; $21,610.78- County Judge (for District Clerk): For informa tion only
15. Discussion, consider ation and action regarding a change in zoning request; 2.4819 acres on Property ID# 78364 and 3.8860 acres on Property ID# 78366 in Telephone, from RE, Rural Estate Single-Family District to R&C, Retail and Commer cial- County Judge for Devel opment Services Director: Di Hopkins noted there was a pub lic hearing held on this earlier in the morning and the request had been reviewed by the Bois d’Arc Lake P&Z board. After some discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Mag ness to approve with Commis sioner Lackey seconding the motion which passed. 16. Discussion, consider ation and action regarding a change in zoning request; 5 acres on Property ID# 113835, on CR 2900 in Dodd City, from A&R, Agriculture and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single Fam ily District- County Judge for Development Services Di rector: Di noted the intention of this request was to split the property and a neighbor had notified her of their approval for this. Commissioner Lack ey made a motion to approve with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed.
11. Discussion and report of monies collected by the Jus tice of the Peace Precinct 3 of fice for July 2022; $2,981.00County Judge (for JP3): For information only.
18. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve a one-time severance of 1.786 acres from a 60.998-acre tract on CR 4715 in Leonard, Property ID# 86455- Commis sioner Precinct 2 for Develop ment Services Director: Ms. Hopkins noted everything had been done on this property to clear it for approval. Commis sioner Self made the motion to approve with Commissioner Lane seconding the motion which passed.
19. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve the organizational chart for the 2022-2023 fiscal yearCounty Judge for County Au ditor: Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple explained how it is very similar to the previ ous year’s chart with a minor change having been made. Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve with Commissioner Self seconding the motion which passed.

Sam Rayburn I.S.D. will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs.
For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Wendy Keeton, at 9363 E FM 273 Ivanhoe, TX 75447 903.664.2255 x 297
Notificación pública de no discriminación en Programas de educación vocacional y tecnológica
c/o: Michael S. Evans Attorney at Law 308 N Center Street Bonham, Texas 75418 DATED the 9th day of August, 2022.
Mercy, good Lord, mercy, I ask, This is the total sum; For mercy, Lord, is all my suit; Lord, let Thy mercy come!” If you are looking for a good church home, we invite you to come visit and worship with us here at Central Baptist Church. As we always say, visitors are our honored guests, and we hope to see you this coming Lord’s day!
Sunday Morning Re-take CommunitiesSubdivisionsLakeCulverts,Zoning,&Rental
Notice is hereby given that the original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Larry Eugene Washington, Deceased, were issued on July 19, 2022, in Cause No. PR2022-13094 pending in the County Court-at-Law of Fannin County, Texas, to: Larry W. Washington.Allpersons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.
It is the policy of Sam Rayburn I.S.D. not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in its employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
/S/ Michael S. Evans Michael S. Evans Attorney for Larry W. Washington State Bar No.: 24057841 308 N Center Street Bonham, Texas 75418 Telephone: (903) 640-4300 Facsimile: (903) 640-4344 E-mail: fannin.lawyer@gmail.com 8/16/22
Page 18 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 8/16/22
It is the policy of Sam Rayburn I.S.D. not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
Sam Rayburn I.S.D. ofrece programas de educación profesional y tecnológica en agricultura, ciencias de lasalud, educación, tecnología de audio / video y negocios. La admisión a estos programas se basa en el interés y el espacio disponible para las Esclases.lapolítica de Sam Rayburn I.S.D. no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, sexo o discapacidad en sus programas, servicios o actividades vocacionales como lo requiere el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según enmendada; Título IX de las Enmiendas a la Educación de 1972; y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según enmendada.
Para obtener información sobre sus derechos o procedimientos de quejas, comuníquese con el Coordinador del Título IX, Wendy Keeton , en 9363 E FM 273 Ivanhoe, TX 75447 903.664.2255 x 297
Sam Rayburn I.S.D. Tomará medidas para asegurar que la falta de habilidades en el idioma inglés no sea una barrera para la admisión y participación en todos los programas educativos y vocacionales.
Hello everyone! What a wonderful service we had in God’s house Sunday morning! It’s no secret that we desperately need revival as a nation. The only way for us to experience true revival is that we hold to the promise that is given to us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, in which God tells us, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” That is a wonderful promise from God, and why we as a nation are not clinging to this truth is beyond me. We’ve got to get our focus back on the Lord, where it needs to be. That being said, I came across a hymn in my research that should absolutely be our prayer not just as a nation, but in our own lives as well. This was written by John Mardley in 1562. “O Lord, turn not Thy face from me, Who lie in woful state, Lamenting all my sinful life Before Thy mercy-gate: A gate which opens wide to those That do lament their sin: Shut not that gate against me, Lord; But let me enter in. And call me not to strict account How I have sojourned here; For then my guilty conscience knows How vile I shall appear. So come I to Thy mercygate, Where mercy doth abound, Imploring pardon for my sin, To heal my deadly wound. O Lord, I need not to repeat The comfort I would have: Thou know’st, O Lord, before I ask, The blessing I do crave.
Sam Rayburn I.S.D. offers career and technology education programs in Agriculture, Education, Audio/VideoTechnology, and Business. Admission to these programs is based on interest and available class space.
Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technology Education Programs
Es la política de Sam Rayburn I.S.D. no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad o edad en sus prácticas laborales, según lo requiere el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según enmendada; Título IX de las Enmiendas a la Educación de 1972; la Ley de Discriminación por Edad de 1975, enmendada; y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según enmendada.
Bro. Josh Stevenson Central Baptist Church Bonham, https://www.facebook.com/TXcbcfannin Fannin http://www.co.fannin.DevelopmentCountyServicesDiHopkins903-449-4220tx.us/page/fannin.developmentservices

Bidding Documents may be examined at www.civcastusa.com and the office of the Engineer, Dunaway-DBI, 118 McKinney St, Farmersville, TX 75442, on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Issuing Office during the hours indicated above. Bidding Documents are available on compact disc (as portable document format (PDF) files) for a non-refundable charge of $25.00, excluding overnight or express ser vice. Alternatively, printed Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Issuing Office either via in-person pick-up or via mail, upon Issuing Office’s receipt of payment for the Bidding Documents. The non-refundable cost of printed Bidding Documents is $75.00 per set, payable to Dunaway-DBI, excluding overnight or express service. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Issuing Office. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including Ad denda if any, obtained from sources other than the Issuing Office. A pre-bid conference will not be held. Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
Southwest Fannin Special Utility District Fannin County, Texas Pump Station Project FM 2645 & CR 1255
Sealed Bids for the construction of a Pump Station Project located at FM 2645 & CR 1255 will be received by Southwest Fannin Special Utility District at the office of the Engineer, Dunaway-DBI, 118 McKinney St., Farmersville, TX 75442, until 10:00AM local time on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: Dunaway-DBI, 118 McKinney St, Farmersville, TX 75442, 972-784-7777, Eddy Daniel, P.E., EDaniel@dunaway.com
903-583-3280 • Page 19 • August 16, 2022 8/9/22
Notice of Public Hearing before the Bois d’Arc Lake Zoning Commission
Notice is hereby given that the Bois d’ Arc Lake Zoning Commission of Fannin County, Texas will hold a public hearing starting at 8:20am, Thursday, Sept 1st, 2022. This will be held at Fannin County Court House, 101 E Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX. All interested citizens of the County are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. Please check Fannin County’s website under Upcoming Meetings (www.co.fannin.tx.us) up to 72 Hours prior for more details. The Lake Zoning Commission will consider a Special exception: to the setback regulations, 6.3290 acres Property ID#’s 78364 & 78366, FM 897, Telephone. For a boat and RV storage facility. For additional info & official protest forms, contact Development Services at 903-449-4220 or email at dhopkins@fanninco.net. Any protests must be received by Development Services before 2:00pm on Tuesday August 30, 2022. Responses received after that time shall not be counted in the record response. The protest shall state the reason for the protest, list the address of the property or contain a legal description of the property on behalf of which the protest is made, and must be signed by the owner of the property. Zoning Regulations & info are on the Development Services web site www.co.fannin.tx.us/page/fannin.developmentservices. Zoning map can be found on Fannin CAD interactive map www.fannincad.org/interactive-map/. 8/16/22
Zoning map can be found on Fannin CAD interactive map www.fannincad.org/interactive-map/
8/16/22 FloodplainsFEMAEmergency Management Troy 903-640-8484Hudson NEED HELP?
Owner: Southwest Fannin Special Utility District By: John Keen Title: General Manager Date: August 9, 2022 8/9/22 Notice of Public Hearings before the Commissioners Court Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners Court of Fannin County, Texas will hold a public hearing starting at 8:40am, Tuesday, Sept 6th, 2022. This will be held at Fannin County Court House, 101 E Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX. All interested citizens of the County are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. Please check Fannin County’s website under Upcoming Meetings (www.co.fannin.tx.us) up to 72 Hours prior for more details. The Lake Zoning Commission will consider a Special exception: to the setback regulations, 6.3290 acres Property ID#’s 78364 & 78366, FM 897, Telephone. For a boat and RV storage facility. For additional info & official protest forms, contact Development Services at 903-449-4220 or email at dhopkins@fanninco.net. Any protests must be received by Development Services before 2:00pm on Tuesday August 30, 2022. Responses received after that time shall not be counted in the record response. The protest shall state the reason for the protest, list the address of the property or contain a legal description of the property on behalf of which the protest is made, and must be signed by the owner of the property. Zoning Regulations & info are on the development Services web site www.co.fannin.tx.us/page/fannin.developmentservices
Notice is hereby given that the Bois d’ Arc Lake Zoning Commission of Fannin County, Texas will hold a public hearing starting at 8:20am, Thursday, Sept 1st, 2022. This will be held at Fannin County Court House, 101 E Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX. All interested citizens of the County Fannin County’s website ) up to 72 Hours prior for more details. The : to the setback regulations, 6.3290 acres Property ID#’s 78364 & 78366, FM 897, Telephone. For a boat and RV storage facility. For additional info & official protest forms, contact Development Services at 903-449-4220 or email at . Any protests must be received by Development Services before 2:00pm on Tuesday August 30, 2022. Responses received after that time shall not be counted in the record response. The protest shall state the reason for the protest, list the address of the property or contain a legal description of the property on behalf of which the protest is made, and must be signed by the owner of the property. Zoning Regulations & info are on the Development Services web site . Zoning map can be found on Fannin Zoning map can be found on Fannin CAD interactive map www.fannincad.org/interactive-map/ 8/16/22

Page 20 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 8/9/22 INVITATION FOR BIDS Texoma Housing Partners is accepting Proposals for Pest Control of 542 rental units located across 19 cities in North Texas. Proposals will be accepted through (August 22, 2022 at 5:00 pm). The company selected will be notified by (August 24, 2022). Email cbuckaloo@texomahousing.org for specifications or questions. 8/16/22 8/16/22 ESTATE SALE See pictures & details @ www.salyerauction.com Stage 1 of Warehouse Clearance! No set prices! Come make deals! Our loss is your gain! Bring loaders and your packing materials! 1739 Texoma Pkwy; Sherman, TX Thursday, Aug 18 @ 8am-3pm Friday, Aug 19 @ 8am-3pm Saturday, Aug 20 @ 8am-3pm Proposals are requested from qualified Contractors for the Lake Ralph Hall Raw Water Pump Station Early Work Package #1 Access Road and Well Service Line. Proposal due date and time is August 30, 2022 at 2:00PM CST. Sealed proposals will be received at Construction Manager’s Regional Office 1411 Greenway Drive, Irving, TX 75038. Proposers may view and download the plans and specifications without charge on the CivCast website at hhtp://civcastusa. com. For inquires contact the Construction Manager: Archer Western Construction Wayne Pursley Email: wpursley@walshgroup.com AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY DISABILITY/VETERANEMPLOYER, INVITATION FOR PROPOSAL 8/16/22 CLUES ACROSS 1. Influential Swedish, Belgian clan 6. Swiss river 9. Nocturnal S. American 13.rodentLike coagulated milk 14. Lima is its capital 15. Lying down 16. Jai __, sport 17. Egyptian statesman 18. Napoleon Dynamite’s CLUES DOWN 49. Sodium 51. Indicates position 52. The world has one 54. Partner to pains 56. Photographer 60. Chew the fat 61. Culture of the British Iron Age 62. Weaverbird 63. Advice or counsel 64. Asian nation 65. Brought on board 66. German river 67. Airborne (abbr.) 68. Leaf-footed bug genus WWW.GFCF.ORG Facebook: Glaser-Family-Charitable-Foundation Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: 17. Slight projection in 20.typefacesMale parent 21. Jack and Jill are two 23. After B 25. Licensed for Wall Street 26. Missile with about 600mile range 27. Goddesses 29. A day kids love 30. Oily secretion 32. One-tenth of a meter 34. A father’s male child 35. One point east of 42.40.37.southeastSilkgarmentsCool!Thecolorofanger Crossword Solution Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: JE Legacy469-796-5081Management in memory of Jimmie Evans CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS AUTOMOBILES AUCTIONS NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Robinson Self-Storage Unit Auction at 1000 FM 273, Bonham. Saturday, August 20th at 10 am. Complete contents (misc. items) of self-storage unit(s) will be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy a landlord’s lien. This includes the contents of the following units (2,5,7,9,11,15, & 17). NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Saturday, September 10th at 11:00 am at Lake Coun try Storage @ 1582 Rec Rd 3, Bonham, TX 75418. Complete contents (fur niture and misc. items) of self-storage unit will be sold to satisfy landlord’s lien. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale. Unit’s contents sold for cash to highest bidder. Cleanup deposit is required. Prop erty includes the unit contents belonging to the following tenant: Patty Vaden. FOR SALE: 2004 Dodge Ram, Red. 220 Chestnut St., Bonham. 903-583-3000.FORSALE: 2003 Ford Focus Wagon, Red. 220 Chestnut St., Bonham. 903-583-3000. FOR SALE GARAGE SALES ARE BRAND BLACK FIBERGLASS TOPPER-custom order with no windows-- key lock & lights-- fits 5 & 1/2’ bed 2014 Ford & others--nice condition-- $900 -- Text and will return with a 903-640-6615call. VINTAGESEVERALTRACTORS Non running.. for sale.. Bonham.. Text or call for pics and prices.. 972-754-5286SALE 114 Red Bud, Ravenna STORAGE EMPTY OUT! Affordable Furniture, Animal Feeders, Old Sadles- Misc. Thursday and Friday August 18th and 19th. GRANNY’S PLACE & STORECHRISTMASGRANNY’S RESALE SHOP 10 S. Plaza in Ladonia, TX. Wed-Sat, 10am-5pm. See us on Facebook. Call 903-367-7095. HOUSEKEEPING THE CLEANING LADY Let me clean so you won’t have to. Very reasonable rates, great references! Years of experience. HAVE BROOM WILL TRAVEL! Call Mairi 903-815-1877. E.L. GENERALFINNEY’SSTORE Is having a store-wide sale, from Aug. 15- Aug. 31. 405 N, Main. Open 10a-5p. M-Sat. 903-227-7968. A PAW UP Helping Animals In Need Thrift Store 101 West Hayes, Savoy Open Friday thru &FREE10am-5pm.SundayCLOTHESHOUSEWARES:ClothesClosetValley Creek Baptist Church, 3615 FM 896, Leonard. Wednesdays 8-10am. RENT A STORAGE UNIT IN&RANDOLPHBONHAM Several large units are available starting at $69.95! Unit sizes from 10x10 up to 10’x22’. Gated park ing spaces start at $39.95. Randolph facility @ Hwy 121 & Hwy 11, Randolph, TX 75490, Bonham facility @ 400 Katy Blvd, Bonham, TX 75418. Contactless rental online 24/7 at www. brightstartstorage.com. For more information call our office at (903) 505-6800 & (903) 292-0657. Happiness is a long walk, with a dog. Puzzle On Page 7

HELP WANTEDWelding and Steel building experience a plus. HELP903-436-0555WANTED
A & ASERVICEHANDYMAN We do any repairs, demolition or remodeling, lawn care, tree service, cleaning out houses, trailer homes, sheds, or barns. If you have a job idea, let us know. No Job too Big or too CallSmall!!!469-422-7990. FARM and MAINTENANCELAWN Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence paint ing, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mow ing, gutters and drain age, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903-227-5898 or 903-583-1259.AFFORDABLESTUMPGRINDING Commercial and Residential. Call William APPLIANCE903-820-1036.REPAIR Do you need Major Appliance Repair in Fannin County? Call 903-814-1987 Danny Loyd. APP HOUSE LEVELING & FOUNDATION REPAIR Pier and Beam/ Slab Foun dation/ Small & Large Re models.SeniorHANDYMAN903-227-2860.&MORECitizenDiscount •Painting •Sheetrock Repair & Texture •Mowing•Plumbing•Remodeling•Electrical•Tree&Trimwork•Flowerbeds. Call 903-304-9009. Continued on Pg. 22
BAKERY NEAR DOWNTOWN BONHAM Hiring 2 part-time employees. Needs to have good hygeine (a must), be responsible and self motivated, quick learner, and must be able to lift 50lbs. Pay starts at $12$14 an hour depending on experience. Contact: 972-369-3336 for application details or email: loftyjobs22@gmail.com CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist POSITION OPENINGS B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am-4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to brett@bfgammon. com. 903-583-3597
7 SISTER CARE 24 hour live-in care givers needed immediately. COAST903-813-8477toCOASTCONTRACTING 586 W. State Hwy 56 Bonham,TX 75418 Looking to hire full time employees to join our landscaping team. Pay is based on experience and drivers license is a plus. Must be willing to work. Call or Text 903-436-5875
We are currently looking for smiling faces who have a passion for working with children. Full-time and part-time positions available. Must be 18 or older and have a high school diploma. Apply in person. 5/24/22 903-583-2877
FREE PUPPIES Dad is a Great Pyrenees, Mom is half Great Pyrenees. These are the world’s cutest and best natured puppies. Bred as guard dogs. Puppies are eight weeks old and have their first round of shots. Five males and four females. If interested call Bonnie at 214-502-5839, while they TREESlast.and MÁS Large Acreage Mowing with Tractor, Landscaping, Fences, Stump Grinding, and Concrete. Insured, Call for free estimate. 903-2276940, 903-227-8369, or 903-486-2868.PROFESSIONAL PAINT & DRYWALL REPAIRS: Cracks, holes, patches, water damage, sheet rock repair, ceilings, walls, matched texturing. Interior/ Exterior Painting. 40+ years experience. Call Johnny @ MUNOZ903-209-6958LAWNCARE&TREETRIMMING All kinds of fences built and repaired too. For estimate call: 903-267-2503
TEXAS BEST HANDY MAN & REMODEL: Over 20 years experience. No job too small. Free estimates. Call Eric Baldwin 469400-4086. Serving Grayson and Fannin Counties. STAPP andTRIMMINGTREEREMOVAL Hauling, Storm Dam age, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experi ence. Call 903-5837888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.” Due to my phone not working correctly, If I have missed your call within the last 2 weeks, please call back.
Needing an Experienced Painter for inside job, Full or part time. Call 903-821-0604.
TCLAS 11 High Quality Afterschool Supports The latest updates of SRISD’s high quality, enriching program Sam Rayburn ISD is offering an innovative afterschool program for the upcoming year. The program will offer High Impact Tutoring with High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) and enrichment activities every day. This program will provide a safe and healthy environment after the school day for all students at no cost to student’s families. The afterschool program will be offered 4 days per week, 3 hours per day. The High Impact Tutoring (HIT) will be offered for 30 minutes each session. All HIT sessions will be conducted by qualified staff with a student-to-staff ratio of 1:3 or less. The afterschool program will offer classes maintain a student-to-staff ratio of 1:15 or lower. All tutors will complete the required trainings for the HQIM that will be used in the program. We will strive for consistency by assigning students to the same tutors. Tutoring will be data-driven with sessions built around a student’s strengths and needs. This is an amazing opportunity to work toward closing the learning gap brought about because of the COVID pandemic. Enrichment activities will be fun, engaging, and connected to objectives being covered in the high-quality academic model. This program is federally funded. All applicants are expected to attend daily. Applicants should understand the HighQuality Instructional Materials. (Training is required and will be provided) *The project manager will have strong working knowledge of research-based instructional practices, especially those that work best with highly diverse and at-risk populations. *A strong working knowledge of school scheduling and content. *Actively collaborate with school administration, district coordinators, interventionists, and campus staff in identifying program needs. *Knowledgeable and apt at creating, evaluating, and communicating critical data points (qualitative and quantitative) impacting all phases of TCLAS 11. *Maintain a budget for TCLAS 11 development and implementation. *Track student performance and attendance. *Present at conferences (local, state, and national) and to the local school board, councils, and campuses. *Any other duties as assigned. Tutors and Enrichment Teacher’s job description available upon request.
EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for thePOSITIONSFOLLOWING HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information call 903-5834018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N Hwy 78 in Ravenna NOW HIRING! CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver. Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources. NORTH SAFARITEXASPARK We are looking for the right person to join us out here at NorthTexas Safari Park. ● Should you decide to send in your resume please be mindful of the following. ● You would be working with animals and the public during park hours. ● Weekends are required. ● Must be able to lift at least 50 lbs., clean, rake stalls, etc. ● Must have transportation,reliablegood work ethics, and self motivated. ● Love of animals is a must!! Please apply by sending resume gmail.comnorthtexassafaripark@to
THE CITY of BONHAM Public Works Department Is accepting applications for 2 positions of Street Dept. Equipment Operator I. Requirements: Experience in heavy equipment operation, street repair and construction; perform heavy manual labor and work in all types of weather conditions. $13.78 hourly to include paid vacation, sick time, personal time, retirement. Medical, dental, and vision insurance available at minimal costs. Applications are available Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm at Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St., Bonham TX 75418 or online at www. cityofbonham.org. Position open until filled. The City of Bonham is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
903-583-3280 • Page 21 • August 16, 2022 Hunting?Job We’ll Help You Target the Best Local Opportunities! 3/29/16 CNA DAY SHIFT $1,500 Sign On Bonus EOE NOW HIRING: 8/16/22 Apply Online at HMRVeteranservices.com 903.640.8387 Clyde W. Cosper TSVH 1300 Seven Oaks Rd Bonham, TX 75418 CHARGELVNNURSE NIGHT SHIFT $5,000 Sign On Bonus CNA NIGHT SHIFT $2,000 Sign On Bonus NEW COMPETITIVE SHIFT DIFFERENCES LVN CHARGE NURSE DAY SHIFT $2,500 Sign On Bonus MEDICATION AIDES RN SUPERVISOR STAFF DEVELOPMENT, RN HOUSEKEEPING $1,500 Sign On Bonus LAUNDRY $1,500 Sign On Bonus DIETARY STAFF $1,500 Sign On Bonus CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Sam Rayburn ISD is seeking and innovative educators for an exciting new venture! Wanted: Highly qualified people interested in making a difference in student’s lives and closing the learning gap caused by COVID need to apply for the following •positions.1Project Manager—Master’s Degree required• Qualified tutors (training will be provided) • Enrichment teachers Pay rate is dependent upon experience and education. For more information contact: Wendy Keeton: wendy.keeton@srisd.org : 903.664.2255 x297 8/9/22
Sam Rayburn ISD received a TCLAS 11 High Quality Afterschool Grant
LIVE WHERE YOU WORK Fully furnished house including all appliances, satellite television and landline telephone. All utilities paid, heating and air conditioning provided as well as a salary paid weekly. Position is for kennel worker, man or woman, who is willing and able to work hard, follow instructions and treat our animals kindly. NO PETS! We are located in Ivanhoe, Texas. Call for interview appointment and directions to kennel. If no answer, leave a message and we will return your call. 903-664-3453903-486-5685LandlineCellHELPWANTED Needing an Experienced Capenter’s Helper for inside job, Full or part time. Call 903-821-0604.

OBITUARIES in silence, speak name, But memories, And picture in a frame. Roger Dale Hinkle, 75, passed away Saturday, July 23, 2022 in Denison, Texas. He was born September 15, 1946 to Worth & Melba Latimer Hinkle in Sherman, Texas. He graduated from Trenton High School and Texas A&M UniversityCommerce with a Master of Agricultural Science. During his career in agriculture, Roger worked as a middle-high school ag teacher, managed Wells Brothers in Melissa, TX, and retired from the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C. as the National Program Manager of Commodity Operations. After retirement, he worked as a grain auditor, and became a certified insurance claims adjuster. He was a 4th generation member of the First United Methodist Church in Trenton. He was a 50-year Master Mason, a member of the Trenton Masonic Lodge #761 A.F.& A.M. and a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason since 2010; he was also an active member of the Hella Shriners and the North Texas Shrine Club. He was a member of the Alpha Gamma Rho & Alpha Sigma Agricultural fraternities. He was predeceased by his parents, and his wife, Mary Jane Selman Hinkle. He is survived by his sisters, Karen Jackson (Steve) of Edmond, OK and Mary (Mike) Bowen of Hurst, TX; Stepchildren Frank Butler (Lauri), Lindy Dillingham, John Butler (Kristi), Miley Stapleton (Bill), Todd Porter (Robin), Nechia Porter, and Billy Treadway (Wendy); 20 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren with one on the way along with numerous nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews. Memorial service was held on Saturday, August 13, 2022, 10:00 a.m. at the Methodist Church, Trenton, Texas. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the nearest food bank of your choosing.
Charlie worked for Helena Chemical Co. and Eldorado Chemical for a number of years before joining the maintenance department for the Bells ISD. There he became known as “Mr. Charlie” and was a friend and mentor to many children. He was an Elvis Tribute Artist and performed in nursing homes and fundraisers, such as Relay for Life and Women Rock. Charlie loved working on cars and enjoyed vintage Fords. Besides his love of all things, Elvis, he also loved camping and NASCAR. Above all Charlie loved his family ~ he enjoyed cooking and spoiling his wife and ‘baby girl’, Kaylea. He was preceded in death by his mother on Oct. 21, 1999.Charlie leaves to cherish his memories, his wife, Doris, of Whitewright; daughter, Kaylea Whitworth of Whitewright; father, Charlie Whitworth Sr. and wife, Virginia of Tom Bean, TX, step children, Krystal Brannum and Mathew Brannum and wife, Jayde, all of Bonham, TX; special “adopted” son, Chris Bassham of Whitewright; sisters-in-law, Lea Dawnette Faulkner (Shon) of Ivanhoe, TX, Debra Thomas of Bonham, and Keri Goodwin of Bonham; mother-in-law, Diana Neighbors (Frank) and father-in-law, Jack Goodwin (Regina), all of Bonham; extended family and friends. Pallbearers were Chris Bassham, Leslie Bassham, Mathew Brannum, William Robertson, Shon Faulkner and Colby Faulkner. Honorary pallbearers were Charlie Whitworth, Sr., Jack Goodwin, Frank Neighbors and Cash Corley. E. 1st St Bonham, TX 75418 6500 SF Total. 3500 Warehouse w/concrete dock. 3000 Office w/approx large space, kitchen area, HVAC, remodeled. per month (utilities text 903-583-0108.
The radio announcer introduces the #5 song on the countdown and this one signals an ear-to-ear grin. He tosses the razor into the water and whisker filled sink and with half of his face still covered with shaving cream, he hurries to the living room. He appears in the doorway, and we giggle cause of the half covered shaving cream face, but his focus never leaves the eyes of the woman he loves so deeply who is sitting in her chair filing her nails. He reaches his hand out and in a single motion, her hand slides into his and he lifts her to her feet. They glide across the room as if they were one, in perfect rhythm and never missing a beat. My brother and I glance at one another and after trading eye rolls, at the same time we let out “EWWWW” as we watch them gracefully finish the song. A kiss on the cheek that’s without shaving cream from his bride and he disappears to continue the tapping and humming. That is what Heaven looks like for me and my brother ever since the angels came and took our Daddy by the hand and led him the Promised Land where our mother awaits him. Harold Gene Brown of Bonham, TX entered into eternal rest on August 3, 2022 with his family by his side. He was born on December 22, 1944 to the late Earnest and Juanita (Crow) Brown. Harold was one of six children and grew up around the tiny community of Pecan Gap, TX. The Brown family later moved to Dodd City, TX where he would dig his heels in and spend the rest of his life. Harold graduated from Dodd City High School in 1963. He may not have been on the taller end of his genetics, but the kid could jump! He was proud to boast about his “flatfooted” vertical as he often told the story of how he could “stand flatfooted under the goal and dunk it” …pretty impressive for his 5’7” stature. He loved playing basketball and was quite the high school athlete. He also loved fast cars and working on them to make them faster and as loud as he could get it. He was a good mechanic and to his family he was the fixer of all things! Harold married his best friend and love of his life on May 29, 1965, only one day after her high school graduation. They were lifetime residents of Fannin County. Harold went to work for General Cable Company in Bonham, TX where he spent 38 years before his retirement in 2005. Together the couple raised two children, Hal and Amye. They were the perfect example of a nuclear family, country style. Left to cherish his memories are his children, Harold (Hal) Brown and wife Amber of Bonham, TX and Amanda (Amye) Brown and wife Destiny of Dodd City, TX. Five grandchildren, Hallie and Caleb Brown of Sherman, TX, Khylee Sisk and husband Colorado of Ivanhoe, TX, and Paizley and Layton Vaught of Dodd City, TX. One sister, Nancy Barber and husband Wayne of Boyd, TX. Two brothers, James Brown of Honey Grove, TX and Billy Ray Brown of Honey Grove, TX. Numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and so many more. He was greeted into Heaven by his loving wife, Betty (Boggs) Brown, his parents, Earnest and Juanita Brown, two sisters, Earnestine (Teeny) McCraw and Sue Fletcher. One grandson, Jonathan Brown. The celebration of Harold’s life was held on Monday, August 8, 2022 at Cooper Sorrells Funeral Home in Bonham, TX. The family received guests from 10am to 11am and services were at 11am. Graveside services immediately followed Harold’s celebration at the Dodd City Cemetery in Dodd City, TX. Serving as Pallbearers were Jeremy Doyle, BJ Efird, Ray Behrens, Wayne Barber, Tim Brown, Colorado Sisk, Craig Pate, and Jeff HonoraryHopkins.Pallbearers were Layton Vaught, Paul Kirkpatrick, Caleb Brown, and Willie Reeder. “A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way” To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit www.coopersorrells.com.
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Page 22 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280
meeting room
PINE APARTMENTSRUN Now taking applications for 1 and 2 apartments.bedroom Please call OFFICE903-378-7146.SPACEANDSECUREWAREHOUSE/SHOPSPACEFORRENT • 225 to 300 sq. feet • Build to suit • Secure Warehouse/ Shop Space For Rent, 3000 sq. ft. with ample parking. 2501 N Center St. Bonham,903-583-9527.Texas.FORSALE: 4 Bedroom, 2 ½ Bath Home on One Acre. 2400 Sq. Ft. Living Area. 11372 E FM 1550; Honey Grove. Call 903-640-3030. HOUSE for SALE 218 E. Maple, Ravenna 2B/1B, big kitchen, nice cabinets, Aerobic Septic System in good condition. Includes large building on about 1 acre lot. Call or Text 903-640-3388. WANT TO BUY FRIENDLY BUYER OF ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS No TitleNoCallProblemTony @ 903-449-9028WANTED I need someone to rake up my yard. 903-583-0376.
CLYDECHARLIEWHITWORTH CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS PROFESSIONALSERVICES ART LESSONS Valley Creek Studio Drawing and painting for adults and youth. Homeschoolers welcome! Custom artwork. Katherine903-227-8143Kluger Continued from Pg. 22 PUBLIC NOTICE 2- BIT THRIFT Going out of business! New & Used Furniture & Appliances and More. 519 N. Main St., Bonham, TX. REAL ESTATE HISTORIC HOME FOR SALE at 1018 W. Main St. Honey Grove. The Gandy House was built in 1901. The addition of a den, office, and bathroom around 1970 brought the home to approx. 4,200 sqft. Situated on 4 acres with a pond, 6 bedrooms makes this a wonderful family home. Original finishes on staircase and wood work are a major plus. $495,000. Call Wynell 106HOUSE214-642-0266.forSALEPorterCir.Savoy Updated 5bed 3bath Dblwide. New stone kitchen counters. Luxury Vinyl planks & Paint. $199,000. Cash Conv FHA VA. Ownerfi avail w/$19k dwn, ITIN ok. Also, Lot 14 Porter Circle for $25k 214-478-8979. 520 S. BONHAM,CENTERTX75418 2 offices, bathroom & storage area, Plenty of parking space. $750 per month (utilities not included) Call or text 903-583-0108. 220
Charlie married the love of his life, Doris Armstrong, on July 30, 1995 in Whitewright. He was a member of First Baptist Church of Whitewright.
2 restrooms,
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not included). Call or
LEWIS RAY HEVRON Have you ever wondered what Heaven is like? Have you pictured who is there? What do you do all day? What comes to mind when you picture Heaven? Well, I would like to give you a tiny idea of what Heaven looks like to me and my brother…part 2. Nine years ago, we shared part 1 when our mother gained her angel wings. Now the time has come for us to share part 2 since our father gained his angel wings as well. As we finish our home cooked meal for four, my brother and I race to our small but cozy couch to embark on a match of push and shove to see who gets the best view of the TV. As we settle into our spots, we can hear the little radio in the bathroom playing the Saturday Night Country Countdown and the tapping of Daddy’s razor against the porcelain sink. He hums the tunes as he carefully removes yesterday’s shadow from the sides of his face slowly changing him to look almost childlike with the smoothness underneath the whiskers.
all we have are
Lewis Ray Hevron was born January 11, 1947, in Paris, TX to Homer (Doc) Hevron and Pansy (Staton) Hevron. Ray departed this earth to his eternal home on August 7, 2022, in Paris, TX. Ray Hevron met the love of his life, Carole Hevron, and married her on August 31, 1973, in Paris, TX. Mr. and Mrs. Hevron had three sons, Courtney, Ricky, and Bobby Hevron. Ray and Carole were a couple weeks shy of their 48th wedding anniversary when Mr. Hevron passed away.Ray is survived by his wife Carole (Jones) Hevron of the home, sons; Courtney Hevron of Honey Grove, TX, Ricky Hevron and Tanya of Honey Grove, TX, Bobby Hevron and fiancé Jenci Wright of Paris, TX, Shawonna Rhoades, grandchildren; Trevor, Devin, Bradyn, and Kannyn of Honey Grove, Tx, Abram and Addison Brown of Paris, TX, brother; Glenn Hevron and wife Patti of McKinney, TX, step-sister; Delores Leith and husband Jim of Statesville, North Carolina, step-brother; Junior Howard of Greer, South Carolina , nieces; Amy Hevron and husband Scott of Seattle, Washington, Leah Morrison and husband Todd of Honey Grove, TX, nephews; Bryan Hevron of St. Petersburg, Florida, Blake Jones of Nashville, TN, and several cousins. Mr. Hevron is preceded in death by his parents; Homer (Doc) Hevron and Pansy Staton. Services for Lewis Ray Hevron were Wednesday, August 10, 2022, at Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home Chapel in Honey Grove, Texas, visitation was at 10:00 A.M. and service at 11:00 A.M. Pastor Terry Paul Cunningham officiated. Interment followed at Oakwood Cemetery.Servingas pallbearers were Phillip Eddins, Brent Cunningham, Jack Patrick, Chad Thomason, Mark O’Dea, and Ross Neeley. Honorary pallbearers were Brit Thomas, Mark Huffer, and Shawn Fox.To convey condolences online please visit www.coopersorrells. com
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Funeral services for Charlie Clyde Whitworth, Jr., “Little Charlie” 55, of Whitewright, Texas were held at 10:00 AM Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022 at First Baptist Church of Whitewright under the direction of Wise Funeral Home. Dr. Neale Oliver officiated. A private family committal followed at Oak Hill Cemetery in Whitewright. Charlie passed away Monday, Aug. 8, 2022 at Texoma Medical Center in Denison.Charlie was born April 19, 1967 in Sherman, Texas, the son of Charlie C. Whitworth, Sr. and Bonnie Faye Hendrix Whitworth. He was a graduate of Whitewright High School and worked as an auto mechanic for his dad for a number of years.
8 offices,

Page 23 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 SPORTS • Natural & Manufactured Stone • Soils & Aggregates • Chopped Stone • Building Stone • Flagstone “SINCE 1997”JOHN 14:6 • Organic Bedding Soil • River Rock • Decorative Boulders • Mulches SAVOR THE FLAVOR OF AN ALL ORGANIC GARDEN THIS YEAR. WHERE WE ARE ALWAYS KID, PET AND PLANET FRIENDLY 903-893-3400 www.goodearthrocks.com 2816 Texoma Pkwy • Sherman, TX 75090SOIL & MATERIALS BEST OF TEXOMA 2019 & 2020 Tambien Hablamos Espanol Sports Sponsored By: 230P.O.Fax(903)Bonham583-5522(903)583-2436Box160E.3rd Honey Grove (903) 378-2200 Fax (903)901P.O.378-2436Box9E.Main 7/22/14 FANNIN BANK Go to www.fanninbank.com for more information MEMBER 11-24-20 SPORTS Postseason Positioning Preparation: Return to playoffs a given for Class 2A Trenton volleyball in 2022 Story and photos by Rich Hilliard Realignment in February assured Class 2A Trenton volleyball of some thing: Postseason play. As one of only four members of 112A, the Lady Tigers start the 2022 sea son assured of one of the four available district berths in the playoffs. It will equate Trenton’s seventh trip to the volleyball postseason in the last eight years, as new head coach Lisa Davis begins her tenure. (Davis consis tently had her previous team, Leonard, either in playoffs -- or at least contend ing.)Three all-district honorable mentions -- senior Autumn Miles, junior Jolee McMahon and sophomore Aubrey Al exander -- return to help Trenton deter mine how its upcoming postseason will happen: as district champion, runnerup, third-place qualifier or fourth-place qualifier. District play will begin on Sept. 27, when Wolfe City visits. Until then -- the Lady Tigers’ postsea son preparation continues. Trenton’s Emma Dudley.
Vying Volleyball Veterans: Loaded Leonard looks in 2022 to be one of 11-3A’s postseason teams
Trenton’s Kylah Drane. By Rich Hilliard Recent Trenton graduate Viviana Murphy appears on the 2022 roster for the Austin College volleyball team. Murphy, a 2022 Trenton graduate, will wear jersey No. 22 and is listed as a 5-8 outside hitter for the ‘Roos, who reached the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference quarterfinals and posted a 20-11 overall record in 2021. Austin College will open its 2022 volleyball season with a homestand Sept. 1-3, playing two matches daily. While at Trenton, Murphy helped the Lady Tigers extend their then postseason streak to six-straight with trips during her first three of four varsity seasons. Individually, she earned all-district notoriety each year while at Trenton. She garnered a second-team selection and a first-team spot, respectively, as a freshman and sophomore in District 12-2A. Murphy earned an honorable mention as a junior and second-team selection as a senior in 16-2A.
Leonard’s Triniti Zachary (left) sets the volleyball as teammate Abby Cavender watches on Aug. 5 during home scrimmage action.
Story and photos by Rich LEONARDHilliard
Leonard head coach Sarah Fielden.
HannahLeonard’sHarris. Leonard’s Isabel Woodruff. OliviaLeonard’sPye.
Trenton alumna on 2022 Austin College volleyball team
-- Last season didn’t end in the volleyball post season for Leonard’s Lady Ti gers.However, it did conclude with a win over Pottsboro, a postseasonbound 11-3A rival -- one of two district victories to complete their 5-9Momentumeffort. from that finish and eight returning players -- seven being seniors -- give Leonard hope for a postseason return in 2022 after a two-season absence. Senior Abby Cavender, a threeyear varsity veteran setter, leads the experienced returning contin gent for Sarah Fielden who was promoted to the Lady Tigers’ helm during the spring. Cavender in 2021 earned selections to the all-district second team and an alternate spot on the Texas Girls Coaches Association Class 1A4A Red all-star team. Senior Lainey Johnson, who earned an all-district honorable mention, also returns, as Leon ard, ranked No. 10 in TGCA’s 3A pre-season poll, looks to be one of 11-3A’s postseason qualifiers. Realignment in February left 11-3A in tact -- save losing rival Whitewright which dropped into 2A -- and still including State championship contender Gunter.
Trenton’s Diamond Hart. Trenton’s Jolee McMahon. Trenton head coach Lisa Davis. Trenton’s Aubrey Alexander.Trenton’s Autumn Miles. Trenton’s Ashley Alexander. Trenton’s Faith Williams.

22. Discussion, consider ation and action to accept or reject bids for engineer ing services for the Fannin County Subdivision Regula tions or, if needed, go out for bids again- Commissioner Precinct 2 for Purchas ing Agent: Shonda Magness noted how only one bid was received on this after which Commissioner Self made the motion to reject the bid and go out for bids for fifteen days. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Magness and passed. Judge Moore voiced appreciation to the representa tive of the company who had submitted a bid and asked that her company resubmit a bid. 23. Discussion, consider ation and action to accept bid for a used dump truck for Precinct 4; bid# 2022702- Commissioner Precinct 4 for Purchasing Agent: This item was passed on. 24. Discussion, consider ation and action to go out for bids for a year 2000 or newer model tandem axle dump truck for Precinct 3- Commissioner Precinct 3 for Purchasing Agent: Com missioner Magness made the motion to go out for bids one more time on this and the mo tion was seconded by Com missioner Self and passed. 25. Discussion and possible action regarding employee completion and/or incom pletion of state mandated Cybersecurity Training through Texas Association of Counties- County Judge for I.T. Director: Fannin County I.T. Director Dustin Morrow led a discussion on the impor tance of having all employees complete this training before the August 31st deadline. No action taken. 26. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve payment of bills- County Judge for County Auditor: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve pay ment of bills. 27. Comments by County Commissioners and County Judge: Commissioner Lane relayed appreciation for all who came, reminded all to be mindful of school children going back to school, to be courteous and cautious while driving by men working on the roads, be mindful of the burn ban and have a wonder ful week. Commissioner Self noted he has received sev eral complaints of speeders on county roads and requested people be considerate of neigh bors, be careful with kids wait ing on the side of the road for school buses and have a good week. Commissioner Mag ness thanked the President of the Telephone Fire Department for coming out and stated he would contact the Lake Man agement people to do a better job of communicating. Com missioner Lackey agreed with caution around little children going back to school and cau tion operating equipment with the dry conditions. He thanked all for coming and urged all to be careful and drink plenty of water. Judge Moore noted he had received a call from the Telephone Fire Department last week and had promptly called Jennifer at NTMWD to inquire into the matter of that fire incident. He noted she informed him that miscom munication would not happen again. He was told there will be another prescribed burn in one of the two areas they are allowing fires to be done and was assured all fire, sheriff and emergency management departments will be notified of the burn and all firefight ing equipment will be on hand with all necessary precautions taken. He then commented on the few speeders on the county roads but believes there are more courteous drivers and to those drivers he thanks them for their consideration. In con clusion, he thanked all those with THC (Texas Historical Commission) who have been doing such a good job on the courthouse and looks forward to working with them in the future.
Page 24 • August 16, 2022 • 903-583-3280 - Walk-ins Welcome - Family (Adult & Children) Dentistry - Extraction including Wisdom teeth removal - Implants - Crowns & Bridges - Root Canals including Molar Root Canal - Dentures including immediate dentures, implant support dentures, flexible denture, etc. - Teeth Whitening - Nitrous Oxide sedation, etc. - All Dental Emergency Services 1400 N Center St. Suite 100 Bonham, Texas OFFICE HOURS: 10:00am - 6:00pm (M-F), 9:00am - 2:00pm (Alternate Saturdays) 903-304-5808greatsmile@horatiodental.comwww.horatiodental.com Now Hiring: Spanish Dental Assistant & Front Desk Help needed. • • • Bonham’s #1 New Home Builder • • • 3 & 4 Bedroom Homes starting in the $200Ks • Spray foam insulation • Atrium thermal windows • ProDoor insulated garage doors • Whirlpool appliance packages • Hampton Bay remote control ceiling fans up to 72 inches • Stainmaster carpeting • Laminate and ceramic tile flooring • Quartz and countertopsgranite • Custom cabinets with soft close doors and drawers • 2-inch faux blinds • Uponor plumbing • Crown molding • Landscape Lighting • Pergolas • Custom 8 feet and 6 feet privacy fencing Features Include: Please call 972-837-4500 for more information or set up a showing. 8/9/22
Commissioners Continued from page 17
Discussion, consider ation and action regarding Fannin County Lease with American Tower- County Judge for County Purchas ing Agent: After hearing from Fannin County Purchaser Shonda Magness that she is yet to hear from American Tower, a motion was made by Com missioner Magness to table this item. The motion was sec onded by Commissioner Lane and passed.
28. Adjourn: A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn at 9:53 a.m.
20. Discussion, consider ation and action to accept a 60’ prescriptive easement coming off of FM 816 in Leonard and heading west on CR 4846 for 1,440’; signed approval has been received from the landowners- Com missioner Precinct 2: Com missioner Self explained why this was needed. A motion was made by Commissioner Self to approve with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed.