Tobacco Products International magazine – Quarter 2, 2019

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Quarter 2, 2019


Opens Second La Casa del Habano Shop; More to Come • InterTabac 2019 Gears up for Big Infusion of Next Generation Products

• Major Improvements Rolled Out to InterTabac Venue: Westfalenhallen, Dortmund

• El Septimo Geneva Extends its Premium Brand to Two New Luxury Cigar Lounges





Robert M. Lockwood TEL: + 1-212-391-2060, x111 EMAIL:





George E. Lockwood TEL: + 1-413-775-0005 FAX: + 1-413-775-9010 EMAIL: Tobacco Products International Lockwood Trade Journal Co. Inc., 3743 Crescent Street, Second Floor Long Island City, New York 11101 U.S.A. Tel: +1 (212) 391-2060 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES:



8 Turmeaus adds Norfolk Shop Turmeaus’ parent firm, C.Gars Ltd., also opens its second La Casa del Habano location, in Knutsford-Chesire. Meanwhile, El Septimo launches cigar lounges in Portugal and France. » STAFF REPORT

AD INDEX DEPARTMENTS Industry News .......................................4 Brand News .......................................... 16 Showcase............................................. 20


14 InterTabac 2019: The Entire World of Next Generation Products InterTabac, the world’s flagship tobacco trade fair, presents major market players and new exhibitors in the NGP segment in 2019. » STAFF REPORT



Royal Agio Cigars ........................ 17 David Ross International ................ 7 Durfort Holdings ......................... C2 Drew Estate ............................... 19 Horizon Cigar Company ................ 15 Intercontinental Trading .............. 11 Republic Technologies ................... 5 Rips .......................................... 12 Roll 4 You .................................... 9 Viking Cigars .............................. 13

Tobacco Products INTERNATIONAL

Tobacco Products International


{Industry News} PMI Targets Online Hub to “Unsmokers” Philip Morris International (PMI) has

Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S Acquires Premium Pipe Tobacco Brands from BAT

launched a new “online hub for those

Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S has closed a deal to acquire certain pipe tobacco

the world.” The web-based campaign

trademarks and designs from Dunhill Tobacco Company of London Limited, a subsid-

at aims to

iary of British American Tobacco p.l.c. Included in the deal are premium pipe tobacco

“provide an inspiring and engaging

trademarks such as Early Morning Pipe, Nightcap, Royal Yacht, and Elizabethan Mixture

place to help people kick-start their

that were previously sold under the Dunhill brand and carry a solid reputation as well

smoke-free journeys.

as premium positioning. STG said the price paid is “confidential, but immaterial.”

that want to unsmoke themselves or their loved ones, their communities, or

“The best way to unsmoke is

Scandinavian Tobacco Group will market the acquired trademarks as sub-

to quit cigarettes and nicotine com-

brands to existing brands in the company’s portfolio. The acquisition strengthens

pletely,” PMI proposes. “For adult

Scandinavian Tobacco Group’s product range in the premium pipe tobacco segment

smokers that don’t [quit], the next

in important pipe tobacco markets such as the US, Germany, and across Asia.

best option is to switch to a better

“We are very happy and proud to add these well-known pipe tobacco brands to our existing strong portfolio,” said Regis Broersma, Senior Vice President for

alternative.” For those seeking to quit smok-

Scandinavian Tobacco Group’s Smoking Tobacco & Accessories Division. “They will

ing, the website outlines various types

enhance our offering to our consumers—and we look forward to protect and explore

of nicotine replacement therapies

the full potential of the portfolio by leveraging our sales and marketing competencies.”

(NRT). For those seeking alternatives to smoking, the site explains the

EU Track and Trace System for Cigarettes, Fine Cut Officially Launched 20 May

differences between combustible

Five years after the Tobacco Products Directive

products such as snus. No PMI brands

of 2014 specified the establishment of EU-wide

or products are mentioned.

systems of traceability and security features

tobacco and e-cigarettes, heated tobacco technologies, and traditional

The site also promotes industry

for tobacco products to address illicit trade, the

efforts to adapt smoke-free regu-

so-called “track and trace” system became opera-

lations world-wide to distinguish

tional in early May and legally launched on 20 May.

between cigarettes and other smoke-

Initially, systems of traceability and security

free alternatives. Social media engage-

features must be in place for cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco, but will apply

ment and an opportunity to sign up

to all other tobacco products (OTP) by 20 May 2024. The staged roll-out was

for a newsletter seek to build visitor

designed to provide manufacturers of OTP—which are often small and medi-

engagement in the company’s desire

um-sized companies—with additional time to implement the systems, as well as

to “unsmoke the world.”

benefit from the experience gained by the larger, initial adopters before the systems become applicable to them. Under the traceability system, all packets of tobacco products are required to be marked with a unique identifier. Businesses involved in tobacco trade are required to record the movements of these products throughout the supply chain and transmit the related information to an independent provider. The data is then made accessible to the authorities of EU countries and to the Commission for enforcement purposes. The principal goal is to reduce circulation of non-compliant tobacco products.


Q2 2019

The site is administered by PMI subsidiary Philip Morris Products S.A.


new design for the best quality filters



{Industry News}

Cigar Maker Maya Selva Honored with Medal of Recognition from French Senate on June 4, 2019, the President

STG Taps Broersma to Head Smoking Tobacco, Accessories Division as SVP

of the Senate Gerard Larcher

Régis Broersma has accepted a new

presented Maya Selva, founder

role in Scandinavian Tobacco Group

of Maya Selva Cigars, with the

(STG), relocating to Europe to take

Senate´s Medal in a special

over the responsibility of the compa-

ceremony held in the Boffrand

ny’s Smoking Tobacco & Accessories

Room. The award was granted

Division as Senior Vice President.

to honor Selva´s work in devel-

Broersma previously served as

oping handmade cigars, and

President of U.S.-based General Cigar

helping highlight the artisan,

Company and Senior Vice President of

his craftsmanship, and this

Scandinavian Tobacco Group’s North

centuries-old tradition. This

America Branded Business Division

annual event is an initiative

(General Cigar, Scandinavian Tobacco

of the French Senate and the

Group Lane, and Scandinavian

Diplomatic Corps in France.

Tobacco Group Canada).


part of France’s 11th

annual Latin America Week,

Broersma joined STG in 2002 and has over the years held several marketing and leadership roles in the company. He has been President of General Cigar Company since 2016 Born in France and raised in Tegucigalpa, Honduras,

and Senior Vice President of the

Selva crafts three different series of cigars at her

North America Branded Business

company’s own factory in Danlí, Honduras.

Division since 2018. Broersma will continue to lead

Nicaragua’s Mombacho Cigars Adds German Warehouse to Expand European Distribution

General Cigar and the North America


taking on further responsibility of

Cigars S.S. announced it will be serving

Branded Business Division with Gene Richter, VP US Sales Premium,

the European market through a warehouse in Germany in collaboration with

Mass Market Sales US, Commercial

PasionPuro GmbH & Co. KG

Excellence and

The new warehouse was sched-


uled to receive Nicaraguan cigar


maker’s first shipment before the

until a suc-

end of June 2019. Mombacho Cigars

cessor for

are already distributed in Nor way,

Broersma has

Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Italy; the

Casa Favilli in Grenada, Nicaragua, the boutique factory of Mombacho Cigars S.A.

company plans to open Spain, Belgium, and Luxembourg before the end of 2019. Mombacho Cigars crafts its cigars at its own factory, Casa Favilli—a preserved and renovated colonial villa, in Grenada, Nicaragua. Both Mombacho Cigars and PasionPuro will be present to welcome every European distributor at booth E.30, Hall 4, at Intertabac 2019 in Dortmund.


Q2 2019

been named.

SUBSCRIBENOW! Published quarterly, Tobacco Products International is designed for tobacco product importers, exporters, distributors, wholesalers and retailers who are looking for new products and services.


Quarter 1, 2019



Quarter 3, 2018

Quarter 4, 2018



Habanos S.A. celebrates Havana’s 500th Anniversary, and the 20th Anniversary of San Cristóbal de La Habana at the 2019 Habanos Festival.

Dortmund trade fair continues to expand its global reach and merchandise depth.

PLUS: • James J. Fox Brings La Casa del Habano to Harrods


Nicaragua’s first cigar factory marked its fifth decade of operations this year. It’s weathered tough times in the past, but is stronger than ever today with a global reach.

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{ Retailing Spotlight}


Turmeaus adds Norfolk Shop Parent firm C.Gars Ltd. also opens its second La Casa del Habano shop, in Knutsford-Chesire. » CONTRIBUTED REPORTS


ritish premium cigar distribu-

of this 202-year-old family-owned busi-

Rooms (jazz and tapas restaurant),

to r C .G ar s Ltd . G ro u p h as

ness, which is thought to be the larg-

and Turmeaus Late Hour Cigar Shop & Sampling Lounge in Liverpool.

completed its relocation and

est specialist tobacconist in the UK,

expansion to a new purpose-built cigar

said, “We are delighted to have com-

In addition, C.Gars Ltd. Group owns

and whisky retail premises and head-

pleted this substantial expansion with

the La Casa del Habano (LCDH) shop

quarters building in Norfolk, England.

our 14-strong team of sales, I.T., and

in Chester, and recently opened their

The Ship is a historic-listed building

marketing specialists now working in an

second LCDH franchise in Knutsford-

that has been sympathetically redevel-

ultra-modern environment together with

Cheshire, UK on the 24th of July, 2019.

oped into a magnificent C.Gars head-

the latest equipment at their disposal.

The premises consist of a cigar shop

quarters building.

“C.Gars sales growth has been

and walk in humidor with client lockers

The premises feature a superb

meteoric over the last few years and

on the ground floor and a comfortable

walk-in humidor with an extensive

the expansion will help us serve our

sampling lounge on the first floor. The

range of handmade premium cigars as

clients better and faster. I am delighted

full range of La Casa specialties includ-

well as a comfortable sampling lounge

that we have been able to support the

ing Coleccion Habanos books and

to try them out in the luxurious sur-

local economy by creating more new

limited edition humidors will be well

roundings of this building of character.

employment as well as a first class


The Turmeaus retail shop also features a whisky room with a compre-

retail cigar and whisky shop for our local retail clients.”

LCDH Knutsford will be managed by Turmeaus tobacconist-trained team

hensive range of the finest single malt

Turmeaus specialist cigar shops are

Andrew, Liz, and Sandra under the

whisky, a pipe room filled with one of

located in Norfolk, Chester, Liverpool,

guidance of Sara and Calum (Master of

the largest ranges in the UK and a shop

London-Mayfair, and Knutsford. C.Gars

Cigars) from LCDH Chester.

full of splendid tobaccos.

Ltd also owns the Turmeaus Specialist

Mitchell Orchant, Managing Director TPI 8

Q2 2019

Whisky Shop in Chester; Puffin’

Turmeaus Norfolk, clockwise from top left: lounge, walk-in humidor, the whiskey room, sales floor area.



We‘ll get you rolling. Visit us at InterTabac, 20-22 September 2019 Messe Dortmund, Stand number 5.C20

{Retailing Spotlight}

C.Gars Ltd.’s new La Casa del Habano Knutsford.

enable us to have additional availability of La Casa specialties to satisfy our customers’ insatiable demand for the finest handmade cigars in the world.” Orchant added that he expects to open more LCDH shops in the future. The company welcomed Yadira Bulnes, Corporate Director of Hunters & Frankau, and Guillermo Parera, Cuban Press and Culture Counselor, as guests of honor to celebrate the opening, while C.Gars Ltd President Ron Morrison undertook the ceremonial ribbon cutting. C.Gars Ltd was launched in 1997 and is the largest specialist cigar merchant in the UK. This family business sells “Opening a second La Casa del Habano is very import-

premium cigars and related goods from its website, 24/7, every

ant to our group and allows us to continue our substantial

day of the year. C.Gars Ltd owns and operates specialist cigar

growth in Havana cigars sales,” explained Orchant. “It will

shops in the UK and has an associate company in Ireland. TPI

El Septimo Launches Cigar Lounges in Portugal, France

an immersive experience when they visit

Luxury lounges offer exclusive amenities at Younan Collection hotels. » CONTRIBUTED REPORTS

housing over 100,000 of the world’s rar-

Premium cigar maker El Septimo

château, rebuilt as a 5-star hotel with

the luxury lifestyle. Unlike traditional cigar

G eneva, S A , has announced the

a golf course and spa, located in the

retail outlets and lounges, we provide a

opening of the first El Septimo Cigar

Loire Valley. Both hotels are part of the

unique and exclusive experience, as each

Lounges at two Younan Collection

growing luxury brand La Grande Maison

member of our staff is trained to provide

luxur y hotels : Malibu Foz Resor t

Younan Collection.

5-star luxury service for every guest.”

in Portugal, and Alexandra Palace in Mazières-en-Gâtine, France.

our hotels. It begins with the ideal location, exquisitely designed interiors, gourmet dining experiences, and grand cellars est wines. We are introducing El Septimo Cigar Lounges as a further expression of

Zaya S. Younan, Chairman & CEO of

The lounges are the first of their kind,

Younan Company and Younan Collection,

being the only locations in the world to

Malibu Foz is a 4-star beach resort,

addressed the growing interest in “expe-

offer all 38 blends of El Septimo Cigars.

located in the heart of Figueira da

riential luxury” by travelers worldwide.

With such a wide varieties from which to

Foz—a lush, historic beach community

“We work hard to create an exceptional

choose, El Septimo provides an assort-

in central Portugal. Alexandra Palace is

environment that is second-to-none. Our

ment for premium cigar lovers, both men

a newly restored 17th century French

research has shown that guests desire

and women, ranging in aroma, strength,

TPI 10

Q2 2019

{Retailing Spotlight} Foz, guests have the option to smoke an El Septimo Cigar while lounging in private cabanas poolside or in the resort’s cinema theater where cuisine from the new Mensa Italian Restaurant and a full array of top-shelf liquor and wine can be enjoyed. Inside the cozy and lavish lounge, guests enjoy a state-of-the-art ventilation system and gazing at the stars through a retractable glass ceiling. The El Septimo Cigar Lounge inside Alexandra Palace features stunning décor nestled inside the centuries-old wine and cognac cellar, epitomizing the romantic and historic ambiance of the 17th century French château. Guests are offered private tastings to pair the world’s rarest cognacs and wines with the perfect El Septimo Cigar in the 100,000 bottle cellar. Visitors can further enjoy the exclusive amenities of the 5-star hotel El Septimo Cigar Lounge at Alexandra Palace, Mazières-en-Gâtine, France.

including tennis courts, on-demand spa services, Daniel’s—

gauge, flavor, and combustion. Guests will be able to purchase

its gastronomic restaurant—and an impressive 18-hole golf

a range of El Septimo premium cigar accessories by the end

course, providing a glimpse into the “castle lifestyle.”

of 2019, sold exclusively at El Septimo Lounges. The lounges

El Septimo cigars are premium, hand-rolled puros with

are open to both guests and the public, and will offer exclusive

fillers made of Costa Rican leaf. The cigars are rolled using

monthly and annual memberships.

the traditional Cuban entubar technique, which creates an

Not only has El Septimo reinvented how a premium cigar

incredibly dense, slow burning cigar that draws incredibly

should be made, but it has redesigned smoking one to be an

easy and captures all of the blend’s optimal flavors. The

exclusive, all-encompassing, luxurious experience. At Malibu

tobacco is aged anywhere from 5 to 15 years, allowing the oils and flavors to develop while leaving behind an unusually rich and creamy smoke. El Septimo has put significant resources into market research, testing, and blending processes while utilizing its old-world techniques to mirror the process of aging and blending fine wine. The Younan Collection will be opening more El Septimo Cigar Lounges in strategic locations worldwide by the end of 2019, allowing customers be fully immersed in the 5-star service that exemplifies Younan Collection hotels. The Younan Company is a global private equity firm that acquires and manages various assets and companies in the luxury consumer space, seeking to build a portfolio of luxury products and properties, and lifestyle companies and services. The company is recognized as a global luxury brand with more than $1.2 billion in assets under management through its subsidiaries Younan Properties and La Grande Maison Younan Collection. The Younan Collection owns and manages luxury hotels and resorts in France, including Château de Beauvois, Hôtel Saint-Martin, Château Le Prieuré, Alexandra Palace, Château de Vaugouard, and Château de la Perrière, premium cigar maker El Septimo Geneva SA; Golf des Forges, Golf du Petit Chêne, Golf d’Avrillé, and Golf de Vaugouard ; two vineyards in Saint-Emilion, including Château la Croix Younan, and Château La Garelle, and MPA Studio de

Visit us at: Hall 4, Stand E12 TPI 12

Q2 2019

Création in Paris. It recently acquired its first beach resort, Malibu Foz Hotel and Resort in Figueira da Foz, Portugal. TPI

{ Tradefair Preview} Strategic Development of the Trade Fair Location T he new N or th Entrance to the Dortmund Exhibition Centre was inaugurated on 27 March, with 400 invited guests. Ullrich Sierau, Lord Mayor of D or tmund, and Heinz - Herber t Dustmann, President of the Dortmund Chamber of Commerce and Industry, extended their congratulations and spoke words of welcome. The event was moderated under the ‘Fit for the Future’ motto by Heiko Wasser, sports journalist and long -time Formula 1 commentator. “This building is a hub of Dor tmund’s strategic develop ment as trade fair location,” explained

Intertabac 2019:

Sabine Loos, CEO of Westfalenhallen

The Entire World of Next Generation Products

Dortmund GmbH. The inauguration of

InterTabac, the world’s flagship tobacco trade fair, presents major market players and new exhibitors in the NGP segment in 2019. » STAFF REPORT

Westfalenhallen Group, a new hall num-

the entrance to the exhibition site is supported by a new Corporate Design and a modified corporate logo, a change in the company names of the bering system, and new signage in the exhibition halls. “The new, transparent 4,500 sqm


ext Generation Products (NGP)

will showcase their Icos, My Blue, Vype,

entrance hall to the Westfalenhallen

are an InterTabac segment that

and Logic Pro products on their exhibi-

exhibition site is an eye-catcher that

has significantly grown over the

tion stands.

proves Dortmund to be a modern

past few years. NGP exhibitors now oc-

Significantly more than half of the

exhibition and convention location.

cupy the Westfalenhalle event arena and

NGP-only exhibitors come from abroad

Dortmund and the Westfalenhallen

Halls 1 and 2 of the Dortmund Exhibition

and confirm the international importance

Group present themselves in an attrac-

Centre—and this NGP-focused area even

of InterTabac. For example, ELDA from

tive light with this investment in the

has its own access via the main entrance

Croatia will exhibit at InterTabac 2019.

millions. The face lift of the Dortmund

of the Westfalenhalle event arena. Both

Juul from Hamburg is not only one

major market players and new exhibitors

of the major players at the trade fair but

will present themselves again this year

will also celebrate its exhibition premiere

Dustmann summed it up from a

from 20 to 22 September at the world’s

in Dortmund. Other first-time exhibi-

regional business point of view: “The

largest trade fair for tobacco products and

tors this year include: Skey Europe from

Dortmund Exhibition Centre is an indis-

smoking accessories.

Exhibition Centre shines far beyond the region,” said Sierau.

Aachen, Integral (Bugatti) from Ratingen

pensable and necessary forum for local

In 2019, the well-known exhibitors

and KT&G Corporation from Daejeon,

businesses and allows new business

in the next generation product segment

Korea, and Purilum from Greenville, USA.

contacts to be established and existing

include InnoCigs and Juul Labs Germany

NGP offerings are supplemented by

ones to be maintained. New ideas and

from Hamburg, JT International Germany

classic tobacco products in Halls 4 to 7,

innovations are presented and products

from Cologne, Vape Dinner Lady from

a shisha focus area in Hall 8 and a part

are promoted. And that among compa-

Herzberg and Zazo from Euskirchen. Also

of Hall 6, and InterSupply, the trade fair

nies from the region and such compa-

interesting for people interested in NGP:

for the production of tobacco goods and

nies worldwide. That makes Dortmund

Philip Morris, Reemtsma, BAT and JTI

e-cigarettes in Hall 3.

an important trade fair location. In

TPI 14

Q2 2019

times of advancing digitalization and changing communication behavior, companies and start-up businesses need such modern marketplaces. All these advantages are offered by the Dortmund Exhibition Centre.” Loos explained the rationale and purpose of the modernization project. “With the new North entrance to the exhibition site, the new visitor passageway, and the converted exhibition forecourt, we have reached a milestone in making the location even more attractive and fit for continued competitiveness,” he said. We fulfill the expectations of modern organizers, exhibitors and visitors by offering more services and contemporary design. Trade fairs with visitor registration will particularly benefit. We also convey a strong image to the increasing number of international exhibitors and visitors.” The new entrance provides many improvements for visitors, exhibitors and organizers including uniform, barrier-free visitor routing from the foyer into all exhibition and event halls; contemporary and quick visitor management through modern technology; additional catering areas and conference rooms; separate exhibitor admission and full service exhibitor areas; and new shipping and logistics office including customs clearance.

New Company Names The project to modernize the facility’s infrastructure has been supported by another development: a change in the company names of the Westfalenhallen Group that took effect on 1 April. The exhibition centre’s company is now called Messe Dortmund GmbH; KHC Westfalenhallen GmbH has been renamed to Kongress Dortmund GmbH; and the event centre bears the name of Westfalenhalle GmbH, to stand out better. In addition, the numbering of adjacent halls now starts with 1 and hall numbers 3A and 3B no longer exist. “That is how we strengthen the operational presence of our business portfolio,” said Loos. “The new names are unambiguous and common.” Modernized corporate logos and new corporate designs also support the renaming effort.

TPI Tobacco Products International

TPI 15

{Brand News} In recent years, the rolling papers market has been evolving more and more

Toscano Cigars a Big Hit in Turkey

towards organic, biodegradable and natural products. OCB has responded by

A little over a year ago, Manifatture

OCB Rolling Papers Keep Innovating focusing on unbleached papers. OCB Virgin papers are very

Sigaro Toscano (MST) was the first

thin, slow-burning, smooth, naturally brown-hued, and come

foreign cigar company to obtain a

in all sizes and versions. OCB has updated the whole design

license to import its products—Italian-

of the OCB Virgin range this year to offer a more modern and

made Toscano and Toscanello cigars—

impactful look.

into Turkey, following ten years of

OCB has also launched the Craft booklet: its paper is made of

continuous and patient efforts to

unbleached organic hemp and offers the same burning

obtain the necessary permits from

and smoking features as the popular “green booklets”

Turkey’s rigorous State Monopoly.

in UK and Anglo-Saxon markets (semi-combustible, medium weight, cut corners). OCB continues to develop a vari-

During their short time on the Turkish market, Toscano cigars jumped to the top of

ety of eco-friendly products, having

MST’s exports, overtaking

launched the OCB eco paper filters,

Spain, which had been an

which biodegrade much faster than

unchallenged stronghold.

do acetate ones. To reduce envi-

Likewise, Istanbul’s Atarturk

ronmental impact, the paper fibers are

airport is now the top-selling

unbleached and the components are FSC certified. Once again, OCB focuses on the new trends towards more ecological products that smokers of additive-free tobac-

airport for Toscanos, overtaking Fiumicino airport. While Toscanos had not been previously sold domestically in Turkey,

cos look for. This year, OCB has also updated the design of the whole OCB filters range, to make it simpler and more modern. “This new design is the result of a global reflection on our OCB ranges, that

travelers passing through the country had been able to purchase them at duty free outlets or border shops in neighboring countries, including

we would like to be more impactful and

Iran and Iraq, helping establish the

more readable at the same time,” said the

groundwork for its eventual import.

company in a statement.

“Turkey is a country very similar

Republic Technologies, Perpignan, France,

to ours as far as tastes and aromas,”


explains Flavien Vergoni, MST Export Manager. “And just like in Italy, dark, rich

Peterson of Dublin’s Limited Edition Special Reserve 2019 Pipe Tobacco

tobacco is preferred.” Vergoni notes that

Peterson of Dublin’s Special Reserve 2019 pipe tobacco is a mixture of golden Virginia

shisha—a type of water pipe widely

tobaccos from South America and Africa, combined with Black Cavendish and

enjoyed throughout Turkey—and no

well-matured Burley. It is enhanced with the sweet

doubt a factor in Toscano’s rapid adop-

and bitter flavors of rich coffee and chocolate, with

tion in the Turkish market.

earthy and nutty notes delivering a creamy smoke.

the typical aromas of Toscano cigars are very similar to those given off by

The top seller is the Toscanello

This year’s decadent edition of the annual limited

Aroma Caffè, followed by the flavored

edition release is presented in a ready-rubbed cut

Vanilla, Grappa, and Toscano Classico.

for immediate smoking. Supplied in a 100g tins.

Manifatture Sigaro Toscano, Rome,

Scandinavian Tobacco Group, Ltd., Denmark.

Italy, Web:

TPI 16

Q2 2019

When was the last time you experienced something for the first time? VISIT US AT:

Intertabak booth #4.B18


Born from passionate curiosity, Balmoral invites you to discover the optimal balance of sophisticated complexity and smoothness. Each meticulously crafted, extensively aged Añejo XO cigar blend is the result of a relentless global search for the top 5% of select premium tobaccos available, including our exclusive, signature Brazilian Mata Norte. Crowned with a shade-grown wrapper from the Connecticut River Valley, Balmoral Añejo XO Connecticut provides a luxuriously creamy experience that embraces your palate with complex notes of vanilla, toasted caramel and white pepper that finish with a smooth, underlying natural sweetness.

“Passionate curiosity is essential to discovering and enjoying the best experiences in life.”


{Brand News}

Royal Agio Cigars Starts Rollout of San Pedro de Macorís Nicaragua in Key European Markets As a follow-up to the launch of the San Pedro de Macorís brand releases (Ecuador and Brazil blends) in 2018, Royal Agio Cigars has started sales of the new San Pedro de Macorís Nicaragua in several European markets. The new blend brings additional, complex variety to the San Pedro de Macorís value premium brand. Named after the hard-working town of San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic—home of Royal Agio’s handmade cigar factory—these boutique handmade cigars inherently represent a “vibrant, local culture.” traordinary cigar at a reasonable, everyday price.” Each

Shiro All-White Nicotine Pouches

cigar is blended with a high-grade wrapper and binder with original Cuban seed Piloto

“All white” nicotine portions continue

Ligero tobacco filler to ensure a complex and distinct premium cigar experience. The

to capture the interest of consumers,

new blend is finished with a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, providing a creamy and me-

blending natural plant cellulose and

dium-bodied experience with complex notes of rich cedar, dark chocolate and espresso

lower tobacco content in an all-white

beans, with subtle nuances of baking spices. Each blend is offered in 20-count boxes in

pouch that is whiter than the typical

three vitolas: Perla (4 1/8 x 40) Corona (5 7/8 x 42), and Robusto (5 1/8 x 52).

“white portion” products.

The brand is the result of a “pursuit to craft an ex-

Royal Agio Cigars, Duizel, The Netherlands, Web:

AG Snus of Denmark has taken the concept one step further with an entirely tobacco-free nicotine pouch

Habanos Extends Añejados Series with Romeo y Julieta Churchill Añejados Tubos

product named after the Japanese

Habanos, S.A. has released the sixth entry in its Añejados special production series,

ject to the EU snus ban—is entirely

the Romeo y Julieta Churchill Tubos. The new launch represents the first time since

white before use, and remains white

debuting the Añejados in 2014 that the company has presented an already-existing

during and after use. The slim format

vitola as part of the Añejados special production portfolio.

pouches are made of pure plant fiber.

Añejados are produced in limited quantities and feature tobaccos that have undergone a 10-year aging process to achieve

word for white—Shiro. The product—which is not sub-

Two variants are offered. Shiro All White Slim Fresh Mint

unique complexities without sacrificing their flavor or aroma.

has a rich flavor of mint, sweetness

Through the natural aging process, the cigar has become “round-

from peppermint, and freshness

er and mellower to the palate, getting touches of wood taste

from spearmint, delivering a balanced

thanks to the years of rest with the cedar protecting it,” accord-

mint taste. These portions contain

ing to Habanos.

6mg of nicotine per pouch.

The 47 ring gauge by 178 mm long Churchill vitola—one of the most appreciated,

Shiro All White Cool Mint

emblematic, and well-known within the brand—offers Habano enthusiasts a medium

Strong has a “cool feeling of mint

ring gauge format with medium flavor.

“and a “real fresh taste,” according to

The cigars are double-banded with a secondary ring bearing the legend “Añejados”

the manufacturer, thanks to the com-

and are presented in screw-cap brushed aluminum tubes in 25 unit boxes, which

bination of spearmint and menthol,

include a vitolina (insert card) describing the concept. On the bottom of the box

with 10mg of nicotine per pouch.

appears the date when the Habanos were made and can be verified. The entire box

Both offerings are presented in 12

is presented in a two-piece protective case. Romeo y Julieta Churchills Añejados

gm cans that contain 24 portions.

Tubos are available to all Habanos S.A. points of sales globally.

AG Snus, Assens, Denmark, Email:

Habanos S.A., Havana, Cuba, Web:, Web:

TPI 18

Q2 2019

{Showcase} Triple Flame Quasar Table Lighter from Colibri The Quasar Table Lighter is a triple-jet “pyramid” flame lighter with embedded ignition. This newest addition to Colibri’s Quasar series completes the Quasar tabletop set, and is a perfect match with the Quasar Table Cutter and the Quasar Ashtray. With fast single-action retracting doors, the refillable butane lighter provides a steady flame in Colibri’s signature Quasar design. The lighter’s metallic pyramid body highlights its elegant ansturdy functionality, and it

Elie Bleu’s Cuba Flag Leather Cigar Cases

includes non-slip rubber foot pads that will keep the lighter firmly placed on coffee

Elie Bleu has rolled out a new cigar case

table or desk without scratching the surface. It is available in a choice of Black,

design, Cuba Flag, in two different size

Silver, Gunmetal, or Red finishes, and includes a gift box and two-year warranty.

models. They are made in the great tradi-

Colibri, New York, N.Y., U.S.A., Email: Web:

tion of leather goods, but designed to pro-

gular format alongside its

tect modern (larger) size cigars that “rarely have a suitable case,” notes the French

S.T. Dupont by The Row: An American Luxury Fashion Design House Lighter Collaboration

manufacturer. The close fit between the

S.T. Dupont by The Row is a lighter series collaboration between The Row—the

perfect seal to retain proper moisture.

Los Angeles-based luxury fashion design house established in 2006 by actresses

two nesting halves of each case enables easy opening and closing, yet provides a These cases have been made entirely

Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen—and the

by hand with the best skins that can

French luxury goods house.

be selected and feature a flag design

Three different drawings designed by the Olsen twins (Horn, Eye, and

printed on genuine leather, striking white stitching, and vegetal leather lining.

Sun) have been carefully reproduced

The two-cigar case is designed to

to create this unique and special col-

accommodate two Sublimes Behike 56

lection, interpreted on two different

El Septimo E2 Pyramides and has a €384

series of S.T. Dupont lighters.

suggested retail price, while the three-

The classic Slim 7 blue jet flame

cigar case accommodates three Sublimes

lighters, made of chrome, feature vibrant colors and feature ignition levers

Behike 56 El Septimo E2 Pyramides and

engraved with both the ST Dupont signature as well as The Row logo. The units

has a €495 suggested retail price.

measure 3,7cm wide by 6,7cm tall by 0,7cm thick and weigh .045kg. Suggested

Elie Bleu S.A., Gennevilliers, France,

retail price, €$305 each.


The soft flame Linge 2 lighters feature palladium finishes, multicolor lacquer, the ST Dupont logo engraved on top, and The Row logo engraved on the bottom. The units measure 3,7cm wide by 6,2cm tall by 1,1cm thick; and weigh .12kg. Suggested retail price, €$2,490 each. S.T. Dupont, Paris France, Web:

TPI 20

Q2 2019

Elie Bleu is also offering the very limited edition (only 66 numbered units) 110-cigar Motorbike Humidor, inspired by U.S.A. Route 66, made from redgum with motorbike expressed in marquetery. Includes two humidification systems and a hygrometer; suggested retail price 3,616 euros.

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