September 21, 2021
The Paper Of Record for Fannin County Texas
Classifieds are on pages: 18, 19, 21
Serving all of Fannin County For 47 Years Locally owned & operated
224 N. Main St., Bonham, TX 75418
Circulation 15,000+ - Bailey, Bonham, Dodd City, Ector,
Gober, Honey Grove, Ivanhoe, Ladonia, Leonard, Randolph, Ravenna, Savoy, Telephone, Trenton & Windom
Ph: 903-583-3280 • Fax 903-583-3945
Is Your Heating - A/C System Needing to be Serviced or Replaced?
6/17/14 TACLB005958C
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Relay For Life of Fannin County Luminaria Ceremony 07/02/19
Press Release - Friday, September 24th at 8:30pm First Baptist Church Bonham, TX
Please join us for a special luminaria ceremony. Details are listed below and we welcome all of our teams,
participants, sponsors and community supporters to join. Luminaria are available to
be purchased online, or you are welcome to submit our 2021 Luminaria Form as well. This is a beautiful way to honor, remember or show your support to someone impacted by cancer. Please share and encourage others to purchase a luminaria
as well. Dedicate a Luminaria! Luminarias honor every life touched by cancer. You can dedicate them to a loved one lost, someone currently battling, or anyone who’s overcome it. When you attend a Relay event, you’ll
Bonham Building Supply 2430 N Center • Bonham, Texas • 903-583-1874
All Shop Fox Machines up to 15% off Regular Price! 383265
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see the Luminarias decorated with names and sometimes messages to the people they’re dedicated to. Purchase online or with any of our teams - www.relayforlife. org/fannincotx After dark, Relay participants share an emotional moment when each Luminaria is lit in remembrance of a life touched by cancer. Together, we take a moment of silence to remember the loved ones they’re dedicated to. When you make a donation for a Luminaria it helps fund the American Cancer Society’s mission to help save lives.
To Our Readers & Advertisers
You have likely noticed a change in our delivery process. We are now mailing to all residents instead of throwing home deliveries in Bonham, Honey Grove and Ladonia. This major change for us is an attempt to clean up the streets and yards when papers are not picked up by residents, we believe this will create a cleaner environment. This change will also help those who are unable to get their paper from the yard or driveway. We appreciate you, our readers. We Thank our advertisers who make it possible for Fannin County to receive a FREE local newspaper.
Fannin County Fair Dates October 6, 7, 8, 9
Green Thumb Poly Steel Lawn Rake
Job Hunting?
Sale Dates: September 19 through September 25 OPEN: Mon. - Sat. 7 AM - 6 PM
See pages 18 and 19 for our special section
Page 2 • September 21, 2021
Caldwell Construction
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9/7/21 Galyon Travel
903-583-7694 24 Hour Hotline • 903-583-7000
Fannin County Leader deadline is Thursday at Noon!
Fannin County Family Crisis Center
To: Precinct 3, All Workers and Commissioner Jerry Magness, for opening up CR 2155. Good Job! Looks Good!
We rescue, foster, vet dogs & help with dog food costs. We are a 501c3 rescue. Please help us help these dogs in need!
UPCOMING CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, October 2nd, 10 a.m.
Anderson Auctioneers Facility 4044 US Hwy 82 Bells, TX. 75414
Trucks, Trailers, RV, Farm Equipment Fencing Materials, Power Tools, Lawn Equipment Firearms (all firearms will be delivered to the auction sight the morning of the auction) New items coming in daily!
NO GARAGE SALE ITEMS, FURNITURE OR HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. WE UNLOAD WITH A FORK LIFT, ALL ITEMS SHOULD BE ON PALLETS! No consignments taken after 5 pm, Wed. Sept 29th. Gates open at 8am and close at 5pm View items daily between 8am-5pm until day of auction. NOT OPEN ON SUNDAY
No alcohol on premises. For terms & conditions, complete list & pictures go to our website:
nderson uctioneers
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Page 3 • September 21, 2021
Wright Radiator Agricultural
Construction / Equip All Types Repair - Cleaning - Recore Sales - Service
Meade-Norman & Bayless Insurance Agency
Jeannie Perry Office Manager / Marine Manager 110 W. 5th St. P.O. Box 519 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone 903-583-2231 • Fax 903-583-9497
Fannin 6/22/21CHURCH 6/15/21 County11/12/19BOIS D’ARC CREEK COWBOY Fair Pageant Pageant Mandatory Meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 22 at 5:30 at the AgriLife Extension Office. All pageant contestants need to attend!
Manna House Food Pantry
When: Tuesday • 1pm - 5pm. Where: 914 S. 5th St. Bonham (across from Calvary Baptist Church.) For more information: 903-583-3910
Wolfe City Food Pantry needs your help
Wolfe City Food Pantry P.O. Box 74 Wolfe City, Texas 75496 Any amount at all will help. Our affiliation with the North Texas Food Bank means we can make your dollar go further! Step up & show love today - YOU can make a difference.
New In-Ground Pool Installations! B
903-821-7412 or 903-456-3783
BIBLE and BOOK REPAIR at the BINDERY9/21/21 All work completed @ 1003 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 903-583-3255 Email:
STOP by For A Free Quote!
BIBLE and BOOK REPAIR at the BINDERY All work completed @ 1003 N. Center St., Bonham, TX 903-583-3255 Email:
STOP by For A Free Quote! 3-2-2 on 2 acres in Honey Grove WE903-782-2659 REBIND Call
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Page 4 • September 21, 2021
BONHAM SNAP CENTER MENU Monday 9-20-21 - Santa Fe Pork Cubes, Buttered Noodles,
Spicy Carrots, Cinnamon Applesauce Tuesday 9-21-21 Breaded Pollock, Seasoned Spinach, Coleslaw, Hushpuppies, Fresh Fruit Wednesday 9-22-21 - Oriental Cherry Chicken over Rice, Egg Rolls, Broccoli, Fortune Cookie, Mandarin Orange Fluff Thursday 9-23-21 - Chili, Spicy Pinto Beans, Cornbread, Snickerdoodle Friday 9-24-21 - Sausage Pizza, Calico Corn, Tossed Salad with Dressing, Fresh Fruit
5 year labor warranty P.O. Box 35 Bonham, Texas 75418 Lifetime resident of Fannin County
Fannin County Commissioners Court 8/3/21 Covid Mandate Issues/Updates & Clarifications 9-21-21 County Roads 2037 and Moore called to order the By Rose Schwartz 2038 in Precinct 1: Judge Moore asked if there was anyone wishing to comment on this proposal. A citizen of Tulip came forward to commend Commissioner Lane for her efforts on behalf of the residents by having a stop sign put up and for bringing this proposal to court. 3. Adjourn: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn at 8:55 a.m. On the same day at 9:02 a.m., County Judge Randy
Craig Buford, Broker/Auctioneer
Walk-ins Welcome M-F 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sat. Appointments Only
210 E. 6th St., Bonham, TX • Phone 903-583-8573
Tuesday, September 14, 2021, County Judge Randy Moore called to order at 8:50 a.m., a Special Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. A quorum was established as all Commissioners and County Judge were present. 2. Hold and Attend a PUBLIC HEARING to hear comments regarding the proposal to establish a speed limit of 30 m.p.h. on
Regular Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. After Judge Moore noted that Quorum was established, Pastor Lyn Holly of Calvary Baptist Church led the Invocation. Pledges were led by Commissioner Self. 4. Public Forum: The first speaker, Judge Moore, spoke as a citizen and shared his reflections on the state of our country, state, and county. He quoted John 10:10 and believes division is the biggest threat we are facing. Citing Mathew 25:35, he said Jesus summed up the Commandments when He instructed us to love and honor God and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Opining that the differences of opinion with Covid and vaccines are distracting Americans from loving and accepting one another’s right to have a difference of opinion. He believes people should be contacting their legislators and senators to do something to stop the dictatorial vaccine mandate and end the negative posts on social media towards one another. He stated his wife is doing well and relayed ap-
preciation for all t h e kind gestures shown him during a difficult time. A citizen from Ravenna thanked and agreed with the previous speaker on his desire for unity among the people. He honored the observance of Yom Kippur Wednesday, referred to statements of thousands of physicians in Germany and Spain (Doctors of Information & Doctors for Truth) that expose dark facts of Covid and the need to stand as a collective for truth. A citizen from Ivanhoe spoke against the mandating of vaccines based on the uncertainty of the ingredients contained within them. When he came down with Covid in April he was treated with Ivermectin, Vit C, Zinc, and Hydroxychloroquine and recovered quickly. Being an ER nurse, he believes the real problem is the government and media portraying the treatment he received as ineffective. The next speaker, a vaccinated person, stated he loves everyone, vaccinated or not. He then stated that the two people the court voted last week to renominate to the Fannin County Appraisal District Board, had voted to approve the FCAD budget that was contested by this court and many others in the county and hopes that next month’s votes, are not cast for those who would represent the definition of insanity, “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” A citizen of Ravenna cited 2 Peter 3:17,18 and gave her reasons why she believes everyone should make informed decisions regarding the vaccine. She cited Israel and Iceland has the highest number of vaccinated in the world yet reporting the highest number of Coronavirus in the world, as information worth knowing. She believes with effective treatments existing, mandating the vaccine is illegal. Another citizen of Fannin County questioned why people who test positive at some facilities are told to go home without receiving treatment or any information. After that speaker, another citizen of Ravenna questioned why the information on CDC’s website of thousands of adverse reactions and deaths related to taking the vaccines are not provided to the public to allow an informed decision of the vaccine. She concluded by citing Proverbs 11:14 and the belief that truth always wins and sets captives free. Another speaker, a medical professional and a survivor of child abuse spoke regarding the Unclaimed Property Capital Credits and cited 7,000,000 child abuse reports per year in the U.S. as reason enough to divert the $122,009 to the children’s advocacy center in Bonham and other children’s programs. In closing, she questioned the need for a vaccine for those who have recovered from Covid. The last speaker said she thinks
the reason so many are speaking against the vaccine mandate is because this is the first time in history Americans are being censored and believe we have the right to be informed. Before ending Public Forum, a letter was read that was written by a deputy clerk in the county clerk’s office to the Commissioners detailing her family’s experience with Covid and her gratefulness to the many kindnesses received in Fannin County. A heartfelt plea to put aside differences and focus on the people was made by the reader of that letter. After reading the letter, a heartfelt plea to put aside differences and focus on the people, was made by the Lisa. 5. Introductions: There were no introductions 6. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding the Fannin County Declaration of Disaster Proclamation for Covid-19: Judge Moore read that there are currently 4,201 total cases with 119 active cases (tested positive), 123 fatalities, and a hospitalization rate of 22.19%. He advised people to contact their legislators to get on top of this. Commissioner Lackey asked what is the court’s stance on the vaccine mandate regarding county employees? Judge Moore answered that the state is in dispute of this and asked if the Commissioners would like some kind of proclamation written to send to the Governor which can be approved during next week’s court that states “we as a county oppose this action taken by the president.” His suggestion of a letter of opposition was met with applause and it was decided no further action was needed today. A citizen of Ravenna spoke once again to say the thousands of adverse reactions and deaths listed on the CDC website should be made available to county employees so they may make informed decisions. Judge Moore responded that they are not doctors on the court and no one should construe anything said during the court as medical advice coming from the court. 7. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding Courthouse Restoration: Judge Moore read the update as follows: EXTERIOR – Stone veneers, patching, and point up finishing on the South side and moving to West side; Installing veneers for the base of the building on East and South sides; Completed switchover to Permanent Power to the building; Awaiting fabrication of the final Cornice section at entries. INTERIOR – Plaster Scratch and Brown coats completed in the Courtroom; Installing drywall ceilings on 3rd level and Courtroom; Wire pulled for Outlets and Lighting circuits. Plugs are live and temp power boxes being removed; Millwork blocking being installed and window installation to continue; Tape, Bed, and priming of walls to begin on 3rd level; Fire Sprinkler system nearing completion
521 E. Sam Rayburn Dr. Bonham, Texas 75418
(across from Pizza Hut)
in all areas and ready to testfire pump. 8. Discussion, consideration, and action to set speed limit of 30 m.p.h. on County Roads 2037 and 2038: Commissioner Lane said a petition was signed by residents to reduce the speed limit. A motion was made, seconded, and passed for the 30-m.p.h. speed limit. 9. Discussion regarding dust on County Roads 2037 and 2038 from sand and gravel trucks: Commissioner Lane asked Ms. Hayes to speak, and she proceeded to thank Commissioner Lane for her actions and gave a summation of the problems resulting from the excessive dust caused by the gravel trucks traffic on her County Roads. After she spoke, the owner of the sand and gravel company spoke to say how he is mindful of her concerns. When asked about paving the road, he gave a summation of efforts made thus far to actively reduce the dust on the roads. Suggestions were made by Commissioner Lane to further reduce the dust problem which resulted in a discussion and the owner committing to taking more actions to reduce the problem. 10. Discussion and report regarding Indigent Healthcare for August 2021: Fannin County Indigent Healthcare Coordinator Mark DeMay gave a detailed report that included the number of inbound/outbound calls; office appointments; an explanation of alternate help given to denied applicants; the number of new patients and renewed patients; the number of claims; how many patients came off the program; how many claims were paid in August; the health conditions patients were seen for and the number of prescriptions filled. He noted that there has been a reduction in healthcare expenses for various reasons. He stated that with County Auditor Alicia Whipple’s assistance in tweaking the budget line items and categories; the continuance of negotiating inpatient claims; forcing compliance and closely monitoring the expenses on a monthly basis; he believes his department’s budget will be balanced next year. He went over his many accomplishments including the option given to the indigent to obtain healthcare from urgent care centers and a high number of indigent patients getting the medical help needed to get back to work. 11. Discussion, consideration, and action to hire the Environmental Development Director: After some discussion regarding the applicants for this job it was announced that Diane Wilson was the applicant chosen for this position. A motion was made to hire Diane Wilson, seconded and passed unanimously. Continued
See Commissioners on page 8
Page 5 • September 21, 2021
JOHNSON LAWN CARE Residential/Commercial Chainlink - Iron - Wood - Vinyl Gates - Operators
903-893-3657 Cell: 580-920-5184
Lawn Mowing, Tree Trimming & Removal, Flowerbeds, Gutter Screens & Cleaning, Rock & Topsoil, Etc..
By Bro. Bill Beasley
John 3:16 “…that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but hath everlasting life.” I once was notified that I had been selected as one of the World War II Veterans to receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. as part of the Hero’s Honor Flight. I was informed that this was being made possible by Brookshire’s/Super 1 Foods. This was a most gracious offer, but for it to come to fruition I had to “accept it.” I returned from Wash-
home. When He uses the term “abundant” He is speaking of fullness, a growing spiritual life, and one that enjoys the presence and the power of Almighty God. Having accepted the gift of life He offers us with His shepherding care, His abiding of peace, and the leader-
PLEASE REMEMBER! Fannin County Community Ministries needs your help!! We need your help to feed the hungry people of Fannin County. 18% of the people in our county are hungry – 28% are children, can you help? FacebookFannin County Food Pantry or mail to: or mail to: PO Box 69 Bonham, TX 75418. THANK YOU!
Do you serve 11/24/20 STEPHENS God? SAND & GRAVEL
hunting/fishing Proverbs 27:17 - Iron ALL YOUR SAND sharpeneth & GRAVEL NEEDS! iron; so a sports man sharpeneth the socialNolifejob too BIG countenance of his or small! friend. sleep Robert & Laura Stephens Mobile: P.O. Box 146 • Bailey, TX 75413 903-227-0513 TV Romans 3:23 - For work all have sinned, and come short of the IF THE glory of God; BOOT FITS, REPAIR IT!
Looks like you have it!
Don’t Away Ais a TheTossChurch 2/5/13 Perfectly Good Pair Of Boots or Shoes Simply
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1
hospital for sinners.
Because They Are Showing A Little Wear and include andTear. make
timeSole for GOD this • Full or Half include and make Sunday at 11:00 • Ladies High Heels or Flats time for GOD • Refinishing • Boot Repair
Don't Like Religion?
Ephesians 4:18 - Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is. include and make time for GOD this Sunday at 11:00
WISE Central HOME Central FUNERAL this Sunday at SHOE STORE & REPAIR 11:00RISK102 S. Crockett • Sherman, TX
West Side ofBAPTIST Square CHURCH BONHAM, TEXAS A PlaceSINCE To Call Home Downtown Sherman Lee Jackson, 1921 Pastor 903-892-2238 Cell: 903.505.4124 Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 email:
SINCE 1921
BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home
Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124 Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 email:
ship of Him who knows us by name. All of us like to receive gifts. The greatest of all gifts is ours for the accepting. “Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, but a gift for the guilty.” - Steven Lawson
BONHAM, TEXAS A Place To Call Home
Lee Jackson, Pastor Cell: 903.505.4124 Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 email:
Concealed 4/21/15 PENTECOSTAL Handgun License
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CHURCH When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. 7:00pm Where: 1190 Hwy 56 W. Bonham. Pastor: Steven Luton, 903-583-4346
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Honey Grove
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The Gift of Gifts
ington a full story will be forthcoming, but my purpose of mentioning it in this article is to affirm to you that God has made available to us the “gift of gifts.” And for it to become a reality in our life we have to activate it by acceptance. This is accomplished by “believing” in Him. And just what is the “gift?” And how do I believe? Or better still “in whom do I believe?” And what does it mean to us personally? When Jesus was on earth, before his crucifixion, He said, “I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.” When he uses the term “life” He is speaking of the forgiven life, the indwelt life, the life that has been redeemed, the life not subject to the terrors of hell, and one that has heaven as its eternal
Kirk’s Collision
Corey Johnson - Owner
From my LiFe to yours: 12/22/20
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Whitlock’s Pawn & Jewelry
$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$
Traditional Services and Merchandise Alternative Celebrations of Life Direct Gravesides
Over 15,000 copies of County Leader are distributed by mail and carrier to every home in Fannin County each Tuesday. Readers will find classified ads, display ads, legal notices and editorial content, all of which are important to the daily lives of local citizens. Our website, www., is updated daily with information important to our community. Visit our Facebook @ www. for even more community activities and news. Advertising rates may be obtained from an Account Representative or any other employee. Editorial may be submitted for publication, but will be included at Editor and Publisher’s discretion. Editorial exceeding 300 words will result in delayed publication and may require payment. Any and all content, whether paid or un-paid, will be subject to Publisher approval. Letters to the Editor are encouraged, however, they cannot exceed 250 words and must be signed by the writer. Letters to the Editor that exceed the word count may be published if the submitter is willing to pay for the extra space required to publish the letter in its entirety. Free publication of Letters to the Editor is limited to one every 60 days. Letters from the same contributor within the 60 day period will be published at standard advertising rate. Political Letters to the Editor must be paid for in advance and signed by the writer. 224 N Main. St. Bonham, TX 75418 Ph: 903-583-3280 Fax: 903-583-3945
12-18-18 The Fannin
Cremation Services MONUMENTS FREE Planning Guide
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Page 7 • September 21, 2021 Window Replacement • Contract Glazing • Custom Mirror Work Patio Doors • Screens • Tub Enclosures • Shower Doors Insurance Claims Adjusted
Tri County Glass Inc. LEE HAMBY, Owner Bus. 903-583-8351 Fax 903-583-3096
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Under New Ownership Sales • Service Installation Wood Pellets Chimney Caps
HEFFLEY'S HEARTH & HOME Wood • Gas • Pellet Stoves • Fireplace Inserts
150 C.R. 179 Whitesboro, TX 76273
Our “Letter to the Editor” section is composed of letters submitted to The Fannin County Leader by our readers. The views expressed in these letters are not necessarily the views of The Fannin County Leader. Political letters must be paid for, in advance. To submit a letter, please e-mail fcleditor2020@gmail. com. It is our goal to be fair and neutral relating to political issues. We welcome Letters to the Editor on topics that would be of concern and interest to the community. The decision to publish is left to the Editor and Management.
Letter to the Editor Where is Patriotisim? In remembering September 11, 2001, I recall the shock, unbelief of what happened, watching hourly for recovery of lives, and of the nearly universal recognition that we needed God. Church attendance exploded, youth volunteered to serve in the military, US flags were flown proudly, and there was an overall appreciation for the USA and its basis “in God we trust.” Only 20 years ago, how have Marxists, Antifa and leftists in government taken over large cities, the education of brainwashing in colleges, mayors, controlling school boards and releasing young criminals (from jail) after they have been harassing diners, destroying businesses, attacking policemen and killing people? “But a constitution of government once changed can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever,” said John Adams. James Madison said, Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty as well as the abuses of power.” Abraham Lincoln said “The philosophy of the school room will be philosophy of government in the next.” and Ron-
ald Reagan stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” “It is now the moment when by common consent we pause to become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country in return,” Oliver Wendell Homes, Jr on May 30, 1884. John F. Kennedy said on January 20, 1961, “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.” This is time for the “silent majority” to be silent no longer. We must be active citizens, talking truth with our neighbors, and vote for those who support our Constitution, sanctity of life, right to bear arms, support our law enforcement, agree that “...all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...” Submitted by Sharon Terry
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Allen’s Chapel-Vineyard Grove 5/19/15 Annual Homecoming Meeting
The Allen’s Chapel-Vineyard Grove Annual Homecoming Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 26, 2021 at the Allen’s Chapel Community Center. Please join us at 12 Noon for a covered dish luncheon followed by a short business meeting. Robert Gibbs, President of the Association will preside over the business meeting, including election of officers
and one trustee. This meeting is held annually for those having friends and relatives buried at either Allen’s Chapel and/or Vineyard Grove cemeteries. We hope you can come to the meeting, but if not, you can make your donation for the year to the address below. We depend on donations from you to maintain the cemeteries and community center.
PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY to: Allen’s ChapelVineyard Grove Cemetery Association %Donna Ryser
ng Cooki ie! Wees with
I am ready for Fall and that comes with some great recipes! Here is one that is so good and will make your entire house smell like Fall Heaven. PUMPKIN CINNAMON ROLLS
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1 8 ounce can crescent dough sheet ½ c. pure pumpkin puree ¼ c. brown sugar 1 ½ tsp. pumpkin pie spice 4 ounce cream cheese, softened to room temp. 1 ½ c. powdered sugar 2 Tbsp. butter, melted 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2-3 Tbsp. heavy cream Remove crescent dough
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Submitted by Cathy Ryser Secretary sheet from can and lay out onto a lightly floured work surface. Spread pumpkin puree across dough evenly and sprinkle with pumpkin spice and brown sugar. Roll dough tightly lengthwise and slice into 8 equal slices. Bake for 20 min. and let cool 10 min before adding frosting. Frosting: Combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, butter, vanilla extract, and heavy cream in a medium bowl and beat with mixer until smooth. Pour over warm rolls and sprinkle with additional pumpkin pie spice. Serve warm. The pumpkin flavoring is incredible and they are sure to be a hit with everyone! Please send me your favorite or unique recipes to Fannin County Leader at 224 N. Main St. Bonham, TX 75418 or email me:
Page 8 • September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280
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See Commissioners on page 4
12. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the 2021-2022 Lake Fannin Historic Lease Operation plan for the 2021-2022 year and have County Judge sign on behalf of the County: Alicia Whipple stated this was just an annual requirement from the U.S. Forest Service. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve. 13. Discussion, regarding the progress of moving forward in regard to purchasing Lake Fannin from the U.S.F.S.: Judge Moore explained how in the first year a price of around $130,000 was proposed for purchase, and then the next year they changed that price to $430,000. That increase resulted in consultations beginning with Senator Cruz, Senator Cornyn, and Congressman Fallon to obtain help in getting it reduced. Commissioner Lane gave an update on work needing to be done at the lake that is waiting on approval from the Forrest Service for various specifications. A citizen who is a volunteer at the lake made a passionate plea for a letter writing campaign from local people to the appropriate government entities, to assist in returning Lake Fannin to Fannin County ownership. 14. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Fannin County and County Adult Probation Department and have County Judge sign on behalf of the County: Alicia Whipple explained why this was necessary. A motion was made by Commissioner Magness, seconded by Commissioner Self, and passed. 15. Discussion and report of monies collected by Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 office for
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Serving Bonham for over 14 years! August 2021; $3,591.00: Judge Moore gave the report of monies collected. 16. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding Fannin County Courthouse rededication ceremony: Commissioner Lackey stated that this was discussed by the courthouse committee, and it was suggested for the date of the rededication ceremony for the County Courthouse be changed to March 11, 2022. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the date of March 11. 17. Discussion regarding NTMWD payments to Fannin County in lieu of lost tax revenue: Deputy Director of NTMWD Billy George, came to the podium to discuss the question of payments that were to be paid in lieu of lost tax revenue. He first noted that the entire agreement made between NTMWD and Fannin County can be found on the Bois d’Arc Lake website under their library link. He went over the economic value that has been added to the area resulting from the lake being located in the county and then read the section of the agreement that addressed the districts commitment to offset the impact of lost tax receipts due to the district’s acquisition of real property until such time that land values within the county increased to the extent necessary to offset the impact of lost tax receipts. He gave a history of the land that was acquired and how the taxes were collected and submitted to the appraisal district up to 2018 when they obtained their permit to build the reservoir. In 2019 a letter was submitted to FCAD that the property acquired was no longer subjected to taxation. He explained, at that time, they no longer submitted payment to the appraisal district but to the taxing entities themselves. He further said that payment was made in 2020 to the county for 2019 at the 2018 tax level and they are currently working on calculating the payment
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for 2020. He said the payment made in 2020 for 2019 was for approximately $83,000 and once the numbers are known of land values for 2020, they will be submitting payment. After Mr. George concluded; Judge Moore asked about 2018 as he knew of no payment received for 2018. After some discussion, it was determined that a payment of $83,000 was received in 2019 for 2018 and another payment of $83,000 was received in 2020 for 2019. Commissioner Lackey commented on how the confusion of the payments probably occurred and thanked Mr. George for coming out to clarify things as he appreciated the relationship with NTMWD. Commissioner Magness and Commissioner Self echoed Commissioner Lackey’s statement with Judge Moore also thanking him for his time and attendance. 18. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding the distribution of Unclaimed Property Capital Credits received in the amount of $122,009.21: A citizen of Ravenna spoke to volunteer her time to contact the different child advocacy groups to find out the needs that exist and suggested the decision be postponed a week. Judge Moore thanked her for her volunteerism, agreed to postpone the decision a week but declined her offer for assistance. After that, the Executive Director of the Fannin County Children’s Center Sandy Barber stated they were definitely interested in these funds as they are facing a $68,000 loss in state and federal grants and have been impacted greatly by that loss. She said any amount that could be allocated to them to help them recover from their loss would be greatly appreciated. Judge Moore thanked her, and Commissioner Self made the motion to table this decision till next week with Commissioner Magness seconding the motion and the motion passed.
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19. Discussion, consideration, and action to award Texas Best Window Cleaning the contract for the final cleaning of the Courthouse prior to moving in; a contract is for $15,607.00: Fannin County Purchasing Agent Michelle Case gave a report on this and recommended they be awarded the contract. Commissioner Lackey made the motion to approve with Commissioner Lane seconding and the motion passed. 20. Discussion, consideration, and action to renew lease for one year with Mayfield McCraw for 200 East 1st Street, Bonham, Tx for $3,000.00 per month, currently $2,750.00 per month: Michelle Case explained Mr. McCraw wanted to increase the rent last January and agreed to wait till now. Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve with Commissioner Self seconding and the motion passed. 21. Discussion, consideration, and action to renew lease for one year with Bonham Associates Management, Ltd. For 800 East 2nd Street, Bonham, Tx for $3,300.00 per month; currently #3,150.00 per month: Commissioner Magness made the motion to renew with Commissioner Self seconding and the motion passed. 22. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the Fannin County Investment Policy for the fiscal year 2021-2022: Alicia gave an explanation on this item. Commissioner Lane made a motion to approve with Commissioner Magness seconding and the motion passed. 23. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the Comprehensive Fund Balance Policy to coincide with county’s fiscal year: Alicia explained why this was needed. Commissioner Magness made the motion with Commissioner
Self seconding and the motion passed. 24. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve payment of bills: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to pay the bills. 25. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Personnel Matters – a closed meeting will be held pursuant to Sec. 551.074 of the Government Code for (1) deliberation of personnel matters regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or (2) to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee – regarding janitorial personnel: Motion was made, seconded and passed to enter into Executive Session at 11:43 a.m. 26. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding Executive Session: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to enter back into Regular Session at 12:16 p.m. Judge Moore said they are just getting information to their janitorial staff to help them do a good job. 27. Comments by County Commissioners and County Judge: Commissioner Lane thanked everyone for attending and said she appreciated United Sand and Gravel for coming out to discuss the dust problem and hopes improvements can be made. In reference to the negative, divisive comments made on social media about Covid, she said she doesn’t think anyone is putting out 100% correct information and urges everyone to do their research and make their own decisions whether to get the shot or not. She does not support Biden’s mandate and does not believe companies should be forcing their employees to get a shot. She advises all to stop hateful posts on social beliefs, put differences aside and get along. She also stated Lake Fannin will be posting on their Facebook Page, the times the gates will be open this Sunday for volunteers to help with
mowing and cleaning up. Commissioner Self appreciated Pat Fallon speaking Monday night and Billy George coming out today. He said one thing we can agree on is we all have our differences of opinion, but we can agree to disagree and unite to stand together and stand up for America. Commissioner Magness said he agreed with everything Commissioner Self said as he too appreciated Pat Fallon’s good speech last night. He thinks today was a good meeting, however, he makes his own decisions and doesn’t need anyone to tell him what to do. He added he won’t try to force his opinion on you and doesn’t appreciate anyone forcing their opinion on him. Commissioner Lackey agreed with Commissioner Magness, and he said in their position, there will be decisions made that some may not like. They make tough decisions that not everyone agrees with. He places blame on social media and the media for much of the adversity occurring today as twenty years ago if you were told to take a vaccine, you wouldn’t be told what was in it, you would just take it. He noted there was a lot of false information out there on both sides, he believes we will come through this though, and thanked everyone for coming and speaking. Judge Moore concluded the meeting by saying “love your neighbor as yourself” because if you stick with that you can’t go wrong. Stop the negative stuff on social media as everyone has already made their decision. Lastly, he said, he does not like what President Biden has said as it goes in direct opposition to the “Land of the Free and everything we live for in the USA” and he will begin to put together a proclamation opposing President Biden’s mandate. 28. Adjourn: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn at 12:28 p.m.
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White-Tailed Deer Population Looks Strong Ahead of Archery-Only Season Opener
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AUSTIN – Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 2/16/21 (TPWD) biologists say that 2021-22 is expected to be a white-tailed deer season for the books. Last year, the overall white-tailed deer population was estimated to be 5.4 million deer. While that estimate is down from the previous two years, TPWD biologists say that if fawn recruitment predictions hold true this season, coupled with good carryover of deer from last hunting
Hello everyone! What a wonderful service we had in God’s house Sunday morning! I am reminded of the message of Psalm 100, which is that we are to serve the Lord with gladness, and that is exactly what these people do. What a joy it is to be a part of this church family! This week, I am drawn to a hymn written by Thomas O. Chisholm. Some of the hymns he has written include “He Bore the Cross,” “He Supplieth All of My Need,” and his most well-known hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” In “Living For Jesus” he writes: “Living for Jesus, a life that is true, Striving to please Him in all that I do; Yielding allegiance, gladhearted and free, This is the pathway of blessing for me. O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee, For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give 9/21/21 Thyself for me; I own no other Master, my heart shall by Thy throne, My life I give,
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Page 9 • September 21, 2021
season, hunters and landowners can expect to see an increase in the overall statewide whitetailed deer population. “White-tailed deer forecasts and expectations are, in large part, driven by habitat conditions that the deer are experiencing across their range in Texas in the eight to ten months prior to the season,” said Alan Cain, TPWD White-Tailed Deer Program Leader. “Though the end
of 2020 was dry, and early 2021 experienced freezing conditions that delayed green up of important browse plants, the late spring and summer rainfall acted like liquid fertilizer for forb, grass, and woody plant production and has provided a buffet of natural forages for deer.” Cain says that the favorable habitat conditions should boost the body condition of deer populations and set up deer to
enter the fall and winter with a substantial layer of fat. The favorable weather conditions were also vital in helping bucks maximize antlers as they finish out the growing season. Antler quality is predicted to be well above average for the 2021-22 season. While the archery-only season kicks off the first weekend of October, the general season opener is still more than a month away on Nov. 6.
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CLUES ACROSS 1. Break 7. Ruled Russia 13. Having several lobes 14. Walked around proudly 16. Atomic #77 17. Largest living land animals 19. The Great Lakes State 20. A type of toast 22. Partner to feather 23. Bristlelike 25. Bowfin 26. Distributes 28. Hairlike structure 29. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.) 30. Where wrestlers work 31. Blood relation 33. A great deal 34. Round Dutch cheese 36. Move further away from 38. Type of wrap 40. Furies 41. Removes from the record 43. Young salmon 44. Feline 45. Skin decor 47. Disfigure 48. They __ 51. Formal term for “on”
Americans 15. Makes wider 18. Headgear 21. One who sets others free 24. Form of communication 26. A Brit’s mother 27. Title of respect 30. Famed modernist painter 32. One-time province of British India 35. Prosecutors 37. Motor vehicle 38. Non-religious 39. Native Americans of Colorado and Wyoming 42. Pouch 43. Touch gently 46. Chose CLUES DOWN 1. Wives of a polygamous 47. Actress Tomei man 49. Former Broncos coach 2. Where hurt ballplayers Dan land 50. Icelandic poems 3. Single-celled animal 52. More decent 4. Rhythmic pattern 54. Grillmasters use it 5. One from Utah 55. Self-immolation by fire rituals 6. A group of seven 7. Refrains from inflicting 57. Expression of annoyance 59. __ Spumante (Italian 8. Light brown wine) 9. Humanistic discipline 10. Emits coherent radia- 62. Consumed 63. Body part tion 66. Thus 11. It says who you are 68. Rupee 12. Roundworm 13. Group of Native
53. Weight of precious stones 55. Traveled rapidly 56. Long-winged aquatic bird 58. Prickly husk 59. Expressed pleasure 60. Exclamation of surprise 61. Most irritable 64. Virginia 65. Optimistic 67. Humorous works 69. Arranged systematically 70. Emerges
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Page 10 • September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280 •
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Fannin County Public Facility Corporation Board of Directors Meeting 5/26/20 ters, which are confidential reports related to the Fanunder the Disciplinary Rules nin County Detention Faof the State Bar, on which cility Expansion Project: Thursday, September 16, the duty of the attorney of Attorney Herb Bristow with 2021, County Judge Randy the County under the Texas Haley and Olson P.C. gave Moore called to order a PubDisciplinary Rules of Profes- an update on the expansion lic Meeting of the Fannin sional Conduct clearly con- project of the Fannin County County Public Facility Corflicts with the Open Meetings Jail. Mr. Bristow provided poration Board of Directors Act, regarding the financing the final set of plans on the at 9:07 a.m. and the operation of the Fan- project and noted that the 2. Verification of quorum nin County Detention Center goal is for a February/Early present: County Judge Ranand Operation and Manage- Spring completion despite dy Moore, Commissioner ment Agreement: This was delays brought about by the Magness, and Commissioner slow delivery of some buildpassed on. Self were present with Sher5. Review, discuss and ing components. The project iff Mark Johnson and Comtake action related to ap- will provide 132 additionmissioner Lackey absent. al dormitory9-5:30 beds. Judge proval and/or ratification Monday-Friday 3. Review and approve Moore that when of Texas Commission minutes from previous 204 E. SamonRayburn Dr.noted • Bonham, Texas built, 75418 Jail Standards approval of the original facility was built meetings: Motion was made revised plans and progress with the intention of increasby Commissioner Self, secing its size in the future. When completed it will have a total of 630 beds. Final apTelehealth Visits Also Available proval from the Jail Commission on the build is pending approval of the exclusion of sprinkler heads in the cells for safety and mischief prevention reasons as is standard in all detention facilities. The approval is expected sometime in November. Judge Moore asked if there would be sprinkler heads in the halls and all other non-confineDr. Loftice grew up in Grayson County and now resides ment areas which Mr. Bristow confirmed there would locally with his family. He earned his medical degree be. Once completed, the exfrom the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine in pansion will create approximately 30 additional federal Glendale, AZ and completed his residency in family wage jobs and a per diem of medicine at Conroe Medical Education Foundation 2.50 per inmate benefitting the county. It was also conin Conroe, TX. firmed the building project was built with the intention of possible expansion in the future. After a discussion of the plans that were reviewed David C. Loftice, DO by the board, the motion BOARD-CERTIFIED FAMILY was made by Commissioner MEDICINE SPECIALIST Magness, seconded by Commissioner Self to record the Dr. Loftice is a member of the Fannin County Jail ExpanBy Rose Schwartz
onded by Commissioner Magness, and passed to approve. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Consultation with Attorney, a closed meeting will be held pursuant to Section 551.0725 for deliberation regarding contract negotiations where deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the Public Facility Corporation’s interests with a third party; and Section 551.071 of the Government Code regarding consultation with an attorney to seek advice on pending and contemplated litigation, settlements, and other mat-
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sion plans presented 6/2/20to them today into the minutes. Motion passed. After the motion passed further discussion ensued regarding utilizing some of the Sally Ford space not currently being used by the facility at the time of the project’s completion to convert it into office space that can be used by the Sheriff’s dept as well as enlargement of the parking lot. 6. Consider, discuss and take action regarding Operator payments to be made under existing Facility Operation & Management Agreements; reconciliation of obligations; approve, review and ratify payment requisitions: After reviewing a spreadsheet documenting requisitions for different activities, professional fees, capital improvements (repair items) and county fees; Commissioner Self made a motion to ratify the requisitions 1 – 30 on the spreadsheet with Commissioner Magness seconding and the motion passed. A motion was also made by Commissioner Magness to approve requisition 2021-09-16A for $27,542.50. A motion was seconded by Commissioner Self and the motion passed. 7. Review, discuss and take action related to operation of Fannin County Detention Facility including any update on capital improvement requests for detention facility and requisition requests from Operating Reserve Repair Contingency Fund held by Trustee and authorize reimbursement and requisitions to trustee for approved capital projects: Mr. Bristow explained item 32 was regarding a boiler that was replaced and stated the documentation was there for their review. A motion was
made by Commissioner Self to approve the requisition of purchase number 32. A motion was seconded by Commissioner Magness and the motion passed. 8. Review, discuss and take action to ratify the engagement of Acker & Company to perform the audit for the year ended September 30, 2021: Mr. Bristow reported that this is the same firm that has been doing the audits for a while. Their fee of $7,100 reflects an increase of $800.00 but is well experienced, he thinks they do a good job. Commissioner Magness made a motion to ratify the engagement of Acker and Company to perform the audit for the year ending September 2021. A motion was seconded by Commissioner Self and the motion passed. 9. Review, discuss and take action to authorize reimbursement and payment of professional fees related to operation and maintenance of the Fannin County Detention Facility; (a) auditor and accounting fees and/or (b) legal fees: Mr. Bristow called the board’s attention to the financial statement provided them. Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple explained why an audit and a financial statement were needed. Commissioner Self made a motion to reimburse, and payment of professional fees related to the operation and maintenance of the Fannin County Detention Facility. Commissioner Magness seconded the motion and the motion passed. Continued See Fannin County on page 12
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Page 11 • September 21, 2021
Bonham City Council Meeting Tax Rate and Budget Approved By Rose Schwartz Monday, Sept 13, 2021, Pastor Henry Shelton led an Invocation prior to the start of the Bonham City Council Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. All City Council members and Mayor H Compton were present with the exception of Councilman Odom. 1. Consider and take action to approve minutes of the August 9th regular meeting, August 23rd, and September 7th Special Meeting: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve minutes 2. Consider and take action to accept financial report for the month ending August 31, 2021: Director of Finance Dave Struchtemeyer gave a review of the debt service payments that were made in the month of August. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the report. 3. Citizen’s Opportunity to Speak: (The City Council invites persons with comments or observations to briefly address the Council for the limited purpose of determining whether the matter should be referred to staff for study and response and/or be placed on a future meeting agenda. State law prohibits the City Council from considering deliberations on any item not listed on the posted City Council Agenda): The first citizen to speak asked if an interaction between the council and citizens could be had if they waited to speak during the time the agenda item was addressed and when she was told they could, she decided to speak when the item she wanted to address was discussed. Human Resource Director Brad Nichols then spoke to announce the Employee of the Quarter for the 3rd quarter of 2021 is Michael Haggerty of the Street Department and how he has been with the City since January 2019. Brad described Michael as a hard worker with a great work ethic and a
positive attitude. He stated he has received several compliments online regarding his willingness to provide assistance and his politeness while at the trash/debris collection station at the Street Dept. He concluded that he is a great asset for the citizens of Bonham and is an Employee of the 3rd Quarter of 2021. 4. Consider and act upon award of construction contract for City of Bonham TWDB Project No. 73808 CWSRF Collection System Improvements based upon bids received August 5th, 2021. Award of contract is subject to concurrence by the TWDB: City Manager Sean Pate explained how this was the sewer portion of the fourteen-million-dollar improvement project the city sought and received funding from the Texas Water Development Board. He spoke of delays due to the pandemic and how only two bids were received. He went on that from a production standpoint, a shortage of supplies due to the pandemic and weather factors is affecting the entire nation. Representatives from KSA came to the podium to give a breakdown of the bids received and noted that the lowest bid was a million and a half to two million over the budget. Dallas Wendling of KSA then spoke of how he, Lance Capehart, Mayor Compton, and Sean Pate met and discussed how to make it possible to stay within budget while leaving some contingency money for problems that may arise due to change orders in the future. Sean Pate spoke to say the lines that were taken out of the project are still in the schematic designs and can still be done when funding becomes available such as funding from the American Rescue Plan grant. Sean started the motion recommended to be made was to award low bidder Excel Aircraft, LLC, bid schedules 1, 3, 4, and 6 totaling $3,507,703.60. A motion was made by Councilman Wayne Moore, seconded by Councilman Bill Chapman,
The Friends of the Bonham SNAP Center is currently involved in an effort to raise funds. An 8½” x 11” journal will be printed to inform the general public in Fannin County of the programs and services that are available at The Bonham Senior Center. YOU MAY RECEIVE A TELEPHONE CALL SEEKING YOUR SUPPORT IN THIS COMMUNITY EFFORT. ANY AND ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.
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and passed. 5. Consider and take action to appoint an individual to the Bonham Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors: Motion was made by Councilman Kevin Hayes to appoint Allen Sanderson to the Bedco Board, seconded by Councilman Michael Evans, and passed. 6. Consider and take action on a Specific Use Permit to change the zoning at 1410 Franklin from SingleFamily to Multi-Family residential: Director of Community Development Mark Kinnaird spoke to explain this request was brought before the Planning & Zoning Commission at their August meeting and after consideration, the commission voted unanimously to deny the request. The owner of the property in question also spoke to give his reasons why he believed his request would benefit the City of Bonham. A citizen of Bonham who believes this request would not be a positive change spoke to ask the request be denied. Mr. Kinnaird spoke again to detail how a few citizens got in contact with the P&Z Commission to request their neighborhood remain Single Family. A motion was made to deny the request, seconded, and passed unanimously. 7. Consider and take action to amend the Lake Bonham Rules, Regulations, and Subdivision Building Restrictions: Bonham City Code Enforcement Officers TJ Davis and Mark Posey spoke to address
amending the Lake Bonham Rules, Regulations and Subdivision Building Restrictions which include: Article II (General Rules and Regulations) – Section 4. The deletion of the wording “Chapter 343.011”; Article III (Rules For Transfer Of Lease) - Section 1. The fee of $200 will be changed to $400; Article VI (Property Condition and Maintenance) - They will be adding IPMC to that article (International Property Maintenance Code) Article VII (Sanitary Regulations) Section 1. Before any lot is used for residential purposes, and before any structures are placed thereon, including temporary RVs, the Lessee shall obtain required permits for sewage disposal and any other permits that may be required by the County Health Inspector. – The wording “including temporary RVs” is being deleted as temporary RVs will not be allowed out there. This change is coming from complaints of people moving RVs onto vacant lots. The last page of Rules, “Building Restrictions Lake Bonham” – CAMPSITES 1, 2 & 3 will be changed to ALL CAMPSITES Mr. Pate explained how Mr. Davis had worked closely with legal counsel who sees no problems with changes to the Lake Bonham Rules. Mayor Compton asked if anyone from Lake Bonham cared to speak and a citizen from Beavers Point questioned the transfer fee increase. Sean answered by stating that the City does not collect taxes out at the lake and basically
the increase was covering the costs of inspections. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve changes. 8. Consider and take action on a resolution designating nominee(s) to the Fannin Central Appraisal District Board of Directors: This item addressed the nomination of Jason Royce and Jason Walker to serve on FCAD. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the nomination. 9. Consider and take action on a resolution adopting the Hart Intercivic Verity DUO Version 2.5 paper ballot system to be used for all forms of voting including early voting by person and mail, provisional ballots as well as Election Day voting: City Secretary Heather Stockton explained how this was just a formality as the Texas Election Code states we have to adopt the new equipment. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to adopt the system. 10. Consider and take action to adopt a resolution designating an administration/project delivery service provider to complete project implementation for the American rescue Plan Act (ARP Act) funding administered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, other Federal or State
$ $
Agency: Sean expounded on the stimulus money that has not yet been received and how the decision was made to choose the bid of Grant Works to be the administrative body to assist in the handling of the American Rescue Plan Act. A motion was made by Wayne Moore, seconded by Michael Evans, and passed. 11. Hold a public hearing and consider and take action on an ordinance amending ordinance 612 to protect the public health and promote the public welfare of the city in regard to weeds, rubbish, and other unwholesome matter: City Council entered into the Hearing at 6:03 p.m. Sean Pate stated how this is to increase the fine for illegal dumping from $200 to $1,000. After some discussion, it was noted that this includes excessive weeds growth that promotes a public hazard as well as other matters. A hearing was ended at 6:06 p.m. It was asked for ordinance 612 to be read after which a motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the fine increase. Continued See City Council on page 16
CASH $ $
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People always say the past is in the past but I beg to differ. The past is who we are, it prepares us for the future, it makes us strong...unknown
Fannin County History The Road Down Memory Lane
Photos courtesy of the Fannin County Historical Museum Three blocks south of the Courthouse Square in Bonham One Main Street Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8042 Visit Facebook: “Fannin county historical group”
Picture of an Electric Streetcar. ( approximately 1900) The Company was founded in 1890. J. F. Arledge was the President of the Railway, Electric and Power Company. The photograph shows the Fannin County Courthouse with the Alexander Hotel in the background.
Page 12 •September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280 •
Fannin County Continued from page 10
Mr. Bristow explained the (b) section of this item and Commissioner Magness made a motion to approve requisition #2021-09-16c for $14,437.50 for legal fees. Commissioner Self seconded the motion and the motion passed.
10. Consider approval of recurring requisitions form for reimbursement of operation and management costs to LaSalle Corrections and authorize Judge Randy Moore as president of and on behalf of Fannin County PFC to execute monthly resolutions and submit payment on the 10th of each month for regularly recurring invoices for previously approved
contracts and obligations under Operation and Management Agreement due and/or received before next called meeting: After some discussion Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve and Commissioner Self seconded the motion. Motion passed. 11. Adjournment: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn at 9:48 a.m.
Local DAR celebrates Constitution Week
By Jessica Taylor
Constitution Week is held every year from September 17 through September 23. The week is “an annual commemoration of the living document that upholds and protects the freedoms central to our American way of life,” as described by DAR President General Denise Doring Van Buren. The DAR petitioned the U.S Congress in 1955 to dedicate the week in September to observe the Constitution. The goals of the week according to the NSDAR are to encourage the study of the historical events that led to the framing of the Constitu-
tion in September 1787; to remind the public that the Constitution is the basis of America’s great heritage and the foundation for its way of life; and to emphasize U.S. citizens’ responsibility to protect, defend and preserve the U.S. Constitution. George Blakey DAR has provided free resources at the Bonham Public Library along with a beautiful display case with fun trivia and facts. The Chapter is also pleased to donate books promoting education on the Constitution to the Library. Local chapter members who serve in the classroom also participated in Bells Across America which is a national
event commemorating the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787. One of the largest patriotic women’s organizations in the world, DAR has more than 190,000 members in approximately 3,000 chapters across the country and several foreign countries. DAR members promote historic preservation, education and patriotism via commemorative events, scholarships and educational initiatives, citizenship programs, service to veterans, meaningful community service and more. For additional information about DAR and its relevant mission, visit
Ribbon Cutting / Flag Raising Ceremony
Press Release - Veterans Outpost ( is hosting a Ribbon Cutting/Flag Raising Ceremony in Greenville, TX. November 13, 2021 from 11:30 to 1:00 pm, to signify the groundbreaking of a Veteran Retreat Facility to accommodate PTSD therapy needs to Veterans and First Responders. In attendance will be City of Greenville - Mayor Pro-Tem Al Atkins, Hunt Co. Com Mark Hutchins, Reps from Sen. Bob Hall & Bryan Slaton Offices, MOPH of Texas, CVMA Chapter 23-11, Navy ROTC Color Guard from Greenville HS and multiple other distinguished guests.
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Lake Fannin Board Meeting – Updates and Strategies Discussed
By Rose Schwartz
Courtesy Photo
Monday, September 13, 2021, Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple opened the Lake Fannin Board Meeting at 8:02 a.m. After opening the meeting, she addressed the Action Items on the Agenda. She made the announcement that the Lake Fannin’s Volunteers Right to Transact Business is still in the hands of the Secretary of State and was told that their office is running approximately six to eight weeks behind in processing documents. She is expecting to get the document back from that office in a few weeks, after which she can get it over to the Comptroller’s office to clear the way for the volunteers. Regarding the repair of the lodge’s roof, she explained she is still waiting on USDA Forest Service Agent, Mark Pons, to give her guidance as to what else will be needed to proceed with the repairs. Explaining that something may come of a conference call slated with Mr. Pons later in the morning she believes that a higher authority may need to be consulted with going forward. Stating that the plumbing issues were pretty much “dead in the water”, Ms. Whipple skipped to “Vegetation on dam.” Alicia stated Fannin County Emergency Management Coordinator, Troy Hudson, had been in contact with Mark Pons and had said he was under the impression from Mr. Pons, that as long as there was a volunteer fire
department at the location, a burn, to address the growth could be done. To give Troy time to get to the meeting to speak on the possible training burn, Alicia skipped to the next item on the agenda which was, “Forest Service – status of property to county, what do we need to do to facilitate moving forward” Alicia began by stating she did not think the local Forest Service could do anything for the county as she believes it is above their level. She noted there was a conference call that she, County Judge Randy Moore and Commissioner Lane had scheduled later in the morn-
ing with Mark Pons. She also stated Congressman Pat Fallon would be at the Republican Women’s meeting at 5:30 p.m. She suggested any who might want to ask Congressman Fallon for his help in regard to Lake Fannin, could probably do so at that meeting. She went on that Senator Cruz’s office may help in getting some administrative fees reduced and that Congressman Fallon had previously suggested Judge Moore travel to Washington D.C. to confer with higher ups in the Forest Service at the federal level. Discussion ensued with Alicia concluding on this topic by stating that, “I can tell y’all that if
the county is not able to acquire Lake Fannin, they will lock it back up.” It was explained to a citizen attending the meeting who did not understand why the use and maintenance of Lake Fannin was being prohibited by bureaucrats, that the lease the county has on Lake Fannin is only on the historical part of it which is a little over 220 acres and the county is bound by their very stringent guidelines. Seeing Troy Hudson had arrived to the meeting, Ms. Whipple asked about the conversation with Mark Pons on the burning of vegetation on the dam. Troy Hudson stated that he would be meeting with John Puckett of Texas Forestry Tuesday to discuss a burn plan. Once he draws
Page 13 • September 21, 2021 up the plan, Troy will give it to Mark Pons for approval. He explained it would be a joint endeavor between area fire departments in Fannin County to be used as a training opportunity. Troy said typically ascribed burns are done in the Fall. A presentation was made by board member David Keene on the topic of “Internet, Tower and Security Cameras.” He suggested that when she had her meeting with Mr. Pons, Alicia might want to clarify if the tower can be placed on the storage shed and if herbicide may be used to clear the brush for a path to the Lodge. Following Mr. Keene’s presentation, Mike Vaught spoke to share his and the Caddo Trail Rider’s Association successes, at obtaining grant money from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department for their efforts in constructing the Caddo Grasslands Horse and Multi-use Trails. He spoke of a live TV show filmed about 12 yrs. ago featuring Lake Fannin and its history that helped them get Texas grant money on Federal land. He explained how volunteer hours went towards the amount of money Texas Parks & Wildlife required them to pay (20% of the amount granted to them.) After his presentation, a dis-
cussion ensued about the need for volunteers and how to go about recruiting them, with the discussion concluding by Alicia asking everyone to put their thinking caps on and bring ideas on how to recruit volunteers to the next meeting. Alicia stated that as far as the budget, there is currently $17,418.32 on the county side with $10,000 of that slated to pay for the roof repairs of the Lodge and the remainder to go to utilities, the liability policy, etc. And the Lake Fannin Volunteers have $4,934.43 in their account. Cheryl Youree gave a report on three Weddings booked and reiterated the need for volunteers to mow and clean up the area around the Lodge and the Lodge itself. She also asked if she could draft a letter that could be used as a guideline to help citizens know what to say to their County Commissioner about Lake Fannin. Alicia noted that the next meeting would be held October 4, at 8:00 a.m. and before adjourning, Commissioner Lane announced that due to a job change, her husband was resigning from the Lake Fannin Board. The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 a.m.
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Page 14 • September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280 •
A Bridge is Born
Fannin County Commissioners Contact Information
Precinct 1 Commissioner Edwina Lane Pct. Barn Location: 8865 Highway 56 W (2 miles east of Savoy) Savoy, Texas 75479 Phone: 903-965-7030 Email Address: Precinct 2 Commissioner A.J. Self Pct. Barn Location: 500 N. Highway 69 Leonard, Texas 75452 Phone: 903-587-3455 Email Address:
Precinct 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness Pct. Barn Location: 18101 East FM 1396 (Just off Hwy 82) Honey Grove, Texas 75446 Phone: 903-378-2941 Email Address: Precinct 4 Commissioner Dean Lackey Pct. Barn Location:
1369 East Highway 56 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone: 903-583-2039 Email Address:
September 2021 - Press Release - Since Lake Ralph Hall broke ground, construction has begun on the Hwy 34 bridge over the future lake. UTRWD hired Flatiron Constructors as Design Builder and Lamb-Star Engineering to oversee construction on over three miles of new bridges and surrounding roads. A portion of FM 1550 will be relocated, and FM 2990 will be closed in the future. Work began on the Hwy 34 bridge’s embankment and
drilling the shafts to hold its columns. Around 40-50 construction workers are currently onsite to complete each section of the bridge’s essential structure (steel supports and beams) before going on to the next section. This is no small project, and it will continue throughout the building of the reservoir and dam. For scale, consider that: Crews will pour over 80 million gallons of concrete – enough to fill over 121 Olympic sized swimming
pools. The project’s rebar alone will weigh almost as much as 200 elephants. Each bridge beam weights over 50 tons, and together all the beams will clock in at over 20 thousand tons (weight of approx. 1,000 fire trucks). The tallest column will be about as tall as a 10-story building. Construction crews will lay over 6.5 football fields worth of bridge deck by the time they are done.
2021 Fannin County Fair Photography Show
Press Release - The Fannin County Fair Youth and Adult Photography contest is already underway! Photo entries should be turned in the to the AgriLife Extension office (Derrell Hall Education Center) by September 24 to entered in the contest. Photos will be judged prior to the County Fair and displayed with awards throughout the fair.
Age Categories: Children: 2nd grade and younger; Juniors: Grades 3-5; Intermediates: Grades 6-8; Seniors: Grades 9-12; Adults: 19 and over Entries: • Participants may enter one photo per category. • Photos should be an 8X10 photographic print (no frame, matte or mounting). • Label back of photo with: NAME, PHONE NUMBER, AGE DIVISION, PHOTO CATEGORY, SCHOOL DISTRICT (if applicable) • A non-glare sheet protec-
tor will be provided. • Every photo entered should be original photographic work of the participant submitting the photo. • Any photos deemed inappropriate for public display will be disqualified. • Pick Up: Photos and ribbons may be picked up Saturday evening beginning at 8:30pm. All photos and ribbons not picked up on Saturday, may be picked up from the Extension Office the following week. Judging: Photos will be judged prior to the County Fair at the County Extension Office by experienced, volunteer judges. Photos may be turned in to reflect the following categories:
Animals Domestic: Photos focusing on the various animals that have been tamed and made fit for the human environment. Examples: dogs, cats, chickens, cows, horses, etc.
Animals Wildlife: Photos focusing on animals not tamed or domesticated and typically found in the wilderness or bodies of water. Includes animals in nature, zoo, and petting zoos. Examples: Birds, deer, elephants, marine life People: Photos from people of all walks of life. Landscape and Nature: Photos of landscapes, outdoor scenic, nature images, sunsets, urban landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, roads, farms. Examples: Gardens, outdoors, scenic, etc. Plant and Floral: Photos of flowers, tree, plant, bush (outdoor or indoor). Examples: a rose, a tree, etc. Black and White: Photos of any subject matter in Black and White. THEME: COUNTY FAIRPhotos inspired by county/ country fairs For questions: contact (903) 583-7453 or bethany.arie@
Open Arms Shelter Hope | Encouragement | Shelter
Press Release - Open Arms Homeless Shelter is Fannin County’s only homeless shelter. The shelter provides overnight shelter, showers, and laundry facilities. A continental breakfast, sack lunch, and hot evening meal are provided every day for the residents. The shelter is closed during the day while residents work, volunteer, or job hunt. Residents meet with a case worker to develop and then put into action a plan to achieve independent living. The shelter is a faith-based nonprofit that depends upon community support – donations of time, goods, and money. Open Arms has been
blessed with donations from churches, organizations, businesses, and individuals. Thank you, Fannin County, for helping obey Jesus’ call in Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed
me.” Open Arms is excited to have a new opportunity for others to join in this ministry to the homeless of Fannin County. The shelter is participating in North Texas Giving Day on September 23, 2021. Last year Open Arms raised almost $1,000 on Giving Day. The goal this year is $2,000. The shelter has matching funds of $550. Help meet the goal and secure funds for helping the homeless in Fannin County. Donations can be made through the NTX Giving Day website or by following the link at
Page 15 • September 21, 2021
Page 16 • September 21, 2021
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City Council Continued from page 11
12. Hold a public hearing and consider and take action on an ordinance amending ordinance 1397 establishing a chargemaster to be used for EMS billing and collections: Hearing was entered into at 6:08 p.m. Chief Scott Ridling explained how this was a result of a review and how the only change being made was to mileage which will be going from $16.00 a mile to $23.00 a mile. This brings them into an average range of other providers. A hearing was ended at 6:09 p.m. Sean Pate was asked to read the ordinance after which a motion was made, seconded, and passed. 13. Hold public hearing and consider and take action on an ordinance adopting an ad valorem tax rate of $0.6550 per $100 of taxable value for tax year beginning January 1, 2021: Hearing was entered into at 6:10 p.m. When asked for public input, a citizen of Bonham came forward and handed out information regarding the tax rates adopted by surrounding cities and the tax revenues generated for the city of Bonham from 2018 to the current day. She relayed her concern that due to the increase of property valuations; citizens will be paying much higher taxes with the tax rate remaining what it was in 2020 instead of there being a reduction as there has been in Savoy, Honey Grove, Ector, Trenton, and Bonham ISD. She
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commended the job they are doing but asked the council to justify to the people the need to maintain the current rate as opposed to lowering it as others have done. After she finished her directive, the next to speak was a citizen who works for the Bonham School District who gave a long detailed explanation why he believes the city tax rate should remain at 0.6550 and why the school district was able to lower their tax rate. The next speaker, Chief Bankston of the Bonham Police Department, began his discourse of support for the city maintaining the 2020 tax rate, by stating that in 40 years of attending city council meetings, he has never heard anyone come before the council asking for their taxes to be raised. That being said, he praised the council for the job they do of making the hard decisions that benefit the people they serve and thanked them for what can be a thankless job. He then explained how his department is three officers and a dispatcher short and how the starting pay rate for a Bonham Police Officer makes it hard to compete with surrounding cities and be able to provide the best police service the City of Bonham deserve. He described the difficulties of operating his department and providing the services needed with the shortages that exist. Though he respects and understands the first speaker’s desire for a lower tax rate, as a property owner who is also affected by the city’s tax rate, he encouraged the council to continue on the path of maintaining the 0.6550 tax rate. Fire Chief Scot Ridling contributed his comments to back up the need for increased revenue to lessen the problem of being understaffed in the Fire Department and the loss of experienced personnel. Another citizen of Bonham said he owns properties in Bonham and that he is okay with the tax rate remaining the same though his property valuations have risen because he will unfortunately just pass that increase on to his renters. He questioned though if the city might not have a spending problem as he saw a road crew on his street spending a full day on a minor issue. He concluded by saying the city might want to look at cutting spending where possible but said he does appreciate the Bonham Police Department and the work they do. Another citizen of Bonham who has been in Bonham for four years suggested a contract be made with new employees to city offices which would include them remain on the job for a specified time like possibly two years before seeking employment elsewhere. He also made the point that a problem may exist with managing the city’s money
which would be a better way of addressing the needs of the city instead of relying on raised taxes to fix their problems. After the last speaker made their comments, Mayor Compton stated that they came close to increasing the tax rate instead of maintaining the 2020 rate and though he understands the frustration coming from higher taxes due to higher property valuations, every one of the city council members pays taxes and though some may be over sixty-five, not one has taken advantage of the over 65 tax freeze as they do not want to put that burden on the young people of the city. On the matter of retaining new employees by having a contract with them to remain on the job for a certain period, he said they will look at that suggestion. But bottom line, the city needs the revenue with all the expenses the city has. After another comment from a citizen about the frustration coming from the homeowners regarding taxes, the public hearing was ended at 6:55 p.m. Mayor Compton made the motion to approve the ad valorem tax rate of 0.6550 for the year beginning January 1, 2021. Michael Evans seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 14. Hold public hearing and consider and take action on an ordinance adopting the fiscal year 2021-2022 operating budget for the City of Bonham: Hearing was entered into at 6:56 p.m. After a summation by City Manager Sean Pate of a breakdown of the budget, there were no comments made by the public or council and the hearing ended at 6:59 p.m. Motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to approve the budget. 15. Adjourn: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn at 7:00 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag ”I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Page 17 • September 21, 2021
Louise Goodwater Announcing Campaign for Fannin County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1
Mrs. Louise Goodwater is pleased to announce her candidacy for Fannin County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1. Mrs. Goodwater believes in honesty, fairness and reliability with decisions based on the law and the facts. She also dedicated her service to God, Country and Family. Mrs. Goodwater retired from the U.S. Army and rose from Private to Major in the Military Police with 27 years of honorable service. She received numerous awards, ribbons and citations while serving in the U.S. Army but is most proud of her Public Service Award and the Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service. She is also retired from the State of California Military Department as the Deputy Comptroller for budget, accounting, purchasing and contracting.
Mrs. Goodwater has also earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Saint Mary’s College. Mrs. Goodwater is married to Walter Goodwater, who is also retired from the U.S. Army as a Colonel. Louise and Walter grew up in the South so, with their retirements in
hand, they chose Fannin County, Texas to live. Over the past few years, Mrs. Goodwater has been a volunteer at the Fannin County Food Pantry and is currently the treasurer. She is also a member of the Fannin County Literacy Council, was the past appointed president of the Fannin County Lake Fannin Board and is the current special events coordinator for the Fannin County Republican Women. Walter and her are members of the First United Methodist Church of Bonham where she works with the children’s Sunday School and youth programs. Mrs. Goodwater is asking for your vote and support in the Republican Primary for Fannin County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1.
Now Open Parts & Service
Randall Armstrong Band Saturday, September 25 at 8 pm
Press Release - We here in Bonham Texas are privileged to have the Randall Armstrong band come and play for us Saturday, September 25 at 8 PM. The Randall Armstrong band brings a traditional country flair mixed with swing and dance music. Out of the Dallas area they have impressed audiences all over east and north Texas. If you love to dance and need to reinforce you country roots, don’t miss this one.
Gates open 1 hour prior to the published show start time. Advance tickets are available at “the Creative Arts Center” here in bonham. All tickets are general admittance $10 at the gate and online. Online Tickets: http://www.outhousetickets. com/Venue/Powder_Creek_ Pavilion Venue: Powder Creek Pavilion (903)227-1911
520 S. Center St. Bonham, TX 75418 3 blocks S. of the square on Hwy 78. This year we are offering free coffee, tea, popcorn, and refreshments. Colas, bottled water, other assorted drinks, chips, candy and ice sold separately. You are allowed to bring in your own cooler, must be 21 with I.D. to consume alcoholic Beverages. Children under 13 are free.
Page 18 • September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280 •
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HELP WANTED Now hiring construction workers and laborers. Must have transportation to and from the job. 40 hour work weeks. Pay based on experience. Carpentry skills a plus. Call 903-640-1941. If no answer call cell, 903-640-6069.
Need Experienced Welder, part time. Call 903-821-0604.
THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS ARE AVAILABLE Work from Home Returning emails & calls. Work PT/ FT. Commission Income up to $5,500 a month. Anyone can do. Excellent for Seniors. NO Selling. Income Paid Immediately. Company will Train. Plus, as a bonus, we’ll even show you how to take anything you love to do and make it into a 2nd business for even more income. Call 903-486-8123 (Judy).
PRIDE Contracting Inc. Is seeking motivated people for the following positions for a 1 year project in Eastern Virginia. • Experienced chainsaw Operators “brush cutting only”. • Pays up to $24hr. • Flagger / laboror up to $20hr. • Overtime paid after 40hrs., crews working approximately 60hrs a week. Hotels paid by company. Call or text Jason Collins at 276-298-4270 Email:
The Fannin County Leader Newspaper Is looking for a motivated person who is interested in working as a Sales Representative. We require a strong work ethic, dependability, and the ability to work well with people. Must have reliable transportation and a current drivers license. Must pass a drug test and background check. We will train. Serious inquiries only. 224 N. Main, Bonham.
RED RIVER HEALTH CARE Is hiring home care providers for Bonham, Leonard, Savoy, Sherman, Denison, Ivanhoe, and Telephone. Must be 18 years of age with no criminal history, and have own transportation with car insurance. No certification required. Call 1-800-289-6555
CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist POSITION OPENINGS B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to 903-583-3597
CLASSIFIEDS NP FARMS ENTERPRISE LLC Looking to Hire hourly employees. Pay will depend on experience. Call Nathan Prater (903) 449-2904. Seeking a reliable person to supervise a Burger Barn. For more info. call 903505-0952.
Continued on Pg. 19
EMPLOYMENT NOTICE Fannin County is currently seeking applicants for the following part time position:
JOB TITLE: Facilities Coordinator HOURLY RATE: Up to $20.00 per hour commensurate with experience-up to 25 hours per week. OTHER BENEFITS: Vacation, Sick Leave, Retirement and Paid Holidays. (pro-rated for part-time) VALUES: Professionalism, Integrity, Courtesy, and Community. REQUIREMENTS: Ability to perform minor maintenance, make emergency repairs to plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems. Will perform a variety of tasks including painting, hanging light fixtures, replacing fixtures, etc. Minimum 6 months general maintenance experience in a mechanical field not limited to building maintenance or one year of formal work-related training. Must have ability to climb ladders and lift weights in excess of 50 lbs. Must have a valid Texas Driver’s License and liability insurance on vehicle. Will be reimbursed for mileage. All applicants are subject to a criminal background check. • For a complete list of duties and/or requirements, please contact the County Auditor’s office at 903-5837451. APPLICATIONS: May be picked up and dropped off at the Fannin County Auditor’s Office Monday – Friday 8AM – 5PM. They may also be downloaded from our website at:
NOW HIRING: NOW HIRING: • RN / LVN Charge Nurse, Nights - $5000 sign on bonus
• CNA, Nights
- $2000 sign on bonus
• Medication Aide - $1500 sign on bonus
• Housekeeping - $1500 sign on bonus
• Dietary Aide / Cook - $1500 sign on bonus
• Activity Assistant • CNA Classes Apply Online at
Clyde W. Cosper TSVH 1300 Seven Oaks Rd Bonham, TX 75418 EOE
3/29/16 • Unit Manager, LVN • Social Worker - $2000 sign on bonus
Apply Online at
Clyde W. Cosper TSVH 1300 Seven Oaks Rd Bonham, TX 75418 EOE
Page 19 • September 21, 2021
AUCTIONS Notice of Public Sale 801 E 14TH BONHAM, TX “ONE LOT” Silent Estate Auction Oct. 2, 2021. Bidding and viewing from 9am to noon. Winning bid will be notified ASAP after sale. Payment in cash or cashiers check only by Oct. 5th, 5pm. Everything sold in auction must be removed by Oct 9, 2021 5pm. Items included: 1994 Chevy Suburban 4WD, 319000 miles with title, folding workbench, bedroom set, kitchen items, books, bookcase, craft items, glassware, china hutch, several COINS, 1997 Am Eagle 1oz proof silver dollar and much more. For questions call Andy Weeks 903 583 0122.
AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE: 2010 Dodge Avenger R-T IN GOOD SHAPE. CALL 903-267-6143. FOR SALE: 2001 Chevy Silverado, White. 220 Chestnut St. Bonham. 903583-3000. FOR SALE: 2002 Buick Century, Tan. 220 Chestnut St. Bonham. 903-583-3000. FOR SALE: 2011 Chevy Impala, Black. 220 Chestnut St. Bonham. 903-5833000.
FOR SALE Office Furniture Sale SATURDAY 10/2 10:00AM-2:00PM. Large solid wooden desk, metal desk, many filing cabinets and more. All items must be taken this day. 503 N. MAIN STREET BONHAM TEXAS 75418. All Reasonable offers accepted. Call Jason with any questions 972-3428402. FOR SALE!! 500 gal. propane tank, electric clothes dryer, and 3 part 4” built shredder. Call 903-664-2046. FOR SALE
YARD SALE 16393 FM 100, Telephone, TX (Monkstown) Thurs. & Fri. Sept. 23rd & 24th.
A & A HANDYMAN SERVICE We do any repairs, demolition or remodeling, lawn care, tree service, cleaning out houses, trailer homes, sheds, or barns. If you have a job idea, let us know. We will see if we can do it. No Job too Big or too Small!!! Call 469-422-7990.
LIBERTY MOVING Local and long distance moves. Residential and office. Insured and bonded. Located in Leonard, TX. Call 940-391-9298 or 940-390-9978.
SALE 604 E. 10th St., Bonham. September 24th & 25th. Friday- Saturday 8am- ? Appliances, bikes, set of Ford tires, set of tires with rims, men and women clothes, baby clothes, swing, carseat, toys, crib, dvd’s, shoes, purses, makeup; a little bit of everything! 20 MILE GARAGE SALE AND MARKET ON THE SQUARE IN LADONIA. OCTOBER 2, 8AM- 4PM. Ladonia, Pecan Gap, Dial, Bug Tussle, Ben Franklin, TX. Garage sales, estate sales, and market, something for everyone. GARAGE SALE!! Sept. 22nd, 23rd, & 24th. 9055 E. HWY 56 in Windom. Lots of misc. items. GRANNY’S PLACE & GRANNY’S CHRISTMAS STORE Resale shop. 10 S. Plaza in Ladonia, TX. Wed-Sat, 10am-5pm. See us on Facebook. Call 903-367-7095.
HOUSEKEEPING THE CLEANING LADY Let me clean so you won’t have to. Very reasonable rates, great references! Years of experience. HAVE BROOM WILL TRAVEL! Call Mairi 903-815-1877.
E.L. FINNEY GENERAL STORE Now located at 405 N. Main in Bonham. We will be open for business on/about Sept. 15th in our new location, and we hope to see you there. We will be having lots of grand re-opening sales. Contact 903-227-7968 for more info. FREE CLOTHES & HOUSEWARES: Clothes Closet VALLEY CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH, 3615 FM 896, LEONARD. Wednesdays, 8-10am. A PAW UP Helping Animals In Need Thrift Store 101 West Hayes, Savoy Open Friday thru Sunday 10am-5pm.
$20.00 903-583-0376
GARAGE SALES MULTI- FAMILY YARD SALE 206 Mockingbird, Ector Clothing, movies, tools, furniture, kitchen wares, nick-knacks, also ammo reload brasses, stun guns, and so much more. SEPTEMBER 23rd thru the 25th. Thursday thru Saturday, 8am- 2pm.
PETS KITTENS!! Free to good home! 3 boys, 1 girl; all spayed/ neutered and has all shots. Loving/ playful. Raised inside, no barn homes. 903-640-8022.
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUNOZ LAWN CARE & TREE TRIMMING All kinds of fences built and repaired too. For estimate call: 903-267-2503
Free GED Classes for Fannin County adults. Call 903-583-1264, extension 1. PROFESSIONAL PAINT & DRYWALL REPAIRS: Cracks, holes, patches, water damage, sheetrock repair, ceilings, walls, matched texturing. Interior/ Exterior Painting. 40+ years experience. CALL JOHNNY @ 903-209-6958 AFFORDABLE STUMP GRINDING Front yard or backyard. 903-624-6006 EBS YARD WORK • Zero Turn Mowing • Tree Cleanup • Small Skid Steer Work • Haul Away Trash Serving Professionally for 25 Years Psalms 119 903-436-2296 ROBERT’S HEATING and AIR Licensed and insured. Free estimates. 24 hour service. We accept all major credit cards. Financing Available. Robert Fuller, owner and operator. License# TACLB27431E Call 903-647-0816. NEED COMPUTER HELP? Computer and software assistance now available in Bonham and surrounding areas. Call Chuck Knight at 903-583-0992. TEXAS BEST HANDYMAN & REMODEL: Over 20 years experience. No job too small. Free estimates. Call Eric Baldwin 469400-4086. Serving Grayson and Fannin Counties. FARM and LAWN MAINTENANCE Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence painting, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mowing, gutters and drainage, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903-227-5898 or 903-583-1259. HOME REPAIRS & REMODELING Kitchens, baths, additions, cabinets, carpentry, decks, porch covers, fencing and siding. Drywall repairs and painting. Call Billy at 903-413-4338. STAPP TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL Hauling, Storm Damage, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experience. Call 903-583-7888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.”
ART LESSONS Valley Creek Studio Drawing and painting for adults and youth. Homeschoolers welcome! Custom artwork. Katherine Kluger 903-227-8143
PUBLIC NOTICE MARGARET COLBURN will no longer be responsible for any debts, other than debts that have been created by myself. Effective 09-01-2021.
REAL ESTATE 520 S. Center Bonham, TX 75418 2 offices, bathroom & storage area, Plenty of parking space. $750 per month (utilities not included) Call or text 903-583-0108. 220 E. 1st St Bonham, TX 75418 6500 SF Total. 3500 SF Warehouse w/concrete floors & loading dock. 3000 SF Office w/approx 8 offices, large meeting room space, 2 restrooms, kitchen area, HVAC, recently remodeled. $2,500 per month (utilities not included). Call or text 903-583-0108. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 225 to 300 sq. feet or build to suit. 2501 N Center ST. Bonham. 903-583-9527.
We’ll Help You Target the Best Local Opportunities!
EMPLOYMENT Continued from Pg. 18 KENNEL WORKER NEEDED Full time position. Must be able to live on premises. Furnished house, new appliances, utilities furnished, landline telephone, satellite TV, and salary. Job duties include feeding dogs, cleaning pens twice daily, moving dogs and general upkeep of the kennels. NO PETS. For further information and interview appointment please call 903-664-3453 or 903486-7172
IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information call 903583-4018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N Hwy 78 in Ravenna. NOW HIRING! CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver. Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources.
The Fannin Central Appraisal District (FCAD) is currently seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: Staff Appraiser The desired candidate will be responsible for the development and reporting of appraisals for FCAD. The appraiser will perform a combination of field inspections, market analysis and value presentations during appraisal review board hearings. Customer Service and Exemptions Specialist The ideal candidate must have the ability to read and interpret information in the Property Tax Code, must be able to adapt to periods of increased workloads, has excellent verbal and written communications skills and must be detail oriented. Please visit for qualifications and details on submitting an application.
Location: 1729 Texoma Pkwy Sherman, TX 75090 (Next to Save-a-Lot)
I buy Junk Cars and Tractors. 903-436-2067. David Lee
Friday, Sept. 24 @ 8 am - 3 pm Saturday, Sept. 25 @ 8 am - 3 pm Sunday, Sept. 26 @ Noon - 3 pm Sale by Salyer Estate Sales See pictures & details @
Home Country: Slim Randles 9/21/21
Slim Randles Old Jasper Blankenship bought a deer license again this year, just as he’s done every year since Eisenhower was President. He sticks nickels and dimes in a jar all year long and smiles each time he contributes. By Fall, he’s saved up enough for a deer tag. Jasper lives full-time out
at the diggins with his dog, Arthur, of course, so he has only to walk about 100 feet from the cabin to do his hunting. That’s one of the marvels of it. If he sees a nice buck, he might shoot it. Hey, he enjoys venison like everyone else, of course. But he might not shoot it. He had two good shots last Fall and didn’t take either one of them. He’s tried to justify this inactivity to himself, but has come a cropper each time. So off he went once again with his rifle to sit against that one certain tree, kinda scrooch around in the pine needles until he was comfortable, and waited. The squirrel came down a nearby tree and chattered
at him for a while, and then left. The blue jay flew to a branch above him and looked down. Didn’t stay long, though. The soft music of the mountains began along about four in the afternoon, resembling at first just the breeze in the tops of the aspens, but later taking form into a melody no composer could ever create. A legal buck came along just about sundown, but he just waved at it and watched it bound off. Didn’t want to shoot one on opening day, anyway. Still five days to go. Maybe tomorrow. We’ll see
Brought to you by The Backpocket Guide to Hunting Elk, Practical Advice from a Guide and Outfitter, by Slim Randles. Now sold throughAmazon. com.
Page 20 • September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280 •
TIME TO... Evinrude • Yamaha Mercruiser • Mercury • Johnson
Texas Game Wardens Conclude a Successful Labor Day Weekend on the Water
Sept. 15, 2021 Media Contact: TPWD News, Business Hours, 512-3898030 AUSTIN— Texas Game Wardens patrolled more than 2,500 hours throughout the busy Labor Day holiday ensuring boaters and anglers enjoyed a relaxing wrap up to their summer. “With last year’s sharp increase in water-related tourism and accidents, our agency took every precaution available to ensure the safety of all visitors on the water and in our parks,” said Cody Jones, Assistant Commander for Marine Enforcement for
the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. “We had 354 Texas Game Wardens on patrol and they made contact with at least 3,770 vessels on the water confirming everyone aboard was equipped with life vests, children were supervised, and boats followed state law.” For those who did not follow the law, 13 arrests were made, along with 782 citations and warnings—up a hundred from last year. Charges included several incidents of boating or driving while intoxicated. The ramp up in patrols partnered with boater education outreach programs
led to the biggest success of the weekend — a 43 percent decrease in boating related accidents and 50 percent decrease in open water drownings since last year. “For me, the numbers are an indicator that what we are doing is working.” said Jones. “Continuing to partner in communities across Texas, educating boaters while also supporting our wardens in the field with state-of-the-art equipment, new technology, and sophisticated training all pushes us to our goal of zero fatalities and zero boating accidents. Until then, we will remain vigilant.”
Back Together A Montgomery County game warden received a complaint from a woman saying her boyfriend and his friend had killed a deer a couple of days ago and still had it hanging in the garage. The warden arrived at the location and found the deer had gone to waste. The boyfriend admitted to shooting the deer from a public road at night and was arrested for a Felony Warrant, Hunting at Night and Failing to Retrieve or Keep in Edible Condition. The next day, the warden contacted the friend who had admitted to helping the boyfriend kill the deer and leaving it hanging in the garage without processing it completely. After further investigation, the warden found that the friend also had a felony warrant. He was arrested for the Felony Warrant, Hunting at Night and Failing to Retrieve or Keep in Edible Condition. Strike a Pose A Houston County game warden was patrolling Houston County Lake when he noticed a man in possession of a slot limit bass. The man said he was going to take a photo with the fish and then release it back into the lake. The war-
den asked to see the fish and when the man removed it from the live well, the warden saw that it was dead and beginning to turn stiff. Case pending.
Game Warden Field Notes
X Marks the Spot Bell County Game Wardens were contacted by a local landowner’s agent who was on the property hunting hogs when he came across a male individual digging for arrowheads without the landowner’s permission. Wardens arrived on the scene and discovered an eight-foot hole the suspect had dug and several artifacts. The wardens arrested the digger. The suspect had a lengthy criminal history and had recently been released from the penitentiary. He was charged with antiquities code violations, criminal trespass, and criminal mischief. Cases are pending. Party Foul A Travis County Game Warden issued multiple citations to an individual operating an illegal party boat. In an attempt to skirt party boat regulations and avoid trespassing charges, the captain of the vessel coached the attendees of a bachelorette party to announce themselves to the marina as “friends”. Consequentially, the party boat was denied access to the marina. However, the marina was kind enough to provide a legal captain and lease the party another vessel to finish their celebration. Deep in the Weeds Jackson County Game Wardens were patrolling the coastal area of Jackson County for fisheries enforcement. They observed two individuals sitting in a truck at a local boat ramp of Carancahua Bay. There were kayaks in the bed of the truck and fish in a trash bag. The individual on the driver’s side appeared nervous during conversation. One of the wardens asked the subject numerous times if there was anything illegal in the vehicle. The male subject changed the topic each time. Eventually, he stated that there was a little bit of weed in the vehicle. After conducting a search of the vehicle numerous drugs were discovered and seized including: 17 grams of methamphetamine, a THC vape pen, and thirty pills of hydrocodone and amphetamine. The male subject was arrested on four narcotics charges and a parole warrant. We Are Never Ever Getting
MOBILE # 903-814-8400 1-800-211-7808 PO BOX 1148 POTTSBORO 75076 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE
Saturday Morning Fishing. Thanks To Preston And Sharon For Fishing With Us Out Of The Lighthouse Marina. (From Amarillo, TX) Be Safe And God Bless. • 6 HOUR TRIPS • COMPANY TRIPS AVAILABLE • PRIVATE CHARTERS • BAIT & TACKLE FURNISHED • FISH CLEANED & BAGGED
Keep your boat running smooth for Summer!
710 Clarksvile • Paris, TX
7/27/21 Fishin’
or Hunting!
Wednesday Morning Fishing With Rex Bridges Guide Service. Jill And Joe Jack From Mesquite, TX. Catching Stripers and Big Cats! Send YOUR FISHING pictures to fcleader@, attention Tim or text to 903-227-5702, for FREE publication on the Outdoor Page.
Week of September 15, 2021 Cooper GOOD. Water lightly stained; 80 degrees; 0.34 feet low. Largemouth bass are good on deep diving crankbaits, black or red plastic worms, chatter baits, and football jigs. The white bass and hybrids are good over humps and flats using silver or white slabs and chartreuse swimbaits. Crappie are fair with minnows working brush piles and timber in 16-25 feet of water. Catfish are good on punch bait and chicken liver. Fork GOOD. Water lightly stained; 82 degrees; 1.42 feet low. Largemouth bass are good. Early morning bite is in water depths 2-5 feet using Z-man chatterbaits. The midmorning bite is in 10-15 feet of water, and the bream beds using Carolina or Texas rigs, 10-inch worms in blue or green flake. Transitioning midday to shad-colored deepdiving Bill Norman DD22 crankbaits. White and yellow bass are good using live bait, jigging spoons, and slabs on humps and main lake points. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs near brush piles, bridges, and timber. Catfish are good using chicken liver, cut, and live bait. Lavon GOOD. Water lightly stained; 81 degrees; 2.19 feet low. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs, fishing bridge pilings, and brush piles. White bass are good with slabs, jigging spoons, and live bait. Look for birds diving over feeding schools of white bass. Black bass are fair on shaky head jigs, diving crankbaits, and Carolina rigged plastic worms. Catfish are good on cut bait and live bait. Ray Roberts FAIR; Water lightly stained; 80 degrees; 0.15 feet high. White bass fishing is good on the early morning topwater bite, then transitioning to deeper water later in the day with slabs and jigging spoons on points, humps, and ridges. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits, spinners, and jigs near timber, rip rac, and drop-offs. Crappie are fair
on minnows around timber, bridge columns, and in brush piles. Catfish are good on chicken liver and cut bait. Tawakoni GOOD. Water lightly stained; 81 degrees; 2.84 feet low. Blue Catfish are good on fresh cut bait and live bait. Channel Catfish are good on punch bait and cut bait. Largemouth Bass are good on diving crankbaits, Texas-rigged plastic worms, football jigs, and bladed spinners near rocky areas, docks, and flats. White bass and hybrid stripers are good on swimbaits, slabs, and live bait near the main lake channel, flats, drop-offs, and humps. Crappie are good on minnows and black/ chartreuse jigs around brush piles, docks, and bridge pilings. Texoma GOOD. Water lightly stained; 80 degrees; 1.45 feet low. Striped bass are good on live bait along the river channel with some topwater action at sunrise. White bass are good on silver slabs and white swimbaits. Largemouth bass are good fishing flukes, shaky head jigs, crankbaits, and Texasrigged plastic worms. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs near boathouses, timber near a channel, and brush piles. Catfish are good on earthworms, chicken liver, and live bait. Toledo Bend GOOD. Air and water temperatures are cooling down on Toledo Bend Lake. The water level is 168.0, with one generator operating 4 hours a day (from 1- 5 p.m.). The fish bite is starting to pick up for the kayakers and fly rod fishers in shallow water on a topwater Frog imitation
darter and a subsurface Baby Ringo (black and blue). The Perch are making their nests getting ready to spawn on the next Moon phase. You can catch bluegill (perch) on crickets, live worms, and countdown spider flies. The bass fishermen are catching great numbers of spotted bass off the ridges and creek bends just South of the Pendleton Bridge on the Texas side using drop-shots rigs and speed traps. Some white bass are schooling in late evening south of the bridge also. The crappie bite is still in deep water. Some of the guides are catching crappie on small minnows, jigs, and some Natural Forage baits in a T-Shad color (white with black pepper). Watch your Moon phases for your best bite and times. Good luck and tight lines!
Texas Lake Levels +/as of 9/17/21
Arlington -3.66 Benbrook -4.92 Bonham -1.83 Bridgeport -0.32 Caddo 0.40 Cedar Creek -0.60 Eagle Mountain -1.05 Fork -1.48 Granbury -0.66 Grapevine 0.01 Joe Pool 0.02 Lavon -2.38 Lewisville -0.42 Pat Mayse -0.93 Possum Kingdom -1.33 Ray Hubbard -1.07 Ray Roberts -0.21 Tawakoni -0.69 Texoma -1.59 Whitney -1.31
Page 21 • September 21, 2021
Skipper Enterprises LLC Construction
Fence - Corrals - Arenas Facilities - Welding Ranch Management / Consulting Cattle ◊ Horses ◊ Livestock ◊ Forage ◊ Wildlife
Roger Skipper
Freight rail rates are increasing farm business expenses
Texas Agriculture Daily The cost of shipping commodities on domestic rail systems is rising, and it’s putting pressure on U.S. farmers’ and ranchers’ bottom lines. Daniel Munch, associate economist with the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), said rail rates on agricultural goods have risen as much as 18%. “One of the main takeaways from our research was a clear increase in the cost of shipping agricultural commodities on domestic rail systems,” Munch said. “Rail rates on corn have gone up 13%; on
soy, have gone up 11%; and on wheat, 7% over the past five years. Similarly, rates to transport ethanol increased 18% or about four cents a gallon.” Much to his surprise, Munch said the rising cost of fuel wasn’t a primary driver in the higher cost of shipping freight via railroad. “Adjusted for inflation, rail fuel costs have remained quite similar to 2018 and 2019 rates, unlike what consumers are experiencing at the pump,” he said. “They have increased quite a bit in the past year but mainly as a comeback from
Texas producers expect above-average yields and quality from their pecan trees this season, and consumers should expect decent prices for the nut this fall, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert. The green husks on pecans are cracking off on pecan treePecan trees benefitted from early season rains across the state, but most orchards needed rainfall as nuts enter a critical kernel filling stage that requires water. (Stock photo) Larry Stein, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension horticulturist, Uvalde, said the pecan crop was progressing well and that early maturing varieties like
Pawnee were opening and nearing harvest. Stein said trees were in excellent shape following good spring and summer rains, and pecan nut samples pulled for observation showed good nut fill. “It’s not a limb-breaker of a year, although some producers may disagree, but it looks very good for most producers,” he said. “Producers with good management practices avoided pest and disease problems, and it looks to be an excellent crop in both quantity and quality.” Pecan trees faring well The early season rains helped trees, Stein said, but they also presented potential
COVID-19-related demand shocks. Additionally, demand for freight rail from the ag sector, at least, has remained steady over the past five years with a few spikes associated with increased exports. So, overall fuel and transportation demand were not clear pressures for increased rail rates.” Munch analyzed shipping rates by origin and destination states. In both cases, Munch said states east of the Mississippi River had the highest increases. Reduced competition in the rail market is also playing a
role in the rising cost. “In the ag sector, we found that over the past 15 years, noncompetitive rail movements or routes not subject to strong competition have increased from 20% of revenue to about 42% of revenue when there’s limited competitive forces,” he said. “This can incentivize price-setting behavior and disproportionately impact rail customers like farmers and ranchers, who are limited in their ability to choose other options to transport their goods.”
Pecan trees showing good crop potential
30 Plus Years Farrier
FARMING • Pasture Mowing
Did you hear about the wooden tractor? It had wooden wheels, a wooden engine, wooden transmission, and wooden work!
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YOUNG TRACTOR WORKS Specializing in complete pasture care under 50 acres. Services include: pasture mowing, spraying, pasture renovation, discing, planting winter rye, seeding pastures, repair hog damage. Also do dirt work: driveways, building sites, grading for drainage. Experienced fast professional service! Call 903-271-7394.
Sale Date: 9/11/21
NP FARMS ENTERPRISE LLC Looking to Hire hourly employees. Pay will depend on experience. Call Nathan Prater 903-449-2904. FERTILIZED SQ. BALES OF HAY FOR SALE: Fertilized haygrazer. Good clean hay. $7.00 per bale, 10 bale minimum. CALL 903-227-2920
WANT TO BUY FRIENDLY BUYER OF ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS No Title - No Problem Call Tony @ 903-449-9028 or Raymond @ 903-505-9026
problems. Warm, wet weather was ideal for scab, which can cause lesions on the shucks and interfere with the nut fill process. Stein said scab was reported in South Texas and other drier areas that rarely deal with the fungal disease. Some pecan varieties – like Western and Wichita – are very susceptible to scab. Susceptible trees and uncontrolled infestations can be a problematic combination for producers. Light scab infestations cause minimal damage, but heavy infestations can devastate crops. But Stein said most producers stayed on top of it with fungicides. Producers have also reported heavier infestations of stinkbugs, which can cause black spots on the pecan kernel, Stein said. The spots hurt aesthetics, cause a bitter taste and make marketing pecans more difficult and can result in lower prices. However, most commercial producers maintain aggressive monitoring and control regimens for insects like pecan nut casebearer and stinkbugs as well as for diseases, Stein said. There are typically three generations of pecan nut casebearers producers monitor for each growing season, he said. A moth deposits pecan nut casebearer eggs, and the larvae bore into the nut to feed. They can be the most devastating insect pest to a pecan orchard, so producers monitor moth numbers
Head: 1673
STEERS 300 lbs and under......................1.30 - 2.30 300-400 lbs................................1.20 - 2.25 400-500 lbs................................1.00 - 2.05 500-600 lbs...................................80 - 1.80 HEIFERS 300 lbs and under......................1.20 - 2.00 300-400 lbs................................1.15 - 1.90 400-500 lbs................................1.00 - 1.85 500-600 lbs...................................70 - 1.70 SLAUGHTER Cows................................................30 - 78 Bulls.................................................60 - 96 STOCKERS Stocker.......................................375 - 1400 Pairs...........................................400 - 1700 OTHERS Baby Calves................................150 - 350 Holstein Steers................................40 - 65 Holstein Heifers...........................500 - 825 Goats.........................22 hd...........50 - 510
n ssio mi
ivestock Co L s m n’
FOR SALE Fertilized Bermuda Hay 2nd cutting $7/bale. Also have 60 bales of goat hay $3/bale. 555 CR 4680, Trenton. 469-422-2348.
Texas Crop Report – Sept. 14, 2021
Visit us on Facebook
1354 Clement Road • Paris, TX 903-784-2238 • 903-784-7800 Fax 903-785-6933 Mobile 903-782-6330 Charles Mallicote - 903-785-7191
50’ x 100’ x 16’ Equipment/Haybarn/Arena Roof Only, Turnkey, 20” x 5’ Piers w/Concrete, 16” I-Beam Trusses, 8” C-Purlin, 26GA. 25 YR Galvalume
Contact Cody Cox For A Free Quote 903-450-6749 •
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closely and enact proactive control methods. “The first generation typically shows up in early to mid-May, and 42 days later we see the second generation, and a lot of orchards will see a third,” he said. “But we’ve not seen any real significant numbers this year, and I think it correlates with how producers stick to their control regimens.” Good rain good for pecan trees Despite the good crop conditions, Stein said Texas pecan orchards could use a good general rain to help kernel fill. Most commercial orchards are fully irrigated, but the water can only supplement what nature provides. Below-average temperatures have helped soil moisture levels, but conditions are drying, and irrigation alone is not enough to meet ideal maturation requirements, he said. “Some orchards have caught a rain here and there, but most have not gotten much rain over the last few weeks,” he said. “This is a key time for pecans, and they need water to fill the kernel and to help the shucks open as they swell.” Stein said the tropical storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico should deliver good rains for many pecan orchards. But there were concerns about heavy winds thinning nut clusters and damaging trees. Pecan prices better for growers Early indications show the market will be better for pecan growers than the last few years, Stein said. But consumers should also be able to find decent prices for the nuts, though good pecans will likely fetch top dollar. Stein said the trade war with China continues to have lingering effects on the pecan market. Trade tariffs jumped from 17% to 47% during the dispute and remain at that level. Prices have been horrible for commercial growers since Chinese market demand fell, Stein said. “Retail prices held steady the last few years, and that’s been bad for pecan producers,” he said. “The tariff really put the quietus on the pecan market.”
Page 22 • September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280 •
Connie Lou Johnson, 64, passed away on the 14th of September 2021. A funeral service was held in the Chapel of Wise Funeral Home on Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. Interment followed at Bonham’s Arledge Ridge Cemetery. Connie was born in Gilmer, TX on November 15, 1956, to Orvel and Louise (Clayton) Surratt. She graduated from Paul H. Pewitt High School in 1975 before earning her Bachelor of Science in Vocational Home Economics at East Texas State University. Connie began her 39-year career in education at Ysleta ISD in El Paso. That started her incredible journey of mentor and friendship to so many. Upon her marriage to Willard, she moved to Bonham and touched countless students in her 4 years at Dodd City and 17 years at Trenton ISD. Along with total devotion to her family, Connie was devoted to sharing those family values with countless high school students through FCCLA Star events. Connie’s students won numerous state and national awards. Connie retired from Trenton in 2017. She was blessed to be able to spend her days with her two precious grandchildren, Eli and Koley. Connie served numerous different roles throughout her career none more important to her than the role of: Friend, Mentor, Wife, Mom and MawMaw. Connie is survived by her son, Cramer (Regan) Johnson; and grandchildren, Eli and Koley Johnson; mother-in-law, Helen (West) Johnson, all of Bonham, TX. She is also survived by her brother, Donnie (Vickie) Surratt, of Mt. Vernon, TX; sisterin-law, Betsie Surratt, of Lindale, TX; sister-in-law, Reba (Ben) Williams, of Fairview, TX; brother-in-law Billy (Luana) Johnson, of Kaufman, TX; and numerous nieces and nephews. Connie was preceded in death by her father Orvel Surratt, her mother Louise Surratt, her brother Robbie Surratt, sister-inlaw Debra Johnson and her Husband Willard Johnson. Online guest register at
whole world, he loved to go in Honey Grove, Texas. He was watch them rodeo, play sports, born June 18, 1946 in Fort Knox, and accomplish their dreams, Kentucky, to Marlow and Doris but mainly just being with them Williams. He graduated high meant the world to him. Becoming school in Honey Grove in 1964. a great grandpa meant even After graduation he was drafted more to him, he loved Layker and into the United States Army. After Langstyn with all his heart and leaving the army he moved back was so happy they were in his life. home to help out on the family Jerry was saved April 4, 1983 farm. He spent several years and baptized the same night at volunteering for the Honey Grove First Baptist Church of Bonham. Volunteer Fire Department. He 9/21/21 After following the Lord his spent some time working in the whole life, he finally made the full mobile home industry before commitment. His faith in Jesus moving on to Kimberly Clark in Christ was very important to him Paris, Texas. He worked for KC and he shared his love and faith for 24 years until he retired. He on to his family. was a member of the American Jerry was a COOK, anyone Legend and Sons of VFW. who knew him knew his love for Steve was preceded in death cooking. Everything he made was by both of his parents. He is delicious, I can promise there survived by a large loving family. were never any leftovers. He married the love of his life, Jerry never met a stranger and Judy, on March 22, 1991 in Paris, boy could he talk, he liked to share Texas. Steve has five children stories even if he exaggerated a that he loved dearly, Greg little. Those that knew Jerry loved Cravens and wife Stacy, Dena him and those that didn’t know Barnes and husband Quentin, him would have, he was such a Stephen Williams and wife Lisa, sweet and kind man. He will be Misty Cravens, and Michael greatly missed by so many. Williams and wife Stacy. He was Left to cherish his memories delighted to spend time with his are his wife, Melinda Robinson grandchildren, Dakota Barnes and of Bonham, TX; daughter, Kim wife Tacy, Randell Cravens and Waldrop and husband Stan wife Bailey, Rylee Barnes-Brown of Telephone, TX; grandson, and husband Chad, Brianna Teaff Zack Waldrop and wife Lyndi and husband Rowdy, Abigail of Sobol, OK; granddaughter, Avelar, Lori Avelar, Jacob Avelar, Kaylee Waldrop and fiancé Tyler Cravens, Curyssa Williams, Jesse of Telephone, TX; great Kelsey Williams, Emily Williams, grandchildren, Layker and Lucas Williams, Mariah Moore, Langstyn; brother, Richard and JaiShawn Moore. His most Robinson of Bonham, TX; sister, amazing blessings were his 4 Flo Penrod of Colbert, OK; great grandchildren, Nick Brown, brother, Kenneth Robinson of Dixie Barnes, Parker Brown, and Mt. Pleasant, TX; sister, Susan Jaxon Barnes. He has two sisters Meador and husband Kerry of Paulette Andrew and husband Wolfe City, TX; sister-in-law, Sidney and Peggy Wheeler and Donna Moore and husband husband Bill. He also has many Mike of Denison, TX; brothercousins, nieces, and nephews. in-law, Don Windham and wife A celebration of life was held on Debbie of Lampass, TX; along Saturday, September 18, 2021, at with numerous nieces, nephews, Westside Baptist Church in Honey extended family and friends and Grove, Texas. a few extra grandkids along the The family requests flowers be way, Rance and Reece Buster, delivered to his home at 1402 and Nathan, Elizabeth, and Lidia North 10th in Honey Grove. Essary. Jerry will be greeted into his heavenly home by his father, Sandy Robinson; mother, Ruby Robinson; father-in-law, Roby Windham and mother-in-law, Thelma (Chelma) Windham; brother, Phillip Robinson; his Aunt Virginia; Uncle Buck; cousin, Jack Birdsong; and a few great friends and birddogs. Funeral services were held at 2:00 pm on Thursday, September 16, 2021, at the First Baptist Church of Bonham. Bro. Ken Ussery and Bro. Tracy Williams officiated. Interment followed at Willow Wild Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were Gary Kennedy, Rodney Gibson, T. Moore, David McBroom, Mark Buster, Carl Ray Cox, Jason Caylor, and Jason Bonham, Texas--Aubrey Allen Stephens. Serving as honorary Gist, 76, of Bonham, Texas, was pallbearers were Harvey Stanford, born on December 4, 1944, in Billy Jack Houston, Don Manhart, Clarksville, TX, to Aubrey Austin Gene Willis, Al Bronson, Rance Gist and Lorene (Parks) Sexton. Buster, Reece Buster, and Nathan He joined his heavenly Father on Essary. Thursday, September 9, 2021, To convey condolences or sign during hospitalization at Texoma an online registry please visit Medical Center - Denison. Aubrey Gist married Linda
by his parents, grandparents N. J. and Willie Mae Gist, grandson Alex Lee and brother-in-law Hall Alexander. After graduating from Clarksville High School, he attained a degree in business administration from Southern Methodist University and a master’s degree in agriculture and business administration from East Texas State University Commerce. He worked for Blue Cross-Blue Shield for twenty-five years. He and his longtime friend Raymond Kluger were part of the initial management team that brought Blue Cross-Blue Shield to Bonham in 1974. When Aubrey came to Bonham, he found a new passion for farming and ranching. For a few years he also served as an adjunct professor teaching classes in economics and accounting for Paris Junior College. During retirement he and Linda enjoyed several years of traveling abroad. Aubrey was a member of First Presbyterian Church - Bonham, where he enjoyed serving on the House and Grounds Committee. A Celebration of Life Service officiated by Reverend Lisa Reece was held on Saturday, September 18, 2021, 11:00am, at First Presbyterian Church Bonham (818 N. Main Street). In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Fannin County Children’s Center (www.fanninccc. org) or First Presbyterian ChurchBonham ( To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit
Bonham-Jerry Lee Robinson, age 70 of Bonham, TX was born on December 18, 1950, to Sandy Eugene Robinson and Ruby Mary (Birdsong) Robinson. He passed away on Saturday, September 11, 2021, at home surrounded by his loved ones. Jerry graduated from Bonham High School. From a very young age he found he had a passion for the great outdoors; hunting and fishing was his life, and he was truly the best at both. Jerry married Melinda Windham Robinson on January 25, 1968, in Euless, TX. They enjoyed doing everything together, he stood by her side through her battle with cancer, she was the love of his life, and he was the love of hers. Jerry and Melinda truly cherished, loved each other, and supported one another through everything. Together they raised one daughter, Kim who has always been a daddy’s girl, little did he know the boy he always wanted was nothing like the little girl he got, she could out hunt and fish most of the boys and grown men at that. Jerry passed his love for the great outdoors down to his daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids. After becoming a grandpa, Zack and Kaylee became his
Marlow Steven Williams, 75 years old, passed away Monday, September 13, 2021 at his home
Gist on September 16, 1977, in Bonham, TX. He is survived by his wife Linda, sister Mary Hogan and husband Duke, daughter Kathryn (Gist) Yater and husband Chris, son Joel Reese and daughter Regina (Reese) Lee Best and husband Gabriel. His grandchildren are Brianna McClain and husband Bobby, Ashton Hauge, Cecilee Reese, Brodi Markum, Zoee Reese and Ethan Lee; great grandchildren are Jayden Hauge and Chloe Hauge. He also had a niece, two nephews and sisters-in-law Brenda Newbern and Evelyn Alexander. Aubrey was preceded in death
Alice Lucille Brink, a resident of Savoy, TX passed away at home on her birthday September 10, 2021 at the age of 87. Celebration of life will be at a later date. Arrangements are made by Wise Funeral Home of Bonham. Alice was born in Dow City, Iowa to William and Pearl McCoid on September 10, 1934. Alice attended school until 8th Grade. Alice was a waitress and a homemaker. She is preceded in death by her son Richard Brink and multiple siblings. Alice is survived by her daughters Diane and husband Pat Conroy of Iowa, Vickie Lembke of Bonham, Teresa Jay and husband Jeff of Oklahoma, Pam Cates of Iowa, granddaughter’s Wendy Brink of Savoy, Lynn Adams and husband Larry of Van Alstyne, Angela Greene and husband Rob of TN, Lisa Nall and Jeff of Oklahoma, grandson’s Lance Klockgether and wife Kristin of Windom, Richard Klockgether and Donaice of Ravenna, Jeremy Lembke of Iowa, Timothy Conroy of Iowa and many great grandchildren. The family would like to thank Pam Hawkins and Ardent Hospice for taking care of their granny. You may sign a guest register book online at www.
sister Vickie West and brother Rudy Fox. Kerry is survived by his wife Debbie, his son Danny Casey, and his daughter Whitney Vaught and husband Hunter, and brother Nickey Fox and wife Jackie. He is also survived by his nieces and nephews Tom and Julie Fox, Ken and Mary Lou Fox, Kevin and Jennifer Brooks, Dalton and Tori Cagle, Jonathan and Jennifer Van Huss, Liena Fox, Shawn and Cagney Fox, Justin West, and Blake West. As well as many great nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Interment was held at Gober Cemetery. Pallbearers were Tom Fox, Ken Fox, Kevin Brooks, Dalton Cagle, Kason Carson, and Hunter Vaught. Honorary pallbearers were Ryan Brooks, Lane Fox, Ethan Fox, Justin West, Blake West and Shawn Fox. He would have wanted to recognize his domino playing buddies Tyler Dotson, Trayton Dotson, Daulton “DP” Pilliod and Casey Hall. To convey condolences or sign an online registry please visit
Bonham, TX- Funeral services to celebrate the life of Kerry Darryl Fox, age 67, of Bonham, Texas were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, September 15th, 2021 at Cooper Sorrells Funeral Home in Bonham, Texas. Brother Rickey Roberts officiated the services. Kerry passed away on September 9th, 2021 at TMC in Denison surrounded by his family. Kerry was born on May 12th, 1954 in Ladonia, Texas, the son of Newman Wiley Fox and Betty Marie Blalock-Fox. Kerry grew up in Gober, Texas where he attended school and enjoyed being a Plowboy, he later graduated from Bonham High School. On January 12th, 1980 Kerry married Debbie Walker-Fox in Gober, Texas. He enjoyed having chickens and goats, collecting Hot Wheels and Tractors, riding four wheelers, taking naps, hanging out with his family, feeding his dog cookies, cracking jokes, and playing intense games of dominoes. Kerry was retired from Exide Technologies in Frisco, Texas where he was an environmental tech for 28 years. He finished out his work career working for the Bonham Independent School District, where he enjoyed working with his school family and the kiddos. He was known for making up nicknames for students and being onery with his work staff. It was never a dull moment. Kerry is preceded in death by his father Newman Fox, mother Betty Fox, sister Sherry Brooks,
Bonham-Angie Nell (Purser) Justice, age 59, of Bonham, TX was born on June 9, 1962, in McKinney, TX to Charles Buddy Purser and Shirley Jean (Daniels) Purser. She passed away on Thursday, September 9, 2021, at Texoma Medical Center in Denison, TX. Funeral services were held at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at the Pentecostal Church of Leonard, TX. Bro. Joe Johnson officiated. Interment followed at Altoga Cemetery in Collin County. Serving as pallbearers were Michael Daughtry, Josiah French, Marcus Wood, Stevie Douglas, David Purser, and Randy Purser. Angie married Johnny Leon Justice on October 4, 2014, in Leonard, TX. She was a self -employed cosmetologist and owned her own business for 40 plus years in Allen, TX. Angie enjoyed doing basic crafts and loved being around and spending time with her grandchildren and family. She was a member of the Pentecostal Church of Leonard. Angie is survived by her husband Johnny Justice; son, Ricky McAdams, Jr., and wife Amanda; son, Mike Wood, and wife Kisha; daughter Rosie Justice, and daughter-in-law, Kimberly McAdams. Grandchildren, Olivia McAdams and husband, Ty Voigt, Colby McAdams, Gracie McAdams, Mackenzie Strecker, Rebekah McAdams, William McAdams, Joshua McAdams, Paisley McAdams, Mylie Justice, Madyson Justice, Memphes Justice, and Josephine Spencer. Angie is also survived by many extended family members, nieces, nephews, friends, and lifelong friends, Ricky, Sr., and Marsha She is preceded in death by son, Daniel Craig McAdams, infant son, Craig McAdams, brother, Charley Purser, and parents, Charles and Shirley Purser. OBITUARIES CONTINUED ON PAGE 23
Page 23 • September 21, 2021
South: While former Hurricane Nicholas soaked the western Gulf Coast region, many of parts of the South continued to experience short-term drying. As a result, abnormal dryness broadly expanded across Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, extending into northwestern Mississippi and western Tennessee. Pockets of moderate drought also developed. By September 12, Arkansas led the region—according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture—with topsoil moisture rated 69% very short to short, followed by Oklahoma (60%) and Texas (59%). At times, heat has been a factor in rapidly worsening conditions. In Texas, Borger posted a high temperature of 106°F on the 10th, edging the monthly record of 105°F originally set on September 5, 1995. Elsewhere in Texas, Del Rio noted highs of 100°F or greater on each of the first 10 days in September.
We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, But all we have are memories, And your picture in a frame.
Texas Weather Report – Sept. 14, 2021- Texas A&M AgriLife complete. Sugarcane aphids were reported in sorghum. Rangelands and pastures were drying out, and grasshoppers and armyworms were still a problem for producers. Cattle were grazing and receiving supplemental feed. Cows and calves looked good and were making good gains. Dryland cotton conditions were declining, with some areas reporting fields in poor shape. Irrigated fields looked fair, and some bolls were opening. Corn harvest was complete. Wise County reported poor yields due to drowned-out fields and damage by wild pigs. Sorghum harvest was complete with 2,000-4,500 pounds per acre and average test weights reported. SOUTHWEST Parts of the district reported precipitation, but most areas received none. Rangeland and pastures were in good to fair condition and drying due to warmer weather. Drying vegetation and fuel loads were a wildfire concern. Hay harvest continued. Ranches with good management practices were showing abundant grasses. Guadalupe County reported that corn
harvest continued with good yields reported. Livestock markets were good. Livestock conditions were fair to good, and producers were supplementing livestock and wildlife feed. SOUTH Conditions were hot and dry, with little to no rainfall throughout the district. Jim Hogg County reported half an inch of rain in some areas. Mornings were cooler, but daytime temperatures were in the 90s. Producers were reporting short soil moisture levels. Maverick County reported 100-degree days. Peanuts were doing well under irrigation. Upland cotton crops were doing well and should improve with rain in the forecast. Defoliation of cotton fields was beginning in some areas while other areas were wrapping up the harvest. Some areas reported being two weeks behind schedule on cotton harvest. Lateplanted corn and sorghum harvests were wrapping up, and field preparation and stalk destruction were underway. Work continued in strawberry fields with plastic
and mulch applications. Forage producers were cutting and baling hay, but the harvest was nearing a close. Pastures and rangelands were drying down under continued high temperatures and no moisture. More producers were starting to provide additional supplemental feed and hay to cattle. Rotation grazing was occurring as well. Producers were delaying wheat and cool-season forage plantings for rain and cooler temperatures. Pond levels were full in some areas and were receding in other parts of the district. Cattle prices were normal, but sale numbers were increasing. Watermelon and cantaloupe production continued. Irrigated Coastal Bermuda grass production continued as well. Sugarcane and citrus irrigation continued. Row-crop farmers were preparing fields for the next crop cycle. Dove hunters were in the area hunting in sunflowers and sorghum patches. Whitetail bucks were showing hardened antlers and shedding velvet. Wildlife was doing well but seeking water in livestock ponds and from water troughs.
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Funeral Services for Patsy Jo Lasater McDowell, age 73, of Ector, Texas were held at 2:00 p.m. Monday, September 20, 2021 at Wise Funeral Home Chapel. Pastor Morris Cook officiated. Burial followed at Carson Cemetery in Ector, Texas. Patsy passed away Wednesday morning, September 15, 2021, at her home in Ector, Texas. Patsy was born September 29, 1947, in Fannin County, Texas, the daughter of Earl Dillon Lasater and Mollie Jane Starnes Lasater. She married Erbin Junior McDowell on October 12, 1966. They were married for 54 years prior to her passing. Patsy was a housewife who enjoyed making blankets. Her hobbies included sewing, quilting, and crocheting. Patsy and Erbin had a lush vegetable garden they worked on together. Kids were her life. She loved the company of children and had probably babysat half of the children in Ector. Patsy was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother. She will be greatly missed. Patsy is preceded in death by her parents, brothers, Russel Lasater, Wilbern Thomas Lasater, and Willie Earl Lasater; and sisters, Edna Earl Taylor and Betty Wahl. Patsy leaves to cherish her memories her husband Erbin Junior McDowell of Ector, Texas; son, Delbert McDowell and wife Lana of Durant, Oklahoma; daughter, Beverly McDowell Kraft and Brian Stone of Savoy, Texas; brother, Johnny Lasater and wife Audrey of Telephone, Texas; sisters, Maggie Barnes and husband Junior of Missouri, Lois Ball of Bonham, Texas, Judy Thompson and husband Jackie of Ivanhoe, Texas, and Margaret Whitaker of Honey Grove, Texas; grandchildren, Dillon James Kraft and wife Rachel, Avery Kraft, Travis McDowell and wife Lynsey, Randi Ragle and husband Daniel, and Dalton Dill; great grandchildren, Jacob Figg, Liam Ragle, Lyla Ragle, and Levi Ragle; numerous nieces, nephews, extended family and a host of friends. Pallbearers were Jeff Glaser, Brad Haywood, Mark Haywood, Ricky Large, Jeff Morris, Cliff Wright. Honorary Pallbearer was Clint Wilson. Online guest register at www.
CENTRAL The warm, dry weather allowed harvest operations to move quickly. Corn and sorghum harvests were winding down. A few fields of sorghum stubble were being baled. Most field preparation for winter forages and winter wheat plantings was complete, but dry topsoil and warm soil temperatures were not conducive for seed germination. Some producers dusted in wheat fields despite poor planting conditions in expectation of moisture from Tropical Storm Nicholas. Cotton defoliation was complete in most fields with yields in many of them expected to be average. There were concerns about potential downgraded cotton quality if the tropical system delivered heavy rains. Pastures and rangeland could use rainfall as some areas were showing signs of moisture stress. Livestock were being moved around to prevent overgrazing. EAST Conditions were beginning to dry out, with little to no measurable rain reported. Hay production slowed due to drier conditions and cooler nights. Pasture and rangeland conditions were good. Subsoil and topsoil conditions were adequate. Producers continued to cut, bale and put away hay. Winter forages were being planted. Livestock were in fair to good condition. Armyworm infestations remained a problem. Wild pig activity continued. NORTH Soil moisture was adequate to short across the district. High winds and 90-plus degree temperatures continued to dry up soil moisture, which slowed summer grass growth. Forecasts called for slight chances of rain on multiple days upcoming. Pastures were starting to brown, but weather was perfect for harvest conditions. Farmers who harvested early were starting to prepare and plant winter wheat fields. ROLLING PLAINS Conditions were dry, warm and windy. Some field preparation activity took place, but most farmers were waiting for rain before moving forward with wheat planting. Motley County reported wheat plantings were nearly
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Graveside services for Loyd O’Neal Cole, 85, of Bonham, were held at 2:00 PM Sunday, September 12, 2021 in Willow Wild Cemetery under the direction of Wise Funeral Home. Loyd passed away early Friday morning, Sept. 10, 2021 at his residence following a long courageous battle with lung cancer. Loyd was born Sept. 21, 1935 in Middleton, Tennessee, the son of O’Neal Cole and Louise Russell Cole. He married the love of his life, Betty Ruth Covington on August 24, 1954 in Paris, Texas’ and they recently celebrated 67 years of marriage. Loyd retired from the maintenance department at General Cable after 39 years of service. He was an avid country music and bluegrass fan and loved playing the piano. He also enjoyed making walking canes from Bois d’Arc wood and raising cattle. Loyd was a member of Boyd Baptist Church and a longtime member of the Bonham Lions Club. He was preceded in death by his parents, a son, Lance Reed Cole (2002) and a brother, Joe Cole. Loyd leaves behind to cherish his memories, his beloved wife, Betty Cole, son, Steven Cole and his wife, Sherry, and his only granddaughter, Meghan Cole Cryer and two great grandchildren, Dakota Cryer and Preston Cryer. Also surviving are two sisters, Sue Bowden and husband, Orlis and Linda Flippen, and a brother, Danny Cole and wife, Jency, all of Paris, TX; numerous nieces, nephews, extend family and friends and two sisters-in-law, Mamie Gay of Amarillo and Barba McCarty of Paris, TX and a niece, Destiny Brown and Kurt of Seminole, OK and their children, Kameron and Delaney. Memorials may be made to the Creative Arts Center, 200 W. 5th St., Bonham, TX 75418. Online guest register www. wisefuneralhome,com
Page 24 • September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280 •
and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Fannin County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date, in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have on August 31, 2021, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in October, 2021, the same being the 5th day of said month, at the Front Steps of Bonham City Hall, between the hours of 10 o’clock a.m. and 4 o’clock p.m. on said day, beginning at 10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same lying and being situated in the County of Fannin and the State of Texas, to-wit: Sale # 1
Cause # Judgment Date TX-15-4287 07/13/16
Acct # Order Issue Date
Style of Case
Legal Description
Adjudged Value
83343 AUGUST 31, 2021
1.0730 acres, more or less, shown as 1.5 acres by Fannin CAD, located in the M. F. Shyrock Survey, Abstract 1012, more particularly described in deed from Malcolm Crank to Lue Crank, dated December 14, 1995, recorded in Volume 823, Page 79, Deed Records of Fannin County (#83343)
18.10 acres, more or less, situated in the Joseph Barnhart Survey, Abstract 69, Fannin County, Texas, described in deed dated January 21, 2014, from Ricky A. Chaney, et al to John Michael Chaney, et ux, in Volume 1720, Page 330, Official Records of Fannin County, Texas, and having thereon, a 16’ X 55” 2013 Legacy Mobile Home, Label # NTA1597818, Serial # LH213TX3980 (#70866)
TX-17-4485 04/21/21
70866 AUGUST 31, 2021
TX-18-4574 05/12/21
94819 AUGUST 31, 2021
TX-18-4574 05/12/21
94820 AUGUST 31, 2021
TX-19-4594 04/21/21
74934 AUGUST 31, 2021
All that certain tract of land situated in the Samuel Erwin Survey, Abstract 348, Fannin County, Texas, containing 0.386 acre, more or less, described by metes and bounds description in deed dated May 11, 1990, from Naamon O. Frizzell to Michael Person, et ux, in Volume 741, Page 345, and Deed recorded in Volume 2104, Page 110, from Mia Lashone Johnson, formerly known as Mia Lashone Pearson to Red Thunder, LLC, Land Records of Fannin County, Texas (#74934)
TX-19-4598 04/29/21
93217 AUGUST 31, 2021
The West 1/2 of Lots 7 & 8, Block 22, Reich’s Addition, an addition to the City of Bonham, Fannin County, Texas, described in Volume 310, Page 241, Deed Records of Fannin County, Texas (#93217)
TX-19-4615 04/21/21
81087 AUGUST 31, 2021
2.346 acres, more or less, situated in the S. D. Nunnales Survey, City of Trenton, Fannin County, Texas, described in deed dated October 29, 1970, from Bland MeHaffey to Robert Sale, in Volume 520, Page 70, Deed Records of Fannin County, Texas (#81087)
TX-19-4616 04/23/21
94373 AUGUST 31, 2021
All of Lot 5, Block “A”, of the Re-plat of Circle West Addition, an addition to the City of Trenton, Fannin County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Volume 3, Page 113, Surveyor’s Records of Fannin County, Texas (#94373)
TX-20-4674 04/21/21
94769 AUGUST 31, 2021
60.00 feet by 150.00 feet, containing 0.2066 acre, more or less, out of Block 16, T. & P. Railway Addition, an addition to the City of Honey Grove, Fannin County, Texas, described in deed dated August 16, 2011, from Walter Mortgage Company, LLC to Kevin L. Finney, in Volume 1576, Page 373, Official Records, Fannin County, Texas (#94769)
TX-20-4709 04/21/21
73325 AUGUST 31, 2021
13.50 acres, more or less, situated in the Thomas Collier Survey, Abstract 215, Fannin County, Texas, described in deed dated July 6, 2009, from The Eli AHBA Trust to Gressie Trust, in Volume 1437, Page 317, Official Records of Fannin County, Texas (#73325)
TX-09-3751 01/20/10
94796 AUGUST 31, 2021
Lot 20, Block 18, T. & P. RR. Addition, an addition to the City of Honey Grove, Fannin County, Texas, as described in Volume 578, Page 741, Deed Records of Fannin County, Texas (Acct #94796)
Tract 1 Lots 19 & 20, Block 21, City of Honey Grove, Abstract 9845, T & P RY Survey, Fannin County, Texas, described in Volume 889, Page 604, Land Records of Fannin County, Texas (#94819) Tract 2 Lots 21 & 22, Block 21, Town of Honey Grove, Abstract No. 9845, T & P Ry. Survey, Fannin County, Texas, being that property more particularly described in Volume 625, Page 559, Deed Records of Fannin County, Texas (#94820)
(any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Fannin County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs. 9/7/21
Sheriff Mark Johnson Fannin County, Texas By Notes:
The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However, the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT. For more information, contact your attorney or LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at (903) 597-2897
When do I plant wildflower seeds for spring blooms? 9/7/21
Laura Muntean: Texas A&M AgriLife Now is the time for Texas wildflower lovers to plant their favorite varieties for flowers in the spring, said Joseph Johnson, program manager for The Gardens at Texas A&M University. Planting in the fall — before the start of the rainy season — gives your wildflowers time to germinate and gain a good root system before going dormant during the winter. “It is good to use a
wildflower mix with several different species to ensure year-round interests and not just blooms for the spring,” he said. “This will give you an array of colors, but also an opportunity to see what does especially well in your wildflower area for the next year. If you let your flowers go to seed, you could see them again and again from year to year.” Prepare the soil for the seeds Anyone interested in planting wildflowers for a
spring family photo needs to prepare the soil. To ensure that the seeds come into contact with the soil, till and tamp them into the soil. After planting, lightly water the area to settle the seeds into the soil. “If you are partial to bluebonnets, consider planting them in full sun with good drainage,” he said. “Otherwise, an area with a minimum of six hours of sunlight should be sufficient for most types of wildflowers.”
Do not overwater and do not fertilize wildflower seeds, he added. A little bit of care goes a long way, especially for bluebonnets. Scatter the wildflower seeds Spread your seeds over your prepped soil, according to the instructions of your selected seed mix. Or, if you are looking for a meadow bursting with flowers and color, you may want to spread them thicker. Once your seeds are in place, walk around the area
Gabe Saldana: Texas A&M AgriLife Sunlight for fall vegetables One of the most important things for a vegetable garden is learning how much sunlight your plants need. Vegetable gardens should receive at least six hours of direct sunlight, unobstructed by shadows from taller objects nearby. “Crops and plants grown for their roots and fruits should be planted in areas that receive the most sunlight,” he said. “If you have to plant something a little more into the shade, do it with your leafy greens, which can tolerate a little less sunlight.”
soil-like substance. “For a garden to thrive, organic matter in the soil is a necessity,” Richter said. “Compost helps sandy soils keep more water and nutrients, and it helps clay soils drain better and improves aeration among other benefits.” If your soil has poor drainage, raised planting beds can help plants to thrive even during periods of excessive rainfall.
gives detailed information to help choose the best species for any Texas region. Richter also recommended reaching out to county AgriLife Extension offices for more assistance with fall gardening. Knowing just when to plant vegetables, according to region, is important. View the planting guide for suggested planting dates in Texas at FallGardenGuide.
Tips for a successful fall harvest • Plan for adequate sunlight. • Give roots and fruits the most sun. • Use leafy greens in sun or in slightly shadier garden areas. • Amend your soil with compost. • Choose regionally adapted plants. • Visit your county AgriLife Extension office for more help.
Top tips for a successful fall vegetable garden
Healthy soil for a healthy garden Soil quality is another important factor when planning for a strong vegetable garden, Richter said. “By the time you put your first plant in the ground, you’re already 75% of the way toward success or failure,” he said. “At that point, you’ve either prepared a good-quality soil for your plants or you haven’t.” If you are unsure about the quality or health of your soil, then you may consider getting a soil test. Soil testing helps you understand the precise composition of your soil. Texans who wish to know more about their soil composition can order a soil test from AgriLife Extension. One of the easiest ways to build healthier soil is by amending it with a store bought or do-it-yourself compost mix. Compost is comprised of organic matter that has decomposed into a
When to plant vegetables for fall Fall gardeners can set the stage for a bountiful harvest by selecting the best vegetable varieties for their regions and planting them at the right time. “In Texas, our fall season can be short between the blazing heat of summer and first frost of winter,” he said. “So, we want things that harvest quickly, and you want to select crops that are well-adapted to your area.” AgriLife Extension’s Fall Vegetable Variety Selector
Appraisal Review Board Members Needed The Fannin Central Appraisal District is seeking Appraisal Review Board (ARB) members from qualified property owners of Fannin County for the upcoming 2022-2023 term. The ARB serves a vital role in ensuring the property owners of Fannin County have an impartial citizen panel to hear their property value disputes. If you are interested in serving on the ARB, please visit the appraisal district’s website, the district’s office or your taxing unit’s administrative offices to review the selection policy and qualification criteria, and to complete an applicant questionnaire. To be considered, completed questionnaires must be received by November 1, 2021. Mail completed questionnaires to Fannin Central Appraisal District, Attn: Taxpayer Liaison Officer 831 W. State Hwy. 56 Bonham, TX 75418.
BAILEY INGLISH 9/21/21 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 2020-2021 A public meeting will be held to discuss the Title I School Wide Program and State Accountability Results October 7, 2021 1:00 P.M. 201 E. 10th Bonham, Texas The Bonham Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs. Inquiries related to the policies of the Bonham Independent School District should be directed to: Assistant Superintendent 903.583.5526
to compress them into the ground for good germination. It is important not to bury or cover the seeds because they need good exposure to the sun.
Wait for spring and enjoy the blooms Because of the fall planting, the seeds should not require too much care and watering. Blooms should begin to appear in early spring, depending on the weather, and, with a good-quality seed variety, may continue into summer.
Small Taxing Unit Notice
The City of Ladonia will hold a meeting at 07:00 PM on September 28, 2021 at Ladonia City Hall to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2021. The proposed tax rate is 0.393384 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in City of Ladonia by 8 %.
Notice to Creditors for the Estate of Hallie E. Stroud, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Estate of Hallie E. Stroud, Deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 7th day of September, 2021, by the Fannin County Court at Law of Fannin County, Texas. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to Lynn Borden, who is the Independent Executor of the Estate of in Cause No. PR-2021-12952, within the time prescribed by law. The address for Lynn Borden is 5005 Heatherington Place, The Colony, Texas 75056.
9/21/21 Notice of Public Meeting Board of Trustees Savoy Independent School District Notice is hereby given that a public meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Savoy Independent School District will be held on Monday, October 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administration Building, located at 302 W. Hayes, Savoy, Texas 75479. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss Savoy ISD’s “Superior” rating and 100 out of a possible 100 score from the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas. Public participation is invited. Brian Neal Superintendent. Savoy ISD 903-965-5262
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the Fannin County Commissioners Court will accept sealed bids for Culverts for all Precincts. Specifications may be obtained from: Mailing Address
Physical Address
Michelle Case Fannin County Purchasing Courthouse Suite 304 Bonham, TX 75418
Michelle Case Fannin County Purchasing 200 East 1st Street Bonham, TX 75418 Sealed bids must be filed in the County Purchasing Agent‘s Office before 4 p.m. September 29, 2021 or said bids will not be considered. Bids shall be opened on September 29, 2021 at 4 p.m. in the Fannin County Purchasing Agent’s Office, 200 East 1st Street, Bonham, TX 75418. Fannin County Commissioners Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Page 26 • September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280 •
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SPORTS Leonard’s Davis starts year four w/Centenary College volleyball
By Rich Hilliard
Leonard alumna Alyssa Davis has extended her volleyball career at Centenary College of Louisiana -- into a fourth season. Through Sept. 13, Davis had amassed 96 kills and 91 digs through seven matches which have included 25 sets. The 5-9 senior outside hitter began with 18 digs and nine kills against LeTourneau on Sept. 3. She then posted double figures on Sept. 3 and 4 in each Leonard’s Alyssa Davis. category -- 19 kills and 16 digs Centenary College -- in matches against Millsaps and Belhaven. of Louisiana courtesy photo Davis, a 2018 Leonard graduate, also had: 10 kills and 23 lor on Sept. 4 and 10 kills with digs against Mary Hardin-Bay- four digs against Grambling on
Sept. 7. During a doubleheader sweep of Williams Baptist University on Sept. 11, she totaled a combined 29 kills and 14 digs. Her start follows posting 166 kills and 132 digs in 14 matches which included 52 sets as a junior -- in a conference-play-only schedule last spring played in lieu of a traditional mixed slate during the 2020 fall due to COVID-19 concerns. Note: On Sept. 15, Davis added 17 kills (a match-high) and 11 digs -- categories in which she ranks in the Top 10 in the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference -- during a Centenary win over Jarvis Christian.
Page 27 • September 21, 2021
Few Fannin teams have a ‘21 football game canceled due to COVID-19, lack of officials
By Rich Hilliard
COVID-19, a lack of officials and opponent illnesses have led to the cancellation of a football game for Trenton, Fannindel and Leonard. thus far during the 2021 season. Class 2A-I Trenton due to COVID-19 had to cancel its Sept. 3 game at Maud. The Tigers returned from the unexpected open Friday with a 47-20 home victory over Chico on Sept. 10 for their first win of the season. A lack of available officials led to the cancellation on Sept. 10 of 1A-II Fannindel’s nondistrict game at Leverett’s Chapel. Meanwhile, 3A-II Leonard had to cancel its homecoming game against Detroit on Sept. 17. Detroit head coach Cayle Beard in The Paris News cited a “combination of illnesses”
including COVID-19 on the Detroit football team and staff
for the cancellation. Leonard’s homecoming game and pre-game ceremony will instead occur on Oct. 15 when Blue Ridge visits during District 8-3A-II competition. Leonard reached the unexpected open date at 3-0 after winning 62-43 at Bonham on Sept. 10. In its previous two victories this season, Leonard produced 43 points in a win over Wolfe Cty and again as many against Commerce.
Senior quarterback Mason Rodriguez watches after throwing a touchdown pass last month during home scrimmage action for Bonham which has had no changes in its scheduled football slate of games in 2021. The Purple Warriors had to replace their non-district finale opponent -- from Leonard to Blue Ridge -- in 2020 due to COVID-19, after also having to change their season-opener opponent -- from Scurry-Rosser to Quitman. Photo by Rich Hilliard
Postseason push underway for Fannin County volleyball teams
New Dodd City head volleyball coach Lindsay Carter speaks with the Lady Hornets during a timeout. Friday through Tuesday -- of forfeits of their final three Story and photos matches, Bonham with two 11-3A matches necessitated a by Rich Hilliard District 11-3A wins -- over fourth-place play-in with Bells District volleyball has be- Leonard and Howe -- has be- -- that went five games before gun -- and thus the drive for gun to make its case for a re- the Lady Panthers triumphed. claiming a postseason berth turn to the postseason. Plenty of time and matches The Lady Warriors looked en also remains, as Leonard or securing which one in a grouping -- for Fannin County route to a third-straight post- looks to start a new postseaseason in 2020 in early Oc- son streak -- and make a sixth teams. After the first full week -- tober. However, COVID-19 postseason trip in the last sev-
en seasons. Both are having to contend in a district with currentlyranked Class 3A teams in the Texas Girls Coaches Association poll for the classification -- No. 5 Gunter and No. 13 Blue Ridge -- as well as recently-ranked Pottsboro and Bells -- to get back into the playoffs. Meanwhile, Trenton and Sam Rayburn are vying for two of the four available 2A postseason berths in 16-2A, while Dodd City and Savoy are deciding which will take the No. 1 and 2 district seeds to the 1A postseason. All four Fannin teams in 162A are also competing for the overall championship in the district where 2A Tom Bean held the No. 15 ranking in the combined TGCA 2A-1A poll.
Bonham’s Breauna Killgo.
Leonard’s Hannah Harris.
Sports Sponsored By:
FANNIN BANK Go to for more information
Bonham (903) 583-5522 Fax (903) 583-2436 P.O. Box 160 230 E. 3rd
Honey Grove (903) 378-2200 Fax (903) 378-2436 P.O. Box 9 901 E. Main
Compiled by 2021 Fannin County Football Standings Rich Hilliard 11-24-20 7/22/14 Class 1A (II)
Head Coach: Wayne Ware
(1st season) August
27 at Fruitvale 8 - Fannindel 39
September 4 Campbell 32 - Fannindel 39 10 at Leverett’s Chapel - Fannindel (canceled: lack of officials) 17 Abilene Christian - Fannindel** 24 Savoy - Fannindel October 2 Mesquite Founders - Fannindel 9 at Greenville Christian - Fannindel 15 open date 22 at Forestburg - Fannindel* 29 at Gold-Burg - Fannindel* November 5 Trinidad - Fannindel*
Class 1A (I) SAVOY CARDINALS Head Coach: Clay Wilson
(10th season) August
Head Coach: Glen Schuelke
(4th season) August
26 Grayson Christian 52 - Savoy 0 28 at Tenaha 35 - HG 0 (final at half) September
September 2 Plano CHANT 52 - Savoy 6 9 Saint Jo JV 25 - Savoy 33 17 at Wichita Christian - Savoy 24 at Fannindel - Savoy October 1 Greenville Christian - Savoy 7 Fruitvale - Savoy* 15 at Union Hill - Savoy* 21 Leverett’s Chapel - Savoy* 29 District Bye November 5 at Campbell - Savoy*
3 Whitewright 7 - HG 20 10 at Paris Chisum 55 - HG 15 17 at Callisburg - HG 24 open date
*District 10-1A-II **Strawn
*District 10-1A-I
*District 6-2A-I
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
Fannindel I.S.D. Faculty, Staff & School Board Proud to Support Our Students!
Go Falcons!!
1 at Como-Pickton - HG* 8 Wolfe City - HG* 15 at Celeste - HG* 22 Cooper - HG* 29 at Alba-Golden - HG* November 5 Rivercrest - HG*
Class 2A (I) TRENTON TIGERS Head Coach: Josh Shipman (3rd season)
27 Detroit 38 - Trenton 14
Class 3A (II)
Head Coach: Shane Fletcher
(17th season) August
27 at Wolfe City 7 - Leonard 43
September 3 at Maud - Trenton (canceled: COVID-19) 10 Chico 20 - Trenton 47 17 at Gateway - Trenton 24 Cumby - Trenton October 1 open date 8 at Tioga - Trenton* 15 Tom Bean - Trenton* 22 at Alvord - Trenton* 29 at Collinsville - Trenton* November 5 Lindsay - Trenton*
September 3 Commerce 6 - Leonard 43 10 at Bonham 43 - Leonard 62 17 Detroit - Leonard (canceled: opponent illnesses) 24 Bells - Leonard* October 1 District Bye 8 at Gunter - Leonard* 15 Blue Ridge - Leonard* 22 at Lone Oak - Leonard* 29 S&S - Leonard* November 5 at Whitewright - Leonard*
*District 5-2A-I
*District 8-3A-II
Head Coach: Kyle Dezern
(2nd season) August
27 Scurry-Rosser 42 - Bonham 47**
3 at Van Alstyne 48 - Bonham 7 10 Leonard 62 - Bonham 43 17 open date 24 at Commerce - Bonham*
1 Mineola - Bonham* 8 at Winnsboro - Bonham* 15 at Mt. Vernon - Bonham* 22 Pottsboro - Bonham* 29 at Howe - Bonham*
5 Rains - Bonham*
*District 5-3A-I **at Texas A&M-Commerce
SAVOY I.S.D. We proudly support our Cardinals!
District phone: 903-965-5262
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Honey Grove ISD
Proudly Supports Our Warriors! Go Team!
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Locations: • Leonard • Trenton GO ! M • Melissa TEA • Bonham
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Locations: GO • Leonard • Trenton TEAM • Melissa ! • Bonham
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2232 N. Center St. & 502 N. Center St. Bonham 903-583-2163 Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC
Page 28 • September 21, 2021 • 903-583-3280 •
1400 N Center St. Suite 100 Bonham, Texas 903-304-5808
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Society of Certified Insurance Counselors Honors John Farris
Press Release - John C. Farris, CIC of Farm N’Home Casualty Bonham, TX was recently recognized for professional leadership and advanced knowledge by the Society of Certified Insurance Counselors. Mr. Farris was awarded
a certificate of achievement recognizing forty consecutive years of successfully maintaining the Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation. The CIC designation requires an annual continuing education update ensuring that his education is always up-to-date and relevant. John’s ongoing allegiance and support of the CIC Program is a testament to the value he places on “real world” education and professional growth. “Your clients, associates and the insurance profession as a whole benefit from
such leadership and a strong commitment to continuing education,” stated William J. Hold, MBA, CRM, CISR, President & CEO of The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. The CIC Program is nationally recognized as the premier continuing education program for insurance professionals, with programs offered in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. Headquartered in Austin Texas, the Society of CIC is a not-for-profit organization and the founding program of The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research.
Phyllis Ryser to present her third annual October Art Show “From Dawn to Dusk”
described the paintings as depicting a sense of peace and tranquility in a chaotic, uncertain world. Having studied with several notable instructors, Mrs. Ryser is continuing to advance her skills in order to make each show of her paintings a new inspiration.
Press Release - The Bonham Creative Arts Center, located at 200 W. Main St, Bonham, will host the show through the month of October. Sixteen landscape painting will be exhibited at the Art Center during its regular business hours. A meet and greet the artist reception will be
For more information contact: Bonham Creative Arts Center from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm on 903-640-2196 Friday October 8. Mrs. Ryser is well known in Fannin County for her plein air landscape painting which primarily focus on capturing the colorful, fascinating moods of the sky. The sky, though ever changing, holds the promise of the unchanging stability of its Creator. Fans have
Phyllis Ryser 903-304-9590 Email:
The Flower Pot 11/10/20
103 N. Dillard, Randolph (Behind the Post Office)
Follow us on Facebook: The Flower Pot for new arrivals and specials.
Lg selection of shrubs and trees (if we don't have Tues: 9-6 • Wed: 1-6 • Thurs-Fri: 9-6 • Sat: 9-2 what you need we will do Sun-Mon: Closed our best to get it for you)}
Mums in several sizes and many colors are here
4-inch fall bedding plants and vegetables are here