Quarter 4, 2018
Nicaragua’s first cigar factory marked its fifth decade of operations this year. It’s weathered tough times in the past, but is stronger than ever today with a global reach.
Industry News .......................................4 Brand News .......................................... 10 Showcase............................................. 12
6 Joya de Nicaragua on its 50th Anniversary The history of Joya de Nicaragua—Nicaragua’s first cigar factory—parallels the birth and growth of Nicaragua’s flourishing cigar industry, a journey achieved largely against the odds of multiple adversities. » STAFF REPORT
Robert M. Lockwood TEL: + 1-212-391-2060, x109 FAX: + 1-212-827-0945 EMAIL: SPECIAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE
George E. Lockwood TEL: + 1-413-775-0005 FAX: + 1-413-775-9010 EMAIL: Tobacco Products International Lockwood Trade Journal Co. Inc., 3743 Crescent Street, Second Floor Long Island City, New York 11101 U.S.A. Tel: +1 (212) 391-2060 Fax: +1 (212) 827-0945
{Editor’s Letter} UK Divulges Tobacco Contingencies in the event of a “No-Deal” Brexit Pundits continue to say that the odds of a “no-deal” Brexit remain low, but the possib-
lity is real enough to have prompted numerous UK government departments to issue “technical notices” that began months ago, addressing the myriad of ways a “no-deal” Brexit would affect industries. Regulations have forced tobacco manufacturers to print images highlighting the dangers of smoking on all tobacco products sold in the UK since 2009. But copyright of the
AD INDEX Republic Technologies ................. C2
current graphic tabacco warnings is owned by the European Commission, and those warnings would have to be replaced in the even of a “no-deal” Brexit. The latest UK gpvernment update on the matter revels that the graphic warnings on cigarette packets would be replaced by Australian versions. In addition, changes to the way manufacturers must notify UK health and other regulatory bodies about the sale of both e-cigarettes and tobacco products would also be necessary.
» Ted Hoyt, Editor
Tobacco Products INTERNATIONAL
Tobacco Products International
{Industry News} A Second La Casa del Habano Opens in St. Petersburg The newest La Casa del Habano international cigar franchise, located on Kuznechny Alley in St. d Petersburg, Russia, celebrated its grand opening on December 14, 2018. The new retail shop joins over 140 premium boutiques in the global La Casa del Habano network, and is the second store in the so-called “Capital of the North” and the third in Russia. Dimitir Sovolev, a great lover and admirer of Cuba, its culture and its Habanos, is
Max Zechbauer Tabakwaren Named Germany’s Habanos Specialist of the Year 2018 MÜNCHEN, GERMAN—At
the franchisee of the new location. The event gathered more than 60 guests, including the Ambassador of
the InterTabac 2018 Trade Fair in Dortmund, Max Zechbauer
Tabakwaren GmbH was named “Habanos Specialist of the Year 2018” for Germany by 5th Avenue Products Trading Gmbh, Habanos’ exclusive German distributor. The award was presented by Heinrich Villiger, 5th Avenue president, to Mirko Pettene, manager of Max Zechbauer Tabakwaren shop in Munich. Max Zechbauer Tabakwaren was founded in 1830 by Max Zechbauer as the first tobacconist to import cigars from Havana to Germany, transforming a small family business that began in 1795 with the grocery store whose products included chewing tobacco and snuff, developed into Germany’s first specialty shop for cigars. The flourishing family business subsequently opened a grocery store in the
the Republic of Cuba to the Russian Federation; Gerardo Peñalver Portal,
arcades of the Munich Hofgarten and was appointed official purveyor to the royal court
Cuban Ambassador in the Russian
in 1886, supplying the Vatican, the Russian Tsar court, and Europe’s royal houses.
Federation; Odalis Seijó García,
In 1911, Zechbauer acquired the house on Residenzstraße, which has since
vice president of the Chamber of
become known as the Zechbauer-Haus and which still houses the original shop. The
Commerce of Cuba; as well as the
company is still owned by the Zechbauer family, who continue the founder’s leg-
executives of Top Cigars Corporation—
acy with a keen sense of enjoyment and tradition. In 1998, Zechbauer Tabakwaren
exclusive distributor of Habanos for
became one of the first tobacconists to conduct retail sales on the Internet, and now
the Russian domestic market—Mikhail
offers over 500 tobacco products through its online store.
Smirnov and Alejandra Romero.
Zechbauer Tabakwaren regularly organizes tastings, promotions and other cigar
The evening also brought
enjoyment events. For a few weeks there is another cigar business operated by
together representatives of cigar
Zechbauer in the Munich Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten featuring a beautiful cigar lounge,
shops and clubs not only from St.
no small achievement in Bavaria, a state with a total ban on smoking.
Petersburg, but also from other cities in Russia. Guest were able to
> Top: 5th Avenue Marketing Manager Christoph Puszkar (left) and Sales Manager Ino Mühlmann (right) present the award “Habanos Specialist of the Year 2018” to Mirko Pettene, Managing Director of Max Zechbauer Tabakwaren, Munich. (Photo: Ina Fassbender)
Q2 2018
enjoy complimentary Romeo and Julieta Petit Royales.
STG to Rename Cafe Creme Cigarillos to Signature in U.K., Key European Markets BOREHAMWOOD, UK—Scandinavian
Tobacco Group UK announced a name change for
Personnel Changes » Corporación Habanos, S.A. has
the UK’s leading cigar brand from Café Crème to Signature, “aligning the name fur-
promoted Alberto Donar Cruz Rojas
ther to the positive consumer perceptions of the brand as authentic, premium and a
to Control and Sales Management
contemporary high-quality product.” STG faced the possi-
Director. Previously, Rojas served
bility the brand could be banned in France in 2017 due to
as Commercial
its flavor reference.
Specialist in the
Cafe Creme was launched in 1963 as the first-ever
same division,
miniature cigar in a tin and has achieved steady growth for
and brings more
over 50 years. It leads the UK market with 35.9% share
than three years
overall, and 67.8% share in the miniatures segment.
experience in the
The new Signature brand name will be rolling out in UK stores from February 2019
tobacco sector to
with a phased transition to ensure high awareness amongst retailers and consumers
his new position. Rojas
alike. This will include the launch of new transition packs from October which will feature an on-pack flash highlighting that the name will soon be changing to Signature. Each pack will also include an inlay inside the tin with additional details informing consumers of the name change and reassuring them the cigars will remain the same. New tins, featuring the same pack design used currently and showcasing the
Study: Fine Cut Buffers Market
Signature name, will then be brought to market in February, to allow ample time for
the transition to take place.
Tobacco Association (ESTA) announced
European Smoking
the release of a study commissioned
Oettinger Davidoff Tapped by Ventura Cigar to Distribute Psyko Seven in Switzerland BASEL—Ventura
Cigar Company announced that its Psyko Seven premium hand rolled
from London Economics on the fine-cut tobacco (FCT) excise taxation in the European Union. This study illustrates the key economic mechanisms of
cigars began arriving on European shores in October, making their European debut
fine-cut tobacco taxation by using the
at the Oettinger Davidoff Expo in Lucerne, Switzerland. The medium-bodied Psyko
examples of 4 meaningful FCT markets:
Seven series is produced at Oettinger Davidoff’s
Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands
Occidental Cigar Factory in the Dominican
and the United Kingdom.
Republic utilizing a complex blend of seven
The study is based on data com-
tobaccos, and Oettinger Davidoff will now distrib-
ing from publicly available sources
ute the product in Switzerland as it seeks to build
including national statistical agencies
additional growth into other European countries.
and the European Commission. The
“We think the European market is more than ready for the disruptive nature
2018 London Economics study reaf-
of the Psyko brand, and that it will do well here,” said Rick Charles, International
firms the key findings of the initial
Markets Manager of Ventura Cigars.
2015 study, underlining the buffer
Gerhard Anderlohr, General Manager, Davidoff of Geneva Switzerland, Oettinger
function of fine-cut tobacco. By pro-
Davidoff AG, added that, “There’s something really unique about the Psyko Seven
viding an affordable legal alternative
cigars. We’ve been impressed with their longstanding quality and success and are
to price-sensitive consumers when
pleased to work with Ventura Cigars to bring this brand into Swiss retailers.”
faced with prohibitive tobacco excise
The branding is notably attention-getting, with clean, white packaging that share
increases, fine-cut tobacco miti-
detailed product criteria. The Psyko Seven cigars include Psyko Seven Natural,
gates losses in government revenue
Psyko Seven Maduro, and Psyko Seven Connecticut, a relatively recent release, and
resulting from rises in illicit trade and
Maduro Psykorillos, conveniently sized for time-limited enjoyment.
non-domestic consumption.
Tobacco Products International
{ Manufacturer Spotlight}
Monumental Milestones:
Joya de Nicaragua on its 50th Anniversary The history of Joya de Nicaragua—Nicaragua’s first cigar factory—parallels the birth and growth of Nicaragua’s flourishing cigar industry itself, a journey largely achieved against the odds of multiple adversities. » STAFF REPORT TPI 6
Q2 2018
n an industry that loves to celebrate anniversaries, legacy brands tend to earn the spotlight, some dating back
over a century. It’s much rarer, though, for a company itself to hit the half-century mark—especially in Central America where cigar making is a much newer endeavor than in well-established origins. Add in the tremendous impact of the country’s civil war in the late 1980s and the U.S. economic embargo which closed off the company’s largest market, and it’s no understatement to say Joya de Nicara-
of robust, unique puro blends of locally
Joya starts its next half a century
grown black tobaccos, but has greatly
with a diverse, yet solidified portfolio
diversified its portfolio.
accompanied by a packaging update for
As for the company’s survival, its
most of its brands. While in 1968 Joya de
employees can take well-deserved cred-
Nicaragua was the first and only brand of
it for that, as it was the shear will of the
the factory, Joya’s offerings have dramat-
owner-employees during and following
ically evolved. Its portfolio now includes
the country’s civil war that kept Joya de
the Joya line, Antaño family, Cuatro Cin-
Nicaragua afloat. It’s been said that Joya
co, and more, representing a wide vari-
de Nicaragua isn’t just a cigar company;
ety of brands and blends for all type of
it is lifeline, it is struggle, it is will to forge
smokers and at different price points.
ahead and renew—a mirror of Estelí and Nicaragua itself.
“We don’t just want to celebrate our 50th anniversary, but rather put all our
In its 50 year history, Joya de Nicara-
acquired life experience and cigar knowl-
gua has evolved to become Nicaragua’s
edge to set the groundwork for the next
most international brand, with presence
50 years to come,” Cuenca continued.
in over 50 markets, and counting. This
Indeed, Joya de Nicaragua has been
success is unprecedented and attributed
celebrating its anniversary all throughout
to its skillful and resilient people.
2018 by sharing the history, secrets, and
The history of Joya de Nicaragua is
anecdotes that have shaped the brand
intertwined with the history of Nicaragua
and its products. Events have been held
itself. From being the official cigar of the
all over the world and audiences have
White House, and at one point being part-
had the chance to participate in special
ly owned by dictator Anastasio Somoza,
giveaways. Not surprisingly, the compa-
to having the factory bombed and burned
ny also set out early to develop an exclu-
down during the revolution only to be re-
sive 50th anniversary cigar to celebrate
constructed by the workers later, Joya de
the achievement, resulting in the release
Nicaragua’s history is rich and complex, a
of Cinco Decadas this summer. It’s made
one of perseverance and resilience.
from an exclusive selection of all-Nicara-
“At the end of the day, Joya de Nic-
guan tobaccos, coaxed by 50 years of
aragua is a brand that sells cigars,” said
accumulated knowledge, experience,
Dr. Alejandro Martínez Cuenca, chairman
and resilience. “It is our most memorable milestone
company since 1994. “But what matters
yet, and the most memorable of cele-
to me is that this brand has been the
brations always require that you rise to
force through which the people of the
the occasion. That’s what Cinco Decadas
gua’s resurgence today, much less surviv-
factory have helped shape the history of
represents,” said Cuenca. “We want con-
al at all, defied the odds.
Nicaragua itself.”
sumers to know that in Cinco Decadas,
of Joya de Nicaragua and owner of the
In Estelí, Nicaragua 50 years ago, Joya de Nicaragua literally pioneered the Nicaraguan cigar industry. In 1968, it became the first tobacco factory to craft premium handmade cigars in the Central American nation. Since its inception, Joya has been committed to achieving the highest levels of excellence, and establishing itself as the standard for Nicaraguan cigar quality. The company is widely regarded as the patriarch crafter
> The Joya de Nicaragua factory team gathers on the production floor to proudly memorialize 50 years.
Tobacco Products International
{Manufacturer Spotlight} embossed leaves and a special 50th Anniversary security seal that guarantees its origin from the Joya de Nicaragua factory. Cinco Decadas has a limited but on-going production of 5,000 boxes in the first year, and is available only in selected markets worldwide. Another project corresponding to this year’s anniversary was the release of the book “Cinco Décadas: The Rise of the Nicaraguan Cigar,” backed by more than two years of research by British journalist Nick Hammond and beautiful photographs and designs from several top Nicaraguan talents. The 204-page book journeys through Nicaragua, the city of Estelí, the post-colonial era, the social struggles of the 1900’s, up until the evolution of the Joya brand today. It also touches on the exceptional aspects > Top: Cinco Décadas honors Joya de Nicaragua’s 50th anniversary in the two original shapes rolled by the factory when it opened in 1968. Bottom: Joya Silver, with an oscuro upper-priming wrapper from Ecuador, is a more complex blend the company’s price-friendly “modern” series.
of the cigar-making process and the social impact of the industry. It closes with a depiction of how Joya de Nicaragua has
they will find a cigar so premium that the
special moment in our company’s history
evolved to become one of the world’s
fact that there’s one in the humidor, will
and offer an opportunity to pause, reflect,
most renowned premium cigar brands.
be enough to celebrate.”
give thanks— and look to the future.”
The book also documents how Joya
The special release is made exclu-
At this time, the cigar is available
de Nicaragua’s longtime employees are
sively with prime extra-vintage leaves,
only two vitolas, meant as a tribute to
not mere collaborators, but rather are
“immaculately balanced,” and accompa-
the very first formats ever rolled at the
“the force that has driven Joya de Nica-
nied by sweet and spicy notes—a silky
Joya de Nicaragua production floor back
ragua and at times literally kept it on its
smooth smoke that delivers a rich and
in 1968: Diadema (6 x 54), retailing for
feet.” That is the case of Alberto Martínez,
fulfilling experience, explains Cuenca.
$19.99, and El General (7 × 50), retail-
head of the factory’s production floor,
“Cinco Decadas is a Nicaraguan cigar
ing for $18.99. The cigars are present-
who in the book recalled his own journey,
of unparalleled elegance,” Cuenca gush-
ed in a finely crafted ivory-white and
from his start at Joya de Nicaragua, to his
es. “This cigar is intended to celebrate a
gold-lacquered box of 10, featuring gold
key role in the survival of the factory, and the pleasure of contributing to company’s resurgence in recent years. Hammond writes that Alberto was a long-haired, denim-jacketed 13-year-old when he literally knocked on the factory door and asked for work. At the time, Cubans effectively ran the factory on behalf of General Somoza, yet despite his appearance, Alberto somehow convinced them to give him a job. “I went straight into bonchero training,” he recalls, and to this day believes that the lady who interviewed him had mistakenly thought his
> This undated photo of the rolling gallery is the earliest known photo of the Joya de Nicaragua factory. TPI 8
Q2 2018
name was Cuban.
> Dr. Alejandro Martínez Cuenca, chairman (left), and son Juan Martínez, executive president (right), inside the Joya factory in Estelí, Nicaragua.
But Alberto was fortunate to learn everything about the factory’s operations,
kept going back, week after week,” Al-
leaf since the early 1970s and arrived at
berto recalls.
Joya de Nicaragua just in time to help lay
not just bunching. Like many of his peers,
Cuenca ultimately agreed to buy the
down foundations for the chaotic years
he became a revolutionary during the war
factory with the help of investors, and
of the cigar boom. But soon after Cuen-
and could have continued as a soldier, but
as part of the deal, he promised that no
ca bought the factory, Raudez struggled
yearned to return to the cigar factory, even
one would be unnecessarily fired for
with the pressure and missed a lot of
as it struggled to survive.
five years. For their part, the workers
work. Summoned to Managua to see
Alberto recalls the desperate trips to
pledged to use their skills to the best of
Cuenca, Raudez assumed his time was
Managua that the senior factory work-
their ability for the same period of time.
up. But to his surprise, Cuenca extended
ers made as they tried to persuade Dr.
That included Leonel “Don Leo”
even more trust in him, telling him they
Cuenca—an economist and academ-
Raudez, general manager at the Joya
were on a journey, and Cuenca couldn’t
ic who dabbled in politics—to buy the
de Nicaragua factory, who is something
do it without Raudez. It was a life-chang-
company in the early 1990s. The effort
of a legend in the Nicaraguan tobacco
ing moment for Raudez, who immediate-
wasn’t immediately fruitful, “But we
industry. He’s been working with the
ly doubled-down and assured his position as a crucial member of the team, and today is a teetotaler, yoga-practicing vegan. Today, Joya de Nicaragua is not only the producer of the powerful puro blends of locally grown black tobaccos that it pioneered, also a growing range of multi-nation blends and strengths that have extended its reach to a wider range of cigar enthusiasts. “At the end of the day, Joya de Nicaragua is a brand that sells cigars,” says Dr. Cuenca, “But what matters to me is that this brand has been the force through which the people of the factory have helped shape the history of Nica-
> Alberto Martínez (left), head of production, and Leonel “Don Leo” Raudez (right), general manager.
ragua itself.” Tobacco Products International
{Brand News} Romeo y Julieta Tacos Edición Limitada 2018 Launches in Spain
OCB Rolling Papers 100th Anniversary
Habanos, S.A., in conjunction with its dis-
In recognition of
tributer in Spain—Tabacalera S.L.U.—kicked
its 100th anni-
off the release of the Romeo y Julieta Tacos
versary this year,
Edición Limitada 2018 on Sept. 8 at launch
OCB has intro-
event at Club Pasión Habanos in Madrid.
duced a number
The 49 ring gauge by 168 mm vitola was
of initiatives pro-
“reclaimed” from the 1970s when it was
moting the brand. Paper Sessions is an original
available as a regular production vitola, Tacos Imperiales. Like all Edición Limitadas, in addi-
musical project featuring musicians
tion to their unique vitola that’s not available
and composers at the leading edge
under the brand’s regular production formats,
of contemporary pop that OCB hopes
these Habanos a made with specially selected
will become an international reference.
leaves which have been aged for not less than
Since March, it has become an inspir-
two years. The cigars are presented in a 25-unit regular box. The event include a cock-
ing “virtual concert venue” where visi-
tail dinner, a selection of gourmet products from several premium brands, and music.
tors can enjoy monthly mini-concerts at
Habanos S.A., Havana, Cuba, Web: from different well-known artists and up-and-coming
La Aurora Releases 115 Anniversary Edition In commemoration of La Aurora Cigar’s founding in 1903, La Aurora has introduced
bands representing a wide variety of musical styles. Rolling Shorts by OCB is the
La Aurora 115 Anniversary in three different editions: 115 Anniversary Edition, 115
brand’s first international short film com-
Anniversary Limited Edition, and 115 Anniversary Jar Edition.
petition, designed for students from the
The Aurora 115 Anniversary Edition comes in four formats: Belicoso, Robusto, Gran
most prestigious film schools in Europe.
Toro, and Churchill. For collectors and lovers of the brand, the company has also pro-
“With this competition, we want to
duced a limited edition Belicoso with
help the best creators with the first
only 3,000 boxes, and 115 Anniversary
steps of their promising future,” said
Jar Edition, a special commemorative
the company in a statement. A panel
jar in Gran Toro format, with only 800
of judges will feature an international
jars worldwide.
personality from the world of cinema to
“La Aurora 115 anniversary is the
match the project’s expectations, with
culmination of a meticulous selec-
prizes both for students as well as for
tion process that pays homage to
the film schools where they study.
our centennial values of quality and perfection,” the company
Finally, OCB unveiled an edgy campaign aimed at its “stylish customers,”
announced. “With an oily wrapper grown in the Dominican Republic, the
in its goal to maintain its position as
cigar offers spicy notes such as cinnamon, peppers, rich notes of wood
the leading rolling paper brand for the
such as cedar and nuts are evident throughout the smoke.”
next 100 years. “To reach that land-
The anniversary cigar celebrates the 115 years that have passed
mark, we must always be aware and
since Eduardo León Jimenes founded the oldest and most globally
continue to find ways to reach out to
renowned cigar factory in the Dominican Republic, capturing the val-
our target through new communication
ues of “quality, dedication, effort, and perfection” that have character-
channels,” said the company.
ized the company since its founding.
Republic Technologies Intl.,
La Aurora S.A., Santiago, Dominican Republic, Web:
Perpignan, France, Web:
TPI 10
Q2 2018
Royal Agio Cigars Named La Flor Dominicana Distributor for Germany, Netherlands Royal Agio Cigars announced that they are now distributing La Flor Dominicana brands in Germany and The Netherlands. This partnership between two “passionate premium cigar makers from the Dominican Republic” kicked off at InterTabac 2018 trade show. With the addition of the prestigious La Flor Dominicana line-up, Royal Agio expands its Dominican premium cigar portfolio in Europe, complementing its own Balmoral Anejo XO and San Pedro de Macoris handde Macoris, Dominican Republic. Royal Agio also currently
Klaus Kleinlagel to Distribute Fratello
has a strategic distribution partnership with Drew Estate, the
Omar de Frias, founder of Fratello
Nicaraguan based cigar manufacturer for brands such as Liga
Cigars, announced that Klaus
Privada and Undercrown, in select European markets.
Kleinlagel has been named the com-
made lines produced at their boutique factory in San Pedro
Since Litto Gomez and his wife, Ines, started La Flor Dominicana in 1996, they
pany’s newest distribution partner,
have had an enduring focus on quality, creativity, and innovation, which has laid the
covering Germany. “Their history
foundation for the company’s successful growth into on of the most sought-after
in the tobacco industry, their family
premium cigar brands in the world. The basis for all unique La Flor Dominican cigar
owned operation, and passion for pre-
blends is the use of premium tobaccos from their own plantations, combined with
mium cigars was a perfect match for
select top tobaccos from all over the world, resulting in renowned blends such as
our growing brand.” said de Frias.
Ligero, La Nox, Double Ligero, and top-rated Andalusian Bull. Royal Agio Cigars, Duizel, Eersel, The Netherlands, Web:
The Kleinlagel family has been in the cigar industry since 1916 and headquartered in Bruchsal Germany since 1946. “We are very happy to
Maya Selva Cigars Releases Limited Edition Year of the Pig Toro
get to work with Omar and bring his
Maya Selva Cigars is celebrating the Year of the Pig
added: “Our business is truly a family
with a new limited edition cigar. It’s the second con-
business. As the name Fratello, which
secutive year that the company has prepared a special
means ‘brother,’ already says, Omar
edition release celebrating the Chinese New Year.
belongs to our small family.”
The filler blend is a selection of the “best to-
outstanding cigars to Germany,” Klaus Kleinlagel said. Martina, his sister
Fratello Cigars, which are produced
baccos” from Honduras and Nicaragua, paired with
in Nicaragua, currently has distribu-
a binder from Jalapa, Nicaragua and a Habano Ja-
tion in the Netherlands, Dominican
mastrán wrapper from Honduras, crafted “to please
Republic, Thailand, Czech Republic,
the most discerning of palates.“
Slovakia, and Switzerland. This partner-
The cigar is available in a single toro (6 x 52) format, present-
ship will open new doors and continue
ed in 19-count wooden cabinet boxes. The line’s design combines traditional
to expand on Fratello Cigars acceler-
Chinese patterns with Mayan hieroglyphics. The pig is the 12th sign of the Chinese
ated international growth.
zodiac, and according to their tradition, there are 12 animals guarding the gates of
Fratello has already hosted a
Heaven. Meanwhile, on a different continent, the Mayas believed that we are all born
series of events from June 16–24
with a Nahual, or spirit animal, that guides us through life.
in Duesseldorf, Koeln, Gevelsberg,
This special limited edition release, which will be available for shipping in Novem-
Wehringen, and Wuerzburg.
ber, joins the three brands of the house—Flor de Selva, Cumpay, and Villa Zamora-
Klaus Kleinlagel, Charles Fairmorn
no—making up the Maya Selva Cigars collection.
Sales Germany, Bruchsal, Germany,
Maya Selva Cigares, Paris, France, Tel: +(33) 40 15 05 65, Web:
Tobacco Products International
TPI 11
{Showcase} Colibri Adds S-Cut Serrated Cigar Cutter for Precise Clipping Colibri Group has launched the Colibri S-Cut Serrated—an extension of its S-Cut series of double-guillotine pocket cigar cutters that features new blades finished with a serrated edge. “The serrations were developed after several trials to find the best tip-size that would give a precise cut without forfeitance of durability and precision cutting—accommodating up to a 66-ring cigar,”
Xikar Debuts Verano Flat Flame Lighters
explains the manufacturer.
The Verano Flat Flame lighter from Xikar,
ing the longevity and strength of the fine serrations—the result is a perfect bal-
The S-Cut Serrated also features an upgraded body with all new pachmayr-pat-
Inc. provides the power of a double
terned front and back panels, giving the cutter a beautifully rich appearance, bet-
flame with the breadth of a triple flame
ter feel and grip, and increased durability of the finish. Four finishes are available:
for maximum fuel efficiency. Easy to
black, polished chrome+black, polished rose+black, and gunmetal. Suggested
use and elegantly simple, Verano is
retail is US$49. This year Colibri celebrates 90 years since its founding in 1928—
engineered using all-metal construction,
and continues to build upon its legacy of innovation and thoughtful design.
loaded with Xikar’s latest technology,
Colibri, New York, N.Y., U.S.A., Email: Web:
and backed by the company’s lifetime warranty—the perfect “every day carry” for the cigar aficionado “with an appetite for luxury styling and performance.” In addition to its unique flat flame, Verano features pull-down ignition action with diamond-pattern accents; Xikar’s exclusive EZ-View red fuel window; and an oversized fuel adjustment wheel. It is offered in a choice of four finishes: Black, Vintage Bronze, G2, and Silver. Xikar, Inc., Kansas City, Mo., Email:, Web:
Brebbia’s Leather Pipe Pouches
Starbuzz Clay Bowls
Pipe Brebbia Srl offers a wide range of leather pipe pouches, ideal accesso-
Starbuzz premium clay water pipe bowls
ries for any pipe enthusiast that include several stylish varieties. The Italian
in small, large, or spiral versions are
company’s water buffalo leather tobacco pouch accommodates a single pipe
made from a superior clay compound for
in a zippered bottom compartment, with a separate surgical rubber pocket for
maximum durability. Unglazed material is
storing loose tobacco accessed under a cleverly designed pipe-shaped-and-
best used for individual flavor retention.
stiched flap (above, left). A more traditionally designed model also in buffalo
Starbuzz, Garden
leather (above center and right) accommodates a single pipe, tobacco, and
Grove, Calif. U.S.A.,
small accessories in a second zippered compartment. Both models are offered
Tel: +1-714-995-
in black, Havana (tan), or brown variations and retail from €24 to €48 each.
4119, Web: shop-
Pipe Brebbia Srl, Brebbia, Varese, Italy, Tel: +39 33 277 0286, Web:
TPI 12
Q2 2018