organizers, the Bike Rally committee, the Fannin county Amateur Radio Club, local county police chiefs and sponsors, the Chamber successfully brought back the ride after a 3-year hiatus, welcoming 200 riders in 2023. Autumn in Bonham holds the distinction of being a Century Mile ride and fea
recognize familiar landmarks along the 24-, 40-, 65- & 100mile paved routes and enjoy riding by Bois D’Arc Lake, a new county attraction. Riders that prefer gravel now have 3 routes to choose: a 25-mile, 45 mile and a 70-mile option. Residents and visitors will also be able to enjoy a full day of festival activities around the Fannin County
and running until 4:00pm.
Joining the fun will be a Vector Systems sponsored Bonham Car Show! Where check in and registration will be in the town square starting at 9:00am.
Rest Stop sponsors will be asked to decorate their assigned stops with a theme this year to make the event a
bit more fun for the riders, some who travel hundreds of miles to participate in one of Texas’s oldest bike rides, established in 1982.
To register as a rider, go to https://www.bikereg.com/ autumn-in-bonham. For volunteer, sponsorship & vendor information go to www.bonhamchamber.com or contact the Bonham Area Chamber
By Rose Schwartz
Tuesday, September 10, 2024, Fannin County Judge
Newt Cunningham called to order at 8:50 a.m., a Special Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. Quorum was established with all County Commissioners and County Judge present.
2. Hear comments regarding Special Exception applications to reduce road frontage from 100’ to a minimum of 60’ on cul-desacs and curved roads: After Judge Cunningham read the “a – e” list of properties involved and Commissioner Kopf noted the CR listed in item “a” needed to be changed from CR 2949 to CR 2945, FC Development Services Director Di Hopkins noted this involved 2 different developers and listed the lots comprising the properties. She then gave a brief explanation of the requirements met for these requests to be approved, how there were none protesting this action, and noted the Bois d’Arc Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval. There were no other speakers.
a. Bridgewater: ID# 75376, 548 CR 2949 in Dodd City, TX
b. Cypress Point: ID# 81843, CR 2955 in Honey Grove, TX
c. Cypress Point: ID# 81844, 128261, 128422, 128425, CR 2955 in Honey Grove, TX
d. Cypress Point: ID# 128916, CR 2960 in Honey Grove, TX
e. Cypress Point: ID# 81847, 1604 CR 2955 in Dodd City, TX
3. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:57 a.m.
On the same day at 9:01 a.m., Judge Cunningham called to order the Regular Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. After he noted Quorum was established, the Invocation was led by Fannin County Treasurer David Woodson and Pledges were led by Major James Manis, Retired.
4. Introductions: Judge Cunningham recognized Fannin County Elect Commissioner for Precinct 1, Troy Waggoner.
5. Public Forum: FC resident Molly Hayes reminded people there are 8 weeks until election day with Oct 7th being the last day to register to vote. She noted those who will turn 18 years of age between now and November 5 can register to vote in this election and advised that Diana Ivy at the County Clerk’s Office can answer any questions regarding registration.
6. Approve payment of bills – County Auditor: FC Auditor Alicia Whipple noted the bills were $133,633.60. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Magness, seconded by Commissioner Kopf and passed.
7. Approve minutes from 06/05/2024 (S) and 06/11/2024 (S) – County Clerk: A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Magness, seconded by Commissioner McQueen and
8. Approve Fannin County Commissioners Court dates, pay periods and holidays for calendar year 2025 – County Treasurer: Mr. Woodson spoke regarding the annual approval of these dates and pay periods before presenting a request by some to have 12/24, 12/25, & 12/26 off this year and have the extra holiday taken from the Presidents or Columbus Day designated day off. Commissioner Magness, citing possible complications arising from that, stated he felt the designated time off should stay the way it is and made the motion to approve the court dates, pay periods and holidays for calendar 2025. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McQueen and passed.
9. Report of monies collected by Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 office for August 2024; $2,091.50 –County Judge (for JP 2): Informational only.
10. Report of monies collected by Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 office for August 2024; $4,880.80 –County Judge (for JP3): Informational only. DISCUSSION, CONSIDERATION AND ACTION ITEMS:
11. Approve Proclamation stating September 2024 as Suicide Prevention Month in Fannin County – County Judge for Bill Wilson: Board Member Bill Wilson of what used to be Fannin County Behavioral Health Leadership Team that is now Community Well TX and President/CEO Stephanie Chandler of Community Well TX, were at court in support of Suicide Prevention Month. Mr. Wilson advised Fannin County has one of the highest suicide rates in the state and invited the public to take part in the “Walk 4 Hope” event to fight suicide, being held Saturday, September 28th at Legacy Ridge Country Club in Bonham at 8:00 a.m.
12. Cancel or extend current Fannin County Burn Ban – Emergency Management Coordinator: FC Emergency Management Coordinator Troy Hudson reported multiple fires having broken out recently and stressed the Burn Ban be
continued another week as there has been no improvement to the dry conditions in the county. He further advised the Burn Ban is being enforced and tickets are being written for violations. Commissioner Magness made the motion the Burn Ban be continued another week with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.
13. Authorize County Auditor to move $1,000.00 from Forfeiture Funds (560103-560) to Miscellaneous (560-560-4900) for the payment of a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Fee – Sheriff Johnson: This was passed on.
14. Approve TAC County Information Resources Agency (CIRA) services agreement for website hosting – I.T. Director: FC I.T. Director Dustin Morrow spoke on the need for this annual renewal with Civil Attorney Andy Garner agreeing with Mr. Morrow while noting that some of the language in the agreement would need minor revision he would work with TAC to correct. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.
15. Approve soliciting Request for Proposals (RFPs) for outside audit services, including single audits – County Auditor: Ms. Whipple explained how the previous accountant, Chris Rutledge, with Rutledge Crain & Co PC, had retired, which necessitated this action. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner McQueen seconding the motion which passed.
16. Approve retaining Steven L. Crain Consulting for Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) schedule – County Auditor: Ms. Whipple first noted items 17 & 18 were attached to this request before explaining how Fannin County had long been served well by this company but with Chris Rutledge’s retirement, Mr. Crain could only offer consultation services. She further explained how because of the good business relationship had for many years with Fannin County, Mr. Crain’s fee ($8,600) for services was much lower than other comparable firms and might result in a lowering of fees for the outside audit service. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness to approve with Commissioner McQueen seconding the mo-
tion which passed.
17. Approve retaining Steven L. Crain Consulting for the Custodial Funds –County Auditor: See item 16.
18. Approve retaining Steven L. Crain Consulting for assistance with Trial Balances, Capital Assets, Payroll, Fines Receivables, Accounts Payables, etc. –County Auditor: See item 16.
19. Action regarding Bois d’Arc Lake Zoning Commission recommendation for Special Exception application to reduce road frontage from 100’ to a minimum of 60’ on cul-de-sacs and curved roads; Bridgewater: ID# 75376, 548 CR 2949 in Dodd City, TX – Development Services Director: After Judge Cunningham read the agenda item, Commissioner Kopf once again noted the CR on this property should read 2945. Judge Cunningham then read agenda item 20 with the a – d list of properties for a motion to be made on both agenda items.
See Commissioners on page 9
By Rich Hilliard
The Lady Cardinals joined the 1A rankings at No. 21, Dodd City slipped to No. 14 and defending 1A State champion Blum remained on top.
Both Savoy and the Lady Hornets will vie next month in District 21-1A.
By Rich Hilliard
Regular season football has begun for Fannin County's six varsity football teams in 2024. Just a couple of weeks into it, all have found the win column. Newcomers Phillip Eddins at Fannindel and Aaron Stiefer at Savoy have garnered the inaugural win of their respective head coaching tenures at the schools.
District 10-2A's Whitewright at No. 21 entered the 2A rankings. Crawford also remained on top in 2A, followed by No. 4 Detroit and No. 5 North Hopkins.
Bells rose to No. 7 and Blue Ridge entered at No. 21, giving 11-3A two teams in the 3A poll,
where defending 3A State champion Bushland regained the top spot. No. 17 Texarkana Pleasant Grove, No. 19 Paris North Lamar and No. 21 Paris equated now a trio of teams from Bonham's District 14-4A in the 4A rankings. Wimberley again led the 4A poll.
By Rich Hilliard
By Rose Schwartz
Monday, September 9, 2024, before Mayor H.L. Compton called to order at 5:30 p.m. the monthly meeting of the Bonham City Council, noting Quorum established with all Council Members and himself present, Pastor Mark Posey of the First Congregational Church of Bonham, led attendees in an Invocation.
1. Consider and take action to approve minutes of the August 12th regular meeting and the August 20th special meeting: A motion to approve was made by Councilman John Barnett with Councilman Kevin Hayes seconding the motion which passed.
2. Consider and take action to accept the financial report for the month ending August 31, 2024: Bonhams Director of Administrative Services Sarah Osburn referred the council to the
report given them and explained the sales tax data for August was not yet available. A motion to accept the report was made by Councilman Ernie Quintana, seconded by Kevin Hayes and passed.
3. Citizens Opportunity to Speak: [The City Council invites persons with comments or observations to briefly address the Council for the limited purpose of determining whether the matter should be referred to staff for study and response and/or be placed on a future meeting agenda.
Local practice limits comments to three (3) minutes or less. State law prohibits the City Council from considering deliberations on any item not listed on the posted City Council Agenda.]: A resident of Graham St. in Bonham spoke first to call attention to two problem areas in the city with the first being the corner of 10th & Starr St. where many vehicles are parked
in the yard of a residence, the nearby Catholic Church would like to see cleaned up. The second site is an abandoned house next to his, whose dilapidated condition has posed problems for him for several years. He requested the city please assist him as he has had to regularly pay an exterminator to keep the insect and vermin population in check. Attorney Geoffrey Keller with Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, spoke to ask the city to delay the decision of replacing his firm with another until he could have an opportunity to give his presentation. A resident of FM 1629 spoke to ask about a reservation her and her husband made to use the Multi-Purpose Complex in June of 2025 for a community charity event. Last to speak was an Officer with
the Bonham Police Department who urged the city to consider the pay scale being offered to police officers from neighboring municipalities that causes personnel to be lured away from Bonham. His desire is for Bonham to be competitive enough to not lose good officers due to pay.
4. Presentation of plaque to Employee of the Quarter: Mayor Compton presented the Employee of the Quarter award for the 3rd quarter to Stella Stewart who was commended for all her diligent work as camp host at Lake Bonham including the above and beyond efforts of planting flowers at her own expense to keep the campgrounds beautiful. Congratulations to Stella Stewart!
5. Presentation of Proclamation for Bois D’Arc Festival: Mayor Compton read
a proclamation designating September 20 – 21 as Bois d’Arc Festival Days before State Farm Account Manager
Andrea Lappin who is also President of the Bois d’Arc Festival Days Board, described the 2-day community event that will include live music, shopping, food trucks, a cornhole tournament and an overall good time. All proceeds to benefit Fannin County First Responders.
6. Hold public hearing and consider and take action on an ordinance adopting the fiscal year 20242025 operating budget for the City of Bonham: Mayor Compton began the public hearing at 5:43 with Sarah Osburn reporting on the contents of the budget noting that the Police Department was receiving the largest of the wage increases. She con-
cluded her report stating the highlights of the budget as being “a balanced budget, a lower tax rate for our citizens, higher wages for our employees and we tried to improve our benefit plan.” After some discussion regarding budgeting for the street department and City Manager Sean Pate commenting on the city “being a subdivision away from really taking off” that will help the city change for the better, the hearing was closed at 5:49 p.m. Mr. Pate read the ordinance and Councilman Wayne Moore made the motion to approve with Ernie Quintana seconding the motion which passed.
City Council on page 17
Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.
20. Action regarding Bois d’Arc Lake Zoning Commission recommendation for Special Exception applications to reduce road frontage from 100’ to a minimum of 60’ on culde-sacs and curved roads
– Development Services
Director: See item 19.
a. Cypress Point: ID# 81843, CR 2955 in Honey Grove, TX
b. Cypress Point: ID#’s 81844, 128261, 128422, 128425, CR 2955 in Honey Grove, TX
c. Cypress Point: ID# 128916, CR 2960 in Honey Grove, TX
d. Cypress Point: ID# 81847, 1604 CR 2955 in Dodd City, TX
21. Approve rental of Hitachi ZX60 Mini Excavator with a 48” ditch bucket from ASCO Rentals for one month; $3,198.00 from fund 210621-4600 (Rentals/Leases)
– Commissioner Precinct 1: After explaining the need for this equipment, Commissioner McQueen made the motion to approve with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.
22. Approve distribution of $2,311.56 received from the 2024 Comptroller Capital Credits for Fannin County – County Judge: Judge Cunningham and Ms. Whipple led a discussion why this year’s amount was lesser than the previous year and at the discussion’s conclusion, it was decided the entire amount should be presented to the Children’s Center. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness for the funds to go to the
Children's Center with Commissioner McQueen seconding the motion which passed.
23. Discussion and possible action regarding GovOS and Fannin County – County Judge: Judge Cunningham led a discussion regarding communication had with the company the county engaged to handle influx of hotel tax revenue to the county. He noted an offer from that company to possibly continue using the service at no charge for a year before Ms. Whipple added there is an ongoing discussion with them. No action needed.
24. Discussion and action to have any agenda items for the October 1, 2024 Commissioners Court due by noon on Thursday, September 19, 2024 – County Judge: In response to a question from Commissioner Magness as to why this was needed, Judge Cunningham’s Administrative Assistant Lisa Loiselle explained she would not be in the office the week of September 23 to add those agenda items for October 1. No action needed.
OPEN DISCUSSION ITEMS: Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the Court or a Citizen.
25. Subdivision Committee and Subdivision Policy –County Judge: Passed on.
26. Courthouse repairs and litigation – County Judge: Judge Cunningham commented on a water catching device to prevent water collecting in the basement that will need to be approved by the Historical Commission for use at the courthouse.
27. Justice Center – County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted temporary lighting has been installed inside the building in preparation for
By Teacher/Coach
Ricky Beeler
The Fightin’ Falcons football team traveled to Savoy last week for their first road game of the season. The bird fight ended with the maroon Cardinals on top by a score of 38-13. Hopefully the boys in black and gold can get back in the win column this Friday night at Heritage High in Rockwall.
Homecoming ‘24 is scheduled for Saturday September 28th vs Founders Classical Academy of Mesquite. The Fannindel High Classes that end in a 4 are to be recognized this year at halftime or pregame, I’ll know for certain in the coming weeks.
School picture day was Tuesday at Fannindel Elementary as well as Grandparents Day for lunch. Many grandparents attended and enjoyed the meal as well as the excitement from their grandchildren having their grandparents eat with them in their school cafeteria! Slow week this week, that’s
pending work. He touched on the meeting to be held September 19th that will precede more activity.
28. County budget and revenue sources – County Judge: No significant update.
29. Water issues affecting Fannin County – County Judge: Commissioner Kopf noted the first meeting of the county water agency would be on the 24th of this month at the Derrell Hall Center at 2505 North Center St. in Bonham at 4:00 p.m.
30. Fannin County road issues – County Judge: Passed on.
31. Solar and wind farms – County Judge: Judge Cunningham referenced a discussion he had with a State Representative who had commented on a bill she is working on to present in Austin that would deal with limiting Solar & Wind farms.
32. Emergency Medical Services – County Judge: FC resident Jason Walker spoke to question whether the new Allegiance Ambulance service that is to begin servicing the county October 1, will be held to their promise to provide service with a response time of no longer than 15 minutes as he had doubts about that being possible with where they are stationing their ambulances. He also questioned why agreements between Allegiance and the surrounding FROs (first responder organizations) were not yet in place. Judge Cunningham advised Mr. Walker that he was informed of ongoing determination being made regarding the best ambulance placement locations (Ector had been deselected as a site) as well as agreement documentation ongoing with the local volunteer fire departments. He cited Troy Hudson as a contact for more information on the matter.
33. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, Commissioners Court reserves the right to meet in Executive Session to consult with their attorney – County Judge: Executive Session was entered into at 10:04 a.m. with Regular Session resuming at 10:25 a.m.
34. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074, Commissioners Court reserves the right to meet in Executive Session to discuss personnel issues – County Judge: See item 33.
35. Consider and take action regarding matters discussed in Executive Session – County Judge: After clarifying with Ms. Whipple regarding rules of funding professional services this late in the fiscal year, a motion was made by Commissioner McQueen to hire a forensic expert at a fee of $17,500 to come out of the 2024/2025 contingency fund with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion which passed. Discussion followed regarding additional 202 depositions that are yet to be conducted.
36. Comments by County Commissioners and County Judge: Commissioner McQueen thanked everyone who stayed for the length of the meeting and encouraged all to enjoy the recent pleasant weather.
Commissioner Self echoed Commissioner McQueen’s comments and wished all a good week. Commissioner Magness wished all a good week.
Commissioner Kopf also wished all a good week and encouraged prayers for rain. Judge Cunningham voiced his appreciation for everyone’s attendance and
a look at work planned in the district for the week starting Sept. 9, 2024. These schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other unforeseen issues.
Fannin County: FM 1753, at the Brushy Creek bridge. FM 1753 at the Brushy Creek bridge is closed to through traffic as crews remove and replace the bridge structure and roadway approaches. During the closure, traffic is asked to use FM 2645, FM 898, US 82, and FM 1752 as the detour route.
FM 274, from SH 78 to FM 1753. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway to an overall width of 26 feet. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone. FM 274 at Sandy Creek bridge is closed to thru traffic while the contractor replaces the existing bridge. During the closure traffic is asked to use FM 1753 and SH 78 as the detour. SH 56 at Bois d’Arc Creek. SH 56 at Bois d’Arc creek is reduced to one lane with a signal in place to control traffic as crews work to remove and replace the bridge railing. Motorists should expect delays as signals control traffic through the construction zone. SH 56 at Hutchins Creek and Caney Creek. SH 56 at Hutchins creek and Caney creek will be reduced to one lane with a signal in place to control traffic beginning the week of September 23, as crews work to remove and replace the bridge railing as well as perform bridge repairs. Motorists should expect delays as signals control traffic through the construction zone.
SH 121 overpass at US 69. The SH 121 overpass at US 69 will be closed to thru traffic beginning the week of September 9, as crews work to perform bridge repairs. All traffic will be required to take the exit for US 69 and then will be able to take the next entrance ramp back onto SH 121. A temporary signal will be in place to control traffic on SH 121 and US 69 during this closure. Motorists should expect delays as signals control traffic through the construction zone.
CR 4020 at Caney Creek. CR 4020 at Caney Creek is closed to through traffic to allow for replacement of the bridge. During the closure traffic is asked to use CR 4025 as a detour.
FM 68, from SH 78 to FM 271. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway to an overall width of 28 feet. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
SH 78, from US 82 to the Oklahoma State line. Watch for daytime shoulder closures and occasional lane closures as workers install sloped-end treatments on drainage structures and replace bridge rail and guardrail.
FM 100, from SH 56 to FM 2216. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
FM 271, from SH 78 to FM 68. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
FM 1743, from US 82 north to end of State maintenance. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform base repairs and blade leveling on the roadway.
The Friends of the Bonham SNAP Center is currently involved in an effort to raise funds. An 8½” x 11” journal will be printed to inform the general public in Fannin County of the programs and services that are available at The Bonham Senior Center.
Thank you for your consideration.
P.O. BOX 701 • BONHAM, TEXAS 75418
9-21-21 - 10-19-21
Fannin County Family Crisis Center
24 Hour Hotline 903-583-7000
When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. 7:00pm Where: 1190 Hwy 56 W. Bonham.
Pastor: Steven Luton, 903-583-4346
Gathering Time Ranch wants to invite everyone to join us for our 2024 events. The Ranch is located at 487 CR 2105
Ivanhoe, TX. 75447. Call 903-227-7969 for more information!
• Oct. 5th Annual Gathering
@ The Ranch with Paul Daley with Wild Horse Ministries • Dec. 6th Spanish Christmas Drive Through • Dec. 13th Christmas Drive Through
By Mike Dickison Minister for the Ivanhoe Church of Christ
Peter stated that Jesus “is the stone which” “is become the head of the corner” (Acts 4:11), he continues to explain that “neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). If we miss Jesus as the most important person to ever walk the earth, we will miss heaven. The Lord said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). When Thomas recognized Jesus after His death, burial, and resurrection, he declared “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). The King of kings and Lord of lords is our great example to follow. Jesus is our example in selfdenial. He said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). Christ prayed,
“O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt” (Matthew 26:39), and then went to the cross. The Lord is our example in service. After washing the apostles’ feet, He stated that “I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you” (John 13:15). Paul reminds us that we must “by love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13) Christ is our example in humility and obedience. Paul teaches us that Jesus, “being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross (Philippians 2:8). The Son of God is our example in forgiveness. Paul encourages us to “Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye” (Colossians 3:13). The Lord is our example in living and being part of God’s
plan. We find these inspired words, “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus” (Hebrews 3:1). We also find that we are to be willing to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ, “because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps” (1 Peter 2:21). We find that apostles for the example of Christ, after being beaten, “hey departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name” (Acts 5:41). Paul stated that “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).
Let us follow Christ’s example in self-denial, service, humility and obedience, forgiveness, living God’s plan, and being willing to suffer for Christ.
Hello everyone!
This week’s message comes from John 14:1-6. Jesus is reassuring us, just as He reassured His disciples, that faith in Him is faith in God. To know Jesus Christ is to know the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His words, actions, and miracles give us the confidence that He will make good on His promise that He is preparing a great place for us, so that we can be with Him. He also reminds us that we, as Christians, have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. His words, in this passage, are comforting and encouraging to us when we face hard times.
Think about whenever you take a trip to somewhere that you’ve never been before. Usually, the trip back home is a lot less stressful than the outbound trip, because you are much more familiar with the way home. In verse 5, Thomas asks Jesus, “If we don’t know where You are going, how can You say that we know the way there?” This is reminiscent of our sense of human accomplishment, in that we set an end goal and work toward it. We must remember that salvation cannot be attained by good works (see Titus 3:5 and Ephesians 2:8-9). Jesus’ answer to Thomas reminds
us of the concept of salvation by Grace, through faith, and denies the concept of multiple paths to salvation. Jesus did not tell the disciples that they know the destination, but they do know the Way. This assures us that salvation is not a process, but through Jesus Christ, and Him only. We know the Way, because Jesus is the Way. There is no way to strive to earn Heaven, we can only seek to follow after Him. This is how we are meant to know God (see John 14:7).
In 1633, George Herbert wrote a classic hymn that comes from the message in this passage.
“Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: such a way as gives us breath; such a truth as ends all strife; such a life as killeth death. Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength: such a light as shows a feast; such a feast as mends in length; such a strength as makes a guest. Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: such a joy as none can move; such a love as none can part; such a heart as joys in love.”
If you are looking for a good church home, we invite you to come visit us, and be part of our church family and worship at Central Baptist Church. Visitors are
Press Release - This month, our club meeting will be held at the Sam Rayburn House before Farm Heritage Day. We will have the business done and set up to activate Parks On The Air (POTA) and demonstrate radio operations throughout the day.
Other activities we have going on for the next few weeks include support for Autumn In Bonham Bike Rally in October. We will provide communication for the SAG vehicles and at each rest stop.
our honored guests, and we hope to see you this coming Sunday!
Bro. Josh Stevenson
In November, we will once again be doing hotdogs with the Spirit of Giving alongside the other organizations at First Presbyterian Church. In December, we will prepare for officer elections at our December meeting (currently scheduled to be at the Windom Feed Sack), and planning the big events for 2025. It is flying up on us! So don't forget, September meeting will be at the Sam Rayburn House September 21 at 0900 (9:00 a.m.) and guests are welcome. Follow us on Facebook at Fannin County Amateur Radio Club or at our website www. K5FRC.org
Leonard First Assembly of God, 108 Pecan Leonard, Texas 469-450-9777
Ivanhoe Baptist Church 4063 NO.FM 273 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 (903)583-2359
Allen’s Point Baptist Church 310 CR 2775 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903378-7038
Bailey Bible Baptist Church 205 Leslie Bailey, Texas 75413
Bethlehem Baptist Church “The House of Bread” 1415 Franklin Avenue, Bonham, TX 7541 Office: 903-583-8061
Lamasco Baptist Church 346 CR 2615 Telephone, Texas 75488
Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church Hwy 121 & Edhube Road 903-583-1671
Boyd Baptist Church 3707 St. Hwy. 78 N Bonham, Texas Phone (903) 583-7288
Calvary Baptist Church 913 S. 5th St Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3910
Central Baptist Church (Fundmental, Independent) 709 Union Ave. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 505-4124
Corinth Baptist Church 277 CR 1150 N. of Bonham on Highway 78 903 583 2750
Dial Baptist Church 16816 FM 1550 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-378-7070
Duplex Baptist Church 313 CR 2102 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-664-3175
Ector Baptist Church P.O. Box 248 Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2175
Edhube Baptist Church 595 FM 2815 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-2840
Elwood Baptist Intersection of CR 2125 and CR 2544 near Ivanhoe, Texas
Faith Independent Baptist Church 12676 W Hwy 82 Savoy, Tx 75479 903-965-5517
First Baptist Church of Bailey PO Box 221 Bailey, Texas 75413 (903) 583-0732
First Baptist Church of Bonham 710 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-0732
First Baptist Church of Dodd City PO Box 47 Dodd City, Texas 75438-0047 (903)583-4465
First Baptist Church of Honey Grove PO Box 124 Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903)378-2768
First Baptist Church of Ladonia 301 East Main Ladonia, Texas 75449-100 (903)367-7038
First Baptist Church of Leonard 100 East Thomas St. [PO Box 1146] Leonard, TX 75452 (903) 587-2250
First Baptist Church of Pecan Gap PO Box 100 Pecan Gap, Texas 75469 (903)359-6683
First Baptist Church of Randolph PO Box 14 Randolph, Texas 75475 (903)583-6900
First Baptist Church of Savoy .O. Box 177 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4160
First Baptist Church of Trenton PO Box 157 Trenton, Texas 75490 (903)989-2319
First Fannin Baptist Hispanic Church Rt. 4 Box 10 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-5727
Gober Baptist Church P.O. Box 82 Wolfe City, Texas 75496 (903) 583-2378
Grace Reformed Baptist Church 2800 10th St Honey Grove TX gracerbcbonham.com
Honey Grove Cowboy Church
3050 Hwy 100 North Honey Grove, TX
Joyful Light Baptist Church 4695 FM 2645 Savoy, TX 75418 903-436-5440
Little Bethel Baptist Church PO Box 63 Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7708
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Rt 1 Box 101B, PO Box 73, Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7009
New Home Baptist Church 1300 N Maple St. Bonham 903-583-4509
New Zion Baptist Church 627 County Road 1265 Bonham, TX 75418 903-961-2027
Pilgram Rest Baptist Church 703 Agusta St. Trenton, Texas
Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 1409 W. Market St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (615) 448-8802
Ravenna Baptist Church 100 Elm Street Ravenna, Texas 75476
Rising Son Cowboy Church 1526 CR 2010 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-640-3377
Sandy Baptist Church Ravenna, Texas 75476 (903) 583-9546
Seventh & Main Baptist Church 617 N. Main Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-8679
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 601 S. 4th St. Bonham, TX 469-207-1141
Telephone Baptist Church located on FM 273 in Telephone Office phone: 903-664-2377
Primera Iglesia Baustia Hispana 1134 FM 273 Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-5727
Trinity Baptist Church 219 W. Denison Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3388
Valley Creek Baptist Church 3615 FM 896, Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-2386
Westside Baptist Church 912 W. Commerce St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 903-249-2987
TX 75492 (903) 623-2215
Are You A Christian? Do you serve God?
Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
The Church is a hospital for sinners. include and make time for GOD this Sunday
Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Don't Religion? I would my life as is a God find out there than live isn't and find out is. include time for this
Ephesians - Having understanding darkened, alienated from of God through ignorance them, because blindness of
(TPWD) staff found an estimated 34.3 million mourning doves in Texas, the third highest estimated population in survey history. Whitewinged dove populations have increased four percent, becoming the new record high with an estimated 12.8 million this year.
1. Spring population surveys conducted by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
“Given the conditions and the number of birds, as long as the weather holds this month, hunters should expect a very good early season
throughout most of the state,” said Owen Fitzsimmons, TPWD Webless Migratory Game Bird Program Leader. “Summer rains should also result in a good late crop of native forbs (weeds and flowering plants) seeding out just in time for some late season hunting for anyone still chasing doves after September.” With food and water still plentiful on the landscape, birds may be scattered in some areas, though as the August heat creates dryer conditions, hunters may still find larger concentrations of birds at watering holes. Doves typically feed and water twice a day, so patterning where doves are going throughout the day is the best recipe for success. Hunters should look for doves feeding in and around agricultural fields, or look for stands of common sunflower, croton and other native annual forbs and grasses. In areas with thick vegetation, hunters should be extra diligent about marking birds they hit and spend extra time looking for downed birds, as necessary.
Texas is home to seven species of native doves and pigeons, including the three legal game species- mourning, white-winged and whitetipped doves. Texas accounts for 30 percent of the total mourning doves and 85 percent of the total white-winged doves harvested in the U.S. each year, far more than any other state.
TPWD officials remind hunters to prepare for the heat and make sure they are packing all the essentials for a day in the field. They should bring plenty of water to stay hydrated and take measures to stay cool in a shaded area. The same is true for canine hunting partners, be sure to have plenty of water for them and make sure they don’t overheat early in the season.
The regular dove seasons:
North Zone: Sept. 1-Nov. 10, resuming Dec. 20, 2024 –Jan. 7, 2025
Central Zone: Sept. 1-Oct.
27, resuming Dec. 13, 2024 –Jan. 14, 2025
South Zone: Sept. 14-Oct. 27, resuming Dec. 13, 2024 –Jan. 21, 2025
For the third straight year, there will be six Special White-Winged Dove Days and hunters should be aware of the changes in date this year: Sunday, Sept. 1 – Monday, Sept. 2
Friday, Sept. 6 — Sunday, Sept. 8
Friday, Sept. 13.
Starting on Sept. 14, the aggregated bag limit in South Zone’s regular season is 15 with no more than two whitetipped doves. During the Special White-winged Dove Days in the South Zone, hunting is allowed only from noon to sunset and the daily bag limit is 15 birds, to include not more than two mourning doves and two white-tipped doves. All updated hunting regulations for this year’s hunting season can be found in the Texas Outdoor Annual mobile app or online at OutdoorAnnual.com.
In addition to a hunting license, anyone born after Sept. 1, 1971, must successfully complete a hunter education training course to hunt legally in Texas. The TPWD Hunter Education certification is valid for life and is honored in all other states and provinces. Hunters can find more information or print a replacement at no cost online. Hunters must also have a Migratory Game Bird Endorsement (Stamp) and Harvest Information Program (HIP) certification to hunt dove. HIP certification involves a brief survey of previous year’s migratory bird hunting success and is conducted at the time licenses are purchased. Lack of certification and the endorsement stamp rank as the two most common hunting violations during dove season.
AUSTIN — Texas recorded a new all-time low number of hunting-related accidents across the state, according to the 2023 Texas Hunting Accident Report.
A new record low of 10 nonfatal hunting-related accidents and one fatality were reported in 2023. Texas’ highest record to date occurred in 1972 when the state saw 30 fatal huntingrelated accidents. The staggering numbers recorded every year showed the need for more firearm safety, which led to the creation of the Hunter Education program.
Since Hunter Education became a requirement for all hunters in 1988, the hunting accident rate has seen a steady decrease. Only a single fatality has been reported for each of the last four years.
“The continued decline in hunting-related accidents and fatalities is in large part due to the efforts of the TPWD Hunter Education Program and the many Hunter Education instructors across the state, many whom are volunteers,” said Steve Hall, TPWD Hunter Education coordinator. “Beyond safety, we teach hunters how to be legal, ethical, take a good shot and take care of game from field to fork.”
classroom course includes six hours of instruction plus skill exercises, a review and then a final exam. These types of courses are most often held in schools or an indoor venue. The “Internet + Field Course,” has two parts: a free online course that should be completed first, and then the field portion that typically takes a minimum of four hours to complete. The field course contains a presentation on ethical and responsible hunting, participation in a hunting skills trail, a livefire exercise, a review of regulations and a final exam. There is also an onlineonly course that is restricted to anyone 17 years of age or older. Online coursework varies from two to four hours depending on existing knowledge, age, reading level and other factors. Below are some tips to help ensure a safe experience for hunters whether they’re
More than 1.5 million students have been certified with Hunter Education since 1972. Hunter Education is required for every hunter in Texas (including out-of-state hunters) born on or after Sept. 2, 1971. The minimum age for certification is 9 years of age and certification is good for life.
There are two course options for anyone who needs to take Hunter Education — inperson or virtual. The basic
Mearns’ (Montezuma) Quail
No open season.
White-tailed Deer
North Zone Bag Limit 4 deer, no more than 2 bucks, and no more than 2 antlerless, all seasons combined.
Antler Restrictions The bag limit in this county is two legal bucks, but only ONE may have an inside spread of 13 inches or greater. A legal buck deer is defined as a buck deer with: at least one
to exceed that county’s bag limit. Antlerless Deer Antlerless deer may be taken by hunting license tag during archery, muzzleloader, and youth-only seasons, except on properties where antlerless MLDP tags have been issued then take is by MLDP tag only. Antler
less deer may also be taken by hunting license tags dur
ing designated periods in the General Season, see General
Press Release -
DM Services, a local subcontractor based in Telephone, Texas, has been working behind the scenes to set the stage for many parts of the project.
Since the company's founding in 2016, DM Services has provided various excavation, aggregate and grading services, typically for environmental restoration projects. Their expertise in mass grading and site prep has been instrumental for the Walsh Group and other contractors building the reservoir’s many
components. DM’s first task for the Lake Ralph Hall project was clearing grass, trees and soil for the lake’s footprint. They have since excavated the pump station site and excavated/prepared the area for the Raw Water Maintenance Facility (currently underway next to the pump station). "We got involved early on through clearing work and have continued to support the project by helping with the access road to the pump station and other vital tasks," explained Manager of Business Development Drew Davis. For Davis, working on Lake Ralph Hall is special. "It's marvelous to work on a project that's so close to home," he said. "Seeing familiar faces and knowing that we're contributing to something that will benefit
our local community for years to come – it's really gratifying."
The project's proximity to Telephone has also benefited Davis's approx. 25-30 full-time team members, who mostly live in the area.
Davis also praised Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) and the Walsh Group for creating a positive and collaborative work environment. "They have been great to work with," he said. "Building rapport and gaining their trust on areas within our expertise has been a great opportunity."
Looking ahead, Davis is optimistic about the benefits of Lake Ralph Hall for the region. "I think long-term, it adds another area for recreation… it will open new opportunities
for development and jobs in our rural community. It's exciting to be part of something that will be around for the rest of our lives."
4 lbs. Venison Roast (thinly sliced)
1 c. soy sauce
¾ c. dark brown sugar
½ c. Worcestershire sauce ½ Tbsp. smoked paprika 1
Looking for a delicious and healthy snack? This homemade Venison Jerky recipe is perfect for making flavorful, nutritious jerky. It is naturally lean, flavorful, and a wonderful way to enjoy the gifts of God's creation. I find so much joy in making Venison Jerky each year; it's one of our family's cherished treats that never seems to last long. When selecting Venison for jerky, the best cuts come from the hind quarter. Here is a few tips: Always remove the silverskin. Slice the meat into ⅛" to ¼" pieces. Dry low and slow. A dehydrator works best, but you can use an oven if needed. The jerky is done when the temperature reaches 165 degrees.
Continued from page 11
cause of waterfowl huntingrelated fatalities.
Prepare your sliced meat then marinate in a large bowl, whisk together soy sauce, dark brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, paprika, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt, red pepper flakes and lemon pepper until the sugar is dissolved. Marinate the meat, ensuring all the meat is covered. Refrigerate for 12 to 48 hours, stirring occasionally. Dry the jerky. Then store the cooled jerky at room temperature in containers or ziplock bags.
Please send me your favorite or unique recipes to Fannin County Leader at 224 N. Main St. Bonham, TX 75418 or email me: fclweesie@ gmail.com
Be sure of your target — what is in front of and behind the target.
Wear blaze orange to be seen by other hunters.
Hunters must have proof of Hunter Education [SG1]
For dove, quail and pheasant hunters, the number one cause for accidents or fatalities is shooting at game outside a safe zone of fire. Communicate and stick to your safe zone of fire and never shoot towards another hunter, buildings or structures, or domestic animals such as cows.
A Shot in the Dark
A game warden received a call on Aug. 6 about a man in Titus County who had accidentally shot himself while out on his deer lease preparing for the upcoming hunting season. The man was driving his side by side UTV back to the house around 9 p.m. the previous night when the accident occurred. A battery on the seat next to the victim fell into the floorboard. In the dark the man reached for what he thought was his spotlight to try and locate the battery. The man mentioned that the grip of the spotlight and his Glock Model 22 have the same feel. Instead of pulling the switch to his spotlight, the man pulled the trigger on his handgun, discharging a round into his upper leg. The man was able to drive to the house and then make a 25-minute drive to the hospital. An investigation concluded the man suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Doctors said the bullet missed bone and major arteries and the man was discharged from the hospital with no complications. He is expected to make a full recovery.
We Charge a Rehoming Fee
On July 22, Harris County game wardens found a
posting on the “Offer Up” app advertising a “toy” alligator for sale with a winky face ;). The seller was contacted by game wardens posing as an out of town rancher wanting a gator for his private pond and asked if his ranch hand could come pick it up. The wardens set a time and place to meet. The suspect was surprised to find out the rancher and ranch hand were wardens. Charges were filed.
Look Before You Leap Tarrant County game wardens patrolling Lake Grapevine on July 21 noticed an unusual clustering of people close to the water’s edge below a 25 foot cliff. Seems a middleaged man had jumped from the cliff into what he thought was 10-12 feet of water that turned out to only be 2 feet deep. The leap resulted in a compound fracture of his lower leg. The wardens contacted local EMS, enlisted the help of some of the bystanders to stabilize the leg, and loaded the injured man onto their patrol vessel. The wardens then transported the man to a location where EMS could make a safe and speedy transfer. The wardens stayed with two juvenile boys who were with the injured man until a parent could be
certification on their person while in the field. Hunters have access to their Texas proof of Hunter Education in the free Outdoor Annual mobile app for iOS and Android.
Learn more about Hunter Education, how to sign up for a course and find resources for students on the TPWD website.
located. Alcohol played a factor in the incident.
ger in the nation, with nearly 5 million individuals experiencing food insecurity. In NTFB’s 13-county service area, which ranks as the country's fourthlargest region for food insecurity, nearly 778,000 people struggle with hunger.
join the fight to end hunger and raise awareness of people experiencing food insecurity across North Texas.
Texas now has the highest number of people facing hun-
Trisha Cunningham, CEO and President of the North Texas Food Bank, stated, “In North Texas, where the number of individuals facing hunger surpasses the populations of cities like Seattle and San Francisco, the most alarming statistic
is that nearly 40 percent of those affected are children. This reality is simply unacceptable.”
Despite inflation stabilizing and low unemployment rates, the cost of essentials remains alarmingly high. Since 2021, grocery prices have surged by 21 percent, and Texans in the lowest income bracket now allocate up to 30 percent of their income just for food. With rent and transportation costs taking up another 40 percent of their budgets, families in every zip
code are often forced to choose between buying groceries and paying for other necessities like utilities, childcare or medicine. The demand for food assistance today is even greater than during the pandemic's peak. In Fannin County alone, nearly 6,000 people, including more than 1,600 children, are grappling with hunger. This results in a child food insecurity rate of 21.5 percent in the county.*
Last year, through the feeding network of the following partner organizations in Fannin County, NTFB provided 1 million pounds of food, translating
to more than 880,000 nutritious meals.
North Texas Food Bank Partner Agencies in Fannin
County Bonham: Manna House; Fannin Co Community Ministries; Feeding Fannin Bonham
Honey Grove: McKenzie
UMC Food Pantry; McKenzie
UMC Shepherd's Supper
Ladonia: Feeding Fannin Ladonia
“Hunger Action Month serves as a powerful reminder that community involvement— whether through direct action, volunteering or advocacy—is
vital in transforming the
of our
No matter how small, every effort brings us closer to a healthy, hungerfree North Texas. We invite you to support the fight against hunger by contributing to Fannin County food pantries and other organizations that address this issue,” continued Cunningham. For more information on how to help, volunteer, or advocate, please visit www.ntfb.org or contact one of the local feeding partners listed above. To find nearby food assistance, visit www.ntfb.org/findfood.
The following vehicles will be sold at public auction on Monday, September 23, 2024 at 9:00 am, at Bill’s Auto Body & Towing Service, 2630 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 75418. 2003 FORD ESCORT
Will hold a public sale 10am on Wednesday September 18, 2024 at Rick’s Towing LLC VSF 103 N Main St Bonham TX 75418
Items to be sold:
2004 Ram 2500 #5243
2013 Chevy Malibu #5254
John Boat #5261
1999 Ford Contour #5268
2001 Chevy 1500 #5354
2014 BMW 3 Series #5434
FOR SALE: DEPENDABLE Clean 2005 Nissan Frontier Nismo (4X4). New Transmission in 2022... driven less than 5K miles. One Owner. High Mileage. $4500 OBO 972-345-9575
FOR SALE: 1998 FREIGHTLINER Strong motor, transmission. Clean. New Batteries. 12.7 Detroit 500 hp, 13 speed. Asking 18,000 940-2065562 or 940-597-1610
FOR SALE: 2018 Chevy Colorado Z71, 4WD. Bedliner & Tonneau Cover. E-steps. 1 Owner. Clean. Asking $21,000 Call 903-227-8048
Week of September 11, 2024
Bois d’Arc stained; 85 degrees; 1.86 feet below pool. Bass shallow bite is good early on chatterbaits and frogs and rage swimmers through the pondweed 2-5 feet of water. Offshore bite is still there in 15-25 feet on Carolina rigs and Texas rigs best with ring frys and flukes and 8 inch worms over brush piles. There are still fish in the bushes to be caught on Texas rigs or weightless flukes and yum dingers 4-6 feet best. Report by Marc Mitchell, Lake Fork Guide Service. Crappie fishing is hot with fish on timber, brush or any structure you can find in 8-25 feet of water. Focus on the outside edges of timber lines and open water main lake timber under the surface. These fish have not been pressured, so any bait you want to present to them will work. Tons of fish around 12 inches can be put in the boat and quickly. This is definitely a lake to hit up if you are looking for a mess of crappie. Cooper GOOD. Water stained; 83 degrees: 2.00 feet below pool. Catfish are excellent in a post spawn phase hanging out in 2-13 feet of water on timber. Hybrids and sand bass are good schooling on main lake humps and points, and in the river feeding under balls of shad. Fish can be caught on spoons or slabs. Crappie are good on main lake brush piles, or in 4-18 feet of water on timber. Fish are not schooled up, so hit several trees for a mess of crappie. Minnows are out fishing jigs.
Lavon GOOD. Water lightly stained; 80 degrees; 2.19 feet below pool. Good numbers of catfish can be caught on baited holes. Dragging shad on Santee Rigs are producing some 1015 pound fish with an occasional 20-30 pound fish. Gizzard Shad and sunfish cut in chunks. Crappie are great on 1/32-1/8 th ounce jigs or minnows. Finding Fish on laydowns in 5 feet of water and any kind of hard structure as deep as 18 feet, or brush piles in 15 feet of water. Black Bass are in 3-20 feet. Ray Roberts GOOD. Water slightly stained; 83 degrees; 0.45 feet below pool. White bass are schooling on the surface early mornings and late afternoons. Crappie are decent in 15-30 feet on brush piles and bridge pillars on minnows and small jigs. Channel catfish bite is great on punch bait 10-20 feet of water.
Texoma GOOD. Water stained; 75 degrees; 0.97 feet below pool. Striper fishing is good, using live shad on flats and across the river channels. Start looking for fish to stack up on ledges as the lake cools off. Big fish will be scattered in shallow water during early mornings and late evenings. Box fish are becoming plentiful on bait in 30-40 feet of water. Crappie fishing should improve as the water cools off. Look for fish suspended in brush in 12-15 feet of water, using minnows and dark-colored jigs. Use electronics to locate active fish under docks midday. Catfishing remains great as eater-size channels and blues continue to bite on punch baits and cut shad. Target shallow humps and points in 15-25 feet of water. Bigger fish will steadily show up, roaming the
Seeking part-time maintenance person. For applications: 700 Piner St. Honey Grove, TX 75446 or call: 903-378-7146
*Own tools required.
HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information Call: 903-583-4018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N. Hwy 78 in Ravenna
Leveling, decks, siding. Experienced only. Good pay. Part - time. Call: 903-328-0227
CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist
B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am-4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to brett@bfgammon.com or call 903-5833597
Fannin County and Grayson County areas 903 214 6552
CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver. Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources.
Tobacco & Beer - Wine Shop 151 N. Center Bonham, TX. Apply within. No Phone Calls
FOR SALE Miller Welder Brand new, still on the pallet. $2,500.00 Call: 903-816-7997
2019 GREAT PLAINS Sub-Soiler 1300 ripper Overall width 11’, spacing 30”, inline 5 shank. $10,200. Home 903-583-0028 Cell: 903-505-9317
2 - HONDA 500 2013 FOREMAN/ES 4X4 Rifle racks, luggage racks, winch, camo paint, 188 miles and 43 miles. $6,800 each. Home 903-583-0028 Cell: 903-505-9317
Continued on Pg. 16
Crop & Weather ReportSept. 10, 2024
Much-needed rain showers were reported in some parts of the district. Drought conditions were still impacting some counties, but the cooler temperatures eased the heat stress on many crops. Topsoil and subsoil moisture levels were adequate to surplus for most of the district, with a few areas ranging from very short to short. Pasture and rangelands were fair to good on average, with a few reports of poor to fair conditions. Hay and corn
harvest continued in some counties. The grain sorghum harvest was nearly complete. Preparation for winter wheat planting was underway, with most wheat acres prepared. Summer weeds were maturing, while cool-season weeds had not yet matured. Livestock were in good condition; however, due to declining grass quality, some producers began to wean calves earlier than usual. Fall armyworms were still impacting some area pastures. East Rainfall was reported in some areas. Producers in counties that received rain were able to cut more hay with the possibility of another cutting. Many other counties in the district remained dry. Pasture and rangeland conditions were fair to good. Subsoil conditions were short to adequate. Topsoil conditions were adequate. Marion County reported that producers had begun to prepare fall gardens. Cattle market prices were lower in all classes. Livestock were in fair to good condition. Armyworms remained a widespread problem.
We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, But all we have are memories, And your picture in a frame.
Bonham- Ethel Lenora Peters was born May 23, 1949, to Jessie and Nellie (Bradford) Hicks. Lenora passed away September 9, 2024, in Denison, Texas.
Memorial services for Mrs. Lenora Peters were held Saturday, September 14, 2024, at Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home in Bonham, TX, beginning at 11:00 AM. Bro. Mark Posey will presided.
Lenora graduated from Wolfe City High School, attended Paris Junior College Nursing School for LVN, and later went on to International Business School.
Mrs. Peters is survived by her sons; Michael Cline and wife Michelle of Denison, Kenneth Cline and wife Kendra of Bonham, brothers; Bobby Joe Hicks, Ray Hicks and wife Mary, grandchildren; Kimberly Cline, Chelsea Alsip, Gabriel Alsip, and Peyton Cline.
Lenora was preceded in death by her parents, Jessie and Nellie Hicks, grandsons, Christopher Cline and Spencer Zoski.
To convey condolences or to sign an online registry please visit www. coopersorrells.com.
After a well lived life and hard fought battles, Roger moved from this world to his perfect forever home. Roger was born to Leonard and Lela (Pierce) Harris in Bonham Texas. A graduate of Sam Rayburn High School, he loved the outdoors and all things history. Both he and his wife Barbara (Reed) enjoyed period reenactments particularly at Ft. Washita. He was an avid reader particularly of the 1800’s in America. Before his illnesses he loved spending time with and riding his horse, Comanche. He looked forward to deer season and once shot an 8 point buck and a large doe with one shot. He never let his brothers and brother in law forget it. Roger left us all better for knowing him. Though his last years were difficult he always believed in recovery and that everything would be alright. He was greatly loved and will be greatly missed.
He is survived by his wife Barbara of Mt Vernon, son Andy of Borger TX, brother Danny and wife Juanita of Sherman, sister Sandra Schneider and husband Jeff of Whitesboro along with several nieces and nephews who were dear to him. He was preceded in death by his parents, brother Jerry and niece Jennifer. Graveside service will be planned at a later date at Lamasco Cemetery.
Asher Gabriel Abbott was born on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 8:54 pm to parents Tom and Amy Abbott at Texoma Regional Medical Center in Denison, TX. He weighed 1 pound, 8.5 ounces and was 12.4 inches long at just 24 weeks and 4 days.
Asher’s family was blessed with his strong fighting spirit for 10 glorious days, before he went to his heavenly home with Jesus on September 1, 2024, at 4:10 p.m.
Asher experienced holding hands with his mommy and daddy, hugs and kisses from his family, listening to his mommy and daddy, and being told “I love you” an uncountable amount of times.
In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place no one else could fill.
Asher is deeply loved by his mommy and daddy, big brothers Kayden and Ryker, his grandparents, his great-grandparents, his aunts and uncles, his cousins and many others. Asher will always remain his parents’ precious baby, and they will hold him again in heaven one day. The family would like to thank the doctors and staff of Texoma Regional Medical Center of Denison, Texas for their incredible care provided to Asher and the entire family. The family appreciates all of the prayers and concerns extended to us during this very difficult time.
Services for Asher were held Saturday September 7, 2024, at Allens Point Baptist Church, beginning at 3:30 PM. Reverend Kevin Towery presided. The family held a private viewing starting at 1:00PM at Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home in Honey Grove, TX.
“So go and run free with the angels, Dance around the golden clouds For the lord has chosen you to be with him, And we should feel nothing but proud Although he has taken you from us, And our pain a lifetime will last Your memory will never escape us, But make us glad for the time we did have Your face will always be hidden, Deep inside our hearts Each precious moment you gave us, Shall never, ever depart So go and run free with the angels, As they sing so tenderly And please be sure to tell them, To take good care of you for me”
“There is a special Angel in Heaven, that is part of me. It is not where I wanted him, but where God wanted him to be. He was here but just a moment, like a night time shooting star. And though he is in Heaven he isn’t
Continued from Pg. 15
Only 180 rolls baled. $22,000
Home 903-583-0028
Cell: 903-505-9317
$13,000. 12’ Disc. Home 903-583-0028
Cell: 903-505-9317
2021 304 ADAMS FERTILIZER SPREADER 6 ton with hydraulic control, Model A-70 Series $15,500 Home 903-583-0028
Cell: 903-505-9317
Thur. - Sat. Sept. 19 - 21 ● 8am - 4pm
206 Mockingbird St. Ector
All types of clothes, women’s plus size clothes, shoes, purses. Infant girl clothes. New home decor, New toys. Reloading supplies, ammo. Gun parts.
304 E. Whitewright Rd. Savoy Fri. & Sat. Sept. 20 & 21 Woodflooring, some tile, end tables, book shelves, crystal & glassware, clothing, shoes and misc.
2nd NOTICE OF STORED VEHICLE: As of 8/17/24 11:35AM Loaded Flatbed Utility Trailer – VIN not found $1526.85 Rick’s Towing LLC 103 N Main St Bonham TX 75418 903 214 6552 LIC #0661117VSF www.tdlr.texas.gov
Helping Animals In Need Thrift Store 101 West Hayes, Savoy Open Friday thru Sunday 10am-5pm.
FREE CLOTHES & HOUSEWARES: Clothes ClosetValley Creek Baptist Church, 3615 FM 896, Leonard. Wednesdays 8-10am.
RICKY RUSSELLfamily businessContact 310-363-0176
App House Leveling & Foundation repair Pier and Beam/ Slab Foundation/ Small & Large Remodels. 903-227-2860.
TREES and MÁS Large Acreage Mowing with Tractor, Landscaping, Fences, Firewood, Stump Grinding, and Concrete. Insured, Call for free estimate. 903-227-6940, 903-227-8369, or 903-4862868.
STAPP TREE TRIMMING and REMOVAL Hauling, Storm Damage, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experience. Call 903-5837888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.”
STUMP GRINDIN’ Tree Trimming. Landscaping
HELP WANTED Need Part-Time Mechanic’s Helper and Part-Time Landscape Helper. Call 903-814-8620 THE CLEANING LADY Let me clean so you won’t have to. Very reasonable rates, great references! Years of experience. HAVE BROOM
SOLO HANDYMAN & HONEY DO SERVICES Fannin County and surrounding area. Good honest work and fair pricing. Call Bryant Sanford: 903217-6327
FARM and LAWN MAINTENANCE Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence painting, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mowing, gutters and drainage, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903-227-5898.
City Council
Continued from page 8
7. Hold public hearing and consider and take action on an ordinance setting the 2024 Tax Rate on a first reading: Mayor Compton called the hearing to order at 5:49 p.m. and Ms. Osburn explained the budget was based off a .56 cent tax rate. The hearing ended at 5:50 after which Sean Pate read the ordinance noting that the ad valorem tax rate for the City of Bonham for the tax year beginning Jan 1, 2024, would be .550000 which is a reduction from the .56000 tax rate. A motion to approve was made by John Burnett, seconded by Councilman Allen Sanderson and the motion passed.
8. Consider and take action to authorize staff to advertise for bids for the elevated and ground storage tank rehabilitation project: Ms. Osburn explained how this was included in the budget that was just passed. After a discussion about the absolute necessity of this action, a motion to approve was made by Ernie Quintana, seconded by Kevin Hayes and the motion passed.
9. Consider and take action to approve budget amendments for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2024: After Ms. Osburn explained what this entails, a motion to approve was made by John Burnett, seconded by Kevin Hayes and passed.
10. Consider and take action to approve a contingent fee contract with Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, LLP pursuant to Section 6.30 of the Texas Property Tax Code, said contract being for the collection of delinquent government receivables owed to City of Bonham and notice of said contract is posted with the agenda in accordance with Section 2254 of the Government Code: After thanking Mr. Keller for his attendance, interest and all the work done for the city by his firm, Ms. Osburn explained nonetheless why the city’s decision is to enlist the services of Perdue. After her explanation, a motion to approve was made by Ernie Quintana, seconded by Wayne Moore and passed.
11. Consider and take action to adopt the revised City of Bonham personnel policy: Ms. Osburn explained incentive pay that is being revised and noted the revision is in line with the budget. A motion was made by John Burnett, seconded by Kevin Hayes and passed.
12. Consider and take ac-
tion to appoint individuals to the Heritage Architectural Review Committee: Bonham’s Director of Community Development Ross Altobelli explained the zoning ordinance as it relates to the creation of this committee noting that out of the 3 options available regarding the appointment of individuals to this committee, the option that was selected was the option utilizing 2 Planning & Zoning members (Rusty Deets & Justina Silwood) and 3 city residents that live within the downtown area (Diane Moore, Sondra Compton and Darla Quintana). After his explanation a motion was made by John Burnett to appoint the above-named individuals with Kevin Hayes seconding the motion which passed.
by and see all the work done on the Complex by the parks department, street department, utilities department, fire department and others.
15. Recess into closed executive session to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property as permitted by Texas Government Code §551.072 concerning
13. Consider and take action to approve a new Storage Unit Lease Agreement for Jones Field Airport: Jones Field Airport Manager Zach Whitlock expounded on the stand-alone storage unit lease that replaces the previous lease agreement that included hangars & storage together. After a question-and-answer discussion, a motion to approve was made by Ernie Quintana, seconded by John Burnett and passed.
14. Discuss and provide staff direction on rental rates and policies related to the Fannin County Multipurpose Complex: Ms. Osburn described the work that has gone into cleaning up the complex and explained the process of determining rental rates and policies regarding those rental rates as well as the RV spaces located at the complex. A discussion ensued regarding the discounted rates and the general rules for usage of the facility. The ordinance establishing the rates & rules will be presented during the October council meeting. Mayor Compton urged everyone to go
Who has an old hand crank drill press that mounts to a work bench? 903-227-9634
FRIENDLY BUYER OF ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS No TitleNo Problem Call Tony @ 903-449-9028
Artist’s workroom
Freshwater perches
Continued from Pg. 16
Young ladies
Houses: ● 3 BR, HVAC, wood floors, large fenced yard. $1,300.
Licensed for Wall Street
Type of gene
Express displeasure
Fly high
● 3BR, 1½ bath, HVAC, metal windows, double carport. $1,100
- - - - -
36.702 acres of land, a part of the Mary Caldwell Survey Abstract Number 180, a part of the Joel Anderson Survey Abstract Number 12 and a part of the William McCarty Survey Abstract Number 706, lying and being situated on the North side of Lake Bonham in Fannin County, Texas: Executive Session was
entered into at 6:13 p.m. with Regular Session resuming at 6:43 p.m.
16. Reconvene in open public session and take possible action on the matter
discussed during closed session: This was passed on.
17. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
Texoma Housing Partners is accepting sealed bids until 5:00pm on September 26, 2024, for sewer line upgrades on property located in Gunter, Texas. For any questions, please email Weston Bush at wbush@texomahousing.org. Bids can be turned into the office at or mailed to 810 W. 16th Bonham, Tx 75418.
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit by Spichols, INC DBA Floyd’s Fish Fry, to be located at 1525 Old Ector Road, Bonham, Fannin, Texas. Officers of said corporation are Barton Nichols, President and Brad Nichols, VP.
On October 15, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. an auction will be held at the Fannin County Courthouse located at 101 E Sam Rayburn, Bonham, Texas 75418 for the below listed property.
Property ID: 81512 Geographic ID: 9-0084-00A-06-BO
Type: Real Situs Address: 3240 RECREATIONAL ROAD 3 BONHAM, TX 75418
Map ID: H7N Legal Description: LAKE VIEW #5, BLOCK A, LOT 6, ACRES 1.038
Abstract/Subdivision: S9-0084 - LAKE VIEW #5 - J PIERSON
Norwegian krone
Investment account
Chinese surname
-Apartment: ● 2 BR, single story, brick, HVAC, appliances, includes dishwasher & microwave. $950 month. 903-227-0920
Language 64. By the way (abbr.)
LOCAL REALTOR for all your real estate needs. Sell/buy homes, land, lake. Call Hillary Leutwyler at Rogers Healy 214-683-7408
FOR SALE 1208 Pecan St. Bonham TX
Updated 3 bedrooms Gorgeous Stone counters Frig, W&D included! Huge Back Yard! $194,900. Call 214-478-8980
TINY HOME FOR SALE: 16 X 44, 704 sq. ft. New construction. Tiny home to be moved. Fully plumbed and electric. Ready to put on your land. Asking $65,000 940-206-5562 or 940-597-1610
PINE RUN APARTMENTS Now taking applications for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Please call 903-378-7146.
Position: Fannin County Auditor’s Office has an opening for a motivated, detail oriented individual with great interpersonal skills to assist in the execution of all aspects of the Auditor’s Office.
Duties: Primary function of this position will be to conduct internal audits of county departments for compliance. Position will also be cross trained on Account Payables as well as Payroll. Perform other business related duties when necessary in a timely manner.
Qualifications: Must have excellent computer skills, including Microsoft Word and Excel. Familiarity with Incode 10 financial system a plus.
Requirements: High school diploma acceptable; college level accounting preferred. Valid and active driver’s license. Must pass pre-employment background check. Physical requirements include occasional lifting/carrying up to 25 lbs.
Benefits: Retirement, vacation, PTO, and 14 paid holidays. Salary commensurate on experience. Application is available on Fannin County website: www.co.fannin.tx.us under job openings, or may be picked up at Auditor’s office 101 East Sam Rayburn Drive, Ste. 302, Bonham TX 75418. Completed application and resume must be submitted in writing, via fax, mail, email or in person directly to:
Alicia Whipple Fannin County Auditor Fannin County Courthouse 101 East Sam Rayburn Drive, Suite 301 Bonham, Texas 75418
903-583-7451 Office
903-640-5806 Fax awhipple@fanninco.net
Closing Date: Open until filled 9/17/24
Notice to Creditors for the Estate of Melvin Hampton McEuen, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Melvin Hampton McEuen, Deceased were granted to the undersigned on the 27th of August, 2024 by the County Court of Fannin County, Texas. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to Robert Dean McEuen within the time prescribed by law. My address is c/o Brian J. Hall, 5944 Luther Lane, Suite 755, Dallas, Texas 75225 Executor of the Estate of Melvin Hampton McEuen, Deceased Cause No. PR-2024-13350
PUBLIC NOTICE OF RFP 102024 for Audit Services
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that Fannin County will accept RFP’s for outside audit services for the county.
Specifications may be obtained from: Alicia Whipple Fannin County Auditor 101 East Sam Rayburn Drive Suite 301 Bonham, TX 75418 awhipple@fanninco.net
RFP’s must be filed in the County Auditor’s Office before 3:00 p.m., October 2, 2024, or said RFP’s will not be considered. RFP’s shall be received and publicly opened and read at the Fannin County Courthouse, 101 E. Sam Rayburn Drive, Conference Room Ste.202, Bonham, TX 75418 on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 3:00 pm. Fannin County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. 9/17/24
Bonham ISD campuses will hold public meetings to discuss their Title I Schoolwide Programs and Benefits of Parent and Family Engagement as indicated on the schedule below. Parents and community members are encouraged to join the meetings to learn more about campus programs and benefits.
Bailey Inglish Early Childhood Center: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 5:00pm - Bailey Inglish Cafeteria Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 3:00pm - Bailey Inglish Cafeteria
Finley-Oates Elementary School: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 5:00pm - Finley-Oates Cafeteria Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 3:30pm - Finley-Oates Library
I.W. Evans Intermediate School: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 5:00pm - IWE Library Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 3:45pm - IWE Library
L.H. Rather Junior High School: Monday, October 1, 2024 – 5:00pm - LHR Library Tuesday, October 2, 2024 – 3:45pm - LHR Library
Bonham High School: Monday, October 1, 2024 - 5:00pm - BHS Library Tuesday, October 2, 2024 - 3:45pm - BHS Library