903-821-7663 Tommy Stapleton, OwnerServing North Texas Area Since 1981 07/02/19 www.toproof.netBONDED/FULLYINSURED INSURANCECLAIMSSPECIALIST August 30, 2022 Circulation 15,000+ - Bailey, Bonham, Dodd City, Ector, Gober, Honey Grove, Ivanhoe, Ladonia, Leonard, Randolph, Ravenna, Savoy, Telephone, Trenton & Windom 224 N. Main St., Bonham, TX www.fannincountyleader.usfcleditor2020@gmail.com75418 Ph: 903-583-3280 • Fax 903-583-3945 The Paper Of Record for Fannin County Texas Serving all of Fannin County For 50 Years Locally owned & operated Classifieds are on pages: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Spend just a minute Wisely. Bonham • 120 W. Sam Rayburn Dr. • Bonham • (903) 583-2101 Leonard • 200 W. Collin St. • Leonard • (903) 587-3314 Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. NMLS# 400025. © 2021 First United Bank. All rights reser ved. Event Date: www.relayforlife.OpeningSeptemberSaturday,17th11am-10pm.Ceremony@1pmFanninCountyCourthouseorg/fannincotxVoteTexas.gov! Deadline to register is October 11th. Complete an applica tion using the SOS Online Voter Registration Appli cation form. Simply fill in the required informa tion, print, sign and mail the completed application directly to your county voterRequestregistrar.aprinted ap plication from the Texas Secretary of State’s of fice. Our office will mail a postage-paid voter reg istration application to the address provided; OR Contact or visit your county election office, public library or other lo cal government office to obtain a voter registration application.Sale Dates: Aug 29 through Sept 3 OPEN: Mon. - Sat. 7 AM - 6 PM Bonham Building Supply 2430 N Center • Bonham, Texas • 903-583-1874 501272 Busch Beer Soap, 10-oz. REG. $1549 SALE $1299 100159 MM 25’ Tape Measure 2-pk. 266195 Deer Corn 50 lb. Buck50Rationlb. $1129 $1799 REG. $2299 SALE $1899 248474REG. $2699 SALE $2399 Red Poly Gas Can, 5-gal. Browning Defender Ridgeline Trail Camera True Value Wild Bird Seed, 20-lb. REG. $949 SALE $699 108199 REG. $1349 SALE $999 WD-40 EZ Reach DSP,REG.14.4-oz.$2099 SALE $1899 Ortho Ready-to-Use Insect Barrier, 1-gal. 262122 $300 AvailableREBATE 903-587-2161 Servicing All of Fannin County Is Your Heating - A/C System Needing to be Serviced or Replaced? 4-27-21 100% Financing Available WAC Agrilife Extension to Host Youth Contests at the 2022 Fannin County Fair Press Release - Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service of Fannin County will be host ing the Let’s Get Cookin! youth cooking competition on Wednesday, October 5th and the first annual Sumo Bot Challenge on Saturday, Oc tober 8th! These contests are open to youth ages 8-18 (3rd12th grade) who live in and/or go to school in Fannin County. LET’S GET COOKIN’ Let’s Get Cookin’ is a team competition, with teams made of 3-4 youth in the same age division. Age divisions are Ju niors (3-5 grade) Intermediates (6-8 grade) and Seniors (9-12 grade).Teams will have 40 minutes to create a dish using a mystery ingredient and pre-approved cooking tools/supplies brought by participants. Then they will present their completed dish at to a panel of judges and will be expected during their presentation, to communicate knowledge of food groups (MY PLATE); cooking & food safety; basic cooking techniques.Register to participate https://www.eventbrite.com/e/at Bonham,5:3010:00belearnticipantsmeetingswillsionTexastion-396569980487lets-get-cookin-2022-registraToprepareforthecontest,A&MAgriLifeExtenServiceofFanninCountyalsohostinformationalforparentsandparwhowouldliketomore.ThemeetingswillheldonSeptember10atAMandSeptember14atPMat2505NCenterSt.TX75418. SUMO CHALLENGEBOT The Fannin County Fair Sumo Bot Challenge is a sumo-style team competition, with teams made of 2-4 youth in the same age division. Age divisions are Juniors (3-5 grade), Intermedi ate (6-8 grade), and Seniors (912 grade). See Agrilife on page 6 Continued Pages 12-17

Page 2 • August 30, 2022 CommunitiesSubdivisionsLakeCulverts,Zoning,&Rental Fannin http://www.co.fannin.DevelopmentCountyServicesDiHopkins903-449-4220tx.us/page/fannin.developmentservices NEED HELP? FloodplainsFEMAEmergency Management Troy 903-640-8484Hudson NEED HELP? 5/3/22 Come visit us at either of our locations for amazing daily deals! 2903 B Lee St Greenville, TX 75401 2626 N Center St Bonham, TX 75418 Mention this Ad from The Leader to get a discount off your purchase *excludes fill-a-bag, Saturdays and Sundays* Liquidation merchandise from Amazon, Wish, Target & other multi department stores. Mon - Sat: 10am - 7pm • Sun: 12pm - 6pm (903) 494 - 5097 903-505-0725469-226-3265 9/14/21 WE CAN GET ANY MATERIAL YOU NEED SO GIVE US A CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Family Owned & Operated - God Bless Hauling: CrushedAsphaltSandRockDirtGranite Excavation Work: LevelingHouseDrivewaysPondsPadsLandRoadBase 4/27/21 Galyon TravelPlan your world travel or weekend get-away here! Leave the details to us. VacationJurnis.com All Inclusive Resort Packages All Major Cruise Lines • Group Rates (903) 583-0010 Personal Service Paula Bonham,GalyonTX www.GalyonInsurance.com75418 1-877-583-0010 Office (903) pgalyon0121@yahoo.com583-0010 Galyon Insurance Health & Life - Medicare and RX Plans And All Other Personal Insurance Plans • Notary Public We Offer Free Quotes with Over 100 Companies to Save You Money! 5/31/22 RelianceOFFastenersDENISONLP 115 E. GANDY ST. DENISON, TX 75021 OFFICE: 903-465-0145 FAX: 903-465-0642 JEFF FRANCIS Cell jfrancis5419@hotmail.com903-814-3127 PAT MILLER Cell pmmiller69@aol.com580-920-5575 8/9/22 HGP Fencing / Welding Chain link, wood, pipe and barbed wire. Specializing in automatic gates John Davidson III 903.821.2265 Cole Davidson davidsoncole566@gmail.com903.815.0738 BINDERY Tx. coveringas info@nationwidebinding.com BIBLE and BOOK REPAIR at the BINDERY STOP by For A Quote!Free All work completed @ 1003 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 903-583-3255 Email: info@nationwidebinding.comWEREBINDBIBLESANDOTHERBOOKS! B BIBLE and BOOK REPAIR at the BINDERY STOP by For A Free Quote! All work completed @ 1003 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 903-583-3255 Email: info@nationwidebinding.comWEREBINDBIBLESANDOTHERBOOKS! C Relay for Life • Saturday, September 17th at the Courthouse 8/23/22 All Makes and Models Quality Service 469 - 307 - 0493 1348 FM 1552 Leonard, TX 903 - 441 - 3288 Open Mon - Fri: 8 - 4 ||| Sat: 8 - 12 Under ManagementNew 1552 Small Engine Repair & Sales Now Open Parts & Service 9/1/20 Andersonuctioneers Don P. Anderson – 903-815-9755 – TX#17145 8-30-22 & 9-06-22 Saturday, September 10th 10 am ABSOLUTE AUCTION Roger & Debbie Clausen 5835 E. County Line Rd, Whitewright, TX 75491 For pictures & list go to Andersonauctioneers.net (Upcoming Auctions) or AuctionZip #32178 Shop Equipment, Farm Equipment, Guns, Outside Items, Shop Tools, Hundreds of items to be sold. Preview Times- Wednesday - Friday before the sale – 9 am-3 pm The Clausen’s are selling their farm and have commissioned Anderson Auctioneers to sell the following items to the highest bidder, without reserve. Fannin County Mobile Food Pantry Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Ladonia • 9:00 am – 11:00 am West side of City Hall Drive thru-we will load your car!

Page 3 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 10/19/21 Lonnie Hughes FreeRavenna,12901HughesGravel.comHughesSandandGravel@gmail.comHughesAll903-818-9627OwneryourHaulingneedsSand&GravelFM274Texas75476Estimates **** COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT **** 12/21/21 Meade-Norman & Bayless Insurance FaxPhoneBonham,P.O.110www.bayless-hall.comAgencyW.5thSt.Box519Texas75418903-583-2231903-583-9497 wildwestelectricllc@gmail.com 8/16/22 Damon Owner/MasterWilder Electrician TECL #36038 / ME Residential/Commercial#531118 903-227-9608 8/16/22 Shawana O’Neal Cell: 903-819-5035 REALTORshawanaoneal.fathomrealty.comsoneal@fathomrealty.com Are you thinking about selling and want to know what your home is worth? I can help! servingranitecountertops@gmail.com GRANITE COUNTERTOPS CORP Jose 214-762-7316 OFFICE 903-771-0129 www. servincountertops.com 7027 US Hwy 82 Sherman, TX 75090 Bring this cut out with you to recieve a $50.00 discount towards your purchase! Serving all surrounding areas. We offer Granite, Quartz, Marble & Quartzite 8/23/22 Wanda’s Place Quality Clothing for Less 501 S. Center • Bonham • 903-583-5673 51 years and still going! 8/30/22 Summer Sale Come check out some great prices. Bonham Independent School District Dear Bonham ISD Resident: Bonham ISD’s School Board has called a $60 million bond for the November 8, 2022, election. The Bond Planning Committee came back togeth er after the failed May 2022 bond and collected feedback through a community survey. The Committee unanimously voted to make a recommenda tion to the Board of Trustees to move forward with a bond on November 8, “Maintaining2022.and improving our facilities in order to sup port our students’ education is a challenge that is not going away. I appreciate the work and feedback our community has put into this bond planning process, and we look forward to the election in November,” Bonham ISD Superintendent Kelly Trompler said. The district’s financial advi sor has determined that there would be no school tax rate increase to finance this bond, but will con tinue the existing I&S tax rate of 34 cents. The bond scope will consist of the same projects proposed in the May 2022 referendum include:which ● L.H. Rather Junior High ○ Renovation of upstairs classrooms to 1992 addition housing grade 6 ○ New two-story class room addition north of compe tition gym housing grades 7-8 ○ New multi-purpose facili ty, including a stage for student performances ○ New Vo-Ag classrooms ○ New Band Hall ○ New Cafeteria in main building ○ Robyn C. Hill Competi tion Gym renovation ○ Practice field relocated to south end of campus ● Finley-Oates renovations ● Bailey Inglish renovations We are asking every citizen to be educated about the bond. It is important to have your voice heard during this election. Re mind your friends, neighbors, and relatives to get involved and ask questions. Bonham ISD residents will have the opportunity to vote on the Bond Referendum beginning with early voting October 24 - November 4, and on Elec tion Day, November 8, 2022. Please visit Bonham ISD’s bond website for more infor mation, at BonhamISDBond. com or reach out to me person ally with any questions: trompler@bonhamisd.org.kelly.
September 6, 2022 the Fannin County Texas Retired Teachers and School Personnel chapter will be boot stomping and hand clapping to tunes that celebrate Texas. “The Hungry Five”, an ensemble of musicians from the Community Band, will be performing at the “kick-off” meeting welcoming Fannin County retired educators. The gathering will be held at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonham at 2 PM. A short business meeting will follow and light refreshments will be served.
Kelly SuperintendentTrompler of Schools Bonham Independent School District
Join us!

a disability and need services, assistive technology, or equipment to maintain your independent living,
significant disability
Page 4 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 8/30/22 REE&HEATAIRlEcTRIcAlpAIR (903) 227 - 0947 Concrete Drives Drive-Up StorageSecureSurveillanceGatesElectronicAccessAccessCamerasDocument●●●●● 1401 Silo Rd, Bonham Climateunitsarenowavailable! (903) 486https://bonhamstorage.com/6162 Boxes & Moving Supplies 7/12/22 4/5/22 FOSSIL RIDGE Roofing and Construction 903.624.4900fossilridgeroofing.com A Rated BBB - Licensed and bonded in Oklahoma and Texas • Composition Roofs • Metal Roofs • Remodeling / Construction • Gutters • Windows • Free Inspection • Claim Specialist All-N-1•All Renovations •Construction •Electrical •Remodeling •Maintenance......More...... Insured - Licensed - Bonded T.E.C.L. 33126 469-223-3825 Joe Garza Services We Build Metal Buildings! Driveway & Parking Lot Maintenance Commercial & Residential Asphalt•Concrete•Sealcoat•Crackseal We Sell Rock · Dirt · Sand Top Soil · Mulch 903-486-2888 We’re Open to the Public For All Your Construction Needs 10-6-20
Revolutionary War Patriot In Bonham, Texas James Carter participated in the Revolutionary War as a member of the North Carolina Militia. He and his family moved to Texas in 1839. His grave is the oldest in the Russell Family Cemetery. A Patriot Grave Marking Ceremony with take placeSeptember 11, 2022 @ 2pm. Sons of the American Revolution, Daughters of the American Revolution and Children of the American Revolution are sponsoring this celebration of the life James Carter and American Patriot. Join us at the Russell Family Cemetery 1801 Nancy Lea Street, Bonham.
a person
be eligible for the following: Hearing aids, Residential modifications (temporary), Orientation and mobility training, Durable medical equipment, Visual aids, Power wheelchairs, Prosthetics, Scooters, Vehicle modifications, Other adaptive equipment and assistive technology.
Services Program
diagnosed by a licensed practitioner and resides in
home and community.
includes the counties of: Anderson, Angelina, Bowie, Brazos, Burleson, Camp, Cass, Cherokee, Delta, Fannin, Franklin, Freestone, Gregg, Grimes, Harrison, Henderson, Hopkins, Houston, Hunt, Kaufman, Lamar, Leon, Madison, Marion, Morris, Nacogdoches, Panola, Polk, Raines, Red River, Robertson, Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Smith, Titus, Trinity, Tyler, Upshur, Van Zandt, Walker, Washington, Wood.
Creative Arts Center Hosts first “Iron Artist Competition” with $500 Grand Prize! Press Release - Crockett Resource Center for Independent Living’s (CRCIL) Independent Living (IL) Services Program helps people with disabilities achieve greater independence in the Eligibility criteria for this requires that applicant has a who has been Texas. If are with you could CRCIL’s IL area If you are a person with a disability who is interested in the IL Services Program, contact CRCIL at 936-544-0522 for more information. Living Services for People with Disabilities
Press Release - The Cre ative Arts Center would like to invite all community art ists to compete in the CAC’s first ever LIVE art competi tion, Iron Artist! Each artist will receive a mystery box of items that they must transform into an exceptional work of art with the addition of any com mon art supply found in our classroom. Competing artists are to arrive at the Creative Arts Center located at 200 W. 5th St. Bonham at 2:30pm to shop around the classroom for ideas before receiving their mystery box at 3pm. All entries must be completed no later than 6pm, and judging will take place from 6pm7pm. Cost to enter the contest is $50 per person, deadline to sign up is Friday September 9th, and a special $500 cash prize will be presented to our winning Iron Artist during the Award Ceremony! We will have a reception and live music in the garden be ginning at 6pm with winners announced at 7pm. We are now accepting applications for musical performances to entertain during our reception! Please call the Creative Arts Center at 903-640-2196 or email BonArtCenter@gmail. com for more information!

Central BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home BAPTIST CHURCH Where Is My hunting/fishingTime?sportssociallifesleepTVworkLookslikeyouhaveit!includeandmaketimeforGODthisSundayat11:00
BONHAM, TEXAS CHURCH By Bro. Bill Beasley (NKJV) Matthew 25:35-40 From 1942-1945, I had the privilege of doing military service for my country. Since 1947, it has been my joy to do service for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Many of the thoughts that I have written about in previous columns were based on MuchmyrememberedexperiencesfromAirForcedays.ofthewriting that I will be doing in weeks to come will be born from our work in the pastoral ministry. While I was the one called “pastor”, my wife served faithfully by my side as fellow laborer in our life’s work and was a very important person in “our” story. Prior to enrolling as freshmen in college, in the fall of 1947, we had been mentored by our pastor and his wife. Their advice proved to be valuable help in the service to which we had been called. My thought for this week is suggested in the two passages mentioned above. Every life is a plan of God. While you have not been called to the pastoral service, you have been called to do service none the less, and the service role God has planned for you is important to His Kingdom. At the same time, this is important to fleshing out His purpose in your life. In a research study made by an educational institution in Michigan this truth resulted. “Being a servant adds years to your life, and life to your years.” A good principle to live by may well be in the asking of the question “What can I do for you today?”Weare taught in Matthew 25 “We serve Jesus, when we serve others.” As we go into our church to worship, may it be that we leave with the heart to serve. Called To Do Service
A Place To Call BAPTIST
C & CONSTRUCTIONKLAWNJOHNSONCARE Lawn Mowing, Tree Trimming & Removal, Build Flowerbeds, Gutter Screens & Cleaning, Rock & Topsoil, Etc.. tx7482@hotmail.com Corey Johnson Owner 903-227-3132 Free Estimates 5/3/22 Decks, Fences & Pergolas, Vinyl & Wood Siding, Flooring, Home Repair & Remodeling, Painting, Doors Installed, Powerwashing, etc. Bonham, TX Hickory BBQJerry Gay CPA Los Amigos Restaurant Whitlocks Pawn Boyer’s JewelryBonham Floral & Green House Bonham Nails & Spa SHOP AND DINE IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BONHAM WEST SIDE, N. MAIN ST. SAM RAYBURN DRIVE, EAST In Memorium Original Publish Date: September 2, 2014 Matthew 28:26
Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: email:WorshipSunday903.505.4124School10:00Service11:00lthjjjackson@gmail.com
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Ecclesiastesheaven:3:1 Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: email:WorshipSunday903.505.4124School10:00Service11:00lthjjjackson@gmail.com
Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Life includehappinesswithoutBalanceRequiresfamilycareertimeGODbalance,TRUEisfleetingandmaketimeforGOD
Central BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home BAPTIST CHURCH Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Don'tReligion?Like I would rather my life as if there is a God and die find out there than live as if isn't and to die find out that there is. include and time for GOD this Sunday at Ephesians 4:18 - Having blindnessalienateddarkened,understandingthebeingfromtheofGodthroughignorancethatthem,becauseofoftheir
Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: email:WorshipSunday903.505.4124School10:00Service11:00lthjjjackson@gmail.com
903-583-3280 • Page 5 • August 30, 2022 CALVARYPENTECOSTALUNITEDCHURCH When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. Where:7:00pm1190 Hwy 56 W. Pastor:Bonham. Steven Luton, 903-583-4346 12-18-18 IF BOOTTHEFITS,REPAIRIT! Don’t Toss Away A Perfectly Good Pair Of Boots or Shoes Simply Because They Are Showing A Little Wear and Tear. • Full or Half Sole • Ladies High Heels or Flats • Refinishing • Boot Repair RISK SHOE STORE & REPAIR SINCE1921 102 S. Crockett • Sherman, TX West Side of Square Downtown Sherman 903-892-2238 SINCE1921 www.riskshoestore.com 3/19/13 SANDSTEPHENS&GRAVEL ALL YOUR SAND & GRAVEL NEEDS! No job too BIG or small! Robert & Laura Stephens P.O. Box 146 • Bailey, TX 75413 903-227-0513Mobile: 6/9/20 FUNERALWISEHOME TraditionalAFFORDABLEServicesand Merchandise Alternative Celebrations of Life Direct Gravesides Cremation FREEMONUMENTSServicesPlanningGuide Easy Transfer of Your Pre-Paid Plans if you are new to our area or have plans from another funeral home and would like to use our services. Wise Funeral Home ChapelandCremationServices 219 W. Sam Rayburn Dr., Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2161 • www.wisefuneralhome.com Est. 1908 Tour our historic home built in 1897 The Murden Family and our experienced caring staff serving your family and your traditions “Be remembered and honored the way YOU want to be!” $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Whitlock’s Pawn & JewelryWhereWeActuallyDOLoanMore!!! GUARANTEEDHIGHESTPRICESFORYOURGOLD!! Proud to Serve the Bonham Area for Over 26 Years “If We Don’t Have It Or Can’t Get It, You Don’t Need It” 509 N. Main Street • Bonham, TX 903-583-8114 Fast&FriendlyLoans! DVD’s Buy One Get One FREE 5/17/16 GREG 903-893-3657SELLSCell:580-920-5184ChainlinkResidential/Commercial-Iron-Wood- Vinyl Gates - Operators 12/22/20 gsells@acequalityfencing.com Family Owned By Gerald and Judy Howard 903-583-5555 Bonham Full Service Funeral Home Cremations • Traditional Services Pre-arranged Funerals Cooper-Sorrellscsfuneral@cableone.netFuneralHomes 903-378-2291 Honey Grove 1/6/15 From My Life to Yours: Over 15,000 copies of The Fannin County Leader are distributed by mail to residents in Fannin County each week. Readers will find classified ads, display ads, legal notices and editorial content, all of which are important to the daily lives of local citizens. Our andbutsubmittedemployee.RepresentativeobtainedactivitiesforThe-Fannin-County-Leader@community.informationinfo,www.fannincountyleader.website,isupdateddailywithimportanttoourVisitourFacebookwww.facebook.com/evenmorecommunityandnews.AdvertisingratesmaybefromanAccountoranyotherEditorialmaybeforpublication,willbeincludedatEditorPublisher’sdiscretion. Editorial exceeding 300 words will result in delayed publication and may require payment. Any and all content, whether paid or un-paid, will be subject to Publisher approval. Letters to the Editor are encouraged, however, they cannot exceed 250 words and must be signed by the writer Letters to the Editor that exceed the word count may be published if the submitter is willing to pay for the extra space required to publish the letter in its entirety. Free publication of Letters to the Editor is limited to one every 60 days. Letters from the same contributor within the 60 day period will be published at standard advertising rate. Political Letters to the Editor must be paid for in advance and signed by the writer.
A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. Proverbs 11:1 Begin to BALANCE your life this Sunday at 11:00 Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: email:WorshipSunday903.505.4124School10:00Service11:00lthjjjackson@gmail.com
Central BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home BAPTIST CHURCH Are You DoChristian?AyouserveGod?TheChurchisahospitalforsinners.includeandmaketimeforGODthisSundayat11:00

Page 6 • August 23, 2022 • 903-583-3280 Fannin County History The Road Down Memory Lane Photos courtesy of the Fannin County Historical Museum Three blocks south of the Courthouse Square in Bonham One Main Street Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8042 Visit Facebook: “Fannin county historical group” The Bonham City Hall was located on the northeast corner of the Square where the current Legend Bank is located (2017). It was razed around 1959. This photo shows the building and several city employees between the years of 1888 and 1959. The first photograph is dated 1895, however it was later corrected to have been taken ca.1888. Elder(Caregivers)Care/Companions 5 Days a Week 5 Hours a Day Salary is $20 per hour HELP WANTED • Clean record • Good recommendations • Mobile with many skills For more details about the position, email: jasonburkley147@gmail.com8/23/22 Teams will design and program a robot to compete against others in the tournament until a winner is declared. Two robots will “wrestle” in a sumo ring designed for robots. The goal of sumo-style robotics is to gain leverage over an opponent and force it out of the ring. Then, teams will participate in an interview for awards such as Engineer Design Champion and Sportsmanship awards.Register for the contest at AgriLifecontest,com/e/399520395257www.eventbrite.https://TopreparefortheTexasA&MExtension Service of Fannin County will also host robotics workshops. The workshops will be held on September 6th, 13th, and 27th at 6:00 PM at 2505 N Center St. Bonham, TX 75418 For questions and information on these opportunities, please contact Bethany or Jessica at the AgriLife Extension office (903) 583-7453! Continued from page 1 Agrilife

12. Report of monies col lected by the Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 office for July 2022; $8,153.00 – Coun ty Judge (JP 1): Informational only. Commissioners 9
8. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve Order agreeing to the alter native placement of wayfind ing signs within the area of Bois d’Arc Lake by North Texas Municipal Water Dis trict (NTMWD) – County Judge for Alan Hendrix of Freese and Nichols, Inc.:
10. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve a one-time severance of 1 acre from a 22-acre tract on Hwy 56 in Savoy, Property ID# 75625 – Commissioner Precinct 1 for Development Services Director: Fannin County Development Services Director Di Hopkins spoke to explain how all requirements for this to be approved had been made by the property owner. Commissioner Lane then made a motion to approve with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed.
5. Public Forum: A citi zen of Windom spoke to share words of wisdom he recently heard, “it’s time to stop argu ing what we have disagree ment about and start discussing what we have consensus on.” Another citizen of Bonham spoke to honor the memory of veteran JW Walls who had served several school districts and had passed away Sun day the 22nd. The last Fan nin County citizen to speak, spoke to request information on what steps she would need to take to protest her land be ing designated commercial by the Upper Trinity Water District. She was advised the Commissioners Court was re stricted by law from answer ing questions during Public Forum.
Court –
on page
9. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve minutes from 07/12/2022 (S) – County Judge for County Clerk: A motion to approve the minutes was made by Commissioner Lane and sec onded by Commissioner Mag ness. The motion passed.
7. Discussion, consider ation and action to modify and extend the Burn Ban for Fannin County – County Judge: Fannin County Emer gency Management Coordina tor Troy Hudson spoke to give reasons why he believes the Burn Ban should be extended one more week. He specifi cally noted that since the rain has occurred there has been 2 fires needing attention. Judge Moore added his thoughts on why he agreed that though there had been recent rains, it was not yet a good time to lift the Burn Ban noting that “what’s on the ground is dead” and can still fuel fires. After he explained why it takes a little time for vegetation to respond to moisture and the fire danger to diminish, he stated he also would like to see the Burn Ban extended one more week. Commissioner Lane agreed, noting that she had heard from volunteer fire chiefs stating the same argument before making the motion to extend the Burn Ban one more week. Com missioner Self seconded the motion and Judge Moore re minded all that there are con cessions in the Burn Ban for controlled burns by NTMWD and Upper Trinity Water dis tricts and noted that the Coun ty and the Sheriff’s Depart ment need to be notified of any intention to conduct controlled burns. The vote for the motion to extend the Burn Ban one more week was then taken and passed unanimously.
6. Discussion regarding EMS monthly report for July 2022 – County Judge for Scott Ridling, Fire Chief: Bonham Fire Chief Scott Ridling reported how July was the second busiest month of the year thus far with 435 runs being made. He noted many hospitals in the area are either full or on the verge of being full. He also noted his depart ment is currently fully staffed with all ambulances function al. Questions posed was why there were so many runs, why the hospitals are so full and what was the reason for can cellation calls where people refuse service. Chief Ridley noted that one of the reasons for the cancellation calls was people calling 911 when an el derly relative does not answer phone calls from their con cerned family members.
3. Adjourn: A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn at 8:49 a.m. On the same day at 9:00 a.m., County Judge Randy Moore called to order a Regular Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. Judge Moore once again noted Quo rum was established with one Commissioner absent. Fan nin County Treasurer David Woodson introduced Pastor Ronnie Ball of the Sandy Bap tist Church who first quoted scripture, First Timothy chap ter 2 verses 1-4, before lead ing the Invocation. Major James Manis, Retired, led the Pledges.4.Introductions: There were no introductions.
2. To Hold and Attend a PUBLIC HEARING to re ceive comments regarding the Proposed Budget for Fis cal Year 2022/2023 – County Judge: Judge Moore asked if there were any in atten dance who cared to speak on the proposed budget. A citi zen asked if this was includ ing the tax rate. After Judge Moore informed the citizen that it was not, Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple noted last year’s tax rate was 0.5341 and the tax rate this year will be 0.4352131. There were no other comments.
Fannin County Commissioners Reasons By Rose Schwartz Tuesday, August 23, 2022, Fannin County Judge Randy Moore called to order at 8:45 a.m., a Special Meeting of the Fannin County Commis sioners Court. Quorum was established with three County Commissioners and County Judge present. Commissioner Lackey was absent.
903-583-3280 • Page 7 • August 30, 2022 6/15/21 LANDSCAPE SERVICES Bonham, TX Residential & Commercial References Upon Request • Custom Flagstone Patios, Sidewalks, • Specialize in Flower Bed Cleaning • Pressure Washing • Retaining Walls • Tree Service and Removal • Fence Clearing • New Sod Installation • Firepits 903-421-1750 Free Estimates For The Best In Designing and Cleaning Flower Beds Call HEFFLEY'S HEARTH & HOME Sales • ChimneyWoodInstallationServicePelletsCaps 150 C.R. Whitesboro,179 TX 76273903-564-7444 Wood • Gas • Pellet Stoves • Fireplace Inserts Under New Ownership 9/24/19 -- Hours changed for 02/22/22 edition Fannin Pregnancy Care Center 903-640-8230 www.fanninpregnancy.org HOURS:Tuesday 9 AM - 5 PM Thursday 9 AM - 5 PM Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM FREE Pregnancy Test FREE PrenatalParentingSonogramClassesClasses 12/14/21 • Weekly Pick-Up • Dependable Service • Serving All Of Fannin County • Locally Owned - Barry & Kim Williams Office • countytrashservicetx.com903-583-3610 2 Yard Dumpster $70.00 4 Yard Dumpster $105.00 Regular Service $26.00 / Month with 1 cart provided COUNTYTRASH SERVICE CLUES ACROSS 1. Taxi 4. Cattle disease (abbr.) 7. Before the present 8. They burn in a grill 10. Enough (archaic) 12. “A Doll’s House” 13.playwrightLongloop of cloth worn around the waist 14. Napoleonic Wars battle 16. Chinese surname 17. Fragrant essential oil 19. Follows sigma 20. Model 21. A place with many dining options 25. BBQ dish 26. Corn comes on it 27. A sheep in its second 30.29.yearTriadThey __ 31. Actor DiCaprio 32. TV’s “Edith Bunker” 39. Sustenance 41. Man who behaves dishonorably CLUES DOWN 1. Conqueror 2. Kin relation 3. Increases the value of 4. Pack 5. Popular nut 6. Dogs’ enemies 8. Former OSS 9. Unpleasant person 11. Come again? 14. Beverage container 15. Rock formation 42. Cause a loud, harsh 43.soundAway to take in liquids 44. Gene type 45. The Miami mascot is one 46. Excessive fluid accumulation in tissues 48. Casino machine 49. Contains cerium 50. Something with a letterlike shape 51. 52.ScandinavianHandwovenrugLegendaryactress Ruby Facebook: Glaser-Family-Charitable-Foundation Crossword 18. Dorm official 19. The bill in a restaurant 20. Type of jug 22. Importance requiring swift action 23. Outfit 24. Small Eurasian deer 27. Weight used in China 28. A major division of geological time 29. Popular beverage 31. Confined condition 32.(abbr.)Practical joking 33. Pouchlike structure 34. Pound 35. Lilly and Manning are 36.twoStopped discussing 37. Baltimore ballplayer 38. Candymaker 39. One thousandth of a second (abbr.) 40. Northern sea duck 44. Partner to cheese 47. Cannot be found Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: JE Legacy469-796-5081Management in memory of Jimmie Evans ANSWERS ON PAGE 23 3/30/21 SHORT INCOME TAX SERVICE Lisa C. Short 903-784-3797 3206 Bonham Street, Paris, TX 75460 FIRST STEPS 4 DEFENSE Group or private classes Weekdays or Weekends ltc- $60 savoy area Female instructor specializing in teaching women, older students and physically challenged students kimberly dillard 903.227.2386 License to Carry / pistol 101 6/30/20
11. Discussion, consider ation and action to rent a track skid steer for another month at $2,788.87 from Bobcat of North Texas for Precinct 1 – Commissioner Precinct 1: This item was passed on.
Alan Hendrix of Freese and Nichols, Inc. explained how the work on directional signs to assist visitors to the lake find their desired boat ramps, began a year ago. He noted how there are approximately six signs that will be placed at strategic areas. After he listed the roads and intersec tions where the signs will be located, Commissioner Mag ness made a motion to approve the Order. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lane and before the vote was taken, the question was posed as to when the signs will be go ing up. Jennifer Stanley, Lake Operations Manager for NT MWD, answered they would not be going up until the lake is open for visitors. The mo tion passed unanimously.
Given for Extension of Burn Ban

Page 8 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 PERDUE’S FOUNDATION REPAIR Specializing in Pier & Beam And Slab Foundations Free Estimates Life Time Warranty Available BBB Member Email: (903)Bonhamperduesfoundation@yahoo.com583-1271Sherman(903)893-71131-800-942-7113 A PERFECT ROOFING/REMODELING 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES • NO JOB TO BIG OR SMALL DANIELOWNER TAYLOR CELL SENIOR903-422-0561CITIZENS’ DISCOUNT MAKING YOU HAPPY IS MY JOB ECTOR,408aperfectroofing@gmail.comW.SAMRAYBURNTX75439 www.aperfectroofingremodel.com 5/16/17 JOHN’S SEPTIC SERVICEBIG Locally Owned & Operated•24 Hour Emergency Service 903-505-9670 Aerobic Maintenance Contracts • Septic System Installations • Porta Potty Rentals • Septic Tank Cleaning & Repair Tim Welch 903-249-6774 Jeremiah Welch 903-249-5750 903-583-3986 903-640-3986 110 W. 1st Street, Bonham, TX 75418 4-24-18 Pat’s PUMP SERVICE •Septic System Cleaning •Installation •Repair •Inspections •Aerobic Maintenance & Training •Storm Shelters •Porta-Potty Rentals Jack Berni Seamless Rain Gutters 22 Colors Quality Since 1980 VinylPremiumSiding 8/10/10 (903)jackberni.com583-8796 5/29/18 Clement & Sons Topsoil • Fill Sand • All Kinds of Rock We will build your roads, driveways, homesites and business sites. Dozer • Loaders • Excavators • Dump Trucks Mitchell 903-227-1236 Shane 903-271-0514 903-583-2390 PAULCONSTRUCTIONHODGECO. Renovations • Remodels • Custom Homes Siding • Additions • Replacement Windows Cell:903-640-1941903-640-6069 hodge.construction@verizon.net www.paulhodgeconstruction.com 12-11-18 Custom Glass & Mirror 215 North Bonham,TexasMain75418903-583-7577 • Window Replacements • Frameless Shower Doors •Storefront Doors/Windows Commercial & Residential 1/21/14 L & L A/C-ELECTRICAL Commercial and Residential (903) 583-2369 TACLB27508ETECL25417 OWNERS: Thomas Lackey / Derek Wilson SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION 9/23/14 J&R CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, (214)-385-5099OWNERROBERTCOMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-FARM/RANCHLLCJ.GONZALEZ robert@jrconcretellc.com WWW.1JRCC.COM 1/12/21 TECL 18003 TACLB024648C Office (903) 583-4018 Sales • Repairs • Installation Services Commercial • Residential 6/29/21 1580 FM 273 • 888-991-6771 Full Service Plumbing and Septic License #M-39736 • #OS0028077 G D C • Pond Clean Outs • Fence Rows • Demolition and Haul Off • Clearing of Brush and Trees • Soil Erosion Damage Repair • Building and Renovation of Roads • Building and Maintenance of Ponds DOZERGILDERSLEEVECONTRACTING (903) 587-9015 Ron Gildersleeve, Owner/Operator Leonard, Texas Ranch Beautification is our Specialty 1/4/22 5/19/15 DoctorThomas E. Hunt (903) 583-1814 (903) 227-0525 715 S.E. Hwy 11 Wolfe City, TX 75496 Free Estimates Quality Guaranteed Over 25 yrs. Experience TheRoof GARAGE DOOR SERVICE CO. Commercial & Residential Sales & Service On All -Doors, Springs & Openers Call Barry 903-623-0025Williams 9/13/16 Paris Lumber & Building Center 3555 N.E. Loop 286 • Paris, Texas (903) 785-0771 (800) 334-5716 SatisfactionSelectionService CELEBRATING 50 Years 1967-2017 Window Replacement • Contract Glazing • Custom Mirror Work Patio Doors • Screens • Tub Enclosures • Shower Doors Insurance Claims Adjusted MOST DOMESTIC & FOREIGN AUTO GLASS WINDSHIELD REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Tri County Glass Inc. LEE HAMBY, Owner Bus. 903-583-8351 Fax 903-583-3096 114 E. 16th Bonham, Texas 75418 8/10/10 www.majestic-theatres.com 231 TX-121 South • Bonham, TX Open Everyday, Only until Aug 7th Then Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday 903-583-2222 For Movie Times 7/19/22 Majestic Cinemas Majestic 6 Theatre Bonham www.majestic-theatres.com 231 TX-121 South • Bonham, TX Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday 903-583-2222 For Movie Times 8/30/22 Majestic Cinemas Majestic 6 Theatre Bonham

18. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve Auditor monthly reports for July 2022 – County Judge for County Auditor: Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whip ple gave a report of revenue in the general fund for the year is $13,926,512.41 and the YTD expenses thus far is $11,010,971.30. After noting that the county is at the time of year where expenses begin ex ceeding revenue, she advised caution to be taken. Commis sioner Magness then made the motion to approve the re port with Commissioner Lane seconding the motion which passed unanimously.
19. Discussion, consider ation and action to approve payment of bills – County Judge for County Auditor: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve pay ment of bills. 20. Discussion, consider ation and action regarding exterior Courthouse shut ters – County Judge: Judge Moore stated that he put this item on the agenda because when he saw the builders were at the beginning of the process of putting black shutters on the outside of the courthouse, he arrived at the opinion that if they continued with how the Historical Commission had instructed the shutters to be installed, it would damage the aesthetic appearance of the courthouse. After some discussion ensued, a motion was made by Commissioner Magness to postpone continu ing the installation till after September 3, 2022 (allow ing time for a meeting with the Historical Commission.)
15. Discussion, consider ation and action to postpone seeking bids for a 2000 or newer dump truck for Pre cinct 3 – Commissioner Pre cinct 3 for Purchasing Agent: This item was passed on. 16. Discussion, consid eration and action to re scind the motion made on 08/16/2022 to go out for bids for a new John Deere 333G Skid Steer for Precinct 3 –Commissioner Precinct 3 for Purchasing Agent: Ms. Mag ness explained how she dis covered the county could save $42,000 with a discount if the county uses Sourcewell Coop erative Purchasing instead of going out for bids. Commis sioner Magness then made the motion to rescind the previous motion to go out for bids with Commissioner Self second ing the motion which passed unanimously.
Commissioner Self seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
21. EXECUTIVE SES SION: Deliberation regarding Real Prop erty- a closed meeting
14. Discussion, consider ation and action to accept bid for a used dump truck for Precinct 4; bid# 2022702 – Commissioner Precinct 4 for Purchasing Agent: Ms. Magness spoke on how she had consulted with Commis sioner Lackey on this and noted that the year model was 2016 and it was priced at $69,500. She told how Com missioner Lackey had advised her that with similar vehicles ranging from $59,000 to $119,000, he believes this vehicle is a good vehicle and is the best price for what it is needed for. Commissioner Self confirmed Ms. Magness report noting that he too had spoken with Commissioner Lackey on this truck. Com missioner Self then made the motion to purchase the ve hicle from Stewart Wholesal ers for $69,500 to be taken out of Purchase of Equipment. Commissioner Magness seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
903-583-3280 • Page 9 • August 30, 2022
23. Comments by Coun ty Commissioners and County Judge: Commis sioner Lane commented on a recent concert attended; her appreciation for those who attended the days meeting; the amount of rain received at the Pre cinct 1 barn; the need for the ongoing Burn Ban and the October Hazardous Household Waste Collec tion Event being held by TCOG (Texoma Coun cil of Government) at the Multi-Purpose Complex on October 1, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. She noted how it will be re quired for those wishing to use this service to make an appointment on TCOG’s website (for those with out the resources to access that website a call can be placed to Molly Guard with TCOG at 903-893-2161 ext. 3527 for assistance.) She concluded with a wish for a wonderful week for all. Commissioner Self expressed his appreciation for the recent rains but re minded all that we are still under a Burn Ban partly due to fire personnel not being able to access cer tain areas and wished all a good week. Commissioner Magness also expressed his thankfulness for the rain and the enablement of the continuation of certain road work. Judge Moore relayed his thanks for the good clearing work done by Commissioner Magness on the property line for the upcoming Justice Center. He then addressed the con cerns/questions of the citi zen who spoke in Public Forum regarding the com mercial designation made on her land by the Upper Trinity Water District and advised her to speak with Di Hopkins. After express ing his thankfulness for the rain and commenting on Fall gardening, he asked for a motion to adjourn. 24. Adjourn: A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn at 10:32 a.m.
8/30/22 will be held pursuant to §551.072 of the Govern ment Code for delibera tion regarding the pur chase, exchange, lease, or value of real property where deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the gov ernmental body in nego tiations with a third per son – regarding county owned property in City of Bonham – County Judge: A motion was made, sec onded and passed to enter into Executive Session at 9:49 a.m. After some time, a motion was made, sec onded and passed to enter back into Regular Session at 10:23 a.m.
17. Discussion, consider ation and action to install a landline at the Sheriff’s of fice as an Emergency Man agement backup; $35.00 activation fee, $43.00 per month with Frontier Com munications – County Judge for Purchasing Agent: Ms. Magness explained how this would cost the county ap proximately $551.00 for the year, for a landline. Some confusion resulted after an explanation of the specifici ties of how this service would benefit the Sheriff’s Office occurred which led Commis sioner Magness to make the motion to table this until more is known about its neces sity. Commissioner Self then seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Continued from page 7
22. Discussion, consider ation and action regard ing Real Property Ex ecutive Session – County Judge: Judge Moore stated that though there was no action to be taken at this time, he would say this is about the property across from Hickory BBQ that had been the old pro bation building. He noted that though nothing is cer tain yet, an agreement is being worked on by the City to be presented to the Commissioners Court that would be beneficial to both entities.
Commissioners Continued from above
13. Discussion, consider ation and action regarding Fannin County Lease with American Tower – County Judge for County Purchasing Agent: Fannin County Pur chasing Agent Shonda Mag ness spoke to advise the court that Attorneys Cunningham and Glaser had reviewed and edited the contract and that it was ready to be submitted to American Tower for their ac ceptance. After confirming with the two attorneys that they were in agreement for the county to proceed, Commis sioner Magness made the mo tion for the county to proceed with the lease with American Tower with Commissioner Self seconding the motion which passed unanimously.

911 for
The Conditions of Discipleship
By Mike Church(MinisterDickisonfortheIvanhoeofChrist)
The Lord set conditions of being His disciples. Je sus said “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed” (John 8:31). Christ also said “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that do eth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Mat thew 7:21). To be a disciple of the Lord, one must keep His commandments. John records the words of the Lord; “If ye keep my com mandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s com mandments, and abide in his love” (John 8:31). We must obey. The apostle John also wrote, by inspiration of God, to Christians, “if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fel lowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). We must live our lives in walking according to God’s word, the Bible. Jude reminds us of the responsibility that we have in keeping ourselves in His discipleship.“Keepyourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eter nal life” (Jude 1:21). We must make choices to keep ourselves obedient, living righteously, and in the love ofToGod.do these things we must tell ourselves ‘no’ to ungodliness and disobedi ence. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23). To be a disciple of Christ, one must put the Lord’s will above one’s own. We do this by believing in Je sus as Christ, the Son of God (John 8:24), repent ing of sins (Luke 13:3), by confessing Jesus before men (Matthew 10:32-33), by being baptized (Mark 16:16), and by being faith ful to Him (Revelation 2:10). These are all the words of Jesus Christ. Call or Text
Precinct 1 EdwinasionerCommisLane Pct. Barn Location: 8865 Highway 56 W (2 miles east of Savoy) Savoy, Texas 75479 Phone:elane@fanninco.netEmail903-965-7030Address: Precinct 2 A.J.sionerCommisSelf Pct. Barn Location: 500 N. Highway 69 Leonard, Texas 75452 Phone:aself@fanninco.netEmail903-587-3455Address: Precinct 3 JerrysionerCommisMagness Pct. Barn Location: 18101 East FM 1396 (Just off Hwy 82) Honey Grove, Texas 75446 Phone: 903-378-2941 Email Address: cinct3@fanninco.netpre Precinct 4 DeansionerCommisLackey Pct. Barn Location: 1369 East Highway 56 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone: 903-583-2039 Email Address: ey@fanninco.netdlack Fannin ContactCommissionersCountyInformation A yawn is a silent scream for Coffee!
Page 10 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 BLAIR’S AUTO REPAIR State Inspections Minor - Major Auto Repair 1312 E. Main St. Honey Grove, TX 903-378-2304 •A/C Repair •Flats Fixed •Tires 02-07-17 5/17/22 Chris Johnson, Broker Dale Horton Jeri Lea Johnson DeAnn Jones Amy JoKylePatrickVarner REALTY 903-517-9303903-227-0168903-227-7826903-449-0624903-640-3468903-815-1661 .COMBonham Visitor Center Upcoming Events 903-583-9830 Historic Downtown Bonham Farmer’s Market 1st & 3rd Saturday’s 8am-Noon @ Lot Across From Post Office Downtown Bonham Diamond E & S Services Free Estimates • Land Clearing • Land Management • ROW Clearing • Shooting Lanes • Stump Grinding • Driveways Email: diamondesservices@gmail.com Family owned and operated Owner / Operator Zach 214-726-6244Elliott•Leveling/Grading Post Holes Non-Profit Meetings & Events BEDCo Meeting3rd Monday each month 5:30pm • Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St. City of Bonham City Council Meeting 2nd Monday each month 5:30pm • Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St. Commissioners Court Meeting Fannin TuesdayCourthouse,County2ndfloormorningsat9am. Bois ‘d Arc Lake Board Meeting 1st Thursday of the month. 8am at Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St. Community Happenings903-640-0000FORSUITESLEASE 6/7/22 Please Call 8/23/22 Texas Best Handyman & Remodel, LLC Free Estimates - Over 20 Years’ Experience No Job Too Small! TexasBestHandyman1@gmail.com Eric Baldwin, Owner 469.400.4086 Serving North Texas INSURED, BONDED www.texasbesthandyman.com 8/23/22 FallGreenvilleSwapMeet&CarShow September 15 - September 17, 2022 Hunt Co. Greenville,FairgroundsTexas Car Show on Saturday! Vendor spaces $30 & $35 Add $5 after September 1 FREE ADMISSION Parking $3.00 For more info, www.greenvilleswapmeet.com903-454-8575call:8/23/22 COSY ACRES RV PARK & STORAGE 542 CR 4026 SAVOY, TX. * 5 x 10 Storage * 10 x 10 Storage $30 00 / mo $40 00 / mo 469-525-5877 Monthly..................$45000 OPEN LOTS - ALL BILLS PAID Weekly...................$12500 8/30/22 WEEKS FAMILY BEEF Angus Beef Farm Raised - Grain Finished Straight from the farm to your freezer! Whole Beef: $3500 ~350# meat in freezer Half Beef: $1750 ~175# meat in freezer Quarter Beef: $875 ~ 85# meat in freezer Large Box: $100 (3# Roast, 3# Ribs, 2# Kabobs/Stew Meat, 8# Hamburger) Lg Premium: $150 (Large Box + 4 steaks - New York Strip & Sirloin) Small Box: $50 (3# Ribs, 2# Kabobs/Stew Meat, 4# Hamburger) Sm Premium: $75 (Small Box + 2 steaks - New York Strip & Sirloin) Dodd City, Texas | To order: call Andy Weeks at 903-583-0122 or email: andyweeks21@gmail.com 100 W. Main Street, Wolfe City, TX 75496 903-496-9800 • 2p-8p Tue-Sat • Closed Sun-Mon 8/30/22 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Stop by and check out the great deals. We will be closing at the end of September

903-583-3280 • Page 11 • August 30, 2022 1395 BONHAM,TX-121TX 75418 BONHAMAUTOSALVAGE@GMAIL.COM TEL. 903.715.8141 CELL. 903.830.1816903.830.6023Cash For Junk Cars 8/16/22 $ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ Looking for Native American Indians, Alaskan Natives, or Native Hawaiians needing assistance finding employment or vocational Musttraining.be a member of a U.S. Federally recognized tribe with a supporting document from a U.S. Federally recognized Tribe’s Tribal Rolls and Records office & reside within our designated service area in TX. Call: 1-877-717-6101 or apply online: at www.acwia.org Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Section 166, 20 CFR 684.300(a) (1) An Indian, as determined by a policy of the INA program grantee; or (2) An Alaska Native; or (3) A Native Hawaiian. 8/29/17 The Fannin County Leader is a FREE publication, to all residents in Fannin County, thanks to our Advertisers Without you, the advertiser, The Leader would not be able to deliver to every home in Fannin County every week for FREE. Weesie Holland, Sales Representative, wants to recognize one of her valued customers and say “thank you” for making the Leader possible. THANK YOU ! This week we want to recognize TEXAS MASTER GARDENERSSeePage17ForTheMasterGardener’sDisplayAd Friends,Wewould like to extend our sincerest apologies to those of you who have been attempt ing to participate in our online ter’sCreativeUnfortunately,auction.theArtsCenMyCharity Auction has been postponed until a later date. Please visit Christian Deaf Ministry and Sign Language Translators uedcaniltonsinformationfemmanuel.com)(expressionsoformoreabouttheHamandtolearnhowyouhelp.Thankyouforyourcontinsupport! Charity Auction Cancelled Allen’s Point Cemetery Association Homecoming The Allen’s Point Cemetery Association invites you to their annual homecoming. We will meet at the Community Center on Sunday, September 4th at 1:00pm for a potluck meal with business meeting to follow. Paper goods and tea will be furnished. Free Civil Legal Clinic When: 4th Thursday of January, April, July, October Where: Texoma Housing Part ners810 W 16th St., Bonham, TX 75418 Time: 6pm to 8pm No appointment needed. Early arrival is encouraged. Attorneys provide free legal advice in civil matters including: Landlord/ Tenant issues, Foreclosure pre vention, Medicare/Medicaid Benefits, Bankruptcy, Wills/ Probate/Guardinships, Public Benefits Denial, Expunctions/ Nondisclosures, Family Law Matters.Applicants must be Fannin County residents and meet fi nancial guidelines to obtain help.We cannot assist with criminal cases or traffic tickets. Clinic Sponsors: Fannin County Bar Association and Texoma Housing Partners.

Page 12 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 Bois D’Arc General Store & Grill at Nana’s Place 903-664-4004 4831 E FM 1396 Telephone, TX 75488 BreakfastGrillLunchDinner Call in orders welcomed. Kayak Rentals. Homemade Jams & Jelly. New Hours for Hunting Season - Beginning Sept. 1: Mon - Wed: 7:00am - 8:00pm • Thu: Closed Fri: 7:00am - 8:00pm • Sat: 9:00am - 8:00pm Sun: 9:00am - 3:00pm Outdoor seating only. Facebook: Bois D’Arc General Store at Nana’s Place 8/30/22 CA$H FOR JUNK MOWERSTILLERSGO-KARTS CAMPERSCHAINSAWS BICYCLESGOLF CARTS MINI BIKESETC.FREE HAUL-OFF 903-624-3488 8/30/22 TWO FROGS RV PARK 3664 N State Hwy 78 Bonham, TX 75418 903-328-1494 Taking applications now for a September 1, 2022 Grand Opening! 8/2/22 903-200-8452 *RV Rentals* *Toy Haulers* *Mobile RV Repairs* *New and Used Sales* Find us on Facebook 17754 E US HIGHWAY 82 HONEY GROVE 75446 *Top-Quality Bow Sales and Repairs *Amazing on*LifetimeAccessoriesArcheryWarrantyAllNewBows 903-737-8595 ● 54 CR 42320 Paris, TX 75462 Make every hunt the hunt of your lifetime! 8/30/22 410 Ammo Now in Stock Gunsmith Now on Duty Wed. thru Fri. Relay for Life Cornhole Tournament September 17 • 2pm Sponsored by Team CSH 09/17/22 @ Fannin County Courthouse 1:00 pm Registration • • 2:00 pm Tournament Begins Team Fee: $50 50% Pay out top 3 teams • • 50% proceeds go to Relay for Life For more info: Chris Hopkins: 903-814-9063 Sherry Hopkins: www.relayforlife.org/fannincotxCandshopkins@gmail.com903-814-8994

this one to us and I hope
will give it a try dur ing Hunting Season. GOODENJOY!LUCKto ALL THE HUNTERS!! Please send me your fa vorite or unique recipes to Fannin County Leader at 224 N. Main St. Bonham, TX 75418 or email me: fclweesie@gmail.com CookingwithWeesie! 8/30/22 16’ x 77” Utility Trailer 2-3500 Axle - 1 Brake 2 3/8 Pipe Top 5’ in TreatedLEDSpareRampsTireBracketLightsWood $3360 + TAX “I can beat any price within 50 miles, parts & service. We do custom builds.” TRAILERS MFGMC903-623-4189 Bob Utter Ford Lincoln Kia 2525 Texoma Parkway Sherman Texas 75092www.bobutterford.comBlakeUtterFord215 Hwy 75 N Denison, Texas 75020 www. blakeutterford.com 9/8/20 10/19/21 Carports - Barns - Garages - Shops - RV Covers texwincarports.com Brenda Brand 2323 N. 903-640-0207Bonham,CenterTX75418 brenda.brand@winslowsinc.com800-636-4700 8/30/22 8/30/22 New Units Now Available Safe,StorageSecure 8280 W. Hwy 56 Savoy, TX 75479 hwy56storageranch.com903-449-4480
is on the menu!
903-583-3280 • Page 13 • August 30, 2022
This week’s recipe comes from a dear friend of mine, Carter Wom ack. He owns a beautiful ranch called “The Range” in Honey Grove. The Range special izes in affordable experi ences that cater to young hunters and others that are wanting to hone and de velop their hunting skills. “HANDWICHES”VENISON 1 lb. frozen loaf bread, homeade bread dough OR 1 can 8-count buttermilk 1biscuitslb.ground venison 1 c. cabbage slaw shreds OR ¼ thinly sliced head of cabbage 1 small onion, finely 1choppedTbspgarlic, minced ½ envelope dry onion soup mix 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire 4-6¼saucec.salsacubes pepper jack salt,cheese ground pepper, crushed red pepper to taste Directions: Brown venison with onion in a skillet. Once nearly browned, add garlic, cab bage, Worcestershire sauce, salsa, onion soup mix, and spices. Cover and cook un til cabbage softens. Roll out dough or biscuits and place filling in center. Nestle a cube of cheese in the fill ing and pull sides of dough up over filling. Pinch shut to seal. Use palm to mold into bun-like shape. Place seam-side down on lightly greased baking sheet. Bet ter tops. Bake at 400 de grees, 15-18 minute or until light, golden brown. Serve with a dipping sauce made from equal parts horserad ish, mayonnaise, and sour Thiscream.recipe sounds so good and I bet his from all over the States love it when it Thank you ing y’all
Carter for send

Page 14 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 GET HUNTINGYOURLICENSEHERE! 8/30/22 Crossroads Hardware Leonard, TX at Hwys 69 & 78 903-587-2232Open7DaysaWeek 3/22/22 ServiceWe Equipment!All (903) 583 - 0418 • 1521 N Hwy 121 Bonham, TX $SharpeningChainsawFully-Automated9.00 SALES - SERVICE580-931-32406545SUPPLIESUS70Mead,OK TADPOLE’S MARINE SALES - SERVICE - SUPPLIES 580 931 580-931-32403240 8/30/22 2900 East Jackson Hugo, 580-326-3240OK AVAILABLE!FINANCINGW.A.C. Bois d'Arc RV Park RentalsRV 1310 North State Hwy 78, Bonham 1/2 Mile North of Hwy 82 • 469-679-5158 Laundromat, Tiled Showers, Package Room, Dog Park 3/22/22 Bonham Texas Cast for Kids Foundation fishing event Lake Bonham Press Release - The C.A.S.T. for Kids Founda tion will hold a C.A.S.T. for Kids event At Lake Bon ham on Saturday, October 15, 2022. This will be a free boating and fishing event for children with special needs. The event is open to all chil dren, ages 6-18, no matter their disability. Participants must pre-register online at https://castforkids/event/ lakebonham and the space is limited to the first 40 chil dren who register. At each event, partici pants receive a free Zebco rod & reel, tackle box, event t-shirt, fishing cap, award plaque, and lunch for everyone, provided by Texas Farm Bureau. Anyone interested in sponsoring this event should contact the Bon ham event coordinator, Eric Rice at ham@castforkids.orglakebonor 360.241.1790.

903-583-3280 • Page 15 • August 30, 2022 9/17/19 8/30/22 Justin Miller Office: 903-583-7867 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Whitlock’s Pawn & Jewelry You Say Hunting We Say...Guns...Guns...Guns! Stop by today for all your hunting needs! 509 N. Main Street Bonham, TX. 903-583-811475418-3717 9/17/19 Don’t let the season get startedbeingwithoutready! New Drought Related Problems for North Texas Trees
North Texas is certainly no stranger to drought, and this won’t be our last. Be cause of the way trees re spond to stress, it is typical ly 3-5 years before we see the real health effects that drought has on our trees. Currently, there is a new pathogen affecting Ce dar Elms in our area. Ce dar Elms, while extreme ly drought tolerant, still become stressed, and stress makes them susceptible to opportunistic pests and dis ease. The newest disease to affect Cedar Elms is called Dothiorella Wilt, or simply Native Elm Wilt. This fun gal pathogen causes indi vidual twigs and branches to yellow and rapidly brown. If caught early, the pathogenic cankers can be pruned out by cutting 24 inches below the infected branch. It is imperative to soak the cutting tool in alcohol between each cut to avoid spreading the dis ease further. If left untreated, the dis ease will further stress and eventually kill the tree. As with most insects and disease, this pathogen requires a stressed host. The most effective strat egy is to ensure adequate water for your most im portant Elm trees during the drought. Healthy and vigorous trees are better able to ward off attacks by these opportunistic pests. Lee Brown, Tree Wise Arboricultural Consul tants, 903-505-2105.

“We are very appreciative of TCEQ and SEP funds; they allow us to provide a much-needed service to the region,” stated Molly Guard, GIS & Planning Program Manager. The United States En vironmental Protection Agency (EPA), describes HHW as leftover house hold products that can catch fire, react, or explode under certain circumstances, or that are corrosive or toxic. Products, such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides can contain ingredients that are hazard ous and require special care when you dispose of them. Improper disposal of these wastes can pollute the en vironment and threaten hu manThehealth.HHW collection event has been a attended,wellhightiesandinging,dumpoushazardeffectsadversefromourprotectingaservingevent,demandasmeansofregiontheofwastesavcitiescounthe high cost of ofthereducingfeesdisposalHHWandcostcrews coming to pick up and dis pose of the waste. The last Fannin County collection event was held in June of 2021, where over 94 households participated. “We collected well over 6,000 pounds of paint and 1,400 pounds of electronics,” ex plained Guard. “We hope to do at least as well this year.”
Acceptable items collected at the event include house hold quantities of hazardous waste (household chemicals, batteries, pesticides, insec ticides, etc.) and electronic items (computers, phones, printers, kitchen appliances, etc.) A complete list of ac ceptable and restricted items is available on TCOG’s web site and can also be found on the HHW registration form. Any Texoma resident can participate in the event at no cost, though the event is by appointment only. We ask that all participants pre-register and arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your appointment to reduce wait times. To schedule an appointment, visit TCOG’s website, form/tion-event-reservation-services/msw/hhw-collecwww.tcog.com/regional-or
For questions or additional information on household hazardous waste, contact Molly Guard at (903) 8932161 ext. 3527. The Texoma Council of Governments is a voluntary association of the local gov ernments in Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties. Es tablished in 1968, Texoma Council of Governments promotes economy and ef ficiency in the coordinated planning and development of the tri-county region through its community and economic development activities. Both directly and through contrac tors, the Council provides housing, utility assistance, and weatherization services for low-income citizens in the region and assists the elderly through a variety of Area Agency on Aging programs. The Council also facilitates the delivery of grant funding for homeland security and criminal justice.
SHERMAN, AUGUST 24, 2022 - Officials at Texoma Council of Governments (TCOG) have announced an appointment-only Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection event for Saturday, October 1, 2022 that will take place at the Fannin County Multipurpose Complex in Bonham. Collection will be gin at 9:00 am and end at 1:00 pm.
“Despite the lack of a per manent, year-round acces sible HHW collection facil ity, TCOG - as the recipient of grant funds from the Texas Commission on Environmen tal Quality (TCEQ) and SEP penalty monies from a TCEQ enforcement action - is proud to be able to offer periodic collection events at various locations across the Texoma Region,” said Eric Bridges, TCOG’s Executive Direc tor. “These events have played a key role in ensur ing leftover or used house hold products are properly disposed of.”
Page 16 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 8/30/22 WOODY’S FIBERGLASS REPAIR TRUCKS ~ HOODS ~ BOATS TANKS ~ BAPTISTRIES ~ STEEPLES COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL OWNER - T.D. WOOD (903) 258 - 8469 J.L. PRATER (903) 486 - 4096 419 E. Sam Rayburn Drive 903.583.3442Bonham The Last Beam installed! Upper Trinity Regional Water District contractor Flatiron Construction installing the last beam needed for the State Hwy 34 North Sulphur River bridge, which will span Lake Ralph Hall. Upper Trinity anticipates construction of the new lake to be completed in late 2025 to early 2026. Photo by Flatiron Construction TCOG to offer household hazardous waste collection event in Bonham

By Fall” Aims to Prepare Archers for Fall Hunting Season
903-583-3280 • Page 17 • August 30, 2022 www.orschelnfarmhome.com Small. Convenient. Local. 2725 N. Hwy 75 • 903-421-0138Sherman MON-SAT 8AM - 8PM • SUN 9AM - 6PM Gear up for the hunt with quality Sporting Goods Apparel, Footwear, Blinds, Attractants and more from Orscheln Farm & Home. Resurrection Taxidermy 100 McMahon St. Bonham, 903-449-3330TX MOTEL • RV • STORAGE UNITS • LAUNDRY MAT • APARTMENTS Telephone Travel Stop 211 Private Road 126 Telephone, TX 75488 903-664-2810 or https://www.facebook.com/TelephoneTravelStop/903-640-6424 and CRoCkett lakes and Re only Minutes away! ARCHERY PRO SHOP BROADHEAD BARN, LLC 6335 Lamar Road Reno, Texas 75462 (903) 784-6059 Mon-Fri: 10am-6pm Saturday: 12pm-6pm www.broadheadbarn.com Like & Follow Us On: AUSTIN – Texans desiring to harvest their own meals, improve on or a learn a new skill and take part in out door adventures can do just that through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) Community Archery Program. “Bowhunter by Fall” is a series of monthly and bimonthly e-newsletters filled with videos and clips, giv ing archers the skills to travel from behind the keyboard to behind the bow just in time for the fall hunting season. “Bowhunter by Fall” e-news letters contain information on how to take and pass Hunter Education and help aspiring bowhunters understand the gear they’ll need before hitting the field. Recipients can also expect tips on archery train ing, finding a mentor, locating public hunting lands, under standing license requirements and knowing what to look for in a good hunting spot. “Bowhunting may seem like a tough sport to get started with but really, it’s easiest with a mentor or someone to help guide you in the beginning stages,” said Rob Owen, TP WD’s Outreach and Recruit ment Manager. “’Bowhunter By Fall’ is meant to help you, or a friend, be field ready via a timeline of steps, resources
and tips. Hopefully it helps you shoot some arrows this fall and for many hunting seasons to come.” Anyone interested in re ceiving “Bowhunter by Fall” e-newsletters can sign up on the Community Archery Program page of the TPWD website. Those signed up can anticipate seven e-newsletter editions over a period of five months.TheTPWD Community Archery Program works on a “train the trainer” model, training teachers and lead ers through a USA Archery curriculum in range set-up, safety, program design and coaching. The curriculum is built for community groups like military bases, veterans’ groups, scouts, camps, parks and recreation departments and more. It also provides resources and certification to host a mobile archery range with an Communityaudience.Archery Spe cialists also provide Explore Bowhunting and Explore Bowfishing programming that introduces the skills of bowhunting and bowfishing to new audiences through ac tivities and discussion. Learn more about how to contact a community archery specialist in your region and express your interest in shar ing archery with your audi ence via the Community Ar chery Program website.

Central Baptist Church (Fundmental, Independent) 709 Union Ave. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 505-4124
West Shady Grove Baptist Church 13665 East Line Road Trenton, TX
Elwood Baptist Intersection of CR 2125 and CR 2544 near Ivanhoe, Texas Faith Independent Baptist Church 12676 W Hwy 82 Savoy, Tx 75479
First Congregational Methodist Church corner of Hwy 121 and W 13th St. PO Box 386 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-7380
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church corner of 10th & Maple Bonham, TX office 903-583-7734
Church of Dodd City PO Box 47 Dodd City, Texas 75438-0047
United Pentecostal Church P.O. Box 216 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4627
Bonham Community Church 347 FM 273 Bonham, TX 228-563-0423
Corinth Baptist Church 277 CR 1150 North of Bonham on Highway 78 903 583 2750 Dial Baptist Church 16816 FM 1550 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-378-7070
First United Methodist Church of Leon ard 206 N. Main / PO Box 218 Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-3463
Hispanic Church Rt. 4 Box 10 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-5727
Gober Baptist Church P.O. Box 82 Wolfe City, Texas 75496 (903) 583-2378
Little Bethel Baptist Church PO Box 63 Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7708 Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Rt 1 Box 101B, PO Box 73, Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7009
Gathering Tine Cabin Ministry 487 CR 2105 Ivanhoe, TX Bro. Abe Ogea Pastor 903-449-0180
Calvary Baptist Church 913 S. 5th St Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3910
Ector Baptist Church P.O. Box 248 Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2175
Ravenna Baptist Church 100 Elm Street Ravenna, Texas 75476
Seventh & Main Baptist Church 617 N. Main Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) Sovereign583-8679
Midway Church of Christ Hwy 56 W Bonham 903 583 3989 Northside Church of Christ 2020 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903)583-3484
Pilgram Rest Baptist Church 703 Agusta St. Trenton, Texas
Hwy. 121 & W 13th, Bonham, TX (meeting in First Con. Methodist Church Bldg. Sun. 5 PM)
Joyful Light Baptist Church 4695 FM 2645 Savoy, TX 75418 903-436-5440
Windom United Methodist Church 207 Second Street PO Box 936 Windom, TX 75492 940-390-0146
First903-965-5517BaptistChurch of Bailey PO Box 221 Bailey, Texas 75413
Grove Hill Methodist Church 5501 FM 1553 Leonard, TX 75452
GENERAL903-583-3119.E.L.FINNEY’SSTORE Is having a store-wide sale, from Aug. 15- Aug. 31. 405 N, Main. Open 10a-5p. M-Sat. 903-227-7968. Continued on Pg. 20I feel sorry for people who don’t have dogs. I hear they have to pick up food they drop on the floor.
Edhube Baptist Church 595 FM 2815 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-2840
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 623 Star Street (W 7th & Star Street) 903-583-7112
Windom Baptist Church 203 1st Street Windom, TX 75492 (903) 623-2215
Church 701 N. 7th Street Honey Grove, TX 75446 (903) 203-4455
Grace Baptist Church 601 S. 4th St. Bonham, TX 469-207-1141
First(903)378-2768BaptistChurch of Ladonia 301 East Main Ladonia, Texas 75449-100
Bonham Living Word Church of God- 699 E Hwy82 Bonham,TX 75418 Phone: (903) 583-5655
Bethlehem Baptist Church “The House of Bread” 1415 Franklin Avenue, Bonham, TX 7541 Office: 903-583-8061
Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church Hwy 121 & Edhube Road Phone 903-583-1671
First Assembly of God, Bonham 1650 N. Center Bonham, TX 75418 (903)
Rising Son Cowboy Church 1526 CR 2010 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-640-3377 Sandy Baptist Church Ravenna, Texas 75476 (903) 583-9546
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Baptist MethodistChurchBaptistofChrist United PentecostalChurchCatholicofGod PresbyterianLutheran Assembly of God Episcopal The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3375 S outh h wy 121 - B onham 903-583-1671 ● P a S tor K evin L ane Sunday Services at 10:45 • Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays 6:45 Young Adults Bible Study Wednesdays @ 6:30 Fannin County First Presbyterian
RESALE SHOP 10 S. Plaza in Ladonia, TX. Wed-Sat, 10am-5pm. See us on Facebook. Call 903-367-7095.
A Place To Call Home Central
Lannius Church of God 2803 Hwy 897 Dodd City, TX 75438 903-623-3007
Honey Grove Cowboy Church 3050 Hwy 100 North Honey Grove, TX Ivanhoe Baptist Church 4063 NO.FM 273 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 (903)583-2359
Christian Chapel CME 1005 West Market St. Honey Grove, Tx 75446
Wild Horse Creek Cowboy Church 2992 CR 2285 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-486-1630 10:25 (KJV) Church of 818 N. Main St. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-2014
Ivanhoe Church of Christ P.O. Box 322290 CR 2040 Ivanhoe, TX 75447 Katy Blvd Church of Christ 411 Katy Blvd Bonham, TX 75418 706-294-5996
NOTICE of PUBLIC SALE Of property to satisfy landlord’s lien. Sale is 10am Saturday, September 17th, 2022 at 101 North Center Street in Bonham, TX. Property will be sold to highest bid der for cash. Cleanup and removal deposit may be re quired. Seller reserves the right to withdraw property from sale. Property includes contents of space number 9 of tenant Kaleb Atkins de scribed as videos, games, TVs. And space numbers 11 and 12 of tenant Dusty Hine including books, tapes, furniture, toys and other. Contact Ronny Sud derth (903)436-7116.
First(903)359-6683BaptistChurch of Randolph PO Box 14 Randolph, Texas 75475
TEXAS Please view our Sunday Morning services @ cbcfannin on Facebook or CBC Bonham-Youtube cbcmissionsbonhamtx@gmail.com Sunday School
First United Methodist Church of Tren ton 211 North Second Street @ Hunt Trenton, TX 75490 903-989-2378
Golden Gospel Church 4435 County Road 2610 in Bonham, Texas (903) Greater227-8527JoyFellowship
Lamasco Baptist Church 346 CR 2615 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-664-2454
Primera Iglesia Baustia Hispana 1134 FM 273 Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-5727
Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 1409 W. Market St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 378-7835
Marvin United Methodist Church Office Phone 903-364-2411 FM 898 E Whitewright, Texas
Honey Grove Church Of Christ - 403 W. Main St. Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-227-2606
Church 401 Church St. Ector, Texas 75439 (214) 728-3549
2003 BIG TEX 16ft Trailer, Clean title, new tires, floor decent. $2,200. 214-733-3939.
of Savoy .O. Box 177 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) First965-4160Baptist Church of Trenton PO Box 157 Trenton, Texas 75490
First(903)583-4465BaptistChurch of Honey Grove PO Box 124 Honey Grove, Texas 75446
Peace Tabernacle UPC 16020 CR 635 Trenton, Texas (972) 752-4054
Worship Service
FREE! CENTERENTERTAINMENTFORFREE Ready for pick up. Please text 214-287-5868 for pics and measurements.
First(903)583-4793BaptistChurch of Bonham 710 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) First583-8519Baptist
Ector Church of Christ Hwy 56 & Cedar St. Ector, Texas 903.965.4398
First(903)367-7038BaptistChurch of Leonard 100 East Thomas St. [PO Box 1146] Leonard, TX 75452 (903) 587-2250
New Zion Baptist Church 627 County Road 1265 Bonham, TX 75418 903-961-2027
Boyd Baptist Church 3707 St. Hwy. 78 N Bonham, Texas Phone (903) 583-7288
St. James Lutheran Church 14394 E FM 1396 Windom Tx 75492 Phone:903-378-7116
First Baptist Church of Pecan Gap PO Box 100 Pecan Gap, Texas 75469
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Bonham 1540 S Hwy 78 (903) 851-4954
Duplex Baptist Church 313 CR 2102 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-664-3175
Church of Christ Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 587-2229
FOR SALE 1997 Skeeter Bay Pro 22 foot white with blue trim. 150 HP Ocean Runner Johnson with 6” jack plate trolling motor and depth finders intact. Garage kept, regular maintenance, low hours, runs good, dual axle all alluminum trailer. Call 903-623-2573.
HOUSEKEEPING THE CLEANING LADY Let me clean so you won’t have to. Very reasonable rates, great references! Years of experience. HAVE BROOM WILL TRAVEL! Call Mairi 903-815-1877.
LOST & FOUND LOST & FOUND Have you lost a cat in the last few months? A Big Beautiful Black Male (neutered) Cat is staying in my garage. Has been a house cat. City of Bonham area
Page 18
Telephone Baptist Church located on FM 273 in Telephone Office phone: 903-664-2377
First United Methodist Church of Bon ham 801 Star Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3314
Grace Reformed Baptist Church 2800 10th St Honey Grove TX gracerbcbonham.com
Trinity Baptist Church 219 W. Denison Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3388
First Presbyterian Church of Leonard 112 W. Thomas St. Leonard, Texas 75452 (903) 989-2771 Street Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 188 or 504 E. Main St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 739-2567 8/23/22 Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124 BAPTIST CHURCH BONHAM, 10:00 11:00 @ Calvary United Pentecostal Church 1190 Hwy 56 W Bonham Texas 903-583-4346
Savoy Church of Christ P.O. Box 212 Savoy, (903) 965-7344
Church 310 CR 2775 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903Bailey378-7038Bible Baptist Church 205 Leslie Bailey, Texas 75413
Mulberry United Methodist Church, 5638 FM 274, Ravenna, TX 75476, phone McKenzie1-888-311-8508UnitedMethodist
Pleasant Grove CME Church box 34 Ladonia TX 75449 Hwy 64 903-367-7870
Valley Creek Baptist Church 3615 FM 896, Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-2386
Westside Baptist Church 1500 West Main Honey Grove, Texas 75446 903-378-3468
SR Church P.C.G. 1850 S HWY 121 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 640-3025 Christian First Christian Church of Bonham 701 N Main Street Bonham, TX 75418 903.583.2227

Fork GOOD. Water Stained; 84-88 degrees; 7.44 feet low. Bass are good in 2-5 feet of water in the early morning with square bill crankbaits in shad pattern, mid morning on shaky heads with Xcite Slim X in June bug and plum 6-12 feet of water, and in 12-16 feet of water with Carolina rigs, Xcite hawgalious in candy bug. The visibility is 1-2 feet. Bass fish ing is fair with most catches in 1-6 feet of water and in 18-25 feet of water on points using shaky heads. Sand bass are fair in 14-16 feet of water. Crappie are good on brush piles and standing timber. Catfish are good on baited holes.
“Hunters will likely see larger concentrations of birds at watering holes and food sources than they have in the past due to limited resources. Agriculture production has been hit hard by drought so birds may be more reliant on native foods this September. Look for stands of common sunflower, croton, and other native annual forbs and grasses.”Dovesare well-adapted to dry conditions, particularly whitewinged doves, which are a subtropical species.
SLAUGHTER Cows: .32 - .99 Bulls: . 72 - 1.13 STOCKERS Stockers: 350 - 1250 Pairs: 750 - 1750 OTHERS Baby Calves: 100 - 325 Holstein Steers: 60 - 75 Holstein Heffers: 0 Goats: 40 - 210
The regular dove season in the North Zone runs Sept. 1-Nov. 13 and resumes Dec. 17-Jan.1, 2023. The regular season in the Central Zone is Sept. 1-Oct. 30, then resumes Dec. 17-Jan.15, 2023. The regular season in the South Zone is Sept. 14Oct. 30 and Dec. 17-Jan. 22, 2023. For the second straight year, there will be six Special White-Winged Dove Days.
Texoma EXCELLENT. Water stained; 88 degrees; 1.78 feet below. Striped bass are good, chasing schools in 30-70 feet of water with slabs and live bait. Report by John Blasingame, Adventure Texoma Outdoors. Striped fishing is excellent in 25-35 feet of water using live shad. Crappie are fair on min nows and jigs in 10-15 feet of water in the mouths of creeks and main lake structure. Eater sized channel and blue catfish are excellent on cut shad and punch bait in 40-50 feet of wa ter on main lake ledges. Largemouth and smallmouth bass are slow off the banks in 10-15 feet of water on rock piles and structure with swimbaits and soft plastic baits.
Tawakoni GOOD. Water lightly stained; 90 degrees; 3.68 feet low. Overall fishing has slowed due to the low oxygen levels and warmer water. Despite this white bass and striped bass are really good in 9-15 feet of water. These fish are not sitting still, so trolling is putting more fish in the boat cur rently. Channel catfish bite is red hot and excellent. Catching limits easily by 10 A.M. using punch bait and dip bait fished over baited holes in 25-30 feet of water. Crappie bite is sur prisingly good with minnows out fishing jigs. Changing loca tions frequently to get a nice box of fish. Largemouth bass bite is slow. Fish extremely shallow water early in the morning at daylight with topwater baits.
HEIFERS 300 lbs and under: 1.30 - 1.90 300-400 lbs: 1.20 - 2.10 400-500 lbs: 1.10 - 1.85 500-600 lbs: 1.00 - 1.72.50 600-700 lbs: 1.00 - 1.60 700-800 lbs: 1.00 - 1.55 800 lbs and up: .90 - 1.45
AUSTIN – Texans are used to scorching summers, but this year’s record highs across much of the state have left many dove hunters wondering about the upcoming season opener.“Unless conditions change drastically over the next few weeks, hunting near water will be key for opening day this year,” said Owen Fitzsimmons, TPWD Dove Program Leader.
“Our spring surveys indicated a decrease in breeding abundance, which is a carryover from poor hatch-year production last year,” added Fitzsimmons. “However, doves kick reproduction into high gear in dry years like this, and we’re seeing a lot of young birds this summer, based on our banding efforts.”
Cooper FAIR. Water lightly stained; 88 degrees. Fishing should improve after the cold front, but will definitely im prove the temperature for cooler fishing. Catfish are good with juglines. White bass and hybrids are fair with large spoons. Crappie are slow on main lake brush piles and standing timber with jigs and minnows. Bass are fair along grass ledges and standing timber with crankbaits.
The Special White-Winged Dove Days will be Sept. 2-4 andDuring9-11.the regular season in the South Zone, the aggregate bag limit is 15 with no more than two white-tipped doves. During the Special White-winged Dove Days in the South Zone, hunting is allowed only from noon to sunset and the daily bag limit is 15 birds, to include not more than two mourning doves and two white-tipped doves. All updated hunting regulations for this year’s hunting season can be found in the Texas Outdoor Annual mobile app or online at OutdoorAnnual.com.Huntersarereminded that licenses are on sale now for the 2022-23 hunting seasons and can be purchased through the agency’s 28 law enforcement field offices, at more than 50 state parks and over 1,700 retailers across the state. Licenses may also be purchased online through the TPWD website or by phone at (800) 895-4248. Call center hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and there is a required $5 administrative fee for each phone or online transaction. The online transaction system is available 24/7. Enhancements have been made to make the licensing process simpler and faster. “Expedited checkout” improves the process of purchasing the same license items bought most recently within the last three years. It’s also now easier to show proofof-license.
903-583-3280 • Page 19 • August 30, 2022 10/5/21 254.482.0935 710 Clarksvile • Paris, TX 903-783-0059 Keep your boat running smooth for Summer! Evinrude • Yamaha Mercruiser • Mercury • Johnson TIMETO... • Pasture Mowing 5/24/22Revised nathanprater@npfarmsliquidfeed.com Nathan Prater (903)449-2904Nolin Prater (469)595-4420 Fishin’Report TAKE A KID FISHING or Hunting! Ethan, Abbigayle and Oliver Rexrod of Anna with a nice stringer of fish they took from a private pond on Goodwater Farms northwest of Bonham in late July. Send YOUR FISHING OR HUNTING pictures to fcleader@verizon.net, attention Tim or text to 903227-5702, for FREE publication on the Outdoor Page. Week of August 24, 2022 Texas Lake Levels +/as of 8/26/22 Arlington EagleBridgeport-6.84BonhamBenbrook-8.650.71-1.63Mountain -3.63 PossumPatLewisville-3.03Lavon-4.31JoeGrapevine-0.15Granbury-1.90Fork-5.52Pool-1.18Mayse-1.48Kingdom -5.07 Ray Hubbard-1.72 Ray WhitneyTexomaTawakoni-3.13Roberts-1.35-1.76-7.05 AG & OUTDOORS FARMING CLASSIFIEDS 8/23/22 • 6 HOUR TRIPS • COMPANY TRIPS AVAILABLE • PRIVATE CHARTERS • BAIT & TACKLE FURNISHED • FISH CLEANED & BAGGED REX FISHINGBRIDGES&HUNTING MOBILE # 903-814-8400 1-800-211-7808 www.rexbridges.com PO BOX 1148 POTTSBORO 75076 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONAL GUIDE SERVICE ON LAKE TEXOMA *STRIPER FISHING* Friday Morning Fishing. Thanks To Paul, Ashley, Beau, Hattie And Dayne For Fishing With Us Out Of The Lighthouse Marina. Until Next Time Be Safe And God Bless YOUNGWORKSTRACTOR Specializing in complete pasture care under 50 acres. Services include: pasture mowing, spraying, pasture renovation, discing, planting winter rye, seed ing pastures, repair hog damage. Also do dirt work: driveways, building sites, grading for drainage. Ex perienced fast professional service! Call 903-271-7394. 8/30/22 Cattlemen’sLivestockCommission SALE EVERY SATURDAY @11 A.M. Visit us on Facebook 1354 Clement Road • Paris, TX 903-784-2238 • 903-784-7800 Fax 903-785-6933 Mobile 903-782-6330 Charles Mallicote - 903-785-7191 STEERS 300 lbs and under: 1.40 - 2.30 300-400 lbs: 1.35 - 2.35 400-500 lbs: 1.20 - 2.07.50 500-600 lbs: 1.20 - 1.90 600-700 lbs: 1.20 - 1.82.50 700-800 lbs: 1.00 - 1.70 800 lbs and up: 1.00 - 1.58
Lavon GOOD. Water lightly stained; 85 degrees; 4.26 feet low. Summertime fishing patterns are holding steady. Crappie are good in 5-10 feet of water early in the morning, transition ing to 9 -17 feet of water in timber and brush with minnows and jigs. White bass are good with a sporadic topwater bite throughout the day in the middle of the lake, and in 15-25 feet of water on main lake points and humps. White or chartreuse slabs for deeper water and swimbaits in shallow water. A ther mocline has settled in, so be on the lookout at about 7:30 A.M. in the middle of the lake for topwater action. Black bass are fair on spooks along riprap during the first hours of sunlight. Bluegills are great, holding to 10-20 feet of water on brush piles using earthworms, crickets or pieces of bacon as it will not fall off the hook as easily.
Conditions Heating up for Dove Season
TPWD officials remind hunters to prepare for the extreme heat and make sure they are packing all the essentials for a day in the field. They should bring plenty of water to stay hydrated and take measures to stay cool in a shaded area. The same is true for canine hunting partners. “If this extreme heat persists, think twice about bringing your dog out in the early season,” said Fitzsimmons. “Temperatures this high can be dangerous for dogs, particularly when they’re excited and running hard after birds. If you do bring them, try to limit the hunts to early mornings or late evenings.”
Sale Date: 8/20/22 Head: 1376 Cows: 445 Bulls: 35 Calves: 867 Goats: 29

Graveside services for JW Walls, age 88, of Ivanhoe, Texas were held at 2:00 PM Thursday, August 25, 2022, at the Sandy Cemetery under the direction of Wise Funeral Home. Bro. Raymond Bell officiated. Mr. Walls passed away on Sunday, August 21, 2022, at the Texoma Medical Center in Denison.Mr.Walls was born on September 2, 1933, in Blue Ridge, Texas, the son of Johnny Wylie Walls and Vera Walls. He graduated from Blue Ridge High School. He entered the United States Army and served from 1953-1955 and then married Eula Grace VanHooser on September 19, 1956, in Durant, Oklahoma and she preceded him in death on April 12, 2015. He later received his bachelor’s degree in business administration from Texas A&M University in College Station in 1960.
Emma Ruth (Walker) Holmes, 87, of Honey Grove, TX, was born on January 19, 1935, to Martin R. Walker and Thelma (Bankston) Walker, in Ladonia, Texas. Mrs. Holmes departed this world to her heavenly home on August 19, 2022, in Honey Grove, Texas. Emma married Jack Holmes in Hugo, Oklahoma, on February 28, 1968. The couple spent 42 years together before Mr. Holmes passed away in 2010. Mrs. Holmes, a med aide, worked for many places including the VA, home health, and the nursing home. In her free time, she loved to play dominoes, and was instrumental in the Holmes family reunions. Emma was a dedicated church member of Westside Baptist Church in Honey Grove, Texas. She loved to cook, and make sure everybody was fed. Mrs. Holmes was known for her delicious coconut cake, pies, and fried pies.
We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, But all we have are memories, And your picture frame.
Continued from Pg. 18 PAW UP Animals Need Thrift Store 101 West Hayes, Savoy Open Friday thru &FREE10am-5pm.SundayCLOTHESHOUSEWARES:ClothesClosetValley Creek Baptist Church, 3615 FM 896, Leonard. Wednesdays 8-10am. RENT A STORAGE UNIT IN&RANDOLPHBONHAM
Continued on Pg. 21
Bobby Don Brown, age 65, of Bonham, TX, passed away at his residence, with his family by his side, on Thursday, August 18, 2022. Bobby was born on June 28, 1957 in Bonham, TX to Robert Brown & Barbara Ann (Robertson) Brown. He was a High School graduate and had an associate degree from college. He married JaQuitta Kirkpatrick on June 27, 2020 in Bonham, TX. He worked in transportation as a trucker. He will be missed greatly by all his loved one. Left to cherish his memory is his wife; JaQuitta Brown of Bonham, TX, his special caretaker; Judy Grounds, his son; C. C. Brown of Ravenna, TX, step-daughter; Donaice Oakley & Richard Klockgather of Ravenna, TX, sister; Diedra Pullin & Bill of Bonham, TX, four nephews; Eli, Jaxon, Dauyn, Tyler, one grandchild; Bryer Klockgather, numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, and other extended family and a host of friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; Robert & Barbara Brown.
A memorial service was held on Thursday, August 25, 2022, 4:00 P.M. at Living Word of God Church, Bonham, TX with Brother Prince officiating. Visitation was at 3:00 p.m. prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the charity of your choice.
TREES and MÁS Large Acreage Mowing with Tractor, Landscaping, Fences, Stump Grinding, and Concrete. Insured, Call for free estimate. 903-2276940, 903-227-8369, or 903-486-2868.
in a
Page 20 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280
Lori Ann Shastid, 62 of Pecan Gap, passed away Thursday, August 18, 2022 at her home. 1960onVentura,aserviceHome.ofunderarrangementsCremationarethedirectionFry-GibbsFuneralAmemorialwillbesetforlaterdate.ShewasborninCaliforniaJanuary28,toJamesand
Dorothy Raines Fuller. She was raised in Fannin County, Texas by her grandmother, Beulah Boatwright. She loved all her family very much, but her world revolved around her kids and grandkids. She is survived by her husband, Kenneth E. Norwood; children, Ashley N. Norwood Chesser and husband Joshua, who was very special to Lori, Matthew W. Norwood, Larry F. Nichols II and wife Maria, whom she loved like a daughter; grandchildren, Gage Gibson, Gavin Redd, Austin Redd, Brayden Norwood, Presely Rodriguez, Ravyn Chesser, Tradyn Chesser; brothers, Billy Fuller and Bobby Fuller; sisters, Debbie Fuller, Dawn Shipman and Tina Boatwright. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a brother, JerryOnlineFuller.condolences may be sent to Lori’s family by visiting www.fry-gibbs.com
Several large units are available starting at $69.95! Unit sizes from 10x10 up to 10’x22’. Gated park ing spaces start at $39.95. Randolph facility @ Hwy 121 & Hwy 11, Randolph, TX 75490, Bonham facility @ 400 Katy Blvd, Bonham, TX 75418. Contactless rental online 24/7 at brightstartstorage.com.www. For more information call our office at (903) 505-6800 & (903) 292-0657.
He worked for the Texas Highway Department from 1960-1961 and Parker Ford in Dallas from 1961-1962. He began his career with the Garland ISD and Bonham ISD as a School Tax Assessor Collector and retired from Garland ISD in the 1990’s. He enjoyed watching football, basketball, and loved to garden and fish. Mr. Walls was a member of the Bonham Masonic Lodge. He was preceded in death by his wife, Eula and brothers, Willie, George, Jessie, Claude, Wylie, Eddie, Alton, Cotton, Harvey, and Leon Walls. He is survived by his son, Johnny Walls and his wife Lori of Merit, Texas, daughter, Connie Gammons and her husband Jeff of Ivanhoe, brother, Ernie Walls and his wife Beverly of Princeton, Texas, sisters, Dora Ann Knight of Farmersville, Texas, and Patsy Greenwood and her husband Jimmy of Boyd, Texas, and his sister-in-law, Lois Walls; grandchildren, Justin Gammons (Lori), Josh Gammons (Kasey), Jacob Gammons (Morgan), Christopher Brunson (Amanda), Grayson Holt (Lauren); great grandchildren, Jaci Gammons, Jamie Gammons, Jaxson Gammons, Jagger Gammons, and Jaydon Gammons, Everett Gammons and Augustus Gammons, and Parker Brunson, numerous nieces, nephews, extended family and a host of friends.
MUNOZ LAWN CARE & TREE TRIMMING All kinds of fences built and repaired too. For estimate call: 903-267-2503 FARM and MAINTENANCELAWN Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence paint ing, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mow ing, gutters and drain age, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903-227-5898 or 903-583-1259.
John Edward Hawk, 87, passed away at his home in Savoy, Texas on August 18, 2022. He was born on September 16, 1934, to Charlie Gerard Hawk and AugustheldHawk.(Sanderson)MyrtleAvisitationwasonMonday,22,2022 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at Mullican Little Funeral Home 754 State Hwy 56 E. Bells, Texas 75414. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 11:00 AM at Mullican Little Funeral Home. Interment followed at Sunnyside Cemetery in Savoy.Fullobituary can be viewed, and online condolences can be made at mullicanlittle.com
Three 8 week, half lab pup pies, one male and two fe male. They have black and brown striping, and the girls each have a white spot on their chest. They have had their first round of shots and have grown up around oth er dogs and kids. Contact Niki White: 682-238-2500.
Serving as pallbearers were, David Holmes, Bill Wheeler, Don Charles Smith, Michael Sherwood, Stewart Richardson, and Mickey Holmes. Honorary Pallbearers were Jackie Holmes, Eddie Nelson, Jeff Hill, Jonny Morris, and Thomas Hawley. To convey condolences online please visit www.coopersorrells.com
Pallbearers were Justin Gammons, Josh Gammons, Jacob Gammons, Christopher Brunson, Grayson Holt, and James Wright. The family received friends at Wise Funeral Home from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM Wednesday, August 24, 2022. You may sign the online guest register at www.wisefuneralhome.com WALLS
PROFESSIONAL PAINT & DRYWALL REPAIRS: Cracks, holes, patches, water damage, sheet rock repair, ceilings, walls, matched texturing. Interior/ Exterior Painting. 40+ years experience. Call Johnny @ 903-209-6958
Services for Emma Ruth Holmes were Sunday, August 21, 2022, at Westside Baptist Church, in Honey Grove, Texas. Visitation was at 1:00 P.M. Services were at 2:00 P.M. Pastor Terry Paul Cunningham officiated.
STAPP andTRIMMINGTREEREMOVAL Hauling, Storm Dam age, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experi ence. Call 903-5837888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.”
Violet Haggard Caylor, age 80, of Ravenna, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Saturday, August 20, 2022 in Plano, Texas after a brief illness. Services were held at 11 am Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 7th & Main Baptist Church, 617 N. Main in Bonham with visitation one hour prior to service time. Rev. Ronnie Ball and Mr. J.D. Points officiated. Interment followed in Willow Wild Cemetery in Bonham. Pallbearers were Colt Peña, Luke Hardison, Drake Hardison, Jason Peña, Josh Caylor, and Jeff Burnett. Brock Hardison served as an Honorary Pall bearer. Bright-Holland Funeral Home in Paris had charge of arrangements. Violet was born November 11, 1941 in Wood County, Texas to Calvin Riley and Harriett Hazel Elledge Haggard. She grew up in Wood and Floyd counties of Texas, graduating from Lockney High School in 1960. She moved to Dallas and went to work for Dallas Power and Light where she met and later married Barry Edward Caylor on April 27, 1963 building 54 years family and memories before his death in 2017. She was a member of Bethany Baptist Church in Dallas where she was a teacher in the toddler department many years. She joined Sandy Baptist Church in Ravenna when she and Barry retired to the family farm in 1998. At Sandy Baptist she was the children’s Sunday school teacher, the church treasurer and the organizer of the 5th Sunday singings. Her work life in Dallas included being a Special Education Assistant and later a school secretary for 20 plus years. She was gifted at crocheting with many babies and adults facing medical issues being the beneficiaries of her talent. Violet’s gift of money management enabled both of her daughters to graduate from college debt free. Her love of her children and grandchildren was boundless, she was always there for any of them when needed. Violet was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; and two sisters, June Thomas and Wanda Haggard. She is survived by two daughters, Dana Peña and husband Bobby, of Terrell and Robyn Hardison and husband Paul, of Keller; grandchildren, Colt Peña, Caylor Peña, Brock Hardison, Luke Hardison, and Drake Hardison; a sister, Jewel Wolfe and husband Bill; as well as numerous nieces, nephews, and extended family. To leave a message of condolence for the family visit BrightHollandFuneralHome.com
Emma Ruth Holmes is survived by her daughter; Rhonda Barnes, and husband Jimmy, daughter; Dendy Carter, sons; Jackie Holmes and wife Cathy, David Holmes and wife Jill, grandchildren; Quentin Barnes and wife Dena, Natalie Crenshaw and husband Les, Tiffany Barnes and husband Rush, Cody Carter and wife Melissa, Ally, Bailey, Colin Holmes, Justin McKenzie and wife Shannon, great-grandchildren; Dakota Barnes and wife Tacy, Rylee Kay Brown and husband Chad, Chelsey Stone and husband Will, Jessie Reese, Riley Walker Crenshaw, Emma Crenshaw, Kayden Hughes, Camden Carter, Ava Hughes, Paisley Carter, greatgreat- grandchildren; Nick Brown, Dixie Barnes, Jaxon Barnes, Rhett Fernandez, Parker Brown, and Magnolia Reese. Mrs. Holmes is preceded in death by her husband; Jack Holmes, parents; Martin and Thelma Walker, son-in-law; Bill Carter and greatgrandchild; Cambrey Carter.

Going out of business! Reduced New Washers, and lots of KnickKnacks.
FOR SALE: 4 Bedroom, 2 ½ Bath Home on One Acre. 2400 Sq. Ft. Living Area. Located close to Ralph Hall Lake. 11372 E FM 1550; Honey Grove. Call 903-640-3030.
HOUSE and 4+ ACRES FOR SALE 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath HWY 78 N. Bonham Corner, dead end road very private, trees, electric, new water well, new septic sys tem, house needs to be re modled. Community water also available. $350,000. Owner Finance with down payment. Call Billy 903486-6195.PINEAPARTMENTSRUN Now taking applications for 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Please call Continued903-378-7146.onPg.22
903-814-1987 Danny Loyd. APP HOUSE LEVELING & FOUNDATION REPAIR Pier and Beam/ Slab Foun dation/ Small & Large Re models.ART903-227-2860.LESSONS Valley Creek Studio Drawing and painting for adults and youth. Homeschoolers welcome! Custom artwork. Katherine
Cecil was called into the ministry in 1987 under the leadership of the late L. S. Wilson. While evangelizing in 1990, Rev. Jones was called to Pastor Little Bethel Baptist Church where he pastored for 26 years. Although Pastor Jones gave all of himself to his church, his community and any organization, board or council he sat on, God was always first. Rev. Jones holds a Doctorate in Theology, a Bachelors degree in Administration, an A.A.S. degree in education, and was a licensed minister. Rev. and First Lady Jones enjoyed extensive travel where they met dignitaries, legislators, and congressmen. Rev. Jones organized the Bethlehem Globetrotters who traveled each year to a historical destination. Of all things Rev. Jones loved, church and talking about Jesus and His goodness were first. He encouraged others to have a personal relationship with God. After 53 years of marriage, his beloved Bonne was called home (2015).
Left to celebrate his life and legacy are, his son, Juan Marshall Jones (Sonya) of Cosmopolis, WA, his daughters, Pamela Winona Jones of Denison, TX and Kimberly Ray Jones of Bonham, TX; 2 brothers, James Louis Jones, Jr. (Velda) of Azle, TX, and Elmer Le Jones (Rose) of DeSoto, TX; 4 sisters, Wilma Ware (Kevin) of Henderson, TX, Cynthia Brigham (William) of Mt. Pleasant, TX, Cathy Suber of Wichita Falls, TX, and Ida McFadden of Dallas, TX; grandchildren, Whitney Jones, Leia D. Jones, Mykhail E. Jones, Jazmine L. Wilson, Kiara M. Jones, Keynon, M. Jones, Christian M. Jones and TeQwan V. Jones; great grandchildren, Courtney Walker, Jr., Avery R. McKenzie, Dun’Ayesha L. Mapps, Kaytrian J. Whitfield, Audree E. McCollum, Akira L. Jones, Leith O. McKenzie, Khalessi L. Jones, and Romeo V. M. Jones and honorably mentioning, his in laws of more than 60 years, Albert O. Marshall, Richard “Dickie” Marshall and sister-in-law and buddy, Eunice Willene Hardy and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.ACelebration of Life was held at 1:00 PM Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 at Bethlehem Baptist Church. Pastor Stuart Courtney and Rev. Larry Goodman officiated. Burial followed in Gates Hill Cemetery. The family received friends from noon till service time on Friday at Bethlehem Baptist Church. Online guest register www.wisefuneralhome.com CECIL RAY • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BONHAM, TEXAS ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF BONHAM, FOR FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 2022 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2023; AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFORE.SECTION 1. That the budget for the City of Bonham, a municipal corporation, for the fiscal year October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023, which calls for a total expenditure of $10,084,895 from the General Fund, $7,590,132 from the Water and Sewer Fund, $3,598,049 from the Emergency Medical Services Fund and $285,622 from the Airport Fund is hereby approved, adopted, and ratified; and the funds for said amounts are hereby appropriated. Further, that the appropriations for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022, and ending September 30, 2023 be set up in accounts and set out in said budget document substantially as shown in the documents attached and made a part hereof and marked Exhibit “A”.
SECTION 1: The City Commission of the City of Bonham does hereby levy and/ or adopt the ad valorem tax rate on $100 valuation for the City for the tax year beginning January 1, 2022, as follows: $ 0.435841 for general purposes of government $ 0.131749 for the purposes of principal and interest on bonded indebtedness $ 0.56759 Total Ad Valorem Tax Rate for Tax Year beginning January 1, 2022 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BONHAM, TEXAS AMENDING EXHIBIT A OF THE “UTILITY SERVICE FEE ORDINANCE” (ORDINANCE 1392) OF THE BONHAM CODE OF ORDINANCES AND PROVIDING FOR A FEE SCHEDULE FOR UTILITY FEES FOR WATER AND SEWER INSIDE THE CITY OF BONHAM AND LAKE BONHAM, FANNIN COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR A OPEN MEETINGS DECLARATION, A SAVINGS AND REPEALER CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Council of the City of Bonham, Texas will consider approval or rejection of the ordinances represented by the captions printed above on first and final reading following a public hearing on the ordinances. Public hearing will be at a meeting of the City Council on Monday, September 12, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut. Heather Stockton, City Secretary 8/30/22 Call Continued903-227-8143KlugerfromPg. Unit #92 2- BIT THRIFT 519 N. Main St., TX.
REAL ESTATE HOUSE for SALE 106 Porter Cir. Savoy Updated 5bed 3bath Dblwide. New stone kitchen counters. Luxury Vinyl planks & Paint. $199,000. Cash Conv FHA VA. Ownerfi avail w/$19k dwn, ITIN ok. Also, Lot 14 Porter Circle for $25k 214-478-8979. 520 S. BONHAM,CENTERTX75418 2 offices, bathroom & storage area, Plenty of parking space. $750 per month (utilities not included) Call or text 903-583-0108.
The day the pot and pan campaign for aluminum was launched for WWII (July 12, 1940) was the day God released an angel to earth named Cecil Ray Jones. He was born to Jennella Henson and James Louis Jones. Though there were no silver spoons involved in his upbringing, he received so much more; he received golden values and God-fearing beliefs that would carry him throughout his life. His reverence and admiration of God led him to Christ at 9 years of age. He served as a junior deacon at Bethlehem. He helped pull nails and rolled Bois d’Arc posts that held the structure that stands today. After graduating from Booker T. Washington High School in Bonham, where he was a quarterback, he went to Prairie View University. He realized the strain it placed on his family to continue so he joined the US Air Force. While stationed at Richards-Gebaur AFB in Kansas City, MO, he met the love of his life, Bonne Marshall; they soon wed and the legacy begins. To their union were born: Juan Marshall, Pamela Winona and Kimberly Ray, The Jones Family. As a father he always wanted his children to be knowledgeable of the world, so by the time all of the children were 18 years old, the Jones Family had travelled to nearly all of the United States.
His health took a turn in 2020. Even as his health was declining, he professed Jesus to anyone that would listen. His heart weakened and Rev. Jones was called to rest Aug. 20, 2022 but not without leaving words of wisdom, to keep the faith and God is everything. He said he loved all of us and assured us he was good with God and was going Home. Rev. Jones loved Bonham and Ladonia, playing dominoes, watching the San Francisco 49ers and L. A. Lakers and his whole entire family. Most of all, he loved God.
HISTORIC HOME FOR SALE at 1018 W. Main St. Honey Grove. The Gandy House was built in 1901. The addition of a den, office, and bathroom around 1970 brought the home to approx. 4,200 sqft. Situated on 4 acres with a pond, 6 bedrooms makes this a wonderful family home. Original finishes on staircase and wood work are a major plus. $495,000. Call Wynell 214-642-0266.
20 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE: Contents of the following unit located at 708 Crockett Wolfe City TX 75496 will be sold to the highest bidder if rent is not paid in full within 15 days of this publication.
At sunrise on Saturday morning, August 20, 2022, our matriarch, Nina Lou Vansickle Marshall Garrett, peacefully passed away while surrounded by loved ones. We rejoice that she is in Heaven with her beloved Savior whose praises she joyfully sang all of her life. This Oklahoma original was born at home on October 8, 1926, near Antlers, Oklahoma, and was the only daughter of Major Jim and Emily Wolfe Vansickle and had four brothers who loved to tease her. Most of her childhood was spent in Oklahoma, but the family moved to Arizona during the dust bowl days. What they lacked in material possessions was offset by strong faith, family love, and fierce determination. They also knew what it was to do without. In 1938, they moved back to their beloved Oklahoma, settling at Lake West. Nina graduated from Boswell High School as the class salutatorian and after graduation worked at Douglas Aircraft Plant building airplanes. On December 19, 1945, Nina married William Marshall after he was discharged from the Army at the end of World War II. They lived in Bonham, TX and raised four daughters: Linda, Joy, Mary Ann, and Billie Gail, with each one being her favorite. William and Nina were members of Boyd Baptist Church where Nina sang in the choir, taught a Sunday School class, and was active in the church activities. For 26 years Nina was the office nurse for Dr. Walter Sisk. When she and William retired in 1988, they were able to travel and enjoy their grandchildren before his death in 1992 while they were on a trip to France to visit the battlefields where William had been a soldier so many years before. After William died, Nina was married to Theo Garrett until his death in 2004. Her life was devoted to being a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother while also enjoying her passion for reading, writing, genealogy, and singing. Nina was one of the great ladies of that bygone era, a partaker in the greatest generation known for their strength, determination, sacrifice, and patriotism, and as such, was a woman of immense pride who could do anything she set her mind to do. She was an expert at canning and freezing garden vegetables, sewing, and an amazing cook. While attending Telling Our Stories classes at Austin College she won a contest with her story about coping with hard times, wrote many other stories and an autobiography to share her memories with her family. Even as dementia stole her memory, she could still remember the words to the great old hymns she grew up with and never lost her sweet disposition, sense of humor, or the love for her family and friends.Ninawas preceded in death by husbands, William Franklin Marshall and Theo Olen Garrett; her parents, Major and Emily Vansickle; brothers, J. T. Vansickle, Max Vansickle, Julius Vansickle, and Major Johnson Vansickle; and sons-in-law, Preston Anderson and Joe Reiner. As Mom she is loved by Linda and Larry Scott of Sherman, TX, Joy Reiner of San Antonio, TX, Mary Ann and Terry Cody of Bonham, TX, and Billie Gail and Charles Ratcliff of Greenville, TX. As MamMaw she is adored by grandchildren, Lori and Robb McWilliams of Dallas, TX, Dr. Jim Reiner and Paula Levy J.D. of Palo Alto, CA, Jerald Reiner of San Antonio, TX, Dr. Kyle Anderson and Dr. Carrie Cearley of Lubbock, TX, Dr. Kelly Anderson of Kemah, TX, Joshua and Crystal Ratcliff of Greenville, TX, Daniel and Kayla Ratcliff of Fate, TX, Adam Ratcliff of Greenville, TX, Elias and Shannon Ratcliff of Aubrey, TX; great grandchildren, Isaac and Aaron Reiner, Aidan, Avery, and Andrew Reiner, Abigail, Amelia, William, and Winston Anderson, Kaden and Makayla James, Christopher Strickland, Elizabeth and Isabelle Ratcliff, Brooklyn and Charlotte Ratcliff, and Lucy and Henry Ratcliff. To name the rest of her surviving relatives would be tedious and expensive, but there are a bunch of them and they all loved Nina. She is also survived by a large contingent of devoted friends from all walks of life. Nina summed it up best in one of her writings when she wrote: “I have expressed how wonderful my life has been: to be born, to live through childhood and experience all of the periods of marriage, motherhood, grandparent and now being a widow, which from the beginning is God’s plan, and seems to me to be miraculous. I remember often what my father when he was quite old said about how proud he was of all his children and grandchildren. It must be so with most everyone in our universe and so it is with me.”
The family celebrated her life on Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Bonham, Texas. The family received friends from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. prior to the service. A private burial followed the service at Willow Wild Cemetery. The family considers flowers an honorable tribute as are donations. We suggest donations to the Music Ministry at the First Baptist Church, 710 North Center Street, Bonham, TX 75418 or the Willow Wild Cemetery, P. O. Box 159, Bonham, TX 75418. God has her in His arms; we have her in our hearts.
903-583-3280 • Page 21 • August 30, 2022
Greg Staley.
PUBLIC NOTICE CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS PROFESSIONALSERVICES STUMPAFFORDABLEGRINDING Commercial and Residential. Call William 903-820-1036. A & ASERVICEHANDYMAN We do any repairs, demolition or remodeling, lawn care, tree service, cleaning out houses, trailer homes, sheds, or barns. If you have a job idea, let us know. No Job too Big or too Small!!! Call 469-422-7990. CALL THE DESERVEBECAUSEHANDYMANYOUTHEBEST... •Painting •Sheetrock Repair & Texture •Mowing•Plumbing•Remodeling•Electrical•Tree&Trimwork•Flowerbeds. Call APPLIANCE903-304-9009.REPAIR Do you need Major Appliance Repair in Fannin County?

Lyndi Hanna, founder and president of Erath County’s Annie’s Therapeutic Com panions, shared, “North Texas Giving Day helps us every year provide testing fees, gear for our teams, travel expenses, grooming supplies and all that is needed to bring mental well ness, comfort, joy, and peace to those we serve. Being a very small nonprofit, we aren’t able to have fundraisers as our time is more valuable serving, so we depend on the help North Texas Giving Day provides us. We are especially looking forward to this year as our travel expenses have gone up tremendously and our organization consists of 100% travel so we really need the extra help.”
Fannin County Commissioners Court reserves the right to reject any and all responses.
Notice is hereby given that the Fannin County Commissioners Court will hold a Public Hearing at 8:50 am on October 4, 2022 in the County Courthouse located at 101 E. Sam Rayburn Drive, Bonham, Texas. The public is invited to make comments concerning the proposal to open Brown Cemetery Road, .4 miles, Bonham, TX in Precinct 4. This hearing and actions by the Commissioners’ Court are subject to the Texas Transportation Code, Section 251.154. For further information regarding this hearing on the proposed opening of the listed road, please contact Commissioner Lackey at 903-583-2039 or dlackey@fanninco.net
The City of Dodd City (City) City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2022-2023 fiscal year budget on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall/Community Center, 304 South Caney Street, Dodd City, Texas. The public is encouraged to review the City’s proposed budget on the City of Dodd City website at www. cityofdoddcity.org or view a paper copy of the budget in the City Secretary’s Office. This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by $4,145 or 7.29% and of that amount $1,332 is tax revenue from new property added to the tax roll this year. The public may comment by providing written comments either through the mail or email to the addresses below. Any written comments will be included with information provided to the City Council for their consideration. Members of the public are encouraged to provide input through any means available and/or to participate in the public hearing. Citizens may email doddcity@yahoo.com or mail to the City Secretary’s Office at PO BOX 129, Dodd City, Texas 75438-0129.
Page 22 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280
6500 SF Total. 3500 SF Warehouse w/concrete floors & loading dock. 3000 SF Office w/approx 8 offices, large meeting room space, 2 restrooms, kitchen area, HVAC, recently remodeled. $2,500 per month (utilities not included). Call or text
Two competent and reliable retirees looking for a farm or ranch with a feral hog problem. Please call if interested for a face to face meeting. Cotton Critts 469-955-4822.FRIENDLY BUYER OF ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS No TitleNoCallProblemTony @ 903-449-9028
8/23/22 Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that FANNIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT has issued an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) Engineering Services to perform the update of the Fannin County Subdivision regulations.. RFQ2022-801 Specifications may be obtained from: Shonda Magness Fannin County Purchasing Office 101 E. Sam Rayburn Drive Suite 313 Bonham, TX 75418 smagness@fanninco.net All Submittals are due by September 6, 2022 at 2:00 PM. The RFQ will also be posted at www.co.fannin.tx.us and www.txsmartbuy.com
DALLAS (August 23, 2022) – Nonprofit registration is now closed for North Texas Giv ing Day, with more than 3,300 nonprofits from the Red River to the Brazos; from Dallas, Denton, Collin, Tarrant, and 16 other North Texas counties set to benefit from the critical fi nancial support generated each year by the colossal day of giv ing.Hundreds of nonprofit leaders across North Texas sent event organizers stories about what their nonprofits were able to accomplish thanks to contri butions from last year’s North Texas Giving Day donors.
$66 million to 100% of North Texas Giving Day nonprofits. “We want each member of this community to know the power they have to make a real and lasting difference. When donors make a gift – no matter the size – they prove that the generos ity of many is what elevates the nonprofits that provide invalu able service to North Texas,” says Dave Scullin, president and CEO of Communities Foundation of Texas, present er of North Texas Giving Day This North Texas Giving Day will take place Thursday, Sep tember 22, with early giving commencing September 1. With no shortage of causes to support in our community, North Texas Giving Day aims to help donors find their passion and give with purpose by offering many ways to get involved this giving day season: Donate to any nonprofit or Fundraiser found on www. northtexasgivingday.org be tween 6 a.m. on September 1 and midnight September 22, 2022.September 10, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. - Honor the lives tragi cally lost and those profoundly changed on 9.11.01 by volun teering or sponsoring the Free dom Day community service project “Let’s Grow Together.”
Persons with disabilities that wish to attend this meeting and need assistance should contact Ms. Karen Whitfield, City Secretary, at 903.583.7710 to arrange for assistance. Individuals who require auxiliary aids or services for the meeting or persons with Limited English Proficiency who need assistance should contact Ms. Whitfield at least two days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be CityMayorTimothymade.DavisofDoddCity
Natalie Pegg, executive di rector, United Way of Hunt County, shared, “The funds raised in 2021 during North Texas Giving Day helped us roll out Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in Hunt County. We have over 800 children enrolled and are adding more daily.”
Grayson County’s Texoma Family Shelter executive di rector Angela Sharp com mented,“We participated in North Texas Giving Day for the first time last year and raised just over $4,000. Our goal for 2022 is to raise $10,000 for our Resi dential Shelter Program, which provides adult individuals and entire families an extendedstay program based shelter en vironment to help them return to self-sufficiency and inde pendentCommunitiesliving.”Foundation of Texas’ 14th annual North Texas Giving Day presented by Ama zon is the largest communitywide giving event in the na tion, empowering givers to find their passion and purpose by uplifting the nonprofits in the communities where they live, work, and play. In an other record-setting year, in 2021 more than 103,000 peo ple rallied to give a combined
WANT TO BUY WANTED: Dear lease in Fannin Coun ty, to spend time with my son and 2 grandsons. Life time Fannin County resi dent. 82 year old Pa-Bob, 903-271-5115.WANTED
See Giving Day on page 28
More Than 3,300 Nonprofits Across 20 North Texas Counties Gear Up For Communities Foundation Of Texas’ 14th North Texas Giving Day
The 2nd annual event will help Valor Ranch, TX build a com munity aquaponic garden with the potential to feed up to 270 people per week and provide a source of revenue from farmers’ markets.
CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE OFFICE SPACE AND WAREHOUSE/SECURESHOPSPACEFORRENT • 225 to 300 sq. feet • Build to suit • Secure Warehouse/ Shop Space For Rent, 3000 sq. ft. with ample parking. 2501 N Center St. Bonham, Bonham,903-583-9527.Texas.220E.1stStTX75418

Sunday Morning Re-take HAVE YOU
903-583-3280 • Page 23 • August 30, 2022 Hunting?JobOpportuniLocalBesttheTargetYouHelpWe’llties! 3/29/16 CNA DAY SHIFT $1,500 Sign On Bonus EOE NOW HIRING: Apply Online at HMRVeteranservices.com 903.640.8387 Clyde W. Cosper TSVH 1300 Seven Oaks Rd Bonham, TX 75418 CHARGELVNNURSE NIGHT SHIFT $5,000 Sign On Bonus CNA NIGHT SHIFT $2,000 Sign On Bonus NEW COMPETITIVE SHIFT DIFFERENCES LVN CHARGE NURSE DAY SHIFT $2,500 Sign On Bonus MEDICATION AIDES RN SUPERVISOR STAFF DEVELOPMENT, RN HOUSEKEEPING $1,500 Sign On Bonus LAUNDRY $1,500 Sign On Bonus DIETARY STAFF $1,500 Sign On Bonus CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS We are currently looking for smiling faces who have a passion for working with children. Full-time and part-time positions available. Must be 18 or older and have a high school diploma. Apply in person. 5/24/22 903-583-2877 EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED NORTH SAFARITEXASPARK We are looking for the right person to join us out here at NorthTexas Safari Park. ● Should you decide to send in your resume please be mindful of the following. ● You would be working with animals and the public during park hours. ● Weekends are required. ● Must be able to lift at least 50 lbs., clean, rake stalls, etc. ● Must have transportation,reliablegood work ethics, and self motivated. ● Love of animals is a must!! Please apply by sending resume gmail.comnorthtexassafaripark@toIMMEDIATEOPENINGSfortheFOLLOWINGPOSITIONS HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information call 903-5834018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N Hwy 78 in Ravenna NOW HIRING! CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver. Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources. THE CITY of BONHAM Public Works Department Is accepting applications for 2 positions of Street Dept. Equipment Operator I. Requirements: Experience in heavy equipment operation, street repair and construction; perform heavy manual labor and work in all types of weather conditions. $13.78 hourly to include paid vacation, sick time, personal time, retirement. Medical, dental, and vision insurance available at minimal costs. Applications are available Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm at Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St., Bonham TX 75418 or online at www. cityofbonham.org. Position open until filled. The City of Bonham is an Equal Opportunity Employer. CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist POSITION OPENINGS B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am-4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to brett@bfgammon. com.DOWNTOWNBAKERY903-583-3597NEARBONHAM Hiring 2 part-time employees. Needs to have good hygeine (a must), be responsible and self motivated, quick learner, and must be able to lift 50lbs. Pay starts at $12$14 an hour depending on experience. Contact: 972-369-3336 for application details or email: loftyjobs22@gmail.com HELP WANTEDWelding and Steel building experience a plus. HELP903-436-0555WANTED Needing an Experienced Mechanic’s, Full or part time. Call HELP903-821-0604.WANTED Needing an Experienced Carpenter’s helper, Fulltime or part- time. Call 903-821-0604. 7 SISTER CARE 24 hour live-in care givers needed immediately. 903-813-8477 TMC Bonham Hospital Has immediate fulltime openings for HOUSEKEEPING and COOK. Competitive pay and excellent benefits. Apply online at www. tmcbonham.com. EOE 8/30/22 WWW.GFCF.ORG Glaser-Family-Charitable-Foundation Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: Crossword Solution Puzzle On Page 7 Hello everyone! We had a wonderful service in God’s house Sunday morning!Jesustells us in John 15:16, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” Again I am reminded of the great commission given to us in Matthew chapter 28. We are to sow the seed of the gospel wherever and whenever we can. Some may willingly accept it, some may not. If we sow the seed, our efforts will not go in vain. As I have said before, why anyone would not want to accept the message of the gospel is beyond me. I hope you have accepted this message, but if you don’t know the Lord as your Savior, I pray that you accept Him, and claim the gift of salvation, before it’s eternally too late. That being said, my hymn reference this week was written by Knowles Shaw in the mid 1800’s. “I am the vine, and ye are the branches, Bear precious fruit for Jesus to-day; The branch that in me no fruit ever beareth, Jesus hath said, “He taketh away.” Now ye are clean, thro’ words I have spoken, Abiding in me, much fruit ye shall bear; “Dwelling in thee, my promise unbroken, Glory in heaven with me ye shall share.” “I am the vine, and ye are the branches,
Bro. Josh Stevenson Central Baptist Church Bonham, TX https://www.facebook.com/cbcfannin HUGGED
If you are looking for a good church home, we invite you to come visit and worship with us here at Central Baptist Church. Visitors are our honored guests, and we hope to see you this coming Lord’s day!
I am the vine, be faithful and true; Ask what ye will, your prayer shall be granted; The Father loved me, so I have loved thee.”

Denison, Texas - Grayson Col lege Adult Education and Literacy welcomes high school equivalency seekers, English language learners and those seeking to refresh their skills in math and reading to reg ister without an appointment for free classes on Wednesday, August 31 or Wednesday, September 7 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. Those interested can simply walk into the Advanced Technology building on Grayson College’s main campus in Denison to enroll. Registration can be completed in most languages with Spanish-speaking staff im mediately available to assist reg istrants.Registering students should bring a government issued ID. Those aged 18 and under must be accom panied by a parent or guardian and bring withdrawal paperwork from their most recent school. Due to the assessments required for class placement, it can take up to several hours to complete the registration process. Classes are currently be ing offered in-person and online, and there are a variety of class times available. “A high school diploma and strong English language skills are critically important for entry into higher education and in turn eco nomic prosperity. By 2030, at least 60 percent of the jobs in Texas will require some level of higher education according to data from the Texas Higher Education Coor dinating Board,” explained Adult Education and Literacy Director AshleyWorkers’Trevino.earnings are directly tied to educational attainment and have a strong correlation to quality of life. The U.S. Depart ment of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that those with a high school diploma earn an aver age of $600 more per month than those who haven’t completed high school. Over a lifetime, that earn ings gap expands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. As reported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Center on Society and Health, higher levels of educa tion lead to higher levels of home ownership, health insurance cov erage, family literacy, physical ac tivity and better nutrition. Higher community education levels are also linked to lower crime rates and lower rates of pollution.
OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. The response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application, will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or who requested to be on a mailing list for this application. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting a contested case hearing or reconsideration of the executive director’s decision. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in a state district court.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. The executive director may issue final approval of the application unless a timely contested case hearing request or a timely request for reconsideration is filed. If a timely hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed, the executive director will not issue final approval of the permit and will forward the application and requests to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.
Prospective students interested in the no-cost training can view a list of all classes offered at gray son.edu (search ‘adult education’). Questions or requests for addition al information can be directed to Grayson College Adult Education and Literacy at (903) 463-8784.
TO REQUEST A CONTESTED CASE HEARING, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN YOUR REQUEST: your name, address, phone number; applicant’s name and proposed permit number; the location and distance of your property/activities relative to the proposed facility; a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the facility in a way not common to the general public; a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during the comment period; and the statement “[I/ we] request a contested case hearing.” If the request for contested case hearing is filed on behalf of a group or association, the request must designate the group’s representative for receiving future correspondence; identify by name and physical address an individual member of the group who would be adversely affected by the proposed facility or activity; provide the information discussed above regarding the affected member’s location and distance from the facility or activity; explain how and why the member would be affected; and explain how the interests the group seeks to protect are relevant to the group’s purpose.
Page 24 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280
September 25, 2022 Virginia Point UMC 1386 CR 1200 Savoy, TX 75479 Gather 2:30pm • • Program 3:00pm Meal, music and kids activities to follow Guest Speaker: Bishop Michael McKee
You Anniversarytocordiallyareinvitedthe185th VirginiaUMCPoint
MAILING LIST. If you submit public comments, a request for a contested case hearing or a reconsideration of the executive director’s decision, you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In addition, you may request to be added to: (1) the permanent list for a specific applicant name and permit number; and (2) the mailing list for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent and the county mailing list, clearly specify which list(s) and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. All written public comments and public meeting requests must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 or electronically at www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/ within 30 days from the date of newspaper publication of this notice.
Following the close of all applicable comment and request periods, the executive director will forward the application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the subject of a hearing will be limited to disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material water quality concerns submitted during the comment period. TCEQ may act on an application to renew a permit for discharge of wastewater without providing an opportunity for a contested case hearing if certain criteria are met.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address, and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, toll free, at 1-800-687-4040 or visit their website at www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/pep. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. Further information may also be obtained from North Texas Municipal Water District at the address stated above or by calling Mr. Jerry Allen, Permitting Manager, at (469) 626-4634.
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. North Texas Municipal Water District, P.O. Box 2408, Wylie, Texas 75098, which proposes to operate North Texas Municipal Water District Leonard Water Treatment Plant, drinking water treatment facility, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a renewal of Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0004996000, which authorizes the discharge of desalination concentrate at a daily average flow not to exceed 9,300,000 gallons per day via Outfall 001. The TCEQ received this application on May 23, 2022. This combined notice is being issued to correct the flow from an annual flow as indicated in the original NORI to a daily average flow. The facility is located approximately 700 feet north of the intersection of County Road 4965 and State Highway 78, in Fannin County, Texas 75452. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and is not part of the application or notice. For the exact location, refer to the application. https://tceq.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=db5bac44afbc468bbddd360f 8168250f&marker=96.27876%2C33.386409&level=12
PUBLIC COMMENT / PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit written or oral comment or to ask questions about the application. Generally, the TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing.
Walk-in registration dates set for FREE adult education classes
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. For details about the status of the application, visit the Commissioners’ Integrated Database at www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cid. Search the database using the permit number for this application, which is provided at the top of this notice.
Issued: August 16, 2022
The effluent is discharged via pipe to an unnamed tributary, thence to Red River Below Lake Texoma in Segment No. 0202 of the Red River Basin. The designated uses for Segment No. 0202 are primary contact recreation, public water supply, and high aquatic life use. The TCEQ executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit. The draft permit, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision that this permit, if issued, meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit are available for viewing and copying at Leonard Public Library, 102 South Main Street, Leonard, Texas.

By Rose Schwartz
Thursday, August 25, 2022, the Lyday Hall at the Honey Grove Library and Learning Center at 500 N. 6th Street in Honey Grove, Texas, was once again filled to capacity as Fannin County citizens came from near and far to be informed of the progress being made by the Lake Ralph Hall Zoning Commission and the Project Team from Freese and Nichols, Project Manager Daniel Harrison and Project Planner Connor Roberts, on reaching a completed Lake Ralph Hall Comprehensive Plan. Upon entering the hall, visitors were met with an array of various informational printouts displayed on a table with enough copies for any who cared to have one. In the back of the room were several informational boards on easels with maps and other pertinent information. It was clear that steps to provide adequate information, had been taken for this meeting. Chair of the Lake Ralph Hall Zoning Commission, Fannin County Commissioner Jerry Magness, opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. and stated quorum was established as all Zoning Commission members were present. He then noted time was being provided for the public to view the information on the boards in the back of the room and that Daniel Harrison and Connor Roberts would be available by those boards to personally answer questions that might be concerning to anyone. The early efforts to provide ample information and address concerns paid off as the demeanor of attendees was significantly less anxious than what it had been during the previous meeting that was held earlier in the summer. After spending time answering individual concerns, Mr. Harrison began his presentation of the Draft Plan. Detailing what had happened since the kickoff in the Summer of 2021 in the various meetings, he went over the five chapters of the plan, Chapter 1: Baseline Analysis; Chapter 2: Vision & Issue Identification; Chapter 3: Future Land Use,
ChapterTransportation;4: Water Quality & Infrastructure and Chapter Implementation5: Plan. He explained how the plan shows what the lake will be in the next 20 to 30 years and how it will be used for planning zoning regulations subdivisionsand platting. He noted how the plan is just the first of two phases with the second phase dealing with creating the zoning regulations. After explaining the contents of the chapters, Mr. Harrison then went over the nine edits made to the first draft of the plan in response to input from the public. At the conclusion of his review of the Draft Plan and the recent edits, Mr. Harrison and Commissioner Magness encouraged the public to visit the website of ofralphhall/homefreese.mysocialpinpoint.com/https://whereacopytheplancanbeviewedand/ or downloaded by any wishing to read it in its entirety. Next on the meeting agenda was the Lake Zoning Commission Discussion which was led by comments from Fannin County Judge Elect Newt Cunningham who called attention to pages 21, 16 and 55 of the plan with questions touching on the property owned by Upper Trinity Water District (a total of 6,006 acres) and what the vision for the lake is. Included in his comments/ questions was why Freese & Nichols show shoreline property outside of the 500year flood plain, a request for clarification on what “Riparian property” means and if the maps are correct in showing that Upper Trinity owns 100% of the shoreline. Commission member, Ladonia Mayor Jan Cooper commented briefly on future recommendations that can be made regarding the Future Land Usage Plan. Immediately following Ms. Cooper, Commission member Jaylen Wallace expounded on how he believes this plan is representative of best efforts to put into the plan what the county wanted put in place and though the plan may not be perfect, “as long as Upper Trinity holds up to their end of the bargain, we can have an effective zoning plan.” He then asked if an existing landowner has land that will be zoned commercial but is not commercial now, if that person wanted to build a home on that property would that have to be approved by the Commissioners Court after zoning is in place or would it be grandfathered in for the use that they want it to be? Following his comments and questions, Commission member John Ed Shinpaugh discussed his concerns regarding a public access strip designated on one of the usage maps that was near to private land parcels as well as an issue he had with commercial designations being very near to where a church and cemetery is located. Mr. Harrison responded by noting that both issues could be corrected with adjustments on the map. After making comments regarding zoning and property lines, Commissioner Magness then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting and invited those attendees who wanted to speak to first sign up before coming to the podium to voice their thoughts and concerns. Approximately eleven Fannin County citizens signed up to speak on topics ranging from why it is taking so long for a Shoreline Management Plan to be drawn up by Upper Trinity; to lot sizes and why there are ½ acre lots showing on the plan given a full acre is required by the county for septic systems; to dissatisfaction with the vision statement having the “peaceful” adjective removed; to the projected location of a boat ramp being changed; to when the plan will be implanted and how often will the Planning and Zoning meetings be held; to aboutquestionspublic access sites; concerns about the location zonescommercialofanda request for explanationmoreonthemaps and what land is owned by Upper Trinity. After most of the citizens wanting to speak had spoken with most of the questions fielded by Daniel Harrison, Manager of Property Services with Upper Trinity Water District, Doug Janeway spoke to address the question of land purchased by Upper Trinity and the most frequently voiced concern of the Shoreline Management Plan. He explained how they are working on the SMP as fast as they can but wanted to let the public know how certain things need to be in place before it can be created. He then spoke about a plan to help the three water districts of McCraw Chapel WSC Water CCN, Dial WSC Water CCN and Ladonia Water & Wastewater CCN with their water needs. However, after Mr. Janeway finished speaking, a citizen who had previously voiced concerns, returned to the podium to relay his account of a disappointing conversation he and two others had had with Mr. Patterson of Upper Trinity regarding the amount of help Ladonia could expect from Upper Trinity with their water needs. After Commissioner Magness confirmed that there were no other speakers, Newt Cunningham made the motion that the commission recommend the Plan to the Commissioners Court with the proviso that it can be modified in the future. The motion was seconded by Jaylen Wallace and passed unanimously. After commenting on how the efforts of the commission is to do what is best for the county, Commissioner Magness called for an adjournment motion at 7:47 p.m. Ralph
Lake Ralph Hall Zoning Commission – Public Open House #2 Next Steps to a Finished Comprehensive Plan Visitors check out the display of information the Lake
Hall Project Team has provided. Photo by Rose Schwartz Wee Miss • Age 2 - PreK Little Miss • K - 2nd grade Princess • Grades 3 - 5 Duchess • Grades 6 - 8 Queen • Grades 9 - 12 For more info contact: Joyce Sharon903-821-4868MaxwellForeman903-815-1740AngieHilliard903-815-4180 Fannin County Fair Pageant Deadline for entries is September 16th @ 5:00pm
903-583-3280 • Page 25 • August 30, 2022 LEVELCARPETLOOP (Example) 12’x12’ Room = $111.84+TAX CARPETPLUSH (Example) 12’x12’ Bedroom = $127.84+TAX CERAMICTILE (Example) 12’x12’ Kitchen = $142.56+TAX WE HAVE IT ALL! BRING YOUR TRUCK & TRAILER! PRICES ARE CASH & CARRY LARGEST FLOORINGINVENTORY! In NE Texas & SE Oklahoma THOUSANDS OF FEET OF VINYL PLANK, TILE & CARPET! 2115 N.E. LOOP 286 • PARIS, TX • 903-785-8317 File Name: CarpetWorld022118 4x5-25.indd Date Created: 01/19/15 Date Modi ed: February 19, 2018 1:33 PM 55 Years Service!of 10/2/18 FOR THE BEST DEALS STOP BY TODAY! OPEN M-F 8AM - 5PM 1/28/20 99¢sq. ft. $799sq. yd. sq. yd. 2/1/22 $899

Page 26 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 See Page 2 ForDisplayFastener’sRelianceAd Dodd City’s Tori Dotson. See City Council on page 22 3-26-19 JOSE VAZQUEZ Lawn Maintenance, Landscaping, Tree Trimming, Brush Clearing, Fencing, Pipe Fence, Gutters/Drainage, House Painting, Power Washing, Firewood and more! Ph: farmandlawn78@gmail.com903-227-5898 8403 N. State Hwy 78 Ravenna, TX 75476 Ph: 903-583-1259 407 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, TX 903-449-434175418 bonhamcustommemorials@gmail.com Like Us On netxmonuments.comFacebook 4-16-19 www.guardiangaragedoor.com GARAGEGUARDIANDOORS Repair • Service • Installation VETERAN OWNED & 903.274.2414OPERATED 8/30/22 CommercialResidential Scott Dobbels New Construction / Emergency Repairs Or Anything In Between! License# M-39756 Phone# 903-486-6977 BILL GEORGE CUSTOM METAL BUILDINGS We build: Shops, Barns, Custom Metal Buildings, Pole/Hay Barns, Barndo’s, Metal Houses, Fences, Entry-ways all types of custom metal work. Call us for a free estimate today! Bill George 903-583-0298 Shane Samples 903-441-3291 5/7/19 9/28/21 Nash Enterprises Joel Nash / Owner New Construction and Remodeling (903)456-3783joelnash677@yahoo.com PO Box 103 Dodd City, TX 75438 1/4/22 JOHN KINMAN FENCES 47 Years Still Practicing John Kinman Ph.D. Post Hole Digger 903-965-4251 50 Years Still Practicing CHAIN LINK • WOOD • WROUGHT IRON • PIPE • VINYL • REPAIRS John Kinman Fences 8/3/21 We Do ConstructionNewResidentialPlumbing Plumbing Tek M-40891 Kitchen/Lab Faucets, Shower Trims Toilet Change Outs, Tubs, Water Heaters, Tankless Installs, Plumbing Repairs FREE ESTIMATES! 1613 N. Center St. • 903-583-9196 6/15/21 Oil Change • State Inspection • Tire Repair FREE ICE CREAM PARKER CONSTRUCTION Remodeling & Fencing Your Satisfaction Is Our Future Kitchen Remodeling • Bath Remodeling Siding • Windows • Add-Ons • House Leveling Also offering Lawn Care Services Owner: Bill Parker 903-227-9528 903-583-1137 • 214-766-8282 PhemisterDavidM37363 Plumbing Discounts For Seniors & Vets! 40 ExperienceYears CHASE SANFORD (903) 227-7565 TONY WHIPPLE (903) 227-7565 1403 N. Hwy 78 Bonham, TX 75418• RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESTORATION Resilient RoofingResilient Roofing RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESTORATIONRESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • 1403 N. Hwy 78 Bonham, TX 75418 TONY WHIPPLE (903) 227-7565 CHASE SANFORD (903) 227-7565Resilient RoofingResilient Roofing • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESTORATION 1403 N. Hwy 78 Bonham, TX 75418 TONY WHIPPLE (903) 227-7565 CHASE SANFORD (903) 227-7565 1/26/21 Services LLC Property Improvements Johnny Horton • 940-704-7760 VETERANLOCALLYOWNED U.S. AIR FORCE 21 YEARS Skid Steer Operations Demolition & Site Clean-Up Dumpster Services Auger & Trencher Work Tractor Mowing (Large & Small Acreage) Payment Plan Options J C 6/14/22 Mobile HoMe ServiceS QarlPbFSDeckSkirtingloorSatHSaintingevelingooFSDDitionSualiFieD FHa concrete runner••••••••• 903-640-6999 • otexaSnecallDoeSitall! electric & Water lineS Speedy Locksmith (903) 868 - 2068 ● Commercial ● Residential ● Auto ● Keys Made By Code ● Car Computer Chip Keys ● Safes Opened & Installed ● Burglar Bars Installed ● Police-Approved Deadbolts TX Lic #B12951 OK Lic #1142Licensed & InsuredReasonable Rates! 5/10/22 5/31/22 Millers903-486-6223Garage All makes and models Gas and diesel Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm 405 Katy Blvd Bonham Texas 75418 Call for appointment SHOP AND DINE IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BONHAM MAIN STREET, WEST SIDE Sponsored By: Bamboo HouseE.L. Finneys Floyd Building Fannin Land Jeri Lea’s Travel Farm N HomePeelerHistoricBuilding Lifetime ChiropracticTaylor Building 2524 N. Center • Bonham • 903-486-6165 2026 N. Main • Paris • 903-401-5301 •Hot•Tile•Air•Post•Jack•BuffersHammersHoleDiggersCompressorsSawsSaws •Roto•Texture•Log•Hammer•Light•GeneratorsTowersDrillsSplittersMachineRooters We now have small and large equipment rentals! 12-4-18 Come see us at our new location 200 Winkler St. Bonham, TX

Alayna Laisy
Bonham head coach Emily Vanderburg Hingrid Pedraza
Kylee Trompler (2) and Aubri Pendergrass (12)
By Rich LADONIAHilliard -- Class 1A Ector made school history on Aug. 19 -recording its first win in volleyball. The varsity Lady Eagles won at 1A Fannindel, 25-13, 26-24, 25-15, in non-district play. The 2022 season equates Ector’s first to field volleyball teams -- middle school and high school -- in the sport. The Lady Eagles began having volleyball as a sports option during the previous fall semester, with ju nior high practices. In October, Ector will vie with Dodd City and Savoy in District 19-1A.
Former Bonham Pur ple Warrior Colton De voll appears again this season on the Austin College football roster. Devoll, a 2020 Bon ham graduate, will wear No. 14 and is listed as a 6-4, 175 wide receiver for the ‘Roos, who will open their regular sea son on Sept. 3 at Hen drix College. In late 2021, the Aus tin College team voted him as the Offensive Scout Player of the Year -- his third season to be listed on the Austin College football roster. Statistics from last fall also listed him as being involved in four games. In 2019, as a senior, he was listed on Bonham’s football roster on Max preps.com as a wide receiver and outside linebacker.
Ex-Purple Warrior again a WR on AC football team Colton Devoll. Austin courtesyCollegephoto
Ector volleyball gets first win DC, SR volleyball still ranked By Rich Hilliard Dodd City and Sam Rayburn remained ranked in the Texas Girls Coaches Association volleyball polls for Aug. 22. The Lady Hornets stayed at No. 8 in Class 1A where Fayetteville remained on top with Miller Grove at No. 23. The Lady Rebels slipped to No. 16 in 2A, which was now led by Jewett Leon and also included No. 8 Como-Pickton, No. 11 Tom Bean, No. 17 De troit and No. 24 Whitewright. Gunter rose to No. 2 behind Columbus in 3A, which also included No. 6 Chisum, No. 10 Prairiland and No. 18 S&S Consolidated.
By Rich Hilliard
Page 27 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 SPORTS • Natural & Manufactured Stone • Soils & Aggregates • Chopped Stone • Building Stone • Flagstone “SINCE 1997”JOHN 14:6 • Organic Bedding Soil • River Rock • Decorative Boulders • Mulches SAVOR THE FLAVOR OF AN ALL ORGANIC GARDEN THIS YEAR. WHERE WE ARE ALWAYS KID, PET AND PLANET FRIENDLY 903-893-3400 www.goodearthrocks.com 2816 Texoma Pkwy • Sherman, TX 75090 2/9/21 SOIL & MATERIALS BEST OF TEXOMA 2019 & 2020 Tambien Hablamos Espanol Sports Sponsored By: 230P.O.Fax(903)Bonham583-5522(903)583-2436Box160E.3rd Honey Grove (903) 378-2200 Fax (903)901P.O.378-2436Box9E.Main 7/22/14 FANNIN BANK Go to www.fanninbank.com for more information MEMBER 11-24-20 SPORTS Class 2A (I) HONEY GROVE WARRIORS Head Coach: Shane Fletcher (1stAugustseason) 26 Howe - Honey Grove September 2 Frost - Honey Grove 9 at Whitewright - Honey Grove 16 Simms James Bowie - Honey Grove 23 Open Date 30 *at Alba-Golden - Honey Grove October 7 *at Rivercrest - Honey Grove 14 *Quinlan Boles - Honey Grove 21 *at Cooper - Honey Grove 28 *Wolfe City - Honey Grove November 4 *Como-Pickton - Honey Grove 2022 Fannin County Football Standings CompiledRichbyHilliard Class 1A (II) FANNINDEL FALCONS Head Coach: Denver Bowden (1stAugustseason) 25 +Bluff Dale - Fannindel September 2 Saint Jo - Fannindel 9 Plano CHANT - Fannindel 16 Bowie Gold-Burg - Fannindel 23 at Savoy - Fannindel 30 Mesquite Founders - Fannindel October 7 North Texas - Fannindel 14 Open Date 21 *Apple Springs - Fannindel 28 *Trinidad - Fannindel November 4 *at Oakwood - Fannindel +at Ovilla *DistrictChristian9-1A-II *District 9-2A-I Class 2A (I) TRENTON TIGERS Head Coach: Josh Shipman (4thAugustseason) 26 at Celeste - Trenton September 2 at Chico - Trenton 9 Detroit - Trenton 16 Leonard - Trenton 23 Cumby - Trenton 30 Open Date October 7 *at Alvord - Trenton 14 *Nocona - Trenton 21 *at Whitewright - Trenton 28 *at Tioga - Trenton November 4 *Tom Bean - Trenton *District 6-2A-I
Alli KirkpatrickBreauna Killgo
Class 3A (II) photos by Rich BONHAMHilliard -- Most mem bers of Bonham’s 2019 regional quarterfinalist vol leyball team have now de parted the Lady Warriors’ roster. lossesPlay-inthe last two seasons have left Bonham out of the postseason. Headed by the two re maining members of that three-round postseason team, the Lady Warriors will look in 2022 to return to the playoffs, to duo’s high school careers. Seniors Alli Kirkpatrick and Breauna Killgo return, as Emily Vanderburg’s tenure as Bonham’s head coach begins. Kirkpatrick, an Angelo State commit, will look for an encore to her 2021 ef fort for the Lady Warriors: District 11-3A hitter of the year and an all-state selec tion in Class 3A from the Texas Girls Coaches As sociation. Meanwhile, Killgo earned a first-team all-district se lection and Kate Bounds, who returns for her junior year, garnered a secondteam spot in 2021 for Bon ham, which will continue to vie for the next two sea sons in Realignment11-3A. in February didn’t greatly affect 11-3A -- just losing Whitewright which dropped into 2A -- and still includes yearly State championship con tender Gunter.
LEONARD TIGERS Head Coach: Justin Dozier (1stAugustseason) 26 Wolfe City - Leonard September 2 at Commerce - Leonard 9 +Hughes Springs - Leonard 16 at Trenton - Leonard 23 Tom Bean - Leonard 30 Open Date October 7 *at Howe - Leonard 14 *Lone Oak - Leonard 21 *at Blue Ridge - Leonard 28 *at Gunter - Leonard November 4 *Bells - Leonard + at Prairiland HS *District 8-3A-II CLASS 3A (I) BONHAM WARRIORS Head Coach: Kyle Dezern (3rdAugustseason) 26 S & S - Bonham September 2 +Scurry-Rosser - Bonham 9 North Lamar - Bonham 16 at Callisburg - Bonham 23 *Commerce - Bonham 30 *at Mt. Vernon - Bonham October 7 *Pottsboro - Bonham 14 *at Mineola - Bonham 21 District Bye 28 *Winnsboro - Bonham November 4 *at Emory Rains - Bonham +Royse*DistrictCity 5-3A-I Fannindel I.S.D. Faculty, Staff & School Board Proud to Support Our Students! Go Falcons!! Sponsored by Locations: • Leonard • Trenton • Melissa • Bonham https://captex.bank/ TEAM!GO Sponsored bySponsored by Honey ProudlyISDGroveSupportsOurWarriors!GoTeam! www.fnbtrenton.bank TEAM!GO Sponsored by https://captex.bank/ Locations: • Leonard • Trenton • Melissa • Bonham Class 1A (I) SAVOY CARDINALS Head Coach: Jacob Guzman (1stAugustseason) 26 at Lucas Christian - Savoy September 2 at Melissa CHANT - Savoy 9 Irving Faustina - Savoy 16 Garland Christian - Savoy 23 Ladonia Fannindel - Savoy 30 at Fruitvale - Savoy October 7 WF Christian - Savoy 14 Open Date 21 *Campbell - Savoy 28 *at Union Hill - Savoy November 4 *at Saint Jo - Savoy *District 10-1A-I We oursupportproudlyCardinals! Sponsored by www.savoyisd.orgDistrict phone: 903-965-5262 SAVOY I.S.D. Relay for Life • Saturday, September 17th at the Courthouse Seeking A Similar Sendoff: Seniors Kirkpatrick, Killgo lead Bonham’s attempt in ‘22 to return to v’ball playoffs Story and

About CFT’s North Texas Giving Day Communities Foundation of Texas’ North Texas Giving Day is our region’s annual 18-hour online giving ex travaganza benefitting the 20 counties of North Texas. The day is powered by creative nonprofits, social media activ ism, area wide collaboration, and of course, you! North Texas Giving Day’s goal is to make giving easy for donors, while helping build aware ness and support for local nonprofits. Since 2009, Com munities Foundation of Texas has presented North Texas Giving Day, an annual com munity-wide giving event that has raised more than $440 million for thousands of local charities through the NorthTexasGivingDay.orgwww. website. In 2021, this leading, community-wide giving event raised more than $66 million from more than 100,000 do nors. About FoundationCommunitiesofTexas Presenting North Texas Giv ing Day is one of many ways Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) serves as a hub for philanthropy in North Tex as. With the goal of building a thriving community for all, CFT leads strategic grant making initiatives, profes sionally manages more than 1,200 charitable funds for families, companies, founda tions and nonprofits and has awarded more than $2 billion in grants since its founding in 1953. www.cftexas.org www. facebook.com/CFTexas www.twitter.com/GiveWiselyor
of these volunteer opportunities
New HomecomingCemeteryHopeAllens Chapel-Vineyard Grove CemeteryHomecomingAssociation SeptemberSunday,25, 2022 The New Hope Cemetery Homcom ing will be held on September 18, 2022 at fellowship hall at Ivanhoe Baptist Church.Abasket lunch will be served at 12:30 followed by the business meeting, We have been unable to meet for past two years so we would like to have you come, If you are unable to attend please send donations to: Linda Myracle 2339 CR Telephone,TX.2145 75488 Please bring a covered dish and join us for lunch at the Allens Chapel Community Center at 12 noon. If you have a loved one or friend buried at either cem etery, we urge you to make a donation to support us. We are a non-profit organization. If you are unable to attend, donations can be sent to: Allens Chapel-Vineyard Grove Cemetery %DonnaAssociationRyser, Treasurer 4227 CR 2765 Honey Grove, TX 75446
KTCK-FM/AM, WBAP-AM, KLIF-AM & KLIF-FM, D CEO, Dallas Doing Good, The Dallas Morning News, Local Profile, MySweetChar ity, Telemundo and WFAAChannel 8
Get involved with any serving Collin County, Cooke County, Dallas County, Den ton County, Ellis County, Erath Coun ty Fannin County Grayson County, Hood County, Hunt County, Johnson County, Kaufman County, Montague County, Navarro County, Palo Pinto County, Parker Coun ty, Rockwall County, Somervell County, Tarrant County, and WiseSupportCountyfor Com munities Foundation of Tex as’ 14th annual North Texas Giving Day has been com mitted so far by Amazon; Communities Foundation of Texas; Hunt Cares; Arlington Tomorrow Foundation; The Ramesh and Kalpana Bha tia Family Foundation; Sid W. Richardson Foundation; Charles Schwab Bank South west; The Dallas Foundation; Whole Foods Market; Amon G. Carter Foundation; The Meadows Foundation; Gran ville C. and Gladys H. Morton Fund; Lyda Hill Philanthro pies; Allstate; Clara Blackford Smith & W. Aubrey Smith Charitable Foundation; Bank of America, N.A.; Popolo Family Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas; Texas Women’s Foundation; Energy Transfer; Scheels; The Addy Foundation; and Jain Foun dation Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas. In-kind sponsors include On-Air Media, Texas Live!, Texadia Systems, AT&T Discovery District, Reunion Tower, and Grandscape. Media sponsors include Community Impact Newspaper, Culture Map, Cumulus Media Dal las-KSCS-FM, KPLX-FM,
Page 28 • August 30, 2022 • 903-583-3280 4/5/22 - Walk-ins Welcome - Family (Adult & Children) Dentistry - Extraction including Wisdom teeth removal - Implants - Crowns & Bridges - Root Canals including Molar Root Canal - Dentures including immediate dentures, implant support dentures, flexible denture, etc. - Teeth Whitening - Nitrous Oxide sedation, etc. - All Dental Emergency Services 1400 N Center St. Suite 100 Bonham, Texas OFFICE HOURS: 10:00am - 6:00pm (M-F), 9:00am - 2:00pm (Alternate Saturdays) 903-304-5808greatsmile@horatiodental.comwww.horatiodental.com Now Hiring: Spanish Dental Assistant & Front Desk Help needed. Continued from page 22 Giving Day For more information and to register as a volunteer or event sponsor, go here.