Tobacco Products International magazine – Quarter 4, 2019

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Quarter 4, 2019

• STG to Shutter USA’s Lane Ltd. Factory • The Return of Dean Parsons & Epic Cigars

PHIL ZANGHI GOES FULL CIRCLE The creator of Indian Tabac Cigars is back in the rider’s seat with the global trademark license for his latest blending adventure, Indian Motorcycle Cigars.


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{Contents} 6






6 Phil Zanghi, Indian Motorcycle Cigars: Coming Full Circle. Today’s Indian Motorcycle, and its companion premium cigar launched in 2015, have followed a long and winding road, second only perhaps to cigar maker Phil Zanghi’s own professional journey. Once again, Zanghi is riding high at the center an iconic, and very personal, American classic. » BY FRANK SELTZER

ROBERT M. LOCKWOOD Publisher & President { ART & PRODUCTION } MELINDA AYALA Production Coordinator ROXANNE CORDOVA MELENDEZ Accountant


10 Dean Parsons, Epic Cigars: An Epic Return. Epic Cigars has made surprisingly swift strides under founder Dean Parson’s dream of building an international cigar brand. Following its recent purchase by Zander-Greg, Epic is eager to continue building its European base. » BY E. EDWARD HOYT III


Industry News .......................................4 Brand News .......................................... 12 Product Showcase ................................. 14


Robert M. Lockwood TEL: + 1-212-391-2060, x111 EMAIL: SPECIAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE

George E. Lockwood TEL: + 1-413-775-0005 FAX: + 1-413-775-9010 EMAIL: Tobacco Products International Lockwood Trade Journal Co. Inc., 3743 Crescent Street, Second Floor Long Island City, New York 11101 U.S.A. Tel: +1 (212) 391-2060 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES: EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS/INQUIRIES:





AD INDEX David Ross International s.r.l. ....... 13 Republic Technologies ................... 5 Roll 4 You .................................. C2

Tobacco Products INTERNATIONAL

Tobacco Products International


{Industry News} Registration Opens for Cuba’s 22nd Habano Festival Habanos, S.A. has opened registration for the 22nd Habano Festival

Oliva Cigars Nicaragua Factory Tabolisa II Marks First Year Rolling Premium Cigars

(, which will take


February 23.

II, the newest factory opened by Oliva Cigars in Estelí,

Nicaragua, in December 2018, has marked its first full year of operation. This was the

place in Havana, Cuba from February 24–28, 2020. Check-in will begin Monday, February 24 will include

second new factory to come online in a short span of time for the company, having

a press conference at the conven-

followed the January 2018 opening of its first facility built according to western stan-

tion center, the 3rd Habanos World

dards where high quality wooden boxes are made. Tabolisa II focuses solely on the

Challenge Preliminary Contest, the

art of rolling cigars for the group’s various brands (Oliva, Nub, and Cain), with a daily

opening of the Trade Fair, and a

capacity of 25,000 cigars. In total, Oliva

welcome evening devoted to the

employs around 1,500 people in Nicaragua.

Bolívar brand at Club Habana.

Since the purchase of Oliva by J. Cortès

Tuesday, February 25 will host

in 2016, the company has been fully invest-

a visit to tobacco plantations in the

ing in a policy of expansion in Nicaragua.

Partido Zone (D.O.P) San Antonio

The opening of Tabolisa II a year was there-

de los Baños, Artemisa.

fore just a part of the expansion plans. The

Wednesday, February 26 will fea-

first Tabolisa factory, “Tabolisa Uno,” already

ture the opening of the International

went through a renovation and extension process throughout 2018, and was recently

Seminar, master lectures on

completed. According to J. Cortès, these improvements should result in a serious

“Habanos and its brands” by Ciro

capacity increase and improved working conditions for the employees.

Bianchi and “El Bello Habano” by

“From the very beginning of Oliva’s takeover, we always emphasized the fact

Reynaldo González; master classes

that nothing would change regarding the brands and the quality on the one hand,

on handmade rolling technique and

and the management and composition of the company on the other,” said Fred

“The making of a parejo cigar” by

Vandermarliere, CEO J. Cortès. “ We did and do see plenty of potential for Oliva, with

Miguel Barzaga; and an evening ded-

corresponding modernization where necessary.”

icated to celebrate the 30th anniversary of La Casa del Habano and 85th

STG to Shutter USA Tobacco Factory Lane Ltd. TUCKER, GEORGIA—Scandinavian Tobacco

The Tucker facility manufactures

anniversary of the Montecristo brand. Thursday, February 27 will feature visits to the La Corona and

Group (STG) announced it will reduce

brands within the group´s portfolios of

Partagás habanos factories; a spe-

the number of its production sites from

pipe tobacco, fine-cut tobacco, and little

cial tasting event; and a presenta-

12 to 11 by closing its Scandinavian

cigars. As these markets are declining,

tion entitled “Habanos Moments.”

Tobacco Group Lane Ltd. facility in

excess capacity across STG’s manufac-

Tucker, Georgia, U.S.A. and moving

turing footprint has been established. The

Habanos World Challenge Contest

production to its production facilities in

closure of the facility in Tucker will adjust

Finals will be held, as well a Zenith

Assens and Holstebro, Denmark and

the capacity to current and projected

and Habanos presentation; an

Santiago, the Dominican Republic. The

volumes and is expected to improve the

awards ceremony for best trade fair

closure is expected to be completed

group’s overall annual cost structure by

stands; and the gala closing evening

by the end of 2020. Lane was originally

more than DKK 20 million when fully

dedicated to Romeo y Julieta brand.

founded in Dresden, Germany in 1890.

implemented by the end of 2020.


Q4 2019

Finally, on Friday February 28 the


new design for the best quality filters



{ Boutique Spotlight} > Cigar maker Phil Zanghi holds the global licensing rights for Indian Motorcycle Cigars, his latest series of boutique blends.

Phil Zanghi, Indian Motorcycle Cigars

Coming Full Circle Today’s Indian Motorcycle, and its companion premium cigar launched in 2015, have followed a long and winding road, second only to cigar maker Phil Zanghi’s own professional journey. Once again, Zanghi is riding high at the center an iconic, and very personal, American classic. » BY FRANK SELTZER

duce his cigars. He got them, but then things did not go as planned. “The motorcycle company was not all it seemed,” says Zanghi, “and my father robbed all the money from the company. It was a big drama. At that point we moved to North Carolina to concentrate on the accessories and apparel for Indian Motorcycle. We still had the pretense of building the bike. When it fell all apart, I was still in North Carolina and still had all the cigars. The only thing I

he cigar business is in Phil Zang-


with his Debonaire line and more re-

had left from Indian Motorcycle Compa-

hi’s blood. After all, what high

cently with his latest brand, Indian Mo-

ny was the cigars and the Indian Tabac

school senior starts his own ci-

torcycle, which brings him full circle.

Company.” With no money, Zanghi did

gar company? That’s what Zanghi did in

In 1990, Zanghi’s father had started

grunt work moving furniture to save up

1991, when he founded Indian Tabac.

Indian Motorcycle Company in Mas-

some cash to fulfill his dream of Indian

That company has come and gone, but

sachusetts, USA with the promise of

Tabac. That was in 1994, just as the ci-

Zanghi has continued on. For a while,

making the legendary bike once more.

gar boom was taking off.

he left the premiums to help partner

Zanghi thought the cigar was a natural

Zanghi went back down to Hondu-

Danny Sinclair on the mass market

tie-in, so he went for it, partnering with

ras and to U.S. Tobacco to get more ci-

side, but eventually came back—first

U.S. Tobacco in Danlí, Honduras to pro-

gars made, but was told the company


Q4 2019

was no longer making cigars for outsiders: rapidly growing backorders meant cutting loose all private label work. UST gave him back his bands and boxes, leaving Zanghi in the lurch. But he soon found another factory in Danlí. He was getting tobacco wherever he could,

Zanghi’s first cigar was made in 1990 by UST in Honduras, a companion to his father’s Indian Cigar Motorcycle Company. “When it fell all apart, I was still in North Carolina and still had all the cigars. The only thing I had left from Indian Motorcycle Company was the cigars and the Indian Tabac Company.” —Phil Zanghi

but then the Plasencias saw the hard work he was putting in, making the cigars then going up to the States to

market side of the industry and doing

gua knew “Zanghiipo.” Zanghi agreed

sell them, all as a one-man-show. They

well, but he was having trouble with his

and by 2002 was working full time with

helped Zanghi get tobacco and eventu-

factory. He asked Zanghi to come help,

Danny. The next year was a lot of work

ally brought him into their factory.

since everyone in Honduras and Nicara-

as the Honduran factory continued to

About the same time, Zanghi got word that his father was gravely ill in California, and went out to see him, as he was now trying to make amends— the two had not spoken since the Indian fiasco. Zanghi’s father was a founding member of the Grand Havana room in Beverly Hills, so Zanghi asked him for a membership to the club and a car so he could get on the road selling his Indian Tabac cigars. His father complied. It was at the Grand Havana room where Zanghi officially launched Indian Tabac and he also met an attorney who was crazy for cigars and asked Zanghi if he wanted a partner. The guy was Rocky Patel. The two hit it off. Zanghi worked out of Rocky’s office and became roommates with Rocky in Venice. From 1995 through 1997, Zanghi was doing all the work and Rocky was the silent partner. But the following year, 1998, Rocky started going on the road to help out with sales. The pair had a lot of great cigars and good tobacco thanks to Nestor Plasencia, but for Zanghi it meant too much work: being in Latin America at the factory and then out on the road. Rocky liked the salesman role and the two had a falling out. By 2001 Zanghi was done and planned to become an air marshal since he had just had his first son. But a man he had met in 1997, Danny Sinclair, had other ideas. Sinclair was working on the mass Tobacco Products International


{Manufacturer Spotlight} licensing agent he knew. It seems the new Indian Motorcycle Company wanted a cigar to go with the bike. Chris told the agent, “boy do I have a guy for you,” and put him in touch with Zanghi. While Zanghi still owned Indian Tabac, he didn’t want to resurrect that brand, instead he wanted to use Indian Motorcycle’s trademark. After negotiations, Polaris agreed and Zanghi became one of the few true licensees—a worldwide exclusive regarding tobacco. His first cigars came out in 2015 under the Indian Motorcycle brand—a pair of blends featuring a Habano or Maduro wrapper. Both sold well because they were well priced at $7 to $9 each and they carried the famous Indian name. Polaris was rapidly building Indian into a > THAT WAS THEN. Above: Phil Zanghi created Indian Tabac Cigar Co. as a high school senior. Rocky Patel joined the fledgling firm as a silent partner in 1995, and later became an integral part of operations. By 2001 Patel had became sole owner, ultimately re-branding the firm in his own name. Left: Zanghi, Patel, and original Debonaire trademark owner Danny Sinclair.

powerhouse with over 300 dealerships around the world and a billion dollars in sales. All of that helped Zanghi.

deteriorate. Zanghi and Danny finally

As Zanghi notes, it is a super premi-

From 2016 up until last year, Zang-

decided to move the operation to the

um cigar with low production due to

hi’s products were distributed in the

Dominican Republic and to work with

the steps he takes with the tobacco,

U.S.A. by Drew Estate The arrange-

the Reyes family, whom Zanghi had

including steaming it with distilled wa-

ment gave Zanghi a chance to take a

known from his Indian Tabac days.

ter to remove mineral residue on the

break from his one-man operation. But

Initially, the duo bought one ma-

leaves. Considering it has avoided any

things didn’t feel right, so this year, he

chine and made about 5 million cigars.

price increases over the last six years,

went back out on his own with the back-

By 2008 they got serious and picked

Debonaire is not such a high priced ci-

ing of De Los Reyes—the Reyes fami-

up new machines and a few years later

gar when others are now over 18€ and

ly’s Dominican Republic company and

they were making nearly 300 million ci-

Debonaire is still at 11–14€ per stick.

factory. Now, Debonaire House directly

gars annually.

manages all facets of its U.S. business operations including distribution, sales,

into premium cigars. Sinclair owned

The Return of Indian Motorcycle… and an Indian (Motorcycle) Cigar

the trademark Debonaire and gave it

The Indian Motorcycle company had

is handled through Germany’s August

to Zanghi, saying “it fit him.” Being a

disappeared entirely by 2003, but re-

Schuster GmbH & Co. KG.

one-man show again with Debonaire—

emerged in 2008, albeit modestly. In

Zanghi released the first line exten-

the blender, the selector, the curing

2011, the company was sold to Polaris

sion to the Indian Motorcycle cigar brand,

guy—he took his time. The first Debo-

and since then things have taken off. A

the Indian Motorcycle Shade, as a Cana-

naire cigar debuted at the Procigar fes-

short while later, that Zanghi heard from

dian exclusive in May through Brigham

tival in Santiago, Dominican Republic in

friend Chris Topper, owner of Topper

1906, followed by its U.S. release in July

2012. Debonaire is a slow growth line.

Cigars, that Polaris was talking with a

and most recently InterTabac 2019 for

In 2010, Zanghi wanted to get back

and marketing. In Europe, distribution

Europe. It features a Connecticut seed

While Zanghi still owned Indian Tabac, he didn’t want to resurrect that brand, instead he wanted to use Indian Motorcycle’s trademark…Zanghi became one of the few true licensees—a worldwide exclusive regarding tobacco. TPI 8

Q4 2019

wrapper grown in Ecuador, and is offered in Robusto (5 x 50) and Toro (6 x 52) formats. The new blend joins the line’s two original blends: Habano (Ecuadorian Habano wrapper) and Maduro (Connecti-

cut Broadleaf wrapper), both of which are offered in Robusto, Gordo, Toro, and Churchill formats. All three blends use Dominican binder and a blend of Central American fillers. Zanghi says the licensing partnership with Indian has been so successful it now makes up about 75 percent of all of his sales. Since Indian is a worldwide brand, the cigars are now being sold in Europe, Asia, the U.S., and Canada. Due to tobacco licensing requirements, the brand is only sold in a handful of Indian Motorcycle dealerships, so primarily it found at traditional cigar stores. But Zanghi says the relationship with Indian gives him extra support. “What helps me is working with Indian directly where they will send people from the dealerships with motorcycles to the events. It brings so much legitimacy to the actual brand and I am not just a licensee I am the worldwide tobacco division of Indian you could say. They are amazing people and very honest guys and very astute. I couldn’t ask for a better partnership.” While cigar sales are continuing to grow for Indian Motorcycle, it is also helping Zanghi with his Debonaire line, opening new accounts and possibilities for that cigar. As for the future, Zanghi says next year he plans to add a whole line of Indian accessories—lighters,

> THIS IS NOW. Zanghi (above) returned to premium cigars in 2010 and developed the Debonaire brand, then created the Indian Motorcycle Cigar under an exclusive worldwide licensing agreement with Polaris, the current owner of Indian Motorcycle. Right: Single stick pouches. Below: Indian Motorcycle Shade, the brand’s third and newest blend.

humidors, and more. But he will never lose sight of the cigars. “I am working on it to be even better,” adds Zanghi. “I’ve got some really great things that have happened and new partnerships with tobacco growers here in the D.R. and people in my company. The shade is going to do great. The whole line is growing exponentially. And we’re making better and better cigars so people don’t think it is a gimmick.”


Debonaire House, Santiago, Dominican Republic, Tel: +809-276-7441, Web: Tobacco Products International


{ Boutique Spotlight} > Dean Parsons, founder of Epic Cigars, continues as the creative force and public face of the brand under new ownership of Zander-Greg, Inc.

Parsons, the creative force behind Epic. Parson continues as the public face and hands-on ambassador for the brand, as well as Zander-Greg’s other premium cigar brands in their respective markets, enlightening fans at a variety of cigar events in North America and Europe. Parson’s return to the cigar spotlight started this summer in Las Vegas at the U.S.A.’s premium cigar convention, IPCPR, where Zander-Greg owner and founder Arthur Berberian showcased the newly acquired Epic brand at ZanderGreg’s own trade fair stand. Parsons greeted a steady stream of familiar faces happy to once again see the Epic brands on display. Since then, Parsons has also turned his attention to Europe, where Epic has enjoyed a growing presence. Parsons says the acquisition is helping Epic “elevate its game” including attending larger consumer events, building on all of Parsons’ hard work to date. While Epic Cigars have been available in the U.S. since 2012 (and more recently in Canada) and have built a core following in Germany, InterTabac 2019 marked the company’s official relaunch in Germany of the two blends it is focusing on for Europe: the rich Epic Maduro and the

Dean Parsons, Epic Cigars

An Epic Return Epic Cigars has made surprisingly swift strides under founder Dean Parson’s dream of building an international cigar brand. Following its recent purchase by Zander-Greg, Epic is eager to continue building its European base. » BY E. EDWARD HOYT III


spicy Epic Corojo. Both cigars are full-flavored and medium-to-full-bodied, Parsons explains, although the maduro “a little less so.“ They are the original two blends that Parsons first debuted when he launched the brand. Both feature a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. The Corojo has a Dominican binder and Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper and is available in robusto,

pic Cigars marked its official re-

on a year-long hiatus as the company un-

double corona, and gordo formats, while

launch in the German market at

derwent a restructuring. Earlier this year,

the Maduro has a Cameroon binder and

the Kleinlagel stand at the 2019

Pasadena, California-based Zander-Greg

an Ariparaca wrapper from Brazil. It’s of-

InterTabac Trade Fair in Dortmund in

Distributors, owner of Nat Cicco Cigars,

fered in lancero, robusto, double corona,

September. The Dominican-made brand,

purchased Epic and formed a new part-

and gordo formats.

now under new ownership, had been

nership with Epic Cigars founder Dean

TPI 10

Q4 2019

Considering the company’s youth,

Parsons felt extremely fortunate in 2015 to secure Canadian distribution through Joe Bondi’s Alec Bradley Canada, and more recently to partner with Bruchsal-based Klaus Kleinlagel GmbH for distribution in Germany and other key markets. The partnerships have quickly opened up access to many new retail accounts, the first step in fulfilling Parson’s vision of building an international brand. Following this year’s InterTabac fair, Parsons took Epic Cigars on tour in Germany with Klaus Kleinlagel Sales Manager Thomas Geissler, hosting lounge events in Bisingen, Oberursel, Frankfurt, Würzburg, Saarland, Wiehl, and culminating at his largest sold-out event at Cigarworld in Düsseldorf. More European events will follow in 2020.

Pursing Evolving Interests Having enjoyed cigars since his former days as a police officer in Canada, Parsons unwittingly began paving his entry into the cigar industry when he started traveling to the Dominican Republic in 2005 from the Turks and Caicos Islands,

> Top: Epic Maduro. Above: Epic Corojo. Inset: The innovative limited edition Project E San Andres featuring a Mexican San Andres wrapper with a natural leaf tobacco band emblazoned with the Epic “E” logo.

an idyllic travel destination south east

Parsons spent several years patiently

ship with Zander-Greg is hardly unusu-

of the Bahamas where he was working

developing his first blends with Villamil,

al, allowing him to focus on the areas

in real estate. Fine cigars were starkly

culminating with the release in 2012 of his

he loves the most—blending and brand

non-existent in the islands, though, and

debut cigar, the spicy Epic Corojo, followed

building—while tapping the strong sales

as Parson deepened his appreciation

quickly by the rich Epic Maduro Reserva.

and distribution infrastructure in the U.S.

and knowledge of the cigar making pro-

In 2012, Parsons decided to turn his

of the brand’s new owner. Epic fans need

cess visiting Dominican factories and

side job in cigars into a full-time job, and

not worry about their beloved blends:

farms, an opportunity came to light.

has been working tirelessly ever since to

Parsons assures that all of the existing

build the brand and expand the blends.

core lines from Epic Cigars will remain

Working with master blender Rolando Villamil in Santiago, Parsons first

Epic Cigars exhibited at its first IPCPR

the same. There are some additions

marketed a Turks and Caicos-branded

Trade Show in Las Vegas in July 2014,

nearly ready for release, however, both

cigar called Turks Select to the terri-

rolling out its third line, the medium-bod-

from Parson’s existing factory partner in

tory’s resorts and hotels. But by 2009

ied Epic Habano, which pairs the natural

the Dominican Republic, as well as a new

the booming real estate market there

sweetness of Ecuador Habano wrapper

partner in Nicaragua, with some details

had soured, and Parsons had taken a

with a spicy-sweet Cameroon binder.

forthcoming by the end of the year and

new job in the Dominican Republic.

Several additional blends have followed,

launches slated for early 2020.

Living in “cigar country” only deep-

but for now Parsons is focusing on the

ened his fascination with the art of

Maduro and Corojo for European distri-

Epic Cigars, Web:, Klaus

blending, and in 2010 he was inspired

bution, which also includes The Nether-

Kleinlagel, Friedrich-Silcher-Str.4, D-76646

to trademark the Epic cigar brand for

lands and Switzerland.

Bruchsal, Germany, Tel: +49 7257 924

international sales, and founded his own company, Epic Cigars LLC.

Change has been a constant theme in Parsons’ career, so his new partner-


99 98, Email:, Web: Tobacco Products International

TPI 11

{Brand News} Maya Selva Cigars Unveils Three New Novelties for 2020 Maya Selva, founder of Maya Selva Cigars, unveiled three new cigars for 2020 at the 2019 InterTabac trade fair in Dortmund, Germany, in September. For the third year in a row, the company is celebrating the Chinese New Year with a new limited edition, Year of the Rat. Totally hand-made with the best tobacco from the house, representing the traditional terroirs of Honduras and Nicaragua, this new blend has the “elegant balance characteristic” of the Flor de Selva brand. Its notes of vanilla with hints of toasted almonds “are bound to please the most discerning of palates.” Honduras—the land of coffee and tobacco— also brings the newest member of the classic Villa Zamorano collection, the

Oliva Set to Launch Serie V Melanio Edición Limitada 2019 Diadema

Soberano. This full bodied, rich and expres-

The Oliva Serie V Melanio Edición

sive puro embodies the flavorful tobacco of the

Limitada 2019 Diadema, the third

renowned Jamastrán Valley in Honduras. It is a

limited edition of the Serie V Melanio,

creamy smoke with a slight wood note aroma, “rich

was unveiled at the InterTabac fair

in taste, not in price,” says the manufacturer.

in Dortmund, Germany. This release

Finally, Maya Selva Cigars has officially

features the same blend as the regular

launched its new Villa

Melanios but are not box pressed,

Zamorano Reserva

left round with a tapered foot. The

Personita in Germany. This small hand-made

Diadema measures 6 3/4 inches by 48

Honduran cigar is rolled with premium tobacco and

ring gauge, and are packaged in deluxe

will appeal to the daily smoker who “enjoys taking a

boxes of 10. Only about 2,500 boxes

short break in the company of a solid and consistently

are slated for release.

good smoke.” The blend is “refined” with the “scent

Oliva Cigars, Miami, Florida, USA,

of toast and cedary aromas with a very gentle peppery taste.” The

Web: olivacigars, distributed by

Personita is made of entirely Honduran long-filler and has been crafted with

J. Cortès Cigars, Zwevegem-Moen,

“the utmost skill to create this moment of indulgence,” says the company.

Belgium, Tel: +32 56 75 94 00, Email

Maya Selva Cigares, Paris, France, Tel: +33(0) 40 15 0565, Web:, Web:

Principle Cigars Releases Angelique and Vintage-Style Tin Advertising Signs Principle Cigars has created a series of ten advertising signs, each in the style of a different place and time period. The signs have been produced on tin and were released in October. “Today, we are bombarded with advertising,” explains company founder Darren Cioffi, “yet the traditional advertising sign—an artistic but innocent and simple announcement of a product—is a lost art.” The tenth and final sign in the series also features the company’s newest cigar release: Angelique, a “clean, high-quality Connecticut smoke with a naturally sweetened tip,” says Cioffi. “The hand-drawn Angelique logo is inspired by the many spectaular hand-drawn department store logos from the 1960s. Department stores have just about all switched to modern, clean designs, leaving this style lost to the world and making it something we felt was important to resurrect.” Principle Cigars, Nashville, Tenn., USA, Web:; Kleinlagel, Bruchsal-Obergrombach. Germany Web:

TPI 12

Q4 2019

Tabacalera S.A. Releases VegaFina 1998 Honoring the year in which the VegaFina brand was created, the new VegaFina 1998 from Tabacalera S.A. features tobaccos that have all been aged for a minimum of three years, including filler tobaccos from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Colombia; an Indonesian Java binder; and a

Bold Belgian Makla Chewing Tobacco

Cuban-seed Ecuadorian-grown wrap-

Makla is a 100-year-old brand of smoke-

flavors with notes of nuts, white pepper,

less tobacco created from rustica (wild)

vanilla, coffee, and molasses.

tobacco using traditional methods. It

per. The blend is described as mild-medium, dominated by wood and roasted

The new line, which is initially being targeted

tucks snuggly under the lip, has a

for European markets, is crafted at the Tabacalera de

“milky sweet” flavor that’s not acidic,

García factory in the Dominican Republic and debuts

and is offered in Makla Ifrikia, Makla El

in three vitolas featuring a secondary ring identifying

Kantara, Makla Africaine Bentchikou,

the 1998 blend: VF 50 (50 x 115mm), VF 52 (52 x

and Makla Bouhlel Bentchicou Rouge

135mm), and VF 54 (54 x 155mm). The cigars are

varieties in bags or plastic tins.

presented in 10-count Cuban dress boxes.

Sifaco Group SA, Manage, Belgium.

Tabacalera S.A./Imperial Brands,


Madrid, Spain, Tel: +34 91 360 9000.

Tobacco Products International

TPI 13

{Showcase} Xikar Adds New Enso Dual-Blade Cutter In Japanese culture, the enso is a minimalist circle drawn in one stroke at a moment of clarity of the mind, symbolizing strength and elegance. It is also the spiritual inspiration for Xikar’s new Enso cigar cutter, which features

is 2.5 inches in diameter and .5 inches thick—the same dimensions as Xikar’s

Meerschaum Pipes from New World Luxury Brands

two-handle XO cutter. A 68 ring gauge cigar is able to fit through the inside of

New World Luxury Brands crafts smok-

the cutter, which will cut up to 72 ring gauge cigar. Enso is available in a choice

ing pipes offering authentic craftsman-

of six finishes: black, silver, red, blue, neon green, and neon orange.

ship—genuine, hand-whittled “pieces

Xikar, Inc., Weston, Fla., USA, Web:;

of art” featuring “gorgeous textures and

Wolfertz GmbH, Solingen, Germany, Web: wolfertz-gmbh-com.

ridges” in unique designs.

a synchronized dual-blade system where the movement of one handle actuates both finely-honed blades to open and close. The Enso

In addition to a traditional briar wood range, New World offers dozens of different styles of meerschaum pipes, each made by leading Turkish hand carvers from real block meerschaum. Shown above is a beautifully pat-

New Scissor-Style Cigar Cutter Collections from Elie Bleu

terned ball-style pipe decorated with

Elie Bleu is offering two new models

Calabash, Apple, Cherry Wood, Danish

of scissor-type cigar cutters, both

Bent, Rhodesian, and Freehands. The

crafted with stainless steel bodies and

company also offers true one-of-a-kind

featuring Japanese tempered surgical

special editions, one-off pipes in tradi-

stainless steel blades that can cut up to a

tional and non-traditional themes, such

60 ring gauge cigar.

as the Native American (below).

The EBC-2 Round Cigar Cutter Collection

sterling silver spigot stem and black acrylic stem. Other shapes include

New World Luxury Brands PTE Ltd.,

(right) folds closed into a perfect 2-3/4-inch diameter

Singapore,Tel: +90-212-227-8725,

circle and is offered in polished stainless steel with gold

Email: ,

button; polished gold stainless steel with gold button; and polished stainless


steel and button with etched pinstripe. The EBC-3 Cigar Cutter Collection (left) features unique etched marquetry handles in a choice of three different handle finishes: polished stainless steel, black, or gold. Elie Bleu S.A., Gennevilliers France, Tel:+33 147 9964-10 Web:

TPI 14

Q4 2019

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