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Architecture & Visual Culture / Richard Williams

“ The term architecture applies only to buildings designed with a view

to aesthetic appeal... the good architect requires the sculptor’s and the painter’s modes of vision in addition to his own spatial imagination. Thus architecture is the most comprehensive of all the visual arts and has a right to claim superiority over the others.

In Today’s world, the works of architecture aids to frame the lives of everyone; we inhabit them and they define our movement through various ways. Furthermore, they influence, moralize and discipline the societies. With the advancement of technology, Architecture of today is being perceived to be forward looking. Architecture is about creating a suitable space for people to live, work and interact in. It is also about the idea of limitations and restrictions to achieve a new and exciting form.








The study of visual culture ought not simply to reiterate the professional discourse of architecture-as-art, but make use of the critical approaches that have emerged over the past century. The consideration of architecture as sign is one; architecture as urban and social experience another. Both emphasize the reception of architecture over its production,and it is this fact above all that makes them useful means of engagement.


THE NEW DANCE AND MUSIC CENTER Architect: Zaha Hadid Location: Hague, The Netherlands.

Famously known for its architectural expression of fluidity in her designs, Zaha Hadid is one of the world’s pronounced architects of the century. The New Dance and Music Center in Hague is revealed to be designed to promote the public’s awareness of the integrated establishment of the structure.The initial project’s approach was to comprehend the urban dynamics of the site by connecting and interacting it with the surrounding. The structure of the roof line - began at balanced height to the lower infrastructures around it, and lifting the height of the eastern corner- making it possible for the iconic landmark to position itself into the city’s existing skyline. To achieve such level of design, parametric design approaches are being utilized. Zaha Hadid Architects are widely known for their use of notable technological operandi, to achieve the peerless design artwork. EOI: This project allows me to further understand and realised the importance of parametric design software and techniques, in the modern architectural world. In relation to the future design project of Wyndham City, there are many different design approaches of this venture that can be used. For instance, in order to create an eye-catching structure, factors of the environment must be taken into consideration. This allows the design to stand out from the area, yet function in commotion with the surrounding.

02 BEIJING'S NATIONAL STADIUM Architect: Herzdog & De Meuron

Location: Beijing, People’s Republic of China

The construction of Beijing’s National Stadium was an immense headline on various communication prints in 2007. Due to the 2008’s Summer Olympics Games, six venues were organized, solely for the event. Beijing National Stadium was the main centerpiece of the Olympics’ Infrastructure. It is regarded to the world’s largest enclosed space, with a total volume of three million cubic meters. The structure is also famously known for being the largest steel structure with 26km of unwrapped steel used.The circular shape of the Stadium symbolizes the idea of heaven, decorated with patterned inspired by Chinese-style crazed pottery. This random-looking structural pattern is designed based on a simple set of rules to create the “extra large” material effect. However, many argued that the architectural design of the nestlike skeletal facade was ugly, and labelled it as - “ The Bird’s Nest”. In order to achieve the idea design, the team depended greatly on parametric design software. This approach aids to comprehend the various particularity and issues such as the airflow to maintain the freshness of the grass and seismic studies. Even though the structure’s surface appears simple, the geometry of the design is complex. Parametric techniques were utilized to ensure ‘the web of twisting steel sections fitted together’ perfectly. EOI: The establishment of this project presents an adequate and indepth span of the use of parametric design. To me, it is a remarkable piece of architecture artwork. This design expresses the new design approach of the new architectural era of fusing design ideas with technology, to create the impossible. This projects allows me generate a broader inspirations and ideas, in relation to the Gateway project. Through the focus of applying the local culture designs into the development of the project, to promote the city’s diversity.

03 MARINA BAY SANDS (MBS) Architect: Moshe Safdie Architects

Location: Singapore

Designed by Boston-based internationally known architect - Moshe Safdie, the construction of Marina Bay Sands (MBS) had drawn much attention globally and locally. Unlike most prototypical resort, MBS is high-density, mixed used integrated retreat. It is a technically demanding concept that required the effective use of pioneering 3D modelling technology. Parametric design software was used, in the early stages, to mold the intricate steel structure’s layouts and for further design alternatives. MBS is famously known for the construction of the 1,396 square meter ‘infinity pool’ located at the Sky park, within the infrastructure. It is a distinctive structural masterwork, which floats atop the three soaring MBS’s hotel towers that are 200m above ground level. Triple the length of an Olympic pool, and standing 650ft up above the ground, the ‘infinity pool’ is the largest outdoor pool in the world, for its height. In 2011, MBS was given the honor of ‘Design of the Year’ at the annual President’s Design Award in Singapore. EOI: Within a span of a year, MBS has become an international architectural icon, with three hotel towers connected by the skypark - 57 stories above Singapore’s financial district. MBS represents the new modern design concept of the new age of architecture introducing the use of parametric design, which allows it to break boundaries and design the impossible.


Located outside the Royal Melbourne Exhibition, this sundial design was designed by me, duing my design studio course taken in my first year as an architecture student in University of Melbourne. This design was created to perform as a sundial and a resting area for the public, at night. Beside that, it was also designed to act as a representation for the Royal Melbourne Exhibition. EOI: Personally, I feel that this design project strongly relates to the future design project - the Gateway project that i am designing in the following weeks. Similarly, it acts as a icon, and provide functional aids to the public.




“ The

use of digital media by avant-garde practices is profoundly challenging the traditional process of design and construction.


-Kolareciv, 2003

waterloo station Architect: Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners. Location: London, UK.

The International Terminal at Water Loo Station is a great example, manifesting the development benefits of using parametric approach. As the roof design was not correlating with the complex geometric site, a scripted parametric model was designed to solve the problem. The scripted model was created based on a series of variables that was related to the size and length of the span to its curvature. The coordinates of the parametric design are similar to the virtural forces from the environment - moulding and shaping the form of the building. Parametric design used on the three-pin bowstring arches of the waterloo roof can be easily created by simply placing various different values in the geometric model. EOI: Parametric design, indeed, are useful to construct and solve complex designs forms. It allows us to explore and expand the range of architectural designs and ideas. This design approach will be further focused in the later part of the project; guiding me towards more innovative design ideas.





in general, has evolved drastically for the past few years, from manual drawings to digital fabrication. Today, it is almost possible to design anything that seems structurally imaginable. With the aid of scripting, computer programming had become essential for the need of digital process. It enables and allows more unique opportunities for innovation, among the designers. Most importantly, scripting acts “ as a computing program overlay enables the tool user (designer) to become the new tool maker (software engineer)�. In the recent years, Scripting had slowly been considered more as a designer’s specialty rather as a technical skill.

Biothing is a design research originally created by Alisa Andrasek, who works on “ an algorithmic articulation of the interface between the material behavours and computational instruments in an attempt to engage with complexity�. She analyzed the potential of compuational patterns, which are further comprehended to be able to produce expressions at different degrees. The main part of the study is the assemble of library’s scripts and methods for trans coding, which are networked with limitations in regards to structure, materials, fabrication, assembly and aesthetics.

Seroussi Pavilion Architect: Alisa Andrasek

This project was originated from the idea of “ growing” out of self-modifying patterns of vectors based on electromagnetic fields (EMF)”. Through rationale of attraction or repulsion courses are being computed into the plan and than, lifted through a series of structural micro arching sections through various frequencies of sine function. The pavilion is placed into a steep hill, and EMP lines are needed to help base of the site. Extra features built into scripting enables local adjustments to the site, in realtion to section. A total of six different geometrical systems were utilized for designing. Unlike the classical idea of architectural plan drawing, the plan of the pavillio is different as it is a dynamic blueprint closer to musical notation - “ deep ecology of imbedded algorithmic and parametric relationships are the seed for possible materialization procedures and adaptation to the site conditions”. Programming of views and distribution of lighting is attained through sine-wave functions stimulate parametric differentiation of orientation, angle and size of the apeture. The flloor’s mirco-dunning is generated through a complex attractor script operating between two sets of geometries. Also, to achieve” two asynchronous series of FP’s magnetic, trajectories were used with parametricaly variable density of surface meshes.”






The goal of our Group is to design and construct a gateway that strongly represents and features the city’s strong concept of diversity and culture. As stated on the brief, the ‘gateway’ would be situated on a busy highway. Therefore, it is important that the design of the gateway is eye catching and interesting. Moreover, it needs to act as a representation and exhibits how Wyndham city aspires to be. The new computational technology is one of the main aspect that Wyndham city is working towards. This can be shown by the various existing centers that had been built there. Thus, in relation to the design approach of our design, our group is utilizing parametrics to manifest the diversity and culture of Wyndham city. By creating an innovative parametric facade, and incorporating with the new design technologies through the various parametric approaches and materials that we had researched on, we had finalized and looked into three main design styles - Voronoi, layering and lighting. As proposed, the facade of the building is constructed by multi layers to signify the diversity of Wyndham city. At the same time, this serves as an effective marketing strategy of promoting the various city’s technological centers. Moreover, this approach shows how Wyndham city is forward looking and at the same time, open to new changes. Our proposed design would effectively serve as a visual representation of Wyndham city to the multitude of vehicles passing through daily as it is not only an innovative structure, but also, a staple of the culture the city represent. Moreover, it is an interesting, diverse and fresh design that will serve as a significant landmark structure to the city.



“Architetecture ought to be seen as discourse.� -Architecture and Visual Culture, Richard Williams

01 Lou Ruvo's Center Architect: Frank Gehry

Location: Las Vegas

The Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health was designed to spread public awareness of Alzheimer. Like most of Gehry’s buildings, the centre appears almost unruly, unfinshed and chaotic (Hawthorne 2010). The building strongly demonstrates the use of advance technology through the form of its facade- the idea of fluidity. As shown in the picture, this design incorporate with the use of natural sunlight with the windows to allow it to work more effectively. In relation to the Gateway project, this architecture design shows us many different approaches and ideas that can be used in our project, Such as the notion of creating an impactful structure- through its facade, to capture the attention of the public yet still perform as an effective building for use.

02 mode gukeun tower Architect: Tango Architects

Location: Shin Juku, Tokyo

The cocoon Tower was a winning design for an educational building. The concept of building is to promote the idea of interaction between nature and public. With an unique facade- similar to the notion of the cocoon, this building strongly exhibits the use of technological advancement. The design approach of this building has demonstrated how local environmental constrains does not restrict yet forces one to think beyond their ideas for more new and innovative design. The design structure of the building consists of an elliptical diagrid and inner core frames. In relation to our approach to the Gateway Project, the Mode Gukeun Tower’s facade is similar to the idea that we are incorporating in our structure. Moreover, as displayed by the building, it has caught many attention and impact on the public - which is the one of the main aim of our Gateway project design.

“ where intuitions, material definations, programmatric requirements, local processes of interaction, fabrication techologies and chance are resigtered, processed and fed back at various levels in a continuous chain of loop”

03 fun cloud pavilion Architect: Ecologic Studio

Location: -

The Fun Cloud Pavilion is a project that is formed by computational archietctural. The design concept and approach that this project uses can be applied in our design of the Gatewat Project. The use of the new technology - para-metric CAD system, in this design allows each part to be “coded, charted, geometrically re-described” and “prepared for direct fabrication”. Moreover, it enables the various components to change and adapt accordingly to the scenarios faced. Similarily, in this project, it utilizes artificial lighting, which is used done through computer controlled system. In the context of the Gateway project, this concept of lighting can be considered for our design structure.

04 wooden pavilion

Architect: D. Stefanescu, P. Bedarf, B. Hambasan Location: Cluj Romania

Like the Fun Cloud Pavilion, this parametric project boasts a strong representational power to achieve the main goal of attracting passers-by to the design. Uniquely constructed, this pavilion is designed to enable it to integrate “ into its historically-charges context�. Through its tectonic characteristics, the design exhibits the use of the new digital approach of computational architecture and the illustration of design processes through digital tools. This project relates strongly to a few of the design purposes of the Gateway project such as the adjective of the design being both interesting and eye catching and a representation of a place.


Architect: Alisa Andrasek, Biothing

This design is an interactive ceiling prototype for the New York Museum, frabicated in 2005. It was programmed using “plusing lighting patterns”, based on a similar mathematics’ wave interference applied to the geometry of the ceiling. This unique design approach can be applied to the Gateway project as it allows us to “produce infinite number of variation” through unfolding fabrication drawings.

06 parametriccellfacadestudy Architect: OMA Research Team

The Parametric cell facade study is a good example of the idea of incorporating the environment into the a design pattern of a facade. In this study, the date of the height and placement of the surrounding buildings were collaborated into an excel spreadsheet which was then translated into a design of a facade. This concept can be further expanded to include cultural and historical data. This approach is applicable to the gateway project as it is an interesting method of incorporating the cultural aspect of Wyndham City




“ digital

technoloies have enabled new methods of design, which has led to a re-examination of current theories and educational design concepts...�














overlapping Patterns


overlapping Patterns


overlapping Patterns


overlapping Patterns




We decided on using this definiton as a starting point because it firstly looked interesting. Secondly, we could image the layers as a facade as it not only appears intersting from the different angles but it would also produce interesting shapes and shadows.

overlapping Patterns


02 PATTERN&OVERLAP,MATHSFUNCTION,ROTATION We liked this definition mainly because of the layers and also because of the slight curve on the x axis caused by the sine. We found the layering was interesting as it gives the impression of being fluid. It can potientially serve as suitable approach to the building

overlapping Patterns


03 EXPLICITGRID,ATTRACTOR POINTS We decided on this as the definiton looks fluid and as it were showing movement. The facade is important for exploring the use of lighting.

04 BOOLEAN PATTERN,,IMAGE SAMPLER We decided on this as the definiton because we were considering using an image sampler to potientially help with the facade design. This is becase an image sampler can shape a chosen image significant to the city. For instance, the image in the facade is that of a koala bear. This is a way of showcasing the Werribee open zoo in Wyndham city.



Our group’s approach to the matrixes were that of not having an ending in mind. It was important to do the matrixes as it allowed us to explore the different options that we had by trying out different permutations and combinations. According to Burry, our group’s scripting culture is that of a ‘voyage of discovery’ (2011: 32). This is because it opens up a whole new way to explore design. Furthermore, In our situation, none of us were familiar with grasshopper at the start of the course. Therefore, we In some instances, different combinations can actually generate the same result. For example, we realized that using a curve attractor and an image sampler as an associative technique can both generate circles of different dimensions. Other important things that we took away from doing the matrices is that we can control what we want the result to look like. For instance, we can choose to see the result as a rectangle rather than a circle or even have the end geometry rotated and extruded. After doing the matrices, as a group, we found that we generally liked the output with interesting geometrical shapes. While attempting to visualize it on the site, we realized we needed to have a facade that can generate interesting shadows in the sunlight. Furthermore, layering the facade not only creates more exciting shadows but also represents the diversity of Wyndam city. Also, in order to create different types of shadows, it was important that we experimented and utilized a vast array of materials to determine the material most suitable for the project




BANQ RESTURANT Location: Boston, USA Architect / Office dA, Inc.

The construction of the restaurant was developed by the concept of the striated wood-slatted system. It allows the sight of the mechanical, plumbing and lighting systems to be conceal from the public’s eyes. Designed similarly to the structure of a canopy, the design approach, used in this project, allows the facade to appear seamless. This design concept- creating a seamless idea, is explored through our matrix and the design that we are preparing for fabrication.

airspace TOKYO

Location: Tokyo, Japan Architect: Faulders Studio

Voronoi tessellation is an extremely popular algorithm, a patterning based on mathematics, used today. Airspace Toyko strongly displays the design approach of mixing voronoi, layering and lighting. Constructed from laser-cut aluminum and plastic composite, the facade produceds an unique outlook as light travels through the detailed openings, drawing attentions of the passerby as they walked by. In relation to the Gateway Project, this building explores one of the design requirements of our design - to be eye-catching and unique in appearance. This idea will be further looked into , in the fabrication of our current design concept.

Doir Ginza

Location: Tokyo, Japan Architect: Kumiko Inui

The Dior Building explores the concept of form patterning through the design of the facade and lighting. As shown by the Dior building, the perforated patterns achieve a subtle aesthetic appearance through the facade detailing. It is one of the main design approaches that we are focusing and exploring in our Gateway project design.




The patterning of the C- wall project by Andrew Kudless is based on Voronoi tessellation

NEW DOMESTIC TERMINAL SHORT -TERM CAR PARK Architect: Ned Kahn & Urban Art Projects (UAP) Location: Brisbane, Australia

Ned Kahn is famously known for his artworks, which incorporate with the use of natural elements such as wind and light. Together with Urban Art Project (UAP), they designed a 5000Sq m Kinetic facade for the new Domestic Terminal short-term car park in Brisbane. It was a project to convert Brisbane’s new Domestic Terminal short-term multi-level car park in to an eight-storey kinetic public art piece. “ Viewed from the exterior, Kahn’s proven concept for one side of the car park will appear to ripple and move due to the wind passing behind 250,000 aluminum panels. Inside the car park, intricate patterns of light and shadow will be projected onto the walls and floor as sunlight passes through the kinetic facade” EOI: This intricate and unique design project inspired me to collaborate this design approach in relation to my ideas for the Gateway project. The unique facade design allows it to reveal the ever-changing patterns of the wind. Moreover, beside standing out due to its facade design, it also has many environmental benefits such as providing ventilation and shade for the interior of the car park. The multi- usage of this design allows the structure, to not only appear different, but also serves as a purpose for the environment.





Materials and surfaces have a language of their own. -JUHANI PALLASMAA



It is important to fabricate the models as there are limitations to what the computer can do. As advanced as modeling technology is today, one cannot physically feel, examine and a computer model. It is only after fabrication that one can really study and determine whether or not the model would be suitable for the gateway project.











Wyndham city is a vibrant and growing city. In fact, it has experienced the largest and fastest growth among the areas managed by the local Victorian local government. It is predicted that an estimation of 245,000 number of people will be living there by 2021 (Wyndham website). Unlike others, Wyndham city is incredibly diverse. Besides having a strong industrial and technology district, it also consists of many major retail precincts, vegetation growing areas and even a tourist destination - featuring an Open Range Zoo (Wyndham website).

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