Urban Planning and Community Design

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Urban Design and Community Planning

Tindale�Oliver & Associates, Inc. Planning and Engineering

Solu ons that make a difference

Tindale‐Oliver & Associates, Inc. (TOA) was formed in 1989 to provide infrastructure engineering, planning, and innova ve financing programs for local government en es and private developments. Today, TOA is a firm with a na onal reputa on as a leader in providing high quality, innova ve planning and engineering services to its public‐ and private‐sector clients. TOA offers professional services in nine major service areas:  Urban Design and Community        

Planning Public Finance, Infrastructure Planning, and Smart Growth Transit Services Mul modal Transporta on Planning Transporta on Engineering and ITS Transporta on Safety ADA Compliance and Accessibility GIS and Technology Services Land Development Services

TOA’s experience and understanding of the public perspec ve result in solu ons that make a difference for our clients. www. ndaleoliver.com/urban

Successful urban design and community planning addresses the social, economic, and physical sustainability of a place. Building local communi es designed to bring people together and provide economic vibrancy requires an understanding of the social, cultural and economic context. By u lizing a holis c approach that combines policy planning, design exper se, and prac cal knowledge, the Urban Design and Community Planning team believes that quality urban design can achieve solu ons and improve the built environment at every scale. The Urban Design and Community Planning team’s exper se in public involvement generates crea ve programs that provide mely and relevant informa on to ci zens and extensive opportuni es for public input. We help build consensus to support project and community goals, employing communica on techniques such as consensus‐building workshops, forums and focus groups, community surveys, maps, and graphics, and renderings of proposed improvements. The Urban Design and Community Planning team are experts in tying together land use, public realm design, and transporta on infrastructure. We believe that the well‐designed integra on of land uses, public spaces, and a connected street network are the most effec ve tools in allowing mul modal transporta on systems to reach their full economic and social poten al. In working with our core prac ce areas, we produce unique urban design solu ons to improve the safety, func onality, and overall atmosphere of the built environment. The Urban Design and Community Planning team has a special interest in improving the func onality of places while retaining and enhancing their unique iden es. The Urban Design and Community Planning team specializes in:  community redevelopment (CRA) planning,  land use studies/research  comprehensive (policy) planning  urban design strategies for transporta on/transit corridors  urban en tlement  transit‐oriented development masterplanning  sta on area development  streetscape design and placemaking  parking lots as public space  design charre es and innova ve public involvement

City of Sarasota Citywide Mobility Plan Sarasota, Florida The Mobility Plan will include the development of mul modal transporta on policies and public realm design strategies to move people efficiently while protec ng and enhancing the urban character of the city. Community design features, including mixed land uses and increased densi es/intensi es, will be used to support an emphasis on pedestrian and bicycle networks. It will be essen al that the final plan achieve the integra on between future land use development and a mul modal transporta on network.

Pinellas Planning Council Countywide Plan Update Pinellas County, Florida The update to the Countywide Plan is a unique opportunity to assist the PPC in cra ing a simpler and more flexible future land use plan to maximize city, county, state, and federal investments in transporta on infrastructure, facilitate city and county strategies to encourage economic development, and encourage the development of more transit suppor ve living and working environments. TOA is using sophis cated GIS and land planning analyses to assist in iden fying areas of future growth and change, and will con nue to serve PPC staff in support of developing new planning rules for all the local communi es in Pinellas County.

Benefits at a Glance  

Old Southeast Neighborhood Plan Update St. Petersburg, Florida The City’s Neighborhood Plan Update process is an opportunity to develop a new approach for discovery in iden fying strategies for the Old Southeast Neighborhood. TOA is holding innova ve public involvement workshops to assist in the iden fica on of physical, social, and poli cal issues that will serve as the founda on for the update. Priori es include traffic calming, streetscape improvements, community facili es, and social enterprise opportuni es.

Sensi vity to client needs Understanding of the economic/market implica ons of planning efforts  Apprecia on of the value of effec ve public involvement  Understanding of the importance of the public realm’s design in urban redevelopment  Experience in connec ng land use, transporta on, and financial solu ons  Commitment to quality urban design at any scale or budget  Exper se in the correla on between physical improvements and social/ economic performance

Cover Images courtesy of Portland State, Kaid Benfield, Ma hew Blacke , and SF Great Streets

Tampa 1000 North Ashley Drive, Suite 400 Tampa, FL 33602 Phone: (813) 224-8862 Orlando 135 W. Central Blvd., Suite 450 Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: (407) 657-9210 Bartow 545 N. Broadway Bartow, FL 33830 Phone: (863) 533-8454 Ft. Lauderdale 6750 N. Andrews Ave., Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone: (954) 489-2748 Baltimore 10 South Howard St., Suite 110 Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: (443) 438-5392

“Urban design draws together the many strands of place‐making — environmental responsibility, social equity and economic viability, for example — into the crea on of places of beauty and dis nct iden ty.” The Urban Design Compendium

Contact For addi onal informa on on TOA’s services, Please contact: Tampa Michael English, AICP Principal/Urban Design and Community Planning (813) 224‐8862 menglish@ ndaleoliver.com Evan Johnson, AICP, LEED AP Project Manager (813) 224‐8862 ejohnson@ ndaleoliver.com Erin Chantry, LEED AP ND, CNU‐A Urban Designer (813) 224‐8862 echantry@ ndaleoliver.com

Orlando Ginger Corless, AICP, CPRP Principal (407) 657‐9210 gcorless@ ndaleoliver.com Bob Wallace, P.E., AICP Vice President (407) 657‐9210

bwallace@ ndaleoliver.com TOA is an equal opportunity employer.

www.tindaleoliver.com Version 2013-06

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